The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 20, 1890, Image 4

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giw'' 1.1 mm i. n '"' -:
By U. BUJijtt UJumamA j
Apparently tbay ren not very P1??"1
ones. Ho wILoJ round tlit room, which
... rccklne or patchouli or mm such com-
clear smoke, looking absently nt tho gtiwRaw
ornaments. On the mantelpiece were remi
nhmo-rapbs, and among them, to bis dls
ffiiaJ io or hlitneir. With torn
L112 ns near mi oath m ho ever Indulcod In,
l,OK"asUt,m.a selling r " ovcr lll.a
Ens. waded till Hi lUmo licsmi to scorch
mi i llivew. m,d then IhiiiB It. still lliimlnj,
,low i t j lho ri nte. Then lie looked at hlui
ntf In th class over tho niantolnlcos-tto
room was full or mlrron and laughed bit
terly at tbo Incongruity of bis Keuttenian
ttta. respectable nnd oven refined appear
sure. In that tulcar, saudy. vlcloin looking
Suddenly ho bethought him of tho letter In
hf. wife's handwriting which he had stolen
rVom tbo tvjokol of lilnnrd Uoej, coat
nit mean wars. Welt tny long lost Wio,
I o you Imvo coma homo at last, an J brought
. tho tin with you. Wall, give us a kiss," nhd
aha adrauceJ ou blm with her long nrma uut-
Mr. Quest shivered visibly, and stretching.
out hit bnud, stopped her Trcm comlnj uear
"No. thank yoo." " a,J "' ,on't ""
Tbo taunt stopped ber, and for moment
an evil light shono In her cold eyes.
..v., ,rt,i.r I l,nv- to nalnt." tho said,
"when i am so worn out with poverty aud
hanl work -not hka tho lovely Mrs. Q ,
who has nothing Id do all day except spend
tho money that I ought to bar. Ill tell you j
what It Is, ray Hoo fellow, you had letter be ,
careful, or III ftaro tuai preny m' - y
her soft nest, ami pluck her borrowed feath
ers off her, liko tho uioakoy did to tbo
"lYrtiapa yt bad better stop that talk, aud
coma to business. I am In no mood for thli
aort or thing. IM-th," and ho turned round,
shut tho window, and druw the blind.
"Oh, nil rijht. I'm agreeable, I'm sura.
Stop a bit though -1 must have a brandy
and soda 1lit lam nsdry as a lime uuu,
Mr tjticst, who had boon sitting listening to
her Uli bl baml over his eyes, had new,
and hi Inoo was ns tho faro of a fiend, alight
with hu mleiw aid o.illct fury which rvemed
to bo burning inwardly On thv mantel
p'eee lay a sharp pointed Ooorkn fcnire,
which one of Mix a'Aiiblgurtadmlivrj, who
had traveled, had presented to her It was
an nful looting weapon, and keen cilgcd as
amroi Tun he tind taken up and hold In
bis right hand, and with it ho as advancing
tonnnl her l ing on tho sofa.
"If mi make n sound I will kill you nt
oik," he Mid, siwaldng la a low and husky
She had been iviralysed with terror, ror,
Itko 1111 bullies, mate anil female, sho was a
greet conaixl, but tho sound of his voice
roud her, and tho first noto of h harsh
scrcvcli had already Ksued from bet lips,
boil l s jirung upon her, and placiDjt tea
sharp Piul of tho knlfo against tier throat,
pricked lier with It "IW-nuiet," hosald, "or
you aro a dead woman.'
- -Sha iU;uel jfcreamlngnntl lay there, her
face twitching, and TieTeJJi luljii nl'.Ii ti'i-
n. j, it nut ami throwlnc tho tea gown
sod tho Intermlnablo gloro oir tho torn, wt
down and comaicnecJ to read it It wa-s as
bo bad expected, a lovo letter, a nihlly (
slonato lovo letter, breathing Unpiago hich
In places almost tonchd tho twauty of poetry,
vo of undying affection that ero throiigh
sut rcdeeme.1 rrom vulgarity and even from
lllmea by their utter earnestness and se.r
abandonment Had the letter len ouo writ
ten under iwppy circumstance and Innocent
if ofTeme against morality, it would havo
been a boautiful letter, ror passion at lt
Ho read it through, and Ihea carefuJly
-i.ii .. .n,i rMiml It to his rocket 'i ho
mmiin in.f n hoart" ho said to himwlf
,1,1 it Ami vet I couU never
k fi...sK iin.1 bnaxriL honerer mucn
I wronged her. I loved ber-yes and lo her
now Well. It is a good bit of eyidei co K
srer 1 dsreto aso It It Is a game of bluff be
tween mo awl her. nn.l I expect that ta tho
sod tho boldest ptaj er will win."
Ho row from the sofa tho tmorro ol
thoplacastillM him-and going to the win
dow bo threw it open and steppl out on to
a balcouy It was a lovely moonlight
eight, though chilly, and for London the
jtrcet was a quiet one
Taking a chair, ho sat down there upon tbo
balcony and began to think- "lh?"VVM
T7..ii k ..,i nn.l his m nd fell into a
. . .t . a, ..I. nf I,;.. Inn- lift
tin,inr fratvra. iwiuuubu,v. ...f
"Kow, listen," ho said, In tho same husky
votco. "Voulncaniato llemt, you ossen mo
lut now bow I could keep you oulet I will
and so would you bo ir you lad to sing comic : jijou, loan keep jou quiet by tanning
songs nt a music hall fern living. There, tlll, tuifeupto the hilt In your throat," ami
thaCs lietter," unit sue put uown uio cuiyij
glaw aud threw herself on to Uio softv "Now
then, tuno up ns much as you like. How
much tin have you brought!
Mr yucst sat down by tho table, and then,
as though uddonly struck by a thought, two
acain. and going to tbo door, opened it and
looked out into the passage. There was no
body there, so Iwu-hut tbo door again, locked
it, aud then, under cover of drawing tho cur
tain which bung over it, slipped tho key Into
bis tiocket
"What aro you at thfrol" said the woman,
"I was Just looking to too tint Ellen was
"uo , not at tho keyhole, that's all. It would not
ever ; w tho tlrst tinu that I bavo caughther
onco more ho pricked ber with Itt iwlnt "It
would bo murder," ho went on, "but I do not
care for that You and oUiars Iwtwven you
havo not mvle my life so ploasaut for mo
that I nm especially anxious to pcrserva it
Now, 1'sten. I will glvo you tbo two bun
droJ and Ufty vund that t hava brought,
and you shall have the two hundred and flf ty
a year, but If you over attempt to extort
more, or If you moiest me, either by spread
ing storios against my character or by means
of legal prosecution, or In any other way, 1
swear by the Almighty that I will murder
you I may havo to kill mself afterward -1
don't care if I do, provided I kill you first IK)
you understand ir.s, you tiger, as ou call
yourself If 1 havo to mint you down as
tbrvdo tteer. I will comoun with yon nt
like vour nasty low ways again," ho iat, ami kid you. You have driven mo to It,
You're cot soaio ganio on. I'll bo nnd. bv besweot 1 will. Lme, spenk up,
mid IWI me tliat you understand, or I may
Mr. Quest seated himself again, and with- j change my ml ml andK it now," nnd once
it Ukiug any notice of the last remark, bo tnoro he touchci her with tho knife.
BlM rollej oir the sof.i ou to iuo uoor aim
Uv there, writhing in abject terror, looting
in" tho obudow of tho table, where her long,
lithe form was twitmg about la its robe of
yellow, barred with black, nuro like one of
tLo great oats rrom which she took her namo
than a hunian being. "Spare mol" sho
fMicrsl?"snaraniol 1 ilon't want to lUol 1
bound that j-ou havo got some gamo on.
r-nn tl-rt conversation.
"1 have brought you two hundred aud fifty
pounds," ho said.
"Two hundred and fifty pounds" sh said,
jumping up with a savago laugh. "No, my
boy, you don't get off for that If I know it
Vhv, I owe all that at this moment"
"You had better sit oowu ana oo qui,- no
t. a ,, nnd wonderful discovery, nianu-
faclurcdfrom tho jmrte fresh Jnlcciofllie
a a .1
Nnthln Is mora fatal l In!"!'' " " I' ff". '
trunththatta demotion t iow"
literary wotks.
i -. .. i..t i. nn nt wrrt'W -a "-
herbs ofCalirornla In their m"1 "" -A ?
ro.itatnlngalltl.ctr original propeitlM. IJe- t,,V V'ertainlr '; ', fftt Tn.
llgldfut to the IMC mid ''''iffiKliriK;
ctll-cts. lWtlvcly contain tug no mliieni rH-tii.lly tho '"' '.'V'ern nS
ti lli comiHMilloti. IVrrcct vtiarmle-M, and (j,0 ,,Alii sueh an alI"V,?"r nrillfw knws
ure for all the many trouble, arsli.K lpc, I. nerjiiiw.orj.1 he r nj ft, mM1
.... inaii.iiiri .
a..uli,. Ulirl. nd UtMiMC r
n..o. I,., riittil lh " CM" .","' '::,-,
i .ifr. inn iiiiiiiiitw .-.
staaitlnf., wo oao n -- . j, .(.iU
f.t rHft. I r. ''A Ind ItcMn ul .
;-tlte lrtN
trimmi ..'.!. ,.,., . i
Sola by ditinuts "' ?"'." L" "Z
rice, 11.00 r Wt. J. J. '"
ami nutlilHC
.Im. Krt SOS
ili'iia rvctii't ft
Co., waoinai
Ajfi.iti, Sn Frsnclseo.
nVStflllUni B'BBMHBI
mi iMtrunwiiU. lx,..
rom uiu. ixi.nv-. , -v-T,. -,.,.. i.i.i
niiiong which arc uitiirru m ."'
and rtomach, Dropsy, 1 inlM-toa, Wk;
Disease, burning, smarting Mlm
mall of- the Iwck, Uravel and other dis
orders these orgiuts are heir l. toriu
lorrhca, Suppresed Mensnv. and till other
"male Tim UtMt Sierra
Kidney and Idvcr Cure lu no t-iual -;1Iiik
u blood puritler and ciirlcber, wltbmit
blotching. It brinn the froh wl;
voutWto the cliwks and clejri the 'iilln
Svslem or till Imiuirilw-i. o will t.J
inollately leel ll.u lwiiellotalellectsirtiili
wondcrfill mcillclne. (lite It one trials )
will never bo sorry, lor !do by nil drug
Xt,,., Tiitr nooibrr.
They only are roor who feci Jr, and revert
con, l,li tu feeling poor.
llewaroof liallatloii-TnlU'a Punch."
"Ah, Jones hereaway ao t this monilnyT"
I'm off Cor the whlliii!niiuJ." JIwJh
ilWrlct schoolmaster on bis way to the school-house.
Bcware'of Immltatlons oC tho icenulne Seal
ol North CaroUua Ptux Cut Tobacco.
Slu?V KrVlwKckn or improver t;t
taken to relievo li lho f1'""''.'. ,,'wd
".tallied by fjrIM.r,t t.mlJ h?.
nerve, gain "' ,m'mJnfii!S Cor walarl
tmuhloulMptvais I'sethe WVJ' ?,1, '
tneumallsin, bllllouue wndkhlway trom""-
It Is widl eitoush to w ' V ." i , I u, . eV
lurky misibor, this ouiitry larlct In M 'W"
lthlhinlt Mates. d seems to 1 Mill hoW
ilaucu now is tne """ "
-- -.. - .- -M "fnun
Pianos i minim unraM.uana lunrumanta, Um
.tnrk id hIimS Uus.e and ttuoks. Itsnila 1MMJU.T .1
Katlirn ITlcoa. MATTIIIAH UllAV Ott, fc(. pJS
Ntreali Ran KrunoW-rt,
I praaefiba .aart tiili,.
dona li tl as th oir
WiW,0' wtal cu,5
I tills il l,!nn.
Amsltnlsni, N, y!
' hkTaanlil lll (Jlof
many, ana li hu
FartlSa!"' "' 0l ""
uLlfiB. i.i
1,99, tolabjrDniftUtf.
H HMtatrMin.
B urMiyiw
al ODetaatUJMHM
vouft fm
Alwtysbuya Heal ol North Carolina. "Plui Cut,
Ho can't bo tooled by Inlattor Iratlatloua.
m J ai )km put up by "w
Ml tin .i..l..u-.a (1...I.ak l a I.. A.l.t
M 1). M raaayACu's , . 1
IIIuiitsmJ, DstcrliitWs snj Pilenl M
lo IS., will U nailed fKKK usIUp-
m ijlcuu,aBilloUlnon'scu.ov M
'Ik It It Iwiur llun tr. Kty I Mf
k, Ming (fttJtm, ttwr tr fttJ M
L. iiihoulilndCi li, MAitu Jr
kv O.M.rCFIRY&CO. Jr
rut: viiiukoi' uihclahs.
lit ilO ill iiiseiaw. iiu, -- -.,.-- .-1, i cniii i,
ninitl iI.k.iikvI m an eaily .'! ' lliil Ilia
Ciland, l'l.vreo-.lf.Mu . Modi". Ui
ITWAH ,ittvr IN '
-tJ.X lli.U.HJiS'i Kalkaska,
MWi., )' "I
lAln2 IriHil
said, "or you will not get two hundred and ' snear that I will never medJlo with you
fifty per.oo. In your own Interest 1 recom-
, to sit down."
was sonutning nDoot ico inaus
voiea and manner that scared tho femalo
mother, whom ho had dearly lovivL and ot miai you
bow ha used to say his prayers to bsr, and ol tq ,
. i... ,., hrmiKtn li.m on Sunday even- , .j nn.
mrs. Hot death had seemed to choka all the j sayajo before him, fierco as she was, and sbo i your youth up, and a liar you will bo to tJio
"1 don't want yonr oaths, woman,
answered tho stern form, bending over ber
with tho knlfo. "A liar you liavo been irom
sat down.
"listen," ho went ons "jou aro continually
complaining of poverty. I come to your i
end. Do you undersinud what I havo satdi
"Yes, yes, I undcrsinu. Aal put away
that knifes I can't bear It! It makes me
"Very well, then, gtt up."
Sbo tried to rise, but her knees would not
j support bar, so sho sat upon Uio floor.
ber, a maid of 17, tho only chlU or mat tfco msi j mu3t have co,t twenty ' "ow." said Mr. guest, replacing mo
drunken old village doctor, now also long or thirty pounds. I hear some brute associ f knife upon tho mantelpiece, "here U your
since dead, and how tho slht or her had Tor Bt0 0I yours out in tho street asiinj yoa to j mooey,"aad ho flung a bag of notes and
awhila staved tbo corruption of hU heart be- ; knd blnJ ftnotber Crcr.' You complain of I gold into her lap, at which sho clutched
.. t... Vrrr tn lovo her. And then bo i -, ,j h,-. hil oror foar hun- Mnrlv nnd almost automatically. "Tho
UW M b'-- " C Lrf ,J , J ""- - - -"C -rf -
lU-ed pounds from me this year alone, ana i jcsd wui do paai on iuo urss ot aaauaij u,
know that you earn twelve pounds a week nt each year, and not one farthing more will
tUmmixlnll not flvo as vou sav. Xo. vi pet fromme. Remember what 1 tell
do not troublo to lie to me, tor i uave maae
"Spying again," said the woman, with a
Ucscsfrom the right, till at length he saw '.,' coin, l am not coins on ' door, unlocked It, and wont, learlns
himself a hardened schemer, romorsclei.y . ,Ins yoa jtj, moaey at this rate. 1 Ti?er huddled together upon the floor.
pursued by a fury rrom wnom urn ot do lu i .jj no: do it. I am go
- ,.i -.. k l ir tln i;nrtr other --" , . . , , ., ,
leg to glvo yon two nuauroa uku uiij jiuuuuj
now, nnd ts rnucii every year, and not ono
farthing more."
Once more she sat up. "You mast to
mad," she said, in a tone that sounded more
,!,,,nf hi Ixtinc at the time, and yet
now ho thanfcod Ood that sho was dead. And
,k h. tt,rthtaf the accursed wom-vn who
bad been hu ruin, and of how sho bad on- J b0Usej0Ur bouse, mind you, not your roonu
tered Into his hfo and corrupted and de- and j flnd . rts or a canl party lying V'...s l,Am nvn 111 hofortt Ultn I ... t .! . tttr1 e-.1-
a vision of Rdlo, Bella c h had Urt seen opeaej 0 the corner. I see a drwsins
. ..Im aUM ff that .. ., I A k
taarriod Bella by foul means, and tho woman
rose up in his path again, and bo learned that
bis wife bated him with all the energy of her
passionate heart. Then camo degradation
af ter degradation, and the abandonment of
nnnninla nftir nrincinle, replaced only by a
fierce craving for ropecabllity and rest--long,
loug struggle, which ever ended In now
.-nA vn vet no Kn wv i
circumstances "be might have been a good
.r.rl hnnnv mn Icadinz an boaoraUo Ufi
But now all lrtpe bad gone; that which he
hamibibetill tho end. Ho leaned bis
head upon tbo stone railing in fron. of him l&o a j tta ft homa- Toico ,.Are j-o ,
Sllclitly Mlxe.1.
A stiM-y oinpM of the people who In
llriiiity Is to get other lvple's liillrtultlea
Milril It!,.
Tlia other night at tho supper table Mrs.
Cheeryble was dbvoursin pleasantly upon
the fxvplo ami things sb bad ai that after
noon down town.
"I met that l)ob.i Iwy," s1n said, "and 1
was greatly iJe.vk.xl to see that ho domnt
squint anywhere nar as uiiiob as housed to."
"He d wmt lUint, mamma f said Ilthel,
In a iHisale,! sort of way.
"Xo at least scarcely at alL"
"V"hy, mammal the IXrtOU boy never
Mrs. Chtvryble looked lost
"Ho never squlntodr"
"Why, no; not In theleastf1
"Well, ho did somethlnK. bat was tha
matter with hlmr
"He ts very deaf, mamma."
":3b ho U, to be sure. I knew ho had an In
firmity of soma kind." Ilatton Tnuncript
A lltuinirntl lraetlc.
Y'oung Lawyer You haTO advertbl that
you are going to retire from practice nnd
'want to sell out
Old Lawer Ye. Do you lh to buy a
good practice!
"Yes. How many cllonts have your
I "Two."
"Is that a practlcor
"Youn man, I've lived off those two
cltonU for sixteen years. Olio's a claimant
under a contested will and tho other's light
ing for an Alabama claim." CThey como to
term.) Philadelphia Society.
illss Oldun No, Mr. Holllngs, I am get
ting too old for tho assemblies.
ITntllnr ItJ Oh. don't say that Ml
you: try to molest ma by word or act anil j oidun.
you are a dead woman; I forbid you oven to i "Why, 1 feel like a faded leaf among all
write to mo. .low, go to me uevn m your i thes young bud. Uo you ever pre au
own way," and without another word be j tumn rei, Mr. Hollingsr'
toot up bis bat ana umureua, wauteu m uio j Qrmt embarrassment irom vaj unrmu
' lampoon.
He Knew IJIm.
Spinner IVhatl Y'ou ay tho gioeral la
on old tlmo frlcndl Why, ha Is a ilexlcan,
' and has lived In bis own country all bis life.
Orlnncr No, ho hasn't When I was a
! boy be came with his father to Boston and
i . , I,. ikL. ,ju, at-ti ,,Mrv nav.
""' ' ' i . .---..A a.n.v.
AU. 1 ul Dr. 1'I1 KBi.da IVieilto
lam, i the ilwo ie ,. '. 'JI i j,'i i.r wli.i
'"pu?Kt" .!'. 1' Itsxsat, uJ ltaodoul,
ViaSij'biSrU . KM.ey. Ur a.,a
"Joe. )Mir wlCe Uwk. as "J","0'." 'H.
lory." "Hill. I with sho was n m """''' "'',,
Why so. Joe" "Meeaiwe she'd shut lip t
,i (m, a is? --.
rtnmith Vet. r nr Ti choYriui wlw .out
Maiu '.ri.... lho .ehool daMnmii.l. I I. f nwka
jriut; .c" jftffwv vwm
jenr with highest honors.
I'liMiile Nasal Catarrh I"-'1""" VlwSa.-lits.
Hrtje's fatatih llemedy. Mwtit,brlriiw"t.
The fallh euro ihimiIo are iiilsslmt a Unto op
w'miulty lluwe d-bnt .eihap they aie
meit down with II lliemsohrs.
Iao TtuttuK-
If mictl Hh H-t Kr. ,
son's 11) t Wstcr. Untjaitt sH It
AN 5-K,AJrr,ViV,syn:
Try trmt fnr HrfcUwt
of fiNi:
ttiebulliw 14 rare n ','-'f!liV,
lin netted oleoraphle andehMinalle caruj. ini
lam ami fJaaiiilCiil eollwtlou sent by mall to an)
Dr. C MrUne's C'ebral,M Uver IM' s lr..m
.iiiiitt. iiilee evttH. ami mall ?.'"'
""" ..i . . I.lh... a.Ialtilh lvrillfsil
wraPr tl.j.v ". --v. ,"-.;
" ""., i,i..-
a life
ittt4 4cHU InMftwt";.
".v: " '-.".".:... i . '-i. ,. i,iMiniiiip lint., i-iiii
"K 1 ol h.Ve I., in t.ul n-e fr
ovcrsUty )r.
They are ii)rlif to alt others
, V. 1-111
in,iiA!i una ira niiiiv ....-'.
In lirtM. ritisbursiii r
in nuiiiv m (OK ne w" "" "
ludlsesllou and lrk heailaehe
f vrt&Mn durprf
" hat Is
"A true eew
asior) ami
jour Mm of awntlomn.i.A ellmrly
iMtlemaK ala lauishs at thy JoV o
il nerer nays that he heanl it licwu
ai llrs'
ii'i..,, n.,K.,li,. I'lm-irir S,mt
,, 4IVI, .FWMM...-. ........ - ,
......In d. isill 11 cot i cents wr l
.... ...."-- --.- . , .... ,,,..
iiiiiii. ,
..... ii.f- 1,1111 liniMTTI' IUUI w. --. - ..
lasn't it. lie WltlKCt it
Kortuncs are made bv taking rppottuultle
character l made by iiiaVng them
JuailO III lil it COS! .n mil. ., .-.
,,ree.-iiflytlie fame Itmreilienl uml qtinli
.oir, and .feesw'f wl A-(- Huy Jf"
crocor and pre'rvi" your cutties, 11
PUK &.
H tenl 8300, In Vnln,
Wakanwa.lnd.,Atur K.1W. .
...m.l .11 nvi-r will! txiln ami siwi.l
rju. on .liHMors relief i two or three
atipllcallou. of M. Jacobs Oil relieved me.
At rafuiisrs Mti lltAWa.
THE CHaRkES A. VOCEkER CO.. Bsltlwon). Hi.
Tlia fmiwiot llo,y a4
HtOKPOt llvun, shl llntvy
.Suriv of I'tiiiliiH-,
1., tlT lwu ni-ni'l lu
lj,l Vsitilrtia, t'aUMfnl.
h-n Hi tuln-M will tx
r iixluf l,l a
The Ilnymaait I lonrr
mmU Nrnl niurr,
C II lloT,5ln,'tt.
KmiS IHuUrnn, Cl.
i,a if trfuj-ui, t,ui.iw.
and wept, yes, wept In tha unguis ot uia
soul, praying to God for deliverance from
the burden of his sins, and yet well knowing
that he had none to bono for. For his chance
was Bono and his fate fixed.
Presently a hansom cab came rattling
down tbo street and pulled up at the door.
"Now for it," said Mr. Quest to himself,
as be metaphorically siooi himself together.
Next minute ho heard a voice, which he
knew only tao well a loud high voice jy
from the cab, "Well, open tho door, stupid,
rant your
"Certainly, my lady fair," replied another
voice a coarse, somewhat husky male voice
"adored Edith, In one moment"
"Come, stow that rot, and let mo out," re
plied tho adored Edith, sharply; and, in an
other moment, a largo man in ovenlng
dotbes, a horrible, vulgar, carnal looking
from, with red cheeks and a banging under
Up, emerged into the lamp light and turned
such a fool as to believe that I will bo put off ,
with two hundred and City pounds a year
I, your legal wife! Ill havo .you in the dock
first in the dock for bigamy."
"Yes," ho answered, "1 do believe it, for a
reason that I shall give you presently Hut
first I want to go through our joint history, ,
very briefly, just to justify myself. If you '
like. Five-und-twenty years ago, or was it
sir-and-twenty, i was a boy of 13 and you
were a woman of SO, a hcue maid in my
mother's house, and you made love to me.
Then oy mother was called away to unrsa
my brother who died at school at Ports
mouth, and I fell sick of scarlet fever, and
you nursed mo through It it would have
been landier if you ha I poisoned me and in
my weai state you got a great hold OTer my i
msud, and 1 became attached to you, and you ,
were han'lym in ihoso days. Then you
dared me to marry you, and partly out of
bravado, partly from affection, I tooK out a
to band the lady out As ho did so the i license, to do which I made a faUe declani'
woman Ullcn advanced irom looooorway,
and, going to the cab door, whispered some
thing to its occupant
"Halloo, Johnnie," said that lady, ns she
descended from the cab, so loudly that Mr,
Quest on tbo balcony could bear every word,
"you must be off; Mr. d'Aubigno has turned
up, and perhaps he won't think three good
tion that I was over age, and gavo n false
name of the parish in which we resided.
Next day, half tipsy and not tnowiug what 1 t
did, I went through the form of marriage '
with you, and a few days afterward my )
mother returned, observed that wo were un
duly intimate, and dismissed yoa. You went '
without a word as to our marriage, w uicn wc ,
1 i Iiiiiii f
81 r!ftSwlFaW
9 MmKzSfZi
rlalted our next door neighbor. Ho got me
to look through a hole in the fence, then
tqueered a lemon in my eyo. National
The Tears Ha Shed.
FaUier Aba, ao you ran away from Bun
day school to go skattnx and broke through
the Ice, did you I
Bon No, I didn't I fell asleep In church
and got locked In.
Fatlier Dut how did you get so wet!
Son That'a from the tears 1 shed when I
waked up. Illnghamton Republican.
The Domini Shows Ills Spunk.
"We lay the corner stoao of the now chapel
"1 suppose you'll fill It with papers and
' - "No; I shall put In a dotcn pairs of slippers
and four ralnce pies 1 received for Christ
maa.B New York Sun.
fc- hu k ---iasi
I ais '
Ita aapwlor xcllcnc rron m minions ef liomM
for mora than a qouur U a century- Illswwlby
lho United HUIM Ocvenimtnl. Indorsed by In
K..l. of ,h. (rt t"n!trr"lt Lt th tttfOOCnt
l-art.t and Xto. llealtblol. I)r. Prlfa'a tha only
IWklag Powder thst doc not eontaia AromooU,
IJoa vr Altuun. HI'I only In rant.
I'lUCK BAKINO rovruKK ca,
Tho imial Meilrau Hcrardy for lllsordersof th
Kidneys and Illadder, lutnlatia Is leoncutinl b;
all pnyilrlaus tho lt Nervous Mlmulsiit,
rlrcs health and strenrth to thn lloneratlyo and
Itocrvatlre Organ. 1 or ealo everywhere.
33 A aft .ttnrket Mt.t IU f jareata.
(i xila intomethlnc we have to doatttmr to
K-tiidaiiirrntnek. wo oner koou oryaiaie
at 2e n , Of '" rents In lot ol ts. aud m er
Wo hate hither prlcixl, but these are fair
nuallty Nectarines, ta to fr. Kalslns. sowm.
(Iiriit llnans, dm. cans. .Af7 toUrc7eloe
. .- -J. M..-W. ........ um.1 lull, lnt ift IS
1 T (-III. fiimiuj v.i i.i w. .v,. .-..- -
dry pear hc about N, Cor avrrauo appli-atr to
I'JV illP Mlri I'lll lll rtl'll'M- .v.. - ..-..
wool inllleiit re.1 M ceul. Itov's suender up
Iriil or V years fl cents, and lor toen and bl
UiyslSceuUtolI. l'tlnts (calico) ta up. Drew
hull re, ta doi , ureal Iwrcalu. I'lnbrellas JK,
cood to um, or lend Nill jrroy hlaukeU. II IS a
pair l'.ed lltatlku Crura M a pair im Mou all
oolSho!. rel or snr. scaf Jta.
ortMadmru Thle It aituod lima tosrml us
an onler .lek Cor Cull list nl .inj It
urn havo uone Addrree Mmllh'a Cnats
Nlore, IIH Front Ntrrel, Kan Iran
ico, ini,
AerSOtINO Pout-titt AHO Dtnos.
mS ruLL rjKn PUUt Ointonoas
Price, quakt.yoc. o om 0.
Prapared only by Nelson OMe. Jr , Manu
facturing Co., National Oily Oal.
A I.orl AcnU
company, so you had just best take this cab i both looted en as a farce, and for years I
lost sight of yon. Fifteen years afterward, 1 and her body shaking.
And trrnf, leaving the Tiger huddled fs
gtOier tipoa the floor.
For half an hour or tnoro tho woman re
mained thus, the bag of money In her hand.
Then sbo struggled to ber feet, her face livid
Similar Weather.
"Did you ever see such weather as tbliP
asked a gentleman of an Irish friend, who
happened to pass.
"Yea, I have," replied rt
"In June, begorra,'' was the witty response.
Atlanta Constitution.
Forne years aeo I was thrown frora a horse In
on oucol my 1K. 1 "rmfrethanayearl wasun
ablotowalk. Thowmtud ulw rntod and rJtted
tohcrJ.and ever ono thought I would hare to
submit to ainimtntlou. hh s. Haarrimrneudeil,
and I used It irwly, an 1 1 ha'! never ret thronah
thanking S. K. " r r4 .! niy irr. and restoring
m. tn wit ; -iih f.RLA!r nlLAOK.
"" " VnsKr.; .loTa., Jnly 51,'eS.
:ttara wiiibi ah Ilia isjls.
liouah B;mf. T als good. Use
lu time. nM ry anvaneu.
iTi1"l-" "
1VIU Make. M
t- rlth It
hu tnnni. I
Write for rartletdars
OlUtOY CAl'FOfmiA.
(Ircctibauk, 1'olnah, liiarctlclde,
I.rr; also solid and powdered raostlo Hoda,
nulphiir. Wlnle Oil. Itoeln, Ktc.. Eta Kor sal
by Thr JraouCo.,iIsimUcturtng AKjtiU
JiJV L,hul MSf fw..lee. A
Meo. Cal.
y If
.., 1M..M he rt,w4 l4 t i
, . ...... ... . . m
Hftft. a. etaer, ASint,
HinM ewlrrHe. SWM
ksUllef C1" t"e." u"" "'
M.IL Aer - .
iu.b-w is.-', c. a. ruj.r
Pud frtrtra
roikl fr e
I J il 0 il wiKmwi,
hW'lT MFt IKK' CO.,
T. T J1,MI8U,,,IIB.
back again, my son, nnd that will save mo
lho trouble of paying It uomo, cut."
"D'Aublgne," growled tho flashy man,with
an oath; "what do I care about O'Aubignef
Advance, D'Aublgne, and all's well. You
needn't be Jealous of me, I'm a married man.
"Now stoi that noise and bo off. lie's a
lawyer and ho mig'jt not freeze onto you. . dead, or, that if you lived, the fact of my
Dont vou understandP ! havintr made the false declaration of age and
"Well, I'm a lawyer, too, and a pretty locality would be enough to invalidate the
thorp one arcades umbo," said Johnnie, with j marriage, as would certainly have been the
a coarse laugh; "and 1 tell you what it is, J case If 1 bad also made a false declaration of
Edith, it alnt good enough to cart a tellow i names; and my Impulses and interests
down into this bawling wilderness and then 1 prompting mo to take the risk, I married
when 1 had almost forgotten this adventure
of my youth, I became acquainted with a
young lady with whom 1 fell in lovo,
and whoso fortune, though not Uirge, was
enough to help me considerably in my
profession as a country lawyer, ia which I
wns doing well, x inougnt teat you were
send him away without even a drink; lend
as another Over, at any rata It alnt good
enough, 1 say."
"Good enough or not, you'll have to go,
and you dont get any fivers out of me to
night Now, pack sharp, or I'll know tbe
reason why," and she pointed toward the cab
lu a fashion that seemod to cow ber compan
ion, for without another word be turned and
got into it
"Where to, slrP asked tho cabman.
"Ob, to hell or tbo Jlavrnarkct. It's oil
that lady. Then It was that you banted mo
down, and then for the first time 1 did what
1 ought to have done betore, and looc tne
best legal opinions as to the validity of the
former marriage, which, to my horror, 1
found was undoubtedly a binding one. You
also took opinions and came to tbe tame con
clusions. Blnco then the history has been n
simple one. Out of my wife's fortune of ten
"Czhr she said. "I'm as weak as a cat I
thought he meant to do It that time, and he
will, too, for sixpence. He's got mo there.
I'm afraid to die. I can't bear to die. It Is
better to lose tbo money than to die. Be
sides, if I blow on him be'H put me in cbokey
and 1 sha'n't bo able to get anything out of
bun, and when be comes out he'll do for ma"
And tlicn logins ber temper, she shook her
first in the air and broko out into a Head of j
language such as would neither be pretty to
bear nor good to repeat
Mr. Quest was a man of judgment At
last be had realized that In ono way, and one
only, can a wl.d beast be tamed, and that Is
by terror.
(To be Continued.)
A Fort Leavenworth Coterie Draws
3,000 In The LoulaUna Male Lottery. '
Twelve members of Company K, 13th lii!ntry.
at the Fort, are In a very idrasant IraracoC mind ,
int now. They tiavejiut reeviveii, itiruuici ine
the second capital
Tho olive Is one of the lotiK-livcd trees.
The followin;? extracts aro from an
eloquent nlilregu by the Hon. Chas.
Blnco then the history has been a , Dondero, of thiii city, lutnpoll a native
f,it nt mv wifn'ii fortuna of tea i Ttnlitiii ' Arrnrdinu to llitdorV. the
thousand pounds I paid you no less Uiau I grvat olivt treefl yet ttecn mound Tivoli,
seven thousand as nuu money, on your un- uhone gigantic lonim rivai wu uj,i
denoting to leave this country for America SequoiuH of tho Sierra, were already old
VaclSc Kiprre company, Vii, their portion ol
the second capital jinio oi uuwu inioonu
drawlDK ol Tbe Louisiana Ml ltu-ry
The money was paldlosenfeantTuon. Marriott
and by him divided lwtweeu Hie tuelt.- wno
had looted Ibelr Imuih. Karh put In 'M eelili
and as tuck would hare It, one of the six Iti-kcK
1-nrehard with the ISdren oa'1 tnentltthoC lho
ino,W) prise. ... . . ,
Ttie lollow Iuk are the lur ky men. each f wlium
ecU'eliOUOIll- herxrant Manlolt. CnrporaW
HlacV and iLcn,andrTlvatelA)IlUA.Xeldoliin,
Heart, Elliott, Bcno, Wllhe'.u, Pulley, Kellcy
and Nutzen. , , ..,..,
k.,,nt Marriott statfrl that he had tried the
lottery nulte often and hd eminently won unall
urns. OC cour this Is tha bfxxnt hslil ho ha
etmadr Moetof tho Inrky winners havi'de
rilud their money Hh the paymaster, where
It 1. sale Crom auy Umi.tatlon.
The rrireant Uloud fn his pralnC The l)u!
lacaHtate lAdtery, heiny well K' stlftUnot
a prluly sum. but It Is quite a rrspi-rUule sn in
Kortune smiles upon tho liumUe quite as olti'ii
VTaalnc DUeasau
Wonderful Flosh Producor.
Bcott'a Kmulsion i iif.tnr.ccret remedy.
Contalnliitt tho H'lmnlallL( Ilvtiophoa.
pUIten and I'uro Nr rwej;In-i Coil Liter Oil,
tbe pot ncy of loth ixsinij Inrijoly in
creased. It i tucd by riiyalciauH all over
the world.
fiotti hi all J9ruwiUti
. .l .. a. .. . ... Ilfj r.,teiiinivnlleu l-tltK
- - -- , , iv, ..--.-...--. - ei iiryin nt iiitris t it iiiir, iiuiir ui e.irui'. i sj.
one," he growled, flinging himself back Into ( and never returning here again. 1 should ' when ltomulun traced nllh the plow the rt.p,eenied In this case by lie lulslana mate
the comer. In another moment the cab Lad have done better to face it out, but I reared walls of Home. Since then mighty; lottery Company, whose ' priiw Jj:;.'" ';.''"
turned, and bo was gone, muttering curses ' to lose my position and practice. You i nlerH, empires, bright ant ; d ' tho Wf( .f "be on. r.iti".
aa U9 neui.
The woman, who was none other than Mrs.
tTAublgne, alias lidith Jones, alias tho Tiger,
turned and entered the bouse, accompanied
by ber servant, Ellen, and presently Mr.
Quest beard tbe rustlo or ber satin dress upon
the stairs. Ho stepped back into tbe dark
uess of the balcouy and waited. Bho opened
the door, entered and closed It behind her,
and then, a little dazzled by tha light, stood
for some seconds looking about ber for her
visitor. Bho was a thin, tall woman, who
kft and wrote to me that you, too. bad harharotis civilizationrt, havo anwn and ;..,., ltl .rant. ,m the rooro welcomi-nnil
marned in Chicago, but In eighteen months , dinapitfarcd; but thn olive Khm'e-. nn-t th( hsr. ,'"luJlT ei'e'u.S!! tLn'rE'iTr
vou returned. Uvingsouandered every far-, ourh'o.1 by all van.lahr invaderH, re-, are 'fitted w n Ww tj Mjr. lr
tlilnc of tho money, when 1 found that the gwcteil by the hurricanei of thirty een-l . ,ufn , wndCall as tint reoouuted lis the
story oi yourmamogowaaoa imiuoecnia- nufjes, arc mere, rovering iibuij ii.rioius j,"-"'- ..".,.,..
"Y'es,,thoiJUtinwitbalaugb,"andararo,ai.reo( yroiinil each, viRorouH anil "fft
time 1 had with that seven thousand, too." iluctiye m in t)ie ila'yo of Christ." ictj -f.
"Y'ou returned and demanded more black-1 jt j, not clainie.1 that tho average life of mmtf I 1 1 1 V
mail, nnd I had no choice but to give ond treeB j au orchard would romh more, lUMIIdf
i 1 t . fi atae-an VbaH vmi l,ea1 . .'. . .. . sw ia stew
give nun Ki,a ..:.. j. j "-" ; iiian j.hj years.
something over twenty-three thousand
pounds from me, aid you conunuauy do-1 r., n KncliHii theatro rcecntly Uio
r iiAa -w
M im tal triftn k.
fieius naod twr 1 1
4Cnill fllltl
Talk' ao4 nttoMHvu f
V wtil codtloo-i
, jroo, Jr
I .. .
might havo been any ogo between forty ond I mandmore. 1 believe that you will admit orciicnlra lotwecn tlie uctswns jifiiyinx
fiJTty.with tho wreck of a veryllno agile J that that U a truthful statement or tbe case," vcr.-lnudiy antl two iadieH in a front row
looking figure. Her face, which was plentl- ftna D8 paused. i wtro emle.ivorinjf to convene at tlie
fully bedauDod with paint and powder, was "Oh, yes," she said, "I am not going to fiain0 ,ime Ti,ev jia,l to raise their
aharp, flcrco and handsomo, and crowned dispute that, but what then! I am your wife, i vojco, fotiiIenihIyf and uh tho orcheatia
wtth a mane of false yellow hair. Her eyes md you have committed bigamy, and if you Hlui,jenly n;acliC(l a low panaago tho
were cold and bluo, ber lips thin end rather ( don't go ou paying mo 111 havo you in Jailf vojco rjf'on0 0f the ladies Ijecaiiio cruelly
L?".:aR.U. I nfld that's afl .fioiitlLcU boy. You can't ' ill-Unct Jutt an .he remarked. "I near
au su. ""-. --- - --- , t t f lt . TOU naltT moan ,ik uniiercjouien.
RIia urns Hrjuivi In n
,7 " . I ,1 "... -Le fl , e..lla, Ct- OU Ol ftOT WJ , UU IIU.J
wlong bright yeUow g?T. Bh. moved , figgg? "St&XTth.! nt' "cd Hte klUctl.aJ ",bb6!
UchUyand sllenUy.and looked round fcer ""i.. S0,!?. K" ..' hl mother, tho keeper of a minors'
-i.l. k lnW sMrrhln traza liko that of a, cat. Juu "5 BouB w. VJ """ " ? - -
JTJ VU UJ .44 i - .: , .f l.
wita Ik long Karcning 6 "- v -, i ., ,.., -,,. - - . w.,. .,. 1ust boanlinff-IIOUSe. no iiarv.y
.-.I Urn. rMtrtaral NnrvumnM MtirRTM&n lQeA t - -,...., .. j --. .- , -- - --- . If .. 1 -
tJ-..ZTrt7 W,trhrt madeallttio mistake for onco In your life,
lynchinL' and gave himself up to tlie
and I'U tell you what it Is, you shall smart auUiontteB.
for It I'll teach you what it U to leave your l A had Bmah-np was cntiscd In tho
lawful wife to starve while you go ond live Ranti I'o yard at Albuquerque last week
with another woman In luxury. You can't by a rolllaloii between a ewltch cngino
help yourseU, I can ruin you if I like. Bup- nnd the California Vent-bound train.
rmslnir I en in n miptitralA nnd aak f or u U'lillmn Tnvlr.r. nr.crineor of the PSBSen-
I warrant, what can you do to keep me ouietr cer. wb killed, loth engines crushed
JSU. ..I Kiiitanlv thn vfrnm .-trninM. thmmli ihi I H.I ,l,n ha.odfinAffe fiheVl.fl tin. Illlt nfjt
Oh. Ihena vou era. am TonP ah said. I 7v --- J"-?-"-- --- --- "' !'-- -'
. - r T 'j.-i. 4. ui. . ' werosaouaua ueruexeo nxuiieiwnce iron tiiiurxl
xftMts away ta tto dark-, ilka V tu aPVeiimcrftcrIwllUmlbt I '
of hunger and wicked ferocity. Bucb was tha
outward appearance or me iiger, ana oia
truth it jusUfled her name. "Why, wbcro
tha dickens bos be got tor sbo said aloud; "I
wonder If bo has given tne tho slipP
"Here 1 am, Edith," said Mr. Quest,
quietly, as he stepped from tho balcony into
me room.
To Itself In many Important particulars, Hood i
t-anuparllla Is different Irom aud snperi r to any
other medicine. "
Peculiar In combination, proportion and pro-
titration of Ingredients. Hood's Har.apar lla i
Kes the Cull curative value ol the l-,t Vnomi
rcmedlea of tbe trf viable klngilom
reeullar In Itimi-dlrlual urrlt, Hood's farsap-',
Peculiar In strenzth and econom) Hood's Kar
tsparilla Is the only medicine ol which can truly
bcaald,"100dosesonedotlar" MedlclncalnlaiKer
and tmaller bottles require larirrr dow., aud do
notprodnceMtoolresultsasHooa'sHartajiarilia , PglalDMS InCUbatOT 00.. PetalUlTia
Du.,,1l.rlnll.t'Mil nimfat hr.rn,. thAM I. i
more oC Hood's farsaparllla old,1n Ivrcl whtie
lt It msde, than of all other blond purifiers. I
Peculiar In Its phenomenal record of tales To tell tbe rorapl.te
abroad, no other preparation has over attained I fciJSfa0 1 ft TiS ,
nrhrinnlerltvln teshorta tlmp. lleturelfiir,-t I iAunlrUcrver7ofUieljodr.aiTeAUxoroner
' "I .h. tflAlAfulfrftrdl, L. Tli. lkta.l.l.,M.. 1JU
SImi. -uaeurveif ma.vtilnm.clejcuilAjieeee. tirk
Mlf IIM Olirill sow SHUT. Besl,aliic.U6eni
mu'tiiK ctteco..tMtuii.,iisiisu.o,
Call ho madci'any by
raimiKiuicKi'iit. a
tl CataloKne l
scrlblUK liinihators,
nrnodc-rs, urixniin
IIouhs, How and
What to feed, How
lonirtokeep them In
the llrooder.DrinklnK
r-oiintalnt. iJtnuaact
huiI llictr lire. In Cart
more Information
than Is Klven lu many
iVcent books. rWnt
U any address nn rp-
Vrelit iC '.'c. stamp.
Mlio Ncttlnir, Unite
Mi.Ii, llono Hi nl and
nil kinds ol Poultry
4 -ti 0rXl ' )7
Mill fM SJl
S jm m? J i i
( WWH! vWmJm ' 1
3 Vial 1 I il iiiv fifriiiii2pl(il-
iSEBiinU HSshB
10,000 HBEHTSySS
Itft AOOOanttif til COMlAtCT,
nro only begotten of lionltliy motliors. How Important, then, that tlio
health of tho futnro tnotlicni of our litntl nlioiiltl bo cnrcfully gtiardou.
Our girls need tho toncleroHt caro as thoy nro entering upon woman'
hood. At this critical period of their uxintenco it often linjipen. ,,r0"P')
nogleot, that tho hcixJs of diHtroHHing nUiucntH nro uown, which nl net
them in after years. As a regulator and promoter of functional action
at this important Htago, Dr. I'ierco'n Fnvorito Prescription ih ,,1.os;
reliablo agent for building up tho Rtrengtli and Hyutem and establihliii'h
ii, uml,,,, r.,,.i:,. ii i....;.:i.. u .'.,.i... i :.. i....:.i,,min metlicilmi
iniv '.uu .iiui,niiiin, rnruiiHj i ll'nui IJHIUI1 in u iixuiiiii"" -- ,
carefully compounded, by an experienced and rikillful phyflioiait m uj
adapted to woman' delicato organisation. It is purely vegetable in
iu compoHition nml perfectly harmlesH in its effects hi nny conummi
r.t l.n ..!, I.V. oil ll..... It ..-. l lij.nrinrr.llOWn
njj I Bcnsationti, weak liack, dinplacumuiitn, as prolnjisiiB, nntovcrsioii, roiro-
uw' I version and kindred nilmontH, it is specific Tlio only modicino ior
HTID woman's peculiar diseafles, guaraiitceu (o give RfttlHiUctloil lu O'cry
Hood's Saraaparllla
BoMbyalldmirslsts.ll,iliCorr&. Prepared only . lejMiniinr,siM.nm.erro otreei, JXHiaiO, n. I.
lil-U. or rnnniiv rifiinilril.
A IJook of 100 naKfs on Woman. Hor Dlsenscs and their Self-cure,
s7aaoe mailed, sealed in plain envelope, on recoipt of ten cents in stamp- .
?$& Atlilrcsa, Would'h Dispknsauy SIui'ical Ausocutiok, 003 Mam
byC I HOOto:CO.,Apotbrearics,laen,Msjt.
IOO Doges One Dollar
J 8. F, N. U No. 401 , Htir Hcrioa No.8
Ieraiioutniinrfteciu.,anterrea. Tliltlttlieetiutoeot
roerure-llme, bl mmuluioo. SililrtM.LSlSJiaLNk
:!use new Wellington coal Dr. Pierce's Pellets
rcfulnte nnd cleanse Uio Ilrer, (
aud bowel. Oau h 4ot. f tom