wt' it " i Tl A -- -ti -tratrsMFnF S" .- ,Jo ,.." ' 4 tv 'V. ,. COAST 3 Try the COAST MAIL Jj Job Office I rm.uaiil.iii.aii. .u, iu m .mm tjaa&iTTS J7yjFWJH WXy 3SrWST''ssTlBalSinPMJM? Read 0r Cowiy c ConciMfldedCe ' r lwRw,fww-Hti3Hrw'iw OL XXU 1. . ii MARSHFIEL0, OOOS OOUNTv OREGON, JULY 27 1901. KO. 80 1 M A T 1 : ;k&k - i 1 (tJtya , 1 w 'i' tattaatllf iwl NEWS SUMMARIZED, IMPORTANT EVENTS OP Till! PAST WEEK Cream of the Dispatches Dished lip In Tablet Form For the Busy Man. I J July iH I .mil Kutwll plradrd colli lo bigamy, nml wt lentriieed to lhte rtionlht' imprisonment. Mote ruin fell In Kiintat yritrrdir, liilrtn.illo.ul Kpstuilh IxngiMi Convention ned In Km Fiahrlsro, Ca. Mli Mary I'nWe Andrrton, nl I'urtUruI Mr., It la Christen die new lultleshlp Maine. 'flu1 Navy DrMiimnl has pnrctutril lbe big slrrl diiduck at Havana hvtor from llio gov ernment (S(viln fur jtlt.oon. June ig 'Ihe second latch i( llorr tielsonrrs of war lute nrrlrrtl at Ib-nnrnl, jlu In numhrr, I'llnce lldward'i DUmod Imi been toll lo a Nrw York firm (ur )io,c,, 1'irncli conspiracy lo ovrilhlow the Itp public nnd male Ixwlt Nalron l'ineior of frame hat linen discovered In I'.irli. Cn.ll Rhodes nml Dr. Jamrten lamlnl l fsrmlh Hampton lu-day, ltrd Kllchnrr hat commuted llie death sent Sme oa ji IVicr ltonrit lo liCc Imprisonment I IVrmuda, IVLIn will ! tuririulrml to the Chlnnr authorities on Aug 14th, ime year from the time of occupation f Irrtkt ami AmlrUnt Indulged In a bloody combat on the I'nlon I'aufic al Sidney Nebras ka. Mlrcekt wrie wounded, one Austiltn It ilniil. 'Pie (Jirrkt are armliig lliftiiK-Krt. M.i(ly'illltlorru( II-- vit.Mi r Mtl"Orrgoiiln.pcn,n.lllU.llel.l. Urn rxcljdnl I10111 Ili4 n.ival icnilcinjr, dy onlcr of SecicUry loni;. July 30 'Pi ilioiUjBoljju.ooiiln lh U, S. mini l N)H I'imImu Ui lrrn rrl!ml I7 lit lounlln . Ac . 1 . , 0 Ihfl KU In the vuulll, IIm HtNiu Drjr Dock n.f lue loJ',li3nl loSul'lj lUf, a tliiUnro o 11,916 mltrt. Tlwie Ufmlitc raging In tlicVolg 1'iotlnc rt of Soiillinn KuuU. Ki'l'irilUrnl Kiugri'i Mllailletl nl 1'irloiU loUy, 'Pie lon of kkrllIr,Vllnn.,A lploul by fire loUy. Ttnly fire of y ctilru mccumunl to IimI tUy wlillo attrmllng (ltn. HutttiflrM'i funrr! l Nrw Yotk. TVy will oil irnnrr, Mrs rruni weir tlruiiPi In New llawn, Conn., hy thg ullng of ,t yjclit yetlcuUy, 'Hie tlrel Iruit etprvtt tn tl til urral of llirlr tiUnlillilt wrfk, Mora tad tilirrli rrlcncnl In ll rorn Ult 4mt tlul crop tui licen very much Injuml. July 31 'I'lilrly llioukiml lAllitri hare itruck In New Yolk for tliorlrr liouit. , S'lulor CUik It operating In ItuuUn itpper nilnri, h.ilng pnliinl 15,0m 000 ruble In toik In mine. In tlul country. 'Hie Ihrinioiurtrr wrnt to 110 ilrgirrt at lmlUnoioilt liHl.ty. Trouble tielwrrn San Kranclico triiuttrrtnnil ilr.iynan iruy mcjn tie-up of wholeule unil re Ull tiuilnrtt. Intern.itlorul tpworlli tongue contrntlon t S.in I'ritniliio w.it brought to n ilo, During 11 norm n Urge Like barge w.n ttruck by lightning nml ileilroyrd by fire and her ctew Is luppoteu" lo IioIkxii lost, 'I tie IkxiI wa Krn Imrnlng by the Mcmomcnrc, Wi., light kn-per, 'Hie IhmiiI of Arbitration In the I'mut river fithrrmrn't itrlke luvriltcMiit lti.it the fither men tlull receive 11 cents per liili for one. ipiAitrr of the entire pack nml 10 cents for the remainder of the pack, July a a Coililn nml ChafCd li.no decided on rmllcil reforms In the urniy. '1 hu mlliury force Mill be reduird lo 10,000 or 30,000, The ,1lnUtrrt nl IVkln ngrrnl UMn the UCJ tlou of Indemnity pa)meuts. Tlio fiuicrnl of .lri. Kruger occurriil 01 Pre toria. .'llic mine lln men's sttlka was decLirrd eft" Adotpli Striker, olStn l'mnilco, ras crown d the king shooter of America, 'Hie Cndlllno won llio second ttl.il tnto for the Canada's cup, Imrrnmlonnl Mining Congress Is In session nt llolie, Idaho, 'Ilia trauntcri strike In San Fmucltco Is n sumlng a srrluiis mpcM und ihrruicns to later, ft'iir Willi hmliu'ts. 'I tins far oj,aU lionjrseckers lute HgUcrctl ill I'.l Itnui, Okla,, mid jS.jHj t laiwtyii. This villi he (111a of hi Iilggtit booms Oklahoma Urn rrfrt,llll,ll' 'liuKoveriinaiit Mill super V, lw tlftlngr CONDENSED STATE NEWS ITEMS. Sultilrt nf Orrgim Ajrlcutliif Collcgo pro fetvril urn In Im rnlu-rl, I'orlLinil slilitpnl one Irnlli of nil wlwst rirliil from the United Sinln, Kowlcirc has cnniracted with llm Walrr h 1 l.'itlil Co. lo fiirnlih w.ttrr for Jl.ixi n year wr liyili.ini, (.'oinmariilarit Jnn Krlge, who rvrvrd wlih wild fleueral I Willi ( In On- lloer warlt In I'oil land and mMitrtint, 11 mealing on Kitunlay etrnliig, IJnn county bit Jim Imrvrileit the lieavleit hay crop In iimiiyynin, J. K. Wralhrrfonl, of Allnny hat been, rlrclnl pirtldent of the lliMrd id Urgent of Oregon ARilcullur.il Cotlrge, 'I be Dalles will holla street air. The lottt membership of the A, O. V. W, In Oregon It noe i),Mj, " -' John C. Iaturr, of IHirllsml, Oregon, look Mi on life In it San rranclfo hxlglng home lil Friday by twalkwng eirbollu add. Dot. pomleiicy wa llieraute. Mayor O'Nell, the third mayor o' Portland It tlr.iil. Paigrne hat cinlrctrrt fory.ooociililc yardi of truthil roik at 7 cents yard, lo be utnl In niacadamlilng, A draf U luiliril Allen was killed At I J (trandebf n train. He wat on the track and thrown by the engine giln.l the Umk and luttanlly killed. 'Die Clatuip County Sundiy Silioul rouirn- lion will In httd at Ailorl on July 30, I. S. Ilullry, a ft.hnni.itt wat ilronr,l at Ailorla halurLy night, CUliop county hat new No. 1 Austin rock . , , . i 18 horsepower engine to ruihernndn new cniib riKk fur the new Nthalem talley road. 'Pie nuililnn coil J J 16;. 'limber firrt are raging In l-nkc and Klamalli counties. A rattlesnake was rrrenlly kllM at Allan having nine rattles. It It now thought by conteirallie judges that An Astoria conixtnyliat been Incoipnraled to itetel.e Ihe Nelulem coal fields, 'the Oregon Nntlunnl Ciutilt begun rifle practlca Utl Saturday, . II OoUt'inilli one of Portland's raoneer chanlt died of heart trouble on Monday. Word From Nome Mrs. Joiopli Fox rermved it letter from lior ou Kriieat Fox from Nomo tinder ditto of July -1th . Ho witw an, iottn to K't back to thoArcllo whom ho locnted vciy rich dlgglnga Inst fall, but vn nwaltlitR tlienrrlvnl of it atcamor front Kt. Mlohaeln, when hu expected his fnthcr mid brother to Join III 111 on hla Northern trip. Ho anya ho ritw8mit Ditvla Jr., Hark Dunham and Gapt. llobt. Fredrick), who had ut arrived nt Nome. J. W. Tihbetla had been there for foino time but ho didn't state what buaalueaa ho Win cii!Ki'd In. Citpt. llnhl Dunhntn ta muster of tho stenniorKlk ruimlngbotwcun Nomo nml Toller. Y. M. C. A. Notes. There can bo no doubt that the Young Men'a Christian Association is doing rt good work In Marahllold. At no tiino in thn past four mmithn haa thoalteiidnnoo been to largo, nor tho interest to general at nt present. Tho Association is conaUuily mnk Ing ImprovemonlB and adding to it fiicllition so as to reucli, as fnr as postl. bio, thn niontnl, moral, and physical plmsca of htiuinn nature. Another vnlunblo mid tpiite o.xton- nivoiiforeiiao Ima been promliotl for tho library and in time, It nt hoped that thn branch will bocomo quilo contprelientivo and rrtTer referonco for any ordinary requirement. Much Interest is taken m tho short limid olna.ios and ouu aludont, with only a inoiitli'n study, takes dlotatlon of buHlnena lettora lit hla fathor'u olllce. Otliura who lutvo not etttdiud uts long nrntloiug equally well considering tho timu h'.iico onteriug tlio ohm. A now lleiiiington Utanthtrd Typewriter, No. (I, Juts boon supplied for tho ttno of tho Htmloutfl. Tho gymuiiBittin anil bowlltig nlloys nro itKod nt ueitrlv all liottra of' tho day and evening. Tho hot shower hnthu nro found to bo first clans following n plunge In tlio buy. Kwiniiuors can bo seen nt Hourly any hour of tho day from 0 a m to 8 p tn. Bhooitng thu chutes la it very excit ing nml intensely inlerestlrg sport indulged in by n grout ninny, Tho publlo is urgod to cull nml boo tho work na It U progressing. Card of Thanks We wish to tlmiik the people ofMnrshfiiehl mid the members of the A. O. U. W. nml the D. oj II. niul others for their kind ntuV frieudly sympathy shown itt our recent bereavemeut. Mks. S. H. IIazaud, Iouifi II. IlAZAUUe ODDEN DEATH fif If am C l( UnnnfA 111 IIOII. J. II. IIiiZaU, Caused By Over RESULTING IN FATAL HEART TROUBLE One of Coos County's Leading At torncys and Highly Respected Citizens Sketch of His Life 'l'hla (vnntniinlly hits Mialnlned a suvcru shock In thu ilrnth of Hon. K, II. Minnril, which occur ml nlmtit II o'clock on Mondny iivcnini;, July '-'2. Tlii'cnuio of ilcnth wits it strain Tn tint legion of tint lirnrt, ricolvcd on l'riilny In: wlnlo itperding hla trotter, HtHtil, nrotitnl thn tnco trnck. Tlio liurro la mi cxlri'inefy hard puller, und thn Mrnln wua too titttch for Mr. Jliitaid, who colliiiicd on .illatnnttnt- I111: front tlio sulky anil km taken homo Inter In n condition considered , .. ., ..,.... eciiiiiin iij ir, ..itviiii.iui;, n iiu mis rnllnd. I.uler, honcvur, ho seemed to ho KrtintiiK. mid on thu day of hla death his frituda had rccotentl fill, confidence in hla rt-uovery, Thu end emtio auddeuly, with but a moment' wiirniuK nod with itu atriigclu or np pnrcnt siillortni.'. Thu fiiticrnt, which took plncn Wed ni'i'dny, waa very largely attended. Hcrviccant tho latii lioimi wcro con- ilucteil In n very luitircaslvo niannor by Itov. It.C. I.co.if tho M. K.cliurclil niter which tho remain were tuketi in oliargo.by tho A. 0. U, W. and 1). of II. lodges, of which deceased .war nn honored member, und wore laid to robiln 1.0. 0. F. ccmetary with thu beautiful rlluallriilo r-ervlec of tho or der. Tuo pall-besrcra uoto .1. V Honuett, 0. I. tiniith, A. K. SeitniHti, A. J. Sherwood, L. A. ltobcrta und J. K. Hull. Hllai H. Hnxard waa born at Ilaton Hottge, I.a., Juno 10, 1833, Ho moved with Ills parents to Now Jersey when bul n boy. Thence tho family moved to l'enntylvunia, ilienco to MUaisslp pi and finally located in Iowa City, la., where Mr. Hiuard received hi educxlion, illicit was completed at llio University of Iowa. He began tho study of law under tho direction of tho uull-known law firm of Pat terson A Itnhini'on, at Iowa Oily, and was admitted lo tho bar on January la, 1SCI. Ho cnino to tho Puclllo coaat in 18Co, but returned tho kuiiiu year to Iown, where ho purchased a farm. In 187;! ho again emtio Weal nud reaching Coos liny ho entered upon the pructleu of his profcesion nt KmplritCity. whera ho resided until Julv -.", 11KX). when ho moved to Murshlleld. Mr.Haxitrd waa happily married threo times. On Jnn. 17,1807, ho wus joined in wedloelc nt Solon, Iown, to Miss Maggio I.. Shlrclilf, who livod less thun two cnrs, passing nwny nn Feb. ill, 18tVJ. The Iruit of this union was otto nn, L. 11. llnxitrtl, now county clerk of Coos county and tlio only living child of deceased. On July 3, 1870, Mr, Hnxiud wits mar ried to Miss Kmnui Wntsan, it slater of Judge 1). 1.. Watson. Her death occurred In n little over four years, Dec. LM, 18S0. On Jan. 1, 18cUI, in this city , Mr. Hnxnrd letl to tho niter Mhs Frances Adelo (Fannie) MuKnight, whosttrvive to mourn tho loss of one ol tho most loving nud coiuidorato of husbands. Mr. Hnxnrd early look his plnco as ouo ol tho leading attorneys of this part ol llio stulo, n plnco which he held until tho hour of his deiith. Ills library is ouo id tho finest in Oregon, To nay that 8, II. Hitxard wan a i nun ot tireless energy is to ttso n trtto explosion with absolute truth. His capacity for hard and continuous ap plication waa wonderful, nud what ovor ho iiiuloilook to dolio did witit nil his might, Ho was a man of on- lhiiHiiBins, itutl whether in work or reareution ho dovotcd his wholo at tention to the matter in hand. Ho waa a man of tho strictest integrity and bore a reputation without u atulu, Wlulnn strong ,uucon)promUlngl)om oorat, ho waa twicu oleutcd to olllco In tills ltopublioan district, sorviug as Distrlut Attornoy from 1870 to 1830. An fjulogy of 8 , H, Haxitrd Is un necessary iu this coimrriinlty whore rx lit) linn llvnl no lottrT. Ill Hifties of 111I111I mill licit r t tvtrn tsttcti pa Jo win not only (he roi-ct. but tlionlronn irointl likliifjnf nil irlth whom hu vfrtH liniiinliilii ciiiitrto.t. (11 Was op oiiMiriirlfltl mill iiijii-linnileil, a b; notileil tiirttt vvltli notlitni; olf petty tnoniiiirM ornmnll icrona) 'apltu in In nntiirn, Wlilld a ntrone flglitpr in "y caaii In whiclt lio tvna im etJ8B0l, ,l0 wnH " to mitl till) lifowa hu Kvo wtifn honest onc, Whether tn vtolory or t'erent tin tllnpjitrod thrj Konuroally which neither arotisci nor linrbora 111tlIco. In fact, it nitty bo nil) without exBRRcrntlon that ho oc cupied it niiiqiio place In thn com (ininlty. (or It la only in tho rnrent inaUnccii thrttit ninn of hit afcllvr) llfo la mj nnivnrr.ally regartlcti, rtmotiR III prororlonal lirnthror, bualncs men, nml K;oplc of all classed, rrit.i fochnj: m nearly nkln to llio wrtrmcat nml most uiinaorvcd nfTectlon. lit tin timely ilciiili it a nhock vrllich it fell with nil ttio pfllKiunoyof k ncr- aorial heruiiviitnent liv nmnv a man In llliia coniniunlty whoto dcorir feel- iiifiii nil.' pviiiuiii eillllHI, lid YiUf (I fitrn Mini, it I'ltnttnnitin liv fnifnif.t. 0110 of .mturo'a nolnVmon. , .. ,..-.. ..y ........w., f The New Text Books Chosen Tho books adopted aro slftfwit by sorics, tho prices being for a set, of tho series, introductory prices are the satito ia retail In all cases. Cyr's rcadora, fivo hooka, Olnn ,t Co.; exchange, fl.tK); retail, $2X0. Itecd & Kollogg'sgrmnmar, threo books, Mnnyard , Merrill. t Co.; ex change, 08 conta , retail $1..V. ' ' Wentworth'a arithmntio. two books, (linn .t Co : exchantrc .TTi enftfa. re- tall. 70 cents. Frye's geography, two hooka. Ginn , .tCo.;exchnngc,iOcenl, retail SI 0.1 Spoiler , HVf d'a word leasona, fnn- i yard, Morrill & Co.; exchange. 10 cts,( retail 22 cents. Wheeler' primer ,,U". II. Wheeler i'i Co. ; exchange li cents, retail 80 cent. llrooka mnntnl arlthmndc, Chrisln. pher, Saner ,t Co. two now in use, re tail .10 cent. Ncwland .v Kon'a vortlclowritlog, night honks, Heath &. Co',,,jC1f couts straight. .. S-&t&5&Aifi' Thomas prlrnarvifatorr, Hetth &. Co.; exchango .10 cents, retail CO conta. Thomas' 1'nlted Stalea history, grammar grade, Heath &. Co.; ex change 50 cents, retail (I. Natural Soneicopy hooka r exchango Gceut retail C cents. Tho representatives of tho publish ing houses who wero awarded con tracts at tho recent school toxtbook commissioners' meeting have algnrd all COIltractJ. They wore: 0. P. Bnrner, representing Olnn ct Co.; C. W. Hodgson of I). C. Hoatl, A- Co.; J. 1). Williams of Mnynard, Moriill & Co.; mid W. C. Fidler of W. H. Wheolor A Co. , The companies gavo bonds as fol- . n . , ' . r in t ,,.. Maynanl, Merrill A Co., ? 10,000: Olnn t Co,, IIIO.OOO; 1). C. Heath A Co.. 110,000; W.H. Wheoler .t Co., r2..VX), Contracts with tho remaining com- pnnios aro being completed and their bond are apportioned as follows: r ,i. n .,wi ii, t MoMillau Co., 10.000. Wornor t n ,,irin wt n t ., ,rnn Houghton, Mlllllll A Co., 2.500. ! f Bmii. II. Hanbo-n A Co.. .r)00f filbly A Duoher, $2,500; Silver, Utir-1 dottACn., L500. American Book Co.. 4i',roo. Tho bonds aggrcgato fSO.OOO, J. 1C. Gill A Co- of Portland nro se lected aa gonoral ngeuts for this state, nml thny will he dlstnliutorstoHohool book dealers in ovory section. Every company placed its ngouoy thoro ex cept tho Amorlcnm Book Company. Tho bond formerly given by tho old contractors aggregated only HO.000 and thoy wero porsonnl boi.ils,whereas the jiresunt contractors aro obliged to go to thu exponao of buying kuroty enmp.tiiy bonds. Installations DUtrlcl Deputy, O, M. Jens Itantcn, Install ed thu following olflccr for Arago lodge lO O K nt Knipire City on 1 hursday night: David Morte, N 0, George lle.ll, V 0, D It Jones, T, M lliler, S, OeorgeKngleblojm, W, Al Owen, It S N (i, A 1". Seaman, RSV O, Tmlor Slg. land, I, S V 0, Olo i:ersen, l S, Tho following olllcora of Sunset Lodge, No. Tit , 10 OF, wero installed Friday ovoning by Dist Depty CI M Jtma lliiuuon: A Uideout, n g, K W Kardoll, v g, I Lando, seo, J F Hall, troAs, 1 Lamlrith, w, Wll Curtitt, c. 0 A Johnson , r a ii g, JosFortyrl-s n g, Jops Hanson, r 8 v g, Chns Lax , live, John Statin; i g, V E Rich ards, y g, Jons Jouson, r a s, A 11 Price 1 b 8,Quo StaufT, chap. 'lliere will be picnic on Sunday Aug.inh at Filter's grove, given under the auspice of tNo Sound Sockiy , CORRESPONDENCE. NOFtTll 1JKNI) Mr. and Mra.Cursnn received their household furnl'.uro on tho Alliance from 1'orllnnd and will go to house keeping tho first ot next wcok , Mrs. Krlebul returned home on tho Alliance. Her eyes, although still alluded, do not caused her pain now. Almost every day some of our ladies come home with buckets of black borrlos whiclrthoy havo gathered. Mhu aughan, a sister of Y'm. Vatighan U visiting hero. Tho schooners Gotanut and Volun teer aro hero loading lumber. Miss Florence Peterson was visiting friends hero tho first of tho week. 8ho ha just roliirncd from a year's sojourn in Han Francisco. Mrs. Woybright of Unities slough le visiting tho family J. Peterson and other friends. North llend was almost deserted Sunday. Every ono wont to the pic nic nt J'ipcr'aOrovo and rctiort having had it good tiino butcamo homo, Oh so tired I Wo have not learned how much tho hand hoys cleared. TKNMILK. All'erkini and Jim Thomson of Gardiner aro hero in tho interest of the null company to round up a largo baud of young bcofcattle. Will Bimpion of Larson's slough is making his stay at Coleman's. J. II. Hibbard returned Saturday from tip tho Urnpqua nhcro ho had gone to buy hogs. Mrs. Kil Hambidgo of Greenwood creek Is visiting with Mrs. Ucorgo J,',,Uc"00 "cro" t,, divide. Charles Holmstrom who runs tho locotnotlvo for llio mill company canto I bxck Saturday from Portland whoro ho had used up a week's vacation. J . K. Peterson ot May waa visiting hero Sunday BORN COOKAt IHg Creek, July, xfij iyui, to mc wucoi tjeo. cook, a daughter. WEBSTERr-At Los Angeles, CiUf.fjiilyiiCUoQj-jtQ.Mr.. raud Mrs. If. B. Webster, a son", i Blackberries Wailed The CoAtr Main man wants a limited quan tity of ripe wild blacldierrles, for cuh, and lll take an unlimited amount on srtbtcriptlon. Face Injured The following Item whlUi appeared lo the Capital Journal, lias refletence to Mlu Ella llodion who was married last winter to Oliver joreyofSolcm. Mlu Hodtonlt well known here sad Iter friends will be pleased to. learn Hut she was not dangerously hurt t .!. Oliver Jory, of South Salem received an Injury yestesdav afternoon that will considerable Inconveoleuce. While In the workthop where her hutband was working wl'h a rwcr phner. a knoi of lumber flew up and struck her on the right cheek, cuttings gaih of set eral Inches In length and quite deeji. Ur. C It. Robcrtioas colled and found It necesurry to uke sc etal stitches to close, the gath. z SAN FRANCISCO NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE , , The report obulncd currrency here yesterday ...,,', . , . , , ' tlut M. U, Laouls had been captured In han IMubeo' TJ.I. seem, to lave arisen from the that one of the S. K. evening dailies which hM lul,c clrcuUtlon here Iws just awakened from a Rip Van Winkle sleep and under a big scare head on the first page, publithes ru a "special dispatch" from Marshfield dated July 3jrU gives n re-la jh of news that was old here two months before. There Is not an Item In the whole amdc that was not published In the Coos county papers prior to May i6th. In fact, the whole "special dispatch" bears the earmark of having been mode up from old numbers of the COAST Mau. which Mere sent to tho paper ,in question a week ago in nntw er to nn Inquiry, And this it Saa Francisco Journalism I 2 "Shoot Ihe chutes," Study Shorthand. Read the latest and best periodicles. 5 Exercise your muscles. In fact combine rest uith self improvement by belonging 2 to .lieY.M.C. A. and using tbe facilities offered. Membership, per year, $5.00. n Junior, 53.00. I jjg p. . gg a sttt) bjj sj Ml Mj Mj MiMItt" ' APPETIZING BrtEF. flat ta Vrepara Tootliaoms Statical front Cheap Cats. S AWjajtllkM 4 aM . a VmI- ket Is os follows: Procure a four or flva ...-. ..-I-. . .1 .. .4 imiinti ucri urirs.pt. nvpomur tuo ia from the Irau Willi a sharp knife, leaf, log a portion attached n round tfire Ides. Blurt this pocket with a tote' meat of a cupful of fine brrnd crumbs mixed dry, with rt half tearpoortfal of white pepper, a tcnanoonful of salt, & tablcfpoonful of mixed arrrct herbs and a pinch of mace. Melt a half table spoonful fit butter In a saucepan, aim. mer In It a heaping tablespooafnl of minced onion. When It Is tender, stir In the prepared bread crura ba, mix welt together, take from tho flro and stir In one beaten egg, spread In tho pocket and se,w the open edge. Wrap tho bris ket n n floured cloth, tie, plungo Into it kcttlo of boiling water. When It again reaches tho boiling point, draw back where all can boll gently for threo to four hours. Select d meaty piece of brisket. A rolled rib roast a la crcolo fa n doll cIouh, savory preparation of beef. Be irut tlio meat nnd havo It rolled the day before you wish to cook It. Prepare a marinade of the Juice of one largo lem on, threw tablcjpoonfula of olive oil, four taWcapoonfuls of finely minced onion and a dozen wholo peppercorn In a grnnltcware pan largo onoagh to easily accoramodato the beef. Lay tho roast In and leave for two hours, then torn It over and leave for two more hours. Turn again and leave for the night, first rubbing tho edges well In tho marinade. Next morning turn onco more and leave until ready to cook. Of course tho meat should be kept In a cold place. Allow ten minutes to the pound for roastlne;. After placing In tho dripping nan throw over It a cup ful of boiling water, sprlnklo wJUi a heaping teaspoonful of salt nnd place In a hot oven. Haste with a cupful of boiling water mixed with tho martnado In which the meat baa lain, tiM strain and lightly salt. Ten minutes be fore the meat Is taken from the pan baste over It a tablespoonful of batter. dredge a tablespoonful (scant) of flour over tho ton. Increase tho heat, and as soon as tho flour froths and brown placo tho meat on a hot platter. Gar nish with little bandies of water cress. New l'ork Sun. ITotr is Caw Xrtorero. A tablespoonful of stewed tomatoes (eft over from dinner may bo saved "iSSS the "" bfcf ,RlTJ ' Tlio half enp ot peas left from to day's dinner may bo added to the breakfast omelet and thus convert av plain omelet Into a sightly ooe. -s-Wafar frjrtrckjMg. to JajtMsjskaasM w p away k wx vkb sank rer ta cuiiuresi or; ebsj oo aaaea to a creaua oun. A cupfal pt cold boiled rice may bo added to' oar breakfast muffins or waffles, BMtClac them lighter, moroetvs lly digestad nd more palatable. now to Cream Co4flah. To prepare It In the old fashtooed way shred a cupful of the fish fine, be ing sure to remove all the pieces of bone. Cover It with cold water, bring: It to a boll and titraln. Return tt to the pan, add a level table-spoonful ot cornstarch and a heaping tablespoonful of butter and cook tor three or four minutes without browning, stirring constantly. Then add one cupful of milk and cook until It thickens, turn In one cupful of cream and serve at onco on toast This can be Tarled by serr lng a poached egg on the top of eoca portion. IIott to Cotc areata Vegetable. All green vegetables should be boUed In salted water. A pinch of carbonate ot soda will mako them retain their color. They should never boll a mo ment longer than la Just necessary to cook tbcm; then they sbonld bo drained at once. Fine ragouts may be made from vegetables only If a few mush rooms are added. Potatoes and onions, ono or two tomatoes, an apple, a few peeled mushrooms with plenty of sea soning and some milk or water make a good vegetable stew. ! MM We Haye it. That in our almost invar iable reply to inquiries for the latest nov elties a-nd swell effects in Mid Sum in or dry goods, eloth in$i furnish ings a- n- d shoes, gloves, corsets, hose ry, underwear, skirts, wrap pers and silh . waists. I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All GiTods Guaranteed as Represented. RigM Prkes';: Cittom treatment. M AGNES & IVIr,3il lrUW VaV m ti e h wtw wssi sww tw w TkeME.Pknkkcf The picnic rawly glreti by trxt MttosaW ' " SorasfVheot rrfi KrMay morrflftg is drtai- ed and retained In the evening fn inlfsflstsav after lirVtrarntaneflJoyabreibycnvitiebtsasV,'' " The plenlc dinner was one of lb tsjayaittf I featam though wading In the sand and sH sef water teemed tobe ffie most fascinating otusya-r lion, Ixith ycngand oil retiring fnaiHrsaVea. ' slty of taking an Immediate foot fattl 4 o doubt many would have utefY dh Into bV 4 turf had prep.iralbns been co fTtenleflf. mvanVM Arrivals by Alliance, from nortfrV July 21 : HA Fulton, Miss Gnrrs, J II liroody, Mrs Broody, Mrs Darks, 0 B Durkee, J D Meyers, Mrs Meyers II Jtoxon, W Caranagfa, Miss Agsec Vaughn, C T Collwbll, F V Coates, (f J Sathcr, Mrs Bather, Arthur csjthr , MiasSadlo Goddsn.WJ Joflmt, 4tr Nssburg, MrsJf Kriebel, Mr ttt Cormsck, Chss Cavswaufh. Wit Caranaugh, AneJersoif W B Carlny Mrs S Barrow, C TUhti, UormsMv Beck, Mrs Beck , Jobs Bock, August Beck, Edith Beck, d Bocite I 0 Currie, M Wallace. T(K PkR(C Tho picnic given at Pipers Grot hf the .North Bend band boys last 8a- dayjwas enjoyed by a large crowd SeVwra! gasolino launches and tksr Flyer and a largo barge were used tr conrey tho picknickur. The ball gamo on tho grounds waa won by tbo Coos rlyer club, the score being 11 to 0. North Bend boys', receiving 0. TboatTsir was pleaaani throughout and all speak highly of e way it was managed . v. SUMMONS IN THE CJRCUrTCOURTOF'TiTKSrATIf OK OREGON KOR COOS COt;aY. Anthony A Wtrley, ItalnilfT,' vs. Crot Hit Land Company, a corpnratton, Kom Uray as ex ecutrixof the will of John A, GrT. decrated. and George Suit In Eqrty to tsteclsao a rnortcaast aaafl takbettsr. btituff, Ucfenaanu. To the Coo liar Land as eseeutru of Use writ of John.A. ed, and Otorge SunST, aPsrnfHcf jkaswlasjssi-etTTtifcarW-ateat Yon are herebr I tomonnrln ttWarxnVratkieei Coat aarl wtr the corapialnl Ated aphtM you la rite a bars' entitled suit, witbia six weeks froet Jtjt ske 37th, 1901, Use first day of pttbbeattoa) ot ssir summoas, and If yoti fall to so appear uMr nntwer oa or Ufore the 7th day of ilapteasBsuV looi, the last day of the liaae prrtenbed lo tW order lor pubUcatioo of this tummoos, isr waa thereof pUintlfTwra take decree agalaat yon iK.uUnfrriuln lands In Coos ccmarr. StMS of Oregon, for decree of farectasere ef f.sj mortfage ana Ux ueas m cavptanH uiitinatny lor Atrtrm ut said mortcace and tax kees OS coniplalnt described are arst a prior Hsat oa' said lands, said mortgage being rseesrtea! by Coos Sy Land Company and said load cea sUUng of lots lu blocks I. o. y. s. 09. ja, jty 3. 3J. H- 35. 3fi 37. 3. 39. 4. 4. 43- M aS. 4. 47. 4.49. SO.S.. J3.54.Si. S. i' the low a or East Marshneld. Coos cooatr. Orcsoa. accerdiog to the plat thereof oa s iff the County Clerk's cAce of Cooa coeaty. Ofe ron. and also tuchporuoool said put et Eaa ManhScUas was vacated by order of. skat County Coart oa or about the sth day of Jasy 1S95. also the tide Und frontlet oa seetlea' S. Tp. sj. S. R. 3 W and ihU Und ffoetW Iot I In section jo. Tp. at. S. R. Is W asat 11 of taldloU.Uocks and pieces of load Mac more particularry deentd In the mortgage tar complaint herein set forth; for judgement sgalastf said defendant Coos Day Und Coropaay for 60x4.70 and Interett thereon as prated for tar the compkdnl, and lor such other relief as pray ed for In the complaint and shall be deemed by the Court proper. Service of this summons It Blade by t"Wca' lion In pursuance of an order tuade by the Hon. r. it,,Wk-r. Counts ludre for Coos county,. Oregon, and dated the s;th day of July, 1901, nnd directing publication of Ihe aarne lo Ue" "Coast Mail" a weekly newspaper pubibKed at Marshfield. Coos county, Oregon, once ear week for a period of sU weeks. Attorney for Plaints. MHall IBMaT I 1. Don't forget. The R& G Corset, in all styles. Rcco nieuded by all who have worn them to be a perfecj article, - - - - - - t l t, It i. We curry and have thecx clusive sale of the VVALK OVKR SHOE for gentle men nuTthe"PATRICrANT a woman's shoe that's right 1 Towels,. Sheetin,, Lace Curtains. I. i. 1 ofe.i MATS l,VIT I Vo?lrla -Br MfBea isTs(sTTsJirWssaiii n iTrw3suisK t- ej w w, w itw. I .'4 m CO On. oVassat' '. , .:, ii i rr , r.nrm i ... ,3fiHIP u.kdllSBBBaailAi A "T r : - i jM . . tA th '4.r- i,i hi 1 Ji. J '- t T - ,