The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 26, 1901, Image 3

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1 """Itrmni h'i'i iiiiitnijV,
Coast nail.
Parai Minlilit It TnUcrt .tnl In Ornriln
Oik Mitllwr,
Olio ciiMiiot wrltii lii!i)ll(Milly nliout
ivorlilnif liitltcr without Hint ImIiIiik In
to coiisiilrrntluii tlio conilltlcm of llio
litiller lo Imi worliril, wrllrn 1'. W.
Miinloy In Tlio Aiui'rlrnii 1'iiltlvntnr.
Wit Mill. llOWOWT, IINMIIIW Hint In
rlitunliiK Hut lint (it IiiiiI Iipoii left In
vriiuulrs nnil Ilin tiiitturiiillU propi'ily
Urnliuil nnil rlnsi'il out. If Kiilllclcnt
Hint) U tnl.Mi, tlio rliiNlnt: wnlrr run tiu
ilrnliiiil nrr mi tlitimtinlily Mint nn .vorU
lim Mill lio ri'ijiilrcil until llio liuttrr
lm lirt'ii Hiiltoil mill not nwny f,l llio
irnliin of milt linu iIIrnuIwiI, Tlieti It
Mlist III WUrl.lll JlINt I'llUtlKll tl) lll"'0M
uf lliori'-tullliiflirliu'.
Tim limnls n ro nut to cnmo In ruiitnct
with tlio liuttrr, Mr tlit'lr wnrintli will
hnvu n triiilcncy to melt Its criiln.
Tlit'ri'ftiri tlio imtkiiii who In to tin I tit
worUnn slioulil Imi ini'pnritl with n lint
Irulltt with wlilcli In turn llio imIkch t.f
tint Inittrr tnwiinl din cciitor ns tint
working iricci'ln.
Tint nrniini Jnh of Inittrr wnrliltn;
the wilier ever wltiintsnl tin nt tlio
liilornntlntiiil ilitlry fnlr ticlil nt tlio did
Auirrlt'iin Inntltlito tiullilliiK, New York
city, Iu'wIiiiiIiij: I ' H. 1S7U, nmt Innt
tin: ten tlnys or tun wrrls.
'Ilirrti liml Imtii n rlitirnlnc contort
ri'iitiltlni: ritiin a prli tirfrri'tl by John
Ktiuvnrt nf Inwn, wlinm tnitttT tooU
Hint irli nl tlm (Viitiuulnl, 1H7U, runt
ninth Inwn fnntniiM n n liuttrr irntlili.
lnjf Mnti. A Intly fniin MliincHota
wIioko iinimi I luitu Irlol limit tn r
int'iulMT, hut cniiuot, wliti liint n Hint
rxhlhll nf nrlnti mill nrllntlvnlly forni
nl liuttrr nt tlio fnlr, wn riplii'trtl tn
work ilit' luiitcr clwriii'il tiy tint con.
t rut nut.
Tlio liuly In (iirntlon umil n roiitiuoii
""rrtiu;il ltvtr liuttrr wnrUtr. Hint
tlrt iriiiil n I'leco nf iniinllu hut lint
In it of wnrkrr, Irttlui; llio tiler f nil
fixrr rnrlt of U kMoh, TIicii llio hit nf
liuttrr In Ih work"), Krmiulnr, of
cnunn', wits iHiurnl nil tlio liillalln, ninl
Hit' proMT miniuut of suit twin slfliil ur
lirltil(lt tin, l tin nut rt'inriutirr uhlrh.
Tlio working nmsUtril nf n nllutit
ilowmmril irrrvnitv of nim of llio lint
mirfncttt nf tint li'tir, with rlinn mi
iK'cnulonnl pri'intim of n vururr of tint
It'U-r fur Hit' uitMiiinf mnkliii; n ilinu.
Iirl fur tht ocnio nf tlio hrllir. Ill tlili
I n In lire tllno itilltit not hu ntwrnl to
rnlt lint Imttrr nml rt It nwny to nlluw
tlio unit liMlUtuihr.
liiMimt i.f imltn: n tmlli' to turn tti
Inittrr hnek In tint crntrr nf tin worker
llio ttl-i'H of lint muitllll wrh' tlflt'il,
Unit out' mnl thiii llitMiihi'r, nnil ilrnun
no n tu fuM tlio rilKri of tlio Iniltrr to.
waul tin rriilrr. It wni n wry nli
wny nf thilni: It; umrt' crnllo limn It
roulil I nr txni itotit' with n Inillo. Thin
wnn n-jta ntftt nn nftrii n ni'r?nry.
nml win it tin innnn of liuttrr tuvntnit
Iik) miirh fhuiRntitl tlio miiu' thin: wnn
tloun with tlio vinl of the muillti.
'ltcincinltcr Unit In woiLtiie Inittrr
tltli n..lcTrt"tliu-.ir4uro nliotiM Im
TTrnlsl'it tlowii Imtrml of n hlo or nllil
in our, for thu latter will hronk tlio
Clrnn IIIU.
To ncrum clonnlliirm In iiiIIUIuk Thn
Aintrlriiu AsrlcuttuiUt mmk't'iti n
woihIoii Iiiii n little mnnllrr thmi lint
ton of tlio milk nll, Put n innro of
liiniiu'liith hut llio top nf tlio nll nml
hold It In plucu ly tlio tlOOJI, II M HllUtVU.
uai; I'AiutttvKii.
TliU In nn nlil to ilrnuly ihIIUIiik nml
run hi iiiiultt In ton iiiIiuiIoh. Tlio ciotli
xlioulil ho wiinIiiiI nftrr uich inllUliiL.
wlun It will ho irmly for imn akiiIii.
TIiIh uluiplo ilovl.v will ilo JiiHt mt will
nn tint tin tojm tlwt i'iiiiil lonily to ho
niljuklril to tint topi of tlio milk jwiIIh,
nml llio hmnuiiuiiiu nffulr will cont
1'nrlii A lion I Itin flllo,
Twrniy yiMtm' rxiirrU'iicn In tho une
nf llio hIId linn Innliulit mil Niililn fnett
nlxini which nil mo iiku'i'iI, miya (hi
Jrr.xoy llnlloilu:
Tluit ii hii'Krr ninouut of hriilthful
initio fooil I'nu lo iiivhltmmI In tho
lk In lu'ilrr condition, nt lost cxpomo
of l.ilior nml him), Ilinu hy iiuy otLw
iiu'djod known.
Tlmt hllno roiiii'ii urarcr lirlnR n
Itoifri't Hiihntltiiti) for tlio niicculunt
food of Ha imnturo Ilinu tiny oilier food
Hint ciiii ho IiiiiI lu tint wlitlrr.
U'liliiy pound n ilny It lmioiikIi sIIiiro
for nn inoniKo hIioiI .1 entry cow. loif
Kcrmtilo will rnt mor.
A culilc foul of nllntro from tho mid
tlio of n iiirtllum bIxih! silo will nv
vriiKo nliout -in pound.
J'or IS.' iliiys, or hnlf n yrnr, nn nv
cniRv .Itiiiry cow will rniulro nliout nlx
toiiB of ullaeo, nllowluu for unnvoltluhlo
vas to.' ,
Tlio circular tlio uindo of irood hard
tvooil Htiuca U chcnpoKt nml best.
riftroii foot In illniuctrr nml 80 fort
tlri'ti In n koihI nlco. Huch n nllo will
hold nliout '.'UU louii of ullage cut In half
I mil It'URihx.
Corn jiiBt pKHHlnR out of lonMlng enr
ulnt'o In tho ln'Kt .lui;lo mntcrlul for
ulluiiii. Corn uml cowprnn nro tin wti
comlilnril tunlciiulH lu cow pen iculoun.
' HIIiiko I iih vnluuhlo lu uuiuicr nn In
Tho bIIo Imn coino to (to na ncccssniy
n jwirt or a ilnliy (arm plant us a com
cill) or luiymow.
AUdiiI nud Aklinr.
"How nhout tlmt Atlantic llncrr
"Oh, Rho'n Hiifo enough. Thcro'a a
rumor tinhnro tjmt nuo'a Nllont,"
"'i'lint'n kooiI, I heard thcra wnu a
f,f.Wfi',w,,t 1J,.t BvV H'ff f?V9f7f".
- ZcittU .
Thu most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby, all
limplcs and joy. The most
pitiful tiling is that same baby,
thin and in pain. And the
iiothcr docs not know that a
little fat makes all the differ
ence. Dimples and joy have gone,
and left hollows and fear; the
fat, that was comfort and
color and curve-all but pity
and Iovchs eone.
The little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some
thing wrong;it is either her food
or food-mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
bllC had Stored in that plump
..,,, , , , , , , .
little body 01 hers; and that IS
mir m tirvmir (nr fnf
tt '
it is death, be quick
Scott's Emulsion of
Liver Oil is the fat she
take; it will save her.
Tli (rtiulft liMlbtaplrtuiTim
It, lair unuhcr.
Ilviiutiatf twt Iflfil ll. ifn.l
fur lit Mtntlr, It cgitfaLI
iMlewlll tuittiou.
' ' Cinmlila.
400Ponrl tit.,
N. Y.
OOo. nntt 81. OO
all UruffBliU.
Cnnilnir Down Willi it I'nrnetialo,
"Comlin: down fnm the vloudn In n
p.niiuhtile ti IUo u tlreaiu," nald n cir
cun I ullooii nrtlnt. "liver dream of
fiillliu fnim u hleh plnce? You roim
down. nliKht quktly nud nwnke, nud
jou'iv not hurl. Well, that'n tho para
thiite drop over renin. No; there In no
tin; kit. A pnrneliute rati kj Kiildeil
nvnillly on thu ilowti trip, bJt ycu cnn'i
Mis r n tmtlooii. To cuMo n iarachuL
out of hnrui'n wny n prnctlcrd hniul
ran tilt It miii way or tin other, nplll
jut nlr nud Hum work It lo whent you
wnut to laud or lo nvold water, trivn,
thliuni'jN or church nplren.
Vlrenn nneennloun Reticrnlly
mnde lu the moiling. ' Wheu tho nun
l,ih' iloii. Hie wind covn down. The
linlk. ii thru Miotn Into (ho nlr, nud
the araehtite tlmpn buck on tho ,ircui
let or lot fur niu.
"A balloon Infindo of 4 rent luunlln
nnd welsbn uhort VX) vouitd:i. A purn
ch.ite U made of S cent inuilln. The
nH that in citron the jmrnehuto In rut
v Ith a knife. The nrruunut drop
fully "0 feet boftrtit tho pnriiehllto be
t'lnn to till. It ii.unt rill if nui'iv up
litrh inoimli. liiMirlnbly the fnll Ii
html llrM. When Iho pnrachutu be
Klun to till, the ilenrctit It Irm rapid,
nml ilnnlly when the purnchuto linn
fliiitlly tilled It bulges out with n imp.
Then the iieroiinut tilmbn on to hln trn
pene nml nulden the pnrnchute In n nnfo
InmlliiK. In in sen out of ten you
nm land back on the lot where you
itartcil from." New York Newn,
V.'nntnl n Job n l!o.
A boy of utMiut II, with well wont
clothe nml n face lu which timidity
nud determination ntruccled for tho
mnntery, entered the otllco of n Milp.
pliiK hutine on front Ml ret olio tiny Inst
week, nppi-onchrtl the of him
whom nppeiimuce npnl.u the control of
the entnhllkhinent uml, catchluc his
ejus unldt
"Jio yuii wnnt n bonn, uilster?"
"Whntl" eschilmed Uiu proprietor,
iiiprlu'd nut of hit tclf control.
' I wuut to know If )ou wnut n bona,
"I don't uuderotnnd you. What do
von uif.inV'
"W't II, nlr, 1'vo licen looltlnc . for
nomcthliij; tn do for threo wceltn now,
mid nobody wuutn n boy, no today I
thought I'd nee If numebody didn't
wnut u Iiokh. I'd like to be u bonn,"
"Well, well! Thnt'H not bud Aro
you wllllm; to work up to the JubT It
took me '.'." year to pi It."
"'Deed 1 nm, Nlr, If you'll giro tno
Toihiy mi enrnent boy lu Jumper nml
overnlln In niriiKKllUR with bundles nud
pncklui; ennrn In the shlppliiK room of
Ihe cotircru. He Intends tu bo hotij of
Hut i-Ninhlliihmciit beforu hln nhl
whUkern, which hnvo not yet sprout
ed, nre mi uray ns thoso of the present
Ami the cliancea, with his enery nml
will, mo lu his favor. New York
Mint Trui) Wny,
A innn'n true way hliuuld bo ouo lend.
hiK rlntit foiwuiil Into ever now HcMh
of learnluK. "Do your level bent by tho
lllit tlmt you lmo each day, but from
youth to iiko keep uu open mind," In tho
motto that innkca trit'iit iiilmi nud nrcat
untloiiu. Hov, David Utter, Unitarian,
Hrjinjv iirotmrnUonfl simply dovcl
oiidrvonliuilii thov dry up tho boorotlous.
which adhere to tlio rucmhriuio end dcoom-
lioordluarTrormofcntwih. Avoldalldry.
big lnlmlauta, ftitnos, sinoXoa and kuuffn
nod uu thnt which, roothen ami
liwla. lUy's Cream Halm Uaueh n romedy
and will our tiatarrh or coldlntha bond
easily nud pleanautly, A trial tdta will bo
mailed for ill cents. All tlnipRluts nail tho
r.,ii.nlzo. r.lyllrothorn, riaAVnrruurJt,,K,Y.
'X ho Halm cures without iwln, does not
IrrllvXeorcaunoBuonzIna;, JtaprradaitneU'
over m ItTltatoil niutmigrrnriaca, ntlloy.
ln:t ImwodlaUly thornlntul Inllanunntlon.
tiKuiiMt jfjs4 PBtariU uu4 Jlij Vowx. '
? ' '" ' r i ' "
r, ', !! TIkiii hail htil tblnt tuxii
r) h lit il tr. Ii It IIiIiIUim' CowmT
Tit II, m4 Ii tl dull, llwuk Jtf't hin4
tlild Hi ilnwrr,
UtVf tf tor Hi wnnrflf llk AmU Uijr ewr.
Ilttl, lull, tiatlt Tht ! ln Dim giir
fa tft1 wtlli ll Wtt inil Itielr tt-rvtM t (Tr,
tliil Hi umltli ln vrlnifd, hlrp i)op rora
Hi lift)
On vtlltvr llitn tl ut vtM run In Hi j1r.
' ..f TIiaii It. I 1.i4 Hi It.nAM.
.(n, imaw, i. Iir- . -- ... ...-...-.
Ilml I'tllM allrtvl Hit In wf. off mltrlitnrtt
III fill III tln MCIK,n t tllMIMIxl lllllW
II lutli m nil miurr with llif UoLtii Uik.
-Ullll DtnU IJIlLfijU UtUt.
A Btorr f On Vlu MurrUiI
VIUi mnl llAlr
000'00OCO000, o-
Thcro In a valley nuild tho York,
hint lillln krwiwu nn t'orrrtlalo, rom
wlinno tdopot, loiitf yrnrn nun, cnnio
plniin Mllm, wiio trniiHlntrtl tin llllilr,
nml who wnn rnllnl liy tin nlmplo folk
iMIIrn of Covcnhili', nflcr tho tnco of
liln hlrtli.
Wry rnlm nml prnroful tho little tlnlo
Urn under tin tlimlmv of llio Krrnt
lillln, whomt ntrmiiillii nro pttrplo In tho
nwrct niiiuinritlilo with Ihclr rnynl
mniitlo nf fntj;rnnt hcntiier, nml whrru
thu curlew nml tin tolden liloMT'd
cry nlomt hrrnk lint gentle mIIIuckh
I Hint renin orrr Hut llttlo world Itryoml
Hit' linunt of rrntlcnn nctlly nml hur
Jrjlnc lift.
' Thrro Ii no railway In tpilct Covrr
tlnlr, no to imi in which tin country
' folk tuny wend tlnlr wnv.uo nliinin mho
,,, wM',f,'M' 'ltaB, mm wiicm
! crrrythliiK lu n rry ninntl wuy inoy Im
ohtnlnnt tint where few fnnhlonn coure
,0 tnrtle llio Bnyrr iiiIiiiIihI of llio
mnldrun, tv MrmiKn new tlvrlcm lu
' llrc,''i ,0 tinnio llio rinloi) of the
, country lain.
To pcfp Into (hit world nrreimlt.itrs a
' Journey iinder the nhcltrr of tho luno
lillNlden, nloii,i Ixmuy Inurn, lutwiiicil
with pink niJ crimmy tinted honey
uekli. nml kh-iti with wJuc frrnn;
J pnnt tho tiunlnt Inn. whom t!en In n
I fninoun hut lone nct race hornr, called
J In lln rmiiiy Ynrknliln tnuuue tho
f.mty, nnd, flunlly, ncronn the moor
Into InirtH' lovlnc Mhldlelinm, where
nn people nnd nhnpn, nml innny Inua
with riirloiiKly il;iiintn-tliu
lllaek Hwan nml Itn lirothrr, tho White
Kwnn, nud ninny othrrn tint.
Hut down In l'orrdnlo there In n
henutlful old rhiitth, cot like n Jewel
hi Itn niirruuiulliitf of ntittiiy trim nnd
liliHfniuluj; heil-m. with the ijulrt
i:n oniieiiii of ISoilVncr Jylns ntretchnl
nliout It, nnd tho Murine nf untiire'n
limrlntrm In tho iwiTt nlr nmund-a
plnri of priicrfullirt nud rrK)e, where
rnrlh'n tiiinlrun mny fnll from one for
n llttlo npiir. mnl hrnvi'U'H heulnon llplit
noflly on Mich of (n cblMrru na Mny to
prny nml think nwhlh.
Then' In n iunlut lych Rate nt the en
trance lu the holy fxK, n i-amil bnlt
Ini; phicu of oiik, ri- temlrrly tiy noiuo
KooiI i mil of the ilnlonjM-opIr n tiipilro
of I lie iilden ihiyn. who Inviil liln homo
nml liln michlMir nmt hln Cod full
iil. I think, ami miuuht to beautify
the church lu which ho nml hln had
tturehlpod no Ion;;.
Ami ilowii thu fnlr avenue of trvon
wiihlii the prrcluctn nnd unt the quiet
church Ilo tho remain of what n
inirn the proud nhhey of Coverdnle,
whrn the iiioukn tnld innnnrn nnd cul
tivated their enrdeu nud tended the
wiuU and lmtllcn of the pour nml needy
III (he ilule.
It In u henutlful itot In n Itenutlful
couutryHlile, nud no Ihouuht n limn
who lowed It lovingly mid pointed nut
nil Itn chiiuueful lluhtn ami nhvlown
nnd nil Itn pretty peept of Held nml
river tit hln wife.
They linil only been mnrrlttl n little
white, u few nhnrt weeks, nml hntl
elecleil to npend their honeymoon In
nome of tho quaint roruern of Kuslnnd;
heiiiv their Journeying thither to thin
H'iiiotitcivd nook nintiui: the hllln mid
Hit fur ntretclied moorlnuitn lu their
ellliiK of recnl parjU'. The man loved
It nlreudy with the artist love which
neea the henutlful no qtitckly niuj feeln
It ro itmnirJy, nml the wouinii well,
-he tuny the liMiitlen, too, but nho wnn
crowiiiK n little wenry of pretty nluhtn,
uml nlic wnn very pretty nml npolln! her
nelf uml perhnpK n little Jenloim if ml
lulrntliin wnntetl which mlKlit have
been diverted hoineuniil.
So nhe Mood hy tlio. quaint rellcn of
tho nbhotn nml innlled klilj-iitn nt Cov
enhilo, where two qunlut furmn cunnl
t doorway nn perehnuiv their urlulunln
guarded Mime ntromjliold in tho old
HkIUIiik tlnyn loui: uone, mid her white
Kuwii fell over tho mny ntouen nml
lllniiiii'd iiRiiliiKt the nil nud orniiRO
iitisiurtHiiiiB In the Riinlru which our
roimdi the old wnlU nml nrchen. nml
nlu wondereil If her IiuhIiihiiI hud near
ly llnlnhoi! lilt M;etch nml whether they
bhoiild Mny nt Mlihllehmu for n day or
two or co on further to Wemdcythile.
"1 nm rather tlreil of nilimrlns plneen,"
Hie mid to hernelf n little Impiitlently,
nml, then. I never emi remember who
lived In the cnntlen uml nibeyn. How
uneoiuforttilili they niin-t hnvo Ih-cii!"
Ami then-for nho wnn only a very
yomiR bride, too nlu felt norry for
Inning been tiupntleiit, even In her
thoiiRhtn, townrd her hunhnud, nud flic
tinned tu npenk tn him with nil even
nwreter smite than ununl nn her pretty
llpn, fur her hunluiml wnn n Kenhm hi
hln way, n thinker nml uu nullior. nud
every one had envied her when
mnrrletl him In nplto of her wealth.
Ah, there was n pitiful rhiK In the
Btnry poor nml iimnelent:, hut clever;
bentliiK hlmnclf to pieces lu lili ciiKcr
nttemptn to win faim Jnj,io hnuded,
nnd rich nml tniiutlfxil the woiunn with
Hie fulryllke llRiin am) exipilnlte face
who linil given the man her itold.
Anil, nh, it more pitiful note still, am)
the man remembcrx Hint nome. one linn
oure Ioiir nun talkvtl of thin very npot,
with Itn quaint surroundings nud Itn
otil world atmonplere, In tho time that
mKht have been nnd In not.
IIo clogc(, ,,,a stda.oou, wtth a
.,. ,,,, ,.,,, ,. ,,. ,,,,",, J
Ib,,;1 anu ?" a ' wlilto robA
lvcllncHii of hlrt wlft with n inurmw-
"I Iolosy for having fceiit her wal-
lug, nud then together they panned
down tho itvvnuo tlwt IcwU to tho road
nt ,10 v8 verjr sUcnt .,, ,,,8 w,ff
f,,it tllTd nn , ,'t iwtla i?na Hh
J.1. " "" J" Bt "..M. 5!?
llteJ t0 'f V !! n.,m"iJ,'"l',fl"t
vnA awl ottorly WUfmt Iwid been
"ertotin to suit tier uuy fancies nnd
too ijosorbcit In uew Ideas for bis bopg
In pay tier tho utfenBnn nho Jorrd no
ileiiil;' to cxnet frmnflrrry uinu nud en
petinlly from her huiiinml
"IM tin ko luinta to tn ii," r1w rnld
Middenly. "I nm nt Orcil of rnnintu?
In (liln out of (1(0 wnr, Wllfreit,
uml there In cf HI no iWiicli colne on, 1
fn-nr. Vol) liiut have got brfn nf Ideas
now, I n I il nure." Hlio InuulHul t-ieo-fully
nn nho okc. Tho iiiurmurof tho
trei'tn neenicd ilrcntly lu Iit earn, and
tho Dnnli of nllkn nud JtmcU cuma orrr
the nimllKlit on tho crnnn.
Ilo pnuned n inoinent. "Will you not
como on a llttlo farthrrV" ho nuked
kindly, yet n llttlo Wlntfully. "Tlmfe
arn noint lovely plneen lu tho dale, nud
you would Ut luteientcd In them, I
Hut nhe t liooU Iter bend until tho dia
monds In luT llttlo earn twinkled llkt
deudropn. "You Liio-a 1 nm nut Inter,
cntctl," nho mild ixtulnntly. "I h.nto
thono old peopte who (KTehed rnntlcn
on the topn of hllln ami expect you to
cllnili up to nee them. Do let un go
They hntl ranched tho Ijrh j;ntti now,
and n t,Hrl wnn entering It from the oth
er nldr, wbrre 111 Ir carriage his wlfe'n
cnrrlnui with Itn beautiful bnyn, atood
wnltlne. Thu NtmllKht fell on her quiet
black kowii Jim! In r nnft hntr ns nho
piinnrd tinder the quaint oaken ntruc
ture, nml then nlu lifted her eye, and
a nuilileii Hcht Hunheil Into them and
then died u-ry Reiilly niraln.
The man's face kmiw' white tn the
iihndow of the leafy clinn, but hln wlfo
chattered nn In hrr hlxh. pretty voice
uml notWrl nolJiluc of hln pnllor. And
then, nn they met, he ndvnticiil quietly
to meet the fcirl nn qulitly nn If they
had nevir parted lu bitter, bitter nor
row, 11k nt brate nnd ready to nncrl
flirv lieMflf for hln nnke. tho other, as
he nnld to hliiim If bitterly enoush, n
coward nml n craven. And now they
met nsaln In the nnft nunnhlno of the
autumn day, with the tlmt few learrn
fiitlliii;, golden tinted, from thu tn-en
nruuml, with Ihe blue, bright nky over
head nud the purling of n llttlo ntrenm
noinewhere near, under tho old gate
( wny that leaiN tn the lioune of prayer.
Hho njrnke to him tery calmly and
quietly, nm) he Introduced her to hln
lortly wife, and nho told the ntraup-r
nt mm lu her pretty, petulant lulce of
her winh to ro tmck to town nud Itn
cnyetlen, only Wilfred wouldn't, bu
( wnn no cronx.
I'.tit tU ctrl mulled no gently end
Spoke no mtothlucly Hint the little la
. dy'n wrnth iitrltcil nwny, nnd nho laugh
I til like n merry child nud ntrulghtway
j Invited her new friend lo pay them a
vihii hi own,
"We will go tooinrrow, won't we,
WllfreilV nhe nnld luiighlugly, nud the
gratu fared man ntuwered that her
will won law,
"Yen; we will go tomorrow," he nald
when thu girl bad nunwered tluit nho
never went In town now. Hrr father
wnn old nud neiiled her can, nml nhe
wun quite ciiutelil with her life III the
Mill cuimtrynhle.
"I have him, nml he ban inc." nhe
nnld, with her tcucrful Millie, nud tho
toughing woman before her could not
gui'Mi nnd would never have rcnllml
Hint Ihln geulli fnrtil girl hail lovetl
Ihe mail heMdo her with nil hrr heart
ami kotil ami hail pnniil ihrtiugh tho
deep waters alone with her narrow to
lal.o up her lift again bravely and
And then one of the beautiful horses (he pretty wlfo'n ntleullou.
nml nhe lat hurriedly on, leaving the
two together fur n brief moment lu tho
Mllinhluo of the old gate.
"I'orglve me. l.iildr ho nnld broken
ly. "Ah. I linvi' wrongiil yon no, nmt
I tlenerve your hntred, but forgive me
If you canr
flit face wnn haggard, and hln lips
whitened nml trembled un ho npoko thu
few ftrnluul wonln.
Hut nhe laid her hand In hln very gen
lly, an If to say gooilhy to a dear, dear
friend forever. "1 have forglveu you.
dear." nho nnld. "I muy call yon tlmt
for thin tuie Innt time 1 have forgiven
you everything, nml !od keep you,
keep you nafely nml lend you nrlghtl"
ithe pauiiil. uml the great linrs loho In
tier culm eyes nml rolled down lite pale
check. She loved him no well still,
nud the meeting and the parting were
very hnrtl to bir.
Ami then, with one Innt look, nhe
panted on Into the lonellnecn of the
Mill graveyard mid tho quiet dead.
Aliyanlnluns Riprrt al Thntehtnir,
In dcncrlblng Abyrvlnla nnd Its
itrnngc cnpltnl it writer lu Prnwon'n
tclln of Itn mushroom growth nn fob
kiwn; A crowd of workers nppenrn with
loads of ntlckn noiuo 12 feet high. These
nro planted lu the ditch to erect Ihe
vail, ami a few iiioru sticks nre twist
ed lu nnd out to keep them together.
Now comes tho preparation of the roof.
A number of men climb up Inside nml
bind together riiorc ntlcks like tho
frame of nn umbrella. An soon nn these
arc In ponltton they dumber otitNhhs
like monkey .a nnd set to work to thatch.
For this puniohe they brhur great
bundle of liny nud twine It ttclwccu
the ntlckn. They ru tint nn nrtutlc na
tion, and tbey hnvo ue.t to no Indus.
tries, but nt thntclilng they nro renlly
expei t. uml they turn out work which
would call for ntlmlrntlon even In a
clvllUed country. They do not tr&ublo
to produce nu elegant finish, but thts
often aildt to tho plcturenqueuess of a
l no truo nun nut life or man depennn
upon ncttvluulon of the coimnou life of
nll.-Dr. Umll U. IllrKii, Ilabbl, Chi
cago. What t Sermon Should lie,
A sermon tdiould bo n tlilug of Ufa
aud lti-anty. It should glow, brighten,
convince, convict nud nrouse to tictlou.
lCmpty iowers nro lu a largo measure
csusetl by weakness In power of state
ment. ltov. l)r, Madlsou C, JlVfors,
Uaptlst, New York.
The Vnitcn,
Tho hidden Cod Is not tho absent
Ood, God hides himself that ho mny
bo tho Saviour. Man can tlorelop tho
higher, tho spiritual life only as ho can
take n grip ou tho unseen whaw reali
sation Is lu tho future. Hov, O, II.
AYUujor, Kpcopnllnn, Atlanta,
If wx nro Christiana, Ood'a Justice )j
tlw great rock ou prbleu vi ntniul.
C'jiiiM hns for us mt pll tho lemnads
of tho Jaw, nud Junllty' UMunuds our
unlvatjuj, ft ttwyt-T iwjisf )f
Stock Reducing Sale
Began Jan. 1st, 1901.
m H
B ii
nny noul should perish clothed In the
rightrounnenn of tho ltcdecincr. Iter.
Dr. Tlioman T. Iitou. Itantlst, Louis
ville M'ulUlmr Wiik ,od.
There con be no walking with Onl
tiKn the broad road which Icadcth un.
to tlcntructlon. Coil cannot be found
there. We can walk with Coil only If
wc nro In tho narrow path, nnd we nre
In the narrow path only If wo have en
tered by tho straight gate. Iter,
ftcorgc Marsh, CougrrgntlonallM, Pitts
burg. Ctirlatlnii Chnrnctcr.
Tho hlghcM type of Christian charac
ter hns tho lunlght of divine wlrriom lo
search out nud wisely employ thono.
luvlhodt which will best promote hu
man welfare, and" the "working of this
character becomes the practical ex
prexxlon of tho principles of tho Inner
lire-Iter. Walter I'clrce, Unitarian,
New OrKtinn.
Cnr lr 0r Chnractrr.
We want to bo supremely careful
about the one thing, and thnt In that
we must be careful to bavo a supreme I
thought of character. Character It of I
until' ijvii, ttuu ui,i.-ii ii iiiiiu nan iiuiuu
It ho should kivp It Iwyond tU touguo
of scandal. In CoiTs citico It In nbovo
everything else. Itev. Dr. McDowell. I
MethoilUt, ltaltlmore.
Ilrlahlrat Wamnn,
The brightest woinau would be
thoughtful lu itcrsonnl conduct and
tlrenn. Sho would bo a woman who
would not live for dress alone. Tlio
brightest woman Is tho one whose In
tellect Is luminous with the glory of
Cod nml who can sec the Inestimable
value or redemption through Chrlit.
Itev. II. I'rancN 1'erry, liapttit, Englc
wood, Ills.
Irrtl of Clirlillauttr.
China will Ikj regeucrntiM and wilt
open her doom to the world lu the near
future. This great change will bo
brought about not by fire nnd swonl,
but through plnntlur; the seed of Chris-
tlanlty. 1'renent troubles will fun:lili
the opportuulty for futitro work In tho
cast A policy cf force should lie dep
recated. Itev. Dr. Van Dyke, Presby
terian, Montclalr, N. J.
Chrlat no a Priest.
Christ was not n priest lu his dlvtno
nature, u ATns omy wuen ui; nwimiw
the vesture
ire of our human nature that i
tic could worstiip Coil. At the name
time nil bis acts of worship, of adora
tion, received supernatural merit from
hln divinity. The end Intended by our
Creator for us Is supernatural nud ouly
obtained by suieruatural menus. Iter.
V. Harvey, Catholic. San Francisco.
I'nor .jrlnt the ltlch.
Since the Increase of properly means
Iho Increaso of happiness for nil class
es, men who love their country and
their kind will view wtth npu-chemUou
and profound nlnpn tho attempt to ar
ray tho itoor against tho rich, the farm
ers against Iho hankers, the clashes
ngnliut tho masses. livery ago nnd
nation hns been cursctl by thu ileum
gogue who (waclKva ns a lino nrt the
stirring up of clans loured. Now, the
class hatred that prevnlln In thoso
countries whero tho hereditary classes
rule has no excuse lu this freo land.
Hero there Is no position so high
tho boy nt tho forgo cannot usplro to It.
-Itev. Dr. IIIUIs, Cougregailounlli.t,
New York.
Have tho courage to be happy. It Is
better to be born maimed or crippled lu
body than with n, perverse, sickly
mind. Ho who Is not satisfied with
what he has will never bo FatlsQcd.
Place aud possessions do not count tor
nnythlug bo long as wo remain what
we are. Ouly Hiom who ilvo tho larger
llfo cau know the luxury of llvlug. lu
conclusion tho worth of u man Is
known uot by tlio things which iuaVo
lilm happy, but by tho things wfalclt
rail to depress, discourage or over
whelm htm. If you have uot had great
happiness In life, count It alao happi
ness that yon hnvo been spared great
sorrow. Professor M. iX- Miuiguaajlan,
Chicago. t&i
,Vnei"-f3aao' good to'oth'erBTyou fla
K still croatcr good to yourself. Rov.
Oeorgo H.Hepworfh, Congrcgfltlonal
1st. Now York.
Christ's MWhosoever lMilIoophy.
(let tbo musses to Christ ami you
win tho classes, but never tbo roverso,
mil this Is tho "hnfoox'r" phlloso-
pity oj; vurist. ituv. tr,
Lottou, lajitlst( f,'sj'y)le,
phy of Christ. llov. Dr. Oeorgo A.
Itcmovcn everything tu nlclit; no
do dm -tic inincrnl pilla, but both nro
ibingeruu'. Dont tlinnniilH tho tluit
'c-tto mncliincry nf your body with
riilomcl. crnioii oil ur nines tiilli.
when Dr. King'n Xmv Llfo I'll Is.
which are gentle an a summer bretr.n,
do tlio work perfectly. Cures lleml-
neb, Contiputinu. Only 'lio at f. A.
i Qoltlen's Drue Snri.
A HrBsar'a rtcaaoolaa.
First Itcggar Yhy didn't you tackle
that lady? She might hare given you
Second Itcgjar I let her go because
I understand my business better than
1 you. I ucver ask a woman for any
thing when she In alone, but when two
. women arc together you can get money
from both, because each ouc Is afraid
, Iho other will think her stingy If she
refuses. This profession has to bo
I itudled. Junt like any other, If you ex
pect to make a success of It. Sco?
Harlem Lite.
Aro critml, but Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. IlucUlpn's Arnica Salvo,
rurcs them ; mmi Old, Kunninc nnd
Ftivor Siirrn, Ulcers, lloils, Felons
Corn', Wtirln, Cuts, ilruinen, Horn,
Penh!" Chapped Ilnnttn, Chllblnins.
nest Pile cure on earth. Drives out
Fains ami Aches. Only 25 cents n
box. Cure gunrcntccJ. Sold b F.
A. Qoldon, Uruggitt.
W. S. Wheeler's steam launch
Hannah now in better condi
tion thau ever. He recently re
ceived n new boiler for it from
the Marine Iron Works of Chi
cago, besides having the whole
craft overhauled. Hunting and
excursiou parties will fmd that
j,js js jusj tj,e ijoa t0 ,
suit them.
Price reasonable.
The Dor's Watebrnlncis.
The dog's watchfulness, so much and
to thoughtlotisly lauded nn thu expres
sion of his devotion to man, Is merely
Ihe Instinctive wntchfuliiesA necessary
to his safety In u w hi slate nnd a n
characteristic which he wouli!
uld exercise
quite as rondlly fur his own kind nud
the preservation of his lair nn ho would
for the benefit of man. When he barks
nt strange dugs or given warning at
night of the approach of strangers. It
should not be overlooked that be con
sider hln own home Is disturbed,
though It may be the home of hln mas
ter. Much iliiK'Hiln on the olut of
view. 11. Waters In Forest and Stream.
Tho woman who is lovely in face,
form nnil lumper will nlwnys luivo
friends, but ouo who would bo attrac
tive must keep hex health. If she is
weak, sickly unit nil run down slin
will bo nervous nml irritable. If she
has cnmlipnlion or kidney trouble,
her nnpura blood will causa irimples,
blotches, skin eruption anil a wretch
ed cniupleetioti. Elcctiio Hitters is
tlio beat metlicino in the world to reg
iilnte., liver and kltlnnys uml
tn purify the blond. It gives strong
nofvu. bright eye?, smotoli, velvety
nkln, ricliroinpleetion. Only CO cents
nt F. A (lolilrn'n Druir Slort r.
4 ft. na atatt -aatfc -aate.-atat, -aatk -am -aatat -ata, -at-, -att, -at, -ata -aat, -- -a -. m
ISblanco hoteJ
J.i. L rmtitEV, troirU-ioi
Pro. J
i ltt.,..uuu-AS
",!. -- m-M --. -j-a--.- -. ,y
Steamer Alliance ?
HARDWldK, Mfttjter
Makes tegular trips between.
Si Micisct aii PorUanS '
"VIA ,.,
Hoiolt nl dot:
Calliuc at above ports each way.
Tim ALMaSoB Is a first clrtMv '
.i I.. ii. i ,
pasacn-for boat, nndlissalj tfyo tBQil-
crn-cnnVcnleneoi', nml is ntto of tlio.
fntet HtesirtTi bljif r (in. ( ,.' '
l'or Freight nud Passcligcr Uatcj .
or Sailing Dates, ,
Ayply to ;
MMLSHPtiiUD, : : Oregon.
A. Reed, Matter, .,
Will .llultn nrntttr Trlpa' t
INI) .' -""-
j AT
-'LOVsr rt ATSs.';.; l
Crecoo Coir? & Kfiitlen Co.,
VtbpiUtuj. ,
E O. rlaniin, ARVyri-KaVslJuVfJ. "
5 U. Compny, Atirtr, Empire' City
Tram: Mamtt
Anroo tenUnt tttith d SawaiflMn ata J
aratctlr uwun mi cptninu fra MMir
UiTtnt loo la .robblr Mtmtbl. Ouaiomnka.
JCiaatllrroftOdwiiu. lUiurwokoarmtasa
nl f. OIJxl ikt liitMoillMfaianu.
l-lnt takto throuh Morn ft Co. rctra
tptttat iwtlM. without Cbana, iHtb
Sckntltk Jfmrkati.
K handaoinatr llrolrtfcl xHMr, hutrt V.
ruUUon of mar rdtniinn laarnaL Tarma, U (ol4 brail nwa.lln.
Cooj rlrcr coal it now on the maikel, .'i ',
ThosJho Ktve used it pronounc It - ' "
superior nitlcteand time It no doubt ' '
buthillt ltc general tatltfucton. A'f
Ddlrernt lo any part of tonn for J4,oo
jxr ton. Send your oruVr to
Levi hrisner;
110T1I Hit AD ALUKK. AL'
North Front stroot.
The Best in Current Literature
12 Complete Novels Yearly
$2,60 PER YEAR; 26 CTO. A C6PY
Notice is hereby given that all
Couttty WrtTrauts endorsed prior
to Oct. 14th 1808, will ue paid
at my ofllee in Coqnille City, Or,
No interest will be nlluwed altet
December 31M, 19QO.
j. . uiiuey,
County Treasurer.
Goquille City, Ot, Dec. 31, 190-
.snNkiJarL EJ
This ln ' til eivt JmslnfM tiB), " I -tlvlty
nml Intense rffotr for wt"iilU.. If J?
U often callol thp ni, nf tin? "mliht
tlollnr" or tlit conmicivial Pgf. TImt,., 4
nro liartlly any vittUsfor life M"whlcV4 "
na nuIiRly Krv'cil fortlietlolUrtlow fwt, t
wort: Iqtisjlfi) rt'.ul civnle tllsceixl rwJ
snfferliwf. Ami l? l)i'Cv ikoiI wlf
not yon, but yours. lluv. A. H. Ckypik