-, ". T " 1H a ': 'V n' 1 , . 'i, , ... .lJfM. 3 r' s J- , ' . MitwIirtitWiJMjtJi&wWiiiahAWtliijwt1 rrfMhi'xr.nlS&i r vwn'f i r 3'- fctuutnyOrcgoiilrmal Norton's ' Joseph Lando has returned to BriS Krancisco. SoluCollvcr, of the" Coqnille, ValHtown tills week. : Rubber arid cotton liosc at Milticr's. The U. S. Inspectors, will ar rive here abwit Jnfy xotlt- Albert Mntsc has been en joying a vacation on Coos river. The Alliance is scheduled to jail for Portland next Tuesday. HouJe furnishing goods at V. 1. Murphy's. Chas. Nordstrom was up from the life saving station the first of ian week. Seugstackeu's for fresh gardcu and grass seed. Km. Dean has returned to San Francisco after a short visit to his property here. Bathtubs and toilets at W. P. Jlnrpliy's. The many frtcuds of J. W. Xruse will be glad to learn that Jke is recovering lrom his serious illness. A lot of chains, cables and Hastings came on the Areata for the Pacific Shipbuilding Co. - Full measure, kind treatment anrirjioiicst prices is my motto i A. Sacchi. Bargains in kid gloves rttSciig Mackcus. Jas. Rooke has had n frout $orch constructed on his residence ki South Marshfield. Fine line ol shirt waists at Bcngstackcu's. Capt. Geo. Lcneve, 6T the Co fuillc steamer Favorite, is in this city.4. Insure your properly in the Xoudoii and Lancashire Fire In suiaucc Co., John Prcuss, Agt. , A scow load load of oyster shcllsjwcrc. brought up the bay Tuesday, to be used in improv ing the streets. Use HibbanFs celebrated rlicu toiaticcure to limber your joints. Por.salc.at Scngstackcn's. r Mrs. C. W. Tower is having her property on .Uh street, repair ed and painted. If. you haveu't bouglit your Summer Hat you should take ad iantaee of Mrs. A. G. Aiken's special sale on summer millinery. A- Eickworth, editor of the Cpquille Buliatin, came over ou Sunday's train to take In the ball.: gamp. He also came over ou business Thursday. Two choice improved building Jots opposite G. A. Bennett's residence. Also i lot at South Marshfield opposite the Park. Apply to H. Scngstackta, Misses Pearl and I-ilfjan Mc Cann, left for Roseburg and vi einity, Thursday, by private con veyance, with VV. Shcrraid, of Sumner, as driver. They will 6e absent several weeks visiting relatives and fiieuds. Assortment of Kodaks and Kodak supplies at the Red Cross Drug Store is larger than ever. s H H iiiil ill , UR OUR SHOES Arc iu demaud because they merit that distinction. Quality is more ap preciated iu foot wear thau, perhaps, in anything else. The wearer knows whether it'i right or wrong. : : : :. We sell-only what is right iu fit, J,tyle, quality aud price. You will have no trouble here iu getting just what you want and when yon waulfttv Come in aud let us convince you. : : : : " : Fvcry lady that wears our shoes realizes that there is something about ' -them that makes them a little Hotter tbaii others. r y u r Mens' Shotjs are a little latcr;'aliule more fashiouable in appear- -qucej-,, easier filtiugaiid a little lojvcr iu price than any other-of the Hs4inB, grade,. - . . . , . . 1lemesriib"erwe- are showing the swellest Kive of Dry Goods, Fancy b .Gb'ddV,,Clothlug, Hats, Ktc,, that have ever been exhibited in MarshfieM. . f , hu 1 JSBUlQ I . I. ff . '7'. TT JEL ? &- W ' V l Moors nnd Windows at V. P. Mitrpliy's. Mrs. Jas. Rooke is visiting up Coos river. , Jim Watson, the Coos Cly fanner, was iu town Wednesday. Sengstackcu wants ten tons of Chiltum bark. For best values iu boots aud hocs go to Scugstackcus. Three thoroughbrctl ilionts, of the Improved Poland China breed, arrived ou the Alliance for J. II. Davis, of Coos river. Irvine aud Will Chandler, who have been attending college at Portland, arrived on the Al liance to spend the holidays. The Km pi re nud Marshfield kid nines crossed bats at the South Marshfield grounds, Sun day morning, resulting iu a score of 23 to n iu favor of Marshfield. See the Gre:t McCormick Mower audllayRnkesat Miluer's. . The Marshfield Water Co, re ceived a lot of new pipe ou the Areata. The Ladies may close the sa loons but you cau always get Tanglefoot at Miluer's. The new schooner Alumna, lately built at North Bend, was towed to sea Sunday bound for Cape Town, South Africa. She carried 930,000 feet of lumber, drawing 18 feet of water. Closfs? Out at Cost The entire Stock, Dry goods, Clothing, Furn ishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Linol eum, Mattings. The entire stock must go at cost. Store to let. Fixtures for sale. XLTST Store. J. W. Bennett and son Tom, Bert Lockhart and K. O'Conucll made a fishing trip to Tcumilc lake this week. They report good sport and a fine time. The Mutual Life of N; Y. give you the best investment aud pro tection. Take a policy. H. Sl'.NGSTACKKJf, Local Agent. R. J. Coke if taking a 10 days vacatiou and has gone with his family to visit friends and rela tives at Fai'rview, McKtulcy and Brewster valley. The greatest sale of Summer Milleury that has taken place in Marshfield iu years is now on at Mrs. A. Gs Aikens. Miss Florence Smith has re turued from Myrtle Point, where she has becu teaching school. Miss Mullen, of Empire City is enjoyiug a visit from Miss Phelan, sister of Mayor Phclau. of Sau Faucisco. Dr. Preutis, Dentist. All work guaranteed. TelcphoucNo. 435. Mrs. Nelson, wife of Captain Norman Nelson, of Cape .Arazo life iaviug btatiou was iu town tins week. Notice the bread first, then see the brands iu the stores, on the delivery wagon?, and clothes lines. Sperrys flour is all right, and. the sacks speak louder thau words. tf By a letter written from Sau Francisco on Tuesday it is learn ed that Johu Sunderland's case has taken a turn for the worse, aud the patient has given up hope of recovery. 0 Money Back if not Suited t. '.I u a -.. Marshfield shipyard received a J naff rtf'sliin biirra nil Vhnrsitnv. I l 1 -"" ' Capt. Harris has commenced haying ou the Noble ranch at Sunnier. Prepare for warm weather by getting n summer hut at .Scng stackcn's, . , Prof. W. H. Hunch was" iu town Thursday making his rounds. Pitchforks, hayrnkes, Dccrciug Mowers and haying outfits nt W, P: M tit pity's. Ralph Matson, the Ilayucs slough farmer was iu town Thurs day and Friday. When you want some extra nice cliecse call on your grocer M Sumner creamery lull cicam cheese. 6 8 tf Mrs. Wolft's house ou the hill is ncariug completion nud Mur phy is now doing the plumbing. Robert Marsdcn has leased the Bay View brewery of Lars Clem uiciiscu for a. period of 10 years. ThcG.A. R. will hold the annual encampment at Myrtle Point, commencing Aug. 7th aud lastiug.thrcc days. Sam Centers, who had his leg broken last week iu nn accident ou W. H. Noble's logging raiK road, is reported doing well. M. O. Warner, the piaiio tuner ol Eugene, will make his regular visit to this section iu July. Do not miss the chance to get your musical iustrumcut put in first class order. J. A. Taylor bought a fine steel range of W. P. Murphy' this week and will commence house keeping iu the Barry rcridencc. Marshal Nay, who recently started for Dawson, writes from that- place that he arrived ou May 25th, aud had seen Frank Elrod and Johnny Peterson, both of whom were well aud prosper ous. The Marshfield boys put up a good game of ball, last Sunday, but they failed to take the con ceit out of the Coquilc tcaui. They will have to do better or give that job up. Bandon Re corder. You just wait, Mr. Stilt. Two sailors attempted to desert the Alumna, while anchored in the lower bay, by floating ashore 'on a plank, but the tide played tricks with them and the lite sav ing crew picked them up, so they are ou their way to South Africa, after all. Au ciitcrtaiumcut by an Edison moving picture machine will be given here ou the evenings of July 13th and 14th. The outfit is here, in charge of J. W. Cook, manager, and the machine is a good oue. A Graphophoue Grand is also iucludcd. Some flattering press notices are shown, and the entertainment will un doubtedly be a good one. We have them. Colegate's Oat Meal and Glycerine Soaps, delicately perfumed at 25c per box of three cakes. Red Cross Drug Store Bwil Tbt Kud Yw Han Ahnjs Boutt Bigutvo f w&Ski E s H 0 E s 7Vs' I- , r TJ' ' XL! . Let's Talk . About Patterns , Kvery.huly whtthet she U a Dressmaker or not, gels Unoiigh n dnl inprc Work, without frsltiug nud woirying nuout the lit of the gatutcut if she uses STANDARD PATTERNS The consensus of opinion of our Dte&uuakets is that the STANDARD PATTERNS are the best There is uulv one STANDARD PATTERN" nud that is carried by George cf Tibbetts. Agents MARSHFIELD aud VICINITY, PhW:4J6 OJd Fellows' Mil;. MAIL OllllKltS tUHM'.IVKl'IMMiT ATTENTION. SKNI) ls YOlUl'. BARGAIN No. 3. This is the Biggest Bargain I have olTercd and will appeal to the good judgement of every buyer of Groceries. Until further notice I will give n to per cent Cosi Dtscwtitt on every dollar's worth of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Tin, Agate and Wood and Willow ware, bought nt my stoic. This is your opportunity to save money ou your grocery bill and means a big saving on your mouth's gioccries. I guarantee quality nud ijuitutity. Your. money back on nuything you purchase that is not satisfactory. Bclow'is a small list of prices: 15 lbs Granulated Sugar $t.oo 10 ,; com oir oocts 30 Ibs'Piuk or Bayo Bcaus 1.00 yocts so lbs Good Islands Rice 1.00 yocts 8 lbs Best Salvador Coffee 1.00 yocts 50 lbs Best Flour, any kind r.oo yocts Remember all my groceries are marked down to bedrock pricss, on which you get to per cent off in Gtsti. This sale is str'ictly Cash. K. G. FLANAGAN, 1'iouccr Market. CALL AND GET PRICES Notice to W. or W. All members of Coos Bay Cir cle No. 164 are requested to be present at the next regular meet ing July 8th. Ida Patkuson, Clerk. Store Improvements K. G. Flauagau is having new screens put iu t his meat market on F'ont st. . Campbell & Kickworth have a handsome new kigli." John Prcuss has improved the equipment of his Red Cross drug store by replacing the wooden counters with eiegaut plate glass structures which greatly iuhaucc the beauty of the interior of this progressive pharmacy. Cutworms Waking up Jake Matson, the North slough farmer, was in town Wednesday aud reports that' the cutworms have already commenced opera tions ou his cabbage in consider able numbers. It is to be hoped that we will not have such a visi tation as we had hut year. Was it Landis Win. Lusk writes to the Co- qttille Herald that ou June 5th some oue entered his cabin ou the upper South Sixes and helped himself to the grub, nud visited the cabin agaiu ou the 8th when he was shot at and took the hint by showing up no more. Last Sunday's Game The Myrtle Point boys again went down to defeat before the Marshfield team last Sunday 011 the race track diamoul. The first half of the gaiuc was very evenly contested, but the visitors lost their grip; nud the tcore stood 8 to 3 when the game end ed. Charley Baxter acted-ns um pire and gave the usual satisfac tion to all concerned. . :.- ; Married in San Francisco On Moiiilny ovonim: Jtinu )7t h a fotv frii'iuli nml rulutivi'B nallicnil nt llio rejidoiue (rf Mr.-miit Mih 0. I). Smith 17W McMlls'orSl.,81111 Frnii. I oUco, to witness 11 wry pretty weu"-, dint;. 'Shb liippy cautilj) woro tin. Mnry j B.'.IlovofAsliliInd iiikI 0. J.TiWiiiu of iur..!.fWI(l OrnKon, TI10 ceremony ' wn very lniplu Imt iniprrwitp nml wn porforniotl .wtlie-Uo,v. Hqll l'rt(rr Of the lVobyenufibutplt ?ornor of Uoldcu nato Ave. nnd P61k Hi. The Iiouho w.m profusely decorated with Unworn which rreluhtud lliu air with their wutiporliijno, After (ho curoiiwuiy rorr(ih;uonU nere nerved nud tii coinpnuy "ere cntertumed tyith infitlu and (tunclui;, At u lale liour ipo liriUe utul groom returned lotliel. hotol ult!nr n libw- ar f rico unil kooiI whlir. F 'I'lmun timkAnt u'rtrn ! KTi utul Ihlr ' .".T;i""i,"v"-.'1 '- . : , Hmltli, Mt (inn MMtrorce nnu .tins- lVrco of AUrudcJtt, Mrs I'mjlipi, Wia DrHilfcird, Mru A. McCoy, Mr unit Mr) kj-ViirnoyH'e'lJUiid ,l)f Albert J ,,lkii. tilmu Kotfu find JTywiitd llosu of Hun ruiicliuu BORX WOODWARDAt South Marsh field, Or., June 25, to the wife ofG. W. Woodward, n 10 irauud daughter. Small Fire A small blaze iu the shingles on the house on First stect occupi ed by Mrs. Jensen, caused nn alarm of fire to be rung at 1 p m Monday. The fire boyi turned out pcomptly nud little damage was done, though the interior of the house sttflcrcd somcwhnt fiotn the dripping down of dirty water. - tiascball and Basket Picnic Thcstr. Coos River will leave Bay City nnd Maishficld at 8 o'clock on the morning of July the 4th, and return iu the even ing, nud back to the river ngaiu. Round trip ticket 50 cents. The Bay City baseball team will play a game 01 Dull witli a picked nine of Coos rivcritcs. Basket pienje aud a dance iu the evening nt Smith Bros, apple house. Ice Cream and Strawberries Strawberries and Cream, Ice Cream, nud Ice Cream Soda will be served nt Scott's Gardens iu South Marshfield every Sunday. Strawberries aud Cream every day. Ice Cream by the pint, quart or gallon chcacr thau you cau make it yourself. Pleasant Party A very pleasant social party was given by Miss Bessie Richards, nt the residence of L. II, Ilcisucr Thursday evening iu honor of Miss Belle McCoy. The evening was spent iu hocial recreation, aud iu the disposal of an sump tions luncheon. Among those present were: MisscN Belle Mc Coy, Leoua Ryau, Josie Cowan, Sadie Hall, Ida ilflll, Julin Howe, Mabel Mauzcy, Lulu Boone, nud Bessie Richards; Messrs. Wm. FJickworth, Dan Dimmick, Chas. Stand", Chas. Hall, Raucy Hall, Leonard Mauzey, Krigar Mauzcy, Will Richards, John Richard, Jasper Mauzey, Milo Sumner, John Ryau, Albert Bear, nud 6ticrs, AT THE CHURCHES. ....aiivi.iti m... ..,... ' ' (Ucrvii'c,) Hiblmtli iclioot ' 10:0(1 AM rrcielilnKnorvieoH, 11 :00 AM, nud 8.001' M OlirUtlniUJiulonvor, 7 :X) 1 M. tij (d'wpok dorviuo, 'J'liiirdiy 8 :00 1 M, H.inmol li. McOlullund, l'abtor, Rev. I. J, Knotts of Grnuto Pass, Ore.,will preach tomorrow evening giving an ill unrated .crmoii tlint will interest old nnd sermoi u,"wul lerefit OI" n'111 young. All arc cordially wcl- lnnfiiA iwjiiw. OA'TOn.TA. t BMrrtt jA I'1 KM Yw ItoB Always 6l ' J y Tlw Kind Ywi Itow Ahw) I BJgntioro d FOB SAX.E. A Ihm liUMiict lot on A pi, W0O. DwulMnK liotua on -ml M, 0 rooms 050. -i A pint of html 21B ft, liy 100 It, faoiuifon nau trnuk In Smith Mirrii fkld, 7W). Will oll tu hulk ur Imlf. Kour Inti no.x t tu IWolllroon I'roii t !M0O. Houku nnd lot In West MurnlilhiM ItOlH). lloujoiind lot in Xiin t ti Mutnlifloltl fViO. Six lot In Itlk 10, Hoiilti M.u.hnuM lllock 70 In NntlrvV mldltlon to CuipillloUity. Buqulro of V. I,' DotdHH. t);Kjw."ta:iUKit;iwtfn NKnn -rf -.-B KIMBALL. ' MILT03ST, HINZE, Pin'ios $350.00 upward. Organs 75.00 upward. Delivered at Mtusllficld. Call ou or nddrcii, MRS. G. MORRIS, Local RcprescnI.illvc, Garfield Hold, Marsliflcltl, Oregon. (CIIAS.GRISSON, Mgf.) I- B smnxJittttsuanKRVJUuancny: Your Money's Worth il111't L'ltnto ii'linr tti !! fc" 'w secure more grocery value than we give. Alter you have dealt ' here a day or two' you'll with ut. agree Oampboll & Eickworth. -y-y?-- TVT mifnTriTnfrtinfnirnrnnff itnirifrnnfrirriTmrnrmss g SUBSCRIPTIONS For all Papors kZJ and Magazines Rcceivod at 3j I F. P. Norton's. IjiiuiiujiuimuMumiiuuiuuuiiJitimujiiuuiuu RiDIR iT ' HvaW OUQ Inn mlWl WnimMm ,11 ceut II tue lilcyc Tht HUral uOcr liaa t tka nuallly of our wh( 1 reliable ptraon In tact kydt. WtlH today for mil JjWWEWAlTf m I IV cjc1iok for a I tka quality of tow traon itraon 1. Wrttt . I I HCIII . fTaivAl E SnlB. wjjtB ! menu uiulc- uui uriiVi WIDE-AWAKE Think about tAo- " TU cnornioiia aln if ttie Ornpliophnne. cuutvd by llio fact that It lia tuclr C MATCHLESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT Il.t ait tmmi, lltblKt far POWIMWK Is l4 ri ttko hear II. IT SUPPLIES All ACTUAL WANT THC IRRC8I8TIBI.B DEMAND COR DIVERSION AND RLUAXATION) TO GRATirY WHICH MANY ARB WltUINQ TO DO WITHOUT OTHBt NECCOOITIBd. ITIOTHC UNIVERSAL EiNTERTAlNER OP THE AOB An MfcatiObl aorrn of Wonder and l)allh l all. It Is Implo in conatiurtKiii.siiil vtbe nro irmisil to suit till pucket book whirctliei deiiialiil w(li cimMilo uj ioiyf ui ltuim.it liatuio uxUt. The liilrualuctlon of a K'W OrnpllliVlltines ueniaiwl fur KiCCBOi and fturi'l.usi Him a luniitouoa bmmi hi iu. ihuiuw aeeur lliv Ubaral'ProBls Wlilih wo olltwoif douleta? WflUTH FOR OATALOSUBTERMS, bto., TO Columbia Phonograph QoV, fri Cftvrf. . W. To.wor, M.D. ntVSlOIAN ANI),HlllttlK(N, OmImIiM'm'IVihMi ,V Vrlict ''IhSic Imll.l Ihr, W'lU'itr.vl, Mmtlinrld, Oivitn. Wm. A. Toy6k lMlceii-i,ililiHlu) l'Jiioniiu DNjcIj, tVun tittDi, MiuMiM l, on'itiMi. O.E.Smftii, 4 WliaiCAf ANIk MKCIIAMOAI. DIINTIMT OITn-rx in ,v lionl ftniun ici lint tlni iio-r, S.-nn. li"i ft HmliliVlmlldlnH, I'ikiu lrvil, M lifli'l., Ofrgmi, JrWTBonnoiTi ATrollNI'.Y A.NI fOl'NSKI.OU AT n LAW. OllworrlW llty iLitiV, 1'ii.nt lfl M,ri4i(lvlil. Ukkoii, AlTOlt.NKY AT 1..VW ANH II. . CtlMMIHSItlNint. I'lOlil IliM, M.llilillvl.l, Oirymt. John F. Hall, ATTOUNKV AT U Olluv In KlJortdu ti'iKt, hum lr, M4tliArlil, Oircn, I. Haokei'i - . Annitit.(rou Ooiiulllo Oily, lliv, Alx'trnftmif ijilo of rrnl iruirty 11 L'ixh roiinty furhlrlnil irnniitly. Ilnvt' it cl of idirftini'lx. MUIHUUJ 0(1 AT MRS. A. G. AIKEN'S. I lllihurnut injr tnllut HmU n .siir)l Mil htnunrr Xtcllrnr rl J rr t lit dkitunl A Irfrilitliw lln" n( iiliiinuil 111, lailuiliUKtuno fin1 itltrrni,Mltl Imi illtHncl i(. a'n IW'J) l' tMr Mil. Silo Hill (! in'ti.v IhuiMliy, June ijili. Dili ' l m HtKlIx mill mIo. nml l. Ilrl norilMh(rt Mill Ui iiitit l.t mli Allrr (Iwjrar liim (rxxit lh MlXU MILS A.O. AIKIV. (K &'' 'WCl JIT TAKES CARE. V cantiul Jlttji our rUnranl lip iu 1I14 lUnitinl o( tgiitljtiir t ilclrii lml ue ul It grral ilml yl one. We vi.iUh nil I)m lillW ilnH Milled nilil 10 luucli to Urn Comfort of Our Guests nnd help K tln)n,u;li'x In llie latlifj lej; if llKir iprlll(t. Our Kirlcc It rlmn, oiir ui'vunui iiioti alli.cll.o ,inj o-ir wlirr .ur ullfntlre. Voti will enjoy four iimxiW lirir. i4 5 KlMUNl.S& GAllltlltL. j riuiu Btrvut, 0iolto Il.iuk. 4' kV 3 z3. AGENTS WANTED lit each town to ildo and exhibit n Minnie 1901 model btcvclo of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE I0 TO 950 A WEEK betides having a wheel to rldo for younelf, i90IModtls8rA'$iOlo$l8 '00 & '99 Models .$7 it $12 Ukciiln liailaby our Cmcano retail Motr. AJ 0 SitM uuny aocl a new..., , We .lilp any bicycle ON APPnOVAL, to anyone triMoiii d cent iltpotlt in (Kivuncc and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. Vil; no risk lu ordering from tis, as you do not need to pay u ceut If the Mcvcle does not suit you. a whttl until you bare wrltttn tot our ricrnav men and rim itur iwira. ntircr Uto equaled and la guaiautM of la. our whttla. In racb town in dUttlbuU caUlocut for u la today for free caUloieua and etur ipcctal offer. in ecn town In dlatrlbuM cauioam MERCHANTS, ADO TO YOUR BUSINESS CRAPHOPHONE aro lino a community ay onto uruic. an inticuiin Why no. (Oeri'l)' SAN. FRANCISCO,. CAL.. I-- v', w