ffL h.t-,' i-irxm l Lly c. 7 COAST iwS(;i'4' mu ai w "4wtbi,Vt 4PlffiVKJjf3rfUTOtsH( fW . T... ..... 1'WCT Mill ' Try ilio COAST MAIL V Rcadijr,C(HHhf' CofrcsK)nderie lili llMfn ir -Mtpwrrtwfif1' VOL xxm. MARSHFIIDLD, OOOS COUNTY, OREGON, JTJLYQ 1901. n 1 1 BwfB ii wrf ii Vitn r ifflrfr MAIL - . . iNEWS SUMMARIZED. IMPORTANT EVENTS (II1 THE PAST WEEK Cream of tire Dispatches Dished Up In Talilel Form Por Hie ilusy Man. Jilt II IVvctt aie tild In have killed notindrd lltllUh at Vlakflllllrhl, (lour nor llrirrld, u( .toiiili Dakota, ap IHilnlnl A, II. Klllildge United Nalrt Senator. Columbia won vrtlerday't raie, Cumlltulli.ii second, lintfeiianio llilnl, 'Ihr Nalktital educational AtiocUllon de tlaied for Natloutl unlveiilly. Nlnelrni irrtOnt air drAilatA tctult of U Alton vfrre li. 'Ilio CAiudlin thamploiiitilp lrnr.lt loiun.t iiuiil opened at Niagara. Union ftvherrncn won Initio will, Jajwinete on 1'iaier llirr. 'line hundred and fifty miners mr to Ik tatted out today hy union at Kovtland, Ik C. July li. I lumolt't airship had a surotvful trial nt fall i. The I'litttkui (Viveriwurnt It attesting I'ulUli aglUttHS, 'I lie Knriut nop hat teen wrlumlr daiinged If lMt. Union fithcrmrn on mike on Prater iltrr now hvid 47 JatMiiric At pitontn. Jul; 13 MaiI IfcmMM, ,uen uf IHgHim, wat prostrated by Ihi hatiitday. IVuverigrt train ran Into a nwil tt.iln at Kn hi City And killed on nun And Injured four others. Thf new lullUMlilp Maine will I Liuixhrd on illy Al " "'" The cfghlh nniul teuton of the lrgiee i.f Honor It In tntlen In I'oitland alto the titand l-otge A. O. V. V. Proclamation wllhdr.init about jvooecrr fiomOlympk iwrvr, Washington, .xi Wen tent to I'rrtMrM McKlnUv, KlKhener nay I succeeded by IJciittal Sir lUnilon IUmL Attempt l tliont A lnt; It lliecllnuv of fish ermen's strike on 1'raver ilvcr. Washington hk)clclti U dciUrcd Illegal by Superior Judge Miller. A general strike it ordered In sheet ttcel, tteel hoop and I in jilate iiiiNt, 'I he strike may c Uml to all lite Unti of ilia Morgan Hull. July 14. I'lllvtiuig It tltermtd of the ureal ttcel wotk rrsittlkn whkh UAtorilnnlon uUj. lictliUnlSlr)ti iunoly ttiiirtl oiptuie lijr (!cn. lldMilnAod'j lirlKvlr, M Kiilirrtwrns itioonnl uliilrUithliii; In the tuif at SAVitniKili, (11. 'Ilif grcut ilrouglit In llie mliMI tt.itrt ic tiulnt unUoLrn. 1 lie unv.illini; of tlic IVity uienunicnt HoV. place m Kmlluuu, J.ijun, July ij 'Mir ilrnui;lil In llin Soullmrit U4t tirokrn. luitlrm KuhUIi lliKvitrnril with fjinhir. Miamnxl. II Imit MiaiiuocU I in ilia final tiUI. TrantKiit Sutiiurr I1.11 ullnl for San fun cIko xllli luiivaWcnt wMlrrd. Seven liunilrcil rrtoiit ieiltlirtt by 11 noIliiiic rniplliin In Java. tndrpemlrnt Cnla will Ih-kIii bmlneti mIiIi n debt of $UJ,Oo. July 16 'I lie (ciitlon roll liKicntcd -4,000 ilia ytt jcir. I'ortn UUo will li.wcfrro tmiJeulilillia Unlioil Sui after J uly 3$. Navy Department rnuritollicenc(Ccncotil 10 ctpl.iln uliy vrucl .n lirouulit loScttllc ulllr out orilrri. Colonel Mosliy .i nppolntnl n peclkl Liml ni;ciit, A 0111.111 thot at lliu 1'icncli Minister of I'uIh lie Instruction. Mlicctdk-cl ttrlkcrt nre confiilenl of victory, 'llior.iliif.ilUii,Kan.it wni ,not euougli to liencfit irou umcli. Only Justice I '1 he Uiillnl Sl.ite coutt ilrculcil on Tlmrsilay alteruoon iliatUllbcrt llrot, Ilmk nt S.vlen ttnt Uvnkrupl, mul nil uccouulj will bo wtlleil by Ilia coiiiinlMloiier In ImnLrupicy cnsci. TIiIj will bo n jjoilteuil to H).ny f ll" Unto ilepoillon. Il Is Mitt n tteam merry-KO-ruiinil will Ikj 0110 of tlio Bltmcllons at our l'ulr. Hettcr put In 601110 slot nmclilnusiniil keep tliuinouey At homo. Aimtui Ityiin oftino in from lloeo bttrB urrivliii; ycHtunlny nlturnaaii. IfolirouclitH toam mill convoyanco totnko IiIbdoopIo to ltoaolmrK. Ho oamo In U Uoon iluy witRon l"Ql. . .WUl.roturn yt wyrtlo 'ouu. The Oregon's Colors ACOMMiriEliPROM THE BATTLESHIP Presents the Ships Pennant, fisltfii and Union Jack -In the Pres ence ,of a Mtilllliidc of Citizens Spretel (.'oiiriMclriii lo CcMT Maiu Ttiflny July i6tli wijl lyn lc tctnciiil.'ficjJ by ninny ol Urcion'H citiciiM, for it vs tlic day the coininiltcu fioin tlic Itntttcstiip ()if',oti picscntcd their qolorH to the Stnte. They did it with lion or to themsvlvcn, in the presence of n multitude of people. Tlic four men who were de tailed fiom the llattlcship Oregon, to IniiiK mid present the colors to our state were hut common .sail ors, and they did their duty and were ptoud of the distinction They wcic met nt the train hy n committee con.sibtiiifj of Jude (ico. II. nurnett, Sherifl Frank V. Diirhiu and Jitdijc N. J. Judah, the latter gentlemen hav- iuj: .served iindrr Ctiptnin Sisbee, of the illfated battleship Maine. The city was decorated as nev er belore, beinjj completely tjiven over to the occasion and every one vied with every one' to do honor to the occasion. The colors were run up on the various staffs of the .state house nmid the rimriuu ol cannon and simultaneously unfurled; the Kn- M!M from the North, the J nek ft 0111 the South and -the pennant from the dome. The pennant is .30 feel in length and about 9 feet wide at the stall. For oue-thitd its leuht from the stair, it consists of a blue ground in which ntr 47 white stars the remainder of the streamer hciu) white on the lower side nml red on the upper. Il is. a cuttom of the crew of 11 battleship before leaving a foreign port for home to celebrate the occasion by purchasing a peiiunut, which when (loated is the signal that their vessel is homeward bound. Ordinarily bunting is used for such txMiuaut but in this cum: the material wasMlk audit is a thine of beauty, of which Orqjon can well be pioud. The .state house was filled to overflowing. The Governor nml his stair ami all .state officials were present. The Governor presiding. J. II. Wier presented the colors to the state in behali of the crew and they wete accepted bv the Governor in a very patriotic speech, after which "Columbia" was sung, which was followed by the lecitatiou of 'Tlie I.auuchiuur ol the Oregon,' comjiosed by the late lamented bam Simpson ami delivered by Miss Margaret Har ry, one of the world's reiiniiued elocutionists, who happened to be in Salem al ihat time. This occasion will not soon be forgotten by Oregotiians, and lovers of our state and the illus ions battleship will feel a thrill of pride wheicver these colots arc displayed. CHARGED WITH rORGERY G ,W. Wlloujfhby alias A. R. Rector Taken in Custody Hy Jackson County Officials (I. V. Vilouglily who wua tiikim in ouatoily by SlmiilV (lulliur last week oil oluirKu of fiii;oTy, YH8 taken to Mmlfonl, Juukitoii county, whom lio will hiivu to iitiNwur to tlio oimrgu of forgory. llti ilUiipiiciireil from Juck Hdit uoiinty uticnit JJ motitlia to, whom lio Inn! boon noting n h agoiit for HiiHturn UrniM, nollinn nuhool fiirul tmo, there nil triuouf him was lout until rouoKnUtil by two Mcilfuril mun who worn training litirous liuro. In formiillon'wnti umit to tho bum; unit bin urrwl followed. Wiloujjhliy liroulimiiH hla innoooiiBo whilu tlio olHcora claim lio hi tliu'mnn thoy tiro uflor. AT THE CHURCHES. I'UKBIIYTKKIAN (MlUItOll. (riurvii'OD.) S.iWmth cohool 10:00 AM. rriiaolilm: Burvlco, ll.:00 A M, mul 8 :d0 1' M . QlirUtlim Kiulonvin;, 7:00 1 M ' uiii lObiitii niiiivini'u m il. i-ck borvino., Thurjidny 8 ;00 I' M ' ri(uiuo il. cuimiiuHl'jistor. CONDENSED STATE NEWS ITEMS. Ilowlmri;, Or,, will hold n ilrrcl fair, M liunilrcil tlioiiMtnl pouiult of wool vino i;M t ll-iicr fur B In m)I crntt Kt miiI hit SnliinUy. All tlio Ma)iin uf Ora'r.ri mw fni.i rnpirtlnj 10 Ix prmrnl hI prewrnUllon of ImIIm1iI Uie Kun't omIoii lo tuir, '1 lit- V5,!kk, IkjiiiI Iwuii of I'-ilnrC'lly wniioM l 'I tiotnitvoit, 'lnny, CMMfonl ft Co., of Uiknc'i llicr ni)Imi; n picniluni of tyyi awi tliomtcof Inlrrwl It )( prr lenl er annum. 'Ilieclly will fni tr (icj.ooo fur inunklin lljjlil pluil, 7lw coimnltMon nppolnlcnl by the Lite Irglf liluio to clrterinlnq the liiilclitlnH, If any to U' iittumrtl by lUker county In the annetatlon of i.iit of Uuhin tMiinly lMvolrn reported tint IUlr county tlHxild uy Union county Iji.cxaj. '1 tie ii5.oyi ditunKC mil ngiinit the Orrjon. lAiibv II. I'. Ilartry WAt dlnnltvd by Juice Hamilton. Krank Mcl).mll trnlrneud to it year fur iimnlrr, Im ln cMntrd until Auf, jo 10 file a petition for rehnirhii;. Ailoih h to have a new nemn-iper, the t'n. lenlloruM, I'.ilnirr Uiot., of Hiker City are ImiMliiR a motor bkycl. One hortc ioer catollnc engine will k ummI, wehj ic jo lb. Aitorki tlly It bilnjlnj; mil Khit the lele phone tomptuy to recover Sjon enAlly for Wo Ullont of ll oiclltMtiio piolilln(f for a iUiter- ly llcenu: of yt cent for et ery telephone In ute in tlut city. 'the Ciyuie teilpt Imc lt-n thljvjvnl from one toHiily to another for lh bounty, 'fhe detk of l.lnnraunty ttfutrd lo ny the J a. to bounty on J5 tcjljn rttrnlly holding tlut they uric not kltl.il in the county. Pi of. Van Sroy will open an Academy al Med ford In Pecrinber. Oirgnn't hop crop It npectrd lo I one of the Urgett In year. JinlKe lUmchai ilrcMo! that 1. C. Keed, lltli Coimnlulonrr ol Oirgon lut liren Irtivlit edoul ofoflice An rtrt now adturt InvrttlsAtlon bfor funhrr tea lion ritrrmlnitlon It trinlttrd, Oirgon It about tu lurtrtt the hcAilut prune aop ever grown In the tute. O. I. Cli.ipel and A. Md'AilAnd will lxln Eyeing' for Ml ilul Motine tartit n-Wm within joiIaji, The flouring mill at Monroe It to be removed to ll.urliliurc, woik having begun. Mr. 1 lionut I jwi, of ,0ipon City at bound over 10 Appear before the circuit court, (harged llh aUliicUon. 'IIm date for the jk Urnnde I'alr hiie been cd.inged loOct, ith to 19th Incluthe, Inttead of from Oct. itt 1051)1. A roniuny will nt osre begin drilling for oil at the (ico. A. Dorrit farm In l-na county, A ttrretrnr ran into the bay nt AttorU aflrr collidinx wiiSi A hotel tmt, lxw tide wnt all that taved the engen fiom Iwlng drowned, fhe iaurngcfi were In tho car ontr one teriout. ly hurt. ThwSoulheiii Oiegwi l'alr lk.Mii! hat decided not to make liorw! racrt.i rrt of the fair pro gramme, nml liv settled on hatl gamei and lunil i-oncil. 'I he County Court of 'I ilLimook county have Jutt cloved n oontruct whereby Mr. C. lluver hat leitwd tUtixHi liven and cireks in T1IL1. 11100k county fur .1 trim of $5) curs. Vamlalt entered the barn of Hit llranton at McMlnnvillc, Sitiml.iy night, rind imitlLitril hit finciliiilng 1io(caIiIi n knife cutting, It uiiu witeand tkithlng it all over. The horto w,i 11 iKMUttful n.iilmal but it now iulnd for tier. The litiktt ought lo he tcrvnt likewise. A moiemcnt It on foolnt Hiker City for a free library, Tim l.ullet h.na thit in charge and aie telling Hcxk at J3 n tli.ue, and the clumber of commerce luive ngreeil to fiunitli the ncces viryquartert for the library, 'I ho llanten & I .union plaining mills nnd wood woik f ictory, nt Sileni, hat been told for Ji5,cxK) to an 1 mil ma linn. Tlic firm luic just elowd .1 contract for fiiriilWn; 13 governnient buildings At l'ort Columlui, A falker for Colliers Weekly hat been doing various localities in Oiegon. A new ferry-boat has been put In nt Hen dricks' crossing on MgKtniie near K'agcnc. (1, S. rramlitn latsoorl a brown seal from horseback on the Ur.colrx county IkmiIi, lCnglltli partiMgcs recently brought Into 1 Jim oounty are doing well, 'lhree broods of young ones kxve been seen, Tho Chinese pliravuiti are said to bo very numerous this season in the Will imelto valley, 'I he Corvallit mill have been nwarded tho con. tract lo furnish the nt) hun 900 barrels of flour for the ensuing 6 months. Many new fruit dryers nrc licing built in DougUa county to cure the coming big prune crop. '1 ho Cox and I'erry warehouse nt Med ford was burned this week. It conlnliu-,1 30,000 buihels of wheal, 'lite building whs Insured for $600. 'the aula was also Insured, Circuit Judcc llnnna has dccUrcd theAshkmd prohibition ordinance valid. 1'orllind men have the contract of jfiadinj; 15 miles of Vancouver It. R. Medford A. Moore died nt 1'rlnccville, Or. last Tuesday July 9th, ills (uotlicr died at Tho Dalles otvl'tida) of grief. They were builei at he san)i),(iaje, 500 people nlte,mtcd Iho fiif-crnl. FOREST RESERVE . .BOUNDARY LINES The Revision of Inclines Will Land Grabbers One More Swipe Give Tlio boundaries o( Ilio proponed forem rcnorvo In Curry, Josopblno, Coon, nml Dougln counties includes nonrly half of C,urjy county ami nbout two-flftln of Joicpliino county. Tfiutllipntchni from U'nsh liiKtonwnnilo tho follonlnc nunounco niont; "Tlio recent option j)f tlio Hccrctnry of tlio Interior in milking ullcratlon In tlm Curscadu riMorve) in Oregon nnd in tlio Olympic rencrvo in Washington wan nut. uiu ucKiniiius; 01 wiiat in liitt'iidril to ho 11 Kunoral revision of VntMi Hlntri." Curry county ront.tn npproxlm- nlcly a'Jlownlilpof Innd, and 1H of theci) aro included In tho botindnri ol tho propofed rcnorve. Joaeplunn contnliiH nlKitit -19 tOMrimtiin, with 20 of thorn in tho boundaries uf tho pro posed rcrorvc. Bids Invited HM will lo rccoivtti'rntil Aug. 1G 1001, for the nxclmdvo privilege for, ItKSTAHUA.NT BAI.UQX, for tlio co in ins: f.iir. Knelt Mil mum lut iircom pa tiled bv n certukil check for 1W por rent of tlio nruouut of tlio bid. Addrcas, F. A .McC'Al.r., 0 211 Itncburg,Or. A Curiosity tiulto curiosity I reported by W. Sofluy of Florence in tho shape of a beef which ho killed, It had hut one kidney. It was on tho rrghtaido nnd wn much larger than tho ordinary kidney. Tht-ru wn about at much fat on the left nido of tlio backbone u on tho right, but tho left lle had no nrlcry through it.atiuh ai Is connect ed with tho kirluoyt of ruoAt quadrti- pcd. Tho animal when nllvo wan perfectly heahliy and cjooil thrivor t, "Orcfon Prunes" Oregon's reputation as a prima growing Atnlo it given cmphni by the crecllon by tho Corvallls, nnd Henton County I'runo Company of tuo largest prune dryer In tlio United filnte. nnd probably tho largest In tho world. It will have a daily capa city of 100 to 1500 tituhel of prunes. Thin company own nti orchard of 100 acrej, anil has another largo dryer in perftct or.lor. This will show to tlio world that Oregon is in tho pruno business on a broad gun go settle. Albany Herald. THE COOS COUNTY PIONEERS' REUNION Tho C001 County I'loneor nml Hintorlenl Society will moot In annual reunion at Coiiulllo City , Wednesday, AuguH M. A good program will lio rendered on that occasion and n largo attendance is expected Arrange ments aro being mado for reduced rates to nnd from Cotiuillo. It is expected this will bo one of tho best attended mooting miico thoorgauiza tlnn of tlio society and every Pinncor, whether rogistorcd or not is cordially Invited to attend. NOTIC'K rOH I'UHl.lCATION. Dcnartmi-ut of the Interior, l.tnd Oltico at ltorburg, Oregon, July 10, 1901. Notice Is hereby gam Ihat Iho following, named wilier has filed notice of hit Intention 10 in.iko final protif In support of lilt elaini, and lh.it Mid proof h ill lw nude before W, U. Doug hs If, S. C'oinniissloiier at MarshhrM, Oregon, on August 11, loflt' lt: lames M. Whitney onhlsll. K N'o 9536 for tho NJi M.)f l)ts 1 anil a Sec so T. ai S R w W, lie names the following witnesies to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of said Uml. tli! V A. tiilmore. I,. 11. iuer. u, o. Nay, William Danes, of Mardificld. Oregon. ' j, T, IiKiii.t, Krguter. iTa r ta a n a a m h an u taa ra h his "Shoot the chutes' ttidy Shorthand. Read the latest and best, pcrlodicles. Exercise your muscles. In fact combine rest ttitli sclf improvement by belonging to the Y.M.C,A.,aud using the facilities offered. Membership, per year, $5.00. Junior, $i.O0. v a w; ka mt wfjtmwjHujiHmm, Of Interest to Taxpayers Jndgo MuiJrlilo of tho circuit court has Jiandid down somo dccislomi in connection with tax mailers Hint nr0 of special interest to ovroy cou nly in the stnte. Tlinv venrn In tho eana of C. W. Hhlvoly vs. Clntsop county, a suit brought to set aside (ho tax on certain property an tho grounds that it had been erroneously unseized. .Several days ngo tho cnto wns decided n favor of tho dofondnnt, tho court holding that the county was not rospousiblo for imi nlllgcd error nt tho Assessor, but later a rehearing was granted on certain .points. Among tho (mentions brought up At tho rehearing woro tho constitutionality ol the net under which tho special tax levy for tho construction of tho Voting's llsybrldgo was made, nnd whether tho warrant drawn in pay ment for tho construction of this bridge should bo considered in tlic county's limit of indebtness ns fixed by law. The court h!d that tho act under which tho levy was mado was constitutional and that tho limit- of indebtedness did not apply to tho warrants drawn on this special fund. Tho judge however, modified his former decree in tho caso at isiuo by ruling that tho 11 por cent penalty, which tho county has been collecting 011 delinquent taxes nnd tho 1.00 hetetofora charged for levying wcro illegal nnd could not bo collected. A Legal Contest A lively legal baltlo Is likely to ariso becatiro of an nllcgcj! lack of compli ance with the law in tlio matter of tho Now York and Oregon Coal Company filing upon tho lower Nchalem tnd making declaration of intent to im prove tho river. Judgo Magers, of Yamhill county, ofrcrcd County Clerk Whcrity a filling on tho river, which was refused becauso of tho provision of tho law that 00 days must elapse utter tho first filling boforo a second ouo can bo tccelvcd. Judgo Magers, it Is understood, will submit ovidenco that tho first filing was faulty nnd thereforn void. Aitortan. AluMeJltdPi!!icrsv,:' Tho olliccrt of tho Grand Lodgo o' Oregon uta: ' 1'astO rand Master D C llorrin. Tcmplo I)dg, Xn Si. Grand Mastor Workman Kalph Freonoy, Upchurch 120, Grand Foreman C C Hogue, Safe ty IS. Grand Overseer A J Hawthorne, Eugene 15. Grand Recorder H L Durnam, HopoJ. Grand Gulde-C 11 Dyo, Falls City .'.. Grand Insido Watohman J K Mel- linger, Harmony S."'. Grand Otitsido WalchmanWilllam J Clnrko , Fraternity 0. Grand Examiner I)r D Walker, Industry S. Tho committees aro : J urioprudenco William M Colvig, llanucr Lodge, No 2a ; Gcorgo II Dur ham , Fucillo 17 ; J V Paddock, In dustry S. Finance Frank M Colin, Industry 85 AW Allen. Upchurch 120; W H Header Fidolityl. Griovanco and Appeal U F Hob mson, Fidelity l; William Grant, La Grniido i:i;t; J W Hamakor, Liukvillo 120. Arbitration 1) MC G.ult,Vortlnud 27 j J M Dixon, Lufaycttn 31; A J lirlghum, Mount Hood 72. TRAVEL BY SEA Arrivals by Areata, Saturday: Mie liunttio, Mies Hoflmau, Herman Lar son, K G Curxou.Mr Curzou, Misa M Geary, S It Maokay, Mrs Mackny, J Mursall. II Eriokoti. 11 W illiams, A iT 11 11-11 --i 'io v.l...l M Alder, 11 llcllncli, Jas Lrlund, M I llrccu ,0 G Leo, F A Wiclcman, F S Samuels, Arrivals by Alliance, Wodnosday from south : Doo Turpon, Hen Kucker K Gundetllnger, O Zoinmger Win riansbory.troFlnnsbery, J Swoot Mrs Ollobarts.C Hobarts, Ulanoho Limes.lISShelton.lt Kobbli.s. V. lloldorman, J 0 Yale, 1 0 Uphum , K Fordycc, Mary Larton, A F Konrnn, 11 Songstaokon, 1 11 Jlollaml, Mrs Jlolland, V Wittlci;, Annio Anderson Edna Asnluud Mrs L Uountollo, Alico Uexcrs. Eva Wilbon, Mrs O E Smith, Julia Larbon, V 11 Lnyton, John Felchor.JTYorrlngton.O II Groon- fleld, J S ltlioinhnrt, A Kruso,' J Culver, Mrs Culver, Doparturos by Alliance, Thuisdny, north : Samuol Marsdon . Abraham ltood aud wifo. Lydia ami Miss Mabe-l Fotorson, F E.Louliurt nnd wifo, 0 V Osborn, E I) Solirocder, J 0 Osborn, J 11 Collins, Fred Leo, Mrs F.lstoGoro, Noils OUtron), John E ,I)ay nnd wifo J N Jtynn , J AiLcovin, A (1 Hydquiati Jno A Sinus, Mr iVutnaiii, Jumps (JiiHHlir Ed CfAljlsprt. 81TKUM Cloudy wenthor, Haying Is almost over in our valloy. Mrs.' Jan. Laird Br. is stopping At their plnco on Middlo Crcok At pres ent. Mr. K. 2f. Harry and rdrmghtor Myrtle nro visiting Mrs. George Miller and picking berries. MIrj Kva Laud accompanied by Miss Ucislo Duncan went to visit her grandma and pick berries whilo Micro Miss Ethel Duncan roturncd from Drcwttcr to her homo at Jteston, Mien Ithol Laird accompanying her. Fred West paid us a visit ono day last week. Tho Canyon It full of pleasure seek ers at present among them is Dr. K. L. Miller and wifo of Koseburg. Dinger Laird and ;hj undo had quito on cxciting.chnso After an old bear nnd two cubs, they wero not very lucky and only killed ono cnb but tho dogs made it waim for MrsDruin till it was too dark to follow her any longer. Jnko Btemler and brother Herbert, and Ilcrt Folsomo of Dora, aro fishing and hunting in tho canyon, wo wish you good luck boys. Mr. and Mrs. S. U.Benbam attend ed church at Dora Sunday. TKNMILK. Whon riding out to Tcamllo Wed nesday, Mrs.,V. F. Bowron struck her head against a log, .jutting out from tho hank over tho road, and -.fell backwards oil tho hortc. but fortun ately without seriouly Injuring hor sclf. Frank L. Ficrco had occasion to visit Dcckors point Tuesday. Henry Winters of Bchofield, waa seen on this sldo of tho divido Wednes day. 11. O. Kirkpatrick, tho medicine man ol Coiimllc, camo through hero Sunday from Gardiner. Martin Hokinson moved to Echo field Thursday, where bo may spend tho remainder of tho Summer. Tho finliri are waitin? lmtvatiatlv I fori&it-ro 'oohUi IrlkSfHS? Fred Adama mad'o a vlllt icfMartli- BeM luursuay ovsning, v procuru mcdicino for his mother whoso health has been ailing fortomo time. Peter .Robertson is taking homo a sprayer, bluesiono and pansgrcen, and so soon , tho pesky worm puts in his appearance, treatment will bo admin- ;stercd. Installations Tho following oilkera of Western Star, Ecbcknh Ixulgo, wero installed Wednesday night by l)iu Dcpty. SadioM. lUll: Bertha Sleep, n. jr., May Coko, v. g.. Lixxlo Butler, sec, Ida Hall, treas., I.vona Ityau.con., Jcnnio BennetU r. s. n. g., Louisa Hirst, 1. . ii. g ., Elitaboth Sleep, chap, Augusta Lichtmcrk, i. g., Kato Doubnor, r. s. v. g. , ltose Curtis, l.s. v.g. Mrs. R.J.Coke and children came home Friday from Kalmew, where they have been visiting relatives the past few weeks. O J. 5 T O XI. X -flL . Ti., tl, st I M Mi I w nam iu) w- ar Zml How A,r "Tour KUmji Ir. HoeU" Brrvu PlUs eewsll SljJMT Ul- r la Jre7Aa4. oteruos lUal Ctuco or . r. isisiMsii Ml a Its Up To YOU If Yqu Want tho BEST !rT ! ; F iu men's toggery V its hero. Our . E I 1 1 l ! 8 1) i) ii .i i 1 1 i" j 1 1 1 1, in? H 1 I 1 Spring ami atitnmer uoniiwiij. Seo our Spring yles in Nookwear, 4.fc Fancy Shirts, innumorablo to a comploto outfit for n well dressod' man. Wo havo bouglit tuo niguesi, conceits to be found In tho markets. From i tho stylo centers we havo bought the best. Wo nro proud o! tho result of our olTorts, and wo want you to seo what wo havo. ;: :: :: u Wo have tho exolustvo sale ot tuo famous Walk for gentlomen. M JlfQiip ferl. It is now oxnoctoil that tho now four masted schooner will be launch ed on Aug. 7lh . Tho vessel will leave tho bay with 0,000 largo plica for San Francisco This will when accomplished leTt) nearly $70,000 directly In tho hands o laborers at Morihllold,all within 5,. months time. Tho smalt steamer being built will' alio leavo about $20,000 o,mong the laborers of Marshficld. In all, this company witl expend al least f 100,000 during tho first jix months of tho new corporation. Tho directors of tho company cop template .putting in a compressed Air plant for driving spikes , treenails, eta. The directors also con template enlarg ing tho yard. Work is being ptubesV on the.stcnmcr,hut It is expected thai tho work may bo delayed owing to th machinists strike in 8an Francisco. Fined $20 aniMs J ua t ico J. H. Cecil, of this district, tried a caso in his court yesterday in' which tho stalo was plaintiff onA(1 Emil Erickson was dofendant ntyl Albert E. Sca.mon tho complaining witnesi. .From tho cvidonqo in tho case it seems tluit on tboi!3tli day of Juno Erickson nisultodcapon frorn behind, knocking him noytfi arU beating him sovorcly, aiv4 then ."hast ened to tho nearest justice, plonde guilty to assault and was flnoU (5 and cost and thought that would end Ute matter, but Scamon did not look at it that way, thinking ho was getting off a little too easily ae all the griovonce ho had was that Seamoa was unfor tunate, enough to bo tho attorney for Mr. Merchant who Jterce4.aCoJJectlo.B ' against Edcksou by garflUhpelrkg 1j)8 wages somo two years ago. ,8overl witnesses wero examined and Erlclc- son was found guilty as gliaryed and was ilncd-420 and costs, thus going to provo that It does not end tho matlor tor., op .aggressor In such etwee to got,o a friendly Justin and Hlcd guilty. A J. Sherwood assisted in the prose cution and W.U. Douglas was attorns (or tbe d4ft4Btv Ct4l8 II '14 JDf. C.'. ,E()(rtStlr?Ey' 11 Kff Off "Rcfractiofl." Vt. C W. Roberts comes with tl.ounndj .oT the most convincing lestimonlaU ,rU nesjM jer mentions as to his akilyqol onjy.roni fk home,clty but foiu oeay every, tovyn or city 'he has practiced In. He ckdnis that many seem Ingly Jpcnrsble nene troubln. und headaches are brought about through constant strajn (o get perfect vision through an Imperfect eye. arvd he proves his theory true by reading you many letters from hts patients who have been cared ot serious diseases, tupped uy,aU .tail the 'most advanced in the scioncs of ophtbolmtjjosv', .1,0 have no connection whatever with the eye. ,ll is well worth your while to call and have a 'talk with the doctor, lie will put the human eye before you loan entirely different lljlit ifrotn thatinwliichyouaveheldlt twfore. -If you are interested call even though your eyes are perfect. He Is an Interesting talker. 'Examina lions are free, because there are many Who do not understand that their eyes ure tho direft cause of many ailments, which medical treat ment and change of climate have failed lo p r' ruanendy cure, because the eyes were the aggro, vating cause. Office at parlor of lllanco Iptsf for two,ttreks or longer. ssiiiisi m m m m m m m i s t tho lowest prices. storo Is aglow witn . lT.l.n..l..Jlnl X Clothing, Hatsnntl tlio small meaus necossary Over Shoe rn' 117 I t 1 .i vl a 'ha y MP8" r-m H Mi ' ;.f IftmKiiM wmJsssssssHssssssssssBSBss1