-4if)i ft-r$'ti)t.Sv CSK5 The Coast Mail. MAltSHPtKUX ORliGONr rnWWitdevny Tnurvliy mornlne, JOHN A. OKAY. Kditor, Terras, In Advance. One ywr Stfx month.... Three ywntlis. . Thursday, ' :$? $ Jan. 16, 1890. A tfnilroad to Coos Day. TI10 citisrens of Itamburx wm to Ik in earnest ntiout 11 railroad between that plftto anil tlio splendid harbor of Coos b.iy. A dispatch to tlio UruKOinan, dated Jan. l)th, says: "An enthusiastic mooting ot tho citl cons was held to-night, crowding tlio courthouse T. It. Sheridan, a leading citixen, was chosen chairman, with S. F. Flood as Bccrctary. bpt'eclics wore made by lion. A. C. Jonos and others. A committee of lour, to be appointed to net with tho chairman to solicit stock and tonuB of tho Kosoburg & Coos Day railroad was authorized; also to confer -Hitb tho representatives of Coos coun ty. A committee to organlzo a board of trade was also appointed. The leading cJUzona have taken hold in earnest, and tho railroad to Coos bay will bo com menced this year." Few of tho citizens of tbis county es timate tlio importance of sucli an enter prise. It involves not only a market for tho products of this coast, but the estab lishment of varied industries and enter prises which will build up tho material prosperity of tho bay. The building of such a road would open tlio way for cxtensivo enterprises in tho tanning of leather. The bark of theso coast counties is unrivalled for such a purpose. The citizens of Curry county are now making preparations to ship tanbark in large quantities to San Francisco; and tanbark claims arc eagerly sought for in the vicinity of El lensburg There is no reason why all tho hides put on the market in Western Orogon should bo tanned here, except the lack of transportation facilities to get them bore. They could be brought from tho valley and Portland and tanned hero cheaper than thoy can be sent to San Francisco in a green state, and the bark sent after them to be tanned there. This would put hundreds of men in tho woods and build up large establishments for handling the leather on the bay. We have woods unrivalled in excel lence and beauty for the manufacture of furniture. The myrtle could be utilized bero and ought to win for itself a place in the manufactures of this state. If such products could be put on the mar kets of the state they would surely find ready sale, and the vast quantities of tbis beautiful wood now going to de struction would be saved. Portland has heretofore enjoyed a large income from the manufacture of sash, doors, and hlinds, made out of wood vastly inferior to the cedar of the bay. A large and increasing demand for theso products is coming from East ern Oregon, and if such article could be shipped from the bay, there would be a great opportunity for manufactur ers to locate here. These are only sam ples of minor projects which would be come assured facts on the completion of a lino of transportation. The larger re sources of coal and lumber and the ship ping facilities of this harbor are matters too well known and too patent to require discussion. Tho encouragement for such a road is not to be found alone in the material we may have to export. There is no reason why tlio bulk of the grain of the Wil lamette valley should not pass out of this harbor. Even when it is put on the cars at Portland it is moving toward San Francisco. Put onto vessels here tlio trip to San Francisco is materially shortened. One-half of the valley now goes a distance to Portland which would only equal the transportation here and then has to bo sent down the Columbia before it finds the ocean. The great bulk of the grain of Western Oragon will find its natural outlet on this bay, and tlio sumo is true of Eastern Oregon, as soon as a road shall be constructed over the mountains. The business men of the bay should follow the example of Itoseburg; organize a board of trade; organize fur an active campaigu in rail road matters, and never rest until with shriek of uhutle and dang of boll the last spike is driven and the locomotive comes smoking over the hills. sat in congress from Indiana. Hen dricks and McDonald woro both nblo ninl upright inon in privnto mid public life, howexor inti'tieely llnurhon thry ivny have licen in polities, but VoorlieoR wnn nmvr nnjllting hut n imisy viliior- nlive, ponsrttional ctv.itnro, and ho was therefore tho last man to posture os the exponent of purity in politics in Indiana, on tho floor of tlio senate. (Oregonian. Tho Kosoburg paora are alivo on the railroad question, Tho Plaindealer sars: "well 111st as long as jon taw that way nothing will bo done towards it. It takes work nnd monoy to build 11 railroad it is true, but, talk in tho right manner, encouraging words, consulta tion with each other with tho view of doing somothing, is what will work won dcrs. Let us organize and go to work, and tho road will bo built. It can bo done. It should bo built. It can bo built. It will bo built. If you lio an preiuely 011 jour backs and hug tho de lusive phantom of hope, thinking that something favorablo will turn up by and by, thero will be nothing done. Why, my dear sirs, a road from hero to tho bay would bo tho making of Rosoburg. It would quintuple our population in n year after the work would begin, and double, thribble, if not quadruple tho prico of real property. Don't throw cold watorou tho enterprise by whining you c-a-n-'t. Uan't never accomplish any thing, but can and will have worked wonders. Can't kills. Can makes alive. Can't is a dead carcass. Can is nlive and vigorous, fleet as the wind and strong as a giant." And the Review says : "Sevcnty-fivo or eighty miles of railroad, from a ter ritory as rich in natural resources and as large upon the map as the great state of Connecticut, running througlra coun try of untold, marvelous and undevel oped mineral wealth, through tho finest timber belt on the Western slope, to a haibor naturally safe, wonderfully im proved by a pittance of government aitl I Such would bo the gieat Roseburg and Coos Bay railroad. Shall it bo built, and built at otice" The answer, gentlo and indulgent reader, may rest with you. Horace Greeley will remain fa' mous for the utterance of tho great truth, 'the only way to resume is to re sume.' And it may bo added that the only way to build a railroad is to build it. Elsewhere in this issue we have is sued a call for tho consideration of this and other important questions affecting the growth and prosperity of Roseburg." Whooping cough nnd croup aro rob bed of nil dangerous consequences by tho freo uro of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can nlwin be relied upon, It is pltwtUtt to lake, nnd contains no injurious Muhtttntico. Tomato by Hen ry Seiigstnukcn, Murslillcld and Empire. HoarsnpsH in n child is n sura sign of croup and Ib undoubtedly intended by nature ns n warning to mothers. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given, na soonns tho hoarsness appears, it will prevent tho croup. For sale by Henry Sengstacken, Mnraliflold and Empire. I novor get n cold but I uso Dr. Mur phy's Syrup of Tar nnd Wild Cherry, which relieves mo nt once. 60c. a bot tle. Trvit. I don't liko all kinds of medicines, but I liko Dr. Murphy's Syrup, becnuso it is pleasant, and helps my cough. Sarskildt for Skandinaver Ettfullt lager nf SvonBka medicinor finnesallUdatt Ullga i Coldon's drug More till billiga prisor. Ilo&d Nt bo- hofver of medicinor, bockor, juvolor, toalottprydnader m. in. bor Ni kopa hoa lioMou lor att inwspara ponningar. Do tinasto vinor och likorer for medicin ska andamal linn as dor ocksa. llesok Gulden's drug store, hvarest Ni skull rona ett godt bomotaude och inbespara ponningar. IKTIETW- STORE. XL NT GASH STORE! Tho Capacilv Doubled. NEW ROOMS, NEW GOODS, AND IsTIEW PRICES! THIS STORE HAS HBKX ENTIRELY RIM-TITED AND ENLARGED and a new stock of Goods has been icceived, which will bo sold at bed rock prices. If you want to bo astonlshotl, call nnd 000 us. Goods aro arriving by ovory stoamor. Arrangements have been madu with Eastern Manufacturers which enables us to (ell at lower prices than ovor known 011 tlio Day. Rubbor Goods, Dross Goods, Crooorioa, Hats, Caps, Eto. AT X L N T CASH STORE. New Drug Store! w. a. m'Ti.r.it, irop., AT THE l'OSTOKFICE Ul'ILDlXG M.irshficM. Oregon DRUCS AND MEDICINES Toilot Articlos, Fancy Goods, Patent Modi- cinos, Etc I Itep ct nslantly on hand lie finest bnnds of I'upcrtcd and domestic Cigars cer brought to I ixs bay. .also the best tr.iuds of Tobacce. rRkSCKIITlO.NS SKH.Fl LLV I OUrOl'NUCP. CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPANY'S s A FULL LINK OF There is but little, if any danger from whooping cough, when tho cough is kept loose and expectoration easy, which can alwavs lie done by the free uso of Chamberlain's Cough" Kemedv. For sale by II. Sengstacken, Marshfield and Empire. Chapped tiands maybe cured night by using Chamberlain's in one Eve and Skin Ointment as directed with each box. For sale by Henry Sengstacken, Marshfield and Empire. Bon Ton Saloon! Opposite Union Furniture StorcJ MARSHFIELD, J. XASBURG, Proprietor. Always on hand, CUTTER and AAA WHISKIES and Choice Wines and Cigars. Also Boca, Milwaukee and Bay View Brewery Beer. tST BILLIARD and POOL TABLE. MRS, A, KELLNER'S MILLINERY STORE, Fiioxt bT., Marshfield, Having lately opened a Millinery store in the rooms adjoining the X L N T Cash store, I am prepared to furnish all kinds of millinery goods to tho public. I have large stock to select from. Hats, Feat-heus, Lacks, Thimsilvqs, r J.UWEUS, 1UBBOUS, HTC, ALWAYS ON' 11AM). GIVK MIJ A CAM. PIOTOGBAPHS ! TUo nmloritritol Ims fitted up In riie.ST-CLASS NTVI.K a Spleiitllil Photograph Gallery, In ."Uarwlificltl, And Is prepared to do the finest work in atl kinds of Photography. Orders tak en for enlarged work, in Indu Ink and Water Colors. Also landscapes taken., i All Work Bone Here. ratrocs not required to wait for pictures. Como and I.oolc nt Jly Work. J. W. RICCS, Opposite Nasburg & Hirst's store, Marsh field, Oregon. hii4tf biajstctz" goozds And ladies dress and furnishing goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets, Cashmeres and all kinds of Dry (loods. GENT'S EUliMSIiING GOODS, Hots, Cap, Roots nnd Slioc, Cigars and Tolm.'co Uroeerios, Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, and nil kinds of .i:i:icai. muM'ii.ttmsa:. Call Mid examine goods and get rutri:, nt Porter, Oregon. mr" N. II. ISAIfMlISr.I,, .lliiuttcrr. THE MARSHFIELD HARDWARE STORE, i:. 0'!NNi:i.It !. WK MARK TIIK KM.LOWINO (iOOI)S AKI'MIAUY LOGGING SUPPLIES, Consisting of Jnek-sornwK, Wedge, Coupling and Crotch Dog Mid Uniting, Hlodgoit, Bhankles, Chopping Irons, Roiich, Bimyh and Axes of nil Standard brands. Itnggyund Farm Harness, Riilcs nnd Cartridges of tlio most favored brands, PhiiiIh, Oils and Vurnltdiof, Doors A Win- down. (1 lass and Putty, and Monld lugs, 1' lulling Tackle. Olacxwaro and Urookury, Lump, Farm Wagons, Mowers, Rakes, coat, Iron and Ktetil, Pumps, Steam and Water Pipes, llmoniH, Wtmd A Willow Wore, also , Jtilfkol.'a Rnislies nnd darnel Sweepers, Ladles' and drills' Huddles, Dairy .Supplies, anil a complete lino of shelf Hard ware, with ST0VE8 AND TINWARE. Wo liavo in connection with our him! waro business a plumbing and tin shop, where all kinds of ioh work is dono by the bent mechanics. HO! FOR PORTLAND jioei LAM P. FlanaRan. J. V. Bennnett. Flanagan & Bennett, TIAItSIIFIKI.O, . . OKKCOX. Capital in Business, S20, OOO; Surplus, S,5000. We transact a general Bank ng Business, and draw on Bank cf California. San I'ranusco, CaL First National Bank of Portl.ind, Oregon. The Hanover National kuii. af New YojJc N. M. Rothschilds & Sons, London, England. Foreign money orders issued on 800 Banlt throughout Europe. Accounts kept sabject to check. noi4 HILLAN, INSTANTANEOUS PORK JiTC Senator Voorhces, of Indiana, caught a Tarter at the last uehbion of congress when ho encuuutered Senator Inalls, who exposed Yooahee'a record as that of a Brick Pomeroy, Vallandighatn cop perhead during the war, a member of the treasonable order of the Knights of the Golden Circle, who in his public speeches denounced Union soldiers as "Abo Lincoln's pups" and narrowly cb capeU beiug mobbed by the enruged au dience on more than one occasion. Voorhees during the war was a far worso man than Vallaudiglium, for Val lfludigham was a man of fine intellect, of upright private life, an eminent law yer and as absolutely incorruptible in politics as Jeff Davis. Vallandigham was a gentleman in his public and pri vate life, nnd in his opposition to the war was n sincere fanatic. Voorhees, unllko Vallandigham, was never any thing but a red-headed, sensational, hard-drinking, vulgar Indiana dema gogue, of unclean hands and impure heart. Ho began his jHjlltical career as United States district attorney under President Buchanan in 1853. lie was six times elected to the lower Iioubo and has been in tho United States senate Blnce Kovcmbor 12, 1877, when ho was appointed to tho seat left vacant by tho death of 8ouutorMorton. Per nearly thirty years Voorhces bus represented tho Indiana democracy in congress, and tt is afa to say that no is tin most vui- N, B.-aont!emen's flno suits a spo gr, immoral and corrupt wan that ever cirtlty. np2t RITZMAJST'S BOOT tt AND SHOE STORE Opposite the Blanco Hotel, MARSHFIELD OREGON. FULL LINE OF Ladies', Gent's and Children's IBoots and siloes. fifL'LLIV.lX'H KIIOE.N. Custom-made Boots and Shoes a spe cialty. r ta- Repairing: neatly executed at short notice and reasonable prices. D. RITZMAN, PIONEER MARKETS! Marshfield and Empire City, E. G. PLAXAtl AN, Proprietor Successor to H. P. WHITNEY. A good supply of MUTTON, - m. 1 "'""" BEEF, GOODS, """ SALT MKATS and VtGETAPLES of kmdi constantly on hand. Alio a good itock of GROCF.R1ES. T VESSELS and LOGGING CAMPS sup plied thort notice. detb "WTOTWEBSTEB, DEALER IH CLOTHING, HATS aud CAPS, BOOTS nnd SHOES, Ilurncss, Saddles and Bridles, Crockory, etc. Also a full lino of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Custom Boots made at short notice and repairing neatly and promptly done. isun unci bu roe M!arsh.tield, Or. Odd IFello-ws ZLSTe-w- :B-u.ildirLg, DEALER IX Kry ; I , I'nnfy Jrti. "Motions, .IIi-mm', IIom' nut Vnutliu 'Io(1iIiikT. yivii-' J'liriiUIiln- (ixhU mill OvrrcoulM. Hats, Caps, Hoots and Shoos. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRF.Nrf' CLOAKS V SPECIALTY. Trunks and Valisos. Cigars and Tobacco- wan naoor ana winaovv onnaos. Rubber Goocls5 A.11 Oracles. YouId respectfully iimto uu examination of stock, believing all can bo satisfied that it ii to tiicir intercut to make purchase licre ArniiiKoinunts have been made to keep constantly supplud with nil the newest mylos of goods- JACOB LANDO, Proptiettir. JST Ji "W Variety Store! Holland Building, opposito Blanco Hotel, Front street, Marthtlvld. NEWS DEPOT and Agencv, A Fine Assortment of Confectionery, CIG-ABS sm.cL 1 0 IB A. O O O, Always on hand, at Retail and Jobbing. JCSrAlso Jewelry, oi all descriptions, Playing Cards, Stationery, Fiithing Tackle, and tho most complete assortment ol Norios-rf on the Imv. All orders addressed to "NEW VARIETY STORK," -Marshfield, Orogon, will receive prompt attention. V. 1. AJtTO."V, Vroprlotor. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, WHOLESALE and !L BROGGiST. Marshfield, Oregon. DEALEIl IN DIU'GS AND C.KNEItAL"lMERCIIAXDISKf Empirp City, Oregon. Prescriptions slcillfally compounded at'alt hours. Acent for Wells, Faro & Co., and the leading Fire, Life and Accident Companies. OU ANY OP PART oiEso-oisri V r.ur to the miltu-vl from LMI'IRKCIIY w.i t.AKUISM K. .SCOHTl. HUKOAN'M LLKIUN. IO UKAI.NS. OF Fino Work Rain or Viewing, Enlarging, etc. Sunshine, oell coos :b-.-5T qsi family m Front Street, Marshfield, Or., It. M. VEIIi:k, : : ; Proprietor. HAVING JUST OPENED OUR NEW and neat meat market, first building south of Naburg& Hirst's store, e are prepared to furnish, at the lowest living rates, th best of Ikef. Veal, Mutton, Pork,- bait Meats of all kinds, Vegetables, Canned GooA, and Family Groceries of all descriptions. Vessels and Log ging Camps promptly supplied. Such a share of public patronage as first-class goods, low prices and square dealing entitle us to is respectfully solicited by apri R. M. WEIDER. THE MAIL CO. HAS BKOTKED Tho agency for PIANOS and OR GANS of the best style an 1 quality. Will soil on Installment Plan at low prices. uiHCoiLvr row cash. Before purchatiny elsewhere inquire at th it office. Some of tliu fluent Cabinet Or gnim over I u tlil inurkct. Also real property for salo and to rent. Enquire nt this oflico or ad dress JAMES HILL, Sect'y, Marshfield, Or. (E. B. DEAN, U. WIU.COX & C. II. MERCHANT ) WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT CS-eiieral Merchandise. Our Stock Is Always Complete HiTTlMilBZEIR, UANUFACTUKED TO OIIDKU AND .sOLD IX ANY QUANTITY UKSIItri) AT TIM-: LOWLST LIVING K VTKs CtTAOl S I.UWi: I.MI'IKE ( ITY I.VERY OMONDAY, WICDNICMMY ami ! RIDAV muknKclteiiinrvthiitiil(hillliuintitI)iaif. lUMt-ngrrs liy this linv )mr so miIIp tide 0n the smooth, ImM h Ix-rtih. Mini 30 miles of sieambiMtini: on th? Ix-mitiiul l'nipua. ThrouRh to Portland, only tM-5- Conimfru.il itavclln nuliir timni on ihu line I 'lifts !rnlu'N ... yn.tM) Families nt reduced roles. Jjr6 JAKVIS, (OKNUAI L&CO Paface Saloon! fionl ktrect, M.trihfiHl, JOHN NORMAN, - - - PROPRIETOR. CIIUKiK kl.tLkClluM.OK WIVES LIPIIS Ml) CUIUS ALWAYh ON HANI) Ami pritMtc rooms aU)olrtine the twr tocm My liUors ami cigim an uM-rtr anklrt, nrttl courteoui ultrniiun l twfairl jntron. Among tlw lli of im,iarii'tl mid ilommtic wtnei nnd Itquur will be fount tlmfoltowlni;. Wiiukics ThhtMfw, c. IJ. Cookt'.OUl KelUbltf, llurtr Shop, O. V. ( Iu)lor,i, Mtllrn lljuibun, ixolch, Voelt and ltjr, nnd While. Rum J4m.ie4. New ItnsUnd, Uum I'uiich HwANiiiK.v Ilrnnjr. S.iicc, CosnUc.Mar all and IUacktx:irr. aiN-SMn'!. IlulUnd, Kl. Club llouwj And 'I em. WiNBs-AlccitcR. I'ort, MttMii.Cbrri. .U jhi;, White. Km, LtMntMde ,M.irKMii. Ixt illr, bl. Kcnilkm. KitdetlwiiuM' u.id Infill IIHhK ftUu, rittof. Anntmeutw, Kred. ridoUiigaud l1nUJel.)iu llirr.Ks-n?iM ir.i. lt.,iinifkn.i. Stough jn lnivri.il ur o( IV fii ,n, and a ltig nvjinuni ,r doiuotu bili-r, lltl'.r,S.4 lKlett, I twl HfUlttc. RIMl Kcliptr doUrn Vui. (46 THE P K SALO l-ront lrt. Mi'ihWil, Or , Ittinmicu V I'tnrMiiii, E'lMiprlntoi'o. Au Goiden's. JeTvelry sold iincler full oruaraiitee Gold and Silver WatchcH at a 1'argnin ! Plush Goodfl never sold so Olieap, Toy b for every Child in tho Land, Candies and Christmas Treo Ornaments in Great Variety. CJ-et our prices! Wo have the Goods and mean Business. Tho Trad'- and Christmas Tnr Committees Supplied at Wholesale Prices. T7"e Mean Bisin.esR BAY m IFfJf! MFIfPi EJLK.SI-ITELTD. OP, LARS CLEMMENSEN, - Proprlotora. Keep- cmi.im.tly ,, Imri.I ,l mIIh H.,rin 1. ,!. it tia;i;tt, ah.b: ami loirri:it vvikh i, w t r i 1 OK WINE8, I.KJUOHH nnd CIUAUs! 'UuUi'Ht JtKTAIL lu'itiitU JOHN H. ROBERTS. DEALKIl IN CJ-eneral 9Ierehai&dise9 Myrtlo Point Or. JOHN P. MOORE, M. D piIYSICIAN AND SUROKON. OrriCCT -In the wct rmlofllolUBd Dulld Inj, Front itrrrt, Manlifwld, Oregon. Z3F Inquire at Golden'i drug itorf, Ti 1 DR. F. H. NICKERSON, We rtently )Mirohivr.l 1 k- alvr lunml kt. n .in 1 carrf m tiovk stijKiiot l.t.imU of V1im', I.I(iiirK unit 'liifp. Wf mrrr the crtelitntM (,.,:,! Dmt" whUkc and IIk Iki of Mhlte-Ulwr cjfiiu. Thli Mloon ha recently been repainted, pa pered enUrced itnd newly furnished, anilU now the finett akxin in southern Oregon, Milliard, Daeatcllc and Pool Table, A ihareof the public IMtrorujje i xtliulnl, nnd rourtcoui Ntteimon l Ku.iriiriinrl 10 nil fcbi4 Rasmusten Be Peterson. Lager fc Steam I5oor YII()LESILE.IJ RETAIL, At.loliu Itciir'H S'ltuifur Sulooii, nt on tin: National Qroworv of San Francisco. ".SiiIooiih nml fiimtiiuH Hiippliuil nt ihorl notii'tt nt ri'finoimlilo rnti-s. Tills Iwn-r Ih ntiuxcullutl in iimlity. Lunv onlorHnttlio i'loiiwr S11U1011, AlarHlifliilil, OroKon. John llt.Ait, AkuiiI. COOS BAY AND ROSEBURG MRS. M. TOWER jtx MILLINERv --ANI1-J DEESS-MAKINCtI IfAS ON HAND .L.I. nne tock of HJON, NEW AND Mlllhivrr nml DrcM.Mnklnrf il00(1 tr All orders promptly Attended to noa 9 SODA AVORKS Corner o( Tblrduid C Street,, WAV!lYOIIN, . .. Proprltllr gODA,3AKSAPAR!LLA,0lH0BK ALK. I'.IC . OI'HUI'KUIOK QUAI nY Coiulnnlly on hand nnd for mile' ' fir Order from the country nrL .. Ktt""'"" 10 !Ma,Bjj Mo NASBURG & HIRST FltONT 8TUKKT, MaIIHIIIIKI , q JVTKW GOODS IIYK VK It V .,. . .. 1M or ; koi roiutitiitly on , .',1 1 our lnrKi. nml com iiiihIIuuii ",'".' General Merchandise, COIlHitHlllK Of tllO hut t,,),. ,imj J of nil kitnU, tlio clioiu'M GROCERtES AND PROVISIONS, A I.AI!(n:i.rOCKOf liillilui. IIhIu I . ,. ' "'1, ., -HjM, HOCilR Oi'"i'R, "IID'tr llllll tilt lioun. unbi'or mui oil CMot,jn " Oil OI,h SUp, ,(rw, Cro,;" tiliiMuiKl JfiiriliMirf.Trx.ln f IJAIt.Nit.,l TOIIlr. it Palntf, Oiti and Varnliheir u..a. w",e'.,pMyare Tinware. Am. m 111. on, Cutlery. Wood nnd Wlllowwarc, School Uook and Stationery. Furniih. inrr Goods, lloticry Etc., Etc., Etc. OiiroxtoiiHlvoiilimv Oimo am mu wih tlio lltitst MILLINERY ANDJANCY GOODS, PllICKS TOSl'I"' THETI.MHS OK TIIK STEALER COMET !!. ltOIIRUt IN . 4'aptiiln rtif ITNTII. FUKTMliU NOTK K KJ iimiiiw Cornel h run f0lk, 1 je Mnmhrield for I.'inpJir at 8ui,ni iiulut a i. m dally. I.wnc Unpirvfur Marthfirhl at 11 a. m. t -i jo p ni lUlly DAK MANLI.Y kOllLRlS. al'3 Mn(ent. D. GARFIELD Front Mrrol, ,Miiilillrlil, Adjolnlnf: the Marshfield Drug St M11 11 u lac hirer of nml Drnlrr In 1H K 3 a aii 3D 33 3iT T I S 0? . JUitHiiviHi.D, On, OmcB:-In HolUnd building, In roomi for metly occupied by Dr. Steele, jal0 s t .a. o- on is x nsr e, J. C. MvCI I.I.Of II, I'roirk'tor. From Empire City to Roieburar, ii Marshfield and Falrview, tiii: hj'.st a'u ;iii:ais:st Between the Valley and the Coast. Stipe Usui; I'mpira C uy eery mornlni; (e. cpt Sunday) at 8 o'clock 14. 111 , and MiiishfirM tl 90 clock, arriving ni Itowburj; in Ihe qnlik et ouihle limn. Ijshvo Hoiurf,' nt 6 o'clock 1. ni., fur Kinplre and wny polnti. IMUBIi I'roni I'.inplr.', $7 ;, frol Mar,rirli, j 00; roni I'airvlew, $ 50. JOHN BEAR'S LIVERY STABLE PjOltBKfl TO LET AT ALL IIOIMW. Hniilliig dono nt uhort notiuo, WOOD nnd COAL nlwayn 011 linnd, which will lio dollvorfcil nnywhoro ut tho lowest rato, wMP HAltDWARB TINWAEI OF ALL DK&CKIFTION K, I'AItsr TOOLS nml IMI'LKMKST OF ALL KINDrf, StovcB nritl ItniiijoH, Ulncknuitlio' Stipiilioi, Orookury nml (llanwo, I'ninlH nml Oils, '; Lunipi, IlnrnocH, Ttil.i, Jliitkut (lulu, FUliliiir Tncklr, rlc nRof all lei ,.,iy:j',- j'AXV'mmt. 1 0V timm Annan wMaXS, . T tTi ftvTaTmafMf h A,mmzKMXi JtVSM" " -gmKI IWI j j iii y to- Plumbintr, Job Work and Rep!' nds promptly executed. ciioonsco by JR SUPERIORT0 I'RAcncAuy. Jra Monumental vfmmris l)C3IIJIj3tllfl J'riciJd on tiw:3 ,r". MnNUMENTS FRED 8CHETTER, "' ''"I"0 Afjcnt for Coos county, Oregon. "iVI INATUUK MOSILMBNTS. MADH J.L of "Will 10 llroiuc." mo on cxhlhluon a my oliico at r.mplrv Alto HlnilMlcd diln ofalldmcriplioni of iiionuiiirnti, H Prc undfiill Kirtlcul.ir. 1'ir.rnn wUhiiiB 10 purchate nionunientis liulled In Mil upon 1110 nnd Inipcct ll " " llronw," tlienrwotl, iie.Ucnl nnd m'nt ilurtu I'ibiUnw of which they are no iiianMclr" fcia lltLDht'IlIiriKU, Umpire Clirj EXCHANGE SALOON. FllONTST.,jr.lll8lll'IKM), I'lMiMC ICIMII. t 1 1 'rP Cholco lirnnilHof wiiioK, llfjuora and ularH nlwnj-H on linnd. Olnh roomi 1 or uso of imtroiiB, nnd courlooim nttentit" Klli:i.UNOHATAbtTIMKB.-JW h-v