yw" v ,.r ' 7 S3 XX I? 3P -Lj E 1WT.TT! 3ST I 2 ' t 3 .; r:iv' -'l .' P I Coast Hail. MAKKtlFIKM), MALAY IEUEF IN CHARMS. , ' n , . ' b . "- : " ouKrfoN' WBrm"- P"BATJLT ..., t .. . imipi m wtwiit.w. '" Jniemlayjaalfmocliereriaiba, SEATED HIS TALE. flla ffi " J utit ipvvn , Jv rvfuv w luniiiw liouiM,and kports a tiger claw T. PHHiEER MARKET vr. i r t M Ei G. Flanagan,' Proprietor.' l '" Marafcitol.lt rma. . -'H: wnV'He fatr in'tfca tittniatlan SrVln house .and sports a w;tVT!ft.- -Mutton, Beef, Pork;' Canned Goods, .Groceriea ,ffWi?.TrsVT3!7riY,?'?ll.T!!: "' f" '"I'l r,"' T-T.: ."' .'jMMif, ,vBttJt3)HAAtJ. KtO. -.!, a ivreav .na, aajii . ' " - " " " tWp-jirhapjr$id wsro iUu(lln'J when be enter iity co-HW.awaiiuig we arrivat,ai a " wa "J "4. enemies . ioaeaj, ami iMwiusnui jaey von bb JL lk..A.J .... .... ....I 1 A. kMM M1U iMMkl'' i lawaiui. mi un mui Mjn Bin ii piviiui . V.-.1-l r n .11.... .!..-. I.. .'.,.,.. IT1.- WIIIWHI-1 LU, Hilar av.BIUIIU ll MIB. Aim aBBBBBBBBB i null coueci: titer waiiow aero tMnww-io,, .i.-..... the ,1 1?gfc?rjr, $b& Oo to the right, so to. eat;, the tewipeetT , Go to the right, all my --..:. T. . 1 " m ' . . - a - atrrel'tar to tarry -1 hero iibl un.iuw h. lucv.uuron toUhal effect, but find (h ahiu' "flatly" apcarait're of" falbitlcnl who live Ih "our rooirtu itlUth,, tlio tea, .in. I." -' ' L ? Ifft. J Ai. tli' 1.(01 ilItcuUlhA affair? Whn about to bacin an dcjAanl . of'tlio'hoiwfclHiIJ'a UtUe riawull hunt, according to riiomrnion. bo M)trouii.vrUhta.,larKi,iitliUM4 tliU clmrm"; "Tlie eleikAut RniMi.-thtt.ri'ecpMolat'iMgjIlM.viUistrunipvtii lie'wallowa, acrow tha iiunllAr.hxra tiOHlalnlngwatcbw.. klakc. (Jo to tliOtlait, go to the right, VMixtcr," hu mid to ,tbo ff ntor uplrlt, of gnmtifatttcr (the eUphant). ., itiwnbcr oMhe.HlOo fniy, "won't 1 looie ho flngeM upon the ,how you ji!rniJ(J bliynomu inntchof wo tr!ng.t' iMfjfa for n nickel. I wan.o g?t ThuMalay MIqymIb witcheaaud nidu pair of aliocit." ' 'witchcraft. There kthe bottle iAp, v liiiu'Kiaivat,a ;oi inu two jounc the traiong, wricii ieeui.PH ju owr ., finlcinaJrertenlly turned .towsrU'cr'a blood till the time coint for it Iih Iwiv'tf (rft flit nnr urlilln not. xtrT lata luuitutna at an Mtm. bbicki-ned now by thb refute of theTbtm there, k tlie horrid thisg, the fi nMinnii Pirreia, were proiruuiogrt)aGHiDgaianwnK:u-pe(,wn women, 11 omi n much worn leathern eofS FirouentlV it Ieavet iti rightful ring. "HiiTHoimfJaek," f. ,,IV....I.1. ' who. i on kiiow iiiatclfwhMi I wan Jack imm1owr ittto.the depllrt of- around hi trouper pockctsi anU. finding 5 fiucli V1tt'H ( t'i.nni a t .f. -;. ! reweMJraajiarCaMaMi aHI m aHir m t Getting Together: ' - 4 ? You'd like to have harm' ay biW- jtweBf the otalm'i I dikt tit my ' liratanil the meat Itaelf. That It luit What. I aire. I don't claim one . lthlnf and then dUappoiBt you. My "ineatiareall right tlial'a why I am ' , fa glad to reeommenil them. a'rhMdtJaliilCaS' MErmf MLMi fttft MAM Sfrcef,' Tkm III. .'-' alo!e to fly away at night to feed on a-fc-auu.-Mk-lam,-W'-U' - - - -' t," ild the voungC. bleod.iUkiBg the form of the. head , . k - i r Jih you ncrcr have ait and intealinee of the pcreon it in. rTQ&n rMSlfl rorrf.' n J habited, la wWch ekape it wandera Ij ,W,H UIVWU,S (nio.iue depute oi - arounu., a. , Qj. ." (, ta and. flndlni 5 Ruclt belief ay perhaw have ? vr Tha Model cUkery, on A atreet ha been re ut, mniletho nemwry purclutfc.., their origin ia WW lowrtolc! l1i8nk, jou,V which in .other wi t)ftMlttlo,Wdc?inanVhied-,hU,at hold among ,Ue Kay perhapa have xaetempiycnoaiB, B . . 1 . fcfc.ttt anil la UAavr AiilmA kv Al.tBa w.m 1... ininn foot. 'y "ffi Fjrnrjgrc' t - '--. i infeiB to nnother group awaiting the coining of the ttrcct ear. The wife of tho flraUpurehaser Hitened to the'bW urging the other people to iuyK Then, turning tojher h-f-bfliid ,' wltli, ting Koraln her fare, aue vecwrctj; common people. , L .. !..! ..."', 1 - I'll" " rnrunatancr, ciepnania anu iigvra are believed aoreetimea to be human toula in ditguUc, and to the Malay addreatea them aa "grandfather" to nllay their wrath and avoid direct Tt'ferenco to them. Crocodile alto ore often retarded as aacred, and 0mf baker of life long expiriencu. Oleaa, Sweet la Bread, (ream every Day , Give it a trial. JOSEPH EGLE. Proprietor.' H . ' . u 0 't J; "It'Juii howa vou ought never to apecial charm are uued in flehlng buy from any onexolIeltiBg on the for them. Ono uch, given by Max- lmit. 'That bov tojd thoao other vwell, iC a follow: "0 Pangaan, lo people the tne" utofyvho itold u iu flower, recelvo what I cnd thee, alxiut wuhtlrig to buy a pair of If thou recelveat It not, may thine OTB' out I i ojiumr oti' CJt' 00 ence. ahoca.'7'V. , Then, vhetv Jaek euxate(l that hit 5 ci&ta might net umco to bua whole nir of vhoee alio declarctl'ehe alwaya knew h'c "didn't rrally love her. ValiiigtoiiUtr. , , (ir-'l'W. 1'3ri?ltwl.arrniro . tudy of tho Psychology of profani ty, in wbldiJi:u,flik.,and.udwlior t'o anawt;r.two. 'iUMtonXKirjt. why do mcii'.awcatr1 asd, second, why do thcyulotiaf'ordiTt.hey"doT- rrofnnity is, definfdfl."the cjac ulatory or c-chiniBlory' uo of a word or phrace. Diunllv tho name of thi;eit;) con'Acetelln.i.o.nie.vy) ft"" IIIIYillg in. l"f;n:Bi iiinmviivu "im tlin Kiilijcct in hand and indicative of itroug feeling, uch na anger or dimipprnvnl," Aa regnrda tho ul jiHitfvi! elTecla of profanity, tho most atrlking la thnt of n identnnt feeling of relief frointt.Piilnjjil'irrcw. Komo woriU aeejiumcdo for fpc elul eireumHtnnee. 'Q-Jven men who Ah tin' Waya. To a Chinaman tho idea that judge (hould taku bribe aeems aa natural a thing as that a duck ihould tako to tho water. And yet , Chinaman will not. unlese he know he i on tho right track, bru-. tnllr push, hi bribe under tho iudgcVnoto.) Either ha or ono of his countrymen will from the judge' arrival have rendered him good service. ' Does .the judge' want a gardenea or a cook? Ah Sin soon provide an excellent one who never aaka for Have some tbiitor art tho alcaldla? Ah Sin sends in a dozen chkkeus, a turkey and tho lHt fruit. Ia it tho judge' name day? The wily Cejeatial pre ent a few cases of wine and bozea of flilo cigars. I the roof of the alealdia leaking? A. couple of Chi net e carpenter will let it right without sending in a bill' for it IIH I ! .1 t. . . .. ... i... . !.. 11HI1. .iibyihk iiv'iJtiBU mu nri i W, TCZVltWliaS Z' -houM Ah 8in be lum.noned before -. , .... t.iid " 7 ZZtZiZZ laVn ly t. Ven ..b.lU.l Xuu. ...... .... . ...... .. ,.-. ...... , .. ., alinlllll IUI IIOTIIIlUl IB Qi ywrHftir :j THAT wa ims bo Utjotloa chemicals aa4 oaif Um very beat of Map aad'wt' cana lea oar werfc. W am parfattd. Btedara 'iaWttpON1T7WKR)UTTIIECUrrHea. Laxadiy work caa tw re turned io'iahcun aRer reerlp. Rnaember catflsy wbHc latMr oal.. FoBaw Ing an tonw ot our alcatel Gcorca Lercai, Raaoaa; N. Loraat, CtxjalBeJ E, A. Dodjt, Myrtle Points iUfi lUtton.Xoilh Bcwl; J, Mo-jta. Kmslir. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNIRY jJJAMSTEDT AND JOHNSON,- Prone. lli nivmuv ww mnj w-.vataj wi'v 'that his petroh 'will not hurriedly Jr j ila-mVj .aaBaaafv flKM aaaWjaaBBBB aTaBBm, wHti'MUT, fJliW'afiltt V Id i aw' ' 'bbF lUn'tiiii F'W .WW ? IDER AGENTS WANTED: eat ta each town to ri4c aa4 exhibit m aaaaca Mac tawaVl cle onrar mMMfactwa. Ttk) UM MU tH Tt . IWI taaJ,avtacawaaltoriaVfocyoieat. . JMl,pUdctSSri$llto$ll AaUeh$7l$t2 : ffltegi!iSSriKi?$i I $1 ; ayeae ttiltint, Jf w aairaNos.aia iulew HUMf 5 Utt T1ML. Yom iakc abaolwtely NO viah ia orderiajr' f roaa ua, a yow do 6t aeei to pay a aeat if tae bfcrcJc doe not iwlt you. IT SMW a kNl aatU vi aa- WrMtca. tat nr I ruraav nkuim npi nau. etna. o4Rr aa amr Ma qwma aaa m Cr MfK. v a MB.MTra to dlHiibaM at r tree calaMOM aa4 oar i .... i .".. ii. 1...1 mm i r.J.TnTSi?7h Klve indgment against him and tin KHE3KS KfU Probably get a full opporta of tho tnonosyllablo 'damn.' Tho word Eeeui to havo been made for tho. ovro?ion." In W general vay it moy M Mm tlmliJii? auujqr regaron IwSMi iW&WZ&t' kMlilN i. awaaMarf a rtttavM Lia IEABI '. 7lS .flaamaaaaft of Jar la YCLE CO., OWeag his favorP; 11 Sawyer'a 'Taaiib itants of tho Philippine.'' w" TS, ADD TO YOUR MJSMESS rCRAPHOPHONE aUTCfU rSS v - rltVcl? pro'fnnjtyfis a VoyprMoattp a tyno of , exprcmiinii ebmpnrativoiy "Jaur, down in the iculo of devclonmcnt'of-lun. int.. 1.. ....... ..ll. I. 11. .nA ouoot roar or grotf efcJhbL by.,olialkisg o lower nlmalaCayehologieal Rfr.'AM; Saphir; gunge, 10g40J lower view -wia?Jia4fe w , . l'allvucv-V,!OWu ttraOyeglaaae ;hniruve her loiMiai" 1o 'I'atrlce I abould opJr to, Tbat'a i.ut ti'i-v'r fori Youker Htnte.tuan. OF UrTERTAIMMEHT Jlfl nSKH.atiMittHii''''ii ii nii'iii in iii t it tvffuit an ACTUAC WANTmea mMMTMM. dcmano reat wmwii AjCa.ueWfl CrlMa. and rilakationii t hatmV wmh many am wiu.mm.vo Do.yiTHaur 9thcr, An Jnarffewnt actor who bitterly mMTiptr km.inc UKi!l!f1 ' r ., related theOeraB jour-alUt Sa,1 lJjER5ALfiIlTERTAINER OF THE AQE .1. laJa i Haait IikMia kAiAHnAil I I tarial ' " --w -- ..T Tr 'r -"V JT. ........ . 'luri.uuiiwuH. ithu8- um , w-., .-- ljaaa-aajaaaraaiwoa i!t KiffSS' J&aaS WHU V,VmrUCVft VC i-va . "liJ .:i. ' -iaIl-lW..aivJ.l'4i-. - -.,U--. - a . . ia " 11 fUC HlntWIwWV ,. nw 'fil',H w-aw acvwHiaun ace, wiw biiaiB,aai nanu,; ureeu;nimju verv.eareiuuy atym4 U atcaaajlaaa awna. and a reW0M the nesfdav and retu-uea tne cau, Kcaaiertietaaji.vaiia.aaaa)aaaiaairaip , '-xciuerejKinu mo a Yiait yesterday saw, uy me name, j rehirottheicivility." :'t ameacd to tutt all Docket boakai wblle tha mxltt. ' , ' ' ' ''- . latfcai-yliAil Wbypm, id enough.. to payi iwam; pen ata'u))! Tawaa, ktc.. tt Co., rOaal) -. s:J '' :. ivcyk. .