I & -. ' S,tT3PdPIjElNE3r- r .., iun j1 J s -.. i '. (WM1 -m TaWark AYrMARKIEVITPH, V t Mcroliqiit Tttiloi s ', ' Till Al UWnortli of l'lnlhlgah &' .. ,.Hiiiinult Dank, Mrirlifllil,vK - S'UIJS'TQ ORDER, In latait atjrlB moderate prc. . '. AaaitrttHnat tiaaalaiM fifnll f lu iMtti lraaa, MBrtt'tll- '" urlMK oT litaporfett vftg!.; t f i ii i a i ' i ii i ii Flniuiiiun A' Hon nolt u HANK, JHUKOTOHBiT. Il.Hlit.il- Hiiii, .! iic'iiiit'ii, iiir.n. : J it m... .., II. FIiiiinkmii. V1CK I'HKS.: . F. U'llllxnu. f'AWHIKU Capital, $50,000. 1MHNII'tlt8.l OHK1JO i " ft 'I TV 1 ' ' . v-4,.' t THE r nit . rjr.. a fjp tjf o rs, m v . r ar r-aj r-m i ..spm-x. QREGONIAN . " 'cflutnhw nil Ilie'ncwjT.of litis btntc, the cvenU of the world and cditoriol rjttotair wS.t. i j. XtOHU IV, Tako it. Tho Const Mail and tho'lKll!"!;, h!t ZH Wookly Orogonian Ono Year. $2.60 Tr t ruuuu fiuilir) -j.-W. 8. Practical 5 4 Photographor MA1IHIIPIF.L.I). OKKdON. The only first clttss Gallery ill Coon County. All Work WurrnHlcil. 'ktiikuuuHxaiUAuiuAiim WASTE NERVEJ One pnlie moil helpful booVf on rre ttcik ji. rer H.uwt l that coUiM ""Nen, v.ie, ' -y Dr. Hmyn of Sfln KronclKo, now In lit flf.'i houuad. ThU otk ol ar. r.prtWuua all pm4aiJiycUalllBifrrulcnirjii8i4 iilllBtfjItefdgMbWiprrMlUo.) l'a iipfjtajirsul.jjcu ltabpuuJilBcar(MU.rn. i.lritilnadtklrtlleDaclucili'Uv5o 4,reiit merlu of wisdom and tlrtorrlly. r llfe-imioranl by bold lha ralleiiianil mmjU i .tail ' 1. a"l.l. A.I..... ..u.. sat .ji.-I . i.i . , . .... r ." a J" a aT t-vj t..v wtiiaijUfiuvnniji f rrryiw' ji ww mvi muu iw ti)()iiwug,(.i lis,, (9rmcifkM .. ill I... . I.I. I - I l. . -.tV T.-- i. HillJiiitlnMlili.'.liijpaau'aii'taii Jnio ttib'mai'i -.' f "'I. NJt now luffrtlpg, Hi;opglirrrout "mi nn tlio rt, what can equal inipJltim-nii' e ..Ii' HiyiietnT 1 "J , laabaokliiiipo, by rniill, notln.ildis W no nur men ininrtiing n)iri-tiu isf ... . ". ' .: , ono-rninr ana.nrtta. toniea ll ll I' jirlnird ep.intitlaVintpliuptw; And 0l Sa lis 4illdaflylAt(lrMforltflru p by tin i fRt.i mWhliw, h Hie lMo'ftc l'ab.'Co,rii9X.rfi'Rifi Wnr,'oiJ,c1' men no repiledi ' . at V , - . . f -.. Coast Hail. MAllHIII'Iltl.I), OKKtiON V ' ' A COUNTRY nOAO. A dud. Mm? my, .MaUrd'rl' sad It IUl ttli l.hrMwitl 4 NoUfttMl AkrvH, tare kill mwitdk Hkl daw, Ami Mom Itw.olkrt fH K lh Man follow tt rfttr'f cawm iltmucti mv'tn prr; 0tf wbHu IMcs. woJi ami wtU I.dn Iran. A Hllli hrilxr, fcr lbs road drwvwb, , A I' H Ua.le with torn Mfd nm Mmda, (Oaaa trM ll td It lnr''U.ilmVf tmill "at Hill MJilm tr quaint tmtn)l lurtl lirnmot Matr II Unit, III ikplht. tht lo;l .lilt mlm ' ' Of watch lh ailnni Itora tora wlltw'lltth. t'pqa III litW. Ww (rftrn I rn ilood. tWttUnf Hit wm, Kum (lor a-tatttt I Bood With libtm llkt IM pmrfceeu lk antra HM HtMn to oULIk brllrt't Tl'l rraw'tW bill, t-hdrtftt4'lst rt til, I (w my tub, tad I lf J Mm.ratll " lit niM with ntuiJ Mrfd (ml rafaela- pll Mr hinl In MMII tor r Ja1 o Iktl 'fttitb kU U(ht H tnfd U Yn' H tu'y ""r, A Kit imttt W6rd Ml i nf ul llk Uln Whit mlk4 Uratrl tWmifU Id frjrl nlm. -M.tr u. UrCtrllijr U (kxlx Trtrwcrlpl. SALTED PUTTER. Wbr It Keep Hlr ThH Hnll.r Tlmt la Krali. Xif loo nail Imtlftr kci IHfr tlmn frciti Inillir? We tninl lint rr. lo tlmt tlit Imttrrlnj noitulnUon of a iiKNti'rntc sluit pat of liiiltcr tuny l rccklitinl lijr million, tlmt n tin; lump ""'? Ini)to,i.'uouii)i to go I'll A tlijmblo Iish Ixfit 'known id Ikt lenantcil by m-nrly S.oo.oK), tluit. In fact. In con. limine n Mitt? of Urrnil mid butter juu limy iiBfonarloiialr In nltnllntlnif ln dividual lire rxrvrdlni; In nuuitxr thoi of ttie WMtilu.o'r'KurMie. Tliua itlif urKriicy fur kit'iliiK tlipav liordea In clifrk nml licticc tlio elTorta wlilcli nro inmlp. flrat, to ! tip cfTictiiflytrrJiTi 10 tiieir iBKrt'M ujr .tkiiir. proper Jtrv ncnuilin Inulirf production of milk itind, afrtiud. In tin1 conduct ft the tirocauu-a. i .Imolvrd In tlic iiiniiiifacturp nnd dUrl vbtitlnll oftiw ilnUlu'dnrllclo. v Inclmlctt In Unto procmc I tlio ad "dUluti of aalt In aucli (iiinntltlra ni to "Jiutlfy tue butter bcln known M lt mv uujen oi riiciiuiliK tlic Kwplne Hiwiniof tliebuilrr or. Ill other tvordu, to nunprraa to a terse client the netltl. tlio fact Hint In butler lliui treated a Tery large reduction in tlio uuniber of ,uilcro-orKiiln prcwtlt Ii effected. Tbere can le little doubt, therefore, that the oimiuoii butter tnlcroU't do not by any uicam regard Mil ai their ilixlrnfllff. . lu Kuelniid Inirnclc acid It anld to bq cxtcnalvcly ued In butler at a preacrr atlre or autUcpttc acent, while lu tho Unltel Hint a recent public health document atatca (hat none waa report ed to hare teen found In the aamplei Lor butter examined, Thl It probably due to tho fact that In America tlicro exlatn a atrons prejudice In faror of Milt butter, wbcrca In nnclaud tho uo of aalt butler I thu exception and Dot the rulo. IIviici In America aalt can Ik- ucd a ii pnrncrvallic Instead of tbo lioraclc ucld employed for that purpoto' J I) Knclnnd. The detmcly populate condition of butter libera' rafanrM in la mt tlt." wondered at If we'rcallxo that thn rw" materlnl In the )mt.. f mliw .,NUn.-' Iln from MW.0OO to n(many a laa. 000.000 of twcterln In (Wow drop?l., libngman'a Mdgaalno. -te, . M'htre Yant;rra tlrat Bn r I 1 10 I from Rngland nml not In, front there. Ho wn rliltliiff' ila frii!S .l Uvdo Park nml It 11 .T.i' .,"".! Joatlng. ' T1. . "Oil. . 11)0 ly, Jioea very well for i Id kindly. "You tbeTJnlted State llntT. n new nation 'mis. kindly. "Vou aro rrrir, ircNitcci out i.ioic at tin. i .' . . "' a-- - -w. We-havo our. fjinvy. that bent the worl.li no. nr..v 'ttaii.li. I l. a. I a, ... a a.. aa - ' . "'..V 1 wa j timu - i in-vii, uur JiTt'EH BltHiiniUip IItWt,1 ri uaiitt, tuiunni BUVCT, (Iio tlUAtlCU "nMllAM mx0 KA .ul.ta !...- a a .center of tho world; 6ur loyal coloulea, "And WO have nco too. Look nt oau. tw) uu our ancient town and our r-.1.., - . i . . . " ---j - Ii" aiuie. IVIIJ, Binn. in VfaBtt ti uoast of beating iw7 II,f 1,ydo f1 Weud atudled anvb-'i 1 aa.- .. " "Down In Tern there la an rdl ejierT: wim mih muted to Jilat Hit tray oncd by a man from your country who went thrift for hl health. And nfler all tlio KiiRlUhniati'a boaMlng mbb done tho man of tho entile country winked at toe, rulled.hU tobacco orer In his mouth aud ap 14 frit Into the rye of a pier atatidlug4lint far away. '"Kin any bloody KnetUhman on . earth do tlmtf ay he. And I atk 'you. ' can tin?" Tho Hnxllilminn aiMCKcatcd brAody and aoda lu dlngunt. Kama City Jour nal.' ' Advlra Prom Ilia Max. On ono occanlon In (he flftlea nn atria tcitr dramatic performance waa siren In Han Franclnco for the beueflt of aoino dcacrvlns charity. Ainons tho performer waa the Into Much Far tar McDcrmott, the poet, and In a box waa Mr, Mlll. The play wa aomo clamlc piece, and the actlnij waa mo bad that what khould hare Iwen a trascdy be came n farvc. in the lam act Mclr molt dropped hi a word and, atooplns awkwanlly, picked It up. Ttiorowam titter In the audience, which lucreaaca a the lucklet performer aaked, "What ahall I do with thla ureuomrd bladoT From the banker' box came lu a queer ulago wbliK'r, "Btab yourself, Hush, and be dona with Itr Frank ImIIo' alotithly. Materolcnce U mltery. It I tbo tulnd of Mian, the great enemy, an outcast from all Joy and tho opponent of all goodoo and bapplneeav J. Hamilton. It don't matter If the world I round or flat, you'll roll off It If you doa't keep jour balance. Atlanta Constitu tion. THE BRITISH TOURIST. Ita Waa l'WaMMlr aarrU4 hr h Trnln Hn"a Allanllaais, Tlie llrlilib tourUt aat In tho car and gated Idly aero tho bleak prairies, lie felt n illcht touch and. look'lns around, found that a uniformed youth bad dctxwltcd aercral ruddy oraugea on the a wit, "He1 didn't wnlt for the money," re marked the tourlat, cnxlns from tho fruit to tho rapidly rttreatlus train boy, ilLDCJfl,,n'21-" Ml(' " rllow pa- Mil!, lll( M M.vi.i. . "Ob. 1 accl It Uone of tho adran tase of your great railroad ayatcm. I'reo fruit for It patron." The ItrltUh tourlat wa Juit ecllns tho aerond ornncc when a daluty pack age of chocolate confectionery wn do poaltetl on hi knee. "Hy Jore," be exclaimed enlhusla tlcally. "IhU la delightful! When I re turn home. I ahall write a (taper ou tho excellence or Aiuerlcan travel." In lea than ten minute bo wn tho recipient of another iiackace. It waa a little box containing a black cigar and two matche. "No wonder you American like to travel." lie nald. biting the bitter cud of the cigar. Thep he found that a comic publication bad found It way to hi eat "Thla la grcatl" bo grinucdl "I am going to tip the boy. Walt a moment." Tlio tralu boy halted, and tho tourUt ncld out a dime. "What la that forr nked the boy. "For yourolf." "You owo mo a h'nlf. ulater." "OwoT I thought you wcra clrlne 'ue0 "'' nwayr "Not today. Tho half, pleaae." !',,ut wuy don,t you'tsko tho ruouey w"en you leave tho atuffr "Uecnuatf We'd -never sell lt. Tho lourllt rvluctantlj' banded orm- " ' ' "0o,n" to write about tbo excellcneo r Amcr'n travel Quaked the'fellow PA""!. ' Nt fwimled tho Brltlah tosr ' "'" "'" wuuio HUH IC mo ua . .... . "' tlon about the tralu robberlea' over ucro' -cnango. tpraadlaa; Ooaaal Tkreaa-k tka lraa. . . - . -.---., . tatr alnamini.iH m"" vAgrHli;u piu remalnlus .j...i-T' tldluga, wo reach hundreds by MA.. .. . i. i . . -.. '"'v "u '""' -" uuuureu oi tuou " "j jumiu.- ,, nnun gu ln. u-ivvx. r.y iiiv vi'ifviiuuuii'ai uuvmi iduiu R. for SIlTWlrtlnff thn i.rlnrlnlfui n't-Uht. (QiUrff :."... . vaii u k :Z ."".... ..:"..' ' . '.""..: '" " " Iroin rrtiianitaLa ihtwurth aim .i.iia w.. t j v - on iv jiuuiiau iuo aiau tiuiuga. anu ir can only reach hundreds by tbo' oul'to tho blghwaya aud hedge, lut''aa,A'atree. ,' ' . th sowapapera ean, aad thay wlU.tako our - Hieaaagea iIOr -ua-tr' tlieao- ore . . ... ,wortby. - Rov. NV, A. Crawford-Frost, iiaC , VK, , .rn... J T ," (lJ "f ' i EaglevBakery. Tf L, T ' m - . JOSEPH k S3 " . P T'4 J i -, r.f t . vi LiSf 15 fl.;Sengstackeri. -'Wholesale and Retail Dniggist HRAI.Rr'm Ki;H A.TI tHeRII, MKatC'HA.tlVIHK ,f MarahfJold and i farrapllnaa HUWtCmUr .'ainiao Haded at nil kaan'. AeeMI tor Well, t'argo 4c Gm aad tae loadlaa; rire. 1,1 f natt Accl deal CeMa'ala: WI YOU t F h- m m AC'l'llrO a.vii(intugiii Jinviii;ni mnnitu;oiii uiivcicui.wu j "St, 1'KK.Mit.SlipnTiust) by Mail, v-j-prcr cut UuMe r-W)inl I'ostal (full I'lartlcular ol"ou7CoRKt:Sl,o.vpr.xc: CourYe", alw opTn- Ion of prominent educator, 'busincs men, tcno;rapliora fj and olicra, In regard to tliii molliod. Txt boolc, 2.00. ' J Tamil for Mail Inilruction, 5.00 per month. I.oMons cor- reeled and returned on day pi receipt. Address, JBEHNKE'J LAW fc COMMERCIAL SCHOOL: :i?ortlur.a., Olt. alasial PIONEER E. G. Flanagan, ProDrietor. MaraM1ell, Orecoa. r Mution, Boof, Pork, Canned Goods, Groceries salt Meats, vj.tc. I Vfaaela aad IKKlaie; Caatpc I a iifynu know machl-jery and wDONT .KAtVOOT THh turnrdola labours.aler receipt. Kmerabar e pmploy Wl labor only. Follow, lag are tonie of our sgrnti: Georga Lormi. lUrnlon; N. I.orenr. Coqunk; K, A. Dodge, Myrtle, rolnt, Si llaatoo, North rVad) J. Morgan, Eaiplie. COOS IAV STEAM LAUNDRY j AMSEIg,, ; A Fnll;Lotd. When -vou buvcoal from ma I sea t hat y 9ii( get (till wejclil and ful ciial t ity.bl know tlieboal 1 lihndlo to bo r It is Full of Fuel OtiaKt-tr' . ,. 1 '" vjr t r- anuiaaniiiia iivo vou nianiv ni ro o! for your Money'.' 'Delivered at ant It, Lumber dollverad direct (lib mill. Dry wood delivered to uny.iart of tliocitv ot) eli'ortt' notice. Truot-aiul drayvWork, haok workahd 8cowluK and excavating done. Tele- tiliniiii Nn. "n ItaIilanrA n.nr Tl.lwt r ft' I L. HEISN1R. - v t Vna- , - ...... ,. , "1 7T . Having rMiitly Tuurcliaed .Mr,(;nniiis 1 - ; i. . -. HtrMt In tliU Hafcery, It ioa iecn tiorot)Rli Jy'rahpraUd artd'rebdlk, and I am prepared to fur nhili flrtela .frealt llreid, Vm, Uakei, , ln. "I'readollvorytoany part of tlnr cily by fenrlnt order at tlio Bakery bn A itreet. tlcketforriW. ' rv3 EGLE, Proprietor. i Empire City Oregon. 5" CAN I without interfering with your ,jj lor-a, h.eo i rial Weston anux -bj MARKET- i Maaallrd ea Haart Notice T THAT mc us4 do bijariout chemkaU icd ! on! iberry twit of soap and ie gui ran tec our work.. We u petfied mo era uuumtVN. Ljunary nk caa t re ,l,t?!!?HNSON' irops. i bbbbbbbPSBbbbbKI I tV (vkaBBBaBB 'aai ill n ffraTJX-J) A- iipiscoponan, ualtlmorc. ' b " v m N t -V; A V- .