? . fH ' :5 ' Wr4V r-p ".i"t 3.' v k i. 1 :.. rr t- t t: . T-n tt i-rs Tvr.iT1 'im: , . & 1 1 . ;:.'' : ( JWM.TBf w Wil a:markiev.tch! Mcicliimt Tuilot Tlitnl itoor north of I'Iiiiiukiiii .t lU.niiiilt Hunk, .MiirtlilleM. S.lflTS TO OflDER, lirtaiyt ntyltej niudsrate prltm. .irliuritt raHklulM al'iill lri Irttn ilraiKnt. iitult'ol- '' oritur A tf liuMrlrl 11 .. '; " at 4MUMMIiMiMMMMMMMMi Hiiimjr.in V Hon noli HANK. MltlVTOIIH 1 It J.wl tml,.l V ll.i.PeM) I'llKH i m. i-'IntwifHil, VU'K I'llKS : It, P. Wllluni., ('AtUIIKit Capital, $50,000. ' WEEKLY OREGONlAft coiitaliiK all the news of this Mate, the events of the world and editorial comment that's widely quoted. Take it. Road it. Tho Coast Mail and the Wookly Orogoni&n One Year. $2.50 ytwjiFHimanrinwHHHUHBingnB J. U. Is, H Practical Photographer MAUHIiriHI.I). OKK00N. The only first clnss Gallery in Coos County. All Work WrriMicl, "T1T1WJAW1T "WASTE NERVE" Ona of lli motl Mpful bookion nm weak, new ever Uued li that efltllUJ "Neiyo Vtte," hypr. Sawvct of S4n Fmncltto, now in lit ftfih ihouund. 11il otk ol an eiprrlocd and rvpultbki ptivilckn U In grreAbl contrail Initio vail Htm of htxt laachtng vthlh prevail on ihli ImporUnt tulijecl. It aboundi In eafutly con nUltred nd prctlcl tdvleo, ml ) tho to jjreat ruerlli uf wUdom and ilncttily. It li Indorsed by both the relllouin(iccula prwv Tlie Chicago Advance Mjrii "Apemu' uf Ida book and the nppjleailon of It pdnc(pla will put heallli, hopo and heart Into lliouiandi of llvM thai are now tuflcrlpg ihronjjli nei vom Impalrnisal.'',. The book it $i,oo, by null, pyilpald. no of the motl Inleiettlng cluptcrichapier ii, on Nervines and Nerve Tomo lui been pilnlcd Mparatcly ai a wmplo chapter, and wilt be tent to any aitdreM for i tamp by the publlihcrt, Tho Pac He PuU Co., Ho a58, San Frandico 'Coast Hail. u iHiirn:i,i, ullKOriN TABLE CTIQUETTEi Hint fn l.'nt Arrnrrtlnff in lie rtnlee 'if (luoil llrerilln. Do not lenvc your rpw In jour ten i'1'lt. J'ltirk Hie lui utt your rsg In. Iriid of pevlliig It. If ) nti linvi bacon or flli. Imvc- n rep, aiiito plate for your bread or torts and butter. Inn tint tthrn only boring Iwllrd fttH, which rvtilrv vrry careful i-aitnv. by I Ik' lift, an iinllilUK looka m nasty in ynlk of ! spilled nil out tin1 plate Mid i'K'J Clip. ,, Do not alp your tra or cuffeo with n rpjM'll ! lint tlrjilii tht cup, ' -I'or noli ilu lit I tuo n dessert tnlf luiltml or ilu rMIt knife. If llirrn lie no iirii bnlfe, ni' n small crust of your l.rtiitt. Imt litivo that piece of crust on , our ilnti'. Iu imt rnl It afterward, I mi miiny iMiipIn do, tin nut lio dainty ami fringe your plntc with hit of incut. JJat what you can mid uil nny kin or bono on tho iilk't f your iilnto In ouo little hen p. ulilrli inure ilon from tlnjrilce wtien ymi Imt i' tlnMicil. i mil rninpli up our tidlc napkin. If yuu unvtmly i uet. (or I he tiny, tlo not f'M It ii i, Imt If you mc Maying on nnl In k unlet hwwlmM rold it up. If ii'areurlayln: lit n IiIk Iioiihc trhera i virjtlilint la thine "en iirnmJ prince,' lo no fold It lis. Jmi p!aco It on tho .uMi whefl you leave, am In rich etat lbihMHia there art rltan lablo napkin -A rt rr W'f " l" heforo you ilrlnk to uliymir lip, utbrrwia you ileitVe n iwitry mark on the rUi. Ho not pulp llipiUU ami holt food. Ho not uinxllrnlo or atrnllovr aadlbly. lo not pile ymir plate with food or cmrp your knife, fork or apoon aa If It ttere n Menpon of tvnrfare. Do nut crumble the lirenu by your hle or itrnlu your elaaa to the lart ilrnp. On the other limxl. do not lc affectetl nml rnt an f nn appetite were a crime, ilrlnk n If you trero n dicky bird abI hold your Knife, fork and upoen aa. If, tln-y were rttlhvt ueedlea. llovv lu CI ran Oolttr. A Mturnted aultttlon of liorex and wnttr rubbnl on with n aponcv, then Yollotted by clear water, will remort n itlaie, the rentili of near, from black U'ikxIh, I torn x la one of the tw-itt thlnfa for tlin n'inoral of sreaae apota from wool en mnxU. A clcnnlnj: mixture of which It forma nn luiHirtaiit part a made by dUmlrlnB one ounce of powdered borax lu one nunrt of boiling water and aet tins It nalde to cool. When quite cold, ndd one ounce of aplrlla of camphor, mid It la ready for uc. Tor aotiio elcaulnjf punca the ma. terlnla ore rommouptace articles tu Ihj found In t;tcry houiehotd. A cut raw potato may bo turned to good account when you get mud atnlna on your black drraa. The mud ahnutd tie left to dry before nny attempt la made td remote It. Ilrunli It off aa thoroughly ai you can nfter It baa dried and then If any atalna remain rub .be cut aurfaco of a raw potato over tho apota. To remove grease apota from allk uiolaten the epota with chloroform and rub with n cloh till dry. Hate la Clean Hmlioed Leather. Turpentine la recommended by a wo man who baa tried It aa a astlifactory clenner for mnboamtl leather, It ahould bo nppllcd with a soft cloth, Thl a removes the atatn, but allghtly utlffvna tho leather, which tnuat. bo made pllablo again by rubbing briskly with crudo oil. Uw a very little oil and go over tho pteco with a clean cloth upon which there Is no oil, aa euro must bo taken to get all tho surface grease off to prevent soiling tho clothea. How to ro Spinach, After spinach has been cooked till tender act It In' tho oven to dry for ten inluutea. After that cut It up and sprlnklu with salt, pepper and a llttlo dry uiuatard. Now odd for each pint a ten aiHiou ful each of oil aud rlnegnr, dropping thorn n ultcrnately, Stir tho rptnach well, so that the seasoning may reach ovcry part, and servo 'on sllcea of toast -Either poached egga or sliced hard boiled eggs may be placed on top. OEMS IN VERSE. ' t-tft ! ": r-TiCt:. rrr ;, I I, -; Onlv- a llali. tral,lr Ik lli fur n lo (U t, ftottlilae la ilv fr, ui$tUi ' rvilliAir to all' tirn .'.trow a irr, Akt.t It wtl) i UliI O-oliir in. I Imiiitrr tnt iur( ami nl, fill, 'ln for lmtril Vlwri ( law (I Ih, ai f ri'urf tixl lfl, (Ttn l frt iimI uf IIIm. UM 'r, III ll )im, IU re. ttJ llw limn) 1T.U ;,ar MlMtrarM, iiu)tt. Hut h,vn Utmpi uMt th nrt on lb tnura Tlul ll l,rUf h( llH,r nlr a Ulr, f-ltilt I'trtrutl Cj-UofJ I X.lb.tbowJ. Tba rarmrr'a Mlsna af Main. Ttie fanner ah Itif rrUm tltjr AbJ Ivtt LU tll)r i)tuMrr, "TW liar lnu.1 all ht In lontM Ttu lus U iliawlns wtUr," If a Ulilil tlnli xn h lov4 Ifcal inert at ,fljr imKnlmr, "A Hum It rvar, l mIIm AlriKllrJ lo warnlni A llulf a Jr. 1 tvotti Ik mo VlaliM aurr a idansc A wt.tlf, n lihM Ml trail? am4ti rath prtll, talulaa fratlur Ttx mtnlv Imim xllli dainty gra rtrtral lUlf tllttr llal( lUr mm rttmti lwhla.1 ih rlo4 Jua at la tla'a uVllnlnc. Tli harm f tllop raUMl lb nUa With inaara in. I lalla a S;ln And hrada iml, with aarrrln( arlsh, T illMaat matra rrllac. Tto roUn .harptr- rhlrp at nr, Tttjllf dlttaut trrfrra rlaslas aria traacrljr iwar iJ ttrtr aad awrrt, IJkt imrl talrra alafla. Ortal U(U tttaj a ILa tllrrr nilrd ti IU ftowl.f Inuntatn. Ab.1 aarr (lautta lnt law aad dark Aftlut IU dMaal tawntaln. Mr (Xaatlilnr mat loud al aMi Tin lira load rrvaLa aad aMillrn. Bo..lta Ut phr f rti I tlolt mHmt (. Ak (raiklra mi Via "iaruualU" 'm rnrt wllr lrjl, Au.1 rttrr )-. run,1' aclilnc, arts llli li nir'.rd nrnra a (Ijlnc. AaJ rt tlk artlhrf prv.hrla tar Thai, latin- iiic; lup;rr, Tfc rtry Utt kauaa tlajM will fall Koawtlnn la dibit arattoi. tatllta K. Atlra la M. tmU OloW.rma(raL Kitrrrara. A lltll lilt M.I laa( ao. Uhra th (rwind waa M1I aad 1.11a ailh aaaw. ful oat A Tain O'Mxotrr tn hrr b., A mall and a rat' of Mlllraa rrd, A muAfr raund Ur ihla atMl tkroal, Altfl duan la hrr lora a tl. line (tut, fur thr Miw lira lrr, awl IK aoaw Lliw iKrra, And Into hrr larr tlnl llilo Ur lialr, Hut tbr iUU (Irl Unralh Ihr rap Arid Ik aiuetrr, dllrit, mS ami arap a I J. "I drvM Ilia I hi. In a Uf avnilum, I'M wUn II It rntd I want to U wnml" nut r ThU nmr Unit (trl on a tuoinor dar, Uhrn Ih Aoarrt blvont and th Rrlda art nr. Pun oi A ahurt aMlr drna with llttlt tlur boat. tllh hrr fair fink rbrrVa Ilia IU fttr lak row. And hrr rwtli ar lurhrd on txr lrad with rart. And hrr dlmriM arrnt and hrr awrh ar Wrt, And Ik daltira and lu hrr Utl.j' iluln. And tlit riart Jruop fir iki wiM of rain. Hut I1.U lltll kill with th Ill4at lt And lalaVIInc rn a hrr Ih laushlrr groaa K.)a, "I dirt Ilk Ihla. and a Ian I bold. IVr ahca It la wana I a-anl tu I ruldl" . -Moalrv. J. ilea la M. Nlrbalt. Tbr Vlvwa uf Marrlaar, It bra a inulrrn mablra nurrlra. In drllililfiit drraiiia U lartlrtt Ai Ut Uutj wrrb; ahltta Tu Hi llwuul of wrddiuf illu. y.riif trlrml aba wmild I flr.unt "Mutt," tti luo. "irnd a artrnl All aciualtanm aiuil I Tai ii my mirrlaa' day, tan. ind fura and nr old larra, (lold rmbrllldwd drrrtlnf ntn, Mm and Uuurhrt, llhtr ruuit, Kntrr dltlira, riant Jui Tablra will with tbr. U ladra Uhrn I roinr," il.nu Ih lualdr. tSWn a mudrra barhrlor rnaiil.A lu htl hrarl trim frar ha arrlr. "With," h tklnkt, "our Iiuvim antll Wl dun'l aaul.aurb gift at alb Tbrra'a Ikat (land iilana-.grarioual That Intoht a bout mor ttictout Tbrn I lilt UrnUnf Uf, aUt, That ran onljr ru ant dual Hllt.r ranter dlth and cut", loo. How ran at auch Ihlnia lira up tot Ktrrr irrtrnt of irrtrna Mtana lot rna Inrrruol triur. Nould that I auch lllti rvuld ki Whrn I marr," thluki th tuiu. tVhrn man and uitdrn imrry, Hutu of Irad tbrlr frlriHUi all rarr; ' CUttoia, ai tli.jf know, drmanda Ouatly iirrarrita ll Ihilr handi Dttrntatlon, loo. corrrra, Bo tbav ruiitv out tbrlr purara, Frarful l..t tbrlr cauirt b mturd Krvm thl alwaii publlthrd ll.l, Rut In prltatt, In a paadon, Thay drnounca tht aordld faabtos, Crjrlna; In moil tllttr ilralnt VOnlr l.nijr, Orrttd aialnl Dahl 'Til in tttnt to drrad ' . r Wbm a man a ad maldrn wed." ;' ,." i . London Truth, Eagle Bakery. d tQr Having recontly purchased Mr .Canning' In ae It rest In thl Dak cry, it has been thorough-Mr- ly renovated and rebuilt, and I am prepared 0ST to furnish firal-cla fresh Bread, 1'lei, Cakes, 1ST Kin, Fran delivery to any part of the city by Wir ionvltiB; orders at tho Bakery on A street 5T 2i tickets for f 1,00. A k i i JOSEPH i ji.d H.Sehgstacken. Wliolesrile and Retail Dniggist-. HKMX.n. IiVhRVUH AMD C.KXKK4.L MKICHA.1RISK Mantlificld and Empire City, Oregon. prrapilnMa MkllirHllr 7iMpoNaaaleI at l liir: AffCMt for MVIIa, I'nrar dfc CM mA the lesaatlataf rirst. BAfn aaaiat Accl alMHt CnaMBle. k U u u YOU S Actiiru a thoroughly practical knowledge of the celebrated Tkhkiv iJiioKTHAND by SI ail, witliout Interfering wjth your 1 present duties. Send Postal for a Preo Trial Lesson and full a.tlunar Jit nftr CoKKrWfoSDKSCK COURSt, also Opln- Ions uf piomtncnt educator, usinesi men, stenograph,. 2 and otliern, in regard to this method. Text book, ffLOO. Terms for Mail Instruction, 15.00 per month. Lewoni cor S reeled and returned on day of receipt. Address, .BEHNKE'S LAW COMMERCIAL SCHOOL " FoxtlaxLd.. Ore. -PIONEER MARKET- E. G-. Flanagan, Proprietor. .tfwrataaeltl, OrKt,as. Mutton, Beef, Pork, Canned Goods, Groceries Salt Meats, Etc. VraaeN and l.iRtlK -'aMiw YOU KNOW nuchlncrv and wo IHJNT WKAR OUT lurorxl In labours after rtwlpt, RrnKmber we employ white labor only. Follow. IngareaomeofourasenM: Oeorge l-oreni, lUwlonJ N',t,orrni, Coqullkt E, A. Do.lgr, M)rtle iWl. i llanaon. North Urnd: J. Morgan, Emphc. GOOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY AMRTF.TN AND iiiiiiiiniinnnr in A Full Load, When ytm buy eonl fnmi tun I eo thai you gel (till wclplii nnd full n I -tly.bl know the coal I huttdlo In bo thoI'M ItisFullofJJucjl ; Quality nud'InroUl to itlyn jou pb'iuy of rn roliuu for jour ntmiey. Dliirtil nn you want I'. I.iitiiberdc.rfd ilfreet imm the mill. Diy wiiat dellvi'itd to ttny part uf the nv pi nhiiri urn lee. 'frnt'fc imd tlray wrtrfc, ltek wmk w aeowiptr and 0HVntInk5 doiin. T" li phmio Xo. -S neaidfin-u Cur. Thin! iiptl A atroet,"' L. HEISNER. "i EG-LE, Proprietor. '-al CAN NH,lletl am Hhurt polite. THAT ar uw no Injutlau, UwHileaU and ' only the vrrylwtt of aoap nnd ut guaraa, a tec our work. We umj perfected nioitern ftlfc -IX)TIh.s, laundry work can teres JOHNSON, ProDs. sMiwMiMiiiiitiiiitiiiiisisiiiaiiMiHiiiiiiiii;r ssaMBBBBBMpjyyvT ajMff ?W kU . y z. V... ' ..". . ..V.. 4u V '4fSv. ." w , V ijflP a ft. -. J - ft" . .