;.?.' ..l.' ..I li- Su. -' I attti T.rv-A-r. i?erminiriinii,m-i iii-oi .7 . ... .r. :u :. . I 'aMA JbiiGIoLATI VE 1 1 . , ., -w' . "" "i 'ERSOTTAT . .I .ITI) LOCAL. Campbell & Kickworth receiv ed nn assortment of ficsh fruits nnd vegetables on the sterner Areata. The engagement of George Stewart ami Misj Alice 15. Rog i era lias been announced. 'Anything in the poultry line can uc natt nt uie Marsh helii i Cash Meat Matkct. The c ngngement oi Mirs Dec i itrptn auci ticorgc Ulack has been, auuouuccd. 1 I,owncy's Don Dons from roc to $uoo per box at the Red Cross. W. V. Farriu was married to Miss Haniet Houghton at rorlland a short tune ago. Mr. Fan ins has many friends here, ntouc time having resided in this city. For all kinds of stationery go to Xortous. The new Xasburg double store is last being completed nud will oou be ready for goods. A new cfftivas mining will decorate the Stoat. Notice Campbell & Kick worth's window display of coffee, tea, dried fttu't, etc. ' They carry . the largest line in town. A, theatrical performance by home talent, is being arranged by the, Ladies Episcopal Guild. Stop that cough with a dose of Scngstackcn's White Pine Kx- . pccioranr. it Mas no equal t John Snyder is again at his post as clerk in the Central hotel. The Model Steam llaherv of L'crmmlc has moved to the Seng siacKcn Muiuingon A street. r. l!i:.vri4, UctUUt. All rrlt Kuui'itiilcoit. '&V I it Initio .to. .is i. Hoarseness, sotcucs in tho chest, Ctoupy and distressing coughs are ahvuvs volieved by German Cough Cure, 250 and 50c a bottle at the Red Ctoss. The anniversary ball to be giv en by the Suomi Society, on the second of next month promised to be one of the social events of the season. l'YR S.M.If .TVciriMn rnB? deuce property. Six lots frontim on C. avenue, West Marshfield, all cleared and level. For trrm and prices apply to OttoSchcltcr .uarsuncia. John Peterson one of the Life saying station crew was in town this week. For Sale. A new Petalutua incubator, no ones cmacitv. in first class order and condition. everything complete. Apply at tins olhcc. Tames ltarrioniifl futnilv mnvivt 10 town irom mis ranch 011 the Isthmus. Scustackcu'r White Pine F. pectoraut not onlv stons the cough, but heals the inflamed mucous membrane and air pas sages. - Mrs. T. D. Sunderland, has been seriously ill the past week. German Couch Cure is nleas- aut to the taste and is a reliable safe guard against Croup. For sale at the Red Cross Drug Store. The Pioneer hardware store is being entirely renovated ami re- k Calaghau, of Dandou, a visitor m .Marsh liii Mmi G was day Fred Schettcr was in town Ihe fore part of the week. S. D. Magties left this week on the Maudal.iy for San Francisco. Dr. O. F., Smith has a Masta don's tooth which weighs neatly five jhjuiuN it was brought from Alaska by R. M. Palmer. The Fire Department Hind have ordered some more new music ami three new band instruments. A l'ostolticc has been c.4t!ilt;l?. cd at North Deud. Lewis J. Simpon, postmaster. A special service front Marshfled office. C. N'olauder, of Nortlt Hend, who Mas oeeu in Hits city tor ten days down with la grippe is again about. He had a hatd ieige. The citv marshal w.inis the LEGISLATIVE SOLONS MEET. And Promptly Proceed to Porforin Thoir Duties Hey thete! you dogs 'Prv n i,in r ii. uwng entirely renovated ami re- ioupicklcs, nt Campbell & Hick worjh's, only 10c a bottle. Surveyor Catchcart re-located part of the Coos-City-Roscbu rg wagon road this week, near Sumner.- Chest protectors to ward off cold, 5CC aud 75c at the Red Cross Drug Store. t Henry Holm received a fine lot of beef cattle frqm the upper Co- quille last week. 1 - ML Shasta Kidney aud Livct Cure purifies the blood aud regit- , latcs the liver, stomach and bowls. Try it. McPhersou &. Ginser our Agents. -j- David Holdeti can now be call ed by tclctihon bv his entoni.r -flv&ving had' a telephone placed in The landslide at the Newport coal bunkers at Uoulton Gulch. f has all been cleared away aud everything is running smoothlv r tigaiu. A new lot of all kinds nf hlnt.l- aud accout books just received at F. P. Norton's. Bologna, frankfurtttr, tripe aud head cheese at the Jarshficld Cash "Meat Market. Gus. Bennett and N. Rassmtts sen took in the big marsh Wcdus day and bagged a long string of English snipe. Miss Minute McCraefcen nf Why suffer from headaches? American Headache Powders give almost instant relief. Get dog tar cash up A. Markovitch has just put in some new windows ami otherwise improved his tailor shop., Dcmitv Sherift Fd. HulliLr nf O :lt 11 .'' w" U4u.c TraiKea troui there Tues day. He had ,ome urgent busi ness una preicrreii not to wait. Fine line of winter dress goods at Seugstacfccu's at prices that defy competition. C. M. llyler, of Umpire, isuow tcmporarilly acting as pharmacist hi acngstacitcus drug store. F. M. Wilbur havimr taken eh.itt.r of Scngstackcn's store at Umpire. ! rank Haines, has mnwA with his family to Coos City where he has lewd his father's dairy farm for a term of years. ATTK.VO TO Yoflt 0UC1 1 A UD'.S John W. Green, oi Lane conn OiirsMiclwtnMlnwnirlln iKtwiKiticc with cointltull.mrtlilomunU nntl Inmmllttrly do vvfill li Ixuliirtv Sn,l.r 'tliTi). l,n,iHin. Iwllpcr from J.oi, (.. ui, ,(, lir j, , WillUmmn, of Crvxik Civ. win nn.l i,. nryiHnitknlbfiitltlPK 0. M(nh.t ami liMiit ivvtv" chiHvn tiii)ricj iloilj. l'riMll. Of Ul iCk IIN.K tlo.i JiMVltll. of Aiimnwinn. ami hlomt. of Shwuwu, hmc in ill.' ctMimilitrc on cmlnillnl. e luinmlt. IK iiniiMsliitiKljr rttnl mill rrit ndiM,ll- tlwm-w nimtUntonk Ihr .vlli if cHv. t'liK-f lnnkv K. S, Umii iLlmlniBttlnc llic bUie LlkitV V. tnttofl. of Amrli.' 'mm fliwn rklrtil uf II wniiir. Ami nfl.r il,. ...,il, f o lcr rtilmlnUtfrnt hy Jmlw IVmii. lie lm iiwUulcljr prflv, Vtl taiih IhkImm Ami llw wine fo.l ul ruWn ere hJ.ij.WiI ,i Itvit nm!r winch llw biltlnta of ihe kut Kilvlt'io.l mint. i.o.iowiDCoiiTr. ww riwini ( ,h. Knot. Cntef ekV- t. Mmii ,,t , w.. f.. J """ AMiMtUrWofcltk-l-nnk(Jmnl. f IVhI bkil. . KVnllHg ,-lwk-j II Mmrv. ef UU. Cktlt ckrtk-J A lined. f ABiwny. Sgil-lHriii-.:.M WalicM. of IVniit... 1,-n. tVwilffprr-W NVNulih, of Orca Clw. M.nll iVrk-U .S Miunc .f .Slft,n. Cn iot,. th, ,,j,i , uutliwiwil to ppoll liit Ihirf ingraml cWtV. Ho unnounc cl the .ippatniMirnt nt iun of f II i -.i.-. ofJjciwn.Hfc, n Hum. tif IVmkiml. ami K Malirlkiii, of lNiUht: M,i . i ..i. t-.M. ...... - t.l-".. .-.. ..,,,7 .iiubt, 01 ,iorM. , flr the (wmuc vftaow umIjUmm mMt l)ourtir.l. If i4ctwi in the heiuo wrtc m IqRw 7. K UrtiWr, KrimblkDn. vi ImtMtli, villi t RpnulitiaiH lAIKkfa lUluiBM. lv iL.. tlivt.M M)- Chwf dk-. c Jnnh, f Uw. """' ww ctik-. y K S)ikr. t Vmh. 0S1SA wn:-ioxJiEisA.ij3a HOUSK. ii I3vlltlllllll'l.-M--Illl,'l' Vtciv Hi cm ci' j 1 .llurlilli'ltl, Imiwlor of Wliii-i miil llfui ntnl IIIrIi llrtn'ci of 1 ncrmtlil Mmm llrw. m fflAw:a& lollovi ln(5 is n mi t kl lt or Wlikklti on tmiul UKPTdl'. Hi:. (lltASS. MOMHIItAM, WIIITKItYK, ioi.ii:n lU'I.K. AMrUUM'SCI.lUt. JU-IIUAYKU'.SSOUU .MASH KKYsniM:, iiU('ici:N-m:iMi:u itim: uyi: umii nit vim: roNY, COMAIDIUMSi: KiiY.VI., TCI.KI'IIO.N'K, Ml' VKItXDN, l'tllVI.'1'lf l'ArrijjoN'SKion'n, .SVICliS tltlMII. l) Impnilol Oln. Okl (jinikn Rum, V. I'.ihfiwhH tlnimljr, Hii.ii lnvh. Clifl. Sftfj, Nnjjir.i, in.l l'n Wmr, I irl ('IduAkt'lml. 1'rrm.d tVilllnl I Nnri-t, liulllWH Muul, Kuvk Ami Kr, irs"w Variety Store, F. P Norton, Proprietor. .IIim'kIiMi'IiI, Ort'uun. f A lino assortment, oi Oonibotionory, Oignra mid Tobaeeo tilwuys on Imnd. Al) ioivolryofiilldoferiptit.il!., plnyiiK vnnln, wliilloiifry, HhIiIiik tnoklc mid tho moat cuuiiluti iihtMiitiiii'iit of NotloiiH tiiitlm bay Koiv.s Depot jukI Agency. All nrilont iitlilrvmioil to "Nnw 'Vaiiictv Stuiii:," MuiHliltnlilOrvmiu iill nwivti prniiiit urti'iitioti 5 5VS m IhJI ty, an old nurseryman and thor- JSf -T"- vv- tlicmatbengstaclccu's. Peter Cowan of Klnni!riv mc in town this week. The onlv wav to avoiil Iinviiin tough meat, is to purchase your supplies at tlic .Marshfield Cash Meat Market. Mrs. S. R. Davis received word from her daughter Clara, Statins that nuinco Davis nrrivivl at the hospital all right, standing the trip well. Scnjjstacken's White Pino T-V. pectoraut is the ideal remedy for au uiroat auu broucliial irrita tiou. ( Ifvott want chicken, hnilnr broilers or frvers. von p.m ot tin. I. " r. --"".--...--llilwiU oesi ai uie .Marsntiekl Lasli Meat market. ir. auu .irs. vv. t. WJieelcr of this city have been seriottslv ill this week. Mrs. A. D. Walker, wlin Imc been visitintr at Conuillc for a week returned via team Tuesday. ougiiiv compenteut m every branch of that business is now at the Garfield, and any one wish ing pruning or doctoring trees or any other scientific work in t!ti line will do well to call noon Mr. Green. Mr. Green has given mis uusmess ins Ittcstudv and can give you the best of satisfac tion. 2 t tkW-lln'alwr.ifll ml rmnl'lr lUWMltncnt u( pwr I'lilifoniM mn il nil l riwilmml that iotitilrlr i .,......., ... i .111 ,MI ,, c n, Jin'fcs tor .nrcl(, !i.litii i-'uir nl 1 . .a.ln Mrrrit I r. 11.4111 Vl'JI Iniljr Vnutt. KOIIIKf M!vI N'. aHy-rtcut otiiKMi rn v ri it Hill HH llfc I'llHXIT All! Ml. N Coiitlinti'd (rum llmt niv. A Pino Pioco of Work C. W. Patterson is makine fine double monumental tablet. for the eraves of Mr. nnd t? Smith of South Coos river. The work is a fine niece of Vermont marble aud is canal to miv It.il- ian marble and to turn out such work is a credit to any cstablisii- C'HAM.KS HAKNKIfS V.VI.f.VI'.r.i: I'AKMKOK .S.VI.J:. The farm owned bv tin. tmirc of Charles Harner, deceased, is for sale. It consists of about 6Go acres, and is situated near Sum ner, in this Countv. and is woll . rf 1 - improved. Written bids Born. WILSON At San Francisco, Jan. :o, ioor, to Mr. and Mrs W. D. Wilson, n son. Mrs. Wilson is well known here, haviu lormeriy resuiw m city. Her maiden name Nellie Hall. tins was Cakmfcr ilctl-r A Tkur. ai N..m Tsmt.uf-t: vv aun, r mis nuh. IWkeWf-E C ChupiMM. f OwMiwm. Miuinf il.rk.-T K lifts, of tteugU.. I.ie Ijutn Minaa. UImi !(..... ...1 I R.Upl, I'rauw. Th Dciio.-raiic ctwn tmimtioi. m: I htf clerk-John r, ItcaUn, ,,, ,( Mulla. nuh. A thunt i:i-.. TW. tf UuliaPMMh. KM4m iktrk-K Khm-t. uf MiillMiuah. I'aklUM tWfk-J A .(Ur, of JKtori. tg'.Urm-itn Wtifw. of ftrfk. Iloofkwprr-it VmlH.lm, ot Mn.m ik. M iIUhs l.tk-lotm .Mi. of Ckck.m,!.. fhe foil Jiinit rmnmltln M nn,...., of clefk4'i.t ltauiric.Tvu.p. !.. oim from rjth KrKwn! iti.e diai. J ,v Smuh. Whitney. ,lru. Jlitoo,, lufc iu-l. .wmrg. MiaiI, .!. .Nhoto. alu. aipfl, Jlu:V. KMr. VlniMt. Km., lirmrr Siorr,. Uj,m. vrr.U. KuUfU.-Thwn.on. Kltk. kira. Mv.VImkt. Crcr, Car. Il.rtcll Th llmne rnU, of 1I99 r BtlontnJ. KMti until 1 j., m. - -" .-'b ir sbouh iw r on ..i. Ihvnril'yk iik. In. Uii-tfuii am n ..mil trnimnirflof i'j. ,i n-Ucr, .1 .uci' iiii if , j nuluutl Ij lti NVhtk-m, iji,.vv. AtluTM . loul iHttVMnrw n fj 6,-9 i ft '" w'niton of I.iHcioii.n, i .ii,r,i . 0,tl.St. .Illli IM"e-t i .11 4 lr it II Li.' elect h,. K kfcotmlr loc InvwJoe. inm ...,. Itw !).! elluU,tlhUf-Ml r.f Vn.m,, In that count) OrFVit.xttiW nitiMtioa for JMr t,V. nl Ihr itoto wx k-y will .10.iu'y teuh unnlli. 'I tut vatuiliou it jUuu . .-. cnl krti tU.in tlut of v?. ETJTIEIC: STOVES DKKHKJNfl iirOTl'KRS lQV ffi Emm HARDWARE OF ILL KINDS Tiiuiii.,., I'lnuil.iit. nntl I'ipcfiiiuj. pr.jiiiity D0,i. 'A' ST.. MAnSHFICLD. fm B murD . I 1 mi win hi .. mill - v. W.W-M1 ,w . ' Vvni Pj iT ,WW'"""J , " improved. Written bids w be SJ? mS'S, eU?.aRCd ? reci votl for nie at the office 7.-7.. .'";'. .tu l" 5"1 o J- W. Iienuet. Marshfield. Rrad department of the Marsh- ncia scnool. Sun. John Hendricks of North Coos river received n new buggy on ( the steamer Empire, from Sau t Francisco. Otto Shetter and Jim Watsou started Thursday afternoon for ( Tioga where they expect to re main for some time and make improvements on their home- " steads. A new full line of fresh fernac- ious goods just received at Camp bell &ickvotth's t Ifudyan i now nold at 50 cents por paefcapo by all druggliu, Gut liuU yan. k Guard agaiust loss by fire by jusuriug your house and effect in the London & Laucashirelnsu. rauce Joliu Treuss, ageu. The Marshfield fire depart ment arc adapting a new set of by-laws. They were read for the iust imc ar-ttie last njeetiug. An intere'stiiig time was had nud 1 much good-uatured discussion was indulged in. The next meeting vill be held on Febru ary 7 th. If troubloJ with a weak cliireilloii lnM.... T1? ! . vioii. ias win niso ue re ceived for the Charles Harner house aud lot at Sumner, or one bid can include both the farm and the Sumner lot. Cash offers preferred but one half cash and uie oaiaiice on easv terms m hi be accepted. J. D. Sunderland went nnPw. river, Thursday, on official" busi ness. Father Donuellv cvnocii i.n back in MarshfiL-kl on next Wri- uesday, weather permitting. No services in the Catholic clinrrli Sunday. The Klccttic lii'liiinr, tiinni :., this city was disabled for a few hours Sunday night by the bum. K i 01 a irnimiormer, caimetl by the crossing of wires in front ot the city hall. t Thomas Tcnuy of Norway was in town Friday 011 business. Kev Thouins Irvim. wmii uanluer to be absent two weeks. ue will preach there Sunday. Geo. Peek of Ii.mdnn m-ic visitor in town this week. At Reed.s shipyard it took $510. to pay efffor last week. Geo. Pratt at Uav City mill was stricken with turalvsis l.-isr cvemiii He is in a critical pw.imrnioiivritrciioitf.ltlwi n myui-M. ppofio.ini.-ni eonkl Mat k-iwiil. ,,1 th, , bWKok!rak, U, .Mrtor htm wti wl ! mMmI. IWMh rrBM w-w rfcoromcniknj by the ounnjiiw l-ti 1 .. Ihe llou'e: ft.Vt MbHk llcnil tit (.iit.jt. uf f-. lib. f.hirf clfrki A IHojr, fnlon uml Wallowi. II 1 r4. (iiMwrn. Oram, .'.'.'rui.in, Wmco ml Wknirti A llamimiryl m.I f) Jicktn; Iuj m, jwiion ami jmphiMr, Snunipl'i'.-l..lun llicknua. IWk and MiMoln. C tt I'Bffiiiuin. Y-mWUiDl liCimook Nclll; Iiijillt, Milllnomali, Ctuh Ituhor; Mtriua; J11H1 Kdwn, W'm bington. CommilM e'erki II fiikr. M.-Hon. () AI--nmUr anil X A Whitney, I. Ion, J II in,-rVy. IXwigli.. KB Mummy, Coot; CiliU liUcl. Cutry; finHe N'kbeb. l.nta: Oln lhn. 'M. Wihins on: 1. C Kruu. Imu. k......i CUciinvi ; J llnlkfiner. Mn.sT M-imllton, It Knotl. i: Kronr, l.i'. Miiitoom 1I1, Vrt K.tii.k. Mril llHftli. CkilH.p: A lownh. 0.1. iv.il 14, W I'nrwon, UiMlilli; ,y,., (Il4 foni. tUkrr. tieiaia iUvv-n, Mir,f ), r klllil. Slk rinin. U. A ImU.. a Il.h.... i. . -. 1 . ... , , . 'T"'""" inmi ". '' . rwiunini, l.ikiMMI V V.I. co Cash. . . . . Conner Grocrey. o s I3 inn t-nid 11 '! The Sick Pay Your Dog Tax Notice is herohv oiwn M.if .n dogs within the city limits, on which the tax is not paid by Feb. 15, 1901, will be taken up. Pay your tax and avoid uuiieceisary trouble. John Cakthb, City Marshal. CI.OVKU OltKKK ITi:.M8. The hich water ltn r1nn .. I damage on the creek, except irri- s".'. ihv iuwtr jioor 01 iconic Stonq's house. gnomon uiii ail IS beilll? done tor him tlut medical skill can do. The Alliance came in today. Miss Stella O'CmmpIl .,.. Sau Francisco on the Areata Tuesday to visit her ?. , 'Jones. M. K. CIILUCII Till) Vnr'oilH m ri'imu ..( fl... M.l . Ul.t l,scoi),il c niri'li il.iy ..w...ii. aro IoiiiIiii'h ti miiiwiI .I j.....:. 1 . ... I ,' -' - 'wn.. nvi Ituo IIU1IUI1 t'll for lliu rid.ir fiiinr.. M'l... C.....I... ..,, '...K. . 1,11 .iiiiiiiiv ovoiiliiK norvleo will lu iirucotluil lv hiiochI xiiij fcorvlct) ul lk i:ont'r8K.i tiotial iiuttirt', cvory body ,e, " vltcilto eoloot tltoir r.ivorito liymn. borvlcoat 7:."0. ' Arrjiu'niiw.tity l.o..A 1..., r . . for icvival mtrvlcai nmi mi J-Jvatiya Iit U CJCpectcil Hhnrtly. logtie, Doll." Iillt'ii Nvstroni nnd Pli Merchant: DiolotMic. 7id i.i.nil,.' llouvi jiteil tw.li'iiio . n.'iii...'.i... . I ''The Hnntiv flul.l " a lim, f.... nlern'l thr lovrinnri.f K urin. ,..,1 ,..." I ,:... I t. i .... i . . . .f "" I fcU .lilll I'IIIIIIII I.TIIIfl .1 ll'nrr .1 """" -....., ...i.iiii n Maimers; Uecttatiou from 9th am School Item3. The 7th and 8th rnili'!i has been much immovfd In- icli cut tains and the tents Juve been varnished. The .rd tirade room wn nrii. Iy decorated 11 Hauiicr Dav. Twenty ol the .td grade pupils IHi.-scu Honorary 111 Urtliojjrapliy Inst mouth. Knlph Matson has srvcml liic connection with the liiirli school to accent a iHiirition in tin. t..l... phone office. l'riday was Hauuer tlnv. 'I'd.. attendance wits faitly i-wmI but not so i.uge as 011 many previous occasions. The door reciepts wvie ij.u. 1 lie KUIO'.VIIIg pro gtnm was rendered: Song', "Hat-tk-.ship Mai e." P.cci'.ation fmn 5tli ami Otli grades; ' The Ilridge Keeper's Story," Ada Chapman; Kecitatioti. ,ith t'r.itk.. "Plnvimr Sick," Mary lirown; Recitation, isi grade, A Little Man," Ralph KriiH'; Song ii and and L'tai r.i. "If a I!i1v Kim! ,. 1 . fcou;" Composition 7th nud isth ,:ri" ' grades, " The Clo-.e cf Day," "' wviivvivve neu9ia"Keii: I Jin- ,. , - ... f roprielory. A full lino of choice groceries, food, Hour. Ham and bacon always on hand. Frosh frails Imd vego- tablefl ovary atonjinox. Highest pricopnid for produce, buttor nnti eggs so "OAO" rrtt Dcllwrv can 40 Tctylifiuv ),n .j, B IIT llt.lt ti-llltl' .mil rvlfUrfl hril II... 11. . ... 'ill 1 " '" "' nor . 1 I tkiktri l.mnvi l p IM Jiv.,Jy. In. Uou ti.cn .lj iiirni'i Wr nro rrninra tn 1. .... linlOllint'. HOllr Hlnmnf I tr if...... .. .I niren..nnn .!. . .... I -------"o. -- .., . mwu icui iMiauuiivc uu me creeic. iiicimn. dull after citing, try Olmnihorluin' lier is on Mio ',,i i . Stomaoh ami I.Ivor tablotj. Price "3 , ground and work i onnlu. Kunitil rmn ir a ..7 COIUIUCllCed. on " Mr. Armfield has vacated his Racktiig: headaches, bleary claim on the hill, eyes, wtakuess, noises in head. If the people had what they lludyaa cures. AH druggists, need, thev wnnld i,n i". I WOccntJf. t like Albert Collvers. iry some ot lite bread made at Rey. Geo. Bunion and wife Aiic4iu(ui;uKcry. uways irrsu were visiting at John Collvers jua My. i. w..-iJ. vox, propne. last wpek. r. ' i s tf, Jr , . .. v . i - - i wutttuuuKu was up tuc John Mcsscrleejias purchased creek miking shingles for the me H. Wi Dunham ranch. iDarsouac; JasMveek. IUimx?t ..... iST-7 f l, w- . "".mil,, . V. il. C. A. J. ! Criokn tv.ll Kiw.iL.nl il... v Mf. , - T " "i i'i UIU i. .(J. A. ronmj Hum, I,... ..!.... . --- ...-. ( v u l iiurii ii in 1 flit . ...... . . . ----- ... . JUII. -U.. 11 L .i ...II Miil.i... ll t. ft I ( . I t i . . ItEvwibcdcof. l-llv In Zi" ""'" uc " '"-ouguiy looked into. ' " I tirrilrt Hnati. a-.lt i , 1..n... I'wuitw imvw il IUIll Hi JvlJUW r ,, ,. ,7 ; ""'""" "'iiiik ii I III) 1 Olllli I Win n'y H,.nI,.l., .1 .!.. tlllll hndciivor llin fnlLiuriii.. ........:... . ..-.-.. ...., iiifUlllb iiutiio ..iiiu iii. iiiu iur mitt miMiiiiK' mx iiiiiiius, in wit, uvmictt KwitiHoti, rrvHiiloiit; MiloSiimtiPr, Vico iiruni. "lout; .Alms Annio l'inliur, Ucooidini: Stoniinryj Mm Alico JIii!r. Our ri'HIIOIidllll' Hecrutiiri" Ml., in.... .loliiKi ii, lieKiuur. Huveral emu. iiiiUvea wvrv ulmi iippointcd. Homer Shcpard who has been working in the navy yard at Mare Island, Gala., returned on the Areata from Sau Francisco, Irregularities in Mail. The reason why Marshfield mail has not reached here nrouifttlv litis tntirclv in tin. A ..-., ( . till. mail contractors not fully doing their duty and for the past week mails have been neglected. The regular mail has reached Ihto r i hours behind its schedule time. Since the blockade has Ih-imi cleared there is no reason whv tins siiouiu not Dc uillereut. The mail leaves Roseburg on time and it is known here that the mail carrier leaves ii;irinf ilw. bay mail at Weston or 18 mile house. The neotile ol Mnrslifii.ld arc beginning to feel indignant about the action of the mnil car riers aud the matter is goiiiir to l"ie why i inii.sii iv K.viii.t vim u ., ...... i Hi.. . .ul ;,..,.! ,...:..,! ,i i. ".!. iiiviiikii i.i nut, v.lillvll IIIIUIIJII, At tho rnKulur Iuiiichm iiiPctinK of The contractors have no riiht to I 1 Otllli lVrm n'n MukIi.Iu .1 rii.... I . . . 9 . loth gradcH, "The Country jus ticr;," Frank Wickman; Prcscn- i.-uioii oi i;nimcr.s; Song, Sum mertime in Dixy" Ralph, Iiay and Tudor F.ir- tms haie entered the 5th aud 6th grades. miss .McLrckeu is asiis:iiig Miss Twombly in the f;th grade. Carl Heuekeudoir, Julius Fgcu. hoff Thomas and Nels Nftlsnn have been promoted to the 71I1 grade. The following mimed pupils are on thesick list: Jim Merchant, Kdua Jlraiuard. Win. Sleon. Mm. Ueiiuett aud Uessie Drown. The c itollm "lit. at tin? rln f. nf thcpre.ciit uio.itli, is 353. 1 he percent of attendance for the mouth has been neatly yB. ' DONNVOASTMi. H. Sengstaeken -Wholesale and Roiail Druist MNMlificlil an I ''.,,!ro ci,y( ocAt,n. Pn-piloim Nldlll'iilli- ., ....,'. "... .... . w,iu. ..IW. .v ,. , ,::".' "v:5. ?- - 4,Miipiinli.i I '" fc" "' ' 1 It ft hta Hot J t E. G. Flanagan, Proprietor. .1lllri.lif;,.Itl, Ort'Ki 11. Mutton, Boof, Pork, Canned Goods, Groceries. market; Salt Meats, v.i.n. J WW. Iii'XUln Viiiip Nu,.,, , N,,r A "M 1''MIiIh II ml At Groldens 1 Id ami Silver WatohcH at n Margnin liiflii (iO(kIh novnr Hold ho CJlman. Tfivt-rnrfivurv f'lill.l i.. 11... r..' . 1 - .. ... ,.,,,, ,,, u, ,,(,,,, wi.iHuur.iimi unriHitniiH Tn-o Ornamonth in (Jrru. Variety C3-EJO? OTT2E3 PKICEsi Wo liavu tl, CJondfi .l moan IIiihiiiorb. Tin, Tni.lo ,l clrlHUmn Tren CoinmlltcoH Hii)j.lied at Wltolowilo I'ricoa. j leave a sack here and a .suck there at their pleasure. The pas: week has been the worst service Maiilifield has had in many years- ..ir .jooiiic: ijio present Council Meeting The city council meets this evening in regular session, there bciii'' a lanic aiuotiut of biisitn. lo attend to. Committee lepoits and annual .statements. The .. ... .. -"IHIHI UlllllliW .1UULI1II.IHS. i inail contractor is respousiole for fiscal ear now begins on Jan. till. nri wit! rwim iliiti n.,.l I ' ., ". . . J' " the prtscnt condition and must ;iQ ucticr. Ilerber Waicitt luih been np. f ointed Goveriimmt inspector of rock at tl e Ccos river minrrv TJus apptutmtm 's gcod 911c. J pot in Dec. 1, nrov ded. as the old charter August Hickworin or'he Co fjuille Du;l t , came in from 'Jo. (juille City last evenii gcu ho 12. back. " SELL ENGINES BOILERS .' il I pmvv io IV.ILLQ WBSI STACKERS THRESHERS Tf fifl a in M HI a& j mm m WltlT FOU OATALOdUM AUD J'Jt'OlIS Jo:ti.uij r