""iT w 4"J1 MAIL. n . l.,vgtiib'.,.,. CTOIB WOBK DVtffiKTJISSl J"' OP ALL KINDQ ON tJHOriT MOTIOK AB A BUSINESS INVr8TMK,rT, -iVnFfUW iniifrMniinfiMMM VOL XXU1. MARSHFIELD, 0003 COUNTY, OREGON, JAN. 19, 1901. COAST Kv- D. L . Wataon, ATOItNHY AND (X)U.NHK I.OIt AT LAW. om-) in I'M'iMuio invi, i'iimh m.ti MmilifiiM, OirKutii J. W. Bonnott, ATTOHNKY AND ('OUNW'I.OU AT I.AW. OfTkK(vf -1Mu II if I l.irttt, 1'intil street MnrtlifirM, Oircim. W. U. Douglas, rrOUNKY AT LAW AND U. 8. I't'MMIKHlO.NNII. IWil timet, MmlilWI. Curgnn, J olmF. Hull, ATl'OUNUY AT LAW. Omv in Rl.im.vlu lwk, 1'ionl sIImI," .MatthfSrid, Otnrn. O. W. Towor,MD. l'llYrilUlAN AND miUOHON. Ofllixi III Ow llentiMI A Waller lnk InlM lie I mill ilm-i, Mar.linVM, Oir,ii, A. M. EVANS, HIYWICIAN AND nUIHIHON, Mtnniiriiun, (HikiHiM. Ollleo lijulnlnt In Hinllli A Seng ln building. Srm. A. Toyo, di:ntiki'. . i ',1 KliWilj NHck, I 'roll rM i c. ,..H E. 0. Smith, "" AND MKCIIANIUAi.' K'IKjU ai DCNTIST. .s:iijiyird weie laid oil Mommy Oft..-.- I...I ., mM u dnc w"iB to hili water, not beinK si,Vt..l-ii., Xmlih-4 rwMtac. Pfel to Work. iwi m -m. ih-i"" I & larjc tree fell ncro the tele- y TTnolmv phone line juiit helow Kitty ville X. 1'J.UUlCUl, and din.ibled the line between JllSrt.'lCVill, here mid North Jlcrul .Itirinp, C ..inllt! City, Ore. ITiirsduy. It was promptly put Al'r.r..ui.rii;" r,Ml ,.r.,.rrly it r.trr iuulis MownllHRltl. In ( n.y (.irul.l.r.1 prum,,tly. ') B '"otml of -HkI; h re- m.,.Hl-.n.ri.. lulled to have been dtowued over in Camas valley, bciiii; one of SoOS C0UIJ1 Y ABSinACT COMPANY the wuil Montis in many vents. ,i:i uti: .v n.xttus.uv, , t is rq)ortC( twt vVni.'Kacl:-,-KMMrw ,cf-( nl MyUc j,()ilJlt ,(1(t 35 ,cn(l Tho Only nvstomntlc Sot of nlone. It is said that John Clin Abatrnctu In Coon Co. -oh' ' wIlic' wns su- Work tl.io on hrl nnllou. Orilpu mmlcil ml Flanagan V. JJoniiott;1 BANK, jtiAttMt:eMt:i.i o:ti:;c. UapiiaiOU.UUU. 1)iih.ctoiiH .-T. ltTrtl.ni idt.t J. W, lleiiiiotl. I'.r... J..-. II. I'lntwisMi, Vlre I'im.. mill II. f. WlllUma rMl,l,.r. . .. . a rnAfPlirriTOW ! A. M ARKIEVITCH, ' iTprpban: Tailor ny(iK,iaifK j anuj , U'liinl door north of I'laniiiu t lluiiuctl It ink, M.unbllidil. SUITS TO ORDER, ,.,.., . . ' ' A..i.ri.iic.u Vw--.i-.iM.irnu ii lino .t-ltfu.niiii..turiii: r iiii"--i'i and tiomi-Niio iioli'nx e m & s DlMII.II IN I'l.lK'll, ItCtA'.. OAIM, tl,(t i.r.b, 1 e:tjs: f iu.i:n. .. rt'.i .ooiih, .'kai urv iii;n, ni'i 'I'OBI.K '. itu's, ii"i'h, 4,nJ.ttts a.ko Dry diid. Japanese (t'axts J . U. Ri(J0s, V 5 b ' v v Practical Photographer MAKMIII'II'.U). OIIKdON. Tli only llrilcliiHnialloiy in Coos (Jnutity All Work Warranted central mm Corner of front mul A HlreelK, MAIIHIIKIKI.l), OUI'.tiON, JONU BNYUUK, t 1 t t I ll'foprletcr fl-MilS Wl'l IKNOWN ANnKAVOKI'li: J. IIO'l l'.l ti.u lusl N'cn vnllaly fclillcd m il Miuniiliril lliiinigMiut unit lnsnnorn to llu pulillc for i.inoiiHK. New In ill nml 'ilnK liinlUcs(i Imvo h-ci nlacril In nlmosl rvi'iy slfvpiiiK "wi ol tit's (1911H1 niijl m-ill.fr U011M0 luir rijnui hn: Licoi laird to put mcryllilni; In first 9I1M "tiler, mum. will PHNivt ..ronint nltontlon nutl Itunierous oilier IWmtS. nbilmru e.j.fnnocd, 1 JIM .ooa river UQfl,!wmr Ue,-, 0. I.. livtKB, SUmw?; MWrtWTEinnaily "illiom tlicTr i.uii.iicO.ty, OroKim. Pioii of milk. The hotels pant ami iMiuing, per cli jj.o louril, p'-r wuck ,,,,,, ,,..., ... 4.0c n.iftuii ;...;,::;:, TAB LATE S '(! IS l CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE DONE Stock Said to Havo Suf- fowd in Many Instances Somo Property But no . Iilvoo .Koportod Lost There was no innil out Monday lull early Tuesday morning il was sent. None arrived until Wed nesday. The non-arrival was principally due to the leccnt MorniM. Mail carriers haviui tc ported many Mieatns iuipussnhtc. The low tntinhy lauds l)elni en tirely (I'jihIciI in many places. Cotw river and the bay iin swol len to n hiv.li .stage and Coquille valley ii i if. lii Iieshct and high er than fur ten ycni.s. The Suttth l?otk U crv limit. The hnmls nt the Marshfiehl "" Arnj;o, WM drowned, wen entitely wiuiottt lor one - rasl nlll01Illl of Mlow ,, the mottutaiiic h.v. h.id M)iue to do with the Midden ftcthet. The tiaiti toCoquille waxabau. doued Monday owiiik to the track IjclMR aubincrKwlU-nvceii Coolc- ',1on"! f-!,'"-1 t,Uy h0,.M? ( ' ticitlca have Ixett wcikIiUiI by heavy lock to pteveul wash- iu; away. '',c Umil,m has been very j,,,, lh(. j,.,1.,. mul is Jcpul. c(I nraR"K torrcm. ()f xhv tu.sl!cM)1,tilcn,;. any I I Dili! lictwpi'H lien iiii.l tin f'o- " I -"-- .... ... -w qttillu nfla.it and it is thought by .-lOine that when the untcr re- Imlesihcy uillbe in very bad ,condilion. 1 he 1 1 ic one at China camp was all alloat und it will iitiiluutitubly require n lart-e nmotitit ol woilc to make it as H()U(l nti lortueiiy. Matty of the bottom farmers availed themselves of the hih water to clear off old drift wood mid nutlis. Deputy SltculTGnllicr of Co quille tepotts that Monday about 1500 of the fiucfit cedar and fir lojs ciuie down by there and most ol Hits valuable timher will jo out over the bar, (this is wheic n ease of 'bar bound" would be u bleskin,) but then Midi i;ouil foiluue could not hap- lli-l I nil Cnllllllli. lull'. 'I'll. Inir ; ;v,ca ,,y (j0,h" ,?,"1",!"1 ,,Vd vim IIoiKciol tin? Miild i link. mul liMii'Mfiit iiiiiti 11 limicli nf , .... . ,..-. . .... .......... ....... .money. TlinSiMUlTOKTHIJ WKATIIKIt. DuihiK tho pant woelc, when ovcry body wnn dingiiKtid with tliu hud weather and a grunt of nomokiud wnn about all ono could hear, mid it eooni ed cveiy luin;; tiling wen Hiinilurly nll'ected. At tho lllnueo tlio guestn woru I nml id to a goiiiiiuu ilouuuiHtin tinn of li.nl temper in tho wny of gmuo b.iutiimn, Thrrti nro four in the lllun ootnul nnd liny weio wet to Ihiinldn fioin the nll-nlghU lulu nnd when fed weronflfuur nn mm! nn "wet hens"! nnd they lii'jjun llgliting and tho but tle of their Uvea vvun fought under IIicho ndvoiko dlllliuuftleH. Thtv fought and fought mul would prolmh ly bo lighting yet, or until tho weath er olenrcd, hud they not been nepur nted , Moa,u.- -Ki ep your toniporuo nuttier . . ., .. . Yimniwwmori, Happoningo on tlio Bay Tim iclioolior JN'oHln Hiniilor c.iinn Into lliti (!(iiiltln, hint Krdliiy, mid limdpil fur Hun I'rniiclico. Iter do thiAllon nt Mniiilmjiiio Oily iniilli of I.uri'ku, iiml Inulnir Iciu Mown iKiilh tnlcd In IryhiKtowiiholiitriHv llmilloii, wlilali In nn nulxliln port, fliii run In horo touml (orHmi I'rr.nulneo, Ilnniloii Itct'orilor. Tliu rliootior MHjllorcr lomleil liiiiilier nt I.yiui'it null unit in now ly iiiK nt llio ilock wnltliiK for lliu tnj; to tiiljii linr to con. t'(Mii(i Jliillotln. Ali Mooia, It Ik niriKTOil, noliiR to rcinlr unil optrnlu IIuidu'k mwtnlll lociitnl iii ltoRiii! rivur. xiiyK lliu l'nrt Orfonl Trllitiflo. MyrtU Point lin l(iruii'. Itlvorton prtjenlr. a llvoly npnmi iitifo tlmiti i ijrt , Tliu ooul inlnai arc tuniiiin.' full l.luit tlin civilly uniploy- niaiit lorjullo a f ttitiilcer of IiwijiIk. Tlioro In a lirlfjlit fuliiro In ftont for Itivcrroti. CoipiHIu Uiilli'lln. Tint t-i-lioon.T Wofli-rii Homo nrrlv (it in dcr tint bnr WnlinKlny nnd v 1 1 1 1 1 coiitiiiK In n litnvy rro ron ttnliod ovr dor und wrcckod ono of ln-r llfttUont. Hlio Itrotijgltt lond of liny mid lljur fur Intuitu innn hcru. Tliuitmuu wIiooiht Mmididiiy wnt out river tint l.ir WcHltio'dity nlrllit. Tim Jhiifilio ioiit out to rcti ImiI It wtj too hkikIi mid letitrnid until u iiinrn.bvoriiliUoiiorttitilly. It.MHiiU r-m r.o... CwuSIt- il.. . ImIii mii U run to MirUs I'oint no fur ii wvnk mid it In doiibttul n lint Hit ii HaIii ujiii liu itin from tin mint lo tliu county hmiI for nrnrly wfeW. Tlio wn'iir nt Cwpiilta hus mtliiii three fimtof tint '91 ffiMhol. .MMkolbrluk brotliurn wtirr riinmite out tlmlr logA from Xurth U4 rlrvr ThenHlny. It U r-mrted that tiemly nil tlio liijt', v Iti-olt wont ilnnn Cikh river, woi rcriiiil lnfforti limy ic.iclied the Imi, but few get 1 1 iik nwny. Th tiiK Ciiliiiiiblu hriMight in tlio Mbuunar A Hit ThurtMluy. All 'be vuU in tlio lowor ly Wtiro nb'o logo to re.i Thtirnlny ; tlio Vickiut;, Hiuiiin Ultur, (lorcrner mid I'm plrc TtikMnry 1. Utn U Imtdlni; linn- her at llio ;urth lleiul ntiU. . 'riii.-.lflnnii.r(I.V.l.U!inr a-lXl!rcctiymocaJTiliUiU4.'lH revi."" .-i ..--. -.- -"-JlIIO8milorur-nuioM-riWirU -.rt',. ,,...,. ... ., ,lniu ... hare two rniro m n for jmI 011 South Con ilver. Mon day wm, n (IIhIhuub of two m 1 , from II V.. lltMey't to S. C. ItOi!?r fiuin iuix miiiut. Tlio imino of lli new rrliooiicr be in K built in tlio M.rbnlil rlupymil ill be theJiimo Hciniul. Holliiiul llrwn. rxHTt llio rnj-ine fur tlioir new j-NKihue luuncli tlil week. 'fht ir toMbiai. ttAtlinj mJ anilicptlo pilicllon cvc ikivurl h I)Wiir Wiitli Iht. 4 8lv nll-miiMai ami cwt jiOri. Mm,MtiH4 Anil tkln Jim. IWwutc of (ml I llHMM. Cim Buy OlHJt Slotr. Wll.l. ItKCONNKlTKl). Therein a movement on foot wlicro by nil tlit. tijIt-plii'iKM io the Mirhj Held ryim ivil Im put m oninmitui- j ciition whli lUed'n ulilpyiird. Tlii.s will bit n reni cunxouimiro to tho ntih.uriheriind Hiiperiiitenilmit Uob crton de-orvtH trotl urcuht for intur ontiiiK liHiiM-lf in thin matter for It ill bo n Kri'iU t'oiiveuioure to our liiiinrH nii'ii to be iilili to (jut to 1I1 rri't I'Dnuuiiiiiimtioii with thN yard mid they will bo beurlltcil in inmiy wny by thn tninniotion, Ni:voi'nci:iti. Tho follow lug olllcir worn inntult ed by tho District Deputy, Mm llwltio V). MeCornme, of the Decree of Hon or, Tiinnihiy evonlng; MUs l.ily Andernou, I'.iit Oliiof of Honor; Mm. Mn jit-Jo Wuilor, Olnof of Honor; Mln Cnryu Oivon, l.ndy of Honor; Mr. I.izzin Xeiil, Ohlnf of Ouiomor.ton; Mrs. (. IMuimi, t'nhor; Mr. Dora fnlho.irt, Iteeurihir; Mm. Aibi lin boll', I'liiiitiiMer; Mm. Surnli Onrter, Itci'civcr; Mm, l'nnnlo lliuinl, inaulo Wiiliih. Following 11 tho pnrhrnger llt of Htaniiior Arcitnnn herlilp up; ,l, W, I awrle, (leo. Frahin, iMiss 1). Krnft, Mrn. fenou, Minn 11. Jotuen, Mr. Larimer and child, B. Morton, 11, 0. K'lher, II. ICiirni, .m. h'nrn, W. (J Pciinodk, Ii. Shepluird, 1!, I.nughcad, J. W. Virgin, J. MoCnll h, l.ennnn, Mrr. Chcrmly and uliilJivu mid uiiio '11 hteor.igo. yesafKOTjtr:iiitas3ssKaKm:Mi!t el7uTl3f1 Pi"Ar7Jjfl inicliiiu'V' niiit m djn v i.u our run Mumcil ilri licura after iccilpt, HiwniTlwr wo imnlo ulilte l.ibor lnSiuetouit)(ioursiMit; (icorce Ixiivni, M)itlu Toiiit .Mk II.U1WII, North lw-mli j, poos Bit?t,sTEAM imm f.C -mim !-' t.r,Mrnii-Mr1nMsti-Men-i a 'V. BAMSTB1N 1A.JTD Canning Samplrts. yffiunr I'lyoA Holnnoon lit,f?i': i nu nhiK f.triiiIcH of Oao Imy elnmrt Thurffdny. Clnmn nro In lino condi tion mid tludr product will crfrtnfnly commiMid a fun iricn in llin cily ulion tlioy nrooiico tnon and llio Inci Hint llioy nro only eminltit: iliocmit uru rliiing oufjlit to find tlio'ii n romly imitlcnt. Sir. Klyo will lonvo for Hon I'-tiicln-co on tlio Allimico wluii llio rc.onipi rum tlio north ttiU trip, iAid will, make nil Hid ncronry iirrAHRmii'iiitn to -ilar-H tliu output oij tliu nmrkot Mr. I'lye it nn oxpnrioncutl ennnor mid thoroughly iinduritnniit tll litimiHiM in nil It ilcinlln. Until liU rrttirn lie will ut lo In MMpplon fif tlio iitooM4ryiitii Ijto wlmt lluy enn jwy for clnmn ilnhreiftl nl ilia ciinupry but cuyn tliu company (xtieclt lo pny nil llio ounditioiM tliocmiuod clitm mhrkot will nllntv mid tlioir inotlow will bo MIvu and lot live.'" ' Tlio r-niiiplen nro brhiK put up in pound und two pound onni When tlili i. ..iii. .it.... i. i.. ..... !,... i. ..in i llllllllllllll in III UIVIII.1I Ik Ttlll IJU i nliln to Immllo au imnieu.o inin' llty if clnmn. Thorw lim liccn n tcudi'ncv by mm) nkcptlcnl KHpl here to rpcnk of the indnrtry n tlinucli tlio ennnnry would fwion he ntil of ii hb. lint tho more run, crrntivo tocm to lip of tho opinion IIimI nil tbo (lIpuiiiK tluit llio ""' "ini-miio nm imiy oo oun. ,h,c ,vo ,0 ,1'.8 iU"e n"'1 ,Mt lnlor' o It of 0I.1111 brcnllnjc. Cooa' Resourcey Cow futility, with 18(aX,0JOr00O (eot of iiinreliaiilttlile Llnibar. in mliil IkhJIw, ktmidii.!; ovr Mtu mul ,i.t fdt ,0 '", '1, '"fKO "r'thcr boar 11 llRiiite co.il j xgriiMiliuro tlmt ri5 ca," WKOUt of the hollow of tho hub, mid nM iniioli; n chmtito ,MH? lnB no ollitr neapoij but which MitnU Ir.t rnrpvuvNiriu h-". J mlo tin bl uio ol that, U.per-turo; .1 harbor nltli the lep.'nl,,1 ,"J" Im'1 1"r I'P lylnK lond . t nlrmice between H.m l'raMlh n.1 h tc' Thoro ,w B cub al " and the Gliiibi.i Itivrr-ofrdr Sreat V'8 ,rt' L"1 ll .,U. MC,,p! ,V,"' . .. J1M1 unit iMtfnintl nitii llin innlhnr.- ftiItUHiiiiAnt-4 In til A liiiina-Mi-l:fr- Hun hnlf tho nrrn nf the county i i foret "n""!"' Herald of fir, coiljr, .prueo nnd homlook. ' Tlmr-Mlny nllit wllni-il llio burn Tho p.hI in In ninny runpMtn nupcrior '"R r ,,,e )J,,r A Shnoiimker broom 111 iiimilty mid iuiintitv u nnv found handhc mill, live nnlcn below ftatulon. on tho Tajific coa. ThedejHJiltnoru T"'e wero boHl 'l)00 handle noarly oonttuuniM mid unbroken in hurncd 1. nidu tbn mill, which wa a their HnoarcoiiwoJ. Tho vnlloy mid mall cotioom, howovcril wmn buy rivorlhMtoinn nro fertile tu-iliisli ,l nffulr and will put eovoral hand 6ut I .-.if. .. . I. 1. tiiivuuir tj 1 tic nun-, 1 iiittv ui mi kind r-row will, mid thcro ii no U-t- ter rrBi.,n in Oroh-.ii for iliiir'iiit; and bwi culture. Coon count vi i.oldtloi. from the romaindoi nf (Won. an.l ttn depeuilunee upon the a mid the Urtge for communication with the world rftiird itn devolopmcnt, luitn brighter duy In d.iwning fjr it -Ore-goiiinu. flOOI) Cl.l'.AN MKAI.S CUKAP. 'llio Popular Itenturnut people, Stidhnin & Kdinuiidi hnru iirrAUod loi-crva niruiln at nil bourn hold day slid night in the OVontull bulldini. Xi'Htuern, otoiillnons mul dipnlcll joined with fliiit chins tiioklnr; mid bakiiiK Ullie Ituy nolo to their tiiccertj! mid tliey noilcil tliu pnlronnga ot tliu public on thofO mortu. LOOK AITKIt YOtllt 0KCHA1UW. Mr. John Uroou tho nrolinrdtnt who in now union;' tho ijrolmnli in tlio uoiKhburbiKMl of vMarnhllehl nnd Coos county niiynilmi ninny of llio orchard nro nltttotid with n fiingun eruvMh, , mul thoro in connidorablu j,mcu npliH llioiinh not much wooly upliu. .Suiiip nro ti II eel pi 1 wiili In re 1 1 nnd canker rot, Mr. (IriH'ti enn li." nnv oroli.nrd licit Inn not ulrcady xmiu li-yniul u ruiinniinlilo iUhko of decay nnd it eluiuin' mi ou-barditt in hnnd to connult him before diiigiug up Inn orohiirdn. Ho Im nil neeesn.iryn to gii'o tho Coos oreluuds icllof. IHJJty OltPOItl) TUHlUNi:. Curiio oonnly N ten ywirn behind J it thn ledeiuption -jf county warrant and ner iidHIJ In dobt. Keprctioutiitivo Htimo will mako a hnroio I'lTiirl to heouro H;ito aid fnr Curry county, and a relief bill fur Hint purpose will bo introduced early In tlio Konflou. WANTI't' Capalil, rilliM:Hrnni in ery lounly Uir'iui in l.irpo i)invn if kiIkI Ii h.iikUI rtfVit.ui ii, $j6k.laijH'r)o.r kiynlJo wwkly.jj wriU iiliwlulrly sutc ami .ill aicn un; simhl, Ii.mh int.-, tlelmitc i.i!ty, no cum mission, a.tl ir imUiJcIi 8.iunli mul mxiuo moimy iiilv.inrrd i-icli wivk. hTANDAKl) II0US1.. 331 DtuiiiiKN t., ClUCAbe. THAT wooMnolnJiinooncliiiiilOiiU mulQ our uwk, it.oniKs. l.nmtlry ail, mh Ivic-R only. Tollow. ' Knuloni N, Loans, Cixpilllei K, A. IXJse. Mormn. Kmnlie. JOHNSON, Props.. EASTERN LOBSTERS May Bring Thorn to Or- ogon For Propo- gation- Hiijfno Otunl. KUto Jlloloi.t F. L. tt'mlitiurn to dny informud n (luorJ reporter llmt tin- nifinlioM of the Oregon (lctgn tloti in co 1 1 gr m huve proniircd liirn to do nil they enn toward indncinj; llio Konoral Kvcmniftnt to nccnro r-liln-tnt'iil" of I,iitoru lob.tor to Ori'KOH to Implanted on tlio rocky portion of f'roootwliro thorcM cvory ron.on to iHtrwol they will do well. Tlioy hro found In tlio cold wntcriof llio coat of .Mnln mid Ncw Fonnlni.d, nnd would find tho condition hero nrnrly the iimc. Tlio ment of the K.utcrn lobdcr it ildicioui nnd wo liopo I'rof. U'anhburn wil bo Miccmful hi his oirort to to euro tlicnt for plfttithiK in Oregon va tern. COUNTY EXCHANGES. Our young frlond Jcncph Collier, who liven with liix fnlhora few tniloi ludow town, bad otilto nn excitmu cxperienco ono diy luH week wltli n i-ir, n'liiuu icw imnureu ynru oi I ,l,0,r l.,("nc: ?l treu" .J'M',, wcnl out lo look for n cikh! odar trco out of which they could iiinko bo.ird, nnd lindint; a Inrgo 0110 v liicli lia decided wa nil right, ho cnmmeuci-d chop ping propuralory lo fell tlio tree, when 'f ,.n,n .nl M'..i.l...ir-....lJ.ll.lJ ' l"'''1 ' othoiwinu, nnd it U jwuiole ",l ,"lrk l" ' '"",1 "nolhor mill noon, llio l..l condition ot the li wnn llio c.iuw ot .0 Crent nn axr entn.ilalion of lmixlle at thin t Into. It U nippofi'd tho tiro originated from tho furimcu. Tlio loin is ittp poned to bo about t2000.-Coduillu Ker.ilil. Clin) . Half nnd family moved down to the McCauu mill, lielow IUndou Viilneil.iy nnd the mill burned tlio following cvcnitiK- Comtillo Her ald. Mia-. Ilittio Dunham w.is reported very ill, hi faot llmt liar life w.m don pnired of, in S.111 Kniuclco. lanl week but wo arc now informed tlmt thcro i hopoi for her recovery. Sho in (iiCurniK from bruin fivor. Wo liopo nlio limy toon bo rcntmed to her unu.il goMl lualtli. Coquillo Herald. MYItTI.i: POINT HNTKltritlSK. Minn Ilird Short, who lus been visit in her mother at tliid.icc, roturncit to M.irnblleld tod.iy. Tho po.tnlllce nt Ohpir, Curry coun ty, hits a 1'o.tmUtronn mid I'littinusler. The former di-clluen to nurrendor tho olllco mul wants to know what tho hitter in t;nius to do adotit it . A rod nnd 01111 club wnn organized nt thin plneo hint .S.iturdjy night, with u momljern. Dr. K. A. l.op wan elo:iud president, C. 1'. lluling vlco prenident, V. K l.undy neurelnry mid H. M. Short tronsurcr. Tho ncccn t.iry trails, bird, etc. hno been order' 11I mid oliooting tournament will soon bo In older. Vhero ha been oight new subscrib er added to tho Myrtlo Point telc pliuuo exchange. Fin n I; Uluineiirnther, tlioll-yenr- old eon of Col. Jllumoiirother, who resides In tho MMitlicru part of thin cdiuity, a few mile north of Dairy villu, neeiileutly cliot mul killed hiin Bolf near bin home, Sunday, The young m.iu, in company with hln brother, wan out hunting mid the utter homing a rluit, wont to the seeno nnd found Frank lying on the ground writhing In agony. The biothcr in linablo to ny jiut how the neeident luippeticu, but thinks tlmt Fran I; tumbled over a log nnd in mwiio mmiucr etrucK llio hammer of tho gun against t-01110 objuet while tliu niiifsle iviii) turiud toward him, llotli biuroU weio dl.H;lungcd, the contouts sinking him in llio pit of tho stomach, death toon reaUltiug, WAN I KD.Ui-mU, uJiaUo iHwnn In evfiy county to itriH Ur,i coniMe( of sol, in nn uu'iii mmuuion; jjy i.uuy per )car, p.i)ttblo ueeOj) , $3 vr itny abelii(rhr sure and all t-pensrj; ktnnila, liow-llrto. lUfitilio .iluy. no eoiniutulon; wlnry palJ wirli wnk, ClANDARUHOUSU, J34 UnACUORN Sr blllLAUO, DAILY NEWS SUMMARY Important Events of the "Week JAN. rr. Another Hocr column Is InraCIng Ctpe Col ony. Antl-CLuk m,mlxrs deatltockKonLinn ItgU kitiue. A eiwt ntunip In New Yaik itockj. Ill(ht prtee for fresh niRttn seten jeanr rKitW In (Mnjfl. All inivrjcrs from lilp Ruule, strandnl on Kicrwli man rnconl. I'reridnjt McKlnley njcM a restful nljtit anil continues lo Uipnxe, Silecf Uinlsh WV 7mJi u.Ui'e .United States prAttleiMreo.icIu'lcd.' Srnilat Cha-iiller of Nenr llam'klre wtt be succeedm) by Henry K. Djni1.ut. of Uances- 7li I'roMent Kis revrated from his proposal th-.it Chinese Peace n-outions tie re mated to Vaslikigton . Vni. ! Trnnnolm. c3mplroIer of the treas ury ilurlnp CleveUn's first admtnlstratJon, died lli at New York. JAN. it. I'rof. Gvnar, the eiplorcr, Is believed lo be lett la Afrlea. UttMe prttstl House bill Increajlae member strip of cn-re33. I'wl ttmtnt reported trorft Clrcla Olj and Lout.' Yukon dwrict. CorporaikMis la ,'m Jersey paid 3,031,393 llto the Suie Taury, InOftn ptess re-4 that Dfitljk Jarmy la SoHtb Airia In on the defenslre. Two atlem-ls of Montana DemooaU to hId a MiMtorSal eaiKUi luve fulled. St-mmer TUbiaook caught la the fee at Ko diac toland mhI atnadooedby Iks crew. Alfred Vjndarb.lt batowi mrrije portion of 13,700, ceo upon lilt Intended Wide. KiM-ituM tobs nuklni; speefal arjeement with Cfilni, frrprctle ot Iorrs, Ont KJdy, lUyonne, N. J., dalnit to bwe eUablMK-J cowaminlcation ith other pUnets. CbkMw pence commissioners hare reaircd orders from tke court to tfgn joint note of pow ers. A fight h on In ike Washington lejUlatuie orr tpaake-sMp. uperintenitsit Orrajby adrocatei the leailnj of the ttniber reserve in his report. JAN. 13. Scten killed anJ many fnlaretl la Chlcaro by ttc.taow;Wesa'cry Cf-filrijo n.am3tiiiMtn- cat performance. A l-irtfn0'th, Kan., fiend narrowly escaped the uraih of ike peopk-. Ita mis pot io the btntts rison to pre ent lyncitej. Sererc uind storm raced t the mouth of the Columbia tut Saturday. No ;Dii. tkc last chief tke Omaha Induns died at the age of 113 Toan. Loom Currier, of Altaty, N. Y.. ajted 4s. cut Ins ufe'n throat, broke hit a AfrJue'i bid uiih a tuteball bat, took a ilose of pari crcto aaxl Umo ect bit thioat frra car to car tilth a r.isor. AJUV.rje arc Jscd. IAN." 14. Si ion y has agents solldil;; a loan in New York. 120,000,000 Is xanltd. Gov. Roosec.-ll shot his lilit mountain Con list Situ-day. Cnlaa has signed the Joint note of the Pocr aitd I'enc negotiations Milt Imnitdlalcly begin. The value of Washtston rUberj as lis for 1900 than for 1C99. Teleplione tjpertatendeot It. O. Nash and li. Ii Ilakcr w ere, droacd near Central! 1. A N. P. train wtnt threueh n unking bridge and five people were Injured, ' The Nebraska legiiUtUn txgan balloting for U. S. Senator, It Is foated that another dead JAN. 15. The supreme couit has drckicd that Necly mutt be extradited to Cukx. T. M. Patterson was elected U. S, senator by Colorado fuslonists. Senator Hoar 1ms l-ern ic-nomlnatrU. Clark, Garter nn.l Mantel were the caucus nominees at Helen, Teller made Mi attack on Gmeial Hagan. KussU turned oer the Tien l!n Railroad to Gennnny, The Frcnch-VanOiblli nuptials were ecle bmled at New port. Oregon will send three messengers to carry the Presidential o:e to Washlngtoi. Professor Geo, E. Howard head cf the ile rutment of history In btaudfcrj Unherslty tc slgnnd, icn.k will result. To i.-nator are to be rl.-ct ed. Iiverylhlng is In rudlneu for the great Van derbilt wedding. Snowbound pasKnjers sufTer tcirl'o'.o for fivo dijsla Kussli. Thousands of people are vlililng the newly discovered oil w.U nmr Ikauaoit, Texas, 1 llio Mow of oil It net )et en Jer ctntrol nl 60,. 000 oanvis arc ipreau oirr im prairie. Hugo Uonener, n mtirKlUcd American who is connected wall the Perk'ncr Tnogebtatt, has been expelled from Prusil.. Washington ccal pro faction the, patt )eir was 7,418,034 tons on an Ircrease of 500,000 tonsoier l.ia je.ir. 33 mlrcrs were Ul'cd by accident and fig woru Injured, liovrsc.ipturvdilirocUilli.il peace commit. sioncrsniKl put one to-death. The situation U more crillcol In AfiUunnd Lomlcn 1'rc.t de nianil tlmt rc-luiorwn enls be tent to the scene of war. JAN, 10. Tlio UritUh forces met with great losses 'and wero wo,fijrl nl MurryUiutv-, Kitchner wi; be reinforced, Quay U 'cnnylvani i't cJioiie for U. S. Senator, There are Iti randidates for the long term of tv e c..n.,.w-l.. V-.I....I-. ' . Ilwjr Ii llumhtimra -chosen Senator ,! New ffampthrre. Senator McMillin van re elected fatvl-letilpw. Serllfot Fry was rolecftd In siafne, Freil Aleimder, the negro vitio wl fut Jn the 'fii'si Iavenwoflli, Kan.. wA. hnA'n the sukr. Fred Dubolsc W.ts .lectcit In trTilio, OTATE NEWS ITJEM& A retlral Jim cIod In "IhanV. rp.lii 1. .M iolning a bttler life. Mjyor HarrUof IJia-cne Is ordrin n .. Uingplausln ihjtllycloicd. TIm th, m... shal hat cur.cd out the order. The rainfall In Albtoy durlne 1000 miWi - ioclier. I'outo famine In rattcrn Oregon. There er Lnly 60 arfs H In Albarry In 1900. There were only t n soenl !n lmnro.f-' Alluny ttreetn tatt ytar. Hiker Oiy carpenterj will rufent ih. n s,.i u7 i.nu ,3 wage inereforarter Icb. 1st. The Mayor of Albany recommends that h toll be put on all traffic crossing the big bridge actots the WiiUmeite. The Grant a Pais council estimates eirpendl tore cf the city fbrUie coming year at jjooi' and revenue nt J430O. The Ux levy probably wailjrio mills. ' The total rrcepU of the city cf Ashland dor., leg 1500 wrre9j7, 'i nd Ji.iso.oe was from'" saloon licenses. There Hill remain, in il,. ,n. .. ti " . . r- y v rjeasary ,808.13. The city of Ashland lias re fused to grnt anytnole saloon license. lAit Wedaerday, a wrck ago was Ihe coldest eight eierlenced In lhe Korue river valfcv in 1 1 jrcArs, the tbcrusmctor drepped to 11 degree above xero. I'otlowini are the new ofTicers far iftfor. Mayor. Wa Crowed; Vrwiert. K Deuel.. W T Kara. Henry KHnDel. T u Wltlv.r Treasurer, CharVr. Mrans: Marshal, rfcrl- Johssbii. The vote for Rcord was a lie. M furdln nod OUs Hubbard recei,tni: ilie sam numbu- of votes eaclw Iuigcnetstobave a new modern hnlLil Tb proBsotoaa-o bra. Paine and KuvkendalL Isaac xVtir57.rns. of Krniene is now suonai ed 10 be the rily surviving white nun who wji neased lhe haogln- cf the five Indians who wero condemned for the Whitman masiacrcc. Tie Danish colony near livtne Is to have a sew tkvrch. The V. M. C A. at Salem are In a fair war to get a new halt, J 10,000 it being raised n vw. w j. vj bwui unc. i Asa molt of t:nw be action on the pan of' Pendleton tranter, Indian Agent Cbarhn wiL lllnt. Itl. Artl-m!'ai, k!.. .-.l l..i. -.. " V ....... ,UIU " ucHwanowi & ""figj-y- wtgntoTPq tHmerruJft'J mo. iu.s jjyer, a ranclierj wife w.vt foart.1 dead b the raul side near her home Ust wk near Astoria. Heart disease was the cause. Iheplicerrolneftoffackson county -tkJko at the hea scowtalln that section. At the recent meeting of the Board of Regent of tU Ste Agricultural College, it was decided loestabtuha station for esperlmentatlon In paste and ctrovks in eattrm Oregon and ft.- 000 tt sow atila)ie for that purpose. The SoottHm PaaWJc Ca, nor ibe Portland Ptre oVjwtoMit would accept nccnt for their ten SaU at the lite SnVrrrn fJro to v.tltji the S l Co. . eartMd the Uam to xlukV. liro and extbg-attbrU the Are. Tke deep snow In the foothus has been very severe on the qtl which have been nnusually plentlfal during the past year In this portloh of the vttllcy uys th .Ul.lxnd Tldlngi. Ijugo numbers ol them have been la Ihe hedges and bruth along tl e clerk and around ron during the past few day hunting food. W. O. K rople. the game warden, procured a Urge nreout of feed. Tuesday, secured help ad icatlered It lo the hedges and brush freoucntcd by this niott deslrabl: game bird. U. !'. Vkkraytsf pper Kotest creek, lacV ton county, had a narrow escape from death last week. He was under a hay shed, when the weight of the tnsvv caused the shed to collapse, completely covering brm uprftld a largo beam fallen acrott his tody. II it had not been for Ihe timely assistance of a couple cf men who heard his cries, ha would undoubublo have lost Us life. Southern Pacific track Is wished out at Sag- anaw for a dUunco of 70 feet Poatland preachers have began a crusade rgalntt gambling. The Mullnoma'is werodefcatol In a Ittely contested game of foot ball by the Hrppner te.ua. Score 10 to o. Coos counlys grois valaitlot Is placed at .,- 914,014.00. There are J55,7li.oo rtcmpCoos. Co' thare of tho tute lax It Ji5,ijsj. Train wTck on the Attala A Columbia. Ungin.vr W. M, Scott was klllel. 1.6 of a'l inch of rain fell at The Dalle o Sunday, Summcnille U to have a new newspaper. The Sumpter Valley railroad Is running ia tra'ns each dav. Heavy rains did much daninge at Yatpjt-u recent-. There was a fuel famUe In lUker crly 4ast week. Junct'oa Cily tax levy Is trade at a mlfkf. The salary of the lily marshal has been rai-4 to $40 a monih and the city counc.l I consider. ng a propoihlon for tlreet light by electricity. The sale of Und bebnjing to the Leonaid" Ijnd e.tate In Ptno Valley, which t-kchvated to the State of Oregon recently, has been -confirmed by Judje IVfilu. of the Circuit court. Kosvburg has a bonded Indcbtnets of 135,000, , und warrants outstanding to tlo imoiDit Qtfir, District comenllon pf Knights qT rythlas I in svsslon at Tho Dalle today. '1 ho Polk County Mohair Association held It annual fair at Dallas on Moudsy. ' IUler City U to have a new Cliambey c,(i ," niefcc. jvjQllr on tho coast rnne, ts 4x feet di-ep I-ine county lias been petitioned for a m bridge o be built atCotbige. Grove. At Pletvoit Hill, Lnne county horses are dy Ing of bli.nl sfiggert. k&.v ?5iSJO'jsia3aMaTOSjaiat3K8SiwiKKK4 J pottlvid ca'y wants t'se UnS Item wtW w. H iMMWl l .vw..y an