The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 13, 1901, Image 3

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,1. .RH
ME'iWW1,11,11 "jJJ.UJLll LlUIilU.i' L-Lii . i i,.,. n u i ft
ann aaaa fc.a a Imjii -- - - -- -.--.- V ,
THo Kind Yoh 1Ivj Alivnyn
IH e fbr ovor SO ytmm,
AllCautkttrMtSi Imitation and ' Jnt-H.jroMl' nro tua.
'Kaporlmont Hint triflo with anil esitliutirer tho health C
iHfHuta uutl ChlIdrcH-Expericrk:e nffnlnst KxperliHuni.
CMtorlft In iv Iinrmle mibnHtuto for Castor Oil. rare
sjorlc, Drops mid Hoothlntr Byrnp. It Jit l'lottifaiit. It
Aontnliiri Multhor Opium, Morplilno nor othur Nurcotla
aubstattce. Uh bro Is Ita Ritanuitco. It destroys Woraw
mud allaya I'ovorlslnscsi. It cure Dlarrliow and 'Wind
fjollc. It relieves Terstltltifr Troubles, curt Constipation
And Flatttleucy. It iwlmllfttc, tho lvWu rculat the
JKoittavh and Bowels, rIvIiik liealtliy and natural nleep.
fho Children' laicca--Tlio Itlothcr'it Friend.
Beiuri tht
The Kind You Have Always Bought
' In Uso For Over 30 Years.
w aif Htm xt, tt ivmh ymti, miHin,
Coast Hail.
: t
"A rnther touching discovery lin
been niftdo iu tliu Held onco belong
ing to llio llarluitclli fninily, on the
north flilo of 1'otnpcit and within a
tonu'a throw' from the- walU that
of a )oor I'oinpcHftn who foil a vic
tim to cxhnuntlon or iu(Tocntioa
hilo irj'hig to escapo from tho
iIooiikhI city. Ilia kolcl6n m ly
in at tho depth of nix feol Mow
tho nrltinl level of tho ildd in the
team by which tho led of Innilli and
Eiimlco tontviii wpflrntcd ffom'tholfoluo
ed of volcanic when above, When ' n'ilu -
sirucic by drain the wruicnet manf(o frighten vou," sho soid.
wan rainjiiK. ni hi n uuihhu vj
means of a cord (made of hcuh)iho
xoiiowuig objects otAfAiuot An ex
nu Mio mwer sicwpan (cm-woh
wcimiij; Hi' i.iuir, ll)U 1IUIIUIU VI
.i) grams, tho haniiia 01
namenlrd with heniUli
. 1 P?M , '!?'
vrhlult is ornnir
and inollim
soup spoon with a hrqkon haudto, a
spoon for mUIiuHiol drtnksi a m. ,
rcr penny ofDonitinn mid two
i.ujf. Hutu vu ) "i .
hesn, 187 copper, pence, tho ohlest
dating from tho timo of Agrippn,
the latest from, tho timu of Titus.
Itodolfo Inqirnt in Loudon Ath
5nl Rnillrnlp Ynur Sorrow.
To luvoiiio old la not ueeissarlly to
grow old. Them are young vlJ'J'CO"
pie. Do not brood over tho past. Tho
Koldcu m;o s In tho future, Toritrt
all tho unhappy experience you hae
hath Do not syndicate your sorrows
and worrit. Orcnnlxo n trust and
keep all jour mUerlos to yourself.
Hemouilicr that there nro n thousaud
thine In llfo to cIkkt us to c.teh uuu
that can sadden us. Hor. Madison C.
l'ftcrs. Unptlit. IlrooUlyu.
"Somethlnsr New Undor
The Sun"
All Ducton lava ttlrtl locutu CATAKHII by
the um o( ior(lerl,- iciil Rtti, Inhllrrs and
druji In Mte form. Their iowdrrt thy up Die
mucuoui ninibnicf( earning itxni ocmckoa
mi Dirrti, l n powwlnl oclrti tiiotl la tho in'
hlrt hive entirely raitn w.iy the Mnio infni
lininri Hut tliclr maker have slmrit to cure,
while uitri itnil olnlnxnti csnnot resch the
iIImjk. An old unit crlcnccil pmnlilonrr
who Ii4i lor many ycari ntila n cloie tmly sntl
plcUlly o( llio trailnunt of CATAKHII, h4i si
Uit rrfrcted a Tfeilintnl whlyh-wliea Wthfully
tiKd, nol only reiierri S tint, Uit iicmwacuily
curn t,A I AKKH, hy rfniuvlm; die wuw, loi.
plnj IhodlKlnrgei, and cutlns all Inrt.irni'tu
lion. It l llic Miljr rtnindy known to kIciks
that itciinlly rctdiei the Hlctc4 piru. Thl
womlcifid renircly U, knwrn Al "hjyUKKl.KS
mo uurtUftflmKii UAIAKKll CUKIS'
hiiu 11 km hi ma rxireiiieiy jo' rvKf ol r
PoIIr, rich picilaiioi.a)!iwUili)x Inivuul Hnd
eitcrnal mrdlclne luttlclf nt fur n fill month'
irratnienl and evciytblnff netiturytu u iter.
hw, u x . ' I,
CUUlitvrr mitduand iinowrcvpgnlicdjithe
only ufe and poiltlve cure for ih"nn6yng
and dli;uit!ii tllteuw li cure nil fnftamnia.
' lion qulikly and prmwnrnlly nrd li alto won
derfully quick to rtlloo MAYliiVliK orCOU)
In the IICAI).
CATAKHII when neg!e,ctc often ledt to
CONSUMI'TI0N"SNyiVhl'.S" will my'b
you If you u It at'onof. Jili no ordinary rem
edy, hu( a completo njulmlit which U ol
lively guaranteed to cute (ATAKKII In any
form or iukit f uletl acdbrJng to the dlrrctlom
wlilihnicompunyeuch pVkiiSt Don't delay
but tend for It at once, antf write full inrtlcular(
na to our coudftlon, wnd hn will receive pecll
advice from the of thU wonderful
remedy regarding your ce whout cqit 0 you
Iwyond tharcgtiUr prta( I'lrt'f.Ba" the
Sent rcpl4 loany Odrrw ut tlu Uiilletl
StatMor CanatUf'oa.iMltorViiFtolhirV '"AiV
Ure l)cpl, JV5t7. I)VVIN IV OlUiS ft
BouRlit, nnil ivlilch linn t)ou
lias liorno tlio Hlirnntiiro of
find linn boon iniido tuiilcr IiIh ptjt
itoniil HiiponlHlon nlii co Ita liifHiisjr
Allow no OSLO toilmwlvn vnii in tuu.
llfnature of
Hew Stlnglneat Qpolled th Tact 9t
Alfonco'a Melon.
Little Alfonio eat on tho (ton
itepi ouUido his moUier door aud
licked his ullco of Tnolon. It ltjad
Juit been given him by old Hon for
running a mciingy, and, indeod, it
vru a great reward. Ho was just
taking his find cool, juicy bito when
be heard a deep eigh.
"What'a that f" Tin cried, Jumping
up and looking around.
"It's only melittlo Nita," said a
imall voice, and then lie saw that a
littlo girl was sitting ut the farther
end of tho stono step and had her
heavy hntket down in front of her.
"lti't do Hint again, then' said
Tho chlhl flushed. "I didn't mean
"Hut I
6m ,0 ttrcd ,md thirsty!"
W(U ,vnt:0 for u fctf niinutcs after
ti,l( wi,n0 Alfonso ato his melon.
At Inst ho laoked up, vlth a frown.
"U'liv do you stnro so r ho asked,
.., nol 0 lI(i j,0, hnvJnR hIa ,un.
"r that you should mako such eye
nt mCa
T,0 mtlo girl turnwl away, with
t ,1 nmi curlHi ),cr raggwl apron
iirounu Iter lingers.
"Jf you think," ho continued
fiercely, "that I'm going to give you
n hito yoit'ro very much mistaken,
becau'o I'm not,"
There was no answer to this last
spoeoh, but -a big- tear fell on tho
rugged npron.
Alfonso quito choked over his
next bite. Somehow it did not tasto
nearly half as..good ns tho last. Ho
pccicd at Nita under his long lash
os, out sho was still lookine nnothcr
way, and then quickly, with sudden
deep dimples and black eyes shining
lilcq summer stars, ho held out his
picco of melon,
"JInvo a bite, littlo stranger: woll
go shnrcs wo two." Edith lnrmi-
uo in London I'iccalilL
Littlo Jfnrv not long ago heard a
Minuogrnph for tho first timo in her
ife. Slio wai with her mother shon
I iiing at 6no of tho down town stores.
Tho mother dropped, n nickel in tho
machine, and Mary stood listening
in ecstasy, with licr small mouth
ognpo and, her eyes filled with won
dcr. Tlio Selection was ono of Sou
sa'a band pieces that stirred tho lit.
tlo girl's hocrt from tho start to the
finish. At tho conclusion of tho
ilcco Mary removed tho tubes from
tur card with npparont regret that
tho hand had. stopped playing,
Wliila her mother was busy sho
milked around tho wonderful pho-t
nogrupn, biiryoyuig it, oriucmiy,
AVIieu hor mother, ttrtn'6 to her sido,
shu was vet pcorkig about tho pho.
noirtijih box.
"Wliat nro y6U looking for, Mn:
ry?"eho asked.
1 wan t'iit jvnllin for tho hand
moii to i'bmb out," said Mary inno
contlv, "Tiioy must bo awfully
brnwdod in thpro." Detroit Frjio
m una -irau.toru ion.
, For you, beloved, bo this great 'clft.
(ho girt of, ovcrlsstlug usofulness. Clod
will endow you this moment tnexpllca
Lly ns ho endows (ho ccll,iroruis with
all the potentials and wondcro of (bis
grcut 'human llfo. God will so myste
riously Infill (hee with himself that
from this moment thy llfs shall ho a
now1 llfo from what It has been, aud,
thy frcnds shall know thea as a differ
cnt person, tho same by name, but as
ono transformed Into Qod likeness,
Jlcavtn waits, earth waits, hell wIW,
your decision, This heart, may It boat,
Thou alinU have me, Q Ood." If this
bo notthlne answer, then a dsmoa
ahalriiavo If. -Which sholl U be?
Bcv. B. Edward YoupftY PresbyttrlaB,
A WIn " Virtu.
Udwnnl'f'iiiil luM'nll nniuAlHrf sJr
of lild llnl Itiillnti tour, wlieil 11 !rty
of m weo I'llolctl alioiir t' Tliofnnn
Cook, tin fjnim-Yof tliu tW)Uw.
"Wo nrerlanp! that lie lifld ar
rniiKrd nt IMsn for n iimohcr or ojihi
enrrnRi' to Inktt iiir6iii the railway
stnllpu to tlio IrmiliiK tyircft-nboutflio
only ofijcct of I-iincit Micro wifs (o
rea Iu JJint nrelihle jilnre. I telegfatill'
etl to jllio nluyor of Vita Hint Cwk'h
drcii from i;iilainl would jmM
tliroiich tliq Intro siltl tuji I iirnJnil
liliu to announce if- ly Itiiik'llii 011 tle
Mnlrle mid rmy iiciDn wDWIlie iiIm
lie would rW tl' tiotlec' tfwl llK'J'
mlulit extend to Jlio IiuUh Realty
trclcotne. ,
"Not 'sunpri'llii h Joke, tli insjor
did as I siiKKH'sled, add wlici wo sir
rlve), enterrd tliu roflclirn1 au't drot"
In profcsslm! tlirmmli (lie to'trn tlin
streoU wro tlirongiil with sjicctntors,
who now mid tficil sent p drllrlmm
elicrrs mid sliauted 'vfrns' fn demon'
fltrsiiro fruition. Mr. CnoV (I rlu la
Ids L'lirrlao.wnn pstnuuded at tlio
ruthuKlnniu of tho liihnhltnnts mid was
putted to know how they know tho
J;iirIUU tourlntS were coiuliisr, as he
find i)ii i r coiiimuulrated with tliu sta
tion winter re;;nrliiE the vehicles,
"Of w true, (in Itio author of th llHlo
comedy, I could not enllclitcii liliu, mid
when my Aiiurlctiiiifrlcud and J called
on tho mayor to thsuk him for it
eotirtrous attciidon to my rer)iirU h
Itently Imiulrnl where tlia'horara were,
as tho Inhahltsnts Would (irefer to
hnvo seen u mounted. Jly Yankeo
linrtner In (ho 'rir was eul to the
occasion, and, as ho boIi n little Ital
ian, ho Informal the oitlclal that tho
horses were so numerous they would
coino oil hy a later train.
'The secret was well kept, and, ss
Mr. Cook and none of the ourlt wera
lliiuliti and as wo only remained In
I'Ua three hours, thejr nil departed In
wonderment m lo wl'X their advent
had eamod such extraordinary
cltement." .r30unut.
Buy and Try a Box Tonhjht
While you think of it, go buy and
try a box of Catcarcts Candy Ca
thartic, Ideal laxative, tonight. You'll
never regret' it. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All drmjglits, 10c.
toutiU ylMKMTsiHnllwriBssg
I'rr.'ilinl Jll.flU.
The man whu la nfrnld to do Rood
or ereti to do rlitht. w ho haugs to his
niliilmum nmi Ida meanness for fear
tho next Return tlm will nut I cual
to tits lilslimt, brllvves not Iu Ood. dl
tmsta spirit, represents the only kind
of rntnllsui and tnnterbllim that are to
be dreaded. There will be personal
mlattts In the futtl" ns Iu the (mat. hut
lilrtory will co on u lonu timo after
yoj and I are dead, and It will take
what la worth while of ua aloes; With
It.-ltcv. lr. Jenklii I,lod Jout-s, All
Souls' Churrh. n.l.nca
1hinn lhatannojr ytMilo wlQ qnlckly
nad prrmanenllo healed If rou ue DrXMtt'i
Hitch llawt Sil.t. Iktaca of VriMe cotia
ItiWu. Coot IViy Dttir Store.
far Iafaata and Oklldrtn.
Tlw KM Yo Han Always BMfit
Bsars the
Signature of
vpo nun Mirrt.
It Is ns childish to look for holiness
when we have not provided th eause
ua ftir -IU bushels uf wheat to the acre
from nu unbowed. tinp!otd field, God.
II nous Is an effect which tma a cnuco
thnt worum under law as nrcuratcly
ns a stone falls to tho earth under ths
(tower of cravltntlon anil whoso rate
uf Increase Is as eouiputablo as the
apced of tho stone's descent. Iter, Dr.
Teunls 8. Ilninlln, Church of the Cor
enaut, Washlnston. v'
DcWItt'a Wlich 1 Intel NilrathouM be pronipt.
ly applied to cult, burnt, and tcaldi. It toothei
and quickly hel ll Injtiretl part, There are
ortlilcu counterfeit, be lure to Rrt I)e Wlttt
Coo lUy Drug Sior1,
VrtUa IN Kt4 Yaa fan Ahun 8wnJs
Helpers u( !! Truth.
The rnllrond, the telephone, the
ble, tha uuwspnpcr-all these are the
helpers of tho divine evangel In thnt
they make It Impossible for wicked
mas to hldo or for any man to suffer
wrong- ami be Iour unheeded by tho
Christian heart of tho world.-Ilcv. Dr.
Louis A. Uanks, Methodist, Kaw York.
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough C
ror my presenl good health and ny, We. i !',!
treated in vain ny doctors lor lung troutile (oilow
Jngla grippe. I took Olio Mlnutn Coush Cure
and rrcowd try lir.tlth," Mr.K. II. VI.
Mnditon, Qa, Cora IUv Urn: More.
Llfo s a great sounding board. It
gives hack to us what wo do and say,
I( la a vast rob-ror, looklnc Into which
wo seo ourselves, Cood things give
themselves to. us, us' wo, R.vo ourselves
to them, Wliat wo nro to tho objects
and tho people round us, that are they
unto us, A man's surrouudlnca reply
and respond toAfhnt hu hays audwhat
lto does and especially to what ho is.
Llfo portrays llfe.-Iler. W, T, McKU
Veen, Cougrcgatlonaust, uostnn.
1 ' ' ' '.' ;
i mmMa"W nMMMkVkff
kvrun'w, wwm
If vtvi knew ru.w.SCOTTS
up, mere yur weini,
Mrtnihn your weak throt
and lons and put you in cen
sirtftn' for rvcxt winter, you
wouM sHlin M take it n4w.
fciiil forlriieSannle, and try It.
tUsbta'an Arm IA:itu(e,
Collin ono ujked Cfltflinf fdus
,p, PrrigJitou of MJsiwuri tlilhor
Aav liow'lt fait to Inttfa an nmi shot
au, Caplnin (relghton sdrvi.4 dur.
uj inii vrur uiivwtji'ii mv iimift Hln
Joi)fclontfl rf-gitftfinl, and lfr Idft
siccVo liuiign empty nt lib W4.
"lit doesn't fcl n nil," ho Con
federnid volchin nnswerul. "It J
cliicjly in tliu Incfc of foaling Hint
you :uow um havobccii lit. I lost
mviinii nt (icttynl)iirg, nn4 wlitin tlio
htiliel httwU mrt 1 could?' imagino
at lint hat) hnpjttWtl. Tlicro
wriMi't I lie slightest puiii, only a
sliglit tickling sensatiori, which soprt
gnvo wny (o luimbtieiw, In a fow
iniiitilc.H in hrm scoine'd lo ho nit
enormous weight hanging to my
olioulder, but it was not until, after
tlio Aiuputatlnri had bcefi mndo that
I slijTcrcd nettml twin. Tiid after
cftYcf of losing nji urni arc nol alto.
gctlwr plfuiuiit. ifltt sort of camo
to Hhn it iu time, hut 10 far ns suf
fering Is concerned I would much
less roibcr it bco wuld sting mo."
Washington Post. - '
Teething the Indiana, Politeness.
A teacher in an Intlinn school in
Michigan writes ns follows: "It is
very Interesting (o stiAjythcso chil
dren, especially,, as wo hnvo them
from four different tribes', rind I
should very much like to writo up
my impressions only that I can
scarcely keep" up with'my work ps it
is. Thcso boys have a sense of hu
mor. In my flog drill last Friday
tho partners veru a boy and a girl,
and where tho lines intersect to
form a cross I taught tho boys to
let their partners go first, and hard
trouble 1 had to do it too. After
tho exercises Isaac Crane quno up f o
mo nnd in his solemn vrty said, 'Miu
p., in letting tho girls nasi In front
of tho boys you have struck at the
root of an Indian national custom.'
I said, 'Now so, IsaaoP' and ho an
swdrcd, 'It is the custom for tho
man to go first, carrying hut dignity,
and for tho w,oman to follow, carry
ing everything else.' "-Vmhlngtos,
Genuine stamped CCC Never sold la balk.
Beware ol the dealer wno tries to sea
"aomeuMnj uit as good."
la all It aUtM Iters
tfce!4 eJeaaUaeNL
HjU Cresm Biisa
eUacM,eaaia aa4 beela
Ike Umu4 iMe&bruia.
wT a cU la Ue ka4
CtMm Xtolm le placed lata tt end, tvetaae
rtr tba aaeeibnuM ad U tinotUi. BeSefte Ua
sukUteandacarereaawi. It la set dryteg Aw
sotirJaeetaeelsc. large Mi, St eeate et tuuf
(titi orb mills Trial BlM,1MtBfNiU
XLY UROTHXftS, S4 Wama SweeU MewT'erk.
A tleroratloa at Sammr,
If Cod were to tjecorato with a mill
stone at a medal for dishonor those
who canned little ones who believe In
Christ to stumble, how many irould
Ik stirprlied to find themselves thus
decom led. Iter. Dr. C. L. Thursood,
ChrUtlsu Church, I'lttsburg.
You aw now cure iiirpU by dlctlflj
Wliat ynur bmly needs b plenty of fooil proper
y digested. Then If your stomach will not dl.
nt It, Kudol I)tpet'a Cute will. It coataioi
all of the nvtuhtl dl-esuats hence nun dfgcsl
erery ckiss of fo6d and Ki prepare It that nanus
tin uso tl In nourlthlng tb body and replacing
Ibe walet tltsuri, thus gMng life, health,
strength, amhltlon, pure blood and good healthy
appetite. Cool lijy Drug More.
o 1. m z r . x Jk. .
Bsarslka Ihl WYwHsWttliailwata,
Tka Caolea Yoaaa; Man.
He Is the cholco young msn who, con
tent with his Ineonsplcuousncss, Is
none tho lesa like a city that lleth four
square physically, mentally, noclally
and splrltimlly.-Her. D. F, Fox, Con
crcj:atlonnt. Chlcnro.
ThbY r.intoui bttle pllb, DeWlll'c Utile tirly
Klwri compel ourher pdbowrlatodo their
duty, that giilqgyoit pue, rich blood to recup
emte your htJy. Are easy to take. Never pip
Coos Bay Drugstore,
The Dunham
at aw
1 " P
Fof'Siic iy
' IJIr UrU
OIbWIb lU Hunuttfi Walter Vulck bufU
Ufy ytaift tlriot, Inrtbrleld, CVf t,n.
- M'.NtWT.
Ufn ct iip-mri7in Vy Mthtr,ih lllcik, on
ttrrett w)Ml,JJtpf,
J. W.Btnnott,, "
ATTOJt.VKV AlW l.'f)lJMJi:i.OI. AT
t'.. LAW' .. r
Olficcon-r'Ccios ttiyiUnk, l'nm ftmt
UkrttfitUi. Owl. ( r
; JW. U. Douglas,
Kroni alrnl, Martlicld, Oregon,
John F. Hall,
6ffic 'in PM6taIo b, Front strcrt,
Mashfietd, Orccoh,
it.,f J. Hacker,
. ( '9(Hiuill? City, Ore, '
Abatrnets nf (ItleXof real property
in uyos county lurnuiico prorntrtiy
ifiitrii a set of nbrtiacts. J
United tSUUa Land Office. Reottwrg'. Orrgon.
Notice Is hrtrJif jl.en ilul In complJjncewuri
Ibe oroviilorisotheacf of Consreas of lane y.
ttji, ratitled 'Ap act for the le of timber
tanoi miwftuwi or unrofnia. uregea. ea
da, nnd Wnthlngton Territory,' as wtroded w
all UV lublic Lund Suirs by act of Augu 4.
1S91. CuuMr. Lat'iNTr, of Odaaafc. eotwiy
blAihlind, State (orterTllory) of WUconiln.
has thl clav Gird lo this office his sworn state
ment NoJ 159a, lor the purthaic of the SF.Jf of
iiectlon'No. aa in Townhf) Nrxlaj ft, Range
No. 9 West, and nlll offer proof to show Out
the land Sought li more v.laable for HS tfnbrr
or stone then for grictiltural purposes, sad to
eatabfeh his claim to said U10 brfore the Kec4s
ler ana ecrtvrt 01 Ibis otnee at Koteliurg, (jr.,
gon, on Wedoeeday. Ibe 04th d.jr of July, 1001.
lie ndmesa wltneues; OraotTalor, war.
ren rVattrof OaUind, Oregon, James Hasklai,
IVter Kolli ofOdanah, Wucootln.
Aar and all persons cUImlar adtersehr dva
abore-deicrllied Umla are requited to nbt their
cUhnllfl this ceTtce on or brfbrr ald S4th ttiro I
July, 1901. J. T. lisrrcr.f, HrgMtt.
United States I-and effice, Roseburg, Orcgen 1
klaf 9, 1901. I
Notice IsheTtbjr given thai la crxaetiaoecwith
die protUloni of the act of L'orcrcu of lune t.
187S, ent'tled "An act for die sjIc o ttaibcr
lands in tl butes of CaHfernla. Oregon. Nera.
da. and Washington lerrltary," as citended to
all die Public Land Mulct by act of August 4.
180a. Iamrs HasaiHS. ofOdaiah. cotmtr of
Ashland, Mate (or "1 erritoey) of Wlieoetlfl, has
ws oay Med la ma omcc ls so era statement
Q. IJ9J. ror the purenave otitic .NKV ol Mc-
don No. n In Township NaatS, Range No.
West, and will offer moot to show 'that the Ur,
liu nu.,1,1, r-nr ,u. .)
oof to show that the Um:
soaght Is mora valuable for Its timber or stone
dun foragrlcultaral purpoves, and to establish
hit tklm to said Und betsee the Register and
Krcrtver ol this wtwt at Koirburg. uregon,
Wedneaday, the 34IK dar of lulr. 1001.
.lie names as wMnesMs: Gram 1 avler. War
reH Beatry o( fjaklaad . Orrgon, .CeorH
Holme. (vterKohiofOdasah. WfacsatirC
Anyandatlperson claiming .adversely the
above-described bindi err rrouoledlo file thek'
ouims in mi ornce on or ix-iore mio a4tn nay
of July, 1901.
). T. RatpcKS, Register.
Unitrd State I jnd Office, Roscburg, Oretton."
une ao.osi.
Notice Ji hatebv raven that IncstnpUagravitb.
die piovitlont of the act of Congress of Jt 3,
187S. entitled "An act for the, sale 01 Umber
Undt In the Matea of CalVomU' Oregon, Neva
da, 'nrd Waihington Territory,'' a cttended to
all tbr Poblic Land States by net of Augutt 1.
189a, A ASO A WM.K. of Roarburg, county of
Douglas. Malr (or Tenltorj) of Oregon, bxi this
day bled in IbU oftlco his swore statement No.
101, for the purchase of the NWlt of Mellon
No.a6in1ownthlpNp.aj S. Range No. o
Vct, and will offer rroof to slio Out the land
sought is more taluable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his cUIci to said Und before the Rrgttier and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Muurdsy, Ow 31st day of Aoguit. 1901,
HenanMSas witnesses: Grant Taylor, of
Oakland. Oregon, AfkluelS. Lawless. Harry
Duraad. of Port Und, Oregon, Edwaid M. Law
less, of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all tursont claiming adversely die
aboveHlescribed lands are requested to file their
clsimt in this Office on or beiore said tist day o
August, 190:. . T. IlatU'.ws, Register.
United States Land Ofbcc, Roseburg, Oregon,
June so, 1901.
Nodca Is hereby give that In compliance with
the provisions of the act Of Coorrcss of lone s.
1878, ent'tled "An act for the sale of timber
lands in the Males of California, Oregon, Neva
d. and Wavhlnnon Territory ." as eitended 10
an in 1101112 wwi -utea vj mci ui ausTvi .4.
1891. fcUwAlU m. UHuas, 01 Koseourg,
countvof Douslas. Sute (orTcrrllonrl of Ore-
goo, has this ily filed in this 4tica his sworn
........... , .L r-.t .....k....r,k. kjl-
V of faction No. 36inTonihlpN0;M. Rspge
No. 9 West, and will oiler proof to snow that
the Und sous ht is more valuable for its limber or
stone than lor agricultutal purposes, and to es
tablish his cUtui to said land before the K re liter
and Keceltvr or mis olbce at Kouourg, uregou,
on Mturaav.lhe list (lay oiAucuit. toot.
He names as witnesses,- Grant 1)kr, of
oakund, uregon, Aaron a. wcia, 01 rtoseourg,
Oregon, Mlcheal S, Lawless, Harry G. Durand,
of l'octUnd. Oreaon,
"Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested 10 tUa their
claims in this olbce on, or before said jtst diy of
August. 1901. . J. i.tiklUQij, etcgister.
United States l-nd omcc, Roseburg, Oregon,
Juneao, jyoi.
Notice Is hereby gixeu that In coinpluncc with
theprovifiongofthescl ofCongressof June J,
1878, entitled "An ac tor the s-iWt of limber
Undijn the Malta of C'alifoxniJ, Oreaun. Neu
da, and W'sablaason Territory,4 as ruid Id
all the lubhc Loumbtatrs by act of Augisst 4,
180a, IIAssV O. DuKANn.efl'oriUiyt, vouaty
ofilulinonishMsie for Tetntonr) of Oregon,
has' this day filed in this office his morn sute
meat No. 1701. for the purchase of the WK o
Section No.4 10 ToaMhlpNanjS, RafllriNp.
9Wet, and will oflar roof to show that the wnd
sougbt Is mora valuable for its limber or sUne
than for aerluiliural purposu, anil to establish
his claim to sa!41sn4 before the Register 4d
Kecalterorthis omoa at Rosetwinr. Oreeon. on
Saturday, the 31st day of August 1901, ' ;
Hetianuaswiaasacsi JJdwantM. Lawless.
Aaron A. Welk, of Roseburg, Oregon, Michnt)
S. lawlfiis. of Portland, Oresorr: tirajit Tajkir.
Any and H persons cUjinilng adversely the
aboc-dew.rib4d lands ure requastcd to file their
iltjma in, tills cfrco on or before laid jtst day of
Auguil, 1901. J. T, Bkiocu, Register,
Uattta A (W m '"I I WW nwasj sssm
'a S 't1' w
4ft i " '' 4,V."f I'
t y
v fi - -..--.
7 and MtineyTBTa
;"!' F, P. Mrt0n;u:i-M
. . ........
fMMv.MiHIH.HJMIMiM.UsM IHMIIipllillllHIaMi jf
- -T - -. .- ' .',..'. ,. rTTZX. a c-3r irM .
Good Business
i i,- ,..A.l '
1 1 Tpon ftpplicfttion we trill
w z paruet. uerr cmmismv m ,stm,yina girt mt1m fm - ; .
direct pprsonaL ow
the following; sale
1J Artl.U' MsUrial.
Bi Cloaks, Jackets an J Capes -,'4 Drwmaklr.Desrtiat: iJ.iFIa
ittresnndipjctUr',JFra"m-ci;fcf' ?ttr; aforalMra; S, MiMrSMryt-
I lJ Optical Coods; 101 Jewelry; 11
We ajunrnt that satff
Capital required, from U0,C3
CataloctM advertisiar fatal
If Interested to opening a saiaVn
Eaablished 1870, , t
iargsss ssii yjtaw House on ttraycoasv. " J ?
i f
ssbj ssaVasi sssi
.i l', -DALERf"lKi-
JLeaKst ovesigijs w yvaji.raper, noem Miss, y4v-eit,ispiav-yrl:
' asrfl Artisb'
. t
jNTagons Pnrj
Ttntrur avn oinvj Tsiwrivn riwiivrvft wrTarvt AiJn',nurhai4vit-V 1
Orders Promptly pi'iW,
A foil line of choice jroeeries, feed, flour, ham susdaswii ...
always oo hand, frsh fruiu and vtfsiablea fe4rt4 o ' ,,
uvery steamer. ' ' 01 .
wppmr rnniM pais mom
. . i ? ' Lr'.TTfn'. "e-sc
r-3"."-' T7f
Frre.akJlttfr, 9'.
' Hoy to Ceasailne Calewav,
A lovely shade) of deer yellow
In allk or velvet Is osfd to sale voati,
full treats, alecve pssTs. etc, ror
ceklea rewa-iwalata or cwfwnes.
peclallj when browB-Tdtet rs,s4 far
tnraraiBg iacia.. uxaer iiisionaais)
co'mblBatlOAs are del tdtw .wttti Maak,
brllllakt' scarlet with etjaaUy htUllaat
green, writer or se grees'-'wlth saa-
bogsjay browm aad bht .wK pal
pi". 7; ;
w-wwwMWaaa-arasaaaCaBa " v "fSS.
4Urr ' .it
' '
One of the most helpful books an Derra, weak.
neaa ever Issued It that enUtlcd'"Nerv Waste,"
by Dr. Sawyer of Sag Francisco, notv In Its tHth I
thoutand. ThU work 'ol aa eapMcad'arH
r-rputabk phyilelan Is in agreeable eaatrasi to the
vast sum of false ieachlag which peevans oa this
Important subject. It abowtds la carefully con
sidered and practical advice, aa,t has the two
gnsat merits of wbdem and siaeerity.
It is Indorsed by both the, reUgieus and secuJa
press. ITie tWeagoAavancesays: "A perusal
of tUbookandthespplcalkiiof Its principles
wiH put health, hope asd heart into toousanda
of Uvea that an now stdferfag tKrengh nervous
The book Is Ji.oo. by mail, postpaid
ce el the most iatetesriag chapters chapter
as;, .on Nervlaea, and Neryo Toates aa, bea
printed separately as a sample cnapter, ana WW
bp sent to any address foe stamp by the pubjUiera,
The Pacific Pub. Co., box aojt, San Francisco.
Flanagan Bennett
dsd.J.W.Beunett; TRKS.: -Jsa.
H. Flitn(;an. VICE
PRE8.S 4t. F. Williams,
, (7ASI1IF.R-
Oapital, $50,000.
rmmmmmmmmmmmm tmmtmm I 11
i raj
J f, ,1 TW T
rt , ' .
ii i. n i i ;, .. .1 1 . 1 1 i" " i a ' i , 1, 1 1 i
erphgptTajlot ' .
Third door nqr,! ol aVnagan Jk t
aonuulti llanlc, Mar.lipeiu.
Its latMt styles i aiodaMta prtees.
' a
Assert cossatatai ert'sUl
ftr laste dUaTswHaiHL;
Vrlaikr f isssiisMrtaye
stsia aossseat i J?
i. r .k.
fi. A'ltx MW
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owntriiupinsndoperirfakmon' 3r -Vfr '
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ial.-2)CameraV ?jtoivf JfafiejQ "'' V5'
Jne-s-llrs;Je.w ,V "t..f
aotary kuairMiHi wHI rsalf
15,000 in sk degstryssifrr, f V:
Wo Rent to pay) . .' ta aaejea ajaM .
rmuoeraelTe Immi, on eieeaaloaaHr aseat ssmsa. .
ft -
r.f r'
.. ., '". Wr
a'lasSSSSaW SSS ' kBBJ
.aflaVaanaaafl aBsBHH. s aaValaBW1 aHsaVaaHalBV
aaaVv SasSSSS SaaHTJ ajaAg aapfeBaaaa
h i 4 -i 1 t I ',4 4, t k9
tfntf kJi ivr iSl 99,
Painu a SpaoiaitJ
l'AVEKHANOINd. A -- HKl'rxijI til
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v. . .i.,aiaHaaaarsM',i,-i
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JUe. already ths'')SiiA tf-
Marshfiahl. Wht'hr
Is eeaVw Wl lity v ' U J,
kloes: of aensl' iiitiW 4j fe
. ibo gosa ra an awt aossy
the poeo It all rls;btr' '
All Vindaisaf rikswji .v.tiii.
, - . .si
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UildiBjK IWsWrr
J. U. "Rie.
i Pwt4oaL. m-
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v i-' tf'iWay7rmWiaTaal