The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 18, 1890, Image 2

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rhe ?Ssudt Mail.
fMfsfiirt imy TStS(ly morclnc,
BY .
JOHN A. GRAY. Editor.
Termt, 1 Adt aece.
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Tfeiirasla-, J : : : j t t-Stftember iS, i8ob
The PollUctiitTok.
Gardiner Items.
I from On CbrmpondoAl. J
The Great Spring Medicine.
The result of Iho1 fcleclion lit .Malno
1 seems to bo rccoirctf with soriethfnR of
srnriee, but thoreis mo reason why iM
ehould, although very grnUfyinp.
Speaker llced closed the canvass in
Ma utate Saturday night with Iho ro
Jark that tho election would to close.
f, For himself he would be satisfied with
s majority of 1000. Ills majority ia
Fnow reported at 4500.. 'f a fow hundred
fhonld bo taken off by -corrected re
gttirns, Mr. Reed will hardly- fall below
14000, which is something Itibro than
Uwico lilfl mniority in 188.-
it tho same ratio o increnflo-obtaln
In the central states; the republicans trill
thsvo a larger majority in the next houtt
Ethan they havo in tho'presciit one'.
Tho is no reason why this should not
kB tho case. Tlin miinlrn is In A rnnut
prosperous condition tinderrephhlltsyi
Skdmtnlstration, with fine prosp&ta for
Lino futnro. - '
Ano iron irnue, wiucii is consiiionil a
SJHoet excellent barometer-for general
I'bnsiiiess, shows the-out.for Orel lialf
I this year to bo 28J per coot.' jrreaten
Ethan Bamo last year, or' at the prwoiit
gV&te of production, more than 1,00,000
tone in excess ol l'.nifiana'K probable
The rnMdona will iall for San Iran
cisco on Titumliy.
Tho mill shnt down n putt of two day
Inst week, for lack of water.
.Mrs. V. Macry, of Woodland, Cat.,
is in town, tho guest of Mrs. T. C.
Kov. W. M. Wells, of ltooburjr,l
preached two oxcellont sermons bore
MrVl'. A. Drownoll's new roaittonco i
fast ncaring completion ; when finished
it will bo an ornament to our town.
Mrs. Seymour returned homo from
Scottsbnrg, last Friday, whore she had
been viBitlng her mother, who Is quite
Oscar 11. Hinsdale, who has been
tallying on the wharf for about n year,
will go to tho city on tho Pasadena.
Oecar has in ado many friends while
among us, who regret to havo him go
Gardiner has a fine Sunday school, at
present; the Superintendent, 1'iof
Bcclestou, spares no pains to make it
both interesting and instructive to all
who attend, and thera is always a large
attendance now.
A very sad accident occurred hero
last Friday evening, which has spread
a gloom over the entire community. A
party of school girls went above town to
tako a bath in tho pure waters of the
Umpqua; among them was Lillie,
laughter of Frederick and Julia Ann
Seymour, aged about 10 years. She
was a good swimmer and qnito fearless
intbfi water; on this occasion she wa
tho first lo jumjrfavn tho boom into the
1 water; aimoi luunetiiiieiy sue otifun ii
soon sank
from fight. She roso twice to tho sui-
It will Im itraUftlmt In H bo realise ' tkt (Vrnit Ceurttf tkt SMt-if Oregrm '
tho vital necessity .f I'liiltylng the n,tfrrlke iv.nfr.y Ovr.
UiVll, to KHOW mill ll'UIM'll 11 l.iivu- TUl'.. 11.. I. .,!.... ...!
I instle Syrun can bo iHHl upon n !, Railroad ami Nrwga.
blo.1 medliino. Mr. 11 0. Hobinson,
of Marshall, Midi., says :
Ukntlkmkn : I have suffered Intense
ly from biliousness and rhoumatlsm tor
over three years, and had tried so many
remedies that I had lost ull faith. Hear
ing of HibbArd's Kheumattc Syrup I
boncht a bottle and found it helped me.
I havo now used four bottles, and It has
restored my liver and kidneys to lMitiiy
action, and dono more to purify my blood
than anything I have ever taken. I am
pleaded to recommend it r a wonderful
blood medicine.. Very truly yours,
It. O KoniMuox, Marshall, Micb.
Sold by all druegists. Prepared only
by The Charles Wright Medicine Com
pany, Ietroit, Mich. Sold by II. Seng
Stackcn, Marshfield and Kmplro City.
"Looking ltackwanl," at Songstack
In order to introduce our now work
wo continue the low prices until August
15th, only. Cabinets, tho very finest,
iS per doten at McMillan's.
niarurTV r-zrvr
tutu mi, which n.SKS u, urn oremo ) ,noat) ,1 c,,t for ,icjp aml
luuuii ui uju ttynu. e wm utjr oo
IKrw a t a.
Buuu wan last year. 1 ttp miillior iwrnn-ininns ilid iiIMn thoir
In all kinds of business for four weeks finur(,r . ,.,. . hnl ., . .,
fcf August tho aggregate greatly exceed. rtn ilpllrlor ,lCr bodv wa3 rcc0vered,
What of any previous year. Clearing , u , ,r ,. i i.,r...ujf,,i ,vi.i. i.a
douses outside New York show an in-i, . ,.,, n nil mn fo mpp. ils Mfltpr lt
ereaso of 21.7 per cent, over last year. . nQ rM. ,,innt ,n ,,. .,,, foP
ailroads for three weeks in August j Wng tho yonnW8t dail(.,lter. 8,,0 was
the pet of the household. Lillie had
bright and joyous disposition, and
tjt ry
Ttoomp!tattorrof SUnlrx'trrcnit tiirllllrnr
.Imitum an.l tho diKlca ini u( hl ImiMrUut
iliaAjTvrifnirtUsmvir (or tha tint- time In tha
imrk writtrn t'jr hlnwlf. rnUtll "In Dulcat
Africa. m lKt not !o flMvitvl by any the to
allwl"Stnl)r Ik)Ii"imw lns onrml u 'Trrn.
nino'anl'atitbentlct. To no oaa vt thoaa Aaa
tUakrcoutnbaWl a lit..
TsrrelanoaiiMUonaboutthU talraratb:ns
cnTTcctlnrrrnartlttl Wa pjataalco II. and
will elTM lurttetilJH on anrJIcation.
show a gain of 7.6 per cent.
In regard to certain prophesies of
access ot the democratic party,
jail says :
'Fcnners havo Been their prodncts
f.dvance in value about 20 jer cent, by
Reoperation of the silver lavn Probably
10 party has ever passed a law Hie bV
Mflcent effects of which have become so
apparent in so short a time. It is-prol-
fiblc that farmers will send men to con
tfresa who aro oppoed to this law?
lave they forgotten the letters of Mr.
leveland predicting a financial crisis
ilessthe old $2,000,000 Coinage Act
should bo repealed? The McKinlev
tariff Bill will certainly transfer indus-
ies now monopolized by European
3untries to this country. The absolute
iflects of this measure will not be visi
lie in time to influence the approaching
Section; but with, the marvelous
trowth of tho country under an inade
luate rate of duties as an object lesson,
should not be difficult toeonvinco
tors that a careful revision of the t.11
' on tho 6ame lines wifl produce sim-
lar results. Wo do not see why the
aocrats should be stronger now than
ey were two years ago. They have
one nothing in the present congress
. to place obstructions intho way of
majority. They have not even
lown the wisdom which sometimes
ianifesta itself in the face of an over-
awering majority."
friends wherever sho went. She was
hurried from the Baptist church on Sun
day, Rev. ffm. Wells conducting the
services, which were largely attended.
In onl not In be luWwl. -9
VnX the Uu Evan tli Im.
E The river and harbor bUl jc yet un-
ned by the speaker and president of
5strsnie. The reasons heretofore as-
ued for not signing the Hbilj, that
lore was no quorum in the housa And
j could not be legally announced, no
Inger holds good, and another reason
1 been found : The managers of the
ause are aware that as soon as the
rer and harbor bill is safe a larze
aber of representatives will itnmed-
ely leave, and there will be .no quo-
Em left to finish the pending business.
ssequently the bill in which so many
ople are interested is held as an an
Che Oregonian of last- week has the
slowing vigorous article on the sab-
jt of dogs :
"Residents in tha vicinity of Twen
th and B streets complaiiupf a trio of
Iwlingdogs, which mako nijrht hid-
fuB and disturb the rest of everybody
und that place. ?-o gentleman will
ep a yelping, yowling dog and allow
to anuoy its neighbors. People who
I this are responsible for the "dastard-
outrages" heard of occasionally, in
way of dogs being poisoned, When
in who owns a aog or doss does not
enough to keep them from being
sisance to his neighbors, the sooner
U death overtakes the dogs the better
r all concerned." . '
iepeal of tho mortgsge tax is ncces-
f, In order that our state may havo
1 free use of money. .It is not the
tch man" who is to be considered.
I always takes care of himself. Our
to needs money for development o(
latent resources. It wants money
1 abroad to move the springs of lu-
ry, quicken enterprise and provide
loyment for labor. But wo have a
system that practically forbids
ey to enter the state, and, as n con
J tience, industry makes' little pro
um, development 01 me country is
dred or handicapped, cities makes
low growth, lethargy Is general.
"way to change all this is to let
sy 1Q freely, and cease to believe
; tlwaby wo shall oppress the poor
favor nnlt llin Tim niitfafTnn
T"" '"J "" ' " "- -,w.y.
lyls, whether we havo intelligence
itt to see and adopt tho conditions-!
' to make us a greatsAud pros
(ate, or whothor vo are to con
to stupidly and Ignorantly to bar our
V aairast tho active prosperity that
uows wijoy, luregoaian.
Curry County.
f From GoM Beach GftKtte.1
A few fish are being c.uight, but the
run is small.
Timber fires are raging, and tho
whole country is enveloped in smoke.
It is getting to bo almost an every
day occurence to see prairie schooners
passing through our burg.
Some sneak thief entered J. Jensen's
house during the absence of the family,
and robbed the little boy's bank of its
contents, consisting of several dollar in
small change.
If The county court made the following
tax levy last week for tho year 1S00:
Forcpunty purposes, 15 mills; statu, U
mills; school. 5 mills; total 2(S mills, be
ing one mill higher than last year.
J. I). Cooley, mail contractor, who
ha been running a stage between this
place and Chetco semi-occasionally, ha
decided to run the same daily hereafter,
connecting with W. C. Lake's line at
R. D. Hnmo arrived Sunday from the
city. He was accompanied by bis.
nephew, Mr. J. W. Hume, tho Coquille
river cannery man, who will take charge
of the former's business at this place,
while Mr. Hume, Sr., will spend much
of his time dnricg the next few months
at some of the mineral springs in Cali
fornia. Salem", Sept. 15. -Today the follow
ing telecram was sent by Governor Pen
noyer to Hon. John, W. Noble, secretary
of the interior, in reference to a recount
of the whole state :
Salbm, Or , Sept. 15.
Hon. John W. XolU, Secretary 0 the
Inlrrlor, Washington, D. C.: Conclus
ive evidence as to a faulty icensua of the
county of Multnomah and tho city of
.Salem influenced the bureau officialn to
order a recount, which demonstrated
tho great Inacnrocy of the first count.
Fully as conclusive evidence as to a
faulty census of the remainder of the
state demands for it a recount also, in
order that Oregon's just representation
in congress and an equitable represen
tation in the state legislature may not
be imperiled. The people of the state
of Oregon, upon ample pioof of the in-
ArA tint IM ouiTM-iot aernt ratrlra a crrUScata
cl avner from aa
General Agints for the Pacific C&aat
Ren K. Lyster, of North Bend, Sole
Acent for C00-; ecu iii , Oregon.
Special Notice.
All ;erson" knowing themselves in
debt to tho uni'erfiipneit on January 1st,
1S00, and such debt is still unpaid, will
do well to settle the same immediately.
I need money and must havo it.
UBwi nun luiuumajraaaaB
Notice to Debtors.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted o m" on note or book account
must settle by the 1st of Soptember, as
I am v.oni Hwav on that date. Costs
will be lul'linl after that date.
J. . Gasfiei.d.
Marshfiold. Or, Aug. lBt, 1690.
1 iai a.j.bif .a1 ii'iaiwi I'.mg-.U' mjaninrwnr ' L "
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofkice at Roseburc, Ob.,
Sept. 10th. 189a.
J the roilowine-nainni settler ha$ filol notice
of his intention tu make final proof in supixjrl
of his claim, and IIkU said proof will be nude
before the Jailsc or drk of thfc county court of
Coos county, Ore-;on. at Empire City, Or., on
Saturday, November 1, 1890,
rU: Gkorce ,. Tiiiatit.K. 1'ie-cmption D.
S. No. 6938, for the we.t half of nottheut
qtt-xrter and east Uilf of northwest quarter ol
section 20, township 35 wutti, ranee 13 west.
VV. M.
He mnvrs the follow ing ffitn-as to prove bii
continuous resilience upon and cultivation of.
said land, viz . UMIum G. Webster, Willmm
D. McCurdy, Wiluani A. Gtlntore, Jolm K.
Hall, of MarshfioW, Ccx county, Oregon.
sei8 Jons H. SlIl'l'E, Kesister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roskhukc, Os.,
SepL 6, 18&3.
XT the foUowing-iumed settler has filed notice
of his intenu'on to mike final proof in support
of his claim, and that sokl proof will be nude
before the Judge or county clerk of Coos county,
Or., at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct. 25, 1390.
viz.: William D. McCurdy, Pre-emption D. S.
No. -937, for tU ottvX. nejf of sw'i and
sK of nvK of vjction 20, township 2j s,
range 13 vtest, W. M.
He names the following witnesses 10 prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said Und, vit: IJonaM Mcintosh, Anton
Wirtli. Charles S Hiltyxn aral George A. Trim
tile, of Marshfield, Coos cqunty, Oregon.
sen John II, Siiur-K, Kejjister.
lion Cunitxiny, nUlntiiT, V 'Action" At Law,
lVosne r W. Smith, drfcmlitrit. J
TO PkOSPER W. SMITJI, the defendant
abott-nnil, t!ttehn(i y '
He .Viraw 1 i'A f Oregi.' .
X appear m- anvr the complaint filcl
nRitirst )-ou tn the atKn-c-cntltlcd action, In which
The IV01 lVr. Roarlwrjjt antl Eastern Rnllrcad
and Na-icatKn Conivnr is pl.UulilT, and you,
frotiH-r V. Siith, ore dcfenilant, on or tiefore
the first x ef the next rrciitnr trm of the Or
ieull Court of the State of Orfgon for the Coun
ty of l ch. lo le held In ln Hitl-hou nt urn
jiire Cily, tn Iho U ivunty nt Coos, on Mon.
itAy, ihr sfth day of Octotr, A. IV, 1S00.
And if you f.ul so lo appear and answer, the
sht pVtintirV wilt apply to the said court for the
tvltef ikmtndot in tu complaint In this action,
a srMtrinct statement of which said relief is as
follows to-w it .
Thai ihe compenAtKm to tic pnhl the said
defendant fi a right of vsy for a railroad, sixty
feci v We. acron certain of the said defendant
land, to-it . tots numtwrvd four and fourteen,
of section twenty-seven, In township twenty-six
south, of range thirteen west of tha Willamette
meridian, and the tide laud fronting the said
lots, nil situate (n the County of Coos and Slate
01 un-gon; tnc saia rigntot way to notnirty leet
in width on raih side of n line commencini; nt a
point on the section line, louMcen hundred and
twenty-eight feet south or the comer of sections
numl-ercd twenly-Uo. trnty-lhree. twenty-si,
and twenty-seven, in township twent)-slx south,
of range Ihirtec 1 west ot the Willamette merid
ian, and running theuce on a curvr to tho loft
of sir hundred tnd forty feet radius, in 11 south
westerly direction, for three hundred feet!
thence, on n tangent, four hundred and ten feet,
magnetic cou.-se south eight degree west;
thence on a C'lne tow-ard the west of five hun
dred fret radi it, eight hundred and thirty-right
'oei; tneneecm a tangent, running north sevcrny
nine decrees and forty-foe minutes west, a dis
tance of seven hundred and forty feet: thence
on a curve of six hundred nnd eighty-five feet
radius, a distance, of three hundred and filly
feet, to ordinary low water mark on the slough
fronting the south boundary or lot fourteen, of
sevtion twcnl)-seven. In township lenty-six
south, of range thirteen west of Willamette
meridian; th tout length of the said line is
twenty-six hundred nnd thirty-eight feet; be le
termlnetl in the nwinncr provided by law, and
when tlic amount thereof has bc-n so de
termined, anil fjKi Into court, that judgment be
given, appropnating the said right of way to the
use of the Slid plaintiff, for Ihe line of Its rail
road. Venice of this summons by publication is
made by order of the Hon. M, I, l'ies. Judge,
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon (or
the County f Coos, which said order h dated
the 31st day of August, A. O., 1S90.
.Sukodkn K. Wilson,
aim Attorney for 1'blntilT.
m JHj JgJ jS99iUP;Pw
Destined to be the cornrneibiaraiiaTfaanufaottii
ing centre of Coos .Bay and the Seaport of '
Southern Oregon. "Will soon-be the
Terminus of -A. .Railway
connecting with A.
Cotumniuling n viow of tliu IJur nntl cntiro Buy ; Hlioltortxi from IIiq nortlitrcfll' winds nnd nituntcd , nt
tho liond of 1cq wntor. Sccuro n clioico locution lioforo It ih too lttte. Apply for infor.
miition nt llio - ''
QL-5C0U jourJ5i5E (50.5 oppiE,
In O'Connoll's lhiildinp, Mnrnlirifld. Oregon. IE3!.- -A-. !HivaCOS3, HiviCQ.riSlg'QX.
Action at Utw.
Ikt Circuit Cmrt 0 tie StJte vf Oregen
anA-ftrtke Gtnnty f Cistt:
The Coos Uty, Roseburg,nndl
cistern Kailroad and .Navlgn
uon Company, plaintuT,
N'etson Koon, defendant.
TO NUI-SON KOON, the defendant nbovr
named, GmtiHg:
In Ikt .Vmt af Ike SUU 0 Origin:
X appear and answer the comptaint filed
lan.inl you In the above-entllled action, in which
I lie Cous lty. Kosetmrg, and lisiern Railroad
md Navigation Comp.iny is pLiintiff, nmt you,
S'elton Koon, are defendant, on or Ix-fbrc tht
ftrst day of the next regular leru of the Circuit
Court of llie State of Oregon for the County ol
Cous. to be held in the court-house at Empire
Jity. in the ud county of Coos, on Monday,
JteaixihtLiyofOclobcr, A. D., 1890. Andif you
fail so la appear and answer, the said plaintiff
will apply to th Mid court for the relief de
manded in its complaint in this action, a sue
cirict siau-meiit Of which said relief is as follows,
lliat Ihe compensation to be paid the said de
codant for a rtghtuf way for a railratd, sixty feet
Ae, across certain of the said defendant's land,
o-wit: the north-west cju,iitcrof the north-wot
juirter of sretion one, and lots live, six, scvtii,
and eight in section two, m township twenty--ight
south, of range Uiirteen west of the Wil
hi incite merilltn, all utiuie in the count) of Coos
jnd state of Oregon; the said right of way lo
'k thirty feet in width on each side of a line
jouimencing at a point three hundred and tsrenlr
I of the south-west corner of section
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878. No
tice for Publication.
Ruwburg U , v ,,l. 1, ibyo.
Notice is hereby given nut in umn..nuvc
wiih I he piovi.iouaol die -ict ol t. uiiunt ol
June 3. 11)76, entitled "An ait tot ihe k-nc ol
unioer unit 111 incsiAtes 01 v,aiiiornia, uiegon,
Nevada, nnd Washington leituory," I dwaril
A. Hargrraves, oi Gardiner, county ol Douglas,
state o( Oregbu has this ilay filed m this olla-e his
sworn statement No., for the purchase of tliv
seM of section No. 17, In toaiulup Na 33 s,
range No. 13 w, and will oiler tout tu Show
that the land sought is more v duable for lis
timber orstone titan fry agricultural purjows.
and to establish his claim to j.ud land brfons Ihe
Register nnd Recelvcrofthisotticcal Roseburg,
Or., on Knday the 3tst Liy of N'Oveinber, tSoo.
He names as witnesses: latcyna S. Dewar. fnt
II Harding, M.ulin Andrews and Uuitav Carl
son, o( liardiner, tKnigbts county, Oregon,
Any and nil ticnont clalmiiig adversely Ihe
above-di-scri! eil land ate reuuesled to hlo lhir
cluims in this ollicc oil or Irrlore. said atsl iby
of November, l8x
sen oiim II. SliUrK, Rrgitter.
feet cost
south, of
Notice for Publication.
Lamp Office-at Roscburc, Orrson, f
1 Aagust 13'ibcojf-
Notice is Iicreby given that th followtric
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claimrnnd
that Mid proof will be made before the judge
or dark of the eminlv rvMtrf n( f'is miiniv
Oregon, at Empire City. Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct. 4, 1890,
k: Edwin II. Short, Homestead Entry, No.
5956, for the Its No. 2 and 3 southeast quarter,
of northwest nuarter and rinrihiir niff.rtr t1
efficient work of the census, bureau, in' southwest quarter of section 31. tovtruliRi 24
ilm nrer fuori, anu in neimii 01 llio a
cretl right of juat representation both in
congpfrB and the 'state legislature, de
mand arevount.
Oovernor of Oregon.
Mr. John Koou-n, the worthy post
master at Keown, Allcghony county,
Penn., says: "Cliamberlaln'a Couah
Heraedy polls letter than any other."
The reason of this Ih because it can al-
, ways be depwided upon. Lot anyone
Itioubled with a severe cold give it a
'trial und tlint. ..-ill An.t !..., jl. T...
...,....., ,,,,-j tun .mi, iiiub iiiu nriifr
dose will relievQ tho ianga and malto
brealhioK rasier, and that its continued
use will free the Bystoni of all symptoms
of the cold. The promptness and cer
tainty of this remedy in tho relief and
cure of colds, has won for it many sin
cere friends and made it very popular.
I'or sale by JJ. Sengstacken, Marsh
field and Empire.
Ooos Bay
,-- ,
For.informiUon alwut Coos Day, addi
Frank Hobcr, Sec.
W. TowUB, I'rrstiitnt.
f Manldield, Or,
south, ranee 11 weit. W. M
He ttqi-a the follow lag witnesses to prove his
conliouotH resilience upon and cultivation ot,
said land, viz. George Cook and Win. Rideout,
of Empire City, Coos county, Oregon, and Her
inao Staeva and J. Oeo Sihort, of Marslificld,
Goers county, Oregon. John II. Siioi-k,
U2i Regisicr,
Notice for Publication.
Land Offjc at K'o5cblbo, Or.
August Mt. l8rx
Notice i lierthv given that Ihe followlng
nanwd stttler lias filrf notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof wilt be made before the Judge or
clerk of tlie eountyto'urt of Coos county, Ore-
Kuh, mi cuiprns tity, on
Friday, September ?6th, 1850.
vli: EVALI) C. SODKUMAM, I're-einptlon D. S.
N'- S9S7. for the iw ( of w !f of wcllon 36,
township 45 toulbronge n west, W. M.
HeiMimu the foHotrlng witnessoa to 'prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: Isaac Euros. Henrv I'.ilrnmiett.
John Uliason, Lemuel Mortimer, of Marshfield,
coos county, Vfczon. John II. Snuri;.
a7 Kegisler.
ihirtv-five, in tovinship twenty-sevrn
range thirteen west of Ihe Willamette mci.iwn,
.hence on a tangent, south twenty-two de
frees and thirty minutes west, one hundred and
eighty fl, thrnce by eleven degree and thirty
minute curve left for iKclve hundred and suty
mne feet; thence by six degree and fifteen inln-
ue curve ngnt lor live hundred nnd twenty leet;
thence on a tangent eleven hundred and fifty
leet; thence by a four degree curve light three
Hundred and seventy-tiro leet, thence on a tan
gent nine hundred and fifty feet; thence by a ten
degree curve left four hundred and thirty feet;
thence by a ten degree curve right nine hundred
nd siity-seven feet; thence on a tangent, south
twenty-six degrees and forty tniniitci east, six
hundred fret, to a point on tlic south line of the
north-west quarter of the noith-w est quarter of
section one, to hundred feet east of the south
west corner of the said north-west quarter of
northwest quarter of section one, in township
twenty-eight south, of range thirteen west
of the Willamette meridian, making a total
length of sixty-four hundred and foity-one feet;
he determined in the manner provided by law.
and when the amount thereof has btm so de
termined, and paid into court, that judgment be
given, appropriating the said right ot way to
the use 01 ihe srud plaintiff, for the line of its
Service, of this summons by publication is
made by order.of the Hon. M. 1. I'ipes, Judge
of ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Coos, which aid order U dated
Ihe 21st day of August, A. D. 1800.
SMEDDr.M F. Wiuo.i,
au2i Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roseburg, Or., I
August 0, 189a 1
Notke Is hereby given that the follow ing
named settler has filed notice of his intention tn
make final proof in suppoit of his claim, nnd
that mid proof will be made before the judge or
clerk of tee county court of Coos county, Ore
gon, at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1800.
viz: Benjamin McCormiek, .Pre-emption D, S.
No. tcfyo, lot the lot 6, seerlon I ). lots 1, 3 and
3 and cast 'A of northwest section 33, town
hip 36 south, range 14 wot, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vir George Chard. Matthew Talbot,
Asaph II, H.nclifind H. I Given, of Empire
City, Coos county. Oregon
aui4 John II. Siiupk, Kegiiter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1B7S. Notice
for Pubtica'ion.
UnitfuStatm LANnOrncK,
Roseburg. Or,, Sept. 1, 1B-0.
Notice is herehr Riven that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,
i3t3. entitled "All ml for the snle ol timtirr
lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nrva
iU and Washington territory , Im l llnrilin.
of tiardiiver, county of Douglas, state ol Ore-
eon, has this da filed in thU office his Sworn
statement No. , for tho purcluse of the txils
13, 14 anil 15, 01 scctk.ii 11. and nw; 01 nc.'f
01 section No. 37, nil in tonthlp No. 33 ,
range No, 13 wrst. and will olfcr proof to show
that the land sought it more valuable (or Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purixnet,
and to esLiblivh his claim lo said land lcfoie
me Kegtster ana Krcciver 01 nut otucr -i
Rosdmrg, Or., on Frulay. tlic 31st day of
Vovrmlr, i8rx He names as witnesses:
Edward A. Hargrraves, Frederick Hargrraves.
Edward Himbidge and William Dewnr, of
Gardiner, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovv-deserilN-d lands are requested to file their
rbumt In this orutre on or bniore said sist day
of November, 1850.
sen John II. Snore, Regktrr.
CHtiiST EftSEN & JOH .SON, ..:::.: Proprietor,.
Dritlrirr In S'tsi-tilluro, IIimIiIImi;. ,TIuf tr. Citvpcla, Plcittrca
nud I'lclHt-ei ('isniost, .lloiiltllnai.. 4?wrtnlMSH Wistl tat'r( Elo,
"CTaad.ertL3s:Irigr su SpQcleiltsrl
B-sarWt nro nln-j prctirl t linul "tit ptoiimlMjlii rjnil ruuwn m-otlmi; repaint,
on our vii)m nt 0111 (tliipynrtl. jv!7
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
UNirco Statu I-an Office,
Roseburg, Or., ikrpt. 1, i&o.
ll compliance with the provitiont of Ihe net
ot Congress of June 3, 187$, entitled "An net
for tl sale of timber lands In I lie states of Cali
fornia, Orrgun, Nevada, nnd .Washington Ter
rilory," Lucyu 1 S. Dewar, of Gardiner, touiily
of U011gl.11, stale of Origon, has this day
filed in this office h s sworn statement No.,
for the purchase of Ihe nrj,' ol section No. 17.
in lonttii No. 33 , unge No. u w. ami Mill
offer proof to show llml the land sought Is more
valuable for ill lmleror stone than lor agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim tu said
land before the krgi'trr and Receivrr of this
office nt Roseburg. Or., on Friday, Ihe aisl
diy of November, 1B90. He names as witnesses;
Frederick Ilargreaves. Edward A. Ha'grcaves,
Ira I Harding and Martin Andrews, of
Gardiner. Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested lo file their
claims in this office on or before said 3ist
day of November, t8o3.
sen John II. Shute, Register.
1 MM
(K. P. UR.N. t). WILLCOX & C
& CO.
(general Mci'cliaiftdise.
Our Sfcock Is Always Complete.
At Golden'a
Golil nnd Silver Vi..Ciii'8 nt n llnrgnin I
I'IuhIi C,ih)i1h novcr Hold so Cliunp.
Toy for every Child in th Lnnd. v . ,
. ' Citndicsnnd Cliristmnc Treo OrnnnirntH in Urt'nt Vitriotjy
Cret 0111 prices! v '
We Imvo tin; OimmIb ami inpnn Uuphiokh. TIio Trntfit nnd ChrintmiiR Tree
CommittWH Supplied nt WIioIchiiIh I'riccn.
Kayview Brewery,
3jA.3S3:B1IE3Tj3D, OB.,
CLS:?f1MENSEN, Proprletors.
IiM1f OHKlfMljr on llHRll IIHtl Ssm NHnerlor
;. 11, Kounurs,
tv a. hobekts.
J. H. Roberts & : on.
General Merchandise.
.IIji-lIc BN.IhI, Or-,
tllorketablo ProUuca of all kinds
taken In oxchango (or goods.
An Sixlriiorilliiui-,- llur(;aiii.
A farm of 340 acres on the Cofuille river, s
miles from Rindon; 90 antes of bottoin, 30
acres cleared; 40 acres, 30 acnis dyked
and in fwy mesido; good orchard, house, l.irrf
imt outbuildings; 40 head of cuttle; horse, wag
on, and farming implements. 1'rlce, only $1500;
$3000 cash, Inl.mce on time. This offer is open
for six weeLs only. Address me at onre.
J. M. UlTON,
ui4 flandon, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Owen at Kosecuko, Oregon,
Auuuit 11. 1800.
Notice is hereby given thai the following'
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before ihe Judge
or tlerk of the county court of Coos county,
Oregon, at Kmplre City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct, 4. 1890,
vk. Charles Ii, Hanson, Homestead Entry,
No 4317, for the west half of southeast quarter
of. section 13, idwnihip 34 south, range 13 west,
W. M,
He name the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vU; Andrew Olson, George A. Smith,
Charles Westman and Andrew Johnson, of
Marshfield, Coos county, Oregon.
ami John II. bnure, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. No
tice for Publication.
Umtkd States Lanii OrMCE,
Uw'iurg, Or. Srpt. 1, igrx
compliance Willi thr provisions ol the act ol
Congress of June 3. 1O78, entitled "An act for
the sole of timber fauds in the slates of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," Frederick llMrurvavcs. of Gardiner, coun
ty of Douglas, slate of Oregon, has this day filed
In this ofhee his sworn statement No , for
Ihe purchase of the I Also, 15 nnd 16, in sec
tion o, nnd l-ot 13 of section No 10, nil In Icmn
ship No. 33 s, range No. 13 west, nnd will
offer proof lo show that Ihe land sought Is mure
valuable (or Its limber or clone than for agri
cultural purposes, nnd lo establish his claim
lo s-ild land Wore Ihe Register and Receive
of this office m Kost-burg, Or., on I'riday,
iiiR3isi nay 01 rvovemiicr, iw,
lie names as witnesses; ICdw'ard A. liar-
? reives. Ira L Harding, Martin Andrews mid
.ucyna S. Dewar, of (arillner, Oregon.
Any and all persons Claiming adversely the
above-described lands nre rrqutisled to file their
claims in this office on or More said 31st day
of November. iSri,
sou John II. Siiui-K, Regiiier.
iT,.i.a is;i.i5, a:k ami I'tlKTIlR, WIIOI.KHAI.K 11ml
r isisr in 111 nil iimr upillr.l ss-llli tlm rlilteMi
:!N M."W:
Variety S tor-el:
HiiIIiui.I IliillilliiK, oppoHltu lllaiico llu'lol, I'ront Htrm-t Marnllllnld
N 10 WS ntzV&V ,n A trencv, '
A Fine Assortmoni oi' ('niifWiu.iiiirv
. A . -",,v,j"
A I tv it. v 4 on
strLd TO IB -A OOQ,
litintl, ut llitnll mill Jnlililiiu
Notice for Publication.
Land Owicc at Uoskuuwo, Or.,
August 35, 1800.
1.1 ihe folliiwmg-iiiimed settler has filed notice
of his intention 10 nuke Anal proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof wil be made
before the judge or clerk of Ihe county court of
Coos county. Or., at Kmplre Cily, Or., on
Monday, October 30, 1890,
vlii George L Wheeler, Honx-vtcid Knlry,
No. 4714, lor the sooth U of north M of section
8, township 3, south of range 13 west, W. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vU : Richard A. Keller, R, I.
Smith, Will Walker and Fred Hanson, of
Marthheld, Coos county, urrgon.
U38 John II. Siivw, Regiiftr. .
ttirAlyo Jctvtlry, of nil iluHprlilioiih, JMuylnic Cnrilx, HtHilniicry, FIhIiIiik;
lui'Ulo, nml Mm iiiumi coin ,(if iimirtim-nt ot Notionk mii Mirvluiv,l(lr..M,..I.,N-KV VMIICTY 8TOUi:, MiihMi-'li'l. On-wrn
illlrcclilvc irniiiil nil. ntinii ' n
-, .ttTIW, Iriihlur.
MnrHlifloliI nmf Kmplro City, Oropnn,
Prssacrlptlonn skillfully compounded at all hours. As-eat for Wells. Patio A
Co., and the leading: Fire, Life and Accident Companies.
0oinilnli' copli'H nf lowiifjilji plnla
Knlo(l up lo the tlato 0, ordor, trmdo (or
$1.50 jwr tovrnslilp. Jfonoy must no
ompany ordors, Addrcnn,
Itotubuiu, Or.
Kedwood bliliiuluu 1,W) ptir 31, nt
O'Connoll'H. Boo tliuin. '
Notice. . -
All accoonta duo the Noneer lT9kot",
oltlior Marsliflold or Kmnlre Ollv .
most bo Bottled on or beforo Juno IMIi 1
1BIK) K. 0. IfuKiiuxi -"
Prank Hti liaunoinn llnoolaidt H-ni
wlilchJid soils for 60 cunts 'Mi i:"""-
FatnllloS and Lotnln .iinnlli,,! n al.nrt
I I.
' 1
? vilft