rjf cr, -' C The Ooast Mail. PnWWied rrt Thursday morning. UY rav .v ihi.Im . JOHN A. ORAV. Editor. Term, la Advunct. Onsyc.it' Six month,... fhrce on.h.. . i co Kot Hfiir YTiurm Enough for Illm. "Warm?" he said, putUnRftn ft hcavj beir of gloves and uuttontus his Hub T'clTu ''4armr said tho other. moppta Ms brow ana try"? '"" irt tho same time, topw roddor and rodder. "I call It gridiron ""Pooh, poob, my dear fellow; tho mer cury Isn't above ninety'0-" "Nlncty-tiroi" . , , "And It hasn't been nbovoft hundred tor than onw this year." 'Shades of all the Icelanders!" 'cried tho red fat man, "what would you Uko tohnye Jt-lS5lnthe shadof Would you Uko to boll eggs In the publlo f ountalns f Doyou Wantfoundrioa to run their furnaces with out uxor Ooehtmdmll Do .jou rolto etalo and vanish in steam. One bnndrcdl be screamed! shrill agonized tone, and he danced around madly in his wrath un til his face was of flaming scarlet. Ono hundred! "Why, man, bavent you got any blood in your veinf" "Oh. yes," said the other, shivering as a warm brecto touched him, "but I have 40, 000 tons of tco cornered." And then tho llttlo stout man fell In a ewoon and an ambulance carried him to the hospital, where bo was recorded as suf fering from prostration by heat, while the Ice king went home to order tho servants to put more coal on the flrc-hew York Tribune. A Cruel Indignity. "I beg your pardon, madam, for Intrud ing upon you at meal time," ho said po litely, "but may I ask you for a llttlo Tho lady brought him a salt box. Ho looked at it meditatively and leaned against one of tho pillars of the porch. "It is a foolish habit I have got into," be said, in an apologetic way, "and 1 dare say you will consider it ono of questionable taste, but I always oat salt on my water- "Bntyou haven't any watermelon," said tho lady of tho house. "Thank you kindly for suggesting It,' answered tho seedy looking tourist grate fully. "Shall I cat the melon out heref " "T rfmi't kk how vou can. We have no watermelon today." "No watermelon at all in the house! "Xono." "Then, madam," said the caller. In the tono of an injured man, "permit mo to re turn tho salt. I will not say I am angry, but I am hurt deeply hurt. You have raised my expectations and cruelly disap pointed them. I leave you, madam, to your own reflections." He made a low bow, banded back the eslt box with the air of a king declining a dukedom, and two minutes later he was oa the back porch at the next neighbor's oaklngforn little horso radish. Chicago Tribune. He Did Sot Get Much SatUfaction. Oairdcus How's business? Manufacturer DulL Quiziicus Shirts not going well? alanufacturer Xot very. At least. urine aro not. Quizzicus Going to get out of the busl nassr . Manufacturer Heavens, nol What gave yon that idea? Quizzicus J3ut you ore losing, you say? Manufacturer Yes. Quizzicus Then what are you making by staying in the business? Manufacturer 3 hirtr, you idiot Clothier and Furnisher. Judging from Appearance. . i f if- LOCAli XXt OKKKIS AIi ' Kob-"How do you stand in with your employer bo well, Tom, yon never loujdt at Ida jokes?' Tom "No; but I dine at Ids restaur- ant, ond.prctondingnotto see mm, 1 m.nll nil his stories. saylnR, loudly: t ,.a'tin1l Hm woll sb lie can, but i'.km's a t-nltllnrr eootl varu Air. 1). told us lids morning." I've been promoted thrco times lids year." Light, A lot of men were playing pokor nl Delmonlco's tho other nlglit (says Urn Urooklvn Kacto). The party sot n lit- tlo hungry nnd ordered some sand wiclies. They came, a small but an lctling plato; also tlio bill fourteen dollars. Shortly afterward a quiet gontloman asked tho waiter to pass ldm nnnthnr sandwich. "All KOI10, sir." was tho leply. Tho qniet Bmtle,,,ttn beckoned to tho waiter ami said. In a confidential wav: "All cono?" "Yes sir." "Go down stairs and order some more." "How many, sir?" "Well,' said tho gentleman, thoughtfully glane imr At tb bill and tho emnty idate, "as I am ouito huniirv. I should say about Uo thousand dollar's worth," Thocodlin moth has left Us marks on thn annla eroii of all the orchards in the imroediato neighborhood of Ashland, as well as in almost eveiy locality tlown the vallov. it is reported, hot so far it has not reached tho orchards of Mftj Barron. C. 11. Kinbtiry. Dan. Walker and others up about the bead of thu val ley, and consequently their apples will be a much better paying crop this year than those of the orchards nearer town. The moth may be oxpected with cer tainty next season in all tho orchards of tho valley which luckily escaped this ear, for the spread of tho pest is rapid and sure Our orchardists must face the fact that if they want to sell tho pro duct of their apple trees they will have to prepare for a systematic and regular spraying of the trees to destroy tho larva of the moth as soon as it hatches. Ashland Tidings. HnnrpBentative O'Neill is waiting fav orable opportunity to move a suspension of tho rules for a oleuton the Plumb resolution providing for the removal of the remains of General Grant from their p-et ont place of repulture, in Knerside park, to Arlington cemetory. Ho has made a thorough canvass of the house on this question, and is assured that the resolution will be supported -by 300 votes if all the members are present. in auv event, ho states that there is no doubt of its passage, and in this ovent it will not be many months before the body of General Grant will repose whero should have been placed at first. A transfer of this kind is always to be re gretted, and in this case it cannot be be accomplished without engendering a feeling of partiality that Is at varianco with the universal legard in which the dead soldier is held by the nation. A little decision on the part of Sirs. Grant aS. the lime, unbiased by the glitter and liomp that waited upon the occasion of the interment in the great metropolis would have saed all the dissatisfaction that has resulted over the matter. Gen eral Grant was great chiefly as a sold ier, and his interment like that of Gen oral Sheridan, should have taken place in a military cemetery, with such cere monies as wait upon military burial. he clamor for display would have been promptly checked by tins course and everybody would have been satisfied. COOS BA8Y, OREHN. ' ,JJ"!ter JLa 33?t3H:FIEl.ID The Coming Kailioail Centre of Coos County, Oregon. The Most Beautiful Townsite in Coos County. .ots are mow being Rapidly Sold. A WIIAUF IS SOW OONSTIIOOTKB. srilKCTS AKB OUAl.Kn. AND Sll.BWA 1.K8 KOII.T. CK11TAIN A 1U1I.1IOAI) Wll.l. TBUMlNATi: AT 1'UlOfiS 1IKA80NAIII.K. TI5IIM8 EASY. IT 18 East Marshfield. imi w in rH ID GO i d UOAl) NOW HK1NO COS8TUUCTK1). i .. iiim. flint IMS!' lMKSIII'll'.I.n Im lli only owh conTRnlcntljr dPl'ake tlao mnp of Coo County nnd yon m 111 "' wn rontl- fro... nil purl- oftlu, Connty. rt,.rl Center. renclivtl r COOS KAY LAND CO., Church Directory. Baptist Church. Pleaching every Sunday at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.,t3umlay school at 11 m. Hov. F. K. Scofleld, pastor. CaUiolic Church. llov. F. N. Ueut- Kon. Kiuminnel Church. Services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month at 11 a. ra. Sunday school every annuny afternoon at 2:30. Kov. W. Hortall, rector. Methodist Episcopal Church. Hov. J. H. Roork, yastor, Empire City, Or. Presbyterian Church. Services at Smith A Sengstackon's hall. Hov. J. B. Hideout, pastor. Tun Person Mr. Cleever, 1 think III tnuie with you hereafter. I've been buy ing my meat from tho botcher across the Cleever Well, you look itl Munsey's Wetkly. Slu Wu. Keady for Him. nVnw uTiiviv twa tl. ii ' tfinf-, rrtfPA thft buttermilk," said young Dolley facetiously to the pretty mlllyuald. "Oh, we don't g6t that from the cow," Mtibal thu irirL "That comes from tbo goat." Munsey's VTeekly. Unreasonable. A lrdened lwcUelor thus replied to the criticisms of some friends who upbraided ldm for not taklnga wife: "You certainly w.n11 nrf vr&M. ,nn fn mnrrv l woman who'd bo foolish enough to hove me." Judga a CaikcU Ho "died In tho bath- Saved "It was horrible! lngl )uso." "V.'hat did they dof" "Hurled him just as he died. It was a perfuctfit." New York Herald. No Cuuo for Tbank. "Did you givo tho captain a vote of Ti.nl,. " "No Why hhoulu weJ lie oittn't run us into an iceberg or strike Fastnet." Chnttw. I'erbapi He Doe. "llmsiin admires tho man who rings at iUwojk." , , "Tljf i he ought to odmiro a professional tenor." Munsey's Weekly. They Go It UUnd. She-How do you manage to think among 11 the noise In tho Stock Exchange f lio--Wo don't think. Llppmcott's. Henry Yillard earned his first money ah u reporter. Austin Cor birr worked on his father's farm for his first dollar. Colis P. Huntington began his careei an .i store-keeier when he was fifteen yeai old. Calvin S. Brice's first labor was u a country law-odiee. Daniel Dough erty made his first bit of money hand ling the ribbons over his father's 'bus teams. Eugene Kelly earned his pas sage to this country by driving a jaunting-car. Oowald Ottendorfer was a book-keeper on tho Staats-Zeitung. sddney Dillon was once an errand-boy in the employ of the New York Central Hailroad. Chauncey 31. Depew was admitted to the bar in 1S58. Jay Gould was a surveyor and school-teacher. D. O. Mills worked on a small farm until the gold fever took him to California. Ex-3Iayor William It. Grace was a but cher until he became a ship-chandler. Inspector Williams began to earn his living in a fish-yard. A. 31. Palmer was once a lawyer's clerk. J. 31. Hill was a manager Jof a juvenile company at the age of thirteen years. Henry K Abbey began as a cornet-player. Dan iel Frolunan was an errand-boy for the New York Tribune. Austin Daly was originally a newspaper man. John Stetson was a professional athlete. Tony Pastor was a clown. Vice-President Levi P. Morton was as a boy n ileik in a village dry-goods storo. Hub el Wage was taught frugality in his brother'!) grocery Btore. Henry Clews's Mik- lifn w:ib sient as a noiter in a woolen lionse at ttiiee dollars a week Secretary of tho Nuvy Benjamin !'. Tracy was a fanner's boy. Andrew Carnegie began life at the trade of an engineer. EiastuH Wiman made Ids first money as u newsboy wheu only nine Hr old. Families uotalicady supplied should lose no time in procuring a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy. It is tho only remedy that can always be depended upon for bowel complaint in all its forms. 25 and 00 centbottlc3 for sale by II. Sengstack en, 3Iarshfiold and Empire. New Store. Iu connection with my drug store I have opened a general merchandise store, in room formerly occupied by V. G. Webster. I carry a complete line of mens' and boys' clothing, gents furnish ing goods, hats, caps booU shoes, etc, etc, and a full line of groceries. With a irood selection and low prices, I can guarantee yousatifacton. Country or ders promptly attended to. Yours anx ious to please, II SiwosrACKKS. Palace Saloon! Front street. MarshfirW, Clay Moore XErlcUJanscii, - Propr. CI101GK SKClECTtONKOr WOT. LIQUORS AM) ClfiAIIS, ALWAYS ON HAND. Anil private room adjoining the bar room. My liquors ami cigars are superior articles, ami courteous attention Is guaranteed patrons. I . I... nf imnnrfMl liHll llOUICAtl wines and lKuor will be found the folio n: WlllSKlLS-Thhtledew. C. H. Cooks". Old Reliable, Horse Shoe. O. K C Taytor's. M Um. tvjurbon. Scotch, Vock and Rye, and WWW. RUX,sjnnKi(si. New England. Rnm Puntli. UANllB v-1 lenncsy. Satesac. Cgnlac. Mar-elUnlHla.WtierrT. Uiss-tiiin UolUnd. Red. Clul. llou and Tom. tlnff. While. Red, UACivmsade .Margeaiu. lo- ille, St. Emitlon, KtKi-iieimer ami '-'"; Bkf.h HUts. Salvator. Annlueuier. rred- ricksburgttud Pliibdelphia. iTtKS Angostura. Ikinnckamp, Sloujjb- too.lroiwnal. Star of the Union, and a Urge asotn-nt of domestic bitters. fllAMPAOSKB Rooters. Chas HeMsk and KtUp OoMrn aal. THE ? K SALOON, Frqnt street, Marshfirld, Or., UnkHiniiNKCti Ac Pclcmon, Irnrlctor. We recently purchtsed tl alir' named s.1 Ijonau carry in slotk sup iiorV inds of Wine, X.IfiuorM nisd C'lKurx. We carry the criebraied "OoW Uust' v-lilske nd the IhsI of Wte-Ulor dears. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TT J K0"W 3 l-iots for Sals Toy - , Coos Bay Real Estate Aim! Development Company. T,ra,..on..l.l.d.l9.li,ll.nlon..i.l !.")-,.. .. only idiuce tor cta .nd bnaliM ,llc onCoo. Hay. SII iDilarainnli 1" llii '" .Hjmlf mpl.to tiill.llnB. 4itll on or mlrirc- llio COOS BAY REAL ESTATE & DEVELOPMENT CO., MARSHFELD, OB. Paintl Paintl Paint! O'COHULL' rj-&&s&&&m ARDWAM ira We have a complete line of all colors .! .I.ilr. nsint ttllYlMl ri.1llv fOT US These paints are prepared suecially lor the Oregon climate; tlmy are warranted to le siiierior to lead and oil or any other paint In point of lustre and dura bility. It will outwKtir any paint In the market, and comes cheaper than any l.i ..,..!.., nl thn nqrn. Ynll will I'ailtl. nutni; w ... ......... -- avoid the annoyance of mixing and get ting the shade you want as wo have samnle cards prepared for representing each color exactly as it will look on buildings. We have albo a complete line of staining colors, such as antiquo oak, ash, walnut, cherry, rosewood and mahgoany; hard-oil finish varnishes, floor paints, copper paint, rubber paint, n.i t rn..t nnutliinit vnti wunt tn decor ate your house, inside or outside, roof or basement, carriage or fence. Send for sample cards to HcnKNK O'Cokxf.ll, Marshfleld, Oregon. T. Howard lias jnst received a first- Inaii utruilr rif W!lll-lllH mid ieWOlrV. in- eluding solid gold watches and chains. If vou want a "iJoas" u. movomou., call and see them. Louis XIV "IJokb" filled caseB always on hand. My prices are lower than any other dealer on the bay. If you do not believe it, come and price my goods. All watch cases, gold rings, and silver spoons bought of me will bo engraved free of charge. T I linviiin. Jnunlfir. Front street, Marshfield, Or. Thin loon Has r-venl!r heen malnled. Ja pured enlarged and rwwly furmhei, and Is now (he finwt saloon In southern Ore'.on. Billiard. Uaratelle and Pool Table, a .'.....or ilw- nulilie natronave is solicited. and courteous attention l Kuarantred to all. (chi( KiumasscD a rcicoau. EXCHANGE SALOON Fuo.fT St.,Makhiii'u;i.I), 'ECia'K Hi:l, x t l'roii. . niw.i.xi limmlrt n( wiiii-ti. lidiiors and cigars always on Hand. Club rooms for I tiBe ol patrons, ami courteoiiH uivuiuiun axsured to all. FritKEU'NCllATAM-TIHi:H.F I..UWW-W i..rr. WJ? ' ?Jt& r ilH?GKiF? Bmw H i in V n rTTl fB -jt-i- THE LARGEST IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Vr-nriy In iitttllltoM TlHvrnrot to IBHrUrnrc, Htr h it lit II Him of PAlNTrf, OILS nn.l VAKNM8HEH ; MIXKD PAINTS IN EVKltY 00J.0H. IIUHOIK8, WA00N8 nd I'AUM IMl'LKMKNTB; 1)00118 mid WIN DOWS i TKIlllA OOITA I'll'B; MB and OKMliNT. IHJMl'S'ind WATBK I'H'K.8 and FITTINGS. HO! FOR PORTLAND We arc also handling the Famous Mississippi Steel Range. EUGENE O'COHNELL, Pnprfg. pioneer markets! CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPNY'S KXnrhrili1 and Kmnlre Citv. I ihbHI Marshfield and Empire City, Ktl. I'li.VNAUAN, Proprietor Successor to H. P. WHITNEY. Her Tea Gown. la 'witching gown or dalntr pk CTo ntch tier bluklie,) Preparing the neductiv drink Uouet, midst plushes, Old rugs and brlc-a-broo iu sh A recollection Ttiat It Via rery pink, to me, Of sweet perfection. Twoa surely not her tea. bu mad My Tlsloa rosy, Tbat now oouleur da rose arrayed Life seema lees preey. And this to tell ner I Incline This very tnlauUi; I that dalntr gown w ere mine XaasbevtO-iltl The Celebrated French Guro, "EKE1 "APHBOD.TINE" ZKSS3L Hibbard's Rheumatic and Liver Pills. Tliose Pills are seientiflcally cotn louudvd, and uniform in action. No griping pain so commonly following the use of I'dls, They are adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety We guarautou they have no equal in the cure of KlcJf EIoji'aIc, Orti tion, Dyxpepsia and llllioueness; and, as an appetizer, they oxcul any oilier preparation. It? j ft X-Ot . . Is Sold oh a. P08ITIVC QUARAIITEE iiiirn ntiv frirm o(nrou4ill.ao oruuy dlwiniercif 4lt. tn ti..uti.f..ir gounol clUiurmx vhL'tlicr urliluid (ruinUiuexcuiibu W'jBfflMT' Wo carry to ihe railroad from EMI'IRRCITY via (iAKUINKK, SCOTTiJ- IlURO AND EI.KTON, TO DRAINS. Aijood Biipply of MUTTON, .RVk0ANNKI) - T3J UUUWB, 11BKF. pome,. T0 ru aya ibiw . , Btimulttiiu, AFTER ibacco or Opium, or ttiroiuli toulnf ul lul A fowl larni of 210 acres on Tenmilo lake fur sale cheap. Inquire at this of fice of Uray & Hill. Tobacco or Opium, or tliruuli toutnf ul iixllsero tlon, oyer Indulgence, Ae , sucfi as Isitsof Ilralu Power, WuVefiilmm, Ili-nrliiKdown palnsln tlie Uct,BeinliunViknc,l(yU.rlB1Kerous Pro. trutlon, Koetunml Kmluloui, Iucorr liu o, )u zlui-M, Weak Memory, Im ol Power awllrniio- A .mm aLlHB ft lAlfllnAtH lfrt t flfl 4ffc tilmmn M 1 I WAm VOU Ji f Mlvli i Hiftiivsvu'isvit . I'lvu'D'o'v oM a& bu1 lunnuity, VrU o JXW a Ux, CUixea for I.YU0 Kent br mull on ifcoeipt o( iirlco a vrr I 00 order nn-clvwl. to rtf iiimI thu money a I'orinrineiit cure it not efTeftJ. Wo liuiu ... ....!. ... . .ui. I mnfil.l. fmni .il.l ntA m. f.txtitr ol both exei who liare been ix-rinaueiitlr rurrd bytbeiueofApbrodltloe. Circular iree. Addrtu THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. rnolflo Drnnoh, 108 Btovwwil St., Han fUAKCUCO, CtJ. Knbl bv 11. Kuncstacken. Druggul. I Marshfield, Oregon. ClTAGES LEAVE KMI'IRE CITY EVERY DMONDAY, VEDNIIMY and KKIOAY maUlngilosei-onneclion with alllr.ilnial Drains. Passengers by this line hate a so mile rde on the smooth, hard sea Iw.icli, nnd 30 mites of iiennihoating on Hie Ix-aiitllul uuipqua. ThrouRh to Portlandi only JM-S". Commercial travellers notlcu towns on lliis line. I'n re, iu Ii-iliiV - - - H.OO Faniillhs at reduced ralfs. JARVIS, CORNWALL & CO. Jy6 'S 58 3yrRs:Ei' On "A" swt, west of Central Intel. Families, hotels, vessels nnd locRlng camps futnlilied with the best or all kinds of meats. OIVT3 ME A CALL. LT MBA! 8 and VI.OETArLES o( kinds constantly on Imnd. 7 Also a gool stock of (JROCERIKS. t3T VESSELS and IXIOQINO CAMI'Ssup piled lliort notice. dels SELLING OUT! Tho entile Mock of MILLINERY GOODS, KIllIiONfi, LACES, LA 1)1 EH AND CIHMMKN8 UNUKUWKAK - A.t Cost. Must vacate storo by rjepteiiibor 1st. Now Is your chance to buy cheap, MRS, A. KELLNER. I "t J r . r-i a rui ? nnnisrair Oroo'&s . ...!.. nn,l. And Indies dross ami iuniin - ,if 8lllcirPlu.liP, Velvets, CiM-iimi'M nnd all kinds ol Jry GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hals, Caps, Hoots and Shoos, OlKr and Tobacco. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, B.ovos, and M kinds of ..-,, Call .uid examine nooiiH and not hhpick, at l'ortor, OW ihtiim UNDO. Odd tallows as-erw S3-U- DKALKH in f MH(1 vo !,, ,mmM Vnnvy Uhi, VYmmV'tSuH Ofre 4.'loliliifr, .IIomh' I'MriiUhlMSf " H" Hats, Caps, boots n0. m. M1SS1W' AND 01II1.DIIBNS- OWAKB A ' VomIW SOIALTY, LA 1)11 1 .. ,...-- -. " -.. omH TflDiOW f..Um, aMl Vallaea. t;iuwr . i! . v .irj.ir hati8ii Wall pnoerann nn" , . nJLZmZZXa. A.11 Grades. UVj ll mJ lll) y. ji vy . r , W....1.1 r,.nnlf,.nv Invito an examination of t0H!.U0VArnincemen rotUflpil timt It Is 10 llielr Interest loinnko inroMM 0lt tylo l liavo Ih'uii imido to kt'iip constantly -appiioo wij" V awDO TroP t;oods. WbMpw-