The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 24, 1901, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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.J "-,
r ,j
Mciclinut Tniloi
or iiiirlli dI I''Imihik-iii tV
' oi'lt Hank, .Mnrnlillolil.
i ! nl) len t luoileinle rlr,
' Ullelll l'llll.t. lll'llll
IllIC ttt-aluilk llllltcill
I iiu ol linporlril
ami ilontttlr
. Ollll'tla
Coast Hail.
M ltnil.';,i,
13 A
i !.
A' linn nki i
'Kitoih -r. it si,i.ri-
n iiLra ii
J U lln. mil. I'ltCS
ii ri.uMi.Mn, vii'K
:s s It. K. ' Wilii.uiM
.pitul, $50,000.
tii'ii;i,i . . iii:ji.
Ilnw lii I'r.Mnii I'nMiiiK out ftrnlp
tlll.aiiur Hllll Tunica,
I'nllliilt Imlr Ik one of tin- immt com.
mini IIU Hint attend upon rprlnc bcnu
leom. nprliiK'! I'omilhly It U n nymptoui
f wcnl.uc, nnil nn mnli should bit
Irciili'il by n IfHilf of Iron, which I tin
doctor will preierlbo. miyn Hie I'liNn
ddphlii Tlincn. Outwnrd trcnlnunt In
nli ntlrlsnhlc. Tli. Imlr liimlil I hi
Mindicd rcitulnrly, lint mt ton frc
tiiiill, or It will become .t til morn
Mi excellent almmiMxi t tnnilc by
mt'ltlrijr n raid' of pure cnmllc or olive
oil xiiiip lmvti Into thin lccn In n
liiiirt of Imlllnc wnter. When the oop
l tliiiriniulily illNHolvfii, tiin rcmilt will
! of Ji'il) I'fkif rolmlMeney. Ailil to It
iiim' trnmiitfiil of blrnrlmunte of .odn,
ninl In n iixii ixrfmiif It or not. tin
ir.frii.i. I'm tin. rcmilt uwny In n ifniiiilii'il Jnr for ii"f. Tor n nhmn
liu wet tin- mhIi with hot jnter nnil
rnti n mmill iimutliy nf tin. mixture,
will Into tin. root Ulnae nftcrwmd In
tcietiil wntcrn, onch mil' ImtoiiiIiic cool
it nnil cooler. Where ilmnlriiff In pren
m n pMl kiiuiiihi coiiUla nf imwdcr
ed Imrnx. U" ouiirt't: mwU-rcd cam
phor. I ounce: IhiIHiii; wnter. 2 iinutn.
Mix thcnc liiKrvillcutn, nml when tin
mixture la rnlil bottle It for tine, nml
rnli n Utile of It well lulu the enlp
every fow ilii).
Scalp limaHiii;r In n imwcrfut nu..
hiry to Imlr lirnltli nml hi hem perform
iil by n npceliillm. It ilrfonlM relief to
nervmin hnuliiehc nml neurnlirln. A
nliili. 'iiiil I'lllini'liinn Imlr ttrmrrr U
iiimii. from pure cn-tnr oil. 'J niinriii.
uml run ile lolnttne. III utitnvn. If tint
l'lnl ' of I lie irnMT KtriMiBtli. tlie oil
. Dp( fl T I A XT ' ,N fr,,,,' ll""i'li..l. nml tlie milntlnn l
.s fV- J KJ I I V ( ileiir nml liiiintlful. rlemil)- nml nfi.
One of Hlr Urmimii WlUon'n fmiioim
tonlih wn Hie fnllnwltu. 'lilnllire of
nintliHrlilen. It oinue: nil of roai'innry.
I inline. Kiy ruin. U oiiikii; ullve nil. 1
onnti. It In milil tlmt one mince of
nwl. mil Intr liroLeii Into hiiiiiII plinit
Hint hiimUtiiIi iiililiil to till lotion will
iitnnl tin I'oinlm: of urnj' Imlr Tln-n.
'on, tin- iitlluatiit: inlniiie tonic U
liiulily villiiiclouH. Siililiiiie of iiulnlne,
Imlf mi inline; Uijr rum i mini I'm. oil
'r iiMctiinr)'. ttrtir mi ouinv. nml tine
line of iiitittiitrlili'M 'J niincen. IiU
fohe tlioxe In enoucll fcilrlt of wine to
m.ike the mixture Niuooth
:oiitains alljtltc news of
this .stnle, ,tlir evi'itl.1 of
the world) nuil editorial
comment Im.'h widely
co it. Road it.
.0 Coast Mail and tbo
vVookly Orogonian
Ono Yoar.
. 0?iiYi;ATiJVIT..jrilliIT.T
J. U. Iis,
limit In Atiil.l in 1'rr.llnB fnrr nf
1'ilitrr lira) Milk I'nll-ftrpnmt-
Inif I lii- CrrNin 'imiIIiiht Hi I'roil
url CliurnlliK nml MiiKImk,
Annie finrtim, n minlcnt nf Imttor
iniililiii; In the I'lirilne cnlli-se nhort
ioure, eoiiirlhiilen the following to
the llicniture nf ilnlry rnrmlne:
In liullei' limklni: It In n in-rrally to
"I'ciini cli'iiii, kikmI lliivon-il mllU. The
fliiwiriif the inHk ilepemlii innliil)' UKm
I lie food of the row. -,KH iiililnlnllir
It MlmiX Voliillle oil, micli UN leek, tiir
nlw. iiu, Blvi-n n hud ilutur to milk;
hence It U iicti'imnry to nvohl nuy ntich
fiMid. The llnvor of the milk ikNtiiii
Miinewliut liion the clenulliieNii nlo, nil
fon-lcn iniilter In miy ;rcnl mnouiit
tnlulN It nml nlMi ejirrlen thi'Keriuii Hint
imiM the milk lu Miur.
The llildir of the iiiw ulioiilil Ik' well
lirtmlieil nml then iIiiiiiimuhI, which re
iiioxi'n mi looae Imlr nml the ilmnp
mirfiiie hn n temlciny to hold nil)
Kerjim Ihnl i-ome In contiicl villi It.
The imiM uaiil In tnllklm; nml miy
lilmv hi theilnlry -linnlil he thoroiifhl;
cleniioi'd mid Hlimilil he of liri-naiil tin
or cIm Imve the nemnx well lllhil with
mhler. Milk U u ierfecl food for line
lerhi nml when left therein the inlnut
em ilimillten cltm n hrecdliij: plniv
for the KvruiN tlmt enime uillu to miur
nml nlao tlmt lve it I mil thivor to the
The crenni mum Ik Miimted fmm
the milk na aoon iin imamble nftcr It la
drnwn nml mioiiIiI Ik- dune n ipilcklj
nn iHwNlhle. whether the method he by
M'luimtiir or deep or xliiillow vetilnj;.
Ulnii the fepiirnior U, the mllU
miiiuld be ut n leinpernture of IKI de
KniM In order to nectire n untlufnetury
M-iKirntlnu' l-'nr deep nettlnt: It luunt
be m leuut fj ilesreeH nml cooli-d to
llllll leluiH'tnliire befon- nnv iiimliler.
H. Sengstacken.
-Wholesale and Retail Druggist-
Mnrfilificltl mid Empire City, Oregon.
Prr.,iili.M HUlUCUr CmHM.leil itf nil bour.: Afcem for
WU, I'lirnra ;oM and tlm IealluK I'lrr. 1.1 fn nml Accl
lni 'niiiiinlr.
Acipilru n lliuroticlily prnotical knowledge nf the celthmtcd
Tkiixin .Siioiitiiami by .Mail, without interfering with your
preentilutiFn. fiuiul I'omnl for a Free Trial' Lction nud
full pnrtieiilnrn of our Ciiiihkhi'omikmk OonnK, alo opin
ions of prominent educator, tnicine-a men, ntcnof;rnphcr
mid other. In rejeud t0 thin tnctliod. Text book, 2.00
Tvrni for Mull inmriictioti, 5.00 per month. I.ciionii cor-
reeled nnd returned on day of receipt. Addrcoa,
Jl'ortla.rua., Ore.
ftcttaKSSKa tt-zmimvm'mzi-zmnimamiaiwam&iMxmKwmq
THAT oJum no injurious chemical ami
only the rrjr hot of op and e cuaran
tee our woila We nw nrrfucted modern
naililnny .ml e DON f WKK Ol I' Tllfc ILOTIIKS. Uumlry wk can bcre-
tuinnt Inulriwrt nftcr irrrlet Kmirmtxr we employ uhile labor only. Follow-
nbleiiiimuul of Inctlcncld U formeit In lnKfomeofouragfnti orKe Ureni. lUmton. N. l.orcnt. Coulll-:; T A. Do,le.
IIiik III I'rli'uaarr l.'lilrkrii,
only firAt
elnss f ittllvry
in Coos County.
All IViirlc Viirriiulcil.
H I'm Ihe-ehlckcli urter It cut In n
; iiiieepnn. Cleiili the clbletM mid ndd
; them Slice u medium Htr.ed onion mid
r 'Hl'1 It In the chlcLen; then put III two
.linen tMiir Imlllm; witter eiinnuliiirvr
the chicken to Jul i-over up to the. lev
el, i "over the Miiicepnn; mnml It over n
lirlk lite. VI It bun IkiIIciI 13 mill
illen. cnnli the chicken well with milt
nml pepper: cover It npiln nml net It
buck on the Rtove. when It will nlmuier
lul. till very tender Then mtd n
pirn of crcmn. mid when It begin.- to
tMl'.lil.. iiciilii thicken It by mlrrlm; III n
henpiiK tinm.Hiouful of Hour. ihnnuiKli.
ly illaMilviil lu cremu If the elllckell
Ii not fill, ndd n tiiMcHpnnnful of but.
ter. Don't uae unit poll; It hnrttcu.
Hiechlckeu mid detrnciH from lu flavor.
inn ul tlin niiml helpful bookii on
Ve Wcnkneiia ever dialled la en
ml "wii.lmicive," by l)r Siiweyrnl
i Kriiuciicn, inirt in lu llfiii thoiia
d 'I'liia work of an oxpioieuced
I repiitnhli) pliynicinii in mi iiK'reo
m) cniitiiiHa Hi the vimlmim of Inlae
eliliiK which prcvnlla tin thin i t it
liinl Hlihject. It iibouniU In rure
ly conclileicil mid priictlcnl ml vice,
I Iiiin ihu two urcnl inuriia of iv lu
ll nml finceiity.
It in oudomed by both tlin rcllKeiiiiH
I Ht'i'iilar prcH, TlitCliienitu Ad
iicuniiyii ' A puriimil of the hook
d iippliciitloii ol I(n principlei will
it heiillh, hopn nud limirl into lliou
uU of liven ihnl nro now milliiriug
nmikIi tiervou Impairment,
rim hook Ih 1.(X) by iiiuil pns'
Kl. Ono of the moat InlnrcHtliiK oluiiilerii
nliiiplnrxx, on NorvincH mid Nervo
nlo linn bnou printed Kupurntcly iin
Hint lu limine I, Iter,
Skewer In hlmpe niit) liinl upper nidi!
of cnlfH Iher I'm It In n imii with
pork tilmiiiliiKM Put In the p.iu oiu
thlrd cupful ench of enrrot. onion mid
eclerj fin lu dice, thriv pepperconiH,
three cIovcm. one buy Icnf nnd two
cupfuU or wnter Cocr Hie pnu ch)w
ly nud bnke Nlnwly two bourn, Utuiiv
er the pnu the him Imlf hour Itemovo
the llvei to n hot philter Mnkc n
brown Kinvy by nildlui; Hour rubbed In
n little eil water to the pnu, nciinnn
with milt nnd pepper mid itrnltt tho
Knivy muuml Hie uicnt.
the milk
The crcnin im It iiiinen-froui the nc
nrnlor In ipilte wiinit mid In onler to
keep It from HoiirltiK nml nlno Rive n
better texture to the butter liltiM Ih
mhiIhI Imiui'dliitely to the telnperntilri'
of orilllu..i well wnter.
1' of different iikcn Hhoiihl not be
liilnl until iimiI, Keep nwivt until
eiiouch N cMMinal for n ehurnliii:. then
ripen or Hour It. It yliould be ripcunl
nt u teiuperiltlire between l.'i mid T.'i lie
ureeH. ii a thia In n lery declr.ilile teui.
Iicmliiri' lei the growth of luetic ncld
ucrnia. which fortiiNiiilil.Khi'H the Hour
tute in the i renin mid the llnvor to the
huiier. I'lemii nIiouIiI not be more
tlimi rcur iii.h old when churned.
Twuitj-fiiii boiiix In Kiillleleut time for
iMiiirlMi; eii'iiui for churulinr. If it In
kept reiiMiiuiblj cool. It will not irrt too
Hour lu four ilnyn.
The uulintloii lu cliurnlim riiould be
iin lolenfiin the fo-m of the churn will
lidinlt The chumluK In to be Mopped
while Hie hirtlcr In In the KRitiiilar
form, lu order to llmroiiKli clumi
I uu. the tempemture of the
riliotild not l nbme.VS dcKrecn. while
W ilcjirei-H In umiiilly much more de
Hlrnhle. The buttermilk Miould U ilrnwu
from the churn nml then the butter
wiikIusI The butter luiiht now be re
moved from the churn uml milted while
yet lu the crmiiihir form. Themuouut
or milt nhoulil be iiccordlnj: to the tnnto
of the eounumer, l-'nr tiiiMt people ono
oinice to the pound In reipilrcd.
The itilor or the butler nliouhl nlno
be nccorilln to the demand of the con
Ntiiiier. If niTcnHiiry. use butter lor.
After the butter In united It In rendy
for workliiK. The worlsliiR dependn on
the llruuienn of It. It call now ho al
lowed to Maud for two or three hours
to allow the milt to dissolve, then re
worked nud put Into print, or uioldn.
The pound print In the most denlriWile
form, while lu poiiic ciisch uioldn or
Jam are denlnnl by the customer.
U M)Ttlc IVnl Sis llanton, Nonh IWnd, J Motgnn, Kmpiir.
Maiic:J2ii!a2an2Mymsjaj tsmvttmwmwmwwsmttmv&ii
That is what we have to sell, and
we can fill all orders for any
and all kinds. THE QUALITY
is guaranteed and the price is
anything required in Fir, Spruoe.
Red and White Cedar.
Niiltliiir in the Churn.
In practiced by ninny
Mtinjilnelinptor. mid will be neui to Philadelphia Times
looks verv tiiucli liko Iiim."
roiiuirkeil ti fntlier to tho nrtist who
t. ..... .i.i i .i -.,. i. .
. K"iu Vi "," ., i"9 '""kem nnd cnpechilly by farmer.,
foil. Jly tho way, has lie pitiil for butter Knniulea me ulloweil to re
'i'i,. .. ,n...
y nUrumt for n ntuiup by tho puhlisli-
', Tho l'liolllo l'lib, Oo llox tlijai,
' in l'Viiiioinoo.
the sire or a jrral" of wheat, the salt
In then ndded nud the churn nlnwly re
volved. It will not take the salt long
to become tliumiiRlily Incorporated In
the butter. The mnker will soon be
able to estimate the lunount of stilt re
quired for nnv one churning. "-
Phone Main 151,
North Bend, Ore
Jir.Jtlii vJl
- .At