rnpv , - ! ft T I ' t 1.J 1 t . -l - r r f M ...atrv 1 ' ai Ik- ' ji " fsA r -f A K 4 -" st rut ,k . ... - N- ii ii M R iMjjii4illkirtMifclitwVtiWXiliM,jIMTtlfiiiiiiii1ii i a laissiV 4 "' r : ; : : 'ira.fV A cfTM.AJt, mZiT rt'.-T e i "-'a- r i -.. TttWIsiicrTlSvcry SnturdaW the tMtTMAU..l?UHU!$mNGft Co. .. V ; i . A V- . hU tlSCH I PTION K ATIfc A., 1l0f rHMin nuvahttl ..,.1..M..p.co a$ 'Ht meivv... ,,..,,. .....v.. . . ico Thra, ruonihs.,t,.,..,w........l .. . M4 3 ' ' ' '- " -' - THE END OF EXCLUSION It becomes nice nnd more ap parcut that there will be ft stronfc and probably successful effort to ciefeat the rc-cuactmcnt Of the Gkuics exclusion at the next congress. The net, which wns "T passed iSSa, was for ao years .. only and will expire nest year. Tins coast is just beginning to . awaken to the fact that no new . measure will be enacted lor the exclusion of the Chinese, or my otherAsiatics.The prospect of a un restricted influx of Chinese cheap labor is not a cheering oue lor tbe working nicii tof tiis coast, but they will probably have to put-up with it. "The East has .never really believed iu cxclu 'ou,and it was only enacted to keep the'Pacific caibt stntc's from slipping tliqr political moorings, lyo wc are after Asiatic trade ancHhe open door, and we can - not very well 'ask commercial . faybre of n nation whose subjects wc exclude from our shores. -"Perhaps the'laboring'tncH who will be displaced by the coolies may be able to go over to the .Philippines nnd get a job; other wise they may be unable to see where our uew policies have re sulted very much to their advan- tage. ' Orf, tbe innocence of these good - people!' The general synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church has'dcclared that" the press is de- lnandiug the restoration or (lie anuy canteen because it is in flacuced by whisky, advertise picntsl 'Not a drop of wjiisky was ever sold in a canteen. The whisky dealers are unamous iu favor of the present state of things becauses it forces the soldiers to leave the post and get, whbky outside. Tillamook Headlight. .The fighting m South. Africa Has degenerated into something like butchery. Winter is com ing on iu that region, and ' the worldjyould be glad to hear of icss vengance ana more reason' Globe-Democrat. To reduce one's weight, cnt ofi one meal a day, breakfast urefer ably. Take a cup of clear coffee, sipping it slowly. Live largely 'on lean meat. Take plenty o! exercise. Avoid sugars and starchy foods.- July Ladies' Home Journal, Ewice, or clicrca, I one of tbe most jiitU'o'.o afflictions hununitjr b called on I to endure. T!ut this diteose can be ,cufvd, how-c-er, ii proven by the fact ,"' no oteff curta ojr me use oi 'Dt1, Vierce' Favorite Prescription. TJie tranquiluinx effect upon the nen ea ex- X erased by tills ic nurkable medicine U witnessed to by thousands wJjo hae found healing and strength iu iu use. It not only cures womanly diseajes, but it promotes the health of the whole bod. Itisanene feeding, strength giving, sleep-iiufuc-ing medicine. It malt -weak wornsn strong aui sick itomea veil. "Paoritc I're scription" contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opinm, cocaine, and all other narcotics. It cannot disagree it lit the WKiV-t r e ilelleate constilntion. 'j"wbV' "WMr Uolt had . vltui's duct.fl 'hipfwacd 10 utt oue of vournull toaUaml rJ It wriu Hwry U llllr.q . Of lOKlNsrlh MllBl . nurMnirlnti !n HIbi dMiw tbiuet i found thai Dr. Pierce's Favortu that ucdidn wt eatrcurc our daughttr. We W so. our bottlf. of Farortle Prcutiptlou ourtd br, aud Idld,ae have to take her to the Uc FMoitte I'tCTkuli.lloH' for lt. Vr Pjtrce'a Pleasant Pellets cure Ml- 1 & .' ;5!o WlIllO d jtf? aSk VyiSJS??!? Pv3 .I'Ti'f"" " jwni funcnug irom uat rtuW.k)I wwitoitiiud oo tKiltlt, hhewM 3P ld st thtt Ua aud could liardlr talk. Whea I red ahoutyour mtdlslne la that mull MaK. X Kflld lU IHVKlf. With th tift. tf ln. ati.1 -wo. wm v. 14 it, w Literary Notes, t -tw ScldcmVlms better 'ch 4 mice for offered thnu inThcLtulics' Home Journal for July. Krom West Point, ns pictuicd by George Gibbs on the cover, reaJcrs may ft Jw5llOVvLr Taylor io see "A HuJtostou1' Street 'at High Noon"; next try uGoin' Fi.slnV with joe Jefferson'' iu Florida; then totVcl out West with Ernest Setun;ThompNOU tin 'see' ''llie Mother Tea' nnd the Overland konte'; next go alone ths Atlan tic Coast to find out how the places "Where Our Country He gati" look today; then seek North ern Michigan to hear "The Story ofa Maple Tree," by William Davenport Hulbcrt; next visit an Eastern magazine editor's office and enjoy the good-humored rail lery oi "The Case Against the Editor," by Edward Kok; nnd finally See what "TheCouutry of Sheridan's Ride" looks like now adays. There are many other articles of equal interest on various .subjects. Hy;Tlie Curtis Publish- ing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. The Arena for July opens the twenty-sixth volume of that "twentieth century review of vital thought." It coutai ns many up- to-date articles from the pens of distinguished wrjters, the leading place being giveu to the initial paper of Prof. Frank Parson's scries on' "Great Movements of the Nineteenth Century." It is entitled. l,Tlie Sweep of the'Ccu- tury and its Meaning," and is a striking epitome of the achieve ments of the last hundred years. What shall probably be accom plished in the new science of geolog 'dpring the present cen tury is faiciuatiugly s. t forth by r o r, oi. r ii e i 4 E. AVjll A. M., describes the Ruikiu educational iuflitutiou at Trenton,- Mo.? as "A College for the People." "Poverty and Social Decay," by A. M. Col wick is a most significant nnd timely paper. The late Indian chief, Po-Ka-Gou, stirs our patriotic impulses by a dramatic picture of the Potlnwatotuies in the war of 1812. Miss Kcllor's sixth article on "The Criminal Negro'; is de voted to psychological tests of fr- males. Editor McLean anuounces a sympoiiuui on "The ur.v; of Inebriety" for the August num ber. (25 cents, at news-stands. The 'Alliance Publishing Com pany, 569 Fifth Aveuue, New York.) 'The story in the Argonaut for July 1,:901, is by Charles Flem ing EmVrce, ami entitled "The Hqrrorof ThreerSandals." It tell of the efforts of a Mexican official to entrap a suspected Amcricau plotter against the gov ernment, of the use of a beautiful girl as a spy and lure, and the tragedy that followed the discov ery of the treachery. Modem Culture Magazine was in advance of all its contempor aries when it presented in itsjuue u umber a critical paper on "No table Paintings at the Pau-Ameri can Expoiitiou.' ' Following this signal success it gives its readers iu July a trilogy of articles of especial interest to Pau-Americau visitors. The first of the two articles on The Pan-Americau by Day Night is contributed by Mr. C. Y. Turner, the celebrated New York artist whose fine color sense made him the choice of his brothers of the brush for Director of Color at the Exposition, In The Iucadesceut City, lJr Will iam Fitzroger tells us of, the mar vel and magic which the wizards of the wire and bulb liaVe ... , . . . ... awuiawwun kanjiiy, uy tta use many wrought in electrical disn av. ithouaauds of dvanentica hnvn hPA It Is a luminous naner on ait iU lumiuatiug subject, .The thUd ' ,,---.- pnd conclidiug instqlltnent of Old Cluuicotiie b.vRlrs, Jane W. 'Guthrie is iu(eresting, as al the 1, ) ilMnnuinkii uiiriiiiTiiiM-f 1 ) Wm WPUMumtrm B tmtk. Hi iMMiib. Ml Bk. Mk. IB ! m i rcraiH "rerntxyt lftlmofdr yeMlMlntutwrtt rerm. I cuulvl et noiblnt buimllk toAal, ftttO aillmMtarsioRiAch would noirulnnndillrrieTaUisv LalMrtal tvcai taking CACAKCT ml lni.o hi hvo strAilllr Hufroted, unlll I am as Melt la I cue r waa in mi "... . aj int.- , Dxtiu H. MwrifitvHewt': CANDY CATHARTIC iilfilBI .rin.ini. rtuM, rottnt. TaiU Owv1. Yx QvwO, ,Nttf Mii. V,ct Otlr.IOe, M,lca ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Ilrtk alr la,ntanMMl.lntliV III KQ.Tn.imn ,u mLmrM!ft .'.' ."- ! mm arnw hhn Jjmm ITOMKO Utklk .merles have been. Next to the Pan-American articles iu popu lar interest and of weightier mo ment even than they is an article on The Assimilation of Alien Races by Paul S. Rciusch, Pio- fesr of Political Science at the Uuiversity of Wisconsin. No more thoughtful paper 011 the problems of expansion has appear ed in any magazine. Count Lyof Polstni, A Modern prophet, is appreciatively described by Amalic llogit.slnwsky. The Lethe Mystety, a short serial by Marlon Harlnnd, holds the rcadsr spell bound and caner for the next in siaunciu. tuc Squire grows stronger and more fascinating as its plot develops. Charles D. Williams of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, contributes a sympa thetic review of Lymau Abbott's new bodk The Life and Litera ture of the Ancient Hebrews. Doth the original work and its review arc of exceptional interest. American Locornothes Abroad (From Scientific A ntrrican) The Auiiticjii engine which Tre pntclieit by :lie .Midland lUilwuy Company ol I'liUml in l5'J h.tvu at litst licoii licitnl from otliuiully. Mr. Jiitilip.ili, iiiiperiiit:idiint tit Loob inoiici, rtaiea tliat (Iih company put iuliiiiperution thirty Uulilwiti hiuI ion Seliftievtitdy rngiuei1. tlio builders liming beun given a fnc lnind In tins nutlurnf dusiifii nnd p.ftem. Thu rtisiilinr Hsixmnnilit' trinl In 1'JOO shiiwcd, Hcciiniing to the reiirt. llnil the uul n( opt-nitiiin of thti Aiiiomoiii locoiimtivei oJneoUuil tlmt of thu Kngliili ttiigine by the folloiringpct cenlugos: lit-pair, CO pt-r cent; oil, 5i par ctnii; fiifl, from A) 10 25 per loni. Tiiimc figures nrn certainly ur priMng. nnil thry nro by no menu uflVct by lliu fact tlmt tlico 6ngfiifii no.t u ich 42,(XK) kj lliall 1'nglisli r-ngintia of liiw aamd Ue and power 11 u inipotsimo in tinny any con clusion (rum tlio uJUcful autvmeul iliili! full I'elulN nl thu ciniunistiincci' under nliirli iho cumpuruoti wim inudo art) kiinnn. Of courfo there liae teun the tuual IiinUand ruggni- lions tlmt (In) imported uiiglnt-s uulo not given fair play but to anyline who is ncquuinled with th working of at lejst tlio ofliclal sido of thu Kugllrh nillniaif i. is certain that every eHiirl would bo niudo 10 obtain reliable iluti whure situh 011 interest ing nnd iiiiiimixI iipportunity ns this Him 0 lit red for compariiii; the two type of engiiio unilor slmiliir condi llnii. Itfapoiioblr, of cotjfsc, that lh American locomoiitcs iiy hae nirered in thu enmpmiton from thu fact tlmt the eiigliiftrx Mnd liroiiiun were f.iunli.ir lili their on 11 eiigiuu, and inctixarily found tlio American iniii'himm sonieivliHt strange. Ideal condition unuld be tho-o Iu which enuh type wiisopnraled by engineer ami firemen of lis own nationality, if we may ko apea!; . Jt a rcaiomible lo exput tlmt of two locomotives, one winch coia 2K)0 more to build would prove more economical in op erntlon. After making all nlluwunce mi fail in tiuderriiii.d hownucli n great dlirerenru In repairs and oil could oc cur, Tlio Americiui locomniivo may liavo anflered from the fact that it was liaiilitig loud much belon its muxini umcnpuity. It can rridilv bo un- tlcrsiood that if the Aiiiori3.ui loco motiven wnro not bciui: worked up to their full iMpaeiiy, they would kIiow lii-s fuel eiouomy (mr load limited than eugiiirK whiuu ui di..li.ni.,l I nnd built for the condition of tlju tost. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i Digests whit you eat. Thl preparation contains all of the' dlgestunts and dli?esu all kind of Jooa. Itgivealnjtantrcllcf and never TallS tO Cure. Ifcallnwavnn Instill tho food) on want. The raoateonBltlvo I '""l?."""'''" elB ea. It uicvvuiaioriuaiionoic t7tUKf.n tlm nfnm. acli, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but 4m you gBJ Prepared only by B.O. Dr.WiTTcCo.OliIcaKO lbv i. bottle tootalns XH turns the iOi'tiiJt, t - I I V z . imuk mit iMi)iim.VtLmMiMUimn!l AOVEn THE'HOUSE. J CxIKm Rofusa 9 Olvs Way Und.r C .,- Pashlon'o Kdlet. viWW iUUki husgorTo forHh tlmt orJY Trhil6 pmbroldery may bi used iorilio dinner table, thc.ro at;q Jiwny 'hounekecpow m'io rofuw to KiTO up, tho ibctiutiful doilltMk em broidered In Howl design that Imto bftcu ueh a fenturo of table decoration for scrcrrd years jnst. Tho stamped linen designs uru fell ing, In tho department nlorM quite us well ns ever, nnd the niantifuctttr crs of the nilks keep adding licvr nitd beautiful colors to their collection, which tietunlly rival in their tinllng tho mitiiral b'looiu of tho rose and the violet. Por tlinso who follow tho cuntotn of fcrTing Irrcakfnst and luncheon on a poli.vlicd tnblo top with the doi lies sprtnd upon it without the usual cloth nothing can tnka tho plnco of tho exquisite lloral centorpleces and plato roots. A wedding gift thco 6ct, cinbroldcrcd in tliu fuvorlto blossom of tho brltle, nro very much In crldcnec, forming a plensant re lief to tho cut glass and rtlror which innke such 11 formidable army on theso occasions. An ciqidite ct moilo to order for nn Uatcr bride consists of 20 piece done on tho finest linen edged with luce. The design is a dolicato drawn cluster of white violet with but little folinge. The bunch of blossoms varies upon each piece. The flowers fc-o done iu a dead whito .lunnnwc' fios, with a eluding of pnlc.it green towurd tlio center of ench violet. A had rirtipfctlon gwirrally fxil" f lne llrllrrrdloel. InallsiictiMvs. IVWtll's tjllle Kailr Mtr prwlu srtlfylnt- rru!li. Ccos n.iT Dtue -Mow A Cause For Qrlevanee. Mr."Quin Yis, Mrs. Sheti, an, ns I wns savin, it' nrristed ho is for U'ntin Kit own mother, luoind ou. Mr. Stica Shure, nn thing is come to a foine shttttc whin n man ciin'l dft n ho loikcs wid his own! Harlem Life. Tho; fimoiw llille pHN, DeVVItt' I.tttlttiljf RIcs-comrt ieurlirr ml ro-! lo do thrif duty, lhu Riniif jou pue. rich Miied lo iiyus- crate ourlx!jr Arr Mty lo Liko. Sr jtlp. C0114 Hay DrujStjre Indigestible. Jim. Xannio Goat You don't look well thj morning. Something JOU C eiltrll. Mr. IIham , Ooata; I had flioe folc for dinner lust night, and J tlftllt believe 1 got nil tllO naiU OJt. Ohio httttO JotirnaL You can never enru dyiipiLi by ilktln;. Wlitl roar holy nredj U p'enly of fooil prof. ydiicilrd. Then It your tom.tch will not ill. trit It, Ktxlol Dytrvptia Cuir iIL It contains all of th ntural dlrtumt hancr nuul llnt entry cU of food and ft prrpaie It that nature n uie it In noutlthut; llMbudy and VqUelng lh Malted liur), lhl siring life, health. Jirtnglh. ambition, pute Uood and ;ood bcallhy appetite. (Joos ttty Drug More Boa Urnl I'nr Com, Nearly ercry fartni-rtias notlcrd thnt row chew bones. This la it habit thnt nearly alt cow hare. Tbe system ernves for Ivone material. In such rases tbe cow uliould get a tcispoouful of bone meal at n lime In bran mrmli twice a day for a teve necks. rAMnV PAVU.rmn 1J iu Cttuiinc ttsmptd C, C C Ntvtr told In bulk. Df,BU Bwirt o( the dulcr who tries lo nil "lOBMlhlnj fust at good." , Cstlifactorlly Explained. Tlic lTcad Clerk Did you go foi that dog4 meat, John ? Tho Ollico IJoy Yes, ir. "What did tho butcher say."' "lie wanted to know if it was for you or the dog." "The puppy!" "But J told him it was for the Uog'lloston Transcript, CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front and A Mrffts, MAHSIiPJKLI), OKKOO.N',- JONH3NVDER.,: it:: tl'roprletor THIS WKi.UKNOWN ANOHAVOimr. ZIOTUI, liasliut born entirely refitirdnml relurnUUit thipughoutanditatJnopcn to the puhllc for paironad plated In almost evrry sleeping room of til's house ami neither trouble nor eiprno ha: beet ruled to put everythlnK Iu tirsl-cLus order. M-w ton ana spring nvutreuu luve tner TKRMS. Jkuidand LXMlclnjj, per eek fso rwara. r:r ween , , .oj iiiiiKleMrals,,,,,, a i i gBLANCO HOTEL? g-J. ' l'KItltliV, 1'ropiIutorC , Sb aHACpUAnTJH3 POH ft O.OfclMBHOIAL TnAVjUtin&jjl i I 'IV- yi.' i ra FJA'B 8AHPIX J10031S, WUitS,? it ' Z gMAN8HFtELD, OtoM .Vta.VaVaV,XVVVV-'Vlf IU.tZ"ll djfiS -. i L a' ,. k V" 'Y. SLai J at ". at Mfri theVWtrt SAWYER'S fciMUI.r M,.al CLOTHING Tb h warirr aartniiata.ln ba uU. Ma (i ik I.m UflU at vrnrranlr Klvrrl. Haila la tluU ISaraaaatAta awtl ailift. iiiniinurinnrNi iiarai aia rmiUia. -f Kcduc.tl Kates Are now in ellcct to Uufmlo, New York. Do you expect to attend the I'liii-Amt'ticuii ICNposituni? It so tin not buy your tickets until j on have investigated the advice it' the Illinois Ceutiul Unihoiul. Our accomodation, are the best that can be had, our traiu.s na ttlvwiyson time, and employe courteous aud nccoiuodaliug. Thiinigli toutiat cms ft,tmi I'aeilic Coast to Hostou via UttfTa lo. If you will send fifteen cents iu stamp, to udthes't given below, we will forward you, by return mtiil one of our large 34 x 40 inch wall maps of the United States, Cuba aud l'orto Uico. Any information icgutding rates, accomodations, .service, time, connection-;, Mop-ovcr!),ctc, will be cheerfully fuiuiidied by 11. II. TkcmiiM.1. Coin'l Agent. i.)2Tliiid Street, i'oriluticl, Ore,, ' The brain-children of a vvutcr are as ptccioits to him na arc the blood-children of a mother to her. Kach is perfect iu the ce of its parent. -July Lulics' Home Journal. III-, Uttlr 1'j.ily rly kIkh ulru now and IW11, will att yi lwp voartHWll In nfrii otd" they nr cdfw litn plumule an eaiy nll act Ion. Luos ILiy Ding M. lood cools, to it certain point, mote quickly iu the open air thnu iu n clcsed rcfriuerator. July Ladies' Home Journal. 1 "Iw,noitu"lliluilifiutrij;.uamlllieiwd Lto,r - ,wu.t.liiyo.rKwiy.M. , w ,, ,lthei ,1UrtlKl0i ,., 11IH, 1(llr tme , lor d)Winta that time err come In miiliatt , ih nRd I H.ib iihiI iiiy otlitr Pirrarationv John lUani, VVetl ilidilhsrr. I'j NapirMia linriul Kodul DyiptptlaLuieai luoolim nil tin) niluml Ulfntantt, It t il j'l all timlt affuod and can't help but du)uu oud. Coot IUy Diuc hiore. CsfTeo In Cuba. A I'hiliulclphinn who Iia Jint re turned from Cuba, toy tlio Jflula dolphin Hccnrd. was impressed In two thins during hi star in Hit rutin tlio strength of tlio codec thnt U served and tho rnrt qtinnti tiOi of aodit liiseuitii of American ninnufacturc cousitmed by the na- 'It took mo Homo time to got ac customed to tho eolTce," ho said, "At first 1 used to water it, but gradually I fell into tho Cubans' wny of drinking it nnd leurned to like 1 tho strong, aromatic flavor. Our own cofTco now tastes wenk nnd, in cinid to inc. The poorer classo of r;.i.... ,.iii ..(. .....,i -,.... ,.r vfiiuiiii- niii (ininu it iiivut 1 iiiii v...- fco n,", ,,0,,, biscuits. I learned that moro of tlico biscuits nro olil in Havana tlinn in uny of even the largest of American cities. Key Went, although comparatively ft smalt community, come next in tho consumption of tho biscuit." THE HOME GQLq CURE An IncfnioiiH Treatment hy whluh i;ruiiKiiriiHnri lleiug Cureii iiallv in SpiKMif Tlinnifelve. XoXoxfouadiwea No Wciiktuihig o tin Dorics A tiieuMtuil ami l'oxl tiiu (Jure for tlio Liipior Jluliit. II, Ii no generally Lnown and timlertlootl tlul Orunlicniiettlsa illirasr ujd not wnd,. new. A body filled with polwjn, and nnvit complrtcl tlMttricd by (crloilicnl or conilanl uvr ol IntodOTtinif l.(uor, rr'iiirrs nn imllc'oi.; cap.ihlf)f nrulrnllilni; and irtilltuliK this pot son, nnd ileiiroylnj the cmvin,' for intoniuintt Snfcfcr nay now enrq llianivilvui nt lioni without publicity or lost of llmu (ruin business ty this nondcrfui "IIUMK JI.U CUUI- whlifi has been preft-cleil after miny )rais of clow si tidy and trratnirnl hllnehrlitM. The fnlihfu liut iiforJiiiflo tllieclions (if.tM'S wonderful dl coicry is poslllvdy guaranteed lo cure the nivti obtiin He ou, no nutlr hotv lunl u drmkrr Our record shoW thu rnarvclotis (rnnifomi.nilon of thousands of Drunkards into sober, indus trious and upright men. VVIVKh CUIUS YOUR HUSIUNDSH C1IJI.LMKN CURB YO'-'K 1'ATIIRUSII This rtnieily Ii In iioicnteniiottium but Is n specific for this illtenw only, and Is so skillfully devised and prcjurtil that It Is thoroiiKbly sold. bit; and plrnunl iu the Uste, so that II cm 'be glvin In a nip of (ea or coflto without the knewlrt)f;e of the person laJtlnj (I. Iliousands of Drunkards liave'currd Iheiiitelvf vrilh this priceless remedy, and as many iroro have been curwl and made temperate men by liavlnj; -,B '(UKIV administered by lovlnj; fdendi nnd relatives vtidioift Ihclrknoulcded In coffee or lea, and Icllcvc today llmt they discontinued drinking of their owr. freo ttill. DO NOT WAIT. Po pot ha deluded by appnienl nnd inlsleadlni; "iinpfovemcnt." Llrlieoul the tilt ento n onco and for all llni, 'fhe "UOMH OOI.UCUP.Il" is Sold at the extremtr low prleo of Ono Oolltr, thus pliclng witlilrs reach' of tverybodr a treatment mora eftmiimf !,'.. others dpstlnif $3510 $50. full directions "nfe. coinp.tny ench peknjo. Special rulvlce by si Hi ed pliysiclaqs nlwn requested niiliout tstra elwrr;e, Bent prepaid to any pari of the world on recclpl o(One Dollar, Address JW VXivt KIJWlN,GUJJ3bC0MI'ANV. ao and 3ja Market .Strtef, Thlladelphla, AlUotrujiomlentanrletlycoiiliiUatial, Jl J sA 1 &. I ' ' I JsfVSsattsVaW VS flS"v OITT . i.anaiar I. T. Mtlil til NUI.r U 1K.. i mii.m. tirii.ii , aoN.K-Uatrr' 1,.t rMkrUl. At aw. MiHQiiur s Vvfa N .T t niiimndinuit f H'iP n H ft StoiOimli hi Ns lli,U'tf'atKiaai(aiM lsiaaDafi 8.tar HABDW10K, iW . i a-jt rx1 Jt. "jL-miirk-yr,TiaTg?,l If IV a ff' i 6jWJSj5X"wAOtJlA. 1 7 ltit,,Ar. SlIiiallHiil.l' 7 Ma.,.l..aT'fi.?A,..n'SK19 ffWtWi.ll 7 l"l I &r Sin tliclti md IVlVmlW7J .' i?,,liy ' ' .7 , MumK1l unit Coo IVty, cnllhis i ' . """"mii'.iiiiiwiii.wi.i ii-ruy t ,,t .d,o. pt-u i ; iiteHyrrKia. l i ., AI.I.IA.NPB . uMt iHjjjr f,ijfljjjj -; nlrlWpnliiiei1 iHHit, nnd hit 7 nnt, lwXy , Itonrn, l'iiUlfWi7 .,, till Iho iiioduiiteuitvetiloiimiru bZSjoUrt,SVki. f('b I '. gr BLMT k HimiiiiKra nl In r uIhm. H9 ki'yyxKXXkt-'yxri l-'or lfnight it ml PiisScngcr Kates or iiailitip Dates, ' Apply' ' J to . scxasr.-t cXm " it is lino lit tint fnslualli i -0 ' 7 . ... " AlMsSUim-r.D, Oregot'r1 TI1K CLKANStrttl XUU lUIAMNO cuuu run' CATARRH Ely's Cream Calm Rity an.t il-atant In ais tXvtafna no In- JaMiiis dnic. . . it)ila'slvrMl, LiT liatitf il onrm. l U na anl Ctrarwea :r"rninbiHFAn inn ..i"i , mmrni CmI im, rtcu Uiw Mtmhnt.. Hlorr IU lllita Ihi'iiHHittLkn mMmmmm9 tV ft. km ot Tasta nJ rmlt, Mf "Uf . ciiia M btialtter''y.tni'l It IPI,lefWliiirttt sutti tluut, a airaiioirri.rw ,. visit DR. JORDAN'S aitrarl MSiim OF MflYQMY iiiiiituru(inrnHUC4,(iL. T aytAnjJ.v Mai mm U i t4 r t4t m$ fa UMittM 1 CR. J030M- OiatASCI Ot Mill irmi l it-' 94 1 T9wffitt4t PtMtl MJ A . v bm rsaiiiPfvt sf-va mt . ....'a -- ..- C-BM- m tws4 wtirr ! r lwt mrt kataaW . ar it a N cv ia . t T .... Van,, a at riiit.uiiu-MV r nitue. iuiru (A ..u. im v tlIHM k L J0ftOJiCO,105IMr.tUl..f. r1 ' Mnr s lllH oil; REDER one in ench tcmn wo ai.ip Mt exut if tlic iilcyc OOkOT BUY tltla ItUtal ogi.t baa 1 la quatity f our h irltaUt peraoa la earl :i(le. Willi today for a ccui 11 i'ic 1.. (ju.uiT vi m; I IV WE WANT WU I Am eauiaoirt lor a fj. L. MUD CYCLE CO., Chicif. WlflF-AWAKF MERDmNJs AD0 to YOlJR business "IUL rt"Hrxi: 7Wn,iut'opDADI4nDI4nMC 7be nuSdHbViiV,ir.,vi'ffi,n''"0 unHrnurnUsii: MATCHLESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT IUt aa tVIl Wf tXMstf far ftWlSMOl It aala,id In all r Uar It. IT 0UPPLIC8 AM ACTUAL WANT (THE inrteaiOTIDLtt OEMAND HX DIVCRBIOM ArO nCLAXATIOWl TO OrtATIKY VMICII MANY AflE VVIUL.NO TO 00 WITHOUT OTHCIl iccEsoiTra. it 13 7H2 UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINER OF THE AGE ' A 1 wS.mt:Ho Mure f WaiMltr itwl ntllytt to at), It (a sl-jiple It ron-irirtlon, a-ul mlrea sro arranged t auitall picket booksi while tha demwdili continue a. .iiiiM.iu..aiiiiiiiiccxl.u. w- . The Introxtivilni of a few Mrtphoplionrs Into a rommnntty at mire creates an licit alnx i demand for n CCCDI e.U SUttlf.f, ami n roliWW.-S taAlMSS it fist tUbtithsd. Why uot scctiro tlic literal Prafili nalcsi an l km d dealers WRITE FOB CATALOCUC. TBnMC, CTC., TO Columbia Phonograph Co.,,' is- :tt.r,rf. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. B" .. ia',1 LURIDCil Tha.t is what we have to sell, and we oan fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guaranteed and the prioe is right. OUR STOOK 1NOLUDES anything required in Fir, Spruoe, Bed and'White Oedar. ih J', rl r SIMPSON LUMBER CO. Pliouc Main 151. 1 1 'IWI TWWrWt1aWalssfPTflslfwVlTWW T""WaWf ,', rjfiamssW'. VI" h9WV3nJ;K,yilL i 1 w asi ii mm aa mm -vmmwk' imm t r ,mL j' m , . . ',;"' , a' V niUiiUr iifVlniiiHr laia "ami ll'liy 7 (Jiutftuf liiriiiidMninilliiirt, j (tUlfoinU UmiwH', NhMt hullli, Ott'U lMfl . AiiflUii,,,01l i'om Wiii"nd ciiUAwi..4. tiriKir kllln Umrlirl, )UIlMia ,Mtmt, lliKHlind h,i i tail IV"nlil thaaUiia full Hint ciimlk muniment ll purw (Ullforiila hIihh Klllt All lf Ulhllllllll tllA l(llllflp tlMlilni mml, Cnll nn me mill Jmlliilor oorrlf. fHillillh'i; iviluiie il li iil)iatviipiiiig)t I remniii Viy 'lini) Vur, ROIIKUT MAIISDKN, ", 7 ATHcrci u riini.tia rnioi k.imiiiih;' v.11 1, tirnuiVK I'lioni'r ATiriHtlUHV r l.tiMtl.MM.Mth.hMl.r.hS THE STEAMER ARCATA; Utll .tlltltr Itnusilssr 'IVIliai -IIKTWKKN- COOS B.A.Y- AND SAN FHANCISCO, -JAUUYINtl- ?ASSEGEB5 AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES. Urcicon Coal ft N.tiRation Co., Proprietors, P. O. Mansvrsd, AKni Warshfleld, S (J. Company, Aceiit, EaipHo City. AGENTS WANTED to tide nnd eahlhit n samplo igot model L a T J? 9' 'ti i V ' ' r " i mi . . r 1 . t 1.. ai , 11 g am mm . t T . ,t . M nl.. I ll.ll.1a.l..k ft.l.i.M..felt. f t'tuk. .. If r , . -. m I, bicvcio ot our manufacture. T0U CAN MAKE 110 TO tnoAViCCX tKsidc hivlnc a wheel to ride for yourself. J50U Sooand Hand Whce!ss . co taVrn. to I sdt by our CaUagv null stoua, DcJ 10 DQ cuar wood at new . . . , rv w anyone uilUut 11 cent WrnoiTl in (iitt any ucycio ON APPROVAL to OM AC: fancc ami allow 19 BAYS Ei? TSML You take absolutely no rlik in nrderint; from us, nsyou do not uecd to pay uicrcio uoea not suit you. . a hn unlll you l,aT written fur mr rtcioir pnetv aod rut ma orrt. nrvf been cnoal situ and u a cuaiaalc or 1 peraoa la each lawn to dUtrltxilt eilalocvM for vs la Wills today for fits tatlout aadour Ktltlofftr. uur annii. -aa -r ni w n tn it v. North Bend; Ore 4 V.rr, k . 7 . . .. ?.' I v r, 1 t r 5 "t X) .i&r 1, ,rH j' '." A -1 ; 1 '. r n j n f rt, '' :K. if ! t t :ik1WjM .i - J& .-?. '44 " ,& aa &Mkl?k.$ , alai , &.W &t& ink'V.'W A4 y y fv tH "( . 'ii ,