WWT V . W"?T S22"22ibr22S2!2! jVi n AJBTCD LOCAL . Sunday Orcgouinn at Norton's Jim Wnlson was down Irotn Coos City Monday. For best values in boots nnd ' liocs go to Seugstcckens. "Daddy" Rookc lias a fine flag coming iroui l'orland on lie Alliance, to wave on he Fourth. Chas. Smitu, of Kentuck slouch, wan-in town this week. Dr. I'rcnlis, Dentist. Allwotk guaranteed Tclephoue No. 435. Joseph Laudo anived on the AYcata from San Ftuncisco, on a business trip. C. D. McRulin. the father of Coos liny cranberry culttiie was iti town Wednesday. Sec the Grct.t McConnick Mower audllayRakcs at Milner's. Capt. Norman Nelson of the Cape Arago Life Saving station was in town Monday. Fine line ot shirt waists at Scugstacken's. Wm. T,yons and wife, of Co quille, were in town Monday, the latter .bciug on her way to Port lands John Kcotiliolin moved his family to Ferndale last week. Doors and windows and build crs' hardware cheaper than ever at W. P. Murphy's. New sidewalks are being put down on Pine street this week. Use Hibbard's celebrated rheu matic cure to limber your joints. For sale at Scngstackcd's. Mrs. Morton Tower was in town Thursday. Sengstackcu's for fresh gardeu and grass seed. bargains in kid gloves atSeng stackcus. Miss Klsie Hsunctt returned from a visit p Portlaud Thursday. Rubber and cotton hose at Milner's. You wan o keep your eyes open for he J'nuc Carnival ha is to be given by Ladies of he Mc hodis church. Wach for par iculars. Two choice improved building lots opposite G. A. Bennett's residence. Also 1 lot zl South Marsbfield opposite the Park. Apply-to H Scugstackcn. Morton L. Tower was in town Monday. Carpels, oilcloths, matting, linoleums, w'indow 'shades, wall papeis, nt cast. X IN T Store. R. Walter started for Portlaud, via Drain, Friday, on a business trip. Sengstackeu wants ten tons of Chittum bark. The great drawing of he week ly Kxatniiier will be in his week's sdiion, a F. P. Noron's. John Snyder drew a lady's gold watch timl- V. O. Pra.'u bicycle. Five and Ralaudson have the scconusnipmctu ot ennucu oiains and report good prospects. They arc still handicapped by the non arrival ol their labels. Hoots and .shoes, for ladies, gents and children, of the latest and best makes, at actual cost I the only chance in a lifetime. X L N T Store. Invitations have been issued for a reception to be given, bv the Flanagan family to Jas. H. Flana gan and his bride. It will take place at the McCnllom residence 111 htii pi re next cduesday even ing, from 9 till 12. IT'S NOT YOtJR LOSSIT'S OURS. WIS KUI.DOM II VK TO DO IT- mrriiAvr. ALWAYS i:xrit vM.r.n. uKKt'N'ur.h on TAKl'N ll.UK. (iOOl)S NOT s.risiu rouv Not Every Shirt Waist is Such Hint Wo Think It (food Kuoutf, ': l:0R OUR TRADE Pratty Now Shirt Waists NKW UIHMh'-Ni:Y 1U.I.TS-Nl'.W II0SIIK- NMIW MWlSV-.S'Wry yiioi- m:w wami r.uiuu -. (2 rsm eorge & ihbetts I'llONE Hi O1I1I IWIros' Kite . 1 tWWIHt'W 1W ifcWi WW MWtfW WHMMMMMOItt r.ww A3X FOR THC SHOE I'SifN FOR MEN V A & V3Uf L JT CcpfflcM!. ScHcnlyty MAGNES & MATSON Tile Alutua' Lite ot .; Y. give you the best investment aud pro- Chtistcuscit, aud Johnson's pile- driver has been buy the past few days chiving piles in Conlhituk slough, making n suitable place to tie up the large government lock scows, which weie enough t up Thursdav bv the General Wright. Miss Lcona Ryan is now em ployed in the telephone office, taking Miss Anderson's place on the day shift. The latter nets n night clerk while Mrs. Kgunhoff takes a trip to l'ortlaud and ban Francisco. Testimonial T like to trade with you be cause of your way of doing busi ness. My friends also all say so." This was a genuine testimonial given bv one of F. A. Sacchi's lady customers on Saturday last. TRAVEL BY SDA Arrival ly Allunco. Monday, from tlio noutli : D.ivK (' I) Water.. I! I' Hacker, 11 K Komi, II .1 Cluniniriifti ami wifo. W A Oroir.U V l.vc. KStolu wnv, I! Ciituilolmicor, Mr llollnml, Miu Siivler.GiM I'mluii, A ( Slmw. K lliicnu, J 1' i'olsncnu, Win Lnek- tttrom, Svlvextrr Knski..! H (irvw, A J Taylor. Mrs II Kolmcr, M Wullnut). Vrriv.il.-4 Ity Areata, Tmttsltiy : (' M locdull, J Diiiiuxbitum, V ! ttrtincll. ,,I Lamlc. IMi lirydon ami tt, C 1 Lye it, Mr Lyons, A Hrydi'ii, J A Lue nml wife, U Lyons 1 M irkumlo, 1) TjIiiui. PetMrturra north liy Alllnnco. Mon day: .1 it l.nnclicrtil nml wife, Mfk " II Lyon , M.ii Oeo Turnlnill, Mrs Diilu Turnbull nml UuuRlitcr, C'lua CociiiU)'. ilti (.'hu! S:uinlort' , mid 5 hi stccr.10 Jrs. li'ib:. Ht'dke, of Com liver, irlnrned hoiiu yesterdny after n vNit with her winter, Mis J it-s. Uooke, ol South Matshlield. This wae Mrs. Uookc's iltst visit to Marshficlcl in 10 eai, FOR LADIES ONLY The celebrated K. V. U1CHD SHOMS. They retain their graceful syui etiy until worn out. For sale by Nasbutg Hros. Assortment of Kodaks aud Kodak supplies! at the Red Cross Drug Store is larger than ever. tccliou. Take a policy. H. Skngstackkn, Local Agent. The Ladies may close the sa loons but you can always get Tanglefoot at Milner's. Jr h. faltiHiti wns in town Wednesday. He is getting the machinery of Myer in order and will act &s chief engineer, aud will move his family toMarsh field. rue your letters ana otiis. .New 101 01 suaunou uics auu cases, ai F. P. Norton's. Owitijr to ill health, lam about to dispose of my entire stock of clothing, dry goods, furnishing goods, at actual cost. No wis the time to secure bargains. X L N T Soore. When you want some extra nice cheese call on your grocer I surance Co., John Preuss, Agt, A. M. Twombley has hceu ap pointed night watchman, succeed ing Sam Davis, who resigned, the position, aud went north on the last Alliance bound lor Washington. Prepare for warm weather by getting a summer hat at Scug stacken's. Insure your property in the Loudon and Lancashire Frre In for Sumuer creamery full cream cheese. 6 8 tf FOR MEN ONLY. The 'justly celebrated FLORSHEIM Shoes in all the newest styles. NASBURG IJROS. Sole agents for Coos Co. Frank Dolau and ianiily who JtL THFPJPORSP .Ma5hfielJ Win S A yTgf'!"";!"' "tysi?',it3 Y. M. C. A. Ptectlon At tlin nicilii(t f lliu Yuimg .Mtn'n OlirlMiHii Atclultin I10I1I nt (tin riniin Wotlim il'y xronlpu n MW lititut of lirMiUiii4 wtni' ntWtod roil ittiint Di, J T. MiiOnnimn, l)f. Wm Hr.(nl, ,M.r. V. A, Unw, W. (I IVikiu. Lw Itmwii, liiMdry HV1I0 ti. StMMt'in, 1'. J.'Ihiviii nml llm ltv, Al..i-.'l.n, AlcCn iUihI, Invln mill t(nrfil. Tlmtii limit Mlti to Iw oluwoii at llm next mvi luit, A mm ttiiirtiiltilmii win nili)ili'il nliioll will x I v iiHirtinilty for im(ir id imiiotiiK'tiU 111 tho work. It ) IhijuiI tlmi now Itixinl u( IHicctoM itli a imu (Mioiitutlim tviil iinu mi imp-ti.i to tlio Hiuk. nml mukw It rnoro fitr rouihdijc in iih inlliioiico. i;i'i'iint hliin rf now hi llm "eym" mil drill null 1 ho lio'uu IiiIm in mi niikr tif I'Kiti i'i'iiinj;. .WALK-OVKftSHOJS ' s ilk v wfei 0ffn Afain The ImII gtuue U Sunday nt Myrtle Point between the iuiuie aud Mavslifidd umiiis testtltcd in a victor v for the latter bv a wore of 13 to 6. Clint lev HaxterHCtedi as umpire and Henry Winter j scorer, i lie wcitlier was condition the grounds in mxl aud the attendance larise next gnme of the series will tw playcil lotuorrow on the same grounds, between the home tint! CocjuUle City tenuis. f aitfci&xtfs sfjtA v j' TV..- Vi. iff ; -W-TfU- ...-; vr- We Imve theitt. Coljftitt' Oat Meal stud Glycerine Sohjh, dclie.-itclv i cr fit nit d nt aw twi Ihjx of thtee cakes. Reel Ci Drug Sloie Public Sclioo! (Jraduniian mm... .....:.... .:-....f .t. I"". . , i.jr. .1.1 m: ...1..1 I ... ..... lllillllllU Ilk iril II 7- 1UIJI ftkBIb. K. KS.11 BoldEsclusivQly by M AGNES & MATSON nnd wns horn 011 Coos River Aug. r, 1S67. Slie wus thr youni: wit ol font daughter, and wnnthe pet of the liituily. She gicw up a blight, intelligent mi.t Ix-Miiti- ftil gitt and was the favorite of a Ui)'i uircle ol fiiviuh. Htr ei. !nt .tasoo. REAL LSTATIi TOR SALtl A lltm liiiKim lot on A ol, MOO, UntilliiiK Imii'O on t!mlbt, (I iiimiii 1V1O. Tivnlotn In Hoiitli Mnrslilloltl 17i". Konr loin tmcl In IVxtnllktum 1'ront. The Pot and !uo Kettle A month or six weeks ago the pi, iig tKi&ictl off with the greatest IIC 1 ll .. . I". ih.itsi 11 mi tcncvicii j;ivai ciccui on nil the participant.'. The Mail gtently regrets that an adequate tvport is itupossible nt this time. The halt wan filial and I54.95 was tealited for the library fund. At the llnnucr Dav txeicics in the afternoon MAIL published an item recatd-! ?5.! w aho .uMecl to the fund. iti" John Sunderland, who went to ban 'rnuciico tor medical treatment. Later the News had it. Then the Coquille Herald copied it from the News. List week the Sun copied it lrotu tin Herald. This week the New. claims the it-m-aud jacks the Sun up, aud the Suit calls the News.i plagiarist. "For goodness sake gentlemen, be calm!" KASBL'SG BROS. ARE j TItfl. , g'j I : i -,.. NASBURG- BROS. Sole Agents for the Celebrated A ri)in Trip to Coos G. A. I'arh, proprietor of the! tlARH'tD Hume liakery, of Salem, was in) town last week, coining in vt.ijS'l'ArFF HtLLYKRIu Sin Drain. Ilr. Uach had a week offl Francisco, Thursday, Mny 2.1. and took a run down here to iQOi, George Hentv StntilT what this country looks like aud ' '" iJ'l J HIHyer. has in viey buing a s-tock ranch ,nn, , . vn .vimiiue , iaa'- '.' F. X. Holer, of the Mail started Thursday morning for have been visiting at the home of Salem and will return in two or is brother. In in Ilnlnn. in South uirec wecKS wiui ins ianiily. lie ----- . .--.. ,.... v . ...v. ...... . Alarshlielu, returned yesterday to Gardiner. They have been farm ing near that place for a number of years, but have uow sold the farm to Henry Winters aud will leave in about a week for Ottawa Canada, their former home, where they will hereafter reside. went via Roseburg going out over the Coos bay wagon road, and until he passed out of sight he was on horseback most of the time. Our lairepor washa he waj seen at he Ctiwimrgh plcc 011 Caching slough, inquiring for he Coos May wrtgon rod. later on anil is very well pleased with this country, in lact is en tlnisias'ic. Ilr. Hacli is a 1111111 of considerable menus and where he sticks his fortune pins they re man:. nanuRnsmnmTi vavmim.'Tm K NASBURG BROS. Sola Atfents foi ikmfa Kid H f . OUR S HOES Are in demand because they merit that distinction. Quality is more ap. preciated in foot wear than, perhaps, in anything else.- The wearer knows whether it's right or wrong. : : : : We sell only what is right in fit, style, quality aud price. You will have 110 trouble here in getting just ,vhat you want aud when you want it. Cotnein aud let us convince you. : : : : : Every lady that wears our shoes realizes that there is something about them that -makes them a little better than others. Our Mens' Shoes are a little later; a little more fashionable in appear ance; easier fitting and a little lower in price than any others of the same grade. . . , , Remember, we are showing the swellest line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hals, Etc., that have ever been exhibited in Marshfield. Money Baok ;if hot Suited Bl5- H ! i 1 Glows fTij y .,. j ..t W. iH $ 0c ' the icsideuce of the grooms parents in Marshfield, Or., June., igoi, I'nrkcr II. Hol land nml Mies M:iy Iv. Amlniss, Rev. R. C. Lee offi'-inting. The gloom hav lived on the bay since bovhottd aud is well and j favorably known, eon fueling I with his brother a pto.sK-rotii . Ixtut-builduig hitbiuvfts. The (5) , bride is a Cottonwood, Caliloruin, Igiil. They wilt take n bridal I trip to California, before settling ciowu to iouer uiarttvii Die Here. Difcf).- DMAX In Mnrshfifld, Or., at 8 p.m., Thursday, June 6, 1901, Sarah Jhlle, wife of J J. W. Dean, aged 33 year.', o mouths and 6 days Deceased was the daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. William McK night AT THE CHURCHES. ''Your Money's Worth ticatiou wns iiequited in the pub he sellouts of M.uihfield, wlieic the family tesided in Wiutci. and hci uiiLoicnl tnletits weir cttltival- '-"o eel to n high degree. Her untime ly death comes as a personal shock to thoc friends especially, who niiide up the circle ufi Marsh- lield's young people n few years ago. On Aug. .th, 180.5, site was mnttittt to 1C. W. IX-au, lxik keeper for K. It. Dean & Co. For about a year her nervous s trill lias been bienkiug down nml since Decoiation l)ay hci coiuli tiou has been Mtiotts. h'or three days liefote her death she was un conscious, ami he end (Mine peacefully, as a iiecl child falls asleep. The fuueial services will lie held nt -' j). m. juiorunv at he irsidence on A .-ree, conducted by Rev. Win. Hoi.sfalt of S. Paul Kpiscopal church, of which de ceased was n member. I'DWARDSIu Snu Francisco, at 1:30 p in, Monday, June 3. xyoi, Miss Daisy lvdwnids, ngecl 2a years. DcccttKHl watt the chiuehter of Capt. and Mrs. Chas. 1C. Fd- wnrds, She was Octii in Mytle l'oitit, Dec. 33, 18H0, and hns litc-d nil hc-rltfe in Coos county, icsiding nt Allegany .since thr family moved theie, .several vears ago. She graduntcd tast year from the public schools with high honors, ami her prnstircls eie of the brightest until about six mouths ago, when she was at tacked by the illness- which caus ed her death. She was taken to Snu Ftnucisco on the Aicntn which sailed oil May 26th, ac companied by her father and a nurse, in hopes of there finding telief, but without avail. Miss Daisy was a blight loveable girl, and her early death casts a gloom over the little community where she lived and among u huge cir cle of Iricuds. The bereaved faiiulv have the spmpathy of all. i he lMxIy will he htnught up 011 the Aicntn, for Initial here. LAssKWKl.L-At Mi'lCinlny, Or,, .In mi.', Nancy, wlltMif IMnuril Likm- wcII.'mhimI ulmnt .'!' yuiirn. IIKNIIAM At I'liiivmw, Or.,.lumi 0, .SlIHHII. Wifo Of Will. Itljlllllllll, nucil hImiiu 7i" yeiim. CA HI..SO.V At,Ciiti!iin)TfetfiiKli. Or , .liinoi, USD , .MrH..loliiiiiim rarlmni, 11 ilntmt of I'niliiml, iigcd :t.i yimry, Oimmtlis ami ft ilivn. llotipo nml lot in loot). IIiiikc mill lot in Suutli WVm .Mumlillulil Maralillold Six lot In lllk 10. SoiitliMrtmlillolit ItlovU 7n in Notlv' mlillllon to OiHtullo City. Kii(iilri' of W V. Porct.As. C-'SVSiSU,V.'S t SWStk v IT TAKES CARE. t W uvaaoc Wt oht hhUmkhI tip lu lit tUnililit at pHilllr we Imint ualMa t lm il a gostl dj l ttir ' MUti nil IH tail pumn uttktt 4.l m mikb m Dm Comfort of Our Guests mt Mp mi ttioiMtflily hi Oir MlW;iP( uf hrk npMllle. Our rri1c It tkn, twr lulmoirc tmMl Jllr.l nml inir w4lln mn iiimura. Yum hIII m)wjr your Fdmunds & Tniiiiivr.s. I'ront .Sliont, 0iiiMllo II ink' J, (L--i.Ti-.- & U.tC-HV.' wiifw "iTwri wcwiii::miii it 11 tiiiii Kimbull, Emorson, Wliitnoy, Milton, Hiuzo Pianos $250.00 ttpwaid. Organs S75.00 upward. Delivctcd at Maishfield. Call 011 or addiess, MRS. fi. MORRIS, Local Itcprcscnlathc, (inrficld Hotel, mnrslifield, Oregon. (ClfAS.(iRISSON, Mgr. ) 5BWi5MS.tiM-aS3Jl53!iiySJlIj IASBil RO E tfrs I'ltlMJYTKUIAN cnintrii. (Hvruccib.) Knl.l.alli cciliool 10:00 A M IVfiiKililneservlcos, 11 :00 A .M ,11111! H :M J' M , CI1ri1.1l.u1 Kmliinvor, 7:00 I'M. Miil-wi ck MirVK-iM, Tliiirmlny 8 .00 J M, haiiiuel Ii, .Mi'Cliilliimi, I'.iotor. Thifo will bo Mirviron ut tlio iismil hours next ijaljlmlli in tlio I'rusliyti'r Inu church. In tlio mornliii; 1)10 Lord's jiiipnrvill lio oUorvoi! , urn! 111 tlio ouiiini children 'a ilay exorelno. Will ho elvqn liyilio Hublmtli tclmol. All nro wolcomo. M;;Titoi)i.s r ciiuuati Hubjcrjt nt tho MnthodM church to morrow ovening ' 1'ho Fiolil nml Tor on, nml tlio Jtodiirrection of tlio boily " Horvlcent 8 p m, Unwortli Loaguo nt fl:-IG. Cordiul liivitntion oxtoiidotl to MiOMtriiiiKorH in tho city. Brj tb jQ 1 1" KM Ym Itoe Always Bough s. "i &y A Full Load. When you huy roil from mo I ei'o that wm kL full wi'lKlil nml full iiiu. ity. I know tlioeo.il I liumllo to ho tho Ik h. It is Pull of Fuel Quality nml hkdIiI In Kiwi yon pli'iity o( ri riitiiro Jorymii' immoy. Dclivcii'il us you uuiii I'. Liimhni' ilnlivi'icil illrict Irom llm mill Dry uood ildllvciiil to iiny jiurt of tint city on tJioit millco. 'I'liiol.-uml ilmy wink, hurl; win I: nml M'uwimr nnd r.xciivniiiiK' 1I0110. 'llo lilmim .No, Ji. ItiMlduiiru Cor. 'I'lilnl ami A Kiicdt. L. HEISNER. I in t 1 n I fi fl fl f We don't l;now where you will secure more grocery value than we give. After you have dealt here a day or two you'll agree with us-, Oampbell & Eiokworth. tMuratoVoiir ISowcli Willi VuivaretiT' Cindy Oniliiirtlc, rurn inimtlpmlnii fnrovor;' lOc.Svc. 1(0 O O.iull.iliuiv.JuuritutiJmvBiiiu Comfort at Homo. I'Vir liidli'H vlm vvunt comfortiihlo Iioiihii dri'ioirfl ri'iuly to wuur or ololhs from winch to innko thinii thoro in 110 jiluuo liko thin iHtiihlinliinoiit. Boauty and Variety nro hero to kIvu mtlnfantiou to ladli'H of economical tcmluncius or cxclimivu idoim, NORTH rjfc STAR Bossio Richards, Prop,, Cor.-Aand.SccoiidSls., D lwpHw' t . ,,JfrM&tik4L.r. JJi. fj K V-ti-j J S ' J ' I