'pirn" f. W' I JhjHJMi m- . -' ' : 5 i. ,t. 1 Ipibh ' , ri it it V" RW ytJFwM h I." . I V w'TiN:H?:''wr1' "'ssswswr - m i i i tMWY' sV CSasOlaa: J - l'4MWf -WfW I V -OONDENSEOltBRiKTn 'W & How llto Iron CianodllJf 'Lbit His, Calnnea nml Hl0)irlmji. ..A I?hrl(ttriJ ioufntillnt'lmi l)cn In Icrvlowing .Mr,vUrlKiliH)tihoI thft former ehof of.tho old Jhnporor YU llnmf(ortnuirk. Allliinr iitlier'fliili" tlio o!d oftntf. .El'-P '" iW "Miin of nrrcrrcrnllctU aimiiiircii um'pbiijiih lomuiMO JOr UUiniirck uno n perfect uuro nt tho (rtlilo. f0f j(lirjH)l(o einy'il ny or f,Tt 'iijOji)i,? ftfg iiin iatifdl6iin tun. Tlio I'lirliiips must. ho Juit out of Hit) unlitr. Once n t'Ottrl litflLwrtfl poltMncr nir uvu tiry-p. a nurnpj)criiftfM4U miiuiiy ill rum IliniuVS, IV 1 1 It'll WUUIU not bo Injured by ttfo'W!a?rbufW y I I KZT A ' l X " "" I iaHWMwwa0MiMMMM riV i .a rm i - vj, ESSE H HMWinm,TOagis; : . j nUIfl". k ; n u rcr iJyAUUi'i'Xiaijufc, -JpX :';f TC.f. i J. n'j I . TT- fcVBiLVi IUMK vmvpjmFm AStBcInWclVcrmratlonfofAa slmllallii; lltcroct mulUcffula- l!n( (Its S to lands mid Dowels of CASTORIA Tot Infiuitfl und Children. The Kind You Have " Always Bought -r , I'romoics DigcsllonJCIccrful hc.vf And Ilcsrconlnlnn ndllicr Uplini,Honl'liio norIliicraL TStiT, W.UIC OTIC. r4 x&T" Aerfctl Remudy forConslkw. lion . Souc Slomndi, Dlarrlxtei Worina JlJBfdsiOHSjI'cvcrislK "jkss ritKl Loss or Slew. r ,. .1 .,11,. Tac Stmts .aignottfrt'of ?irvv.Ypnn:. Bbard the yf, t Sigqatee Jm I vbT copy or wnAPRca r 'i i i ".,,.,, .urdl f"', For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA twi tifiitvn tptftttr. r rrr. A A k Tnn cnjuci:r.M!i witr n:s iui.a!ipi? 'bolswns very niixiotu. nbout lii. ulirunjid, of1 wldelf ho hnd provided n lnro qunntity for Ulimftfck' dc loclntlnu. i, "I watched over them liko n moth 4cr.ov.orjicr.lobc,'' fnitl tho old chef. "Desjillo flli juv care, I delected n .woll, n Haor tlmt 1 didn't like. It .vwm hnrch' ncrt'tptlbU,l hut It vrni t litre., and tvoy.,tvcrP(ueh magiiKV .ccJiudlona! . -...-.-.- -, - "I prcimrcu tliem nod put tliom on t!uvcry totoof the Inilwl. lra, standing bjliiiul a tprccn vliqi )li inrci. ciuc "IhcnnV 'innrcl. cnfcn.il the iWr wow. icnnl hnri wnrl, WlmrSco' drd hnd put my nhrlmiis tin thcro lUB' bv thoccilint'?' "I kept to my hiding place, and precntly 1 heard n cmhIi of ilntcs' mid j:lnen. Tho clmnccllor, In -trj'iug to Ret at hiMlWps, hnd Iott! hu milnnce. Io went nwivy iwcar. In,'. Tho pcr.plration ntood in drops on my forehead. "But nl lenst no otto couM ro proDelf movlth tliQ'hotT'qunlity 6f A'iaudi. ily.liouor.wa wtfo." - A WORTHY SUOOESSOR. "SompthIniA,Wow ., Under Z:"vf W ' $un" ". ' Alloclor Ux Mint lo Wif ATKMJ the uy of on(,' Vcl.i kiw, Inhlir anil ttcugtln (miw furm.i Ifivlr JKiWilvri ilty iip'il nuicuSiu mrmliracrt (tutnE iIm-iii tucmcLopcn nml lWfO The rwnful jiclUt uin) In Ilia In tulrrOutr rnlltrljf Mien ftww do wnio mrnl lranrili-U ihclr niVri IJa ilnifAl ,lii,'4, white plrnil olnlmmi wn;nw"irti ihj dlwJ't. An nlil nm) ertrpvctl (VAUllourr Mho ht Jar linrm (ivW f HcloM Mf n lcltliy iif itie'l'tralnienlof CA'IAIUOI, lun nt Lttl itfivlisl n 'rrmlnirnl MhKhKthtn hllhfully med, not only relieve nl once, hut iK-ntun.Mitlr cure CATAUKIIi Ijy removini; llie ciur, stop, pins the cllHhfK'i, nnd curln; nil Inrlimma. lion. It It the only icmrtly known to Klcnco llil itciutlljr tMcliM the aDUctcil wri, pt the'nil(A.f;i:KDfMIAUHiriCUkl nnd l lolJ nl tlm culicimls k.f prloo of At Uolltr, rncli p.iilniC" conl lining lntcrn.il nni cjinn.il nicjlcln'p vifWut fur a full month trtHlntenl nm) etcryllilui; decenary to lit per. feci uie. . t) . tiii-tr "SNUrn.l llhconlyxrlccCATARII CUKi: eer nuilo ivl It now rccojnlinl m dm only life nml potllKo euro for tin! nnnoylnj; nniOlt)iillii;itltiMM' It mret nil Inlhmjiuw tloniulckland jxiniAncnlfy if (I lAlio 4Lxu ilcifiilly quick lorcllevd IIAYl'l'V'tlorCOI.n iiithallHAD. CATAKKH when neKlected oflcn IcaJ tq CONSUMITIO W'SNOKia.KS" 'will mW yog l( yoit u,a k4tlnvr It Unadrtilnary rem,' eily, hut i conipleto Ireuinicnt .uhlcji li poU titety iiiktrAniecn to euro UAiyKiji in nny (uiili or itiict II uted nccorillns lo tlw (llroctlout wrjlili necoiiiviny ecli pntlncc ppr'i ijcliy, Inucni) ror It at once, anil write lull p.iriicui.ui nrfto your condition, mid you filtrcc,c(opccil mllce from the illtcoieirr of thli Mhnttcrfi) mTitily re).irilln yuur cjio Vfliiout co lo' you U-ypmlthnrcimirprl08 0f('Nyj;llfy.V' tlio gjJAKAN'I'feEb CATAHKH cuki: Kent prepaid to fiiyiadilrcis In tho United Stifle Of Canada on receipt of t'a Uallnr, Ad ilruM Uept. K6W, lit)Wl) 1L QI1.KS & CdMTANY, j3u aiiii 833a Mnrki ttteci, flJhdolnhla. tv '""""TO1! ' ,all'oVer'THe fiOUSE. v s . ,,. CxpUnatlopcf.Whytho Kitchen Boiler 6emctlmdalBuratt. When you hear tho kitchen boilor crneking,,Ktiioro is no cnuno for olnrci. Thcro b a prevailing im prlioii thrtt tho crocking i pro dtirvd lij:'team nnd that thorn is, tlicrtUQro, tin increased prc-uro on llio bo?Icr ut cuch times. Hut UiU is mi error. "If tlio boiler in in j;ood condition, with the water turned on 111 wva, so thct Iho boiler is kcjit fillc!, tho only. nroMuro that it is snbjectctl to is tuu tajuu n that In the water plpet, from which, of course, tiioru noVcr is tho slightest dnngcr. And this in true no matter how hot tho wntcVfti'tho holler iiuty bo. Tha reason it very klmplo. As Ion;: us tho loiI$r ii keptiull of wt ter thcro In no room for stenm. If you open .tha-hot- wntor-eeekthe vtrttir liourrt out. rnd steam rises .froiiMtcctniMf it then, haa'n chnncq to cicnrjo Into' tho nlf.:jilu other 'tronl'J Jrnpkl Oj) apojntion, tukc4 plncc. Hut ns U& hot wator pours out water irau tlio pipe rushes in to tnku its place, and thus tho boiler is kept full. ' ' Tho efneking nolso referred to is hcurd when tho water is unusually hot,and is itt)tliiiirxil,t.tltt1clVa ,'ion of tho hoiltr undor tho inllu cneo of tlmt he.1t. It i in no degree nn Indication of danger unless, in deed, tho boiler is Morn out or do fecthe, which Is'u ir.nftbr l-ntirely outsido ofwhat-tO'Hroi)orconRid criuz. Elicit n kitchen boiler explodes, It is ncnorallv bocjtuso a llro bus been lindlfd irWlia'rfnRO vliffcMioiboilcr Wits empty. It happens sometimes nciilv' Hand carved, there' being hnrdly on inch of plain surface, rind it is touched np with & dull 'gold. If you lucked nwny your walnut furni ture in the uttie when It Jost fsror sonic seasons ni;o, you can now bring it forth, scud it to tho cabinet mak er's to hare tho new touches put on ftntlvoii will Iw rijrlit In the furul turo swim. Likewise, if you have .1 leaning toward old Innllognny, now is your timo to, keep your cjes open. You will benhlc to pirk up somo of these pieces tlmt are being cast out bv thoJc who are taking unto them. (cites tho woluut fixings nt compar atively iittlo com. "C. C. C.M on Every Tablet Cvcry.tablef of CajcarcU Candy Cathartic bears the. famous C.CC Never sold in bulk. ,I.ook for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, toe. Kiwvt Culnrrh qutekl yicldi to ItcaU tneut Uj Kly'i Croahl Halm, which U ngrro aUy aronmtlo. It la melted Uiroaph tho iioktrlla. eloauioa and hoftla tha xhola ur 'face otor which it difTuaca lUalf. Pnifrciata acll tho 000. sur r"u J J b"1". 10 ceuU. Toat. it r.tul you coy auro H cwunuo wiiqifpwpio cqavO'Uaricto town nit er v'pendiui; tho summer "nwny; Tho flro licnlti tlio! boiler. 'bLcourso. nml when tho wntor is turned ouf.it if. converted stiddonly nnd violently iutp stciti, nMjtfio boiler cannot Aiand thocnormons pressure, jFor tuijntely few jiorsons nro tlioMght ltissjmilor silly enough t6lulld n ifroiioforo opening tho cocks con nceliug tlio boiler with tho -water pipes.-St. Louis Republic. Cnro of tho Tablecloth. Thcro is a right nnd u wrong way- .to. iicrfonn urcrvtliins. oven So aim- ,plo a jrSnVtor.ns tho laying of a tabjo- .ejotii. x licn not in use, n.tnblecIoth flhould bo kept In thoJohlcd crcuses nmt when brought out to bo spread ahtmldiho laid on tho table nnd tin folded its ontiro length (tho width liclng doubled), with tho center crenso nlong tho center of tho table, mn tho hjtlf breadth thntaoldcd shpuldJiQ turned bnck, and tho cloth will Imng ccnly. Careless qorvauta often gather up c cloth ""anyhow without; tnKtng tljq traubkto fold it up gtltt in.its CASiTOR I A C ror ItifHutoadChlldrea, TN Kllld YOU Have AlWaifS BWgtlt ligbicr'Unlsh than ,wo have assool. 0 ' .'- 'dtott .with this wood in tho past, nnd 'folde'd upattor its own folds and put away unfil tho nost meal. Tho mold should always uso her crumb, brush nnd.tray beforo tciuov ing tho tablecloth nnd bo caroful in, porformlng this littlo operation that tho crmn,V$ fl0tt't WP. lw ttn'd;'f all wpou tbo carpof. ( - 1 '- .Walnut Furniture. Walnut furoituro is coming into yogua ugahirind tho mahogany with .which .wo cratwldlo decorntod our housts is )pr banished Mo quor, HarlcnosS. frhct now walnut ia ayqty UCaUULUl WDluut. UUHOliii, ai io u I3oara tho Signature ho fihapo , of Jho. various plocoa is 3affl4Cai,Ji4fVai,i'iauuu,u-a Th flow from Ireland. Ireland lost hj emigration last year -15,288 soula, nn iticrcasu over 1890 of 3,317. Over 82 per cent of these were bctweeu the ages of 15 nnd 33. Of tho iotal number of em igrants 37,705 enmo'to tho United States. Great Britain received C,Q5p, riew Zealand 04, Canada 472 and Australia 83-1. tho treatment. To BecotnxaodA'4 junouucciuciiu raBMMAft Uil 10 of utoinln iik)prlilora Lh)uUl(UrpniiiJUalni. 1'iiso lndiuUuu tU 16ao vho r pirllal ia u lor e ilcitvM font), which vlll lo loown ai Uya thci uao of tttotnliar la Applylnff liquid bUi, lh iropndora pre: nto the uvul iucci lor fatorrMl tvfr u-caru HAiunn Iiir llou rMl tr DrtiKCUU or by rnull. TlMt Haul J form orulxxlltM Uw'ruea- apmnK tulo Ii 73 cents, mall. ThA llmild form on icjual pr9portHa p tho soliil jjreliorf lion. "1 The Gemo of Orders, iviug EdT-'o?d lipj shont his abll ily' to tipV"'l kis ,owi iignity nnd that of tfio 1 Engliuli, crown irt rothei; an iimnfn;j encounter with, tho sul. tun of Turkey. Tho bultnn thought it lieccP'-nry tc sboT foMo recogni tion oMSitiJ Edward's nceC'icion to tho tlirono. At'thd nnliio tlmo he did. not wish to otTend- tho ltussiau czar or tlo, Ocxiimn ki-erky fcem iiiir to treat tits lJWtulrr'nvbVcidn with too jrent deference. Tito sul tan thereforo otTorwl to bestow-on King Kdwnrd tho Turkish "order of merit, Nlchun'I-Imtirt, established in 1870 by Sultan Abdul llainid II tb roWnm pnhtco cdoks, rich mcr chantft und others who had won tho Bultnn'ft esteem in amoderato way. Tho su)lnu stated in his mcjsngo to' tho king that ho could show no higher murk of regard for tho new kingofJCrtglnnd; "l " jlCin KvivrjJ. Kowoyer.Jvnqjj hqt tcr, but wus'loj? dilojvnilcto.poy pn, Iio knew that tho Imperial Order of Osmah, wktuirth6'6uitflh had 'Iio- tdpwul on iho flonuftu knlser, .wnst .tho highc8t!fliiW djgnJiy, hnd. ho," oifsily understood tlio su'Itnn's mo tiyo lurofforing tho tojrloruqcjira; ,iloh. lib tuercforo sent a messago thimklnK tho sultan for Jiis "cotier- mw courtesy" and offering lu wturn to confer on his Turkish rafUaoty ,'llia mnk of ohoVnliop of 'tlio Jfovttl 'fitorla order and cspreing l roaret that ho could ndt bostow' on him tjio QxAw ot th Orjrtor, thq jtitfliest LnjliurtthC9rafion. T.ho sultnu, eceing tho irony of tho ronly, did not send tho Orapr of Imtins ntid has not; yet, of course, received jh. ribbon of tho Vioria, order, O.A.SBI'OXY.X.dL. BaaratU stW Yw Hivs HwiS 6t BlBtW &tM&fc lyfMmiiiwaijwwywwwwywgi Tfie,Dtinhafa nvvlH Iff iJTi'4 '- VERTICAL FEED , - SEWIKGMACHiNE. IIKCT MArilfKF. ' Axl KAltTHTOUTIIKritK.'i; NON R IIKTTKK MAIlK AT AUY ymcK For Sale By f QURISTENSEN AiJf)HW;j -FuriUatre Scalers. ' tttmlmm Ckea. Clicew sliotilil be put Id cood flttlos Imzcs, tlio stiles of ;lro lH)xbelnc cut down nltout Irnlf au Inch lower than the cheese, lle yrclcht should he fitalaly taoiHtl on the Ikjx near the warn; nml nil ruurU that an) to h ppt mi tho box alioultl bo put on 'ever bos nllLe. DeWltt'a Vuh llartlSiKeihouldljeprompl. lya))J,c,l lociili, burnt, Hnil iciWi. Ittoothra and quKlly lioiU tlie Injured (uit, Ttti xx wutlikitf cuunterirft, beaur tweet lie Witt, Coo lliy prwe 8'on-, M Olonralaa' Rnr, la SrmctiJc In a cam Mid o Iisto been countnicti! s tho tjnint Dloftr- sIiik. probntil iiici) ns a prlaotu.,- It lo ! made In the aliaiM of oa IrutneniH hu man rnr, nml lis acoustic proJH-rtli-d are; moat rrmdruniilr. sinxwell rwrnmer vllle. tho nutlror of MBnila of Kdlmrn." visited It am) hail Its iirwertk.a vxhlb Iteil to hliu iy tho itde ,tatIoBed there. The nmn look n Mieet of letter paper and. moudlur; wltulu the portiil of the rnr, atrucU tbo o)j:e df the paper with tint fon-flufer of ls rlcht, hafld once, twlrv. thrice. Jlatft Uclit tap nnn re peated through the deep orlflcea pf tfiat tone ear na If It had been a blow Willi a hoary nlcdso hammer on the roof of an iron house. Iio then rattled the pa per llchtly. nnd that feeble aouud itbi nufftiKntcd a mltllonfold.lrererbcratlnjc lliroiiRli ilia rnults abovo nnd beyond like the crash nud roll of thunder. lie whlaiUil. a note nnd ended. Thouaanda of atcntorlan voices repeated very aounl Turnlnc to taj companion. I ald: 4 "We mum not longer tarry. 11 u etubnrk. Now tve nhall pn to Kabylla, ,on our way t thn iH-aert.of Pabap" Myriad, lunjrt pf iitouo caucht up the last word of iiii-h phrauennd anatrertHl fllotld'Tarry-nrry emharir ark Ki bylbt byllAr.ihara tw-ara aa." Tlio pilet ilut annoy yxio vl'J be quicuy and pertmnenilo healeii If You ine IVU'llt'a Wluh llnn-l Wire. IV m or WonMni coon (rjfrltv. Com Uiy Dtvg tilote. I'rcTenllnic Scours In Cntvra. We have never been troubled with tho calf cholera, but the -white aedilra bave-plvrn us trouble, at tlmea, aaya n New Vork fnnucr In American AR'I colturlaL ThU eounuot dllllcullr With youne calves Is both uupleiiwint.apd ilUcourKlri ami. f believe. Is prevent able 1u nluioat every instance by care ful recdlut, Peed I op a youm? calf thive times a day for awhile 1 au ex cellent plan. 1'eed only a amall nu-jj. Have It always wann nnd always measured or welched. lt oiay'p'ay tb teat the teiiipt-ntture With tho ther inomvter. Uetter feed a littlo under Ihnn a little oer the capacity of tj'e calf. It la Overfeeding that caim-a tho trouble. Never put the grain In tlie uillk. but feed it dry after tho calf has itrmiU. j "InmlriclitoltobneMinita Cough Cur for my preKnt nood hralih and my llle. I .u treated In -cti Ijy (Ix-terl flun(-;,lrvutle fcJUjw Ing U grippe. I topU. Qiiollnuie Cbugh Cure and rceoered rey licuUh," Mr.t II. Wire. Madiwn, Ga. Ceot Iiy frut; Stun-. , Tho Weeping Laurej. ,' In ono corner of tho Canary is lands thcro is a trca of tho laurel family that rains down occasionally, in tho eirly tnorningt a copious shower of tears, or water 'Tfojif, from its tufted .foliage. This vnitcr often collects nt the. foot of thojreo nndfpru a, kind of pond, iron? which tho inhabitants of tho ncigh borhoodicarc supply themselves with u driukablu bovorngo that is nbsd; lutqlyvfr9sh and puro. J A Versatllo Princess. Tho liveliest and tho KngliW Iiconlo think tho prettiest princcst; n Eurono is Princess Jfaud. tho Duko ol, 'York's unnmrricd sister. yiio cannot only oma Ijqoks mm, nurso a' sick "patient IcieiUificall,4' but also euil a half rater, ride a bi cycle end let co tha handlo bar witiV out falling pft, spin, ns wcl as buw, piny chess and speak; fiyo languages,' including Hussion," Sho yiea(with lie-rutothcr, Queen Alexandra, in Us ing un export jinotogranner, ana sue ia th queen's f avorito (laughter. to .1 1 ,i,i ' .'. , DON'T WAtT. ilf you knew how SCOTT'S EMULSION would build you up, "Increase your weigh!, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con dltlon Tor next winter, you would begin to take it now. 8. ml fur lire Minnie, and tiy It. SCOTT & BpWNK.CriernlaU. 409MI5 reatrMrttt, Hew York. . goc. amlli no; all drugltt. 'aj-fraWowerrK ft .. n TTl 5 1f iWpi. a jaw I M - i f -ijTWls J A MmMm . W ' I- T ' S V .,,.-,, -M .-.. nt ,. . .i.. M ., yWm nvkMia&iL'XMdiniUMti. Offieo In He rVnnril Waller tfbelclt MM liui iVrrrfll ,lr.-ri inMMI. CirnruA. V iT-r. ""-i , 7 -.-- A. Toyo, 1)J'NT1T. Orller HpaMlr In llie lilrfervlo nloclc, p en Alttmml U.IA A Ctl. " . "' " aT '"4JiW.senn4tVi ATTOIINKY ANU COUNKf.OKf'AT ,, uy?: ' ji VjltfrewCWK Byl I SiHlk, rot Mrefll M.rlyVMOrr.pM a . Jj -1 rr 1 - n i - - - 1 i 1 ' 11 WJvUOUglBg, t ATTOItJ(yVl'r'UAW AND U. 8. COMMIWIONKK. Frrat atreei, J.fr,fifiW,'Ofion. ATT9UNEY AT LAW. -Omt Ho FJlCT3rioc loek, rront strwr, JitarthfteM, Orrxon. " " vJ I. Haoltefr UnKRKACTOtt'' : ' , Coqtillio ORy 0; ifV' " AbalrVcta'o'f tltlo 'of real property fn Cikk eHinlj furnlahedriprgmptly, tiaft fetoi nwnnctf. j. , TWiUEB LAND. ACT. JVXK 3. 1878 HOTiCK FOR 1'OnLlOATlOX. united bUtei LamI QHiee, Kovlorp, Ofrgrf. , M . Uy9, 1901. KollceU nnrbnlren that In cnniplUneewkh thr iirorllon of the ml of C'ongreiM of Jane 3, tS;8, rnwJed "Ari act for Ow Mie.jM thnber Vinill In thi Siatei of CnQforhb. Ore RHi, Ne iti, nnd W.uWRctwi Trfrltory.-at ntenJul to all tl l"ubj!c Land Sutra .y net of Aiigort 4, 1S7J, aracti U1Viitc, of OiUnJh." cottmr MAhland.Matf(orTealrory) of W'tteemln. La ihl. Li f filed Jn lhlcfl,rc. hit sworn tratri nient Nft. 1 w,'lor fhe purehane of th SRV of Nwlon No.aa biT6hihlio. 13 ,S. Rapje No. n Writ. aihI will nflrr ieA fii thow flsml IIir land (on(ht It morr V.lniWe fur lu tfmbrr qr atone than loracricullural purpovs. and to ntabtklf Ms f him to said land lirlore the Keels tcr and Krcrlvrr or tW orTica at Kowburg. Or,, pon. on Wrdnctrfay, Uie 44th day of JnJr. loot, llewtiursaj t.ltncvK: ,UraotTar)or. War trn IVtiy rj Oakland. OrefciSn, Jamrs Hajklrs Van Kolta of OiUoab. Wlteentia. Any and all persons ctaimlocndreriely lfi bonMteiicribetiUnittarerrqnnlrdIo Bl thir cuioii in imt onioe on or Kior Mid 31m ainu July, 1901. JI T. llannr.r, krxtaer. TIMBER lVND, ACT JUNK 3, 187tJ. KUTICK FOtt 1'UBUCATl ON, inllcd Stale Ijind oflice, Kosehur);, Ortxtsn I .May 9. iooi. f Notice Is hereby rlren' tlwit lo ctMnDhaiKe with tin provisions of 1 1 net of Conrrnt of Iun .1. 1S7S. entitled ' An act for the sale of tlmb-r tanas trr trMairs ix Lauioreia. Orrcon, Ncta rt. and Vnihlnc.foa Territory." as eatended to all the Public tjtnd Mates by fel of lAuraat 4. iSs. Jamu IlAtKlM, of Od.in.th, county U Ahan4. Male (or trmtory) of Wlteaatln, has imt ui nira in inu onice rut iotn imtemrst N. 1 3- for the (xtrchaie of the NV of Sec tion No. 13 W"ronhlp Na3S, Kaate No. 9 West, and wit oftrr proof to ho that the Und rough! is mote raluaiile for lit tHnheir or ttone tLan for ajticultural rmrpoirs. and to rtlaUiih htsetalin toS4idlndl(.ire ihc Krrlurr mil Keecirrrof thia office at Kowbuif. ivrrfoa, -on vi ram-wur, toe 14111 oaf 01 luiy, loot lie names as ltncw,c Grant 1 aykir, War: rl flratty of 'Oakland , Oregon, tieottx Ia relate. IVtrr KotuefOdaMh. WluutMhi. . . Any andartjirrsMia clalmtng Adrerwly the admrVdnef hVd limit are rmtiMl to We tbee CMlmt Iii'thwuSice on or ra-foreul 34th day of July.Vvor. , T. llaltiCCS, KrjiHrr. TUinnit L.NI,ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, tlnitrd States Ijind Oft;ce. Rcoctarr, Orefoo. i uaco. 1901. Notice is befrby Eien that In ceroplwnoachh Ihe pruirit)ont of the act of Cortf rt-M of June 3. 17(1, entitled '"An act Tor llw sale or timber Und! in tne Mote of California' Ottfon, Nrva- HonTerrtiory, at catenilnl to all Ihe Public Ijind Stiles t r act of AanlU iSi.AAidMA Wru. of kcurhuri;, couaty of DoucUi, Mate (orTerrltory) of prrcon, haaihts day tlrd in this otiWo his axerm kutoneot H&. 1701, for the pvrchawpf the NWJf of letion Ne. a6tn1ow7st,tp Na aj S. Kange Ne 9 Vr.-nd wiU offer troof 10 sliow that the bad aoubl la more valtublft for il tleiber Of ttooe man tor nioicmturai ptirpotcs. and to ettainiui llUclalri iqMHlUnl Ix-lwolhe Knmlrr and Rccetvrf of this cfticr at Kotcpurf , Qrrroa, oniuiaiy, ine 3111 iuy 01 aucuii, 19011' 90 llenamesnt mitnessra: Grant laytor. of Oakland. Orrgon, 4iihacl S. Lawless. Harry Durand, ol fortunil, Oregon, Edward !,. Law less, of KeirtMMX, Oregotk Any and all nrttoui clalmlne adrenriy the aWc-drscnbcd lands ore requested to file Ibrir clilint In this otrtce on or brlorn said list day o AuguttN ;ooi. ) , T. Hat ocu, rtfgksifr, troa f TIMBER 1.XKO, ACTJCKS, 1878. NOTIUK r.OKl'UBLIOATION. Uaded Rutti l-and Office, Rowburg-, Orrgoa, lunoao. 1001. Notice la hereby give that In compliance with thn provisions of ificaM of Congress of juae 3. 1878, ent tied "Au act for the sale of limber lands In tbo Mates of Chlifornlt, Oregon, Neva, da, and Washington lrmiery,M a extended 1 10 all the IVUic Laud ?utci by net of August 4, ij9, Kdwaku M. Ijvnu.s. of Kuteburg, ceunty of Douglas. Sute. (or 1 erritory) "of Ore gou,has this day filed in this officii his, sworn statement No. 1701, for the putvhasc of the NK K 01 action (No, ao in low nuiip no, a t, xange rto, 9 west, and will oner vuol Id sliow lti.it the land sought u more valuable for Its timber or stone Dun tor v.U'U'iua! purpottaid lo cs. UblhU his cLtlin to said Und before the Register and Receiver of Ibis olhceat KoAcburg, Ortjon, on Saturday, the tut day of August, toot. He name as witnesses. Grunt T)ur, of Oakland, Orrgon.Aaion r, welk, 01 Kotcourg, pregonv M it-heal S, liulcu, Harry G. Ourand, of IHHllond, Orrt;on, A&t audnllnenons rXiinilne adtcrsely the abqtoscribcd hnils ate rue-.trd to file their eUlWs iAithis pllicc on or brfoie said 31st day of AtagitttMgbi. JT, llaiocui. RrgUur. 6-aa T TIMBER INI), AIT JUKE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales )-and oflice, Roieburp, Oregon, ff June ao, toot, ((totli is hertby giicn tlut In couipliancu with thetHon.ioiigoflbuuvt ofCongresaof June 3, 1878, entitled "An uct lor tm viM of tfuibaV Lind In Ihe Mates of CnUlorni.i, Ortgon, Neva iU. and Watldbgton T Inltoi)','' as extended to all the Public Land Mates by act of Affiut 4. 1,89a, 1I,VKV G Uuwami, of Portland, county Of MuUnorMh Slate (or Territory) of Oregon, has this day lilad In this office bis sworn stale-, went No. lycrf, for the purchase f tlie 8V,' X of Section Na.S4ln Township No. J3S. Range No. 9Wat;nd v. ill oiler proof to show that the Uod souuht la ntorq valuable for Its timber or ttona thai? fef agricultural purpovea.and to establish hit clwfHVlokaid Und Wore tho Regittcrfcand Rfdi-ar uf lb olRoj at Rascburg, Oregon, on havSiy;, the 31st day of August, 190s. t lit! names as Unmet: Udward M. Lawless, Aaron A. WelW, of Roteburg, Ofcapn, Mlehe-al S, lawless, of rVirlUnd, Oregon, Gnat Taylor, of OnlUnd, Oregon. Anv and all nersona clntmlne adversely the above-described lands art nquested to lilc tbelr uaiim in tms oatco on or 1 .lore taiu 31st oay 01 AUKWti'ioot. I. T. DumgES. ItcgUtrr. o-aa 1 1vommWrfriU - " i-wtvrt. oar f far "--"" v- -it -im direct personal own rih in in And onn the followinr sales drtntii fr JrTi ' , 1 11 l ri.f.i.Vii.i.j.f., .PrJliii. .., ..... j. ..rtiWi,-aai ?lrmka, Jack UU MfCAmi&tt.ilntteMlmm . y-i rif.A... '..A'r.-'ii jL: VSi;i. lU1. turrs nriu sicture rraines, oj i-nra; j xunmnes; si ait JllOnfreal floods: 101 Jewelry! Ill aWi-sWcic? . ' .' We guritcf that satisff;otry bMMat M ftAt Capful required, frmt, WO H , In ca'ireysrWssjiV fr; ' ta,UtegdrrrtWfrref,I l NortetrtteiHft : " ! JWitafeeiyeasfe If.htterrsteif In openhtjf a'sate, frMtraeriirre bastwrA, M eewi'twrMlfy jMstl terms, x AJJ.- T KsflTllS'CAtlllfDen'ltifroRRkaWHi EafaMwIirrl 1870, ",7 "27 Market St., Sun 'rtnlo,0al, U . ri-4 1 .1 : n.t ,- V Urgent Mail Order Ifoiinc ori tb Ceatc u v ! ..L. ... L L-L. -&.. E1 1 1 U f v J1 y 7 f tvJW t 3 " ' " f -JSALSX Ut .. Lateft Dc3igti3pfVitl Paper, Roem MoWiir, Varssisitiavi ten 'r 'rr-sT aud AttiW SeJpj'cj;. ' ' J6 111 'Tt It -1 -" Jl ,' JflJi. I 1. Nagon's Pure Mixd Faints a SpeoiUt- ifOaSK AND IGN" FAINTING. OKAISINtt; TIjatAiit4lCAtfVat: ' " rAPEatllAKOIMO. t ,. , u. vium luiuiiy j. jiiiu. 1 4 iivn.tm, jewnewani,AVTT r t i f-g" M C. 0. D. ,..i GROCEBT m m tm. ammmmrm.m0rrmmfi!00 '-! affa mf -. t ' : ndA .- 1.. t , . ... k r. kpS - A-'filU'linPof cholcr. groctriea. feed. Haur. bams- nt.4 hriH . ... itlimyn on hdn'd, fre.li fruit aad .regetable reueiVeit o .' ovary aleanior. ' ' i-Uii , . HIOHEST PRICK PAIO fOft fltOOUOK. mUTTKft AND mM. ' 't 1 2H3USB.C& ettxrxr&jr - ' .7T"TV - f K Tm fcrfwry TtUfbmti JIMi H'r, ,r Ul . Tl rJ- ' . . mr. SA mrsORMALSCMQOM MiNMMiTi, mm. s -fv - ' , j -.j.1 lyx i IRMANlrORti4UmlATa9l:Ta'i foe graduates of tbe Nerasot UfasnalaO the pan year has been tmteh beyond MX tuyfly. . rWsiaAS with Srjw taoq so Smloo sar iubasJi .( STATK CERTiriCmat SSDXHJUtMf, iffiMill j hsSkAasHSislMkkSKst fcta IskaW .-- as. . - -. t - -J- - . liVPHDII sstrC OTPaiinV fs VnaT ! MpalnlltlHli and readily tak Saepassra.o eainlliae',tr 'Stroag Aaadtass; sM hTef ajlial jCisfia. .. 11 CB MylfPfMS larwMQ WyiimWaWWW si jA esiaylWslW8 BtllaH ttURl ttaaXAA t3 tiff ! tsSMT.akL JskM iMMsU PIW 3vpl IToR Osj VMSRSVsW V9nsnlHRaJ JW BBasjssisiiSSfwagBssrBsstk, usjBji.iat. jj,ij m. mfzy -tw 4 .tt)tr. J.'B.ikVruMi. Saar , .-J.. 4 V WASTE NERVE", i- ... l' -r One of the most heteful beeksost nerve weak- . .., lt.lL.....JMU 11 IX.kJ"- ness ever iwwea h iBewwiaw. . ..., by ryr.wyer'ofSaa Frascaco, nove lalu fiM thousand. Tbkj work 9 an ripftleoerd'ad rrptitabte physician h b agreeable coetnat ta the vail mm of (alve teaehiite vtbWi crevafts at IW Important sufejeeta It abeuds la tatreMfy eeav sldered and practical advise, aat baa ? great lttoHderoaidstaetftty;f, ; II IS lodoeseu oy oetu ine reg ana ww press. Ttie (.niCHgoAavanccsays;, tvsptrwHu of the lk and the aprdtetiton of its pciaeipks will put health hope and heart Into thousands of lives that ate now suffering tarongh aerrous bnpalrmrat.' v The book rt $1,00, by mH, postpaid. ne ol the most tewtflloj; ebarteH-bart' xi, on Nervines and'Nerve Toates li,bseaj pnaied separately as a sample chapter, and was' be sent loany address forsumpby thcpablttbctsj The reUSc l'ub, Co., flox 3658, Su E'mcisvc Tb' Btiiabto1 I-irul,1- .? 1 ;r ''. H,i i T . t f . Ja-sv, B.&mmm C:'iifcClAi r. I ,4 . T ,1rt . 1 , T '""" ,, U ax)Mt.Uj'diHCleAi - JtW,vaH4ry tb largest' ia7""' Marsh field. Whea you buy sit tha Mill HiVe vl;fnr . . -.. i.iJL. Ijl .. .1 iN tRe'ffXMts'saVfirat, clM ihM r the prwfl taall right, T a! LjCJIN I SMOKE Von can U cared of amy Ssrss of totwoao ualaa All Villda Of lUlTi tier sftTT easily, ba mad well, strong, tasgaetle. full ol A.iSA Ul AUWIA7I v new tile ana nger vr sum- .arssv-iar. mat msxca west; test ponnda to tea ared. i AlldruBffulB- Cure vusrmi let and advice PBJtK. AdJheaa 8TSJOJW XaUUlDY CXX. CXIcan or New Yock. a , taJSy.fa3 . buttdinmtisfc s. Cure jntaraateed. Boelc-, " '( iew.ana sup- Plias.' o Baa tie. i.satM TOR.XA. IMKMYgdMaiJa GS&& Flanagan & Bennett BANK, . DIUECTOWS T. RtSheri- dud, J.V..llHuiictt; PRKBf: Jua.'Hi ThutaRdD. VIOE VRES.j R. r. William, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. .MAKrtllR'lIU.ia OMKOOH at whole41rnd retail - t y A. MARKIEVITCH. Merchant Tailor .'Drhlrd door north of Flanagan A, Bennett Haul:', Mtushnold, SUITS TO OJHDER, In UtMt ntylea ; moderate prteea h i "jru. Ri$d8; Praotioal , Photojpriipher .MAWSHFIKLD. UUEGO only rVst' iti CcfOtt Couilty. ' v ' ' 1 All Wrk WasrrauaSesl. -- ia n st ir 1 1 J, M x S-li TT7T Atworsauent coasdut rslt , ' ' k Blae ltalo tlealsratst Hiattctil- j . orlasic ef IsaaviorteA -, " it- s usitt itutueatlfl roolvasH OA.TOnZA Baafaiaa ytTMIUMTJSMMJ ef Z&c THBI a v r. ' j b RE3bNi t .') rifMiksliiis all' tiU suvU " mtlkik state . 'the'iBaiH ' tWwrtM ssdt4rrl1? CUinssrCBl IMl'l VTSHCiy AjPKwUm IxU' P'. s Maw Are Tesur Kt4ae- I TsikMt. TJ poast Hail t On -Yni&y .' -. a ), ' f VmaJ , TwINAwmMm ' '! &IM3M - "t ,v. vH W Mi 1.. d.JUMH ' , ?m j V.- '"?-;1 " J-, TV J Is ---V ' -j t" S i ' , 1 ' r 'J 'f1 r n & r J' - t. " - "e-t -" ' ' '-in A ' M. ' -". l - 1 k r' . 11 ( . I " s it' 2 ' . 3 .i-. Ml ' - H .--M rt t V3 . t f X -i .tr-2 - . ' .1 . r f 1 attS "4 vW 3? ., V ' .i sS , -,' hit ' 1 -J ii' n . 1i'. Qt . tAW ,VvV5-$ h 1 rt ftv MP I ! a a -J tfv $850 ' II ,'H r t