The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 24, 1890, Image 3

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The capacity JDouliWl.
llllll l lllHVtdlH'k Of (hlllll- llllsbcpn .nn,.!..,,,! u,!,!,. . .!ii .' ''". "M" ''P
rook prims. "' """i" "" " 80' ni bed-
If you wont to bo astonished, en 1 1 and boo ub.
Goods aronrrvlnR by ovorystoamor.
Carpota, Oilcloths, Mattings and Cloaks.
Arrangements Iinyo J m-.1o will, Kit.teri, Manufacturers which onnblea
us id nun in lowiT iirtcoi tliiui nviir known , n, n....
,ul,b.r coou., ,.. Ooj-j...
Variety Store!
Holland Building, opposlto lilanco Hotel, Front street, Marsliflohl.
NEWS D13POT ond Acencv,
A Fine Assortment of Confectionery,
cig-aes ancSL a: ob. a a o,
Always on hand, nt Hotnil and Jobbing.
gQrA)o Jewelry, of nil descriptions, Playing Cards, Stationery, Fishing
Tackle, and tlio most rumple to nHHortiiioiit ol Notionh on tlio Imy.
Allonli'WlclrnMllii"NKV VA1UF.TY BTOUK," Marehflolil, Oregon,
will roouivo prompt attention.
'. . rVOUTON, B'roprlrlor.
W. F. ZWICKEY & Go. ,
Dealers In
Olioico llnrj;aiiia III Town Lot unit Aorongn rojMrty.
Cmofiil Attontlon Ohon to ItiiHinrM for Noil-Residents,
couitKsi'oKnr.Ntu: somoitkd.
iiauhi-,i:iji, 4'OOM o.k:)S':'V,
BayOlllco with Coo
MurslificM mill Empire City, Oregon.
Prescription skillfully compounded at all hours. Agent for Wells, Fargo &
Co., and the leading Fire, Life and Accident Companies.
Palace Saloon!
Front iircrl, MnrtlifuKI,
Cliir Jlnorci llrlrli Juiihcn, lro;ir
And prll! muni adjoining the bar room.
Mr llijuort nnd clk'.iriare uivrrior articles, nnd
courteous uttinikn it Kuaramced pahons.
Among Ilia lltl of Imported iuid ilonirsll
wines nnit liquors will be found tbefollowlngt
WniiKiKS Thlitledew, C. U. Colts'. Old
Reliable, i!ots Shoe. O, I', C, Taylor's. Millers,
llourboo, Scotch, VoUcnnd Rye, and White.
Uuus Janaci, New Hngland, Kum Punch.
lie ANDIKS I Unurty, Sarcsac, Cognlac, Mar
til and DUckbcrry,
Oins Swan's, Holland, RJ, Club House
unci Tom.
WlNM Algriica. Port, Muscat, CUret, Rus.
tlnp, White, Red, I.icainnade .Manjeaiis, I-co-lljc,
Kt. linillion, Hudrshrimrr and Lafitle.
llMiu-IIUts. SaU.ilor, Annlucuscr, I'rcd.
f ickshurg sud Philadelphia. Aneoiluru, IhipnrMinp, Slough-ton.lmrx-rlal.
Star ofibo Union, and A Urge
allotment of domestic bitters. ,
Chaupa;nf.s Roeders. Out Ilebisle and
I'ellpse Golden Seal,
1'iont street, MnrshheM, Or.,
w rM-rnilv niireh.iieil iho almve-natned m
loon and carry In slock superior brands of
Whom, I,liiior tsml C'ltfisrw.
Wo cirrv the celebrated "flold Dust" lilVe
nj U.c tcst of wliltc-lalior cigars.
'vxAm l.. rtnilu lun rerulntcJ. O.V
,w,Ni .nlntnr.tiinit ni-wlv furnltlicd. and Is now
the finest saloon In southern Oregon.
Billiard, Dapatelle and fool i aoie,
4 .1 . r .l. ..t.ltn initrrtnlfff It billclled.
ml courteous Mlrnllon Is Ruarnnterd to all,
Iebi4 Kastnussen c i-ciciuu.
J'iiont Br.,MAiiHUiy:u.
rnAmic iti:.i, i i rri.
Pl,ntn l.r,i,i,lu nt ulnnn. Illinois mill
cluarH ulwnyH on linml. Cluo rooms for
unoot patrons, nnii rouneoun '"""
afHiirua io nil,
Bon Ton Saloon!
Opposite Union Furniture Store
i. NASI1UIM1, Pioprli-lor.
AIwuvh on Imiul,
nml Cliolfo WIiioh mill Ciir.trr),
AIho-Uocii, Mllwmtittio mul lluy View
Jlrwory Jioor.
On "A" Unci, west of ('rntrnllioKl.
PamlllM l.niHl. 1,-tolj nml l(A.'l'llU! (VUIIPS
funiljlmiuiiii the Iwilol ull kinds of meats.
(.ivr, mi: a cam..-
ranmliitii inli,u of tnuiiHlill) pints
foiled tip to tlio tl.ttu of onlur, nmdo for
U.BO H)i towtiBliiit. Money must nc
wrapuny ordoiB. AdilrtwH,
Uosuburg, Or,
STn - R.tii
CrocoH,., Hta, Copn, Eto
. ,
Buy Lunil Co.
W enrr to the railroad from
maklngclojc connections with alltraliuat Drains
I'aiicni'rm by this lino hue a so mile tide on
the smooth, hard sea beath, nnd 30 miles ol
stenrnboating on the le.mtlful Umpqun,
Through to Portland, only SM.50.
Commrrrial travellers notice towns on this line.
I'isre, lo Iriiln'N - - .'0H.OO
K.imilies at reduced rates.
Freight from San Francisco
to Cooa Bay,
K. K. inxailMAX, Astinl, Porter,
Cotm County, On'Ki'ii.
Bun FmncUco ollloo, 321 Onlifornin
Dtroot . j.v21
Pay Up.
All pennons knowini; themselves to
ho Iniluhtiil lo tlio iiiidorslgni'il, uru re
niirHlotl to outllo tho nnm Imnipdlutuly,
Hiul obligll. CjllllHTKKHlSN A Joil.NhOS.
Special Notice.
All porsonB knowitiK' themselves in
debt to the tindrsit;nott on January 1st,
1800, nnd such debt is still unpaid, will
do well to sottlo tlio sumo Imintisiiiitoly.
1 need money nnd innst have It.
Pay Up.
All parlies knowlnir lliemsolvos in
debted to tho niulursltsnoil at either the
Marsbllold or Kmplro City store mo ro
speetfitlly requested to Kipiaro up their
,.,.ntla In InnmirV 1 fit . 1800
Pay Up.
All persons knowing tlioinselveH in
dabtod lo tho iinduipljrnoil nioio.jiiot'il
to nquaro their lUTOimtH immediately
Wdobllg., jAM,:SIVral;colioVel.
Take Notice.
All pursonB owIiir bills paH duo at
aldon's I)mu' Bto" r kllUll' rottwa'
ed lo
suttlo same iiniiiouiiHiuy, u
l' A, Uoi.dkn.
All accounts, dim tho Pioneor m.vikots
at either Marshllold or hmitlro (.11 v,
muni bo settled on or .efoio Jtiiw 16th,
jujiQ J'., U. rl.ANA(IAN,
All norsotia iiuieTiod to tlio undor
slgn'd'aro.cmieHledtoeet o their ue
counta luuneifiatolv and obliKo.
What Is A'nineTBod't GoNlon't
dr uVbIo o for dcHerlptlvo pain), dels If
you mo a sufferer from rheumatlsra.
FJiilSH?""" mutMmmtfmumtwtam
VluJaiyJiliJtiJ :: : July 24 1850.
Head 'ad' of sloamor Mngglo llosa,
If you want a lino piano, sco McMil
lan. Lawyer h. U. (larrlgus, of llosoljurj,
is on tho lmy
Tho wharf at Yarrow will bo com
pleted to-day.
Tho eiops on Coos ilvcr will bo im
mense this year.
I). 8. K. lluick, of llosebiirg, arrived
on the bay last week
lilies, our photographer, tnkos the
load for flno photographs.
There was n social tlunca in Odd Fel
low's hall lust Friday night.
Capt. J. Parker, of tho Ooijuillo, was
In town tho latter pait of last week.
Tho residence of Win. UernlU Is en
closed and is a handsomo structure.
Service at tho ICpiscopul church, on
Btinday at 11 o'clock In tho forenoon.
Hock cod, tlanifl nnd crabs adorned
tho ilsh market last week in largo (inuti
lities. '
Judge Holcomb and Hon. IJ. 0.
Hoald are expected on tho bay this
O'Connell's mixud paints enn bo Been
onovery bund, beautifing tho town of
A good farm of 240 acres on Tentnile
lake for sale cheap. Inquire at this of
fice of Cray A Hill.
Tho Arcado saloon is being enlarged.
An uddition 10x18 is being built onto
the tear of the building.
There was n regular stampede of
Marshlluld puoplo at the Olivu hotel in
Coquille City last .Sunday.
Dr. nnd Mrs. McCortimo, with vlnit
Ing frlondo leok u trii ovur to, and up
and down the Coquille tliis week.
Itcv. Fiilher llculgen will hold high
innRH al the Cutholic church noxt Hun-
duy ut 1 0:1)0 o'clock In thoforonoou.
James Aiken has buuit at work this
week surveying nod locating tho track,
uud wharves for landings ut Ksburg.
Work has been commenced by Chris-
tonson & Johnson on tho bridge across
the marsh, at the south end of town.
Tho cylinder blow out at the
Hay City mill early this week, nnd the
mill has been closed down for repairs.
Tlio Ucdnoy cauiu into tlio bay yestei
day after fuel, nnd is oji her way to
Shoalwator bay o do somo surveying,
II, A. Mosa, Dr. Tower, P. O. Durgan
uud J. W. llunnett went up to thu Ten
mile countiy labl week loaded for "bar."
Itobt. Hutcheson is very much re
duced with his protracted illness, but
muintjins thu utmost chccrfulluess nnd
Tlio grading of Thiid street in Kast
Marshdchl ha? been commenced nnd
will soon bu finished, nnd sldowulks be
put down.
Mrs. J. II. Hoborts, of Myrtlo Point,
is on tho bay for medical treatment.
Thu ludy has been in poor health for
somo lime.
Marshflohl people arc rushing to tho
country for fresh nlr, nnd tho snowy
tents 0 tho cumpers are spread in
Piper's grove.
Tho city parents nro figuring on n
sewer down Cedar and Pino aticet to
A, and theuotown said A street to the
waters of Coos hay. '
Tho main ofllcu of tho Coos Hay Land
Co. will bo moed over to K.iKt Mnish
floid next week. Thu olllco is complet
ed, and is u flue bulldiugT
Mr. Frank Smith nnd Miss Nina
Jones, daughter of J. B. Jones, were
mnrried last week, nnd thu Mail ox
tonds hearty congratulations.
Itisfeated by tho way consus esti
mates nrp lomlng in at Hosebttrg and
other places (hut Marshllehl's popula
tion will not bo repotted over 2000.
Tho tug Hescue, which has been laid
up In Oakland ereek for ovor n year,
was towed to San Ftaucisco on Sunday,
and uill shortly go again in commission.
Tho Comet Is n gay blid of 'passage
Willi her now cabin nnd fresh paint, mul
she spoods nlong with u vengeance since
tho barnacles nro nil taken off her keel
Arrangements uru bolng made for or
gnnUiiig u baso lull club lit Marshflohl.
Thoro Is plonty of good matetial I1010 to
got up a nine that will boat any team
in tho coitntyj
Thu teachers Institute for this county
will bo held at Dnndon noxt month,
llev J. H. N. Hell, Prof. Airoy, John
A. Cray and others will deliver lectures
timing thu session.
J. II. Moody camo ovor from Hose
burg thin week to sniir tho railroad
breezes. Josh knows nil about building
iniliofldH, and when that kind of work
s to bo done ho is tho man in tho place
to do it tight.
John llughos, son of Patrick Hughes,
of Sixes liver, Curry county, Otegon,
pnssed through Mnisliflolil last Friihy,
on his way homo down thn const. Ho
has been attending school In Now York
for tho last seven J tuns.
Hon. J. S.Mundayhas bcon spending
a few daya looking over tlio bay coun
try. Mr. M. was a special agent of tho
government In tho land department dtir
Ing tho administration of President
Cleveland UH hendquartois nt Vim-
..onvnr nt which placo ho Is now on-
I gaged in tho practlco ol tno law.
Tho OyBortr)6iPfl Aslooi.ttlon, of Coos
liayrOrcgon, wtlf mceft tint rooms of
T. (J. Owoii, In Mnrrfinld, at '2 o'clock,
p. in., Halitrday, Juy '20th, 10 All
poisons desiiing to Jt1n this nssoLlntlon
mo rorjuesled to bo iefOiit.
John O. Maxkino, Sccolnry.
J. A, Yoakam was In town on Tues
day nnd says ho never saw such n crop
of blackberries as ato hanging on tho
vines on his place.
l'ro. Dean, of tho Herald, comes out
with a poetic 'ml' in which ho wants lo
trado sweat for bread. A good bargain
for somo onn who )ins lots of bread and
can gel nlong with a iittlo sweat,
Wo havo one Tiger mower and ono
Storling Imy toddor left to clean out in
order to mako room for now goods. Wo
will sell them very cheap.
Kuukhk O CoNxni.t,.
It instated that tho services of Hev.
O. Stratton, D. 1),, have been secured to
preach tho dedicatory sorinon nl tho
opening of tho Now Mothodlsl church
at East Marshileld, which will occur
noxt month.
Men havo boon put Jo work on the
railroad at Ksburg, (Utter City) prejKir
Ing thu ground for landings, nnd gotting
things In renditions to lay the broad
gauge track with which that road will
ho furnished.
Prof. W. II. Hunch hai commoneed
tho annual visitation of tho county
schools, of which there nro about fifty
now in session. Ho passed through
M.trnhfleld on Monday 0:1 his way Horn
Soutli blough to Sumner.
Miss Aggiu Lockh trt mid her brother
Hert Lockhart, arrived on the Aj.tx, nml
will spend somo titnu on the bay. It is
eight years since Mr. Lockhart visited
the bay, and numctous changes have
taken place during that time.
Hev. C. P. Italic r, well knon in
Coos county, nnd formerly pastor of the
Haptist church in Mardliflcld, is expect
ed on tho hay this week. Mr. Hailey
lias been engaged in a protrai ted meet
ing at Hosoburg for somo time past.
A lino niouumout will bo erected our
the honored grave of Dr. C. II. Golden,
and on Sunday, July 27th, nt 2 o'clock
p. in., the members of Myrtlo Lodge,
No. 2, K. of P. will attend at tlio cemo
lary, when memorial services will bo
Horing for gas at Drain is progressing
with more and moro favornblo indica
tions. Horing will conlinuo until tho
well is 1000 feet deep unlesBgas or oil io
sooner reached. It is now thought thut
something will bo struck before half
that depth Is attained.
James Laird was in town last week
gotting money to proceed with bin work
of opening tho Coos Hay wagon road.
His subscription list contains CO names
and tho amount subscribed is 580. 75,
of which Baiil subsidy James gives $100.
Laird is a rustler from awaj back.
Senator Mitchell has secured tho es
tablishment of 11 postoflicc at Ivy, Mar
lon pounty, Oregon, and tlio appoint
ment of Mai tlia J. Heath as postmis
tress; also n postofliceat Hivei ton, Coos
county, Otegon, and tho appointment ol
Orlando A. IColly as postmasttr.
And now Cast Marshfleld comes to
tho front with a big blaze. The brush
cut upon the tow usito was fired at nn
etrly hour vesteiday morning, nnd
burned out in good slylo. The improve
ments on tho tow usito mnko it show up
In-good shape what it is, ono of the most
beautiful town sites in Southern Oregon,
The church is well nlong towanl corn'
plction and will bo an imposing struc
ture, standing on its splendid location.
Last Saturday ovoning a oung man
named James Wavorly was found dead
in his bed, nt tho residenco of 31. Kerti
gan, whore ho had room. Ho enme
to this place about flu or fcix weeks
ago and worked for a few weeks as a
waiter in the Hlanco hotel. Com nor
Utttlor took charge of the remains nnd
swore in a juiy, who brought in n ver
dict that ito came to his death from
somo unknown cause. The funeral
took placo on Monday.
Mrs. Emilia Kronunhurg, wllo of F.
W. lvrononburg, diod at Coqu'tJIoCityon
Monday, July 21st, aged 20 yoars. De
ceased was Inrn in Washington torti
ritory, and was taken whon n child to
California where she spout her early life.
She camo to this county about ton
yoais ago, and was married to hor bo
roaved husband lutt October. Mro.
Krononbotg was i genuine- and tutu
woman, dearly beloved by )'er best
fi lends nml respsclod by nil. Tho fun
eral services woro condm tod on Tues
day at Coquillo City by Hev. F. K, Soo
field, nnd weie attended by n largo nudi
once. It Is gratifying to hnllovo that the
prominent porsons interested in the
progress of tlu Hosubtng railroad do not
sympathize with tlio seuneless gablo of
thoso who nro inclined to call every oth
or outorprho dishonest nnd n fraud.
Capt. Sytnonds, the Clasgow Coui)ian
nnd J tul go Holooinh havo nil Invoetod
largo sums of ujpnoy hoio; their trait'
mictions havo had a material ciVoul on
values, and tho Hosoburg puoplo 01
Marshfleld people who would attempt
to orguulzo n light on them uio far from
being far-sighted business men. The,
havo brought tho hull; of nil thu mojiej
bote which has come in on the boom
and tho people who aru dtspoiod to get
In and light capital coming hero nro not
thcr lopiosentntlwoa of progresiive
sentiment nnd tire not tho tight kind of
people to build up country.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries
given away ut tho Coos U.iy drug etoro.
Particulars at tho Btoro.
, Empire City
", fleirno flslfbrtnan who bn- e b
Ing otifilfle, have a fine 1H of
H sli
ce a
A. Oirom', our rural In in, has bad
trouble with lm partner, mid Ibcy hare
e greed to disagree.
W. It. (felly I pulling; np a ecrtolr
with a wind mill attached, lor IV p ir
posu of furnishing his stable itli water.
T. Neu hniis Ims opened u shoemaker
shop here. If 9 hi a flue workman nnd
will do well, us r shop was badly need
ed. L. Urn locker wilt more with his fam
ily to Coquille City, tho latter part of
this week, whore they will hereafter ro
sido. ,
Dr. J. Q. Cook has erected a nobby
Iittlo barn, bought himself a fine horso
nnd buggy, and comes ont in fine style.
Tho lr. doo3'nt believe in being left.
It Is reported that Mrs. Tenbroek has
purchased tho Molhodist church pro
perty, consisting of two lots, the parson
ago nod church. Consideration, $1000.
Ficd Jarvia with bin wif and two
daughters w-sro paMengers on the out
going A jax. 'II1C7 went lwlow for the
purpose of placing the Iwo girls in
Air. Greene wald makes bis headquar
ters nt the mill.
Thoso are beautiful days we are hav
ing; the mill running .lull time and
everybody happy.
Tho steamer Maggie lloas left S?ait
Francisco Saturday, for Porter, with
passengers and freight.
Geo. Sauets has becomo a rancher,
and tnken a claim just aeioss tho bay.
whete he will build a cage and Uteri
There hat beon quite an advance in
real estate since tho boom strode the
hay. Property ort Porter Ave is worth
one hundred dollars per foot.
The steamer Milton is kept btwy car
rying freight to the camps ami railroad.
She is n fine. boa, and doing a go .J bus
iness, and is n success in every way.
Manager Ilinuhman, John A. Gray
nnd Utto Grectiuwuld inadu a illng trip
to Coquille City on Saturday in the In
terest of the California Lumber Co.
K. Hupp caught his fingers between
two logs on Monday, and ono finger
was so badly damaged that amputation
became necessary, which was performed
bj Dr. Sponogle.
Tho C. II. 3Ierchant was chartered by
tho Cah Lumber Co. for n cargo to San
FrancUco. The Hey City mill having
closed down fjr, she did not
hae si cargo icady.
Tho new boat !b progressing rapidly,
the frame is nearly up, and a Urge gang
of men is kept busy getting ont imUei
ial. The boat will be one of the nicest
and fastest on the bay.
Thcio in quite n number of indies and
gentleman of San Francisco, utsticatin
here now, among thbui Mr. Otto Greene
wald, the secretary of tho California
Lumber Co. Porter is becoming quite
n fashionable losort.
Tho mill stopped Friday for neceseary
repairs. While stopped, O. II. Snuars.
the foremnn, put n big gang of men dig
ging n w ell. C hurlio uays ho is going to
put her down 710 feet. Slay with her,
Charlie, and jott will got there,
Tho locomotive for the Onl. Lumber
Co's railroad, on Coos river, was ship,
pert on thu Maggie Hoes last week, nnd
is looked for daily nt Porter. The
heavy timbers put in on tho floating
whatf aro to lot the machine dowiuasy,
onto a scow.
Thoro is talk of n motor lino from
Marshfleld lo Porter. Wo havo n good
trail ; don't know if the boys would ridu
if they had aehanco, it in such a nice
Iittlo walk- Fkit;!.
Doard Resolutions.
Ofllco of Coquillo Hoard of Trade.
Coquillo, Coos Co., Oregon.
July 10th', 1800.
Resolved, by tho Coquillo Hoard of
Trado, that wo beliovo the work on the
3Ilddlo Folk wagon road is not pro
greasing us rapidly as il should ; that
tho road should havo been open for
travel long before tho present time;
that we have been nimbly informed
that tlio crew of men uurktug on said
load is uot supplied with proper appli
ances for prosecuting tho woik at li.od;
that Coos county is losing a large nuni
nuuibpr of immigrants by the reason of
Una delay, whuruioio we petition and
demand that n ctow of iuen suftU-ieniU
largo (nnd supplied v. uh proper upph
auues) be put upon tins work to coin
piste it forw.lh, and Hut a copy oHhU
tosolttlion be sent to the oounty judge,
to each of thy county commissioners nnd
he published in our local papeis.
A. W. McAhtjiuh,
Pros, of Coquillo Homrl of Initio.
Coquillo He! aid: The steamer Ceo
II. Chauru from FotlUi.'l, lame into
tho river Thuibduy Inst and took n caru
of white cedar uud di-p.uted Sunday
morning. Il is hoped u will u .Mti
a good trade with Oicoua ntutru.ulu.
. Juntos Laird, of Dora, hifoiuis u
that tho Coos II iy waou 10ml will bt
oputt nnd stages lummi' over it b
August 1. This will be a tlio Mnldli
Coquille road fut ull 1 ! ! it wocd w,-
Coiiipleto by Jul il n at I'm fu
Mr. Douglas Tllldn nnd Miss Ithoda
Uilbsull woro innuled nt Randolph Jul)
Rev. 0, P, llailey wtil bo hero j...
Friday evening to 1 M"t a 1
tneotliijjs wjilolt will Uj luld it tho V
K. church, It is noodles to ask ou to
come out, for all will be anxious to heat
Ilro. H.
n f. "twin paragraphs contain ful
' -r t-xfrnrts tmblisliM from llw report
UA ( opt ' ) monrt In regard lo the work
' on tli" Coqu llo-
' t the lime the work of Improte'-
merit was begun the enhance lo the
I ( nquille liver was considered rery dan-
u on ' It whs by n long, tortuous and
narrow ! i- n J skirting; the south bond
nai d t . 1 'i J with rooks from beyond
the ). nt n the outride to n disfance oi
m-hst!f tnll on the Inside. The dpth
at low water ovrr the bar was only nbont
thrpe tti, snd the position of tho bar
channel was constantly chitting. The
channel sometime al long intervals
apart, broke through the north spit and
ran clireetly out to sea just south of
HackliHe roek, but did not remain long
in Ibis position. Tiro cntianeo nt nuch
times was comparatively safo, and tho
channel was nt its veiy host. Tho moan
rio of tldo was four and oiio-tenth feet.
The results of the work already done
at the mouth of tho Coquillo nro In the
highest degree satisfactory, there being
now a straight channel. This result Is
better than that which the bnard of en
gineer s 1 roped to obtain by the com
pleted work. From the outer end of
the jatty a depoMt of sand tai's out,.
forming a well denned, low sand jetty
or training wall In direct prolongation
Of the jrtly, ami on the north f?ido sand
has been deposited iw rail el with the
Jwlty and nearly np lo low -water, at n
distance of about soo feet from It, form
ing also a low sand training wall,
which altogether direct th ehhing and
flooding tides and river waters in a
straight and deep channel out ovor the
bar lo sea. This result has beon has
tened very materially by the romoval of
the mid-channel rock just inside thu en
trance, which has so long been a torror
to mariners, nnd the cause of many ac
cidents. Thu took was drilled and pre
pared for blasting, hut tho nppropria-
tlons became okhanstod before this was
dono. Recoguizing the imjiortnnco of
i removal, sa.l ;J, fed that tho best
ti'ne of thn year to do it, was during the
low tides of .Tntic, tho citizens 011 the
river contributed the necessary labor,
powder and other material for its re
moval, this otute sopplpttig only the
blasting machine, and the skilled su
penikor, nnd on June 6th, the blaet
took place cnjct-mifully, and tho roek
was entirely demolished and disap
peared. '
The snagging, and bar scraping done
on the river between Coquille City and
Myrtlo Point, was productive of great
good to the navigation of the river. The
freshets of tlte last winter and spring
(unpreccnted in voltuno) have, howev
er, again deposited many snags in tho
river w Inch Bliould bo removed.
The following information ia obtained
from statements furnished try the Co
quille SHU and Tug Company, Parkers
bur, Coos toonly, Oregon, applicable
to the ti' ending June 30, 1S00. The
follow iug is a list of business on the Co
quille river as far as we onn ascertain :
Average Xonnajto.
Eight schooners . . 1575
Ttiree schooners 30
Vessels arrived 53
Vessels cleared 52
Vessels btiitt , 2
KXl'OKTS and lut'ouya.
Espor IB-Lumber 19,500
Total 10,500
Imports-Gon'l Merchandise. ..,8600 tons
Total 3500tons
Tlio draught of vessels trading to Co
quille is, when loaded, from so von to
nine feet.
On tho river tlio steamer Antelope
plied between Bttndon and Coquillo
City, twenty-three milea, lound trip
each day.
Steamer Little Annie, between Ban
don and Coqnillo City, averages two
trips a week, mostly freight.
SteamerGorea, Coquillo Oity to Myr
tle Point, fourteen miles, round trip
oaeh day.
Tho Katie Cook was used for bar
Average iHUjeeogers oaeh day, twenty.
F.ud of year, sto.vmor Little Annie
strbvk on rpek, near Randon, sunk, and
total wreck.
Schooner Parkersburg lost wind while
sailing in ; went mi beach, but was got
ten off with vuy little oximnso. -
More Railroad News.
McMillan, tho photographer, 1up
made anangen.ents wiU,S.m Frunuiseo
partie-i whereby a company has been
formed, to bo known as the Coos Hu.
Photographic wd Crayon Company,
Large. h!xb view work uid life ,ia era.)
on wo,k a specialty. T.m (Wt .cabinet
wotk will be produced at JC 00 por dos
en, uud larger- stz.-s in proportion
Copjing and enlt-.vtrig from otd o-
Mint! I pictures to an) slra at teasomtble
rates. ArtlbU will arrive by next Ajax,
mid all work wilt b) finished in Murslt
Held, which will be headquarters. Fine
wuk and promptness will he thali
The following letter hoe been received
by Mi. Hermann:
HoV, PlN!t.K Mkiwann, M. O.
Washington, D. O.
mb. Referring to your letter of Julv
I , ! n, tlu board bus the honor to in
'mi ; uii thut tbe matter of the ustab
'ishun nt of .'.t.ike lihte, for aiding tin
i.iwi'iiiiui if Cuos bi Oicgou, ha
m 1 1) teleireil lo thu li t-pector and 15n
-it (!' of the lo b 1 j;lit bouse district fo
mvo jti.itio.i, i . i t nml re oiutneitdn
t o i, ii tl t' .i- t u the report of them
i.iH'8lmlivi i lved, jou will bt
mi'ther advised uii the subject. Res-IXH-tfolh
Auitrs, Geo. W. fount;,
I oiumunJei A t. N.ivul Nswrtury,
O il una bl
1 (.'olllllll'i
TbeTi,' r is
.'ii at u t oiuu
h uilci
ltft, at
Hj Ul,
I! In ond shingles $1 9'J per 31, nt
OVouuuU'd. 3-o thuw,
Ono of tho best cleanups In Southern
Oregon was tnmlo nt the placer mines of
Husraer & Anderson, in Fool's creek
dlstrlot. It Is stated that tiioy took out
J5000 in gold dust.
Tlrere nro fully 2000 men nt work on
railroads in mid about Olympic. Tlio
Union Pacific, Northern Pacific nnd
Port Tonmond Southern are nil work
ing within ono mile of each other.
Tho second mutual convention of tho
sheriffs of Oregon, in session In Salem,
is attended by fifteen sheriffs, nnd tlio
proceedings nro quite interesting to
tho officers. Tho main object of tho
meeting regards the establishment by
tho superintendent of tho ponltontary of
a rogue's gallery, and tho publication of
a pamphlot for tlio sheriff for descrlb"
Ing criminals.
Senator Dolpli 1ms tried to havo called
tip and passed a bill allowing tho peo
ple of Albany, Oregon, lo construct n
bridge. Ho explained that it bad been
long on the calender and it was necct.
sary, as tho peopio were anxious to
begin work, but democratic objection
prevented it
Aberdeen is tho largest town on
Gray's harbor. 8i years ago its" site
was a wilderness ; now it is a thriving
town of 2000 peopio, nnd has electric
lights, water works, eight miles of
grSiled streets, (en miles of sidewalks,
two hanks, four churches, and a month
ly pay roll of ?05,000. When tho rail
roads are com plated thi3 fall the town
will forge ahead.
Sir. Charles H. Trescott, who has had
a force of from eight lo a dozen men
fishing for sturgeon near tho lower Cas-
cades since the middle of April, and
ho has bought all the sturgeon caught
by the wheels at tho Cascades dnring
the season, and has had tho whole, -comprising
many tons, stowed away in
the cold storage warehouse nnd frozen,
has shinned thn first carload for this
seaeon East. Tho New York market
has bcon supplied so far this season
from tho Delcware, and tho season is
now about over there, and as owing to
the mild winter there was but little ice
put up and it is very dear. Nono of
this Delewme fish has been frozen and
now the Co'tnnbia fish is wanted in that
market. Mr. Trcrcott has had some
boats bttil t erd will put n lot of men at
work fish ing at Astoria, and will also
buy the sturgeon caught by outside fish
erinn. Notice of New Survey.
Usrra) Statks Land Gthice,
Hosoburg, Or., July 14, 1890.
Notice is heroby given that tho here
tofore iinsurvcyed portion of township
IB south, of range 1 cast, has bcon sur
veyed and tho plat of tho survey there
of will bo filed in this office onJIonday,
September 1st, 1890. Also part of tho
heretofore itnsurveyed portion of town
ship 22 south, of rango 12 west, to'wit:
Sections 9, 10. 15, 10, 21, 22, 20, 27.
2S, 33, 31 and 35 baa been surveyed and
tho plat of tho snrvoy thereof will bo
filed in this office on 3Ionday, Septem
ber lBt, 1891.
From nnd after said 1st day of Sep
tember we will be prepared to recoivo
applications for the entry of said, lands
in such heretofore unsurveyed portions
of said townships.
John II. Shote, Register.
A. 31. Cbawfobo, Receivor.
Business Personals.
"Looking Backward,"
at Beng8tack-
House and lot for sale
this office.
Inquire at
Take your subscriptions for all papers
lo F. P. Norton.
Golden offers a full lino of flsbin'g
tackle, nt reduced pi ices.
Delicious eoda water on draughts
again at Golden's drug Btoro.
Call at Goldcn's soda fountain for a
drink of that delicious soda water.
O'Connell'a celebrated mixed paints,
for sale at O'Connell'a hardware store.
Large consignment of dress
sold out nt cost, nt Sengstncken's.
Large assortment of new trout flies at
Golden's drug store, at reduced prices.
$1000 or !,2000 to lot on approved real
estate security. Apply to John F. Hall.
Mason's fruit jars in J-j gallon, quarts)
and pints at O'Connoll's hardware store.
Frank Reni lias somo line claret wino
wliich ho sella for 50 cents per gallon.
Families and hotels supplied on short
The Tenbroock houso in Empire City
4 located in a pleasant part of town
and is fitted with large sunny rooms
good beds utftl good tables, Charges
reasonable. Try tho house.
Hmries, road carts, spring wagons,
farm v. . $ ns, hand carts and wheelbar
iqw, tsis tbe famous Tiger and AYhit
ley mowers and all popular sulky hay
Hke, at O'Connell'a hnrdwate stoio.
In d inking Golden's soda wator yon
iavt) the iiHcuiraneo that you nro avoid
ing tho daugeis of imitation flavorings,
made from Injurious chemicals. Only
pure fruit juices used. Bond in vour or-
dors. Casus of 2doz. $1.00, 4 doz, $2.00.
Gol Ian has started Ida eoda works,
for the senoou, and is ready to furnish
resh bottled goods made with improved
machinery from pure fruit juices. Send
n vonr orders." The only bottlimr es-
ablishment on tho coast that manufac
tures exclusively from puro fruits.
New Store.
In connection with my drug store I
,avo oponed n general vmerchandlso
tore, in room formerly occupied by W.
I. WebMer. I carry a complete line of
uens' and boys' clothing, gents furnish
nggQode, hate, caps boots shoos, etc,
to, and n full line ol groceries. AViih a
ood selection nnd low pticos, I ran
untaniee. you satisfaction. Country or
lors piomptly attended to. Yours anx-
oub to pleafo, II Kknqstackkn.
T. Howard has jitBt received a DrstV
ln stock of watches and jewelry, in
i lulling solid gold watches and chains,
if yon want a "Boss" O. movement,
m and see them. Louis XIV "Boss"
tilled cnsoB always on hand. My prices
ro lowor than nuv other dealer ou tho
my. If you do uot believe it, comonml
prico my goods. All wntcli cases, gold
films, and sliver spoons bought ol mo
will bo ongiaved freo of charge.
T, Howauo, Jeweler,
Front street, Marshllold, Or