The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 11, 1890, Image 2

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Published erery ThnrtcUy mornlnir,
JOHN A. GRAY, Editor.
Term, la Adr&Bce.
One year..,,,. .,,,,, ., ...,.,. ,$a 50
Sis RKMHtati t 50
Three Booths........ x 00
JTfcars-y, 1 2 : t : : t September it, 1B90.
Lift Soring Station.
The department has fast Issued
VamphhH deacripUve of U10 organisation
d taetbeds of the United States Lite
Savlag'fferrice, from which It Appears
that Ute'ftea and lake coaats of the
United States, exclusive ot the coast of
Alaska, have an extent of more than
u,uwj niies. 'JLiiero aro toilay upon
theM coasts 220 lifo-saving stations, 1G5
of which are on the shores of the At
lantic, eight on the shores of tho Quit
ot Mexico, eight on the shores of the
Pacific, and 45 on the shores ot the
great lakes. There is, besides, a station
t the falls of the Ohio river at Louis
ville, Ky. These stations are located at
eolocted points of danger to shipping,
and vary somewhat in character, ac
cording to their environment and the
nature of tho service demanded of them.
On some portions of the coast they are
placed only at long intervals, while upon
others they form chains of contiguous
posta within communicating distance of
each other.
The Pacific coast is not a dangerous
ono. From the southern boundary of
tho United States, as far north as San
Francisco, the climate is remarkably
bland, and shipwrecks are of rare oc
carrence. The remainder of tho
coast-line, extending northward to
tho Strait of Fuca, is very reg
ular, bold, and unbroken, and con
tains but few harbors. The prevailing
winds aro mostly from a common quar
ter, blowing not towards the shore, and
southward, along its lino, with almost
the regularity of monsoons. The weath
er, therefore, is easily forecast, and nav
igation can not in general bo regarded
as hazardous. There are, however, a
few extremely dangerous points, mostly
situated at the entrance to the important
ports. Thos are guarded by eight sta
tions. The boat in most general use in the
service is the eurf-boat Since 1876
there have been put into the UnitedJ
States service 37 self-righting and self
bailing life-boats of the model of a boat
received from the Royal Life-boat Insti
tution. They aro ail nearly reproduc
tions of the boat sent to us. They are
9 feet 3 inches in length, 7 feet 7 inches
beam, 3 feet 1J inches deep amidships,
1 foot 10 inches sheer of gunwale,
straight-bottomed, pull eight oars, and
weigh about 4000 pounds each. The
surf-boats draw 6 or seven inches of
water, are b'ght, and weigh from 700 to
1100 pounds. They are propelled with six
oars, without sails, and are expected to
carry, besides their crews, from ten to
twelve persons, although as many as
Afteen have been landed at a time in a
bad sea. Their cost ranges from $210
to $275.
we would probably obtain a correct
jdea of the relation between the cost of
Bi&int&naEcerand the results by taking
the aggregate during the seven years
eiace the adoption ot the present rate of
wages, commencing July I, 1883, and
afterwards giving the average per sta
tion. In 1888 there wore 194 stations;
1834, 201; 1885, 203; 188G, 211; 1887,
18; 1888,222; 1889, 225; making a to
tal of 1474 stations. Tho general cost
add results may be summed up as follows:
foreign sugar. Tho Northwest Is In lino Special Notice,
with California hi opposition to frcosu- AU 18 know,nR Uir-mRolYen In
gar. Senator Matulftrpon, of Nebraska, 1 ,0lt (0 tn tini!oritnct on January 1M.
says there nto about Ihrco thousand 1 1800, nml midi debt in Mill unpaid, "III
tio well to Btue Mio eiuno tiniiieiiRUiy,
I need nionoy and must have It.
acres now in cultivation In that state to
supply tho Grain! Island Sugar Factory.
Mr. Manderson thinks with Mr. Hproek
els, of this state, that within few
years onougu boot sugar will bo pro
duced in tho United States to supply
tho entire doraand for homo consump
tion. Is irvnot bettor to givo our farm-
ors a new and proDtablo branch ot In
dustry tlmn to seek to mnko markets for
grain and meats in foreign countries?
S. l Uall.
Tho Allon Labor Bill, as passed by
tho honso of representatives, remedies
tho defects and simplifies tho execution
of tho law of 1685, which, after having
boon twice amended, was pronounced
imperfect and unsatisfactory. Ono pro
vision, which it is believed will material
ly aid in tho discovery of infractions of
tho law is that providing that any per
son arriving in this country on any ves
sel may bo interrogated under oath to
ascertain whether he is embraced with
in any of tho provisions of tho act. It
is also expressly providod that the pro
visions of tho act shall not apply to ac
tors, artists, lecturers, ministers and
Largo bodies of rich cinnabar ore in
the Siskiyou mountains southwest of
Ashland and "vfogner buttes attracted
the attention of prospectors years ago,
and considerable quicksilver has been
taken out of mines there. Messrs.
Henry Klippel and M. Caton, of Jack
sonville, operated the "Emmelino" cin
nabar mines there some years ago, and
took out some ten ton of quicksilver, but
having no facilities for working the ore
to good advantage, they suspended
operations. Recently Mr. Mageo, form
erly a superintendent at tho celebrated
New Ahnadcn mines and at one time
owner Of the "Sulphur Banks" in Cali
fornia, went out loo examine tho pro
perty of the "Ernraeline Cinnabar .Min
ing Co.," and was so ranch pleased
with the character of tho ore and tho
good prospects generally that he and
Francis Fitch, of Medford, havo bonded
the mines for a year, and aro now em
ploying a number of men in running
tunnels, sinking a shaft, ground sluicing
and other prospect work. Ashland
If the demand of tho British Colum
bians for Chines legislation as exclus
ioua mumi me Australian colonies is
ever conceded, it would result in advan
tage to this country by diminishing tho
number of Mongolians smuggled over
the northern border.
Notice to Debtors.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to mo on bote or book account
must settlo by the 1st of September, as
I nm going nwnv on that dato. Costs
will bo added after that dato.
J. I). GAHriKM).
Marshfield, Or, Aug. 1st, 1S00.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. Notice
for Publication.
Unitkd States 1 jvno OrncK,
Roskhuro, Orkuon. July jth, tftio.
Notice it hereby riven that In compliance
with the nrovsions ot the net of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of
timber land In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington territory," Nelson
Lewis, of Marshfield, county of Coos, state
of Oregon has this day filed In this ofiiit!
Ids sworn statement No, forthenurchnscofthc
sejf of sc.V of section No. it.ln Township No.
95 S, range No. iiw, nnd will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office nt
Rosebunr, Ortvon, on Thursday the i8tliday of
September, 1890. He names as witnesses;
Levi Smith, Joe Cheatham. Edward Thomas,
and Thomas Creason, of Marshfield, Coos
county, Oregon.
Any and nil persons chiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 18th
day of September, 185a
jjio John II. Siiur-K, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
tor ruoitcation.
United Siates Land Office,
Roseburg, Or., July 5th, 1890.
Notice Is hereby civen In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. J87S, entitled "An act ror the sale 01
timber lands in the states of Cahfornit, Oregon,
Nevada, nnd Washington Territory." Edward
Thomas, of Marshfield, county of Coos, state
of Oregon has this day filed in this office his
snorn statement No. .for the purchase of the
ncil of nejf of section No. 11, In township
No. 35 S, range No. 11 w. and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone titan for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at
Rosebury, Oregon on Thursday, the t8th day of
September, iSgo. He names as witnesses;
Levi Smith, Joe Cheatham, Nelson Ixwis.
Thos. Cmuon, of Marshfield, Coos county.
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in tms onice on or uetore said iBin cay
01 September, 1090.
jyio I011.N H. SllUlT, Register,
Cost during seven yean
Number of disasters
Value of property involved (ves
sels and cargoes)
Value of property saved
Value of property lost,
Number of persons on board . . .
Number of persons lost
Number of shipwrecked persons
succored at the stations ... . .
Number of days' succor afforded
Number of disasters resulting in
total loss of vessels
55,701.184 os
53,441,13a 00
43,386, 80a 00
Washingtox, Sept. 5. Among those
who defended the duty on lumber in the
rather lively debate to-day were Sena
tors Alien, of Washington, and Dolph
and Mitchell, of Oregon Senator
Allen Baid the lumber industry was one
of the greatest in Lib state and quoted
statistics to show the growth of the bus
iness from 1850 to 1890. The production
was GO.000,000 from 18C0 to 1870, 125,
000,000 from 1870 to 1880, 250,000,000
from 1880 to 1899. The shipment of
shingles alone was 1500 cars last year.
Senator Dolph claimed that the tariff
was not for one state or several states
Tbere were many industries that Oregon
was not directly interested in, yet thoy
were for protection. Lumber was one
in which the state had great interest in
volved and be expected that it would be
protected by tbe paternal system of the
government on the basis of what helped
ono helped all. He had no patience
with the men of bis side of tbe chamber
tho sappers and miners, who were try
ing to undermine the protection system
Senator Mitchell referred to the cheap
Chinese labor of British Columbia which
came Into competition with the people
of the Pacific coast and tho coutly trans
portation would endanger the lumber
interests of both Oregon and Washing
ton without protection. Only tluee re
publicans votod for the fret list amend
ment, Washburne, Plumb and Paddock.
The democrats were all against free
Tbe present appearances are thut free
sugar will go by the board The substi
tute proposod in the sonato for the houe
bill fixes the duties on all sugars be
tween No. 13 and No. 17 at cents
a poumi. mis rate 01 protection is
M-eb bettar tot ear beet-sugar interest
1 tbe bounty which the bouse bill
Curry County.
fFrom Gold Beach Gazette. 1
Apples, pears and plums are quite
A few salmon are being caught, but
tbe run is not very extensive yet.
Wm. Brown, the painter, who has
been Beriously ill for ovor a week, has
so far recovered as to be able to leave
his room.
Geo. H. Guerin was the purchaser of
the real estate beloneini? to iBtnt of
Jemes McGIone, deceased, heretofore
The tug Katie Cook departed for Port
Orford Wednesday, and will bringdown
a load of lumber for A. II. Gauntlett.
County surveyor CanBeld this week
commenced the work of completing the
survey of Tp. 35, Sit 14 W., on govern
ment contract. It will take him about
a month to finish the work.
neport comes that a new mail route
has been ordered along the coast be
tween Bandon and Port Orford, with
poatoffices at the residences of John
Blacklock and Robt. McKcnzfe.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Roserubs, Ox.,
lulv 3Q. l800.
J3I the foUowing-uamcd settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judge, or clerl; of the county court of
V.UUS i-uunij, virgw, ai empire .uy, vjr., on
Monday, September 15th, 1890,
vii: William Albkrt Collvkk. Homestead
Entry No. 4396. for the south half of southwest
quarter and south half of southeast quarter, sec
tion 4, township a6 south, range 13 west, W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vis : E. Stock, Thomas Wallace, N.
Wilson, James Foster, of Marshfield, Coos
county, Oregon. John II. Snvre.
jy3 Register.
A Michigan Central Railroad Employee
Wins his Case, After Seven Year's
While employed as agent of the Michi
gan Central Railroad Company, of
Augusta, Jiicfi., my kidneys became
diseased, and fr6m an impovished and
impure state of the blood, my general
heal tti. was entirely undermined. I con
sulted the leading phyeicians of this city
and Ann Harbor, and all pronounced
my case Bright s disease. In October
last, 1 negan talcing liibbard's Rheu
matic 8yrup, and am to-day a well man.
it auords me pleasure to render suffer
ing numanity any good that I can, and
I wish to say that I think it tho greatest
blood, kidney and liver medicine in the
world. E. Lakzileiik,
Agent M. C. R. R., Albion, Mich.
Sold by all druggists. Prepared only
by the Charles Wright Medicine Co.,
Detriot, Mich. Sold by H.Sengstackeii,
Marshfield and Empire City.
e A
The pomtUlt story of BUnUrM meet thrlMar
UtoovertejwUl appear for tbo fint tlm la tto
work written byhluutlt. eatitle4 ,rln ImmI
A,lP'!!&,S1'1'. no. b Wl'e4 by nv of the to
called "Stanley books" uow belof oBnred as "d.
!! aod"uitrotlo." To no one ot tbeas liu
BUnley coo tiibuted -line.
TberelanoquetUonaboat thb statement bem
eorreet I nererr particular. We guarantee It, and
wlU rive particulars on application.
HAIITinN ,n "a not to. U m-IeiLace
OnUIIUrt the book bean the lm
print ot
AlA that tbe eanvaaslnf ent carries a eerU Scale
of agtucr from us. .
fieneral AgMU far the FoeiHe CtmC
Ben E. Lyster, of North Bend, Sole I
Notice for Publication.
Lano Office at Roseeuko, Or.,
July ayl, 1800.
JLl tlw following-named settler has filed notice
ol his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof Mill be nude be
iore tne clerk 01 tne countv court ot 1.00s coun
ty, Or., at Empire City, Or., on
Saturday, September 13th, 1800,
vu. UAVID I ALBOT, I're-emption U. 5. No.
6597, for the lots 12 and 13, section 35, town
ship a6 south, range 14 west, W. M.
He names the lollowtng witnesses to prove
her continuous retidence upon and cultivation
of. land, viz: John Raynor, George Cline,
Matt Talbot, Edward Reilly, all of Empire City,
Coos county, Oregon.
John H. Siiurn.
Iy3t Register.
In tht Ciirnil Cnrt if lit Skit f Orgn
otJcr Mr Cttr tf 1 .'
The Coot Hy, Hosclmrg, and'
Eastern Unilruail nnd Naviga
tion Company, plaintiff, . Action nt Law.
IVo'per W. Smith, defendant, ,
TO PROSPER W. SMITH, the defendant
above-mimei!, (irtthHf:
In tkt tVamt ef tkt Stttt if Qrtgt;
appear and answer tho complaint filed
ncrtlnst you In the nbovc-rnlltlcd action, In which
Tbe Coos lUy, Roteburg, nnd Eastern Railroad
and Navigation Company Is plaintiff, and you,
I'rospcr v. Smith, are defendant, on or tcfoic
the first day of the nest regular term of the Cir
cuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the Coun
ty or Coos, to lie held In the court-home at Em
pire City, In the said county of Coos, on Mon
day, tho sUtlt dty of Octolvr, A. !., 1B90.
And if you f til so to appear ant answer, the
said plaintiff will apply to the si.d court for the
relief demanded in Its complaint In this action,
a succinct statement of whkh said relief is as
follows to-wit:
That the compcnation to be paid the said
defendant for a right of way for a railroad, slsty
feet wide, across certain of the said defendant s
land, to-wlt . lots numticred four and fourteen
of section twenty-seven. In township twenly-sl
south, of range thirteen west of the Willamette
meridian, nnd the tide land fronting the Mid
lots, all situate In the County of Coos and Slate
of Oregon, the said ilghtof way to be thirty feet
in width on each side of a line commencing nt a
point on the section fine, fourteen hundred and
twenty-eight feci south of Ihe corner of sections
numbered twentr-two. twenty-three, twenty-six,
and twenty-seven, in township twenty-six south,
of range thirteen west ol the Willamette merid
ian, and running thence on a curve to the left
of six hundred and forty feel radius, In n south
westerly direction, for thrrei hundred feet;
thence, on n tangent, four hundred and ten fret.
roagneie course south eight degrees west;
thence on a curve toward the west of five hun
dred feet ra lius, eight hundred and thirty-eight
feel; thence on a tanscnt running north seventy
nine degrees and forty-fic minutes west, a dis
tance of seven hundird and forty feet; thence
00 a curve of six hundred and eighty-live feet
radius, a distance of three hundred nnd filly
feet, to ordinary low water mark on the slough
fronting the south boundary of lot fourteen, of
section twenty-seven. In township twenty-six
south, of range thirteen west of Willamette
meridian; the total length of the tnid line Is
twenty-six hundred and thirty-eight feet; lw de
termined in the manner provided by law, nnd
when the amount thereof has been so de
termined, and paid into court, that Judgment lie
given, appropriating the said right of way to the
utc of the said pUinliff, for the line of its rail
road, w
Service of this summons by publication is
muteby order of the Hon. M. t. II pes. ludge
of ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
tie County of Coos, which said onlr Is dated
Iheaist day of August. ,. I)., 1S00.
auai Attorney fur rialniiff.
o 1
Me CirtKit Cnurl ef lit Suit ef Ongrit
an J fir lit Com if Cu:
The Coos Hay, Roseburg, and )
Eastern Railroad nnd Naviga- i
tion Company. pU.Jliff, Action at Law.
NeUon Koon, defendant.
TO NE1.SON KOON, the defendant above
turned, Crtttrng;
In tit i'amt ef IMt StJtt ef Ortgsrn;
appear and answer the compUint filed
against ou in the ahove-cmilled action, in wliiiti
1 ne 1.00s my, KoscOurg, and tuslern rUilroxU
and Navigation Company is plilntilf, and )ou,
Nelson Koon, are defendant, on or before the
first day of the next regular term of the- Circuit
Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of
Coos, to be held in the court-home at lunpue
City, in ihe said county of Coos, on .Monday,
the sixth day of October, A. D., t8$o- Arid if ou
fail so to appear and answer, the said pUinulf
will apply to the said court for the relief de
manded in its complaint in this anion, a suc
cinct statement of which said relief is as follows,
That the compensation to be paid the said de
fendant for a right of way for a railroad, sixty feel
wide, across certain of the Mid defendant's land,
to-wit. the north-west quarter of the north-west
quarter of section one. and lots fit?, six. seven.
and eight in section two, in township twenty-
Destined to be fclie commercial arid manufactur
ing centre of Coos Bay and the Seaport of
Southern Oregon. "Will soon be the
Terminus of A. JRailway
connecting with A.
CoinmitiKliiiB 11 view of tho linr nml entire Hiiy
thu iioiul of (loop water. Secure 11 choice
illation nt the
j tOiuKoro'i from (ho northwont wiihIh nm Hittmteil nt
locution hoforo it h too Into. Apply for iufor-
Qqou youpi5i5E ?o.'$ oppi?E,
In O'ConnolPs IhiilditiB, M n rah field. Oregon, 3H. ... IfcviEOSS, 3XQX!.l.g,Q:
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
tlcc for Publication.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rosf.burg, Ok.,
Sept. 6, iBoo.
Jl the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Judge or county clerk of Coos county.
Or., at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct. 25, 1890.
vii: William D. MeCurdy, Pre-emption D. S.
No. 6927, for the M of swtf, nej of swjf and
swK of nwjf of section 30, township 35 s,
range 13 west, V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, viz: Donald Mclntoih. Anton
Wirth, Charles S Hilbom and George A. Trim
ble, of Marshfield, Coos county, Oregon.
sen Jons It. SllUPE, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rosf.burg, Oregon, 1
August 13, 1800. i
Notice is hereby civen that the following
named settter has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the judge
or clerk of the county court of Coos county,
Oregon, at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct 4, i3oo.
viz- Edwin H. Short, Homestead Entry, No.
5956, for the Its No. 3 and 3 southeast quarter
of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of
southwest quarter of section 31, township 34
south, range 13 west, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prcne his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol.
said land, viz: George Cook and Wm. Rldeout,
of Empire City, Coos county, Oregon, and Her
man Steeva and J. Owen Short, of Marshfield,
Coos county, Oregon. JOHN II. Sllui'E,
au3i Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office: at Rosemurg, Or.
August 5th, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the follow inB'
named settler has tiled notice of tils Intention to
make final proof in support of lilt claim, and
that said proof will be made before the judge or
clerk of the county court of Coos county, Ore
gon, at Empire City, on
Friday, September 76th, 1890.
viz: EVALtJ C. Sodkkman, Pre-emption D, S.
No. 59J7, for the nw of sw of section 36,
township 35 south, range 11 wtt, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said land, viz: Isaac Enros. Henry I'almnuest.
John Eliason, I-emuel Mortimer, of M.irshfirld,
coos county, urrgon, JOHN 11. MIUI'K.
au7 Register.
lamette meridian, all situate In the county of Coos
and state of Oregon, the said right of way to
be thirty feet in width on each side of a line
commencing at a point three hundred and twenty
feet east ol the south-west corner of section
thirty-fie, in township twcnty-seitn south, of
range thirteen west of the Willamette raciidian,
Uicncr on a tangent, south twenty-two de
grees and thirty minutes west, one hundred and
eighty feel, thence by eleven degiee and thirty
minuiccurvc itii lor iweive nunuicu nnti suiy
mne feet, thence by six degree and fifteen min
ute curve right for hve hundred nnd twenty feel;
thenc on a Ungent eleven hundred and fifty
feel, thence by a four degree curve right three
hundred and seventy-five feet, thrnce on a tan
gent nine hundred and fifty fiet. thence byn ten
degree curve left four hundred and thirty feet;
thence by a ten degree curve right nine hundred
and sixty-seven feet; tltence on a tangent, south
twenty-six degrees and forty niiiiuics east, six
hundred feet, to a joint on the south line of the
north-west quarter of the north-west quarter of
section one, Uo-Iiundrcd feet east of the south
west corner of the said north-west quarter of
northwest quarter of section one, in towmhlp
twenty-eight south, of range thirteen west
of the Willamette meridian, making a total
length of sixty-four hundred and forty-one feet;
be determined in the manner provided by law,
and when tlie amount thereof has been so de
termined, and paid Into court, that judgment be
given, appropriating the said right of way to
Ihe use of the said plaintiff, for the line of its
Service of this summons by publication Is
made by order of the Hon. M. L. Ifpcs, Judge
or the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Coos, which said order is dated
the 31st day of Augutt, A. V, i&jo.
SiifcDOEN K. Wilson,
aim Attorney for Plaintiff.
UMrM.M,n:s UMiOmiK,
RotrburgOr., pt. I. itkrt.
Notice is hereby gtcn Out in complianre
with the provitiont of the act of Congicss of j
June 3. 1673, entitled "An act lor lite sale or
Umber lands In the stiles of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington 'lerrlloty, ' t.dwaid
A. Hargreates. of Gardiner, county of Douglas,
state ol Oregon has this day filed in this office Ins
sworn statement No., for Ihe purcliaie of the
kH of section No. 17. in township No, 33 s,
range No. is w, and will offer (tuuf to show
that the land sought Is mora valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
anil to establish his claim to said land licfore the
Register and Recrherof this office at Robiirs.
Or., on Friday theaist day of Novemlier. 1800.
He names as witnesses, l.ucjin h. Ucwur. lm
11 Harding, Martin Andrews and tiu.t.w Call
son, of Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adveiwly the
abov-dcsctitd binds aie rmiuvslcd to file their
claims in thw office on or U lore said ant day
of November, iSoa
sen Jons II SllUfE, Register.
FlIUNT 8THM;r, MAlltlimi.M), Olt,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Rcseburg, Or., 1
August 9, 1890. J
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the judge or
clerk of the county court of Coos county, Ore
gon, at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1890.
viz: Benjamin McCormnk, Pre-emption 1). S.
No. 6060, for the lot 6, section 14, lots I, a and
3 und east 'A of northwest '4 section 33, town
ship 26 south, range 14 we,t, W. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of,
said land, viz: George Chard. Matthew Talbot,
Asaph II. Hlnch and H. U Given, of Empire
City, Coos county, Oregon
aui4 John II. Siiui'E, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Puulica'lon.
Unitkij States LANPOrrici:.
Roschurg. Or.,. Sept. 1. 1890.
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3.
187S, entitled "An net for the sain ol tlm!x-r
lands In the stales of CalifornU, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington territory," lm I- Harding,
ol Gardiner, county of Douglas, state of Ore
gon, lias this day filrd In this office Ids sworn 1
statement No., for the purchase of the Ixts
13, 14 nd 1 J, of section 33, nnd nw& of ive.V
ot section No. 37, alt in township No. aa s.
range No ia west, nnd will offer proof to show
that the Und sought it more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this ofTue at
Roscburg, Or., on I-'rlday. the stst ilay of
November, 1B90. lie names as witnesses
Edward A. Hargreves, Frederick llarcreaves,
Edward lismbidge nnd William Dewar, of
Uaidiner, Oregon.
Any nnd all in-rsons claiming adversely the
above-desctiUnt lands arc requested to fit their
claims in this olTxe on or belorc said am day
of November. 1850.
sen John H. Siiufk, Kcg.Uirr.
Bin ti term It I'uruittirn, ilpriiiltti;, .ftitilrrtn, ?tii-iu, I'ictnre
tttsd IMom rraiiiOH, .1IililiH(i, 4'sirinluN, Wis!! Ptsitrr, C,
"CTrLclortal:ir-gr a, Specialty:
SSSpWe nionlro prti.irtnl to Until out fitt'iiuiliontu nniJ t.eovn iipotlinc rrntlri
oil tiiir mi) nt our xliipyiinl. Mf '
l!'. P. DtCN.r wu.txox c.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice
for Publication.
UNiTr.ti Statfj Lanh Orncx.
Roseburg, 'r , Seiit. 1, 1800.
Jl compliance with the luovltiont pf the net
ol Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale ol uitilor lands In the stales of Cali
fornia, Orrgon, Nevada, mid Washington Ter
ritory," Lucyna h. Dewar, of Gardiner, county
of Douglas, state of Oregon, has this day
filed In this office his sworn statement No.,
for Ihe purchaie of the ne) cf section No. 17,
In township No. 33 s, range No. 1 j w, and will
offer proof to show llial the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricul
tural purjioscs, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Roscburg, Or., on Friday, the ant
day of November, 189a He namesas wiinesses:
Frederick l!argreac. Edward A. Ilargrraves,
17a I Harding and Martin Andrews, of
Gardiner, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file tlnlr
claims in this office on or before said aiil
day of November, 1890.
sen John II. Siiui'K, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878,
tice for Publication.
J. It. BOUKltTli.
J. H. Roberts & Son,
General Merchandise.
Myrtle I'oItt Or, .
M a wfertitute tot datiea on Agent tor Coos county, Orogon.
ftfe?Marketablo I'roduco of all kindii
1 taken ia oxebango for goode.
Ah B5trjiorttInary JIIiirciilN.
a lann 01 340 acres on me Loqulllc river, 5
miles from Ilrndon; 90 acres of Ixnioin, 30
acres cleared; 40 acres marsh, 30 acres dyked
and In hay meado, good orchard, house, li.ttn
and outbuildings; 40 head of cattle; horse, wag
on, and farming Implements. Price, only 11500;
13000 cash, balance on lime. This offer is ojien
for six weeks only. Addrnss 111c at on e.
J. M. IJllDN,
au4 llindon, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Land Omci: at Koskhuko, Oregon,
August 13, 180
Notice is hereby given that the following.
August 13, iSoo. I
cby civen that the following.
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the judge
or clerk of the county court of Coos county,
Oregon, at Empire City, Oregon, on
Saturday, Oct. 4, 1890.
viz. Charles E. Hanson, Homestead Entry,
No. 4317, for Ihe west half of southeast quarter
of section 13, township 34 south, range 13 west,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of,
said land, viz: Andrew Olson, George A. Smith,
Charles Westman and Andrew Johnson, of
Marshfield, Coos county, Orrgon,
ausi John II, Siiupe, Register.
Umtrii SrATM Land OKrirr.,
Roseburg, Or,. Sent, t, ilko.
compliance wlih the provisions of the act ol
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of limber lands in the stales of Califor
nia, Orrgon, Nevada nnd Washington Terri
tory, rrcncricrf nnrgrraves, 01 tiaruiner. coun
ly of Douglas, state of Oregon, has this day filrd
In this office his sworn statement No., for
the purchase of the lajlso, is and 16, In sec
tion 9, and lait ia of section No. 10, all In town
ship No. 33 s, range No. 13 west, and will
offer proof to show that, the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim
to said land before Ihe Register and Receiver
of this office at Roseburg, Or,, on Friday,
theaist day of November, 1890,
He names as witnesses: Edward A. liar-
greavcsflra I. Harding, Martin Andrews and
Lucyna S. Dewar, of Gardiner, Orrgon.
claims in this office on or bcfdreold 31st day
ten John II. ShuI'R, Register.
CrCAacral Mcrclistiidise.
Our Stock Ts Always Complete.
At Golden's.
Gold nml Silver VntchcH nt n Kiirgnin I
IMuali GiKxifl novcr oh i Clic-np,
Toy t for 0 very Chiltl In tho Liintl.
Oniwliofl aiitl CliriHtiiins Tree Orimmunla hi Great Vnrlcly,
et our prices!
We liitve lint GooiIh nnd menu HiiHiri(5t. TI10 Trnile nnd CliritnioH Trco
C'onimiUt'CH Supplied t WIioIohuIo Prices.
We JCogian. jS-u.f3irLess,
Bayview Brewery,
:m::rs.h::fi:e3ld, or,,
(i ciw roiiNlnntly on Imml ttml mI1m r.tiHi-Ior
i.aji:h ui:i:n, am: hh.i iMitri:n, wiiolksau: nml hktail
O'"' '5" h 1st all flsiir-M MHpiiHoil srlth llui !iulet lriHd
53ST 3' W":
Any nnd all persons clalmlnii.ailverstlv
abovc-dscriixl lands are rrirt ISLto file ll
Variety Store!
Ilolliiml ItnlMliiK, opiKiwIto IJIunco llotol, Front wtroot, Murfehflold.
Nte"WS DTDPCXr and Agencv,
A Fine Assortmoiit of Confection ory,
Ahvnya on liitntl, nt Itolnll nml JohliiiiK
SryAlo Jewelry, of nil cloHcrlptmnn, JMnyhiKCnnlM, Hlntlotipry, Fishing
Ineklo, itml tlm iiiiint coniplntn iiKniiiiiiiunt ol Notiokh on tho buy.
All onhirri itililrunMtitl to "NKW VAIUKTY HTOHB," Jlnrdhlleltl, OrcKOii,
will recuivn prompt iittentlou.
8". B. XOK'i'OX, Proprietor.
of lilt
Notice for Publication,
Land Owick at Roinnuiin, On,,
Ainriitt 3. 1800.
Ilia following-named settler has filed notice
lis Intention to make final nroof in sunoon
of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made
before the judge or clerk of the county court of
Coos county, Or., at Umpire Clly, Or., on
Monday, October so, 1890.
vl: (jeorge I Wheeler, Homestead I'.ntrv.
8, township 3,
No. 4714, for the south i of north ( of section
townsiiip 35, soutn.or range 13 mn, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
am ianii, vii i lucnaiu n. rveiier, It. I',
Smith, Will Walker and Fred Hanson, of
Marshfield, Coo county, Oregon.
ausB Joiih II, bilUl-E, Rcglsler,
Murnhlloil nml Kmplrc City, Oriwu
f'reserlptlona aklllfully compounded at all houn. Agent for Weill, Fr'o &
Co., and the leading Plre, Life and Accident Companies.
Complolo coplfn (if lowiifliip plain
ponlotl up to tlm ilitio of oulnr, iimiln fur
1,60 por tqwimhlp. Monoy 11111M uti
ompnny onlurri, Adilrivoi.
O. W. Kimimli,, '
ItoHolmrK, Or.
Ilotlwopil B!ijni;liiii 1,00 .per M, nt
O'Uonnoll'fl, fJoutliom,
All HeconntR iluo tho i'lnnunr market'
it nlthor Miirnliflfhl nr "Kmptrn City,
iniint In Notthol on or ln-foro Juno 15H'
J 800. E P. VuUAaAH.
Fnuik Uonl has nomo flno claret win
which ho null for fiO centH per Rahon.
FntnllloB und hotolu euppllod on hprt
iMfiS3IS?2f2fl2S"' '
'' -jj