" '"TV' $ ' I I8 T f nxwi'ty iivh-' t mvwv.- Stiuday Orcgoniau at Norton's , Bargains, in kid gloves ntScng stackcus. Dr. Toye has been laid tip with neuralgia for several day. Miss Dee Tnrpin xcturncd Tuesday to- Sau Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. M. Storn who Jiavc been visiting friends in this dty, returned to SautaRosa,Cal., en the lost Alliance. Insure yotir property in the Jtaudon and Lancashire Fire In surance Ca, Jojin Preuss, Agt. Mr. irnd Jrs. Clins. .Cava augh retmnd on the Alliance. Thej hove been on an extended frip East for two Mouths, , Use Hibbard's celebrated ffcett Aiatic cure to limber yotff .faints. For sale at Sengstacfcea's. Afrs. Sarah Holland of this City had a cancer removed from her breast last week at the Lane &ospital, in Sau Fransisco. When you want some extra dice cheese call ou your grocer for Sumner creamery full cream Cheese. 6 8 tf Dr. Horsful is home from Sau Fransisco, he reports Mis. Kforsfal much improved and f hat she will return next mouth. When your milk comes down Amr from' the river, riug up Main iji Ccutcrvill e Dairy. Wc have a cure. The ilisscs Knowlcs who have Decn the guests of Mrs. R. W. Getty for several weeks, returned tb San Francisco' on1 the Alliance. Two choice improved building lots pposile G. A. Bennett's residence. Also i lot at Marsh field opposite the South Park. Apply to H. Sengstackcu. ilartin Brcen came up and re newed his allcgancc to the Jail. Mr. Breeu has just returned from . Byron Hot Springs, Cal., aud speak very liighly of that health Resort and says he has seen mauy xhen come there on crutches aud go away cured' but his case could Obtain no relief from the baths. Blanche Bates is visitiug a: Millicoma with her aunt, Mrs. C S. Hilborn. . The Mutual Life of N. Y. give you the best investment and pro tection. Take a policy. H.- Skngstackkn, Local Agent. The fbllbtfibg CoquiHe people Came over to attend the funeral' Of our townsman, S. H. Hazard: J M Upton, Geo P Topping, Alex Stauff, W C Chase, J B Dully, J S Laurence, J J Lamb, Sheriff Gallier, DJ Lowe, JH Schroeder, V Mast, R S Knowl tou, Henry Lorenze, L A Rob erts, and J F Schroeder. Notice the bread first, then see the brands in the stores, on the delivery wagons, and clothes lines. Sperrys flour is all right, and the sacks speak louder than "rtords. tf A new cbeif of the Marshfield fire department is to be elected the arid Monday in Aug. Last WeeJc one or xhe main " shafts of Lyons'' riiiil!at CoquiHe, gaVe way and had to be supplied with a new oue. It was got at the Marshfield foundry. The foundry also cast a set of grate iJars that were pronounced good work. A delay of several weeks was-saved to' the mill owners. The Three Cardinal Virtues made, shoe are Quality, found Style. For Which Ease and Comfort "' WIHCU'18 TAINED. - -r - A slide'' with the name FL'ORSHEIM" woven in the strap is a guarantee of the above qualifications. ::::::: SOLD OZLsTZLST ZB1T MAS BURG BROS. , Tlie Dry Goods? ClbtMng and FahiisHtiig Good's M'eiv. ' MM . 'Jainetf Hutchcson is on n vaca tion at F.Ik river. For best values in boots aud shoes go to Seugstackcns, Mrs. Short aud daughter visited the Watson family at Cow City this week. Dr. Prcutis will return about Auir. a6th. tf S. R. Davis had the misfoatunc to fall last Wednesday aud break his collar hour. Morton L. Tower and family returned to Umpire from their ontingon Coos river Wednesday. Dr. Prcntis, Dentist. All work guaranteed. Telephone No. 435. Miss Edna JcGrow of Oak land Cal. is visiting in this city with' Mrs. Emma Nosburg. Prepare for warm weather by getting n summer hat at Seng tackcu's. E. N. Harry, of Sitkum is nightwatchman at the depot in the absence of Thomas Coke. Fiue Hue of shirt waists at Sengstackeu's. Judge Harlocker attcuded the funeral of S. H. Hazard, Wednes day. A burglar attcinpcd to enter the rcsidcucc of E. A. Audersou ou Monday morning. The party was alarmed and skipped before the officer could get him. A. Matson of Macues & Mat son was in Baudou one day this week. Mrs. T. H. Barry is spending a few days at the Maze. Rev. R. C. Lee adrcsses the Old Soldiers at their Annual Re uniou at Myrtle Point iu August. John Kruse who has becu cou fiilfcd to his room for several days is able to be out. C. D. McFarlaud, the Cranber ry King of Coos county reports his berries about two weeks later this year than usual. Harry Walter will leave short ly for the Philadelphia Dental College, where he will complete his studies in dcutistry. Dr. C. W. Roberts, eye spec ialist, has decided to prolong his stay in Marshfield for two weeks or longer. Examination free. Of fice at parlor of Blanco Hotel. John Wilsou, who has becu iu Colorado for his health is expect- rA tifim snnn nof hnvitiir found the relief he expected. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sunder- lanaarecxpcciea name 0 I next Alliance. John says he has . got enough of hospitals and doc tors in Sau Francisco, as he has pone through two operations, and says tbe'hospital physician' wants him to go through another, and if be does, blood poison is liable to set in, and then it will be a case of amputation. He has con cluded that he would rather have a stiff leg than to be walking on crutches the rest of bis days. Closing- fut at Cost The entire Stock, Dry goods, Clothing, Furn ishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Car- pots, Oil Clotfttf, Linol eum. Mattings. The entire stock must go at cost. Store to let. Fixtures for sale. XLNT Store. MHgaW n which the FIORSHEIM Pre-eminent. lite FLORSHEIM Make has always been noted. AS8UHED INTHK FLOnfell&M'SHOKS. NEVER jJEFORE AT - 1 . 11 .1 ... 1 ISO Other Gloves Give as good wear forthe price you pay- GEORGE I. 0. 0. PHONE 436 Miss Mary Mack returned from San Fransisco on steamer Areata. Editor Wilson of the CoquiHe City Bulletin was 111 Marsmiem Wednesday. Sfrntretnckcti wants ten tons of Chittnm bark. The schooner Gotama finished loading lumber at North Bend Thursday aud went to sea. Paints-and oils at W. P. Murphy's. I. Hacker came over from Co quiHe on Wednesday's train to attend the funeral of S. H. Haz ard. The steam schooner Acme went to sea Tuesday, heavily laden with lumber from the Bay City mill. The large barge for the North Bend mill came up Thursday aud was filled with fresh water for use in the mill boiler. Tohn Blonquist has the contract for moving John S. Coke's house from the hill on 2nd street to his lot back of R. Krugcr's place ou the sawdust. A. Rideout a resideut of East Marshfield left with his family i last Friday ou a camping aud hunting trip in the mountains near Eckly. The gasoline lauuch Gosco has just put ou a new deck scat for passengers. Tins was a move 111 the right direction aud will add much for the comfort of passen gers. Miss M. Geary, who has been visitine with Her sister, Airs. Geo. Woodward, for the past two weeks, rcturued to her home ..,'. .. A n: )tnc in California ou the Alliance. A Chimney Blaze The Marshfield fire laddies were called out Wednesday morn ing about 10 o'clock to put out a fire at the Central hotel. It prov ed to be.nothing but a chimney fire. The boys made quick time in getting to the scene of action and were ready for business in short order. The company needs a little anuing wwi rue riootc and Ladder paraphernalia, then the Marshfield department will be able to cope with any ordinary fire that may occur here. Our citizenjean feel proud of their volunteer fire department. They are always ready, never found wauting, aud a goodly share of them are present whenever called by fire alarm. OASTOniA. BmmUv. yjllaltitdYa Han limp tasJi ? 2rf&5u of a well - - shoe will be - iim.nn : 3X LADIES' KID GLOVES wkjiavk a srnei.u.iA si:m-:ctki i.ini: OK COLONS, IHCI.UIiINU WIUTK AND HLAOK. THESE GLOVES IIAVH ritOVKP TJIK TKST OF WKAK, AND (UVKCKNKKAl. SATISFACTION. Undt'nvcar-Silfo I 'ttrtt & TIBBETTS. F. Building, Marshfield. Seugstackcn's for fresh garden ud grass seed. Albert Matson and F. B. Jack sou returned from mi outing at Tenmilc lake. Dont forgot the 10 percent cash discount sftloat Flanagan's Pio neer Market. Seven to 4 was the score of the exhibition game of base ball play ed between Marshfield and Co quiHe at the lnttcr city last Sun day. Coquillcrs coming ofi" vic torious. Miss Hallie Garrigus, of Tort land, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. A. Golden. The dispatches say Addison Cook's father arrived nt Dawson with $35,000 in gold dust. Geo. Snyder who has been visitiug relatives at CoquiHe re turned home Tuesday. Mayor Anderson and W. II. Curtis returned trout l'ortlnud 011 the Alliance where they had been as delegates to the grand lodge A.O. U. W. Emil Ogrcn the accomodating meat cutter in Flauagau's market is off on a two weeks vacation. Hillis Short is filling the position iu his absence. The railings on the Fourth St. bridge arc iu a bad condition and should be looked after by the city authorities before some one has n claim for damages. Captain W. R. Crnbtrec of the Salvation Army and' Lieut. Comer have been holding special meetings at CoquillcCity the past two weeks, returning Tuesday. They met with good success. Bishop Morris' appointments arc as follows: uardincr, Aug. 16th; Empire in the morning and Marshfield in the evening on Sunday, Aug. 18th; Bandon, 20th; CoquiHe City, Sunday, 25th. The fish warden Geo. A. Brown, who has charge of the Coos river hatchery, says that Chinook salmon have been show ing up at the rack for some time past, but as it is too early for spawning yet he has allowed them to return to the deep holes down the river. A number of steelheads, which have spawned, are above the racks. A. G. Balch, of Coquillc City. agent for Coos comity for the Ore gon Fire Relief Association was in town this week looking to the interests of his company. The head office of the company is at McMinnvillc, and it is the only mutual insurance company iu Oregon doing business all over the state. New text books have been adopted for. the schools of Oregon. This will require special work on the part ol candidates for certifi cates at, the Fqbruary eximiua tio.i. The State Normal School at Drain will meet this demand by organizing teachers' special review classes.using the new texts. This work will, be dolic by the members .of the faculty having the most experience. The .school assures all of most efficient work. For information or catalogue addre the President, Drain, Oregon. REAL ,BSTATE EOll'SALE, A flue hutiincHS lot on A fit, $1C0Q. Dtvolliutj houso on 2nd at, 0 rooma lift). A plot of lapd 218 ft. by 100 ft. racing on ruc'o track In Houtli Mamli field, 750, Will soil In bulk or half. Four lots nbxtlbToatoffibe on Fron Bt $2500.- House arld'lot Irl Weat Marabflold $1000. Home aild lot jh South- Marsbfiold IGoO. HIX Iota in Blk 10, South aranhfie Id Block 70 hi Notlev'a addition to CoqiitllaOity. Enquire of W. VrBoiiiwin. Olrtrim Wwft II iiin Our specialty prescriptions Sengstackeu's Plmrinncy. it Anything in the Electric Line. F. M. FriedliciK. Bluo Ribbon Corn and Toinatoos 10 conts a can, formorly l 1-2 at Flanagan's Plonoor Markot. Oh ye sweltering Easterners! Don't you wish you wcie iu Ore gon? The General Electric Co. is represented iu this district by F. M. Fricdbcrg. The water pipe on SouthMarsh field marsh was overhauled Tues day, fixing several leaks. American Headache Powders, the kind that cure headache and neuralgia at Sengstackeu's. it iMiiltsou, tne coal merchant is raising his icsidcucc ou Second street near the slough. John Coke and Otto Schctter left Wednesday morning for Otto Schettcr's homestead at the head of South Coos River. Albert Ucar.,atuLChns. Jensen returned from delivering a span of horses to Port Orford, Tlicv came back via Areata, aud report a good trip down, overland. A. L. Ryan came over from Roscburg with a team aud left at 5 o'clock Monday morning lor the latter place via Myrtle Point, with the Ryan family. Mr. aud Mis. Thomas Coke left Thursday morning for their homestead in boutli Loos uvcr country, where they will rpcud some time. Go to Senustacken's for Photo goods, dry plates, papers, mounts, albums, developing and tuning solutions, cameras, ruby lamps, etc. Dark room privileges free to patrous. it The Southern Oregon Veter an's Assn. will meet at Myrtle Point Aug. 7th, 8th and 9th. This means all veterans of the civil war, both blue aud gray, Mexican, Spanish aud Indian wars. Gins. Gilbert the machiucst nt the R. R. Shops has a sore thumb, caused by liir saw strik ing a season-crack, while sawing a peicc of plank which caused it to jump and strike his thumb, cutiug it quite severely. Clayton Brothers, of Baudou, received 011 the last Alliance n portable saw mill, which they will place ou their tract ol white cedar timber. They expect to work this timber into broom-handles aud lumber. This will be anoth er new industry for Coos county. While Wm. Wade was on his way home from Coquile ou his wheel and when nt Colcdo he saw fire in the Dan Grow hones. The house was empty. It must have becu some one who ret fire to the house out of pure mischief. Mr. Wade put the flame out. Up to Test Our milk and cream is all up to test iu quality. Our wagon delivers promptly nt your door, fresh sweet milk and cream. Ring Phone 171. Milk 5c a quart. Flanagan & Barry. For Rcnl Suit of nice rooms over Jensen's tnilor shop, suitable for oflices, dressmaking or housekeeping. 2t A. K. Skaman, Agt. Police Ash Ilarrel Jiiiiiiiie nicctinrr nt the Salvation Army hall, Sun day eve July 28th. All welcome. Cait, W. K. Ckadtkiu;, I:i'.ut. C. CUMKK. Ice Cream and Strawberries Strawberries and Cream, Ice Cream, aud Ice Cream Soda will be served at Scott's Gardens in South Marshfield every Sunday. Strawberries aud Cream every day. Ice Cream by the pint, quart or gallon clicaper tlian you can make it yourself. Rids Invited Hit! will bo rccdivcil nitil Aug. 15 1001 tim llw. kw..li.uta. ' .. . I Mil klltr t.ADIiini.ll VH UtVMJ'Al'JlA. HAI.OOX for tlio corning Tnir. Knob bill miiHt bo iirnoiiiimnicil hv a lurlilled oliuol: for 2o iiorcont of tlm mniiiint of tlio bid. Addrcntf. !'. A, .McUAMi. 0 20 ItoHcljurg, Or. AT THE CHURCHES. I'HK8HVTKltIAN CHUltCII, (HltvIoub.) 8 ftblmtli boIiooI 10 ;00 A N Proaclilng servicon, 11 ;00 A M, and 8:001' M. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 I'M, MJil-wcek eervicoi, TliurHtlay 8 ;00 1 M Hamuol D. McClelland, 1'astor. ntnionisT ciiurlii Subjecti'al the M. K. Cliurch Sunday Morn. In j. "'llie Koyalty of Man,1' Evening, "The Jtwlili People; their pan lililory anil future iprorpecti,''' fiervlcwat'j'j'a'ifraiid'S'p m, Centerville Dairy. -m J. W. FLANAGAN, T. II. BARRY, Onftr yout milk ftviu its as ur jfitanvtUe it Jifsft mr ttiitt surd Dtiivcttd at your rfoor wonting ntttt riming. yWAMASV -,? iUltlf. Ask for our T Mi: in.tK h mn-rtmi nlm iui n ilotl.tr iiimrtt In our mm rumplnc 411 i;c It vip you in itr.it Mlieie nu UUf r I'lrwnl.illoni me 111 utr, dul wticir uoo.li to toM M ully uu.lvritlMil, ttn't II iiiikIi tiiiur Mlltfaclmjr mill 111111I1 nilrrliiilt iluwn at liomi', I00U oirr l'i rxUli'Kiie, xlrtl llic kikhIi irtilml uml null your ixilrr, lh.111 in Ufml U)il ilurrt tirt lh nock It mull, m nrll n aiioMmcnl luroniOrtr, uml (jr I KHiirllilnj iImI itcxi not givryru litlf MlltCtctlon, tiolvtilliiunillni; lint yon ito vy an rtrni.inl ner Smith's Cash dpt Store, No. fiS Markot St , San Franoisoo. tjcnc,5'KRww.rqffltrarxii WALTER IIAGIiLSTEIN NAR ROWLY ESCAPES DROWNING Was Rescued Frum Hie Bay by Frand Ylncamp, a Deck Hand on Hie Alert Last Sunday while little Walt er Haeelstctii was passing, ou a plank at the rear cud of Klana - uan's fnti&iKc factory he Mipticd aud lell oveihoard into the hay, being unable to swim he strtu: - gled manfully, but to 110 avail, 1 aud had 11 tint been for the brave j lu'ltiitii' Imiiit nf I.'rniik Viiicnitiii. deckhand on the Alert, who, 5 iumped overloard and brought 4 the boy out as he was going down the last time, he would surely !f have found a watery grave. I 5 He was .stripK.d ol his wet clothes iu the engine room of the A fort (il sn1iiilt iiiti t ttttl cniiiti IIVU illlt Vlllllllf lltl(IVt SUIHt 1 dry clothing which had been sent lor. It will be remembered by the lad as long ns he lives it was a very narrow escape. MIGHT HAVE BEN VERY MUCH WORSE1 C. A. Iliggius, of this city wliilc leautui! n cow in troin uie South Mnishficld marsh ou Mon day evening had n very narrow escape from serious injury. It h'appeucd iu this way: He carri ed a sharp axe across his shoulder and held in the same hand the rope with which he led the cow. He stopticd to speak to Tom Coke. The sudden stop caused the cow to tcrk the rope euotitMi to draw (he axe far cnoui'li so ns to ijivc him a severe cut ou the back of the neck. Had the cow not been of a gentle disposition and been a little quick, he might have lost his lite, ns the axe hed a good edge and would have severed his head from his body. This is n dangerous way to carry an axe. There arc various cases on re cord where men Have lost tlieir lives iu this manner. The writer once had n friend who lost his life iu this identical way. A full lino of Mason's fruit jars, caps and rub bers atW. P. Murphy's. A twin fium 11 C001 titer corrctpunilent li-id to lie Diniltnl for want of tp.nu, ll will o.ir nnl week. The Coos Hay I,oggtug Com pany have completed arrange ments for logging on Daniel's creek with a large force of men. Hiram King will be in charge, The notorious Iiendcr family have been captured again. This time iu Colorado. This is the 92ti(l time they have been captur ed since the crime wnKcomuuted, in the fall of '72, iu Kansas. Old man Ileuder must be close ou to 100 years old now as he was up iu the sixties when they disappear ed. Milk The high grade dairy stock kept ou our ranch enables us to furnish a rare quality of milk. It has the good features of rich ness and purity, being the pro duct of first-class stock, fed with the choicest of foods. Its excel lcuce is natural. Phone 171. Price 5c n quart delivered at your house. Flanagan & Harry. XdaestaVour BowelifWitk CaicartU. Candy Catbartlcs euro conatlpatlon foronf,' to,mt iu.o.U,tirUn)gijuw,uQdBKm' hi. Prop's, piONli ; new Price List mi Oil ami n li.tU-ilullar uti llil; llio nlct Hit Irlji yen lit till tlltrtllojt. urtawyi-asacttCTgsrprn r ra JIT TAKES t CARE. We cwnnui lrri our rrit.iuranl up lo the lUml.ttitut Kiularlty we Inlie unlni e lie ll 11 (trut ilntl ul mrr We lili nil tlx little xlnt ulikli iiitit m mui.li la the Comfort of Ous Guests ami liel U tlioroiixtily In the uliifyinc nf llirir 4lllf. Our trilke It llrjn, our uUl.incf iimhI altmcllre uml our willru nm Aluntlie. Von v ill enuy your iuimU line. J. D. GABRIEL. 1 .4 .0 a ji 1 p 'J ) t ii S Front titruoi, Upo.ltu Hank. m.-v ww Mm. Leonard llrudon, roturnud Fri day Irani 11 viitnl Myrllu I'tilnt. Aug. Knrley brought iu a fine two-point buck this week. T. R. Sheridan is'ns a Marsh field visitor this week. Mrs. John Snyder, who has been visiting nt Coquillc the past week returned home Tuesday. The Maudalay is due to reach here today, with the new loco motive for the C. II. U. & K. R. R & N. Co. The Marsh field foundry are making a lot of car wheels for the O. C. & N. Co. to be used ou cars in the tunnels of their uiiue. Doors and windows choanor than over at W. P. Murphy's. Passenger rntcs have been rais ed ou the Southern Pacific be tween Portland and Sau Francis co, and niso 011 uie steamers 01 the O. R. & N. Co. Geo. W. Sanford, who was operated upon for appendicitis is now about recovered mid will soon be able to go to work. Henry Holm, the butcher, re ceived n carload of fine mutton and lambs tlti.'i week from fIrs. Mast I.ee at Myrtle Point. This is the finest lot of mutton which liascome to Maishfield in mauy n day. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Meyers, of Oregon City, who hnvc recently exchanged properties with Mike Kroll, of Pink creek neighbor hood, came in 011 the last Alliance to take possesion of their' new home. Mr. V. A. Samuels, who has been here ou a tour of inspection, for J. D. Sprecklcs, Sons & Co. returned to Sau Francisco 011 the Alliance. He was highly pleased with his trip to the bay and his visit will result iu considerable development work 011 the road. The steamer Arctic which was launched at the Hay City yard sailed for the north, bound for Nome, ou the 21st of July. She will stop at Seattle for passeugers and cargo. The uew stcauier iff iu charge of Captain Krixson, ""MARRIED' WITHKRSr-nONElWITZ At Myrtle Point, July 17, xoq, Kdwurd Withers to-MW Mdua Boucwitwv $ A A'