The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 11, 1890, Image 3

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oos Hay Photo &
For tho Fiivat Work .it ltoft.oiml.lo Prices Call on uh at McMlLLAN'8
OALLKUY, on A Hlrool. '
McMillan & beatt,
Artists nml i'liotographors, Mnrshfiold, Oregon.
T. S. Minott,
(Huecmor to .1. I). (Jnrilohl.)
Dealer in
Tinware, Hardware, Farming Tools
Front street, Marshfteli', Origin.
Doorw iiihI WlnilrtWH,
Bridge & Beach's SUPER!
Stoves and Ranges.
Nastourg & JSfiiBfc
IT C n CBl A L l t nh ukwi PI $ n
J iB-H- , L.
We kcticontiitIy on liunil in our largo and coinmodimiK More, a woll
selected stock, ciiiiiM.iiiBof the brut staple nml faiwy
Hry (JihiiIh ol ittl Mutt, unit Urn i'IhiIcpmI
Wroi'orlc mill BMvkvUoii.
A law monk of Clothing Huts mid OupN Hooti ami show, Rubber mid Oil
Clothing, Oil Cloths, Crockery, ami llardwiuv. 1'atnts, Oil nnd
nml Willowwuru, Sclmol Iiookaiiud Stationery, Iur-
nishing (mode, Hosiery, Ktc. Eic
Our uxlonsivr show row are
il ever broiii'lit to Coos buy.
urui? mnifiW TAKE S
Front Street, Murshfitdd, Oregon.
T keen constantly on hnwl llto lmj-ost nml best stock of gootla
in Southern Oregon.
cosn-plete nsre-w JStocls:
Fresh from tlio Factory. No old lyK' ''J "n"'1: , 0u.r nl,n
L to keop,aron"t of tho timoH and sell our goods at reasonable prices.
general Merolmndtee& Groceries
The capacitv Doubled.
"Tf vSuwant to bo Mtontohod, call ond .00 us.
T. W llK.NNIl:,
SlurohlloM, OrBOM.
I -
n. . ifiuno ne I nllWnnV
JILL (VlnUO ur Mu""
a specially, Dlankots, jmn-qm'i "
Prayon Y,
Farming TooIh,
Cutlery, etc.
with the 'l",'''JiV,,P'i?,iisTllIPy
WORK. Tho most delicate fabrics
i.wwiimon. Gout's work
rhursrfhjr, 1 1 : : t ! September ti, iBgo.
8eo iid. for bids to patnt school build
ing. If you want a fine piano, seo McMil
lan. '
County court adjourned Monday ove
Tho Kmina Utter has cone to Oakland
Circuit court at Curry county next
Anothornow houso ban gono up ut
J. Jankuiok, tho llosoburg jowollor, in
on tho hay.
Finest Htouk of boots and Shoes at tho
I'ortor Btoro,
Novels of V. Gllmoro Hims, at Honp
HtaukmiH, atfic.
J. T. Moulton, of the Coqulllo, was In
town last week.
Hon. A. (5. Jones and family havo re
turned to ltoeohurg.
JatnoH Aiken has recovered from hie
recent rovoio ill iichr.
Tlio Oreiion Hlnlo fair will eoinmonco
at faluin next Munday.
Tlio Myrtle 1'olnt brass band will
play at tho County Fair.
Wanted, 150 eoids ol stove "wood.
Apply to K. A. AudorHon.
The trout caught in Coos river thla
Honson are unusually largo.
Thorowill be. a inusquorado ball at
North Head next Saturday night.
Work commenced Just week on tho
ofllecH of tlio Glasgow Co. at Glasgow.
The Coon county fair at Arago com
menced today, and will last three days.
Quito a number of the bay people
have gone to tlio Coipiille to take in the
If you want a fine silk shirt, latest
(tylo, for only $3.7fi, call at tho Torter
I). L. Hood lias a forco of men at
work grading and loveling tho streeti at
Lackutrom Ilros,, tho carpenters, are
building two dwelling houses on the
Quito a numbor of Marsbflcldites
went to tho sandhills, blueberrying, on
Clias. Hi Jackson lias moved to Glas
gow mid will take clurgo of tho ims
Iioiici! thure.
T. S. Minott has a full stock of har
ness, ol all grades, at prices which defy
Daniel Uobcits, of Myrtle l'oint, and
father of lion. J. II. Roberts, is very
sick and not expected to survive.
Attorneys S. 11. Hazard, D. L. Wat
hou, J. M. Biglln and Joseph Hnro will
leave for Curry county to-morrow.
WA.vrci). Tlireo girlu to woik In tlie
steam laundry. Good wages. Apply
at laundry or address II. C. Smith.
Tlicro aro L'l horses at tho fail grounds
raeo tiack, seven of which are trotters.
One of tho latter is from California.
Herbert Loukhart lias accepted the
position of bookkeeper or Homy Seng
slacken, and will reside on tho bay.
1;. II. Miller is conducting the fishing
business at tlio slaughterhouse, mid is
making a very good citteli of salmon.
Mrs. Jacob I.nndo roturnod from the
Corpitllo, wliero ebo lias been visiting
for the past threo weeks, on Tuesday.
J. N. Nelson has takon down tho shoo
shop, next to Mrs. Owen's restaurant,
mid will build a fine building on tho lot.
12. II. Dean & Co. aro driving idles in
front of tho stoic in Marshfleld und the
wharf will bo extended toward tho chan
nel. There was ovidently a laruo tiro on
Foney slough on Tuesday, as n vast vol
umo of smoko rolled up fiom that locality-
Tho young ladies of Coqulllo City have
organized a bond, and aro practicing on
"Meet me by Moonlight, all by Your
self," If you want to see tho finest gonts'
underwear over brought on this bay,"
and tlio cheapest. Go to tho Forter
Tho assessment rolls show tho tax
ahlo property of Coos county to bo
$2,!M9,450. The lovy i8'2t mills on tho
Tlio families of F.ugono O'Connoll and
F. A. Golden, who have been camp
ing for some time on Coos river catno
down last week.
Hell & Phillips havo oponod a saloon
on tho corner of A and Codar streets.
Itisnamod tho "Acme," and is fitted
up in flno style.
Woaro now propaied to produce tho
finest work, equal to San Francisco's
best. Call and see the now work at
McMillan's gallery.
Fdttard A. Hargreaves, of Gardiner,
was on the hay last week and took out
his cltlzon papers boforo Judge Watson,
at Umpire, last Friday.
Tho Bteainer F.mlly will tow tho rock
scows of P. O'Neil down to San Tedro,
whero Mr. O'Noll has a contract to got
out rock for tho harbor.
Prof. J. M. Peebles, arrived from Sa
lem last week, and will eoinmonco a
term of public school In the Acadomy
building next Monday week, tho 22d.
Tho now tug constructed on Coos
rivor by P; O'Noll Is louding lumber at
Porter mill, and will sail down to San
Francisco, whero hor machinery will bo
put in.
llids will be received until noon on
Saturday, Sept. 181b, at the Iteeordors
ofllco Marshfleld, Oregon, for covering
the sewer on Myrtlo street, from tho
town woll to A etreot. For furthor par
ticulars apply Kocordor'fl offlco.
Ilest and cheapest bats in tho county
at tho Porter store. Stolaon lints cheap
r tlmn they can bo bought In San Fran
cUco. Tim Ifprnld nml thn West Orpgonlan
gut in their I mitt toot or tno Koseburg
Uoviott, Tho attention of advertisers
is called to this fact.
Capt. LItllofioId has received orders
from tho department to look out for
tho old wreck In front of Glasgow as an
obstruction to navigation.
Cliai. Kodln is getting in 20,000 feet
or logs por day over a mllo and a quar
tor road. Peonlo need not tronblo
thomaolves about Charley's bad luck at
that rato.
Floronco West: 1. 1). Cusliman wont
to San Francisco last week for tho pur-
poso of chartering a stenmor to bring in
tlio new ongino for the Siuslaw Lumber
Co's. mill.
Chrietenson & Johnson havo been
driving plies south of town for strcots.
Ono street runs from tho mill south and
ono from tho laundry branching into
two streets.
School will begin Monday, Sept. 22d,
with tho following corps of teachers:
Prof. J. 7tt. Peebles, principal; Caroline
llutler, Intermediate; May Clark and
Hertha Clark, primaries.
Tho forest tires i aging in tho vieinity
of tho Isthmus for several weeks havo
destroyed several thousand dollars
worth of timber belonging to K. 15.
Dean & Co., and others.
Tho Portland Chamber of Commerce
had n meeting on Monday night witlr
regard to securing the repeal of the
mortgago tax And usury law, and n re
vision of tho tax laws by tho legislature
next winter.
Tlio now comors on tho bay aro pre
paring to organir.D u "Johnny Come
Lately Society," which is designed to
protect tho Interests of now settlers. No
person who has lived hero longer than
two years will be admitted.
Henry Sengstackcn lias leased . the
property on A street, between Pino and
Cedar streets, for the tonn of five years
and will erect a tmildlng thereon. Ex
cavation is being made for that purpose
Tho structure will be aOxlOO feet.
Tho plans of tho new hotel to bo
erected at Glasgow came down from
Portland last week. Tho building is a
largo ono and of tho best style of archi
tecture. It is expected that work will
hoon begin and bo pushed to a speedy
Tlio matter of Improving tho public
school buildings is being agitated. It is
high time something was done to itiako
tho rooniR presentable. Thoir present
condition is not complimentary to a
giowing town which expects si big boom
They should bo fixed up at onco.
The Hendricks, Vallandigham Knights
of tlio Golden Circle lloview Ileal
Estate Co., of Kosoburg, thinks the real
rstato men of the bay aro not posted in
(lie business. Tho trouble is tho Ho-
viow man did not make any headway
here and il was not generally known lie
was around.
Messrs. Mul'herson & Ginsor havo
oponml their wholesale house witli a
largo frtock of liquors, cigars, ote. Mr.
Heise, the manager, roturuod from the
oui-t lastFiiday with a consignment of
tho finest and purest liquors to bo had
in tlio market and will be found oppos
Ito tho Blanco.
I. Flemmel, an Italian at Nowport,
was badly injured by a cave in tho initio
at Nowport yesterday. His svrlst was
broken mid bin hip sustained injuries
tho preciso nature of which could not bo
readily determined. I)rn. Tower nnd
Sponoglo went up yesterday to ndmlnis
ter anesthetics and examine his hurts
The now county bridgo across the
marsh at the south ond of town, huilt
by Christensen and Johnson, is 115S
feet long and 2-1 foot wide. Tho drive
way is 18 fc(jt tlius onabling teams to
pass and there is n footwalk of six feet
on one side. Tills is ono of tho best
bridges in tho county, and is a great
bonetit to the public.
Tlio now steamer being constructed nt
the Porter mill is a daisy for tho passon
ger trade. Sho will havo commodious
cubins and a hurricauo deck which will
cover the entire deck whero paBsongors
can sit without fear of sparks and out of
tho sun. Slip will be a handsome ves
sol. Her machinery has arrived and is
of tho best quality.
Somo months ago parties picked up a
largo redwood log which floated into
the bay and tho eamo was sawed up
Into lumber and proved to bo a most
beautiful grain. Tho cabin of the new
schooner Willio U. Iluino was finished
with it and piesents a very fine appear
anco. Joseph Gilbert, of Empire, also
mado a card table of the same material,
which Is very tlno.
The Coos Hay Photo & Crayon Co.'s
reduction in prices will continue tho re
mainder of tills month. Hemoinberthe
reduction is only to introduce our work,
Cabinets, Btrictly first-class, only $3.00.
I'm Ilea desiring photos of Teachers'
Group, mado at llam?on, can secure
them at $1.00 each, (bIzo 14x18) at Mc
Millan's gallery. Also vlowa of bsach
at llandon. Oall and see them.
Tho advertisement of Honno & Smith,
proprietors of tho Coos Bay Steam
Laundry, appears in this paper, and
they commend themselves to tho patron
ago of tho public. They have intro
duced tho Tioy system of laundrylng;
will redress linen with either gloss or
domestic finish, which is bo successful
In all Eastern cities. They have tho
finest ami latest machinery and will do
good work.
Painters, Attention!
Scaled bids for painting school build
Ing in Marshfleld, will bo recoived at
the office of John F. Hall up to 2 o'clock
p. m, Saturday, Sept. 1.1, 1600. Build
ing to be painted outside with two coats
of paint and suitablo trimmings. Spec
ifications can bo soon un application.
The Board reserves tho right to reject
any and all bids.
By ordor of tho Board of Directors of
School District No. V, Coos county, Oro
gon. John F. Hall,
District Clerk.
Unclaimed Letters.
List of unclaimed Ictterd remaining in
tho Marshfleld, Oregon, post olhce.
Sept. 1st, 1890. Persons calling for tho
samo will please say advertised;
Aviberg, J N due ioc
IkolM, John
Ilennet, Mr
Ilrown, Willis A
lirown, W C a
Cain, Miss Jennie
Cherry, R W
Druinmond, William
Entrusl, Jsnkki
EllHonh, MIm AiikIIi
Hume, Mrs Lisslr R
Jacobsen, J ,
lngas, August a
Iicey, Arthur K
(Care R C Hardie)
Lindstrom, Wilhelm a
Urn, Mr
Llrtgrccn, Ivart
Lepploji, Anna Greta
Mcllrt, Charity
lcConneII, Slicrmsn
Veil. Top
Niucn, H
(Care Mr Halermeir)
Nystrom, Anders
I'crry, GiHrt
1'eterson, Herman a
Kiyton, Or Ii 1
Kosswinle, Herman 3
Rotjcrts, Miss A Jane
Snow, N D
Steele, S V
Snanclcr, R
Sutherland, I A
Thompson, 1 M
Thornton, J W
won u liuicomi)
Wilson. Mrs W T
Morion, May
Wavcrly, James
A. D. Bor.DKii, P. M.
Miss Miuiiio T. Clay, who recently
passed a successful examination as pilot
and navigator, has been appointed cap
tain of tlio steamer Minnie, running on
Sebago Lake, Mo.
Tho census shows that California has
two slate quarries which have producod
during tlio year 1899, $13,8S9 worth of
slate at an expense of $32,037. At that
rate tho slate will get rich.
A firo occurred at tho Slaughterhouse
last week in one of tho outhouses con
nected with the main dwelling. The
outbouEQ burned and tho shed connect
ing with tlio dwelling was consumed,
but tho boys not their work in and suc
ceeded in saving the house.
A now coasting steamer is to bo built
at San Francisco this winter to run be
tween that and Gray's Harbor and in
termediate ports. Capt. Schwarts,
formerly of the Thistle, will have com
mand, and he will have her built so she
can como into tho Coquillo. Herald.
Passengers on the steamor Telephone
wero treated to a ghastly sight as the
steamer was leaving Portland Sunday
morning. Ab Madison street waB pass
ed, tlio lifeless body of a man hanging
from tlio cast abutment of tho new
bridgo was Been. It is not known
who or what tho man was. It is sup
posed to be a case of suicide.
Sailors on tho San Francisco front say
that tho schooner Una, which runs to
Gardiner, is a "hoodoo." Two years
ago wboh she entered Ran Dieso bay a
man was drowned at Santa Fe' wharf.
On her next visit a woman's dead body
was found floating alongside. Last
week she entered that port and on the
same day a yacht capsized and seven
peoplo were drowned. Many sailors
would not ship on hor now on any
A dispatch from Hon. B. Hermann
brings welcome news to Una county.
Our citizens are under great obligations
to our representatives in Congress who
have so diligently looked after our in
terests. Tho following telegram will
oxplain ilsolf :
Washington, D. C.
"Sont. 8th. 1890.
Ed. Coast Mail: Rivor aud harbor
hill has passed and forwarded tho presi
dent. C003 bay and Coquillo remain ns
tiiey passed bouse. Uongratulation.
Binoeu Hermann.
Tho production of tho play, "Won at
Last, or the Heart of AbIios," on Satur
day night, was a decided success. The
ball was filled, tho main floor and the
galeries being occupied. Mr. Albert
Lando, who acted the leading character,
fully sustained his. reputation as an
actor of more than ordinary ability, and
tlio others members of the Drnmatic
Club won morited approval. Miss
Band sustained her character admira
bly, as did also Mrs. Nystrom, in fact
all tho members did well. O. S. Benner
is a host in himself.
Gardiner Items.
From Our Regular Correspondent.'! '
"Weather very warm.
A. W. Koid has gonoto San Francis
co. Mrs. W. B. McKenzio returned homo
la6t Friday.
Mrs, A. W. Spencor, of Dean's crcok,
was in town Saturday.
AVo understand that Rev. AVm. Wells,
of Rosoburg, will preach hero next Sun
Harry Sacry and wifo of Oakland,
weio tho cuests of Dr. Mackey last
Miss Robocca Balderreo loft last Wed
nesday for Salem, where sho will attend
Mrs. A. "W, Reod is stopping at Snoflt
den Springs, in hopes of restoring her
Gnrdlnor is threatened with a water-
famine; "tho just and tho unjust" aro
alike praying for ruin.
Mrs. Frank Fly has gono to S3n Fran
cisco to meet her husband, who lias
just roturnod from Alaska.
Miss Mamio Nicholson returned home
from Bay City last Monday, after an ab
sence of about two months.
Henry "Wade has leasod his hotel to a
gontleman from tho valley, who will
tako charge in about a week.
School opened last week with Prof,
Ecclestmi, as Principal, and Miss Allda
Culy in chargo of the primary department.
September Term, i8qo Watson, judge.
In matter of petition of Ernest W. Hermann,
guardian of Wngner heirs, (minors) to sett real
property. Order of sale.
In matter or petition of J. R. Llghtner, guar
dian of Llghtner heirs, (minors) to sell real prop
erly. Order of s-tle.
In matter of petition of I. A. Simon and D.
P. Strang, executors of will of R. M. Strang, to
sell real property. R. J. Cuisans appointed
general guardian, and order of sate made.
In matter of petition of 1!. Ko3e, administra
tor of tho estate of J. S. McNnara.tra, deceased,
to sell real property. R, J. Cussans appointed
guardian ad litem. Sale ordered.
In matter of estate of P. M. Hcuser, deceas-
cu. sale connrmed.
In mailer of estate of Green N. Farrln, de
ceased. Final account approved.
In matter of, estate of Frank Bridges, de-
ccaseu.-rinai account auowea.
Estate of Ada and Ella L. Stora, (minors),
Order approving bond of John Dear, guar
dian. In matter of Estate of Emma Campbell, de
ceased. uracr connrming sale oi real properly,
In matter of estate of Andrew Hongell, de
ceased. Will of deceased probated and Chas.
Sclander appointed executor.
Supervisor l D. Smith ordered paid $ioo for
work on road district a.
B. R. Banning allowed $ao for services as
bookkeeper on Middle lork wagon road.
W. U Dixon, allowed .85 for powder, etc.,
for road district 24.
Edwards & Dalmas, allowed $41.35 for lumber
for road districts 4 and 20.
Morras Bros. , allowed 116 for lumber, (list. 19.
Wise& Bender, for spikes, dist. 15, ji.10.
The following bills were ordered paid for "lay
ing out Newport nnd South slough road: W.
E. Richards, $31.60; W. Kern, $15.60; A.
Stcckel, $15.60; M. Talbot, $12; W. H. Given,
$14; D. W. Hayward, $14.
Empire and North Bend road ordered changed
to conform to plat of town of Yarrow.
E. B. Dean & Co., lumber for dist. 2, $27.85.
Fees of surveyor, axmen, chaihmen and view
ers on re-location of Catching creek road, or
dered paid.
Eugene O'Connell, for powder, etc., for Mid
die Fork road, $240.40.
J. D. Garfield, for powder, etc. dist. 32, $14.60.
B. E. Hampton and J. Waters, for work on
road, district 20, $6.
Petition ior location of county road from a
point on Newport and Empire City road to
South slough bridge. Road ordered opened.
Petition for road fromalapoinf where Bandon
and Fislilrap road leaves Lumpcy creek road.
J. B. Hunt, S. B. Hatch and W. a Whit-appointed
viewers, nnd S. B. Cathcart surveyor, to
meet at mouth Lampey creek Sept. 25, 1890.
Petition for road from southeast (comer of
northeast quarter of section 3, township 26 s,
range 12 west (Daniel's creek). Ordered open
ed. Petition of Thos. Ashton for a road of public
easement. Ordered opened.
Re-location of Catching creek and Curry
county line road. Ordered granted and opened.
Bridge ordered built In road district 37.
Middle Ford road. Report of Sol J. Mc
Closkcy shows cost of construction since April,
1890, to be $10,493.63; amount drawn on treas
urer, $8,800.00; amount due $1,693,63. Order
ed paid.
Petition for a bridge across Coquilleat Laird's
place. Postponed.
Petition for bridge on Middle Fork of Co
quillo at Rock creek. Clerk ordered to adver
tise for bids.
As 10 making a fill on the Myrtle Point and
Douglas county line road on Sugar Loaf moun
tain. SoL 1. McCloskey appointed to superin
tend and authorized to draw $525 when com
pleted. The contract was let to H. H. Brown-
W. T. Lehnherr. supr. dist 20, allowed i6.
Wm. Roberts appointed road supervisor of
district 20, irr place ot u. ones.
3000 feet plank allowed dist. 8, for a bridge,
T. A. Walker, constable fees In case of State
vs. Whitlock. $20.
Fees of Coronor and jurors at inquest of Mrs.
Addic Mackey allowed; also fees for Inquest of
lames wavcrly.
R. W. Bullard, justices fees in case of State
vs. Harvey Gross; alio fees of rSoniUble. Or
dered paid.
J. BMarshall, justice's fees in case of State
vs. liarvcy Gross; nlso constable and witness
teas. Ordered paid.
'Dr. Cook, medical attendance on Mrs. Mc-
Mackin, $53; and on Ed. Whitlock. prisoner, $1.
Dr. Evans, attendance on Mrs. McMackin, $5.
D. II. Hutcheson, attending Wm. Fairfax,
insane, io.
H. Sengstackcn, medicine for Mrs. McMack
in. $20.
Airs. M. Kerrigan, nllowed $3.25 on account
ol lames waverly.
Dr. Sponogle, examination of Wm. Fairfax,
insane, $5.
H. G. Ploecer, treasurer, ( salary. $7t
D. L. Watson, county judge, salary, $200;
traveling expenses, $17.25.
Sol J. McCloskey, commissioner fees, $22.60;
for supervising Middle Fork road. $i3.
John P. Goodman, commissioner fees, $21;
ior receiving auuuie roiK roau, $xo.
Dr. McComuc, medical attendance on paup
ers nnd insane, $32.50.
W. Roskamp, allowed $6; and C Anderson,
$2.50, for attending paupers.
In matter of tax for 1890. Taxable property,
$2,149,450; tax of 2t mills ordered. School tax,
tne-mills; unbersity tax, one-tenth mill; princi
pal and interest on bonded debt, one-half mill;
soldiers and families, two-tenth mill; county pur
poses, fifteen and two-tenth mills.
Warrant ordered issued for collection of taxes.
Each of the county papers allowed $10.
G. A. Bennett, printing blanks for sheriff, $30.
J. D. Garfield, for sprinkler, 75 cents.
Geo. Camroann, for painting, $2.50.
Gilbert & Evensen. for work, $4.15.
Z. T. Siglin, fees as sheriff, $166.50.
. umn, lees as cleric. $410.20.
11. liuncti, school superintendent, sal
ary. $tr J.75.
Florence Smith, for examination of teachers
IV. Frank Bunch, same. $q.
Roberts & Jones, of Empire City, granted a
liquor license tor one year.
Schedule of wages on the Coos Bay, Roseburg
and Eastern Railroad & Navigation Co., for con
struction work;
Choppers, from $1.75 to $3 per day.
Hewers, from $3 to $3.50 per day.
Graders. $1.75 per day.
Rock drillers, $2 per ilny.
Muckers, $i.7S per day.
Teamsters, two horses, $30 per month and
board; four and six horses, $40 per month and
Pile-driver men, $3 per day.
Bridge carpenters, $3 per day.
Foremen, from $3 to $4 per day.
Cooks, from $40 10 $50 per month.
Ten hours to constitute a days work. All car
penters must furnish their own chest of tools.
Board, $4,50 per week, in Co.'s camps.
Boarding camps will be established at conven
ient points along the line, butit will not be com
pulsory for men to board at company camps.
Pay day will be about the 15th of each month
for work performed in preceding month.
R. A. Graham, w. a King,
Manager. Supt. of Construction.
On Coos river, August 24, 1890, to the wife of
L.iggciic Litnunui, h uauguicr.
At Coquillo City. Or.. Sept. 2. 1800. to the
jWe Tf Rev. J. L. Adams, a son.
IB mbmwm Man
At Myrtle Point, Or., Sept. 8, 8oo. Earl, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Giles, aged five years.
At her homo In Oakland, CaL, Jane, wife of
Win. Lyons, and mother of J. A. Lyons of Co
quille Cjty, aged about 83 years.
O'Connell'a mixed paints can bo Been
on ovory baud, beautifying the town of
A good farm of 240 acres ob Tetu&ile
lako for sale cheap. Inquire at this of
fice of Gray & Hill.
Vexlar pa alia plaster i Europa forsel-
as genom, Flanagan & Bennett's bank,
ilarehfield, Oregon.
In order to introduce our now work
wo continue tho low prices until August
15th, only, Cabinets, the very finest,
$3 per doron at McMlHan'a. ,
Plilaff Wasted.
Tho Coos Bay, Kosebarg & Ewtotti
Railroad Co., will receive bkte far ekfcr
piling. Piles to measure froa twety
flve to sixty feet in length', a, fee
pany may order, nnd to be sot left Uhm
ten inches in diameter t the mm)1 &
To bo dolivcred along the rfftbt-ef-iniy
where needed, or in the ttftten of Isth
mns slough. Bids trill also be received
for cedar ties, 8 feet long, 6 inches thick,
and not less than 8 Inches wide; to be
bowed p.nd faced on top and bottom.
Ties to be delivered nlong the riftbt-Gf
way of said company at epch pent ad
at each times as they may direct. Tie''
and pilingto bo paid for laspectieft and
acceptance by the company. Address
bids to W. D. K
Supt. Construction, Marshfleld. Or.
House and lot for salo. Inquire, at
thin office.
A good browery property on Coos bay
for salo cheap. Inquire of Gray & Hill.
Chimneys, to be safo from fire and
draw well, should not be less than six
teen inches square inside and bnilt up
from tho cellar. TTso good brick with
clay, instead of mortar, up to tbo comb.
Plaster it inside with clay mixed with
salt. Top with the best brick, well wet
and laid in cement. Do not let wood
come too close to the brick, and don't let
the stove pi po como nearer tbaneighteea
inches to the ceiling.
Tho recent census bulletin on mines
and mining says: "The earliest records
relating to production of quicksilver ia
California are for 1800, cinnabar having
been first discovered there in 1845, and
bat very little quicksilver was prodseed
prior to 1850, when active work was
commenced at New Almaden. Outside
of California quicksilver has been pro
duced in two localities in the United
States; in Oregon, to the extent of 2000
flasks, and in Utah, where about 200
flasks were reported."
O. J. Menocal and several other gen
tlemen of the engineering staff of tho
Nicaragua canal construction corps have
just reached Washington from Grey
town, on a short leave of absence. They
report commendable progress already
on the great engineering project. Bev
eral'million dollars have already beea
spent and the activo work of canal con
struction is now woll under way and so
well started and under such favorable
financial auspices tbat tbe success of the
ecbeme, they say, is assured.
The Weather-Crop B nils tin of Sept.
6th, says: "Potatoes aro being deliv
ered and large supplies of them are ob
tho market. Peaches are quite plenti
ful, though the average crop is sot as
large as usual. Melons are nnnsally
plentiful. The largo prnno crop Is be
ing dried.
A full harvest of all products is sow
being cured, stored or sold. Prices are
Reports of large yields of wheat, oats
and' barley continue to be received. The
average yiejd for the state will un
doubtedly be larger than for years,
while tbe crop will be the largest."
Sept a Stmr Emily, Roberts, from S F, to
Porter mill.
Sept 2 Schr Orient, from S F, to North
Sept 6 rSttnr Aiax. Donaldson, from S F, to
SO Co.
Sept 6 Stmr Arago. Thomas, S F.
Sept 7 -Tug Columbia, Mogee, from Gardi
ner, to North Bend.
Sept 8 Stmr Areata, Marshall, from S P, to
SO Co.
S tiled.
Sept z Stur Areata, Marshall, S F.
i Schr Emma Utter, Allen, S F.
x Tug Columbia, Magee. Gardiow, '
a Schr Ida Schnauer, S F.
3 Stmr Emily, Roberts, Rodeads,
Basineaa Personals.
"Looking Backward," at Sengetaok
en's. Take your subscriptions for oil papers
to F. P. Norton.
Riggs, our photographer, taken the
lead for fine photographs.
Golden offers a full line of fishing
tackle, at reduced juices.
Delicious soda water on draughts
again at Goldon's drug store.
Call at Golden's soda fountain to
drink of that delicious soda water.
O'Connell's celebrated mixed paints,
for sale at O'Connell'a hardware Btore.
Large consignment of dress goods
sold out at cost, at Sengstacken's.
Large assortment of new trout flies at
Golden's drug store, at reduced prises.
Mason's fruit jars in gallon, quarto
and pints at O'Connell's bard ware store.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries
given away at tbe Coos Bay drug store.
Particulars at the store.
What is Angeline? Send to Golden's
drug store for descriptive pamphlets M
you are a sufferer from rheumatism.
The Tenbroeck bouse in Empire City
slocatedina pleasant part of tews
and is fitted with largo snnny rooms
good beds and good tables. Charges
reasonable. Try the house.
Buegies, road carts, spring wagoss,
farm wagons, hand carts and wheelBar- '
rows, also the famous Tiger and Whit
ley mowers and all popular sulky bay '
rakes, at O'Connell'a hardware store.
In drinking Golden's soda water yea
have tbe assurance that you are avoid
ing tho dangers of imitation flafsriBge,
mode from injurious chemicals. Only
pass frit juices used. Send ia year er
deM. Oases of 2 dos. $1.00, 4 doc. $.0.
Why do you allow your losse to fee
worn out by colds when a alty eest
bottlo of Dr. Murphv's Svron ol Tar
and Wild Cherry will give yon immedi
ate relief? For sale by all leadiag
druggists arid dealers in patest medi
cines, Pay U.
All Demons knowing thisuelna ia
debtee! to the Bfc"drlgaed are wnmsifi
to Bouaro their access isimiiUmr
and oblige, Jakm L. Fanm...
if tt
it .
j-ABs1- .i r.t.