-T neb fri" -w i ' jr A II hiiiimi'lii iBufeiT.lwiiiinltfrt fjr& Qraise Tail'. AVSttRtr OilhOON' IMiAiitahctr'orery Saturday by Ooast MaM Comj'ANY. tli SUBSCRIPTION HATUS" Onfy', (wi lvnncr).. t.. ....... tide-year, (uo radranfe).' ... iWnior.lln;,,,. ;,,, , .,., .. too .. .50 'thit lucdlh'i...., rSb sVisiimiiilih ll vriltbe n enlfiral mrrtiwnt with n riOTKainvi'il IWtnncr.tl when ho hoars tfiOl)ld'U,Vllll ullOOp. Aparty compelled o rtttM'cltcaUnj: flection law a tA sMtfirt ItSelf Ii" In iTie'IilrtVlarairf afnul diime: Tin nftil-rniul pups n lib aro IMildd a'lifllimiarroiifeirxer, might ntalco 11 'j hjr'iuinUAntfnfe llryaii for JMl ' oW tMitV-TfciT ?fritoafnnii 1ms K'.vcii htm . few kufci it' IimKs n fhniijjlt lr.- IfryJitr mi dowli (or ' " . 'fliV Sultan f ' Tiil'.v vHir find . &' f STmmVeli ilUiieiiir m )i raljr ifjr lo h "iuiio vfliif ifed hjr fiielo Sam Ndpro ho is 'much wiirr. riYiidcul McKitriVy's plsa t Phil adelphia for ths incrcdnejs of llio btdlnt nil' (to approrcd by ..every luiuest man. Sensible ulUn'vtin Mbit until" the bill for tlio reduction of Internal revenue taaen is completed bteforo at tempting :o cmfclta it' " TliV'rtpirtdiean cauca of l!iV ?m brallej:iiditfnrtV should ho nbf. to settle the Senatorial rrncitiolWitlioul ATiy'ifiiTfjdp- uiltiinc. tfldcaco' maanfartufin growth ntMy Kb jftrtjred'from-thol.tet that It Is ifntfctw'rfitrhrrisSOper ut more cfi.1l tliV,fv it dfd ono yenr ao. llnrc Hill hain't Len ihiiiij; any tilUius for publication sinco Iho elrc-t'cn-ht hn Iieen too btxy ditrellin): aMlVhaSlnftdrafids With filnYvtlf. otr'tltilt tfio Canal CmnnrMnon" IrasrrfxtrfeiMn favor of the Jitcflfajtun rcVife Mr tho Isthmian canal' let Cnri'grcM do ita'part'low.irtf starting Ifili crcat work . It Is sold that many of tho JF'ilipmo rebel nrcarmod willi t;tin. of Anerl on make, and IPUncle Ham crtn find cArtwhi furnished them tlivreutll be tfolMile fur somebody. Although Senator Spanner iffr an- n'ou need 'that ho would no. Iki a HndidAfo fojo-orerticrn there is n aflncKOraincHL- lylViomtn to "2vt! JHift'nnotliJir term. . Oom VrtuI ml.-.'t tlitnin i few pbinlTi on tho prartical vnhio of rcfimit.t from crnwd drawn together rVcttrfostty bynddrcrng TTorr. W. J. Drj-an, L'inroln $ik.-;n. There iCSMM to Jim ho U'M1 rrnion ffff keeping Okhihomn. with i popn l.itlon of noirly -Ft) 000, out of utiile liood any longer; and Now .Mexico nTi'd AViwina arc aio riX3 for atato l&o CjOji. Jo Who I'lf t-afil in :t pccli the oilier day : "1 betirrn hat llmlor ngortd KOTornmrnt Iho Til pi no will becUfiVe a rac d whlc'i wo nuiy do proud. I tlmiU tliry aro vastly mporior to tho Mt'cnn.' Spcnkor IIendooii. in dtjcribinf: Uio campaign Bnr tho rtjf.flufcahs h (7orrgrcss a mwnffThiit' hould bo lfrTcauTto ilu'in tins so'shm ol (?ont;re- "Wo rfil licain' are tAinida who wnrlr. nnt inlk." ffendfor I'rttltK'ro v inn horir l;rpp- tnc qnM, tAit rd rnji, wlio-mntrrtfi f eUt. Hoentrtiiy, luis bobbed tip In s.iy that tho liners uill niuyul. Jtut Itu wasn't sure cnouj;h of n lo stnr ivcr thrrc to jwrttrirW' firirr1frtHiitiJlli, m"i km immiMiaM I rfhflirmnn Joherf Im rr'cofernl the ihu of Ills lur.KOO snrfcli-nflj' th' iiii tuoncv'llint thucnufitry' protj!rily tfhi .iil 19-dfctod Prusidinl .Mf Iihiiloy, lUs.eyi'slflit must alio ihvd ..J.....n 1I...1I... ...LV l..l.l...u. .1..... 'tat :e cvtUh'i i) tl.o prosperity.' donres woiilifitii utlf t( ftHow llio reeoiitiiiciiiUtlon of KonHIr A itilnnt I'oilmiulc".- GOnorul Dftstmv tbf- ndditioiint k'slslat)(u ngiV.ntt ysn'gooUs' afid' J6(tcy- mvlndltys, tfji'u)li wilt vUW thd .Nprt'na and tderttplJiwftipf)tiesl3tlio vfutor. J6M) lTHHTOIV Ifi ATI h rriferii i but njiti snfftll chanco to hve yotfl-Hfrrjiifd thai In tliroiujli'nn Hit tfiMratidn,' lis Ufa aifiill prbsp ct sVt beforb MrW l ll': Hhtit, of Jftmo 2idgef Wii.,'tiyiir .loCtn nftefviiin-Kiot "ly trying In euro lir of' a fTightful eVtso of(oiniicli trntiblK and' jello'w jaundice IhidlUh't c'ouht oh tho jhuivoloiM rwntir of rifdttiic IIittirs 0 citfo eidhmcJi 1U1U Idvcr iroublos, b'uttdi'tf licittd ut Hi tuoJ bcvhii luttlc U8Mrtdly'etrl,d1' nvnidi'd mirgouV JjtiifiVii,- wVlslta: iro and fouU palter liisu uvur. iva i7iuri trauteoo)ttu;eujo tuir)icli, . Isjior ntjd'Ktdiio'y triibleJrid never' dm rlP,nii, tP?lv ift5 at 1?A A U61dinS Jfetter tlish ov'orv lya jnsltirely Ju tftuinljcli, , Isjior WmfcN. , I'PQtitli Africa ' TUI.NHWl'OXtlUKsa. Tire exact piutUiui roiiple.tot til hoHennto' id tho' Cutigna whiih otnes tntoexilinco on MnrchM 1V0J iiisiiol lccn dt'iurmiiied, I mi thoio 11 it rc.Kotmblu probability tlir.t the Vlcpulilinm ntajurity wilh bo fi(ll, Awctity. This la iidonger .lead lltun .thu 0110 which tho ltoiuililicmu lmi in the piucnt oiiiile, altluiugh the junidiily in this body ia greater than uuy party lm had lnto tho r.oon- flrvictton rhy Tito liepnblicar. limjorUv in thu lloiiicof Keprocnt.t- Uvca willed will cuter nest Munjl Vill bo foriv-cM n. lit ho present IIouk thu ltvpublU'.nu hud u le.ul ol thirtcaii at tho beginniiit; of tho to sum in ISOt. though it has beuii Uroiicther.ed slightly rlueo thou b ho unsealing uftwooT'lhruo l'onio rain whco titlu w mil gooJ. In Jim Uomjre which mil uluctetl in l'.f.HJ wliru Mr. MuKiiilcy w.is chosen tho llrsl tiniulhu Iteiuiblicius had a lead of only eleven in tho SctuMo, bu hoy had a uniirily of about 11 fly in llio llOllfO. U Thus tho Kepulihoani will start util hi tho (N-cinning of President Mi- Itviuh'a ivooud tvriu with iv bettwi rkiiig 'miilorHy'iWsn th' had nheii licbpsuti lib'prt lorio. Tlieii lend will t longer in thu Scmli;, and tbougli it lack two or thrco votes of being as ureal in the Ilom.t as Si w.i Vt'iir c.y ojjo it will, in toahty, Uv larger. (ec.uuo the illvr rx-licpubli- cans arc ull drifting b.tek to UiO Ke pubticn purly, niuI uiaity of 'lie DciiocraU will woi'nith the Keptiti licau 011 all issues of iinpottatia Vo i'lcliou finer th it of Minima in !-(, in tliu etu of -00.I fooling, wliotf there wni iiniuiitully only ouu utl) In exittaiicc, has left les of 11 sung to jl'c iK-nteii pity tli.tu thu 0110 pisi Jultl has ikiue. .Many of the men "1 Ins ftippnrtod 15 r yiin aro glad that he was bea'.ou, mid' u cons derublr nuiubcr of tliojo siippurlod him w.tli aiueerity arc accepting tho nituatinu, as rie.t!td by thu Iromeiidoui prij- ponderauco oil the Kepilbhcau side, are dropping dver ami Imperialism, bud ato rcidy '.6 tlri'so liadils with thu ltepublicaiit 011 all Hiljecl of (irimo imporianco which will coin' before tho cciitrtryiii tho next few rn.-j. nuts ir. .MvKiuii-y win 11 tvv greater stipiKirl l.v thu tuctiurt' which ho may ncomiuuni! in thv Cougrcra rrhiclt is oou to conic iihk legal cxtituni'o tli.tu ho hail 111 the one which entered power with him in isor. 1 Xocr diil aptfly start out in a presidential term with brighter pro ieotsthan tho-nf winch present thim seine o the rcpub'ic n ut this time Mr. XrlCltilryiias received n Urgor ,ji)ajnUfCf't'UcMral'viios" thicn ij 1'reriiluiit lifts obtained ftinco Grant lulSTSrrhen all the 8 'inl:ern si.itf were not represented ii the doctoral college. Hti has n l.ner K.pnlir plurality Mud nny 1'nsnlenl LffJrc Jus time lias otcr gaincil. iho ma jority which will bo oil liii Mdo 111 tho Senate will be greater than any I'rodldont li.ni Im I s.nce Ornnt, wink llirinliinriiy will l.o 111 ii ! leu hostile to him than it was to Grant or to ai.y Other llepulilii'.in lV-s lUnt whom Ihoconnlry h:ji had. In tho Home. od,'tbo minority nill lo uiiuti.ith ompliifiiant . I') wai known lo ijiiojul lie election nmt llioro wwrt .i.n..n.i. f iiAn..,.i. i.. it.. n .......'...... , w. ..V...W...W. m '""!. ami Wott uho wro s.ipportm Hrvmi liecatifo tlie itro c mfi iont tl.r.t fir nould lo bcaton, and ;hey trru not yet prepnrod to out thomtelvei loose ftonr their puny . Thow Demooruw urons hajipy nrer the looilt of tlu Kloctioiinsnte the Itopubllcnin or th hout'st monoy l)onucriits tlij lO'vIf kho l!('liiWiuiin ticket. Jo- fait, thf irusniit lima m re illy in oru of n xcl feuliu in a inuoli truer stintu thflii j7as Iho oluht it t-n years of iho first ipurtoruiho lontury which lucch vd that iiamo. , A FKKsltrrUl. ULU.NI'KU I Wtil'oflPii oiiuio a horriblo Dufit, Scald; Cat or llfujJu'. UiiiihlcnV jrlruioii Snho tlwliot'iu tbo world, Hn.TTPt1epj,n lUid iinniiiitly he.il it. Oitroi O.'l rfir , Fovor Koro. Ulcers, Iloils, F-hm, CoriM. nl. uLiu eruptions. IJjst l'llo euro mi carlh. kJ'C! (Us 1 bin. Cute guaranteed, P. A. j;i don, int;t;iii. ' Willi 11 city debt (jroatrr thftn Ihn "coinbint I dttil of tiy ,Sal Jn tho Jjnioil it'll not wnriirisii'K that tho tax piyi'rs of Greater Voir' York aro furio-i.ly studjinj: v.-uyt and menus hf merlliroiriii?Tiiuii!iiiy nn I eel- liutf tlseir niuliicrtnl al'idri on in puniest bnlfi'. Fur r. niaiftvlio i5withoul.11 country tho pioiout time, Undo I'.inl 'Krugcr Is rcallns goiuiderubto of a Ltli' in j;inio.' K-Kjland. Iioivevo i Bottinj; no excited over Ins iippo.irniit'o'iii Oonli11c11t.il JJuropo an li'miice t'tlibclud mid desired. Thoo is talk, iiidcod, of inviting IiTii lo llnlilid . Meniinhilo UiC war in tho Truiuv.ul Iiuni,' 011, .mil' ia-glvniK F.iiclnud koiiu' iiumiiliifM hi fan, 1hoHrlt1.l1 Muvurinrfi'iitllinib nnf hud iyWy nu'lMrniiblKolnpji flgjit on li'md cnjcu tlib Urfinfnli oimIIio 1 K'aiJt Iliiwia iilniojt half a donliiry. ,ii;o 113 ft. tln ono nliloli 16 ftlll ftoAliiiieiilly at lOajt. initio- wtiy In rfrTi VwnrtdsVcAjuTisC)g3fl Thrr l'r ihr llentt "There K" aya n tinwlet, "i stock Mjltilt which they lme nt Qnwni. low 11, Ireland. 1-H thetv the tueiunow pick up ttie tunllm which win IwtVe lautdvn t- hourn InteMlmn the boats do IdxeriHHd nttd overtnKo tliem there lYeiitU'titly, howvei dolaya occur, mul thendlie pusM'itgcis Mil time by gnliig otdidro, null tho- unttvo l tilwu.x hi rtllt to noil thorn ulilltnWiha mid other tlilnt:, tmoirflit hog onU Jevlry, erttioj, etc.. which im upposedt.v Indltfelioits witnrttlmtnotortMtfe of nehitd. "Motile of tho Millliilnhi nW wftiidet ftd ntnl rnvfrd to InoR tin.ut and have iiivHtHlbfr pliU la ivnl lifts their only object Ixdtig to take In tho unwary ttnuprttliuttto traveler. One t ww thow bad a head fullj- bK l.hdio In ilium ctcr, with pwjcctlng ktiotw ntid'rrnti thickly cowrlttg It. It wttt o lietiy that to lift It wts uu cfToit and to ent ry It tiuy distance without using it thiyr a physical ItnpoMlhlUty. U was n tntinletiitis looking wchihuj, an I ndilow from It on the hcud wonKl have dono for attr llxlmr thing, even .1 ilurky from GoorgM. "'WhiV I "' il In my urpilso, 'w ltot oiuntth do ,oti ue.tbi forV ThatV ho rejoliicvl. Arr.ili,.lhal' wh'nt wo pay the nut with.' Tve sot tt j-ct." Kcw York Trib une. AtHirnlvr null Pressed Otninp. "Widt until I have w aihvd ott the ivtitagvutitaip oii'thN envoloiKS hpolled ta tire dddrtilp.jr,M Mid a innti. "ft Is not noec-mry to do that, u.t I comiuoulr auppoicd," nahl n lawyer. "You lu'ax aUs jour 8clori) and cut out the niltiMho (tint tho tmprnsotl) ttainp and t t!tV It fast tOTC-m new en vclopo with uucllago notwlthsta'udliig Jtio ndtierlug pKw of the oil mivolope. "tt dee not look ulco and may U roiuo detachetl hi the tnall, bnt If tho stamp im a genuine, UtuiiHHl, ntltienlvo atamy It It not .pieitloned. Tko kov- erument when It, nella an mtheslxo J ceat Stamp undertaken for each ooniK cratlon to traasport ami deltve'r to doa- tlnatloa the lotter to whlrh It N afflted. Ttio fact that It has a piece 11 an uu- vclri'u to wldeh It was formerly at- Kiclicd. but cot uM or detHMltd for ssallln.-. dees not relievo tho pavtrn raeut to esecttto lt irt of the con tract when ttio letter I deposited for niallln. tho stamp behis cther)le r-rfect. ; "A't lmt)-eel itnrap, however, cut from su envelope Ii defective and In mild fftr pflstirge' ptirpocn. It Is ni t6nlfhh,g how many of tl'eH aro uecd. joum? poopto oppurctttly Mug utiahlj . tA.. l...i1Anlrit ttt illdArltfilviftff lutf M.iterl I ..,:. ..': i .: ." ""..".. ".: i n'MHivo nun im;rFvwi pmmin, WaHhlngton Star A tlufl'l lberrr. 3 llerr M n story with 11 rjorr.l: A ccuntryiiKin had just rUirneil from n Journey to 1'nrbs. Ono of hU ironlesi aiKO.1 uiBi ituui opowirue twi lormc.i Of thO Tarlatan. "DellKhtflil people." ho replied, "hut jt. .,Ayc,j t'ov aepivme art .f KomuujUlp ftlvoVtiw. chancittbhs and nltuf-rtlwr I I if At .-.1 st.at. ry. o.d Pj ,.'. km Incapable of forming u nttuchmeat Jm-.tiVr of the Gr.crslrrr, dtTutJ n Ims cf any dunitlgn." , of prafcrtl-n-l faT-e t-y tho .lefont. so "IImw long worn jou thoroV ueketl 'itanl waa his i-fflclwit handllHit f his m fH..tnt IvimwI. It wan thv first wrtmi conilkr rhrtx illi. -Chicago .Newn. J,u,m, ,hy lJutoiisist Urs rmMpb.ll ,., ,,.,. q,r. ' ltoadJt.Uo t. ia t.n.ttMMt.1 of th prise a. .if !... . . .UrpwLUJLliv ""l''1': Jd' if'l KvH rplrnn"hfllil lirgreqt .rwl',, .frnjt flje la i!.q vet'-. by .tki Chlmwe, who Ih-Ucvp tkMii to i,. ;4liuh sUp MnreJ.in.ru. wMrh lA.Wjr9cc.at ill will to thotilOct 1S011 of tho rtnilly ami to tlultgul lo playing unkind tilcki uiwu him. To pn-trur thl the vh'oat hun lu ouu family wai rnmed "Jjlsth J.lttlo SUter." the chlMV parut: JiIontiy being, uinb t the Im nreMloii that v' Mrlti could he ! ctitvcd an to t,tfi -?,' it'i lltj- on.. Man In illstlnitulhlieil frum the hist , 4 iinrRunii ... itiiiuniiiHT. by tho iwww to siwik Ida thought!: tbo boast frmi the man by the twwoi to keep lta thougbtw to Ityiolf.-iUvtrolt Journal. , . , SUtoosc txioplc ha m- m .atwrstrtloiw "", " '.utr. h uttfyi, th. I t col ve an evcu niiinbyr ( hy iMVttm On- Uormt. Tldi tvni n dlsllho for odd mimbrrs strive nhrnvs to bare o rtMitua. .dbora. wlriilovta, clouts, etc., ifi'tbclf h'ausca. - ...... ft.'..... ' liiiilrjHstl M'tismi&mm-muh W ttraF'$nu!UiyHUMEtfNli.ii NviysiiawsHaiiSL tuz?Hti i . , , ,. . . lrr lu A 11 1, 1H1 1, nntl tile Hhk nt Um is dcstruQtion or huig by a ofis.ui '.hh u npniiiti ia tt ci- , Irojlin la Hffili'inl'ir nf the saw. rear growing gCTm, precisely as ItUrnvi. n myu-Mbat crofntrlt- Lilt iK.p- ... . . . ' titer "fT'iM-r of Ktvat eournar, capturnl the moldy cheese is destruction jtwr n. forMu-i bis lift- in tin. en- ,. , , . pijtvii fii, Wsj; but '."ft ,ar nld, A ot enccie by agrowing germ. . i. ..t th nu- of the iioxcr u in tin- n.. . . ... , ((bltlt. yOU Kill the germ, yotl, Msnloaonich's vlolothi on TiUc Chain. .1 .. -w Ani, .nd.ii'Vi.1 la IHI I are rtiiri-wntiil StOJ) tllC Consumption. 1 0 by lb- rwiiimnta of lln Ham of tbo Con , i-i , llanc. f.himt ami Chubb. The list of can or can t,- according to th,. iIVai flar ia the inhibit u that of h' ' . .- 1 tli f.niuit, which tirtnluatnl tbo mnr- en you begin. 1 whan oxpioit or tho ouistinitii.n, "om r,-, 1 r ' t-" 1 ' c JroaMilrt," as sln hod raino to h citilonr- 1 Uke tlCOtt S iMlUllalon or , Inxly urakil. Hhe was ttiv.11 iitiJIr Ktwrv Cod Liver Oil : nt first. tU'ke a little" It food acts as a 1 -" easiest food. Sccmb.not to be food I make's VOll - . . JlUngry J eating liungry ; eating is comfortable. You grow strong er. Takemore; riw pinuiii. ii-. tii I'ltiu" unit, nl.e no tllici riot too much ; enough is as much as you like and agrees with you. Satisfy hunger .i.:U .......1 C.A . '..M.f,.,,.. With usual food ; whatever ....'. 1:I... t , n ...UU ...... you hke.nnd agrees with you. XI,.. .'... - ... WhCIl yOU arc Strong a"gnin, have recovered your strongth-'-the germs are dead ; you have killed them. , If ypu hmvo nofrtrlod it, aonci- Mm-. Qf rroa aaiTjpiDi its vHjronaoit tasto wl(l feurprlacS yotl. .'Scdtrr& bownhT, . Chotrtlst3V 4pO Pearl St., New York. non, nnd 51,00; nil rlr'iifrfjrfifR., 1 MMMte-MWNW3iJliiWht'AtiillMWiia SOOT TMlOrS FLAGS. HiSTomc ouncDa that tcu an in TCUCSTIMO STOttYi I Tlicip It1t nt Ilnutliift Aff lllmttirwf J ltrnilmUti it Onr IJnrtJ- ll Vletorle I'riint tho Tlmo t tli llri)lilllmt IIiimii tu lMtl, Thero-U an liitervettnit liUtfttlo.il ivllcc tli'U In tl'e library ot iviitfiess. It imi jhtnti eC irmtMUti of lw wliloh wete" llovvu ritiui the V1V.0I Hint ae futnmH In U liliiy-o( tlio country. 'J'ltW oollre Hun waa foiunl awiMU the tHNweMloiw. Wbkli hivJiuhtl all wntit old lltvritry mlill tic -ml 11 MiluuMo t4i,lolloii of nutUK KTil , left I y the lte IVtev row, n lift tlw of New ,terey, wlfAne fitlier wim a vtHMTiH-iii inv lioviiiinmii. ir" iivin Many inllltmy and i-tvll olHcwi'iii Wiuh. IncMt. Me tUeil theiv In 1NW. Te MH of ttujti bau lrii earefiilljf Vnooivid hi a Imitv album lelwictt ltvva avr lfite, enili loaf IhniiIiiu tlio lOH-onl nud nmirtlilmt of the history ot the 'Jt It of beat In; attached to It. 'Hie io.it nt.tktm: nut of tlio exhibit U Hint ilev. til to IVrrjr'a eapturva on liUe" IS1I0 In S-i tittibrr. lSllt. Thoto ts a iiIiho f the llitK wlihli was lUtwu fcotu' iVnj'a HaKtUlp In the contest taiulo tnsHieribW by bl wariilnir. "IVm't tlv no ll, Ulit." Xluie an also ldc9 of tk il ib f tko "'df et thv wiomy cap' tilted n th t k to slim- the tjiuitt Char- rlatlk. L'ttle Holt, Undy 1'iovwt, Maututi atVi'ld!tw'ny. Another 1 ,tin-tl.iit lliin.nit Ii that of the Il.Atf of th AUIttlifts the ttllp which Wan nf the llwt John Paid June fiinmxl hi Kranro, with the ItJiiboauii Uiehanl a tkntslilis the piupoMi of w ldeh wai the altnekluK of UrltJk Whi ilurliis the Ruxohitlon. It uas tie Alll.iiiio vhlrh tok on hisJnl'lcnnt trt. tu the dlcrwl It of I.cr oeetntrle eomiiian.ler, a rrenoli trm ntRMsl I .a mitt Is. In the light with tho i' raplK. Tt.-' bit of ling U of that ear rlil Jtirlnu the Psjht. . Attnther lntor-tiu line repno!iteil Is . tlit f l.'limuritcute. 'JtiU l m ca; jltiM ,,,. Vrvxtmi. wlw MBinn.lrl tho (Vmullutiun In an oiikaA-meni oa V'eU , p. ?j0. It was the first ti'ttiiiiity ihat !.id ixeutiol Jiw tho 1. if tlte Itiro- , nnai ruin Anwilean naval u-w.t to awnri'i t an eurt-.-y. ami t.io !.? it the Amertran nftleeni atMl 1. on for ft i niltcd eimtisit witr rrnllrl, fm the 1 I'.'iicb fllxatr. iiiWr Ot.laln 11 trrmult, Ui-Hplly ttliel In tliv I'oiisttllittuu' , O10. In this voutt a jouun, tnUUhlp- tft.in, Dnxiii l'ott.r. iwrfonucil tils Hit! ' t... ....AM .. .1. l.......lltl..M U.t ! , ilV IWVtUli V inr WM,........M MOT, ... Int en hi own rvpoiislbtllir,' prvrrntnl !Lo fall of the topmast ami all It l.nt-i- tcr. The tUtrtcy abkvnl by TmslJB I irodiHl givnt iwf Im Amerten ami estate 1 ll.'jeO a faith In (tie wavi wlikh 1ms re- tu.ihm.1 utvohakou l IliU day. A Ml nt IW whkh U altni wnHirl4.. ' f tbat vt ! IticoJU. catititml Vgr tho I R.ti.:i. wind '"at4nla rlh. 'lh Aatrr 1 tr in strtp vroogbt guat hnroe up latiV tl. rrruf'i rorvrt. which tied (be reft- Ht-t'ou -f llnw one of taw fsut upi hi flit Kmiri. mnrliM-. " A oehliato-l kitint N that tiMb llag of llio Gnrttvrp, taken tu ha fiun u- ffcU ,, Cbllwlttl.ynI, ,m, lUM. -...U w.n t!... nnitMl L.to wtoh tUU wan eap!t!-ol l-y Ptvntiir In tJotoVr, IM'J, 1 1 nl- ri"i fti itl In llio e-iIwti.ii. Tho eaiten of iV Mmi-.lnlnn mlJil to th tlory of IKTiitiir. who hail eot-rliil Ihr ah'.n lati litrsi York trltb anotbrr Ihlt Mi r rl raKurel at the rnmv t!"ii". Tlir llatr f the l'rulu. catitnrvd In .ocMnlwr, 1SU', I, l.'.o si"ti Vut. hodt-r Juruh Jon i. ii absa loimrrt'iited. In thv ot- . iiiu i rv uiv. hlb't rv bIm tw 1 pI.M,- of Uuc "f lu 'liolnjirr Mil ' .i. mpfrnil by th.' WtHp.-u-.trr Ithkelr. tb.. rort.ier la July , "wj '""f l Hrjtorot .t. 1811 Tl.c Conttltmkxi III Ileml Mr.' Ifll'.. Hall t'ri'!f litivlncr soirwti.il 1 1 tilt. rnti tur.il lb" .Tm 4, nail tin- Das: of the latter . tue usj, ,t.h. nfrr llf hour'- flxlit Ii .. . - . -.... ... .... 1. l..t inc. wis nm tiuy winii. it'll rro'imini, ' union down, In tlje f,n Uwliic ui 11 ru sank, and the fo Aiurrlinn irit.. olDcsni ml ri"t of Ilie nin vartil thumi'lvcs only fier i:r.nt rxrrtluh Th Anwrlrnn I ohlp IVnrnrl,, iiihIit Ceirfahi Wiirriuu J ton, riiturrl Ibv llrlllsb frlaatc KiK'f- 1 art. .Msny nf th notions nhk'h llifno flai.1 j rcpriwiit fslnlilinluil tho fmno -of onr uiirnl ofMctrs. ('nncrpsi In ninny hi- fi.iiiii-.-ii ,yiui)iri, iiittiiiiii iwr iiiu ..i" Inntry thur.u tllspKiynI, Chicago Inter Ocwiu. I .tililco lo I.ltrrnry Anilrniiln, Ta mibinltthn; nininiTlit fur iniMlcn. thin hi a iiinj.'iizhic, I lid phiilni; nf the nutlioi'H full niiniM ami niMriwi nt Ilk- In'ad'of the fuet sheet ami tlio IihIoiIhk of ritiirn rK)tnf,'o nro imlwrsnlly acci'pt- nl by ulltor ut milllilcnlly liullcatlinc thu furl that tlio (11 title- Ik to be pnlil for It ptililliiiod, or lo Iji liliiiiiul to tliu mi-tbo- If It la tifit iiccc ptnble. IiIUth are ihunlly sent., with innniiKcilptri, but an nally npurf)iioiin iiiiIckh eoiuo upeelol ex pluimtlon Is iiccofviary. A prlcv hIioiiIiI' nut be put' upon a nmiuistript unless llio author' li'ns Hmihcly ilvcMiil not to ac cept any smullvr amoonl. JaAIvh' Homo Juunlfll.' . Tj.e i:a m i.nNr. "Tlio last chapter ottny liooUBiirprlsod yn,,, owelty' Mn tho youhK aiuiior. "Ilatipler cwdlus than yon'Mpcctcd, eh?" t .voiv' replied the ion!t luffcrinjr frlciul, "I rtalnly ftlt a senso Of rclltf Wb.i I read lt."-l')illndelpIilu.PrMj oycten nntl Anibldextcrltr. "Here's a Bdcntlst," alio Ndd. loolt tut; up .from tho paper. "Wlio nsucrtu that tho reaeou peopla'ati) il;,'lit.!mnil' I'd h that thu motor Hp6v-h fuinllod i'ontrol3 tho rluhf li)e or. thu body and coiMCfjueutly ilBht liamliuhitii fiiovii with eptftqh." "In tlutltw?" ht rotm-riod', fl,brply In .ti'r(,atial)"i) I In-lecd' gfrjipW'. fl"1" ih.itwiliatiywoi.iid' mn' iihi fnplr .ion l,cnjii) nll,'l,ft 'iyv" .;uint iWnt IX) j-lousGlepers. Nc sljViillo to W'octr Out IS IT NOT A VAOT i'lial you do your lowing tit llio uflor noiin nlnl uvmilngi whcii you nrv weary and tired r I iiioit axii Tutu Mt'ir me Savku You citimut itU'onl In i-ow by halid neither should yuurliru bo biinUiird with 11 slow mid haul running sewing machine. AUK YOU AWAUU That Tint o. 0 iii.utKit it Wimox is tho 'iclitCHt ruiitiliig lock-stitch ijgwiMO .MimtiKK in the world? YUl) OAN HAVU O.S'K DAT out o oxeiy lliree by Using 'tho ''Nu t)' for Its vavta uiiolliird fuller limit, any vlbriting hu(tle Kowing Machine mniU. i:. (I. H.A.AOAN. .LL NATIONALITIOS Sick People 6nn't alToril to lake any dinner 1 wlicit having procriptions fill-1 ctl The lies physician?, in the ' world can hnvcuo sttcccH ttn lcv; tlie ictncdics ptoct ibvdtur iiuitic of pure drugs and put u( by conijietcnt pliatniiicists Wc tnhc pnricular pride in keep in our .slock pme r.ttd in giv ing etta care to the com pounding oi prescriptions. There's nothing fancy about onr ptices a fair ptofi is all d.ic want . CROSS DRUO STORE, nioonsoo iiiucw. . tly ti.ii I. . breti trotibTt'd for yeiirsT wifh ehroinu iliiuilicn.i. fioiin.lliiic iico 1 iieistiiided him lo tnlo noiuo of, CIU0MS0O II.UCM. si 1 Chamberlain's (Nil if, f'hidntit and Dmrrliurn Itomcdy. Aflrr iikIiib twu x.ltlisi.f iho L'5-crnt eiio ha iri.s ttir-l, I jivo thin k liiiioiiinl, lntp- m miioo nuo ulnillar'y alllmlfil may ,:, I roid It ti ml be Icnelliid Tltotnna Ho ui'i titoncoi', 0. For mid ly Hen toUoi.ni . , Tli'm KOTornmeui't liiul itomi Jp haio had a nood iQmcI iikhi Iho forel-11 inini'tr rs t Ivkln, win ntc new ronlly Iryiun tonicr initcul of lodisircr. lllslhrir lost clianrr. If thry fil th nn k will be put .' In iiiofm tapablo ban 't OomptroiltroIlhsC'trruiioy Hhxto s'roujly rcotnmend 111 lil nnniml reiort tlmt tlio laws ho anipmlod sit as to placo inoic rnstrirtioni upon tho lonninc o." money by nnlionnl biukl lo Itteii nn .lirrclnn Ho Miys that tiro-t'iirds of Iho failures of , national ranks can no tiarru 'i tor irnclicu of lonmitK innnry lo direc tors an.l olllccrs uithouc tiroper it- ctirity. I'rctltUnt Mt K'inlcy tuny prll Im proud of his tnlon I.iuo Club pC(h1i. It cniil.iins miicli that any Amoricnu mlchl whI l proud nf, and tho follutvitiK cfjiiciiilly appeals to rrptiblicamn ' I ho republican ptrly has placed upon it iroiiiiriiilmii ru Bponslbl lilies. No parly rnnhl uU for a lilclifrcxp filon ol cmiflduiitT j it is ft ttrfitt linn ' 11 liaio IliiH con- fidouco ; it utll ba a tirenler thiiiK to deserve and liol-l l Wilt) )vuillltlt I ri'mr hoc Sll&r. BEST KfnAOS VfJkVf EVEH LW-if iMl I.eproudlol.avo.,lt..,o I. Imm wPublsK.1, 'u'iT .'t ' " ' "t Ilotiglsi, U S, tiiiiiniluluiirr, ai M.kiIii CATAlllllI 0AKN0T UK OUUl'.U with louul applications, n thoy cau- iw.t r.inrli lllfi Refit' III Ihn iIIhTmimi. r " uiuiiirn is n imii'ii in cijiiniiniiiijiiiii ihsuaRo, ami Iii uriler to euro U oil must tako inlotnul iciiKillin. I(nir Ualnrrli Ohio Is tnkcndiilcimilly, ami ads directly on 1 Im brood and mil cons titrfaccs. I IiiIJ'h Cii In nil Unto i not n tjmiol iiiidiulm1. Jt, wna prciuilhid-by 0110 nf tliu heni pliynfe iOIhiii Ihlitouiitry ii)r)onrs, null in t uigulm pt'iserlptlmi . It in eoin. potii'd of tliu hurt limit" Itmnvit, rom-' iiiiiiil with llio liifl, blond' plainer, ictindliertly uu tho mutum t)t I'ncrK, Tho porfi'dt ciuiibimitiiiii. of tliu two ingiviJIi'itiM U wliutv lii'inluccs' Elicit wouihirliil, ,r9id,ti h online fijutun h ., tmnil fiji U-ritiiioiilu't fii'o, 1 if. j, oiidctf ? it co lvoj,;., t Tiih'do, Ohio. Hold by .ill dniKiiivprlim ',SJ..-. JIhII'j liauulii JllllKiiHlo'Ut.- it.rtijasViJWsis U- M' Variety F. P Norton, ,tiitt-tileii A ilno naaortniont oi Oonfloolionory, Oipjini ami obuooo ulwnyo on hand. Ainu lotvoliy ofnUilonvtlptlu 11) , )i y mul". hlxllt'imry, IVsMnij nttd'tliti 11111M c(iuiilotl' iioforliin i.t of NotltuiH "it tlo buy All order nuilroiwil lo "Nkw 'Vaiiiki y 8iiuk.m MnrnWf j. vil ret'tiiw prniiiil iiHrlillnii :s Cash . . . . . . Corner as ;it rocery. o . ( A full lino of ohoico jj;roccrioi;fcod, Hour; Hum and bacon always on hand. Fresh Iruitsmul voo- ; tables' ovory atoamor. k m r Highost prico paid for produce, biittor lUUToffgK. 0000 . Trtt Delivery 'ttf . ... .. ... .u .i. .1 1lf. .Il. .Ilf. .US. .11 IV. .IIS. Jll. 1ST. T. .". wtswwww w www ww T Hpl Always MOD i Oil L.B.iL , Till. Tin: : UI.I.KI"! is ,r.s m m I ll rt The fnrr Of. v'j TWIrj vijMf .'Vf is i.ictiiitr ivtiv ' iiiiih i' tnjfit, C'A.iv, a ml I'acktd wtt.'i a 1 YU S, . Kc Inter UC a- TiT TT'T1 pi."i 1.IUJ1j cear is c 11W WW jWt trirci mnili'lt Hi"'! f S.IIO ;ifi- rf. J'vlen nfSinnliifi . mull jvv im prr . i, I if l)t htinitni tu mult ?i t irf )imr f 0 The inter Occ.ui Ihill, mi SiinJ.iv Uliion dft llic Ucil In (lie lUfSd Tlio -Mail anrtWookly iniimtWmisTrWUWlHIHIWslli Hlssllswsnssmis . a j. n jO-u Oolil and HHvor Wntch.'H nt a IlarRain Flush GooiIm ni'Vrr cold o (Jlmnp. Tty 1 for 0 very Oliild 111 tho J.atnl. CiinilifKniiil ChriKttiuia Trco OrniiinpnU In (irenf N'nriply O-aEJO: 0"U2S PEICBS1 y'u hnvo tho floodfi anil tui'iiu IliiMintoiH. Tho Trmlo ami ('liriMiiinii Tt CniiiiniUrt'H Sijijillotl at WIidIohhIo I'rlroa. "WE HvEearx lEJ-ULsIrLean . IM H . .X u f.'orth Front Stroct WHY WOOD nf nil i-Uoy; fir nml iiIiIit, nlwayitnii liimd Imtli I'riliTH titlicit lurCOAIi. Will ili-liwir In tiny part a( loon. CUr-iintiiiMK 110110 on short nntir.i. Iteil criliir on hmiil stiitatilu ftmilnn ami I 1 1 1 c U 1 1 1 . for .N)('Kl'OKl'lJHl,I(Al). I rpflninl ofihr Inlrrlur, tji.linj Kuiri Uinl oiinc, rbiMbiir... Oien, N'mNtilnr ii.iim. N.iIKe It ,riliy ;n Hint Ihr lolUiwlUg niniril icllltr hi filnl ii(.lk i,f lijl luimtmn l,J,n10 finnl prnof Irs ttiS m 11I lib tIiIih, unit ft'.t. Pii'iii, cmi D.rsn.Ur ay. iiyo, w Ollw I.-wiltlili, cm 11. I' So, t, 81, (or tl I ut . SWJ S'K".. Nt'.x NUH.wiil.MVK j,ltj,. tc. i'j, 'I p. 3,S. K. K V. ,- ... .. v ." hiw miniums; mniiMrsi 10 ptnVM it nnnin iin luiioninil UUiiiMr iiistoniiiiiciiii IciliHiii-.) upun mul iuvhII.iii oi rntU'MiKl. list IS4W. I.indilih, rf Muni, flilili Orcijiiii, I), 0. U.iii)iiii, of Lilt,, Uii'jrtn: IW,lAi.ofI.ile, Qnitni,ll.n ilnril, of I .-iks, On (.on, . ' J, T. Ilrtibies. II(IUh. . Aoucufo fur H1t-1111111ih.nl Cliniu. bcilnln'i Vii 1 11 Union ipiiHtiiK a wiili, ii'imiiiilnn. If, Ji.li,iiistmvpf lUt'h inoml,.ImJ., Iiim boon tumbled with Ihut nllmi'iit -Itifo JWIt.'., U hjio.il, nitiflriii Kii)i ,"iioor foitii'il nliyllllli; Unit would roliovo mo un lil ti.Vnl Oliiiiiihciiliiiu'rf Khii 'iihIiii, Xtm.-Ulilloniiii'loiriUiiiii. Mv , waa mvolleu and' puiuiinc nip ynrv nimiii. Hut mm' ,mmi iipplii-iiiiuii- n' yiiin Htlui luheviiUiiu. JAni,Uihv Vf) i'istlKeii, I jtMWUfV HTS"rV - - Store, Propriotor. t ! OioaoM. laoVl Tcrlitts rrU5u. roprtoiors. .. 000 .0909 6 Telephone. m..lii Ti. M ... .s 1. l. ti. Jl L 1'. JU. .. k-U. Jl. Jfk kllfi 1 to wwjw w m wt m n,tf Ctifiitii KIJ;,;- IWitlCHt im Ihr U',u Ot I S M I'l'l.ll , ,..l I. i urn-st i irn.rt i.k. I i it,itttliif ojill u'inum n fju'nl'to tthlt i fAi htUt lll(lj, tllttS. 1 1 M tlltCli'tr- ii! t tlh riiifn-ti ,rt ifrUnt ilir fitrfoft. Western JleWspQper 1T.AF 0BP.fia.Tl U J M. VvV AJ JL JL ONE DOLLAK PER YEAU.1. Inter Oocan$2 nor yorir i ! ill ILIIsl sLSJUlimssr hi mi. I .1 JI a - - - . --T.w ti "Q uruiutJii yjyjD'C ASTORIA ' -invs nun uiiiiurcii. Tlio Kind You llayi Always Bought Dsarn tho SJlyuuturo of 5SS Hciijfitnckcii'r White Phw TCx ntftontiir not 0liv KiorA ,he coHjill, Inn hcalrt tlir-, infliuikd" iiuiuoiis niLMiilirniio nntl A whjk , I'jir biiic. v r.niUf.1 wnnnc ill Jiimil coiifluiuu, cliudiM At ply nl tins tifjice. mUiVmiiVuii uuimuitwauiumu: ' A I 'il: I'ATriiRM M Inwr omii &r NMllKI. OHlr l ll OVirir ferlK. 2" tf'HH 11 )tur .! ffr, 1 .. V. -w-a. h. ji.m-.a A , 1-AUIl.V MAOAZINIJ. A r'm, I. 1 11 I , fc,, I I'I'llli lllxi I .Mll...l I..O.,..,w'kuV llll Iblra I ,m i 5:..UVj1oUi.,;,.,..lf,uw g ri ihti.-ii k itii.ic. Hiumi.. ir.. a? fii'ti,iUr,ift!.""'S.V.r'''K lAflc r 'A n n Utii M!lL-Ctf -s afvizja&x, mmm Vt-, .. ---- 'wiJfcisfHWH.fcllCifii i5 lN-tiiii,Allow(incsl'ticin.. i fj !? I7IM44. lllhst..wr,. . . ::' ' "'" '-vs.if 1 riiJ Mr-Ais nr "tTsfnVsfMifsirrKsrM 1 J'Lsjw iff J! rill Ah 1 1M. j; i WvvftVrtTVH J . M