t tjjit' -"pr.' W erf !p T,V r.t" k r XT i r(,Hh i i :-U' ' vJ.jtfVi' & -ft-"- A-MI j? . !!5t$ijffl ?Mhrwt?sMw jggyf!!? imm m Iig .W" vf " ,, r 'tir , " v . f A ., I l " '. l I jtf 4rVlAM. -- '" 'if't$lt " ! i 4 1 "'. , j4...i..i . , f , XI -.-.HI IISI.I IMI'I . HMMtlM WW,. mrtwrWVr. OUH IXPHESIDENTS. - The dm Hi of 'flOhornl llnnlunn Jenvi'H Mr, OluVolnnd ua tho only Jiv 'JpK u-irwldoiit. and (lnro cannot bun ri-coiiil iii( inttf ni ctio curli- ''!. i on Mr. Cluiuland b'vtiino (irwilau In tl!W,vthoio wuru ihmi uxiiirvtid -uts llvliifi Oiuiii, Jlnyp mril Arilmi'. Turn of i!nm li,', wlllllrt 0 in niilm, JVimIiIu'mI IIm.m IIvihI unlir iHdil nml was for n ifnnt ;wirf, of tlio (lino nflvr Mr, Arthur's dentil Iho mil 11 In; fx-prcMiilunl. At t!iu outbreak of llio civil war, In mill, .i rcinnrl;nlilo ii.ihibor of cx-irwililon' who nlivo Vim llii- . 'rni, ut mi mlvniKtil iivj Trior, ulio fiMiiiHil llio t-nunu of I ho toulli; Pillniou, I'irrcu nml lliirlniimii. It rccined ni If lhoo Moil liiul Ihhii : puirct to irlliKMri tlio driinifitle out- inliiiilimi of tlm events in which Ihoy lmtl nlitved to I'Qiupiovotn n IiUtorlu port, Tiler iind Vnn Huron both tiled-illirliijr, tlicf "win? Tito olhor tliroo liU'd iomo yours nftcr lis clone. When Jjifuyclle rcvlsiluil (hi country In 181! I, although hi friend .Wnftliintun unit no more, lio found 'Adntii.t, .irliVfiiii nml Mnilloii, nil of Wnidilnuton'it succensors in thu )iri'lduntliil ulllco, Mill- Hvin VNIinl to tin with our t'XMrvB II" dcntii" must Imru seemed to lilin n serious itioiition, Of Into years our presidents Imvo not, iut n mli', long survived their term of service. Tlio ttniln of their olllco U tremendous oud appears to bo Increasing with tlio "years. Youth's Companion. tilt Car Tart Cane. Probnbly tlio most extraordinary rono in tills rouiilry is ono of (;oou ly proportions curried liy' Senator Jouiw, tho Nevada inillionnlre, nnd thu remon ho clinH to It nit loin clnutly hi ho doo ii nulto tiulnuu. Mnny yenri ni;o Senator Joiim, (lien tircsidoul of n bunk In San Frtuirlico, iturlcd to ride homo on a ulrccl car. When tlia conductor romo n round for tlio fare, Mr. Jonat dlieovcred (lint he was uilhout n cent, lie jrot off mid walkvd baik to the Ihujx, whero ho secured n handful of clmiijre. ' "I with I hud n wnltcbig tlck Hint would hold 100 nickel'," ho mid, "nnd thon n tiling liko this would not occur." Thin rcinnrk wat reprnled In tlio frcienca of Juiljjo (loodiviu of Hnlt jiko'Clty, who ntnrtcd n nulieriji. tlon io inirclnto tlio nickel lioldiu,; cbiio. ' A very linndiotnc wnlkiti tick of obony, with n lienvy ro hend,wa procured, nnd tlio inildc WAfl hollowed out nnd 100 nickels placed therein. Tlio cane vrai Inter Kent "to Washington, where Mr. Jones happened to bo ttiiying, nnd he enrrie it with lain to this day. Chicugn Chronicle. i i Pulllnn Ort a Table Function. K. W. Howo snys in tho AtcliUon Ololio that nt n recent dinner in 'Atoliinon n colored tnnn who former ly worked ns n paucuger brakomnit ,wns cinployod to call out tho differ cut po'oim nml iotlu to use. When tho oyster cocktmls woro rerved, tho colored man npncnnul nt tlia pnutry door nnd tniil in tlm voice ho formerly used in calling out stntionr. "Ueo tho small hnrnoon looking fork to tho right." When tho biscuits wenr brought In, tho man said: "Kvcry body look out now I Use tho bultor knifo directly in front of your pinto, not on tho eldv. Don't put your dinner kuifo in tlio hultur plnto." When tho cscalopcd flih camo on, tho bmkomun nnid: "Jlero is whoro tho best of them usually fall down. Uso thu silver nffnir In front of your plnto, It li n cross between n fork nml n upoon ml looks liko n scoop shovel witSi ono corner bonl." And bo on with tho different forks nnd rpoons until tho end. "It was n good ldcn; Kvcn tho men got through without trouble," Mya Mr. IIowo. i Concernlna Wlndews. II Is only in (ho apartments- of tho exceptional few that window must bo nrrnnged with reference- to u good oi(tlo(jV. Unless you livo on n squaro or n piirk or overlook tho river you aro not upt (o hivvo n pleasing oxpnnso to consider, nor uoed you study carefully tho interior of your room as part f a general lino of construction leading up to n particular view outside, us wlicu n wido window, for instance, onona di rectly on to a grovo of oult trees, Perfect frccdom-oi neccsS to Svlu dows docs not liavo to bo so enro- fully .considered in your nrraugc mont of things, suysUlarpQr'i'Jjn- zar. ioih winuuwa in, u iii Imngings, rpnlb' n lurgo part ot tho general fritmlng of tho room, as it wore, ns tho wiuln nnd tho dgom mo. ' r-ono moro panel' in ypur will sur laco to boilcporated according to uivon rules" Tho particular prob loin confronting tho libusokeopor, thon, 1 n question of tones nud lights, of ngrpcublo ulindta not only hnrmonizlng with tho .color? of tlio room nnd making tho Intorior hi which you mo temporarily housed, with its surrounding windows, nnd doors, ono qomppslro whole, every part blondlng niul bnlimolng villi tho olhor, but producing aa well n rcfltful imiuession upon you when you look directly townrd tho light. l'lmlrilclitliiK, I'listinul.od HklniliilU will -wcet 'i to 1S lioiii'H longC'r ljmull, uot iiuEteuflreQ. ' keep tlinn Tlio Kind You liavo AUvnyn in tino nr over .JO yrnru. W& iATTr, 'CUCU4i Altmtr All CotiniorfoK.i, Iiultntlonn nnd " Jiwt-nfl-jfood" no hnii t J5.ii)rltnon(8 Unit (rlllo M'ltll and omlniigor tlio liunltli of Inlunli nnd Ohildrcu Kxporlunco ittfiiliibb Uxiicrliiiunt What is CASTORIA ' Caritorfa In u linnnlcHi nulifltltuto or Crvstor OH, Pare Korlo, Droim mid fJnotliliur HyriipK, It 1m I'lcummfc. 16 coiituliifl nolthcr Oiiliini, Jlforihliio nor other NurcotJo (iiilJHtnitoo. Kit no Ih ltd rimrauteo. It ilex troy, i Wornm mill nllajH rovoilBlmos1). It citron Dlnrrluntx and "Wind Colic. It rcllovcn TcctliliiK Troiibhvi, curort Contltmtlou nnd IMatuloncy. It OMUlmllntvH Uiu t'ooil, ri);iilr.tcn tIioAi. Mtoumcli nnd Jlowulit frlvlni; Jienllliy nml lintitnvl bleep Tlio CliUilrcn'u 1'nuncca Tlio Wotlier'H i'rlciiil. GENUINE 13 oars tho 'tfMis&t C3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. 1h Tcouiir. it mBtneT. nrwncov. THE SILO QUESTION. in I. in ii 1 i -N 3RCWINQ tltiLICK IH THn VALUE Of GOOD 8ILA0C. krtr I'ntlprn In Jtodr llnuml TIIU lli.rtp vt V..Hil-Vlint U Clnli'iud Pur Tliln Htyliw SUnRa i Sumiarr rcil H Ucriiliitc Qanlllin. !u n loiter nrlntal In Hoard's nliy rwil Joliu Ooul.l of Ohio Itnit luo ful tiwlti: to Mr or Mm nmt II13: Hlli Imllitlin; In Nbiy VorU rtnto nujr now Ic tct ilawn na n rort nf mx It In CKllmntcsl tlmt tlio numlwr of otlot was (loutilot lu Hit' lust jrrar In tliv Mnti, nml tluMiutltutu-tluU dM list t;n io Ut rnrn rlk talk wn n rsro i ri:tlon. Tlio ilmuwlit last jr s'.iokmI Hie initio or Hl.iw nn nuvrr buovr, (i ml huw lo Imto'l otul'llll nnn (he m Knot iiumtlcii. It I UiM to W Jeat wlinl Id tlio -iavnt rrfUm,.f tint rutioO nml mjimiV;Ui). Ttxi ijTvu wltJi n ml mjunn or clRtit wjttflre illii. v!Ui rnuml. id corner, nrn rmlUlwl tlmt tlivj" lure tin l'l. but llici l houib cuiiii',aiut nlwiiit tlio Hinvu ullon, lioaiw jtnwl"e loncir In tti lirnt of iiuiim-riiutldmrrN Mirlnliltii; iind wurpliiK ami uot ijolly iiintcliliiir ttsaiti. nml koiiik Kt-ltnT;; tUiiiUr nml fnllltiB ilun, nml otliiTn tlllltiK to tlio I''"it (tie w.itit nmt (KctntletiH of lliclr owmm. All iiru nilmlltlwt n iuer U-frtre t!if nictfwliy nf tinrlUK the m!o nUnolulrlr nlriiroof mi nMtm nmt Mtom, nml to Kft UiU thu Mine llo nit l rnrWully built nml Kciit froiu nlirltikliiu 0111 In ilrr wi'ntlier. To our tnliwr, tlm Ixvt rouuil tillo i rw th of n jiimv imt lent, toiiml mnl with wooiUn lioo,)i. Tlienu Iioomi wtto mnilo ty fuiuu!n flvo 8 nul 0 lucli olin lxnU lula n horn tlm nilro of the ulio wnntiHl nml litiililni; Jiiliit until tlio hoop m nimlo 1111 of four UilcCnsr of lliw"o lionnls. ' well tmllrtl. with Iho i-lillcliiK well Inn ial. ,a'l0 nine boons were rlovutwl on n fraiiif to tholr rotncitlve ilaco. nml tho ontslilo icr wmi ut on, bncklPft It with heavy ImllilliiK iwper. Tho pllo wan llirn lliifil up limlilo with very nnr row 2)1 Inch (JeuTjjln plno llooiliiff. Tho jiapcr wns oiK-cteJ to Hprlnjriiwnjr from tlio outxlillni; nml Unit really form a, iloublo nlr npaci'. It wmiKI bo Impoeslbljur tlio lionpn tn expntul or eoutract, nml tho llnliuj would bo na perfectly kept In ptovo na oil tlio wn'U - , nrcnnrntloiis alaiply d.teU of tho pqtinre ello. for It Is n imntllnr-1 .p'garW'Ptaiiwitoi lly of CJcmnla plno to shrink nml swell wmcjjuiijfrototuoinembrmioniidiUcouj tery llttlo If miy 911 n ello vnll. 1 jx,caulng(farrooniacrioatroublotlin It wns tho .exfif rlenco ofjthi-iio men iho ordinary form of cslarth. AvoMeJlilry. tlint'iiot Tpnly wer.o tliwoboopi cheap lnf InlmUnU, fumei, amoVfs nml snuffs rr tlinn Iron otiea. but they ilhl not slvo m wo that vWou cIcmims, soolbea and or contract, ami the Inside ccllliw wits' , KSb o"r nlwnys n t.r.ht . jrljtn ludll ,, tho Jm . roUnU gafa-ft. ug III in iinlllng of liialdo nud oujaUU 1)iairJa for 10 cnt. All drBKtt -oil th walls inntle lliom.rlRlil nod stnblo nllil coc.x,, niyllrotUaw, 60 Warren Bt,,N.Y. Iinposslblo to rack or wiup out of aliapo, iji, jubn cauch wllkcut twin, iloea nok nn tlio Iroii liiiopifil ello Is so llnblu to 4o Irnlato or cano noeshig. It tpiPMUIUeU without iHiiutnut ntlentlon In tho smn- over anlrT!lat.iUndBim'yufw,rclloy. mer. Tlioioimhly ptolrclert fimn tho , InrrlmmcllAUl llw jwliiful IniUmniatlou. wenlher, tho hoops would bo very la-it Iiir. nnd It looku to u fellow up'n inn) ns If thh wooden hoop mleht bo n hint of n coiiiIur aojuiloi) of Ihu tub or lnvo ulio problem. 'i'lioro U no doubt (lint tho summer silo Is on trial nnd Id to bo put tluoujiV Its pnees lu solvln;; the kuptty .problem of W'lmt ulinlt I muumvr1 soil wltli.l livery Jtwiu whom I linve- mot the pan) wlulcrnvlib Iwh trloil lhi;o bpUIiib I womlerfijlly coitlbb'Ut tlmt llio cpio crop rn"leil n yenr In'ndvnneo niul put Into n anmil, bep Rlld nml kept over to llio followliiR Bummer la tlio Ioiir look cjl for nnswer. Tho usual soIUiir crop Is wholly ilcpemK'iu upon tho season A, dry or unfavorable Benson mnkes Its mark upon tlia cnlch ej-oiw. nml. (is wnn tho j-iisq Innt fiensqn, tho ulfnirn wns tho only cnily nml tulJnuwDior crop tlmt nniounteil lo nnylbhiR lu cup plying u ilnlry. Tho com crop Hint wna planloil on Koivl RroumV with a liberal mipply of decnylUR liumun nml freipiently eultl vnteil na nhullow as possible piilloil through uud Hindu n line stnnd, nnd 011 hiimlieils of ilnlry farms tt wan the only crop that did pull tniouuii, ami ny -' - ... II die fnrinor was eimliltil to winter bl II I die inruiar wun i'iihuhh iiv hi- nlry. Heio emues lu tlm viltn of Um uiiinier Rllo, A iioinl year llll the silo or tlio nu,t uumuit'h ilrouhj jiinl.ln- d mini for .t... ..... ..Anliial Um riinl'ful 1rv 1.... .1... .. ....! ll.. I1I1. mnln litU my ui uiu tuna huh . " - 1,1101 WUO OUl .(ill .UUiu iv. i Boiigli ntirt tvlilrli Imo Jcea iirm bornn tlio nl-nuUiii-o of ,, . nmt Iiiih T)con mndo under Iilu jicr CSJVa ...V.' . noiiiilfittilirvlklon uvn tin inniiiRV. tin riitn In i1ltrn vim iii iUi. ALWAYS Signaturo of Our Jlornl Orotrlli, V?a rrow inornllr nn wo Uvo In tbo prvwiieo of a forbliluVn tlilnjr, nul yet ri'ttrnln ourwlvee. In that Rnrun we tocm Mill i llio nml tlia iliolco com on fofrri'r Utwrcu I lit' dnrkniiu uud tlm l)Blit.Ilcr. Dr. J. a ITirtley. Uapllst, WVjitiiott. Knn. "tlw Vnw Nlcl luf ll'Jf MHJgll l I.Kiira U Dim-Mhui.-l'(iUh ( ur nviiW me A ell nMn." KwrHNHiT. NmiIi Mmlfaiil, N. II. nwwriviiH fot iJirti( (.-oma iuMxrn m.Ii. ilm'l ilirrfr ! Jllfulfl Ccuch Clue mi mfl Uhi.imU nii-t l xlll rUre jou. ih'l Mitt. ( t ll) Dine htwr. Sif Itimr SVnl 1'iir "ot. Ntnrly vwn luriiirr Iid iiolktil His rotr li.u'.tMiiii- I Iiih la n Imb't ttmt nmily nil iiiu-n lmM'1 Tlio tiysicin rinli'H tor IhiI'i iiiiiiitI.tI. In I'll ill ,cai" tlii iinv liuulil eft n ti'nuixMnful of lini' mi-til hi n llinu In bruii iimuli tuliv a ilny fur n ffu- vii!i. '' iMnsrr, illMi on.! ilr'ii WIow nT;lftt ol thJnwn? U. t'w UuW IIIV I Jilt lUilr Itlx'l to uvuUlo them r.J )vu will (M )rui lo)(irllo Mini l.la lu jiMir )r4it. y lu lVe, uccril. Ccoi Uiy 1iuc Mo Thft Vfteplng Laurel. In me i-'irner of the Cnnury is In rd lliirif i n tree of the laurel fi'M.ly (lu! run down ociiuiottally, in the rt.y moruiiig, u copious titonir f ii-.-t. or wator drops, ,'rMu it IwfTihl fo'ingo. Thi water nf.wi coIIm'U nt tho foot of tho treo niul foritiH a kind nf pond, from winch. t tic ii.hiibitunts 01 the neigh horiiwid ran supply thenirelvcs with a driuk'.ddo bevemgo that is abso lutely freh and pure. Mr. linir tlrown of I ulmiouih. Vr.. orr 90 -r ctn iiffcmt fcr rn with a tail ornn W '' ltiii.iii vuMnotlirlpIiinii WWi Wllch llnrel mU cured Iilm..pcrnuneullf. C001 IViy Dros 'lofr. Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrluca when your bowels arc out of order. Case-nets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. V .'lib 1 ly' Cream Mai in jou nro anuei) (net Ii'atal Cttarrb aud Hoy Torcr. p(plnet - A Ocvernar'e Pledges, v A J'okyo newspaper icports tho follojvinfj to bo tho throe articles of fnjtu' which Mr. Onodu, governor of theJMiyaxi profneture, has selected forhis cuidnuro nnd rule of conduct wliilo.dUclmrslng his hbjh func tiun.i: Arllolo I. Not to full in lovo with any woman in tho locality ilnder my JurWdlclliMi. Avtido lT"Not (0 incur (lobls. Avlielo J 1 1. Not lo buyJiousei or land in tlio locality under my ju risdiction'. ittuxmsmmvm&a Te-fimm Then tho baby Is most like ly nervous, and fratiui, ana doesn't gala In weight. i ei. n M9.r tt - ' n-BiiBBiiii ut a ol.VILV c n,nssMiivivsi ! is the host food and medicine j, Jj l j for tee,thhtK bauies. nwyi train from the start, ' d.i.l fnl.it free slllltllttfi n HCOTT& JiOWNM, CUeuilt, Ll JWlJlS fvOtl 6trt, ... hmWXK. r ' 5vc. nua l.oo;ll unigsin. StjMik'tSJlKJlik Old i -1 M Rolialilo; Firm, E,BrDea'si&Co. ' l C. II. .lERCIIAlT, 5S t coiislniilly milling lulu ilooK (iffljinertilMcfi-'liiTFi"- JlM'nlrciidy Hut jr;eit lu MnrthJU'hl. When ou buy nt tlm Mill Hloro.) on know the gnmls nic (lrrt class niul llio pricn nil rlyjil . AJ1 kinds of lumber and building material, , food and sup plies" at wholosal and rotail The Dunham ; VERTICAL FECO SEWINGMAOHINE. 1IKST MACHINR OK j:auth nut Tin: riuci: NCNK MlCTTKIt JIAI1K AT ANY Por Sale By QllRlSTENSEN .JOHNSON, Furniture Dealers. J. U. Iis. Practical Photographer g MAHSIIFIKM). OKKGON. The only firit class Gallery Jin Coos County. Alt IVorlf lViirrnnlcrt. 'VISIT UK. jgHOAN' OKCAT museum of mmm 1111 cum it., ui nuctifi.f xl. Tit U'ttl AuiU Utmm W IM ktMMla M Iftt CM. Lit 4 rra. C ft. 00RDAM-DISUSES OF tN( ttdkftl riM t" ltls riMHra 4 . na, BBBuni. f ItMp m f lf"t A I ttUlwrfiu A CajtktLkA rA ! utifitittlt. TrtBMlr i kUUUUCB UtlUUlKU. (AlliuU(laa lf r 1 viiiw y OB. JOROAN Ii COtOSI Wtrtlll.VF. Mason and tho Map. Senator Mnson leaned against the weather map in tlio marblo room of tho sennto ono day and wiped off half tho weather report for tho United Slatci at one swoop, Tho weather man saw what happened nnd begnn lo jump nbout wildly. "What's tho inattcrj" asked Sen ator Mnbon. "Nothing," replied tho tvcalhcr man, "except that yon liavo tho" ell inato for nil of tho Uuited- States vest of tho Mississippi on tlio back pf your coal," l)yfi-illcc.innal l long llvd became tnllvo rcqutir nouiluimrni. lootl l not ii9imtiins until II ft (llgcslrd. A illtorJercd itonwch r.innot dlgwi food. It mmt liac aulmnor. KoJol I))icpU Cure digolt all Llndi of foxl wliUoul nUUioin ilia tlomadi, ul towing it :o rvtt nml rrwln lit natutnl fur.elloii. lurlcimuUum e. nelly tho wme n iho naliiml illstle tluM and it tlmiily tau'i lichi but do ou Eoil. Coos D.iy DiugSturc, A Whopper. In a lcttor received hero from Herman Kochlcr, formerly in tho bakery business in lliia cily'nnd jiow a resident of Dawson CHy, ho tolls of tho killing of a mastodon in 'Alnskn. Mr. Koehlor Bays: "Un on tlio forks a big mastodon was killed ufter ho had demolished a hotol, aovoral houses, toaJed- doga and hprpos into tho air and cajisod mon to run for Uicjr lives. o M'aa nt lust killed by nn electric Mriro which ho fried to mill down... Ilia ekin nlono weighed 1,100 pouuds. Tho skclolon, which is 15 feet high, is now on cshihition. V)no tusk wolkh od 217 pounds.' Tho town in wjiich ho was -killed IookfltTjia if it Imjl boon visited by- an Earthquake," Sun Diego Tribvluo. v 'tvi r ' :.i'T wVitfBM . d ,t ' tr '. Wf.lKd Kutns Mnil W,(f, Hou mg . Oirgf . ' Notlt It lif rwlij" BW thlt In compiuwct!ih bt lirov tlani nt llr nil (! toncitil M Imiw 1. il7S.i!mlIV(l"6iiBctfor Hie nfe of limUf (,10llii.llir-llr ut GnhfotlM, Oltf.cn, Tier' di.nml'Wii I ineii'ti Trirlinry. m rilrriilel lo nil lt I'liMW IiiiiI Hum by ci of Aujpitt 4. I'yiifiUiuinlM'vtHir.. of 03tn.iV Wtintyi i.( AJilin.l. Him for Trrilintvl tit Wltttinun. I..-VI Ifill il4t Will i lM cflicr hi iweln Mlc iiwnl Nik fjii, lor iImi ptirliui cf Ido M'.H o( Snllvn ;'. 31 In TuHiflilp Ho. aj . Knnjtc No. ij 'rt, utijl v)IOft 3of to, $htnf tf tit llm LiimIjc.iuIiI I moieril)Ml)t(r for U tlmlcr rtrlonlli.'mffiiiifc(lliifAlpurpooi, nnd lo tifcil.IWi lili eHlni 10 raid Uml Ulou llw Krfiff Irfnnd Kotrivrrcf itilicfiiceal Kowlmri;, tr., gobon UVilntkljy, ilu; aUidiy nf July, loof lfi ii.1inr.01 alinntrai CunllatlAr. War. rni Ifritrjr r.f O.iiwnri, Orffion, Junrt ll(itiln, I'rier Kollr of OJ.mjIi, WlKonwiu Any and nil ncton cUlmfnir ailvrrwly lt.e mve-ik-M Mini wartime rwirtito 10 in iikii cfolmt In Mtofli(e on or lieforr mM atli oVtyov J. T. IlKIIOR, HrgUttr. 1 TlillIKIH.ANl),(TJUNK 3, lfl7fl, riOTICK'I'Olt l'UM.IcATid W, 1. .ic Un(cil Huici tanil pfTic, Uoiehurg, Orrjoo 1 May 9, toot, I Notice l titrrliy s'ren (hat la ccmfhnre with llic trotl,lon cf llirict of Confteu nf I use '3, iSyS, enllilrtl "An act for itm al of timber landi In ihf BUto of Cnlltemb, Orrcnnj Nea. di, and Wnibfntlon Territory," ai titecded to nil OieVaWi I nod .Sulci tir act of Anj(ill A. ieo. TaUM HAkKIKX. of 6d.in.1li, count of AOilind.tale (of Territory) ol Wiiconiln, ha tl.lt day filed In 1I1U office M tvoril Hjlrmetit No, ijoj, for lh purch.iie of llmNKK of Sec linn No, ai In 'I'aamlilp So.lis, Bange No. 9 No.iS r 10 iho1 U eil.vdiid Mill pfTer proof lo ihov Ihflt lite land loufht Ii nioir vnlitaliie for III Umber cr itono li!e l Ipurm tdan furairlcullnral mirnotet. and lo establiih lillclilm 10 MldlinJ before ttc Kcglittr amf Rixt Iver of lliH cITH-e at Row btitg, Oregon, on tvcunvuLiy, uie 14m aay 01 luiy, i'r. Un name M wilneri: Grant 'I avlor, 'nri ret Iksttly of tfolliml , Orrron. (icOire l IVInte. I'eier Koluof CKIumIi. VUcontln. . Any nnd nil roiii cLilmlne adrerly the abore-drtctlbcd landinrereqiifiledloflle their clalmi In thlt oHics 00 or Moie Mid 44th iLiy of July. 1901. (. T.KlliOKf, Rrgiilrr. TIMIIKIILAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTIC'B FOR PUBLICATION. United Slatel I juid Ofr.ce, Itoictiurj;, Oregon. . Juno ao, I901. Notice Ii lirrtbyjlren that In'conipliancewllli the nroTliloni of lh net of Conxreti of tune 'i. iS;-3, rntllled "An act for the la'e t limber ln,1. In ... V, nf rullf.Ml. n.M.AM. Vaft. da, and Wnihlngton Territory," ,i emended tc all tlie labile iJOd State by act of Aueut . 189a, AAaovA V.uc. of KcMburr, county of uougui, niair (or lerruory; o urecon, iuuiiih day flk-d In Dili ortice hit morn lUtrrnent No. int.fortlve purchme-of toe NWV of Sectloa No. a6ln1onlilpNa3 S, lance No. 0 Wot, and Will offer r.roof to iIkj that the land tought it more valunbto for lit timber or atone limn for ai Icuitural purposes, or.u to eiuiiiuii liiiclalei toNOdJand btlbre Ibe Krciiler and Krcelicr of lhl olTice at Koirliurt. Orroo, 011 Saiurdar. ihrint iLit of Aotuit. loot llecumeiat Mltneue: Umnt Taj lor, of uaklaml, Uirpn, jncnari . bak-jt, iiarry Durand. of foftbnd, Orriop, Udard it. Law leal, of Kovburf, OreOii. Any and all rwn dalmlnc pdrenely the alnre-detci licit land are requetteit to file their claim in this cOtce on or bclore (aid -jiudiy o AujuM, 1901, .T. llaiur.M, HriHlcr. 6-31 TI Mil Kit LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTICK i:OK I'UHLICATION. United Suiet l.tndOfTice, Rowburjj, Oregon. June so, 1901. KoIcc U hereby five that la compliance. llh the p'ottiiont of intact q( ConerrM of June 3. 1S7S, cnt iM "An art for the t.ilc of HmU-r land In the Male of Cnilfonili. Orecon, NerA- di, anu Wathlncion lenilo-j, a fxirnocu 10 all tlie lubll l-ind SMtr by acl of Aufutt 4. If9j, HbwAkti M. Utvuu, of Koeburs. county of UoukLk, Slate (or Terrltorj) of Ore., son, hat thu day fiti-d In thlt oftice hit iwn ttitement No. 170a, for tlw purcruu of the N U K of Section No. a6 in TovnthlpNo. aj. Ranee o, 9 'ct, and wllluher proof to tbow lint the bind touch! u more valuable for lu Umber or (tone than tor jricutimal purXet, nnd to e t.itliih hit tUini to tnld land before the KegUter and Reeeirer of Uilt office at Rcucburg, Onxon, on Satuidiy, the 31H day of August, 1001. Ilonanu-aat viitnetie.' Olant TMjIor, of OnVbml. Orrron. Aaron A. Welt, of Roteborx-. OrrRon, MlchcalS. Liuleu, llarry Q. Odrand,' of l-crtuna, uiecon Anv ar.dallpenont cUlmlnK adverttly the above-described Limit are rrquettrd to file their claimt In thlt office on or before talJ tut day of Augutt. 1901. J. T, Ilmi;r.i, KrgUter. vO-33 TIMllKULANl), AtT JUKK 3, 1878. NOTICK VQU l'UHLIC'ATlON. . United State I-ind office, R'jtrburg, Otrgon, June so, 190L. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with ibcpiovUtongofthaacl of Congrrttof June 3, 1878, entitled "An net fyor the tale ol timber tandt In the Sute ot CnlifomU, Ou-gon, Neva. 1I.1, aDd Waalilnglon Icintor)," a mended to all tl 1'iibik: Und.Suitn byact of Avgiut 4, itai. I.KKY U DUKAM), of 1'ottLuid, county of Multnomah State (or Trriitnr;) of Oregon, hat this day riled la thlt offico lift torn state, ment No. 1703, for the purchase of thaSWjf of Section No.34 in Towntblp No.3S, Kjinh'e No. 9Wi-Jt, anJ will ofler proof 10 show that the laud toughl It more valuable fur ii limber or (tone than for ogikuliuipl 1 urpovri.ar.Jto ettabliih hUcUlmloMldlandlirfoie the Krghler and Receiver cf thlt office at Rstrburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 3llttJay orAugtut. loot. Ha name at witneaiet: LdwardM. Utlctt, AaionA. Wclk, of RoiebunK Oiegoii, MIchrAl S. I.ileu. of roriland. Oreaou, Urant Taylor, ol O.ilUnd. Oregon. Any and all peruint cVlmir,g adirrtely the ntxiCHletcfllioU.niJj arc requeued 10 file their ililnit (n lh.it orlice on or leforc raid 31H iby of AuguM, 190?. J. T. Ukiiwks, Regltter. f3a . COAST MAIL Clubfjinjj Rale Pub lisher price Tlie COAST MAIL $J 00 S.m VmncltcoSundaylluUclIn 1 30 " " Wevkl) Chronicle I 50 " " "' Examiner i'$o " " , " Call t 00 Chicago P " Intci Ocean 1 00 New York " 'frlbimc 1 00 " " .Trl- " " 1 50 St,l.oiiisSrmi. ." Olobo-Uvui 1 00 Dally Capital Journal, 3 00 With Cats! Mail ja 50 a S 1 8s a 50 a 3S a 35 a jo a 40 I -I" A Luncheon Dish. Iloil half n dozen eggs 50 min utes, drop into cold water, peel and kenn vynrm. Mako a thick border of qood, well seasoned tnnshed potatoes iirouud tlio edge of tho platter, press tho eggs into tho border, points up, 4iid set in a hot oven for thrco min utes. Fill tho center with sttjing boans boiled and buttered or young carrots stewed in mutton brolh or brussel tsproivls boiled very tender; or tho filling may bo of cold meat cut in dico and heated with a canof button mushrooms. Yhntevor it ia ndd it quickly, garnish tho bqrdor outside with sprigs of cross anjl servo very hot. ThTs,Js a substantial dish fog lunqhoon or supper and not unworthy consideration for a Su,u- any (ca. ,0 nnox IhtKWYWtiiWaWWUBHW , . . , . ( U .7 TflifiJlefi(lctrlfrlnJ)rirfiiienkittrcli(tMiiKAH WMk.SMif.tffHitftfJU fJIfullMicxiflni etie of xyk ol4t unci larFesttWI'JrYfffef. HotJeOR on tho CqsC,oUciiii supply evory ilsHiarTrT' cqiml l P ISAjtlnrii Uetlarllllfnt mffs l' . H 1 ..h !--.. A Wo fillW,' flit llHj.flnrt liilifr, nn liltrrwt tn the btliiifm , (hrnngh 'Ortlr o piircharn of fliHrpr nf M&tteA &&, it'nil wltlpli nri! UKMiilflaxi by lUmZ PlrtrjKCSllwner'lh iririirel()OTylrt4jr'ii)tit.rrn)tHMnif " -M . A ' T1, In a heuut fiiVn.fH'willf. llVfifnr.AI.4n 1fl uj ( i .'nollf SI " H ,7,f,..r.....r.y...j-. ........ . rehiiLa fnieniHM'ntirt'lKiiWiI ltlitrs illmllcil tliuoonl. Xt ttjwulirtfoh tfmoly 5 nmlo f'l'l inprefltlre bnnM, comlticleil 011 1111 ineui(Ki. r . DKALKft ivriinnrpflii sir nnriin 1 irs. ni j S M&.gH&'-OA&'B. STORE, InooipratSt . r Otrncd nntlpportilcil by IlAKr;avJ, nndll. A. Smitii, the ofJbilg f foanddrs of the sttlfa In 187U v , , 4'5 " Latent Designs of Wall Paper. Room Mouldings, Varatslie, JltiHlfdaV't and ArtistA' Supplies. . ' ' '" Nason Pure Mixed Paints a"Sreoialte J HOUSE AND HION r.UNTJNO. (jltAININO, TLAIN AND.DHqOBATlVK; 1'At'KItIIANOINO. -,.'. Orders Promptly ,Fillcdv C:0:D GR&CERY A full IiriOqrclioioesi-ooerfes, feed, flour, lum nnd bneorf nltviiyaon hund, freah ffuIu'unJ regeUbles receirel oa oyerjr-slcitncr. ij. HIQhfmGT.fjfrlCE PAtD.FOH PHODUCE. BUTTEH AND MM. 7rtf DfHvfry 7tUpbit Dirt 44. SA TE1SORMAL SCHOOh MONMOUTH, OREGON. foe Mny Knave Too allien. "Do women who haTobAd the nd Tnntago of ndvanccU education mako Kootl wires'" oaVeH tlio bachelor thoughtfully. At this the benedict took Ulta to one Bide, whoro ho could speak, confiden tially. "If you over arrj"," tie sld, "and find occasion to franio up a rat! good txcuip for n protracted session at fb club, jou will discover that It Is pos slblo for a woman to know too much." Chicago Tost. "WASTE NERVE" One of the mott lielpful book on nerve weak sett eer Utuot I that enUtlcd "Nerve Watte," by Dr. Sawyer of SJn PratKbco. no In lit SJth IhouviniL, J1il. oik ol ao expitieoced and repuubk phyiklan I laasreeablc contnut to tho vatt tuni of tUe leaching which prevail on this Ipibortant vljct. Jt abound In carefully con iidered nnd practical advice, and ha tho to c,rt--t merit of bdom and tincerlty. It Ulndorted by both, the reliftiou anil tccuiar ItliSWUUlll pro. llieCtilcigoAavancetayt; -actu,- of the book and U' application of its principle will P hcAllh. Hope and heart Into lboand ot Ec. dut are now ufferiBg tbieHh ncnoiu ImnalfnienU" I book I. !.. by trull.i-ottpald. ,e.o,,hect,.n,c,e,.,g . ut ..-.i tut. on ervt.c anu ier aoflwa-r" "" rNIVI'T TOfJACCOSPIT I JLJ 11 I SKjIiM OKB Yi caa be cured of any fonu ot tobacco u.la iiSaiyT to rnaSo will, strong-. Bitruetle. full ol new life and vieor by takiDK "'ifl' ' that mak west .men strong. slatqr If Mini k' a ten cave' IKMwp4 ilea go Yho Ubiquitous Irish. Tho following obituary, which ia rjublished in tho Dublin Daily Ex- jiross, iu 6uch a romarkablG instanco 01 tlie uispcrsion tu tuo ansu un over tho world, that wo, mako no apology for quoting it 83 it stands: "Gcraglity. Accidcntallykilledat Johannesburg, South Africa, John Gcroghty, aged 37 years, s,on q( Tut rick . Gerashtv of ltoscoiuinon, vbrothcr ot Goorgo and Kotlo Gcr oghty, Koscominpii, ana urotner. o; James Gcrpgbty of Vrctpria nurt of William Gcrogltty of Galwny und of Putor. Patrick and Martin Qocajfhty 'M New South Wales and of Annio Corley of Suva, 1-iji islands. lJooniy rcirrcttpd. R., J. P. LondoalOlobe. r - $rrfy i Tor luikats aai CUUim. TiwKWYwHayiAk.NW .. 0 ! n Sears tuo jlfafttHr.o,tfJ printed tcparately a a jample chapter, ana wui " "'"',,' .. J , ... . . ; bTentto;nyaddretforttampC)ithepublUhe. CATARRH wheri Degkxted 6ften lead "to - X RTJiSne rub: Co.. Ito. etjs.. Francuco, CONSUMI WNVNUFrLKS- M re ' T ;youIf)ouuteUatece. It Unoonfinayrew; f , nouuds in ItU aays..ujcT ama.mmm Z!r . "-. . " I 7 a. a i. All flrujaw. ur Kuaranieu uooj . J . I.JE..U.I .Jl... LWDI IVI1 .. CO, Chicago or K.v Yoik. 4W rmjSLTB r 4-"" -" l ' 1 ...,.. . . . -..I uiontlilir 1 fw.'wo .,., j,, , ,,,,.. . ..-. H. I ... R , V HIVIflAMII II r.. ld.ul liWMr. .-..,... v.. 1.1 fttTire ... tm Hit HiTcMnifiiitlH. n. ilrlstly Oah I(mIbiii1 ekwg r,jf C 1 r w 7 t .. Jf j mzit tra c 1' -' '. : ... l ' ' " . , . INi- f - '.. f . J". .'u fUiSt "Fronf St., Marsh fkldnfe "f; r-rt' - i iv f '.ii y ' DJfANn FOR GRAnUATKStTha deraaivA graduate of llta Neemal SahooU dnrIK the put rlwt been much lieyond the tupplr, . IMUlonwUhfroml4aoilo j5.oopee linAi ' KTATK CERUKlCATliiJ SA UU't-CkitA:. Sladentt are prepared for the State KiamtnatloM,' and rvndHr uke Stale capers on cradaatlea. Strong Academic and l'rofeuloaal Coarw, . Weft eojulppid traMaz department. ' Eawinly range from iaa.oo to fijJBO per .'ear. Viti ten. . , r open Sept. 17th. For aUaSogua coauWag fuf announcement, aduVesa. , ' " " P. I.-Cami'Mi-u., rrai ,- or , , ft J. W. V. RVTUCji. Seey, r WOHTHY tUCQgtKWr: ' Somethliw New Unsfs'r, 'i. . The lun" ' AH Doctor have tried to curs CATARRH Kjf the ne of powder, add gaiet. Inhaler ami drat In pane fom). Thdrpcmdeii'drr up tM mucaou laerabraees eaatlnc thera to crack opn. and Weed, Tlie psarrfl ac-ida wed ifi tiw h- ' hater hive enlWy aten aay the Maw neat Ua net that tfletrma.er have alawd to ewe. whHepateand ointment cannot reaeh bp dkeatr. An oh) and experienced pnctklenn who bat for many year vtade a clow tludy aa4i tplcUliy of the trcat'itent of CATAtt'Ri t. ha at latt perfected a. Treatment ulifch when faldtfuljb) ued pot only rcliewt at once, but permatk-uttg cure CATARRH, by removio)f the came, ttep pins the diacharge, and curing alt InfUmmay lion. It I the only remedy "kDOw'h to acfcnee thAt acwally renche ih? afflicted part.' Thl wonderful remedy It known as "SNL'FFLE the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURB' and I told at the extremely Ut price of DoHar, each paeLaca containing internal a camnai itHinki-uu aaiian it iiui w - , . - -- n.Atnlaa XILnt f.AI Ml tl tMAMf-lt ' , 1 .. . T irmimpni sinii prrrviiiinir i in i uj sia imti - i " - t , "" .-...ouji.'e "SNUra.r the only perleet CATARRj CURE ever made and U now t-jH t only safe mt potlllvo cure for tljat anojJ..r and dlfgutting di6e' It cure all inSama: t 7 r ' : edv. but n comskte treatment which U potf- thely e"rantced lo cure, CATARRH Is anj fo,niort.iRefU6edocoidlirlolhe,iHftIon3' .....--," ".--" ,, ' ""'. but X nd for it nt once, and write full parlieulasj at to vour ooniUikMl. and vou will receive seecni T 1 .. . -. . . . 1 suvhc jroiii iw uimnn y. ''. re . i . t . ll .1aa..a jt sKIa j1aI-i41 medy lesardlnS ltur rose wlttiout cml to jroi . J l)ondllcregtiUrprlooor,,SNin'Vl.JiS" tliei -fj t ............Pli it'SuDII ftlllll.11 . J. "UiiiiKrtrvtur.t'UAixnit v.w. j, Senttwrraldlojiny address In the Unlt4-A Slate or Canada on receipt of re Dol'ar, A4j dreta Dept, E6j7. BUWIN K OII.KS COMPANY. 33o and 33 Market Street." Philadelphia. Dyspepsia Cur DiaeiOj what yoii eat. . Tkl8'j)r.eparatl0B cotiUtM nil of. Ui' dlMabuite auddlgU all klwU sjKy Kodol ma Bm.nwv Btaw..Bmr nxes . r ",. ., . f 'ood. ItglvealnsUntrolUfao4sNj T ratia in cure, il aiiowa vou io tm mi x toe loouyouwaai, xue buhmiwu nomacna eaa ie,n. .jay im cl7lTkterVrfiRfnj( eiM MM. xu-avabCr tnruliflOBOf (MM Ut4 aoe jrelUvlogall dlt? atWr oMIm Dl ofljig uu.nBoe3ry, ?lwat to tutf: HmmM'thalm ' HtiyMi 4TR H.wAnYtWWsjMt i.A " ,. '31 i 76 a w ' -jeV '1 v-fif 1 V . -1 r ", i .ON? n - ." I r- r " iM 14 X I 4 t M k "l ys 'x ' tx am in - r ' r . tj "to1 " U'!r fcHEi Sr 'M . A"- f isowk,.i'. i ..Ui. 9