- A. t'Tii' mMliWMMMMMI Coast flail MAHNlllll'.I.II OKICOON PALL CANKER-WORM. Ha dlfn lllKir- nmt dm Mnllintla In Vuuun fur rirtMIUtf II, Vory dfittriKllvt) luxcctn nro I ho cnn. Urnvmnii. 'I'liuimli wwy to t'oiuiiur If lunpuriy trt'iiii'il, tlio nniiimi lium nun to tlinlrtlriiiviliitloiiii Ik vory eotiMdi't tilde, Mini It would norm Hint ninny ixmhoiiii liitMi yet In Iciirn lliu motlioi'.ii of Unlit Inir HiIh nlil (Iiiik (nut. Tlivru nro two tiH'('li'N of ciuiUi't-M iirirnt inoni or Irwi coiinmm wlicriivrr npnU'H nro iiilnril, llio full cniiltnrtvurui mill tlio uprteuf tntiUcrttorin. Tim full worm. In tx-r Imp Hut innrii roiaitiioti. It It n Mnut'i lirooded IiimccI, u lilt It Iiijh It ccun el tlivr Into In tint iitijiiiiiii or curly In irprlmf. Tlio ikk luuchon out n miinll loopwoim Hint ?row to llio Iciinlli uf tiittrly nn liicli. It vnrlcn Kronlly In rotor, lint In niniilly grii)' or tiluiont hlnck, tdrlprd tilth jcllowlnli or kiwii. lull, lli'liic n ini'iiMiirliiK worm, It linn li tlmu tint ordliinry iiumliur of Iorh, U tnii li-jtn Hid r tliu IiimhI mill four fulnv loiw nntr tlio interior t'xtroinlty, Willi mi I'Mrn t-ilillini'litnry pnlr no Win fUlli iiIhIoiiiIiiiiI mmi'itt. Win ii full irrotvn, It tUm.'1'MlK to tliu Kroiinrt mnl iiiitinlly linrli'M tlf xomttttnen xvcinl Inolio Ix-iirnlli Hip tinrfiicc. Horn It form n cell by Hindu rotiuil 'mnl roiiinl mnl rliiiiiitr to tliu piipiil ntnac l.ntu lu llio full, frntii tlio Irtttt of )cl. Iirr to tliu tlnm tvlit'ii tliu uroiitid In roini'M froiu'ii, tlio ildult I'lncritM mnl lay tlii'lr vex mi thu lirnnclirii of tlio trtcK. Mmiy of tlio niotlii 1 1 not riiicrco In tlio full, tint rcnmlii In tlio Krotitiil till rpilni:. WIhmi udtilt, tliu itm Hpjft illtfer itrrnlly In nppfiirmici. Tliu imilit U.n pretty inotli, It li nidi gray fmi't ttlim mnrlU'd liy Hirco (numum dmt,ir llur mnl lilml wIiiim nf ullvrry uruy. Tlio fciniilo. on tliu laotlirr linnd, U nt provldtd tilth ln-. Wit linn to Ci'invl whcn'Vor nIio ciw. 'li mitnewlmt inoro rnliimt tlmu tlio trnln ntl nthi'ii crny In color timrl.id nllhldiuk. Tlio fail Hint tlio fi-mitlo mnLir. M'liruio nrt u IhkIca mnl nitut tnp from tlio Krotitnl to tlio linuirliri of tlio trM In ouhr to Iny ilidr i'kk icIm-i im mi oxcrllotii ini'HtiH of flttlittni; tl" n If wo rmi linml tlit'in ntt mnl prevent tltfin from rrnulltii; up tli trnnUi of tliv trrw, tlio v:r cnniliit Ut ilrp-nltiil on tliu twin, mnl no linri.i Mill it null. fAU. (UHKKimOHU. A, mill) t, ImmI t, d, , ttntvril .ll!t f, . nlrJ, h, I. -fli ul Ul), J, UH kt iti. k. lilit. I, W " l'"U, To niTinpllli HiU i'IkI nri.'it ilirliv Imro Ik. o tr ltl, ntn.li m tmlli(t tlio trio with pnpor mnl iii thU iruulliiic (irtniiTN Ink or ratiTi'Hlnr lltuu or nny tliliiK Micky I'timigh to prwnt tio rnt iTplllMrii from crnulliirf up. l'rlin I I'o Ika IhiiiiI In inmlu uf ot(.ri lint tlnif. A Mrlp of HiU U wound routiil u trmi trunk mnl lntHinl wviit'ly ly n Millie nl or Ih'Iuw tlio uiMill'i Tlio iiipir I'lut In now turmI ilown,' form Itn; n liKMic, flurry iiium, lu whl.li tint ItiMi'tN got I'litmiRliil mnl illo. 'II i In itii'tlnnl htiN oiio ilMiitnulnRi Tlio limulii Imro to Im Upt ou from Clio lnut of Octolicr until KjirlnK In will nhntio. til mnl inimt do ri'iiowtil nftor r.ilim or Minn Hut cotton Ion' Hn iliilfyiiiHturo. Ah tlio woruiH fotM upon np!''. i'lut. I'lirrry mnl wiiih IIit ihhii 'prwiui HoiiN nitmt lo tnkiu to pri'Mfit tliotti from hri'iilliiK on tluw Irinti mnl ncnlu lufoklliiB tint fruit tri'i'x. Tlio Pout lilt'tlintl uf oirntilt'iK themt puMN. Iiowomt, li liy Npnijlnr. 'J'lioy ii'iullly ylolil to n Hprny of rtjo of tlio urvi'iilli'H (nro chnptrr ou Idhi-'Hi'IiIon), Wllll'll hIIOUIiI 1)0 lipplll'll inilj UN HIMIll im nny woriiiN nro wen, omii hoforu ploomlnc, lint nour iluilin,' I'm porloil of IiIihiiii, It tuny Im nwifiry to ro llout tint Hprnyhnr, lutt tlilx putliotl In liy for tlio clioupiiit mnl int-il witlnfiio. tory. ,' Nolrn noil Ni'rm.j It linn liein pun knl inly uiti'il nt tlio ltlmilo Ihtniul Htntloii ttuU wIiito n Kruntor mnmift or nllrnto c'f hoiIh Iuin lifi'ii npplli'il miiiunlly t Km luml down with clover, nil top i ml tliiiutliy ii fur KU'tiliT priMirtloii if llio crop COIINlxtt'll Of tltllOtliy tllilll V'llU'lO lOHH of It wnN npjilloil ur tlmu t lioro It n omitted, Tlio licnit luit not Uio I'ti'imi of mm How eta mo uiiulo Into ullljo. ,ln Kiiiwliu niiloiw In lloruiiiiln tliu lntul In enrli'lii'il with w rot toil cow or pl; uimiuiv. Tin- Mi'd In nnvii In KVptuinlicr niul tlioirop JuneMcd from Juuunry to Muy. A rlpll oyHli'iii of In. Kpt't'tlon covoiri nil Hlilinieiilri to tlio tJilltod KtutoH. I TIiIn country linn coiaj to ho without it poor til tlio nmii'ifiiauiit or iiKrloul tin id luipU'inoiils mnl nmi'lilnet liotli im to uimllty uiul uuuiuj'r. IJuilcr tlio iciiMit mt for tlio protco tlou of Knuio uuli'UilN i(ul hints tumult? lilrilH tlio uioht koiutbI piolilliltlon In tlint nsalnHt tlio nlilpi.1 nt of ipiull. All lint lllof tlio Mntoa plillilt cxpott of Hii'ko fclriln. Aiiuniit It u oMcpllmiH mo hovcu HvuHicrn htut . Moiitmm mnl 'Nortu linkoln, Imt lu Imitmm tlio milo mnl lu North UnUoli tlio lillllni? of ijuiilt nro ut pusint t(ilnwftil. Tlui nppioni'hliiK iwntlnn wliont linrv'8t, wlilt'li liolr with Deci'iuhrr, wlll'bo wnlilii'il wltliK'iciit Inloii'ht. ni 'It Uituri'H IniKtly In Oio woild'u timle. l'rii.ont tnlU In tluij It will ln InvBC Hut tills ciop I ' Jiwrtulnty till uf tiuf ly linrvenli'd I 'Jllu) inu!;liiK of 'ipcr from native UIIISSOH In it now pi'lAOKltlOU. Will Tim words," windier written ornno. rv. mo tho inniilf Jutlmi or tho Inner, . Ixlhlo tiililt if V.i wrltor or wii'iiki " krr lir, -filfv. Dr. W. 1 hviiv, I'riBbitrrlan ij iium City. J I Rheine ism. Nobody knows all about ft; niul nothing, now known, will nlwayrt cure it. ' Doctors try Scott's liimii nion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food, You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will euro it; if not, you will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body gel back to its habit of health. When Scott's Iimulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it don't cure. It never docs harm. The Kuiiuiiic has this picture on it, take no other. If you hnve not tried it, hcmt for free batnjile, its n;rccnl)lc tabte will aurpriw: you. SCOTT &HOWNK, CheiiifiU.N, .looPetnlSt., N. Y. 50c, ami $i,co ; all drumjists. I'liml Vnlnr, Itlmii'hed iilinoiuli nro tlio litnliot kind of in'rxe or hraln or uiuwlu f(Ml, tiHXIuK mi h-nt or wiixtc, onjn it writer In tlood lloiiiH'kit'iiliiir. WnlntitN cho lirnhi or iterut fixxl, tmiM'lo, I lent niul wnte, (Ireoii WHter urnpi'N nro MixhI purlfyltlK. Put of little fooil mi hie, Itluo i;rn nro fcvitliiK nod MimmI purlfylni;, hut tun rlil i fur tlioM wIki n infer from the liver. TiHIUttoi-a lmu hlither liervo ! or lirulti fiHMl iiunllttiii; the ntv tliln. iilux mul MliuulHtln. .tuley frulU clro m.iro ur lewt lieno or hrnlu mitrlunntl mnl miiiw few imixvlo finwl mul wmte. Applm Mildly the hltflier uerro mul ttiUM'lo fiHMl. Put il tint ttlvi' ftNylm; iunllilen. Pruin'N nfforil tlio lilnlievt turiw or hrnlu food, mipply lieiit mul WMfe, Put nro not inliM'le feoillnif. Or nu cm nro p'frvfcUlui: mul ftisllnu'. (Inii Dan eoiitiilu nerve mul inunelo fiHHt, limit mid wnittc. Tlio ijreiit nut Joiity of Mimll freuli mmhI frultx nro lnintlM1. I.enuuu mul touottni'M liould not ho iiihhI dully lu cold weutln'r; (hoy luivo n thinning mid ooolln crfect. IIhIhIun nro Mluiulnllui; nccunlliiK to tlivlr ipiullty. John's Mniir iitnra, Tlio mnjoilty of tlio iiimiich Hint you mc on tlio hlKUN of Inuuilrli'N or ten More kept ly C'lilumneti nro Muiply fmiey uhiiioh mlopted for tlielr nni. cIoiin Hl&ultlrmicc. Tliy nro Minply iMoltmfi, limine no reference to tlio proprietor or tlio iuouilor of n llrm w lintMivver. i:eiy properly conntltiitiHl Clilumiinn Imi II i unmet PcidiltM hU Hiirniiiiio or coKUoini'ii. Tlio liiHt Ih lixisl mul linud. cd down from ono Kouorutlou to mi other. Kiuy tnnlo child Inirn In Chlnn h Mrnt cnlled hy hU "mill; iimno." When ho KrouH old ciioukIi to attend fcIidoI, ho liikoN n "IkwU nmuo," When ho Inn lenilii'd Hid UijutolSes of coiupjKlll'ou, ho coiiipetcN fur llteritry ImmiM uiuler an niNinui'd niinio, which h tlunlly mhiph'd. When ho NUi'ccHkfully piissc.1 hln cxmuliintloiiN mul olitnlim lilt do Krec, IiIh i'iiiiiU mhlress hlui liy nnoth it, I'llhcr coined hy them or uiloptcd hy til li i. At liln uuirrtfiBO ho iidoptx Htlll iinotlii'r.cnllcil "M) lo."-Chlcnj.o Chron. Ido. WtinM IIiito In ItorroT One. Homo lime iiko n well known hnr rlstcr hnd tindor rrosi eainlniH()ii n youth fiom the country who icjolced In tho nmuo of fttuipxou, wlumo replhi were tho ciiuki'u of much Inuiihtcr In court. "And ho," ipiritloned tin) linrrhdi-r, "you wIkIi tho court to hcllovi' Hint you nro n pcm'efully deposed mul Inuffoii nli kind of poruou?" "Voh." "And Hint yon hnvo no doBlro to fol. low tho mem of your nnnu'siiko. mul miilto tho I'IiIIInIIiionV" ' "No, I've not," unsworcd the youth, "ami If I had tho donlio I iiln'l fi)t tlio- ilrentlli nt iirOKenl.11 ' "Then )ou think you Would ho mi. nhlo to copo MiccesHfuliy with n tluut. xnud ciiouilci nud utterly ruur tllom with tho Jiiwhono of mi ns?" "Will," nuHwcicd' thu millet! Hump. Mm, "I inlaid hnvo u try when you i linvo dotiu with tho wenpou." Hpiiro Moiui'iitii. NimiTCutHrrh ipJokly ylohUto rrcnt rannt hy l'.ly's Oroaiu Ikiliu, whlcllU ngri-o. idily nru'iintlo. It la rewlvert throunh llio iiontrlU, clonuses nnd liuidatho whola fcur iiiro ovor which it dUnuoa iUolf. Druenlslu' cull tho COo. bl.ui 'Will hUq hy uuill, 10 conta. Tcbt It nml yon niusuro to coutluua Uwtrcatnwnt. Animiuieonu'iit. To nocoiniDodivta thoao who nro linrllal tu llio ii3o of AlmiiUoni in H'l'b1"! mniIdH Into tho liakftl iashiii;oa fori miarrtml trou lief, tho propilotoM iroimr Cream ltulm in llmililfuun, whli'h will no l.uown tm Kly'n r.i,ini.i. Cipniii ilfilini 1'iJ'o iniluditiit tlm pnmyloK tuho ii 7 oont Urm;BltH or hy mall. Tho liquid form oinliodioa tho uioiU Iciuul nroparUo if,tho,w)llil Ki(mUou. rtELtQIOUS THOUGHT, - (lnut, Dlrniiril 1'ri.m llin Trnclilnaii nt t II llriiiiiiiliiiilloiiii, No truth In comprehended until It lltntN oxprt'tiMou lu iietiuil L'Xprtk'iicc Itufiw II. Joiicn, (junker, Ilavcrford, I'm Mil air, Muilc In tlio lulrrpri'lntloii of n llfo which novur rnti ho Inturpreliil In any oilier wny, Iter. I.ynmn Ahholl, Cott. irt'cnllonnlhit, Ilrooklyu. Mrnriily lAIr, Tim licnvcnly llfo l tho development nf tho ('lirlhllnu llfo hole, nH Hid onk In tlio dovi'lopiiiont of tho ncorn. Iter. MnrlcCollli, I-exliiKtun, Ky. lllipillllrtii, ' No limn cnu ho hnppy cllher lu hrnr lii or nnytvhero iiiiIim tho dlvliio clo ini'iit of liln imliuo cnutrolN lit mtlcn, Ilev. (Jeorso II, Ilepworth, Coiikuko tlonnllNl, Now Vurk, I,lfr' llin,iit, Vou cnuiiot uinku mid Ox tho hourirtw of llfo nrcotdluc to order nxcept no emxllnif to OihI'ii onler, which In nil or der ut cplrlt niul pilnclplo, Itev, N. II. I.cc, .Mcthodltt, Denver. 'Hit. Itliitirat Welfnrf, No rnuiie lu tho filtnie which nlmn nt loot thiin recurliiK the hluhent welfare of nil cmi Intpo to uieri'cit or ought to Miceied. Itev. Wllllmn T. llrowu, Con Krci;nlloiinlll, IloclieNter. Iluitinii nml llltlnr I'rlrmUlilp, 1 1 tl tnt :i friendship -nri-4tii mul en. InrKeH llfo tuoro tlmu we cnu intliiiate. Dltluo frlenil'lilp In utuioiit llfo llfo itermd.-ltov. Dr. Wllllnni lltiyno Lcn veil, I'rofihjtirluu, Ht. IjuIh. DM Imi lllull"nn. I At tin iiiiilerKtmid, onco for nil, Hint nil nwiiucN tliroiiKh which truth mul hentily, llcht mnl love, enter tlio mail of uinti nro dhluo hlKliwnyn. Itev. Dr. Tlioimu Dlxoti, Ilnpilet. Now York. Iliilio on Itnrlli, IIojk) horo In tho curry Iw; fonvnrd nnd iiiwnrd of tho orlcluul hope, tho ktrviih'thcucd mul imitured form of Hint nniiiirniu'tt rcevlMtl when tho colidltloim lif Milvntlou wero ncceletl hy im. Itev. Dr. I. I). 1'owtT, ChrUtlan I'liurch, WmihluKtou. t'lllrf I'lnlln ( llir (lnairl. Tho MipreuiK tin I in for tho koIH'1 N thnt It hni come to iiian with n power Hint Iiiin tiii'U Hiiillcti'iit to rnlHo him fniin tint lowcnt tu the hlghiit, from tho wontt to tho lnv-t. from earth to hiHircn. Itev. Dr. PuIoiiiun II. Hwlft, McthoillNt. C'hlciiRo. Illroltma t t'otrrlr. To Iki kept imhu U to ho kept from tunny n dlnfiil Imluleeuee. And to Ik Kir In to keep In juiwtliy with oiir fellow Uit'ii. None hut tho nuurlft know how much Hie nr do for ono nnother. -Itev. I'reilertrk I!. Hopkltw, CotiBrt. cnthitmllKt, Chtenuo. Unix' uf llio CiimltiK Clinreli. Tho chinch of tho future tuiiii dem onutrnto thnt It In lu the comniunlty to m'rte. to xtur out Mm gold mnl Hn life, which U inoiv tlmu Itn sold, nud In thought, which U more Hutu IIm earthly life, mnl ItN hie. which In tuoro tlutli lt tliouslit.-ltev. J. II. O. Hmlth, Chi cntfo. IIiiit (toil Ur l Veil. fiotl hiliH j mi not hy tin' w or kins of iiilrtiphti niiniud you, hut hy tho work. Ini; of intrude within . Iimldo your own life U where tho Ititl Hen ntv crtMccil nnd the lU-hU whltetud hy the falling ninmm.- Itev. Dr. W. J. MeKlt trick, I'rvlytt'rMU, Ht. I.ouln. Triumph nf llir Jlinlrl Clinrrli, The tiiotlel ehtireh will triumph. It lm nlrtmdy kludhd Itn ckiiiii1ich round tho clnhe. They tuny hnve n dim flow, hut It will llnuio up ai the I'ontecoslnl IcrIdiw hrcitk tump nml march In don hie tliuo Iut i the euem.t'H touutry. All hull! CliNir tho way! Tho world rolU Into light. 'TIh dnyhniik cterywhere. 'Tli heiMeu'tf noon bpllllni; Its yellow htivauin Into tlio world's own fhndowM. The moilel church Im. trluiuphcd. Itev. I'rnnl; V. Itriuur, Mcthotllit, Kn Klewood, IIIh. lllKlillntr ol IVrnnti", Homo dny Hut houslm; of the iwor, the reformation of the ctliulnnl, the eufrmicliUeiueiit of tho uuiirlilleciMl, tho rlKlitlnc of the wreiiKH mi fife red hy the world'H "hewers of wootl nnd drnwerH of water" will he done nt puhlte t'xpenionnd hy tho-o trnlueil for thin puriKoie, Mcnuwhlle tho church hi rcupoiiylhlu for Hiok things, nt nny rate In tho way of moldltiK liistltutleiin mid hmplrluK IndMdiwU, All tl.V. mid more In Inclined In tho ureal coiuiiiIh. Inn, "An my Pnther hath vent me, even o send I you."-ltev. Dr. A. W. Arun del, l.'pUcopnllmi, I'lUsliurB. I'urc llnlluluii. I'uro religion ma ken no cotnprouiUe with hlu. Nothlni; hut the Riuce nf Hod w III eniihlu a uinu to live lu- tho world nnd not ho do Mod hy contact with It. l'uio religion Im ne.tlte. It neekH the needy mul promptH jou to go not only wheio you nro iicedi'd, hut where you nro needed inM.-ltieiii1ii you unions the decrepit nnd poor with tho mewinito of late, charity mul eyiupaUiy. It la not partlHl lu Us action, hut mvU nil Miinkluil. To htirh un nlll accept It tho Lord will withhold no good thing from him, Itev. Dr. Cornelius Anhury, Methodist, IMtthbiiig, Strniitiut of Iniinnrliillt'. I'liltli In Immortality Ih i nsesslty. I.tfe In nu occupant of lime nud pace. Ah imtniRlly n.i lullnltudo Is pridl. ciitcd of xpneo mul eternity of tlup' nhotild Immortnllly ho piedleutrd of life. luunoitallty li tlmu icduccd to life. Kvi'i-yililntf tlutt' iihhi dues N for the future. Ho ennuot plan, e.ecuto mul realize In tho name moment. Im luoitnllly tiienua pkuin, eeeutlmiH nud icullziittona ou nu hillulto bculc. To mark the horlxon from a ntciiuiei'it ilee'! In inhlcccun U to he liupiedbcd wltli i man for ulilpK amj Ulaiuls nud courJuentx. rtuuuirtallty Is a view of the ni'UH uf bpnee inur time, iIIscIuhIiik room which Rhould hold only u hcuven fmvvt'r hivolililnii from nil the cradlea of eiutli.-ltev. J. Clayton Vouker, Method lat. Clilcneo. llun'l llo Sloir. If n child i' "blow" mound home nnd taken mi hour to diomt when only u ipi'irter of Hint time In mvossary, It In n hud In.jlt. Tho "slow" men nnd wo men are thosu who fall to make ti'sue ccsn of life. How often you seo grown people tinker ahmib Koinethlng n half a ilny that could he duno In nu hour! They lenrne'd tho hnhlt na cltlhlren. 4tpl)lbO!) tllobo,! LOVE AHUfNATUne. Dtir !, Un iprlrir Iim m, l mIuti An.l limt htr hntM IMi Id li'lt ll' Ta Ivok Willi oitmltrlii tyi urva tb world. Th Iim unl'M thlf lulft ol tttttry rn, Aixl Ibrlflx Inwl4 (ram lt, ll'Mirj rln IjiIi )lr Jllntr Alf mil Utb hr nl Uur, AiVl I, lift iMt, libtt jru i Ilfir Lorf, In rvmmrr llm rch tixlUni tt To h.r.l r)M tilluU rtfh lcu.1 tf IX riM.lm tknJ Ui tuln, el lla corn. Tin Mill, U wrltlitnl with Hit Kwn'l IM )( rrlur, Irtt iwr Iim ran f for mor, 1,'iturt ). MtUftM ! Unl !! Uf, Hn (trm u to ni. Iinr lirr, thtJt lll rtilli ,a(,l In rolora nt Tt,t turf H n4 th f..M thtl "n (raw Ur At ntnl.r tUtpi lhni to l,r Ur lt-nl. Kilui muit rk IM mk l nil iwbllr, llu.l tlv "l "Tt trtl,nr, writ ,rall( Anl uluit. III ti'l lot if iibr, I kiww, llrruM 1 tu wi ntt - Ann C ml In lljrt4(' lltur. O o TLTW Tf CArTTiPT O 2 itJiH-& OriU'OAlL 2 HOW IJAKSTOW UROVM AHD ELVIRY RICHAKD3 CAME TOGETHEIt. Tb haniMi tti It tltr imi dowrr I nn I rim u, n;wll Is Lim I fl. On ;u AhJ lit luhl ml rrn lb bmtt 71n 1 (in ml bw !! iMt 4M(f Unit lUrprr. Tho last irh't hnr of tho gJrgeous autumn nunxct wnn faillns nut hehlud the tnll puphira along Turkey creek when IhirHtow Ilrown'H creaking old farm wngou tumid the corner of tho rond which led to hlu lonely and III kept home. "Thfrc'rj thu light n-hurnln nlrendy I.. .,1... .4I..I ..-! 11 ...(.... t .. tu jii r.ivu lueiiiiru.') wniuuiv, nei comtiK nted. "It iIim'N git dark nwfuti ently ulghtN unw. Hi'iuiN like hern'N tho clenuciit hop' nn tho chccrfulctt j lump lu thu hull towimhlp." And Indeed It did necni to lllumlnato with Km friendly radiance the tittle one Htory hoti.io hy tho roudilde. It looked like u tmicou-u otar. It made 1'nrmcri ttrowti think In admiring hut imfonmi-, Inti'd finhUm of n nteadfUMt love pure, unwavering, lirllllnnt. It nttrnctcd him. It drew hlm-tli" worn nud' harnwivd ImmIj' nnd notil uf him. I'licou.j m-loimly he tlghtemd the reltu-. Hut It wttN not until tho plodding horse tool still In rifiKinm- that he won dered whether he lulnlit venture lu niidwiint cxeuiiu he could give for hlN rUlt. Hmldetily ho llftiil his head and nnllfiil-unce, twice. Thou ho hurried ly twhttcd tho rein around the whlp Ktoek nud clumhereil down from tho high nut. Hwlftly, NomidleiNly, ex cunt nud eneounigemeut hnd come to him lu thu giilce of nu odor nt thnt. I "Chill miuci'I If nhe ain't n-uiakln chill Hiuce!" He wni hurrying up the blwrt pHth to the front door, nt which he knocked "I'll tell her I want the re ceipt for Huale ltellly to make wiuie hy Thnt'H the ticket' Oh, howdy, MU' ItlehnnUt I wan golu home from mill mi the ulceM smell come n-tlontlu down lliu nwd! Htfiued "k If I wiih Imek lu innthcr'-i nritln. nu nke wan puttln up thill uce.'' He bltthed nml inoUteiiiil hU llH at the recollection. "Ko I lliouelit I'd cite,' lu an llnd lure vim uiiike It. Our ile tMimto-M nln't all gone jet. MaIhi SisIo Uctlly luiild make n ipwrt or Mtf forty placid nud l'calirnnnt iiuinniird hnd iwiweil uxor tho hrown head nf lilvlrn ItlelmnlN, Imt' where win the girl nloug- Turkey e'k who etirrlnl hervelf with more grace nud dignity, , nnd what tunirou coiiU houat Mich n frenh complexion nud hrltht eyc at fhci "To he mrvt"' .die orlid heartily. "You come light lu, Mr. Drown." She drew forward the lnt rocking chnlr, with iho Ilnttcuherg tMleai ou the in treating rd plush nrnit. "'TUii't much I ue-iil innke, llvln nloue mt I do. Put n gol Ktorcroom hi a line thing to fall hacl: ou. You'd iu.id n lot lu your Iioum', I'm Uiluklu. I'll glo you tho receipt with ptcunure, mi a Jar to take home far Susie to tutdc hy. How iIoom hIio get on, .Mr. Hrown V Itnrotow Drown lookctl niuuuil the hrlght little room, ut the bhlnlus ghu.i lamp with the red lliiuiul wick, which ' Htooil liehliid tho row of freshly potted geranium flip In the n coined window. ! then hack nt the plump, white aproned figure opposite. "Not ton well. Mis', ltlchnrds. Pho's kind of uhlftlexs. It coiuon natural to porno folk.1 to he shiftless. Seems like the wutk allm keeps u hit ahead of her. HeeniH like nho can no more catch im with It than than bho could with n cottontail, Itut bho means wtik Mot I shiftless folka alius means well. I got! to ho iiinvln." He roe reluctantly. "Tho young oues, they'll ho n-iiiUslu me." "Laud'H Mke, now, nn you couldn't wait till I make jou u cup of colTee? NoT Thnt'b too had. Wttlt till I get jou thu chill nance, nu) how. Whnt'd that) Could you cotuo out to tho kitch en while I'm ngettln It? Why, of coure, Mr. lliownl" Twittering mid stepping hrlskly, Mtm Hlvlm tripped ahead, and lhvr tow Hrown ploddert nfter. Ifo wad nghiibt ut his own temerity, but the nppctlEln;; biucll of tho chill Banco drew him to tho kltvheu ns tho white billll.iuce of tho lamp hnd drawn hlm to the parlor.' "Myl" Ho lirea thed niul Btopped Bliott, "This heatb" Ho was looking urouud tho gayer t, cor. lest, must Im mneuhito little kitchen ho hnd ever be held, irrom the black mirror of n Ntove, with Its gulden giln through tho opened dtnft, to thu shining plates on thu dichscr, the tow of crimson tilled glass Jars ou the tnhle, tho dlshpnu that glittered like silver nud tho eat nslctp ou the h raid oil mat, nil things horniikc Induxtrv. enerav. comfort. "It nln't nny too easy, V jniess, with only Httsle. Hhe ucver was it hand to look after children, un there'n tureo to vour place. I expect It nln't been llko homo slneo sluco Cyrllla went away." llarstow Hrown wna ullent. It hail not been u havpy homo hefon Cyrilhi died. Hut ho could not tell Miss Klch nitls thah No, nor tiny one else. Only ho had meant hntf honorably, inennt to nsl; Ulvhn to marry him before tho pretty, painted, tllppant little city girl luul eoiuo down trr tho country town auif rukoii his licklo hcmt captive. "Ueio'a tho ivcelpt, nn hero's tho jar, Yes, you must tuko tho big one, an why Hare row!" For there wim a look In' his eyes pho hnd not been since thoso hnppy days befortr Cyrllht nlrctl, hp! ulty, grapes qi OJqikcv erek,,, . n HtLxm-nmwx-nMxmi,nMmHnmmmmmm' n n rsi t h e mmmwmmwiz m m M N H a GENERAL . OUTFITTERS AND H a H I! H B H B t m m FURNISHERS. Stock Reducing Sale Began Jan. 1st, 1901 H 11 IB BV HBBHBSIIl IB THEY GLEEP HANGING UP. Sloth and nut Bmptnil Thcrmtlr AVIiliuut Kxrrtlon. Thcro Is ono animal which Uvea en tirely In trecD, but U oblo to maintain Its position during slumber without tho leant cxerclne of muscular force. This Is tho sloth, common In the fornta of tropical America. Its long claws nro so bent thnt they hook over tho branches and allow the creature, to bang upsltlo down llko an animated hammock. Cu rlouty enough, tho hammock appears to Itti n South American Invention and U universally employed by all the In ilUn tribes of tho Amazons. lVrhaps tho primitive human dwellers In this region took to bleeping fit hammocks after observing tho habits of the sloth. Tho great ant cater, which Is both a kliumati ami ft llo w countryman of the sloth, has nu enormous tall, which It imes lu a tery remarkable manner. I recently saw two of these strango ant umls lying together asleep, and they hnd arranged their tails so cleverly that their whole bodies wero bidden from Iow. Moreover, It was evident that this caudal covering would afford excellent protection from tho weather, for the central solid part of tho tails acted as a kind of ridgo polo over the highest part of tho sleepers' bodies, so that the long fringes of hair blopcd downward on cacb side like the thatch ujion n roof. Like tho sloths, many kinds nf bats sleep busj)cndcil by their hooked claws without any muscular exertion what ever. Homo of tho targe fruit eating hats of the tropics, which do not sleep lu holes llko tho species common In southern latitudes, but which bang sus pended to tho branches of trees hi tho open nlr, adopt a position which It would bo Ullllcult to bent for ccouomy and comfort. Gould's fruit eating bat, common lu tho warmer parts of Aus-, tralln. suspends Itself upb'.dc down by ouu bind foot and wraps Its body In tho tentlike folds of Its wing membranes. which extend right down to tho an kles. Its shoulders, to which tho mem brane Is attached, are humped up so as to act ns eaves to shoot off tho rain, nud when asleep It draws Its head un der their shelter and nebtlcs Its noso among tho warm fur of Its chest. SAVED BY PALMISTRY. . " Tattcrcil tndllilnnl !'rnra III Caao by Slum Inu tliu llnnila. "Heasonlng from miteecdent proba bility," said thu Jnitlco to n prisoner with a soppy hat nnd a tururd down mouth. "I would say that when this policeman accuses you of being a tramp hi Is speaking with u blgh re gard for tho truth." "Knowing little about logic." tho de fendant replied, "I nm unable to say whether I am guilty on that proof. Hut liy palmistry I nm Innocent. My life line Is good, my capacity for hnrd work Is simply ustonUhlng. and my conlltletieo lu my owu ability Is -superb." "Score ono for palmistry. Now hold, up your bands." They went up. "1 enn't tell whether you have work ed by the looks of thoso bands," said the Justice. "Hut In tho Interest of tbo sprend of knowledge 1 will digress and sny to you that an nrtkio known as soap was Invented some years ngo," "Never heard of It," said tho prisoner cheerfully, "and I know Just us much about my gnllt or Innocence as I do about soap. You might try mo by a Jury of my peers." "Your peers nro too busy telling fairy talcs to bartenders ou this muggy morning to eotno out to help tho ends of Justice. Tho dollar they'd get for Jury service would ninko tbom dlo of bejtrt disease." JV doctor told mo- I'd never bava that," tho prisoner sttld. "I'm not Intensely Interested In tbo statu of your health," the-justice said coldly. "I dou't know whether you'ro rv trump, and neither do you. I am In clined to tho opinion that you arc, but I guess no policeman will arrest you between here and tho corner." Tho prisoner mado tbo trial trtp suc cessfully and was sscu no more CUV cugo Journal. , 't'eminutloli. Ono ot tho greatest temptations of men Is tho dcslie to get rich cither dls honestly or too fast.-How Q, M... 6be.!r dou, HaitUt, Torte'ltA R H H H w H H M M M M W K ta M U. m w w M H U" M S m u H ft H H u a XECEECEKEBESrSB S 'X Bia-t-ntur Ailment. One of tbo leading alienist of Chi cago, with a practice or 30 years be hind him, hnd nn experience not Ions ago that wax entirely new to him. It was near his hour for starting to his tcctnro class In a West Sldo BCbooI. Threo women wero In tbo waiting room. Two of them wero wllllnj to rr.nko an appointment for tbo next day. Tho third one, a stranger, would hear to llo delay, and tbo doctor's as sistant showed her In. "I bad my bat In my hand," said the doctor, "nnd sbo bad been told that I was in a hurry. Sbo camo across thr room In a most leisurely fashion, bow ever, taking three times as much time as tho ordinary person would. She was chewing on unusual wad of gum a whole package, I should say and she was chewing It with despcrato vigor. "Sbo sat down slowly, and I asked her a question. She looked straight at mo and went on chewing. I spoke again and again, but sbo sat looking at mo and chewing In as much silence as was possible under tbo clrcum stances, finally I said to her: " 'Madam, will you kindly atop chew ing lone enough to answer my ques tions J "Then- she bnrst out, robbing?' "That's Just what I'm hero for 1 can't stop I've got to chew and I've been chewing Just this way for more than two years.' "Chicago Tribune. COLD STEKLIOIt DH.VTH. "There li but one irrult dance to tare jtxi life and that it thrcujli an operation," was lb nuful proipect Mt before Mrt. I. Ik Hunt, o Ume Kblge, Wit. hy her doctor after valnl trying to cure her of a fiihtful cue of stortuc trouble and yellow Jaundice. He didn't cour on llie nurttlloui power of Electric Hitters t cure Stomach nnd Uter trouble, but the he.u of it, took teven bottlei. was wholly cum aioidedturgron's knife, no-.r weigh! more an fl$ bene-Iti in ever. It' poillWrly guarar ted to cure itemach, UveraaJ kidney Itoul It and narer disappoints. Price joe at F. . Coklcn's drug note. rou sam: cu HAP. V. S. Wheeler's steam lauucl Hannah now in better coudi tiott than ever. He receutly re ceived a new boiler for it iron the Marine Iron Works of Chi cago, besides having the wholi craft overhauled. Hunting anc excursion parties will find tha this is just the boat to suit them Price reasonable. A FHiaUTFULlH.UNDEH. Will often cause a horrible bum, scald, cut o biuUe, Uucklen't Arnica udve, the best in tin world, will kill the juia and pminplly tesxf It Cures old sores, fev.ir tores, ulcers, bo'.U, fdoni, corns, alt tkln eruptions. hVst pile cure oi rarlti, Only a$ ctt a box, cure guaranteed Sold by l- A, Golden. &ug.ht. An Insinuation. T.nwyer (examining witness) Where wus your maid nt the tlmo7 Lady lu my boudoir, arranging my balr. Lawyer And were you thcro nlso7 Lady (Indlgunntly)-SlrS-HxcbauBe, The men-of-war of the Itomans had n crew of about 223 men, of which 17-1 were oarsmen working on threo decks. Tho speed of these vessels was about sir mile an hour In fair weather. AMONSTKK DEVILFISH Destining its victim, Is a typo of conttlra tlou, Thopoviri of ibis murderous makuly It kit en orgtns and nerves and muscles anjl brain l here's no health till It' overcome. llu Dr. King's New Ufa Pills nre a safe nnd.ceitain euro. ItesV in llw work! for ttomtch, liter, kii nr)S and bock. OnlyaCtiRt I". A. Col den's itug store. Vltlmute Itovcrcuee. Tho ultimate vovereuco Is tho rover eneo for your fellow man. Tbo ultlmato relation N that which binds you to your fcllowH, nud tho saving nud Una) giace that comes to tho religious soul Is that which' gives bim, a lovo for bit umulty.-Hov. J, L. Jones, Jndepend cut,, Chicago. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Alliance, HABDWIOK, Master Juices regular trips between San Mco ani Forilaii "VX.A. iiolt ana Gods Say, Calling at above port3 each way. Tho ALLIANCi: U . first chiM piioriKCr boat, nnd 1ms nil tho mod ern convenience?, nntl is nno of tlio fsKlent BlenmcM of her ernn. For Freight and Passenger Rates or Sailing Dates, Ayply to l SENGSTACKEN, MARSHFIULD, : : Oregon mmm mmmm a mmmmm a a THE STEAMER ARCATA.. A. Reed, Master, Will .llaUc Hceiilar Trip BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FltANCISCO, GAimYINO- 'ASSENGERS Af.D FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & N.vlgfttion Co., I'roprlotois. E. G. rlins?an, Afrent. MarthGeld. S U. Company, Ai:ent, Empire City CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Clrsiaiiaai C0YRI0rT9 AC Anron naint a ateh aad dtanl 'rM.m Inrantlon la proOaUr cl.n(abl. Cpmnianlca. tare la Ml. -.t-nl.roiiOd.DlLU. lluwl'mallWIII ml trr. lilMt arraer fur accunntr I'airau l&kra throaib Mni" A te,.il k.I MllllMII .IllM. Illlll. Scknfific J!tticrka. A hiuiiljaaalr lllnrtratl wkly. Ijtniwt rtr. raUllun of anr adantula Journal, I'.rtoa, tl rti rr moniua.si roiuoxi nwa.i-irr. "nn3ot2Wr.NowTnrlc COAL. Coos rlrv-r ccalls nowen the market. Tlxsf ho ba e used it rroaouno: It ft supcilo. nrtldaand ihlsiiodoubt lut what It J'" gcn'ral satbUcton. DcUrcrtd torny part ottewn forn.oo p.T 130. Sen J jrcur order to LEVI HEISNER, Agent. CAMPBELLS WOOD YARD.. DKY WOOD OF ALL SIZES, 110TII Kilt ANI) ALUr.lt, AL WAYS ON HAND. OltUKltS TAKEN VOU COAL. AVI LI. DELIVEU TO ANY TAUT OK TOWN. HAULlNtJ DONE ON B110HT NOTK'i:. ltKI) OKDAit ON NAN!) KU1TAHLK FOU I'ENCllSO HUD 11I.0CK1N0. North Front street. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, rf A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 Complctc Novels Yearly HvrANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pen yeafi ; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUEP STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE1N ITSELF S99S99SBESS999999SB9S9aai NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all 'ottuty Wafranta endorsed prior j Oct. 14th J898, will be paid r. my ofllce in Coqtiille City, Or, fo interest will be allaued after Jecctnber 31st, igoo. ' J. li, Pulley, County Treasurer, joquille City, Or, Dec. 31, 190Q, Atlvertisor bring In yoiLr new copy id start tlio new contury fith a iiitnge of ail. O Jk. m O? O 3ft. X Jm ijKJIJJw Mt J :. fe'