X .aJtSff? ST I n 1 1 1 1 nt it. MMAdtMSAai rrofoawtonal and Bushum Oards, D. L. WATSON, i TIOHNKV AND A rJt'SHKI J-IIl ATl.ltt urn" . flt ( Ok trtm. s. r. WILSON, AT TTOIt.NI'.V AT I.UV. i Muralitlrlil, tlffli' lu WviiKilMikfll Ariiiillh' lllllldlli,, 8. H. HAZARD. a ttiIini'.yati.aw, Umpire Clly, ('no Count;, Utruon. JOHN A. GRAY, 4 1TOKNKY AT I.HV, Offlc: In PiiKtrlcn A linlth'i building, MAUKIIi'IKMl.OltlXXiN. A. M. CRAWFORD, ATTOIlNKV AND COCNdlSLdlt AT WW ANIi MJIAnYiUlU.IC nnrt mnigtnIirti A Hinllh' HullOIng, I'miit ptt, .Mimtvn, wil'KOIl. I urn pre pared to furnish ahutrarts ( 1 1 1 1 to any paim wi.iiiiik ninny n,' sell rial i,tu ,,, loan money am !miitKKutiuiii)'i iiini will k)v special hiIiiiIIiiii lu uxiiiiUiiiiik tliiii aim rtnm')ui'e. Iiii.Iihs Ititriiatcd to my rum rvrflu proitiit Htti'iilKiu. J. W. BENNETT, ATTOItNKY AND UOUNKKMJKATI.AW (im-lu O'Conurir new building, Froul ft., liBiniln'iil, OriKuii. J. G. COOK, M. D. If) NOW IlKVOTI.Nil lllri r.Nllltl'. AITK.N 1 tiuu to tun puitlrti of men mi no, Offlr I" F.iiKitaclm's livw building, F. in pin City, Ur Iiml W. SINCLAIR, A Tl (JUNKY AT UW, ti.rnl Iiiiarauta ml Ural K.tatr Agi'iil COqiJII.I.K CITY, oitnoo.v. a W. TOWER, M. D I )ll YHICIAN ANII HUIU1KO.N. (Irrims In the ra.t rml of St'iipilarLen l .ni.tli'. new b.lililiiiK. over tue Ur..g ..ore, riuu, ilm.l, .iUi.liUi.ld, uitK.ni. J.T.MoCORMAC, OH YdlCIAN AND KTIUIUUN. Orric Al tba Mrti.lilkld Urm; Ktorr, nnwi sllv tnu central it ii'i.rn.in sum, .Mai.jliciu Oll'k'on Iim. dcl'oriHic, I, fn.tiil Males iliamluliit. fliligvou lur tue ih.irlci ul miiiiikiii Uiinui. OB. O. E. SMITH, CMUHCALANIi r-rig. O MKCHANICAI. HF.NTI.sT. lUjfr Orricis Front lloonii oirr the drug store Pfiigttarkvn A Fmlth'a new tiilMliif, '''" street, jurshuvld, Oil'" m. Nltrtiusnxldcgat. or laughing gat, ghen foi win panm-M extiai'imn 1 1 town. - S. B. CATHCART, County Sui'voyor rou coos eoi'siv, oiif.uo.n. ITIIFFATM VI'SoIslI surveyed ami cntcrec lauds fiinilatit.il im lmrt uotuv. CENTRAL HOTEL, Corner Front and A CtrceU, Uniinei.u, omuos, JOHN SNYDER, - PROP. T IfAVK UF.CKS'TI.Y TAKKN rilAIKIK 01 1 lhcbovn limuul will iUlilli!H'l lli.lel.an am tar nu nvlliivr aim imr (U'liu to ttuurt oijr nur.ta Ilia Ut ill aiinlitluixiatlolit. Tbo Tables at Tlio Control Arf iliilli'l ullli tlii iH'it the nifltLit nlTonln ami i.tniiit ol Hie linilu turUe )nnuit am. (OUItlMlll llttt'lltlllll. ,Si'w U-iti ami apr tutt mttrrca li ! plant) In nlnm-t ivir. .lirlnK iimiiii of tin linilii'. ninl nilllitr In lllilo iniri'XfiiM lia. licili i atctl to put (ierlliliu 111 lllt iium imkT. Term: llnaril ami IjiiltflnR, pvr Mftk H ft HnanliiM'r nirk ' ("liiKlu ileal. . '-' BLANCO HOTEL, Karsblleld, Coos Co., Oregon. I'lHST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS, Ami Uccual)lo CliarRoi. H AVISO I.ATKI.Y rOMI'I.KTKI A I.AHOK aililltlon In tlio almvi- lloti'l, ami Im.niK nail an citiiuUc fii'irli nci1 In Hut I. mini lmi tttc't, Hu ran tHlrly itimiHiitrii to imr ntnini comfort ami accomiiuMMtlona uicfllol by to otlirr liritiau on lli Iwy. trMw ItrailliiK room of ttili Hotel ron tfinihf ira.lliiK painri of tlio Atlantic hlutui uit Ilia 1'ao.llu Loaat. JAMES L. rEBREV, Proprlttor. The Arago Hotel i:nilre till)', Oregon, . A, D. MOORE, Proprietor. U AVISO I.ATHI.Y COMI'I.KTKD TIIK aluiMi llntiil, ami )in I ntf liti'l Ait mtrlialto M'Cllo Ce ill till! lllIU III lllHIIH'Mi wu ' "lily Kiiaraittt'O to n ir t'ation iitmioit itml coiniuiHiutluiiS oxio.lvil by no otlicr linii't) In "taiounty THE TABLES 'Bpl'lled with Ibe loit tLe marlet affotdi. UNION Furniture : Company, Cabluot Makeri and Uulortakeis, KroutSt., MdriliflulJ, Orcifoii. T'JKAI.KIIS IN ri'llNITUKK, 1'ICTUItK tp......'.. ......,! mi., tk'.! .. iiUn iiiu t. ..-.. filUllllllllli., 'td to InriiUli .i"a i "una tin to tu I. oi mm ti OoalUorklmtiui'ariiuutt . iHiur.. Itiuilllllliu, F.iv "o ,?,v., . run. 1. . .l.... . I ali.k.llllf'HIIIIlll llll mnli fnplllukUllU'. ami to 'aruutry lino. Johnson & Chrlstonaon. t'UOI'lllKlXIUii. Hi COAST vol. xn. RITZMAN'S" Boot and Shoe STOHE. w . . """I' " Hlnilro lintel, MAItHIIKlKI.il, . . ,'',., i:uon A full lino of Ladies', Gent's and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. SULLIVAN'S SHOES. llttlll rnnile Itiiiila mill Mlw... . lliTnrliiKiiiitlviMrntiil ul .htrt im ttTlalty. iiiln' itml rtni Minnie iiriri a Ji, HllZMAN. JOHN BEAK'S &$. m Liver) j Stalilp. ImalifliIil,OrrK')ii. ItorKcutii l.ctlltdll IluttVK. HAULING CONE AT SHORT NOTICE. WOOD ANII COAI, nliwiT. on tiainl. wlilrti will U itrllH'ml ) wiivri! at tliv 1 w..t rjtt. DIADETES. t:riclitlini of n Mint IH.trrMlna; and 1'irvilriit Complaint. Tlio rlilrl cliiintotrrlRt'c of Ill's illa"sa In mi iibiiiiriiutl ntnoiiiilof mig:ir in tlio b ou.l. 'J'lio riiutu of it is ijti to in ccr- tiilti. Ann iliii"; lo Flint, It orcuri in tliu viiHt innjor ty of onsuj btlwpun llio iio of t ii iy tinil I'fty; In inun tnticli ofU'ii t li.nu in w iiiiun. It may ux m a, luiij; tlmu Imfoiu it Ii nnl'a il, nntl tlion unit tiuu Vfitti ii-furc pruv.iiK fa'nl. It of I'll rUoi ti fittnl lii nu to otourwi-ti) nulil it m'u-o. lu chief tust U a 1 .rgo u.r rontiio tif ni'iir In ihu witor, I. o im' tit) of tlio lull r, a'mi, gifticnilly, o' Irtiya, bt'in im r.'ttsoil. ony; llm our rr Hvniplnmi ro o i till ', a tiiioii"; npjiuli it, itrymij t "t inn. ail ninl neiil nA va; l.ttiT, i .il'on, iiuto i1iij; iniisciil if fi'fblo- , ami in tinny en mm irritaliil iv, clioly ami turntal woiknu 8, To .t, ii mini bj t k 'ii in iu u.i Iy Onu tliiut or uit.ro of Kb cjsu.i ..'I t roiHiimption. A il.nbolio pat .'out. wlrn tlio dlsoa'o 'in lii'Oiiio con riiiuil, it liublo to mhI- iloi itt'iii'i. 'J'i o lio.itt nmy f.i 1 fioiu parii'.jftU of lis ihth'm or, the liojil- J.n.iflii n frt nj; tlio br.itii, tlio (ti'ron nmy fclnk int a slntj of liifcngiliillty, I'.ti iriniii nntl coniii (fatal Ivtli trry). A ' glit colli ma i-In in' mi tins icsnlt. Sd may in ni i-tin-tipatlon iiml tinil.io plinii.il o.iit on, uiculul dilution, or Fini aiyi: "Hi" il'fpnso sopmi to mo lo foi nril.tlitii thin lirro'iifiif'', pro V il tl piopcr Uuiitiiit'iit bn ailoptoil anil pen hto.l in." 'llio main tlilti"; is to ttr t.itio fur tin pat cut a (Hot wliicli ox uliitli"), m fur im (i'ill)io, Mi.ir ami t.irrli, ami in lnoo liim tiglilly to con tiiiuo .t. Ii lo ontiiii: oil to many ar- iU'li'8 of Hi orilmary iliit, pain must In lakon to supply their plncu with otlioia niillkii'iitly mitr tium ami ajipo ti.iitg (SliiUn bn-ail may tako tlio .iliu-o of coimiioii nhi'at bic.-ul. It con iuiiia only oiio ililnl us niiit'h htaio.i as lint mailo from cntiro wiioat, ami is lotopiablu to llio tin-to. Too Inaly fhiiil I bo cnrvfny protcrt tl ajjninst tlio iit tt it nco of alimvtp ur'o lian k, anil llio sti i bo kept in a pioil iimlitiiiii. 'J'htuo sliottlil bo exoroUo in .ho opt'ii i ir, lint it uliotilil bo moiliT.it". ilonial n auitlonnml recreation tiboulJ bu aiUiivJ. iuullt't tomiMiiion. Ono of tlio most wonderful of fishes Is tlio ono bonrlnj; the nnnio of clilabrao don nlgor, or tlio (front swallowor. 'llie Ikm1- Ii olongatrd, of nearly uniform thlckncsH most of tho longth of tho llsh. Tlio Jawinro vury lonjr and Ottod with Hhurp tooth, Homo of which nccni to bo roindblo. Tho manner of foedlnff Is to ffraxp a fish by tho tall and proceed to clliub over it wltli Its jaws, as mo cap ita o la takon In tho stomach and inteffu inentHtrotehout.and thodlstendid belly appears as a uroat hag. Tho llsh will tm allow another ono six or twolvo times his own hio. '1 bis rapaeity proves his own destruction sometimes, as tho rbs formed by tho process of digestion makes balloon of his stomach that brings tho lUh to thosuifnco. - . t A clerk in ono of tho departments st iuhlnfitm has illfroverrd thati.ol. dlers in tho Into warwero killed In tlolr Hrst, third and llfth balllus worotlua in any others. Is Hi) 'in 'nhablted7 Sir David Urowbtor mnlics tho foi Inwlni; rom tries toliittvo tu the sun: Bo Htronjr 1ms been the bi-llof that tho btin can not bo n ImblUiblo world, that u Bclontlllo Konlloimin was piononticoil by bis modlciil tvtoiidiiut Itisano bo catiso ho Iiml sont n paper to tho Itoyal Soololy. In which be ninlntnlned that tlio lltflit of thu sun proceeded from u dens wind unlvoMiil minu which may afford auijilo ll'lit to tho inhabitants boticatli. mid yol bo at such n dletnnco nloft us not lo bo umonir Ihomj that thuio may bo watoramldfy laudthoro. hills mid dttlos, tain and fair woathor, mid that as tho HgUl und tho soa-ons must bo oternal. tho sun may easily bo coucolvoil to bo by far tho most bliss fnl habitation of tno wholo systom. In less than ton years after this apparont lv oxlruviigant notion was consldoroa nt n proof of Insuilty. it was main tained by S.r Wl Hum HersohoJ. rational and probable opinion, which nluht bo deduclblo from lilt ovn ob Borviitloiis on tho slructuro of tho sun. N. Y. Lodger. -Tialit shoos huvo tholr usos. They help .unan to forgot many other ml.- O.-1OS.-SUO0 oud Uuthor ltooortor. i MAKSIIPIELD, II Wa IUIala. Ycattrday Hftvraoon wbll tba niln was ?ourlnR ilown n nttaui left tlio ixxtujlllco to Inoountur an ruiii(ilnUiiio wlio waa alMiahgl nl by an umbrella. "Ilaliiliu, Iku'I itf tiuerlrd tb flnrt, "llBy" -llnliiliiB. Inn't UP "I'd llko Ui t you a moment," waa the re ply "OotiiiMiiivair,M Tlio two ivikm.I up, iravnrwd tlio dark hall t6 IU ilnrkiiil uoriiur, und ttnm io. Ii turned u .No I with "l)n yon toko hip for nil Infernal idiot r "Why, no, of iouni not.'' "Ho you ii)m.. I'm currying an umlirella irrmml lo kuvp the auu utl at tut Uuiv of fwir'" "No " "I'm carrying tt to kocp off tho rain, am I uotr "ilt rnarDa." "UVII. iiifii. It rains. Von know It rains. BverylNaly In town knows II ruiua. Now, bu go im ninl let lawploaloiiH.' "Hiil-liul" "riint'a nil. Yon let It mill. Hhe know her liu.lmNv. You Jut atu-ml to) our own iirnlrn ami ltt tllu wtvillier uloiio. Uoo, day. ilr " Ami ln went rliimplng ilown atolraaml left the otliiT to follow at til leiiuro. liUX)lt riiio I'nwu. Wliul Ktii, IVonlil Do. "I've titniiKht Toniiny Willi ma Vea." raid ilr Plility. iniftltiK lira tint) tlic in our of New York's liiKgwl ninl niot lNnilerlug dry Kotxla rUiri'a. "I tlou't often lirtng uliu, for I Hunk tln-ri'V trial ilnnccr lu tiuvlug llttli I'lillilrm In ou of Hum liig kIiiijm or on tlif itiimiIisI ittli'els Uh wra n llttlvninlal nltli lii iiuiiic ninl ttic iiuiiiUt nf our rtsl Ui'iiif on It, ninl I've inuglil linn JiiKt what tu uy In i'umi lio dioulil ci'l lwl. unil I'd know Jimt wlmt to Uo tiiywir I'll kwp prfM't'ly mini ami en rtKlH to police lii'mlqiinrtvm ami RivoliiforuiHtloii tlirruuiiil itn-n why, hImto In tbvt'hllilr T'lininyl wlirrraro lout Tom my, Toneny Kbj:tity! VVIiitb illil liv co llt'ix'y on n, n hut foul, I huve lieroniH of tlie clillill I)li you rve hlml Toiiiiuyl Uixxl ht'ovvna nml eartbl He'll lx kilhil In llita rrowdl Oli. nlmtMiall I dof Tommy, Tom my i I'll corrurylf I ilon'l Nml liim this mlniitot U'lii'rn run lie mf Oil, I hhall fuuitl I linll die if I tiavo to go lionie without lilmt r.ilUtil ll.pl My rhiliP Myrmlill I atmll nver mi hlui ncnlul I know I hhan'lt II will kill hit xikiI Tommy, my rlilld. my ihlldl 0-i--lir Ami while limy wrn tirlnglng her out of her fntiit, 'Iomiiiy mine from It-iilinl a rutin l r, w litre lie Iiml crept lu aearcu of a piute- bouril box. Hal lu Tlmu An llnlnrky Mn. A. flnve you ever tuul auy expertenca In lore nlTnlm! II. Well, I ahnnld my I tiiub In love I am llieuiilurklol of mortals. All the KirU that 1 loved, nml even aome that I hadu'l tvun to love jet, were Ktilil.itit up by other frllotra mil married. Trannluuid from tho Uermnu fur Teioa tiininpi. A Snil Uiu, old Mithomer "Welt, t aM old Mithomer ha tiled at lam." "Ye; It wtis a Mid low to me." "I didn't know you were a friend of bU." "No, 1 iu Ills phyMi'iuu." Life. Atlrlee lo Amnleiir.. Amateur Theatrical Aapliant Mr. Doota, pltviM) tell nm how I can best uct o n t" make the nuillent'u lauch. Mr tinoto istilng him upl Act naturally, young man. Yunkeo fibula There Wii.u't ICiMim. Wife flarry, tlo you n-o how attcnllvo that couple on tlieHifti are to earii other I'm !ltlv thereV iimrthbig lietween them. Huobaud laftern looki 1 tbluk you're mis taken, my dear. Time. Morn Than Ilia Mone'a Worth. Quest lin a restaurant, ancrilyi 8ay, waiter, I And chickens In thnwrgpit Walter tblnmllyi All right. Keep quiet, lr. and there nill Ik uo extra charge. Lowell Citizen. A llllcliltl ttoiiianre. Salesman Can It Iw mmIiIqI Miss Cou pon, whom I hud the plcuiure nf mot-ting at liar Hnrhirr lal saminer How Ioiik Mb Linipon Throo yard, pluaaa. Tuxa Billing. UnreHHniiHbl I.lttle Mattel Mamma, tuny I hav aome thbig ui ealf Mother limpatlentlyi Yea, take thla pfec of enk, and don't open your mouth aguiur Tbii. Photographer rto Actor lltmnls In hi great cliaiacternf Mr llytlei llendyl Now, look kindly und plnMUitl Drake' Magoziuo, A lltmery Trngedyi oa. m uo riTK or wnruo be odds. lAflrr lltkkl One more iinloitiniata, Wanting gniktai'iifap, fSoeklim tlif Ikia-fiy, "Where prlitw alo't ateep." The style la 'The Umdea" llcw aalty and m-ati tie ruts nulls a rigor. Whllr crutMlog llio aire. Tba street are no muddy AIuh. there lie lll And en he rtssiver. IliNtrssoiufilitag that rlf Lift liim up tentlerly "llamlle wltli fnlM III race Is a iTtnisna, I'll row a-s bis hair I Oh, horrnri each iirrhla, iDgltval tbHcbaiica, Tell. Ah. tlisre- my cbappltt You'v ouaied your I" .. to pity the curtain We II draw down Just here) Thu inoruL dear readers. Will plainly appear W J. O la Wiuith, Uray Jt do.' Monthly Fore of llalilt. r in W'lWl IS' JM If Bh3g! OftEGON, THURSDAY, MAUITS OF FRENCHMEN. One Ilrapert In Wliicli They Kiyojr an Ad VHiitAL Over Amerleuiia. Tho habits of life, so far as regards sating, aro bettor wl.b our Parisian. England and America both tranKjjrwH, ono in tho quantity, tlio other iu tho quality, of tho food. The Ilrlton Ifc-ds too heavily. Ho liecomes plethorio i.nd buofy. Tho oxquisito rose tints on tils daughter's cheok turn to patch ts ol harsh color on tho face of his wifo, and Lis own rubicund vlsago sugicrsts chronic -congestion. Not content ft th heavy meals mornlng.noon and evenl.ig, thoro Is a night supper, more or Jjss profuse according as tho good scno of tho Individual bonds to or wrostlos sth custom. Thoro Is a good deal of tea drunk and colfco and a vast amount of strong alo and porter: which all sorre to induce more up poll to for solid food. A man can oat two slloos of broad or in'iat with a glass or a 'cup of liquid accr.m paulmont, wliero be could uso but ono without. So tho effect Is apt to bo ex coss certain excess over tho necoss-iry amount of nourlshmnnt. probablo exoess over tho wholosomo point. In America it Is not tho amount al- though our womon as a rulo with tholr , Ins i.n,lisli sido whiskers and iron sedentary hablta pso too muoh, especial- gray hair, pirted in tno iljiI- ly at breakfast Hma but tho kind of food which makos tho nationil deadly eln. Pios, cakcH nnl hot biscuits, fried meat and doughnut, ploklos and pro sorvos, bleach lnitead of reddening tho blood; and oxcopi In so-no few districts, wo aro a nation of anmnics. If tho un fitunato stomach can sustain tho In jury dono it by lack of propor nourish . . . ment, it succumb) to tho habit of bolt - ing. Meal timo is a suewmton of gulps and swallows grudgingly snatched from tltno dovotod to tho routine of labor, as hurried as norvods lias to and tho prero cupatlon of business caros can make It, and wh'illy unavailing for ordinary ju poscs of mastication. Tho misused tt oth decay and ruitieil digestion revenues it self in blanched ohcoks, tblnnod hair and general prostration. If this is too vivid a picture for tlio bettor knowledgo and higher clvllliation nf our cities, it certainly Is not so for tho country dis tricts, nnd it Is theso last which produco tho people. Towns may bo tho reivo ganglions, but tho country supplies their forco. Tho Parisian has change all tils. Ho begins tho day Witn tho slight jst possible breakfast, leaving mind rnd body cleared, not woightcd for aotljn After tl.vco or four hours' work bs in duced a healthy demand for food thjro comes a dainty und plentiful meal t-o or threo courses Of meat, with a fow veg etables, an omelqtto, bread and bufer, fresh or prepared fruit. This answjrs to our lunch, and Is usually scrvoc at noon or at ono o'clock. Six hours ir comes dinner. Soup always, often Bib, four or Ilvo dollcfttn and Inviting prepa rations of meat, with a slight accomptoi ment of vegetables and some dellubjus sauce; a sweat and u dessert of fruit tnd choeso form tho main points of this principal meal, l'oor families will have less: richer people will oirer greater va riety, but ordinarily this schemo very slightly modified will represent tho daily routine of a Parisian household. l'arls Cor. IJoslon Journal. ON tkeg"rand CANAL. Uarly Morning Srrne, In Ventre-Market-1 Men .,, th. Way ... II.. HUIlo. ( Tho first sign ot life on tho Grand , Canal In tho early morning Is tho pass- ing by of long bargos laden with green vegetables and fruit from tho low, flat Island of Marzorbo. and destined for the niarkot at tho Ilialto. Ono suoh has passed as wo write; Its sail Is of a rich Indian red with -a dark blue tip, a (Hint- work border running round It, and in its center a de&itrn In orango of St. lieorgo and tho dragon. Tho big rud- dor ls gaudily painted In green and white and has a picture of the Madonna on tho part that is above tho water. Tho men who aro poling thu barge along add to tho variety of color by ono of them wearing a pink shirtand purple trousers. The whole'thlng togotbePr witb , itsgreen load looks, as the ilrst rays of the sun glint upon IU llko a lilt of a broken rain- bow that has dropped Into tho canal and ls drifting along on tlio eddies. Now comos a bargo heaped up with coal, now ono with bales of cotton for tho factory lately established hero. This is followed by an- oilier whoso cargo of sqttaro whito deal boxes Is guarded by a soldier at each end of tho boat, and the red flag i that floats oyer It tolls us that It Is dyn amite that Is passing by. Of a moro peaceable sort It tho next that wo no tice,. A small flat boat, hardly moro than a curved board. Is propoled by two tall, brown-robed llgures. two Capuchin irlars. who. wltli D.iro heads ana san- dated foot and with cords girdling theii waists, aro olT on a begging expedition, hoping to return with their Franciscan cane basket filled with good things foi tholr monastery's faro. Presently a barca approaches thu stono landing placo bosido our palaen. This barca it a plainer sort of gondola, without lu graceful, dignified steel prow. Out of It come, tumbling over each other, about fty soldlors. An curly-aMlr, Itlnorant seller of an Italian "Comploto laittcr Wiltor," with a quick eye to business who happens to come up, reir.es thu op portunity, und In a moment his bag It open. lie pull out a heap of uooks, and with ready wit reads aamplo of the contonts of a suitable his book: "hotter from a holdier In Abyssinia U his brother In Italy." In an Instant the soldiers aro crowding toiind him, listen ing with Intorost, many producing the fey coins with which thoy can become, possessors of tho littlo manual, which they cin eagerly for somothlng to HI their own particular caso as tbey art hurried away up the narrow lano. Chambors' Journal, Amy Meant the Other Kind, "Mr. Dolloy, glvo mo a cent," said Amy's Utile slstor, before Amy came down to tho parlor. What do you want with It?" askee" Mr. Dolloy, much amused, as Uo tiandoj hor tho uoln. I u; i uim -. hi oniy see 11 you had any cents, because slstw Amysaldthisaflornooalhatyoii hadn't.' J -..ooowiiwsows. '0, 1 don't want It; T only wantod t MAIL JANUARY 16, 1890. FAMS. tl'aul Hermes. CflttT thin aurfut u lame," h saldt "TI letter tnan wetltb or win Tj mo lb p ipulace auay It liea.il. And to Lear lt naoutt combine) "Bweeter than kis t'io bridegroom alpo U the honey une-tof fnra-, W.ion the Kraiefnl nation open its lip To uttor a lieio'a iianiB." Trnmploit by hooft and I eary feet Wiln power ami hlo il be.ta ne I, Hi- body they loiuid mi tne foe' retreat, Where the bullets tblckwt rained. Silently thnnjtb the crowded street Tlia mufll) I crflln came; Not n word vrns said hearta quicker beat; Anl that wa the bro'a fame. AUTHORS ON EXHIBITION. Teraonal App.emnre nf Noted Men at the I'en ItHttier Gm d-lfMiltloe. (w York for. I hftt'lelplila Pecorrl.1 It wa net n much to hear the .in thore read us t sou what they looked l.ks tiat picked the AladiBon biuaro theatre and you may lie suro that every lady presi-nt c.irriol an op ra glass. Hid authors in nb a good ehowiug, an i ( felt nil. to nro id of thoin. Mr l.'nrria wuh itie, is ntways an elegant pcr j on to look nt, and Julian Haw i lliornu is diiadedly piitures ne. Ho has iiH fatiiers Liauk c rllng hair, striking eyes nnd hcroo mustnebe He is lare und well in ido, and a ery good looking teiiow. vi in cancton loons exactly m i you would expect Will taneton to look. 1 Ho is tho perfect typo of brother Jona- i than, iixt'cnt tbnt tin ii.mn't IHm hAllnur ' ,' ,,.i..., , - , i.,!, jT.-i ;... VilkUVikn UL llltlki IJUIUUI IHtllVlUUm, UUb ho used to havo wh n 1 first saw hitn ho wns very hatchot-ltucd, but now his i hecks are roundoJ ouL Ho still, how eer, wears the tuft o.' hair on his chin, and tho o (1-fa.shioned nocktio, which our arents. tailed a slock. Mr. ilowells v, hos3 stories are the de light of tho ladies, Is stort and fat, wears his hair banged on his forehead, has a bristling in staelio and wears eye glasses wh-n ho reads. He is well arcssed for an author as a -usual thing authors hio not much regard for the tailor's art and I think that hia ad mirers were s.itisJcd with his appear ance. I'rofoisir Boyesen is a. Norwe gian, and while ho do-sn't look quite the Viking, wears a tawny Insard and mustache, and has a ruddy complexion and light bluij eyes. ilr. runner is the last man ono would pick ont as the edi tor of t'uek. He looks much more like a d vintty stndrnt. Ho is a joung man, with blacfc curling hair, brushed till it shines like a looiting-gloss, and he wears l.ttlo black sidu-whiskcrs, tut close to his cheeks and oye-glasses. Jonn Uoyle O'. e.l y is called tho most nict.irciquu author of the Boston circle. He is of the Irish type of beauty, with tine rea nnu wmte complexion, bl tct curling hair, lnrge light b.no eyes, with b ack lashes and eyebrons, and a droop ing brown nitictaehe. Mr. leec'ber eery ody knows He is a trifle stouter than ho was. Ins aco is a little redder nnd hislia r fomewbatwbittr. otherwise heis tho samo Henry Ward Beecher tbat we have known from onr childhood. Mark Twain is tbo samo long and lank Mark Twain that he always was, too; but he is beginning to show the effects of ti-no nml hard oking, for his shock of hair is ver, gray, and so rs his enormous m tstache, his ejos are gray, too, but ftra as t.ear an(J gharp ;n thelr oipre3. gIon fls 9m V licorgfl Larsons Lathrop has a rathor foreign appearance hu hair U black nu,i c.llr3 U0M) to his heaJ, an 1 he has ft 8uort curling liear.i ar.i mustaoha, nnd. being very nearsUhted, wears eye- glasses, ho has grown stout of late, tho igh ho is s'ill rather pictures juo looking Dr. Edward tggleston striKos ono at first as being all hiir; bo his an en irmo.is crop on his head, which Is very thio'c nn.l quite long, and an im- uiense unkorapt beard an I mnstacho, nn'l !eep sot eyes overhung with heavy cj ebrows. . bv ' wf ro the authors who took pirt 1" l,'0 reai,n? b" there were many "' 8r M P'?'"l a'J JS'bA'i 3 'aSC r el Ta ,iltlbll , manufacturer' 'anl milon ,, who3a two looks of tftyi. ontjUe him t0 a place araong ,i,e nuthors. Mr. Carnegie occupied a 1 ri-Q ar u.chair in which he throw him- self back at full b-ngi hand laughod llko a boy out of school at everything funny that was said. Neit to him sat Mr. Hnswell .'mith, the publisher of Tb.3 Century, who though not an author, is very much interested in tho copy-right bill. Itattrrad Safety, Frank Leslie'.! According to Tho Paris Gaulois an apparatus has just Leen invented which n.iupiy juiuuiiuiuk, ior wuu n uio trivelur no. d no longer fear any acci dents, enfety will be assured on rail roads. This appiratus permits tho em ploye charged with the duty to see into a mirror the oittiro section of the road he is to (ontrol, with all tho trains in motion and lie knows nt every instant ju.-t u uctly where each train is. When one of them approaches auothor at a diatun o which is dangerous ho cnu im mediately signal the tneuacoJ train. ; The apparatus lonsists of a sheet of opa ue glass, on which tho rai's are iu tltcate.l by lion.ontal linos and tho eta tious by vertical ones, numbered Lit tle arrows, representing tho trains move along the hori ontal lines. Tliev aro put lu motion by aiu ot electricity, developed by the contact of ruetalilo brushes atta lied to tho locomotties with zina bandi placed along tho rails. The tram thus lontinually traces its tr& )n lory on the glass in liuator. The ap paratus was exhibited some days ago in Germany to a comuiisaion of Berlin ieieiUbu. l'epper'ng th Sparrow. lUtit'Sgi Time i A gentleman in (Germantown, Pa., who was greatly annoyed t y a colony of ' fimrrows that hud taken up their - uar- tors iu a luius of Ivy covering one side "" ouo. Hot nu oi tnera uy a novel sxpediunt. ne day he purchased half uounti or rou iiipcr, ami going up to the third story, op. nod (be windows nd si tod th p ppor down through the Ivy Tiio alarm of tho sparrow was 3 ,n00(- oy ,hB hasta with whioh they i,t xM' u a ,)lacM tTery blrd .0iV deparluWi y3 prembiej W , now clour of tUoas. ' NO. 0. VATER SCAnCEIN COLORADO. A Warning That Should Kot Do fidlTervi. to I'am Unlircdetl Siisotlon. Colorado will lio forced to follow ia tbo footstrin of California ia a communistic ap propriation of tho waters of tbo Ktato for tin uso of its entire population. 1 bo drought of tho present aenson, protracted through a p riotl of threo montli.s, given a warning thar will not bo safTercd to jiass anbeodctl. Colo rado ha even a scantier stock of water than California. Tbo larger part of tho Btntolios Jurt east of tlio IUx-ky looantaias, nnd tho threo rivers, Bouth Plitta, Arkanevs and Uio Grade, which, with their afllucnts, wnVr t'ao country, aro very insignia catnt strifun.s so mioll anl shallow that in prolonged dry jplls liko tho present tbey nearly loae thair current. Flumo and dit"h companies hare tapped them at tho baae of tbo mountains, nnd drawn ol tio water to bo sold la small streams to farmers for Irrigation parposoi Cut U1I3 gives to thj population noarcst tbo mountims an ndvantaso over tliora livin;; further east, for It eoziotiiaes occurs In tims of drought that, when tho former era amply fcrved, tlio river Ls nearly exhausted, am' thcro Is littlo water left for tho pooplo livia, lower down. In tba present caao, tho Houth Platte, which runs through Denver, lias lcen so Ehrunkcn in vo'.nmo that It docs not aSord water enough for all purposes, and tbo stat j authorities havo bocn forced to prohibit divcrdon of tho waVr i-ito ditches for irriga tion, and allow it to bo used only for drink Llg and to"k waterlag. Tho groat rattle herds ag found In tho oasfcrn pirt of the Ktato, or a distance from tho heads of the stream?, and If tho streams aro exhausted nca- tbo mountain.! by irrigating ditches and fiumes, tho cattlo herds must rallTcr. Jt seems to bo tho experience that 03 pop ulation, with it civiltelaj practice, multi plies la a now country, tbo rainfall dimin ishes; and there is not a doubt that, when the destruction ot mountain forests in Colorado, "Wyoming, Montana, Now Mexico and Nevada bliall have been completed, a scarcity i of water will bon perpetnil disadvantage, and tho shnmkcn streams and lalies will havt to bo protected with Jealous o3clal cam , Otherwise it is easy to imaino a drouth un usually protracted, ia vbicu tho ratraatain streams, fed by snow -vator nloa, vrould shrivel to rill?, and the thousand) of ar.imab perish of thirst, anil taj populations them selves bo forced to abandon tho country. Tc prevent such a peril, the state wi'I bavo to nssumt absolute possession of all water sap plies, anil hold and dispenso them for t'13 use of the people. In the. courso oi timo the population of Colorado will ba a raiUioa, and when that day comes water will bo a trca-mrt to bo husbanded and pretectal as jealously at it is in Arabia. St. Louis Itcpublican. Heading OCT n Prairie Tire. A courier on a foaming inastaug, followed by a herd of stampeuing animals, lias an nounced the coming of tho Are, miles to wind ward, perhaps before oven it3Eao'.:e is visible. At the word Tirol'' ovory man oa tho settle ment drops hb worlr, catches his horse, scizct water buckets, blanlccts, ropes, cans of hero son oil, plows, and wliatovcr clso may bo ol uao la lighting tho fire, and, throwing these Into a wagon, dashes off to meet tho dajer. Tho probablo course of tho fiery cycloao be ing ascertained, a largo forco of men bein p'owing n strip of land directly across it, for a "Arc-break." Sometimes half a dozen plows, with four or more horses to each, aro put simultaneously to work, turning up farrows with desperate energy. On tho windward or exposed sido of thb flro-break a counter flro Is started by racam of tho ropes saturated with fceroscno. Thli creeps along at a comparatively slow pac against tho wind, to meet the greater one, which comes surging along, preceded by a . scorching, fumacs-Iilto breath and a dense shower of gray ashes. On tho other sido oi i the plowed strip, toward the ranches, th ' grass is drenched with water, and men stand ready with wet blankets to put out tho flyin? sparks as they alight. Thb rush of the ap proaching mass of flamo and smolto is terrific. It fairly leaps ahead, 10J feet at a time, hiss ing, snapping and roaring as If it were lay-, lag low a lorest. .nuuticiuy it. mcis uio uara Are. The two rush together ia a great billow of flamo, whKh rises hlc;h in tho air and goi out in denso black clouds of smoie. Tho tor nado is chocked, and tho ranchers aru saved. This is what takes placo when tho wort of tho prairio firemen is successful. Sometimes. howovcr, the flames, checked la front, rally and spread out anew at the sides, and coa tinuo their destructive courso over moro uilci of prairie, until stopped by rsomo river ot desert place. Frank Leslie's Illustrated. Ughtnlnsr in tho ltocky lloantalns. Tho curious caso of O. S. EJward3. who was struck by Ushtniuz whllo crossing Iron ' hill, at Loadvillo, Colo., oa July 4, is attract ing cocsidcrablo Interest among scieJflfic men. After tho flaih, Mr. Edwards rcmain-.d wneonscious for fifteen minutes before receiv ing assistance. Tho lightning struck him on tho loft chock, and after knocking out a num ber of his teeth passed diagonally across the breast to the right side. It then descended tho body to the foot, emerging from tho riht boot. It passed entirely through tho foot, leaving a holo similar to that mado by a bul let. The clothing wus torn into fragments, particlos being found a distance of CfU feet. both of tho boots wcro entirely destroyed, and one of them carried sixty feet awuy. The ground whore tho man was standing was torn up for a considerable distance. The course of tho electric current along tin body was marked by a black and rod sin-ax one and a half Inches wide. Tho worst cfTcct of tho streak seems to have been oa tbo luns. ! A severe hemorrhage was produced, by whitb a quart of blood was lost. In addition to t how Injuries, the surface of tho body wot almost covered with blisters, tho result of ugly burns. This, we lwliovo, Is tho first au thentic; record of a jxjtio:i being injured by lightning at an elevation of Idfi'M foot. It is remarkable such wsveru Internal Injuries were t;ot followed by death. Scientific American. Dr. Douglas, Clen. flrant'a l'hyslilan. In a flyhig vbJt to Now York tho other day I saw Dr. Douglas, Ocn. Grant's physician. Tho doctor has not fully recovered from tho great physical and mental strain imposed upon blm by his constant attention during tho whole of tbo last nine months of Qrant life. Tho doctor's bands shake still as if they were palsied. I)ut bis general look U ono of great gain. Boveral months a--o a catarrhal troublo resulted hi ht stomach boepming poisoned with mucus that had been boynnd tho power of expectoration. Uo ovcrvaino the dUUcultj' by lntro.luclng a rubber tulw in to Ids throat and tho passage below. Through this tube bo would pass warm water w tu to cleanse out tho alhnentary canal and stomach lief ore eating. Uy this process he has regained lost flesh, and to a degree his loot 1-ealth. - Washington Letter. A Blight Mistake la Itrporffng. Tba Earl of Carnarvon at a banquet, In proposing tbo heal h of tho clcrcy, said tbat "In these days clcrn'iucn were expo, tod to have the wisdom ami learning ot a Jeremy Taylor," Ills lordship was next tiny reported to havo saldfln thssodays clur -yaicu were export ed to have the wisdom a id learning of a jour neyman tailor "Tba Argonaut. m iw Ifiti.i ii I l.imYn.nji.i i nmV --f i MJBoeManeoue Advortiaomenttj. E. A. ANDERSON Livery and Feed Stable, MAIISIIFIELD, ORK0OS. CAUDLE IIOrttE-i AND nUOOY TKASU IJ liini.thc 1 at all hours. Hauling done at lowent nt1'. Coal nnd Wtxxl delivered at bottom prtcca. yScw llcarne iurnlthcd for Inncrala. W, G, WEBSTER, DEALER I.N HATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Crockery, Etc. AVfOA TVU.UVS OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. iTW-Cns'nm Toota niflde at Fh-irt Notfre, and Ht'I a.ring Scadj and I'romutly Done. Ca.1 and ee me. N. 11. Gentlemen's Fine Shoea a specialty. ap2l Coos Bay pt-v $4FAHLY "3ML k. FL DBL E3 '37 Front St., MarahHeld, Oregon, R.M.-WETJJER, - - . Proprietor. II AVISO JUSTOPKNKIIA NEW AND NEAT omc A: Hirst store. I am T.rei nnit t.. inmi.i. thelotuat living ra'es. the bet of Decf Veal. W utton, l'ork, Salt -Mi ats of all klnda, Vi getableal Canned Coo ii, itnd turn ly Ur.reriea ol ail Te srr.ptiona. Vihbtln aod Ug;Ing Lump prompt ly mppl id. H B"ch a aharc of public pntmnase at drst-ela's go.lr low pr (is and icitinre dt.al.ng entlt.e m to 1 ieKctfully toI.citt.-d by P. T. K033. PIONEER WIARKETS, Marabfleld and Empire City, E. G. FLANAGAN, Proprietor. (Successor to 11. P. Whitney) A GOOD SUPPLY OF Itluttou IVi- . i'annea Kccf, Goods Pork. Etc. Fait Mfats and Vegetables of all kinds con stantly on hand. Also a gcod stock of GrtOCEMES. 'VESSELS nnj rlRfilvn nnm plied at short notice. " JOHN KENYON, -Dratxa is- Fancy Goods, Toys and Candies, Becks and Stationery, Cutlery and Tobacco, CIGARS AND NOTIONS, FltONT STREET. MAR3UFIELD, JOHN BEAK, Proprietor. THIS Of D AND POPULAR SALOON. UNDER the new ma a?eineut, has beeu rvfuruliaed with a uc stock ol Choice YTliic, Liquor and Cigar, Whliharir-crvedby courteous ba -keepers. A share ot ationaje tolleited and appreciated. mm saloon, rnoxT st., Opposite Whitney's Market, - Marshfleld, Or. R. rY. HUTCHESON, PROPRIETOR. A NEW RESORT SUPPLIED WITH Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ale, Porter, Lager Beer, And all the appointments nf -:- A FIRST CLASS SALOON. -:- l-i'atn iiage an reciated and tho wait of customer promptlv a tended to bv gcutlemanl larkiepcis. Olve the uew saloon a trial. BON TON SALOON, Opposite Union Furniture Store, MARSHFIELD OREGOX J. NASSOHQ, Proprietor. ALWAYS ON IUNI). CCTTEIt AND AAA WHISKIES, AND CHOICE WINES AND CIQAKS. ALSO Eooa, Ullwaukes and Bay View Brewery Beer. KILI.IAItU AND l'OOL TABLE. R. MAINS, Flout Street, Marsbfleld. A NICE LOt"oF FANCJf CASSIMERES, Selected with care, for THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, iHO Good Fits Warranted. aTBT"Flco call and examine w slrx-k and U couviuckd. U. UAlNd, PtoyrlWo, CLOTHING. FJLkX mg$r4m&Jg ini u Of ''