The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 18, 1890, Image 3

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""' 1 1 wiiiiinnnn ijhiiumhbim
tj Jay pHOTo & Prayon
l-nun uuu I'luiunts, VIEWING, ETC.
. mm mm . .
,1,, Fncnt Work nt Uoasonabln Prices Onll on us il McMILLAN'S
OALLHUY, on A stroot.
Artlcti and Photographers, Mnrshfluld, Oregon.
T. S. Minott.
(Hucccrsur to J. 1). Garfield.)
Dealer in
ware, Hardware, Farming Tools
Front street, Marshfiehl, Oregon.
iinlj, iltirtlwitre. IJuggicH,
,, Tinware, IIiuiiospch,
uiiiHlii'fi Glassware Vanning Tools,
tislicf, ' Crorlj vry, ,, . .Cutlery, etc'
i irn tiitil Win-lowc, Willow-ware, Woodivnrp. .
Uge & Beach's SUPERIOR
Stoves and Ranges
Nasburg & Hirst,
I keep constantly on IhiihI in our largo and ...intnodious store, a woll
ilHorlc.riinnln.liiK f Hie lft Klaplc unl '"
lry i.omlmoC'hn html, mid fliMltl-c
(Jrot-rrlcH iiml Vrny Won.
'flock of ClothiuK. H.UH.HHI Cap, U.MIH anil SImwj. Rubtfcr am Oil
thing, OH Cloth-, Crockery, Glass hihI ll.irdw..iv. I'.iinw.Oiljond
Vuronlies. f lhiwnr, Tinware, A mmiiniMoii. Cutlery, oo.l
anil Wllloww.iro, School Hook and St.itinnoiy, l-ur-nlHliliiL'
Wrinds, Hosiery, Etc. Lie.
r show en,.' urn filled with the ,WlJ!Jl,lV,,tv1f n!s?ancs'
vcr In miff lit to tW b..y. - NAfllURG A. HIKM,
Front Street, MarshfU'ld, Or.-ro-i
n cunHtutiUy on lmiul tlio'lnwrt ami boxt stock of goods
1 in Riiiitluirn Ori'L'Oll.
L Ooaaa-plete !Te-w StocHs
from the Factory. N. M. -lyl Mt on linn. . C Jui nlm
lep abreast of tho times and Mill our goons nt, niiuiuii i
irn.1 Merchandise & groceries
-rcr-i-Trwr STORE.
The capacity jjouoibu.
! "' ....!. ivi 1'ur Aimun
A . n.. ui..ok of Goods has been recoieti, wiiicu ' lu
If Jou want to bo ..tonl-hod, onll and boo us.
uoous are arriving "r. ' Vi rinU
Pa,pot.,Ol.clo,h.,M0t nB.0ndOon..hoii oiuto
omen to havo Iwon ninoo wl" J'""' ,.;, on tho Hay.
in. to Boll at lower prlw than over knn n on tlio .
or Coods, Dress Goods, Crooorlos, Hats, Caps, Etc.
AI A L N I unno,iu..u. imm
11,0. smith,
JHnrnkfloIcl, OrcH.
. . . ....iin,i iiv womon. uonm h
Without hurin. Linen ana mcos "" "' k
laity. UlBuVota. Ilei1-qnlU, mU "" othcftV Wrk'
Vho Coast Mail,
ov'taiirmLU, OKIMJON!
riUfl"3' r J 1 1 jn September 18, iflpo
Jowolry nt Kongatackon's.
Hoo nd. of Hoard of Trade.
Vloronco wants a Board of Trado.
J. M. Upton, of Handon, waa In town
I'lncdt utock of hoots and shoes at tho
I'ortor store
Fok, "so thick yon can cut it with a
kulfo" lifts como.
llnmdon'u Mlnslrols, In Odd Followo'
hall Katorday nllit.
Dr. McCormao Is putting Improve
montson his houso.
Ilonilnuartorn for all sorts of station
ery nt SoiiKslnckon's.
Mrs. I. Inckor, of K.nplro, Is tho
Ruost of Dr. Lund at HosohnrK.
Geo, It. Davis, tho real estate broker
loft for Han Francisco on tho AJax.
David Holland was a passenger up
tho Arngo, which arrived yesterday.
Knr llin liont. Innltncp nnlf nt ftnfltnn
tho very lowest price, call nt Sengstack
Tho Montesano has been getting some
repairs at ChrlHtenson it Johnson's
If you want a fine silk shirt, latest
style, for only (.1.75, pall at the Porter
IM Wh't'ock. tho escaped prlBonor.
was rccapjurcd nbovo Qoqnillo City last
Misses Addio Snyder and Sadie Hall
left for Itosotinrg on a viBlt, Monday
(3. F. Jackson broitght down a fino
horso and buggy from Spokano Falls
last week.,
MifBL.Tuttloand Miss May Drain
nr!t returnnd from tho city on the Ajix
on Tuesday.
T. 8. Minott has a full stock of har
ness, of all grades, at prices which defy
Nov. AV. Horsfall will hold service In
the Kplscopal church Punday evening
nt 7:30 o'clock.
Lots of fun at tho Minstrel Show Sat
urday night. Hamdon's Defined Min
strels aro coming.
P. Durgnn has purchased tho Lowo
property on Pino street and will come
to Marshfteld to live.
Mary K. Nashurg has accepted tho
position of deputy postmistress in tho
postofflco at this place.
Mains, tlio tailor, brought up a flno
sti-ik of goods from tho city. Now is
tho time to got a fino suit.
Frank P. Norton left for the fair nt
Central Point on Monday. Ho took his
raco horso, Arngo, with him.
Mr. dondolfo, of Tacomn, lias bought
lots at Glwow, and will proceed nt
once to erect a business house thereon
Diod, at Randolph, Or., Sept. 0, 1800,
Howard It , son of Mr. and .Mrs. D. II.
Getchell, ngod fonr years and 12 days.
Dr. Minnis removed u largo tapeworm,
measuring several yards, from n resi
dent of Noith Bond on Tuesday of this
Threo gangs of men aro grading
streets nt Glasgow. Tho tunnel on the
coil Is In forty feet with tho brightest
Tho Acmo saloon, Boll & Phillips pro
prietors, wns openod Saturday night
with a sumptuous spread and n jolly
good timo.
Tho steam laundry opons up with a
rush of business. A new delivery
wngon was receivod on tho Ajax and Is
n sightly vehicle.
Estrallas, Aristocraticos, otc., with
good assortment of domestic ami city
make, nt Seng'staclcon's.
Adam rorBhbaker was in town on
Monday. Ills mill on tho Coquillo is
doing good work' and aB usual its pro
prietor is flourishing.
An infant son of Frank King, aged 8
months, died on Isthmus slough Sept.
13th, and the funeral sorvlces woro held
at Marshfldld on Sunday.
Jacob Lando left on tho AJax for San
Francisco. Look out for the finest
Btock of ladles' dross goods over brought
to Coos bay when ho returns.
r,n Hat.k. ThoJtobinson IIouso, in
Coquillo City, for sale atn haigaln. In
qulroof'Coos Bayjteal Kstate & Do-
vejopment Co., Marshflohl, Ur.
Prof. Peoblos lias taken hold of the
mattorof improving onr public school
buildings vith eommendoblo energy,
and tho matter will bo nttonded to.
iu,i. win bo received by the secre
tary of tho Coos Bay Board of Trndo for
tho romoval of tho wrec oi u.o mcnim
r...nnl. nimnslio town. Frank Ho-
iutTDiuuK"' . '
berg, socrolary.
t II Wilson has sold his saloon fix
turcs to Win. Andorson, who v. Ill open
a saloon as soon as tho building on
Front street, noxt to tho restaurant, is
t n nnrratia. nttornev at law, has
inovod'wlth his family from Rosohurg
to Marshflold and will Docomo a cnueu
of this placo. Mr. Garrigils is a very
gonial gentleman.
R. Mains returned from Now York on
tho AJax on Tuesday. Ho was accom
panied by his daughter, Miss Nettle,
who haB boon attending school in that
Btato for about one yoar.
Tho Corvallia City Council has pasaod
an ordinance prohibiting cattlo from
running at largo n tho corporate limits,
Bnd the marshal, nlghtwatch.naii and
police omcors aro required to , etrlo t y
enforce the law. Marshfleld city full.
em pleaso tako notice.
ioo Laugh In loo Minutes.
Ilnmdet's Reflnod'Colorod 'Jljpslroln
1II appear in O.hV relloh' Hall un
Hatordar, HeptanilMr-3)ifi) lns it'igrand
minstrel and speciality entertainment.
Introducing souks, dances, specialities
and novolties entirely now, by a first
class company, headed by tho king of
comedians, Senator Hamden, with n
wagon load of now Jokes, songs and
dances, etc , and supported by a strong
company of talented vocalists, dancers
nnd specially artists. If you aro fond,
oi good singing and want to enjoy a
hearty laugh, don't fall to bo prescnU
Popular prices of admission. Reserved
seats at tho Post Offleo drug storo.
R. Hoberg, a brolhor of Frank IIo
berg, of tho Coos Bay Land Company,
camo down from his home In McMlnn
villa last week, and lias secured n posi
tion In Minott's hardwaro storo.
St. Louis has a pootle roporler who
chronicled a birth after this fashion:
"Tho gates of paradise woro left ajar
andananuol slipped out, straddled a
oonvonlont sunbeam and 'tobogganed'
to earth."
Tho Coquillo City tloruld says the
stockholders of thc-S. W. 0. AT' Society
held a meeting at Arago last Friday
evening nnd decided to open grounds
and hold tho county fair nt Bandon
II. Songstackon is having a buildtrg
erected on his lot on tho sawdust, near
tho Baptist church. It will bo tno
slories, and intended for a storo on the
ground floor. Savago & Magary are
doing the work.
Thero will bo a meeting of the Muish
field Chamber of Commerce in Song
stacken's hall Monday evening. All
members aro requested to bo present
as business of importance is to come
before the meeting.
Judge Hulcomb uas elected Mayor of
South Bend, Wash., after a spirited
contest between tho suporanuated moss
backs and tho piogressives. It is need
lets to say that tho judgo was tho can
didato of tho lattor party.
Wo acknowledge receipt of elegant
cauls of invitation to a Grand Banquet
tendered tho Press of tho Northwest
Pacific at tho Great Exposition nt Port
land. It ia Impossible to go, so we
shall stick to pork and beans.
Tho Kugeuo papers are talking about
a railroad from Springfield down to tho
SIusluw and thence to Coos bay. A
heavy railroad corporation is behind the
schcuio and many good judges have
faith in its speedy consumntion.
Hon. Dinger Hermann has introduced
nnd carried to n successful termination,
bills that aggregate $140,C00, for the
Sinelaw, and tho immortal 24 who voted
against turn last fall will receive their
share of tho benefits. The West.
Messrs. Mcl'liorsOn & Glnsor have
purchased the lot south of tho Holland
building, on Front sheet, and have con
tracted for tho erection thereon of a tno
story building a storo on tho ground
floor, and offices on tho second floqr.
Tho Rosobnrg Roviow tells us for the
fortietli timo that It Btarted the railroad
scheme. Of courso it did. It not tho
people together, secured the subscrip
tions, mada tho contracts, in fact, did
nbont everything. Tho Reviow ie a
great paper. Rats!
Burglars arc in town. Ono night last
week a prowler tried to got into Dr.
McCormac's rosidenco and reports of
Similar attempts at D. L. Rood's and
othor places havo created consideinblo
alarm especially among tho Indies.
Got out your shot-guns.
The steamor Arago, Captain Thomas,
arrived in San Francisco on Friday with
700 tons of coal. Slio had to wait for
the Ajax at tho dock nnd commenced
discharging nt 7 o'clock noxt morning.
At 0:30 o'clock that evening she was all
out, and shortly after loft for Coos bay.
This discharging is said to bo tho quick
est ever done on tlie front, as 300 tons
is coubldored quito u big day's work
Tho Myrtle Point papor puts on a
show of honor and declares it cannot bo
bought by any fraudulent enterprise, bj
this intimating, as it lias dono before,
that some of tho ontorprisos on tho bay
nrofruudulont. If that papor will have
tho honor ( V) to specify tho fraudulent
ontornrijos on tho bay it will- havo a
clianco to provo soma of its dirty iusln
uations. Tho honor, which manifests
jtself by insinuations and intimations of
wrong of other pooplo is several grades
below tho honor of a Bnoak tbiof.
C. W. Von Pogort was struck by the
derrick while standing on the'otaglng of
his plledrivor at Perahbaker'a mill and
foil a distance of forty feet to tho deck
below, striking on his shoulders and
back. Ho was reached almost limned
lately, but blood was rushing from his
mouth in a largo stream and after a few
convulsivo gasps all va3 ovor. The un
fortunato man leaves a wifo and two
children and was over 50 years of ago.
Tho funoral services at Coquillo City on
Saturday woro conducted according to
the ritual of tho I. 0. 0. F.
Georgo Dlvllbiss, of Port Orford, and
ono of tho pioprlutors of the Dlvllbiss
mines, waB in Mnrshtiold last week and
has profound faith in tho Juturo of Coos
county mining. Tho avorago rail! run
shows $ 28 to tho ton of quattr, which
can bo workod for $7 per ton. Some
quarts goes as high as $5G0 per ton.
Theto aro two nrastiaa tunning now,
which crush aiiout four tons a tloy, and
next spring it la expected and intended
to put up a ten-stamp mill, Sumo of
tho placer minors aro doing woll. Geo,
Wilson la making from (3.50 to (12 per
day la Johnson cteek.
Coos Day Board of Trade.
. - '
Tliertf was 'a largo ahd cnfhujlnsllo
meeting at Sdnslcken'e hall on Mon
day nlglH,rnI the DrginlzatioTi"" the
Coos Bay Board of Trade wan com
pleted. Tho following aro tho officers:
Dr. 0. W. Towor, president; K. E.
Ilinchman, vice-president; Frank Ho
berg, secretary; II. A. Moss, tressuror;
J. F. Glnsor, II. II. McPhorson, 0. F.
Jarkson, llollistor and Geo. It. Davis,
executive committee.
A largo number of mcrabors identi
fied1 themselves with tho organization,
which promlsos to bo one 'Of- tho lively
institutions of Coos bay.
Tho Board passed tho following reso
lution: Rtitslued, ihe Coo liiy BoiriJ of Trade,
in view of the mnnifest blunders, omiMlons and
Imciimciei in die ccnyil, (resioctfuUr rrqutJJ
our Kcpre-nLith4 hi Congress lo use their ut
most endeavors to secure nro-cnumcrntionof tlic
entire state.
Resolutions wero also passed looking
toward tho Fecuring steamer communi
cation between Coos hay and Portland,
and Messrs. Garrigus, Gray and Ben
nett wero appointed a committee to cor
respond with the fortland Chambor of
Coinmorco to Bectiro this objoct. Var
ious othor matters wero considered nnd
Lgreat interest wnn manifested.
Wanted, 150 cords of stovo wood.
Apply to E. A. Anderson.
An Astoria fisherman says sardines
ato very plentiful at tho mootli of the
Columbia. He was satisfied that a
wholo boat load, a ton or more, could
bo taken with tno hauls of a sicno. A
sardino cannery would certainly bo a
paying institution if this is tho case.
On Thursday morning E.F.Mossback
was found dead and his body lying on
Main Bticct. Harbor appropriation kill
ed him. Florence West.
It takes more than a harbor appro
priation to kill tho members of the fam
ily down in this section. However, they
are dying slowly.
Last night tho Ajux got aground on a
bar which had formed around tho snag
in tho channel opposito the slaughter
Iioubo nnd tho steamer put a lino oil the
log nnd pulled it out. Tho Coos Bay
Board of Trado aro making arrange
ments to have tlicso obstruclions re
moved immediately and tho above
shows that tho movo is a good one.
Bars form rapidly arouud these snags.
If no can judgo by tho amount of
work that tho COos Bay Photo & Crayon
Co. aro doiog, wo would say tho peoplo
aro appreciating their reduction in cab
inot photos, tho quality is cortainly
first-clasi. Improve your opportunity
during tho remainder of this mont').
They aro gotting up some very fine
specimens of tho life-sizo crayons.
A certain Capt:No!hon, of San Fran
cisco, has been giving a Call reporter a
theory of tho Coos bay bar, and is re
ported as follows:
"Captain Nolson states that when tho
water is low in Coos river tho bar flat
tons out and spreads, making the pas
sago across difficult. When tho river
runs full there is always a deep passage
across tho bar. Just now tho river is
running low, tho deep snows of tho past
winter having all melted and run down
ftom the mountains somo time ago."
Nelson is a daisy, and knows about as
much of Coos bay ns an Indian does of
opera. Coos river lias about n much
influence on tho bar as tho Blanco hotel
sewer has in prodncing the high tidos of
Lriio steel tug Collis, which was built
at me union iron irurua, ouu xruuio-
co, and which has recently been plying
on tho waters of Pugot sound, arrived
in San Francisco last Saturday, having
in tow the-bark Ludjow, ladon with 1000
tons of South Prairie coal, consigned to
Thomas Pedler, the ngont of tho coal
company. This towing down of a bargo
laden with coal is quite a now departure
on tho Pacific coast, and as J. Homer
Fitch says, is liable to revolutionize the
industry, though on tho Eastern coast
barges carrying from 500 to 2000 tons
aro constantly employed carrying
long distances. A. M. Simpson & Co.
inaugurated tho business on this coast.
Thero is no doubt that ero long many
othor vessels will bo engaged In tho li.
dustry, and that the lo-al shipbuilders
will havo tiQUHidemble oidera to build
barges for ttio business.
Diod, at Myrtle Point, C003 county,
Oregon, Sopt. 8, JSOO, Daniel Roborts,
aged 72 years, 9 months and 15 days.
Deceased was born in Muskingun
county, Ohio, December 23, 1871, and
was raised on a farm about ton miler.
fiom "Jaiuesvlllo, In his 22d year he
wum nnitod in marriago to Miss Kesiali
Ueatty, and in 1855 they moved to Mis
souri, where farming was slill followed
as an occupation. In the spring of 1874,
Mr. Roberts wonded his way westward,
and in May arrived in tho Coquillo val
ioy, where ho has nlnce resided, ncai
Myrtlo Point.
Ton children survive him, and they
are prominent citizons of onr county :
J. II. Roborts, Wm. Roberts, Danlol
Roberts, Mary Edwards, Manly Rob
erts, LIlo Bunch, Georgo Roborts,
also Sarah E. Carpoutor, Phillip A.
Roborts nnd David Roberts, deceased.
TI1010 aro thirty-fivo grand-children
that havo sprung from their union and
flvo great-grand-chlldron.
If you want a flno piano, seo
AccordoonB, flno now stock, at Seng
stacken's Wall papor, all Bhadoa, at Coos Bay
llondy mixed, puro "oil paints, all
eolorB, at Coos Day drug storo,
Best bargains in silver watches aro
mndo at Sengstnckcn's.
If you want to seo tho finest gents'
undorwoar over brought on this bay,
nnd tho cheapest. Go to tho Potior
The County Fair.
Tho attendance wns Very light at the
fair Jtn fact tho horso racing lion come
to bo about tho only attraction and
ihout tlio only portion worth reporting.
Tho races camo oil" a follows :
nnsT j,r.
Thrco-eights of a mile, for tlirco-ycar-olds.
James Aiken's Oregon Boy 1st;
Cleveland's Laura D, 2d; Harris' Nellie
3d. Time 37J seconds,
Thrco-cighls of a milo, free for all.
TicbotneoF. P. Norton's Arago nnd
Alex Hall's Sammy. Tho raco wns run
over ngnin, and rosulted in another tie.
Trotting match for two-year-old, ono
mile, host ttvo in'thrce. J. D. Garfield's
Clatawa won tho 'M and 3d heats. Time
3i27 and 3:34.'
Half-milo dash, free for all, won by
Norton's Argo; Aiken's Oregon Boy sec
ond; Alox Hall's gammy, third.
Trotting raco for four-year-olds, mile
hats, best two in three, won by J, T),
Garfield's Barney, Time, 4 minutes. ,
Novelty race, free for nil, ono mile
First quarter won by F. P4 Norton's Argo;
half by Argo; three quarters by .Ilutche
Bon's Daldio; mile. by Baldio." Time, 1:57.
Trotting raco, free fox all, three best in
five. Won by Joe Nay's Sir Walter in
first heat, distancing il. D. Humo's John
Hume. Time, 2:51.
Pilfnjy Wanted.
Tho Coot Bay, Rosobnrg A Eastern
Itnllroad Co., will receive bids, for cedar
piling. Plica to measure from twenty
live to sixty feet In length, as tho com
pany may Order', and to bo not Jess than
len inches ih diameter nt tho small ond.
To bo dolivered nlon the right-of-way
whero needed, or In tho waters of Isth
mus slough. Bids will also ho received
for cedar ties, 8 feet long 0 inches' thick,
and not less than S.inchcs wldo; to. bo'
bowed and faced on top and bottom.
Tics to be delivered along tho right-of-way
of said company at such points and
it such times ns they may direct. Tied
tnd piling to bo paid for Inspection and
icceptance by tho company. Address
Shis to W. B. Kino,
Supt. Constrnrtton, Mareliflcld. Or.
In Memoriam.'
At a regular meeting of Western 8tar,
Rnhekaii Degree, Lodge, I. O. O. F., tho
following ruiolutions wero submitted and
Whereas, Tho Supreme Ruler of tho
Universe lias seen fit to romovc from our
midst our late brother Robert M. Hutcho
son, therefore bo it.
Resolved, That wo bow in humble sub
mission to his divino will.
Resolved, That in the death of Uro.
jjutcheson this lodge loses a good mem
ber, his family a kind and loving father.
Resolved, That tho henrtfnlt sympathy
of this lodgo lio extended to his family in
their affiction.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on tho records of this lodge, and a
copy sent to each of tho newspapers for
( Lizzie Botleb,
Commiltoe Nellie A. Owen,
I JennibBennett.
Empire City.
S. H. Hazard has gone to Curry coun
ty to attend circuit court.
Capt. Jno. Erickson has purchased
the Jarvis proporty adjoining Hazard's.
Tho mill is shut down for a week on
account of tho wharf boing blocked with
Geo. "W. Loggio and I. Hacker went
ovor and took in the County Fair. They
had a very nice trip.
Empire now boasts of another M. D
Dr. L J Todd from Douglas Co., who
has come to reside amongst us.
Miss Annio Elanagan will retnrn to
San Francisco on this trip of tho Ajax.
She gops to rosurae her school work.
Tho S. O. Company is putting on 'an
addition to the Arago hotel, which will
mako it much moro roomy and 'conven
ient. The Coos Bay laundry wagon mado
its appearance in town on Monday, and
took away a largo lot of clothes. AVo
wish tho boys good luck in their venture.
P. O'Netl is making everything ready
to tako hie leave for San Pedro, as soon
as tho steam-schooner Emily gets back
from Sac Francisco, when she will tow
his rock scows down. Oosbuybr.
Coos River.
Wm. TJarkae paid his old neighbors a
pleasant visit Jost week.
Tho fishermon on Coos river aro hav
ing a fine catch this week.
Georgo Stemmorman, Isaac Landritli
nnd James Bunch will start for Roso
bnrg to-morrow on timber land busi
ness. School will commence in tho Lan
dritli school houso on tlin first Monday
in October. Miss Mabel Ilalstead, who
taught the summer school there, and
gave Universal satisfaction will proba
bly teach.
Hlbbard's Rheumatic and Liver Pills.
Theso Pills aro scientifically com
pounded, and uniform in action. No
griping pain so commonly following tho
use of Pills, They are .adapted to both
adults and child. en with perfect aaftity
Wo guarauteo they havo no equal In the
euro of SicU Ifcacuclio, Constipa
tion, Dyspepsia and Biliousness; nnd,
as an appetizer, thoy excel any othor
Best and cheapest hats in tho county
at tho Porter storo. Stetson hats cheap
er than thoy can bo booglyri SaTiii'ran-
Wo aro now prepared to produce tho
tlncst work, equal to -Salt -Francisco's
Sent. Call and seo tho new work at
McMillan's gallery, '"
Lebanon Is greatly excited over a
natural gas discovery. Tho. land on
.which tho discovery is located is owned
by William A. Hoag, of tho Oregon
Pacific. Tho Lcban6h Express man is
half crazy'with excitement, and already
foresees tlio timo when Lebanon shall
mrpass tho far-famed gas'atld oil fields
of Ohio and J?cnnsylvania.
Thero may bo- person's" in this com
munity wh6 aro at times troubled with
robe, or' subjoot to attacks of bowel
complaint. If 60, they shoald try
Chamberlain's ColicJ Cholera and Di
arihrcaltemedy. It will afford olmoBt.
immediate Jelief, and when reduced
with water is pleasant to tako, It tak
en as soon as tho flrsf Indication of tho
disease is felt it will ward off tho attack.
Many peoplo uso it in thin avaa, and '
find that it never fails them. A.23or50,
centbottlo may bo obtained from H.
Sengstacken, Marshfleld and Empire.
Pay Up.
AH persons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned aro requested
to square thoir accounts immediately
and oblige, James L. Fekrey,
IWanco Hotel.
Business Personals. . "
Take your subscriptions for all papers
F. P. Norton.
Riggs, our photographer, takes the
lead for fino photographs.
Golden offers a full lino of fishing
tackle, nt reduced prices.
Delicious soda water on draughts
again at Golden's drug store.
Call at Golden's soda fonntain for a
drink of that delicious soda water.
O'Connell's celebrated mixed paints,
for sale at O'Connell's hardwaro store.
Largo assortment of new trout flies'at
Golden's drug storo, at reduced prices.
Mason's fruit jars in gallon, quarts
and pints at O'Connell's hardwaro atore.
O'Connell's mixed paints can bo seen
on every hand, beautifying tho town of
A good farm of 240 acres on Tenmile
lake for sale che ip. Inquire at this of
fico of Gray & Hill.
Voxlar pa alia plaster i Europa forsol
jas genom. Flanagan & Bonnett's bank,
Marshfleld, Oregon.
What is Angelino? Send to Golden's
drug storo for descriptive pamphlets if
you nro a sufferer from rheumatism.
Tho Tonbroeck houso in Empire City
slocitedina pleasant part of town
and is fitted with large sunny rooms
good beds and good tables. Chargos
reasonable. Try tho house.
Buggies, road carts, spring wagons,
farm wagonB, hand carts and wheelbar
rows, also the famous Tiger and Whit
loy mowers and all popular sulky bay
rakes, at O'Connell's hardwaro store.
In drinking Golden's soda water you
have tho assurance that you aro avoid
ing the dangers of imitation flavorings,
mndo from injurious chemicals. Only
pure fruit juices used. Sond in your or
ders. Cases of 2 dcz. (1.00, 4 doz. (2.00.
Why do you allow your lungs to bo
worn out by coldB when il fifty cent
bottle of Dr. Murphy's Syrup of Tar
and Wild. Cherry will give yoa immedi
ate relief? For sale by all leading
druggists and dealers in patent medi
A dispatch from Sail Francioco, dated.
Sopt. 12, says: "Tho whooner Paik
orsburg left this port August 22, hound
for Coquillo river in ballast. Nothing
moro waB huaid of or from her until to
day, when newa wns received at tlio
Morchants' Exchange that bhe was bo
ing towed into port. Lnor in tho dav
tho tug Monarch towed her into t o
stream, and it became known that alio
had boon tho victim of dieter. Tho
Bchoonor reported that on Sept. 3, when
in lat. 120 deg. nnd 23 mln., a heavy
gale accompanied by strong seas, was
oncountored. Dining tho utorm tlio
schoonor suffered tho loss of hor mut
hosd, which prevented her from con
tinuiug the voyage. Sho will to repaired
aud Bent to sea again.
1 u
Our puBtomeis alb. speak highly in
praiso of St. Patrick's Pills. They are
tho bent. Rorry Bros,, Carroll, Ne
braska. Forsalo by 11, Songstackon,
Marshlleld aud Empire.
Schedule of wages on the Coos Bay, Roseburg
and. Eastern Railroads Navigation Co., for con
struction work;
Choppers, from $1.75 to Ja per day.
Hewers, from $3 to $3.50 per day.
Graders. $1.75 per day.
Rock dnllen, $2 per diy.
Muckers. $1.75 per day.
Teamsters, two horse., $30 per month and
board; four and six horses, $40 per month and
Pile-driver men, $3 per day.
Bridire carpenters. Ja per day.
I Foremen, from $3 to $4 per day.
Cooks, from $40 to $50 per month.
1 Ten hours to constitute t days work. All car-
1 penters must furnish their own chest of tools.
uoros, $4 50 per wret, in io. s camps.
Hoarding camps will Iw established, at conven
ient points along the line, but it will not be com
pulsory for men to board at company camps.
Pay day will be about the 15th of each month
for work performed in precedinc month.
w. o. KING,
R. A. Graham,
Supt. of Construction.
Will be held at
Jackson county, Oregon,
Beginning Monday, Sept, at, 1890, nnd contin
uing six days.
Over $7,000 Offered for
Premiums and Purses,
The l'tuit Grower's Annual Inhibit will take
place on Monday, Sept. ssd. Uterybodyinvitad
. AH the gHtaB wilt be open and fre on Mon
day, the first day of the fair,
lixry facility will be offered to thoje wishing
to camp on the grounds.
For booth a,'d other privilege apply to ths
Secretary, nt Jacksonville,
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