sws f ""MWigUM.-t - t sSSSWIsMW MIiWSsi toftstlonnl and Utitlncss Cards. Miscellaneous Advertisement, iX ANBEBSOli, p. L. WATSON, MAIL ili ii)l Nl Y AND m KJUNHIU.OK AT I .AW. h (i, r Gulden's iltux itoic, Front t,, fcru ;i.H.W. Oieistti. 10 WWPPBiBi COAST S. P. WILSON, .. ( AT LAW 1 IOK' ' " f l s, ngstncU n ft Smith's building, l.hl'iM v '" "" 1",r"11 JOHN A. GRAY, ll.)KNl V AT LAW. 4 .....,. Lim & Kiiitlli't liiilhtlni,. n, in ''". ." ".".: ' ( I I) It UlUIIIi VIV""' li. II. HAZARD, liOLMVAT l.W. I iiipli I II) , t' comity, Orrgon. W. SINCLAIR, ,1 V AT WW. IK H ti r.il li.Mitni i hihI Kwl I5IhIm !,ih; e I liy. '""o- K'i'i'ly. Ornuwi. A gen I, J. w. DENNETT, IIOUNI V AND roUNSICI.OU AT UW. street, kfliie iur uh my iwiik, i runi IljfJifi.lil. c oni muniy. Oregon. JOHN F. HALL, i IIOUNI A' A I I-W. Orke over Joliu Krri)oit store, I iomi sired, ,, .rlil. OiiV'ii 4 Kml lUttle AruiI. nb;i,c.n .v i.iini:. If AM Kl l l.i lll.IWiiiiiiinuni.lv f J j I UAOI AMI i OI.LLCI ION Ol'l lt.lt. (Mi c In Wctrr Il'iuk Mock, lion! street. IMioIiliclil, Oicgon ill Clnliiw Against (ho (Impnimpiil I'rostTiilfu. I'uivorit obtained fur nny soldier who his tvrdyiily mid i disabled from eiirnlnc ii mil r.l M.uiu.ii ititur, irgutnri o iu nu I the , s ibltity ncciiirrd. 1 It ik widows Mill minor ciiiiuin ace cni,- ' li I . n i m. cr I ten I INtntu of till lhKcrllluiis Illllllll j:il fur .Sitle. Ml -IW I L-, UU C. W. TOWIiR, M. D 1I1.-.U I N AM) MJKUI ON. Oiln r lii tin1 ciil niil of .sn;itickeii & Snitli iMillilinif I'miii lrerl, XI irshntld, Oi. J. T. McCORMAC, M. D., TllslCIAN .iNI SL'KOl'ON. niTii wiser the Marslifc Id Drug Store, tliul. Marsiifiild, Cuo county. Oregon Front J. D. SPONOGLH, M. D. 1 WCIAN AND SUIUII'ON. Office. In Webster's Mel ImlMing, (p uir.) Marslificld, Oregon. ' A. Mi EVANS, M. D., IIYHK IAN ANDSUKOl'.ON. I ,,,,..., .1... .....i .... I nf HolLirid blllldlnc, Front Street. M.uslitlflit, Or. Inquire nl tlol ilen't ilinc Unto n,y'S DR. H. E. DUNHAM, IIOMOIM'ArillC PHYSICIAN AND .1 fl hUKOI-UN Onir.orr Lirnl' ltrc, oiiolle IILinco Iii.IpI, Mimhfielil. Orgi.n. nflUuRtnlcliK. Can I"-' IouiilI tit J. C. COOK, M. D., pHYMCIAN AND SUUOICON. ' Office In Sengusikrii's liiill.lliiB. '-"U'l chY ( liy, t'oi) county. OriHn. DR. C.M1NNIS, pHYMC IAN AND hUKtll.ON. Oilier In O't'imiioir liuiMlntr, front nrrti, Miinliticlil, 0(iv. a-Oll'icli'ir r''ii 0 In il . in. p in., ninl fio-ii (i to B p. ni. fiom i 111131 DR. CV E. SMITH, K" MIX IANICAI. DKNIIhT. -.. itiwir V f AND Omin In l'ie Vwn ioninioTllilmi: SrnBslMkrnA Sni.lh'i MUUta. I roi.l ilu.l. Manlifirlil, t'o'X tnnmy. OrcRon iNllrmi..l.-K'r l'l,l,,8 " 'MI for the u!iili ciriKiln of ff"'- DR. F. II. NICKERSON, JJ,UitlllFll'.M, 0 I OKriCKt-In llollim.l liull-llni:. l ro"IJ fur- ... ..l.ll.ullr kliv.lr. Ml inriiy uwvi , . " - j. i. :A.tii,insi.i.t .... . iimriH'AO c IVII. liNOINKliK ANU buivv -.. Ollicn wllli John 1 II ill, MnrslifieM, OrcRon. V, v.. uiJin,tniS, c OIJNIY HUKVUYOK. Mini rim ninl inrftci uni " ? ,',l'", nnd fineieil I mils furnished on ." " "?; jtiTAildriiss leiU'ts ll3 nl 'Nl"r""ui ,0r, .. '. wiw'osi 1IVII. I'.NCIINI'.UK AND hUKVRYOK. c I'll, u.lnn.-llnu. illitlies llimies ami rtnu loouu'd, lines .1.1.; plans, .nips nnd asiiniaiw furnished for nil ch of woik, lownslto work n sped illy, t'onli.ii is 'i'!" 1,11,1,1 Or run. ..mi il. f.'iiAST Ma ., Marshfithl, ur. 1. n.wtiiw, A IWTKACrOK, Umpire City. Oregon. Abstracts of lltlu to iwil proiwrty hi f 00s county fiiriilshcl nioiuplly. Have 11 1 J '' Jiu6 stracts. V. ,1S. VOB.MMANi GMllffilDI MHWUW" No. Sl Nwr Wasliliiiji ii. I'roal stiue'i . . s,ii I'mni-U .! Shut 111 llirk Woul, llvdej, and nil Mods of producu sold 011 loiuuilisioii -,,.riir 1 All business onlrinleU lo me will l ' ItendcU to. u, 3 VOL. XII GRAY & HILL, Real Estate Brokers, MARSHFIELD, OR, Onipp In Hpii(rHliicl.pii Si Smith' llulhl- lug, lYonl HIi-ppI. All Kinds of Property For Sale or Ex- cliaiip;e.-Good Investments. Per sons Havintr Farms For Sale or Lands to Dispose of, will Do Well to Consult This Agency. Agents for JlcVIOAR WIIITM, & M St irk SI., Portland, Or, IlAKdAI.VS roll CASH OK OK TI.'Ii:, A fow Iwi'ilm fjlfrrcd will l found liclow: A lionw ninl lot In tin: town of Mntilificld. 1'ilr. $1200, one Imlf c i.li, Uiluic ntoit;ij: KTiiriti, 'I hi U :i nuc ili.Tiice lo cciir n risl iltiicv In .1 i;ood loanllty. iijoo ( acri', 8o ncroi Rood lioltom lind, Imlinc.' 1,111 nnd IiciicIi hud cuvcuil uitliiliittini lrM. I inly ncrcf of liollom nnd cleared nnd uiidur friitc; n ijoikI orchud, fair liouv: nnd turn, 'Ililj nl.ia; will soon tic very v limbic n it l sltinlrd in tlie centre of a rich lountry. A fine ihlrv miilIi. cnuvljiini! of 600 ncics of I mil, 30ouc.iv lioltom nnd nirly nil cleared. 'Hilt iLu-c will lie sold with nil the firming lm pleiiRiiUnnil ttock. conilitini of iip.irus of to haul o cattle. lernit, part cnili nnu pan on tlinr. This is one of the liest pines tcr olfcir.1 fors.ile in Cios county, We luvc n dcslrnlitr liuilillnt; lot, 15x100, In M.irthhetd lur sile. Dju'I nil Scnlc nt once, jsooo. One of the finest resilience lots In town, with i'ihiiI house nnd Imiii. Two lots, ceutnilly located, In residence part of limn. Twonnd one-liiif ncrcs of tide land, willmi the corporate llnnti of the town of Mnrshficld. Coos 33a3r FAMILY MARKET, Front Street, Marshficld, Or., IE. HI. M'i:iri:ie, : : : l'ropiletor. ITAVINO JUST Ol'liNKD OUK NKW B'tl unit 11.111 incut 111-iiket. first ljulldini! south of Nnsliurc& Hirst's store, we nrc prepared to furnish, nt the lowest II in" rates, the lies! nl Ileef, Venl, Million. Turk, ivilt Meats of nil Until, Vrp Milk, tuiuuil (jootti, nntl 1'iiinly niocerios of all tlociipliom Vessels nnd I-og-clni; Cniiips promptly siippllal. Such a li.ire of puhhc patronage ns first-chss fjowli, low prices nnd square dealing entitle us ",.';,,r""'""" '"""J m. wii.nr.K. Arcade MAUHIII'IKIJ), R. M. HUTCHINSON, - - Proprietor. A NIZW IMOKT, hurri.iuu Willi ;iiio iviim'm. l.liliittrw. Ijrarw. Alt', lNirlcr. ,iififi" IScor, And nil the appointments of A FIRST-CLASS SALOON. THE NORTHWEST FIHE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. ruNnr vi ,13 WashlnRtoii St , Ol'l 11 1 . Portland, Oregon. -01 1 IC I.KS -I Ineweiiberjj. lns.,J. McCmcVen. Vice PrtHdinl, r. M. Wnrriii. 1 nosurt-r. K. J'. lJ11rh.ul, Secret ny nnd Manager; h. I.vcatl, Assist ml Manager. loliN I", llAI.I., AK'-iU. Marshficld, Or., nnd .I", hioi in. Ai;tnl, Kuiplre Cny, Or. 0034 City Drug Store! w. .1. liirri.i'.it, iMop., ATTHK POSTOFKICB UUILDIKa, MarslifiiM, Oregon. DRUCS ANsTmEDICINES Tollot Artloloo, Fancy Coodo, Patent Modi- clnos, Eto I Ircn constantly on hand ho finest brands of 1 r.c, 1 T. L11., riomra ever hronr.ht to CoosyVnistVTi.clVest l.mnds of Tobacco. 1'Kt.SCIIin IDNS SKIU UI.UtU'llni.M., "TThn kenyon, IIKAIUK IN FANCY GOODS, TOYS AND OAN'DIKS, NOTIONS, 1HJ0K8 AND STATIONfiftV. J, W. Uennnctl jttoiinott, I. MnnRn. FlaiiagJin Capital In B"in0aJ ' 000; Surplus? S.DOOO. Woua..stctnKencn,.n.U(nUn..u,ncM.n,,u ''Stfi'Sr Kr:SS:b N M iWllisuiuui ..,.., i.E. ifA nn Q 1 P 1 1( I-orelKainoneyo'uc.. ..-..- , throughout Kurone. ...nistiit 1'iiruirca w- .... 11014 cbeck. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. A CONGRESSIONAL SCRAP. The Members Get There All The Same. Wahiiinoton, Alij. 27. Tlioro wan a flglitwlili biro kiniiklcflon tho floor of tin) Iioiirii (IiIh nfloriioon. Two or tluco POiiKrpsBirinn callpil cneli oilier llarH nnd iiiilli'ipplllictHlo piuli other. IIIowh MIovspiI nml frlomlH who rnnlipil In ns (lenemn ikuiH, neio drawn into tlionronn until llm l,j ninco, wliloli Is broitht out only to pri'Fcrvo lliu ponco of tlui Iioiimi, hud lo ho taken to tho wilm- IIIIIKO Till) HPCI10 WnB till) IllOUt BUIIfll- II01111I thitt Iirr Diuiirri'il in tho lionso for yeaifl. WIIhoii, of Washington, ami Hcckwlth, of New .forcoy, wnro thocotn- ,lutniitH, whllo Cannon nnd Mason, of Illinois, Willlnni-, of Ohio, anil Lchl lmL'k,of Now.ieii-oy, wcro "In il." It canioiliiiiiij? tho height of tho flliliiifl teilnjjoti tho ponipoitiiil lunl hill. Ma hdii nnd Ciiiinoii have been having n pirlhiini'iilnry ll(;ht for two ilnjs nnd tlmlr lilootl was up. During n healerl pannage of words, Mr. Cannon inndo Homo loinarkH lo Mr. Mnnon vvhieli vvnro unfit for pnhliration they nioteil of muni. Jvlr. Mbfoii mis to indignant Unit Int look it an a pcrnoual iiiRtilt to IiIm family, noiuo meinhora of which wote in Ihu (,'illory. Knloe wanlcil tho iciiuirkfl "token down," hut tho speak er ruled him out on n point of order. It appears Mr. Mason said Mr. C.tn 11011 was a dirty tininp. Half n dozen inninboiH with talking nt onco. Wilson wns sittinir on tho riht of Mr. I.ohllmuk nnd Mr Ilotkwith on tho left. Wilson hnd no Hympathy with MaFon for lie, liko in.iny other repiiblicnns, had grown vory llrcil of thu fllibii8terlni. Ho is a vory nervous man nnd said ho (Mason) had 110 Im'inosB lo inako such tin attack on Cannon, Then lleekwilh camo in. Ho said: "Mhhoii Is right. Cannon is ti low-lived tramp. Ho put my nnmo in his resolu tion yesterday as being an absentee. I was present." "It does not make much diflorcnci," said Wilson. "You nro absent enough lo inako tip for il." Up lo (his tiuio tho dialogue had been half in good nattiie, hut Hcckwilli got angry nt once. Ho jumped lo his feet. His faui was afire. "You nro a damned liai," ho said to Wilhon. "You aro nnothor," replied Wilson, jumping up nnd turning pale. Ho has not been well for some weeks and Dm excitement showed itself. Hotrombled. "You'ro a damned - from Washington!" hissed Heckwith, using an epithet that is supposed to bo con lined to thu slums, nnd which usually means fight. It did in this case. Wil son rnifod his tight for ISeikwith's jaw Tho Now Joreey man had not an in- stunt to parry. "UifT Mr. Wilson landed squarely. Tho demounts Bliout- ed tipplaii?o. Tho republicans crowded nroitnd thorn. Speaker Keed pounded i.ilh hisgavnl. Sam, called "Titnol" Others ran down tMf two men, yelliMajlil lungs. ygyKwi toward the ii of their Mr. LoblhMlHPQHR M'nt tho blows hniLjwyo and tuk ing eai'liu jBinsaHMItn by thu col lar, hehsVByligiBecknlUi struck onco at IHP1 not loach him. Mr. WillinmHprliio, tried to draw "eikwlth ttway, rtnd Heckwith turned to naup with him. Then tho Suigo.tnt-nt-iirins' deputy brought ho mnco from lis phiL'o nbovo tho desk, nnd befoio tho rods and tho oaglo thu light stopped. It wns several minutes lefoio older wasresloicd. Wilson began to make an apology to tho hotiso, but tho Bpeak or ml vised him to withhold bis lumurks for I lm present. JIo did so. Then tho lllibuHlcring went on again. Later In thu day Mr. Heckwith apologized to Mr. Wllfon. Mr, Wilson nccepted tho apol ogy. Thoy shook hands and sat side by hide nnd chatted tor llfteeu minutes, the observed of all thu galleries. MJMmMiwecmmaamaaaaam A Striking Object Lesson. What nro tho souiccs nnd causes of tho unoxnmpled development that (s Inking phii'o in thestutoof Washington? While tho natural rosotirces of tho state nro voiy gioat, yd natural icsources alono, wrought upon by tho ordinmy methods of immigration nnd unaided la bor would not produce a phenomenon Boicinmlmblo. Tho seeict lies mainly in tho rapid introduction of capital into tho Btato; and this rapid introduction of capital is duo to the fact that capital in Washington la allowed unrestricted movement and freedom of action. To Oiogon thoro never has boon nn object losson equal lo this. Washing ton InvltuH investments; tho fact has bo como known, and bIio gets them. Mon ey Is pouring into tho' ttalo fiom all iimrlers. II Books ovory opportunity j itoiitorslnloovoiy nvonuo; It croatos cities, builds mills, opens mines, makes farms, irrigates lands and establishes InOustrico of all kinds. It it planted whoiovor mon boo a prospect that mnv In time produce dividends or yield piof Its, Not bo In Oiogon. What is the ruiieon? Simply tins: mho laws 01 WiiHhint?'01' mvor Investments of capi tal, while the laws of Oregon practically fo hid it JuvohtinonlB nro free in asliiiit'n,ln0.igon thoy nro hom peiptl, trammeled, rostilctcd by our tax laws and by tho practices that have giown up under Ihom, Thoro is no usury law In Washington anil money may ho lent on mortgage In Washington without subjecting tho lender or borrower to tax. Capital, tliorofort) finding a frco flold, is pouring Into Washington, filling tho stalo with Industries, nnd effecting a transforma tion whoso 1 np!d 1 ty nnd'oxlont has sel dom boon witnessed in tho growth of our slates. On the Pacific slopo thoro never has been anything to compnro wilh it. What has been dono in Wash ington during tho last few years has been mainly tho work of capital intro duced from ubroad. This capital has been Intioduced becutteo tho pooplo have invited It, havo not hindered Its frco movement by usury or tnoitgngo tax laws, and havo been wisely content with taxation of tho property it has created, instead of taxing tho credits or loans on which tho induetrial dovolop ment of tho country is founded. Had sho uot extended lo capital this Invito lion and opportunity, Washington would not hnvo witnessed for twenty-five years to como the development sho lias now in so short a tlmo achioved. Will not this press of Orepon unlto in urging amendment of tho tux system of our state, Including repeal of the mort gage tux law 7 Kxpcrienco makes It clear that tho prebont system oppresses tho stnto and rntaids its progress. Thoro is n 1 cat-on why capital Recks Washington nnd avoids Oregon. What can tho reubou he oilier than heroin in dicated? Our mortgage lax law utterly fails of tho purpose for which it was in tended. It does not favor tho borrower, and if even it makes tho lender pay a tax ho simply shifts it. But it does im pede business transactions; it does pro vent tho free movement and investment of money; it docs keep capital out of tho state. Will not tho wholo press of Ore gon join in asking tho legislature to ro lioal it? Let capital flow freely into Oregon, and wo shall speedily havo a dogrco of activity nnd development hco ai great ns that witnessed in Washin- ton. Hut this will never be in Oregi n so long as wc insist on damming up the very fountains of all octivo enterprise. .Millions of capital havo gone Into Well ington from Oregon during tho Inst ten years, fcolely becntibo it could find in vestments thoro which tho laws at homo forbid. Is this to continuo? Then ly tho cud of tho noxt decado Washington will havo twico tho population and more than twico the wealth and business and prosperity of Oregon. Orogonian. A Good Time. Tho Cosmopolitan Magazino gives a glowing inscription of a society reccp'; turn: "When one of this class gives a tea or reception in tho city the occasion is pre cious to tho pocioty journal. It is her alded in ndvnnco with elaborate de scriptions of tho house, its furnituro, carvings, lnpeBtric3, Bilver, and tho cost of these things individually and collec ively. To fco and admiro theBc at thousand or moro people will submit to a jam and crush, with no rovvard except to "eoo unreal mannorB and hear com monplace speech, Bay what 0110 only half feels to persons ono docs not half liko, nnd pick a way between frivolity nnd falsehood or wade fbiougb a muddy mixture of both." Tho tiuests are turned loose with no organized plan for their pleasure or en tortainment. Nobody knows anybody. People nre flushed on tho stairway; they faint In tho suppor loom, where plates filled with saccharine viands are held high over tho heads of a panting crowd, flnnlly finding a peaceful place of toposo upon tho delicato Nile-greon or rose-colorod robe of Borne fair wear er. They struggle through a meleo of satin, velvet, lace and flowers to find tho drawing room and say a word to the master of tho house. There ho stands, a patient silout non-committal host, lost in contemplation of tho Hubol ho has called around him. Ills thoughts stiay far nuny as ho ylolds to the Influence of tho hot perfume-laden atmosphere. Ho wishes his father could sco him now, the fiugul tradesman whoso hard-oarn-ed savings horo eflloresco in bo much splendor. Ho goos no further. Ances tors I The word is (nconvonlont At last it is nil happily ovor. hostess has been worn out long Tho ago, and and listens to the good afternoons "what a lovoly tune" overybody has had, with 11 llxod and sickly smile. "Kvoiybody" isglnd when it Is ovor. Pooplo peilsh waiting for their car riages. Most of them however aro res pectful. Whatever thoy may think, they do not Bay it wns a "beastly nuis ance" or "horrid bore" thoy moan to do tho same thing themselves some time before Lout. "lean go to no moro of them," Bald a young girl to hor mother. "I will go with you to all tho funerals you wish) Theiois hope at a funeral, of a joyful losurioctlonjat an afternoon tea there is no hope!" It bus beon considered hitherto doslr- ablo for a nation to bo largely engaged in tho shipping or carrying trnde, but just now wo ought to congratulate our selves that wo havo so llttlo of it. Freight is bo dilllcult to place that ?to. per bushel premium has been offered by the Bhip for the prlvilogo of taking tho grain without any chargo whatsoever. NOT A CANDIDATE. Blaine's Friends Say He Will Not Enter 'I he Presidential Race. A Washington special to the Philadel phia Times has tho following alleged trustwoilhy news: Aclosonnd intim ate friend of Hlaino is said to havo ask ed him quite recently whothor bo would under any circumstances bo a candidate for the presidency in 1892, or whether ho would allow his frionds to push his can so beforo the national convention. The secretary In reply, declared in a most positive way that ho had no inten tion of becoming a presidential candi uato and ilia not caro to pose oven as a possibility. He had no doubt his friends would bo delighted to bring his name before tho convention at a single word from him, but ho added emphatically that ho did not intond to givo that word. This news has created considerable dis cussion here, an many of the secretary's friends had concluded from his recent actions that ho was not unwilling to seek tho nomination, and had already begun to flguro on the possibilities of such occurrence. Whilo nono of his friends wero willing to speak for publi cation in tho matter, there seemed to bo a general feeling that tho secretary '3 an nouncement was to bo taken in all ser iousness and sincerity. In this connec tion one of Blaine's closest allies in congress said to day, in his opinion, tho recent attitude of tho republicans on tho tarifTand election bills had much lo do with tho secretary's determinatic." "Ho is very Btrongly opposed to tho election bill," Bald this congressman, "and ho is almost as hostile to the Mc Kinley bill as it now stands. His ef forts to bring ids own beforo tho public havo been so badly received by many of his former friends in congress, that bo is disposed to await tho outcomo of events rather than put himself at tho head of the party in its present lino of policy." Black Bass. The Rod nnd Gun club of Coos bay ought to make a move toward stocking Hie rivers and lakes of Coos county with black bass, Tho fish can be had from California without great expense. A good authority on the subject says: "The black bass, as anybody who has an angler's knowledge of tho subject will admit, is the finest gamo lists that is found in our Northern water, affording far moro sport than any trout caught west of the Rocky mountains, and, in tlio judgement of many, superior to our trout as a fish for tho table, whether fried or baked. The objections urged to the colonization of tho black bass aro that as a predatory fish it would depop ulate tho waters where salmon and trout spawn. This objection is without foundation. There are no finer trout and salmon waters in the world than the tributary streams of tho St. Law rence, which is famous or its black bass fishing. Tho streams emptying into Lake Huron are full of trout, while the waters of Lake Huron and LaVo St. Clair are full of black bass. Tho Dela ware and SuBquohanna are stocked with black basB, and so is tho Potomac, without any remonstrance from trout fishers. Tho habit of tho black bass is entirely different from that of tho trout or sal mon. Tho bass does not seek the head waters of rivers or brooks to spawn or feed, but spawns on Bandy or rocky beds in rivers or lakes and seeks its food in tho eame locality, It is a vry act ive, handy fish; not delicato aboi't its food, and there is no reason why it should not thrive in nny of the streams in Oregon, liko tho Willamette, which nro at present stocked with wortbloss chub and suckers. The bass when full grown weighs from -'J to 5 pounds, and is sometimes taken weighing over seven pounds. In three yoars from the date of stocking tho fish will bo full grown. He is a broad-shouldered, chunky fish, built liko a Morgan roadster. Tho carp introduced into our rivers are a worth less fish for the table." Silver Sugar Lumber. In view of tho protective reduction of the duty of sugar, I Jong Kong reflnorios nro Bonding samples of sugar horo for examination and comparison, and it is poBsiblo that if the duty is reduced, sugar may be importod horo in consid erable quantities from that placo. Tho sugar compares very favorably with that in tho markot here. It could hiivo bcou landod horo a whilo ago for -l)q cents a pound, hut now owing to tho riso in silver it would cost 5 coots a pound. The legislation in regard to sil ver in congress has produced souio ro mmkablo changes in financial raattors. Threo months ago if a man had $100 in silver owing him in China when ho dtew on it ho couldQget $72.50 in gold. Now owing to the riso in silver he gets U1 SO in gold far his $100 dollars in sil ver, A cargo of lumber sent from hero to China was sold whon silver to pay for it was wortli $74 on tho $100, and the lucky eollor will now got $01.50 gold for ovory $100 Jin silver, a very hand some profit. Theso things Boom to bliovv that tho value of silver can bo in creased by legislation. A good lurui of 240 acres on Tonmilo lako for sale cb,eap. Inqulro at this of fice oi Gray fe jlill. 4 890. NO. 39. Homo years ago wo wero very mucl subject to severe spl'i of cholera mor bus; and now when ue feel nny of tin symptoms that usually proceed tha ailment, such as sickness nt tho stom nch, diarrhoea, etc., wo becomo scarj Wo havo found Chamberlain's Remedj the very thing to straighten one out i, such cases, and always keep it aboul It is somewhat similar to tho usua cholera cures, but eeeras to contnin in grcdienfs that render it moro pleasant to take, and that do their work mori quickly. Sherifr Doveraux tells ns tha ho is subject to cholera morbus, and re cently folt a spell coming on, whon In obtained a bottio of Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diairhcea Remedy, am two doses made him all right. Wo an not writing this for a pay testimonial but to let our readers know what is t good thing to keep handy in the house Troy, (Kan.,) Chief. For pale by II Sengslacken, Marshficld and Empire. ThoTiueris the host mower made; $00, at O'Connell's. Monitor steel ranges for hotels, board ing houses, logging camps, and famih sizes, atO'Connoll's hardware honFo. Golden has started his soda works, for the season, and is ready to furnish resh bottled goods made with improved machinery from pure fruit juices. Send in your orders. The only bottling es tabllshment on tho const that manufac tures exclusively from pure fruits. Sarskildt for Skandinaver Ettfullt lager af Svenska medicincr finnes alltid att tillga i Golden's drag store till billiga priser. Hoad Ni be hofver af mediciner, booker, juvoler, toalettprydnader m. m. bor Ni kopa hos Golden for att inbespara penningar. De finasto viner och Iikoror for medicin ska andamal finnas der ocksa. Besok Golden's drug store, hvaretit Ni skall rona ott godt bemotande och inbespara penningar. SOUTHERN OREGON STRICT Will be held at CENTRAL POINT Jackson county, Oregon, Beginning Monday, Sept. 22, 1890, and contin uing six days. Over $7,000 Offered for Premiums and Purses. The Fruit Grower's Annual Exhibit will take place on M onday, Sept. 22d. Even body un ited. AH the gates will be open nnd free on Mon day, the first day of the fair. Every facility will be offered to those wishing to camp on the grounds. For booth and other privileges apply to the becretary, at Jacksonville. KOIIEKV A. 3I.K.It, Scci-etary. J. II. ROBERTS. L. A. ROBERTS. J, H. Roberts & Soii DEAIKRS IN General Merchandise. Myrtle Io tut, Or, J5SF"Marke table Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange for goods. JOHN BEAR'S LIVERY STABLE MAltSHFIELU, OJiEOOJST. D ORSES TO LET AT ALL HOURS. Hauling dono at short notice. WOOD and COAL always on hauu, which will be delivered anywhere nt the lowest rates, tS"Having just received a new benrso I am now prepared to take chaige of funerals. BsweHEsaaaiKstA'SVnra $$E9 VEGETABLE rAMACEA . PREPAIIED KKOM ROOTS Si 1IL'RS5, FORTHE CUriC Of ssai i I 3. .iSK, mhm mh .'3i J-V-.'j .OJ AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINQ FROM A DISORDERED STATE orcicSTOIK art an INACTIVE LIVER. rOH SALE BV ALU DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS - HiSwMB22n??$irc HHnTwKKv,ft:--, r.v-..r wsniiFj?tyaraa2ay'7zsr - -- iliBn.iii I SI 1 1 LA 1 1 -a si J 'j JSHIhI sB3Wj!TTvI sBKwbsWliS Lp M LIVRERY AND FEED STABL., ..uiaiiiiciu, wregon, QADDLE HORSES AND IJUGGYTEAMS O furnished nt all hours. IIALTLlNGdonc at lowest rates. COAL and WOOD delivered at bottom prices. tf NEW HEARSE furnished forfunerals,-i HITZMASra BOOT AND E STORE MARSHFIELD. .OREGON. FULL LINE OF Ladies', Gent's and Children's Boots and siloes. NUffiMVAN'S SIEOKS. Custom-made Boots and Shoes a spe cialty. r tr Repairing: neatly executed at short notice and reasonable prices. D. RITZMAN, TP.AL HOTEL. Corner of Front anil A streets, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JOHN SNVDER, :::::: Proprietor THIS WELL-KNOWN AND FAVORITE HOTEL has lust been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout and Is again open to the public for patronage. New beds and spring sciattresses have been placed in almost etery sleeping room of this house and neither trouble nor expense has been spared to put everything in first-class order. terms. Board and Lodging, per week , 15.0a Board, per eel ' bmgle Meals 03 Eimm. HOTEL, Front Street. Marsnfield. Or. J. L. FERREY, :::::: Proprietor. o FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS, And Reasonable Charges. TTAVING LATELY COMPLETED A 8 B l.irfria flflHitlri In ttm K . TT.s.1 - havinir riAtl nn f3ttpns:iiss --rs.rin tn k: i:-. of business, we can safely guarantee to our pa trons comfort and accommodations excelled by no other house on the bay. Tine Keaaing-room of this Hotel contain the leadinir ninic nf ,!., Atlintt tn. , u Pacific Coast. TERMS. Board and Lodging, per week $5-co Board, per week 4.00- Single Meals go WESTERN HOTEL, Front street, Marshfield, Or. PAUL BARTHOLEMY, - - Proprietor. JIT TAItXES AKE SUPPLIED with the best the market nflhrrfa nnrt nwrimm attention guaranteed patrons. terms: Board and lodging by the week $S.oo Board, aer week . n Single meals aj; firvr xrn rvi-rr gy.. The AragotS EMPIRE CITY, OREGON. MRS. A. H. MOORE, PROPRIETRESS. AVING LATELY TAKEN i m sho : : : .. . --;. r- - "" 1 7 ui 1 11 ir iiisv riniri nnn n s 1 rm i bib 1 icuiivc experience in mis line olt,tmmtm.yM?St nn cnrMv rnimnlM a n... I M '" IFl"- and accommodations excelled by 4 elite! Iisusi'g in the county. The tables are sapplled with tho best the market affords. FURNITURE STORE, Empiro Oity, Or., GILBERT & EVENSON, - -Proprietore. MIRRORS, PICTUKE FBAME8, Bed-Room Sots, Parlor Sots, Chairs, Mouldings, and Pictures. ALL KINDS OP UPIIOLSTBRrSa DONS' TO OltDEH. tcSiore In Cammann building, Empire City. Oregon. my8tf !Ib MAI N MERCHANT 5 TAILOBI VROITT t9r l!I, MARSHFIELD. jv. wioia x .oo? ov OASSIMBBHS For tho THE SPRING SUMMER TRADE, AND COOD FITS WARnAfMTgD. tPlease call and examine my slock and be convinced. R. MAIN. STE35v.lx:EIK, f'A3sj Freight from San Franolso to Cooa Bay. K. E. HINOJIMAN, Agent, Porter, Ctioa County, Oregon. Han Francisco oflico, 321 Clifornltv 6lrect. jy34 recQSu W vii5iKBty it: ROSS, o Kl ' 11 1 -- t. 4 Ri lil,H t.iii ., "JXSI ta -