vssgf Tf ,W '' 11, , '' "r. tlmitiww lrliflut4atnm :wmi MMmM.miwsi!3mmiismBmsmmEssmKmmmH i ff , . r,5?su .uv ., d'-i.jn.'i' j, ,.,.,,, , w. AYi'iJclflMolYei'ntfllitMrorAtf slmllnlluiilliolMHlrmlllci'dla llnp, llic Stoiunilo oiul Howsls of PPKffilfflOT I,rc;r.otciDiv,,wllo.CIuvtriil nrjMWHulllcjrt Cimlrtlin uclilier I'iiliiiu.Murpliim.' iwrlliiii'nil. .ifvm'j iirAtHtszmviatt tyi,H Anil' W..Ur (rVW uty Apnfrcl Itoniuily rorCotuillwi lion, Sour Sloiiyiclt,I)lnrilioivi U'onM.t'oiivnUioiuJcvvrisli iicaanntlLmiH Ol' bi.i'.Kl'. V.irSimilo Sit'nnturr or NBW YOTlK h ah ivrrur wnAi'i'tii, Coast flail. MAKMIHI.I.U UKMDN WHEN TWO HAVE LIVCD. frm M llttl VttM 4rlrW (!.. r. lilt it I., HIIS til lnvtri. KM UMtri It.' tell Tl.tl It )w Mil i !( ! lilt. U. Ttur ilmWr htt-4-. tnr Wtil iltwilil It tl tM A.rlivfi r MtM filth Ik MM '! IIM Ttrf Milo tint tliM imtd.tl 7 iiimrt mi Ml), luir IW MtMHtf.l TW tlr( 1K MlM )wr ll iImwM Oath lt itlM. And II IM ll l tried IHtt Mr li ttl Mwulil titKii U)"" lit rUorr t til wir tltjt Ant ,1.1.1 IW Mm tUt linni Irtrt t itln lit iIimM h lrM wi Wlt Milt, tjlile rjf. TImi (Mll't tltl tlltr tttlt4a l)Ml Ma tl Ulil Inn Ui llttd, Ikwi tUII O rar U dirt llflm lltf In Ittrpti't IftftUnt. .-. .-. .t. .-. .-. .-. ,t. 4 P UNEXKOTED f 4 ni IU(1 IPASMW v V . 7 "j AOtoryof the Civil War. UV I'.l.VNY II IV IIIIJ.ST. ( J ' ' '' i Tlio Nrloi1,llii wtrly mrt of tlurhll Wlirj till' Wtill', Dili' of tilt) hlillcl)' ll tioiniyi tlmt luivt innili) tint IMiiit CriiHK Ktntit fiiinmiri rir Itri liot)ltnlll.v; lint clilrf mttir, n ntmirli lltllt rcl'l, who cturlitt fur iimru In tliu fuel tlmt In tliln nfnl time nf wnr lior tiimlHiiul wiin mo nf tlio lirnviHt in .Mtitwm'H lirnvit Iniinl of roituli rlili-m tlinii nlit' tilt) In tlm kuoulnlftr Unit III tln tlinrti of jioiii'c no ottirr Innili In nil ICfiilticl.y rilmwitl iimru I'lt'iiiiiH'i In ItM iipioliit nifiilH tltnn tlltl lurx; tlu t'Xint tlnu. mi enrb' innrnlin; In tint ttirly miiiiiih r. AVlllMI ttlC IllllllllltlllltN of I In' town liml nwiikrnitl to Unit tlmt, iiltliottuli n few lionrH I if fnri1 tliry Imtl koiio to hIivi In Dixit', wltli "linlm'M lion" riunpttl In line of tlio line olil wikmIIiiiiiIx Jnt wu of tlirin, tlicy liml Hci'iiioil to nu'iilirii In YnntiPfliiiiil. for tlielr HtrwtH.wi'n' IIII ril with 1.IK.XI tililrcoiitn limliT Cololiol I-niitlruin. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "SomothliiK Now Undor Tho Sun" All IVkIohIuvo lilnlloruir I VI'AUKll by III' inro()ilrr, nci'l Ktn-t, Inlnliri nml ' ilniKi In imlit furiii. I lirlr jowilrt iliv tip ilia mitcunitt itiriiilimcMCiiitfiiR llirm lorr.irli (mfii nixl Mrril. 'I lie pouridtl ncliU tin in tlio In. lulrri Intr cnlltrly mien itw.t) I lie Mine mem-' lirjnrt ltt.it tlirlr in.iLrit linn' nlttii'il In rnrr, j wlillr t.uln nml oliilinviiti i.tnnot tnuli llio iIIwjv. ,n lil itttil I'xiviirnicil pr.iullloiirr lto li.ii fur null)' )im in.tilo u ilnttt ttmly nml tplcUliy of ilia tinitiiiriitof CA'l'AKUM, lut m ! Ul xrfrclctl n 'rirtitnii'iil wlilcli when f.tlllifiill ' nwil, nut only icllor nt unit', lull wiiiiiiiriilly j i-tirri C'A'I'AKKII, liy irinnvlnj: llio uuitr, ttop-1 jiliig llio illwliaruet, nml curing nil InllJinni.i. j lion. It li tlio only mnirily knoun lo n'lrnco tlmt itclii.tlly tmrliut Ilia iillllclnl tl, 'I lilt Monilrifnl rrtitctly li kmiMiint ".SN'lM'r'l.l.S tlw OfAKANJUKI) OATAItUII CUKIV, unit IttoMal lliurximiirly luw juU-e of nn Dollar, r,icli inrL.ica i-onl.ilnlni; inirtii.il itttil rttciiul luctllcina niHiciriil fur it full iiionlli'it trvalincnl nml iirrytltln nrtosvuy to lit tcr feci in. I SNWri'l JtS" I llicunly rrlix-t C'AT.MtUH CWKI'ctrr ni.dlc nml It now iccounUnl in ilia only t-tfa nml potlllvu cunt for ttt.it nnno)ltt; nil illtKinlltiK iIHimic' 1 1 cure till Inrt.imni.t. tlon (piltkly nml pcini.iiiriilly nml U .tlto won ilerfnlly ipticl: loar.llcii' IIAYMiVKKorCOI.I) InlltallCAt), CATAUUIlM-lirn ni'Klrclril iidrn li'.uli to CONhUMJaiON ".SNUI'J'I.IIS" will mmi )ou If on tlio It nt oner, ll it no ordinary tent rdy, liulncouiplctit irr.nnit'iit wlileli It potl. tlvrly ciiniiuuevil lo tlnu CATAKHII In rtuy form or tt nji' if iiioiliKxorilln to llio illit-ctlons wlikli iHioititiiny mill it.tt,Vtiv:o. Don't tlcl.iy Imttfinl lor It nl once, nml urilit full .irllciiUts i lo ymictomlltlon, nml jon slll ncclvo RH-vl il atlvljo fium liiu illuou'icr of tltlt wonjeifitl rinictly u''inllrn; yimr c.uo wlihotit cost to jon Imyontl tlrarriiiiUr prlta ol "SNUITJ.KS" llio '0JAANTUIil) CATAKKII CUM'.." Sh-iiI prrpAld lo any ntltlrm In llio Unltid Stulm or Curuidii on icivlpt of ne Dollnr. Ad itretJ Dspt. 357. r.VI,N J I. OtLKS A COMI'ANY, V330 uml 333? JMt.Ut Stroct, I i'lilUilplJ.l. iiii RASmfffli gaiaa MtMtVTraMIHtarttvmti Tor Inffinto and Ohillron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boar3 the Signature G For Over Thirty Years 1 oitniit iriini Hit rmitn oti tin tuom liiii In iitii'Htlii'i, with Iter boy In Iht nrini. Jim. I'lt'lilm ini-t nt tlio itmir two iit'Kin wonit'ii, tlit'lr lilni'l. tnc UII11I with ti'irnr nml tlirlr liuilUiiguIr rrlni: In nn iiKuny of frlulit. "Wlint lx It. imiiniiiy? )nlrk! llni nnjtliltik' liiipx'inil to" llcr iiilntriiMi' nnxlrty illtix'llniJ lirr own frlKtit In nn limtniit, nml tli fldt-r of tlu two nintwrntl: ".Mum Urvini? No, I'ltlti', lirttiN (Inwil, I 1iumh Iip nn (lln'l MhwkIii In mill im-UIn lilt wnwm fo' tie Inliny In Ti'n'fiv. Itnt ill tiiawn In Iti'fo' I wnn up Kit romo n-riiililn to my tiildii nn mi y tin YmiiUcox tlnnc Kt ti, nn ulio 'nnfr, Minn Atuili. l town' iloiiu llo wltt Vtn. 1 1 mil, Klnnno tint ilillc, luinoy. laait jon'ou kwIiid ilritp liltn llo Kit ilown, now, nn ilpn' tnl.f on mi. I tnlicltt 'a' knowiil yon fonliln't Mnti' illn frlii.it." "tint vlint Ii.-ih liiippciu'd to our Ihijx?" Mm. IVi'ttlfN iihUril, Mi'pplm: to tlit iliHtr nml Klniit'lin: Into tin ntn-ft nt, tlio lino of MiMlrrx htnlloiifl nt In IitviiU im fur n mIic rouM mo. t'WVtv iniiny of tlirin Ulllt'ilV "Wlint tint joti HiiyV Anil IbtHliT'ii fni'o rinrnil Into n i;rln. "Not much nut ilty l.llh'1. I ilom nut ile ni'wii tint Knn'l l.itmlriiin i-oinlii ultl a u Ynnl.iv nhmy, nn ilcy JpV fol up ilry li'iiiN nn Irf, nn ih-y nln't Hprt'ctfy no n-jcri'tn. iiuthtT. Ih'y 1I0 miy, MUi An uli', il)nli 11 conip'tiy lirnck nlRcrm 'inoiiKxt do Ynnliiv MtltlliTri tin tint wo nil Ml Inivu to friil tin whnlti Lit nil liooilh; uf 'rin." Tho Illtlo woiiiiiii'k oyi"M lliiritntl n Mif nukwcnsl: "I for one nlmll not foiil any Ymilitit Molillom, nml yon tnuy nt'iiit for mo If any of thrin tinnr nroiuiil. Ah, K'tHfl mornliiit'. unilor Tliu litht win hpolifii to n nt'cro nol tllir who won' tho hlnu nnlforni uml who liml I'onut tip tliu wntl: n ihn rpnki'. "C001I innwnlii, iiiIxmIk. 1 JrV wnnl.n to tim yo' wiw i'f yon nut loininc havr It fo n lit tit while. Yc tlone liiuwcli nil nlRht, nn wo'h mlKlity 1 1 red nn lion Kry, nn uo Iiiih to cut ttoino winxl fo' tlo llllllK." "Yin, Inilitsl. Of I'ounif j on can limit tho kiiw," ntiNWcriil Mm. IVolilm (pilcUly. "Kit, hIiuw tlio man when to crt tho niiw, nml let hint hnvu th? wootlhnnio too." A hitppitMil lunch from behind htr linniKht 11 vintlu to Mm. IVi'hleit' fnct ami ulio tnrncil to tho oltkr neyro to rtny: ".Mtiiiiiny, I am Hiiro that uero wn tl'll fl'lt IllRll." "No, MIkm A1111I1', 'twnrn liiu belli a hli; man wlint ilono hit, but you Uiiowa you nln' rwIiio turn no hungry tilcuer fnini yo tin'. 'Tnlii't In you, mi you can't tlo hit, even cf you iloeit wnuttT l;iue ho Kt on tlein hlnu cluthex." A few ihiyM later martial law was Or clartil. What watt coining no 0110 knew, ami no Ntrlct wiih tlm riurvclllnncp that not 11110 wonl cnuhl ho Kot from tho outHlilo world. AVheit tho inllttiiry rule hail hcmiu, tho Ktipply of food hail Heeineil lnrso enough to lant perhaps hU wceUx, but at tlio cuil of tho tlmt month tho Mippllca hcitnu to run low, yet neither market Riirilener nor Ki'o cer was nllowitl to brlns food Into tho town. Kvldenlly tho reileralu wcro Kctdui; reatly for tho curly nilvuneo of it Confetleralu troop nml wcro uhIiir tivcry piecnutlou to prevent tho ene my KalulUK any uilvautiiKc. Quo uveiiiiin iltirlu'i; thin iiiixIouh time im Mm, IVebh'H Nat In tho twilight crouulut; it lullaby to her baby boy KitHtcr came Into tho room nml itHkcil In a luw tone: "Am ilu llttlo lam' imleeis MIsh An nleV" "Not iulte, mammy," tho mother tin awcretl anil Niulleil to ncu tho llttlo fel low Nit up nml hold out hla uriuu to tho old iiurxe, who Nitld: "DatV rlclit. Como to yo' tuttiumy, honey, an nho'11 tell you about Hrcr Jtabhlt. Iyah In u Yanheo euptlni; In do library, MIka Annie, 1111 he uayu ho nw" ncu you. tint ilyah miiiio business ho nun.' talk to you ubout." When Mm, I'ceblea eutereil tho libra ry, tho hohller utooil lookliiK at 11 pie turo of her husband that hung over tlio mantel. A midden tear bdaod her, AVas It MorRitn'H men whom tlio Federal hod expected mill hud n nklnulsh ulready oeeui'ieiu "Oli, filr," ulio oxclalmed, "do you lii'lui; uve uew from mv hyuhaiulj" . . of AAv rvnF Us H Fll TMf ml turn wmwwmnw, nivivn citt ItWtKMWJI W-Mt W .1 If tf WrtcP W"," ,l!i trnii.titi clihrly tiinr, .inifl nn lit tiiiut'il iiiiiImmv llio whlli'ifiie:. Hllh lift ,(i!ertillll'.' ,"yen i.eunlil'i); IiIh ,(tnii, he piifM'il Inir ijeiilly lulu 11 lnrro .wrker w hoi' (inn hIic hint tlnKpeil for mtpport mid fiihl utl Iht to hluiNflf than to her: "Ah, llii'Mii woiiieii of numl 'I'hcy nuf fer nl Iiiiiiio inoitt thnii wo do In tln Held," yjjen in Inn "Nij, 1 him tin iii'UH fnini your litnUiinift. .Our dtvlnloii Im liiiule tup entirely of limtliein melt ""J 1 li uhniii In your liunhniidV" "Vmi jiilxtonk my liieiinliis." nlio ex (Inluieil, ljit I'tilur crt'fplUK Illicit lo Jiti' fnie mid the old Hie iiwnl;enlni; u llliltt her e;en "Ho In not n I'nlmi roidler. lie 1 1 villi Miiikiiii'k men, but I llinujjlil irlinpn there h.id been uu en Bfl,'i'iiit'iii nml ;oti liml tiiini' to nit. rteu iim Im wiiiiltl K" l mi malum nnrlheiii wife. I In vu you heard from MiitfUii'it melt, uiplnluV It U no I'iii flute we hntl any ncwrt nun otitnlde the tnwii." The ptemllniT lii her volec toucher! hliu, fur he liirned In the window nml rtlnod I00I.I111; out I11I0 the Kiilherliia dnrhiifMi. When he turned townrd her, n tenr Klhtleueil In IiIh ee, "And fo you nre 11 reliel," he xnld. "It In n pliy! A plly. Indeed! .'nr In 11 ter rlhle 1 1 In re. mid we iniixt nil Miffer while It I.iMh. I etiiiltl not even lellcve ymi with 1111 mixwer nhout M(iruii'n men If I knew ever co iiiueli about them, Mmtlnl law wntild nvnll little If ve cave uwny lit fcereln." Onii' inoie Mm. IVi'lilen' eyeit llnxhetf. for Itti fl he not Hpoketi nx If tho plly of the'wnr lay upon the xhoulileni of the outherucm. Hhe -itralhtei:ctl hrrwlf In herehal, nml ulil rohlly: "Von wlxheil lo Npenk to me nlxmt n matter of IniMlnwf, I believe., Mny 1 hear UV 'Me wax n xohller now. "t'erlaluly, iitiiilam. It lieriiuiM nee rrvtary fur ux to iitarter our men iijioii the elll.i'iix fur n tiny, nml I iiiuxt nnl; 3011 to provide fur otn company, Hiv ing them the noonday meal tomorrow." Hhe opened her llpx. but nx If he di vined Hint hhe wax about to mk n hard rjuentliiu he continued, "I eau only ex plain that the men nrc detailed forfpo dnl duly, mid the food idukI ho prep.tr nl for them." 'Hut how ran I itupply fotxl for no many inenl" nhe exelnlunil. "Ymi for ce) tlmt we have been under martial law fur wii'kx. nml I hnve xcnrovly forxl for my own fninlly. HexhW, why hoiihl I 11 hi I. for lueii xthoA'oulil xhnot down my htirdinud hut fur the oppor tunity" The olllcer Kn!.tt calmly: "I ntiiH-ct your fltlellty to your cniife, lundam, but my iiicu limit have food. Our commlxxnry lx xtntlomil two doom north of here. Prexeiit tlili onlrr nnd prepare the food by noon tomorrow. CimhI tilcht." lie wax cone, nml he. knowing ptioiish of the Miwcr of nn CM-cupyliiK iiriuy to rebel no further, went to the kitchen to chc the ncceKnry onlem. At utxiii on the morrow -.-real Jilnttcm )iiHl henpeil with Jllley Nllrex of bolted ham, LrtlJrx nuil bucket Mcnuied with Ih'nnx nnfl rhv, haxketx xvere ready, nihil with delleloux Mtutheru hlxculi. mill In the men the luxt pnu nf corn brenil wnx tnklni; cm n delicate brown. Hut no itchllcm 'nppenrrtt. nnd In the dlttnmt' thu iKtpplui: of rlllex nml the Imkiiii of cannon could bo heard. I'lnlu ly the Oonfixleratex had come up nnd u battle xx nx on. In ex cry houxe xvo men xvcre buy teartUR old linen nml col ton Into llutH nml bamlaKcK. The flrliiK drew nearer, nml tircxently n xoiithrru ravnlry nfllcrr nxle by, fol lowed by a hunch of nohllem. Mnr Knu'x hrlKndc hntl come, with all of It fenrlexx enthiudnxtn. i:.xpiH.'tetl from one jMilut. It had iiiude u detour, dlvhl nl nml entered rum three uuprutivtcd polutx. Mm. I'n'ltlm hurrlctl her chll then and M'rvnntx to thu cellar, mid there, with throbbhiR lienrtn, they xtaltetl. At 1! o'clock In the afteruoou there xnx n lull nml by .1 nil wax I'ttlct. Mor i;an'x men -.toed In llnex iiIoiik the trcelx, mid I'yiilhlaua xvuh In the hnniN of nu nrtny of fainlnhetl mldler. Many hnmlx united In clvhiR L'ucle fiam'x food to the miiycoatx, but Mm. rreblex xvttx not niuoii? them, in one of the hrliihtcrit roomx In her home the KRty halreil Fcdeinl captain 1.13', MifTer hi): from n bullet xvouud lu the thlsh. Hhe had found hliu lylm; mar her door nml with her own hauiN hud helped to drew hlx wound. An hour later n fcrax' coated cavalryman wax brought In. hlx left leu Nhattend below the knee, nnd ut Annie l'ceblex knelt, nobbliiK. be nlde hlx bed ho whleiKTcd: "It lx nothlliK to lone a lex, dear. Many 11 poor f el luw lm nlveii hlx life today." A happy ttmlle drove the teatx nwny nx Hhe lifted her head to nay: "tied wax good to brlni: you home for mo to euro for."-Sunuv South. ' ' Tlnto li SlncUcn Pnpv, It Is time to xlackeii pace. When the nee lx iiixhliij; with dauxeroux rapldliy down moral matlex nml mound ethical cuivcx. It lx time to mvIiik the nil lan tern nail cry "Hown brnUcx:" Tho man of unlay nx never before need the te iirnlulx of 11 Chrlxilau character, I would not lemen Hie life of the xviirld'r) lesUlmate milvlih's. but I wnuld hmiB the nIrii "(In flow" oxei Hie desk of the man iiiidiliii: en In buximx 10 the tie;."' lect of hlx cplrltual Inleiext.. - llev Mr.ttUoii V. Chaxe, MetliodUt. Cltlcu co. 'Hie III c Mirr Tlilnu, The only t-ttre uml Mcftilfaxt thhiK In the win hi lx the Koxpel of Jesus Chi 1st. Cl'tltlKex enlist' to tie world, fnsliloliK ch.iiiKe, kiiuxvlcdtze xvlll Inereaise, but the r.llile lx uuehmu.vable. The man who btilltlx upon It will aehlevo result-) for time and eternity, he xho nuerlea It will have a marred chnineter mid como to ultimate disaster. Itev. 8. II. Vv'crleln, lhiptkst. Kmiwu City. DOCTORS say "Consumption can bo ourod." Naturonlonowon'tdolt. Itnoods holp. Doctors say "Scott's Emulsion la tlio best holp." But you must oontlnuo Us uso ovon In hot weather. If you have not tried ll, tend for tiec tusple. SCOTT & UOWftU, Chetultls, 409-413 l'eatl tiltcct, New York, 50c. uuj!.oo;nuarusUi. r iMinMuitiitiitmnliiittlim Chronic Constipation Cured, Tlic Jnont import wtillKcorcry of rrncnt year n the positive rcmcily for cotilljiatlon, Cnscnrcts Cattily Cathartic. Cure ftU'tratitccd, Genu ine tablets stamped C, C. C. Ncvcf sold in bulk. DrtiKfjIstn, 10c It lx of liiiliiiio euiiivrn lo you xvhnt you nre, hut of minor Importance xvhnt people ny nbotit you, Itev. lr. ,hwi ll. DIverty, Metlioillxt, I'hllndclphla, 'llicpf'rt ilMtiinliiijr )uiiu Hill lx) iptlckly mill prr't'tlnri'lli) Iw.llnl If ri Iim DcWIII t 7llili llxrt'lSnlif. Ikvtriir of hoiIiI iun IrJfiltl. KJ tot lint l)'lir H nte. Heart tU A ' " '''5 I8J IU WWJ Jf3M CJgatUrt cf XX'linl Uu. (Iiurrti Mrnitt, Klieli i' en r!ft hiiru tlmt the -lit: i tt xinmlx f'ir ih pt'orlxlou of tlielr crry until, Hie xolare of their every oe. the ndjiiMer of tlielr every1 ivmng, tin cure for their xlelmexx, the harbor lu 1 heir every ftorm. their fowl, Hulr I y, Iliclr Rliiiluexx, their nil. then xhnll 1 'icy be happy nnd IiIcnmiI ou earth .ml xvlu tin- U-)t (here lx nfler dentil. Ilex l)r, l.loyd, Cplxcopallan, Clcvc 1.1 ml tleWin'a Wluli lli"irl.SjrluMIprom. ly applinl locnli, lurrw, nnd kulilt. Iltoutlm nnd ipikkly limit t'tr injtiin! hmI, I'lxir ?r itcrllilcxtttninieifti', ti-tnte tKct Dtf Wltti. Cik lUy Drtighii' n. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Tiis Kind You Have Always Bought Beam tho or (Z&tfg&fa Blgnaturo i,ut itrllKMili . Itellclon Ih Koiiuililfif more prnfouml than the crecxl of any one church, lie llv'Ititi lutni.x the ttuifclout recognition nf uml reverence for !id and the faith fill performance of our dutlex to our fellow men.- Itev. Dr. Charlcn II. i:a X011. 1'nlTinir.liti. Ncxv Ye-v. "I am InrlcUetl to Our Minnie Cough Curr for nt) rxrtrtit Rotl ticnkh xn-1 my Hie. 1 .t limtnl in rm ti) ilA.lnrt4vrlHnRtrotil4flluit lug U grlf-. I look Ottr MirhIf Couch Cure xihI ircoirtnt ley Ih tlllt " r:r IC II. U'ltr MAiliton, 0, Coot hiy Drui; MMr. C3 .V. S T O Tt. !T TL. . Bttri tb im Ktu a Haw knn &t IMUBJll tVSAtort Two Kind nt .MlirUm, There lx nn nthilnm of behavior nx well nx of lu'Ilef, nml Ihow xxho xhaKi their conduct ux If there xvcre no Uod very rapidly ro to iiiIicImii of belief. Itox-. I)r. Chnrlex II. lMtkhurtt. I'res l.vti'rlan Xmv York. You cwn ivter cttrr d)ptLx by dieilng XVhal xour lty nitilt it plenty of fowl prolr yttlsetlnk Then if yetir ilonucli nitl not tti- nl ll, K0.I0) t))tpiptti Cure will.)t contalnf allot llie ntturattUtnuntt heme mn-l dicctl etery cUu of fool ami hi pictuie fl tlul nature cut ute it In nuunthinj; the body ami repbcini; 11k- tititiixl lli, thux RlTine lifr,' Ix-allli. nrrnglti, inl.limn, puic blood and pood hejitliy atrllie. Coos Hit l)ru- More. rirllKloii la I.Ko, Hell;lou lx only life nftcr all wle, brave. Iitimnu life. RcttliiR larso heart ed nnd KtmtiR nx It openx out, wnlthiR lo dlvcovcr ItM'If lu ux nml to innke ux thereby coiurndci In- the unxeen church xvhleh lx everywhere. Itev. William II. I'ulhfonl, Unitarian, Chlcn- 'lliue f.imout link pillA DcWIU'rJJuteirly Khett ixmrxl )cnr lorr iirl lowrli tutlo their duty, ihut Riuni; jnu pu-r, lich Uocd to rrcup nati! onrlimly. Are sty lo tile. Never gnp. Coot Uty Diiif-Mjir. .X I hrlilnti' rrIa, The CI1rlHtlr.11 ueedx muro than tho retieer mul Rilt of polite Htelct Ha ueedx I'lRliteouMiexi, he needs to get the whole life Into harmony xvlth the xvlll of the Father to make life attract ive nml forceful. Iter, Hubert W. Wal lace. CouRrci;aHonnlit, Vast Somcr Title, Manx. Tin: CI.l-V-NMNO AMI lti:Al.lN(l CLItlMOK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Uiiy ami l'ttutnt to nt Ountaloa no In Jurloni tlrtiit. It It i;ulcl.fr aUorbed, Ulna lfIUFti nnriL It I'iM'na ul ClfMiict 'COID'NHEAD ma ,.iw i-nmtr All II IUIJtllUlllut. . -- llrj' nml 1'nuoct tho Mcmlirtce. itettorci tbt Htni of Tate nt binclL. Larp) Hizp, 60 cvtttt t Unl.'viiii nr iit innili irm piP i ' ii liLY lUtOTUUlW.JDWamutUc ifcUevt, Niw'tork, The Dunham : vertical rnou SEWINGMAOim HKST ai.VflHN'R ON KAltTII FOltTHKl'UlCB NONK HIVITKU MADK AT ANY lMtlfK For Sale By IIIRISTENSEN! Johnson, Furniture .Dealers, jipfvyivr"NMl flul aLbgrHP O. W. Towcjr, M D. 1'IIYHICIAN AND HIMKJI'.ON, OllU In iIk llennell A Wnller SlitWU Imild In;, I'ifint tlrrrl, Mtntifii-IJ, 0(,tn. Win. A. Toyo, di:ntikt. Old ff i:p tUiit In lie I'ldcrxtto lllwlr, on ttrrd, Mirsl.rieM.rOityi'tji, jTWTBbnnot ATTOllNBY AND (JOUNHHIJR AT LAW. 0(T! ovir r"f.ot lUy lUnk, l-'rotit ilrcet Martlifn Id, Orrgon. W. U. Douglas, ATTOHNKY AT LAW AND U. H. COMMIrt.SIONKIt. Kronl tlrrtl, Manlifistd, Oiron. John F. Hall, ArrOltNI'.Y AT LAW. OIT.cr In (Ktdurido lAud, Fionl tlrrtl, .UttlifitUl, Oreiton, I. Hacker, AiisiutArroH Ooqulllo City, Oro. Alutnictxof title of rel itrnpertv !n C'ikh county ftiriiixlied promptly. 1 1 it vo n roi oi atHinrix. TIMHKIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3, IH7H, NOTHIK I'OK I'UHLIOATION. fintrd hUlet t.imt Office, Koteburj;, Oregon. June ao, itit. Nollrr it hneby cltrti lt.t InroniplianceHilli llir pnivlilons of llw; ocl of t'ongrett of J une 3. 1S78. rittilleil "An act for ll.r wle ol timber Itiidi In Irte .Slitct of lifornlx Orrcon, Nev.t- it.t, aim Uaililttjiton territory," at etlcndril to al, lite Public I Jnd Mttrt by net of Aucutt I, lj2, AAniiw A. xxtl.K. 01 KovlHin:, county ex luucMt, Malr lor Irtrllory) 01 Urrron. iLUlhU il.xy lilnl in tlm office hit orn tlxtnnent No, 1701, lor the purcnoir 01 lite ,Nwj 01 rvxnon No. aijln'lowmhln No. a.l S. Kante No. a Wtl. jnd will offer j roof 10 tlio th.il the land toUKht It itiorr- valualile for itt IiihIkt or Hone llwin for agrkulttiral pnrpovs, and lo rtUMitli lilt ctoiri lokud Ixnd before the Kri(Ulcr and Krcrlter of lint omc at Kotebure. Orccon, on KiliinLir, lite 311 dty of Aujuil, lyot. llnruim-tBt Hltnrttet: (irant lajlor. of Oakland, OrrRon, Jkhatl S. I.ihIi. Harry Dtirand, ol rortlaml, Urrgon, IJiil .M. Lao let, of Kowlnirj;, tMrcon. Any and alt imotn cLtlmlns adtrrrvly the xbufe-ilt-tctilnl tamtt are ieuctled to fikr llirlr cJalmi In Ihltolticeon or Ix-lore Mfcl tut day o ,utut, 1901. . I . liail'il.J, Krciticr. 0-22 T1.MIIKK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTIC'K KOIt 1'UHLICATION. United Mate l.-ind Office, Kov-bur, Oregon, juncso, I'ji. Notice it hereby cite ttut In complUnce ith fh-protttUmtrx'ttnactnf Concrcttof June 3. 187, entiled "An act for the tale of timber lat.dt In the Suit of C'ahfornli, Oregon, Neva It, and VA'atliingion Irrritoty, ' at extended lo all the lublie I.-tmlM.ttes by net of Aucutt 4. S92, I'.IlwARI) .M. I.xwi.iss. 01 Kovrimrg, county of Douckii. Male lor Irrtitoryl of Ore gon. Iiat thrt tlty filed in thit olhce nit inocn tutretent No. 170a. fortlte purihtteof the NK V 01 Section .No. 30 in onuiip.-o. 33, Kange Na 9 Vrtt, ami wilt oiler proof to ho that the Undaoueht it more valuable for lu Umber or tlone than (or agricultural purjowt, and to ev. talxith hit iblm to taid land before the Reenter ami Krcetier of thit otKceat Kovburg. Oregon, on MturUJV. Hie titt flat' of.xufutl. 1001. Ilenamrlat Hltnrvt Grant Taylor, of OtVland. Orrcon. Aaron rX, X k. ol Koteonrc, prrgon, Mkhc.ll S. Italett, ll.tny (!. Dutaml, of Portland. Orrsuri. Anr andntlpenoat claiming adtmely Ute xliovtMjecril)eil Undt xie rriietrd to file their cLUmt in tint office on or lielore ld 1111 ilajr of Atgntt. 1901. J. 1 , llKll;t, Kegntcr. 0-32 TIMHKIt LAND, AIT Jl'NK 3, IS78. NOTK'K KOIt 1'1'HLICATION. United Stale I-and oflicc, Koehurg. Oiegon, June 20, lyoi. Notice it Iterrby gien that In cotnplwncr with thcpiotliiongofthcaci otCoogrntof June 3, 8;8, entitled "An net lor the vi ol ttmUr lindt in the Stswx of t .ttifomut. Oregon, Neva ill, ar.d Wnthington Ternlory." eilended U nil ltKjluhlic I-ndutet by net of Auguit 4, 18.) j. II xxkv ti. Dukanii, of I.VrtUnU, county of Multnomah Slate lor Territory) of Oregon, lut thU tUy filed in thu oltic- nil loom tu le nient No. 1703. for the puichate of the hVjf of Section No.24 in Tovtnthtp Naa3S, Kange No. 9W01, nd Hill otter proof to thuw that the land toitghl it more valiuble for III Umber or none than for agticuliuial purpotet.and to ettablith hit cUlm to taid land Mure the RegUter and Kro-ivrr nt thit olftn ut Kotcburg, Orrcon, on Saturday, the 3111 d.iy of Augutl, 1001. He names nt uHneurt: lulu.trd M. I jHlest. Aaron A. WeU, of Rotetmn.-, Oregon, Mlehe.il S. L-xwIeM. of I'ortUnd, Oregon, Grant Taylor, of OtkUnd. Oregon. Anv nnd nil nrrtont clitmlm- adtrrtelv the ntki,!tcnlii-i1 landt nre reountnl to flic their kltlnii in thit otlice on or before Mid 3111 day of Augutt, 1901. J. I. 1IXIIK.U, Kegttirr. r)l Tlio Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. il. MERCHANT, E2S222: Is constantly iiililiiiR to ita tooK of Cinucral Merchan JUe, already tho l.ugot in Man-liliolil, When you buy nt tho Mill Store you know tlio goods aro llrxt class nml . tho prion ix nil rinM . All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wliolosal and retail' Not Yet Idenl. Let us uot delude ourselves with tho belief that tho present era of progress Ih destined to coutluuo nud to bo ac celerated from year to year. Let us not bellovo that thero Is a kind of fato drawing mankind on toward Ideal con drtlons of happiness nnd power In the world.. Let us recosnlzo tho possibili ty uml even tho probability of reverses iind relapses. Thro itro yet mauy mountains to bo climbed, many Hellespont to sxvlm nud mauy tires lo brave. Wo have couquered u vast territory, but "thero reuiuluotu x-qry much 'laud jot to bo possessed." Rev. Dr. J. B. Unw,tuoxue, JiajRtUt, Bit-jmouO. Goad Business zrc"mm ' r-AM nunnnn , uuu nuiuxiwuii ttu nuiv"r j j i I J -n.ft,. In, a .nmmtfinM nn 'al,C 1 ATltl frflTS l - UU111V9 V'OI tl V.IMIIIIHJIOU uu ,of -- j-,- r direct personal ownership in and ojperfttioii of .. 1) Artl.U Mntcrhilx;2Cnmerni nnd riioogrnlilc Huppllesf ,'JJ Clonkx, Jacketx ami Cnpcx; 1 Dfen'mnklnj; DcpnrpieiitS 5 Pic tures mid TiCturo Frmncsj 0 Furs; 7 Furniture; 8 Millinery! J (ipurail .HMl-s ;j Wiry liLl"i- . ,n '-lUt fo guarantoo tnDaiiBjauiuiy MMoii,o....r, .-r- Capital required, from i50 .... . ...,., i ud. xaiaKuueiitiTrriuiin urn ,...... j- - ---. t , If imereated In owning . .NA, lM.i.i.i..i...t isto KLurgcsl Maul Order Houo on llio Cosst. KlM Xi -DKALI-U IK Latest Designs of Wall Paper, Room Mqttfditigs, Varii'ufos Jlxuihc and Aitists' Supplies. i Nason's Pure Med Paints a Specialty. - 1I0U.SK AND SIGN 1WINTIN0. OltAININO. VLMS AND IKCOKATiviJ "' I'Al'KKHANOINO. -- Orders Promptly Filled. Front St , ilarslrQeid, tiid ' ; C. 0. D. GROCERY A full lino of choice croceriet, feed, flour, Iiam nnd bacon iiltvnyx i.n hxnd, (reh fruit and vegetables received on every steamer. HIQHC&TICe,P,AID'FOFt PRODUCE.JBUTTEFl AND EQOS Tree .Delivery r a Southern Oregon State Normal School LrVc-P- -?jr- 4'T frW-ISl A Distinct Triumph Our medical batteries, for tho ap plication of electricity to any part of the body 111 need o( it, luvo gained n dietir.et triumph in this brunch of the Iiealini; science, givo satisfaction wherever utcd and are endorsed by pliyioiiins. llattories for liumo tuo ro.tXlup; larger ones for oflico use,20 up. Tho shock is in tlio electric cur- curreiit not in tliu price. Red Cross Drug Store JolmTreSuss, Prop. M n An Epoch in Lace History. We are offering a nice assort ment of Torcliou and Valencien nes laces, and a great variety of embroideries at very teasouable puces. Also a new siock 01 in dies' summer underwear. NORTH tfc STAR. Bessie Richards, Prop. Cor. A and Second Sts. 4?nsixtixri wtmiKemammmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmm C . T -a.bD " tsi mmmaiam'"m Mfr " M Wf tJJiii JiLUL I'JLfl1 Opportunity - . ..'"."7 Wm 1 of sua to mliiibto totJ5,000 In eoh dcpartmeni. in i,i Kaleaent relr tainl 27MrkctHt.,HanIfrnoi.co,ryai. Tdfpboim ITJaJ 11. a ifc a fTr Kim.. Arailniic mon. ProCetilonal tralnlcff .b jT, r m V '' ,i I '1 ' n k ' '1' ft ' -u ...... . ,- v IhcWghettetceUcnce. Well jiuprted Ubrate'dM,. ,. Kint-ciu, training .departmenL V.maod tor trained leaat fiJ iuceedt the wpjxjr; .Cradaaiai have choice of potltlba. lleautifut JocUon. Bec ""! , climate on Um coott. . ..- x. x . . jt.-y Etpensei Jiso o $150 per year, tvnw lery. . caulogug. W. M. CLAYTON, JP,ri: SDrfiiCHT TJhe Beast WJb.eji lpi U Br5 . for tho nppctito nt breakfast w jultsh ql, our lucious strawberries qr raspberries; which nro tho cream of the market..; Sraxvborncs willsoon bo gone.; do'n't aU till too lato. Katpbcttcs xire noi at.th' best. It's missing tho (1ul1.featifrR6r.tift' season to hnvu your Initio lwJc this iieUc- . ( acy. Skip any Ihltifi.rAtliW'ilwii one q our special offers in f tnit. (Bnta Is or A 1 rule to folluw all tho year round.; Oampboll & Ejckw.orti' 3TorSumjaerSustenricft You enn't liavo iinything better I wcr your dinner in hot weather tluvu lifWl the nice, well.cured, teuiptiii'i; Iiarnff we sull. 'ltollod, rousted , friad ory broiled, liot.or cold, il nmkea a sul stantial anaal without Hie iheittlug quulities.o(tbee(. Harslifield Cash HVfag, -ket. Ij , JIENRY HOLM, Pref., V, ' '4tA"tteet, JWwAW.)--1 ' P v.' f. "fl . M "l y. 4) f I l i 1 K i. iU,-