!-' I ' " praw ' w. KS2S "TS- gwywMi i i-3awm i lafc fc,.v ."Tfc . 1ai.jmmb iiifwt fciiBCTIMBnKTT'jT "isflPflpViir " . " T "JpBjrvr'w' W5 ,'W v- L- --M-X ' W"" ""H"! .lUSTD X1OCL&.X1. Sunday Oregouinn at Norton's Bargains in kid gloves atScng- tckens. B. P. Lawrence is visiting in Coquillc Best Bargains in Groceries nt Sacchi's. Sentrstackcu 'wants ten tons of Chittum bark. The new brick yard at Coquillc expects to have bnck on the mar ket by the 24th. Hunters report trial deer are Very poor this season, a fat one is seldom seen. The bic camp mectine of the !- beventh mv Advcntists ocean on Thursday at Coquillc. Would-be buyers complain that younir stock is held at too Ugh a figure by the farmers. Use Hibbard's celebrated rheu matic cure to limber your joints. For sale at Scngstacken's. The repairing of the lighthouse at Uaudon is well under way. J A. Laughead has charge of the work. When yon want some extra nice cheese call on your grocer for Sumner creamery full cream cheese. 6 8 tf Joku Landers one of the work men m Yoakum's logging camp near Beaver Hill, was badly hurt by a log rolling on him last Monday. rc:erjounson, tue siilor on the Volunteer, who was iujured by falling down the hold, is do ing well at the Mariue hospital here. Two choice improved buildiug lots opposite G. A. Bennett's residence- Also 1 lot at South Marsh field opposite the Park. Apply to H. Sengstackcn. B. R. Mynatt was injured at the stave mill Wednesday by get ting ins ngnt leg against a saw and cutting a long gash therein, he will be laid up for some time. The Coquillc Presbyterian church will be dedicated tomor row, Rev. W. S. Hunt, synodi- cal missionary for Oregon, will officiate. All churches in town ill-unite in the service. A shoe was picked up on the beach yesterday, below Battle Rock which was positively inden titled as one worn by Charles Srraban when he left Port Orford on the day he was drowned. Port Orford Tribune. Advertising is an expense if it is improperly done or done in a haphazard manner. It is merely an investment if it is properly done. The difference between expense and investment is what fortunes are built upon. The Salvation Army are mak ing preparations to get into new quarters in the Lando building on Front St. Captain Crabtree and Lieut Comer are making the improvements. When com pleted this will be a convenient barrack. The ranch house on R. D. Hume's ranch near Weddcrburn, was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday, with all its con tents. A number of Mr. Hume's employes boarded at the house, and many of them lost4 their clothing and personal effects. It is not Known now tlie hre ongi- uuicu. i-un UJIUIU JLIJUUUC. The Three ' Cardinal Virtues made shoe are: Quality, found Style, For Which Ease and Comfort, WHICH IB A88UKED IN THE FI.ORKHEIM 8JIOK8, NEVER llKFOItE AT TAINKD. . A shoe with the name uKIORSHEIMM woven in the strap is a guarantee of the above qualifications. ::::::: SOLID OZsTL-y. JBTS7 NASBURG BROS. TIiq Dry Goods, Clothing and Furnishing Goods Men, at Sacchi's. It's fine. S. D. Magucs nud wife have returned to Sau Fraucisco. For best values in boots and shoes go to Scngstackcus. Ii you dont attend the fair you will miss it; that's flat. Dr. Prentis will return about Aug. a6th. tf Salmon trout are said to be plen tiful up Coos river. Prepare for warm weather by getting a summer hat at Scng tacken's. Wm. Richard went to the Sand Hill Lakes Tuesday morning and bagged some nice mallards. John Ellerby and W. Donaldsou capsized their sailboat opposite North Bend, on lost Saturday evening. The Methodist church has ar ranged for another picnic to Charleston Bay in the near fu ture. Ralph Lane lost a joint off the index finger of his right hand last Sunday while coupliug cars at the bunker. Reports from John Wilson, who is at Hastings, Colo., in search of health indicate that he is in a ptccarious condition. Romomber you get four pounds or tne best 25c. roost coffee for 90c at tne Pioneer Market. The management are doing and will do all in their power to make the fair a success. Every pcrsou iu Coos county should do the same. A whole wagonette load of school teachers took the train Monday morning, on their way to attend the teachers' institute at Bandou. If you have anythiug in the wav of a curio that might be of interest to others, put it on ex hibition at the fair, and thus help toward the success of the enter prise. Grant Agers, Wm. Nasburg, A. B. Daly, Charley Kronholm and Ed. Marcy, took a deer huut at Glasgow on Wednesday, and brought home a two-poiut buck in pieces. If you want the best there is in the market and at the lowest prices, try the Pioneer Market and save 10 per cent. D. C. McCary, late of Riddles. Douglas county arrived this week with his family, to make their home here, having purchased half a block and erected a house in West Jarshfield. Purser Tancard of the Alliance was making his last trip on the Alliance this week, having been offered a better position in Seat tle. He is succeeded by Mr. . Abbott, of Portland. The information of the re cent death of W. P. Skelly formerly of this couuty, but of late of the Veterans home of Cal ifornia is anounced, which is news to his friends here. He died on June 8. We want to assure the News that we did not lie by the fraction of an inch about Peter Scott's rock oysters. The largest one was QVj inches and the next smaller ) inches by actual measurement, and when the News scaled our figures by half an inch it wasn't fair to the oys ter. Try a can of Succotash n which the FIORSHEIM Pre-eminent.. the FLORSHEIM Make has always been Sengstackcn's for fresh garden, aud grass seed, Paints and oils at W. P. Murphy's. Edwaul Hughe has been ap pointed Executcr o f the will of of his father, the late Patrick ughes. Tribune. Dr. Prentis, Dentist. All work guarautccd. Telephone No. 435. J. W. Rises, the photograph er, returned the first of the week from a camping trip to the Sixes country. Krucst Staufi attended to the gallery iu his absence. Fine line ot shirt waists nt Scngstacken's. W. S. Chaudlcr, JohuS. Coke, Frauk Laise, Otto Schctter and A. Abbott started for the Sixes country Monday for an outing of a week or ten days. David S. Aiken, a brother of A. G. Aiken, who was a resident of Coos iu the early days, died at the Soldiers' Home nt Rosehurg, Aug 3, at the age of 53 years. A full line of Mason's fruit jars, caps and rub bers at W. P. Murphy's. Jimmy Maiucy, the young sou of L. W Mauzey, was bitten ou the right cheek last week by a vicious dog but no serious results followed. The dog was killed. Notice the bread first, then see the brands in the stores, on the delivery wagons, and clothes lines. Sperrys flour is all right, and the sacks speak louder than words. tf M. A. Welch aud family ar rived this week ou the Alliance from Portland with his household effects en route for the Coquillc, where he has purchased the Wad diugtou place, below Coquillc City. To be fully successlul nu agri cultural fair needs something be sides good horse races aud large attendance. It needs exhibits. Remember that, and bring iu something to help the display. No one person cau luruish a complete display for the fair. It takes the combined efforts of many. Let each person inter ested in the progress of Coos county bring in anything he may have to help the display. Ladies who contemplate put- tins fancy work on exhibition at the fair will be pleased to learn that an ample supply of water has been provided for sprinkling the grounds and the dust will not fly as it did last year. The new locomotive recently received from the East by the C. B. R. & E. R. R- & N. Co. is receiving a new coat of paint, aud will soon be ready for service. The Mutual Life of N. Y. give you the best investment and pro tection. Take a policy. H. Sk.ngstackkn, Local Agent. George S: Tibbctts are extend ing their borders and now occupy the show window of the store room next door with a display of workingman's goods, shoes over alls and other articles for rough work. A meal is uot complete without a prime article of milk and cream and unless you have a pure, sweet, rich article your meal is very unsatisfactory. The Center- ville Dairy is delivering a prime article at your door. Only 5 cts. a quoit. Phone 171 when you want extra cream. Flanagan & Barry. of a well - - shoe will be noted. NOBODY SELLS Our Than we do PHONE' 4JT" "" YOUNG BOY VICTIM OF PAINFUL ACCIDENT Ray Campbell Jumps into File of Burning Coal SlackA Nervy Youngster Ray Catnphell, the 11 year sou of Cliff Cam obeli, was the victim of a peculiar accident last Sun day, which resulted in jomc very painful though not dangerous bums. Iu company with Al Sleep he went up the railroad track to ward the Newport mine. A short distance this side of where the county road crosses the track their attention was attracted by n bush of peculiar appearance grow ing below thetrack aud they started to examine it. At this point the coal slack with which the track is ballasted is afire, but shows no surface indication of the fact. The little fellow jumped down from the track aud at once sunk above his shoe tops in the burning slack. Iu his attempt to scramble out, he fell aud thrust his hands into the. pile, when the Sleep boy came to the rescue and dragged him out. Young Campbell was much the cooler of the two boys, and com pelled his companion to accom pany him to tOA'ti, though the latter was excited and frighteucd and wanted to take to the woods. The injured boy rati down the track and across the trcslcs to town and to Dr. McCormac's of fice where his burns were dressed. His hands and wrists were both badly burned inside and out, and his feet and ankles were painfully blistered though protected by a good pair of shoes. The little fellow displayed the greatest fortitude throughout. He has suffered intensely from his in juries, but is doing as well as could be expected. These piles of burning slack arc exceedingly dangerous, as they do not show that they are afire, but arc like burning quicksand to any creature that blunders into them. 12. G. Flanagan lost n good horse a year or so ago by inadvertently driving upon a pile of the stuff. 11 1 - v When your milk comes down sour from the river, ring up Main 171 Centervillc Dairy. We have a cure. Pleasant Party Mr. and Mrs. J. h. White gave a very pleasant party Sunday evening at their home in South Marshfield. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sunderland, who re turned from San Francisco. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sunderland, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Jy. White, Mr. and Mrs. L. Iewis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gam- mill, Mr. aud Mrs. I. Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Price, Mrs. Geo. Woodward nnd six children. OASTOHIA. Burnt. lleltoilYN Han Unit Boufe IHHKDHaililHHi: PLAYING S IN THE RACES & m m i)ao judgment S ofton rcsultH in empty pockets. Tlio viho uso of m your monoy providca for tho lmppinm of tlio future 2 You wttto nothing when you deal hero. You got the 2 beat for your caali nnd tlio 5 most curoful attention to n i your wishes and savo 10 per pj 2 cent, discount for cash. J 1 Flanagan's Pioneer Market. HV" BETTTCR SHOES. Guarantee Goes Willi Them If llr Wt rvr, Jtuh don't h.v to luint up nny fcloy to kick M or Mime youwll for Imjlim them rltrwliwv lVIng your kick Uu-lt to llis IO(c we insls kvxI any mnortiiM? complttnl In s I I I l t Stock, Make or Wear OUU SUOK.SIHANUK IN 1'IUCK 1'UOM CADTgs $1.50 (0 $4.00 CENTS libit to nnke yuti one of our cutlomrr, GEORGE & TIBBETTS. I. 0. 0. F. Building, Marslifietd. Fred Krttsc has gone to San l' ruucisco. Claude Nasburg has gone to Sau Francisco to attend school. Professor Golden attended the teachers' institute at llaudou. John W. Krusc who has been sick for some time is not doing as well as his many friends could wish. Van Houdcn, of South slough will help out the fair exhibit with a large carved wooden eagle. This is business. Let others do as well aud we will have a good fair. James Watson a prominent Coos city farmer nud dnirymnii, was in the city Thursday. He says he is too busy to get lonesome up there. The oil painting of Coos Heads, raffled off at Campbell & Kick worth's ou Saturday night, was won by Charley Nordstrom of Cape Arago Life Saving Station; he being the holder of the lucky chance, No. 40. Dr. Ford presiding elder of he Kugenc disric, is expeced wih Mrs. Ford, nex Thursdy, o ake an oilin? al lie coas and will hold he fourli quarerly confer ence of he M. U, Church while here. The Marshfield baseball cam will nice a picked nine on he Ilandon grounds tomorrow nud n food atnc is nuicipacd. An excursion rain was scheduled o leave here at 1 p.m. Axlay. W. A. Woolivcr Disric Dep uty Head Consul, Modern Wood men of America, of Gra.is Passisinlicciy. Mr. Woolivcr will bring his fatniy and reside in Marshfield for n itne, jraisibly pcrmnncnly. He will orgaitszc a camp of Modern Woodmen of America here, BORN BUCKM2Y In Coquillc City, August 5, 1901, to Mr. nud Mrs. John Uuckley, a bounc ing boy. McGBRTY In North Marsh field, Aug. 3, 1901, to the wife of Patrick McGcrty, n son. MARRIED IJRIDGHS NKIvSON At Marshfield, Or., Aug. 3, :ooi, Mt. J. Ilridges to Miss Maggie Nelson, Rev. Irwin officiating. Closing Out at Cost Tho ontiro Stock, Dry goods, Clothing, Furn ishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Linol- oum. Mattings. Tho ontiro stock must go at cost. Store to lot. Fixtures 1 . a -. for sale. XLNT Store. During tlio almonco of A. Abbott, Tom Coko takes Ills plAUO as froiglit agent at tlio railroad donot, wliilo J v. K. Harry lakes Coke's plucu as night watchman. CARPETS IN THE ROLL I'lenly of each pattern no room too Inrgo for u to cnrct. Hunt too In endless variety, tharinliiff patterm, and dependable quality, FURNITURE. New Designs in Sideboards. New Designs in Dining Tables. New Designs in Dining Chairs, Tlie Lilejt and lundoincit product of the lel factories all new goods at our ujual low prices. QllRISTENSEN ft. JOHNSON, r f Eagle Bakery. raer Bur 3 f - fw www tcront IntliU ly rMinvntt JOSEPH W W W W K. WW nwn Mswssr aaaswas.'jwaii 1111 pwmwiiiiw -r-m.T;- w Ask for our new Price List. T HI! nun It iotMiu ttlioMtontlolltrim lliltiiiut n MfitolUr on lli.il; lit pikri quoitd In our new cumplcU 4a luge Il i) )oo in 1lr.1l hfie no Iaw rrrrK-iit.ilUn nir mml, Imt xln-ir jitt me toll rviclly .ulritlcil, Un'l It nnii Ii more MlUf.ictoijr nml hhkIi iMtlrrtoilt ilon M Imnw, look orr ll4 iMlir,K wlcct iIk cooUiriilml ml until jxif ucilrr, llun o iIicih1 iion Horn Mh'tr Ilia ttoik Ii null, M tacll M mkitlnnnl lncouil(lr. ami grt jiiinliln(( ili.t ilot not eI')chi Inlf fcttltfictlon, nuinlihiunillng Itul jrou ili ujr nit ctrm;nt julcr? Smith's Cash dpt. Store, No. ?J5 Markot St., San Franoisoo. I A Distinct Triumph Our nmlkvl Uiltrilri, for die B'ilkmlon u rtrtlitclty lu uy vtrt of the Ikx! In nml il It' lute rtlnnl ttlitlnct ttlumpli In Mt Ixarkh of the hrAllnj Kknw. ie MlUhclion xline cvrr uml anil arr rmlonrtt I' tihytkUni, lUltcrkt for home um J 5. 00 up, Urjrr un for oilke uv, I w up, Th tlimk It In die clrctilc curitnl not In die txkr. Keel Cross Drug Store John Prouss, Prop. wa-np "Srr, xhVOiA. liZi JSSS Sr 3WV The University of tmmM ftSft vms . "iipriXt hundred court".' In I.lteraturo, Kcionco aud tho Art, Keloitca and Kugt' necrinK and Mimic New litilldltiK and equipment, novun now instruct ors j nearly XX) vnlumrs added to library in 11)01 Hummer school with University credit; ftpcctal conrres fur teachers, for Law and Medical students. Department of IMticatlou for teachers, principals and super intendents. Tuition free, cosl of IIvIuk low Throo student granted rcliolardups In largo eastorn univorsltieiu lOfll, :: :: ;: ; Hond iiaino to 1'resident or JtogUtor for circular and cataloguo, Etigcno, Oregon. : , : ; . . . NONE BUT THE BEST OF MEATS. I constantly furnish the best mid primest of meats, which gives mc the confidence of tny patrons. MEATS ARE A NECESSITY but it is necessary that they be pure aud wholesome. I do not promise a discount, but I will give you honest and courteous treatment, and value recejved for your money. Satisfaction guar anteed or caslt refunded. Tim MARSHFIELD CASH MEAT MARKET HENRY HOLM, Proprietor. . Free Delivery. Plione 181 AT THE CHURCHES. PKKSIIYTKItlAN CHUItOII. (Horviees.l Hithlmth school 10:00 AM rrenohliiK service, ll :00 A M, and biwiv n, Ohristbin Ktidcovor, 7 :()0 1 M, Mid-week services, Thursday H :00 l'.M Hauiuol 1). McOlcllftiul, l'ubtor. M. K. OIIUHOII StibieotHittMirlitxlistchtiroli.inorn ing Tho Now JCnlghthoodof thoi!0lh Cenlllry,, KvelntiK. "Facinir Iho qrosi." Notice ConuillaOlty, Orogon, July 20th, 1001, Xotico h hereby given thai ull Coos County Warrants endorsed pilor to August 1st. 1600, will bo paid ou pre, dilution at my ofllce in Coqulllo City, Oregon , No intorest will bo nllowod afior July Ulst, 1001. J. 11. Duu.Y, 1 lliivtiiir roooii th' lititchniod Mr .Odiinlni!' In Ditkcry, It linn hen lliorough- - d and MlHilll. nnd J nm prrpnrcd to (iiruUtt Ilrtuln firili llnmd, IMiit, Onke, Kin. l-'tfl delivery to any purl of tlio city by IoivIiik order itl tlio llnkury on A ulteol. !.' I ticket ror 11.00. EGLE, Proprietor, W.WWWWW W till drip )il In lliltillrrclluii. Prosorving Timo. VV Vrrp Ii1t,i tupplf of choice fiultt of U limit, frrtli from the rocit, nml unjrone wltlilnc loon or jKretr thouM t tura unit rill on til. We Irrji n full iiocV of nil lli rtfTCrLviry concomlttntt for fruit cnnnlng, Campboll & Eickworth. FOR THE CHILD. Don't lot tlio children Miller in (ho but weather Oho them what they need in the way of looiofUtlnir clothes Uml will permit tho freautonf arm and !, and dovelnpment ot tho Ixwly. Wo liavo initio loti l and lorviceabln but neat and pretty ready made al re.idysulo prior that should intereit you. NORTH ."Tfr STAR. J3epsi Richards, Propriotor. Cor. A and Second Sts. Oregon. lKhel .Standard In I Ii u la toTwo REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. A flno business lot on A et, 10O Dwelling houso ou 2nd st, fl rooms (ICO, Ai.lnlof land 218 ft. by 100 ft. facing on raoo track in Houth Marsh lleld, 700, Will soil iu bulk or half. Kour lots noxt to rostolllco on Pron st JJ2500. Houso and lot In West Marshfiold 1000. Houso una lot InJrfautU Marshfiold (W0. . , Six lots in Dlk 10, South Mftrshflold Ulook70 in Notley'a addition to Ooquillo Olty. JJnquiro of ilHlsr2. W.V.VtyWiw. J T H -J f jaunty xroomuer. ( t . ' ;j n,