B1''M rr'fti jttrwpurwiwjuniw ( Coast nail. MAllSIIKIttLn. OREGON. tjatmythm. - - .Tml J, 7ff7 ubltslictl Uvcry Saturday by the , Mah, Pum.isutst; Co. SUBSCIUI'ITON RATR!j. OS yean (in.adviinpe)i, $s,oo Mtmontlh ,,, ., t.oo 'Hire month,, ,, ,, ,50 Portland has 450 lcgnl lights gmVntiout 400. lmvc their linml 91U for n graf at the legislative uic counter. Is it possible that many of the nietnbers of the legislature arc ex pected, to do nothing but spit and spit ami spit, that the governor has placed iooo- new cuspidors Uirxmghout the state-house? MltMiiiiltmiiiiii.liMiWiJinillmm' MafCinlcy was 7,206,577, for Uryau 6,374,397. and 2 Judge S-. A. Lowell, of Pen dleton, lias refused toscrvcou tlic school book commission who took the ground that a soliool worker qhould have been chosen. The governor however, is unwilling to accept the rcsiguntiom Notwithstanding that the beeff of the Siberian stepes is consid ered the finest in the world; the Czar's government is buying Ihrgc quantities of American can jjedbcef. That government has decided that it is superior to auy other packed meat. Besides can ned meats 1500 barrels of pickled goods are. among the items of oue qrdcr. recently given. CIRCULATION QUAUTV- It is the relation existing be tween the publication and its readers which makes good circu lation quality. The publication which has a standing with its leaders, which is welcomed by its readers as a friend, whose infor mation is known to be accurate, is tha publication whose ciiculatiou is worth' something, If it has obtained its circulation by clean-. handed, straightforward methods, and without the use of induce ments, its circulation ofbuc thou sand is worth more than one mil lion of the publication which is thrown into the waste basket. The paper which is sought for by its readers, bought by them, or dcTivcvcd to- them, regularly, .gives the advertiser the best value. Undoubtedly it would be a handy thing to have a standard rate per thousand, but it cannot be had. Each publication must be judged separately upon its merits, and be considered' individually. It is experience which tells what a publication' is worth and" if the papsr's estimate of its own value is wrong, time tnnst tell, When all paper? ami all people arc alike, advertisers may be succussful in buying circulation by the thou sandbut not tiutil then. ICx. ETHICS OF HSITOft. A SCIENTiriC VIEW OF THE ALLEGED CMJCLTY OF THE SPORT. IVpsIn pipiwllom ofittt fft.il to rrlteu Imll gtstlon lxrvuo jliry can dlRtst only ablumlii urn fiHslv '1 Itrtc It on? iMntUm Uk1 dp Rests nil Vmrs cf food, nml thM Is Kodul P pnlstl Owe. It chkh III" wwst erttes et Imll Ettlon nm) trs ItKttnl Mirf, lur It gyt w lull. oii .t, (. om UV li'K SHw ? Wlt. (.OOtlMV MlUgSit KlnR HnmliiT' t'lm- ' Trrea, Klnir lUiitihvtt (milt Ktvnt prldo In hi pluo iimii mill 0110 iln.v. itrrlxttiK uihn peetedly,iiund n forester ptrpnrltn: to .tit itiiwii n tree. "Wlutt iiiv yuu nbut.it " nsljoil tlto kliiB. ''I hits pine I prowlnc too mil. your nmji'tf.v." "Would ytw like II If I iirdered your fret to tie cut utT hernuoo yuu tiro tnller tlnin your frlln'oilr" 'I lio hint mii rnntli;!) mill tlit tree left I'MUOll'xIllI - I llllllllll 'I'l'll'KIHllll. Tlili f.tion !ert- U it Urn ibit!i rutr anions child im fioiu croup mul lti truiiMra. lVumpt no I km m.IVmvo UV (life aw from thntf trtrtbW iIIkmsim, Wclitou of nullilni; vo cettitlu to tfx Imt.iHt tctlW M Oih' Mimiu- C'omkIi t'uti It can nli be rtiicil upon in rtn nn.l iill tWtt lixl litrq p. iibM of adults. 1'te.tsuM u Ml. A Coot 1U lllMcSt(i.v, TJr I'U'Ule Tlirriiiiinii'lrr. "Here, j own; tiinti," nnld tlioulil Indy, ' with flro In her eye, "Vo brum; buck tills thermometer y nit sold me." "What's tho utnttvr with It?" nikcil tlio clerk. "It nln't rvUnbtr. Ono time you look nt It It nys 0110 thlni;. mul tho next time It n.nys another." Calbollc Stand. arU ai-.O TIuicb. Tlie sage of the Oregon State Journal has this to say of Phillip D. Armour, of Chicago who died recently ami left ?25,ooo,ooo. "He was generous as well as a remarkably bright aud able man, and perhaps did more good than a regiment of lazy, shiltlcss peo gle. who. will not work or blow in every cent they can get, and are objects of charily antCscck shelter Ijkc cattle as soon rs rain or snow drives theni in ire in the- cotn- uiouc never having iaciral aLoad or wood or coal enough to keep tlicm warm'a week in advance." The Ilcmriljr. The Grand Duke of Mecklcnbure- was one day sambllne nt tbo Doberan mblcs nnd was bvttlng on the same uumbcrs ng a rich master potter who ttood next to him. Itotb barlns lot tbelr money, the rrand dukv Inquired. "Well, potter, tvbat shall we do now? "Ob' replied tbe master potter, 'your hlfftiaeM will icrew up tbw taie, and I snail make pots." No Time lt lie .. no (timidly) Now that we nre en jaced I I presume I may-raay-klss you as much as 1 plcnue, mayn't t? Sbo (cncouragl:iRly-ye. Indeed: Make tbo moit of your time. dear. There's no telling how long an engage ment will last nowaday, you know. 8tray Stories. From reports made at the an nual meetings of the fifteen co operative creamcria of Redwood county, Minnesota it is asccr ttniued: that about 1,500,000 pounds of butter were turned out in 1900, and the average price -was about 20 cents per pound, making the income $300,000 for the season. ifor running ex pense of the creameries Sooo itdednctcd, leaving the net in- .corne $265,000 .to the farmers. .Iu addition, it is estimated that j$50,ooo worth of butter was mar ketcd by fanners Unable to pat ronize creameries. The cream exy butter industry of that couu-Pty- lias grown up iu the past ten years, three creameries hav iug been added jn the past sea ,boh. The county is in the valley ,of the Miuncsota river, ,in the .sotitlieru part of the state, and Jias railroads sk;rtiug- its north rn and southern edges. It is advantageously situated for the creamery business, but no more ,so than many counties in Ore gon, Washiugtou aud Idaho, and the matter of climate it is not to be compared with any portiou of ue Kacmc srope. With the same attention devoted to the. butter industry here, it must be more successful than in the ice-bound tate of the North Star. Ore-gouian. flavins eTrnl plr. of hoet nn changing them dally or regularly nt longer intervals will enablo tb wearer qulto frequently to nrold corns even after tbey show lgn of fonaatlou. A NlUiITOl'TKltKOIt. "Awful anxWijr mi fell for the k!ow ef the trnTe General Roraham of MaditM. Mc. uVn ll dectrs-Mk! the ouW no ll nil nwnlnj writes Mn.S. II. Uncotn, lto altcmlvd her tlatfonful nijUt. "All tboaeht sl oU toon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. Mr. j s ret Micortry. ujlne It bad more than once uvrd her life, undjuj cured Iter of Con. sumptloa. After three tmU dotes she tkpl easily all clht, and Its further use compktclr cur4 her. ITiIj rnanJoy mcdidne Is ciinr- anteedto cure all Throat, Chest, and .un uuttiei. Only sec and Jt.oo. Trial bottles fue at K, A. Col Jen's tlniK store. A l.lllllltlc'. wit. As Horace Mauu sat hj hln attidy one evening an-Inaam? man molted' Into the room nnd lifter ubuxltig him for nil kind of fancied g;IuunciH challenged lilm to n light. Mr. Mann replied: "My donr fellow, It would glvo in n great pleasure to nccomiuwlatc you, but I can't do It, the odds are k unfair. I nm n Mann by name nnd n man by uaturo two against one! It would never do to ftsbt." Tbo Insane man answered: "Como tucaii. I am n mn:i nnd n man besldo tu-Jf. Let us four have a fight." The Crentiec Are Mint ltnntiT When llirjr Ar tlooUeil Ther lime l.ltllr rnjineltr r MnlTerlnir mill UsriJ l.lllle tlrnnr. In KntliiR. A llttlo Kiy was fishing fur tbo llrnt time. With the cimtomary luck of n beginner ho had bass nnd porch gnloro to answer tbu Invitation of bin bait. Jiveitlly tlic liupuNes of tho hu mano ld of his itntutv tnnde a little bosltnllug protest ngnlnst the more Fin-age- Instincts of the H)rtsiunnllki Mile, Tim rlglliic 'f Hie lists when he cnught them trvtihlcd hltn, mul be rought to ntKdcgixc to bis cotisclciico for the sufTcrlttg be win nppurctitly In. tllctlng. lie Ktttd, "I tlilnk the uu'on they Jump o N that they itro so glud to got out of that wet water." Curlotnly enough. If wo may accept tbo testimony of the scientists, tho lit tle Ivy wns ijultc right. A tlsh U ties. or so happy m when he It drawn nut of the water. Tbo nlr Is to Iilui ipilto nil that laughing gas U to a human being. It glxcs hlut 11 btiiulrcd times tuoro oxygen inr ecomt tliiui his glll ever got for him from the Inhalation of wa ter. It makes him delightfully drunk en. It exhilarate; him. It tills htm with n completeness of pbyslcnl Joy tint only Joy he Is cnpablo of feeling wholly unknown to lilm In his native clement. Ho dies prevently, It l true, but ho dies In an ecstasy of enjoyment Instead of dying In bis appointed fash ion by suffocation hi the maw of sotuo bigger llsh. In n footnote t the thirteenth canto of "Don Juan" llyroit diuounecs Iinak Wultnn as it "iH'iitlmentnl savage" nnd characterizes tlnhlng ns "the cruelesf, Hh? coldest of pretended sports." That only shows how little llyron knew alKJUt the mutter. Ills sports I ti vol ml the sacrifice of women rather than worms. ' It Is time to set this matter of tlsh- I Ing upon Its mornl legs, as It were, nil end to bo accomplished merely by tell- ; Ing the truth nt-out It. A ilsh Is tho ! rery lowest form of tho vortrhrato... It N Incapable of any Joy except that of J getting hooked nnd thus drawn out of ' the wnter to which Its nature eon- ! demns It and for a time breathing tbo I nlr that Intoxicates It In deltghtfully detidly fashion. It tins not even the In- stlttct of sesual association except In ' the case .of n few rare species. It ' knows nothing of companionship, for the oclentUts tell us that even when tlsh swim In "schools" It Is only lo calise they nre cngngul In a romiiion preilatorj pursuit of prey, each endeav oring to Mir.tch from the others tbo Uiorrcls they rk to sv.-nlluw. Si low In tbo scale Is the fish that even In cntlug he has no pleasure ex cept that of distending tils stomach. I'or the scientists lltid no "taste gob lets" nt the base of his tongue, nnd ev ery fisherman knows that the fish swallows his prey whole, with no xm. slblllty of detecting Its llavnr. Ami ' further, ecry tlshormnn who has troll, i nt Knows t tint -tlit fish Is so far r.n In- " -- --r .. discriminate gorumiii In bis Ncnreh for ' Qnslity mI nut 'iiuniny tu.r DeWut'j foxl that bo will swallow n coffeo ' Utile '.'irlir Iti-c.-s isch Y.iiiu'i! tittle htw sjiooii with n bur attucbiil ns rendlly pUU. luus IUy Uuixoie. as the ilalntlest bnlt iimrsel that could bo displayed In front of his greedy cyu Ilemluteeiirr of n Tbrsplnn. At Uilsliliin Ilcucli I lilt Moo Itnsen. sti'lti, who was iitgnnlilng n oue nlglit "I'niist" company, fur n Job. "What pnrt do you wlili to tnkoV lie liiiiilril slKittly. "I wish to tuko llu pbice of Mcphls. tophelcs, of course," I nnswvred, ilrnw Init inj self up proudly, fur I had on n new suit of clolbes and could nffonl to look him In (tin face.' "And why do you wIMi to tnl.o thnt imitlctilnr parti" bo liii'iilrcd, I wns niimxed nt hh dullness; but, coitccnllng tuy disgust 11s fur us possl. tile, I explained thnt It was because tlm devil always gets his dues, lto seemed pleased nt my repartee, wrotu me out n J.'W per week contract and paid me my Hrst week's unlnry of S'.fii) In nib vniiee. I played thu devil In "I'mist" until uenrly the end of the season, tifter which 1 wns cast Iu "The I'liuiiilry." a workliigmau'H play. Iiullnnnpoll Hutt. Bi!WAUJieLZi3BiKa IVnenstlo tulfcr from Imletllon ess not eipect u lie losg, lr.ime thrjr cannot rut (he ftod irpiifel In ssMinth the InMc nnd the tt. i!ut4 or the untlia-ailal li-)s they da eat m son the t4ool. It ItiiiipodsnttukU-e Iniher. Hon ,it soon vniWe, nnd the Wtl inethutl iloinclMt it lonvthe prrrslkw known M Kohil Djrttv; -u Can- It dljntt hi ou eat and retUse. all the dgittite organa to pet lect 'XMlib. toon lls lm More. Alnrmlntc S) uipliiui-. "Handy," said the old gutleninn. "I nm nfrnld that boy of ours Is golu to be n ioet." "lie ain't writ nothln, has he?" nsked the old lady Iu nlntiu. "So, Le nln't writ nothln yet, but I notice he Is doln less nit less work .vety day ! dolu It corcloswr." In dlanapolli I'reiw. , SiKh llltb-iHltt t IVWill Lint l'.rlr hl rr are ery wmI taken. n I I'try ar wuni.rr fully rfTrcllve in .l-anunj Dk- ,'kj nd UiK.lt. Com Hi) lrs Vare. Cnunmrnllip t.niiupt ttr. It has often been remnrked thnt while uothlug Is so uncertain lis the du ration of any gltn human life uothlug U UHM1I certain than the aggregate of ii-nrn which may bo nsslgucd to 11 group of 100 pot twin or more ut nny particular age. The cxpcctntluu of life nt n given ngc, In um the nctunrlnl lihntse, differs cnusldetnbly, ns might be expected, Iu different countries, nud l'ugllslimcn may bn surprised to learn Hint they tiro not tho longest living imoiig tho white races. At the ngo of "0 an KngllNlimnii lit niernge health utiiy expict to live I'J ) cars, nud nny life mtlcc w III grant him 11 1 Kit Icy based 011 that prxihublllty. Tho American's expectntlon Is for n slightly longer ivrlod. On the other baud, a (lermiiu bid of '.) can count upon llttlo more than 'U .oars and a half. It would heem, tbercfote, that tbo restlessness iittrlhutol to tho Amerlcntt temiicrauient duos nut necessiirlly con diicc to tbu shortening of life nor tho composure of the Herman to Its pro. loliKHtliui. Possibly the better feeding nud clothing of Americans Iu the lower clnssesof the xipulntloli nro the'prliicl stl causes of their grcNtcr bmgvlty. Tbelr iHisltlou Is, nt nuy rntr, tnnbi. tntnvil In Ister us well ns In earlier yearn. Tho American who has rcnebrd CO may look to complete II 'chin more, while the IltltUher's oxH-cttttluii Is oil ly about Kl jenra and Iu iiiouths a ml the (lerumn's ns marly as Nnlbl' IU motitlis less. Itolli nt 'JO nud nt Oil Hie l''iuticbuwu'M prnsHH-t I1 n llttlo better than the ('i'iiimh'm nud a little worse UiHti tho llnlbiiisirs.-London (JkilK.-. rs- . i-. M.k- AM't'ctiiW IVoinwiio" for A lmltnlln(Uicrt,iHlftiHlHi,iufci Hiimiu,?t'':i',i;r!i,imMVwcht'r &'mm I'romol" Dif.onlli'ii t Irtt fill tlcSSillHllk'irimlulllxlK'ltlttT l))Uiin.Mtiitliliu iiorMltUTiil. NotNaucotic, UbrA.1arieMV.;W'1 ,--T ol rTft IM rYvnEPfll 17ft is ve ''' ir.Wrt ssrrnyay Un.k.1 Sm.i' Mwib.Urr. ar.CW Apctfirl llcmcily fnr('oii!illpn Uiiii.iuiirSlnmnrh.l)lanlH)a Wiirins.Couxtilsioiut.lowrflt lU'!lS(llulI.()ssoSt.l!I:l,. Vac Sin il; "StW ml.irc r NKV YOUK. xact copv o'Mn r, J R jrorlnfintlfi citicl Ohlldron. m 1 1 iiWMaiiniPii iiiiwtfpwufSfn The Kind Yon Have Always Bough? Boars tho Signaturo (V nSii jftwr w t, . r y. 11 Use For Over Thirty Years CT1 iUl H M Til i lCT ' a l3 H hi K Yi Al LA CiX l H IB tHitixT. mt -MM, m- ei, LEfflwiir2rZ32Se;2Ete XVhul flip XVnnted to ICuntr. "My deiir child, yuu rosily should not cat your pudding so quickly." 1 "Why not. manminV ! "l'ecnuin it Is dangerous. 1 once Citurrli Cure U tskon lnU rnully, mikI knew n little Isiy ftlxjtit jour ngu who nets directly mi tht I.nh ami 11111- r.VT.vititii r.iN.NuTHK it ui:r with looal spphi'Mtions, its they en li mit roiieli Hi.. s...it o i),e disissf. L'atnrrli is n bl.Msl tr ciiiitiiii(iin,il disoitsc, nnd 111 nrder tit ruw it y.m tutist In'ie internal teintslles. Hll' lX3SSZ7iJJsmi MEWS BESTOREBS?S I'""'" ll.' ll' IW.11,.,1- u, .fcll.V 5 ' ...!. r.n,. 1. .. H-. f ...L.it I - '1 .. .II. II.. !' . . h. .1 j i.iy.k.k. S ,.-.. -..J- fcw.l , I W f Sy f vi j 4) n -t kvi . .Ltii M V V 1 V ,'J' "H' . I . " I" A ir. I .l.i. ,14 lf... m 1 x. 1 -. - ..--, .- , , . ,,. ,iar nr ri'i 1 r ia.uk fc. f) -' -N-' ii..r.i f.,ii.fc-i.lli.Jt,i,wj.kl...i.r,iB.h.ilA4 'lllir;lnri(thMnwinwiniieiHi.Tt l-rcatMIIIU. It -l'K.SI.I.Ih.oiy.,...(m..l I ., ,. . 111,1 't ,,, ,rk m'vtUaniu fUM.n,. . I ..J 11 tr .mi. r l r.r 1 rr.. . .1 ... , u.Zii.' swimism. I H.l-lACi,4ri4.-w.. aJ4m a vuc zxeiiiciNft kiu, (Vt. IUiUto It'nl Cms. Drug blow wns eating pudding so qnlckly that bo died lnforo he bad Mulshed It." "And what did they do with tho rest of his pudding, inaniuinV" ItxchnuRe. and bU rntclous mouth. Ftlll, ngnln. every IWi thnt is cnnglit ujion n liook get. only what be de serves. Ho Is caught mery tlmo In nn attempt to swallow some other crea ture whole nud digest It In slow tor ture. Indeed the entire llfo of every fish is passed In n cmikcIinm endeavor to catch nnd swallow other fish. So far as wrlencw can discover, fish of most "Inch's make no distinction ovtn In fa vor of their own young, their only ground of solcctloti being n considera tion for their Indlvldtiul throats In tho net of swallowing. On that necouut alone the severely splmtl sun'Mt os-cniK-s tli predatory irch. nnd the bullhead tho moinui.t bU "horns" nro hard censes to bo In danger even from the most voracious of pickerel. Tbo flbhormnn Is not n monster of wanton cruelty. IIo Is merely n de scendant of Adam exercising that "do minion" owr Inforlor creatures which tod authorized lilm to exercise. (ieorgo Cary I'ggiuston In New i'orl: WorhL THE ELKCTORAIv VOTE. On Wednesday Jan. 14, 2901., the Presidential electors for Ore gon met at Salein to cast their bal Jb.tfor McKinley and Roosevelt OiJjoy were, all four anxous to be chosen as the oue to carry the .vote to Washington, D C. In this case lots will probably be flrawu 0 decide who will Have the hot'qr. The emoluments for fhe trip, will no doubt be. dqvid ed iu this case. Oue copy of tlje yote, or certificate, will be lor warded.lyy mail to the President, $uorJier oue will be. delivered to .tlie.U. S.pistnct Judge of the district o0gon, Judge Bellin eer1 and a third one will be de-i liyreby fiouie one. designated y the electors to the President bf tUtt United States Senate, u Wnshington, D. C. (. '. McICyiiiey aud Roosevelt will receive- 292 votes while Uryau fnd Stephenson will receive but p, nnd the popular vote cast for th ' ' y' IM. IS "All! do mucJt to develop a muscular body. But the strength of the Ixxly it not to be measured by iu muscle, but bv its blood. 1 the blood is impure, the Body, la spite of Its bulk und brawn, fall au iasy prey to tils case. There is no medi cine eijunl to Doctor I'ierce's Golden Med ical Discovery for the purifying of the blood. It carries olf the poisons which contaminate, tht life fluid. It increases the activity of the blood-uu'tiu;; glands and gives the body an increased supply of pure, body. build, ing blood. It builds up the body with Bound, healthy flesh instead of flabby fat, promotes the appe iite, feeds the nerves, and so gives to weak, nervous people vital ity and vigor. There is no alcohol (outlined iu "Golden ieilical Discovery," sua it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. " I fctl It my iluty to write to yuu of tlic won. derful curuthc jwtr of your 'CoUlen Mist ical Diicowry.' wrlU-n Ciorgc lUndrriuu, l!n . of Uiimud, I,te Co., 1'IotliU "J Ij.kI n tail Lrulie on my right ear ami my lilooil was badly out of order, I tried local dovtors, tint with no good rculu, I'iually I wrote ou the partlailars In my caMuixl you advised your ttnli!rii f,llrfil l)j-n., i.u.1.1, I, r l.... ... take. 1'roui the lit.t Lottie nW'iii to fill ' oc.icr, aim wjicu i itau inKcn eigiu oouies the ore uai healed up, I wish you iucccm." Dr. I'ierce' Common Sense Mwlical' Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free oi, receipt of i one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Vc. H, V, l'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y. m I lv v V 1 I Tib lllatory nt n Ufiosr, Following In tbo Ktorv of tho llrst cdl. tlon of ritzgetald's colobrntcd trnnsla-1 Hon of "Omar I'hayynin." Tbo book was Issued nnonymously nnd found 110 buyers. Accordingly the nuthor went to Isernnnl Quarltch'a nhop, dropped n ' heavy pureed of 'JijO copies of the "Itu- uaiyai" nun said. "Quarlteh. I make you it prcseut of thoso books." The famous bookseller offered them first at half n crown, then nt a uhllllng nud, ngalu descending, nt hlxpcnce, but no buyers came. In desnalr. bo re. ,duced tho book to a penny and nut copies Into n box outside tils door, with a ticket, "All these nt one penuy each." At that 'price the pamphlet moved. In it few weeks the lot was sold, nud In this way ono of the finest gems of I.'ng Ilsh Ilternture was dispersed umong u not ovcrdlscernlng public. Tho legend has It that Danto Gabriel Ilosscttl, Swinburne nud Hiiitou were nmong those who discovered tbo "bid. deu treasure In the penny box." Years passed, nnd tho onto despised volume row) In the mtirket, nnd In 1S0S Quur-1 Itch bought In for 21 n copy which 40 years before ho bud sold for a penuy. i A I.eRitl quIhMr. I "There Is u story," tbo doctor n.llil, . "of n man who wns sued for debt not ' long ngo. The case went ugttliul lilm, ! nml Hit- court gave Judgment for ?X). , Ills lawyer laid hlui be would have to pay It, ns lit) won nn iiruimrrleil man. He bmtled out and In 11 few hours came back with n wife nud a plea Iu due form that he ncided bin snlnry for the support of bis family, lie gut uff free." "I don't believe that was conitltu tlonnl," nald the profuwior ufter n mo ment's re.'Iet'tlou, "Why not?" "Ileenuw It was nnncx post facto." riden'.-n V.-lliunt. CATARRH n THE STOMACH Is tsaentlally a chronic dlitaao. There la kn inn.ituin.iilon of t, inner coutinx of the alomscri A thfU. ropy inucua Tirma mure iironounca.! symplonia It ra inalna In the stonueli nnd lie rnrnpuara. Then of oournu OiKentlon cannat L proper ly trformed. The llttr iio haeomas Involml nnd In will maikiU cua the aymptoma are innat avvtie. The lltrat vfKiUblg remedy IILAjVAN never falle to ef feet a turn. IIIIl). VAN cmii he lioul ot all ilruKSlniM for UK per pacK ax. Whan ynu i luvi uaed Ilufi- VAN tall your Irlanda n limit lla , . , . , erfaeta. They alai wlah tq bo oiirail. Btudy your kytnptoma (.artfully from Oil chart. Kch number rcprtaents is. syinpiom or u eroup of JWIlPlfl"- "u buve the aymptmna. L'o iIUijVAN nnd thvy will dU'iipyiir. Don't wait any Inniiir. Canetr of lha alnin.iei ofttn has IIk heplnnlrir In a severe cuso of catarrh cf the stomach. uu una ruuill ins ooim eiiriiiej. Unll'n Onturrli Uihh Is not a ipnek mtilicitio. It was proncrilHt.1 by una of tho ln.t pliyeio iaiH 111 this country fur yson, amj. j, a regiilir krnrlitmii . It i ooin. pii-eil of the IkmI iiiiura Known, oom bintMl with Hit U-Pt UIimmI fin rifles, uctinx ilirpclly mi the iiimoiia et'ir fnow. The H-r.'ert coiiibint'.iun of the two invreittHiila r Hlmt ptinltiCM sttoli Hoiiderltil ra-iilta in miring Cdturrb . Jmh for te-iiinonl.t'a fre. r. j.cm:.vKVA c. i'r..... Tort-tin, OI1111. f-'old by all ilrnxaiaU, iriic TJo. llilll' l''4ililly I'lllmitii tlio iK-at. 'itir 1 1 rat. J'vury human I ..'line sbniiM artiptly extmci froi.i lifi. (iit uf hU i.iilrnii. meilt that stbkh U ImmI. . , jjru. eile, SJplrlttiAtlxt, ludlanaiNilla. Th' me-iird repul il .,! (01 iiiuhi i...m, w.ie. and skin ,1. hk :u. cm t by Ik-Am U.tcli Iljirl al v. n inCm il,. i, ,, K ,, ,,', OOUnKllr,!-.. p.. ,,,r,. U K, X fci.'y iJrW.ll, baltc. -' ii. V.it l 11 .iiur.v OAGTOIIIA. I)fri tU ? II M Yw Hw Vairt DH ( lirUlliiiiliy, CbrlHtlfuiliy U in t nn civuimtlnii that fflll be f illmved or laid Ifldo nt lillu'n pleHMiii', It b it Ufa- Unit iiutat lie imii- tiuii.iiit or -.Ml.- ittv. I. V. itouch, Methodist, KiiUHHsClly. When iiiii.iifir.1 ft piutiinoiiinoraiiy other lunn irouhli', piompt relief it iMtcestniy, aa it is lai.: -hah In ileLiy, We uutil.l iin.t l,.it Oi.e MinHtr ( ouj;li Cute lir Ulen uhjii h imliatioii of ImvAiij i.-rf.en told ni- ikiIiimI, It niros (juicily ami Ht rnrly mn pretvnu ion uiuplHiii, ( oo Hit ) !tK4)ei.. ML ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY. Conducted by tho Eonediotino Fathers. UchIimI '0 niilra unutli of I'.tbind. nn nno of UA iimtt liilililuLllJ.iUU,i.rtJi.j-tH.lJ ,,( , .U'lllMm.iii.A.WIIevta TIIK IDKAI. I'f.AOi: Kdlt V6l'lt IKIYA. I'rt.nw try. (Ui.Ml, t.'uiiiniufcbtl, nnd ticK-ntlfle 0nu. .Iitaio u H'ccnlty. For Full Particular Apply to tho President. IW a,. Tt - HOUSEKEEPERS at Pate l.'oaal). . . . - 1 .iii.t. 11 yl&li&tr-- " i'V '''' i'fsiMPLcaTCacJiSSN ' " '" llftfa dest rifnTrNr ";l ," IHVV. 1? wen W.y.l BALL M. ill Hn IMVErtTEDEWRUICSK ', 1 rPvT 1 . 111 a 1 no siiuiiic 10 W 5hut!l car Out IS IT NOT A PACT Nini.iio.v. In iIip Inttie l.'ouit few J Mm an II ..n.uUe INalrstt Ma. t, ten tti in W II 1 hriiteatM atMi r. A. I inner., dutae; Im4smw HiiiSMiah ia M)b t. ik-tVadaiil. I llmt, the ) nsused deletHliNI nny ut llif Stat ' ,! Oireu. tnu ai. ii 1 ll ImI yo art ratinrad in aiauawr lu.vlllw jlltlli. Uh. p,,,, (9r 1 il.' !'.. nd -m-un.. !)..l..l N, ..unte. (Jrra-ifi. on w Mo itw ' VIJ t ill foveniMa uf the frill 'I'luatv, igoi.nn,' .ia.rl ,,. I 1 1 imlill in t aUe rnlillxt a. ii... ' I Hi. . ll l, U Ih,,,, M im fcktB ,,y llnnllf HiSmial t.Hilnf ilw sum lirvilnil H. 1... i inpl.i.n, ai,. n ,,, , tUli ,,, il. leunal the lata m r. irr tint per annum Iiihi, Ihe ,, .).. ,, rUy. , Xotrtlt,f uuti Ine cu.it nml .liUNtiM-namu ut lint jiIIuh. TI1C SYJUTOMS ARC: niMOtin UnADAfllR-Thls I mora 1ilinawi In that ninenln ll....k. ..... r. VVM,,.. ,l t,lv iikhiiiiis). IIM'UEfl iiauui r oecurrlniT at fre-iuem Intervnla thrnupli thn day. 11UUYAN will relieve the htud- che, l-l. IlKD AND WATRTtY CYPB-IIUO. TAN nlll cniiaa tho redness to disappear arid maltt the eye usaumo llitlr normal healthy appearance. 4. COATKO TONnt'K AND POBTIIJ I'PpATll AND HAD TABTI1 IN TUB JdOUTH-llUDYAN will claur tht tongue, mako the hrtntli pure nnd aweet ana caijuo the had taste In dlvappaar. II.rr.',.,A?f'. Ti:Nni:iiNi;tiH in tub BrDMA'H "Ihla la duo tn Indlifratlon, "uuiAfl win cause the fooil to hecorna 2mirwy i"i;-snii nnu trie pain and ten ernesa will disappear, . I'NLAWII.MI.'NT OP TUB MVKI1 AND A l-'I.BJ.INO Oir IIKAVINKHrt AND WBIOHT-IIUDYAN ui ni.'.n'ih. roitr (lood Sinnbea (.'lienp. "Clmino thieo nickel cIkuih." said the man with tho red ut-cktlo ut tho rentaurunt counter. Ho was oulckly ' mippllcd. 1 "Now clmino a Rood Havana or ICcy V.t elsar, nbout n 13 center." , IIo carefully lighted tbu Havana el-1 gar and tucked tho nickel clsara Jn hl.t upper vest pocket. j "You snioko 11 Havana yourself nnd keep tho nickel cigars for your friends, I bupposoV" suld tho dealer, with n i sickly fcinlle. "No," na!d tho man with tho nil nccl;U?i "I've not n better Bchenio tbnn Hint, I nlwayn Miioko it 15 cci'J IIu- ' ''allnnd sen ihun'lf you w vnnn or ICoy West clirnr ufter iiimu.r. ! 1aJ."n.'J co ,,1rn' . m . . ,., ------ -.. Uji inn siieu 1 Hi11u1.fi tQ nickel chrarH ufter. n-rd. Tho nlBlk'l'olBnra tat osnptly. like the Havana cigar, nnd' thtw rjrcfc tbo benefit of four choice clgara that; ordlnntlly would cost mo CO ccuts for BO cents. I'uunlliiir Tliiir. Wo roillit IImc not by tlio (hie f tho caliinlnr. but by tbo ipni linnvt llmt iiiM." mul miiii!. new iikkiJih In nur live. Jtev. Dr. J. H. KIM ley, IhiptlM, WrMttitii-t, Kan. OASTOXltA. Dtirs tU x ll Kind Yw llm Alw; BeaM Nn military pinidc or dilll except In tne of war. Mot, IiiviihIoii w Iiihuitcc- iioii m lawrui on election duy In New Yurk. O s, O tj to nt X A . Dears tU A 11.8 KhJ YOU HaiB AlrtJH OOI'! TI,.ll..,i.ln,.4,j,l'll,,l.lj3rR-,S4"USj inmii nun I'vmillis;, WIII'll yilll IU I ni'arjr llll'l iirM I I.AfMilt AKIl TlMK Ml'HT ll HAVIill Vmi t'liiiiini Hfliinl tu Mir bv luiiiil ni'lthtr Hhoiild your lifu bo b,ird...i ,aiiK (, ..m. "' . I lh laBia.f.1 f iial.ui 9s ttllkh lifllct la iLu.t ll... .. .L. .1... . I. -.1 a -.-. eee- tJin l V U -". s ; ivuo. and Une.it iH.it ih t-.iiK. k Hrtt,e. in Hie t, mm Man. h news- IMia-l UU ,Uiu-.t In Sl.r.l.li.1,1 i ........ ..I KHlaa lhnui.ii.1, l,, iHg',,, rnmu-,! will. ., ab.u. ,,...i i.. .... ,:i " " ... v. 'z:vr'i"zrru """-1 -n-u m ..,. ' B Ki'wiiia; r- -.- . ." pntinrrfiiun ut Una tn.m.n llinitllillll. Kink-oliieealut Ms wrekt. aad Iu u 111 AUK VOII AWAIIK '',"!" li" mi ''" "' l'n.Ur. ua.. th TlitTiiu.N'.uVin.hMii A Wiwosr X'u"',t,1 i'uX'h,," " - ' Hut !uh!et iiinnll.K' bictj-etiuli u , ;i ' w II s n.,l.. hllWINtl M.('IIINt:fl tin. wnrlilr I u.liweflV,,f,"s, ii,,, " VOIJ (JAN MAVK (INK li.vv I- n' muni every tlimiby iih1ii llm -.Vi, I 'In. Il.u.... . .1.1-1 .... . in. ni.iMir, nun-nun! in mrr Hill II. nny vibriitiii -li nt t It. Hun inif Miiililmi imiiiib. v.. (i. 1',ana(;an. I'liCuru NlnlPr Thanks bo tn (Jul Hint our future alnin Iu iitiw.,,!!!,.,, i,.i.........i..... .. ...- conee.il.m. n nM.li i fV.: ,V4 ..V;.."7 ' " .''" iiiir-iiiiviu ut our now nf hllo nr.d reduce the enlarnwl liver rrt!it'"t proilllilinco or ObMcilllljv Itev. ,0IWAN,uru"rel.ev.yo,,0,,heahav.li.!.':,.:t,'t 'm '-I'. Kn,,Ml wiu,.v.ii mm uiunu uu will, uu nut, "j-j' i-"Tr"lTnr--.-t -"-ii you still nnd lull und explicit direction wK fcX -'-ft M tl -"a.53a.-e, viit DH. JORRUro nrrtrr MUSEUM OS1 AnflTOHT fvp iHiiuurw.niriiiKiin.riLl t" j,1," i ' ii i tt ir i. ,t, , .:.'" ::''.'" . t.i . ...... ... fn jt.ifc i tit. J0K3AII 3ISfA'Jt3C7nnn - - v i u aisiaaaUav l ilH ..TVr-"i.".":;,'vr'i' --i i i?.';L".tei' ""- '"" r! I m r Mllltlll aa lieai a... I .s.l.al .l.. in. ... L. iM,:. . ,y. '.'.'::.. '""ii. i un i .i.i ... ui. .;; . 7. "''-. "' ! rta , lvi..i.i i,iib,,h, "iiiiiatii oajMOANe.co..mija,fcMa,sif. --v-t sirnrpsd villi eucli paikuite of IIUDVAN Go (o your driiKUlst at once und urocun a rucKHRf or liuuvAN tor We. nr 6 lasal eernl COMPANY. fur di7.v' '3 ' iiudyaw hbmbdy', I'ANr. Hnn l'ruiif in.,, m r, a...1 gelea, Cal und they will nend It tu ynu. A?iu,f,.n.c".";.lU,..,?. rt9 hijdYan :rv.-....." iir.i,, uo nui rorifei inui. wish, Yon imiy U. UB YUU up. r. ilrfftM - ' KUDYAU HEUEDr COMPANY, Vo, 3 Iff Southt Droadway, Los Anfolcs, Cab S2'. 3.tt9fl'.PaXV'. "If WHayBtsu LL NATIONALITIES ETj . Ti 2 Cell un or Wrllf I5Jpie PiCDAKH'S ADVERTISIHQ AOTY-f i.a n..y.iMnMM IS M5aM"iwiU'nxciiiBo ? iSJcS& ?0S.0)iS'JO0De)C0'(J IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE 5 IN NEWSPAPERS!) M ANVWIIEKtl AT ANvnriin In all IU starts thero tJluuld IA dcaiilloeis. lily's Cream Halm clrauifs,situcssnijiesla lLo dlaoawd tiitmbriiie, 1 1 cmas catarrh anil drh ca away a cold hi tlio Lead iiulckly. Cream Ilnlm Is plated Into tbo nostrils, iprrvU orer tlio mcinhrauo and Is slmoibml. Hells' Is bu uudlsts and a cure follows, Jt Is not drying-dot not prudiica sncozInK, Jjirge fiUe, Of) cents at 0(U. I?!.l. (if liv Intllf Trlnl Nlyn 1n,nljli.n.,ll rj.lXllrU,:ilS.eWaj;W,Bteet,Nw York, 'RED CFiOSS DFlllQ aTORE. v.ii.i ii inn u ill i.ikii llliyilLiuMM Vilii-ll liavlii' prrriitir,iia i, , 'J)n.'U'tiliykuii hull, wuildcnn luivu nn siiL'ceaa unlets tin, r, llu elips IhisciIIhiI mo nud,, ,,r pine, ilnnjs nml put iii byium. puttriil plMrni.ultls. We I ik par llcitl.tr prnlo in Ueplni; urn sioik pitru nni! jflvlnj; eslin wire in lint coniiniiii(llii of perscniuloiM, Theie's nnllilng f mcy nbout our prlces-A fair profit inl mo w.inl h HAN I'IMNI'ISCO. CAI J CASTORS A Tor Infanta nutl Children. too Kind You llavo Alwcys Bought Ifemrn tho -$ svw " X 1 f -rr i t i ' iJto, .aim..