The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, June 08, 1901, Image 3

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ijuugarMtawmmsuaainw lacmvntoKMiauMrauaffMti
Coast flail.
MUhlllll.U' Ulll I, iN
Miss Susesn
;. G&J2on Brown.
Iliiw Mm llimlfiil, mill Hi" Itlint
nf (Uui Mm llxi;i'il,
uv w. rt. hose.
II wan n vcr.v pretty pronpeel (lint
tnnf.-nntcil .Mini Hnmn Onlloii
Urown. Tim rcnlli-rliiK xvIiKo homes
imonif tlui trow in I ho valley, the
blno hills beyond uith their frliijim
t jilno tree, t!m Hear iky Hint wis
I !i u novelty to tlio lri from tliu
;reat l'laniifiirltirlng town-It wn
ill bright mul freoli nml io lU1ii
fully clean, JIIm Siimii (inlton
Itrowtt looked lincl: on tlio peaceful
proipcrl for n llngotlng moment or
two mul Hum prensed nhend up tlio
mountain roml,
.Sim certainly w nn ununual flu
uro for tlmt quiet neighborhood.
Altlml in a cloio fitting suit of
ray, wttli n iliort rnilMnu kirt nml
ii wlilo brimmed Rrny felt lint that
rnncrnlril liur beautiful Imlr, rlio
nihjhl at n iIUIiiiicu, wivo for tliu
fVAxl, linvo been taken for tin ax
tmnioly liniulcotno lioy, Her jnit
would tunc carried out tliu impnr
tioii- tlieru th iiu'li an uiicon
(trained Milti;; to it 1ml Iter high
bout wrro not a liy'n booU, and liur
ImiuU wore nwitly glincil. MIm Sit
ran Unllou Itrown carried roiuo.
tiling under her arm, It was n light
mnpnziuo rille, tlio gift of an mior
In;,' father; for tdio could nhoot and
fUli and kwIiii and run mid do it nil
in a way that met tlmt adoring fa-1
thcr'n crllienl approinl, and tltcru t
wasn't n hotter authority on tluo
maniy niirnitiua in au uio couniry
In idiori, Mix Kuinu (inlton
llnmn, mi her father declared,
iliotild have heeu horn a hoy, but n
that couldn't ho ulie certainty wan,
tn fnr nn the timothy and fbliing
went, nu admirable milntituto. Nut
u rally Ktiiau wai nu only child. Him
never would hnvu boneflted by nil
thejio nilvnntniM if tlio had not
hecn. Slio had minor tnlonti, of
rourao -an education rounded olt
in n fluiidiln;; ichool, a pinning
rmnttorlnj; of muxie, n tnitu for nrl
thnt win onlv necond to her tanto
for nature, lint all theu wro ipiitu
dwarfed, in Jier daddy's opinion, by
tlioso innuller attributes that ho m
axuiduouiily cultivated. Sho was hid
fompnnion on loui; hunting and
fishing trips and at idonl companion
nt tlmt. "Ily Jove," ho would my,
"Kuo couldn't lo improved upon I
Sho never grumble at her luck and
nuver growl at mo for dragging her
to plnce whero gautu nover rui and
flth never bite. Sho in one f;irl in
ten thoiiiaud."
It it needier to ?ny that juii;t
I'lmwond looked upon thin iiccom
plixhcd youn woman with a wry
doubtful cxprcMlon. Sho wam n lit
Ho too advanced that was tho torni
tliey lined for l'linwood'it old fah
loned ideas of maidenly modely.
Tho mother of Klmwood lield her
tip ns an iMtinplo of the baneful
coming wotnnn, and tho girl of
Klmwood thought her dn-tdfully
bold and iccretly envied her. An
for tho men well, tliero vrero but
few of them in Khmtootl wliftso
oiilnioit was worth recording, nud of
lhii.0 n mero handful dared to i.
prens an lionost opinion in tho fuco
of tho univcrial feminiuo condem
nation. Of thojio indenondent innU
it must bo admitted that Mr. John
Corlu right stood find nud forcinot.
If MUs Sumn Onlton Urown know
of tho tmfnvornblo light in which
Iter ihort nklrt and her Teddy lint
had placed her, and thero is no
doubt ulio did, tho matter failed to
worry her in tho least. Sho had
como down to Klmwood to stay a
month with her maiden mint Iter
dead mother'tt only sister who liv
ed in tho big white mansion on
.Main street, just beyond tho Map
list meeting linuso. It vn3 this fond
aunt who hnd invited Jnek Cort
wright to call, and, nlthouijh this
was a particular youth, with liigli
ideals of womnnhood, ho ealhid
again nud again nud again. What
wns itrnugo nhotit it, too, vns that
Jack hailed from tho east nud from
Puritau BUrroumlings at that. Yet
with all thii discreet bringing tip ho
certainly was fnscinnted with tho
wild western littiilen.
They all said that .Tnc-lc Cort
wright was n rising young man.
ISostoii capitalists had sent him,
fresh from college, to tho woslern
town t look after their interests
in certnin undeveloped coal mining
property that lay a fow miles north
of Elmwood, and .Tuck hod tnken oil
Ids coat metaphorically and gono to
work to develop it. Thero miis plen
ty of capital behiud him, nud ho
had built it railway brunch to tho
initio and started n bank in Klm
wood, of which ho was temporary
cashier, and stirred the littlo town
into making eertnin improvements
thnt had long been discussed. In
Miorf, Jnck Cortwright was recog
nized oven by tlioso who didn't on
provo of his revolutionary tnctics to
to bo tho liveliest factor of prog
ress tho Blcopy littlo hamlet hud
evor known,
Miss Susan Qalton Urown hnd
poor buccoss that bright Octobor
afternoon,. Sho didn't rouso o, eoll
M'CclaUc I'rciJ at fit! -mi Pt.m
sltnllatl! liwl'if v'iii-lllcmjln
linfl lite Htoxnclc (;:si j '-v-'ls of
J'f oijjoUa Dijcolion Checi Tul
t)nltmi.MortltJiw nor Mineral.
fiuy "N An a orr c .
Jiiikyn Vil-
Apoffecl lli'iitedy rorCnruU!p.i
lion. Sour Stutnncli, lllnri lw)cn
Worms .ConYitlfttuiw.rcwrisli
iuss mil I.okh or Sr.Ki:i
XA5T copy or wnAppcn.
tnry raliblt. JInt; after nil, it wat
tlto tr
Hio 1:1
tiC ,
tramp nuu was utter mtlter tlmii
gnm. Mill tlio mint lmvo a
til Mimetlung. .so Uio minimi
a brilliunt lenf to it tree trunk und
it 'M pneo pplil it nt tho lint trial.
.Mi SiMnu Clnlton ltrown miulwl
with FnlUfncliun nud gathered up
tho turret. Sho would send it to
daddy that evening with n long let
ter tdio meant to write. It would ho
particularly lonx Uvmnw ihe in
tended to tell him about Jack. And
here kho bltuheil a littlo it femi
nine failing tlmt tdio hadn't quite
The sun wns still high nbovo tho
hills when rlto ntartrd to return to
her nuntV. As rlio went down the
old ulnto road it midden clttttcnmi
cnuiwl her to turn her lwd. Threo
men mountml on owerful hone.!
came trotting down tlio slope. Sa
turn stopped wide to let them tvm.
mid om of the horcef. cntohin
r.iffht of her, luddenlr sprang ni!u
and idmont tniMated lii ridor. Hu
win lookeil up anxiously and raw,
to Iter afttoiibuimcut, that thu mauV
heavy lKrd vta twistotl erv miieJi
to ono i,idi'. Hut ho quickly regain
ed hi. rent, witli au oath, and, strik
ing tho lure, cUtlorrd after hi
companions. Susan wondered why
the men wan diiguitcd and dimly
fanrlcd that tho three rough looking
strangers were up to some mischief.
Hut .she mas thinking of Jack the
nett m-mteut, and tho strange inci
dent was tihclvcd.
A fow momentfi of bruk walking
brought her to tho brow of tho hill
whero tho road turned sharply and
ran nt n.t oblique along the eidu of
tho steep descent. Sucan rented
herself on n log and looked down
into tho ullage, which lay, as it
were, nt her very feet. Sho lrae d
the one loin; klrcet of the hamlet,
which wns but it continuation of the
highway, and followed its dustv lino
past her aunt's trim home, iuuI the
littlo inrk, with its soldiers' mon
ument, and tho town hull nud then
along to tho lmnk .lack's bunk
nud thero her gnxo rested.
Jliss Susan'a eyes wcro good onos,
and the air was 'ory clear. Sho saw
n horseman sitting in his saddle nt
the bank door, lie was holding the
bridles of two riderless horses. Even
ns sho noted tliU tho two rider.
rnshid from tho building nud lcnp
cd into their f addle. There, wero
puffs of white emoko and 6hnrp del
millions. Susan could sco people
running in wild confusion. Then
tlio threo riders ptnrted tit a eusirp
canter up the road. livery doson
yards or so ono would turn in Ids
siddlo nml fire down tho roadway.
Susan know wlmt this strange
scene meant. It was it daylight bunk
robborv ono of it terioa Unit had
terrorised nil tho countryside dur
ing tlio past summer. Tlio three
robber.! wore roti eating with their
plundor. What hnd Itupponcd in
tho bank? Why wns duck not pur
suing them? Sho suddenly turned
pick und cold.
Then nu indescribable impulse
aelxcd her. She let herself over tho
edge of tho bank nud began u mud
Ecramblo,down tho i.tcop declivity.
Sho meant to intercept tho milium.
She slid, sho htumbled, onco sho fell,
but 6ho never let go her hold on her
prcoious rille. And then, as tho
earth btiddcnly scented fulling away
from her, alio reached tho level
ground in u confused heap, lint
sho won up on her foot in u moment.
Tliu highwny was directly before
her. Tlio robbcm wero cantering
by, Tho man in tho renr wna tho
nmn with tho beard, and ho had it
conrso bug thing across tho snddlo
boforo hiii). Ho wns directly oppo
Bito Susun ns sho plunged down to
tlio edgo of tho roadway. Ho mttst
'have taken her for on cnemY, for lils
haCi-ii-ji '..vijfcijmttjrtt.ri- ... . -
!wt VHP
Vnc j'in'.ti! S(iitnlarr or
xr.v.' vomc.
For Jnfaiilfj and Ohiltlrou.
'he Kind You M
Bears tlio
For Over
Thirty Years
giiinriiig nvOiVcr i.ew up, and Ik
fired in her direction quite nt ran
dom. Susnu felt a sudden twitch at
her brond brimmed hat nud quickly
dropped behind some bushes thnt
lined tho roudwny. Tho barrel of
her riilo rose. Tho robber wn rap
idly increasing thu distance between
them. Could she shoot this man in
cold blood? Sho had him covered
A moment more nud it might be too
lato. Sho thought of Jack nnd fired.
Tlio horse of tho fleeing man sud
denly leaped to ono tido nnd filing
his rider heavily to tho earth. As
ho went down ho drugged tho bag of
plunder with him. The riderless
horfc galloped after his companions.
Then Susan Onlton Urown sprang
into tho rondwny nnd fired five shots
in rapid succession niter the two
horsemen. Sho did not aim to hit
them, but rntltor to frighton thorn
away. Th6y hesitated n momsnt
and then dnshsd madly ahead, the
ridcj-Sew hone galloping in the rear
Susan nn forward to tho pros
trato man. II o was unconscious.
Sho stooped over him for n moment
nud then drew away tho oarso bag
As cho suspected, it wns half filled
with currency. Sho shuddered ns
she looked nt tho livid face of the
ruffian nnd then at tho blood that
wns oWtwiy snturntiug ms com
idcoTc. She began to feel n littlo
Sim rns nrouaoil In' tlio sound of
wheels mid tho shouting of n man.
i livlit plMcton wu coming toward
her. In u moment sho recognised
tho driver ns the local livery ulablj
proprietor. Jio ten pea out uosiuo
"Xnilal him, didn't you 5" ho
rhotttetl in a narosi-sin of cscitc-
m.-nt. "I is just ready to drive
out of my str.bfo when tlioy pelted
b. As I awl iuto the roadway I
u you blnxin nway. Kill him? '
"Xo," snid Sitfnn ; "lw is stttanod
b' tlio fall from In horse. 1 only
nlnud to break his shovldr." She
w. astonished nt tho steadiness of
her oiiv. '
"You done it nil right I" cried tho
llver man, "Ity George," he shriek
ed, "it's Jim lltucoin hiuiaolf I"
,' lelv her head goiug round.
'Jir. Tompkins," tho snid, "will
ou kindly drive me to thu bank as
quickly iw you can?"
'1'es, ma'nm, 1 will," ho replied,
with groat heartiness. "VTou'vo got
tho stuit there, lmvo you? .Tump
And n momonl Inter they wero
speeding townid the bank. They
had not gono i.'0 ynrds when thoy
mot tho first group of hastily armed
men who wero on tho trail of tlio
"You'll find Jim Hascom lyin up
tliero," phoutcd tho liveryman. "Slio
kliot'lilm, an we've got tho bank
i.tnlf nil hero!" And ho touched up
his ltorso ngtiin. And tho next
group heard tlio tntno story nnd the
rtvf nnd tho not. and thov nil turn
ed r.mi stared rftcr blushing Susnn
And then they wero nt tho kink.
Thero wna n littlo crowd about tho
door, but they quickly miido way
for Susnn and tlio Hvcrymnu nnd
tho precious bug.
And thero wns Jnck fitting up in
n hig chair, nnd somebody wns bath
ing his head, nnd ho wna blinking
qnecrly, liko n man slowly waking
up, but ho suddenly bcemcd to rq-
gnln ins inouiuea wuwi ombhh
I ltrown, forgotful of nil eyes about
her, suddenly Uroppcu on nor Knees
besido him nnd put up her loving
anna and cried, "Oh, Jack!"
"Why, Susnn, dead" murmured
Jnck. "There, tliero, don't worry.
I'm just n littlo dazed. Ono of tlioso
cowards hit mo .over tho head with
BOinothing from behind nnd stunned
me. I'm nlniftsh nil rMtt aeniu."
W u
f vT At a
v n i'a ocx
-HI CTU tOf t W TOl BfTT.
nn, .7ml:," moaned tJusati Jromt,
"I I thought thty wlejit hate kill
od yy.t, nnd nntf I shot tha inn.i
and - nnd hi d got flic money I ?i:
oh, oh, ohl" And .here poor H:
siiii iilt br(likddow;ilAnd, putting
her fnru agninst Jack'4roiigh coat,
sobbid convulsively". Aig 3Ir. Tomp
kins totd wlmt ho kne;v,nud then the
astonished and delighted Jr.ok turn
ed tho recovered trenmro over to
his assistant, who had been tempo
rarily absent nt the timo of the ill
tnck, and, borrowing tlio happy Mr
Tompkins' phaeton, drove S.: nn to
ner aunt t
"Oh, .facie," rhe murranrfl on tin1
way, "it mis so unwomanly und to
"I'm nfraid it was, my dear," cald
Jack in n painfully solemn voire.
"Uul n3 it saved tlio bank in which
I am intimately interested $17,000
in cold cash and at the same time
appears to lmvo broken up tho most
despornte gang of thieves tho state
lias evor known I fear I must con
dono tho fault. But you will prom
iso not to do it again, won't you,
And Miss Susan Onlton Drown
promised. Cleveland Plain Dcnlor.
Umjcer, dhcatc sml rfetth Mew M-glrti cl
lli, Vie IkWm'f I.llilefjrlr KImtj io
ri-guMte lln in ami yoi II ictd jfi lojcurllfe
hixI Mo Io your jrcari. Kb: io laic, never ijrlpc.
i col ILijr IJfuu fore.
To Do Cxpected.
Towno Hear about Goldman?
Ho hud picked out n fine r.ito for
his now suburban rcsideuco, mndo
all !:i plans nnd wns just nbotit to
..v ti.u' laud wlieit some other fel-
lr..- M:ikwl in nnd bought it. 'He's
i. ;.ly crnr.; nbnut it.
J.-ov ne I should think he would
i m r; . v. 'Out of rife, out ff nunJ,"
uii ki i.w. I'nihid.-lpliM I'rcsa.
a v;ohthV successor.
Now Under
All Dnclnrt tare tnrltururc-CATARRH bjr
lh w of mi!cri, utU (.!. tafnlrn awl
droct in fomi twin. '!hrrpoiW-idty up lUr
mxxMom mrHibracn cautinc ll-ii ncnivk wpwi
nil bkeil. 1 he utI in the in
lwlrr bite efit'itlf rileli ftH't itr-Mme iiMni
Ujnr dial llelrvnMikn lt.e kIihoI In ciirr
l.ile p4Hnnd otnlriMMn eannnt rrncli the
diirate. Am oM aiut exrvcr.t pnitllttot rr
who h for many vnus mito tlmt tutdy mid
ftcUll)r ij h tmttnwnlbf CATAUkll. Imi at
AM petfected a Trr.iln.ent which ln tuitlifutly
urn!, ml cmly irHr.e nt ce Imt rMrnun.-uUr
iHitt CATAKRIt, I't rwnovii; llifcaute, ilor
l ng the diwhMKe, mm) oirhiq nli ItfUmnu.
uon. Il h ilntonW irnml.- Vimkii Ij kkoct
fiat KCttmlljr intd i)h- arSkietl futi. Thu
0ir(iil rntmljr it lrKR'nm "SNL'hKI.ltS
tb OfARANTi:i'.l) CVrAKKII CUKir
unJ tt Mil I at llw eurM-ty low piico of Oor
Oattar, ateh paLae MnUlnlnc nu-rl nnd
uMnil mriHclne muTkImii lor a full mcrtUY
UMtHMnt niwt ortihlng nxcutjr 10 It xr-
-n.Vfrn.IK" H the only perfect pATAKRII
i UKIIeter made ami is now recognised at lie
only tale tl potilive owe (or u anno) In J
awl tluflutilng dlnmc Ii cure nil InlUmma
lion nnd .emaatntlt unl b ahu won
ilatfully quwk lo rel'etv HAY HIVl'.U or C OLD
iillw IIKAM.
CATAttKII when ni;trtl r(trn leddt lo
CONiiUMt'IIO.V "SNUrrLto" U1 nan
)04ll )iuu it at oner. It k no dnllnnry rein-
ely, Uit n OHiip'ew trrannenl uUMi it ol-
II. dy juiMnteed locum CATAUKll in any
fmiii ortUjr II ul ac. online 19 the direction
which nccoaipnay cwcli jwUuice. Ikn'l iH.y
Uit vnil fee It t unce, artl write lull virilcubrt
nt to .urtci:lltkMi, and you will receive tpecn.
.Ji from tlie tllrtwcirr of thlt umuU-rfui
rtnwdy irgartiiRC ) oar oateu knout itm 10 yon
l)tml tharaxulnr prlo of ".iNL'KI.llS" lite
hnt piepAU) t'kany a4din ln the United
s'lalet .K Canada on lecrtpl of One DTar. Ad
dina l)ep. I!6S7. )'.UtV U...01I.ICS d
t'OMl'ANY, jjt and ijj Mailet 'Street,
Hut delphla.
A QeU Ksarttil Co.
iiolher l'rcddy, I hear yon got
a thrashing in school today.
Freddy Yes. ma. Tho teacher
whipped' me, but ho is sotting to.o!d
and weak that it didn't hurt mo
Mother Did you cry?
l-'rcddy Oil, yw; 1 bawlod so you
could lmvo hoard it in tho next
Mother Whv did you do that?
Prcddy I wanted to mako tho'
out man icel nappy onco more.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic arc as
far ahead of ancient pill poUons anil
liqutd physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stumped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc
where it Is hot all the year round
Scott's Emulsion
sell better than any where chc
In the world. Jo don't slop taking
It In summer, or you will lore1
what you have Gained.
Send for a iiec wmpla.
Sv Mijl.atl, ll. , New York.
$UC. ttU(l JI.' " wmwi
CUltU 10 U
Ely's Cream Balm
KaW and pleis-intto
uto. dntalna UO In.
Jurlom drug.
uliin. lfAil.iPi.t. nnriL.
It (Iwui ami CU'ames
tho Nal l'atJap-t.
Hutli and I'rotcvU tho Mv-mbrano. llealore Ilia
Hu-a of Tuto and Bmcll. Urge Hpsc, M nta at
llruvllUtaorliyinalli TrlnlSlse, lOeenlaliyinall.
k ULY UUOXiUSlUtM Waiicu BUltv ok.
e nnMiM .-j o
i nu.cis mu ouifiinBs numis
9 To bo Popular require a good fable. Clicap Groceries don't
$ satisfy and arc poor economy. Buy from us, to bo sure
tinfi-hn hpcf.! fl:ir omnds win iMile farvnn. .ind frf von nn"
,JW w - wuu. -- ,---
more, bee open prices, sped cash.
Otdcr by mail Mention this paper.
tp Itica.rN'o. mcironl ,.jici
20 Iff It.c camJI-, no i t
V 1U FimkIi Irfim.n i to
la m ()il!in lonMice-i a 15
n iiiar llaVhi; Powder.. .. .... 1 go
S Jti II" V. W. Hplce I 00
100 Imrtfinelaiinrfrrro-rrt 3 jo
34 iii( coOfl Corn Hlarcli. . . . ..... too
lAigetl lto ISadtlnj. ... , 05
lioliaiili) iirli'i-d In
rfnll cuiiBtiiiiiirs. Mn 1 1
"Lortlvr scut ovcry
" whurc.
Jl& aJb
SLirxts a.iid Oils.
Iatcft Designs of Wall Paper, Room Mouldings, Varnishes, IJruihcs
and Artists' Supplies.
Nason's Pure Mixed Paints a Specialty.
Orders Promptly Filled.
A full lino of choice groc-erlcr, feed flour, ham
nml bacon nhvays on linnd, frc.ili fruits nnd
vcgi'tiiblcH rrcolvcd on evtry steamer.
lltRlirtl K'rlcn I'nlit For l'rottncc, Itntlrr nail Ilsjr.
Tree Di!ivcry T!cp!)onf main 11.
rr rn:!! 'wam-jm'.i
-"tit r if'", ,r
h the ose ImpotUat nasadae In he world giving In lb fkluta,
lb tl, l.i Iti contributed article, edltotlili acd depirtmcats, a
coniF?fcilve, tlatly record of the world's current tfjtpry. Not
the enuamlion of mere tars Iscb, tut a comprebendve picture
of the mo:h, lb actMtlcj, lb nabb'e persoaallt!, 33d notibte
utttrir.ccs. The tt taformed men and women In the world Hod It
There are raaay readen la your locality who have yet to
learn of 1U tuefutaeu. 7c wbh lo estattbh active agenU In every
city and townihl? la the country. Wc will pay IlteriUy for ener
rt!c effort In the subi:rl;tIon flrli. Leisure momenta can be utilized
with lubztaatlat lacrraie of lacome. Male a Itit cf the person In
your locality who should have the " Review of Reviews," and cnd
to ua for agent's terns, simple copier, and working outfit. Then
tol!:lt their tubccrlctioru. It is a com; Ilnsent lo approach a person
with a subscription proposition for the "Review of Reviews," and
consequently orders arc easily secured. This Is the active suc&crip
tlon season. Make application at once, naming your references.
Prtco, 2.1 cents a number. 52.30 ev. yoar.
YlS Aitor Placo. Now York City.
Too Much Killing In Africa.
I linvo ono tluug moro to say, nntl
I gay it in proof of my opinion thnt
thero has boon n great ileal too much
killing in Africa. During tho Inst
ten years my routes, ndileit to tlioso
of my colleagues, escceil 20,000
miles boyonil tho reach of railroads
nml mainly in tho most rcmoto parts
of Africa of today, yet no ono of ua
has found it necessary to tako a sin
gle human life, nnd for my own pnrt
would linvo ho compunction in
traveling again unarmea over auy
part of "theso 20,000 miles. A. St.
lliU Gibbons in Geographical Jour
nal. ivnlmrr ncnin iinprmpil nvcr nnv
Tor Infants and Children,
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Sljiaaturo of Cfj&Cffl&&$lA.
n x-
-" -, - .J--.W
iJllmSweit Tallin Corn 'ji no
eal. Ira fStfcleS.
S km). lxj CIimr or Cntl'tp
13 llni OmdenvH Soui5
All! Ham. Kollol O.ilt, pVi:
sillrt l.inty Hfn, white or liLictt ..
3II1 lln utotind ChocotAte
l-drgett lttlt Amni&nm .. ,
V.'rifc for fpli' p'i'ce llt.
3 M
00 4
25 ilarket St., San Erancisco, Cala. $
Front St., Mnralifield. Ore
1 1 in
for RmduAte of (he Normal Schools during
the patt year hit been much lieTond the rnpplr.
Position! with from (40.01 to J7S-oo rT roonth.
Student nre prrparrtl for the Mate Exnmlnalicnt,
anJ readily Like Male cater on cradtutlon.
btrone Academic and Pmfettional Coane.
Well KjuTppid traimns department. Uipmtea
nne from siao.00 lo iijsxa per year I all term
open Sept. 17th. For CAtlUogue conulolnc full
anaoaiwviuM'VaiU'aa. - - - -
I'. I.. CMtrnr.tu, I'm.
J It. V. lllTtEH. Set)-.
- - - p' - - '"
llnv .In Your Klduejra I
Dr. HobU 8iaraeui PlUt euro all sldner 111, gam.
plolrco. Ada.burllnu uii)dHX.,tuicfioerM.V.
Pull Out Their Boards.
Tho Eskimos liavo coarse, Mack
liaira eomo with a tingo of brom.
Males have tho crown of tho head
closely cropped, eo thnt nlindccr
may not seo tho waving locks when
tho hunter creeps behind bunch
grass. They lmvo black eyes and
high check bones. Tho bones of th
, f nro bettcr 1)rotcctcd from tha
; . . n. -! i. 1 n.8i
i coYorinL' of flesh than southern
Ecvcruy oi mo cuiuutu uy u uucm-i
I races. Generally their beard is very
scant, mm must ui mum timunj uui
crw iso idlo hours to pulliug out thv
and S At OKB
You can tie cured of auy form of tobacco iuIuk
catilr. Ui ruaduwell, ktronp, niairuetlc, full of
new life and igor by Utlu HQ-TO-ftAB,
that inaLes weak men atrons, Mauy roIu
ten txHiuds In teu daya. Orcr BOO, BOO
1.1 nud nil.lcn l'UUR. Adjrcu hTl'liLINU
All lniioisl. Cure it
I RKMKOV CO., Chicasio or M,w Vojlt, T
.0. W. Tawor,Mp.
Office In tlw ntm-ir Waller -flwWt
lii, Krom lr!, Xl.ifilifW,!, OreRtn.
Wm. A. Toyo,
UrTittitr-Mlr In the Udormlo VAotV, Yxvn
Ifcrt, !antitIit, Orj;on,
" 0. E.Smith,
afore, Srgtatlieii SmtuYa ImlldlnC,
vuii-r hi iiiti iinni rimmi over ne nnw :jl.
.. ti t!.t.u. ....11..1 t?-i J" .
From .
irivr, itrnneu, Oregon.
J. W. Bonnott,
OfTiee OTer Com Raj Hank, Front atreet
Mnhficld, Oregon.
W. U. Douglas, 'j
Front itrcel, M.irilifleld, Oregon,
John P. Hall,
Office fo Kldorado block. From ilreet,
Ifarilifield, Orccon.
I. Hacker,
Coqulllo City, Ore.
Atntrncts ot titlo or real propbrty
in Cooa county furnlnlieil promptly.,
HitTH a act or iiltritcti".
Merchant Tailor
Third door north ot Flnnngnn fe
Bunnell Dunk, .Mitr-tillctd.
In latest stjrlrn; moderate price.
.tuNnrtmeiu rouxtota oThII
llic Into itratscnM nn.lcol-.
orlK of tmpprteel,
I rhi tmcllc
iGow hy.;
i i
1 5 Per Cent. Discount 5;
I for f
,awiHL'wi '! k , 1
a 85?
a 50'
a 5
a as!
a 5I
a 40
4 40
The COAST MAIL $s 00
San KrancucoSunUyItultetln 1 to
WeeUjChroaicle r 50
Hx-wlncr 1 y
Call 1 co
Oiictco " InterOcrAn 1 co
New York " rrihuno 1 00
Trl- " ' 1 to
St.I)uISeTji- " Globc-Dcni 1 co
Dally Capital Journal. 3 co
Our new took entitietl '4o'.MoneyM.'lkuui,
Idcut" It worth tit weight In cold to every nun.
who wants toturt n leifitinute. tuyinc null or
der buuncn. It tells )ou wrut lo uo and ho
lo do It succeufully. Send us .yx today and
wow III send you the took, and a valu.ihla,
iromhly Journal one year free. 4-6-61
Century Publishing Co., Box. 73, Her
on Lake, Minn. ,
notici: ron puiihoation',
United States Land olBce( Rcsehars, Orrsonl,
May g, loot, l-
Notlco Is hereby Rhen that In coninlunco with
the proulon of the Met of Congrcs of June 3, '
187c. entitled 'An act for the tale of limber
uiidt in lh of California, Orefinn, Neva-
Id. and Washington Territory." as vlri"M to ,
nil the 1-ulillc nnd Sum br act c( A,um( 4.
189s. J.vm.k IIaskins. cf Odamh, county u
Ashlind, State or It-rntory) cf Whcontln, hast
this da) filed In llusortire his snorn sutemenf
No, 1J93, for the purchase of, the NK.'s of Src-f
lion No. sa in Tounthip No.jjS, Hancn No. 9
Wett, and uill olTer proof to show that tho. Und
sought is more valuable for its limber or stone I
than far aunculltiril purposes, and to ciUblMiJ
his cliim to said land before tho Kojisier and,i
Kcv-eitcr of this otrutj n Iot-tur, Ure;on, ou
Wednesdiy, the 34th day of Inly, root.
i le names as witness-: CJnnt Taylor, War.
ed llux ty of Utkhnd, Oregon, George La,
1011116, 1'eter Kolls of, Wisconsin.
Any and all persona (.(.limine adversely the'
atOMMlof c ilml lindi an rriirstcd to 61a .their
cUluii in this ufiico on or iK-fure said 341I1 day
of July. I90J. J.T. nmiWKS, Rtslsler.
UnUnl StatvsL.vid Office, Koseburf Oregon.)
May 9, 1901, J ,
Notlcals hereby gUeu that In complliocewiai
tin; provisions of the net of Congress of June 3,
1878, entitietl "Ah act for the sate of limber'
Liuds in the SUtcs of Cu,llfornia, Oregon, Neva
da, nnd Washington Ti-rntory," as extended to
all the IHibln; Iind States by act of August 4, '
1843, Oi.oKur. !Pointk, of Odmah, county
of Ashland, State (or Territory) of Wiscvntln,
has this dav filed In this, otlice pis sworn state
ment No. 1593, lor the purchasvof the SJiV of
Section No. 3a in ranhlp No. 33 S, Raaje
N'o. tj Wtst, and vtU offer proof to show that '
tho land sought Is mora v-iluablo for It timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo
establish bis claim to said land before the Kei '
ler nnd Receiver of this office at Kowburg, Oro-i '
eon. on Wednesday, the aitli day of July, snot,'1
Uo names as witnesses; Grant Taylor, war-i
ren lkMtly nl O lUind. On-gon, Janiea HatklAa,
IVter Koit of OJanah, Wlicoiisin. '
Any and all jwrsons clalmlnir adversely tta .
nboe-dcribed lauds aro requested to file Ihelr
cLiltiw In this office on or ru-Com .ild amh day of
July, gor. J. T, llKllCK8, Kegiswc.
WUU I-:ipnar-l. '' )
"8dy, Joe," remurkoU'Strollw, -wj
vaa .ausloua for a Jauuf, "what 4
you say to a tramp after dluaar ' ,
"Qeuerally " reilIHl JwXw, "Ib'
'Oct out, or I'll turn tb dog It
you.'"--ri)lluaclibU Utl.K
i a
- p " i-r, A
'1 j