The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 13, 1901, Image 2

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rubliAefl itory Saturday by the
Ohe y!r, (In nlvaser) Ci J00
r5tamooiht,i:.vJ.vA k. .. S
Thre. months..,,.. ,,.....
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It' is too early to open even the
ScwsjMper campaign for the elec
tion 'k year licace, aud all newspa
per announcements of candidate
for stale offices should be dis
counted. The Journal editor
spent the day at Portland and
-.found great apathy and thegeuef
al desire !o shove the disagreeable
features of state politics as far into
the .future, as possible. The
. Democratic belcif is strong that
their day for the control of the
state has come With divisions
mong the Republicans aud a
strong, ticket and a reform plat
form they hope to sweep the
Mate. But even a relonn party
on a reform platform does not al
ways mean reform for the people.
It is perfectly plain that the mer
cenary tatnraany element that
gostraght for spoils as do the birds
of the sea for a floating carcass is
strong -i a tthe Democratic party,
and in -New York as elsewhere,
it is hand-in-glove with the "Re
publican spoilsmen. The prom
inent Democrats who exert them
selves to shield the school land
frauds prove that this is the truth.
The greatest grafts in the history
of the state, like the Eastern Ore
goo asylum, the jute-mill, and
other schemes weie expedited
darinf the only Democratic ad
Bwaistration the state has ,had in
yean. 'The school land funds
were stoles and loaned right and
left to politicians with a pull when
the state had a4 Democratic Gover
aer, Treasurer, aad Attorney
General. ,Sa that f something
jaore tbaa the mere name Demo
crat k weeded 'to protect the pco
plc Capita Journal.
One of the most scathing
attacks on the Briish African
policy that have been made since
the Boerf war began is that of
Frederic 'Harrison, the eminent
English , positivist, professor of
jurisprudence,' and historian. In
a letter to the London Daily
News of May 30th, he declares
that he is neither 'little
Englander,' nor 'pro-Boer,' nor
'cosmopolitan crank,' but a patri
otic Englishman, who does not
think Ijis country's greatness
needs to be eked out with more
Klondikes and Ugandas, and
refuses to applaud every lolly and
"The pitcher that goes often to the
well is broken it lilt," There'! 1 world
of wisdom in that familiar proverb, and
a Mund application of jt to disease,
especially to Mich familiar formi or dis
ease a coughs and colds. Singularly
enough the very thing that ought to
cause alarm U given as excuse for a feel
ing of safety. "U'l sothig; only a
before." Tle fact
that a cough re-
curs periodically
should be warning
enough to take it
In time,' for the
tnost serious' and
disastrous of all
maladies begins
with a cough.
The use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
not only stops the
cough but- curia
the cause. Heura
obstinate, f deep-
eaieu cougus, .
broachJti W e a Ic J) lJ
lungs, pernor? a
rhages.'diseiiai ;
which if Beglected or-vnskllfarly treated
find a fatal, termination in consumption.
Accept uo subatlbateor" Golden ed
kal Piscovary," Thape ii po other med
icine njua'aig09al for weak lungs.
1 wis very sick wuw,'mt un. moiii
Jasska. of Vthoa. fatt Ca DcUwart. nd i
VtUoa, KKI Co, DcUwart, sod tar
taXy doctor hU I Jud ceaaimptloa. I ttourbl
,1 ssihi a am MtlkHu two. iud U4
Hk. tett Wood, vas Mrr'stiort of btcftlb. in
SMTesaM Wrdly set nr trcatb st all mim
itan. laalitsrBkinBjrcbntSBd rijbt luuf.
pat, imrtiiootimr'uoun
ritnuu fKuat i wm
m m Ttrnm. sad new
waahliyt. I worked in the
m C&ll .;,-, 1 lib. m .
that the ton and your tntii-
MM. I was tick, orer two
teallM of th Ooldea
Muc Madlcai
k.V, Wwfa,vWiite. N. V.
Twask t IB a
ou do s.fsW
anf; mtv rm
ffsaa. 1 MSP HI
at aavt ttrnti
f 't "ft
crime into which demagogues iu
office may contrive to rieTudc the
nation. While the immediate
cauic of his protest was the report
of a fresh start in furm-htmiing
andticvattatidtt by Hrttish troops
iu the Transvaal, he takes oc
casion to review briefly the
course of the strife from -the
beginning, and says:
"The nation has been hood
winked by au elaborate fabric of
calumny aud falsehood. The
'Doer conspiracy to drive us out
of Africa is mere promoters'
bounce, like the tales about 'pay
able cold. It was iu vented by
khodesiau agents, and sent home
ny tucir guiuuic iooi in v.npc
Towhi The story of 'Boernrma
ments' pridr to the raid has been
proved to be false. The myth
that the war was 'intvitablc' is
only true in the sense that the
crucifixion was inevitable.
Everything is 'inevitable' if fools
will persist in their folly, aud he
that is unjust 'will be unjust still.'
The war was 'inevitable in this
sense only mat there were men
resolved, iu pursuit of their own
ends, to spread blood aud ruin far
and wide. The ptetext that
nothing but war could decide
'whether Dutchman or Briton
should be master in South Africa'
means only that the British were
bent on crushing the Boer. It
was a mere pretext for conquest.
By what law of God or man was
it 'inevitable that the Briton
should dominate all South Africa?
The Dutch were in the majority;
they were planted first ou the soil;
they were the only race which
could thrive in the veldt; they
were Afrikanders, bred aud born
in the laud, not immigrants, pass
ing prospectors, contractors, carpet-baggers
come out to make a
pile. Why is It a law of nature
that these men should be made
masters of the settled Afrikander
The latest phase of the conflict
calls out his boldest and most
cutting expressions:
"ThcoEdal return has dis
closed a barbarous, vindictive,
systematic attempt to terrorize
and crush a brave enemy inarms,
by devastating a country which
it was found impossible to con
quer, by mining the homes of
soldiers with whom we were wag
ing war, and by exposing their
wives and children to misery and
This was a violation of J
the recognized lawi of civilized
war, and was expressly forbidden
by The Hague conference. It
was especially infamous, when
resorted to against an honorable
body of citizens who were defend
ing the existence of their country.
It was insane folly in the case of
a people whom 1 was designed
to incorporae in he empire, who
had acually been proclaimed as
our fellow-countrymen. '
Future generations will look
upon tiie rsazarene ot Tula as
one of the colossi of history, a
man of gigantic proportions,
mentally and spiritually one
whose life was a negation of the
conventional order of things in
the age in which he lived, but
who succeeded, as bo one before
him bad. in awakening the con
science of his generation. His
teachings might be termed the
ethics of the future, for men of
the present day are not ready to
adopt the standard by which this
stern moralist judges a world
whose burdens he takes upon his
shoulders. Tolstoi would sub
stitute the law of brotherly love
and unselfish labor for the law of
competition and ambitious strife
as the guiding principle of men's
lives. The imperfections in the
present organization of society.
engendered by the ever-increos-
iug greed of wealth in individuals,
and the greed oi power in mighty
nations, by laws that are often a
mere travesty of justice and right,
especially in their application to
social morality, must convince
every one who seeks conviction
that vre are still far removed from
the great Russian's Utopia.
We are living in a period of
transition. The direction the
evolution of society has -taken
shows a daagerous proximity to
the turning-point where material
inn threaten to crowd out the
old ideals that have stirred to
their very depths t minds of
those who have ""the welfare of
humanity at heart.
time the prophets who direct our
attention to higher, things must
be looked upon as (rite benefact
ors. Aninlic Bogatlawsky, in
Modern Culture for Jujy. ,
The plow taaattfiteturcrs have
organized their trust with the
assurance that there will be no
raise in prices, butt if anything,
a reduction, because pooperst'on
witt enable the trtist to mauufnc
turc at greatly reduced expense,
Tlu's assurance may be taken for
what it is worth. The innuifest
object of the promoters of the plow
trust docs not differ materially
from that of all the other trusts.
Its principal design is to capitalize
the plow mauufacturiug plants at
very much higher figures tlmu
they could possibly be sold separ
ately or duplicated. Tillamock
A First street man hands the
Albany Democrat the following
interesting misfit item: An editor
says he has two subscribers who
frequently get full, and every time
they are in hat condition, they
come in and pay a year in advance.
Oue of them is already credited to
1941, and the fraternity through
ont the state are crazy to fiud out
what brand of whisky he drinks.
They will offer it as a premium,
j Literary Notes.
One of the most attractive cata
logues that has reached this'officc
for some time came to band
yesterday. It is called the Home
Circle aud is in magazine form
instead of the usual form. It
contains snort stories very short
quoting prices on every article
of household use, and is published
by Smiths' Cash (Dep 't) Store,
35 Market St., San Pransisco,
Among the notable features of
the Argonaut for July 8, 1901,
are: The Safety of Numbers,"
by Gwendolen Overton, a story
oi the plains which illustrates
peculiar quality ot tcmiuiue na
ture; "An Englishman's Protest,',
an article devoted to Frederic
Harrison's recent philippic
against Great Britain's course in
South Africa; "From Paris
Through Touraine," by Gerald
iue Bonner, a letter describing
the garden of France and three of
its famous chateaux, the residence
of royalty iu days gone by; aud
"A Unique War Newspaper," u
sketch made up of contributions
and comments in the little journal
published by the war-correspond-enu
in the Transvaal.
Thh I, the if-avjn for shirt iltt, and
tvtry ooman ought to know what are the
lilett styles And good for this moit neces
sary article. We tll srnd Knee to any
ttoman who will send ut hrr nine and ad
dress nni x ac skunp to pay pottage a
sample copy of "I.'ART ur. LA UODK, '
It flnrjt billion nugailne In the world'
which gives hundreds of different deugni,
many colored plttej, and full information
about dress.
Mngle copies jjq each or 53 jo pr yer
at all newsdealers
3 East Nineteenth Street, New York
How to Bcalloai Cabhaee.
Wash and chop a heed of cabbagr:
put It Into bolllnc salted water and
cook for 20 mlnuteo. Drain In a col
ander, place In two baking dishes and
pour over them a tauco made ns fol
lows: Melt four tablenpoonfnli of but
ter nnd blend with four level table
spoonfuU of flour. Add one quart of
milk, atlr until It bolls; then put In
sir bard boiled eggi, chopped flue, two
tablespoon full of salt nnd a dash of
pepper. Sprinkle the top with bread
crumb moistened with melted buttw
and bake In a quick oren for 15tqia
tea. ." ( '
Dyspepsia Cure
DIaests whit yo Mt.
This preparation contain, all of
dlgMtaaU an4 digests all kinds of
food. ItglvaluUDtreUef and Bern
falls to cure. It allows you to est all
the food you want. The mostsenilUva
stomachs csn take It. By Its useauuy
thousands 1 of dyspeptics bare beea
cured after erery tblog else tailed. It
meats fomatlon of gms on thS sto
cb, rellovlng all distress after satlRg
JHsngBonecesaary. Pleasant to take.
- I fcert sj yw smsmI
At fuel. a,ffi.!ScftS?,30
T PtwiMfeate e Ht the
The lnwj or who, evidently oiwMm
life vw htw coutlmunW JoU cutcied
Mir clork'a ofticc "nt the city linll will)
h cxptvMloa of cttrotuc radiance over
pprcailinjc 111 count cnfliict The clerks
nml cdVra having (iMjxWIu the oIHit
nt the time wnwil their several mr
suits. Kinericncv had taunlit thorn
that tho iforcwild lawyer would ny
MHMthlnx ot an entertaining charac
ter. Oathrr round, Ipy," he laid. Ml
hare a dandy fur you tuts morning "
The speaker iuvd. The other it
lently waited for what was coming.
"Now llntcn cairfullr," rciumcd th
lawyer, "ami note ado ttcnutr of tho
connection tvtcn tho tuiro rcctlona
of thla Uttlv muumtruM. Hero It lit
'It the po'tiuaitvr ihould vUlt the oo
and white there lc eaten by tho wlU
nlmnli. what o'clock would It beT "
Tlirn wav imother auno. Finally
the clorl: Iu chnriw of tho docket ren
turnett the nnnwcr. "It would bo all ly
with the iKtuiruitcr."
"Wron-f, entlrvly wronir,' coiunient
ctl the lawyer. "1 didn't ask what tlmo,
t aiked what o'clock would it be."
A third panic. Then by general con
tent tho answer wa requested. Th
lawyer jrayty announced. "Ato p m."
Reforetitho iratherlnj: bad recovered
tbo lawyer had nttteil from the room
and wna beaded for tbo court ot ap
peal! to try the poitmaiter coo wild an
Imals conundrum on the higher trlbv
aai "VVaiblnctoa Star.
ui r wiii w kt ri
M)fMerrilt"tM.W 4m
II. rrft.l lb UiMif
ID ! r Vl4
t lr(r
it itrra. t atAlftf
vWT a4 ft) I M !
7 M aU4 la nun
rr SwkrH. t, or Ortr-. K tV tmt M !
Cr kL H rtl u ttf Mlaylt, Ukl H
nuuM KenT rnnrirr. nttteo iiw toiu
Daring Minister TTa'i recent till
to Buffalo he to the guet one
evening in an informal way of tho
Saturn club. Seated comfortably ixt
front of a plate of pork and beans
and a stein of beer, ho spent half
an hour la conversation with the
members of the club, tho talk being
Interspersed or, rather, accompanied
by tho tongs of the famous Saturn
chorus uaJer thi leadership of
Ctcor?o P. Keating. The songs wore
largely appropriate to the occasion.
Here, for example, ono of them:
W don't kwxr why w lor yt, Ut. , Wu,
at yvu'r Jwt s&oat th Wit w rrrr korv, Tt'a,
An J vt't all rt m hftrd tttl
Thit jWr fts;ht ea atliitjr w.U,
Trt w don't l why lol ). but ,
"I'd Leave My irappy IToinu For
You, Wu, Wu," was another. "v
erv Nation Jlan a Ting but tho
Coon" caught tho Chinese minister'
fancy. One would have thought,
from hia. freedom of manner and tho
f;enerol joviality of tho fccnc, that
io had juit found a hundred long
lost brother:).
It was 12:30 when Mr. Wu left
tho Saturn club liouso for his hntid.
He paused just beforo going out of I
tno uoor.
"It makes n man ten years youn
ger to comu here," he said. Buffalo
Tabloids the Tendency of tha Age.
This is an ago of tabloids, which
is only another namo for concentra
tion. Wo tnko our medicines in tha
form of pills nnd capsules and tab
loids; wo tnko our nourishment in
the form of ox boiled down to a tea
cup; even our intellectual pabulum
must come in n similar form. It h
all characteristic of tho rush, hurrv.
superficiality and tho desire to avoid
trouble, which were tho distinguish
intr traits of the century just closed.
If a men in fsielp, ho takes his cap
milo bccmiEC hu.can absorb it any
where. It doei not causo him to
Ioec even a minute from his busi
ness; It Is so delightfully simple
and so, in tho saino way, he can
snatch a meal out of a spoonful of
beef tea. IIo can also read tho his
tory of tho world in ona sitting in
somebody's "To TJnlverso at a
Glance In Pointed Paragraphs."
JTott in Cook fork Cutlet.
Cut them from the leg; take off the
skin and beat them with a pasto; hare
some bread crumbs, sage and onion
chopped fine nnd some yolk of an egg,
beaten; dip them la the tjrr sod then
bread crumbs with seaioetjog; fry them
until light broyn.tiirlf them often.
After you take then Bf sprinkle flour
In tho pan; pour water orer It; let It
como to a boll; then fittt orer the meat
DrrlntrDreDsuatioaa ibaply divel-
op dry catarrh r (hay tlry tap the sacretlons,
whlofa idhera to tk sasbrsi aad dseoaw
pose, causlag a f a saori sarleaa troubla thia
the ordiaary Zona of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
teg inhalants, fata, smokes aad ssuSe
aad vm that which oUaossa, seethes and
heals. Qy's Cream Beta beue&areaidy
and will core catarrh or eoldla the head
easily and plaasaatly, A trial alio will be
saaHad for W eead. All drugfrlst sill the
Wo. slza. My Broths, 60 Wflrra (it., N, Y.
The Balm ewse withoBtjpaln, do? pot
Irritate or cans laming. I spreads Itsslf
ovir as irritated asd uiry eurtsoe, rtller.
inglfiiiaidltWly th ealaful InSaiwsstlon.
TVUh FJy's Orfsm Ilalm yon aro armed
agnljist Nssal OatarfJj ud Hoy foyer.
jtfa Mr" " BmmLmr
Bv7 '7mw(iw
Clothing f
for flh nan ku l3n m
th Mfki in lh rrkl. X
iwv.111 inrrjna noiii
rn ud mih. . Ill not J
.T.MiMu4rHiMe, 9
4M rtit4r, m
Tht tlonarulfr-,
(Ui Hurt a iU lit wimti, Ivo0 on tl
Fit Mnrttt hour, a iV,
With ru tnJt kaier tolllne, tint tnt rclJ,
Stnmllng Willi Im mb Kh nt un-trnliol
VI tlirmlMrr and 4i)iU ! Ih 'lt
Ot lntrt aivl ltinr tfdjot
TWilut (ur (Kv ike t. the is.'rd atrata
Ot ttiK utlon U hcml.l, tslll.
Tti TMlllitn.- Una i at sad rr,
VltlHc It lunkr la da tttn mVi
Tvllli nlthftul r,lrw, no he Sil
Of t.ll-U u anvlhrr bntlKni k,
OI xanliut ll Ink ilx Smli Ion tr4, We rtrttt, rt,rly lntoknlt
With Wlltt lratn! iW, ill
Ttttt Iu ItNw lo oxV It WU IW Mm
A, lojTluwttf lt ml nttl!bil. '
N axntl Wart a Oar Iu hahll twi,
tYrt It, rfi II, eln It all aij
slllnl lttr r-l 1W tad Uh,
TW a IW lUiilolk tnt Ik uniU.lnj bntih,
IVitlrpth' Mii 1 Wr brtln
Vh ttf h, Jo M kvmV la which ah Hit.
Hhll W .low Sivitr bt Wrtdlly
Utile, on IW lirtMS't l rh IMnt lata,
8irt W iy, Ilia, nwlWr wa a twoi."
CtailolU rvikliu SWIaxa la l)JU Kipen,
uses oFparaffin.
Raw It AUi Ik Hoikepr la ttiw
1'raetl at Untay
No product of petroleum has a ureal
er varlotx of household usei than re
flnel tviraflln. Thla l tecaue It ex
cel nuy other known ptotluct In the
Ideal quality of It mTVttv aud Its ectMi
omjr of price.
A honackcvperi tccorae artualntrd
with Its virtues thrr tlnd that iiothlnc
elae la as clean or a pure or n tnstr
lra or aa odorles. Moreover, It Is not
aiTccted hj- ntr, arid or water.
rrouilnrtit anions the many uaea to
which It Is now applied arc for srallue
rana In preserving fruits nnd Jflllr. In
laundry by rubhtnir on Irons and Bits
tnc with hot starch, for coating wood-
n Teasels preserving egga. flower nnd
autumn leave, for polishing floors and
making x ar flow era.
In sealing cans the ,iamfHn wax
should be melted and a layer about
onc-cUhth of an Inch thick poured ovrr
the top of the preserve, alio whig It to
stand until the paraflln becomes hard,
when It will form a sealing absolutely
airtight. No other covering Is necessa
ry. When the preserve Is to be naed,
the paraflln ihould be loosened by run
ning a knife around the edge, after
which the wax can be railly removed.
Jellies and fruits fcalcd In this manner
retain their natural delicious flavor
and aro effectually protected against
mold nnd Insects.
In lealllng liottles the cork should
lie forced Into the neck of the bottle In
order to form a shallow cup on the top.
Then fill this cup with melted paraQa,
allowing It to harden.
In the laundry about one-half a tea
cup of paraffin shavings put Into a boil
er of hot water gives a dainty white
ness to the linen and other wash fab
ric. It -nlll not Injure the moat deli
cate fabrics, and by It use the family
washing can be done In atout one-half
the usual time, and It saves the. neces
sity of hard rubbing and scrubbing.
Irons can In? kept smooth, bright aud
clean by rubbing them ou a piece of
pamftln rorrrrd with mnMIn, and n
luster will In? glu-u to the linen by
mixing n small yhxv of paraffin with
the tint starch. laundry tubs. Ice cream
frwxors In fact, all wooden cmIs
when coated with parafnn will last
tuiiih lunger than ordinarily. House
hold (lazuilr.
A hut comploion grnrratljr mulls front I mo
liirelhrrsndlnwrls. Inallsuchcasc, Ik Will's
lMe IU'1 Mten '"0llKe vie "ul"
Ceo, tliy Drug More
"lrat tVhl.p.r. of Vatdflna Prae.
Ood'i comfort nre tho nmt whispers
of undying pence. He patient, bo faith,
ful, bo not despairing, but ct upon
your face as flint Against the lu aad
trust In (Jod nod In bla Christ. Iter.
Edmund Ilurk. KpUcopallaa, 1'hlladel.
"I wish to ttulhlullV state to ycusnd the read
rrsof ihrtefrw tines that your Kodol DjrtprpiU
Cute Is without quettlon, the hit and onl cine
'or diprpU that I late trr coma In contract
will, and I hate used man other prrparallons.
John IVearo, WVslMlddlcKS, I'a. Noprepara.
lion eijuali Kotlot DspcptU Cur ni It contains
all Hie natural dlsrtUnls, 1 1 fill Ulgrsl all kinds
of food and can'i help but do you good. Coos
Hay Vmif Store.
no Cttnrrli In America.
The church of (Jod-fiYour land Is a
crept lighthouse, a mighty wall of dc
fenae, a vast, fructirylnjc rler with Its
many tributaries, carrying blesslnjf to
all parts of our land.-Itojr. T. 1. Acli
Hmsoii, I'resbytcrlan. 1eiiTer.
, II Iscailtr lo Ircpttcirihan telcurrd. I)e
Wilt's Utile I'-arjy liltrrs uVcn now and llirn,
will alwajrtkerp your boittls In prrfcel order.
Ihey nnvrr gripe lul promote nn nuy gnlle act'
Ion,. Coos lytriu Jyorc,
t m i l i
Chrlatlanltr nnd Women,
Christianity puts tho crows of glory
on woman brow nnd exalts her to a
throne of loving dominion la every
land where CKetfahlly la dominant.
Iter, Dr, Ilobert 0. MncArtbur. Bap.
tut, New York-
Yo caa be cured of any form of tobacco using
ceallr. be atada well, alroag, tnagiwtlc, full oi
new life and vigor by UUuc kW.Tm.MAB.
Uat snsJU Zn&attnyjSl
Ua pounds la un Cava. o..r Mkm'tfmm
cartS. All aagrlau. Curs gusrajile.d' Book.
"i raiKJC
CO, CUcag
1 0 os fw York.
T WorM WeecU-ClssInt,
The world need a dlvlao, a supernatf
nral Christ The first ceufury had n
supernatural Christ and crsclflcd blsa,
but be rose asalu and has bwu walk,
lug across Uie centuries with ever
lengthening strides, The twentieth
cepttiry must reckon Vltti the jirsf
century Christ, for he beloogito every
century. lie Is the uama yesterday, to
day and forevcr.-ltov, Dr, Herbert B,
r4 MctbodlsL riillndilphlj t, -
Hlv t
B. ''ml I
B Bar 'mvx I
w K av M
I ji
VmlmnX f Xnit Ffn
nmm mm ruuii rinu otu mmi a 4
jBui't ,fOase, Proprietor. Rosoburg Oregon, f v
Best Rigs and Teams in the City,
My barn Imsltloly bent eularitril and I Iihvh milled
covrrnl now rlus nmt 11111 bntlor propirtd tlixiirivur to
lurnuli you ihhI turn-outs. 1 1 I I
Transient stock given special
Bs,B4av,ika',axv,v,'a xr'v,vvv
Mm ai Marsiiiiem stage Lino.
Shortost and bost routo
JBay. a Aj
Goal ii;gs. fTiw Jorses. tfoHfitii txfentnctd dnvtrt employed "
Crwt all the Mountains m daylfcht. ' ' 'v1'
C. O. A. I. STAGE CO; '
Tfc Oalr Orat Irrwtp.
The world Is none too greatly In lore
with our churches. It knows what we
ought tp know, that the only service of
God that counts here or anywbrra else
Is the service of men.-HeT. Frauds II.
Kowley, Haptlst, lloston.
An Incenlom Trratmrnl by which
Drunkarda ri IlnltiR Curnl Daily
in Hjilte of Tlieinselvri,
I n
N"o XotIoii Doaea N'o Weakr rtlnn o
the Nereea A iilestid and Posi
tive Otiro tor the Liquor Habit.
1 1 Is now gntrrallf Inown and unHVrtlooil
ihat Oritnsmnrss Is dlintte antt not fV.
neu. A 1; SIW with poiton, and nrrvts
rempkirly shattrml I7 ptlodlcal or toflilant
uieoflatoilcallat liquors, rrnulrrs an anlklot
capable of arutralliing and nadkalloj ihls wV-
son, induVstrojutg the crating for In lot lea nil
" t .-i. ,
.miitti mmj iw?w curv invmatlTTI UI noiii
wiihout pubiicii, o4ofiin.f frw,ibu,ir.M.t -
uut wouttu "HUMr; 11 Jl.u tUHK whkh
.1. . j.............k....... ...1
has lirni ptrfwltd afr many jran of cWtte
study and tmimml of Inrlvlalrs II falihfu
Uie acrorttlng lo rtlrtxtlons of Ihlt wondnfut itlt.
cottry lipoiltltcly RtMranlrvd tocur the nwMt
oUUnsle cav, no OMtirr bow hanl a dtinkcr,
Our rrcords show the mamlous Irantfornullon
of thousand! of Drunkardt Into sotar, Indus.
irmi and upright mrn,
This rrmcdr is In no smcr a nostrum Nt Is a
Iprdnc for this dltntM oaly , and l so sk iBfallj
detlMdandprrpsml that It Is thorotwrklr sola.
1I and pleaunl lo the latu, so that It can ha
glrrn In a cup of ir or oaffr without the
knewlcdgrof llietxTMifl taking ll. Thousand
of Drunkards hi cutrd themulrr with this, ant as many more hare Urn
curnl and made lrnrate mrn by hating the
'CUkK-admlnliicrrdby lolng friends and
trUlltrs without Ihrlr knowlnlgr In coffre or
Ira, andlllrve lody that Ihey discontinued
drinking of ihdr own free wlIL PO NOT
WAIT. I)o net It dtludrd liy appuirnt and
mUlradlng "lmnotmni.M Drlii" out the ill.
ease al once and fu all lime. The "IIOMK
OOI.DCUPK"tsoU al the low
pfke of One DolUr, thui plating wlibln, teach
of errjlly a Irruimrnl iron cMVitunl than
wnriicotiinx isjio ja run niircnons ne
coniMny cncll package. ,SircUI adtln- by skill.
nt (thytlcUni whrn, requrslrd without rilra
charge. Kent prepaid 10 any (mm of the worhl
on reclpt of n Dollar, Aihhrti l)pl. IC057
ajji Maikrl Mirrt, PblUdelphla,
All eorraioondence strictly conMtntUI.
niRliteonsness never deserts Its
friends. Truth la loyal to those who
loyo her.-Iter, ITrtdcrlck K. Ilopklna,
Cougregatlonallst, Chlcsgo.
That is what we have to sell, and
we oari fill all orders for any
and all kinds. THE QUALITY
is guaranteed and the price is
anything required in Fir, Spruoe.
Red and White Oedar.
pi,nfla Mala IJI
' "0BC Vm "
-tr m
AWJ flftln flTfthW '
attention. Call mid nee me.
to all points on Oopi
Seduced Rates
Are now in cflccf to
New York,
Do voti expec to aend
I'nn-Atnerican Kxxslion?
If so do not buy your Ickcs
unfit you hnvc, ittvcsVi(;aed fhc
Ktvicc of he Illinois Ccnral
Our nccomodnrions are he best
that can be had, our rniu arc
always on itne, and employes
courcotts and nccoutodainf;.
Through ouris cars from
Pacific Coaso Uosuu via IJufTa
lo. If you will send fifecn cetis in
satnpt, to nd(tcsj Ivcu below,
we will forward you, by return
mail one of our largest x 40 inch
wan map 01 111c uniicu oiaics,
a t it, v ,
yV - uia ana t'orto KICO.
T..r .r..
Any itiforinatiott regarding
rates, accomodations, service,
time, connections, stop-overs, etc,
will be cheerfully furnished by
U. II. Trumbull
ComM Agent.
MaThlrd Street, Portland, Ore.
hKhhrhKhrtrNrNhNhhht K
!!r!iritanrter'-Bny Vlnvr
J Imporlrr of Wlnrs nt Ogars and High i
' Cradrs of -(." ud Mattni llrrta
un nana
7 Following li a rxilltl Hat of Whliklrs en hand j
jNrdTop, IWar flrau. Monogram. While 7
7 Hit, Ovldrn Kulr, Antrilcut Club, Cmly. T
I rrl Sour Math, Krtilone, OuykrahrlitKr si 7
!,. oa iiii. rl...i. fL.
I'omnwxlor 7
Kotal, Irk-ohme. I'lonrtr.
nouun, pykts irttn.
1 0
iinmiirn tun, Ukl amalra Kuru
Cafitomla Dundy. Mum
l"unch. CUfrl, hnerry. Angelica. Old
l"ort Wine, First Class Alcohol, French
IMtlnl Chrrrlri, (luluntu blout,
Hixk and Kye,
llrsldrsthealioteafull and rompVw
Itsoitmrnl of pure California wines
and all rlie comhinrd thai complrt a
y JuIm tor yourself, holldllng slur
of ilrt public pmronage I remain
7 Very Tndy Vouis.
arMer-iiMi., ......... . u.
7 afc ' .viouuiiiiKiia ruuii rMIUII7
7Hll.l.lUCKlVraOMrT 4TTKKT10K. 7
7 lMlhhMih,tihhhhhhhhh
1 Vi'
V i
INorth Bend, Ore
. '
,.y.s -
' ' ,
v. -t
1 j
'' l
lJj'M.J "" "J