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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1901)
t&wfsusr rf a IV" ul ; m?' ,S2lwyu"';,r','tin,re"'-'''' K .... .. ' . 'J ho JClutl You 1Iun Alwnyn Houghl, nn1 which Juw he:u in imu for over HO yonrn, Iiiim horno tho ftlwmtnro of s9 r... - "ml linn lioeu iiiiuIo under IiIh ir- UvtVVw niiimli.tiiiprvlnlim nlnco IIh liintury. 'vzrvr, t-ccccsiw. A1IlMV IIO nl0 ((, ,,(!,,c, vo ynu ,u n,i,,. All 0Hiiit4rrull4, InittntloiiH aii(lJiiNl-nt.K)(MlMar) hub HvperhiioittM that trlllo with mul ondniiijer tho luuiltli of Iiilhutri mid ClLililreii-Kxpcrlouco ngalibd, Kxpiulnicut. What is CASTOR I A Grudorlu In ti harmless niiliHtltiilt. for Cantor Oil, I'nro Korlr, Drops and Hnnthluir Hyriii, It In I'lcamiut. It onlalnrt neither Opltua. niorjililno nor other Narcotlo niibsiumo. Km nitn Is llrt ciiuraiitou. It di'MtroyH AVorm mill ullayH Koviii'lshiicM. Jt cure Dhirrliuiti and AVIiut Colic. It relievo 'IV(!tlihiir Troubles, I'liro.t CoiiKtlpatloii and Flatulency. It iiHalnillnteH tlio Food, regulates tliu Htomacli and IIouoIn, ulvhiir healthy and natural nleon. Tho Chllilruit'N l'nnuvcit-Tlio fllothcr'H Friend. TCENUIFJE CASTOR. A ALWAYS Boars tho Cff&&&4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Coast flail. MAK-dll'WI.D OKIHiON TO SIXTEEN. VU fmU lllfi, Mir WJ !, Iw MIX. M(, Mr IhilM Jilwul IVt tlll4 W ! W.-I Ikcrif H t Vf (" iMvi f Itwr MlMI lint HltVl ,11)1 l SM. 4 MM. Afc4.B, .flll( 11,111 Ufw f li tut M ill IW. a.s t s-ws, S ulM Ik"". 'I vtim NaltM. mi Irtra, f,l fc4t itUluaw. Mlftt 4 f.IIMd T t h ).t Ih M li 4 WH4. WUI IU. n Juril rt It -WMkl IWI In Im lln kit. (HU ItHfiwit (Srrk, .VmI In n i n lu ') kM l.lwr ImI1I . , '!. Bd wt tktflV IM. Ill (AH IIm it iltl IkMi l4 lM. AnJi.t Kail mini, l (twn U. II Mufr 1 ll-u I. ..i M, I, Irw, IU M l4 I i .1 mm I !. Ul n, IIm". rvUt ikjr itWr W. Mn. I cm mlMa I-!, tl tWfl -kiM lliw ! In aMltait'i. NOT MANY APOLLOS. A Tailor's Comments on'tha Crooked. nci of Hit Cuttomer. "Why don't jou filluw llio lino yon huM hulked T.'" ." 'I'liu iUf lion v.i oi-ki-il of a iwell I'lflli iivrtui" tmlnr who lin.I on tlw .cutting ImmipI in fmnt.of him n Urpt jmih'o of clutii nuirkctl otr lii.u nn in trim to rHihvMy map, nnd who wiu. ciillliuj a coat nu-oriUnp to tlio mark, with Mirlntimi. Tho vnria t ion rnlled forth tint (jiKHdlon. i'M'Iiimj. ihN.l'i niti fiAriiriliili in tho niwwnremiinU I nmde," hu iint . ..I .i i - 1- I .. I Fuereil, "hut mv uiutomtr i uot ex nutly alike on both wdc?, I vary my "cutting in onU-r lo set a ffood Jit mill yet not ihow tho ilefocl. Tlieio vn'riiilion Ixvomo lmot in oliininrv after you know your euh jcei. Tiio nmrku nro there lo fjuido me, hut ch I cut I Iinvo in my mind a jiicluru of my eustomer, nnd prac lico iiinkt? my hIii-upi vary from tho line iia Oi'i-iiHion reipiiron. "Tho fact i, polos nro Hcirce. Tliore.iiro erv few men whp nfo not A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Somothlnf Now -Untlor Tho Sun" All Dix-lnri ti.ivn IihI locmr (.' TKKII liy llie uc of oulrti, ncll kikm. inlmtrrt nml iliiiKi In Vine form. 'Pirlr onlcr illy U tlio iMietimK. iiK-inlir.icrOMi.lnt ihtin loi'Mckovii ivl lilral. Tlin owriliil iicid ml In llio In Ibilert Imo rnllrirly r.ileu utt.iy the mnir nirin liuiifl llMI llirlr IiirLmi 1him nlnint In iiiir, wlillo .utr noil oluliiidili cuiimt imcIi the illtrntr. An M nml rxpciknccil pr.icllllor.rr ttlm Imt lor in my wit nuita n (.loto iiiuly ami tplcUlly of ilia tUMtiiiriitorCA'l AHKII, nt l.itt cificlf I n 'I'lratiiinU which ulirit fulllifulljr mrd, nut only irlloe nl nine, lull vcm.uu'iill)r hum CATAKKII, liy irmoviiiR dm rniip, Mop. pliiC the iIIkIuii;-, nml uulng nil liiflunnu tlon. It I llioiml)' rcuii'ily knimn to Klciun iiclu illy iiicIii1 tde iillllclrd uil. 'II1I1 womlfiful rfinrily U tntrnmu ".SNHTI'I.I'.S llm (JOAKAN'I l!IU) OATAKUII CUKI." ami lltolilul tlielrriiilylitv ptice of im, cull Mflni;i" rdill.ilulni nml ritrrml niollvlno turiiclriil fur n full monlli'i UiMliiMiit nml cmytliln;: nn.cij.iry lo 111 wr. feci ii. 'NlJITI.IVIillieonlwilcclCATAURIl CUHKcvcr nude nml l now recygnlinl m llio only ii(e nml mmIiUu two for tint nnnojIiiK nml illsiitlnK iIIsimm" ll cures nil InfUmiiu. tlon ipilckly iimlipoiiiwiirntly nml li ulv won Mrifully quick to relieve HAY I'KVKUorCOI.l) Inlhr IIIJA1), CA'IAKKII wlxii in'Rl.liil ollcn Iculi lo coNhUMlTloN "snui'I i.ks" in wn yoiilf)oiiiioltnluncc. ll ordinary rem- .eiiy.iimiuoinnieio irr.uiniin which u pol tivdy kimmiiuiiI ui inm fA I'AKKil in nny form ortngp If iiilnccorilliilo Iho ilrecllom wliUI.nuompai.yc.uu ucK.iii.. won . hut Mini for It nt puce, nml write full p.)rtloul.i e, nml w rile full p.)rtloul... m to )ourcomlliloii. mul you will welvo pMil mlvica from Ilia ilivr covori-r of Oils womlem.l icinoly rcK.'iiHi'g )''ur mi wlilioul coit m )im . ' 'lx-yoml ll.ari'KiiUr prkoof ''SNUrn.UV' tho ' aUAKANTKKU CA'l'AUKII CUKIJ." . ti ; ' ' Kent iiMlillajii)y iiiljlrc (n the Unlitvl '' Binlothr 01 in"1" on rmlpl ofi.c Onl'iir. Ail- diet. O'cpl IM57. KUWIN IV. OIMW f COMI'ANV. aio nnd 3339 MaiUt Street, ll'lilLidclpl.U. Sigxmturo of ' muro or u"j ilcioniK'd. li amy Ihj Ion in moi-t iiim', but it i enough to bo jicrcoptililu to tho trninud eye, mill jmrt of onr tnnlo is to corrcrt tbi'(! defeeU. Wu fny nothiiiK to our ciiritouiers about tliom.and don't in"ko ilitrorunt lmwKurciiieiitu for ojiioitu tid of the fiKnrc, hut we notice thma jtut tlio nunc nnd con ktriict nrinrutu mi ns to hide litem ni ftirai iioMililu. "We llnd nhouhleni of unequal lu-iplit mid i-lopc, mill Hiey pivo iw more trouble tlutu nil other ditpro portinnn. Svimnetry of the civil nnwt concenl tlionu dofecU. Hint nro frviiuciitly not exactly milled in hliHc, lieihl or potitioa, and not inireiiioniiy uioro m n nigui iniiur enc in tho length of log or nriim. It it our btuinuM to obwrvo thosu thltiK "a curroct thuin to tho cyu vhnn tliu jfsnimnl I on. mis n nut. tlinicnlt ritii flight vnrinlioni, but tliero nro ctiiC'i wliuro It in ncnrlv im,ioiiKibe, mid then wo t-inipl.v do (be liet wo cnn." Xow York Her nhl. Tho Hint Cotiri:ous. Tjie nulliiir of "J.ifo utid Sport on tho 1'ai'ilio Mope' wivh inai in ns- oinlil.ivr wlicre a fit t lo lmtionco mid good humor temper wlnt is ill nKrvcithlo tho jieoplo of the I'.tcific rlopo nro nt their best. Onro nt a oerfornmnco of bumo play yovornl youtlm wore jjuying.tbo tinncipal chnnuter. to the nnnoy- ' . I .. 1.. ..I .. 0...1.1...I.. .. uncc of ourjboly clue. Suildculy n i;entleiimn mill to tliom very polite ly: "That lady on the singe U mnking fo much nou that vo cnunot hear w hut oii nre unyiiij:. Hut 1 Iiope we hhnll 'have the "ploiniuro of listening looiircriticihins Inter, when tho not ii over." Silence followed tho re mark. At thuoj something muro forcible in needed. A curtain lndy had one day been rmluly treated by n minor rnilwny ollieial. She was very in dignant and (nito nt a losa for wonl.i. lint kho liad a raving ecuso of humor mid turned (o a utrnngcr nt her elbow. "Sir," nid she, "will yon tell this man 1 think of him:''" Tho btrmiBcr, without belrnying tho lenit exoiloment, snid in a mel ancholy dniwl: . "Sir, thii liuly lliinlw you nro nn undent nipper, clothed with a liltlo brief authority, whoso only mmlill cation for tho position you occupy ia your extraordinary impudencol' Refuted Her Qecnuto She Cried. A wedding was onco slopped in tho following curious ninnuer: Tlio jieoplo wero well lo do farmers. Tho day was fixed, breakfast prepared, carriage waiting nt tho door. All things wero leiuly. Tlio bridegroom drove up to tliu house and ran in to see his bride before ho started for tho chapel, llo found her weening, ns brides often do when they leavo homo. And who would beliovo it if they .rend it in a roninnee? Tho bridegroom coldly informed tho young lady that "if that was tho way bIio was going to begin it would bo tho end of it." llo left tho brido in n dead faint, left tho liouso nnd di'ovo away. It was tho end of it in moro wnya than one. There wns an nMon for bl'Cltuh of promise. Tho young hidy died of ft broken heart, jIo f tcrwU,d mnrried Unco wives . .j BUCCCSS0Ht .vcj.y fcw ,., ,'1A -,,! lv nhtli. nml f lmvo "" --,, n',,,,la '1!r , lt ivubuii iw u . w.. ... "'." mnu uvhi uuji'j. .v..v.w.. .,- 13ita. A Frcm-luiiim nnlil nt 11 revtnlti 00 eurienee, "It wa worse tlinn a cilnie; It wiik a liluuder," A sinner la not only n Hliiucrj hu la a fool.-Hev. (leoiRO W. llaUer, I'rwhyteiliui.'.l'liJIiuU'liililn, ' U fi '. i i hulco ron health, Ifotr In Uitji M'l'll Art'iirillna I" r hcliitciilnnrr. Li-1 ixtt'MilN n.ilie It lliclr rlihf inro lo litilhl ni for llii'H' clillilieli 11 m.tinil Imilr. a hixly enimhi.' nlllie at umu nnd of I'lijiiyimul. An i"'ii im 11 1'lilM Ik old nn nh lo belli laiiliiliii; i!i lila in- her lioilj 'lot liltu nr liir IhIik n liaiid In It. remit llie youiiu lint! rmiiHlfti'Hrf of Imily nnd pilml N (In' iinlli Ihlli In life, Hint ullhuijl Hi hi .honii tuiililii ttnlly riiitniN. (Ile lite cuiilnl lioily ii lit)' of (.'.U'i'clM't but don't overwork It cither In point of I'lijuynietil or la point of hii'Iima. If at inn' Hutu nr iinolhcr )u have (neiuiiilu'.l yuiii' Itoily, don't worry nlnint It, hut intnnl iipiliict retulltlua. lli'Mllth lertilt (0 li.lll IlilhltK. HO liuli'jM'tnlt'nt. linti't (In llilna he i time ymi tw othur voile h Ilium. Ailmlrc eoiuiiKu nnd nriictliv ll. 'i'l inhtit; lalmtifnU Iioii'l Mntry nliout lite enemy from without--bfirllll, rhmiKvH la lln wcntli. er, i'(e. -hut Iry In uluil your ImmIj nKahirt llmlr liiiluciirc. -Thfy iinmtirt he iillnwil to p't In or hurt It. Hvaieiiiher that II'h jour own Jutilla that etiiinl iii(mt. Don't llilnlc Hint Kooil licnllh rmnei iin n pH'wnt lo you or that ynu will re cover fnini IIIiiokm owliic lo wiino oe rult liilliii'iKi'K. To haw nnd to hold Komi hiitlth 011 intiKt woil; for It, ntilviiforlt. If ynu want the iihyaltlnti lo help ynu, ynu limit hflp lln- phyxlclmi, Veil iuitt work hiitiil hi hninl ttlth him. linn't foiKet Hint ll'n jnurarlf who ih'elili'n npiai Kimnlni'Ka nml III health of jour If you nro tiawllllin; Id nlt inr iIi;hIcI:iii. ynu roh him of th iiiont lliiHirlnnl faelor la mi'itlcliie. Don't Wriiiiien fchivc to h.ililt. l.ct y ittii Itotly nml ioul live In Imrino. liy IfiUeflKT. Know tli)Mlf. rrlllcMo thynclf, pun ImIi ih;M.'lf, If nmMiry. Itoiv 111 Jli.Ur Chill Conrnrnr. Cut fun iNitiuda of lcf la eninll illert nml cut hnlr 11 pomiil of oiiIouh la elkfu. Konk tun chill peppm la n pint of hot w liter otie hour. Put n ull'-e of hneoti cut la Olei'M mul n cililcHpooufiil of Inrd la n frjliic ikiii: ilrtilce llie heef with Hour. C'ui the pcppi'M la munll blta; put the Iscf nml iK-pprra la llio I hi 11 nflir the l.nril la amoklug hot nnd fry thrm hniHii oa(iill thlcn. nhnLlin; the pan frequently lo pri'rt-iit ImraliiR. After tho luff la well hrnwacd n.ld n t.ftlf pint of tomntiM'a, froah nr entitled, Hint have lui'ii mnahed ton pulp. Next ndd tho wnter In which llio chill were tonki'd nnd let tho whole alinmvr for mi hour cloaoly coirrvM. Jut tx'foro Bcrvlnc unit 10 mate nnd thicken with II little Hour dllvi-d In cold water. lloir In Hull C'lilrbni. Dreta, hIiiro mid -trust tho chicken and flour It well mid put a couple of alters or a.ilt pork with nn onlou cut la halve mid n couple of fjirlst of p.nraloy I initio tho chicken or fowl. Put It In n Ucttlo of cold water, enough to Just cover up to Id depth: ndd two hay Icavra nnd n lemon. Hct the Ucttlo orcr n alow tiro. Cover It tlchtly nnd lit tho wntcr come to a boll, then re move tho kctiui cnrefully na It rise. After aklmuilnc It. ndd n tmaiKxinful of wilt to tho wnter. Cover the kettle again mid let the chicken Muuiicr alowly till quite tender, then arrvo on a hat platter with nn ccc crvam oauce. Itmr lo Sink llannitii liortonl:e. Huh three tahlcapooufult of butter wllli thnv cupa of lftvl flour, ndd onr h.ilf 11 iensKouful of salt, 0110 of Mignr. three ti'ittpooufula or bakltiR owdcr nml milk enough to form n no ft doush. Hake la two layer In Kitaaed pant. (Irnte the rlud of half na ornnco cut lit tvso croaawlw nnd veoep out the pulp. Hub four bnumina through n leve, ndd tnthlt the oran' rlud, pulp und one cupful of augnr nml ndd to this one-half a cupful of thick cream hentcn niti. Spread between the lay en nml on top mid nerve with cream or custard. Ilovr lu I'ol llonnl Href. fjiy n round of beef la n, broad, deep pot. Pour la a ctiprui or noiiius water, ndd two bllccH of onlou. lover cloaely ami cook gently ten minutes to the pound. Ti.iimfcr to a drlpplm; pan. rub with butter, dredge with tlour nml hrovva In 11 quick oven, Ktrala mid cool the Rravy left la tho pot. tnke o.T the fat. put tho gravy Into n Buiu-epan. eeitNon with pepper. b.ilt nml n little kitchen houipict nml thicken with u lienplu;; tnbleapoouful of brow ti roti. lloll up once nnd serve lu a cnivy boat or pour mound tho bate of tho beef. llovr In JInl.c- Tmilnen Jellr. Put n (iltit of hollliiR water Into a double holler mid Into It stir ono-fourtb of n cupful of tine tuplocn. half n cup. fill of KUinir, oue-rourth of a tvasjioon. ful of salt, half a cupful of seeded rat sltia mid n doxen blanched nlmomla cut lu pieces. Mllr oceaKlounlly. mid when llie tnplocii heeouiea traiibparclit add llaorln to taste mid serve hot with t.ut;ar nml crenui. Ilnvv lu Crt-nni Pitraitlpa, lloll tender nnd slice letiKiliwIse. Tut over the tltv.a "spider" with two tn l.lespooi.fulN or butler, mid pepper and t.ilt nnd n little mluceJ.pnrsley. Shako until the nitMuro bolls. Dlsb the pars nips, ndd to Iho sauce three table snoonftils of -cream lu which has been .stirred nn wen tablespoon of tlour. lloll up ouco end pour over tho pan ,nlpa. Ilovr to BlnUo Slnplc Sirup Coitnril. Mnko a custard of lve well beaten ocxs, one-fourth or n teaspoonful of salt, thrco nips of milk nnd n eetierous .half cupful of inaplo sirup. Mix nml ntrnla Into buttcivd cups mul bake In a vpnn set In hot wnter In n slow oven, When the- centers nre tlrm, chill the custard, rirnliitf from tho molds, and serve. lniiretvni'illlt)- of llio llllilc, Tho old book stnmls. It stands like Cllbrallar, .Ith thu wreck of hostile Heels twittered nt Its luiso, It stnuds like Kihlystonc, despite tho swltllut; tides urn) luitTctliij; Htorms. The eltiulel stands. Tbe asnulta of thu ehemy have not bleached Its walls from with out nor have Its bolts been drawn by treacheiy within. Tho citadel stands, nml over It Hunts tho led banner of the cross. Uov. Dr. David James JVur roll, Uofoimwl.Cbuicb, Now Yoik. "i. i i tip i in "ipim n T rlli. Ofl'lalirr.,iitOlrp 'Wi-hiil!il Viichiirelicy. nmwww:( rciTlri', p-.i'iicli, IcihIi nml help na wo limy ilium who coiuo. lint, 11 la a, the imiaKim ilo not comol The command In uot lo llio lout to come U tho churches, but for 1111 lo ko to llictu. Rev. V.t,Q. Cnrluton, Ihipilat. ICnimat City. Get Wlwt Vou Ask For! When you ni: for CaJc.ircl.1 Candy Calltnrllc lie i.urc you ucl tlictii. Genuine tablets stamped C. C, C. rvever Sold In bulk. A substitutor is always n cheat mid a fraud. Ik-warcl All druggists, wc. " a Til 1,1, r Slirrrfiill, Now, (here's but 0110 way lo live rea sonably, fcnrbi'idy mid aiiccraafully yield lo the inlphiy Hon of (If id and fall down nnd worship him forever. Ills gospel la K'ifr(t IniTli; Ida roll clou la perfect faulty, mill tils service potfrct Inpplnrrs. -Iter V. Q, WrlsbJ, Chnplnlli, rnlled Klales Nnvj-, Vou can ncrer ntte ilyrprptU hy dkllflK V hat )our lKcJy nerdi It plenty ol food voirr. y -dented. 'Ilwn If yuur Jloiiuch viitl not ill imI It. Kixlol l))ipttU Cure will, ll conulm nil of llienvliu.d ilirtunti hcnio mutt btrry dh of fwxl and u pienc (I llul ntlioe etn uir it in nouiUlinie. the bodjr and rrpbclnij llm w.ivirl 1 1. Mir , lliui Hiving hie, lii-allh, nicnRlli, a i.hll.on, pmr Uxxlnnd good licjlllr apflllr. Coot IHV )iubK4f. 'I.lsht nml Shadow, Mfc's pictures, painted not on nnrrow .and fndltiR cninns, but the Imperisha ble tabids of lime, inuit linve their nilnclln of llplila nml shadows In re veal the p'-rfect liennty nnd nlinln fdcnl sjmmelr.v. Iter. Dr. James Young I'clr. Pioshylcrlan. Saviimnii. TImw f4timu, Utile pilh. DiWtr-Utile Karly KlwfJK IMI )our liier IHllonrU lodo thrir, duty, tliu Rlinn: you ptee, rich blood 10 rrcun cmle vourWuly. Are any to Ukc Never crip. Coo, lUy DniM.fe. l.rfm Dorlrtnr nml Jtorr I.or. fi'od has never denerted any part of tho world. S01110 of the rites of the old (copies may seem foolish nnd chlldlah, but In tho sight of Cod nil la childish. Wo should Icurii the leason Inuclit us to find the best In the lotvcat. What wo want la Jess creed and more work, lens ceremony nnd moro honesty, less doc trine and moro love. Kov. Maurice II. Harris, Hebrew. New Yorls. Irjlni7 preparations simply durst opdry catnrihi thoy dry up ths secrellont, Khith mlhero to Iho inembnvtia and docota kms, cfiimiDg n far mors tcriotu trouble than tho ordinary f ona of catiirrb. Avoid all dry Iiir InlialaiiU, funits, smokes unit samTt and mo that which cleauses, soothes and lic.-ilj. Uy'a Cream lkdiii is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tlio head, eaiily and pleiuivntly. A trial tiro will bo mailed for 10 cents. All drtigirUt tell tl COc. 1I10. rjllrothors. CO Wsrveu fit, N.Y. Tho Ilaliu cures without pain, docs not IrriUle or caoao sueezlnr. It spreads itseU over an Irrllntrxl nd sngry sorface, relioT iOL' Immediately tho paiuful biflaiamntlon. With Ply's Cream Halm you nro aruiod airaliut Natal Calsrili and Hay 1'ertr. The Dunham ' VERTICAL FEED SEWINGMACHIKE. lli:ST MUMIINK ON KAUT'll liHt Till-Pit 1(T. NTNK IlKTTnt MDK AT ANY pitici: for SalcSBy "iiDicmvcnv JP. Iniivcnv IHVIJU.IVJI.H QFjJ uiiivjuh. Furniture Dealers. The IiilermcdUirs- Sabbnlh. tins K ever occurred to you that be tween muse iiuai iiuiica, iiiuau vuulii-i lug our relation to Uod and those In-' vcitvltirT our obligations to inuu. the Sabbath stands? The author of the decalojtuo bus thus declared to us bis conviction that the arch of religion, Imttnvised upon lis two columns, God und man. would fall to pieces without the keystone of the Sabbath, nud In deed If ihu tiutlm euiufolatcd In this dlvlnu code mnke up by far the I.UKest part or our higher nature nnd humani ty, what Institution that you cnn think of would he so likely to unfold nud slrenylhea It ns n day of rest, n Sab balh set a.-Jdo und hallowed for the .contemplation of the highest Ideals which the human mind can coueelvo, Rev. Dr. S. Sale, Hebrew, St. Louis. IllrTlitroiiaiieim, Not I'rnsrr. denied. Too many men get down on their knees to pray. "O Lord, let me die the death of tho righteous." when what tho world needs Is men who will live tho lire of the righteous. Men baiter their coiixclcncY for a career. If you know what Is right, do It; don't stop to pray about It. Rev. Dr. V. W. Ouasaulus, Chicago. IN CUBA where it Is hot all the year round Scott's Emulsion sells better than any where else Inthcworld. So don't slop taking it in summer, or you will lore1 what you have tfalrvtd. tiemi lorni iirc4iinc-. cr-rta-T tii llivvVNU. Cliruiutt. 40.SlW,lMreel.iii(riiNeworlc. yv. uuu iisw" "'' wzr O. W. Tovor,MP. l'UYHIUIAN AND HUJUIKOJI. OiTite In tht lleniKil ft Waller 'kIcIc tvild lri,j. Prom itr:(. Marjlif.'td, Ornn,n. Wm. A. Toyo, DIJNTIHT. Uflics iii-iuirf In ll l-.Mcu-.lo I'Jpd, on stiett, Mrl.f"ld, Orrcon 1 J . W.. Bennett, ,vrroi(N'i:v and coviw.uun ?at LAW. Difitfl orer (Vw IUy llunk, il'fpnl slrctt M.trthlVId, Oirnon. ' , ' j W. U. Douglas, Attoknky at law and u. h. commihhionkh. IVonl itrcr I, MarhGld, Oregon. ; .John F.Hall ATTOUNKY AT LAW. OtTirr in ,Uilbmdo iilok. Front iumJ, MarjIinVId, Oircon. I. Hacker, AllSKHACTOIt Ccxiulllo City, Ore. Abstracts of titlo of real proterty ia Coot county furnished promptly Mnvo it sol ol nlMlincw. TIMllKIt LAND, ACT JUNK .3, 1878, NOTK'H I'OK 1'UllLIOATlDN. t'nib-d Sutes Uiod Office, Kottlmrj:, Oregon, une 3D, 1501. Notice it hereby ciicn tliAt In conipkincr will) lira piuTivl'.m of ll)'- act of t oncrett of June 3. 1876. rfltltW "An act for llir Mir ol limber land in tliitet of ( JtllfornU' Oregon, N'a ila, and Wailtlnjlon Territory," nt cJlen.lrd lo all Ihr Ihilillr Ijind SUtrs I'Vnctof AllL'UM 1. 1C03.AASOH A. U'ilk. cl Kowburc, coonly of IHiUfWi, ruir (or I eirnoryj 01 uiri-on, luiwn day tiled In thu office lilt tocn toitemcnt No. 1701. for llie purcriateof the SWU of Section & iO InTownililp Naaj h. Range No. 9 Vet, and will offer roof 10 tlmir that lh Unit Miuxl.t 11 more valuable for Itt limlier or Hone liian for agricultural purpoiet, awl 10 ruMivh MtcUin loMidbnd before tlie KeglHT and Needier of thit iVhce at KojeUiig, egon, on Kilunlar. It. 1111 rlav of Auvuvt. loot llo names at wlinntet. Grant la) lor. of Oaktinil, Oirgon, ichael n. uwiou, narry Durand, of I'oilUnd, Oregon, K-1aid M. La Itm, of Knveburg, Oregou Any and all u-noi.v Jjlmlng adirertely die idKe-detcriUd lands ale rrquetled to file their claimtin this office on or hrlofe mid 3IM day o Auguvt, 1901. I.T. IlSIUCM, Kegitter. 6-22 T1.MIIKK LAND, A(TiUNi:3, 1878. NOTIC'i: i:OH PUllLIt'ATION. United hUlet 1 -and Office, Ruvebui-, Oregon. June 20, 1901. Notice It hcrcbr glie in coinhance wllli the provltioni of the act o( Congmt of June 3. 1S78, ent'tied "An act for the sale of Umber landt in llie .Statet of CnllfomU. Oregon, Neva dv, and Waihtngton Territory," a etlended 10 Mil the ItiWic I jnil Suits by net of Augutl 4, 1(72, KtmAKO Xi lHLLsV. of KocbuiZ, county of Douglvs, Male (or Territory) of Oto gnn has thitilay filed in this oliict- hit sworn statement N0.4703, for the purclwtcof the Mli V of Nation No. an In TonthlpNo.aj. Kange .No. 9 Wrtl, and will oiler proof to show that the Und sought is more valuable for Its Umber or stone llun lor agricultural purposes, and to es tnblivh his claim to said Und liefore tl Kegitler ami Kecriirr of this omccal Kaxburg. Oregon, nn tutiLlY. the lilt llav of Al.CUU. IO0I. He names at wilneJies. Grant Tiiylor, of OalUnd, Oregon, Aaron A. Wrik, ol Koteourg, On-ton. Mlchral S. Lawless, Harry G. Durand. of itouUnd. Onxon. An, and all persons cUlmln' adiersely the above-described binds nrf rrquesteil to file their claimt in this on oe liefore said tisl Uy of Augml. iooi. J. T. Usiocva., Register. 6-32 TIMIIKULAND. ACT JUNK St, lt78. NOTICK KOU I'UllLICATJQN. L'nlteil Sutes IJuidollice. Roscburg, Oregon, Janes, 1901. v...Iu k-.l.w hIim tlit. In fYwnnlLifMV with l!uiN0vidongoflheact ofCongmtof June 3, oP. cmiiifc. ... -"- tvnds In the Main of tihfomLi, Oregon, Neva- ... I lt..I.I..IM laMllltf. " ...I.)uIh1 111 11.1, IM I. IM!HWt MW(J, .W..-.W . all the Public Land Mates by net of August 4. IDJ, IIAKHI ... WWn.-'. w .w.., ., lor Territory) of Oregon, has this day hied in this ortice his sora state ment rva 170J. lor me wircrac 10 jn J w Section Naa4 in Township NaayS, Range No. t. .. 1 .. .11 nn in iluiitf that lhLina y..n. Mil J Will Wl... ."V w ..w- ........ sought Is more valuable for Its limber or stone man lor agnaaiiiuai puipoto. nmi 10 cio.i his cLilnilo said land tiefoie the Reginer and u-.m nl .1.1. fttl,.. nl on Svlunhvy, the 31st day of August, 1001. He namrt as witnesses: IJdwardM. Lawless. Aaron A. Welt, of Roteburs. Oregon. S. Uwless. of l"onUnd. Oregon. Urant Taylor. oiuikunu. utecon. .IHJ UIIU l I--.M." to "-" , , ..1. .L.nvil.1 I. ml. nr rMiilrlnl 111 hit: tlielC iUims in lids on or belorr said 3tsl day of Augutl, 1901. J, T, IIKIIMSM, Register. O-SJ NOTICK TOR PU1VLICATI0N. Departinrntof the Interior, I-and Office at Kotcburg, Oregon, uly i, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following nanuil settler tiled notice of his Intention 10 nuke final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof w ill lie made liefore W. U. Doug lis U, Sv Commissioner at Marshfield, Oregon, on August 31. 1901' sit. lames M. Whitney and 3 Sec 06 T. 34 R ia W. He names the following witnesses 10 prove n.s continue 'U residence upon and cultivation of said Und. vli: W. A. Culmore. 1. I. llakrr, U. S, Nny, William Danes, of .Mw-shficld. Oregon. J.T. llKllxik.!.. Register. The Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT, sUsSSsE Is constantly milling to its stooK of Clouorid Merchan dise, already the largest in Mnrshflohl. Vhen you buy nt tho Mill Storo you know tho goods aro ilrst class and tho pnoo is all right . All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies' ' a.t sv-holesol .and ;retaiT 1 r ' gww it? win nmrnntrnnrr g UBSORIPTIONSFor all Jfrperfi g k5 and Magazines ReeeiivQ ,a,t i F. P. Norton'i iiUJUJUJUillHlHWUiUJU JUiUilWI -DKALBP. Latc.t Dcsigos of Wall Paper, Room fou!dings, VajnUhcs, Braflni! and Artists' Nason's Pure Mixed Faints a Specialty. .. '. II0ll.SK AND ION 1'AINTINO. (JUAININO. PLAIN AND DKCORATIVfc r l'AI'KItHANtHNU. , Orders Promptly Filled. C. 0. D. GROCERY A full lino of choice groceries, feed, flour, hum slid bacon always on hand, fresh fruits and vegetables received on ovcry steamer. HIOHCST PRICE.PAtD FOR PRODUCE, BUTTER AND EGO. Tr -nllnei; sv wiii Southern Oregon State Normal ScboirL " uslxlaan.d A Distinct Triumpu Our medical batteries, for the ap pUcstion of electricity to any part of tho need of It.havo gained a distinct triumph in this branch of tho hcnhng scionco, givo sstisfsction wherever used and nro endorsed by physiciunr. llattories for homo una fo.OOup; turgor ones for olllco use.fJO up. The shock is in thoulcctrlo cur nurreot not in tho price. Red Cross Drug Store John Preuss.Prop. An' Epoch in Lace '-History. We are ofTeriii"; a nice assort ment of Torchon and Vajettcien 11 es laces, and a great variety of cntbrcideries at very leasonable prices. Also a new slockjof la dies' suiitiuer underwear. NORTH -5k 'STAR. Bessie Richards, Prop. Cor. A and Second Sts. v?irjfm.vt'(j)5f r- . . " X ("mvAi?fh,m 255SP j-i).i nn '---,, - mm IN Supplies. Front St., Marshfidd.rOrc lINirlli lli-Tfly)Filst- j. a..iuvi , COQK: . . . -i,. , Ur 4 " ft ) - 7 tl Tlnfiitn. rtlilu Alt .1 r'. .titiiivn, iiiwm-if. Orqg-csaL Strong Academic course. Professional training ,& the highest csccUcDce. Well erralpped Ubratorlci, Kirst-clau training department. jDqnaand .far' trained teachers far exceeds xcfitpiif. he a chcJer of petkfco's. j IletMarTut loaWetaJf, ma"!1 climate on. the coaai. ' -"'V Eipenscs J 120,10 jljo per , year. AVrile tyt" . catalogue. , W. M. CLAYtON, Pres , ir " ' l J rMwiwaitMtt)Mfck !jrajM:.::. Piejepying Ti.i3ie VCo keopUbCf lct supply "l ohoieA, ,-t,f Innts.of all kinds-, fresh from , Jho ( .rowers, and anyone wishing ia cuhi'' or.pre,ervo should ibo surojind calI - onus. Vokcepftlullstpvtofall tttp "" necccsaary cwncojpllanuvtor f ruifeoiV "i fT Oampboll.& ckQr' (k V ForSummer.Sutiajj;e You cant hAo anything better. Jo , yoar dinner in ho,vother tkanvhsun the, pioe, wU jjurcderontingi bsnw t ,-tve sell, Holleil, rousted, f'riud. o iproiled, hoi or cold, i?t, makes ' suli,' . 1 1 slantial irrie; vlthot Oio .,ha'tiu; qualltiepol Wet. ' LJ ;;MarsM(Oashi . U WWW1 f if . t - ns jt 'ti ; 3 J, H&- ',, UL-i SJf -v . 1 K . " B 1 ' . 1 -j ' 3 r n -J. ' , -i So' -" 1 . ' JfJjUtl, ' ! 1 9 vires' 1 -f.iKi.r'- '.(. 'f ilvf - & U ri t . .ft t't "1 V l9f HU ,KK t i3ruis sjL tHtt - iV ' k.t,- J 'i y iKs n rAtJw. .v. ,