The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 03, 1890, Image 4

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you like, but I'm gotni bock nt nml j AN0T1
going down the holo toot tho rm ntvt It out
nf It I
"why, If this mouey U to bo found ntnll, It
Today Is
Itnrold glnnool nt tbo dock It vrnj nrrl
1 Id the morning tlmo to ro to Ixxl ir he was
COltlC. But ilO tllll llOt fori Inmln
If lie illil, Ith tul great Ulscorery on '
within bit reach. Accordingly he once mora
m ., . "'W,M "Oionna Degnntowork Jf ,t"b. Mff, There ro reason," lio n.l.lcu",
iiiku inu iiuii iiuiv. iirvisiir i. iiiin-n irir n n 1 1 -. .
I his strencth. When ho hud got It almost n
uwp as it wouia ro, that Is about three feet, should tx touna this mornliiff.
it Tick somriuinB Bomeunnjr nnro mere Christmas day, you know."
1 was no doubt of 1U He worked nway In "Yc, yea, colonel; I know what you nioao.
great excitement, widening tho hole a much f niess you, 1 kimw all About It; tho old squire
' fta lid TOUIU.
! Yea, It was masonry, or If It was not
masonry, It was something uncommonly tike
his mind, lid should not slcc. There was
nnother thing, It was Christmas ere, or
rather Christmas day. tliodayof Ida's nn
sner. If ony succor was to bo given at all
It mut bo given nt once, lefore the fortress
had capitulated. Onco let the engagement
bo renewed, and ocn If the money should
subsequently l forthcoming, tho diRlcultfrs
would bo ilnulileu. Hut there; ho was build
It, Ho drew the crow out of tho bolo, and,
selling tho shovel, commenced to dig again
with renewed vigor. As ho could no longer
conveniently throw the mil from tho holo ho
j must talk to somebody; If he don't hv'd lmt;
so he talks to me. That Cowey V cwiulns for
his answer from Miss Ida this morning. Ivr
I young lady, 1 saw her yesterday, and slio
looks like n ghost, she du. Ah, he's u mean
one, that Cossey. larvcr Cjuost wnrn't in W
witli him, after ML vv ell, I cookm ill rwoso
took n "sfceii" or leaf lnJ;et, vv hlch lay handy, ' for i,im, nud IM glvo summut to ha o n hand
and placing It besido lifm. put ns much of tho
samly miles he could lilt Into it, ami then
lifted it and shot it on tho edge of the pit.
For three-quarters of mi hour ho labored thus
must nianfully, till nt lnt lio enmodonn to
tne ttono wort He cleared a paten of it and
examined it attentively by tho light of the
lug his hoj)cs upon sand and ho knew it. i dark lantern. It appeared to be rubble work.
Even supposing that ho held In his hand tho
key to tho burial piaco of tho lour? lost treas
ure, who know whether it would still bo there,
or whether rumor had not enormously added
to IU proportions! He was allowing his hopes
and his imagination to carry him nway.
.Still ho could not deep, nud ho hail a mind
to mm if anything could l made of it. Go
ing to tho gun room, ho put on a pair of
shooting boots, en old coat and nn ulster.
Jvcxt ho provided himself with a dark lantern
and the key of the summer houo at tho top
of )ead Man's Mount, and silently unlocking
iho t ack door, started out Into tne garden.
The night was very rough, for the great gal j
was now ruing fast, and bitterly cold, so cold !
that he hesitated for a moment before mak '
lug up his mind to go on. However, be did
Be on, and In another two minutes was
climbing tho steep sidm of tho great tumulus.
There nun an moon in the cold sky the
wind whistled must drearily through the '
naked lioughs of tho great oak, which
Rroftued in answer like things In pain, liar- '
dI.I was not a nervous or Impressionable
man, but the plant had a spectral look about '
it, nrd be could not help thinking of the evil ,
iipulntiou it had boruo for all these ages.
There wns scarcely a man in Honham, or iu
Iloisinchaiu either, who could have been per
suaded to stay half on hour by himself on
Dead Man's Mount after the sun was well
duun. Harold had at different times nkcd
i or two of then nliat they saw to be
i raid of. rnd they bad answered that it was
o it what toey saw somui-b ns what they felt,
lie had laughed at the time, but now he ad
mitted to himself that ho was auythlng but
com.'ortob'e, though if ho had bad to put his
feeling into vrcrds be could probably not
bate described them further than by saying
tint bo had a general sensation of some
body being behind him. Howjvcr, ho was
not going to le frightened by this uonsos?,
so, consigning nil sapcivtltlons to their father
the dv il, be marched on boldly and unlocked
tfco summer hou cloor. Now, though this
curious cd'flce bed been designed for a sum
mer house, and for that purpoo lined
throughout null encaustic tiles, nobody as
a matter of fact had ever dreamed cf using '
it to sit hi. To begin with, it roofed over a '
preat depression some thirty feet or more in
dismcter, for the top of tho mount was hol
lowed out like one of those wooden cups upon
whieh Jugglers catch balls. Djt, uotwr.h-.
standing all the encaustic tiles in the world,
lamp will gather in a boilow like this, and
tho damp alone was an objectiox The real'
fact was however, that tb spot had nn evil
rcpuL-.tiou, and even those who were ruf
llcicutly well educated to know the folly of
this sort of thing would not willingly have
gono there for surpns of enjoyment. So It
bad suffered tho general fate of disused
places, having fallen more or less out o re- i
lnir and become a receptacle for garden I
tools, broken cucumber frames an 4 lumber
of various sorts.
built In the form of tin nrvh. He struck It
' with tho Iron crow and It gave bark a hollow
i sound. There was a cavity of somo sort un
demon th
ills excitement and curiosity redoubled.
Br great efforts he widened tho spot of stone
work already laid bare. Luckily, tho soil, or
rather sand, wns so friable that there was
very little exertion required to loosen it. This
done, ho took the iron crow, and inserting it
beneath n loose Hat stone levered it up. Tins
was a beginning, and, having got rid of- the
large flat stone, ho struck down again and
again with all bis strength, driving the sharp
point of the heavy crow iuto tho rubble work
beneath. It began to give ho could hear
bits of it falling into tho cavity below. There)
It went with a crash, more than a square foot
of it.
He leaned over the hole at his feet, de
voutly hoping that the ground on which he
wns standing would not givo way also, and
tried to look down. The next second he
threw his head back, coughing and gasping
Tho foul air rushing up from the cavity or I
mill ii t
In tho snl
that by (I
gives cull
Iho partlc
Kidney mi
Mock. Ko
kMIS Miwi.
cison, (.'.
the e may I
Use a ver rlranuui ti
I mbsi i
KlSHHn i
I Sit m Kidney
h Jlth, 1S!K).
urout Iiu'rono
f . . .
oily nun Jiuij.t'
!t fur it Unit It
o futidfnclioH to
Iht I ttl telling
!mt 1 hiitiillo in
i pared, rt lumaueoMMj Mil ")' drf
niwlo lllllo ulliii'er. Hie lw HI
..lli, hmiili.l bin IV I lidiTI'lCitlenil
ivho liud ivMimcil his cliair.
IIWKfWlunini ", ".'I :''.. .,. i....
"! i vv'v:1."1. w Vi,yr5 nil
IS 11V llll MUIUII I(lfl"1 lll"ll ...-
i4ivl by tin' small bmM wiifi
cyllniter to tienenil He aimwrtl
"Old Jnufll" di-ew l!i white
paper from Hie
eitelrellli I) nen nii'iier ww v "". ;:
l.ii "t. Ill iiifiKimil tones ho read tho I u inhet
',tlS." lhowlonMii-iieillMurmMWM
in J., i. ninl kiiiunw tint hauler III IIS
iibiM.m' luiff-ii
'JUt, Km I'mii-
It nir loxir hut II
Hi. in
literally rocking in tho fury of t bo storm.
"I hopo tho roof will hold," shouted George,
but Harold took no heed. Ho was thinking
chamber, or whatever it was, had half T.u.u , Ji . T .. s., 1
noisoned him. Then, not IthoTt J.ffleultv. ot which V now ha tu,w ttud th yIollcl
ho climbed out of the grave, and sat down d down Into the great grave , bo had so In-
in cooklns that baukcr chap's toa You wait
n miuuto, colonel, and t'll come along, gnlo
and gbostcsses and nil. t only hoio it mayn't
bo after n fool's errand, tb.itVall;'' mid ho
retlreil to put on his boots. liv-ently he aj
pearctt again, his red night cop still en his
head for ho us nfrald that tho wind would
blow n hat oil ami cnrrjlug an uullgbtcd
lantern In his liand. '"ow, colonel, I'm
i ready, sir, If m l;" am) they slnrtitk
Tho gaio was, it nn thing, iiercer ttiau
ever. Indeed, there hail been no such tem
pest In thoso parts for years, or rather cen
turies, ns tho condition of tho tltnU-r by 10
o'clock that morning amply tcstiilod.
"TM bom irlinl must lu lllo that ns tho
Christmas ni$bt," shouted George; but Hni
old made no tiuswer, nud they fought their
wuy onvvanl lthout siwaking any more, for
their voices wero almost inaudiblci Onco the
colonel stopjied and pointed to tho iky lino.
Of nil tho row of tall oplars which he hid
seen bending like whips before tho Ind ns
ho caino along, but one remained standing
now, and as he pointed that vanished nUv
Reaching tho summer house in safety, they
entered, and the colonel shut and locked til J !im...,.iv
door behind thenu Tho frail building was I ratlotis, Iho following ciren-M w tskeu.
1 1 if' Lfe
I l J I I I I i 'fc-Cl.
Harold got the door open and entered.
Harold got tho door open and entered, I
shutting it behind him. It was, if anything, i
more disagreeable in tho empty silence of the I
wid jikoo. for tho spaeo roofed over was I
considerable, than it had been outside, and
the question at onoe croeo In Lis mind, what '
wns he to do now that he had got there! If i
the treasure wns thereat all, probably it wan
deep down In tho bowels of tho great mound. ,
Well, as he was on the spot, ho thought that
ho might as well have adig, though probably
nothing would como of it. Iu the corner '
wtroa pictaxnnd some spades and shovels.
Harold got them, advanood to the center of !
the space, and, half laughing at hi own folly, '
tt-t to work. Kimt, hai ing lighted another I
lantern winch was Lept there, he removed j
with tho sharp end or the pickax a large !
Iatcli of the encnustfe tiles exactly In tho
center of tho depression. Then, having looa- t
enetl the sod lienoatu with the pick, bo tcok !
off his ulster and fell to digging with a will. I
The soil proved to be very sandy m.d easy to i
work. Indeed, from its appearance, ho soon
came to tho conclusion that It was not virgin j
earth, but worked soil, which had Ixseu i
thrown there. Presently hU spado struck '
against something hard; he picked ft up and j
held ft to tho lantern. It proved to Lo au an
cieut spear head, and near It were some
bones, though whether or no they were
human ho could not at tho tlmo do-1
tenulno. This was very Interesting, but It
was scarcely what ho wanted, so ho dus on.
manfully until ho found himself chotit deep in
n kind of gravo. Ho had been digging foran i
hour now, and was getting very tired. Cold
ns It was, tho iwrepnatioii poured from him. i
As hu loused for bixatli l.o heard tho church '
clock stiiko two, and very solemnly it tour.d- j
ed down tho wild wavs of the wind torn I
winter night. He dug on a little more, and
then furiously thought of giving up what ho
was somewhat ashamed of having under-1
taken. How w as ho to account for this gt cat j
hole to his goeilener on the following morn-
(ltr 1'hPM ntr. I w a I in III-..IA ,n I.!.. ...I. ..I '
...,. .......... ...... V HU IW.UV Ul Ml UI1UU
that hu would not account for It. The
gurduuer, In common with tho rest of the vil
lage, believed that the place vcu haunted.
Ict hi in set don u tho holo tuihe "ooU'iund
their spiritual nctivity
Ktlll ho dug on at bis grave for a little
longer. It wu by now becoming a matter of
exceeding labor to throw tho shovelfuls of
toll clear of tho holo. Then ho determined to
stop, mid with this view scrambled, not with
out difllculty, out of tho amabiur tomb. !
on tho pile of sand ho had throw u up. Clearly
he must let lLo air iu the place sweeten n lit
tie. Clearly, also, ho must have assistance if
ho mut decvnd into tho great hole. He
could uot undertake that bv himself.
Ho sat there ujwi the edge of the pit,
wondering w ho there was ho could trust. Not
his own gardener. To begin with, he would
never como near tho place at night, and be
sides, such people talk. The squiref No; ho
could uot rouso him at this hour, and also,
for obvious reasons they had not met lately
Ahtbehadit. George was tho man I Tob
gin with, he could bo trusted to hold hii
tongue, and tho episode of tho production of
the real Jlrs. Quest bad taught tho colonel
that George was a person of no common
rowers. Ho could think, and he could act
Ho threw on bli coat, extinguished the
largo stable lantern, and having parsed out,
locked tho door of tho summer house, mid
started down the mount nt a trot. The wind
hail risen steadily during his hours of work,
and wns now blowing a furious gale. It ni
nbout a quarter to -1 in tho morning, and the
stars shown brightly In the hard, clear blown
6ky. By their light and that of tho waning
moon ho struggled on in tho teeth of the
raging tempest. As ho passed under one o!
the oaks he heard a mighty crack overhead,
aud guessing w bat it was ran like a hare. He
was none too soon. A circular gust of more
than usual fierceness had twisted the top
ngai out or tno great tree, and down it came
upon the turf with a rending, crashing sound
that made his blood turn cold. After this
escape he avoided tho neighborhood of the
groaning trees.
George lived In a neat little farm house
about a quarter of a mile away. There war
n short cut to it across the fields, and this he
took, breathlessly fighting his way against
the gale which swept, and roared, aud howled
in its splendid might as it came leaping
across the o:can from Its birthplace in the
distances of air. Even the stiff hawthorne
fences bowed before its breath, and tho tall
poplars oa the sky line beat Uke a rod beneath
tho fresh rush of a salmon.
Excited as be was, the Immensity and
grandeur of the sight nnd sounds struck upon
him with strange and awful force. Never
before bad he felt so far apart from man,
aud so near to that dread Spirit round whose
xeet minions or rolling worlds rush on for
ever, at whoso word tbey are, endure, and
are not.
He struggled on until at last be reached
tho house. It was quite silent, but in one of
the windows a light was burning. No doubt
its occupants found it impossible to sleep in
that wild gale. The next thing to consider
was how to make himself heard. To knock
at the door would bo useless in that turmoil
There was only one thing to bo done throw
stones at the window. Ho found a good
sired pebble, and, standing underneath,
threw It with such good will that it went
right through the glass, lighting, as ho after
ward heard, full upon Mrs. George's sleeping
nose, and nearly frightening that good
woman, whoso nerves were niready shaken
by the gale, into a fit. Next minute a red
night cap appeared at the window.
"George," roared the colonel a lall of
the gale.
"Who's theref" came the faint answer.
"Mo CoL Quaritch. Comedown. I want
to speak to you."
Tho head was withdrawn,' and a couple of
minutes afterward Harold saw tho froutdoor
begin to open slowly. Ho waited tiU there
was spaco enough and then slipped in, nnd
together they forced it to.
"Stop a bit, sir," said George; "111 light
the lamp," and ho did.
Next minute ho stepped back in amaze
ment. "Why, what on 'arth hev you bin after,
slrl" ho said, contemplating Harold's filth
begrimed face, and hands, and clothes. "Ii
nnything wrong up at tho castle, or Is the
cottage blown downP
"No, no," said HaroM: "liium. You'vt
heard tell of tho treasure that old Sir Jama
de h Mollo buried In tho times of the Round
"Yes, yes. I have heard toll of that Hev
tho gale blown It upP
"No, but by heaven I believe that I am In
nfair way toQndltP
George took another step back, remember
ing the tales that Mrs. Jobson had told, and
not being by any means sure that the colouel
was not In a dangerous condition of lunacy
"Givo mo n glass of something to drink,
water or milk, and I'll tell you. I've been
digging all night, and my throat's like a
"Digging, why, whereP
"Where! In Dead Man's Mount"
"In Dead Mun's Mount!" said George.
"Well, blow me, If thntnln't a funny place
to dig at on a night like this," and, toe
umazd to say anything more, he went off tx
get the milk.
Harold drank threo gkmes without stop
ping, and then tat down to tell o much ol
his moving tale as he thought desirable.
George sat opposite to him, his liands on
his knees, tho rod night cap on his head, and
a comical expression of astonishment upon
his melancholy coiinteoauco.
"Well," lie said, when Harold had done,
"blow mo If that olu't n raasWr one. And
yet there's folks who say that there nln't no
such thing as Prowldcnco uot that thoreV
anything prowided yct-p'r'aps there ain't
nawiuiug mere, alter nil."
"I don't know if there is or not. but I'm
Ouco out, his eyes fell on n stout lion crew. I KoInS Lck to see, and I want you to come
..,.,.,. .. .. ,. .. .. ' ullli inn imiff 1
uur nuii-ii urn Manning among mo oilier i
tools, such an Implement us is used to make j
uuiro in mo rami wnerviii in m-i iitiruies aim
stakes, aud it occurred to him that il would
not be a bad Idea lo drive this crow bar Into
tho bottom of the grave winch ho bad dug,
In order to ascertain if ihtie was anything
with mo now."
"Nowr said Goorge, rather uneasily
"Why, colonel, that boln't nvsryntce spot
iu t-o uiBKing uoout in oil a night like this. 1
niver heard uo good of that there place-not
ns I holds by sich talk myself," he added,
"Well," said tbo colonel, "you can do as
dustrtously dug, motioning to Georgo to fol
low. This that worthy did, uot without
trepidation. Then they lioth knelt nud
stared down through tho holo lu thomasoury,
but tho light of tho la uterus was uot strong
cuough to enable them to make out anything
with clearness.
"Well," said George, falling Kick upon his
favonto expression in his nmarement, as he
drew his night capped head from tho hole,
"if that ain't n master one, 1 ulver saw n
mastercr, that's alL What bo you a going to
do now, colonel! Hev you n ladder herel"
"No,"cuswired Harold; "I never thought
of that; but 1' on good rope; I'll get it"
Scranibllc out cf tlw hole, bo presently
returned witti n long coil of stout ropo. 1:
belouged totmo moil who bad been recently
umploved lu .tlttiug boughs off such of tho
oaks as nccdi.1 attention
Tbey uudiii the rope end let tho end down
to sco how dip tho pit was. When they felt
that the cud !ay upon the tloor tliey pulled it
up. Tbo depth from iho holo to tho bottom
of tho pit npj eared to bo nbout sixteen feet,
or a triUo mare.
Harold took tho Iron crow bar, and having
made tho rope fast to ft, fixed the tor acrom
the mouth of the nurture. Then ho doubled
the rope, tied some kuots in it, und let it
down into tho pit preparatory to climbing
down it
But Georgo was too quick for him. Tor-
getting his doubts as to tho wisdom of grojv
ing about Dead Man's Mount at night, iu
tLe ardor of his burning curiosity, ho took
the dark lantcru and holding It in his teeth,
passed his body through the hold in the ma
sonry and cautiously slid down tho rope
"Are you all rightP asked Harold In a
voice tremulous with excitement, for was not
his life's fortuno trembling on the turn!
"Yes," answered George, in a doubtful
voice, and Harold, looking down, could sco
that ho was holding tho lantern above I.U
head and staring at something very hard.
Next moment n most awful howl of terror
echoed up through the pit, tho lantern was
dropped upon tho ground, and tho ropo com
menced to bo agitated with the utmost vlo In another two seconds George's red ulght
cap appeared through tho hole, followed by a
face that was literally livid with terror.
"Let mo up, for God's sake," ho gasped,
"or holl hev mo by tho legp
"He! whop asked tho colonel, not without
a thrill of superstitious fear, as ho dragged
tho panting man through tho hole.
But George would give no answer until ho
was through tho holo nnd out of tbo grave.
Indoed, had it not been for the colonel's eager
entreaties, backed to somo extent by actual
force, be would Lave been out of the summer
house and half way down the mount by
"What Is It!" roared the colonel, in the
hole, to George, vt ho, shivering with terror,
was standing on tho edge thereof.
"It's a blessed ghost, that's what it is,
colonel," answered George, keeping his oyes
fixed upon the hob, at though he momen
tarily expcted U ha the objoci of his fears
"Nonse-jso," mid Harold, doubtfully.
"What mbbish you Ulkl What sort of a
"A w-lte un," said Georgo; "all bones
"All bcsssP answered the colonel; "why,
It must be a skeleton."
"I don't say that he ain't," was tho answer;
"but if ho be, bo's seven foot high, nnd sit
ting airing of hisself in a stono bath."
"Oh. rubbish!" said tho eoloneL "How
can a skeleton sit and air himself! He would
tumble to bits."
"I don't know; but there be Is; and they
don't call this piaco Dead Man's Mount for
"Well," said tho colonel, argumentatlvely,
"a skeleton Is a perfectly harmless thing."
"Yes, if bo's dead, may bo, sir; but this
one's alive; I saw him nod his head at mo."
"Look here, George," answered Harold,
feeling that If this went on much longer he
should loso his nerve altogether, "I'm not
going to bo scared. Great heavens, what n
gustl I'm going down to seo for myself."
"Very good, colonel," answered Ooorgo;
"and I'll vvnlt hero till you come up again
that is, If joulvcrdu."
Mr. "YtiL SIwvt lluwrn VUIU Rrvr Orlonm
nud fllvrs n (Irnplilo Account of lint
Ilo Saw lu tho Creole Clly. I'm l'lr
turctoMicnernlnllrAurcgoritniid Knrly.
Their Supervision, 8nj Mr. Itovvrn, Is
nn Absolute Ounriuilro of llnod Cullli.
Tho stall" rorrcspondeutef the AVs ),rt II rt I,
Mr. Wm. Minw lloNon, In pursuiuirc el III;
Journalistic duties hs written iv eianlilc II
i soniewlnit fciinmioiiai ncruuiu, ui . nio n"v
1 monthly drawing r The lultimMtu I Oiterv
v, I turn w men, vtuu muni) iiwui mmim
llio following cirerpM im Ukeu. Mr.
Unwell niefnoe hu description, which oeeitnlos
over ii pace of tho U'orM. In Itt Issues ot March
Slth and ifftn, with an iutcrcttln temlulseeuoo
of MeiitenanU'eueralJiitwl A. tarly. who with
tien. llenurvgsrd, regularly Miivrliitcmls tho
drawings. . ., I
" I saw him find." says Mr. llowen, under the
follow lujrttrcumtftiirc." i
i VV hen thocoiUiHlcMtdArmr overran njtinimi
of Marj Und tho sensation rt VlilnBlouus-
cvsuti me prowmie leciiuxt u, me mnunn. n mv
Ihehotdrsof Attfln poured In treuwii.touillile
Into the territory of the decu) lug empire. 1ue
Nntlonul capital was threatened All army oor
appeared before tho north sldo ot therltr, n-id
skirmishing went ou beneath the fortification.
IhcKtwy oladplcketswi-resutiotirdwllhlii sight
of tho uatlnlshcd dome or mo r ipuoi.
Kngaged lu special work. 1 endoav ored to pi
from ii i olnt In tho vicinity ol rmletfcktburv.
in Maryland. totheChalu llrldso. nttmuktugo
town. Tho taik wus wriluii. If captured by
the Confederates my ll'e would haw. undouut
cdly paid forfeit. Portwodavs 1 lay concealed In
forest end In low under tviuh. juuv lag ranMmn-
ly by night nud nvoidlug ratup tin s wagon
IUO sun llivl just goui tiiinn it-'iiiiti iwv
li-ftMuimti lie rated tho fluiuMOli inn nillio
slip of psperwhleh hodruw iroui Iho 1 wo mn
I tX 'Vm'; ho Nl d Thill It as I hat li k t
rrllnders were limnliil the Uiy by Iho lvt.
"lliero Tcni BID f) llmlers ronlMind lu Iho f m; I
braiHi dtiitn over whieh llemwl lleauregar.t pro
slde.1 mid one by one tho l; Vi his '"'."V,!'
rtrow forth from eath Iho roll of, pner which
derldeil Iho fate of many n maii'a or woman
AM'tnilloiKniidhoiic. Wlifn Itm eyllndors had
Un withdrawn from eneh nf lit i wheo j II
rlerk, invited at Iho table, ralM "Tlmo!
Tlu'roiiiwii "Old Jiltml" atid Ida wadjiilor,
Iieaiirvganl. solemnly arov. rlose.) the Irap
il.Mii rTiul eauu'd tho win els in rerijlvo threo
times In no illrwllon and llireu lime Iho
olher, 1 lieu tho doora wore atu opened ami
ll.o ihomiixhiy shaken in. ro iienta were ah-stnute-l
ono by olio, by Iho Wliulfoidril mj s
I iiirino ineiii in iiub ii mv ....,......-.
' with tho IIIHo cylinders, I will i.i.Mimiii that
the are ol itiliher, alnwit on Inrh toidi and one-
1 sevenllmf nil Inrh In dlaim ter. prti at each
! cud 1 hero nro ItXVOWnf these tylliiilers, cntre.
siHiinlliig to tho iiuiiiIht nl t ckets In tho draw-
I liiir, and In iiich ryllmler l tlinitt n ijiIIihI
wliUoivni'tlleket or slip, on which l i printed
mm of llieniiiiiheranl the ticket lu thnilrnw-
I Ing. nuiglng from I tn lio.d w 'I ho small wiu-vl
(XiuliiliH similar cylliidera. earh one roiilatnltig
iiallncf imperon wuleh l printed tho ngnrra
repri'eiitliigonof Iho MJ prise In Hip draw.
lug i no cTiiiuier iiiuui 'iuuiii iiic ini
market .iJii)-ltu' eni'ltal pMo I tho ultima
Undo of iho liok of nit of those who Invest lit
tlrtrts In Iho ilmn Inc. ....
tine hour lowed away Only Ihrvn largo
irleot AOiiliaeh had Nh-'U taken fnmitho
lrii d'imi l'linly nf smaller ptlto, x fa.v)
n-id fl had ronio forth however
At i aellv I.' BOiiVhH'K lletioral Karly unrolled
it slip cf paK-r nnd ralleil "K.I1J" From tho
lliaunwrvi shin ot the green cloth wiuo Iho
niKwer WnMiO." Iho nud dim remaltio I
still n death font moment, t'len u sound nt a
iiiurniiir rsprv mvo nf dlsgii't wont up nml half
oftliovi prx'sent liasleneil out of the theatre,
Kviy tleket holder could not by uiiy nmntiernf
uHllu.ii'll. ilniiuiiiitallnu draw tho L-reill Mile.
but the holder rtppH ently tlioiiilitllmtlil phec
of liHTomhtti)havolnriitf llio lucky nnmWri
hence hi w mlh The sulMuMj'ivnt iinuxiwlliiK
vrero no linger Interesting una by ono Iho
tutmbfr were imIIpiI hu I ono by im tho num.
berslii Iho small drum wire tvadoir I'lually
th lt of the cjliuiler were lemored from
the la teruud the monthly Omwlug was utau
I imu Iho vital qurititiu, whether or not Iho
dmniugsiif Iho 1HiHta'ui Htato Uitlcry Com
iaiiy an fair nud lionetl. nn I lu accordance
trlltv the nileertlMrmeut of tho ('oiiiiwiiy to
the ptihtlp. Mr Howe i It verv cvplicil. Ills
((llmi.uv i ii ml n as It d ea Hum an ndreisn
so.iree will bo niiielnilvo to un) fair-inttnlcd
per on.
The mm) Important irottem connected with
tho hitlov srAirA ra-l'mra-isf fj Mr vrat the
luotl.'i of the falinrsmi Hid nwlne. It vraa
with the tioim that fiaud roll Id bo dlseori-rv!
1 he word "paidY1 1 sn sltlelly tabooed In the
Sew Yelk ullU' thai Iho laiet of thai paper
now th)ini "Irouier ' Willi ''nt."
hti.mi'i.ati: tiih: III.OOII.
llrumiiiMii' l'Mi nro Ibo ttrvitt blood
pttrlllor. They iitv ittirgnllvo nml blivovl
tonic, llioy ml ciUiilly on Itm IkiwcIh, tho
kldncyx, nnd lliu skin, lima cloiiliMlig tlio
kvpIiiiii bv tlu iintiirnl iiilllft of llio body
lliev nmv bo cnllcil llio jiiirirallvo auilorlllo
nml dltirello incillolno. They slluiulnto Iho
IiIixhI mi na lo eiinblo nature to throw nil nil
tiiorlild Iniiniiri), nnd cure d Incuse no iimtler
jiv wtuil iniiiH' It limy bo called. Ono or two
of llioni liikin every night will iinivtt nil
ludilllblo rvniidy. lluVKiniHTil'a l'n.i uro
niiivlv vrirelitlilo. ulmollllelv liitriuli'aa nnd
milo to lake nt liny time. Sold In every drug
nnd mcdli-liio store, cither pluln or ntiitur
liiinMun Is playing Marguerllo In Iho lottery'
Statement, JonT
U III Mo Cant,
Select I'lilliunuToiirlat Ktctlrsliilia. Ciiiii
iihiicIhk Wcdiii'Mliiy, J into llli, Hid North
cm 1'aelilu Itmlnud will limiiKuntlon acrica
ofnelect Imiflil cM'iinilona to nil ICikIitii
eltirs, to IcnvoSilii Knoii'tacoai'lill-luuiillilv,
Our roiiuv- f. r Co., ".Slmniii" to I'oK
land. Norllirni I'nelllc lliiilroiul Vlu Col
liniblit Itlver nml Tniiuim lo SI. l'mil
Choice ol roulo cioit of Unit point. Our
l urn ritlliuiiii'a loiirlFl onm fmnUhfti rom
p.Vfylllieery lieeMir)ciiiifort,liiilirKii
of I'ulliiiiiit iMirtor, nud uiidcr Iho mpcrvla
Ion of one of our InivclliiK piooenmir iiKent,
Our nitea hhiiio na vln other lliut. Semi for
ilcorlpllvu lourlst folder, lugelber Willi
..,, IM,, ,...,. ,,.l..,u ..,.. 'i ir u.....
,,.,-'', ,i,,.-.ii,,,-,i I'liiiiiMt'ii. vii . i i. mull-
Icr, 1'iuwiiKcr ArimiI, iilrt Market ultcel. Sun
rrnuclsco, Citliroruiti.
- -
" 111 vim lw n sister In mer" " So, 1 wun'l."
"(hal. Name Hie day "
rncsTMZizrvu, .
.1 flst!t,,""(l I
rinrkl flViB llfJ
iifUWik I iiJpCnn!iic.jf
6 a;.u
v iiviuiiUvmnA
'Suartuj5 7SAiV)fifW
1 n ItHVrt lnl .Hi
wo Ntpwif nn, a.t a re' i 'a " '2 li i.Vo
Hail I'raiiPlara !! s .. .1 ,"r' ol (ll win.
-Y ""innilMH..
Bfituvalfa TMl..i .
5 -fcW-" 'rora u npwursv
A UIlMt ,A
sp ssrn sa m st .
VIA k 1 !!
-W V .'
V" . -r
4T. VV
: jvva
.') Ot.ta.. U.V
a- UI" " sfi. ! -Sjk.T
cfi,, rtiiWis',Ti't
sITm.I.., .i . .
. ..M..Villlafl
Guarantee Capital, $1.000
CONSl!.VU'TlN .StntKI.V Cl'ltKIl,
1 1 trv
trace trick, ry "Micro wo two ways by vrhlchthn
l'omuny could tn Indie Itacuviimiris Tho tint
1 1 by plarlng n isreater iiiuutynf iiuinbvr lu
tho large wheel than Iho 'heiio rail for. Iho
iH'mU-i if ( cknti iu n inoii bly drnwliig 1 liu,-
l'. Thi n me I i'tUSi'tplared In Iho largo
ilioel, a-jltii whli hate draw u MOtlikds la-nr-:4
uu each the amouut of n prlie. If the uum-l-erof
ttrkctplarnl lu the large vtheel wero In
r-eMI ftW, H.lM, 10,0.x), or even SU.rnj tho
rtianrv ot HeXet wirvliaum to draw a nrlio
blue Vlnrlnlu hills vtheti I ind ,uml to rrviw
lhehl;hr.idbetwculS'iuiiMlt'Mkiun UlciWK
town. Al' waistill.altlio.iih I'j r.wd tiadU-en I
IrnveiTed within nil hour b tin s ippl. vrar '
HDd smalt detachment ol !! i tierny. I (wilted
XKXJXXW.MtluZ. ' would r.,,l. ..
. . T.. :. :' ""i 'l.lL:.' i. i..;.i.i Ihet'iLdn roalalued li the little niliberer
ifnl via,heani: ol-lek V I . I '.' "hlrl height I.I ..alcl Ug, m.d
I ell bark Into liio UUrs
mother i-arth, I watriMd
Two trooieM. arrnywl
uniforms, with clsm
liiTUK MtUTon- I'll a. o liifoim your readrr
that I have n iillivo irimdy fur lha hUivh
liamed iIUikso lly Its llimly use thniinatiil of
huprlestrato have la ell permaliriilly vllird. I
shall tie clad to send two Imllles nf my remedy
liieliiHii) of tour nailers hIii have ihiisuiiii.
Hon II Hi y will semi nm their evpres. tul int
ortlov mtiliis. Ilisrtfull,
1 , MHlM.M C,lillVatlHI,Nw Vork
ir.VAl.V-,Effi"J"W? '"? cf
" 'ir iiui i is ii w- liars atr - si
Htstea may luseut hv rTVi... . .'.'
money t.rdrr. hank ilnii or ,, ,:i '
i n.w .- ii.s i- .....:. "rinv
. vrin lis sit iniTi niiii ri.i .. .t
uunrumtM (pua Mm fn n i
i-. i- i
rr,ii, :..::"
Tho Pnonlnla tlamAft.Mik
I...... i-,i;.i-7"".""'i
llinini inriuiief I
niry iiiveii
Thank fu
lliiuanco of Iho same. ltr.i.rf.,iiV
Coluwban "'nlcrliowsp
Vbu can ccvtaiuly
Atlloii- Ishii'j iiiatrt Kiln Mhe Is as silent at
n t Kiril 1 hen she I Jllsl (he girl In li( h
i ,.f,i,ii. I.. li. Hi. irf-..u i.Iim. in .hi ,.d
t auu im cuwo.M """" v. .V "'. Vi'.V ."' '"r'A"' .."
thop.ii'-igulv.ilcal. i ,,,""'",, ' K v . TV. '
in m-iy -ra h'jtrseauu i ,lv ,,.h.a- h ,, n,v irni.-s iimnn im ivm
sv mIIow fneiugs 'and l',vU' I t thercarw twoieasous vthy this lnot
kV.M: i-i ii.n.iii Tti I deie ThMwu (Ion rul have a l.iwod Hum
Hello (suddenly) "I'm afraid all
this talk about atudontji U rather frivol
ous for Sunday." May (oasllyj "Oh,
but they're all theological studonts, you
know." Harper' Ilazar.
Hackman "I the doctor at borne?"
IJrldget "Yes, sir, ho'u out Iu the back
yard Icllllnu a chicken." Hackman
"Call 'im in, I'vo got blgnor fjamo."
Benevolent Old Gentloman "My
food man, how came you to adopt boff
flnjf as a trado? Or would you call It a
profession?" Jlcgjrar "It in neither,
ilr. It in an art." Torro Hauto Ex
press, Merchant "Mr. Canosucker, can
you pay this llttlo bill lo-day?"" Dude
ly Canesuckor "Not to-duy; somo other
lay." "It occurs to mo that you should
try and save up, no an to meet your ob
ligations." That'll what I'm doing;
haven't usod any money to pay debU in
moro than ayoar now," Toxasrilftlnga,
Kplcuro "Walter, thlsuteak is pos
itively bad. It must bo throo weeks
ild." Walter "Ah, pardon, monslourl
( ltavo made zo mccsUke, and have
brought you to venUon." Uplcuro i
"Venison? Oh, yes! Then you may
loavo It, (Tastes in. Ahl to bo sure.
it Is venison; and very nice, too very
nice, Indeedl"
mounted on verv fair
ineu carried I'oclcHsltnili
their waist belt nnd ttteir
mar thlr BriM rlfli f h 1-1n
.NexiramenroininauuKi -Hjninjoijp-m- astcs.
A tall, thh k set man la p ai i grey tf:lx-lle a
siibonlinatcolBecr with whom he eii .Psf. Ill
bearing was Intensely inlllury iioiwlthslaudlug
hUsboUiders were sllfiitly rounded. Ttie fe
was a martial cue. hero) and en rgcttf Keen
rTvsslcauieit Ixrncath lmhy,overhangluc brows,
aud thti mouth v. a tlrtn and positive. I be in.
slgniaon the coat collar, which wm seen as plalu
ly as i the iapron which I write, told ma that
iho warrior, who paed as It were In review was
ft Lieu erurit tueral lu tho Army of the Confed
eracy. I recall the thoughts which crowded
through my brain a I lay nrone on tho mossy
i-ttrth, You co'ild, I fancy, hnvc heanl my hrart
iul- wi.rea slung from I K'jvea ts bwoirw tho condiHlwr of b gti
eir rl.urh lists dappd ,r.,ni,,',r?"t!; i.,"J,,,!,",v.V',
m..ii.-uof th Irs'iwls. srs.x'dtsfjsd iteirMsWraM JisMf 1&'IV
'In or ittn.
Il rt.riv.r,l tnwid etvairsMflrt fiilinl ot ivrrmll
e j'i'I i Ji-enrrisx! un. The fimUnlmJ the suei
or- tnxlft l'i l StM ut ski en; bxt ihemMim Han
Cf. -f t IHc tnitt4. I'mmt outfit nM i i off pnsddfr
ii"''i ; fV nisasi-'lr t irllAoal fArtr Mitrtioa.
It would he oirtictilt t lurreaso Iho number ( I
tlrtr'a 1 1 1 lip v. heel t.inny rimslderablo omoiint
wllh.Kii Bltnriiii the nfentUm et tln ti-gular
l.t'l iiutrsif thv drawings. Thu whvrl win
i's glua slilesstainU in pt tin ami rtty sight. 1 hu
little cyllrtdir. cartt iwtitalttlngn ticket, occupy
aglvetirpsvrolu Iho lutortor The addition f
I 0 UtlrVrtavrouldralsi tbo conlenta ahore tho
laminar into nicy attain at every Drawing.
Thi) ' er-filiil ue li llili,ri (siaii.t Mttlit 1, .fhm
.. -"...:.. - -v -'. ---"---. ..-.-... .-w ,-."-
thump ngamst IU irlcanlium and even cause i ,r" M' ,i . ". !'T . . . r """ '1,r""'
shock' to the ground, with which It waa In clow I J 1' ""f.'"?? which ho fancy ivrnginst as
contart.n I gmoil with stony iye on the rebel Jl10.'". ,ny '.!,,1 ,1!'I'.M'.'? 0,,.," ''
.. , i ,7i. ...i. r. ...:. .wt.,.i. i... ' erpat tirlo In tho Intssri-it nt Hm i itntittr m
-- . . . . . . .. .... . ..... .-.. . ...
(iencralandhni tulto. Thortory which tbo nldo
ilecumn was in tue ctl or reii
been a hnmnrcu one. for tbo sunbrowncd, sat
counteuanco of tho commander relaxed """ T iT i, , "i " V." lK . .."
siillns nn horw tsnrohlmoutiil sight. I?"! 'IT ',,"".', "".'. """" ie
illl.ii.lilnli-.IInnl.linr Ir-lnlii Inin.ier. li.l. the UTgO V-. lln-l. hltUUltailPOltsIr Up
-tough, wcathcr-lieatcn Ictlowi. who car- Bnl could, hy the mino inaiwirrp, s
. - ,,..i. cnunicr lor tun one urawu limn i
Into a
rlcd all manucr of trims aud nlundc
raddlo bow. Ono of tberu said sometbl g
about a street In Lynchburg nVd n comradv
Lsugaed. In a couplo of mlnuts the clatter of
aabre sllcil away In lha distance.
The odlrcrof high rank was Mout.-ncu. Julxil
A. Karly, tbo bravo soldier, not a military etrato
gist, bn lold nud Indefatigable In the execution
of orders lu tho IHd. it was -Old Juhal,"
the warrfcr.
With this striking pen pkturo of Karly
as seen some years ago. Mr Jkiwen fairly comes
down to the subject la baud
OnTuedsy. March 11, 1 r-at In tbo balcony of
the Academy of Music at New Orleans aud bo
held a Fpcctablo which In ooo sense was almost
a Interesting a tbo dangerous military episode
of tho for-tack wur days. Tbu auticrtlunuv seen
ery was cleared away so as t experw lb" entire
sLiicc area. A't immense drum ol mahogany
follows- At a given s glial old JiiImI rsiiild
admitly suhstttubin cylinder vthlPh hot-arrlol
utsslllitto a
ho hfnt or
nrlso wheel. ThotJUI.It'UnmldilnK 1 ili.i..x.1
nf und Iho iinrihcr of Iho tlrtat ml f raiMulelilly
ilrawn would torreiiond with a ticket retained
uj iho loiury.
I iiulutllns ia raro iioveltl, .iuk' nml
artistic liniNirlcd oltKrHiiliir mid i broiiintlc
itirvN. Thli large nml iaaiitlful collection j
M'ut by mull foitiiMini' who will ilo tliU
liny u Un ol the i;enuliic Dr. I'. .McUiiieV '
Celebnit'il Liver 1'illa (ruin nnv ilruifKlsl, i
price Yt i enli-, tind in.itl u On-iiiii.lde
wmptHjr with v our mblresia.pluliily wrilleii
nud Jidda in ilninp.i. '1'lie Kniultie Mi
Ijinc'a I'lll nrc prvpurtnl niilv b) I'liiiiinK I
Hroa., I'lttalntrg, I'a , nud have W-en In con-1
lniil ur for over sivtv venrx. Tlicynrni
siinrliir lo ull otheM In purity und i lb cilvc-!
new. A i-crlolii wirii lor titdlgtvMloit und
aics. iiotliiurni
Pittsburg. I'll.
i oi
ie Addrcci, I'leliilng Ilm ,
"All gone," mnrmun-sl I'miMiuby, sadly, as he
surveyed h s tnild head lu tint mirror Ni even
a pail remains,
,.'V". '"'' ''s will Iw H'Ut bv Cmgln A
()., rlilladn., Pa., tinny one III lttt I1. H. or
i annua, Mistugp paid, lllxm rvcclpt
-.,.,.,, in i-v,nr ,7sk,w n ruitiifTra,
novel on olrrtiliir nruu
for sale by all icruscra.
-i" - -
vmjir. ccv list nl
Hid tsiili Isir.
of ua t
Jnhll." said the living m
! my IhsII laret"' "l s
man. "will vim Ik) on ,
hall ImsiiiiIv i.i mIm.s
lo, old fellow," rcpllid John, syinitlielleairy
MtttK CCHK nut ril.KN.
Hiiro ( uro for blind. Ltrtilliir and Hrtiln I'll,, i
OuoIkix hasriirrd the wiirst cases of Ipti )eai'
taiidllig. .Numip nerd suffer tell iniimtps aftrr .
using Kilt's Herman I'lle Olntmeiil. Il atmiiha !
Tfl naWAfsK; the Hwt rwnri tin a-i Asr rv
tUcrr. I ta!.-iJ tS sown tit oUI Jnbal
moment t
oshJ of MicvrtrtvliSHtSempUelpriu lots imsrsi.
nisu laervsvaj no ic ingimil inttnow CI aaut
with glass In pi act) of tho conventional sheep
skin, was poised on au axlo iiawlng through lis
centre on a wooden ttanuam
j ue -me proinm
ed from the gbv head oncither side andcudnd
iu a crank of Iron with a wooden handle the
diameter of the drum was about five feet, and
from head to bead tho dUtan-o was npjanrntly
cue-half tho diameter. A trap dour ten lncbei
square was formed In tho rlrcumfertnro.
Ou tho opposite shio of tho stago nnd rostlnp
ou a standard obovo tho green cloth was
smaller wheel It was a highly jiollshed brareo
altalr, with plate-glass heads. Through tho lat
ter an axla ran, but, uullko tho Urgo drum,
thero weia no cranks. A small trap, about six
inches square, appeared lu tho periphery,
heveral chairs stood In tho centra of tho stage
in tho rear nf tho mechanism nbovo described.
IlythaMdo of tho Hist drum stood n white
heudeil f.hl man. Ho was of largo statura, hut
tho progreai of yearn weighed hiavlly uiKmliim,
ami hi shunlilors ircm In ut so na to throw hi
tloridacc. vrltli it f nil vrhita hinutocoTCrlng,
forward toward tho floor, i.ny hi no eyes,
rlerconnd peitPirntlui;, gleamed la-eeaMi bushy,
overhanging brows. A sultr f Cou'elcrntoi:ray
cloihliig. well ut aud inar.rovi red thcnirwl
man. Ho iiauvel u inoment, with ono liand
rcstingou tho great mahocruny drum. Throw
inir Ida head baek. Jio swept h cvc curaurllv
ovir thu eager assemblage lioro him, I had
secutnat market coiliitviiinieo liefore. It vras
tho ex Coufodcrato vmrrlor, I. lent k'ii. Karly.
At 10. l o'rlocic another iiistorKali-ersouaia)
appeared on tho MCiio. Ilo was cbvd Pi blw t,
and nhandsomo laeo crowmd by snow White,
cloasly cropjietl hair was lionel jirxudly above
rui elegant, illgultled form. Hisabareii ttioeks
wero cold, hi eves wero cold, hi couutL-naiu-e.
of thodolllo cast, era linM,ssne. You inlghl
easily rnlvlnKO mm lorn comniuuoer of a 1 rencli
tornt WAtuee lu tnuftl.
Thuulollowu kjiiiu facetlou remark on Iho
part of Mr. llowen, comparing (ien'l Ileaure
gord nnd Luriy to "Croupli-n,' which, though
vivacious, oui oi reifwei 10 mere gi-nilriiiuil,us
welt a for lack of simee, wu nccowurllv omit
from our dl-r est.
Two small boys lu knlcxerbockcr look their
iilare ono bv Iho large drum nnd ono bv thu
small bra wheel. With tho utmost solemnity
Oen, yirly protedcd to blindfold the toy Ix-sldo
him. Uxaloit near tho brazen drum (Jen. Ileait
rtganl, w lib i-oriespondlug gruv Ity, tied u vhlto
iianuKerciiieiover ino cyisoi ma juvenile in
slstant. Hoi eral white eunvas mii k reru placed
near Iho preat wheel, Ihuciub-iitnoleachiMii'g
assnmwl tho bulk of a bushit of grain. Tho
gathered neck of each tar kvva tiddly tied with
ii lord over which n strip of wlillo paper vvaa
ml soalcd with rul wax. Con. 1'jrlv
eurelully broke tho seal of ono sailt und poured
tho contents through the traj-door opi-uiiig Into
tho great wheel, I hero was n rattling sound
drawn am
und u heap ol small vvhltu i.nd bhi'l: ijll-njc.s
iiliearcd Ih.-oiuh tho glass eldo t,t thob-;llom
oi tho drum. Ono wck nltrrliic other was cm
ptlcd until lha llttlo rylludir filled tho drum
exactly half full, iu other v.ord a drum, II id
evi in uiamcwr nuu two uevrix iiitnc uloug
tho axis. routaiuul tho rontents nf llineunvnii
sacLs, lu bulk two foot six Inches ihen nt the
thickest part. Alter closlnjr tho door, IKn. Karly
14 UJ iwu uiiKloeaiTl)
'ihoy approached, ono on each side of tho drum,
and hy tho axlo cranks they slowly revolved It
three limes. 'Iheu they rcuwd Ibc nctlon and
turned tho drum tbno times in tlie ninm.itiwii
rtdlon. 'Iho llttlo black und vvhlto eyliiide-rs
lattiol merrily a they whirled about Then tho
ue-groi-s leiiiruiu io iiieir places iu llio wing
Ijn tho othor extremity a seem almost Ide-n
Ileal was cnarte-d. Thero isn. hnwevnr. niv n
ilugle ibuvu sack a small ono and thero wero
no sahlo assistants to turn tho hrizen drum
lieu. Itemiregard toured tho eonleiits-in iniiy
black und vvhlto cyliuders-througli tho trai
door, eloted it. and whirled tho drum ttirtc
times lu ono direction und thieo times uimi
sltoly, '
mo naieony was nearly filled ullli women
tho larger uroiiortloii wero evidently n..i.i. m.
"I thoiilyof how Urlcani. 5Iunyof tiiem held
nun coiueuiui u iiriutcd slip of paper 'liny
had purchased tlekota lu llio drawing und ( oul'l
not curb llielr linpatlcuru mid nvmit nt liomo
tbolldiugsof tho lucky nninljem hjtiio' f tin
vvorjeii wero stranggrs-Hinhcni visitor t f hu
semi-tropical city, 'ihut wem jill ,ns iid
klndsof iiieiioiilho pariinot llooi, 'jl, r vm
tho rosrutar utlenilaiitM tiw, u,.... .1... ....
deck, iu) jt were, to bo In ruailliics If tie. r
momniy iiivusinivut slwuld provo fortiinuti
JhoiIoek.strucL 11.
lilt two L--C U Ilf-riils IhAri u1i,ti.,.,t .... u..
other Ihcu Ibuy urow fr.iu (in trie UimJ' i
oiN-iietlthodoort'f tho wju-n U,di vvhie'i 1 .
stoo-1, Atiuiguul tho tMohliiiilfi.ldtd biysi w li
K-ttchfd u baud lasldo Iho whe-el Usldo which
tWnrivmiiitit. TSe l-oi tire out the tUulTi
ami Jlfcuriyanl nad flj tint IUr vtth the ttpi
tj IktirftHgrtt. Ttou uarolfai He licl tit tJalit
tight ami called out A n ustlxr.
Himors, allay tho llehlitg, arts a -iiliic,
,ii-i,nvi. r ixiift t iieriiian niv is
is prppareu only
I'iituio ians
told by dnigglsl and sent by malt on rsrrlM
l price. Mlstpertio J.J Mack A Co., Whole
sale Asruts, Man Kraurispo.
mralTllvl. Ilr Klii's lierman I'llo Oliiiinput
for rllr anil llsbllii? nf fl. .
-. .,.,..":.".:' . ' iiii,iiiiiS hiso. r.vcry iku is
If any wforkmni ran hit the Hall fairly mi (he
brad by striking, thu rarpcnlera should
-- si
Itlrht fragranl fine
iuuso who smoke"
floss are the expressions of
Ian Ifi I'unrir' (. I Igar.
The washerwoman ho beltrr luck than the
farmer nowadays lu eeltltiga living out of tbo
TJils laxly of our hasUvii likened toa tene
ment Il often has n haunted aiutrlincut-lln-toinaeh
Hcaii by the eldrlch sprite, ilysiwn
tla, dUmtlou files and refuse to rvtiiru VVhot
inn break the sKll, what ran rals,- Hie bin laid
tiion thpuubaipyorgusr Wp aiianer tints si
tatiugly. Hote-lbr' Htnmach Pltlirs, snl we
nre warranted lu the responso b then cord d
U-stliniiuv nf myriads, covering a ii'rliHlid vt
a Ihlrdofareiitury A muroiil t it- Hitter-, I
gun In any stage of the arllletliiii, find 4-rslste
ly folkiuel, will terminate lu tuie nllhe, tint
initial Thu Hitlers n-stnre tuna to Hie epfgas
Irlt nerve, renews and purlBes the Jnlees evnd
Ing from Iho cellular Us. no that wit lim Hie
foi dlt-e. lively, csls bile from the stumaeh
and the blood, and promote a regular hahll of
Nnly Malaria, kidney complaint, licrvoiisuess,
rheumatism and neuralgia Klve way to this
mill lei nee
An Iowa man vnml.l rather have hi Honor lu
su "original imrlss;" lhau III another slate
I - -ss "
Alien In Han Kraliclsoi stop at rtraub' lira
I lauraiit and rViMin, x; and K lludi htrret.
Hist to eat and drink. ,Nu faucy lirlre.
ltewaie nf Imitation of Iho genuine Heal ol
..iiuii vxwuua riugi ui lobstctis.
Wrft iq havts mo-
)csse5 orjonev'o
oi?e part of
s often
OICInfTnis A UACII.UsU.r. lUusaj
l1snM;lhnuIM)Txsh,iAl hulrutmali Umet
stiakcf (lwl Utuss aa 1 ISwls lUoOs s IK4W SI
U-Uin IIRss. HATnilAH QUAY CO., Nt rvat
Mum , r-sti fraiKt-to.
Try fiermca for Breakfast.
Never allude lo
ami h n
a dressmaker as Mis Few
ForTlinwl Disoases, C'ltigliif, Colds, Ktc,
ciltH tlvo relief ia found in thu liw-of "rwii n'
llroncliiiil'Jiurhrt ' rw.ldonly in laixc. "oe",
A crnMixiri, years old Is lust ra r.ry
as It Her was. ' ' '
I prepared from Partuparllla Dandelion, Man
drake, lsx k. Junior Ilerries, and other well
known vegetable rum die, iu such n peculiar
manner as to derive tho full medicinal value ol
eat h It will cure, when lu Hie .ov,er ol inedl
cine, Herofnln, Halt tllicmn, fores, Polls, Pimples,
nil Humors. l)ysK.-pia, Illllonsni-s, Hl k Head
ache, Indigestion, f.ciierul Debility, Catarrh,
ithetiuintniu, Kidney and Liver t omplnlnts. It
. . reome That Tind iVcling eaiise.1 by ehaiigu
of eiliiiate, season, or life, nud impart life and
strenglh to the whole s em
100 Doses
One Dollar
For Stablemon and Stockmen.
, . , cores
Cuts. Soolllaaj. Uralsss. Sprains, Osll. Strslai,
p!?.",l, t?l, !" H". cralthti,
Contracrgfonsi. Flash Wounds. Itrlnohatl, 8er
Throsl, pistamptr, Cobe. WMIIoss; Pell ll,
Flllulj, Tumors. Spilals. NlagDonts and Ipasln
la uistr tarts tltots. 0 reclioat suUi stch botU.
AT Dni-iXiiurs .&
THE ClUBLts A. VOOCIEII CO.. Bslllmori, Mi,
Ask Him! Who?
....b,nJ5hamtn, n. y.
What? Why on Scales
He Pays the Freight."
nasLsas in
Printing Mntorlol,
PrlntlnK Proases.
Bookbinders' Suppllei,
Patont OuuldoSi Ac
JffisrA """asa. m
KISSING?'!, ih .l. , ''-rvure1
cUt.(0oPp0,.orVl.Pinp.."""""", W'0 "'
.... j?.. K DM ITH A CO
..wsw-uinHnn,, t.Jul. Mo.
That we have smiled Die lilrit consl(BBirsl
of I'orset ever nffiirrd by any siora on Ilia Co'!
friiui one of the Uricrsl faclorlri Iu the vrorM,
and one nf the most .i.u!or To further Iblro
dues) their merit reiyhrre thry mi M
irrlal lerms We nflrr, hr insll -!se tU.
a rcstutar Al'orsvl for It (). all.' lorsrt fur si
reuU. a kimkI servleeahla Corset M cent rrf
ular l 3S ladles' Veal, 7H reul. aUitu r sUj
la to 30, rnloia drab, ptrcy or i-eni Mlsr J
rrnl vv'alsls, la tn wl, fur M cents, The rrasoa
lor lid Is Hm makrr n-llcve vi.u will slwyi
il thi loisid II jiiii try one HVslfatf, frfs
(( or Snmtiiy litart fur mall vui I ail all i.thr.
Have rinsed nut all clitlrn fartor) al WreuUna
the dollar, aud nfler them Imin tnls lip,
Kvcry kind nud prleo. tell what work you ou.
irivp alio and, and we urulre to salt
iinitK.i (.... i.,i,.siiiiiiiii 1'itali Nlorrs
4 IN trnitt Ml,, Nun Iriuirlsco, Cnl.
IMump.niHl rosy are tin babies
living upon
Physicians prescribe it.
Invalids usu and relish it.
A plctui of flv tlurmliu tabic, also vslasUs
pRI,lllcl, Kill Ull iIICSll'-
Wsiu, IticiUMissON &to lluillngtoa.Vl.
Will KaVe no other Jobacco
Who once trlco
Plug Cut.
Jhlo is the aecrct of lla
Immense calc.
l--fcsassp- --" " M1 1U,
For a Disordered Liver
26cts. a Box.
jsSjIr narM I alH
.POssssaiM MS SsV
EW smsluliwt
C nrsisyiu
"" mkui
snartno s...,r..-- :.T' "
irtViSV,"'!" ' wis
Ainsurilani, W, V.'
w bar sold mf or
t. ft. i) vcifE k ro..
a oasy to
dyo with
naniM r.. .Tr.7"."".no.
as IHM.IU sVur"."? J-sssllsa.
,r.j. ai.mi u.::-"-::. "-i
'eiuirrw TnSiS
!""- TW V
m ?. a
saT Er
Ua j-:T " "'- rtiuPH
" ,w-'" M, ruia.h,
Beoauao so aimplQ
It's aafo to dye with
Diamond Dyoa
Booauae alwaya roliabJfl.
It' a ooonomy to dye
with Diamond Dyes
Booauso tho atrongest.
You ought to dye with
Diamond Dyea
Booauae thoy are bests
Our nw bonk "Hucmsfullfom Iyl."wfJ
full dlrtcllont for allots of Olsmowl I'r"s ""
on ai.illtilon Diamond ! i M ""'".'
or any color inailtd on rclpl of J"'i '' '
Watu, HiciuaosoW&L'o., Uuillnt.
H. V. N, U.No. -110, Now Borliu No. W