Hi.' 'lit ffyW"" J iK.f V' tmmVi wt'imia mBtNMBnffunMmm MWfUIHMill wimxhuhhi iat VSttfwa nrr- ' rf I liinV I'll iMaitfiLiiii.ii'i ' . l. I? COAST MAIL. iatittulaij - Jiff. ' " Published liVcry Saturday by the Mail Puhushind Co. SUhSCHlPTION KATKS One year, (In ndTAncr,ini $a.oo Jslvmonlln.., . Thre months, ,u. S te: Dr. Koch, the great Gcrmnu Specialist, has expressed the opin ion that tuberculosis can not be transmitted from nuitnal to man through dairy products, and this lias set the medical fraternity by fhe cars. It is too bad to upset n theory which has been the (source of so many exquif ite thrills o( terror on the part of nervous liypochroudiacs. The dread of the deadly bacillus has worried many useless people into their graves. Why shoy it to have been nil a mistake? The first thing tve know some medical iconoclast will arise and say ha he person who lives righly and pays rca sonablc.acniou to he common sense rules of hcalh has lilc to fear from any microbe ha ever wiggled is ail; that uaure, if given -a reasonable chance will comba mosof he germs in which ltumauiy fairly wallows from he cradle to he grave. The feeling is gaining ground in Euglaud that iis no the bes policy for that couury to oppose he cousrucion of he Nicaragua canal by he United States. Tha is where Euglaud' s head is level. Now if he influences in t his counry which have been secrely but efTecually blocking he canal can be smoked ou, here nfty be some chance for he building of the much-needed waerway. D. R. N. Blackburn, Geo. C. Browucll, F. T. Wrightm'an, and A. M. Crawford, of Roseburg ate meutioucd as candidates ior the Attorney gcneralshfp of Oregon. Capital Journal. Blackburn and Brownell are fairly brainy men; Wrightman is not. Crawford is far the ablest tnan of the lour, and if he would accept the office, no better sclec could be found in the state. Bleeding Kansas has been rescued from the disaster of a total failure of the corn crop, by cop ious rains. This teuds to keep Kansas column. iu the Republican It is gettiug down to a business proposition when the hat must be passed to satisfy a sporty baseball nine. '' If the woman at work should make htuwer to the other vroiu.ni, she might, Jxjihattt, say: "You never liad to scrub Atid clean when your back ached so that Jit seemed that every movement would break it iu two." It's bad enough for a Votuan to suffer. Hut when she must suffer aud slave at the same time she readies the limit of her endurance. Weak women who have leeu made troug by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, recommend it to others m a godsend. It establishes regularity, ttries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion oud ulceration and cures female weakness. Irovbleil with female wcakueu. wrlte'a Mra, I have htcii tiling tome time now, being rp. it. johnion, or Avonda: i. wmea jira. Chester Co.. I'a. laie, e tc did n I I tried many different uitUIclnta and nothing Ttrv luonth X would hair to He ou tnv tiock. ..ilea, iwlug two bottlca of 'Favorite l'rucrip I'atou'.and two of OoUea Ucdttnl Discovery.' M me relief until I began J)r. Iterce'a incdl four I but m Ttita tnedlcluea have cured me. When I began r rrcuiuitai iwai nor tut loaovcry rnucn, now I da tbt work for iny family of nine, reel better to-day than I liare for yew." DrI Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cure Ml- loinwes sad sick headache. They do feet te the pill habit. subordinate TER RITORY AND THE SU PREME COURT. "We are in a state of nature, Sir," said Patrick Henry, nt the beginning of the first Continental Congress, "all America is thrown rnto one mass." Like many of the declarations of that famous orator, and imperfect rcasoucr, this asser tion has more sound than solidity; for the colonists were then, and for some years remained, divided from top to bottom on the question of the Revolution. Nevertheless the idea that there is only one sort of tctritotial system within the dominion of the United States of America is still deeply rooted; it appeals constantly in letters aud political writings, and apparently finds favor from an im posing minority of the Supreme Court. It is of course a fair contention that the welfare of mankind re quires the United States to observe a simple and single terri torial system. It would simplify our government and save a lot of printer's ink, if we could stttle down to the fundamental idea that the Constitution and the Uuiou knows only states and inchoate states, that it has within it no expectation of aud no provi- m . siou tor. otner communities, which arc never to become an integral part of the union of states; that the Constitution knows no such thing as colonics or depend encies or empire. So far from such a comfortable aud comprehensive state of things the Constitution adopted in 17S7 distinctly contemplated at least five kinds of territory within the national boundaries: States, Territories, the District of Colum bia; forts, light-houses, aud public buildings; Iudian reservations. In practise, seven other kinds of jurisdiction have arisen under the Constitution: as enclosed by bays and parts of the Great Lakes; the decks of public and private American ships on the high seas; the decks of public vessels iu foreicn ports: the residences of ambassadors in foreign countries; guano islands; territory occupied in war previous to a treaty of peace; aud territory acquired by purchase, or cenquest, but not yet organized by act of Cougress. Perhaps it may be worth while briefly to' consider each of these eleven different kinds of tciritory, to tee what light experience throws ou the present controversy over Porto Rico and the Philip pine Islands. These two important questions have both been reviewed in the recent decisions of the Supreme Court which, with a variety ol dissenting opinions, were hauded down May 27, 1901. The two decisions taken together do not seem contradictory. They simply set forth (1) that wheu territory is annexed, it ceases to be a foreign country, and is therefore not subject to duties laid on importa tions from foreign countries, but (2) that it is the province of Con- gress to" determine what duties shall be laid ou trade to such a territory from foreign countries, and to aud from the United States. It is of course significant that iu each of these decisions the judges stood five to four Even though none of these cases involve the importaut issue of the collec tion of the duties in Porto Rico ou goods exported from the Un ited Stales, the -general purport of the decisions is, that it is for Congresi to determine when an nexed territory becomes entitled to all the privileges of the consti tution, and it is for Congress to determine whether the territor ies shall or shall not have the same revenue system as the or ganized states. Although Con gress tries to reason away the natural result of the decision, the principle undoubtedly included the right" of Cougress to put the District of Columbia, forts, posts, and light-houses, and public buildings aud Indian reservations aud organized territories uudcr a special regime of taxation, aud to impose duties utl commeicc from such areas of territory to the states. It will be seen that of nil the eleven forms of territory within the United States, by far the most perplexing arc the newly auuexed'tcrritories, nnd that they arc perplexing because of the doubt whether, by the character of the population, their tra litions, their local systems, thciricligcousj organizations, they are fitted to look forward to statehood. Not only is the Union made up of a variety of territorial units, not only has it becu so since 1787, but so far as we can see into the future, that variety will continue. Albert Bushucll Hart, iu Modern Culture for August. t''0.,Q' ? Literary Notes. t Ihillctiu No. 67 of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at Corvallis treats on the Silo and Silage and is an able aud interest ing paper aud should be in the hands of every dairyman in Coos comity. . Among the notable features of the Argonaut for July 29, 1901, arc: 1 tie li.vlitttneu Repent ance," by Charles Fleming Kin- brec, a story of the search for buri:d treasure in Cuernavaca; "The Comtcss de Custigloiu," by Covington Johnson, a letter from Paris devoted to reminis cences of one of the famous beau tics of the third Napoleon's court; 'Bohemian yachting in Dalma tin," the third iu the series of "Bohemian Love-Letters, M this being dated at Venice aud con taining an account of trips.by wat er to scenes seldom visited oy tourists; aud "High Life in Many Courts,"au extended review of the "rcceut volume, "The Tribu lations of a Princess,1' with uutu cious quotations. Without any great flourish of trumpets, Modem Culture is com ing to the front as a most excel lent member of the fraternity of ten-cent magazines. Its contents are clean, bright and interesting and of a high order of literary merit. "The Squire," a serial storv by Florence Kstcllc Little, . . : . ..." wlucu is running as a serial, is a powerful story of absorbing inter est. The writer handles her story, not with the dead medioc rity of minute detail, but with a bold hand, bringing out the high lights of a story abounding iu strong " but not over-strained situations. The August number of this magazine is fully up to the high staudard set by its predeces sors, sr a year. .Modern culture Magazine, Caxtou Bldg, Cleve land, Ohio. The Midsummer Fiction Num bcr of McClure's Magazine has the following tempting table of coutents: The Chase of the Tide by Norman Duncan: A Vehicle of Love, by George Hibbard; The Wild Horses of Tartary, by Clara Morris; The search for the Missing Link, by Kay Stanuard Baker; The Little God and Dicky, by Josephine Dodge Daskam: A Year of Nobility, by Henry vau Dyke; Night, a poem, by Paul Kestcr; The Man Who Won, by Edwin Le fever; A Red-haired Cupid, by HenryWallace Phillips; Kim, chapters 12 aud 13, by Rudyard Kipling; Iu a Tideway a poem, by Chas. Henry Webb; The Caliph and his Court, by Arthur Ruhl. Everybody kuows McClure's aud the fact that it keeps fully J .. .1.. i.;i. .... ... 1. f 1 up iu lite illgll-w.lici lilillK UJ excellence 111 the line 111 winch it works. One is never disappoint ed by a falling ofTiu any number of the magazine. For sale by all newsdealers. Ask for our new Price List imilli man it prosperous hIio sales a Uoltir 1 quoted In our new complete 40 racHt It pays you to dwl here no false repreicnt.itionj are niadi-, hut ulicrc goodi arc sold eyiclly aiadvertUcd, hn't It much more satUfactory and muth easier lo'sKUonn at home, look oicr the catalogue, select the goodi required and mail your order, than to depend upon itorel ulirre the stock i small, AS ucll as atsorlmcnt Incomplete, andfcet something lh.it does not give you half satisfaction, notwithstanding that you do pay an extravagant price? Smith's (Cash dpt. Store, No. f:5 Market St., San Francisco. TAPE WORMS tl. liiia nnrni rlnlitrell fort I Utl IT it ! mum on tlm kcii? tttt my tklnlno CAHl'AHKTM. Thl 1 nm Mire. liM rnutctl hit t-ait hcnllli tor thr pint three jrnra. taking Ciieurvt. tlif cnlrcalli iltnrcc irnra. lainauu cnlrcatlnittlo worlby of doiIco uy iculili iviIiO UKo.W UOnt.M, llalrd, Miss. CANDY . ' Jf CATrlAWIC l TMAOt uaa.it irtoitto Gowl, Netet fiettn. Weaken. or tlrii. I(V. .hc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... t.ttl.t Raf mi4,,(1I.SmmH.I, Ywl. Ill l'!llnt. C.I1L.M. Iiiinl. Tail. UftXl, IV) N040 JAO .;&visttmakr Evidently no effort has been spared to make The Ladies' Home Journal for August a posi tive boon to its t cadets during thrse warm midsummer days. Its light, readable articles, bright stories, clever poems, charming music, and numerous beautiful illustrations afford the easiest aud plcasantest kind of eiitettaitimeiit for leisure hours. Enchanting lews of the lovely scenery. in the Engadiue Valley and among the Swiss aud Italian lakes, as well its such delightful articles as "The Singing Village of Germany" and "What Girl-Life iu Italy Means," allure the thoughts to foreign lauds, while there arc timelv suggestions about "The Picnic Basket," Keeping a House Cool in the Dog Days,' ami "Sea-Side Toys and How to Make Them." Other thoroughly interesting contributions are "Hie iMrslWIiitc llaby Horn 1:1 the Northwest," "My Bonding- School forGitfs," and the usual serial and denartment articles. By The Curtis Publishing Com pany, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. . . The leading atticle iu The Arena for August is from the pen of the Hon. Frank S. Mouiict, the Ohio Attorney-General who became famous not long uo for his vigorous fight against the Standard Oil Company. It bears Uie title, "Transportation Fran chises Always the Property of Sovereignty," and is a powerful plea for the recovery of their own by the people from the grabbers of public utilities. Dr. R. Osgood Ma.on, A. M., aud Robert Mor ris Rabb, IJ. A., join in 11 sympos ium 011 "The Curse of Inebriety" that contains many appalling aud significant truths. Part 11. of "Great Jovemcnts of the Nine teenth Century" is contributed by Prof. Frank Parsons, of Bostou Unive'sity, who discusses this mouth "the great conflict" be tween democracy aud plutocracy. An admirable fketch ol the life nnd work of this economist is given by Editor Flower, who has an instructive article also ou "Physical Science iu the Nine teenth Century," iu addition to his usual "Topics of the Times" aud reviews of new books. "Wo men and the Wage System," by Mrs. W. L. Bonney, and an interview with Sam Walter Foss, on "The Promise of the Twentieth Century for the Artisans," arc other interesting features. Editor McLean announces "the Recov ery of Jesus from Christianity," by Prof. George D. Herron, as the leading article of the Septem ber issue. ($2.50 a year; 25 cents, at news-stands. The Alliance Pub. Co., 569 Fifth Avenue, New York.) Tirr ;i.KANHixn and iii:ai.inu CATARRH tuiti: i'ok SATARRH Ely's Cream Balm HiT and plauint to De. Contains bo in. jurlooa dm urlooa druif. Ilia (illicitly absorbed. uirca jiciitr ai once. It OiMiia and Clcanaea 1110 jin.iu j-at.a"ei, Allira Inrlainmalf.in. COLD N HEAD llrala and I'rotectt tha Membrane. Il.itoice tht fx-iitea of Tail and Hindi. lJirj( r)z, b) cents st liniL'-leta nr by mall 1 Trial Hire, lOcenta by mall. liLY iUlOTXitlW. M Warren blrcet, tfew York. tmmLumJct-'irvvfnm9fmmM on this and n half dollar on lli.it, Iho price' l'pyoa In llili direction. tlir?Mlrw ir M'tirliHI V e.uiiiut I'ti ClirlttluuH ami wovli). lli!-!. Nut lt Hilt n iUtllili of piety vmut rmiuuim M'tin. TI10 Clnlxtlmi Ik tut (Mtliit upon iu ln it fool o.uti"' to Unit tiiiillltuilt' or fool who mo hiicIi tuvelncly for I titas tlutt Miry, llko llitf t)iUiil inmliti.nti. tliltik lliviiiKolw'ft Im nml tlit rout of tmuttdiiit fooU. Itut It lit 11 ijiU'ctloii of common hoiiio mti!t imnxlcii. It h it iiurMlon of tin' lilctittliii; of I lint Koilllkt' icnion ott wlilcli lniilU'i Uo ttplrlliMl In mrtii tiKatimt tlio ilrntlltii;! or tli.it lower lit vtltict of vaitiliittht'iU'.xi willed lniillei H10 ittilnuil lit tii.tit, Itev I'ntlier llunli T. lU'iu, Catholic, Ou'ilnoolt Semi- gfT-i CANDV CATHAnTIC !. l, Gtnulnt itamptd C C C Never 10IJ In bulk. Btwart ol tht ilealtr ho trie. s to sell "lomrthlnj uit si jocd," Hilly HrrTltuitr, Only of one Mutter ilhl St. Toiil liear (tie insrWit of serxlltiilc. To lil illvlne Lonl he hail ttiaile nn ttneomlUloiml mtrivttilct;iir lnuly, noul iuhI uplrlt. It Is ohtftllcnee to Inw ni line In hint which Mini! jtlve the titiiKe of tliw mil ri'tw to hi tlootctl nervtnitii. Illshop Bstunel Tallows, lteformeil Kplseopn. linn, Chlcsco. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit you eat. This preparation contains nil of thn tllKcstatiU anil dleU nil kinds of food. ltr'lvcdlnstantrcllefniitl never falls to cure. It allows yon to nit nil tha food) oil want. The. uioaUciisHIvo itoumcliM can tako It. Ily IU tixainany tlioutaniH nf dyrspcptlr.i li.ivo Ikoii tared nfler every tiltiiolso failed, lc prevoiitaforniutlouofuuim tha ntoiu bcIi, relieving all dlntri'Minfter eat Ink'. Dlotlnir. uniiecei.i.iry. 1'leasaut to take. It onn't help but do you rjood wtvirr.lonlyby lit' llnWirrACo.inilraM Tha II. bulllo cunlalns :s tluita Iba Mi. ti. tloil'a llonara, The hoinen of tjod'rt oopli nro denr to lilui, tint Hie homci hnxc to do with the Ntily nnd temporal thlnes ehlelly, while the ehnrelieit Iuimj to do with the Mini nnd I'tcrnnl things chlclry. This Is Inflnllely hhtlier nnd more liuHirtnnt woil. thitti the other.- lie v. T. V. Carle Ion, ll;iitlit. St. MUn. Look Carefully lo Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken vralls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have 110 equal. 10, 35, 50 Cents Rod Crocs Drug'Storo- lot 8Mft A Subtle Foe J)yj' jell l.i tmreoftnUed In hiilf thn vjtv!. It doirivit) tho tinktiouInK miircrer. Id ninny vnri.it lont work nluii tluMicaki-Ht Unci of tlio Hyklem. To lutllo naliiht only onu of thnii U vnhi. 3J Our lxK)klctexiIuiiiiltHtiyiiip. & loim. Ourl))HiM'inlaTiililt'tJti;ivo pf complcto and wtlng reUif. lm J& n LL. KL 5 gi DyspepsiaTablots S 3g toe, 7Sc, 71 Rod Cross Drue GtorQ. Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar s Cathartic Confections i The only harmless, vegetable, bovel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain, 83 10, 25, 50 centsr Rod Cross Drue Store ' laH'lisHilan l Dtnilo-. TW.,.,,.,.1 TJ IW1 ,1 llnli. IllnMnn i TWnm.nl T .itnmr Dnrwl nml llnlh lUnlllfin rnmiuii) Liyuiy mw (inn oaiu ouiuiuu. 4 Burt Oaso, Propriotor. RosoburgOrogon. anviPPL 3BknMM, i:: Best Bigs and Toams in tlio Oity. ::j a My Imrii liii Ulely Im'imi mil.nod nml I Imvn niltlml A r-OlOIHl Ittnv lit: mm inn itiiui iiri,uiii iinui run in lutitiidi yon 1:0ml tiirituiiU 1 1 1 1 Tnui.Mcut Mock kSvcii special A 1 lllll.-'ll.llk ail.I ,I1VI. .-jr.. 'Ronhnrc anil MarsliHclil Stam Lino. Shortost nnd best routo to till points on Coos Ccod (.-.vs, CHui Horses. Xoiie dut I'vvn'iiecd itnvtrs employed Cross oil the mouiiUwis in daylight. ANY ONI! WISIUNUTO CONNIUT WITH Till. N '. It. It hay siioi'i.ii (iivi: u.s a cai.i. C. O.&. I. STAGE axjA.i3ir: bxtxtcec. t'hrl.r Itrllfilnn la Mat n Ttirnrr. Tlif rellclon of t'hrlat npH'nl to thn rlKlitrsiiixiifnn, truth nnd Jimtlee uf nny limit who cxntnlniM Into It. It d no Mind iheiiry. The whole of tnnn'it hr.it tintnrv rlie tip nnd ni'kmiiilnli:e tho JiiMlrp nf Chrlat'M rlnlnw. Ilrv. Dr. Itlcc. I're.nhTterlnn. Atlnnta. . THE HOME COLD CURE An Inernioin Tri'iiliiienl hy tiltleli DrtitikiiriUnin llidttK Cured D.tily ill Split) III 'fllt'llMl'IVM. Xn Noxiotia Ddira No VitkrnillK o Ihe Nervra A tileitnd nml I'o'l- live Guru lor tlin l.iiiinr I faint. It H now ernrrntlv liHin and umlmtood lint llriinVrniirtt it a diiM- mid not mI nrtt, , l.y fiHnl wills iHHwm, ami rvMVM ceinlrtrly tlullrrrd ly irih.liviil or lonilinl iim ol Inlotlaitlng IhUOH, iriiilirt n nnlldetr C.IMlM'((nrutliilllnK nml rUilkvilliHt till p"l viii. and itr.lioim the rutlng lm lnlnkni Suflfirrt inn not. cuir llirmlxi ,it honx Klltumt putilicitjr or ! ul tliw lmmlrnrLf lhltumIrilMl "IIUMI. tiJI.Dl fill. wliKh li. Urn r(-clol slier inaiif )rt n( rlin tluil nnd iriMtnirnl l lflMMIrt. Ilw lalllrfn u ucroriline Iu durcthtnt uf Hit MimiUtful ill coitty l olllitlr ciMMiitrnl to imr tlir iiiihI nlnllniic c-, no mattrr how liiid n ililnVrr Our rrcunli lio il iiurtrloui lraniiiMikii of tltoiiundi o( DninkJiili Into KiUr, lmlu. iracMi ami lil(;lil men WIVI'.S fURK YOUIt llt'MUNDS'l Clllt.DKKN' fl'Kl'. YO'JK lATIIIilt.S" llili rrmnlr U In noKnie nnmtiuin hut li n tprnnc lor thlt iliwuve only, and It u illll'utljr ilr.itnt ami (!-0(rd llul It It tlmrtxijlity kIu Mr and pl-.iwir.t to lh uttv, an llul it &in ! Ciirn In a cup uf Im or rulfrc ttlwrftt llir knrHlnl(c of the iriwm LtVlnj II. 'Hiuutamlt of DrunUrdl lnvr ctirr.1 tlirniwhrt ullli llilt prkrlctt iriurdr, J"d Jtnuny morrlkitn ta-rn cuinl And nuilr trmiialr trim hy lunni; the '( UHi; ' nclmlnlilrirdliy luting Inrmlt nnd irLnliri vtiilioul lltflr Inuwlrilge in iirr nr If j, and Ulior KxUjr llv.il llirjr illKonllnuril drhllnfol llirlr nn frre ll. DO NOT WAIT. I)u not l' drlndril lijr npiiirnt and inltlradlni; "luirotrnirnl." Drliroiil tlie dlv. raw at oncvand for nil time. 'I lie "IIOMIt (iOl.l) t'L'I'.L" told nt thr rtlirnwlr low Mkeof One I Villi r. linn pUilnj; Mlililn irucli of rtrr)loly trralmenl nunc rflixtiul tlun ollirri cutting J15 Iu Jjo. I'ull ilirrctiont nc conii.in)r rncli M(Lagc. .ScUI mUc lijrtl.111. rd plifiklint uhrn rnunlrd Millionl rtir.i ilur(;t. S-nt pirpild la any Mrl of llic Model O'l rrcrlgit of no IMtnr. Aililirti l)rpl, 1157 liUVVINII.CIl.tiS.tCMPANY, aj)o nml ajj) Miil.il Mrrrt, 1'hll.iilrlpliiJ, All coriciioiiiUnc alilcllyconfnlcntlal. I think one tninhle mIIIi Ihe'rhnreh fndoy In Hint (iimI'm peoplu do nut prny for her.-ltev. Dr. A. II. Holder, Ifoorr Jfeiiiiirlal church, Allnnla. Mfimm r LUMBER fflm& That is what we have to sell, and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guaranteed and the prioe is right. " ' OUR STOOK INOLUDES anything required in Fir. Spruoe, Red and White Oedar. SIMPSON LUMBER CO Pjoie MaW ft, mM itwr 4 wsss 2 I i nttciitiiiu. Call nml sec inc. ....,... ...... ...... . ii,v. I'ltOMCOOH CO. s-u.pt, Reduced Kates Aie now ill cllec to HulTalo, New Voik. Do you ex pec to neii(l the ' rau-Aiiieticaii Ifxposiiou? If st do not huy your ickei ttuil ymi have iiivesii;acil the set vice of he Illinois Ccuinl Hitihoatl. Uur accoinotlaious arc the hc.i that can he hail, our rains arc always on iuie, and employes eoureous ami ecotuolain,j. Tluoujjh otitis cars from Pacific ConsZo lloiou via HulTit lo. If you will semi fifccu ccns in .s.iuipt, to atldtcvi jjivcu IkIow, wc will forwartl you, hy return until one of our 11UKC3. x. to inch wall maps of the United States, Cuhaiintl Totto Hico. Any iuformatioti rcjjardiii rates, accoiuoilatioiis, service, time, connections, stop-ovcrs,ctc, will he cheerfully furnished hy It. II. Tkumiiui.i. Coin' I Aciit. i.iTliin! Street, Portland,. Ore. KMiUhhl.hl.hht.hhl l t . r N 7 ,...- ; 7 Ylltll.l..-S.l.l. t.llfl'lMt IIIMJ.T. ' ' 7 7. Ilfii'iiiiit'tri'.-llitt' t'lo- 7 7 llrrttt rfj, ,llurlillrll. 7 ilniuilrr of Wlnra and (g.m and High 7 i tir.utrt ol l-icrf nml Mnim llrrlt. 7 - On Ha;id I il'iiiellir, I licit (innlr Pony, .1 ('Miiiinl.ir 7 7 Kny.il, Irlrplmnr, llonrrr, 7 Siolili, S)l.r I mil. I'alllton 1 1 7 II 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 linixillrit tiln, Old .tuulra Kuiil, !'.. ( aiilornU llunily, Knni I'niicli, ( Lirrt, Slinry, Angrllra. Old I ot I Wiiir. I Iril ClivtAktiliol, 1'frnih Ititllrd tlintiri, (iiiinnrtl .Sloul, ltiM.lt and K,r, IVtlilrt lliealninr n full and cnniplrlr. ntiniliiirnt of ime I .ilifornU Mlnrt nnd nil ltr loinMnrd ilwt romplrlr a liiiKl.ut UiKk, ('.ill on n ir and Jmlgrfor tuurtrlf, Sillclling atluic ol tlir pulilici.ilioii.igr I iriiuln Vny 'Iruly Yoiin, ItOIII.KT MAKSDKN. 7 ar'tf r:rMi. rmiiKiiK ynmi K.Min.ikh 7 7 Ull.l. IIKCKIVi: I'JIUIIIT ATTENTION. 7 7 1 t 1. 1 r i i r i r r i r. I. r. r. r i r i. ! ' I '. rollulngi4 ifiiltllitliilWIiiialftonhanit 7 7 Knl I i. llear (ir.ltt, Monuvi.im, Whltf 7 7 Use. ti.dJrn Kulr, Ainrilcut t lull, Cmliray. 7 rt a Sour Math, krt.lunr. tlliiLf nlirllltrr II 7 wmmHMmsmmmim North Bend, Ore r U . j i i .