fa COLONELPRITCII.V.C. By H. BIDES HAOQARR The-GM Rcrrtltman staeKcml for a mo ment, anil caught nt the mautel piece., fortlio blow was a bnavy ono, and ns unexpected ns It wn heavy. Hut bo recovered himself in an Instant, for it was ono of Uio peculiarities of his diameter tb.it bis spirits always seemed lo rlso to tbo occasion in tho faro of urcent adversity In short, he possessed an oitraordlnarv share of moral couraco. "Indeed." ho said, indignantly, "indeed, It is a pity that you did not tell mo that at once, Mr. Quest; it would havo saved mo from I putting myself In a false position by propos- i lug n business arrangement which Is not no- ccptablo. As regards tho interest, I admit tbat it is as you say, and I very much regret .it. That stupid fellow, George, Is always su dreadfully behindhand with bis accounts I that I can never get anything settled." He did not state, and indeed did not know, that I the reason that tho unfortunate ueorje r.s behindhand was tbat there were no accounts to make up, or rather that they were all on tho wrong side of tho ledger. "I will have that matter seen to at once. Of course, busi ness people are quite right to consider their due, and I do not blame Messrs. Cossey in tho matter, not In the least. Still, 1 must say hat, considering tbo long ana intimato rein' lonshin that has for nearly two centuries ex- isted between their house and my lamny, they might well have shown a little more consideration." "Yes," said Mr. Quest, "I daresay tbat the step strikes you as a harsh one. To be per fectly frank with you, Mr. da la Molle, it struck me as a very harsh one, but of course I om'only a servant, and bound to carry out my instructions. I sympathize with you very reach very much. Indeed." "Oh, don't do that," said the old gentle man. "Of course, other arrangements must be mado; and, much as it will pain me to terminate my connection with Messrs. Cos- tT" tlunv filiill 1 tnfltlfl." "But I think," went on tho lawyer, without I nnH.v. of hUintprrnntlon. "that von mis- ' understand the matter a little, uossey Son are only a trading corporation, whose object is to make money by lending it, or otherwise at all hazards to mako money. The kind of feeling tbat you allude to, and that mfsht induce them, In consideration of long intimacy and close connection in the past, to forego the opportunity of so doing, and even to run a risk of loss, is a thing which belongs to former generations. But tho present is a strictly coznmcrvial age, and we are the most commercial of the trading nations. Cossey & Son move with tbo time, that is all, and they would rather sell up a dozen families which had dealt with them for two centuries than lose Ave hundred pounds, provided, of course, that they could do so without scandal and loss of general respect, which, where a banking house is concerned, also means a loss of custom. I am a great lover of the past myself, and be -.------- -' :.- : i lieve that our ancestors' ways of doing busi ness were, on the whole, better and more j charitable than ours; but I have to make my living, and take the world as I find it, Mr. de la Molle," "Quito so, Quest; quite so," answered the squire, quietly. "I had no idea that you looked at theso matters in such a light. Certainly tho world has changed a good deal since I was a young man, and I do not tbiuk i It has changed mnch for tho better. But you will want your luncheon; it is hungry work talking about foreclosures." Mr. Quest had not used this unpleasant word, but the squire bad seen his drift. "Come into the next room," and ho led tho way to the drawing room, where Ida was sitting, reading Tho Times. "Ida," bo said, with an affectation of heartiness, which did not, however, deceive his daughter, who knew how to read every change of her dear father's face, "here is Mr. Quest. Take him Into luncheon, my love. 1 will come presently. I want to finish a coto." Then be returned to the vestibule, and sat down in his favorite old oak chair. "Ruined," he said to himself. "I can never get the money as things are, and tnero will be a foreclosure. 'Well, I am an old ' man, and I hopo that I shall not live to see ' it. But there is Ida. Poor Ida I cannot . bear to think ct it; and the old place, too, after all these generations after all these generations P CHAPTER X. THE TESTIS rABTT. Ida shook hands coldly enough with the lawyer, for whom she cherished a dislike not unmixed with fear. Many women are by nature gifted with an extraordinary power of intuition, which fully makes up for their ; aeuciency in reasoning forco. Ihey do not conclude from the premises of their observa tion, they know that this man is to be feared and that trusted. In fact, they iharo with tho rest of breathing creation that self pro tective instinct of instantaneous and almost automatic judgment given to guard it from tho dangera with which it Is continually threatened at the hands of man's overmaster ing strength and ordered intelligence. Ida was one of them. She knew nothing to Mr. Osyst's disadvantage, indeed, sho always iairtftti ;yoien of with great respect, and, qualities, bet u octivo personal enemyi semy:' ' " They went into tbo old dining room, where uie luncheon was set, and while Ida allowed Mr. Quest to cut her some cold boiled beef an operation in which he did not stem to bo i very much ut home, sho came to a rapid coa elusion in her own mind. She had seen clearly enough from ler father's face that his interview with the lawyer had been of a most serious character, but she knew that the chances were that sho would never be Ablo to get its upshot out of lilm, for the old gentlo man hod a curious habit of keeping such un pleasant matters to himself until he was ab solutely forced by circumstances to reveal them. She also knew that her father's affairs were in a most critical condition, for tnat she had extracted from him on the pro- vious night, and if any remedy was to bo at- j tempted it must bo attempted at ouco, and on j somo heroic scale. Therefore, the mado up ner mina to ass her bete uolr, Mr. Quest, what the truth might be. "Mr. Quest," she said, with some trepida tion, as he at last triumphantly banded her tho beef, "1 boyo that you will forgive me for nskiug you a plain question, and that if you can you will favor me with a plain uuswer. I know my father's affairs aro very much involved, and that he is now anxious to borrow somo more money, but I do not know quite how matters stand, anil I want to ltarn tho exact truth." "I am very glad to hear you speak liko that, Miss do la Molle," answered tho lawyer, "becauso I was trying to mako up my mind to broach tho subjoct, which is a jialuf ul one to me. Frankly, then, forgive mo for saying it, your father U absolutely ruined. Tbo in terest on the mortgages is a year lu arrear, his largest form is just thrown upon his bands, and, to complete tbo tale, tho mortga gees aro going to cull iu their money or fore close." At this statement, w hich was almost brutal in its brief comprehensiveness, Idu turned pale as death, as well sho might, and droffeed her fork with a clatter upon her plato. "I did not realize that things were quite so bad." she murmured. "Then I suddoso that the place will bo taken from us, and wo shall thall havo to go away." "Yes, certainly, unless money can be found to take up tbo mortgages, of which I teo no chauca Tho placo will bo sold for what It will fetch, and that uowadays will bo uo' great sum," "When will that bsP she asked. "In about Ux or ulao months' tlmo." . IdVi lips trembled, and the sight of tht1 je,-S2rlw,, 355Sfj9 bked his wife very J5rsgnr - v&WMMbniyto bo nvolaC -.aeeoBfct t4,hkS5JiIdden food upon bcr plate became tiatiaeous to her. A vision arose leforo her mind's oyo of bcr olf and bcr old fatber departing hand in band from tho canto Kates, behind and about which glonmod die bard nild lights of n March sunset, to ook a place to lildo them wires, and Lb horror of it almost overcame her. "Is there no Tray of escapcP she asked, hoarsely. "ToJiso this placo would kill my father. lit lovel it better Uian anything in tbo world; kit rbole life is wrapped up iu jc "I can onite understand that, Mi de la Hollo. It is a nost abarmlng old place, cs - poclally to onyVody lutercstod lu tho past. i But unfortuuatslr. mortgagees are uo re specters of fooling. To them land is so much property, and Lathing more." "I kuow all that-," she said, Impatiently. "You do not nsswor my question!'' aud she loaned toward slm and rested her hand upon tbo table. "Is there no way out of ltr' Mr. Quest dtiuk a little claret before bo answered, "yes," ho said, "I think there is. If only you will take it." "What way"' tho asked, eagerly. "Will, tbot su, as I said just now, tho mortgagees of w potato as a body are merely a business conxjraiion, ana iook at tilings j from a busiucs point of view only, you must remember that tbey are composed of indi viduals, aud '.bat individuals can bo luflu enced-if they can bo got at. For Instance, Cossey & Son are an attraction, and harshly disposed In their abstract capacity, but Mr. Ed want Cossey Is nn Individual, and I should i say, so far as this particular matter is eon cerued, ft benevolently disposed Individual, Xow, Mr, Edward Cossey is not himself nt the present moment actually ono cf tho llrm of Cossey & Son, but bo is tho heir of tbo headof tho hau'V, nnd, of course, has author- ity, and. what is better sull, tho command of money." "I understand," said Ida. "You mean tbat my father should try to win over Mr. Ed- ward Cossey. Unfortunately, to be frank, I be dislikes him, and my fatber is not a man to keep bis dislikes to himself." "IVople generally do dislike those to whom they aro crushingly indebted; your father dislikes Mr. Cossey becauso his uamo is Cos- sey, and for no other reason. But that is not ouite what I meant. I do not think tho - i..l squire is tho risht persou to undertake a uc cotiation of that sort. He is a little too out- spoken and incautious. 2Co, Miss de la Molle, i in: m im uuira oi an j uu miai uu iu a uu i mut put tho n bole case before him at once, this very afternoon. There is no time for delay. You uced not enter into details; ho knows all about them; only ask him to avert this catastrophe. Ho can do so if ho likes; how he does it is his on n affair." "But, Mr. Quest," said Ida,"how can I ask sucb a favor of any uianl 1 shall bo putting myself iu a dreadfully false position." "1 do not pretend. Miss de la Molle, that it is a pleasant to for any young lady to un dertake. 1 quite understand you shrinking from it. But sometimes one has to do un pleasant things, and mako compromises with or no vourf-ituilviball bo utterly ruined and ! destroyed. 1 here is, as 1 honestly believe, no ' nrosTiect whatever of vour father being able one s sen nasivtu itw a qum.iuu nuciuer prospect to get tho money to pay off Cossey & Son, i and if he did it nould not help him, because , lw ..nlit n(f fvie thrt tnti.rt nn it lfnilpr these circumstances, you have to choose be- j tween putting yourself In an equivocal posi-, tion and lotting etents take their course; It .. .,! 1 Ia tttiilitej f-t nntlviilti alej 9r (tn.lAo. . T u .,.. . i f i ,-,.,. . ' take the ta,tanJ ? 1."' F?rS tnte thai even jou will succeed; but 1 will , cot zolsco matters, as you doubtless know. Any man would find it hard to refuse a favor asked by such a suppliant. And now you must make up your own mind. 1 have shown you a path that may lead your family from a position of tho most imminent peril. If you I aro tho woman I take you for, you will not shrink from following it." SCVr Ida made no reply. Ida made no reply, and in another moment the squire came in to take a couple of glasses of sherry aud a biscuit. But Mr. Quest, fur tively watching her face, said to himself that she bad taken the bait, end that she would dolt. Shortly after this a diversion occurred, for the clergyman, Mr. Jeffries, a pleasant little man, with a round end shining face And a most unclerical eyeglass, came up to con- i suit tbo squire upon seme matter of parish , business, and was shown into the dining room. Ma took advantage of his appearance to effect a retreat to her own room, and there for tho present we may leave her to her meditations. No more business was discussed by the squiro that afternoon. Indeed, it interested Mr. Quest, who was above all things a stu dent of character, to observe bow wonder fully the old gentleman threw off bis trouble. To listen to him energetically arguing away with tho Rev. Mr. Jeffries as to whether or no it nould be proper, as bad hitherto been the custom, to devote the proceeds of tho harvest festival collection (1 ISs. 3d. and a brass button) to the county hospital, or whether It should bo applied to tho repair of the woodwork in tbo vttry, was, under tbo circumstances, most instructive, Tho Rev, iir. Jeffries, who suffered seerely from tbo condition of tho vestry, at hut gained his !" " tnumpuaniiy snowing that no pa tient from Honham had lieen admitted to the hospital for fifteen months, and that therefore tho hospital ha1 no particular claim on this particular year, whereas the draught in the vestry was enough to cut any clergyman In two. "Well, well," said tho old gentleman, "I will consent for this year, and this year only. I havo been church warden of this parish for between forty and fifty years, and no have always given the harvest festi val collection to tho hospital, and although under theso exceptional circumstances it may possibly be desirable to diverge from that custom, I cannot and will not consent to such a thing In a permanent way. Bo I shall write to the secretary and explain the matter, and tell him that next year nud in tho future generally tho collection will be devotod to iu original purpose." "Great beavtnsl" ejaculated Mr. Quest to himself. "And all the time the man must know that lu all human probability the placo will bo sold over his bead before he is a year older, I wonder If ho puts it on or If be deceives himself. I supposo ho has lived here so long that ho cannot realize a con dition of things when ho will ceaso to live iiero and the place will jcloig to somebody else. Or iierhans be Is only brazenine It out." Ami then ho strolled away to the back of tho bouso and had a look at the condition of tho outhouses, reflecting that some of them wou'd he sadly cxpeuslvo to repair for wbo- ever cata into possession here. After tliat he eroded tho moat and walked through tho somewhat extensive plantations nt tho buck ot tl houso, wondering if it would not bo posslblo to get enough timber out of them, If oua went worl Judiciously, to pay for yAii.,( Hi ... i I iiSSESsEito Ki . -'jaf--r;J lr.'ii 1 mv&rtiT. ivm JMM13 ,XS5: ' .'V,i LU.ra BlT. V-V 'ft 9 f 4' I ni l?vla?!r-' i -&ilS:X v:- ViSS 'ifft V X C r''?".-- I putting tho place In order. Presently lie came to a hedgerow where there bad been n lino of very lino timber oaks of which tho squiro had lcn notoriously fond, and of which be had himself taken particular and admiring notice In thocoureaof tho previous winter. Tho trees were Rtmo, In tho hedgu where they had stood were n series of gaps like these In an old woman jaw, and about upon tho ground were littered remains of unrK ana urnnencs niui or rtigou tliat Una boon mado up of tho brushwood. I "Cut down this spring fell I" vvns Mr. j Quest's ejaculation. "lxr old gcutlomau, 1 bo must havo been pinched before he con sented to part ulth thoso oaks." Then he turned and went back to tho hou, just in time to see Ida's guests arriv ing for tho una tcuuis partv Ida herself was standing on tho lawn .aid tbohousv, which, bordered as it w by tho moat mid at tho further end by a row of rulued arcbrv, was ono of tbo met picturesque In the country, and a very effective setting to any young lady. As tbo jvoplo cauio they were shown through tbo house on to tho lawn, and hero she was receiving them. Sho wts dressed in ft plain, tight-tltting gown of blue tlatmcl, which showed off her perfect figure to great advantage, and a broad brimmed hat, that shaded her lino but somewhat dig nified face. Mr, Quest sat down on n bench beuoath tho shade of nu arbutus, watching her closely, and. Indeed, if tho study of n ixjrfcct English lady of the uoblet sort has any charms, ho "as not without his reward. There are somo women most of us kuow ono or two who aro born to hold a great positie' 'nnd to sail across the world like u su.... through meauer fowl. It would bo very bant to say to what their peculiar charm and 'dignity is owing. It is not to beauty ouly, for though tbey have presence, many of these women are not hoautiful, nhilo soma are t even plain. Nor does it spring from nativo grace and tact alone, though thto things ' nms: bo present, ltathcr, perhaps, is it the rellection of a cultivated mind nctiug upon n naturally puro and elevateil temKramcnt, which makes theso ladies conspicuous, nnd fashions them in such kind that all men, put ting aside the mero charm of beauty nnd tho natural softening of Judgment iu the atmos phere of sex, must recognise in them an equal mind, and a presence more noble than their own. Such a woman was Ida do la Molle, and If any ono doubted it it was sufllciout to com pare ner m uer simplicity to rue various human Items by whom sho was surrounded. They were n typical county sockty gather ing, such as nenis no description, and woukl not greatly interest if described neither very good uor very bod, very haudsomo nor very iilain, but moving ivliglously within tho lines of custom, and on the ground of commonplace. it .as no wonder, then, that a woman like I Ida do la Molle was facile prince;ci among about tilm and Mrs. Quest, but net being of a scandal loving disposition it bad not in toroted her, and sho had almost fcrgotten It. Now, however, sho saw that their was M.rai,1J, , ,, . , ,,: ' , , no ,:lik, sue sal tho difficult position of nhlch said to herself; "h wants to marry mo as soon as he can get Mrs. Quest off his hands. Ami I hare con-eated to that, always provided that Mrs. Quest can bo di Kied of, In consideration of tbo receipt of a ' , " " -- - -- - - n though I brought it on myself. I wonder if my fatber will over know what 1 have done for ". If ho will appreciate It If be t u q jce-JEM lW- it is a good llguro for any woman in the present stato of the market," And with a hard and bitter laugh, and a prescience of sorrow to come lying nt the heart, tho threw down the remains ot tbo scarlet Turk tiij turned away. CHAPTER XIL George rnormcctxa. Ida, for obvious reasons, said nothinr to i her fatber of her interview with Edward I Cossey, and thus it catuo to pass that on the I morning following tho lawn tennis party, there was a very serious consultation be- j tween tho faithful Georgoand bis master. It j appeared to Ida, who was lying awake in her room, to commence somewhere about day break, and it certainly continued, with short intervals for refreshment, till 11 o'clock In tho forenoon. First tbo squiro explained tho whole question toGeorgo at great length, ami with a most extraordinary multiplicity of detail, for be began with his first loan from tho house of Uonsey & Son, whleh ho had contracted a great many years before. All this while Georgo sat with n very long face, and tried to look as though ho wero fol lowing the thread of tbo argument, which was not possible, for his master had long ago lost it blmjlf, and was mixin; up tho loan of ISO with the loan of 137J, and tho money raised on tho severance of the entail with both in a way which would havo driven any body except George, who was used to this j sort of thing, perfectly mad. Howover, he sat it through, und when at last tho account was ualshed, remarked that things "sartioly did look queer." Thereupon tho squire called him a stupid owl, and having by means of somo test que tions discovered that ho know very little of the details which had just been explained to him at such portentous length, be, in ipito of tbo protest of tho wretched Georg, who urged that tbey "didn't seem to bo gitting no forrader somehow," began and went though every word of it again. This brought them to breakfast time, and of ter breakfast Georgo's accounts were thor oi;hly gone into, with the result that confu sion was soon worso confounded, for either George could not keep accounts or tbo squire could not follow tbem. Ida, sitting in the drawing room, could continually hear her father's ejaculatory outbursts after this kind: 'Why, you stupid donkey, you've added it up all wrong; It's too, not 8M;" followed by a "No, no, squire, you bo a looking on the wrong side them there aro tbo debits," and so on till both iiarties wero fairly played out, and tbo only thing tbat remained clear was that tho balance was considerably o the wrong side. This was tho state of affairs, when the door bell rang and Edward Coosey, looking par ticularly handsome and rather overpower ing, was shown Into tho room. Iho squiro shook bands with him this time, though coldiy enough, and George touched his forelock and said: "Sarvant, sir," In tho approved fashion. Thereon bi master told him thut be might retire, though bo was to bo turo not to go out of hearing, as ho should want him again presently. "Very well, sir," answered George, "I'll Just step up to tho poplars. I told a man to bo round there today, as I want to see if 1 can como to nn onderstanding with blrn about this year's fell In tho big wood." "There," said tho squiro with an expression of Inllnito disgust, "there, that's just like your way, your horrid, cadging way, the Idea of telling a man to bo 'round About the Poplars' somo time or other todiy, becauw you wami to speaif to mm uUUt a ful Why didn't you write him a letter like nn or dinary Christian nnd mako an offor, instead of dodgu.g him round n farm tor half a daj like a wild Indian! Besides, tLo Poplars l half a milo oil if it's a yard." "Ixird, sir," said Otorgo, as ho retired "that ain't tho way that folks In theso irts liko to do business, tliat ain't. Iettei writing is all very well for Londoners and other furriucrs, but It don't do boro. lie sides, sir, I shall hear you welt enough u( there. Sarveut, sir" this to Udwurd Cosse; aud bo was gone. (To rk Continued.) TIiq Hermte Ccwunittoo on Naval Attaint lian ordered n favorable report of JlaluV bill, providing fur tlio construction ol ciKht lialtlo-uliiria of largo tonnugo, two nnncl couHt dcienuo vophc'Ih, thrco gun boatH and five lorncdo-boats. for which $7,000,000 la appropriated towar I their tons' ruction mm armament ITUIVKS l'l,KASUUK To testily In behalf of nny hourd propo-d-tlon, and Hint Ii why nil Hint oneo try tho Ohkat Sutntu KmsKV ajw I.ivkw Ct'iiK Join in pmlsing Its excellent qualities mid ."end lug In their testimonials for the bcnelU or tluwe nllllctcd, a thoj were before hIhk this wonderful lucdlciTie. Uo sure mid get one bottle, which will convince yourself. Fr )ale by all dnigglMs. Tnko no other. Sietm Vhrmicnt (., tff JIMm ttrrW, Sim thtnfitco, OiC ls.NTi.gMKs: It rivet iiieoxtrvtiioplcsi-nrv to testify In behalf of umr womlerhil rein ed v. Tub Unit w StKiiiu KtnKitv ash Id kii Cuhi. I have, given It a thorough trial, and It lu.i not mly cured me, but xonu; or my Ust friends can testis to ili meritorious qunlltliw. Vlca'o lut that I ran tnitlifully rccotiiincml to nil this 1h-i of all iiieilleliirs. Vorv tmly vours, HAKHY MKYKHS. liW Mutket Mrvet. l.t.ll.itf I.. fl. v... VMuir1 nUmtliTN'-A limn In llntlem, N. Y who keel" illsty.lxvuk" hi; elKiire.Kiiic) under the head ot " ioe ny nre SKAI. MKINSAt'Ul'KI, t. KAl'llt This Is a ureal offer. J"t iiiinRlm thenrray of Indies Hint will totein tho toru until tliolnst mciiuolts none If the banraln l ever olU-red lint how much more wonderful " opportunity Is thut prvented to eery Miihttni? wttninii by tho proprietor of Pf IMerre's Knvmte Pre rli tin" A's rvmedv I, ,;Nnm(ivi( riire for nil I tnsli!gallmfutii'fiiliftriiiiicni'rr ii i Kiinrameou mm n " r,"v: " lure money will ho refunded It Is enrvfiilly ovmponuded by an eMrleiieed ami fklllnil ihlsinn,iuid adapted to woman's delleatc or Knniintlon. It is purely vesetnble In It com portion aud perfectly barmles In ltelteet lu any condition ut tho ytem. mid It nhl under a )wirr (?iir,it,lff ot Mthfsctlon 111 eierycae,or money paid tor It rrtutidrd. 1'or l'outlpatlou or Slrk Itpmliirlie, ue t)r ricrev's relicts; Purely Vegetable. Oueadont ThcRoldeu stair appear to be the ouly relt able tlre-eca. IION'T MISS A tlOOH TIIINO. You want nn elegant collection of artitic noveltlo. which can be procured bv anyone. You will bo astonished ut the variety, beauty and odditv. To pot tliwe buv a box of the genuine lr C. Mcl-nnc's Celebrated Uver l'ilin, price lift cents, mid mall n the oulxide wrapper with vour nildres plainly written mid 4 lontnln itMinix. Wo will llirn mull vow tho nhoe list with nu elegant package of oleogniptue and chromatic c:inl. Adilnw, Homing ltros., llttsburg, Pa. If a yoiitic man wants lirluht proapecls he hould hurry up and maVcthvui brtttht by ruu ux mralnit the work). .Iiiy article that u outlivinl 2 yrurf of c miM'tikiou and inutatioti. iiml M'lla limiv and more each year, ihmI hiive men. Dob hint' Electric Soap first made in Iwfi is wit that nttielt Ak yonrgroccr for it Ilclius it, or will get It. If the rortiigue In Mtwoii lyixut thi Kue llli there.it wilt be twl lorn lurtiiiruee toy eaugbt lu Knvlaiid. A icket ptn-cuhlou fri'O TauMII's I'duh".V Cigar to smoU'M ol Electrical eieeutlmi ha !u adulgel n ttltiitloual, but It will take n ry trvtiff f'li'ti tutlou to Uud It. EDWARDBELLIS WINS. A .MarhlnM Vtui IVa 3lir Hlrli liy all lnrt-lmrnt of S4;!. K.lwaril T. lUiIlis, thu forcmim ot tho Koth Tool Works, corn or of Kihtceiith aud Market streets, is ono of the fortti- omen wnu iiuiu iiiu Hilling iiiiinui:r, i !IS,455, whlclMlrew tho capital prlo off 1000,000 in the December drawing of the I IuiHian:i State lottery. .Mr. ltollia is a man of family, nnd is ery contented just at pruheut. A rcjwrtcr called on him this morritn. Mr. Hollis is an expert mnclilniit, and win found examining into the meritH of a new invention. " Mr. J'ellis, is it n fact that you won a part of tho capital prize in the Louisiana .State Lottery drawing for December?" " 1 am happy to 8.iy that it i.s a fact. It was a great surprise to me, and thumost acceptable Cliribtmae preient ! ever te ceivetl in the whole courso of my fifty years on earth." " It was aiy first Hfieeulatioii in Ihe lot try. I was in need of money, as my health was bad and interfered with my 1'usinens. I thought I would try the lot tery- My wifo opposed the action, Kiy in it was all iioubciiho and that I might as well throw the money away. How ever, I determined to tiy, and invested fl', securing threo 40-th part tickets. " I will admit tamlhlly that I was a lit tle anxious to know how 1 came out, anil could hardly wait for tho issue of the Star-iSaijiugi containing the list of tho w inning numbers. AVlien I caw iH, ir f'iOO.OOO, I looked at onu of my tickots. There it was in plain figures. I will nay that I didn't eat much broakfiist. My wife was u little nervous herself, and I took good notice I didn't get any lecture either. It was my victory. I went to the American 1'xchangu Hank, where I was acquainted, nnd through it obtained tho $15,000. I have the money, and my wife Is with me in saying the 1-ouisiaiia Stato 1iUury is a great and honest in stitution. If a man's health is ailing ho forgets his ailments under tbo happy an ticipation of winning something whether he does or not." St. J.ovh (Mo,, .S7r Smjiinjt, January .'i. I'IMIHl ril.KH! 1'II.KSl I)r William's Indian Pile Ointment Is the only sure cure for Wind, llkcllne or llctilnjt l'llt ever dlreovered. It never falls to cure old chrome (MX.-H of long standing Judge foBlnliiinr,('I(iielnil,f) ,ayi' "I have found hyexM rleneethut Ur W llllam's Indian Pile Ointment Rlu-i immt-dluto relief." Do not inner an Instant lunger. Hold by William's Manufacturing Co., Props., Cleveland, Ohio. COe and fl Ir aflllrted with Sure Krca, iim Dr. line Thornix on'sKya Water. VruggliU ull It, Sic. rrllB rnoHU Ytntr X th Dr1rtlt UuUo.1 UmA ONB la U- worU. WOMilbrUmla th IIcpu1j cl fend 3B, fuU, wxxnavsra rouotra DIBHABH. licrUnau Vlao&a. tto. l-OureOatarrh,Haylfurcr,UoJO ivjii, aiaiiuai iiwuund, 270. 3 Coucks, Colds, Dronehltls, Asth ma.Consntuptlou. Al'twrlesslicmody. If a. aIAvcr te X1A ninra 1) dleestlon.Coostipatioii, lirli'htsriUoaso. STo. A Fever anA &sa, vwnb Ague. aro. p x-ever ana i Malaria, Kouralcla. 9o. e-ramala Wasins,IrremUui. uo,Yuiia. auoiUbiiuu)ody. K0.7-A rertoct Tonlo, which pItob ileal th, Form nnd l'allness, Clear Com plexlon. Good Woodland loU of L- Sro. 8 KervooaDeblllty.Ixjis of Towor Iimi litcince.art lncorniaraliloreraedy. BELIABLE l'"' .ir .uy.ua au-, 4 lu Ull aocaMllUUMj riuwat rtlkl unain n i &n.l ... I lO EIII Mil AI.WaYK. "'" avaKiiFiira bianuraMDI Irta in WAMTED, tMtlldauort. lIOdplTi Con rxu y, Twwu. tuiti, "v jiuariTAl, IXklu.ll A UOOll DOH't ou"tl-eteodr;,',,!,J11J WhatMer It 1 t.Ut ""' .",'' ,,, Kor all tin' Kh the Ki"'" 1"? v T lomei.Viily after men he trli-l . . - I'ttOH IIIHIANH'VI The wniiiwu lot j? ''' '. P Z""m,: -the H-.iluiUti, they wlrn ; look h. "' " ll,t vn' " .".' " J some lUlmciitthatoxetlirtHKHt liken l'l. ;""'" Kerwtuallr the rsdUnee that V,"B'!."II L..?...! I. .... '..-1. ... ..Ilt.i.mt. Mtlll H II IT 11111 eoiiiiiieu OTfiS. fflC, rsklirai .i-T ... . dii..i ltirii nni mviini nun '"..". " r. . ' "" VT;" , .7 ,V .r. .to Vie-ikne A. the tniuble dl.m. lo the Hitters mr malaria, Jheimiall.m, hllllmisneM and kl.lmy troubles. ......... ..r .... i.t-i.rl.htVliiir the enmitir NKenwiil more e "" ! " " ;:":. -,-,- ...... .,, I or nn- ie Jersey j" "" "" ftnl I to thli iHiuntry than the Jcney l.lly UAl'I'V IlKOOVKKY. Thr Is nothing I now enjoy that I do net ows U hlnc used l'r. IUil.1 KtnneiH-s rajoru. "''7. oCI.rn.lv"!. N. Y . l a tlms wh' " Vt"'!1,"! Ill thai a human Mt could tn.lurr. My IroublM taticorr. slypajsWanswI'l I had lilsM'i ilb Ul litr I had a had attack of tliavel. rlls years lam oir Uty yrars of a I ' "' strwiE.asI aslri my l-rlm. vWbat i-hy.UUna aa.l th. many rni.liia 1 U.I UVsii cvuM m do r. Kcnndya'"vorltIUn-yIWlI ', UI,V w ami mad. meawfll woman.-Mr. Emllliw I'. M'snar, lur Hill, (X i..n.i,i Da. h's'isania 'seaiiiUaiinr,tuadcalltondout, 'Vs)wlfbk,how to cr Kkln.y. Um ai.d Wood JUorJtra. Ilukiis Yea, he itot all his illh by a double Iwirre rrl l'outtiT HoUlliiK up iaiie; nosiia No, wntertins hl whitkey. ly Oermea for llreaktt. llewaro'of Immltatiotia of tho genuine Seal ot North Candliia l'lut (.'ut Totuteeo. -uS.nmiQHf cuni. Its rarorlor ticallea protn intnlltlmf ol hom far mora than a nnrtr pit a century It U iunt by 'ha Uultal SUtm latrnmo. fodonM hy tka beads ct thn (Inst UnhaadtlM aa tha stronwt l'aiaat anJ Hmt Itcillhful. Ilr. frloa's tU unit llakta; l'JJr tliat does not enntalo AmiaoaU, Lima or Atuiun. Holrl only In Cant. I'RICK UAKINO fOWDKIl CO., wiw tout. cntcuuo sak riuseiaco you can certainly t i.ir WT lo losses jiaYts wo or fiotKLY 1o oi?c parr or "Perry Davis P 9 an KxWix. 0 often. Jo yc Tiq at ) ii h e yj(t FOR THE BLOOD! Hwlt'a fcclflc ciirod tno of Tanrer, which was hcreilltarr, fur my father died of t ancr. Mycoao resisted all other treatment, In fact gravy wuruj all tho tlmo I Ic(t riff all uthrr rilniullia. and tiKjk H. H. H whleh forced nut thu ixilton unl H. H whleh forced nut Iho oolson until I in y ays- vm. RH.tiiHiiic. nuni iiiv &.UOIVI IIUHHI. IIOI even leaving a sign. Sly hi-altli alnco has been t ...I. Unllili nhul ..I..... .1... f.n.....B I. I iImI, not cxciuvui. ,MKi. l.tl-aa K. l)KKOK, ,, , Damon, Oa Kept. as. 'hi. Pnd for Trtatlra on Caurvr ami HIikM DIs- eaM.a; inalltd free HWIPTHI'Kr IPIUCO., Drawer 8, Atlanta, (Ja. JHICHtBTER'U CIJOLIBU PENNYROYAL PILLS -(s7k nrn cro diamond bhano. rt in wi ! rmikt'M i , I n-dg isiui.o ribba 'ii la OUUtahatr 1 Amumtrmttti -lrllrrr l-adl..,' klkl,,lU.'IUl Ml llllatl fas I.BIa.aW ffl. .. Mi.kaS4, l.llr IlTao'a lUmady fur Catarrh la tho I)st, Kasltat to Use, awl Uiesput. Hold by druiuilata or atnt by mall. UC K.T, HaMltllJU, Warruu, J-a. Tht QUtU Midutnt IH tht WtrUiltrttailj IMAAO 'J'UOlrlfNOfV'M acrtiiUoo, and liai Lun la corutaot uu for nearly c KS .Hl'.JLLtn"J.'n,Ai"M which tnauafnd ant subloct nmra dlatreialna than . .r..i trtHl WUItUUtAtiiWaM l.lilla.Sfta.nnl I nH . ... .-7t?. Til lbui,ut 1 . anliI a . ' tT m 1 -. " M Jreo- V f1 S ."".!. JQllX u rwuiiiONrajHi . W"T. .-.". W, l.hralniaha tnll. ..Ii . aa... CO. ar..i. y Kauuuuod 1711. H. F. N. U., No. 808. Now Berles No. 6, v S, 'h'VnJitrdonroMin,rur.. MVMl!.l.;:h.!!iri'iv,!''?' "'TW itiitiniiir ttiiiMmiiiiff mii'ii asoUM JiitM-iinw n i nini ;"", 1 . Ur. KcniKHty a fa.orlU lUmo.ly a.htrtl..l lit ouril"r. AltrulnlhrH'ttlal was wall, I rri J ..'.-.I.. ., . .i.. ntilia.l . ami taonih fcj-g puwia iiiir p?PRICEs CREAM !?AK!Ng JrK i outimnb ! A "r M.MH, pr4 lu 4 U9IPI, rslaj iu, tlriA ;a aa tilNvr. A II iu uy Iwim, .lab r!jr rt xuatrfll. Hu4 1. V i V v JO -N 'F (Vnparlioii, lnor llisti rtatty, inki men happy ami can iu lhm wretched tTAIlHfi71lAV"rVvKTt, OATAItllAI. I)KArNK.''4...A NKW IIOMK TUKATMKNT. Hnftfirrs ara not generally am thai tlivao ills. wm at cvntaa-loiH, ur that Ihvy ara this tn Ilia iirafom-aofllitngpanullaatii th lining iHtinhnui otlh lie ami u.Uililan tutaja. Hlcc.iw.pla ra aaarcN, hor, haa prtna.1 tliU to x a fai I, ami lh naiiltlatliataslinplaramadf haa Ueil lurniulatot hmtiylhfM ilUtrtaaliiir illwaw-a nr raiil.lljr anil iwrmaliaidly curol In froat wis t I"V llr', I" laimUmii ita.le at hoiiia by tha alliit ones In two works. A iwiiirtili'l etiilalnliig thla nw trtatiiiMit la aunt fr i ai vllratlun ty A. II. Dliim Hon, 131 and and Wa.t King St., Toronto, Unods. Soitth rVt-'"re.iii. A metelT 'fallen enemy inayrltPHiralii.tmt tin rviHiiirllnl nun Is truly vaii.iilili'd. rUll.l)HK?rt4"TAlfrNl Ttl UKATII On aeeotint of thvlr Inability to dlgrst food, will Hud a moat tnarYolhiiia food and ri'tnnl) lu sxirr'a KaU'taiuN f I'uro fil Liter Oil with HKplHphltes. Very iinlatnblo and e!ly ill Kcdcl Dr. K. W. Cnlieii, ol Warn, Tviaa, a)a: "I have tiled yimr Kmlillnil lu Infantile wait ing with good ri'ililla. It not inily leitnrvs waited tlMiifi, but glvriitrriiKlli ami lucirnioi the appetite I am glad to llo illcli a rellablu attleliO' . You eaiiiiot dream yoiinelf Into ehataeUr) you IUI1K Hammer mm lorgo yoiirimi anr tHfe&666 6fPkt6P: U Mrcll llliittratixl In tlio euro of neuralgia, tho chief symptom or wtilch la, an Intermit, ting pain which rullowa thnroiiraoof tho nervo aflci I-1. PI. Jacob Oil I r iteiillo nibbimr and appiinl miueiuiy, will rum IV JZ I t .I t , v 3 O I uV. m HiieVctt Kt.. IlriMiklyii, N Y , Jan. at. 1 W. 1 win taVeu with neuralgia In blo ami itilTervd B liumthi. I waa glren up by doe ton, but waa eunit by M JaeotH Oil, MlCIIAKUMrOINN, At Dmoinm jimii Dravrm. THI CHARLEtA. VO0ELCR CO.. Bittlmr,ll nknii nm a niKKHAMri.i.coi'r o.' ''CALIFORNIA" A JOUnNALIOF HURAL INDUSTHt. Imttl MuntSty 1 1 lim'ly Ittuttmtr,!, All ami ut CaiiroHNit III k.i. I.ir. 1'miit tlNOWIMU AMI" 1'llklKU, Tha January numlr eontalna A I'rnllrlumor Iho Han J(iiiiln Valloy, tiy Man Jolni I' Irlah llnw I nm.lo rUaan ari mini oiilon a'roa tr Tublo (Iraia, by It. I. Mo(tin of aa, rainonloi HmI.Iii Curing and raaklng.by I'ruf Ouiiavr KImo of r'rralm VU. fllllliro, bv K. V Mlllliif ruria. inriiio illoi'iillHr. by I'raf V W llllaardoriri I'lilrrraliy of ("ullfurula llm (Ul.way r.mnty mi Kloinonl Ad'trro by Hon John 1' lrlli al tha llaror 4unly (tlnia I'alr, (Holm nf llobt X ln 'rlilulllrifi.Nnrlborn (linn llrlt ort'allfurala, ll'ii.tralr.1 Iowa and IK-rlillo'i of Karn Caunly A MbbHtnlor VLIl In Iho llmol l"l Munla, Inlrr r-llns MUrrtlahr on Hural nuhjr.l.. uhtrtlltloi Ittrr $IM T vor filmftt (Ij.lfl tor l. HVH iim amr.lwlUrr-lv 1'Kttuiew a llamlioine Book or a Sllrtr Waltham Watch. t.it-ral liiiiiKxtionta I., ( Inba. Win I.ir or '.Ollara lo THE CALIFORNIA COMPANY, Itmiw iit, Navinv llua K M.i k'aixi iv t .1 ItllHT Tltlli: WANlf. (.rrriibniik. l'oluali, lltarcttrlilr, l.yr! alx, d and powdrred Cailatlo Hd, snli.ht r. Whale Oil. Id-dti. Ktc . Kte Vut laJa by 'rlir Jttr a. inn t'i.,Mallll(acltirtug Agouti 101 Market '.., and I (.'alllomla rt , fan Vrati i lien Cal " 'rcnwMtra sayTAt1" 'J. tjf THE SEA-SEItTJKNT AGAIN. A ca-ernent, 10.1 fct lonL'. covnrcd with dllvcry, shlnlnp Kales, and hrtM embryo wIiil'r on IU sliotiltlcis. wa wen to coll lUcU up In allpjx-ry foldipntss coiuit of Florida last month. Three reliable jx.tm.iii aw this crtatiire dlttlflc U. Alter rolllnt' nnd twIsthiK lu bulky fonn nrotiml on the beach lor a few uilnuici, it slipped oft lnu tho water and ilUappcarvd In tho ctut, followed by PW " foam which could be Ken for an hour afterward. IIixuIit. tho above) is n " yani.' If V)pIi would Ivllovo tlwt following truthful stnt.v. inont as niullly aa Uioy swallow mntqa-nt storlca, it woukl ho tlie iimiiii nf mvlni; thouaanils of livias. llui aUUmioiit which wn ililro to makn In thr mott emjthnUe mririnrr, la, tlmt I)r liTCi' OoMon Mini ical Diacovrry. if taken In tlmo and k'vwi a lair trial, will actually euro coiuiuiupthiii of tho Iuiik, which la nully Ncnifulous ills fox) of tho lunp. If tills womlorful mwll rino don't dn nil wn rrvtxninotid, when taken as directed, wo will chi.-rfully and promptly return nil iiinnny pnld for it. Can nny oflrr 1 more K'eroua or fair I No otlior until clno Mwomi siilllclmit wer over tliat fatal mahvly Consumption, to warrant IU tho HVMITOHrt OF CATAHRM falllnir Into throat, wiuii'tlinca liiincloiia. iniiriiiia. tiiirulrnt. h m iiitiini-aa, illiML'iili) in riiarinv i.irn- i""-" .vHi.ii, )l hnath oltirislvol smell and tostn Impaired, snd general le""" of , fow of thi-a,, armnliifiia llkilv Ui Ni nritM'llt at Olioe. 1 housoiwa reauiL in i-rifiauioiiiioti. urni ny us mud. siMitiunwr, Biiuaiiic, liimiisiii euros tho worst cumii. This Infiillildo reirnil! .. .. ... ... .. ... . . "creams" and strong caiistla solutions with simply iMilllato for it short tlmo, or ilrlM lh if Utiw. lo tto niMtf. as inrrw r. ot im In tho ua of such niaitniiai. hut U prluf perfect 1""2l"ViJ i in tLe HttA worst ruai-a of Chronic Cntarrli, as thmiaands can testify. .""'"..Vnrd U If 'J U cured with a few uppllonllons. Cutwrrbol lleudaclio U rsllflvod and curcu a. luaiiio. ur oruKgisia, w ix'nia. OUR OFFERS. Wa nffar n! A citiIm a ru-miul tllli..r Mnlni'liii I'Iiiiiii, l'r ii mi, Italilm, Apple or I'ean ,W offor g'l Dry (liaxa at 2 Kliti, and Klgi. fair juiillly,ut V'riiuta In Iota of It nud upward". We otfsr Nlcklo I'lalvil Door Hells, of fine bum, ut II ., we offer ..liiih rniuliig Hhean for 7ft cent, that twins ull right-cheap, we offer llarm-M I'lim hera now ut Iftceiiti. We otter koimI Itlm l.oi-ka at 'JA routs We otter I'latfunn Hcalcs, weigh I os. to Is lbs. we offer Hoys' Hoots from iltisito 'Jl at big ... ,,7,, ' vioin uiii nu o) er aiooK. .w.., j.,,,, ,, i.M ion, llllll IOIU0 HOI I II W(H '" '" wlillo for M leuta mil h. We offer alien for ipillt nt i Celiti, for JOi'uifa 7 ""'" VXm Wl',U '"' "r""l( viff. ""'I ''"'"'I flriit low 6 teiili, and rinini al aeinta mail. We offer Olais 1-lnhers for l routa We offer Olais (lohliti for ) leiils dos We otter JIUm Keit of I i.Iwii for Wl eonli. Weorlar Ijiiilcn' Hhim Pi.ll.i. i....t ., t i. or 7ft eenta doieli. (Hi.nLiKVI ' tir. .r u :... ..,..-' .. nsvusriniiiii nun, or nigmiom. M cents L'i.1.1 ..A-..- ... -. ......,..., ,.Ui., ui . (uiiuiii, sjceiui, lal ofTurliigs lo rloao out over supply In ear. ilirt tliigs and ihltlliigs, eaia.uierv, I'laln or plntd, uotloiii of many kludi, "I '.ni.l i'IIUIIIJK iiuvi n. Iluliliat ti uttviitlou SMITH'S CASH 418 Front Streot, THC fj.M.FERWX A. ll.n.. ..... . " fWhurt,TTV.B::!!.w I nuitratd, Oiiclodv, .M iSDAHHUAt .....,,. ln ii avir. !...... '- t lulna (,, ,. ilM. ."ir"? , ."'' ""M "n.l fue It, AiMiS j, w. m. r UMMT&CO. --..,,, raiuri, a Jtmoi: or tonAcco Always buy. Heal l North Carolina, Tlui Cat lloeau'l bo fooled by Inferior linltsUoii,. Bitteps. K!di,ey.aV.r 'SSL B?f "K?" I !'.? 2V. all pnyilclana as tho U.i s."o:"W2" ?i ..': '"."?" """'U'r, iiamlana la imtn uj i aTrVR7Br.ts:j-iiw IiiSt.oSir"s"?H . . ...,un,,Mll NABEH. ALR8 av tinmrf aaaAcaaawarh.t nu, n. v., A,n HAXVLlSr IIROft., AID HEMMR A I nun HMOS Hold 00 Jftoiy Ilutalluiaiita. Also drain la ntn Jdtulo and Mualr-d AtrnhaMlM, (Mil, i, UTe.V, Oanaral As.nt.TlJ Mu-ttSl.,H.y,CU tVaud for Caloloauas of llaora and Hfcrrt V lab IH FLUEHZAI V ltr. TilVfar1 f.ltrl I.. tvnfaand "" imlcklr lnfiv. !... f-alA..!. Krll.al.l. ni.L.. i. Mta.Uchc iWtr Throat. TiMlitcit, I'.aitlC.a ci'-t.i vj vanrra, n willlb.-tak u the ntoalie-MtcoU lu tbchrad. Uu. r:l or loan. Pfla., SI OO, In.luSIni Samry. Agruta wauled In OTrnr lows. VI.M'TVXA CO, mnnufaeturrm liif"lt'8 't.un,l.f(r nt ln coiklltlons. T"OoldenMelW cowry" U iKt wily U nioat wwvhgW alUiroUvo, or bloralAwiiaor, known to no Irnl acU-iui., but aU las-ai M'l""0!," tlvoiUKltoiilc,oratnwKthfirliig. which aaalat tl f- to hKt lj"" iuiinllatI. Uius lailldlnjj up 'h .f"2 nud Ileal!. W all t- of """'MiS? a rviliitly. J.r Wiwk Lunjfs. ftlttoj Woo.1, liiiort rwh, &riuiiWg swoau, nml klrulntl afTw-tloni, I "TJ all rth.V mrtllclno. WohLO'i. n"" Mkiiicai. Ahhociatio. rroprletors, riau Muin Htrwt, liunaio, n proprietors of Oft. AQCB CATA,II,M.!; i - iiu in inn kihtv, . . ir 1ll.ll . ... t..n. TolMirO Ol !" '!- ' 10 EM'S .11 orsVenl. I.. W$$SHt , Wo Offar Waihlnghoiln '"' Ui n)TM We offer labln Km t, anorje-, oW Weolfor U't C'ranherrlei -iw,r" 'tt ,.., ..-. '---.1,, r ... I"'"": .".. SK ..'.. ndothet- wo oiior rtii-ii " v "- . fM;,,aorim..er..p Wo offer llreakfait Muihi l" Airdliu'rent kln.la to try . ,, n i log ' Wo Offer Heavy Hugur I'lired l' lOMiiifi I III h) lh. jotsniij Jk, wbo!lJw We offer Hunker Mill ' "" retail. 'iTiuy aro cliolei) ., ,of i, .. JX! o ?r I J?! . , "J TSTwa Ill- '- We offer i m' "' lw'" " vJilara I ' Wo offer ttiMIX i"u.,u V .!;, "iVA imIb jKiumi. -.lain " .,.biJJf, full VJ. nttir ill 1,1. Vl Olklllg J 0W"' tU inr (ucviuii nmirsti j many lines whl bcuiinol .,0un fltnaej. Jcana, iletilmi, whlto good!. "Hl,0,", call '" glovea, hoilery, uiltlei"i " wlc"" TORK'n rr.n.1 cvwi" taiaaffri , lliiidaihr, olmirurtiouoi "Ti.- IhicL prnfuiw. watery, and o'"il" ,n,Tor liKMly ami putrflli Mrs, weak, ringing w. ...u.. ...u ,..rli.itl (II uui'imiiv rr'. . U7I MM Tr Has-e'l IWllNf IrWn'o'ra imuVlln. which tl.o.pulillo have long ,'J ""Tr Join loi-ioniiiii ,. .,.( '-" Wo offer An o (ircaao at II ; ::? ".KSi.,,0JWA!.n.,.ukln ! 'Me'tW woouur n