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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1901)
" ttyH i- v '""-s-j'-tjqjpyBW'-Twvp-, -- wj v- v 1 ?c COAST MAIL W'&HtMd&MM44HtmmMb 5 Try the COAST MAN, S S .lob nrricc j I Bfti,( lui fnuulu Cnrfennndenee 1 ' - ' 1 -at mTsW'sefW'xeW'jfrWW'stfpuji imrnT m iw vmmm nw ttmnmmeioiniiwr- :jr w&ktt-mtnto'KMr&mva tfiwtravfmRaRcm MARSHFIELD, COOS COUOTY, OREGON, AUGUST 24. 1901. 0. 3$ OL XX111. '4'f , Ds Vii, -v ; j . Ssfe H ' ' trf? Jt 1 L AWFUL DISASTER IN 0H1 HERN WATERS Slcamcr From Alaska Collides Willi lechery mid Ones Donn Willi f 2 1!assciicrs The iilciinicr Islander, of tin Aln.iknii toutc, struck nit iceberg oil' Douulns Inland at a a. tit. on the morning of TliurM'iiy Aug 15 nml went to the bottom catrying .j a mhiIh, including p.fuctigcrs mid members of thu ctew. The Islander ltfl Skngwti for Victoria on Monday evening, the 12th, at 6 o'clock, with 125 passengers and a crew of 61 men on board and to or 1 a; stowaway. All went well, the steattict mak ing her usual jecd of 15 huot an hour, until at 3 o'clock on ThtUMlay morning, after Jnncan was patu-tl and the .south end of DottgliiK Island was i cached. Then suddenly the Mc.itucr encountered nn obstruction paid to have been an iceberg and Mopped with a jerk which mous ed many of the s'eepini; pen- gCIS. Pilot I.iblond wax in charge of the steamer nt the tune. As won as the vcwtel uttiick, water nished in forwatd in great vol umes and the pilot ndviml that the veM'l be run on the ImnicIi, not over half a utile distant, nt once. To this the cuptuiit ob jected, .'faying the beach was too abrupt. He would run a few miles farthet down, wlicie theie was a good lauding. The bow of the steamer stead ily .sank and 20 minute from the time it .struck the ftottt deck was under wnter, nud the .stern, with propeller and t udder wcte high and dry in the air and uitvU. A dense fog ptevniled when the Mcnucr .struck, but she wn xuiinig full .speed. One account .says that n Mownway in the for waul water-tight coiiipaitiuin.1 raiml nn outcry after the colli fion, and the crew tliottjlitlosl y oeiietl the door in the bulkhead. The .sen rushed in and they could not close it. The captain was igunrnut of this and supposed his ship would float. "The captain remained on the bridge until the last, and finally jumped 011 a life raft, whetc he .stayed a few tuiiiuies, when the .steamer dove forward etititely out of bight. As it did so nn explos ion oecuited and the captain lost his hold on the life raft and .sank. "CoiiMdctuble difficulty was cxjierieuccd in ascertaining the location of the bhoie, though it was only a .short distance away owing to the dense fog prevailing. I'iually, I'reston, of Seattle nud I)aw.son, who, with his bride, was on his wedding trip, both of whom were wived on the last boat which left the wreck, heard water trickling down the locks, nud nil boats 1 cached shore. A numberjuuipcd off the steamer into the water, and wete rescued thcieftoiu only to die of exhaus tion from, the intense cold. Sev eral wete resuscitated only after four or five bonis of continuous hard wotk by their companions Tlic San Francisco Strike. 1 Tlio liitwt retorts from Hint Knim-lnon nro not t'liL'iiuriik'liiK. xofiir in any not tlt'iiient nf tlio Htiltvo In ctnu'iTiii'il, nml prUutH liitti-w tell itf umilltlom iniu'ti wtirno tliun liullriitiil la tlio liri'ctuf Hint i-lty. General and Stale News , llanilltitotin llilcr Cliy ulixiiof$oo. All Kr.uhit of sugar have itioppcd i vciiltcr 100. 'llm bnllliM Inun wiilcil 'luosdiiy fioni &in I'liuiUviufur r.uum.1, llillUli (.urptlvrit tu llor h.igi'U ami kitMl 33111m, tiHtwiruiiiutilo tu foilow up tliclr tuo U'U, Slccl inm H.ittitl up wiml pUiilt, 1ml Hiik cr cuiitrixl they Imvo loil nu i;rouiul. Ohio liver iluinirr timml our In n upnll nml 16 unH-ii);crs itu ilruwiml. SiilimhopliiiyrinloiHilliJIevu Hie Ou-Kon crup lll In a()tr trnt UuhmplUlM iciiIm mi liuiun ir(;iii cojipcr mine nml will ilnelop II, Dr. J. (I. ('ditto, tlio optiuiaii will bo at thu Contial llulol in Mnrshs illoit iluriiiK Hm 'lr wook , AiikukI iOtli to iJlsl, TIiomi wiuliiiiK tlicir oyu I'.xuiniiHHl, nml Iiihsob fitted will pltii" full at iliu hotel. Qlun8cri purfeotly lilted nml Kiouml for tlio oycB, nml Kii.inuilotd. OoiisultiUiou frvo . Priced rouoiml)lu mid conoiat ing with thu vuluo of biieli sorvlooB. JMurateYonr llniruti With Ouicarett. Caiuly Cntlinrltc, euro ooiiitlpatlou luruvor. too, So 1 1 0. 0. 0.wlL iltusatits rctund uoacy. Pine nanus J. 0. MiilltiKhur, ri'pri'KOiitiii) tlio A Hon iV Ullliart Co. , of I'orllnml, (010 ei'Miitu to tint Wlloy II, Allen (!".,) Imvo 011 exhibition nt thuUnrllolil IiiiIIiIIiij,' n miiiilxirof vry lino I'luiio. Tito Allen .1- (illliorl ('()., nro 11 whnlo nilii n well nit 11 rotnll Iidiimi iuuI hay I'inilOH III IIIIK'll llUM'T CJIIIIIltltl'lH tllllll iiny homo on the count, thuroforu th'iy Dim k'vo you Ixittur vnliiu for your money. Do not put nll'buylnn, koo Afr. luiii'rnnU ho will coiivliicoyou thut you nhoiild buy whllu ho In tAUm niioli very' eiiy terms, Will tuko your OrK'in " pnrt puyinnut . A niiinlHir of periplo of .Munliflelil nml vicinity Imvo piirolnincil, dimply liiciitino they could litiy to nuch K'ood iiilvitn'.iiKo. Ai.i.r.s'it (Iimii-.utOo. Thu Inrceiit mulu lioium nu the const. Examiner Too Ami now tho Hun I'miicUco Ihnmi ner hii" w.iki'il up 11111I hrlotjn u full- piie nunaiilioti with highly Imnnlnitry portrnllit nml illunlrnlloo, nil hnnhed up from tho M. K. llullctln'n recent. loii:-dulnyi il uprend 011 tho Liimlln miitter. Cook county rcnilorncnn now jiiiIro for theiiidclvM im to what kiml of lop they nre pnyliiK for in thu anil "untfirpridlnK" K1111 l'riin ieti ditlliiM. Jolin Wilson Worse ilrd..lohu W'IImjii received 11 tolo- Rrnm U'lxlliendny to tho" elleul thill Iter lumliiiml who went to Colormlo for hoi hetilth wni very low. Mm. WIImui titnrtud for hishviUIdo yestcr- duy,oii)K overlund nml tukliii; her two yoonciiit ehildreii. Nen Keel to be bid K. Hi'tioLoiiilortTnlll oon lay the Leul for n new vi-moI In tho yurd of tho P . H. II. Co, hero. Kho will ho n Ihree-iniKteil vchootier of the follow ing dimutiMomi, 111 e.ivti hy .Mr. Ili'tirkemlorir; ICeot I.V. feci ; hein l trot : iloitli ol lioM l.'l leel. It l n mutter for ooinir.iiuliition that 0ern tiouiiu the khlpynrd tire o go on without Interruption.- - Movements of Steamers Tho Mumliilny nrriwd hint Krtttr dny from Hun l'tnneUco, tho lll stenmur tonrrivo from tlieroHlnco tho Ntrike. Tho Alliance nrrivrd from Portland otcrilny, hriii;ItiK n largo niiioutil of freight for thu I my and thu Co ipiillo. COUNTY SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT Tho following Ik the Htnto school iipportiiiiiimnt for Coon county, for tho ynitr 1P01 : )-TIUt'T. AMOf.ST. 1 .Myrtlo Ihtnk 08 " Ilermnnu 7- : Arngti J 'J I I I.itmpey Creek 101 5-llrown'rt 112 0 Umpire 111 7-.Mo!Cninht ill H-Unquillo Oily fill tl-Mnridillehl J)o'J 10 Cuiinltigltiim oS 11 Pitrkeriihiirg 101 1! Cntehlng Klmndi IK) lit -North lleud W 1 1 Ittvnrtou 20: lo-llrideo tlO 10 WlltiitiiiH Slough , -1 17 -K'etituek Slough SI 18 King Stiiir 00 Itl-Strnugs -II 20 -Kiditrup W 21 -ltnmlolpli 70 22 -North Pork 21 110 21-ltiickleir 70 2o-FnIrvlow 80 20-1 invnen Slough 80 27-.MuKInley M 28-(lrnvel Kurd fi! 20-Two .Milo as !10 Sumner 70 Ul-Cnrolimi 02 2-l)oni !U iW-llnltl Hill 78 ai-OntahlngOreek -IS ilv -Daniels Creek W Hll-B 0 ltogor JtO t)7 Sugnr liunf 4 H8TunMilo 00 !W Ooos ttiver 02 10 l.lliliy nss 11 Myttlo Point -10 1 12-ltock OreuU ill l!!-Nonvny 128 ll-ltny 02 15-Alli'gnny 121 1(1- Now l.uko f0 17- Itohtml Prnlriu 21 18- Klilloli ' 'M I'.i- Hnsl Iiiulilluld 180 5J- Jtcinoto JIO 51- Utter Otty f0 r2- lhtuuroft !!2 Oil- North 8louKh -70 !i llitmlon Wt- lleiiver KIoiikIi iVV- KiiDliuheok b'l riulltli rilouch fill-llnlU Orotik 00 I'ronpnr ill -llimuhvimv liL'-ilimr (Ireek l:t Houhiiiitud ill-Foil r.Milo a-Kltkum OtUfiitudllill 1)7 Ifxcnltior V !M) 71 18 71 .'0 :)8 M W .'10 m M M OS Lumen Blough C'.i-lleiiver Hill 70- Onk 71- liuell 7- Conledo 7.'l-VctMyrilo Point 71 -PleiKiint l.uku 08 10 :hi 10 110 18 Joiiilil-I.'iku Tihnl Htnto Totnl County Total 7,811! tia.aso 21f132 JURY LIST DRAWN FOR CIRCUIT COURT; FollowltiL' Is tho lint of jurymen drawn for ihn.Septcmher term of cir cuit eotirt, wliluli convene' nt Co I'liilhimi the lull proz. I. II JIuMUcr, Mnrahfiold ThoimiN IhrM. " (Jimi U'liuulor, " IrnTuokur, " John K Vox, " CI101 Kox (J A IlmuiHtt, yjjk " I'r.iuk ItfMH, " A 0 l.tikini, Coqtilllo Hurt Tuttle. " .Matt ICeriigiin, - " II It lliinnini;, " A (I Hitloli, " II V Collier, " J C Shield, tt'll l.yoiif, . ' (ico l.ouoli , " J J l.umh, " J II Jonen, Iiandon T J Thrift, A IH, " Win Teiinlioti, ' " Kd Homier, Myrtlo Point W i: I.umly, " WX.BnUlcot.. ., . . (J II Boll, JUvert6n W It Hull, T W lrno, PnrkcrKburK J II Kud.thitiigh. Arngo J It Pointer, Coultdn Win lUiifen, J'rosper Real Estate Transactions Wm II Noble nml wife to L J Simp on P.trcul of html in sec. 21, 20 , So, tp2;ir III, flOOU. United Stnte to llufiu A Hortott Nn '4 of co IStpill r 11, pntcnt. ltuftin A Hortott to T Y Callahan Ne4 uftrolStpttl r 11, 73. Henry O llrynui nml wlfo to V A knh-S!s of )4 eoa2tp20 r 10, .1 II Uookiird to V A Kriho Lot 1, 8, 0, 10 id teo 21 tp 20 r 11 , 700. T J Kookitrd nml wlfo to V A Krihs Lull. .'), 0, 7 and 12 in bee 21 tp 20 r 11, ?700. Win Kmlleott nml wlfu to V A Kribs W'tf of hw '4 , nml ne4 of sw see 28 i .".Or 11, f CtlO. J W Appletou nml wifo to V A Krlba All timber 011 iiw'4' of eo 2.S tp 30 r 11, $5U0. North Bend Tunes 11 ro not m lively hero n usu al, only 11 low inun limn;; omtiloyetl in thu mill antl uliiiiynnt. Tho schooner Wolifoot urrlveij on thu 10th nml Is tnUIiig on her enrgo of luinbtr. It is iinknoivn when nho will bllil. Tho store keeper B.tys nntronii of thin ttttiro u ill sutler no inconvenience from thu utriku for somu time, us thu Mitntliihiy brought In Hour, tho only nrliuloaif which they were short. Mr. nml Mm. L..I. Slmjison loft for Porllitutl Weihiesihty morning. Mrn. Hurry Noblo was hero sliop- iiltiK T iKMilny. Mm. M. II. Kriehcl lull for J'orjliuul Saturday tin tho Alliance. Mr. nml Mrs. W, II. Piper returned homo from Coos river, and accompan ied hy Glutido Piper mul wlfo. loft a day httur fur auothor camping trip on North Hlough. Although Claudo lost about two hundred dollars worth ot wearing appurol, jewelry, oto. , by tho llro wlweli ilvktrnyi'il thoir camp on Coo ilvor Im wan not at all slow iu making up his mind to try oamplng ugain. James Thomas, ltny Poiulorgrass anil OllU'ord Saltus woro hunting iu tho Tonmilo country last week. Ten mile Items Tho county trail botweon Hig crook mid Dougliui county lino in badly in need of repair, 0oar Oilman was seen .la this neighborhood Siitiml.iy.?' ' AUKti'.l I.nxo- rshluld Mod- Dr. Anohi reluniril from Mnrth flohl Momlny, tvhorobo linn boon Mny- liig novcrni week'. ' John and Androwjilif Iter wont to (lunllner Ttu'mhiy, tjijcgitlly nottlc an altercation with ;JIi Atidrow.' Churloy .lohnton wm in Mnmliflold Tuuniliiy, niter incdiciuo with which to rontoro hU fitthcr'f hvnllh. Hiving puichunrd the Kel lnko tlin- bor, lli'i North llond Co., inlands to OHtnblnh n toro it Lnke ponlolhcc. TRAVEL DY SEA Arrivnl by .Mandloy from Sati FnuioUco, Aug. 17 : T Urqithnrt nud wife, J It IIavjllo,,MM J Falconer, Air nud .Mrs Kiuio, M1m Millar. Dnpitr'ures by AMIaiico, north. Aug, 18: O V ltohurt ami wlfu, .Mlnr.le (Jreenwnld, J J Jeiibuu, .Mrs K. iM.tu zuy, Mrs I. Daly nud' daughter. Mrs Kricbol.J WKruiu.SKCoolc, 8 M Wilnon, A Davidson, J Avcnn. Arrivals from north by Alliance, Aug. 2.1: KA Orng,,A Lee, T (i (io'xU'ln, .Mr C Timinoni, wifo nud daughter, Ml.s JJ WIlson.T J McNa- mee, ltov Donnelly, J II Wall.T Hnrr, A .Mnumlorson, P Mmucy, Martin Wallace, II 8 linns, P binrtin, Aug. Nel.on, V. Joh.tnon, P Nelson, P PoUrnou, A JJowen. 8 YMt, W Wolf, J Illnhop, P Glurk, J Smith, Kdlth (Hiliiveon, J II .McDonald, J Moody , C It Arguctta ami wifo, L Clcmmcn cn, V C Farriti, W F Tcl.ln, O Ol-on, J Svuusott, 8 Swaiison, A Ploxsoii. A Quiet Wedding A wry quiet wedding vrn Hileiiinlzed nt ttn r.M'ilriirn of Mr. nml Mr. K. 8. Slagle of Cixpillle City Krlihty morning at 10 o'clock. When tlio only daughter of Mr. mid Mr. J. II. Ithlncliart of Kan KraiiciHcn wn given nwayhy her fatlor to Mr. Ivdgnr K. Knnlyce ')( San Kmiici co. They wore unlteil by "Tlio P.O. Mr. llyntt, Ifcfore only it Aaall party of frleitdH. The younr jieojlt have Ikhii t Nit Ing here fur ismio't e mid lutw nnwle many frliulii In T at littJf city. A number of glfU wttci ccclwih The nruif wi gownctt jiiMnstvrganywiin paint luce Jacket, tho gift ot hVr limtlirr The groom in conwntlimal black. Mr. nud Mrn. Konljce came nt once loMaih fleM wliero they will hik'HiI it few week. Mislfonl mill Kugeiie iwiH-rtt plM-e nipy. E.UPIRE DISABLED THE WAY UP Areata Sailed from Cily. Mole- ment of the other Steamers. Word reucliiM hero Frlilay to tin t'ffrct that thostraiiirr Kmiln', which left tho city Mniiilay fur thlii iort, wan ilItaliUM iilxnit 'JO mile off Trlnliluil. The tuc Coltimhlu wni wnt to tow her In- Nn further tiartlcitltiM Imvo lven recehetl. Enjoyable Picnic. Tho M. V., Picnic to Charleston vter- day was a great 'itcct'M and was enjuyitl by 11 large crowd. The day win lino on tlio beach, and everything went off with out a hitch. Tho financial cud ot the propoltim was also right. MARSHFIELD ODD FELLOWS HONOR GRAND OFFICERS. One nt tho ii)0ft pleasant mid interest Ing N'cial events ot tho reason, was the receptoln and baiuuet given by the Odd Fellows, hist evening In honor of the olhYors ot the (Iraml Lodge of Oregon, 'IV V, Ityaii, firaud P.itriaclt of tlio Kit- Nelsin. firnud Mooter and K. K.ShuVmi.flriinil Sect. After it most Interesting n well in Instructive hossinn t!te ltcbjknlis who had unciu bled, were luvitel in undnll were enter tained with 11 arranged program. Tlioiiuartot by Mrs. Tower, Miss Kick worth, Messrs Cuko and Saechl was es pecially lino and'niet with generau tip- plaice tn which they happily responded. Mis Anderson favored tho audience with 0110 of her pleading recitations which are always well received, nud on this occasion proved im exception to the rule. She answered to a most hearty en core with n Scotch selection. After a few' well chtweii remarks by the Utters of thoeveiilugHheiisiuliled conip.iny,uuniberlng w,uy 0110 linudred, uiarcliod in n binly to tho Central hotel where they partook of a banquet pre pared for the occasion to which ull did Hitiplo Jititlco, The occasion will lung bo reiuombored by tho Marshlleld fraternity as 0110 ot the pleasant things In life that utako mm and women fool bettor mid happier lor .thus being brought together, rotor ncn hud ilny. HiilxiUoo mil bmiliic in Mn t ir F' Hit trumwH tf Ui ttttt Umr. And tmn4 tnj trtut f jrttt IKt miatl (( Uu W7W. Trt If tU r-olir raocsbnim Unei, A ttiUllrr ret ti mint Tli tllktn rtlmmt tit th mlit jAfJ luhrooitt m lor tic n. t'.t UnUK tit,l cklld cf dtth. ' A thtt pI trrlui wltnnwtiil Tit imnlrt t,ros stilt Ulan tsf tnta ttiith. 7 iu m ; wli-fai Mto ' AnA lAfttnn .ttr Mt Km mos AbK,'e?M,.V A inctcr Ircn.s wurld oitr Ami, Cknlii ttiouwnd tuis with my Unua&m Uti. Bomftlmi (a nj forlorn domila Tltrt conn t !) ull Tkt tmttn ct at untnriltd nuU Ulo loUw a cmt whtlt. ., Wm U trij lot lln duk rot cell ";i Along uataMtlce octtn tulni, Ul3 IU tkiioi lUr tr, with yxuai UxtiM t& , told. Til! ItrtUng ttmt Out ttUX TcO, AUiwtrt Ulr Urn I loera. , 'And it vtiul itttti thdr drooptac (tU . n(or Ot Iraptadisr doom. JCwn u tbciM puttd niltU rtrttl Tt.t lot UkU rtrif (olds com!, K ndtrwu balk dtwtodj open ti sluttsnS kttl Kith cruti of bjij a striding Una Ad tlrl.k ol drevBlnc run At Uit crrtn tlUow! uUtlnt ttrtin tloodt tit fortcutlt't pto. indlt I, cf lcnoriat oul tnd blind. 4 Uuft ilsrt 01 a dlrlAtr mlsd. at . . , . Ul,'JBJ.JJt trtiB W "or rt cm glanos Uklad. 81111 icutkrrard, rttr tratkwirj premd) By kurrylnr cuntntt dritrn. Till co Krrntr kii I nit , lltnttth a tlotr txij.n, ' ". Asd it too. eullty tlirit iltt ' Mm cmr Lnrd't acculnc tycs lito tbt 4.t 1 sltii, rr.tcUd ty liost cimOtrn Uadon BptcUter. Unreality. Ch, in Imltitlon dlUr tcry attta ptsm 6ne. Aad tbey ctif ut UsJtitlons la ocr fwditoSi Mb dlntl An Iraluiltn Uiuty l-j to tmltttlen alch: Yea ortt all Unit, turpt perhaps an ImlUtloa Ut. TUrt Ii ItsUiUen licjttcr Out rencttjj a UtUr antrr, AM Imllttlan pathos brtnn an ItslUUoa tr. And ctrttla toiaUr ryslcs ssoxtlacs till ut list Uy itw An loJUtleo JuiUtt Jth tn ImlUUcn lav. Otttlctrs bn yra art ctoomy sad you lock lata tbt itwt And Utr Ut li eotj MsUeg Oitt tine nay bt rstn tn Hut, 'M vender Ura tbt ptintt Is ct ttople, Losttt worth. TUt (urdshtj tbt pstttra l:r this tsttatloa tsrth. ' Trublnsten Tcsf. Hntv an Yar Jldnrit T Dr.nDbht'linrairvtt-lllatnttllklrrTM't fsm. SPEED PROGRAMME Kollowing is tlic race program for the fair next week. THCKSU.W, AUG. 29. Race No. 1 Ruumug, thrcc cisliths mile dash. Purse 75-oo Race No. 2 Rummig, oue- half utile dash. Purse $100. Race No. 3 Trotting, 2:50 class, three in five. Purse S200 l-RIDAY, AUG. 30. RaccNo.4 Trotting, three-year-old and under, two in three. Purse $150. Race No. 5 Trotting and pac ing. 2:40 class, three in five. Purse S200. Race No. 6 Running, oue-half mile dash ami repeat. Purse $150. SATURDAY, AUG. 31. Race No. 7 Trotting, 3:00 class, three in five. Purse $150. Race No. S Trotting and pac ing, free for all. Purse 250 Race No. 9 Runniug, novelty race. Purse 150. Special Programme WKDNHSPAY, AUG. 28. No. i Saddle horse race, oue- liau mile. Purse $60 No. 2 Bull race. Purse $20. No. Mule race. Purse $15. Foot race One hundreds yards, four to enter, three to start. Kntrauce lee 10 per cent. $20. Men'e bicycle race One-halt I mile, six to enter, lour to start. Kntrance fee 10 ier cent. First, 70 per ccut; secoud, 30 per cent. $20. FRIDAY, AUG. 30. Best looking baby boy one year and under. Purse 52.5o. Best looking baby girl Oue year nud muter. Purse $2.50. OAQTOIIIA. BRITISH-AMERJCANS WILL FORM SOCIETY A meeting was held last even ing in the room adjoining George SiTibbitts store' for the purpose of orgamsnig n society of the "bons and Daughters ot the lirilish Kiupire." x diaries George secretary Vro' teni., sent out Monday 100 invi tations to attend the ineetiug ami take part iu the organization The rlierar. i, nn tx drclu mr Uow with Sum; , JU rtJ my crjrtilj bunij ii! -s'bOst c( tU tttrsil dp I cima lf&4 ' And to lb iMp rttura. ffbl Urii A tb l.iM wIb.Ii t co, " lofthc society, nnyonc.lrarn-.iindcr the liritish flng being eligible for membership. Dr, Ilnydcn of Ilanrlon wns elected president of the evening and Unas, ocorgc secretary. It was resolved to organize a branch of the Sons of St. George, n society known nil over the coast. Thos Howard, K,. ,C. Lee, and C. K. N cholson were appointed I ..u.u!u a f. il Ti! f .tc l npinoacu an uni-,' C8 who desire to affiliate and form a SOClCty Utldcf tllC BUS- pices of the Sons of SI. George. Tim nli'ont nf .lire cni..'nl.. n,5ll - ..w -j.. . .... v.w,7 ...... ju tuc gcuciai luicuttiuai auu social benefits to be derived from association together. TIMIIER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Rosrburg, Oirgon, Augmt 14, loot. Notice It hereby rlrm that In conipltance with the proriiiont of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, en tilled "An act for the sale of umixr Unas in tne ataies at uiuornu, uregon, Nevada, and Wailtingtoi Territory," as estend rd to all the Public Land States br act of Au- gutt 4. 1801, W John Kuxio, of Urrad, Coun ty of Ivewfi, Sute (or Territory) of Washington, 'I v . i 'rate ivi Kiiiwjnri w saswu-KiMf t. ,a, this day filed In this oflke bis iworn state. ment no. 1788, for ine purchase ot trie aa K of Action No. 36. in TownihlD No. s4 S. KangoNo 11 Writ, and fll ofTcr proof to ttv tnat the una sought is more raiuabl tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to slid lied be ore the Reenter and Keoritcr of this office at Kotebuig. Urrcon. on haturdiy, the a6lh day Of OCtOlKf. 1(01. I le nantrs as witnesses : IjooIs Toepett, I Irr. nunTopeIt, Albert H. Toepelt. cf IXty. WasMntaa, ,lbert Willis, of Koscburg, ore ton. Any and all persons claiming adrcrsely the aborcKlescritml lands are requested to file their chims In this office on or befote said aith day of October, i')i. 8-ty J. T. &KIIXJH, Reciter. TIMUEIt I.AKI), ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE ,FOIt PUIIUCATION. United Sutes I.and office, Roelrarj, oirjon. Aaguit 14. 1901. Notice Is hereby siren that In cotrpliance with the provisions ot the act of Conereu of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale cf limber lands In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extend ed to all the Public I.ind Sutes by act of Au- gmta. 189a, At-BMT II. ToEfULT. d Doty, county of Lewis, Mate lor Territory) of Waib- inaton. has this day fJ'd in this office his sworn statement No. 1791. for the purchase of tfo NU U ol Ser-tiaa N0..37, i.iToAiht Jilaa6 S, HneyTTOj.TfVVWinnilHiwli )Tvuft show that tho tana sougnt is more nuujDie lor Its timber or ftona man tor agricultural pur- mses, and to establish rus cuun to said una ix o.etheKecisterand Keceivrrof this oflice at Rox-burE. orrron. on Saturday, the a6lh day of October, 1001. Itenamcsas witneves ixms loepcii. w. obn Flood, Herniia Tcepelt, of Dryad, Wash- nC gton, Albert Willi. 01 Koscsurg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adrcrsely the aboTe-described lands are requested to file their culms in this oruce on or rxiore sata 20m tuy of October, toai. 0-17 1 i. UKiDGu, Kcgijier. TIMIIKR IVND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICE FOK l'UHLICATION. United States Land Office. Roseburg, orrgon, August 71a, 1901. Notice Is hereby liven that In compliance writh the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber Undl In the 5tates of California, orrgon, Neva da, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the lublic Und Mates by act of August 4, ...-- . ......... .fluOlt ... -f .1. IC94, IAUI. IA1 I.K, DI V bit, lAAifll, v. ;. Mate (or Temtoryl of V.'ashlogton, has this day I filed in this office his sworn statnrent No. 1769. for the purchase ol the Nil X ol fraction io sa In Township No a4 South, Kange No 11 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber Or stone than lor ..iM. !....! .... n nl.!lh Mi rlalm wm.r rr? ... 7; ---.' lh!s othec at RoscLvrg, orrgon, on Friday, the to saldunatieiorcine Kfgisiernna nrccnroi 1 35th day of October, toot. He names as witnesses- August Mayer, Aaron Allen, Allien Mauermann, Charles h. Knox, of IV KII. Washington. Any and all persons tUiming adversely the aboc-described lands are requested IQ file thel claims In this ofticc on or before sold ajth day of October, 1901. , 810 JT tlKtucKR, RtgUUr. IH01lfiJB9SBBaVH Ei I n g We Have it. That is our a most invar iable reply to inquiries for Hie latest nov elties anil swell effects in Mid Sum m 0 r d r y goods, cloth ing, furnish i n q' s a n d shoes, goves, corsets, hose ry, underwear, slcii'ts, wrap pers and sih waists. a g R H Q B B 13 13 a H a a a H a U n v 8 y H H H All Goods Guaranteed ,as Represented. Right Prices. 'Cwtawi5 treatment. IVIMSlJNCO CL BVI I OVaIX. ItlBIMI'a.Ha'Mtil TIMIIUU (.AND, ACT JUNU 3, 1STP. NOJICK FOIt PUIII.ICATIOA.. Unltnl Ute-Ivnd ofTlce, Rotcburg, Orrgon, ' Augtut 7th, 1901. Notice Ii brrrby Rlrni tint In cgmt4lnc with the provision! olrfke Ad of Congr of June 3. 1878, cniliat "An net for it-g mIo gf tlmlirr land In the feutei of Ciilifornl, orrgon, NeradVi, and Washington Territory,'' at extend... ed toil the PublcLnd Suit by act of An. guit 4, i8o, C11ABI.R1 E. Knox, .of Te El, county of LewU, State (orTerrlten of WU Ington, hoi tbU day filed in thltjAte W iworn tvttemtnl No. 1773, for the pnrcUw ef the NB M 01 aecnon no. so in lOnnin'P f s.Buin, Kanze No. 1 1 Writ. tid will offer1 moof ta thow that the land sought It more vilaaMu far iu umber or none imo toragticiutarvpwpatei, and to tstabllth hU claim to uld land before the NeeUter and RtcrlTer of thli office at Rote. burg', Oregon, on Friday, the j) jib. day of Octob er, toot. He names as .ty'inciter Con Ratkowtld, August Matrr, Stanley Cluha, of IV Ell. Watff M''o. Lewis CbrUten, ofFranclsAVashliwton Any and aI persons cUlmlns- adrenely the above-described lands are requested to Ale Ihelr uaims in misoiiiceonor Deioro uld attlt Ofyr ol October, 1901. 8:io - J.T. BaitxiM.Jftelster. TIM7SEU LAND, ACT JUNE .1, ll78. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States I-and office, Roseburg, Oregot, August 7th, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with, the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act far the tale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Ttrrllory," as tended tp all the Public l-and States by act of August 4, ttni. Albeit M;WEif ann. of.Pe KII, emmljr of Lewis, Sute (or Territory) of .Washington, has ihis day filed in this office hit svrprn sute ment No. 1770, for the purchase of the NE l( of Section No. It in Township No 36 South, of Range No. it West, and will ofTer proof tp show that the land sought Is note valuable for its timber or rone than for agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to uld land befoie the Register and Receiver of this office at Rostburg, Orrgon, on Thursday, the 34th day fit .pctober, 1901. He namesiis witnesses. Paul Mayer. Aaron Allen, Charles li. Knox, Stanley Gluba, of ,i' UU, Washington. Anr and all persons chlmlnr adversely the abovc'descnbed Ltndsarerenncsted to A their claims In this office on or before aaid 14th day of October, 15101. s-io j. i.iiiiDcu, Register. TLMDEK LAND. ACT JUNE .3, 1878. NOTICK.FOK PUBLICATION. United Sutes Iutd office, Roseburg, Orcgo, August 7th, 1901. Notlee Is hereby riven that In compiancc wkli the provisions of the act of Congress of tune 3. 1878, cntttfal "An act for the safe of timber andsin the Sutes of Caifornta, Oregon, -Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to a the I1ibic I -inn sutes Dy act 01 ug)si 4. 1893, Ej. AN Ie VM, coaajy of Lewis, Sute (or Territory ) of Washington. has this day flfcd In this orhce his sworn stato- tnentNo 177a for the purchase ol tho NW v of Secfon No. 13 la Township No. 36 SoatJi. Range No. 11 west, and wltf offer proof to stew. that the Ana srugni is m.ore Tamiuuw iw n mM or mu ism ltir-ilAmmtz gnmeii.' and to cslarvu.1 his cairn unu ana oensre me Reirisierand Receiver or thu office at Koacburc. Oregon, on Friday, the Jth day of October, 1901 He names as witnesses: Aucust Mayer. A- bert .lauermann, Suney CAiba, Charres i Knox, or re . wasmngiqn. Any and atf persons caiming aavtrswy ine aliovo-described fend are requested to fife thejr cfaimiip this effice on or before said 35th day of October, icoi. 8-to J.T. DKtD;KHRrtiter. TIMBEKLAND.ACT JUNE 3, 187. NOTICi: rOIt PUBLICATION. United Sutes I-nd office, Roseburg, Oregon, auzu17u, 190. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provulons of the act or (.qngress c tune 3. 1878. entitled "An act for, the sale ut limocr uiius m mv uu..v w. ..-..-, ....,-.., V-.-..I. mnA Wathlncton Territory, as eiteod- ed to all tbe Public Land Sutes by act of Augut 4. 1B93. Aucurr .1AYliK. of Pe 11. county T Lcwts, aute tor itmraji w ...u.u.m.i, ,w this day filed In this office his sworn statement tion No 33 in Township No. 36 South, Range v. .. MV.. unit will offer proof to show that the Und sought is more valuable for Iu timber or stojetban for agricultural purposes, and jo. establish his claim to said Und before the Rei,- w-- ;t j .i.,7 ,r, .,,-; nu:rana neceivcru. uu. v.- -. --t Oregon, on Thursday, wie.04th day pf October, flejumes as witnesses. ChailesU. rnor. Aaron Allen. Paul Ma)cr, Uwls Christen, or Pe Ol, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely vHe, abovc-dcKnbed lands are requested V W tnejr. claims in Cils office on or before said -3411 dar ofoc8toUr..,90. rT. ,,,. Bfsjw- 'S i s K m Don't forget. The-R & G Corset, in all styles. Recp meuded by all who have worn them to be n perfeci article. - - - - - - We carry nud have the ex clusive sale of the WALK OVKR SIIOK for genUe mrnilThl'PATRICrAN, a woman's shoe that's right w K U n H l N K u M K II 8 Towels, Shootings, ; Lace Curtains. JMJHHJMHMMaW MM Ml .. f ... -w