The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 27, 1890, Image 3

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tENERAl Merchandise;
Fiiont Bthkkt, Mauhiikiku), On.
Wo kcepcoimliinlly on Iniiul in our !nro ntxl commoillotici store, n woll
icleclcil iilock, ciuiKlrt'-iiiK of tho best staph) mid fancy
Dry 4JoolNji,r all IsIihin, ,.,i tlio choice!
Jrocirlo' mill 1'i'ovlnoiiH.
A largo Hlock of OIoIIiIiik, IIiiIhiiihI (!np, Ilnoli nnd Shoe, Rubber nncl Oil
CliilliliiK, II 0 ; liH-.ockcry, (Hum and llanlwiiro, Pauitii. OiIh nuil
Mini Wlllowwnro, School HookM ntul Klnllonory, Fur
nishing CIcmmIh, Uoitliiry, Kto. Kio.
Our cxi mm vii show cuhchjuc llllcd with tlio fined Millinorv ami Funov
(loo.1tcvcil)ioiiKlill')C'"Mlniy. NAHHUUd & HIKST.
The Marshfield Hardware Store,
Kiij'onc O'Conncll, Proprietor.
V Utcp constantly on linnil n largo slock, nnd imiko (ho following goods
a specially-
ZLiOg-glrLg- Supplies,
3oniiHliiiK of Jnck-HcrcHH, Wclgorf, Coupling and Orotcli Dogs miiI Chain,
Hledgcr-, HhucklcB, Chopniiig IroiiH, Ropes, Haws and Axes of all
Standard brandti. Hiif-gy mul Farm Harness, Itiflcn nml
Cartridges of Hut iiiohI lavorod brands, Paints, Oils
und ViirnlnlicH. DunrH nnd Wlmlmvu niu.
, - --.. - Muiirj nitrn
imll'iitly.atid Moulding, KIwIiiiiK Tnukln, (llasHwaro and Orockory, L
Farm WiiiroiiM, Mow ere, RukeM.Coal, Iron und Htcol, Pumps, Stem
und Wutor Pipe, HrooniH. Wood and Wlllowwaro, alao Das-
kctr, HruclicM and Carpel
Umiiih- huddles, Dairy Miippliui-, and a com
pU'ln lino of hliolf Hardware, with
stoves ai 1 a o:z3sr,rieE.
Shot-guns, nifloa and Pistols, Fishing Tacklo, Etc., Etc.
Wo havo in connection with our
tiiudinp, whoro all kind!" of job work in
General Merchandise,
Myrtle Point, Or.
New Drug Store!
W. .1. IIl'I'I.i:K, Iri.,
Marshfield, Oregon
Tollot Articles,
I Fancy Goods, Pntont Modi
cinos, Etc.
I Irro rnnttantlv on hand lie finest brands of
j lniottc I nml domestic Cigars ever l.roiijlit to
l.oo lay. alio me reI urannsoi i uukliu.
I' KUruRan, . w. Hennnclt.
Flanairan & Bennett,
.iiaicsiii'ii:i.i, - - oki:uo:v.
Capital In Buslnoss, 820,-
000; Surplus, 3,5000.
Wetnnucl n Kcnil lUiikinj; PmincM, ami
iiraw on
fttnkcf ( alifiirnl). Sin Tranii-co. Cal.
N.inonal Hank of I'oillanil, OrrL'on.
The II mover National lUnk uf New oik.
N, M Hotlucliildi .1 -Son, lnuon, liiiBiano.
t . .Mnnu nr,l.i . tMiirt.1 nn ftnA ILinktt
I ihuuchout I'uiupe, Accounll kept mliject lo
IH1C1K ,
JTIiet initlorxlKiDMl Iiiim IllftMl up
In l'IUNT-'lNS NTVI.1!
Photograph Gallery,
In .flai'MlillcliI,
gAml it prepared to do the finctl work In all
klndi of Photography. Older tak-
en for enlarged work, In India
Ink and Water Colon.
Alio landtcapei taken,
AH Work Done Here.
I'alroni not rrquireil to wait for pictures.
iCoiim uiul l.oI at My WorU.
Oppoilte Nalitirir R Illrtt' Horr, 'arll-
I field, OieKon, 'a34lf
M. Van Winkle,
K'or, A and Cedar Sin., Marhilold, Or
All kinilt nt lnei.lnr, nnllilt miile nnd repair-
fll w.,(;onj, plows nnd fanning iinpieii.cnu re
(aire I, noai
KiioNrr,, Maiihiii'iei.ii,
. liavhiK lately opened a Millinery fltoro
In tho tooiiiH nilJolniiiK Iho X 1 N T
Uh Htoro, I am prepaied to fm nlnli all
miiusoi inilllnory KOOdHto U10 puuiic.
1 Imvu hirt-o stock to buiect from.
"ath, Fkatiikuh, Lackh, Tiiimminoh,
A lull Hue oMmllcN1 undoiwoiir !
ways on hand.
IVIJ .tlU A VAl.ii.--
Ranch For Sale.
A t,,iil m.....t. ..f inn ..-. l iinritu
. " hvuil IUIIUII UI IUU llliltin i.v.-
pmuin num. uooil Iioiibo, orcuuni, nn 5
ant full of hay. Two iiiIIob and a half
'."! ;hoat landlnij, on a county road.
-.. iur flUKJ. UllO-IIUlI CaBII, uiuuhuu
n thno. A raro chance. Apply to
Jaueh Hiu, at thin oiUco.
-& Hirst,
Swccpi-m, Ladies' and
liardwaro htnuiicss a iilutnliliiLr mid
dono by tho best mechanics.
J. C MclTLI.OUII, Proprietor.
From Empire City to Roseburg-, via
Marshfield and Falrvicw.
mi: bii:ht a.m ;m:,ti'i:sr
Between the Valley and the Coast.
Since leave Empire C ay every mornliic (ex
cept Ninda), nl 8 o'clock a in , ami Marshfield
IH 9 o'clock, arriving nt Roelmrg In the nutck
t possible lime. Uoictnirg at 6 o clock
. in., for Empire and way points.
im ie i: :
Krom Umpire, $; fiom Marshfield, $7.00;
from Fnlrvicur, $5 5-
1 or tlcLeUand lrei(;lll rates apply to
BORDER, Agent, Manlifield, Or.
I "or ticket
freight rates apply to A. D.
Marshflelcl, Oi
Kino Work Huin or Suiislime.
ViiMvliiK, KnlnrginKi etc. cl 1
Fuont St., Maiihiii'ikm),
I'ltA.Mt ICI'.I, t Iri.
plmliMi lirnmla of wines, llntiors and
clpirH alwaya on liand. Club rooms for
UBo of patroim, and courleoiiR attontion
asHiircu to an,
Ofucks. In the wejt end of Holland Hulld
inc Front street, Marshfield, OreRon,
tiT Iniulrc at Golden's dni store. Tli
MAiitiiiFii:i.n, Ou.
OPrirr.. la Holland tmlldlng, la rooms for.
merly occupied ly Ur. Sleele. Uo
Berkshire PJrs.
Wo havoBomo pure hloodod Ilorkshlro
ides front iCKistorod stock, six weeks
old and upward, which wo w 11 boII at
our place for fSO per pair. Mrm coiiio,
llrst sorveil. Hhkhis i'.
Coos ltlvor, Oregon.
Pay Up.
ll parties kiiou thcmsolvcH In
dnhtuil to tho undorsiuiiod at elthur the
Shflold or Kniplro City Btoro ni , re
spcctfiilly roqucBlwl o Biiiinro up tticir
accounts to Januaiy 1st, lhW).
II. Si:wi8T.CKi:f.
Take Notice.
All porsons owimThillB past duo at
Cloldon'H Druu' Ktoro are kindly recpioBt
od to sottlo muno Immwllnlo y, and
ohllBO. 1-. A.Uoi.dun.
Ranch for Sale.
A flno dairy ranehTor salo: (100 acres,
miloniil locution 00 lumil of ca lo
cash and part on time. Apply to Jaubb
Hill at this olllco.
The Coast Mail.
Thursday, s::::: s : : : i Feb. rj, ifjoo.
I'leuli onion boIs at Ooldnn's,
"LookliiK Hackwaid,'
Wood, wood, wood, at Hill'n wood
yaul. -
(let Oohlon's froh (jarden and oraBB
Ooo. FlnnnKan returned from tho city
on tho AJax.
H. 1). Calhcart returned from tho Co
quillo river yesterdny.
AI Owoii has opened a btinltiess Iioubo
in thoJohti Hear hulldiiiK.
Tho flnoHlcahitiot photon, only f.'l per
dozen, at McMillan's studio.
Family groups and hahles pliolos a
Bpeclalty at McMlllaii'Hstiullo.
TIioCoabt Mail and Han Francisco
Call J2.7B pur year, in advance.
Tin.. W. 11. 0. will Blvo a Calico
In Odd Follows' luill ou Marcli 1511
Furnished rooms to rent, will, ot
without board, apply lo John Nasburg.
Keo Lando's carpets, oll-clotha, tnat
tliiKB and cloaku, at X L N T cash store.
Horn, nt MarBhlleld, Feb. 22d, 1890,
U the wife of 0. II. Merchant, a daugh
ter. MeBdamcH Hates, Roberts and Saund
ers were passengers on tlio incoming
MIhs lllaucho Hates, who has boen on
tho sick lint for soveral days, is Im
proving. Mrs. Victor Carlson was brought
down from Cooh river this week, and is
very ill.
Died, at Arago, Feb. 17th. 1800, Mra.
Mary Lamb, wlfo of John Lamb, aged
III jeaiH.
IniuietiBo stock of fresh grass seed
just received at Golden's, guaranteed
tho best to bo had.
The peoplo of Coos county will find it
to their interest to go to Higgs' gallery
for lino work every timo.
Dine harrows, road scrapers, barb
wite, etc, at reduced prices for cost, at
Garfield's liardwaro store.
Tho bid of Joseph Johnson for tho
mail contract between Marshfield und
Coipiille City was accepted.
A. J. McMillan, tho civil engineer, is
back on tho bay, and will undoubtedly
bo in demand this summer.
A report of tho death of Mrs. Harkor,
of South slough, was circulated hero
yestorday, bin is entirely unfounded.
Tho Chronicle sent its publications
through by express to subscribers hero
this week, to thero was soma nows from
lie oiithido.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krebs passed
through Marshfield on Sunday on their
way to Portland, w hero tlioy will hero'
afler reside.
The Herald has an article this week
untitled, "Defense of Hellumy," which
will awaken sympathy for Hellamy.
l'oor Hellamy I
Louis ltolun, of North Bend, won
$3,750 In the last drawing of tlio Little
Louisiana lottery, a 25 rent ticket cap
turing tlio prize.
Green T. Caw field died at Ids ranch
on Cunningham creok, February 24th,
of consumption. Deceased was an old
resident and highly respected.
Tlio mombeirt of Co. G. testified to
their appreciation of dipt. J. J. Kaihi
by presenting him with a now uniform
and a sword Saturday evening.
J. W. Kiggs proposes to keep up with
tlio times, regaidlesB of expense.
Now attractions will constantly bo ad
ded. His work is Htipeiior to any in
tho county. "
Died, in Myrtlo l'oiut, Coos county,
Oregon, Monday, Fob. 17th, 1890, Kd
wnnl Mentor, second son ot Dr. D. M.
and Delilah Hrower, aged 4 years, 2
months and 0 days.
A. W. Noal and Miss Anico Riclmrdh
wcro united in marriage at Marshfield
on Saturday, Fob. 22d, by Judge F. M.
Garrison. Tho young people received
many congratulations.
TIiob. Minott lias bought tho residonce
proporty of Clius. Myron, on tho hill
near Capt. Liglitners place. This is
ono of tlio finest localities in tlio placo
and consists of four lots.
Tlio cold woather is vory eovoro on
Block and many animals must perish
with cold and hungor. Somo of tlio
farmers aro without liny and in locali
ties where it cannot bo had.
A boat bolonging to John Drown, of
North slough, In low by tho Comet was
upset by running into a scow at Center
villo on Tuesday, and flour, oil and pro
visions spilled on tho cruel waves.
Mrfl. Chenna, of Nowport, was buried
at this plnco yesloiday, and thoro was a
lnruo attendance at tlio funeral. The
services woto conducted by Futlior
Houtgen. Doceased was a nativo of
Switzerland, aged 20 yoaiB.
Squlro Latlirop died at Coquillo City
February 10th, aged 85 years. The
ageil form of decoased was familiar for
years about tho Olive hotel and Coquillo
City, whore ho wos tenderly cured for
by tho Odd Fellows,
Tho Nows copies an aiticlo from tho
Now York Sun, booming hell, which Is
Bald to havo a population of 175,000,
000,000, againBt a population in lioavon
of not quite 2,000,000,000. Tlio oditor
of tho Nowb la Investing in tlio forruor
Dime Social.
Thoro will bo a social at the Haptlst
church on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock
sharp. Tho exorcises will consist of
singing, recitations, and a pcrformonco
hy Stanloy'fl Dwarfs. Tlieeo dwarfs
woro discoved by Htiinloy in Africa, and
are of full human slr.o but only two feet
in hight. Tlioy will sing nativo Bongs
and danco religious dances. After tlio
exorcises thoro will bo a go-as-you-plcaso
nocial, and everybody can bo sure of a
good timo. Tlio ladles will seo that
strangers aro welcomed. Admission 10
cents. Everybody invited.
The political editor of tho Nows has
oxperiencod a transformation which is
unparalellod. Ho is extremely sensi
tive on tho question of slurs and mud
throwing, anil makes a profession of
charity which covers a multitude of sins.
It makes no differenco that his past
policy has consisted of Just Mud Bllng
Ing.and n6thiug more, and that his pro
nounced jtolicy has boon agresslvo ; now,
you would think an uncharitable thought
had novor milled his lamb liko breast.
And won't somo of tho democratic con
tingent Hinilo when tiiey read his do
claratlon that ho wanta to run nothing
but tho democratic party. It socms ho
wants to run that all tho samo.
J. W. and Mrs. Dennett roturned
on tho Ajax, after an absence of sever
al wcokR, during which they visited
several of tho principal cities in Ireland,
Kngland and tho U. S. of America, end
wero warmly wolcomed. Mr. D. brought
with him a flno brocd of animal raised
on tho farm of old Mr. Balaam of Pales
tine, and it is said tho great grandfather
of tho bruto could talk liko a man, but
this ono haB'nt mado any remarks as
yot, although if J. W. gets downright
mad it may toll him to "wipe off his
chin" or tnako eomo other romark simi
lar to tho ono used in tho long ago by
Ids historical predecessor.
Airs. Angelina C. Keating, wife of D.
B. Keating, died at Hay City on Tues
day, Fob. 25th, 1890, aged 50 years.
Deceased was a nativo of New Eng
land, and was married to Mr. Keating
in Boston, on Dec. 30lh, 1852. Four
years after thoir marriago they went to
tlio West Indies whoro tlioy resided for
somo timo, and eventually camoto Ore
gon and settled at Coos bay in 1802,
wliero they havo since resided. Sirs.
Keating loft no children, but was a good
wifo to hor bereaved husband, and
many friends on tho bay will greatly re
grot her loss.
Tlio weary, woebegono look on tho
cheerful contonanco of Postmaster Bor
der is not the result of tho failure of the
mail to connect, but it arises from tlio
fact that about three thousand letters
camo through on Saturday, and ho was
compellod to work pretty near all night
and all day Sunday. The church Bro.
Hordor belongs to don't allow any work
on Sunday, and lie was afraid ho would
lose his position as deacon. But it is
all right now and ho will get over it.
Washington's birthday came vory
much the samo as any othor day, and
our citizens wero oblivious of tlio fact
that tho "father of his country" firbt
saw the light ou tlio 22d day of Feb
ruary, but whon tho Arago camo in
about noon witli Hags flying, tho day wo
celebrate was suggested, and Hags wero
thrown out and Georgo was appropriate
ly remembered for half tlio day.
Tho schoonor Gardiner City has been
bought by tho Simpson Lumber Com
pany. Slio was built a Bhort timo ago
for Joseph Knowlaud and others, but
when she camo to be measured it waB
discovered that sho had a carrying cap
acity of 125,000 feet of lumber less than
contracted for, and tho people for whom
she was built refused to take her.
The steamer Lillian is now running
on tho Etnpire-Marshtlctd louto for
freight and passengers. Tlio following
is her timo-tablo: Leave Empire City
for Marshfield, every morning at 8:30
o'clock, and every afternoon at 2:30
o'clock ; leave Marshfield for Empire
City, every morning at 10:30 o'clock,
und ovory afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock.
Tho Union party held a Convention
at Coquillo City la8t Thursday, and tho
following ticket was nominated: For
ropiesontative, W. S. Vanderburg;
for clerk, J. J. Stanley; for judgo, J. II.
Schroedor; for sheriff, J. W. Bonobrako;
for assessor, John McKenna; for treas
urer, Fred Schetter; for coronor, Dr. II.
The M. E. II. A. masquerade camo off
on Saturday evening, und was a credit
to the organization. Tho maskers woro
numerous, tlio attendance largo, and
tho enjoyment rich. Everybody prais
ed tlio management. Tlio net proceeds
amounting to $123.75, wero donated to
tlio widow of Walter Keating,
Parties who can got hay for their
starving cattle and yet allow them to
tako their chances of living without,
so as to savo expense, ought to be sev
erely punished. Some of tho cattlo
about town ought to bo fed and tho ex
ponso taxod upon the owners.
Why do you allow your lungs to ho
worn out by colds when a fifty cunt
bottle of Dr. Murphy's Syrup of Tar
and Wild Chorry will give you immedi
ate relief? For salo by all loading
diugglsta and dealers in patont medi
cines. Wm. Ross, of Pleasant Point foil from
a scaffold which surrounds tlio new
stoamor at that placo, on Saturday last,
struck tho edge of a scantling and broke
hU right shoulder blado. The fracture
was ielucod by Dr. Tower, nnd tho pa
tient will havo to keep quiet for
2000 pounds fresh garden seeds juut
rccelvod at Golden's, and offerod cheap
or than over before,
At a meeting of tho Board of Directors
of tho Oakland Dox and Barrel Manu
facturing Company, hejd at its office on
February 18th, 1890, tho delinquency of
tlio last assessment was postponed, from
Fohruary 10th, 1890, to March 1st, 1800,
and tho day of salo of delinquent stock,
was postponed from Marcli 10th, 1890,
to Marcli 27th, 1890.
T. 1'. bTBONO,'
Manager Hiiichinan returned on tlio
Arago from San Francisco, wliero he
has been making arrangements for the
work of tho coming season. Machinery
lias been ordered for a steamboat, and
Its construction will be commenced im
mediately. It will bo about 00 feet in
length, and adapted for towing, freight
and passengers. A railroad on Coos
river will bo constructed at once. Two
hundred and fifty tons steel T rails have
been ordored, and a first-class locomo
tive and tho latest and best modol of
cars. Manager Hinchman 'is full of
business and means to crowd tlio work
this season. Dandridgo II. Bibb, tho
Managing Director of tho California
Lumber Company, has mado a great
business success in the establishment of
a lumber yard in Iho city, and, takes
rank as ono of tlio first operators jn. thp
lumber market in that cliy.
Tho Coos started down for Empire
City on Sunday morning, and in mak
ing a landing at 1'ortor, tho strong ebb
tide threw tho steamer against the
wharf and broke a hole in her side,
through which tho water camo rushing
with great velocity and quito a panic
was created among tlio passengers who
quickly landed, fearing tho boat would
sink before they could get ashore. Tho
vessel was then run upon the mud flats.
Fred Jarvis dived under the water and
took a look at the hole, and it was found
sho was not badly injured. Capt. Man
ly Roberts was a passenger and became
back to Marshfield and brought down
the Comet, which took tho passengers
on to Empire.
II. Laird gave us a call Tuesday.
This is good weather for sap, but not
sugar sap.
Tho Porter mill will start again Mon
day, March 3d.
Frank Thibault went to tho city on
tho Ajax Tuesday.
II. N. Craln went up Coos river to
make some needed repairs on Iiib ranch.
Manager Hinchman arrived home on
the Arago, looking much better after
his trip.
Ton good men can find steady em
ployment at the Porter mill, on and af
ter March 3d.
C. L. Moon, our rustling real estate
agent, has tho grippe. I sympathize
with you Chawlcs.
Mr. Allman took charge of the store
Monday, and will bo pleased to see all
of tho stores many customers.
Work still continues on the water
works, and before the let of Marcli Por
ter will havo a fine water system.
Mr. Barnhisel expects to go to San
Francisco on tho next steamer. We re
gret very much to lose such sociable
people and we all wish him immense
success in his new undertaking.
Last Sunday as the steamer Coos was
on her way to Empire, she concluded to
go overland from Porter, but for some
reason or other sho failed. Guess tho
engineer slipped a cog. Ray L.
Curry County.
fFrom Gold Beach Gaielte.l
S. B. Gardner lost eight horses, which
were carried away by tlio high water.
Died, at Chetco, Tuesday evening, the
11th inst., of pneumonia, Mrs. J. B.
Wilson, aged 45 years.
On Jan. 3d a snow slide at Sierra City
killed seven persons, and on tho 17th
another slide killed two others.
There aro indications that ho winter
is about over. The spring fights com
menced Wednesday evening.
Immense quantities of enow are yet
piled up in the mountains, and there is
a possibility that wo may yet have a
second froshet.
Wm. A. Forgey camo in from his
mountain ranch tho first of the weok
Ho informs us that his sheep havo fared
much better than those along the coast.
and that ho has suffered no loss.
Undo John Woodruff and Wm. Sulh
orland camo down tho river this Veek.
Botli wore heavy losers by fthe flood,
tho latter suffering tlio loss of much of
his bottom lands, while the former lost
his house nnd much of his improve
ments. Tlio Frank Brothers have secured cer
tain privileges from Mra. Colebrook, at
tho Threo Sisters, which will enable
them to engage extensively in tho tan
bark business at that placo. Thoy have
also secured by leaso thrco acres of
land fronting tlio rivor at Bagnoll's Fer
ry. Tho firm of S. II. Frank & Co. aro
tho most oxtonsiva tanners in California,
using not less thun four thousand cords
of tan bark each year, and their princi
pal object in locating hero is for the
purposo of Bpcuring sucli bark, though
it is hoped tlioy may bo instrumental in
opening up othor enterprises and mak
ing bottor times for Curry,
To Dispel Colds,
Headaches and Fevers, to clean bo the
system effectually, yot gently, when
costive or bilious, or whon tho blood is
impure or sluggish, to permanently euro
habitual constipation, to awaken tho
kidneys and liver to a healthy activity,
without Irritating or weakoning them,
use Syrup of Figs.
All kinds, stylos and sizes of photos
at McMillan's, at reasonauio prices.
The Uhlon J,Arior nai-tv unanimously ' -
adopted'tho following resolutions at tho
Coquillo City convention :
"Wo, tho delegates of tho Union La
bor party in convention assembled, de
claro tho following.
'That wo recognize with deop regret
tho fact that tho wealth of this great na
tion is centralizing in tho hands of tho
fow ; that Vast corporations and trusts
aro being continually formed to the in
jury to tlio laboring masses; that riches
corrupt our national congress, our state
legislatures and our courts of law. We
deplore tlio fact that tlio gulf between
tho rich and poor is continually broad
ening nnd deepening. That tlio rich arc
are growing richer and the poor more
miserable. Therefore,
Heiohcd, That wo pledge our support
to such principles as shall tend to the
elevation of tho masses and bettering
tho condition of the laborers of both
Jletohed, That while wo deplore the
fact that the laborer often squanders his
wages in the saloon, we yet ask our
Btato convention not to adopt an ex
treme prohibition platform.
Itesolved, That religion is only a rela
tion between the individual and his
Maker, hence we request our state con
vention not to abridge the free exercises
Jietolved, That wo advocate tho prin
ciple that tho government should own
and operato tho railroads, telegraph
lines, express business and also its own
Reiolved, That wo pledge ourselves to
principles of justice and equality before
the law of every American citizen and
charity for all.
IUtolved, That our delegates bo in
structcd to present a copy of these reso
lutions to the coming state Union Labor
Dispatches of February 29th, say:
It has been raining or snowing right
along on the Oregon lino in Northern
California for several days and new
blockades occurred yesterday between
Sisson and Edgnood, a stretch of about
twenty miles near Mount Shasta. There
havo been several slides of mingled
earth and snow loosened by the rains.
Ashland is thus again cut off from com
munication by rail, which was afforded
for a few days by transferring at tunnel
9, near Belta, after the rest of the line
from Ashland south had been cleared.
The storm kept up yesterday and fur
ther damage will probably be reported
to-day. Eight inches of snow has fallen
at aisson yesterday morning and it was
still snowing there.
The last three days have brought the
company fresh trouble at tunnel 9,
where a big landslide buried the track
and tho mouth of the tunnel .several
weeks ago. A large gang of men, with
horses and carts, had got it pretty well
cleared on ..Monday, und then tho rains
brought down another slide, and the
pile of dirt was.about as big as at the
start. It was then determined, as re
ported in the Chronicle, to try sluicing
the small mountain of earth away by
the hydraulic mining process. A com
plote hydraulic outfit was secured here,
and Assistant General Manager Curtis
wont up with it yesterday. There is no
convenient elevated water supply to
which pipes can be laid to use the force
of gravity, and so a powerful pump will
bo set up by the river close by to force
the stream into tho giant nozzle.
"The only occasion where the hy
draulic process has ever been used in
railroading before," said Car Service
Agent Georgo F. Richardson yesterday,
"was several years ago, when a big
slide of wot, heavy cluy, which could
not bo handled with shovels, occurred
at Towles, and the Towle brothers ran
somo pipee to tho track and quickly
sluiced it out.
Sacramento, Fob. 19. The present
indications are that there will be an
other railroad blockade in the Sierra
Nevada as great as tho one experienced
last month. Snow is falling furiously
and despite all tho efforts of the snow-
plows and hundreds of shovelers it is
piling up on the track. All trains have
been hauled off until further orders
Thero are nineteen locomotives at the
sceno used in pushing the three bucker
plows. Two hundred and fifty men
and a large supply of provisions were
sent to the mountains to-night.
Louis Clemmenson returned from San
Francisco on Monday, where he pro
cured a fine brand of Danish liquor,
T:nown as Tusitfere, manufactured by
Kummeti it Kornagavit, and handled by
Broudnon & Son, of Copenhagen, Den
mark. Mr. Clemmenson formerly lived
at that placo and knows the brand as a
superior liquor. Call at the Brewery
and samplo that and other brands.
Mr. AV. II. Baldridgo, druggist, Es
condido, California, says: "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best selling
tnedicino I handle. In fuct I sell more
of It than all other cough medicines
combined. Everyone who has used It
speaks in glowing terms of its efficien
cy." For sale by II. Songstacken, at
Marshfield and Empiro City.
J. AV. Rlggs has added Bomo more
new attractions to his gallery. Lovely
back grounds just received from New
York. Go and Bee them, and have your
photo taken.
200, $300 and $400 to loan on ap
proved security. Apply nt olllco of J.
F. Hall.
The Mail and San Francisco AVeekly
Call will bo sent to any address on re
ceipt of $2,75.
Fruit Trees.
Fred M. Garrison is agent for tlio Ob
wego nursery, and will furnish tho best
of trees ou short notice, Call and seo
him at Marshfield, or address through
Church Directory.
Baptist Church. Preaching every
Sunday at 10 a. in. and 7 p. in., Sunday
school at 12 m. llov. F. E. Scofield,
Catholic Church. Bov. F. N. Beut
gen. Emmanuel Church. Services on tlio
2nd and 4th Sundays in each month at
11 a. in. Sunday school every Sunday
afternoon at 2:30. Uev. W. Ilorsfall,
Lutheran (Swedish) Church. Ser
vices every Sunday, morning and oven
ing. Bev. A. A. Swerd, pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev.
J. II. Roork, pastor, Empiro City, Or.
Presbyterian Church. Services at
Smith & Sengstacken's hall. Rev. J,.
B. RIdeout, pastor.
A Great Disaster
At tho X L N T Cash Store. A big drop
in prices. Just look horo:
16B extra C sugar $1.00
12It granulated sugar 1.C0
Flour, por bbl., 4.75
Syrup, per keg, (5 gal.) 1.75
Bleaching soap, por box .". . 1.00
Fresh butter, per roll, 50
17 yds. calico 1.C0
12 " muslin 1.C0
Ladies' cloth from 00c. down to 00c. por
vard. Olotliini wn will soil rhnannr
than iho cheapest.
Great bargains in substantial holiday
goods at O'Connoll's hardware store.
Wo cannot well carry over, and will
sell at great sacrifico the following
goods: Copper wash boilers, tubs and
wringers, wheelbarrows and jackscrews,
coal-oil, paint oil and machine oil, lirao
and cement, iron and steel, Washboards',
baskets, and rnbber spittoons, all of
which must bo closed out within the
next 12 months, so as to make room for
our now stock, which we contemplate
ordering if successful.
John Bear wishes to announce to tho
people of Marshfield that he is now pre
pared to furnish coal and wood of tho
best quality, on short notice. Good dry
wood from Hill's wood yard of any
length desired, can be had by leaving
your orders with me, or at tho wood
Feb2c SchrTwiUxliL from S F, to E B
Dean & Co.
Feb 23 Schr Jennie Thelln. Olson, from S
F, to North Bend.
Feb 2t Tug Columbia, Magce, from-Gardiner
to North Bend.
Feb 32 Str Arago, Thomas, from S K, to
S O Co.
Feb 24 Str Ajax, Donaldson, from S F, to
OS Co.
Feb 24 Str Areata, Marshall, from S F,-to
S O Co.
Feb 24 Tug Columbia, Magee, from Gardi
ner, to North Bend.
Feb j8 Schr Lizrie Pricn, Nelson, SF.
23 Str Araeo, Thomas. S F.
23 Tug Columbia, Magec, Gardinen,
Business Personals.
Sickle grinders, at O'ConneJla. . . ,.-
Take your subscriptions for all papers''
to F. P. Norton.
The famous Whittle solid steel mow
ers at O'Connell's.
All popular mowers, rakes and hay
tedders, at O'Connell's.
Parties indebted to me will please set
tle, and oblige. AV. G. AVebster.
Copying and enlarging of all kinds at
very reasonable prices, at McMillan's
AVhat is Angeline 7 Send to Golden's
drug store for descriptive pamphlets if
you are a sufferer from rheumatism.
If you want to purchase an organ or
piano, call at the Mail office. AVe will
sell for caBh or on the installment plan.
Frank Iteni has some fine claret wine
which he sells for 50 cents per gallon.
Families und hotels supplied on short
The Tonbroeck houso in Empiro City
s I oca toil in a pleasant part of town
and is fitted with large sunny rooms
good bods and good tables. Charges
.reasonable. Try the house.
The Lockhart hotel at Empire has
been thoroughly overhauled and refitted
and is now for rent to a reliable tenant.
For particulars, apply to Mrs. E. M
Lockhart, or II. Songstacken. -ras.
Id T ntn linilrlinr ifila jimamm&fV
need all the money JfiI'ifyiTO1
expect anyjaar-UsiJ4yi4'i
expense; dwiiiuilij ; tmminin
due. to assi:W?W!rai'i-E!" '
T. Howard has just received a first
class stock of watches and jewelry, in
cluding solid gold watches and chains.
If you want a "Boss" C, movement,
call and see them. Louis XIY "Boss"
filled cases always on hand. My prices
aro lower than any other dealer on tho
bay. If you do not believe it, come and
price my poods. All watch cases, gold
rings, and silver spoons bought of mo
will bo engraved free of charge
T. Howard, Jowelor,
Front stroet, Marshfield, Or.
Marshfield and Empire City,
E. G. FLANAGAN, Proprietor
Successor to H. P. WHITNEY.
A good supply of
kinds constantly on hand.
Also a good stock of GROCERIES.
plied short notice, deitt
Front street, Murahfiohl, Or,
All Wads of Jewelry for sale. Gold, gold;
filled and silver watch cases, also the best makes
of wutcii movements, which I am sailing at very
ow pricas.
Watches and Clocks Repaired at Reas
onable Rates.
OTjfjJiJmw ,,