The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 23, 1890, Image 2

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f.yn.t.mi . imHi.f.. i4Sfr
Published ctcty Thursday tuomluc,
JOHN A. OKAY, Editor.
Terms, In Adr&nce
Onoycar.. ,.,,,,. .,,.,.., .....$a 5
81a mceths. t 5
.Three mootlrs, , oo
Thursday. :::::::: October 33. 1890
The Republican parly havo ovory
reason to bo proud of tlio record which
luur been made by tlio Republican Con
gross Utat ended its first session last
weok. . It has been a 1 ruitlul ana oveni
fuleesslon, and tho record of work per
formed is proof of tlio fact iiiS tuna
session baa been well employed, In
Bplto, of U10 prodigious Trasto of ttmo
C&nMxl by fiUbusterors In tho Iloneo and
fstcrsinsbls tiltera In tha Senato.
. Since the Republican olicy in respect
to tho tariff and Federal control of Con
fcrceaional elections began to take shapo
lire otatcs havo chosen their delegation
to tho House of Representatives of the
l-1fly-eocond Concress. Tlioy aro .Oro-
gon, Vermont, Maine, Wyoming, and
JJaho. Those states have elected nine
itiembors of Congress, ovory ono of
whom is a Republican. Tho majorities
Kivcn in these five states according to
tho unofficial returns aro about as fol
lows :
States. Majorities.
Oregon 8,500
Vermont 15,000
Maino 18.000
"Wyoming 2,000
Idaho - -,000
Total.... 46,000
This is an average of over 5000 major
ity for each of the nine Congressmen
elected. The total majority would have
been several thousand larger if it had
not been for the dissatisfaction with
the Stats ticket in Vermont, which
kept many voters at homo, and so re
duced the majority on Congressmen
also. Taken as a whole, however, tho
Toto in these five states is a significant
indorsement of the policy of the Repub
lican party.
The most important achievement of
the session is unquestionably the pre
liminary work performed in the House,
giving to the majority of that body the
"control of its business. The struggle
over this issue extended into the middle
of February, and was continued in var
ious forms all through the sessions
whenever the minority saw its oppor
tunity ; but it is worth all tho time and
trouble it cost, and even the bad blood
and outrageous abuse of which it was
the occasion. Without that initial
triumph the session must have been a
comparative failure, being limited to
such legislative measures as could pass
by unanimous consent or by the grace
of the Democratic minority.
Tfee Victory secured by the Republi
cans under the inspiration and leader
ship of Speaker Reed, and followed np
bo vigorously and successfully in its
administration, is a victory for all time
and makes the House of Representa
tives once more a business body with
power united to responsibility. Had
the example of the House been follow
cd by the Senate and a check allowed
for the now unliminated debate in that
body, the record of work accomplished,
satisfactory as it is, would have been
considerably greater.
Eithor the tariff or the silver legisla
tion of the session would have been
sufficient alone to give it character and
importance. Never since the days of
the civil war and reconstruction Las
Congress set about and advanced to far
so many very important measures,
The obstructive rules of all the later
Congresses have caused necessary
measures to accumulate, and this Con
gress applied itself most industriously
to their disposition. The election bill,
tho shipping bills, Supreme Court re
lief and the bankruptcy bills are among
the very weighty measures that are so
far matured that tho next eearfon is
certain to see them become laws. By
the work already accomplished our
navy has been strengthened, thtf lottery
"business badly crippled, if not killed
the soldiers and sailors of the civil war
have been most liberally treated in the
matter of pensions, trusts have received
a mortal blow, two new states have
been admitted to the Union, silver res
tored nlore nearly to its parity with
gold, a way opened through reciprocity
for an increased trade with the nations
to the south ot us, and a larger measure
of protection granted to American in
It is a noble record, and the Repub
lican party can easily afford to go before
the people on the strength of it, in the
full confldenco that it will receive, as
it has already in tho states mentioned,
from them the verdict of "well done."
A lumber pile made of boards, each
100 feet long and six feet in width,
would be an unprecedented sight in the
JSast, says the Philadelphia Press, but a
gentleman recently returnod from a
viait to the northern Pacific ocean says
that piles of timber such as that aro
common at tho mills of Puget Hound.
"Boards 100 feet long and 0 feet wide,
without u knot in them," he says, "are
common cuts from gigantic fir trees of
tho Puget Sound forests." These trees
Krow to tho enormous height of 250
feet, and the forests aro so vout that
although the sawmills have been rip.
ping 600,000,000 feet of lumber out of
them every year for ten years, the spaces
made by these tremendous Inroads
soora no more than g&rdon patched.
Tho buildings aro up for tlio life ear
ing station At the mouth of the Umpqoa,
The Census.
Accuralo reports havo been received
from tho census bureau and the flgutes
aro given below. Tho Oregonlan of
Tuesday claim's that tho figures nvo
fifty thousand short ot what Is duo tho
WAsntsaroH, Oct. CO. Tho census
bureau to-day completed tho tabulation
of returns for tho first district of Oregon.
This completes tho work on tlio popula
tion of that state. Tho population, as
tho bureau claims it, is, 312,440. In
lSSOIt was 174,708, or 78.8 per cent.
Tho population of counties aunounced
to-day Is.:
Counties. 1800. Increase.
Benton..-: 8,029 2,220
Clackamas 15,11)2 5,032
Clatsop 9,052 2,730
Columbia 5,101 . 3,119
Coos.- S.SCC 4,002
Curry 1,018 440
Douglas '. .11,783 - 2,102
Jackson Il,3i0 3,200
Josophlne 4.8U 2,359
Lano, 15,093 6,632
Linn 16,139 3,463
Polk 7,730 1,135
Tillamook 2,888 1,818
Washington 11,874 4,792
Yamhill 10.G0S 2,604
Multnomah 75,657 60,454
Marion 22,450 7,878
Total 239,559
This is an increaso of 70,01
per cent
for this ditrict. The bureau announces
the population and,kin of cities as fo'
lows :
Astoria 7,071
Alblna 6,104
Eugene 3,458
Portland .'.. 47,294
East Portland 10,431
Salem 10,422
A Deadly Weapon.
Carelessness in purifying the blood
leaves you at the mercy of that insidu
ous enemy BLOOD POISON, which
sooner or later will strike its fatal blow.
Uibbard's Rheumatic Syrup has no
equal as a blood remedy, and should be
taken by every person in the spring. Its
etneacy has been proven by thousands
of testimonials like the following:
Gentlemen : I havo been a grwit suf
ferer for over ton years. My whole sys
tem became deranged from diseased
blood, and I wasuttacked with the worst
forms of kidney and liver trouble, dys
pepsia, neuralgia and rheumatism. My
sufferings cannot be described. The
sallow ness of my skin disfigured mo,
and the neuralgu: pain was so sexero
that it contracted tho muscles of my
face, partially closing my right eyo.
The ablest doctors gave no relief, but 1
am now entirely cured by llibb.ird's
Uheumatic Syrup, and wish to recom
mend it to all as a blood medii-ine.
, Mks. A. D. Noble,
Cor. Mechanic and Maon fctreets,
Jackson, Mich.
Prepared only by the Charles Wright
Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For
sale by H. Sengatacken, Marshfleld and
Empire City.
A good brewery property on Coos bay
for sale cheap. Inquire of Gray & Hill.
If you want a windmill, buy the Cy
clone, the -only first-class mill made,
also the cheajwst. T. S. Mixott,
Fob Sale. The Bobinson House, in
Conuillo City, for sale at a bargain. In
quire of Coos Bay Real Estate & De
velopment Co., Marshfleld, Or.
Frank Keni has some fine claret wine
which he sells for 50 cents per gallon.
Families and hotels supplied on short
Our customers all speak highly in
praise ot-bt. Patrick's Pills, 'lney are
the best. Berry Bros., Carroll, Ne
braska. For sale by H. Sengstacken,
Marshfleld and Empire.
If we can judge by the amount of
work that Uie C003 Bay Photo & Crayon
Co. are doing, we would say tho people
are appreciating their reduction in cab
inet photos, tho quality is ceitainly
first-class. Improve your opportunity
during the remainder of this month.
They are getting up some very fine
specimens of tho life-size crayons.
T. Howard has just received a first
class stock of watches and jewelry, in
cluding solid gold watches and chains.
If you want a "Bos8,, C. movement,
call and see them. Louis XIV "Boss"
filled cases always on hand. My prices
are lower than any other dealer on the
bay. If you do not believe it, come and
price my goods. All watch cases, gold
rings, and silver BpoonB bought of me
will be engraved free of charge.
T. Howaiid, Jeweler,
Front street, Marsh field, Or.
Marahfield, Or.,
IIoiimo and Hlpsu 1uIuIhk
PIuIr and Vceorutlvo
litper IIhmkImK'. Mal
Hotalnlmff, tiralulttf: A. ilHxlng.
"Frecco and Front DecorationB a
Specialty. oc'J
Coos Bay
Tor Information about Coos Day, address
C. W. Towek, President,
Frank Hoberg, Sec, Mmhfield.Or.
Taught ly Mru. JT. II. 1'uylor,
Central HoU.1, Marshficld, Or,
Mnrshlicht, Orogun,
Vtclor B.uoItBtrom Ac Co., lroi!.
Manufacturers ot Sash, Doors, Mould
ings, Brackote, Window and
Door Frames, 12 to.
All kind of uood turning and ornimcntal
work for house building and interior furnish for
stores, offices, etc.
Contract for building and carpenter work
taken. House and boat bulltiinr.
Mill nt North End of Kront St,
Copartnership Notice.
Notice Whereby Riven. thiU Jacob l.imto, of
Marshfirld, Oircon, nnd Samuel I). Nt iRncs, of
the um'c nUce. hive? this d iv entered Into n co-
jWtncrship, Tot the purjKwo of carrying on 11
jjrnrral mcrch induing business. In this city and
county, under tho iirm name of Utndo ft
Marahfietd. Coos county. Or., August 5, 1890,
Jacob Lanpo, MarshficM, Or.
NAUUKI. 1). MAONKS, Marshficld, Or.
An Kxtrnorsltnury Itaruln.
A farm of 040 acres on the Coouillo river, 5
miles from Hwdon; 00 acres of bottom, 30
acres cleared; 40 acres mirsh, bo acres dyked
and in lnv maidow, good orchard, house, barn
and outbuildings. .iohid ef cnttle, horw, wag
on. and firming implements, l'rice, only $4500.
$3000 cnh. balance on time. This offer Is open
for six weeks only. Addms me at once
J. M. Upton.
nuta Uirn'on, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roskrukci. Oregon,
Oct. 41I1. 1800X1
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hts intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Judge
or clerk of the county court of Coos county,
Oregon, at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Nov. 22, 1800.
U Benjamin McCormlck, Homestead Entry,
No. 6060, for the l.ot 6 of section 14 and lot 1,
3 and 3 and east half of northwest quarter of
section 23, township a6 south, range 14 west,
W M.
tie names the following witnesses to proiehls
continuous residence upon and cuttivulKra of,
said land, vix. George Chard. I.ttthcw Talbot.
Asaph 11 Hindi. II. U Given. of Jtapirc City.
Coos countv, Oregon,
0C9 Jons II. Sltui-K, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
Unitf.o Statbs Lanp Offick.
Roseblr ;, Oregon, Oct 8. 1890.
Notio- is Hereby given that in coiu-dianc
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1378, entitled "An act far ttw sale 01
umoer umu in me sinin oi uuuwnn, v.-rr-
gon, ev.-ula, ana vanmgto.i rernmry. jwin
.M. Dotan, of G.udmer. omtnty of OoagUs.
state (or territory) of Oregon hutbmUy filri in
tlits office hts sworn sutaneiit .io. , me irw
purchase of the lot 4 of section 31 and rK of
neK and wj of nejf of section No, jo. In
townshiD No. aa s, ranee No la vst, and will
offer proof to show that the Und sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his ilaim to
said land before tie Register ana Kccutvcf m
this oftice at Roseburg. Oregon, on Saturday.
the loth iLiy ol January, ig tie name as
witnesses William Dewnr, S'ilUam RicrtarUs,
S.amud Paltofl, Harriet Richards, of Gardiner,
Douglas county, Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboc described kinds me requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
loth dvy of January. 1891
ocio John II. Snura
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notice
for Publication.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
wtvh the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jun 3. 1S78, entitled "An act for the sal "
timber kinds in the Sui- cf California, Oieeon,
Nevsia, nna Washington Termory. John II
Davuon, of East Portland, County of Multno
mah. Stale of Oregon, has tins day filed lit this
G.TU.T.- lusswjrn statement No. , for the pur
chase oftbcjlots 1, a, 7, and 8. of section No at,
in township No. aa scuth. ranf;e No. la wwl,
and will offer proof to show the Und sought
is more valuable for i timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said Und before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 14th day of January, 1891-
He Dames as witnesses'.
Joseph bhadinger, of liist Porthnd, Multno
mah county. Oregon, C. H. Rycrson, Geo Ik
De Sellem, Jacob ixJiicuic, of Gardiner, Doug
las countv. Oreeon.
Any and aU persons claiming adversely, tile
above-described kinds, are requested to nkt their
claims in this office on or before saM 141(1 day
of January, 1891.
Timber Land, Act Tunc 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
Uniteii Statbs Land Opf;ck,
Hoiebukg. Ok , Oct. iSth, i8oa
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of trw Act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the hutes of California, Orrgon,
Nevada, nnd-Washington Territory," C. II.
Rser&on, of Gardiner, County 01" Douglas,
Sute of Oregon, has this day filed In this office
hiss worn statement No. -, for the purchase of
Lots 3, 4, and 5, section 28, and ot 14 of sec
tion No. 2i, In township No. jj south, range
No. 12 west, and will crfer proof to show that
the land sought Is more taluable for its timber
or stone tlian for ngnculttiral purposes, and to
establish his claim to v'A land before the Regis
ter and 'Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on
Wednesday, the 14th day of January, 1891.
He names rjt witnesses:
lohn U. Davison. loseDh Shadinirer. of hast
Portland. Geo. I). lie Sellem, Jacob Schlcuk, of
Gardio'.T, Douglas uiunty, Oregon.
An and all persons claiming adversely the
abeve-desenbed lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 14th day
of January, igot.
0C33 Jouw II. hliui'E, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
Unjtku States Land OrricK.
Rosebukc. Ok., Oct 18th, iSoa
Notfce Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Ccntiress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
tinnier iana in the states ot cawornn, urc
Kon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
Joseph hhadinger, jf Iast Portland, County of
Multnomah, Stale of Oregon lias this day filed
In this office his sworn statement No., for
the purchase of lots 2, 7, 10 & 11, of section No.
10, in township No, 22, south, range No. is
west, and will ofter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and Jo establish
his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 14th day of January, 1891,
He names as witnesses.
John II. Pavison, of Itast I'ortland, C. II
Ityenon, George Ik De Sellem, Jacob tichleuk,
of Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon.
Any and all pmons claiming adversely the
above-described, lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said 14th day
of January, 1891.
CC23 John II. Siiupk, Register.
Complete coptaa of towimlilp platw
potted up to tlio dale of order, made for
$1.60 per township, Honey must ac
company ordore. Address,
O, W. KtMBALb,
Itoeoburg, Or.
Timber Lend, Act Jane 3. 1873. No
tice tor Pttblie&tlon.
Rosthurg Or . SeMirmbc 3Nh
Nolle w Iters by given tint in vompliatii'
Mlth the pmUsionsof tho net id I oiirivm tt
tuna 3. t8;8. entitled "An net tor the t cr
limber la wis In Ui 1 We of California. Orvgon,
Nevada, ami Washington lenllory. George Ik
D Sellem. of Itast Inland, county of M
nomah, stole (ot Territory) of Oregon, has this
day filed In thlsofiicehl orn statement NO.-.
for the purchase of the southwest Jf of section
No, 17. in tonhlpNo, m south, wage No,
west, and ill flr proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor Iti timber or stone
than for ngrlcuUttrnl purposes, am to mwWWJ
his chlm to said hnd before the RrgHter timl
Receiver of this otBce at Koscburg. Oregon, on
Monda. the 23d darof December, 1B90.
tie names as witnesses: William IVwnr.
Ituish Alexander, Charles Walker, Attaur
Walker, of Gardiner, IXjuglas county, Oregon,
Any nnd nil persons eliliiung ndvrrsrlr tbo
nboYe-dcscrilied lands are requested to hie their
claims In thUonlcc on or before Mid 1 day or
Drvrmbcr, 1H90. ,
o John II. Sium-r. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Sept. .. 8oo.
XS the following-named settler has filed notlc.)
r,i 1.1. ini-n.inn n n.iki. final nroof in siipiort
of his claim, und that mid proof v. ill l made be- L
fore the Register or Receiver of the u, h. Itnd
Ofi'ico at RoM-burg, Oregon, on
Friday, Nov. .m, 1890.
vU: IraU llmling, l're-emptloK IX S. No.
i74, lor the lots No,'i D. v. o nd it sectMn
a8, township aa southranBO iaet, . M.
Ho names tho following witness to prove
hts continuous residence upon und cultivation
0f.taMUnd.vU: Mar iL Fox, ltdward A.
llargrenvcs, dusuv Carlson, William Dewar,
of Gaidiner. DoueUs county. Oregon.
oca John 11. tiiiui-t.. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Rosfjiuku, Ok.,
Sept, 5. tSjiO.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his ekifm. nnd
lhalrtld proof will be made befiire tho rirgister
or Receiver of the U. a I .and Olhce at Rose
burg, Oregon, on
Friday, Nov. 22, iSoo.
sit: 'Gustav Cailson, Homestead llntry. No.
6150, for the lots 1. a nnd 3 nnd nwU of seX"
of section , township aa south, range u west,
wi M- .
lie names the fallowing witnesses to prmc Ms
continuous residence upon nnd culilvutkja of,
s.ill Und. vu . KdwantA. .H.argmive, Mary
H. Vox. Ira L Hauling, Charles I'os, of Gar-
diner. Doughs county, Oregon.
oca John H. SilUi-K, RegHter.
Notice for Publication.
Land Offick at Roskbuik). On ,
Sept S. il'
Notice hi hcrvbr given that the following
rwimed settler has hle twtlai of tit InWntiwi to
nuke final proof In support of his cUmi, and
that said proof will be made before the R-itHtci
or Rrcciwr of the U. S. Land Office rtl Kose
liurg. Oregon, on
Friday, Nov. 22, 1890.
viz: Edward A Hargreines, Homestead Kn
try. No, 6171. for the lots 3 and 4 of section 15
and lets 14 and 15 of section 10, township aa
out!, ruBge is west, 'A. ,M.
ll names tne f itiowinc witees to prove Ilk
continuous reaVknee uKm and cnhhrttion of
wkl kiMl. vu Mrs. Mary l'- 1'ot. 1m L
I Iardln r. C.usIbv Crtson. wllUam IMwar, ot
Ganliner, IXmgJu ctmnty. Ofrpon.
oca joiin 11. suurc. itegniev
Notice for Publication
I-asd Offick at Rosrbuko. Ok.
Sept. s. 139
Notice is lierebv
'.v nurn trial tun lowowin
avert that the ToBowtng-
named settkr Ks filed notice of lik Intention to
to make final proof in support of his ikaim, and
tint Mid proof will t in.ide twiorc the
or Receiver of the U. S. Mnd Office at
burg, Oregon, on
Friday, Nov. 22, 1890.
vii: Mary E. Kot. Ire-ciiutkn 1). S. No. 7194.
tor the ue of self, self of ncV section 34, and
sw' of nwK and nwjf of swj ol section 35.
township aa a, jrange ta w. V- U
Nbcss-".iiir toiiowing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon ami cuItivaUm.
of, said land vU lulward A. lUrgtvuvej,
Willkint Dewnr. Uusuv Carlson. Tetcr lllake,
of Gardiner, Dougkis county, Oregon.
John II. SiturK, Register.
Notice for Publication.
I.AND OfFlCF. at Roseburg, Or.. 1
Sept. so. 18(9 J
Notice it lierebv given that the following
named cttler has fileti iioik of hi intention to
make final proof in support of his ekilm, and
that said proof will In- inaiii- before the judxe or
clerk of tlie county crxirt of Coos county, Ore
gon, nt Umpire Uiy. Oregon, on
Saturday, Nov. 15, 1890.
viz: lames W. Cov. Pre-enimlon 1. S. No.
70j(, for the wt lulf of northivnit rjuarter of
suction 3, ana vhhimmsi quarter 01 nonneuu
quarter, nnd northeast quarter of southeast
qaortcr of section 4, tonhlp 3) south, range
.2 west. W. M.
He names tl.e foljpwing witnesses to prove his
continuous muuence upon aim cultivation 01, vu Alfred IC McCulIoch. John II.
rtirusli, C)remts W. Sanford, Joscjrfi J. Gam
bell, of Empire City, Coos county, Oregon,
ocr John II. Siiui-i:, Register.
Notice for Publication.
" Land OrncK at Roskhuko, Or.
Sept iA. ifkx
Vntlrt It herliv (vlwn ihjt th lrIlnwlntr
named settler has filed notice of hi Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, nnd
tiiat iid proof will l,e made before the judge or
clerk of the county court of Coos county, Ore
gon, ut Empire City, on
Monday, Nov. 17, 1890.
viz: Mlckael Newquest, Pre-emption D, S. No.
(010, for the nwK of ne? and lots t, 3 and 4
of section 21. township 36 south, range it
wast. Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vu. Charles BroAii, Kdwln Utbbins,
Matt Talbot, Michael Tllp, of Empire City,
Coos county, Oregon,
oc2 ' John II. Shui-k, Register.
Notice for Publication.
I -A no Omcc at lloiv.nvua. On.
bept. 10th, 1890.
the followiriir-nanird settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judge, or clerk of the county court of
Coos county, Oregon, at Km pi re City, Or,, on
Saturday, November 1, 1890,
viz: Gkokob A. Tuimhix, Pre-emption D.
S. No. 6933, for the west half of northeast
quarter and cast half of northwest quarter of
section so, township 25 south, range 13 west,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said Und, vU; William G, Webster, William
O. McCurdy, William A. Gllmorc, John )'.
Hall, of Marshficld, Coos county, Oregon,
seiB John II. SnufK, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Orricp, at Rosf.uuko, Or.,
Sept. 6, lEoo.
the following-named settler hat filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of hit claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judge or county clerk of Coos county,
Or.,abf'.mpire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct. 25, 1890.
vi. William I). McCurdy, lYo-emptlon D. 8.
No. rV)37, for the wtf of swjf, ne of swjf and
swtf of nwjf of section 20, township 33 ,
range 12 west, W. M.
tie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vlt: Donald Mcintosh, Anton
Wlrth, Charles S. Hilborn and George A, Trim
ble, of Marshficld, Coos county, Oregon,
tcii John I), hiiui-e, Register,
Destined to bo
ing centre of Coos Bay and the Seaport oi
Southern Oregon. "Will soon he the
Terminus o: 2. Kail way
connecting "with A.
CotiiiuantHiig it view of tho Hur nntl unliro Hity ; Hl'iojlorctl from tlio nurthwuRt wind imt 8Uimlctl it
thu homl of ilwp wnlor. 'St-ouru' it choice Immlloii ofqro it is too Into. Apply for nfor. -inutioii
nt tho
iU5iovi jouN5i5E: ?o.5 oppiE, ;
Hi 0'Coniicir Building, MnwltHeW, Oregon, !E3u- -- M!OSS, CSUClagfei, '
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. No
tice for'I'ublicatlon.
U.Nnr.n SrATKs Lsnii Oifick,
Rtebrg Or.. Sept. I, ilsyo.
Notice is hereby ulvvn ttut In compHsrK
with the provisions oi the .act of Congrcv of
lunea. m?8, cntille.1 "An act tor im wiie 01
Y. , f :i, 1.. ,1. .i.t.. ,.r f-.tfrnLt (Imtfnn.
IMIllwr Hnui m i'icihiww -w w.,.-. w. --..,
Ntnnda, niid.Waslilngtoh Tvrntory !'alwrl
A. llargrcive. of Omllner, oouiity of l)iu)U,
Mate of Oregon has this Uy filed in this office b
sworn stateiiH-nt Nn. , far the puichK of the
teX of swltcxi Na I7V In township No, at s.
range No l and will offer rwf t. 10
tKit the kind wiittu 1 m " tk-riir it
timUr or stone llian for agricultural NtrkTMl,
nml to estabath his ekiim to said Und before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Rrwrfwrg.
Or..of Friday the aulday of Novemlier, 1890.
He names as wiinMcs: laieyna S. Dewsir, Im
II Hanling. Mattlii Andrews and OuMV Call-
wn. of Ganfiner. DougUs equity, Orrorr.
Any ami att twrwhii esalmmg aiiverswy me
abovvMlescrttted kinds wo rwpwsted torHtMr
cUhnsinltrkouicaon or Iwwre mM ail day
of November, 1890.
set 1 oits 11 Situra. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, i878.-Not!ce
for Publication.
Unitrh Statw. LA.soOrriCK.
ki.iWxin,'. Or.. Sent. I. SP.
Notice It hereby glve.i that In cottiplktnte wlih
the piDiion of the net of t ongress o( Juno 3.
i8t8 enililed "An act for the sale of ttintcf
lands In the states of California, OtvE" Neva.
.Li .imt W.nhiniMon lorillorv. Im I. iinruinc.
of Gnllur. county of IXuakis, sUle of Orp-
Kon, 1km this ilay fiW In ihh otlltc h" fSSJn
statenifnt No. f" 'i f,rcn;"1! of, tho U)ls
s;z;'t i, of kccil.m 21. and nJf of nejf
ol scctton No. 27. all In township o--?'
range No a west. td tlt offer proof I.VMkjw
!lrt i'.m Unit sociaht l more valulilc for IU
tiiulirr or stooe than for agricultural purixws.
anil lorlUbtltfl Iih ckilm to said Und Moto
it,- UraUirr nml Receiver of this ottkl rtt
Horbure. Or., on Krldar. tlwt a I St diy of
N'ovrmlier, l8. He as wljncses:
rf.i-.ri! A Krwlertck lUrirrravcS,
K.tard llimtudie nml WitlLim Hewnr. tf
UaKbner. Oregon.
Anv ml all ncHoni ehlmin adversrir the
above-descrllw.l UmU r reJHeteil It) OW their
claims In tlm othee on or Insure tutu aii uay
of Noramlicr, i Hoo.
mii oiih II. SHVtK. Register.
Notice for Publication.
I.and Okncb at Roicnuan. On,.
Uvt. iti. iSeo,
i.a the fotlowfng-naiwd Hlcr )ku fi!I Willie
af hit Intention to make final nuot In support
af hss claim, and thai valil prouf will be made
before the HtfitUr or Receiver of the U. S.
Ltnd OflitB nt Roseburg, Oregon, on
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1E90.
vli. Rufus Stewart. Pre-emttl 011 D. H., No.
7235, for the Lots 1. a, 8 and i.ciUn3j, town
ship 32 south, range 12 west, W M.
He names the fofkilng wltncs to irove M
continuous residence upn ami cultivation 01,
said land, vix : Ira I. Harding, Edward Ham
bridge, Guttav Carlsun. of G irdlnvr, Douglas
county, Oregon, and William lloivron, of Coos
county, Oregon.
0C23 I Dl IK II- SlUMT., Reiciilcr.
Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878.
for Publication.
Unitkii statm Land OmiK,
Roseburg. Oregon, Oct. 8, iftjio.
Notice is hcrcliv elvcn that In compliance
with the provisions of the U of Conijirai of
lune a. 187B entitled "An net for the sale of
umber lands In the stntes of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory." Harriet
Richards, of (jarJIner, county of Douglas, state
far '1 rrrltorv) of Orcifoh, I us this day fileti In
this oftice her sworn statement No,, for the
purcliase of the lots No. 13 and 14, section 13
and lots No. 3 and 4 ofsvcllon No. 21, In
township No, 32 south, range No. 13 wet I,
W, M., and will offer (woof to show that the
land sought Is mote valuable for its timlier or
stone than for Hericullural purposes, and to c
labllth his claim to said Und Ix-fore the Register
and Receiver of this otnce at Koscuurg, ur. on
Saturday the loth day of January, 1891. .She
names as witnesses. Ibhn M. Dulan, S, II,
Patton, Edward Hnrgmvcs, Charles 1'yrlti, of
Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
aliove-ilcscribcd lands are ruesled tu filci their
claims In mis ollice on or pciore said 10th day
of January, 1891.
octfi JOHN II, SiiUW', Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878, No
tice for Publication.
Unitko Statkh Land Owicr,
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 8, l8rj.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho net of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale"of
timber lauds In the slates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory,"
S. II. Patton, of Gardiner, county of DougLas,
state (or Territory) of Oregon, has this day filed
In this office his sworn statement No., fpr
the purchase of the lots 5, 6, 11, nnd 12 of sec
tion No, as, In lowiuhfp No. 32 HOlilll,
range No. nwest.W. M ,and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establlili his claim to uh land
before the Register nnd Receiver of this office
at Roseburg, Or., on Saturday the 10II1 day of
January, 1891 He names as witnesses, Harriet
Kiclianls, John M. Dolan, Wm. Dowar, W M,
Richards, of Gaidiner, DougUs county, Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claiming Adversely the
abovcHlescribcd lands are reriiwslcd to file their
tkalrns In this office on or before said 101I1 day
of January, 1891,
oci6 John II, Shuck, Register.
tile commercial and manufaotu
(li. I'. UBA.N. I). WILLCOX Ik C
General Mereliaiidise
Our Stock Ts Always Complete,
At Golden's.
Ooltl iintl Silver S'ntchci t u Dnrgnin !
IMiwh Gtiotlu novor noltl so Ohonji.
Toy h for o wry Chiltl in tho ltttl.
L'nntlitis nml Cttrtttttiinn Trco Ornamuntu in Urcat Vuieir.
(Formerly Jacob !,ntit!o)
OcLd. lE-'ello-ws StTG-w Biaildlna
' li.i '.... , ,....'v' ,, ....-
Trunks nnd Vniispo.
Wnll Pnnor and Win
Won Itl rt specif tilly invito ttti examination of Mock, tclievin? :1CJ
vntitfUotl timl U U to lltolr intercut to mnkn iiirelmi licro. A""y?7
1 1....... t m b.... .,n..i,,,,iiv Mitiiidiiul with nil tho iioweit Hj'5
.nrlV. " ' ' I ANDO MAONKS, 1'ropr.ctorM
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
UnitfoSiatm I.amo OrricB,
KuseburK. Oregon, Ncpl. aad, 1890.
Notice Is hereby uiyen Hut In compli.inic
with the pro i-oni of the act of Congress of
lune 3, iBytf. entitled "An net for the mIo of
limber Unds In tho sutesof (itlforrilJ, Oregon.
NcvaiU, ami W,ishinKlon Tcrillort
Aiitmus, of Mirsliheld, county of Coo, state
of OrcKon lias this iUy filed In this office his
SMoin statement No. ,forlho purchase of the
l.oti 3, 3 and 4, setf of nwj,- and swjf af nejf
of sccllon No, j, In luvnithlp No, sj 8, ranit
No. 13 w., and will tilfcr proof tnshow llmt the
Und souifht I inoro valuable for Its timber
or stone than for ae'lvuliurnl purposes, anil to
establish his cUlm tos.iid laud liefore Ilia Keels
tcrand UeccWcr of this office at Kosrburtf, Oio-
fon on Turf lay, thnothilayof December, iDyo.
fe namei us witnesses W. G. Webster. Wal
ter W. Dujjipin. Harry Jrne, Gustaf Nylund,
of harshfield, Loos county, Oregon,
Any and nil wrtom iluimlng wlversely the
nbove-descrlbed Lunhnra rciiieitixl to file their
claims In this olhce on or Mom suit! ;ih tUy
of December. 1600.
spU5 loilN II. HllUfK, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878, Notice
for Publication.
United .Statks Ijnii Orrtcx,
Koieburir, Or., Kept. 1, 1800.
JJ coinplLince wllli the iirovliions of the act
of Conuresof June 1, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of llnibev Units In the stale of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wsililnyloii Tcr
rltory," I.ucyn.t S Dewar, of (iurdlner, county
of Douelas, state of Oregon, lias this tUy
filed In this oflico lin sworn siHfeuient No.,
for the nurcluiet, of thene U of section No. 17,
In towiiihip No. 3a s, rauge No. m w,
offer proof to show I hut the land soucl
and will
lie land sounlit Is mora
valuable for its limber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to slid
land before the Kriililrr and Hecelver of this
oflice at Itoielmrir, Or., on IVId.iy, dip ant
(hy of November, ifVyO. Hennnirsaiwllnesst's:
I'rederlck I tariirravcs, Ifdward A, HarKieaves,
Ira I,. HiirdlnK nml Martin Andtcws, of
Oirtllner, OrrKOii,
Any and all iiersoni cLilmlng adversely lha
nbovtwItscrlUrd lands are ri(Unsnl 10 file llirlr
claims In this office pit or Ix-fore said 3ft
day of November, 1850.
sett John II, Bufru, KeKlster.
Crct our prices! J
Wo Imvo tho Gnodp runt inonii IUiHincriH. The Trr.tiu and ChrittiittTwl
CmmittMU B;;jiiitc'i nt holoculo Price.
JSayriew Brewery,
KrxiM rrtHwtnnflv oh linnsl mh1 ntslU kiiporler
j-u iisi?ir. .ti.i! .mil iokt::k. W1I()I,RSAI,K anJ RETtlll
nui- linr 1 ut isll lime HMiiMllrxl trills etui rholcwit brasf
B,..w..- tl.t.,tlM. nfitll.iXM. .llt-nK'. IS0JB nun
.tJ..M-' P'siristntslugr Wood- and
! --'-- - -- - - -.-
Mats, Caps, boots and Shoos.
t ilill.'Ji f !!. AKM (II .II I .VH' Ul.UAIvn A i)ll.vini"
Clcrurs nnd Touacco-
Window Shacio s.
Bnbber Goods, All Grades,
Timber Jj&
,..... ,. iitith i.and omct,
uniin"""'""--," 1 ,sa1b
Notice Is hereby Riven "'VrStW
with the tirovslons of iha act of UVm
June 3. 1S78. rntltled At) act f WMJ
unter lands In the ttalet of C .1 fcnji, vgm
of OreKon has this Hay W lM,5
till sworn lllr..wnl No.-to hI
w l( of sw W, ne' of wjf " ,U
section No. $, In ty" W
No. l w. and will ofTer
land sought li more vahuh to !
?'.". W S!,w r.riui7i3SeiW
on Tuesday the 9' '' .q1 WrlS
He names as "' W"'. (Iff
r.Tnf Marshfleld. Coos county, 0t
Atyandall rson .--g
aboier-dC.c.lUl,Und. re 3
Ihcir claims in 11m - ji
Timber f ""liSlftu
- ':' . -ri..M. 1. isti--"
Hose burii, 0r:. ? J,',iB
Congreu ff . J" ?''??' ,KJi of Oft
Krh.vaK-6. .w-l r
f this oftice ot Kosrbnnfi "" '
in nHiimi " Anarew .
'Any ami dli-eno" w -5;
i-.iiii in inn ouiiw " "
of Novemt-er, 1890. I SllUrr, RHJ