'mVZmVfmZ Jl -r n The Pnn. Hv 11; . n n uw jjm -nuiu A RAYON 0., Coast Mail. MARSHFIBLD. OREGONi Thufidy, : inn; September 35, i8go C-ISECIHrilD, OH,. LIFE-SIZE CRAYON PHOTOS COPYING AND ENLARGING FROM 0L0 PICTURES, VIEWING, ETC. ALL SIZES AND 8TYLES OF FINE PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN, For tlio Fncat Work i.t Reasonable Friaoii Call on us at MoMILLAN'8 uai,ikky, on A street. M c JVL .1 JU JU j. 1ST & BRATT, a runs mm rnotographors, Marshfleld, Orogon. m . S. Minott, (Successor to J. I), Garfield.) Dealer in. Tinware,. Hardware, 5 Farming Tools Front street, Marshflold, Oregon. Paints, OllH, Vumlnlicfl, Jkufilicc, Dooru nnd Windows, Hardware, Tinware, (iluuswiiro, Crockery, Willow-ware, HuggicB, ' IIiirncescB, PnrmingToolfl, Cutlery, etc. Wood ware. SOLE .A-GKEUSTT FOB Bridge & Beach's SUPERIOR Stoves and Range Nasliurg & DEJLIjEIS I3ST rst, ENERAL MERCHANDISE, Fiiokt Stuket, Makhiikiki.d, Oh. Wo krepcnimtniitly on lniiul in our large ami commodious mere, a woll clcclcd Mark, cnnshdni; of Hie taut staple and fancy Dry WooiU of nil Ulnilx. nnd tlio ckotcoHt fsrorertaa nnd PravlitoHH. A .nrgo stock of Clothing, ITnlsnnd Caps, Rooti and Shoe, Rtibbor and Oil GlotliliiKi Oil Cloths, Crockery, Glass and Hardware. Paints. Oils and Varniiduwi.ninMivare, Tinware, Ammunition, uuuury, oou ami Willowwaro, nonooi iiiiuksihiii omimiiery, Fur nishing Ooods, Hosiery, Ktc. Etc OIGABS JISTJO TOBAOOO. Our oxtoiiMvo show r-asrs are filled with the flntMilllnory nnd Fancy Pood ever brought to Ooox buy. NASRURO fc HIRST. NEW W, G, WEBSTER'S BRICK STORE ! Front fltroot, Maraliflold, Oregon. I keep cotmtantly on liana ino larcosi nnu uosi biuck ui guuua in Soutliorn Oregon. BOOTS AND 8H0ES, MEN'8 FINE SUITS, HATS AND The Arago arrived to-day. Jewolry at Sengstackon's. The smoko continues donso. G rasa scodn at Songstacken's. School commonces next Monday. A 1 oak goad sticks at Minott's. Tho Rutcher Roy Is laid up for re pairs. Capt. Parker was on tho bay thfs week. Tho Nora Harking tcrday. arrived bore yes- Lumbor is coming Into town at a llvo ly rate. Hats, tho very latest stvlos. at Bone stacken's. Tho tug Hunter was at North Rend this week. Stencils to order at Minott's hard ware ttoro. I'lnoBt stock o( boots and shoos at tho Porter store. Thero was a danco at Newport on Sat urday night. Tho school house In receiving a new coat of paint. Grading la progressing at Glasgow on a largo scale. JohnYoakem will drivo a team In Laird's camp. Ruildinga aro going up la various parts of town. If you want to boo cheap goods go to tho Porter Btore. CAPS, AMD GENTS' FURNI8HING GOODS. j&. Corci-plete ZfcTe-w Stools: i. r.. ii... rvnfnrv N.i lil stvlcB kent on hand. Our aim is to kcop r.brgnst of tho timus and sell our goociu at rcasonablo prioes, G-eneral Merchandise & Groceries ZErETW" STORE. XL NT CASH STORE! The capacity Doubled. 2X"ETW PRICES! -i iru Rmft,, iTT'ii hkkn ENTIRELY HE-FITTED AND ENLARGED T,IaL?nV;Umk8ofnGoolIllb,1on received, which will be nld at bed- " If Jou want to be ..tonl.h.d, coll and see us. --". rrLi?nffiT0RE,Hat8'cap8'ctc- T. W, UK.VXfK H. 0. SMITH. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY, RENNIE & 8HITH, PROPRIETORS, JIInrAHHeld, OrcROH. ALL KINDS OF LAUNDRY WORK, ti.. moat clminos wlil.nnt harm. LInon and lacps handled by Women dolicato fabrics Gont's work n Harm, jincii 7 r . ... ,, vtf work. ft apcclalty. Blanket. Bod-qullto, ami ' '"" ;-"' ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .TRY THIS METHOD. Judgo Nosier was over from Coqulllo City on Tuesday. Tho Coos Ray Steam Laundry is do ing excellent work. Engineer Whipple has moved his camp to North slough. Tho court and lawyers havo rcturnod from Curry county. Many now buildings aro projected in tho south part of town. The Motor Co. la ondeavoring to so euro franchises and right of way. Fon Balk. At a bargain, an iron safe In good condition at Songstacken's. Laird Is Oiling Coos river full of logs from tho now railroad on Lett Crook. Rorn, at Myrtlo Point Sept. 13, to tho wife of Dr. D. M. Rrower, a daughter. Now stock of boots and shoos, your very size and style, at 8eng8tacken's P. O'Noil expects to loave with his 6Cows and outQt for San Pedro to-morrow. Sborlff Slglin is serving jurors to at tend Circuit court, which meets October Oth. For tho best looking suit of clothes at tho very lowest price, call at Sengstack en's. If you want a One silk shirt, latest Btylo, for only 13.70, call at the Porter store. " t Manager Loggio has taken a trip up Into tho stato of Washington and returned. Messrs. McPherson & Closer have bought lots in Gljsgow and will build thereon. John Kronenbcrg, tho hardware mer chant of Coqulllo City, was on tho bay this week. TIiob. Minott has bought a fine team of horses and handles tho ribbqns like an ox pert, E. J, Masters, of Sumnor, boa gone to Monmouth to attend tho Normal School at that place. Mr. II. A. Moss of tho Glasgow Co with Mrs. Moss has gone to Portland for a few days. Tho Marshflold Real Estate Co, has put out a gorgeous sign on tho building south of tho Rank. LuBt Monday's Oregonian was devo ted to manufactories of tho Northwest and was a splendid edition. . Died, noar Norway, Sept. 15, 1800, Ncllio May, tho eleVon month's old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clinton. Work is progressing rapidly on tho new steamer being built at Lackstrom'a shipyard. Tho ribs aro all in position Tho Montesano's repairs are comple ted and with a now coat of many colors, (paint), she again walks the brlney fluid. Dr. Towor has bought the Gllmore place on Coqulllo river opposite the ter minus of the Coos bay and Coqulllo railroad. A largo quantity of pharaphernalia for building tho Ro8oburg road arrived on tho Areata and is boing put In shapo for business. Mr. Grollraan, the druggist of tho EraplroClty drug storo, has resigned his position and Louis Monroe has taken his placo. Married, at tho rosldence of the brldo's paronta near Coqulllo City, Sept. 21, A. R. Cunningham nnd Miss Myrtlo MiQuIgg. Thoro waB a ploasant party at O. E. Unit's Iioiibo on Tuesday nliiut. Tho family will move down to tho Stave mill noxt week. Tho Coos Ray Roard of Trado la now woll organltod and Its officers aro doing everything posslulo for ine auvance mont of this section. Thero will bo no sorvlco In tho Hap- n-t oi.nmli noxt Sunday on account of tiwi lisence of Rev. '. . Bcouem 8unday school at tho usual hour, If you want a windmill, buy tho Cy clone, tho only first-class mill mado, also th'o cheapest. T. S, Minott, Mr. Mnslck, of Sumner, has bought oat tho logging camp of Ttioa. Mortimer on South Coos rlvdr. Sonator Hamdon'a Minntrola perform ed at Matshfleld on Saturday and Tues day ovenlngs to large houses, and gave n good Bhow Dr. Snonoglo has relurnod to Coqulllo City, wlioro ho will practice his profes sion. Ho mado a host of friends during his stay in Marshfleld. Dr. Murphy's Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is tho best modlcino for colds and coughs; always cures. Fifty cento a bottto at Songstacken's. Noal & Hyde's pllo driver Is at work driving piles for tho foundation of Song ataken & Garfield's now building, on Front Btroot, near the old cook honse. Meedamea O'Connoll and Minott left last week for Nanalmo. D. 0., whethor thoy wero called by a telegram announ cing the probablo fatal Illness of their mother? Victor Lacketroui haa gono to San Francisco to purchase suitable machin ery for manufacturing fnrnlture. Mr. Lackatrom is a rustler and "don't you forget It." The Oakland Observer is a new can didate for public favor jjublishcd in Douglas Co. by H. J. Richmond. It makes a good appearance and ought to prosper. Tho steamer Express was hauled out on tho ways at Christcnsen & Johnson's yard yesterday, and will receive a thor ough overhauling. Tho Coos is running in tier placo. i i Ned Haywood will attempt to mako 300 miles (go-as-you-ploaeo) in 72 hours in Odd Follows' ball, from Thursday, Oct. Oth to tho 11th, on a wager made by E. A. Anderson. After tho 1st of October tho town ordi nance against cattle running at largo after night will be enforced. Take no tico and keep your cattlo in your barn after tlio abovo dato. McPherson & Ginnor havo com menced tho construction of their busi ness house on Front Btreet, next to E. R. Dean & Co'u. Btore. Mr. L. A. Aweng is tho contractor. Tho Knights of Labor do not approve of the purpose of employing China labor in tho construction of railroads in this county and papers of protest are being signed by members of tho ordor. Tho two logs pot in at W. H. Noblo's camp on the Isthmus wore scaled at North Rend last week one was 54x50 and tho other 53x00, nnd tho two con tained 10,120 feet of lumbor. Who can beat that for two logs? Lost Of The Ajax. Tho Coos Ray Real Estato and Dovel optnont Co. has some fine natural pro ducts of Coos county on exhibition in their off! co in tho shape of turnips, onions and tomatoes, raised by J. J. Clinkenbeard, of Daniel's creek. Mrs. M. E. Fox raised from a Binglo oat of the Welcome variety, planted on the Myrtlo Grove farm on Tenmile, 75 perfect stalks, and on counting flvo of the average heads, they ranged from 100 to 110 perfect kernels in each head. Sealed bids will be roceived at tho Recorder's ofDce in tho town of Marsh fiold until noon Saturday, for building addition to tho Engine house. For fur ther particulars and specifications call at the Recorder's office. Judge Rean has sold his residence property in Eugeno to J. G. Goodalo, of Coburg, for 13000, and as ho is to givo possession by October 1, will rcmovo to 8alem this month. He is now having a nice residonco erected in Snlem. Agent. Thero will be a grand ball given un der tho auspices of Orockor's String Oimdrllle Band, In Odd Fellow's hal j Baturdoy night, Oct. 4th. See poatorB, Frank A. Golden was elected by tho MarshQeld Chamber of Commerco to represent that body in the convention to form tho Stato Roard of Trade at Portland. He will also attend the Grand Lodge of K. of P. as a dolegate. Grand Master J. F. Robinson, of the A. F.&A. M. will be in Marshfleld, Tuesday Sept. 30th, and will visit the lodco that ovemng, when, all members of the lodge in good standing aro oarn estly requested to bo present. Ry order W. M. Men aro nt work fixing up wagons, and all kinds of implements preparatory to grading on the Roseburg road. It la expected that a large forco of Chinamen will soon bo on the ground and that tho work will bo pushed as rapidily as pos sible. Somo supurb peaches wore brought to town on Saturday by Mrs. Chas. Eck- hoff, which wero raised at the EckhofT placo, near Glasgow. They wero large and of flno flavor. The old idea that this is not a good climate for peaches may ns woll bo discarded. Tho West Oregonian of last wook elves a helpless lamb-llko bleat and says It charged fraud upon somo of the leading enterprises of the bay because some ono said ho did not believe tho Drain road would ever be built. That is a very lame oxcubo and it is to bo hoped that journal will not repeat any rnoro of suoh foolishness. Daniel Palaska of Randon had a fin ger amputated here yesterday by Drs. Owon and Sponogle. He foil some timo ago and broko the flngor and it has been very ugly over slnco and blood poison wnB eettlnir in. which necessitated am putation. NoU itliBtanding the old man Is nearly ninoty years old ho stood tho operatlon'llke a robust man. fHorald. Tho Cosmopollton Magatiuo is a monthly, after tho stylo of Harper'a and fully equal in morlt to that publication. SajupleB have been sont to many of our subscribers. If you want to subscribe and club with tlio Mail wo can furnish both for $3.75, in advance. Tho Maga xlnois $3.00, Mail (2.50, (5.50. Will furnish both for (3.75. Capt. J. Roberts, of 'the nt earn or Emily, came up from San Francisco last week and is now with his vessel at the Porter mill. After ho left tho city ho hoard of tho loss of tho stnnmnr and ran into Shelter Covo, arriving thoro at 4 p. m. on Saturday, and llndfng tho crow and passengers all on ahoro. Ho remained with them threo or fonr hours. Tho first man ho met on tho beach was tho captain of the Ajax and asked him of tho disaster. Tho captain said he struck on tho inside rock c-f Rlunt's Reef at Capo Mendocino, and that by his tlmo and log ho calculated he was ton miles south of that placo and chang ed his course accordingly. Rcforo ho commenced to haul tho vessel In it was" comparatively clear bnt it shut down very thick and he changed his course for Point Arena. Ho kept blowing his fog whiatlo wlillo going full speed and without tho slightest warning, Btrnck and Immediately backed oil and point cd for Shelter CoVo, which Is about 40 miles from whoro ho struck and for which placo ho mado all posaiblo speed. Tlio injured vessel, however, received water very fast and after making about 28 miles alio sunk on Rig Flat in 10 fathoms of water, where about 2 feet of her mast heads can now be seen at low water. , Reforo sinking thoy got all tho boats ready, fonr of them, and tho passengers got aboard, without any baggago what ever, and thoy pulled through tho thick fog, 12 miles to tho Cove, where they arrived about 0:30 p. ra. vory cold but none of them wet. Thoro was a heavy sea rolling but no wind, and it was be tween 0 and 10 o'clock a. m when the accident happened. Tho passengers speak in tho highest terms of the con uuctoltue otucers and crew and say that every effort possible was mado for their comfort and safety. They wero stopping with John Ray, who owns a placo abont a mile from the beach, and keeps a small hotel, tho hotel was not largo enough to accomodate them and some had to sleep in tho barn on the hay, but although'thoy had lost all thoy bad, they seemed to be in tho best of spirits and sent their regards to frionds in Marshfleld and on the bay and caid they had plonty of "pork and beans." The captain of the Ajax had just got back from a, station 40 miles away as tho Emily arrived, where he had char tered the steamer Newport to take all hands to tlio city. Sho was to havo ar rived at tho Cove Saturday night from Elk river, but tho fog was thick and she did not get in until Sunday morning. After tho vessol struck it was plainly to be seen that she was going down and tho pumps were worked to their fullest capacity, and tho passengers turned in and helped bail but tho wajcr kept gaining fast and sho kept sinking by tho head. Sho is probably a total loss and It is not likely anything will ever be done with her. Tho only reason for being out of her course is tho fact that the currents wore unusually strong, as she had always taken her courso by time and her log nnd had never mado a mistake before. No one imputes any blame to the cap tain, who has won a reputation of being a careful and competent man, and much sympathy is expressed for him as he feols keonly the loss. The Ajax was built in San Francisco abont two yoara ago and was a woodon vessel which cost (120,000. The Call of Sunday says: "The Aiax was tho fineBt vessol in tho Oregon Coal and Navigation Com pany's fleot. She carried 800 tons of coal, and had mado eighty round trips, seldom varying an hour in her arrival and departure from schedule time. She was valnod at (120,000, and insured for (75,000. Captain Donaldson, her com mander, came out here five years ago in an English ship, nnd has been in the company's employ over since, working his way up from quartermaster. He formerly had command ot the Arago and the Areata, relieving Captain Jes son of the latter vessol when he took command of tho Humboldt. Captain Nelson says that lie is a splendid navigator, and that ho would havo no hesitation in again giving him command of a vobboI if ho is exonerated from blamo when the investigation is held by tho United States officials. Blunt'a Koef. wlioro tlio diBastor oc curred, is the placo where the steamer Northerner struck in 1853, when 400 lives wero lost. This was tho worst wreck ovor known on tlio coast." Probable Murder. Ernest Mosher, a son of Rov. J. Moshor, of Coos river, In this county mysteriously disappeared In Portland on tho 0th of this month. He left his homo on Saturday evening of that date to go to the barber's shop and get shaved, and that was tho last heard from him until tho 11th whon his dead body was found floating in tho waters of tho Willamotto noar ono of tho wharves. Ills agonized wifo made every search for hlmt but all efforts to trace him wero unavailing. It is thought he most havo been murdorcd as ho was a Bober, in dustrious man, and has been in tho em ploy of tho Transfer Company for somo tlmo. Ho leaves a wifo and ono child and was 30 years of ago at his death. Ho was thought to havo had monoy when ho left homo, but no money was found on his person and his watch was missing. Tho case in a vory sad ono. Col. Crane came down tho beach in company with Col. Heald on Saturday. The gentleman is prominent In railroad circles and came to get a better know ledge of this country nnd its railroad prospects, lor tho benefit of parties in terested. They left Sunday morning for the Coqulllo with Frank Hoberg, and will return via Roseburg. James Laird came In over tho now road to Coos county last woek and re ports that tho firo is destroying the road in many places, burning tbo timbers and bruBh on the down hill side ot erodes and culverts, so that the road la fast becoming impassible. He thinks tho road so consttucted ought not to havo been received by our county of ficials. Plalndealer. If wo can judge by tho nmount of work that tho Coos Ray Photo & Crayon Co. nro doing, we would sny tho pooplo are appreciating their reduction in cab inet photos, tho quality is cortnlnly flrst-cloBS, Improve your opportunity during tho remainder of this month. Thevnro Bottlnu up some vory fine spoclmons of the life-size crayons. Wall paper, all shades, at Coos Ray drug store, Headquarters for all sorts of station cry at Sengatackon's. Representative Hermann has secured an order for an increaso of mail service between Myrtle Point In Coos county andEckloy in Curry county, Oregon; the increased service to commence Oc tober 1st. He also filed a petition for tho establishment of a postofrko at the mouth of Elk River, in Curry county, to bo named Seaforth, witli Robert Mc Kenzio as postmaster. It is frequently charged that real es tato on Coos bay is held nt too high prices. Tho following from the Eugene Guard will give somo indication of prices in tho valley towns : ".negotiations navo neen in progress for the purchaso of the Stewart land, adjoining Eugene sooth of 10th street. The party seeking to make the purchase is said to bo an Astoria capitalist Thero is 150 acres of the land and tbo price is (500 per acre. If bought it will belaid out in town lots. Mr. Stewart would retain tlio four blocks between Eight' and Tenth streets." Howard Morrow aged about nirfoteen, went in swimming just after dinner Thursday, Sept. 4, in tho Umpqua river nearElkton, with four of Mr. P. W. Rhodes' boys. Mr. Morrow walked into tbo water a few steps and making a dive came up where tho water was just over his head. As he came np he rubb ed his hands down oithor side of his face and sank off into the water. The boys supposed he was playing, bnt be coming alarmed immediately went .to his assistance. The found him at the bottom of the river and as ho weighed ISO pounds and the oldest boy of Mr. Rhodes' boing only sixteen, they got him out by getting a plank and floating him on shore. They commenced doing everything in. their power to restore the young man, but he was dead and only gasped twico after being taken on shore. His parents were wired for and on ar riving at Elkton, had their son buried there. (Drain Ectio. Tho Oregonian says : "The Knights of Pythias have about decided to build a fine and imposing castle, which, with tho site, will represent an investment of (150,000. For some time the project has been discussed in the lodges, and a well-known Knight told a reporter yesterday that within a few daya promi nent members of tho ordor would incor porate tho Knights of Pythias Improve ment Company, with a capital of (103,-000. The castle will bo ono of tlio finest buildings in tho city. It will be con' trally located, but just where has not been decided. It will be five or six stories high. There w ill bo storerooms on the ground floor and offices and the castle on tho oth or floors. Work will bo begun next spring. It is expected that tho venture will be a financial success from tho start. No one doubts but the necessary money can be raised. Thero aro 1000 Knights in Portland, and they will all subscribe." If you want a fine piano, see McMil lan. Accordeons, fine new stock, at Song , Rest bargains in silver watches mado at Songstacken's. T. S. Minott has a full stock of har ness, of all grades, at prices which defy competition. If yon want to see the finest gents' underwear over brought on thiB bay, and the cheapest. Go to tho Porter etoro. Rest and cheapest hats in the county at the Porter storo. Stetson hats cheap at than they can be bought in San Fran cisco. AVo aro now prepared to produce tho finest work, equal to San Francisco's best. Call and see the new work at McMillan's gallory. Fon Sale. Tho Robinson House, in Coqulllo City, for sale at a bargain. In quire of Coos Day Real Estate & De velopment Co., Marshflold, Or. CotmiUe CityApAsay. Ed. Nkws, An cdaeUos4 society feM been formed for tho purpose, ot ereetfog an academy in this cowity, CoaHJa City has been selected as a witHe sH? on account of its cented taeatfos have been taken a hare the incorporated. The capital atoek Im km fix-ed at 95000, and stock fa tke smm Wat bo sold at $10 por sh are, AR penoaa Iv tcrcatod in tho seaceas of seek aa tiwHtai tion are solicited to take sioek la Um fp sociation. The academy building k bow la eoast of construction, and will bo ready tm school to commence about Mov. M. Rate of tuition will bo as follows: Vet primary grade, 91-50 per Konth; later mediate, 92.00; grammar, $2.50; academ ic, $3.00. Studonts pursuing stadka be yond tho regular academic course, wiR hm charged an additional feo of fiOo Mr month. A printed circular wiR sec ke iraaod, outlining tho branches ia eadb courto. Arrangements aro being mado to besat students at tho academy; such wiR reeeira board and tuition for 912.00 per moatfe. Kb pains will be spared to make i&im one of tho best schools in tbo state. A full corps of successful teachers has bees secured. Particular attention has bees paid to getting teachers especially adapt a to tho work of the different grades. Anyone wlthing to take stock ia tbo in stitution should write to tho treasarer, R. W. Airey, Myrtle Point, Oregon. A oxpecting to attend the academy wSft please correspond with the undersigned, or with the principal, Prof. "W. H. Bnneaj Coqillo City, Oregon. Frak 8. Bunch, Pres. Ed. Association, The sheriff notifies tax-payers that h will be at the various precincts oa tba following dates: Samner, October 27 Barton Prairie, 28; Dora, 29; Mkaoti-h 30; Enchanted Prairie, 31; Rowlaad f vembcr 1; Myrtlo Point, 3; Norway, 4t Beaver Slough, 5; Parjcersburg, C; Baa dolph, 5; Bandon, 8; CoquUIe City, 10; Coalodo, 11; Coos City, 12; Coca -Eivef, 13; North Coos River, 14; Marshfleld, ID; Ten-Mile, 17; Lake, 18; Empire City, 19 South. Slouch, 20; Newport, 21. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. Sept 10 Stmr Ajax, Donaldson, from 0 V to 8 O Co. Sept 10 Stmr Arago, Thomas, from 0 V to 80 Co. Sept 17 Schr Gotama, Kelson, from B V to North Bend. 8ept 18 Tug Columbia, Magee, from Gar diner to North Bend. Sept la-Stmr Areata, Marshall, from Bf to 8 O Co. Sailed. Sept 10 Stmr Ajax, Donaldson, 8 F. Bept 10 Stmr Arago, Thomas, 8 T. Sept 10 Stmr Areata, Marshall, B F. Sept 17 Stmr Ajax, Donaldson, B P. Sept 17 Katie O'Neil, Johnson, 8 P. Sept 17 Tug Columbia Magce, Qardiaatb SeptlOHtmr Arago, Thomas, 8 F. Sept 19 Schr J F Miller, Hanson, B F, aro Piling- Wasted. The Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern Railroad Co., will receive bids for cedar piling. Piles to measure from twenty five to sixty feet in length, as the coxa pany may order, and to be not less thaa ten inches in diameter at the small ead. To be delivered along the right-of-way whero needed, or in the waters of Istli mns slough. Bids will also bo received for cedar ties, 8 feet long, 0 inches thick, and not less than 8 inches wide; to be hewed and faced on top and bottom. Ties to bo delivered along the right-of- way of said company at such points aad at such tMies as they may direct. Ties and ptlinjjfe be paid for inspection and acceptance by the company. Address bids to W. B.Krao, Supt. Construction, Marshfleld. Or. Schedule of wages on the Coos Bay, Roseburg and Kaslern Railroad & NavigaUon Co., for con struction work; Choppers. Irom $1.75 to $a per day. Hewers, from $3 to J3 50 per day. Graders, $1.75 per day. Rock drillers, $a per diy. Muckers, $1.75 Pr dy- Teamsters, to horiej, $30 per month and board; four and six horses, 140 per month nnd board. Pile-driver men, $a per day. Bridge carpenters. $3 per day. Foremen, from $3 to $4 per dty. Cooks, from $40 to $50 per month. Ten hours to constitute a days orlc All car penters must furnish their out) chest of tools. lioard, $4 50 per week, in Co.'s camps. Boarding camps will bo established at conven ient points along the line, but It will not be com pulsory for men to board at company camps. i"ny diy will bo about the 15th of each month for work performed in preceding month. R. A. Graham, w. a Kino, Manager. Supt, of Construction. Pay Up. All persons knowing thomselves in debted to tho undersicued are tequested to square their accounts Immediately and oblige, Jamks L. Ferkey, Blanco Hotel. Baalaesa Perse aals. Taka your subscriptions for all papen to F. P. Norton, Riggs, onr photographer, takes tba lead for fine photographs. Golden offers a fall lino ot fisMag tackle, at reduced prices. Delicipus soda water on draaghta again at Goldon's drag store. Call at Golden's soda foaataia for a drink of that delicious soda water. for sale at O'Connell's hardware store Large assortment of new trout flies at Golden's drug store, at reduced prlaaa. Mason's fruit jars in 4 gallon, quarto and pints at O'ConneU's hard ware store. O'Connell's mixed paints caa be seen on every hand, beautifying the towa tA Marshfleld. Vexlar pa alia platter 1 Euro pa forsel- Sa genom, Flanagan & Bennett's bask, arahfield, Oregon. "Whatia Angelina T Send to Geldaa's drug store for descriptive pamphlets tf yon aro a sufferer from rheumatism. The Tenbroeck house la Empire City b located In a pleasant part of town and is fitted with large sunny rooms good beds and good tables. Charges reasonable. Try the house. Ruesles, road carts, serag wa 1. farm wagons, hand carts aa wheelbar rows, also the famous Ttesr and WbU loy mowers and all popular sulky bay rakes, at O'CoaaeU'a hardware store. In drinking Golden's soda water yoa have the assurance that yoa are avoid ing the dangers of iunltafam fUverlBpi, made from iaJBrkms cbemieato. Oely pure fruit juleea Heed. Bead la year or ders. Cases of 2 do. (1.00, 4 des. (4JXI. T. Howard has just received a irate-lass stock of watehea aad jewelry, in cluding solid gold watches aad chabis. If you want a "Boss" O, saevewesit, call and see them. Loeis XIV "Bees" filled cases always on head. My pske are lower than aay ether dealer est the hay. If yoa de not belter H, eewe and nrira mv aoods. All watc eeees. geld rings, and sliver spoeaa beaght Htm will be ongraved free el ebga. T. HowAKB.Jswifar, Front street, MewkieW, Or. t t u :, I m X V if ' M fei ill v A jf.&w?Jt-..'. ,:i