rrtfcMfeMl art Batlntti Cnrek, J- i in i i i. - i iJt I, TV f . UriTDnti Attorney "anA '"' v COUNSnijQR at uw. iPSflrS WJ'lnw o. font it., Marshfteld, Orcfcn. " S. F. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT UW, Omes In Sttnjstaelien A Rmllh'i Marshfield Coon county, Oregon. building-, JOHN A. GRAY, A TTORNKV AT LAW. Office In Seng.stai.lien ft Smith's' Marshfirld, Coos county, Oregon. building, S. H. HAZARD, A TTORNEV AT IJW. Empire City, Com tounly, Oregon. W. SINCLAIR, 4 TTORNKV AT UW. General Insurance ml Real Kstale Atent, Coqullle City, Owt county, Oregon, COAST MAIL. J. W. DENNETT, ATTORNKV AND COUNSKI.OR AT UW. Office over Coos Ray lUnV, Front street, Marshfieltl, Loos county. Oregon, JOHN F. HALL, A TTORNKV AT UW. Office over ntm Krnynn's store, Front street, Marshfieltl, Oirciin.M'KrnI Lstalc Agtnt. VOL. XTI GRAY & HILL, Real Estate Brokers, MARSHFIELD, OR, Office In Hcngtackcn & Smith's Itulld Injr, Front Slrcef. MARSHFIELDt OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER d6. d890. NO. 44. MiacelUaeeM AaVert4Mt. . I .. ,J, -I - ----,-u, E. A. ANDEMBN. Advertisiag For Husbands.' Hardly i All Klndi of Property For Sale or Ex- ehnje.-Cood Investrnents.-Per- sons Having Farms For Sale or Land! to Dispose of, will Do Well to Consult This Agency. wiiimv, Agent for MIOAR & CO,, NIUaMH At I.VHll, AW. REAL I'-STATI", LOAN. llOKKR j KRAQE AND COLLECTION OKKK.U Office In Webster's Urlck Block, Front street, Multifield, Oregon. All Claims Atrulust the I'roM-dited. OoTcrmiicnt Itntlons olilnlnrtl for any soldier who has served go days, and is illtiiljicil from earning it support rtt Ml i l.jhr, regardless as to how the disability occurrrtl. Soldiers' widows nd minor children are enti tled to cniloii. mr KmI Estate of Ml DwcrlptlniiB for Mi Hale. y3T C. W. TOWER, M. D., jjUYSICiaN and surgeon. Offkct In the rut end of Sengilackrn & Smith's building, Front slrert, Marshfield, Or. 27 Htark HI., Portland, Or. IUIKIAINS FOIl CASH Oil ON TIME, A few liargalns offered will lie found below: A home and lot In the town of Marshfield, rice. iloo: one half cash, halmm nimmin. security. This ii n rare chance to sccur a resl dence In a good locality. lltoo 160 acres. Bo item enml Imiinm tin, I balance hill and bench land covered with sliltllm tree. Forty acres of bottom Und cleared and under fence: a irood orchard, fair Imuir nn.l uarn. misplace will toon lie very valuable as 11 It situated In the centre of a rlt.li country. A line dairy ranch, coutiiiln? of fionnrm nf land, aoo acre bottom nnd neirlv all rli-iml Till place will lie sold with all the firming lm. plemrnu and stock, consisting of upwards of Co head or entile. Termi, part cash and part on time. This Is one of the best places ever offered for late In ('001 county. We have a desirable building lot, 45x100, In Manhfield lor SAle. Don't all speak at once. $aooa One of the finot residence lots In town, will, good house and barn. Two lnt. centrally located. In residence rwrt of loon. Two and one-haif acres of tide land, within the coriwrate limlli of the town of Marshfield. J. T. McCORMAC, M. D TpllVSJCIAN AND SUUOKON. Office over the Marshfichl Drug Store, Front ttirct, Manhfield, Coo county, Oregon, A. M. EVANS, M. D pilVSICIAN ANDSUKOKON. Offices In the west end of Holland building. Front slirct, Multifield, Or. Inquire at Gol deni drug store. "X'S H DR. H. E. DUNHAM, JI0M0F.FAT1IIC PHYSICIAN SUROEUN. AND Arcade Saloon! MAItHIIKIICI.I), R. M. HUTCHINSON, - - Proprietor. A NEW RESORT, SUPPLIED WITH C'bolco IVIiick. I.liiuorx, Cleurx, Ale, l'orler, I.utrcr lloor, And all the appointments of A FIRST-CLASS SALOON. Office, ovrr !.dndo's store, opposite Rlsnco hotel, Manhfield, Oregon. Can be found at office at nights. F J. G. COOK, M. D., IVSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office In Sent stackrn's building, Empire City, City, Coos county, Oregon. OR.C. MINNIS, -pHYMCiAN ANU SURGEON. Offtca In O'Coniwifs building, Tront strrct, Maishrield, Oregon. Omce hours From 8 to 11 a. H 4 p. m., and from n to 8 p. m. from a tut DR. O. E. SMITH, SURGICAL AND . MECHANICAL. URSNiiai. THE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. I'RINCIPAI. okhck: 33 Washincton St., Portland, Oregon. OFFICERS: I. Ixeenben;, Prrs.;!. MtCrackcn, Vice- PrcMent; F. M, Warien, 'lreasurer: R. P. Karlutrt. Sxretary and Manager; E. Eerett, Assistant Manager. TotlN K. HAM.. Accnt. Martlifield. Or., and Z. T. SlOUN, Agent, Empire City, Or. oca4 8 Offices In the Front rooms over the drug store. JwngslacUn A Smith' building, Front street, Manhfield, Coos county, Oregon. awNitrous oxide gas or laughing gat given tor the painless estmcllon of teeth. DR. F. H. NICKERSON, Makbiifikli), On. Orrictet In HolUnd building. In rooms for. way oeeupled by Dr. Slrrle. I A. I. CAMIIKM. ENOJNEER AND SURVEYOR. tTllVlL Office with John F. Hall, Manhfield, Oregon. W. IL KIC'IIAKUM, OUNTV SURVEYOR. Lines run and perfect maps of all surveyed aad entered lands furnished on short notice. 0T Address letter to me at Manhfield, Or. C jr. P. WKHTOIV, IVIL ENOINEER AND SURVEYOR. ir.JTVJnt waieii. iiur rn, vt i r . . 1.. umllil for all c asses of woik, jownsno noikntprcUlt. Contracts latten. Office with the CoAKf MAIL, Manhfield. Or, Goiinni MEiiciiAST, No. 4 I'rwt nrw'i Hsfit Wash!s;tss. Ss FrsssUeo, C, bWttlm Rttk, Wool, Hydw. and all Unrt ' ioduw sold on Commission, All b4slntenttttfld lo m will be w''"" ttaidcJ to. ''' t. MACWKH, i 0STRACTOR, 1 Etnpre Cliy, Oregon. Abrtraen of title to real JWt fJPg OMittty furnished promptly. II v gttatts. ' City Drug Store! iv. ar. iiJJTi.r.it, irop., AT THE POSTOFPIOE BUILDING, Manhfield, Oregon, DRUGS AND MEDICINES Toilot Articles, Fancy Goods, Patont Modi clnos, Etc I keen conttantlv nn hand he finest brands of Importrd and domestic Clears ever brought to Loos bay; alio me ueti ironus 01 a ouattu. MMCVIPTIONS SKILrULtY COMPOUNDKD. P. Flanagan. I. W. Bennnelt Flanagan & Bennett, HxnHUi'tv.s.i, - - oriwow. Capital in Business, $20 -000; Surplus, $,5000. We tnnsact a general Hanking Duslness, nnd ilrnw on Dank of California, San Francisco. Cal. Vint National Hank of Portland, Oregon. The Hanover National Rank af New Yiuk. N, M. Rothschilds A Sons, London, England. Foreign money order Issued on Boo Banks throughout Europe. Accounts kept subject to check. "M JOHN BEAR'S LIVERY STABLE BCBl wAHdHBHLfeafr HORSES TO W3T AT ALL IIOU US. Ilaullng done t short notloo, "WOOD and COAL alwaya on hand, which will bo delivered anywhere at the lowe ratea. orHavlBg Jnt recehed a now hearse I am now prepared to tako chargo of luBeralJi. nvtccK naoang wit lout munn nmtmiiig story of tribulation arlslnK from mntrimonlat mlvortlsemonlB. Tito inn m iho falo of a altarp-wltlod ndven ttirom who uilvertltod for a husband, In closctl to applluantis tho hnndotncst photoraph alio could buv. Iipo.h.,1 email pecuniary advance to onablo hor to rostoro n dllnpldrtled toilette, nnd Anally folchod up, as such genitiBcn Konernlly do, In a Now York penlten- i.y. impponrfl to bo wnslo tlmo to remintl pcoplo Hint mntrltnonlnl u.Unr tlsfinonls nro nlmost invariably fraudu lent j Hint the girl who wants n husband of 35, with adequate means to support nor, mm a vigorous constitution, Is in reality a female sharper on the lookoul for dupes; and Hint tho young matt who adverllsus for a wife who slmll bo fairly good looking nnd of mi alTeclionatB dis position l nlinoet Invariably a rascal who bus not tho least Idea of matri inony. Kttcli ndvcrtfteinenls tJo draw rt'plieajsvinislimtjsfrom fools who nto taken in, sometimes from young people who proposo to measure wits with the ndverliscH, and gonorally come oil" sec ond best in tho encounter. When the victim of tho fraud Is a young man ho merits little sympathy. Tho adngo about tho fool und his monev applies. He generally learns a lesson which sorves him for a lifetime. But whore it in a girl who is victimised the incident justifies somo indlgualioii'. The world is full of silly girls who want to got married and have not patience to wnit till the right man comes round. Tlioro is just enough impropriety in nil- verllHlng nenotly for a husband under n falso name, by way of irollc, to mnko It piquant for daughters of tho lady who atn the apple. Two or three girls con spire together, and promise themselves to get all tho fun theycan out of the nd venture. So tho advertisement appears anil is answered by n lot of idle fellows Just to see what will come of it. To car ry out the juke tho girls reply, and so their handwriting and their note paper get into tho handti of a total stranger who is probably on mlechief bent. His effort will now bo direcled to ob tain an interview witlt his correspon dent, or failing this to determine in somo way her identity. If ho succeeds in either design, the girl is at his mercy. A young,lady who is convicted of carry tng on a clandestine correspondence with a man whose acquaintance she mado through a matrimonial advertise ment will not have much chance of respectabio settlemeot in life, liar friends will find yomu excuse for drop ping her acquaintance. To avort this futo, her family will probably be willing to raako somo pecuniary s.turillce, and oio likely to find tho gentleman invol ved ready to listen .to reason in the shape of a check, with the alternative of a prosecution in case of further trouble. Rut the facts aro sure to leak out. Nothing can evor be kept secret in tho social world. What gossips may not know of a certainty their Imaginations will supply, nnd tho end may bo that a foolish frolic, undei taken thoughtlessly by a school girl, may wreck a whole fumily'H happinoes. In tho abstract thero is no mortal rea son why a man should not udvertiso in the papers for a wife, as ho advertises for a house or a horso. Nor, in pure ethics, should a girl bo condemned ruth lessly bflcauso sho says in so many words that which all unmarried girls tacitly Imply by going to balls, dressing showily, and bchnvingso ns to attract tho admiration of tho other box. Hut tho abstract law in this matter is modi- net by ttf ago ; untl it is not tito usage in civilized socloty, that a man should complain of his weariness of bachelor fu in tho ndveitislng columns of tho ptess, at so much a lino, much less that n girl should uso tho samo medium to convey to tho world her stato of readi ness to make some good fellow happy. Delicacy forbids. And in social life, dollcacy is tho supierao law. There aro villages in Continental Ettropo whoro, at tho annual fair, girls who aro ready to encounter tho trials of matrimony wear a peculiar head-dross j n youth is free lo offer his hand and hourt to one bo accoutered ; If ho proves acceptable, tho nuplttals aro celebiatod before sun down, Hut this fashion dlspeuses with the delights of courtship; und, as col lego debating societies have never been ablo to settle whethor thero is raoro joy in pursuit or in possession, this might porhnps bo regarded as a loss. Call. The Tireless Mongolian Turtle. Given a pcoplo who are industrious without cessation, economical to tho point of systomatiu parsimony, who are constitutionally able to endure all cli mates upon a diet of cheap food that a Caucasian would reject as either unfit or Inadequate, who nre so srpssly utili tarian in tholr business habits nnd am bition that they prnctlco mendacity, Running nnd treachory ns fine arts, nnd you havo tho Chinese ns a commorclal foreo In the world, Glvosuchn people tlmo and opportunity nnd their rolont less pertinacity will make thorn tite vic torious traders and wealth-winners of tho world. If tho Chinese havo ns brilliant a genius for war ns they havo for trado they would long ago have con quered nil Asia, and possibly forced all Europo to combine against China as it did against Napoleon for salva tion. A Chinese missionary, llov. Mr. Vrooraan, of Pan Frnnclsco, IB quoted as saying that ho know two Chincso in Melbourno who mado n living for them selves and for a horso from n quarter of an aero of land, and in addition to sup porting themselves and tho horso jthey each sent 60 yoarly lo their relatives at homo. A Chinaman In Ban Frnncisco hired two and one-fourth acres of land In a westorn snbnrb of the city at $75 n month nnd lived on it with an asslstnnt. Ho used it for growing vegetables, and dosplto tho high rent, made so much money that when tho land was sold and hlsjease had two yoars to run, tho Chi naman would not loavo, and had to be unjustly dispossessed by nn nctlon nt law to suppress his business us a ntti s.tnco. In China Hid owner of laud who should not cultivate it would bo dispos sessed of it. Not a handful of seed is wasted in sowing; rain water is stored for iriigutiou in ponds or water boles, and libit are grown in theso reservoirs. As agriculturalists tho Chinese are ns far ahead of us in what they can get out of a given area of land as we are ahead of them In manufacturing and transpor tation. Chincso now rent at least 50, 000 acres of fruit and bottom lands with in a radius of 100 miles of S.tn Francis co, for which they pay from four to ten times what a while leBsce could nfibrd to givo for the satno. The Chincso have industrially captured the Sandwich and riiillipine islando, und will soon master mo xaurones. ab a conqueror by war China is cipher; us nn industrial usur per und trade absorber, she is already a standing menace to tho whole Asiatic world. Whoro a white man can work twolvehoursiiday, a Chinese laborer and mechanic will, if necessary, work twenty hours With poor food, shelter and clothing. Thomas Magee, in nn article on tho Chinese, quotes tho fol lowing tuBtimony of an American, who lived twenty-two years in Shanghai, but was forced by Chinese competition to sell out his store und dry dock: "Hero is a letter I received by tho last steamer from China, It is from tho Chinese house that bought mo out. It contains an order for somo American goods In tho ship chandlery line. This letter is in tho best of English. It was written by n young Chinaman who man ages tho firm's business. I gave the man who filled n similar position for mo 13000 a year. This young Chinaman gets but $10 a month, bis rico, and a place to sleep in. Tho fiands in tho store get no wages ; only rico andu bunk. How could I Iivo against such competi tion? X had either to remain in busi ness tlioro, and thereby lose nil I bad mado, or to sell out at a good price and lenvo. Tliis process is gofug on at all the ports in China. Whito then cm ployed und taught the Chinese, nnd the Chineso diovo them out. We could no moro corapejo with them than wo could overcome death and fate." In Lowor California somo Chinese havo secured a lease of a tract 125 miles square, and aro ubout to import 8000 Chineso to work it. In Cuba, South America, Singapore, everywhere, in tlmo the Chinese merchant nnd con tractor, by industry, patience und keon businsss ability gets to bo a winner ngainst all old"competitors. Tho Unit ed States minister to China recently re ported ns follows to Washington: "1 havo tho honor to inclose nn im perial decree, commenting on tho late proposal of the viceroy of Canton to develop the iron industry of Tokuang. In order to foster this important indus try, ho has abolished inland duties on iron and the prohibition against its ox port. Ho proposes to investigate, by commission, tho subject of abolishing tho heavy duty now levied on furnaces. Such a plan, put into forco for three' yoars, could not involve a largo dimin ution of tho revenue, hut would greatly benefit tho iron producers by doing away with illegal fees. He proposes also to create a jolut-stock company to work the foundries with foreign ma chinery. It would seem that tho mind of this distinguished man, Chang Chi Yung, hud undergone a change. He now, while still materially Booking to retain for his own pooplo tho benefits of industrial enterprise, favors the oxton slvo uso of foreign methods in building railroads and in establishing- olectriu lights and foundries. I do not doubt that tho next process In his mental development will lead him to the only correct conclusion that is to say, tiiat foreign talent, honesty nnd will power uteiudispansible to the successful intro duction of improvements." With this industrial abtlity, patience, economy, ondaranco, and pertinacity, It tho Chinose should over learn tho European art of war und methods of rallwny transportation, tho armies of China, oflicored by whito adventurers like Gordon, Ward and Lons, might make RuBsia tremble in Siberia and England grow norvous In India, The Cosmopoliton Mugaalue is a monthly, after tho style of Hnrpor's and fully equal In morlt to that publication. Hamples have been sent to many of our subscribers. If you want to subserlbo und club with tho Mak. wo cuu furnish both for $3.70, in advanco. The Mnga sine Is $3.00, Mail $2.50.-.50. Will furnish both for $3.76. Suicide of Sprague. Tho particulars of tho suicide of Wil liam Hpraguo, tho grandson of Salmon 1. Chaso, and son of Knto Chase Sprnguc, nt Soaltle, ns givon in the Post-Intclligencor, n'ro vory tragic, nnd the unfinished letters found In his room are sad commentaries upon his mis spent life. Thoso Who first went to his room discovered on a bed in the corner, attired In his night clothes, half covered by tho bedding and lying diagonally, tho yonng man cold in death. HU head was thrown back, nnd around tho head, under the chin nnd touching tho nostrils, wns tied u whito undergarment, nnd directly beneath his noso was a whito cloth that still boro tho odor of chloro form. On the buroati was a six-ounco' plilnl of tho drug, tho contents more than half gono, making known only too plainly the means of Belf-destruction used by tho young man. itlood was on tho bedding and cover ed the face, which wan badly bruised nnd scratched up, while the young man' left wrist was covered with blood from n deep cut into the arteries. Tho cut was not fresh, und Deputy Coroner Dr, Horton, who wns culled in, conclud ed that ho had mado two attempts at his life. The landlord of the place said that on Sunday afternoon Mr. Sprague came down stairs weak and his face colorless. Tho left wrist was tied up with heavy bandages. He teftisdd to say what was the matter with him. No one saw him come home that night, but ivhnn Mr, Pease came, home Monday night, about 11 o'clock, ho saw a light in Mr. Sprague's room. The light would go outrsd then come' up again, nnd its maneuvers at tracted his attention and he watched tho hou80 for some time. Tho next af ternoon Sprngue's dead body was found in the room, nnd ho must havo been tnnking preparations for tho rasli deed at that time. An investigation of tho sceno of death lovealed in u valise, in a small closet adjoining, underclothing, towels nnd clothes saturnted with blood, and in its cose in (he top bureau drawer was found a now narrow-bladed razor, covered with clotted blood. It was plainthat, he had made an attempt at bis life Sat urday night by severing the artery in his wrist, but that ho had not cnt deep onough. Two nights following ho tried a less painful and moro effectual means of, faking his own life. On tho stand, with a disordered col lection of books und papers, wore two letters, both written in pencil in a steady running haqd,,on small blue-ruled uuglazed note-book paper. One of Hiern ns uddrossed to his father and the other to his sistor. The letter to his sister was unfinished, and boro the date of'Seattlo, Sept. , 1890." The one to his father was full of sentiment, nnd bespoke u morose disposition and u des pondent, unhappy mood, A dispatch from Washington, dated Oct. Oth, says: ''News of the death by st'Mde of Wil liam Spruguo, jr., wns a great shock to many friends of tho Sprague family bore. When the reporter called at Edgewood, tho home of Mrs. Kato Chase, the young man's mother, yesterday afternoon, ho found the latter at lunch. Mrs. Chaso had not received tho aad news, and when told of it, her grief was very af fecting. "I cannot conceive that he killed him self,' she said. 'If it is true that ho met a violent death, it surely must havo been an accident.' She said that her son had douo work for soveral illustrated papers. Ho had also boon emptoyod on Pittsburg news papers. He had been in Chicago for somo time prior to leaving for Seattle, starting from the former placo about the 20th of last month. 'I received a choorful letter from him from Chicago only n fow days beforo he left that city,' said his mother. 'Tlioro was nothing to indicate that he was not feeling well and happy. The day before he left Chicago ho sent me u postul curd in which ho gave encouraging nows about his now field of duty on the Seat tle Journal.' Tho young man was 24 years old, nnd was well and favorably known In this city, although he has not resided here for soveral years," Thero may bo persona in this com munity who are nt times troubled with colic, or subject to attacks of bowel complaint. If so, tbey should try Chambcrlaiu'fl Colic, Cholera nnd Di arrheal Itemedy. It will afford nlmost Immediate Jclief, and when reduced with water is pleasant to take. If tak- on as soon as tho first indication of the diseaso is felt it will ward off tho Attack Manypeoplo use it in this was, and find that it never talis them. A 25 or CO rent bottle may bo obtained from II Sengstackcn, Marehfield and Empire. Tho following appears in the volnmo of "Itesources of Southern Oregon,' Just from the press of the state printer, "Cartolomo Ferrelo, a Spanish naviga tor, in his search for the mythical Straits of Aninn, reached on March 1, 1540, the 44th degreo of north latitude. This was off tho coast of tho northern boundary of what is now known aa Douglas coun ty. To Ferrelo, then, belongs tho hon or of tho discovery of Oregon, and to the promontories of tho Southern Oregon coast will rest liko the halo of romance the credit of being tho land of all the Northwest territory on which the eye of civilized man first rested. Sir Francis Drake, In trying to cludo tho vigilance of the Spanish by attempting a northern passage to England, arrived off the Oregon coast in 1578. He.landed at the mouth of tho Uinpqua, nnd put on shore his Spanish pilot. This was the first Caucasian upon Oregon soil, 3500 miles from his Mexican home,: left to find his way through trackless forests and de sert wastes alono" fsVist KV MmiS LIVHERY AND FEED STAI& Mntshfield, Oregon. SADDLE HORSES AND BUGOYTEAlrS furnished at alt hours. IIAULINO done at lowest rate. COAL and WOOD delivered nt botiom prices. TNEW HEARSE furni.ne.lforfuncrals.-eai A 14 RITZMAN'S ZBOOIU AND SHOE STORE MAUSHFIELD OlttSGON. FULL LINE OK Ladies', Gent's and CbJmVen- Boots and S3a.oes- HUJLMVA1V8 SHOIft. Custom-made Boots aad Shoes a spe cialty. fST Repairing: neatly execute! at abort notice and reasonable prices. D. RITZMAN, yrJL i . fcSfcrtir ji?jsiMsyTa rBstsssssssssTl J-. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS & HERBS. FORTHE cune OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINOFROMA MHrftDEBED STATEof neSTBMACH ORAM INACTIVE LIVER.. MMt STAUTBVAU. . DRW6ISTS fcWBVialALJffiS. Golden has started his 'soda works, for thecseason, and is ready to furnish resh bottled goods made with improved machinery from pure fruit jnices. Send in your orders. Tho only bottling es tablishment on the1 coast that manufac tures oxclnBively from pure fruits, - Mr. John Keown, the worthy post master at Keown, Allegheny county, Penn., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells better than any other." Tiie reason of this is because it can al ways be depended upon. Let anyone troubled with a severe cold give it a trial and they will find that the first dose will relieve tho lungs and mako breathing easier, and that its continued uso will freo the system of all symptoms of the cold. The promptness and cer tainty of this remedy in the relief and cure of colds, has won for it many sin cere friends and made it very popular. For Bale by H. Sengstackcn, Marsh- field and Empire. R. ABORN IS NOW AT PORTLAND, ORCQON. J vJElfeflMH C FOIl THOSE WHO CAXSOT POSSIBLY CAI1 PER- SO.'ULLY, IIOJ53 TUKlTMEfT PULCEDWIIH- IN THE UEACH OF A LI. TIIAT WILL (UTK IKSTASTAKI-'CUS BEUEF ANB A 1'EUHASE.Vr CURK. The most speedy, positive and perma nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, ana all mroat, uroncmai, laing, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption. In its various stages, permanently cured." Dr. Aborn's original mode of treatment nnd his medicated inhalations civea in stantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the whole constitution and system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated una broken-down constitu tions, old end young; invariably gain from ten to thirty pouuds in from thirty to liuety days. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dor Jug the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble :ustautly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on ''Catarrh of the Head." with evidences of some extraordinary cures, maueu ircc iau or auoress DR. ABORN. - Feutli aad Merrixea Slav, I'orttcad, Ortgotu Note. Hom treatment, securely packed, sest by express to all parts of tha Tactile Coast, for toot wha cannot possibly call la penoa. ALL UiVITEB T9 WU FM FME NNSSLTATtfN CENTRAL HOTEL. Corner of Front and A streets, MAK8HFIELD, OREGON, JOHtt SNYDER, :::::: Proprietor THIS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE HOTEL has lust been entirely reatted and refurnished throughout and it aovtnnrr. , .i.. puhllc for patronage. New beds and spring mattressia hare been placed in almost every sleeping room of this house and neither trouble nor expense has been spared to put everything Jn first-cfcisj order. TER1IS. Hoard and Lodging, per week.... Board, per week. JX.OO . u n b . ma SlngleIeals T,0 BLANCO HOTEL, (Front Street, Marsnfield, Or. J. L. FERREY, :::::: Proprietor. o FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS, And Reasonable Charges. HAVING LATELY COMPLETED A Urge addition to the above Hotel, and liarlngiad an ext-iuive experience In this line of business, we can safely guarantee to" our pa trons comfort and accommodations excelled by no other house on the bay. a-Tbe Reading-room of this Hotel contains the leading papers of the Atlantic Mates and the Pacific Coast. TERMS. Board and Lodging, per week JS.00 Board, per week '. ic Single Meals..,.,., ,, . jq Front street, Marehfield, Or. PAUL BARTHOLEMY, - - Proprietor. MY TABLES ARE SUPP1U with the best the market affords, and courteous attention guaranteed patrons, TEEMS: Board and lodging by the week $5.00 Board, per week.., 4.00 Single meals 3t GIVE ME A CALL. " The Arago Hole!, EMPIRE CITY, OREGON. MRS. A, H. MOORE, PROPRIETRESS. HAVING LATELY TAKEN CHARGE of the above hotel, and having had aa eI tensive experience in this line of business, we can safely guarantee to our patrons comfort and accommodations excelled by no other house ui me coun ly. i ne taoies are supplied with the best the market affords. Coos Bay BOARD OF TRADE. HEEKTIXVGM EVERY TUESDAY EVENING. For isfertsstlsa ebeut C00 "a, address C. W, Tqwek, President, Frank Hobcrff, Sec, Marshfield. Or. PIANO VOICE CULTURE, ALSO LANDSCAPE AND DECORATIVE PAINTING, XUMsrbs by Mr. J, M. T)Iwr, Central Hotel, Marshfield, Or, FURNITURE STORE, Empire City, Or., GILBERT & EVE SOW, - -Proprietors. MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, Bed-Room Sets, Parlor Sets, Chairs, Mouldings, nnd Pictures. , " ALL KINDS OP CPIIOLSTEKINQ TO OBDER. DONE a"Store in Cammann building. Empire City, Oregon. mystf Ra M A I N MERCHANT TAILOR! MARSHFIELD, JV. JVXOB XiOT OSS OASSIMEBES For tho TIIE SPXU'G S SUMMER TMDE, AND FIT WARRANTED. COOD dOTlease call and examine aiy stock and be convinced. . R, MAIN. STBAMBB as MAGGIE ROSS, Fralght from tan Fnma4 to Cms Buy. E. E. HINOIIMAJf, Awt, to, Coos Counly, Oregon, Ban Francisco office, 32) CsvlilwB-i street. Jy24 fc 4htoiksiTiA Lkj