The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 03, 1901, Image 3

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.."4, -,, ' i.s.
V " f &
AM'tfclflbk' I'rcpnrnllonrorAa
IVuiiHitO't IV.Mllon.Clmfiil
iiL'.iH;ii)(ll!;lllKT ())liim.MorjliliH! iiorHliieoil.
jfvr stMjyxiHt 'aiimtm
lU. SyJ
CfmluJ tipir
Ilia .., ftonr.
Apctfecl Hi'iUL'ily ror(.'onsllivi'
ttcas (mil I.ohm or Si.Ki!i.
I nc Simile Siv'unliire of
Coast Hail.
Th fMM l ilti ka ll Mn -nM
MlWf atltt f IpfHC C.
Aixl kll In lino mm hit sn
Ill IlllHtf walall AuO
Tl.fMak .l.wil. aamt and Mffru
TW tranli kaa Ion mia.
In I v Iktl t., 1 1. waalr ImmU
Wulk'a chilli might I irwrwad.
IM Imn kit lufix-l firm (hit al V1"'.
lkii l,f f.rri.r nuk.l,
lit lUulli Ik. J aalitl til Ik Mll
fvii Mlr lMHtUln Kk-t,
Ahd (wn mta-ifl IkrtMrltrf I l
llul ttHl tUiH ! IWr lit..,
ll.i I ijii-. lklr tlirnttli aiwi Ihuklr pinj
Ilu' wrlnMtt a,n Ik lair. ,.
In lattr )fri im'i Ikmakta U tuiaij
T ltm lf lffr lire,
Ail In rlltlra Ux kt amiftit ,
Krw umik I. ilally Hill., ' C'v ,
Ah-I kfl "II Utakl.J tkiiM4 .,
llul Srlmlllt If Mff
lltt Until) (lllrl plan :
TW (lay Hit MUM if.
Hut m.n Ktr ,4.1, Hi wnnwn, too,
A In lk 4aa l leaf,
Vm im .lllll. lkr,U MM
Tl'lr Mlkll (karma INlf,
And ai thy Hi'l .ImvIip tUnixlirt,
S.ip. MV ttf kkl' lkr Hull.
Aivl il pi W.h Ihf4r Ulr iiM pint
Oil Ufk lli ku.t l )ulk.
Tti ImM .( jmilli It In rrti 14(1,
Ahil tk.a mIm lfl II ll
VI lit Utif kwkl k tliallHt l )ulh
Alfcl WJlll kt III , ;
Ah-I alun al I.. I llrtl (MiM.ln Mil
Anil 4l t .m IIih l.ali
7li)'ll l-.r II wfll Iium no run
li Ma ll.m I. (rrlt
I'lll.lm'f (1iriiltl-Tcl(ii n.
Everyday 6
g --.Courage, g
0 lly fiTHUL WRIGHT. 0
"I'nlltc," Krilllllili'il'lllt'llilllt VII.
touutili)' to liliiiM'lf iih ho entered llm
ImlhMiy of liln frleml'ii npnitinnit lit
ri'Miiini) t ii Miiiiiiion ImwK'il out
Now Undor
All D.rflnt. Imic IH.illin.mi! ATAMttl y
tlir urn of nomlm, iidil j;ls,'. ImIiiIiti and
iIiiiri In kiIc fiiim, 'Ilii'lrinudcUdiY up llm
miiitiniit inriiitmicri eninlni; ilirm lncr.uH. vn
nnil lilcrd. Tlio urifill pildi mnl III the In
li.ilrr Imn entirely iwldl nuity llm uiiiio niciii
liuurt tint llnlr m.ikt'1 lintii nlnit'd In rinr,
Mlilloiuttrinnil (ilnlniriil cnnmit IimcIi tlir
iliwMie. ,n old mid .'XK-rieiiccil pmcllliomr
' I
aact cony or Wrwrrn,
vslio li.i for nun)' )im ninilo n ilmr midy nnd
Hilcl.iliy of the ttrnlmi nl of C'ATAK III I, .U
l.iit pcifcclrd it Tiratiiiriil wlikh vt licit f.iillifully
used, nut only ti'llcua nt oner, hut ciiii.inoiilly
iiirrt CA'I'AKUII, hy rrinnvln); ilir enuti', Hop
pliiu llm din Ii.ujjch, nnd Hiring nil Inll.uniut
lion, ll it llioonly irimily l.mmii to teliucu
Ilia I nctn.illy iroilid llii" nllllclrd UIU, 'I lilt
uomlrifiil ivnivily i I. noun in ".S.N'Ul'I'l.l'-S
nnil It told nl llw cMtrnudy low pilco of in, rnch ui'k.i;ii ront.tliilii nml iiirillclim tuUicleul fur n full niontli'i
treatment nnd cvoryllilnu mi.cis.iry lo in per
fect IIMV
.SNUI-'I'MtS" It tin) only pciloct t'ATAKRIl
CI) HI", cirr innilu nnd It now leconnlird n (ho
only wfo nnd posltli cum for lint iiiiiiojliijj
nnd illfutuilni; iliti'.ito' II cures nil Inflamiiu.
lion iukkly nnd peimnnrnlly ind It nlo won
.ileifnlly quick loicllcto IIAYl'l'.VKKorCOI.l)
In the IIKAI).
C'ATAUUIl mIicii inflected often le.uli to
CONSUMITION-".SNUI'rid:S" will mvii
ou If joii iisoltntonce. It It no ordinary rem
eily, liiitiiionipK'lu ire.ttiiii'iit which It poj.
tliclyKiiniiintiiiloeiiio CAI'AUUll In nny
form ortt.iKt' If used iieeoidlni; to llio illrectlout
ulikhni-ionin.uiyr.icli p.u.k,igo. Don't delay
hut tend for Itnt once, niuhnrllu full iarllciil.u
iu to )our lOiuUilon, nnd ou will receive ipeclil
mli loo from tho dlscou-icr of litis wonderful
ruvedy rei;.udlii(; )our envs without cost lo )ou
lieyond llm rrKiiUr prlca of "HNIM'I'I.IJS ' llm
Si'iitprepiild lo nny mldicsi in tlio United
St.itet or Cit Inula on iccvlpt of nu Dol'nr. Ail
Urcts Drpi. 11657, I'.OWIN II. (1IMJS .Vr
COMPANY, 3330 and 3u (MatLvt aiuit,
For Infanta. and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
trout iiiiiiif jiart of tlio lntrrlor. "Wlmt1
ltu-fll.liiK iipV" tin- nillrr nuluil, pivrliiK
tliroilKll it IIrIiIiiI iluorwny. " 11a Iiml
Ihvii iiMIklhI to niiiioittuo liliimi'lf In
mitiiu way, for tliu occiipitnt of llm
room Mit on (lie itoor with hU Imel; to
tin eiitriiiuc mill i't liU'tii-iil no Inten
tion of tnrtiliu to erect lilt vMlor,
"Xeoit. jour iiiiiiiiicr nro liwiHtly,"
(vnii tin Intruder's next renuirk ni lio
lliteodiil liln -jy throiiKh tliu tniizo of
Ihmhh'IioIiI w ni'l.nRo tlint iniulo liiKrenx
illitlrult. At thlr tho lirKiil nlioiildein
liirniil, nnil In n inoiiient Soolt
will tilmklliK li frlend'H linnd ln,n
iiiniiiir no hiiirly tlint WllloiiKhhy for
inive tho hoorUhiictvi of liln ilmt Kreet
"Sit down, oh! man. If joii enn llnd it
tdiu'e. Ven, nro tirmliliiK ti. mm j on
cull It." nml the njimLrr tuvept lit
tiriui In n hctx-'liMN riiy over tho con
f union of bookn, jilcture und tmcht'lur
"Wlirru Is 'lit. tmyy " nUeil thu rail,
"tllcflrttl out," -.ih Scott'n nliort ro
ily iik ho turned id light hl pipe nml
iiiiiiniiiKu iitout for miother for liln
"Vim limeii't iiiurreleil, Imte you 7"
Wlllonuhliy liniiilrtn) ipilclily, for wjieu
ho left tho city ii JTenr iiko Kcott mid
"thu )Kiy" hml Juat tiikcn tho npnrt
uii'iit tlint t:m now holnic dUinnntled,
nml tho two wiro tippfireutly nvitlis)
for home tlino,
"How Ioiik luiM) J on lieoii In town)"
tk'ott linked Inatcittl of ntiNivrrltiK Wlh
lotiuhliy'M ipieiitloii.
"(lot hm lit II o'clock. I hml to ntop
nt WiiNlihik'ton ycMtcnlny to ninUo n re
port mid I'limo oter thin iiioriilin;.
tell ion lt' i;ooi to net Imcl; oten for
!t0 ihi)H. 'J'he fun of Mihllerliii: In Ciihii
In nil over. Tliero In nothlni: hut iii.iii
mil Inhor to do there now," Then liu
nihliHl lifter a iiuiiueiit'it henltntloii, "I
wouldn't lime left, though, on nuy
other errnnd thmi the one thiit hrouuht
mo heiv."
"OllU'lnl, I (UipiHisoV
"No." replied WllliiiiKliliy: "on the
eon t in ry, unite' the rvewe."
Keott mtimhli'il noiiicthlnu nnd look
i til ko iitiiiinlly tiuhnppy thnt the youiiR
bohller hiuiiheil outright.
"Wlmt U tho troiihlo, old iiimi? Huh
i Koine oiio bothered you with it retainer?
, ou miy llurilkoti Ihih cleared out.
Wlmt Ih It nil iihout? Don't hit there
' Inol.lui: nt mo In thnt luiiiihrloiibi fnbh
Ion. Out with It."
"rim hoy "in' I hiiveii'l,"
Hcolt answered after n few futllu pulls
at liln pipe. "1 Jawed him a lilt for
leaving me with tlieno eonfoiiucled
looms on my hnuds, hut there wiih ho
row. lie him cliiiuu'cil liln phiiiu-llvliiK
over In J v racy somewhere Crauford, 1
IicIIl'Vi' "
"Oh.( Craiifonl," wna the llcutcnmit'H
otiscruitlou, heemliiKly to hltuNelf, nv
ho recalled that tho ohject of IiIh er
mud lived at tho "next Hlnp." "And
llint'M u lint uiulU'H you iuiuIiiuCIh ItV
"Not cMiclly." Seolt cpoko now with
tho tone of a mint who liaa fonned a
riMolutlon to pvrfoim a luiteful duty.
I'lf yon will Unit 11 ueut Komewhcio mid
lluht that pipe, I'll tell you aliout It.
1'iict In, my hoy, you nro In this utory
In 11 wny."
VIIIoiii:IiIi,v's exprcHslon wiih a com
posite of mytitlllcatlou nml tmcuhlnchii,
hut he only waved liln hand iih ii hIkiiii)
(hut lila friend nhouhl pioceed. TIiIh
wiih Jtut w hat ho did not hcciii ready
to do.
"I'or hcitvcn'H nuke, If yod have tiny
thlnjr to nuy," M'llloiiKhhy dually te
inatked rather peevishly, "nuy It I"
"IlarrUou In koIiik to marry MIkh
Mead," Scott mt Id muldenly, hcliiRcaie
fill, however, not to look at Ids listener,
When ho hail Imparted thin Informa
tion, ho scorned to bo nhlo to k ahead
without any further delay. "I'll tell
you how It happened tho cnu-.U'emeut,
I mean, Tho hoy hua known her a
lotiK time; ever ulncu ho came to Now
York-, Klrnt Kill hu ever met, and ha
was In lovo with her from the moment
ho was Introduced. Bays ho was, any.
wiiy, Hut Harrison, you know, Is n
queer sort of chap. Has no Idea of his
worth and nil that, lio Itm't half 'ptiMh
fill' em)iii;h to k'ct iilont; in thin world
with men, lot 11I0110 women, lie
thought MUu Mcitil would nuvcr look
I Boars the I' t
Signatuix) m
1 M 1
1 1 in
inn ihvii Vduuiiitu, vmmiii mi apt tei
ihi II at, )"ti Iniui,', At mo luti', he
niiii!.' 1111 piuttriiiH, Von I. nine what I
luiiiii. I ittn (cllliir ton thu ritmllfi of
ni.v i.lMenatioiiii, lliinleiiii uevir K.ild
nti,itl'Jij'; iihout It.
"A ell. after Minn ,Meiul met ;uit at
'I'iiii ni Iiimi year ilu huy'ii iliiinceH
iiceuii'il ,tu iUmIiuIIc to tiotlilni.'."
"It u'eiiiH to mi' you are milking a
loiut htcry of It," mild Ylllouhhy.'
"Can't you rut II V"
"llcltir let mo j:d mi, I cunm. Now
I've told you how tho nine Mood when
.MIih Mead caiiiii north I ml yenr,"
The IMi'iier inadit miotlur iiuivo to
prolint imulimt the furni tho uuirullve
had taken, hul leullr.lna Hull Mm tor
mentor knew 110 other way of (elllny
wlnt he hud made Jip Ii Ih mind to nay
W'llliillKlili.f cell led Intel; iikiiIii.
"Three or four iiioiiIIih after we hud
lieeti I'iMilInu' In the newtipiipeiTi ahoitl
your wink In Cuhu Harrlfou win
ilrmvii on 11 Jury." A ennui from Wll
lotii,'hliy iiiiii'iuuceil IiIh ilenpalr lit till
new ilWrer-Hliiu, hut Heott went mi
wllhoui 11 iiiiihc:
"Vim will ret' the eoiincclloii later. I
helped him lllll time while ho wnlleif to
he eiilled, nnd when he wax Dually
drawn I 1111.1 (hero iih rceidarly an the
Juilito. I have foruotteii the title of the
i-iikii they put liliu 1111. If wiih the helrn
of konieliiHly nualimt a iiiuu immcd
KleveiiH. wliv held a lot of property
that wiih claimed hy the helrn under n
will. HleieiiH elalmed under a deeil,
rind the milt wnn liroiirlit in net irxlde
the drill mi the eroiiud that It was
ohtaliied hy fraud
"When Hi' luttycrxoli i-neli hide went
throuuh Ilu form of iimLIuk Hie Jury
men If they knew tiny of the liiterenli-d
pa rllm to the milt, I naw HiitrlKou
hIiiI.o IiIh henil In a I o nil wny. To cut
thin pmt r-holl, MUu Mead ttnlkiit lulu
the touitrnom on the leuunl day of llm
trial, lliitilnou told me iiflerward Hint
he knew hi mi limtniit that hIid wiih In-
lerenled In I he time, lief me he left the
ho that day he nuked to he allotted to
hcu one of 1 he exhlhllH, anil, readlui;
the eaptlou, he found that I1I1 lutullloii
had heeii eorrecl. I hellexo Minn Me;jd
hail I1ee.11 made 11 parly to the Milt aft
er It had lieeti heeflfflu a lower eotirl,
nnd her name did not appear In the
llt which ilii lnwjern read vthen they
ixilliil the Jury.
"We tnlkiil the matter over that
eveului;. nnd of tDtime I ndvlmil the
tmy to explain to the couit that hu Sad
illHCotcred nlneo the trial hegati thnt he
wax utiiiultitcd with one of the plain-tlfT-4
In the cuke, I hno not heeii nhlo
In matie up my mind iih to why he In
hinted upon piliiK on with the trial. I
cxptnlul'il to him Hint It wait n cry
rlnky thluK to do. lie ulwnjx wnn hull
headed, thoiiKh, when hu 'made up liln
".MIm .Mend did not come to the
courtroom iif-alu until the Inst day of
the trial. 'I he law) em htruns It out for
tuo weckx. It iih n wry clone row.
1 could ncwr hnvu decided It either
wny. It had heeu fotiKht hy xkllhil
lnw)ern fiMiu thu Hurt, and they had
Miceecdeil In keeplue ever tiling off the
recoul thnt would throw Heht on the
iliientlunii nt I us tie. There wnw hoido
tliliu: like iiwxxj or sUi.tKiO In It for
rnch of the heir under thy will. Thene
helm ticrc iitrccs of tho original hvne
llcluiy, hut thnt hnnu't niiytlilue to do
with thin htory. MUh Mend In not rich,
I belle te," the narrator nddcil reflect
"Ah I hate told you. Mini Mend wan
on hand to hear the lawyers' mini up
on the lnt day of the trial. Hhe Jook
good rnre not .to U where Harrison
could pec here, -Itnt he iiippciI wlthhr
leu luetic ,of her when the 11! men tiled
out to the Jury room. It ttnx n lone,
iiuc'icy ttnlt for me while thnt Jury 'di
lllierntetl,' nit the ncwnpaperH hay. Ilnr
rlnoii wrnt thu foreti)tii, nnd when he
gut up to lejlver tho verdict I could
feel my henrt U'ntlne 'way up In my
"(Jo on, e on," Wlllouelihy ureed nn
Hcolt Kiiiniil nt the recollection of how
IiIh henrt acted on thin ocrnilou.
"Well, the Jury decided driiIum the
lieliH nt otery point. Stevcim had hiv
cral detiln, mid every one was unsulli
ed . The lieli-H didn't get a hhllllne.
MIkh Mend had left the room hy the
tlino the Jury, wiih dlpcharenl."
"lly Jove!" Inanely remarket! the
"Yen, sir. nml Harrison told mo he
had it hard lime penmaillug two of the
Jurymen to dieldo aealnst the iij;.tlu8t
"llut 1 don't ijiilto fcco"- WlllouBhhy
"Of cottrno you don't, my hiitvo sol
dier hoy. I nm c'omlne to that now.
"Harrison, mind you, had not Keen
MhH Mend for the two weeks, except
on thoxe two iI.ijh durliie the trial, and
hu did nut hurry about ealllne after the
verdict. I think that It was 11 week
later that wo all met at tho theater, a
ereal piece of luck for the Imy, I can't
tell you exactly how they etrulehtcncd
the matter out. PcrlmpH It didn't need
any Htralehteulue, but vftiy hack In the
hov towaitl the end uf tho show I
hcttnl MIkh Mead say, half soberly and
half laughingly, There lire all sorts or
courage,' and when we got home"
"I think that'H enough. Scott, If you
don't mind. Where can 1 tlud the sail
ing of the Havana boat?"
"I was afiiihl of that," kuld Scott.
St. I.ouls liepuhlle.
, tV'urni t'uiullv.
"yes, It certainly Is n warm family.
The sou tunokcx mid the daughter
"lluw about the father and mother?"
"Well, the old man fumes mid tho
old woman hhues out at all hours."
Chicago News.
Kilurnto Your ltoirels With CHicnrell.
(-'nnitv r'ullinrlle. euro renal Inaitmi (orator.
tOc.Sio. It C 0. 0. nil. ilruBKlsti refund luoaoy.
Only 50 Cents
i to make your baby strong and
well. A fifty cent bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
will chaugo n sickly baby to
' a plump, romping child.
Only one cent a day, think
of It. Its as nlco as cream.
ticiul for a frte Minnie, nnd try It,
I 409-4'S lsil Mrret, New York
UV UUV 1 At, Wll WII'KS1!-
J ".j n vj'.1. 1 bb;i
Keep Out
the Wet,
Th k wlrpraf ajiariarala In Ik
ttftfkt. Ufim llom Ik lt MaUftala 4
ttalranl'il Wfili-rjirnof. H4t I lat
tk roaht ttnt k anifitMlfcyf,
, f.ak far Ih Irnrln MrJi. lrtatr
d ht lif tkarn. writ lor ra4alc t
I. T. Milan sal rutlaf (a., iU., It fraailm.
Mil. M. A non, p.l Mra.
fal ('aakrla'a, MMfc
Irlf HiNtnlnntliin,
Keif examination Is the net hy which
innn Inspects liluiMcIf to co whether or
not he In In Agreement with the will
of Hod, It In mi exerrlNO inont Im
portant nml fraught with largcnt results.-
Itev. II. It. Werlclu, Mcllio
dint. Kaunas (.'Itr.
tobacco sirr
and SA10KB
Vo ran tcctircd of any form nflobarcu tulni
tntlly, m mad wll, atrunfr, injrnllr. full
injrniir. ruilrai
not nie ami riror or lakiiiv
Hint niakrt Htak rntu alrour, Xlanv rata
lea luuinU In ten ly. (iter 000.000
a imiitiita In trn data, i
rurtd, AllilniKKl.ta. Cms ruarnnirril. Iknk.
i "; MIIH I'HI'.lt. ,AU4im HTIEHI.INU
Hiinuur .u., uuicaco or New voik. n
We muni lenrti to look oil nnger ns
tomcthlng ilUhoiiornble, undignified,
Indecent, ineuii rulcar. If rou will.
Tnii'v. rnlhcr Hugh T. Henry, Cnlhollc.
Orerhrook Keiulimrr.
1'. T. 'Hioni-ii, horiilervllle. All., "I at iul.
ftilnj from il)iefiln. lira I coinmruoiJ laic.
n; Kmlol l)jr))ili Cure. I look Lot.
tlct nml avuligetl nnyllilnj.' Kodol tlytpcp
kl.i Cure it the only prrp-tRtlkn containing nil
Ike nit'iial illceilltr flulili. It citn rV
itom.ii.lii enllrr leal, rrttoilng tlidr nalur.ll con
Union toot Iliy SlrugSlorr,
For Infanti and Children.
Tfi3 Kind You Have Always Boagfit
Hoars tho
ruttnilrit on n llneW.
It has become fashionable In certain
circles to nnnnll the church, ilfclntlng
It to he nu Institution of the mit mid
rapidly declining In Its jiowcr. I
Icuge that claim nn true historically
I'rom having WW.OOO follower nt the
clone of thu llrsl century Chrlntlanlty
ban come to Itave practically 30t).(XKi,.
(KM adherents nt tho beginning of the
twentieth century. An engine that can
run for l.bOO years, redoubling Its
r peril cwry century, Is certainly not a
failure. Itcv. Henry Irving Itnirratis,
Methodist. Chicago.
In rate ot couth or noun cite the httlo one
One Minute Cough liur. 'Ilien ml aiy and
late nolrnr. Iheclilld will leall riflit In n
link) while, ll neicr fail. IVatml to lake.
alwittM'e Hire net nlniott Iniu.ttancout In
rtfeci, Cco Iliy Ding More.
BltBttur ST , gF7-Gf '
tf tfyy. s-eucAW
There Is alwnys In prayer an clement
of Inquiry, of rvvcrvnd nuking of what
the divine will. Prayer I always an
net of camiminton In which we listen
for God's olcc. Hut the heart of pray
er Is petition, nnd the core of the Lord's
prayer Is ctltlon. Itev. Dr. John Hen
ry Harrows, President of Ohcrlln Col-
Mil. S, II. AIIKiii, Jolmtt. wn, I'.t.. t.itt:
"Our little glil almost ilr.ini.-Ird lo dr.ith ullh
fou p. 'IliedcKlora Kid tho couldn't lite but
the wat limuuly nlleird by Cue Minute Cough
Cure. C'oit Iliy DitigSloie.
IIiiit ( liU Cheear Itnmcklns.
To uml.a' chceo rnineklns melt n halt
cupful of grated cheese In a double
boiler. Season It with a snltspoonfnl
of halt, n danh of pnprlku and n table
spooiiful of milk. When It Is smooth,
picud It on nanow strips of bread that
have been dipped in milk aud egg nnd
fried lu butter.
Kruplloni, cull, hiirni, nnd soiei of nil
Limit quickly he-itcd t) DcWilt's Wllch Hard
S.t!ic. Oeil.iln cure for piht. Ik-w.trcof Count
ctfeiti. Ho sure joii gel llio orljiml DcWitl'a
Coo Ikiy Dihj Store.
Educate Your Bowels,
Your bowels can be trained as well
as your muscles or your brain. Cas
carcts Canity Cathartic train your
bowels to do right. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold ir
bulk. All druggists, 10c.
Berstco 1 Kind Hu lUu Ahnrs Bov
lloil la Immutiilile.
God Is Immutnble, am! man Is to be?
couiQ to. Christ Is tiiichaugiiiR ami un
changed "the r.11110 yesterday, today
and forovcr," Hov. Dr. J. lllehards
l!o.k Methodist, riilladelphla.
O O. Duck, IWIine, Ark., tt)i. I uatlroub-
led wiih eonsllMllon until I bought Do lilt
l.lulei Rule Ulrr. Since then have been en
tirely curnl of my oll compkiliii, 1 recommend
tlicm. Coot Ikiy Drug ::loo.
Ntisul Catiirrh qulokly ylclila to trcnU
mcnl by I'Jy'B Oroam Halm, which u ogrce
nblynrauiittip, It Is locolvcdthrounh thu
uostrlU, clcaiiHcs nnd hoals the- wholo sur
fnco ovor which It dltuises Itsolf. DrugeUts
soil tho 60o. size 'i"rlol ido by iniHl, 10
couts. Tost it nnd you nio kur to coutinu,
tho treatment.
To nocoiuuiodnto JhodQ who nro partial
to tho use of utomUers Ju npiilylna liquids
Into tho uftfcul linkkngon for cnUijrMi Iro
W, llm proprietors prepr Cretin ltalmiu
lintild form, thlch.vtlUbo Lpin ns Kly's
LUpild Cronm lktli. X'Wto lucluding th
ini-uyiunr tuba Is 70 couts. Druggists or by
wail. Tho liquid form embodies the. weu-
0. W. Towor.MD.
Oaico In tlio Onnrii A Wpllcr a'lnlck buUd
'"S.ll.V'rVit ilrtYl, AUnlifJ!, Ofrgi-n.
Wm. A. Toyo,
Offic: ttp-ttalit In lite I'.ldor.nlo lt)x k, pn
lrrt, Mnrtlifirld, OjcRon.
Office orct tVxri Iliy Hank, I'ont tlreel
MnriliHrlil, Oregon,
W. U. Douglas,
ArroitNKY Ajr law and u. h.
I'ront itrccl, ManlrJ.), Orrgon.
' John F. Hall,
Office In r.Momlo block, Xrenl itret,
MarilifieU, Oregon.
We cannot keep our rettaifrant up
lo the tundud of popularity e
desire unlrtt we give ll s rrrat
ilcnl ol care. We watch all the
hide polnti which adds much lo
J of Ous Guests '
and tielpt to thoroughly In Ue
lalhfylrg of their appetites. Our
service it clean, our substance
inotl rtttrkctire nnd our wallers
are ntlrntlie. You will entiy your
metis here.
Front Street, Opponito" Hunk.
C. H. MERCHANT, wcavm.
Is, constantly ntliljng to its
stock- of (Inncrnl Mcrcliun
Jic, already tlio l.trgcJt in
Mnrhlillelil. When you buy
nttho Mill Storo you know
tho goods arc llret class ami
thaprica is all rig'it.
All kinds of lumber and
building material,
feed and sup-
at wholesal and retail
A Orratt nnnttcr.
There In a danger to character In tho
falso values of life, tho csaggerntetl
Idea of material things, the lncrenslnij
nuKrnco of the supernatural. ltlght
Itev. Mgr. Thomas J. Cotmty, Catholic,
Jamet White, llryantitlllc, Ind., M)s l)c
Witl'l Witch Hard Salve hctled running sores
on Woth legs. He had sufTerrd 6 years. Doctors
tilled to help him. Gel Dearill's. Accept no
liiinilt.ulons. Coos lUy Drug Store,
O jOu S T O X5. X A. m
BM tu j 1 1 KM Ym Hih Wntt Besil
Tlio Clnlm of the- I'our.
The poor liaru many tvauts. Tho linu
gry, tho sick, the homeless, the aged,
tho blind, aro with us everywhere.
They have a claim upon us. Rev. J. H,
'A. Ynughn, Methodist, St. Louis,. '
Don't lie satisfied w Iih trnipr.wy relief fi.oai
Indijittlon. Kodol Dy.iepl4 Cure permanent
ly nndcpmplelely reniotcs this complaint, ll
relietct pcrnuneqlly beuuso it allows tho llrrd
ilonuch x-rfect rest. Natiuc nccbrs supplied
fronj ihe food we ctl. The tcn.iblo way to help
thuttomacli Utouro Kokol DisiKpsl.t Liie,
whlcliiligcuts )ou cit and can'l help but
dujougood, Coos Ikiy Drug Store.
How Ara Your Kidney t
,rir. ItotiU' Sparaiui ruiacnro all kldi-er Ills. Pa
tJi)I;.n. da.bieruus tcij!ay CaCtiliaty or n.
rriirn Flits 'kViUs ih Ctanf.
Just peneath tho cross o'f Christ ey
cry American clllien should hang his
country's ting, and every ciilld from
ocean to (occnn should bo tauglit that-:
that Uag ft tuo "giorjous eniuicm of
Bwcct liberty" for which lis fathers
hayo blctl. Itev. J)r. Henry A. Hrowu,
KpI,coi)allan, Ban Fra,
Uthoscilloaof)oiirlKtilsis iwl e.tty nnd
regular serious compliciltouj must be tho mil
result. DoWill's I.llllo litrly Kixrs .will re
moto this danger, S-Ue, plejsaat d.eifetife.
MiBiwwwwm wwww
S UBSORIPTIONS For all appip
and Magazines Received p.
1 F. P. Norton's.
ilWiUWiiiiUlllU iUiiiiUiiWttUiiUiUiUU
:Fa,ixrts sirLd. Oils.
I.atwt Designs of Wall Paper, Room Mouldings, Vai?utca, pzMilcf
and Artists' Supplies.
Nason's Pure Mixed Paints a Specialty.
Orders Promptly Pilled. Front -St., Marshfield, OfB
C. O. D.
A nil llnoof choice tjroccrlcp, feed, flour, lism unci bacon
always tin hand, frcih fruits aqtl vegetables received op
ovcry steamer.
Tt Mii'try .
Southern Oregon State Normal ScJiopJ-
Anthony A. Werley, ItiintuT,'!
vs. uu in cjjunyi
Ccos Ikty Ijnd Cynrvinr. a to foreclose a
corrration. Rosa Gray nt ex -mortrarc and'
ecutris o(thew:ilIof John A. Ux hens.
Gray, drorased, anu O'corge j
SmuiT, DcfcmkinU. " )
To tht- Crmt Ilir t .ami C&mruinv. Kos-s Rnv
as cxecutnx'of the will of John A. tiny, deccas-
ro, nnu tieorge siauu, ueicncunu nuotenamco,
You are lierrby notifieil tou ate required,
to appear In the ntMtc rnlitled Court nn-1 -ns-'
wvr I he comnlilnt filed acalnil soil In the alien e .
entitled suit, within six weeks f'om July the
37th. 1901, the Hist day or publication ol tint
summons, nnd if ou fall to so appear and
answer on or In-fore the 7th tUy of September, I
tool, the last day of the time prrscribru in Ihe.
order lor rmbicatl n of this summons, for warn I
liiercoi punniin wuiiakcuccrcvniinsi sou ui
ine snic 01 criuiu tanua in vuva cuuhit, ou.ii;
of Oregon, for decree of forcclusurc of Ihe
morlfage nnil Ux liens in compiaini uescriueo;
for tlecrre tint sakl mortgage and tax bent lit
cprnpl lnt descritietl are first n prior lien on
uidunds, said mortgage lieing ejecnlrd by
Coo Iktv I.ind Company and laid land con
sisting of loll In blocks 6, o. 37. 33, 39, 30, 31,
3. 33- 34. 35. 3. 37. 3. 39. -19. . 4. jj )
4. 40. 47. 43, 49. !fl. SI. S3. 53- 54. 55. & l
llio town of Uist Marshfield. Coos county.
Orrgon, acconllnj to trie put therrol on nie m
the County Cleik'sotlice of Coos county. Ore
gon, nnd nlo sucli portion of said plat ;l Kav
Marshfield as was raeatrd lir order of the
County Court on or nbout tlie 8th (Lty of J.ijly
lBot. ul.o tho tula kind frontinc lot one section
35, Tp, 35. S. K. 13 W., nnd nde kind fronting
lot 1 in section 30. I'p. 35. S. R. 13 W., and
nil 01 sain ioi, mocks anil pieces ei mii.i larine;
more parllcuUily descntied in the mortgage in
complaint herein Kl forth; forjudgementiigalnst
said defendant Coot Ikty I.tnd Company for
$6034 70 nnd interest thereon nt prated for In
thu ccmpliiut, und lor tuch oilier relief its pray
ed for in Ihe complaint und shall be denned by
the Court proper
Seitfeeof this summons 1 made hy publics,
lion in ourstuncu of .in order nude by the Hon'.
U H.ulcker, Counlt fudge for Coos county,
OreKOU,andd.ltillbe37ihdi)Of July, 1501,
nnd directing public-ttlon of the tf me in (Jie I
"(.iiat Mail" a weekly newspaper PWilUiel
nt Marshfield. Coos county. Oregon once each
week for a period of six weeks.
W. U. Docr.t.jis.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Deivirtmenl of the Interior, Land
Ollice at
Roscburg, .Qregcj;, July 16, 1901.
Notice Is here,iy giten that tho following
ivtmed settler lusiled notice of his Intention 10
make final proof in support of his claim, and
lluil said prcpf u Ul l ui-wki before W, U. Doug
Us U, S. Coinmlislnner at Marshfield, Oregon,
on August it, toot" tlx: lames M. Whitney
on I.U II. lC No 9536 tor (lie NU SEJt Lou 1
and a Sec. 6 T, 34 S K ta V.
H naiiet.dle following wflnesva 1,0 prove Ws
continuous residenca uiion nnu culthation of said
Unit, tin" W, A, (illmore. Ii O. Uiker, 4J S.
Way, W1111.1111 Jluoes, 01 Aiarsnneiu. kiregqi.
' ' ' T J. T, limiks, Itcgister.
1. Haoker,
Abstracts of title of coal proportyfl
in Coos couu'ty furniaUed Promptly,'!
ilavaaflet.OfabJtiao.ts. ' r
.T . . r- ,. v.r,,rfl-.
t hs-j
Tflepbcitt Vin 11,
SiUPjg A.catUnle purfe, .Professional mining p
the highest escellence. Well equipped Ubralorle
KIrtt-cLut training department. Demand for
train edfrachers far excenlt the supply. Graduates
Jiave a choice of positions, fcaljfifkjocaujoji. Btt
climate on the coast ' &&
Expenses 120' to $i50"reryen7i " Wrfie faf!f7 ?''
W. -M. Gr.A-yTON, -Pre LAND, ACTlMiK-3, IMSp.
United States 1-indOftice, Ruteburg, Oregon,
June 30, loof.
Notice Is hereby glre that In compliance with
the prot islont of Ihe act of Conjrvst of June 1,'
8;S, cnt tied "An act for the tale of .timlJ-r
lands In the States of California. Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Tehffecj," as extended to
all the JSiblic I -and States by act of August .
I893, l-.DwARl) M. l.tWLI-.St, of Hoteburg',
county of Dougbs. Slate (or Territory! of Ore
gon, hat this day filed In this Q-jice his oru'
statement No. 1703, for the purchase Hi" the Sfi
U pf Section No. 36 in TciwVnlp No. 33. Ranrvr
No. 9 Wctt, and willper propf to show llut
the kind sought 11 mare' valuable for Its timber or
tlone than lor agricjilniraVpurposrs, and to tV
labllih hit etiini to said kind liefore lh.e RrjUlrjT
and Receher of this otfice at Roaeburg, Oregon,''
on Saturdiy, tie 3 iy day ofAugfjil, iui, "-
He names at' witnesses,- Grant iMtlor, of
Oakland. Oregon, Aaron A. ,Welk. of KoieburV.'
Oregon, Micheal S. Law less, Jlarry G. Durand
of I'orlkind. Oreson"' r,r ' '
Any an.j nl) persons claiming adicraely t;h
alnvedcscibed kinds ioe rrnjiestrd to file lnV'
piiipit In'lhls office on or before said jut daycx
August. 1901. J. T, Ultliwr, Register,"'
6.33 ' '
United Stales iAnd brfice, Hoseburg. Oregon,
' ' ;S0 JO. IfyOf.
N.ijlce Is hereby gieri tL-vt In compliance wUi
the protislongof the act 'olConjress of June j;
1878. entitled "An act 'lor 'Ine 'sale 'of timber
1893, Hakky G. DURAM). of IVortkind. county.
ol jiuiinonian Mate lor lernioryi 01 urreus:
lias this dty filed In inlt prtico his siorn tlattfj.
nient No. 1703. for the purcluse of the SWX
: purchase of the SAV'K of.
ishlpNatiS. taiWeNo?
roof to show that the Ubit
cuon.-vo.3in townsnip
oWest. and All! offer tuoof I
sought Is more valuable for ill timber or stontt
than (or sgrlciuiuiiii purposes, awl to. esubllsi
his flilm to said land before ihe'Krgbltr and
than for sgriculiuml purposej, and to esubllvi
Saturday, ific 31st day of August.
Krcriyer 01 ipis ornce at Ksseourg, iiegon, pa
-if., -....v. J.,i.-...,l l.l.-l.t al 1 .ul...
Aaron A. Welk. or R.osebur'iJ.OKrgon. Mlcheai
S. IjwLis. of Porikin'if. Oregon. Grant Tailor.
of O-tkktnd Oregon. ' ' -
Any and all persons chiming adversely the.
aboie-deicribed lands nrefrciiUeycd lo.tile their
Udmt in this oflico'ottr beore said lilt day of
August. 1901. . T. llUlitaliS. Reglttcr,' '
6-J3 r 1 1
TfMBKK LAND, ACT JU.W; 3, lajf,
InUed States Ioind Office, Koscliurg, Oregon.
IHW u 'Vli
Notice is hereby gticn that In compllaucerwilh
the provisions of the ncj of.C'ongress of Jqns 3,
1Q78, entitled "An'act for' thn sale or limber
lands In Ilu) Stales of California' Oregon, Neva
da, nnd Wasplflgion Territory,' a extended to
all the IHiblic Ind Stales by act of August f,
189;, A AKON A. viViJJ',' ol Roseburg, county tjf
Dougkts, State (or Territory) of Oregon, has the
day filed In this offlcu his sworn statement Nov
1701, for the purchase of ihe NWkf ' bf Section,
No. join lownsiup jmo. 33 .", i-ange fio. u
West.'and ill cfierr-roof to hoy that Ihe Uui
sought Is more
for its lliiilxr or nook
lits ckilci 1,0 tautliud beloro 1(11 'jtegliler H
Kccchcr of this office ut RosrhurgvOrrgou, 'on
S-itunLiv. the list dav of Aucust. loai.
lie names as wllnritos: Gaift 'layk"'
S- . t t S f !X itl.r. I C If n.i I..1I 111
lor, 4
UtiKUinu. w.rron, fi-Httci - -i,nrY-,
Purand, of lVrlUnU.'QroiEtf. Jard M.
I... f U.I.iim aTla-uafrxtl ' "
Any and aU perwn uaiming mw?v auu
uboredcsillbcd Uhds are reiweta ly mi V
Qki(uit'la this qlficson or bflro 0d ifiml
l. Vf,1
jC.QOsjyayptvjjtt.. :