The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 02, 1890, Image 4

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    " - v.
"" -"-i 1 1 1 i i in i ii I,,,
. Kt5n
Ik tottft wife ooJ er ""
Ahd ?ookrd nwT to th d-Int hill j
"intfe IWlVo erand nd .till
"Mr Mdr." 6 murmured, "can "t nt wi,
r With n-vr alliouyhi or work Sni'.lif'
No ch Idren to titmlilo IJt houte boutl
Ah mo. If I could bo tbroi"
Mr lady tox ". w n:,ow rf',,,.
And farted the fold, or curtain Mco.
And lie lookclfnrdownto thocoltor thorn
With iwcct, Mil look on her fnco.
"I suiipoao Mr station Mid wealth and owe,
Mr tie ithbor down theroen o tno;
Tel I would irlxoher them, every ono,
ir rbo'd give) her children to mo.
At thouith tomo thought of th cnnio to her,
Th. cotter' wife turned to the.nowy bed
Whore her children tlcpt, to fslr nnd twoot,
"JNay, I'm richer than thel" tho titid.
J. K. Ludlum, tnChieaao Aiivane.
in it hettI's garden.
Wly Sho nnd Ralph Would Dlff i
uy iuuuiwvuh.
Itwnsxinly a liltlo spot south of tho
house, but vlolots bloouud sooner
thore than any whero olse, anil great
bursting pinks maile tho a'r spicy wliilo
other people's were only in bud. There
wero dnlTbitlls in tho grassy border, anil
bluo-boll.. and bluo spidor-liliei. Thore
were two ro9e-biilies, one cinnamon
nnd ono dituicisk. wliilo double sweet
gilly llowers sowed themselves and came
r,i , ". nnef 11
n ""n.wt
I iiml J,Un
1 , "i . r .J J
up i-vcry jcar aioug wuu
anil clirysaninpinu!u.
fi-nmnt nlil.flwIliollOl
wlifoli Hliotta's mother had tonded and
taken pleaoure in, and now it was Khet
tsv's. There sho worked all hor spare
half-hours, sowing and watering, weed- i
ing and transplanting, till lierlilllo
hands wore brown, and her clierks liko
her own cinnamon rose.. Aunt Dor
cas, in the kitchen, used to wonder
"how on airth that child could be so
content all alono out in her posy bed."
But Hhetta was not so often alono of
Into, since they had taken a boarder,
Ralph Callonder found that tho ploai
antest path to tho houso lay through
the little llower-garden. and when his
jobs of" copying f.iiled to occupy his
time, what could be more natural than
to use his loisuro helping tho blush. ng t
gardener? It was ho who carried away
all tho wccd, divided tho wh to peony
roots and reset them, and dug iniro
thoroughly than Ulictta ever oonld
nrmmil the dcarold rose hushes. Over
rttheyfell talking, as yi
MfirilsAttiwJif liil'rttU's ia
a man oi
In truth, riches had til
selves wins and flown away from tho
Callcnilcrs a vearbefore, Ralph,
instead of becoming junior partner in
an old and prosperous business, saw
nothing before h.m but what his two
l..mli Mnlil nqrn flurw! hpill'y tllt.lllv
nnprepared for such a prospe"t, ho ha I
to take a 1 ttloliinotogetuscdtoit. and
to lind out which way to turn. Mean- I "
while ho had drifte I to th-s subiirljan
town, and wliilo waiting to lind a situa
tion as clerk or accountant, did copying
to support himself, and boarded at
Rhotta s.
It was tho day they had been trans
planting touch-mc not. and Ralph had
thrown' himself down nnd t tho plum
tree for a respite, while Rhctta pulled
tho failed blossoms from a primro-o.
He might have been misanthropic
enough at that moment if lie had
chosen, for the last lino of copying lay
upon his table linished, with not ao
much as a hint of an order for anv
more. Worse than that, a clerk's
place he had been hoping for had tiiat
verv morning been give to another. If
he had got it, he could have spoko to
Rhetta at once. His glance followed
her us she bent over her plants, her
garden bonnet dropping b.ic'x from her
bright brown hair, and his lingers
sought instinctively a little ring that
hid in his vestpocket The old Callon
der pride hvl come to this, that h only
waited for tho barest chance of being
able to earn a living before he offered
heart and hand to pretty little Rhctta
Wood, whoso bonny face was all her
But ho could not help letting love
color his words a 1 ttlo when ho said,
presentlv, to Rhetta, as he watched
her: "When I make my fortune, you
shall have greenhouses nnd hot bads,
and gardens laid out on terraces."
"Liko Co'onel Porter's?" laughed
IthellR. blushing over her trowel. "Oil!
have you ever seen his place. Mr. Cal
lender? It's over on the west side."
"I think I have passed it," answered
tho young man, indillerently. "Big
trees, three terraces, ribbon bcd. anu
a peacock on tho lawn: is that tho
"Yes; isn't its plendid?" exclaimed
Rhetta. "I always go that way whn
1 take a walk by myself; and oh! howl
do long sometimes for tilings I see tho
gardener throwing away slips and
cuttings nnd roots that he thins out!
Perfectly lovely tiling.,!"
"Why don't you ak him for them?"
"Ask'h'm?" and Rhotti ciusht hor
breath at tho'very idoi of her devn hi
audacious a thing. "Why, I wouldn't
"Don't you know them tho family,
I moan."
"No; how could I? Roo Porter and
I wont to the same school, and when
sho rides by and sees mi) she bows and
smiles; but that isn't being acquainted.
Sho is as beautiful as n princc-s. It is
tiiuo for her to be at home now: sho has
bean in Washington all tho spring."
Ralph Caliendor made no answer.
He wiis busy weaving a true lovo knot
of grass blades, and when it was dono
ho gave it to Rhctta. Shobiushe I again
over it, and went on talking about
"I r kIi I rmild trot sninn Kilns nf
Colonel Porter's g.r.iniuins." she said; j
"ho lias ho many kiuds, and I ha o only i
this UttiK pin k one. Ami 1 want a root
of day-lily very much, and some tea
rose cuttings, and a doublo (iuiio -mi
violet, a bluo salvia too, and O, Mr,
Cnllouilor, look! Thore is Rwso Porter
now timing up tho street in her pony
phaeton. Im'l ho lovely?"
As tho juiinlv baskut p'liaeton moved
slowly by, a bright, prcttv face gltmeud
from it, smiling cordially at Ithetti,
and then was 'overspread by a look of
sudden recognition and pleased trar
priso at night of Ralph Cullender, who
took his hat off respectfully.
"Why, do you know her?" sl;od
Uetta, amazed.
"Hind I do. Sho and my sister
Sally became great friends two years
ago at Newport or was It Nahaot?
And Miss Porter spent tho holidays at
our houso tho next winter, I thought
it must bo khc, when you desoribod
iior." - -
Itnlph Callonder paused and gacod
reflectively at tho ground. Ho was re
calling that gay holiday season when
Jtote Porter and Us sfstor wero, tho
tUll (III, -rJMUi fWPiH
holies of tholr set, Ilo could hare,
counted lils frlomfs by tho hundred,
nnd mw "Poverty doos uuko
a dlirerrnco,u ho thought, blttor
lv. Ml who had it In tholr power to
a'id htm hud turned tho cold shoulder
llo was slmplr a poor man scoklntrom
plovment. anil ho felt nt oildi with tho
world. Hhetta, grown suddenly shy,
pullod nwav tho dead leaves from a
pink root nnd said nothing. Newport!
Nahantl And pooplo liko tho Porters
for Intimate friends! It seemed to re
move P lph far from hor tiuiot, oven
1 fo, and to sot him whero sho had uo
Tho baskot phaoton was now scon
returning down tho street with Us
nritti'n(Hnii)auLwhostoiu)cd her ponies
opposlto tho cottago with such nnovl
dont Intention to speak to Ralph Oil
endor hat ho at o ice wont out of tho
garden and stood In tho road at her
?idc. Rhctta saw them shako hands In
the most friendlv manner, heard Uoio's
musical laughter and swoot voice,
though sho could not uistinguisii the
i w
on s: nnd In a few moments moro. to
l.- .......I...., .tn,,.,n.l Jlltn f lin
phaoton. sit down by Rose, took tho
roins in his hands, and drovo rapidlr
awav, with a backward glance nnd
smile, which to Rhotta soomod to say:
"Sho is an old Men 1. you soo!"
But when ho did not come homo to
dinner sho thought it strange. II t ,
father and Aunt Dorcas mado no com
ment, for Rilph had often boon absent
nt that hour when seoking for employ-
ment. Rhctta did not nuntlon that ho
' moot. Rhctta did not mention that ho
i droT0 a,vay with Il09 VoTtor' bl,t
neighbor, who had watched them,
camo in during theaftcruoonandspoko ,
canio in uuring tiieaitcruoonaniipoKij
of it with creat Interest Aunt Dorcas intorost too. and J
Rhctta found it so trying to lUton to
thoir retnirks and surmises that sho
slipped out of tho houso to her garden,
nnd did hard weeding in hor (lower
beds for two hours Without sparingher
self. But sho heard overv step that
passed bv on tho sldowalk, and knew
that Ralp'li Callonder did not coma.
The afternoon waned rostlossly away.
He would surt'ly como back by supper
time; and Rhotta, in a fresh gown,
with pansies at her bolt, hummed littlo
sonss as she moved about sotting tho
table for Aunt Dorcas.
"I wouldn't put on thnt dish of
honev." slid Aunt Dorcas "not till
you seo whether he's coming."
"O. hi'll come," said Rhetta; but sho
stoppjd iuging.
Mr. Wooil ciime in, washed his face
nnd hands at tho sink, and sat down in
his placo at t!u table. Aunt Dorc
jpnssod him a cup of tea.
tyre's Caliendor? " he asked,
2 around.
y, haven't vou heard?" said
Dorcas. "Ilo drovo off with Rosa
. and wo havou't caught sight of
i nee.
. P1.A !.. AWA aI.I r.tiinilj nt liia I
iUO LUllum ,o I'm uiguiu s ...?,
said Rhetta, Hushing up.
"Huml hum!" muttered her father,
as ho drank his tea from the saucer. In
which ho had cooled It
Aunt Dorcas now questioned tho jrirl
as to all she knew about this old friond-
hin. and at tho closn said, with an air
of one who meant todo her duty by all,
no matter how mercilessly, "Well,
! liko as not they'll make a match of it
Birds of a feather flock together."
Supper was over, cleared away, and
all tho dishes washed, but still Ralph
Cullender did not come. As it grow
dark. Mr. Wood strolled off to chat
with the neighbors, and Aunt Dorcas,
putting on her bonnet and black silk
shawl, went to the weekly prayer-meeting.
Rhetta, left free from comment,
went up into her littlo garden. and
leaned against the plum-tree, with a
strange dull pain gnawing at hor heart
It seemed like days and weeks since
Ralph drovo away with snvling, pretty
Rose Porter. And sho herself ha 1 bo
gun to think of him as somehow her
own. That very morning, under that
very tree, there "ha 1 been in his looks
anil in his tone touches of tenderness
that had tilled her heart with subtle
happiness. But now it was all over;
in an instant she had lost him. Rose
Porter had taken hlmaway, and though
he might como back, he would never,
never be the samo Ralph again. Sho
felt a girlish certainty of thai. The
little bright dream was over. At first
she did not blams Rose. Very prob-.
ably she had loved him two years ago,
and had been influenced to give him up
on account of his poverty, and now,
regretting the step had come to reclaim
"Well, I can take my turn, and givo
him up too," thought Rhetta, w'.th
great hot tears springing to her eyes.
"Only can never drive after him and
bring him back in a phaeton."
And at that sho throw herself upon
the dowy grass an 1 wept unrestrained
ly. She was too young to bo capablo
of the terrible, tearless sorrow with
which an older woman may meet be
reavement and heart-break. She only
knew that every thin had changed
since morning, that Ralph had gone
away, and sho was very, very wretched,
and that no ono mint know of it The
iirc-flics flashed in tho grass, tho flow
ers were heavy with dew, the air was
full of tho frjganco of m'gnonsttes
heliotrope and roses, but Rhctta did
not hce 1 them. She only felt that
night was kind to make such dark
ness and solitude in tho garden that no
onj coul 1 ho her or hear her, poor
miserable little Rhetta Wood, crying for
a lost Happiness that hail never really
ecu nuts, jmu nuw it msuiiiuu in iit:r
that Rose was cruel, from the midst of l
l.'' ...! I. 1 .. I."
her wealth, her luxury, and her dozens
of lovers, to como swooping down
upon tins one cliaoco of bliss in a life
time 1'nr Rhetta was sure that in all
tho years to coma sho should never,
never marry. Thnt was all over from
this time fo'rth.
The crickets hummed about her, tho
nighlmotlis brushed by her unheeded;
thu moon roso, but sho did not know It.
Sho was thinking how sho should live
all her life long in tho littlo old houso.
After a while hor Aunt Dorcas would
die, and sho would be left alone with hor
father. Then aftera while he too would
die, and she would livu on thore, an
old, lonely woman. From this reverie
sho was aroused by tho stopping of
wheels and cheorful voices at the gate,
"Rhotta! Rhetta!" shouted home
body, in joyous, manly tones
She roso to her feet in the moon
light, bowlldorcd and uncertain. Was
she dreaming, or was it really Ralph
calling hor?
"Rhotta, Is that you under tho plum
trco? Como hero for a moment to the
Yes, that was Ralph calling hor.
With girlish colonty she smoothed
back her d sordered hair and ran to
tho gate. There ho stood, his arms
filled with llowers, which ho loaded
I npon her, while Colonel Porter's
coachman, who had brought him homo,
' eia fit in nut atl rrmsrllwr nnilhP tltn larafrvlif
of an immens t Itaskot, full of bloom
ami fragranco, which ho mado haste to
dop it on the garden walk.
"Every thing is hero," said Ralph,
jrayly "tho goranlnm. tho dnvllHo,
tho toa-roso boshos and tho doublo vlo
lots. Roots slips, cuttings, nil you
wnntad, ou have tluin now, and 1 II
Fot thom'ovory ono out for you."
"O, Itow boAUtlfult liow boantlfull
mnrnturo-t Rhotta, very softly nnd
gentlv. Sho w.n wholly overcome by
tills strange ending of lior passlonatu
grief. .
Tho coachman dopartod, lealng tho
two lovers alono In tho moonlit gar
don. Lovers they were, for Ralph
drew Rhctta closo to his heart, whllo
hoplaood upon hor linger tho ring
that had waited hidden In his po-'kot.
"You know what this me ins, darl
ing?" ho said, fervently. "My way Is
cloar boforo mo nnw Colonel Porter
has given mo a ohanco In his own bust
iims. biwnmt anv thlnirl dared to hope.
I ' '' t kl VVtI V , i'l rUt o k
for mo to wai t till ad a righ tto sk
7" my own little Rhotta alw.iys
You don't know how hard It has been
Happy Rhotta! Tho moou ought to
have laughed right out to seo how hor
Mco lia I clung.'ii. u was so mil m
Of Sill OS IllHl bllHllCI. AUIlt WOrCJlS,
hurrying homo an hour later, oagei to
explain how sho had gono o sit aw hilo
with poor old Mrs. Davis, who Hail
soiatiea. was taken nil aback by hearing
merry voices under tho pluiu-tivo. am
finding RUph and Rhotta thor i
work with trowolssottingout rojU and
tying up plants.
"Roso Porter sent mo all these! cx-
claimed Rhctta, tniiinphant!y-"al
tills groat basketful of loveliness and
this groat basketful or
ono out to-night, been
best time, and tlioy w!
SOI U1UI1I l'i,l
uiso nlglit is the
, .. Al 1 t .. I I HI llitYV '
uui uiue.ii "j --, , . i
"For tho land s ikes!" ejaculated
Aunt Dircas. "Dont ya want the
lanternP , ,
V, IIIU II1UU11 13 i; "US"' "' ""J'
said Ralph, as h paused to chooso a
phicvi for a lino bluo salvia.
"Well! well!" thooldl.idyoxclalmodi
and then, aslf sho dimly comprehended
that something In tho glamour of youth
and romanco might make It a thing to
be desired to dig in g.irJ ins at unusual
hours. iho sa'd no more, but wont
quletlv into tho Iioum -Vary L. li.
Branch, in Iln-pe-'.i Hui'.
i:rrrr-lr 5ImI"TIi Scenns Ue-onleJ by
Trustworthy Seeri"t iry.
Tho mooting was called together at
eight o'clock a. in., with tho baby in
the chair. After rapping the table
iolcntly to socuro tho attention of
those present, tho chairman mado a
motion to upset tho batter. Tho
motion was seconded, but not in time,
and the butter was carried.
The minutes of the last mooting wcro
then road and disapproved. During
tho recital, tho chairman emphasized
his displeasure bv throwing a liiiitlln at
the secretary. 'Tho report, howovor,
was completed, and tho inullin laid on
the table.
Tho regular business was t'len taknn
up. It was voted to allow the chair
man a glass of m Ik, a inullin nnd a
small pecu of steak. Exception boiii. was allowed t
take tho floor in its own dofenso. The
chairman d mantled a larger piece, an I,
after a brief consultation, tho tlein m I
was granted.
Tno in ittor of a bib for thu chair
man having been brought up. by tho
di-eovery that that article been
surrnptitiouly removed and deposited
under the tiblo. tho nurse was req leto I
to replace tho same Tho chairman
ohje-'ted. on the ground that bibs wore
unnecussiry and undignilied. Objec
tion overruled, and bib replaced.
At this point the chairman called at
tention to a largo existing deficit in the
supply of milk, and oigostetl an ns
sessmont on tho cream pitcher. It was
thought bjst, however, to supply the
deficiency from tho diurnal endowment
in thu pantry, and the matter was dis
cussed in a vorr animated manner by
the chairman and ni'inb-rs of
the convention. Tno't ob
joction was llnallr ovmruli'd, as a v-to
for cream only, a'ud the bill was passed.
On motion of thu nurne, tho chur
ni.m was tied into his chair, to prevent
his taking tho ll tor a very unpar
liamentary proceeding. Upon dis ov
ering this piuce of strategy on tho part
of tho opposition, the chairman was
very indignant, anil objured with such
force and vehemence that his coint
enaiifo became fairly florid. While his remarks by successive
gestures, ho removed tho cutlery,
cro-kery and glass war from his ini
incdiatn vicinity, and drew a large sec
tion of tho tahlo-cloth into his lap.
A motion to adjourn was hastily
mado by, tho nuwe, and was partici
pated in by tho chairman. Th s meet
ing, being thus left without a quorum,
was declared adjourno I by th secre
tary, subject to tlu c ill of tho chair
man. I'aul Paitnor, it l'ur,
Two ladles who uavo taught In a
certain room in the Ithaca Central
School have been married within two
ycrtrs pasf, and tho Journa' narrates
tho fact that thoro is "somewhat of a
strife" to got in tho way of a third
stroke of tiio hymeneal lightning.
NoMonoyinlt Smnrrto "Hullo,
Sharppo! How's Christian Scionco
jlttin' along?" Sharppo- "O, I've
r(,A n C ..tat Inn Qs,tkMrA fint ifAnn
IS" T - -......, h"
u . niin hnnrn "Pudc
bnclc, ' pIaln dunc0 l
Dime museum managers should
Inaugurate a search for a woman who
can play cards an cntlro evening with
out asking "What's trumps?" Mer
chant Traveler.
Gudness (solemnly) "Youngroan,
vou aro burning thu cnndlo at both
ends." Swift; "I know it, but that's
tho only way to got much light out of u
candle." Time.
"OeneraJ" Booth, in opening a new
salvation hall in Liverpool, recently,
tlfllod any ono to point out any author
ized doing of tho .Salvation Army not
justlllcd from the Bible. Thoy had
2,700 socioties and 8,000 officers, for tho
most part solf-supportc-d, and tho annual
income was not loss than $1,000,000.
Kov. C, II, Spurgoon recently paid a
vlst to the Island of (iuernsoy, in tho
Rngllsh Channel. Ilo preached four
times in ono day. Admission to the
bervlces was by tlckot, and no fewer
than nine thousand applications for
tickets were made. Mr. Hpurgeon's visit
appears to have resulted in a groat
quickening of spiritual interest, tho
whole island being greatly stirred.
Tho JTow West Iiducatlon Commis
sion is supporting wholly or in part,
hovon academies and twonty-threo com
mon schools in Utah and Sow Mexico.
Thoy huc been attended during tho
past year by 3,'J5U pupils. During tho
nlno years in which tho Commission has
existed, it is estimated that over a, 000
dilferent pupils buvo boon taught In its
We t.att Thm AH-lllht Premiums
In Our CIbm llntnio MeitM
There la no proprietary medicine i In thu
world Hint has grown, In iy rUy nnd
favor in so short a period of tlmo ns tho
remedy known as the Ortat Jywi AJ''nO'
mtdi.W Curt. The Sierra Chemlcn Co..
J mmftcturers oi ie-o ". '""",',, r
Kootlsls composed ofbrlfilit nr Ivomc I of
thorough nnd lorn experience In I he Ir 'line
or business. They have shown womlerni ,
enterprise in briiiRliiR Wore he public. n(
KrvtllCUlp l WIHvii iiiu s,i'ii""-" - ex
kilhcrcl. on tho sides ami in the yonof-j
no,,H, ?.ei "nv ; " : .; .
lOllllnuv nave nwiira "- ". :-:
plren to anv medicine nt the Mechiinles'
Kxhlbltion, li, nnu ivwnm . :
lnlltre nimle up of Proftwors R Iiir nml
Wentell, Iholiesl known nnalytleal chemists
on thin const. This Isciioub li nwiw w,
merit ns a true remedy, delightful to tho
tate, nml ns n positive i un' for nil Mtiiu-r.
Uvornnd bliul'ler has no equal ,
on earth. All druggist".
' ' 1
niT.,ii., wi,ii mr Mm lnoVsoWne
this inonilnsr" -'Ohl 1 pnlMiint tho town
... .
A novel renult of tliotemior.ncoineet
Ingfl at Noldosvllle, lud., Is rvported. bo
i .i...,o.l ili.x nl.Mii'n nml ri-
iill, iin.u riinii ..i' I".---- -- -- --
...-I.....I l.n.l.Ta tl.ilt tint RIllllllV Of 1)1110
rilibon in tho stores of tho town'has been
Th 1'rouiiitnrn wllh Which Mr. Ilsirli
ltcrlc.l Ilia Money frm Th
LuuUIiui Stale Lultriy.
Tho fact o( thowlnnlnjt of tho $15,003
by our townsman H.-i r Harris in ibo
Inst driiwiiiK of Thu Louisiana JStnto Lot
tery in not now to our vop!e, but moot
iiik l ho ot-shoriir yesterday, wo ntked
htm if ho had yot receiviHl his check anil
if ho was Kolnt? to endow somo charitnb'o
institution with tho money. Mr. Harris
replied, ,4Thiit the money had promptly
como, untl that everything connected
with its receipt had K'on ino-.t njitisfact.
orily dono. I like" said he, "tho way
riio liOiiinlnna State Lottery Company
do bnsinesH. Tho fortunate holder of tho
winnlm: number ootids his ticket to tho
homo ollk-o and as soon us tho mall can
return a cheek is received for tho fill'
amount. There is no quibbling, no dis
counting, no delays, everything w dono
promptly anil squarely. As to what to
do with the money I haven't yet exactly
settled. An endowed medical college
bearing my namu would read fine and
iiorpetunto tho Harris niimo for all time
to come, would it not," ho said turning
to tho news gatherer, "but" he added,
"I am not seeking fame, and guess I will
invest the money in real estuto in the
bent county in the State of California
Napa and enjoy the fruits of m vgtnl
fortuno." Kapa (Cal.) Reporter, Novcm-U-r
Turkeyi nre the mml innocent o( blrdt. Tho
ment silly woman in tbe world can stuff one.
One Remedy for On SUeaite.
(From Jlidteit Journal),
The (our j restcat uioJUal ctntrra of the world
are London, Puii, IWrlln mJ Vienna. ThMo cltlca
l e ImnwnM hoajiltaja tecnilaK with auSeruijba
maolty. Crowd ot iIuWdU throng the wajd Italy-Ujuiv-crtho
Iro(enun In charge. Tbe moat te
novDcdphyalcUotol tha world tch aid p-act lew
bete, and the InaUtntlona are atonbouaea of tncdlca
kcowletlfu and irlence. With a, lw of mailnj
tbli exrlenc arailable to tbe pvbUa tho Iloapltal
Hemedy Co. at great eipenae aecored the prescrip
tion of tbe hospiula, prepared lb ipetiflo, and al
though It would cost from tSi to f 100 to aecur lb
attention of their dlstlnguUhed orlflnaton, yet In
thU way tbea valaabl ruedldnc are IJ at tbe
price of th quack patent medicine that flood the
market and alannlly claim to cur arery III from a
alngle bottlr, Tbe want alay frit for a rttlabl
cla ot domeatlo remeJI'a U now filled with trft
aaU'factlon. The buaiiltal IkuiedlM make no un
reasonable rlalma. Tti apeciao for Catarrh curt
that an I nothing elac; o with the apoclOo for IVon-ehltlt.Coniumi.U-u
and Luo; Trnuble; UKaama.
tUm ia etueil by No. 3, while truub.M of DUwtlon,
btomarh, Llrer and KHn) bat their own cU'e.
To the U added a apedlla for Fever and Acue, on
for female weakneM a general tonlo and blool
makerthatmakebloodandri'cfnnnand fullneaa.
and an inenoi arable rem-dr for Nennu DeMIItr."
Thew retried re ae all aolil rn an abeolute guaraote
to co what I tlaimed r or I hem.
A circular describing thUricw method of treating
dbeaee I aent f roe on application by lloarmL lUa
uT CouraiT, Toronto, LanaiU, Hole Proprietor.
) .
Wlien women get to fighting the.devll eoo out
to take a drink.
fcliocritv nfirayt copies tuperioritv. Dob
bins Electric Soap, tirt made in 1WJS, has
lcen iiultutcd more than any wiap made.
Ask your proccr for Pobhint' Electric onp,
all other Electrics, Electricity, Jlognctlcs,
etc., aro imitations.
Pimple language li the moat forcible, errn
wheu you hai o loat your orurahoe in the mud,
Fudden Change of thu weather nlten ranae
I'ulmonsrr, ilrnnchlal, and A'thmatle trouble'.
;;roicn' BroneMat Troelut" will allay tbu Irrita
tion which Induce coughing, giving immediate
A flow of natural ga ba been dlarOTereil near
Chicago. To iboao that bath ahall bo glien.
A pockot cigar-caie free to imokcr of "Tanilll'
1-unch" tctlgar.
m i
Have your picture taken whllo you hate
money, tecurc jour shadow ero your auUtanco
i I 1T 1
W call tbe attention f tho-e nfltring with dropay
to the fair ropmltlon of Dr. II. If. Orecn li Hon in
l heir aor.rtUcment ou tbl pata. Try Uu, It toU
1 ou nothing t ilo to.
Ulld, wjoable climate, certain and abundant crop.
Ileal fruit, grain, gru and Mock country In tbe werld
Full luforaiatlon fra. AiMrw tli Oregon launltfra
lUn Hoard, Portland, Orenon.
Jlcwarnnf Immltatlon of the genuine Real
of Nortb Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
Try Germoa for Ilrcakfaat.
The Origin
Of theamou tncillclno, Ilood'a Harraparilla It
Intcreating. Among tbe cuatomert at thu
pharmacy of C.J. Hood & Co., In Lowell,
Miui., many year ago, waa a gentleman who
uttered iutcntcly from neuralgic palm, and
who ald If ho ii ture ho nun endnro
uch agony much longer ho abould commit
aulcldu. After trying many ph)lcln
without aucceu, bo one day took to Mr
Hood a prescription from a llottou pbyalclan
which Included Ingredient tho experienced
pharrnarlat had neterennut-d lu thoiame
combination. The rcault of the new medi
cine wat awaited with Intorctt, and oou the
patient announced hlmieK ontlrt'ly cured,
Tbo Idea of tbl peculiar combination
hauuted Mr, HckvI, (or In It he believed wai
the germ of tuccea. To It wa added varlou
alterntire,dluretlo and antl-btllou romcdlei,
and after long tudy and careful experiment
tbo now popular Hood' Fanuparllla wa
tho rciult.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
ioldbyalldnigglit. ll,tlx(orl-V rreparedonly
by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Apothecarloa, Iwell, Man.
IOO Doses One Dollar
RORH CITKR mil 1'1I.K.
iicuitii Mln.l. MmkIimt "'t ItrWn Mrj.
iMliiK Kirk' nnii II Wniwn. b,'?l'
rmor. "lUr. lh IM.Irf. Po'l i.
f irl nlf lr lilts '"t hll, "' "!
"uwiViiW.Vsm:i,UuUj- ntjii Rvily)
irliv.ll H0rl.t. J. J. Moli A CO,, WholH
AltnU, Hn 'ttl"' T
Ihevronl neeil oi iwnnn. wnivii ii...v...
Into iiromliieiico tty Hlnnle) twin Uvur. i It
lowclJ lor locitl eoiuumi'tltin
i m i
YKAU CtllU).
Mr llllla vlrl, ten rra ot K, M HrlgM' ills
tMo. lift nVI. fil ni yn wr ItrtlHy twut.
Un. Four ol our l.HluliUniUimll her, uul
brlHtlHliIt. Alnolhr'louruiouii
nil illfflniltlii. tint I tlrtemiliwil l try lr. )Ht
KmiimhIv-i Kutniltc nnmlr.liisit t Honilnul, N. 1. (
JlrUht'attHu I How hswiy UmlUtIuUimlne4
twenHih eourne-lor on liy ene tin ll known
vnii.tonioMItlllfhr. Wanlahll In '
l'rtniy Bralitmlt, 't I cwinel treilly
rteoiuiMiMllh rtt etlte llcmwlr. Itr rtcusry
v fiillrelf tlu (o lh FiTiirlte llemiNly, wlikh m
h only mulif Ine lnWrii fUr hr e; wm Unln
l hy Uis jitiyllM Jle. Ur A. Ktitoni tl
llutfuiil, Vtfinoiil , ,
1. KiisrMVKATotrrslUiiintwJtiillUuiiloul,
a..,. rr UA. Iirnr to rtir Klilney. Urr uil
DIooJ dbooltr.
Tenchrr You're tfet duniH-. I'ull
1 lint-a the flrt time ymi lin;nitlied me rr
(ret lu aiithliiR till" term.
You want an elegant collection of nrtlstlo
novelties, which can bo procurtM by anyone.
You will lie astonished til tho variety,
lienuty nnd oddity.
To gel Iheie buv n Ikix of the Keiiiilno Dr.
0. AleUino'n tVlcbrnled Uver PilN, price
cents, nnd ui.Ul in the uutiddo nipper with
oiiriiddre- plainly written und I ivnts in
'tumps. We will Uicn in-ill you llio almvn
llt with nn olegnnt pirknge of olcogniphlc
und cliroinntlo eanls. Addrew, Hemlng
Ilws., IMUburg, l'a.
Ilv-nndbr lliiflalii lllli will tk. Ida "Wild
Wvit Mio" to thu wild Wtt. It will b nor
city then-.
I !) I
Tl "ail to ce a woman growing old before her
All broken-down and hopelnw when life abould
hold It prime.
Bhi. f....l In a linrdi'ii nbeii a bleuuig he
alionld l. . . I
And long lor death to bring her relcaw from
If Hhw 1-xir, dlaeotiragetl wninon who tiftVr
..i... . . ..1I-. ... iilllW
tm-y woitin naaicii in btbu iiieuiKi-iT,-" .!
Theyoughtto know It, and tty It, hi-ry wotnaii
who 11111 healthy ought to ho told about Hie
wmiueriui vinue in mi miiiiruie, ii nmu'
taud that It I a iifegunrd ugnluil the terrible
dln-aae mmmou to Ucr hi, It lynraafd to
give aatltlactlou or money paid for It will l
t'leano tho liver, atomaeh. bowel and whole
yitem by mlng Dr. Pierce' Pellet.
We ktieol not weed, wo donghnot know
Hut that he'll win the heav'nly prlie.
I'rrrhntice, be took aotno of hi jrait.
If m, then ho will aurvly rle.
The edition lor l"-vi of the alerting Medlcnt i
Anniml, kiinirn a Ho.telUr'o Almanac I now
ready, and may Im obtained, (rev of rot, ol
dniggkta Kud general country denier In all
part id tho t'nlted Htatr. Mexico, and lnlcl '
in erery clrlllieil pnttlon Of tno weateru nrm
Upbvre. Thl Aluiauar ha bcn l.uvl regn
Inrly at tho ominuurf ment of eiery year for
over one-fourth ol n c ntury. it enmnlnr. with
me aouuilrit pracncai auvira lor xuo prrerT
lion and rctornllmi ol health, a largo amouut
of tntcreatlng nnd nmmliig light reading, nnd j
tho calendar, aatrouomlcal calculation". Chro '
notoglcnl Item. Ac., nre nreparwl wllh great'
rate, and will U found entirely aeetirau' The
iuo ul llontetlcr' Atmauao lor D will prob
ably bo tbo largest nllllon of a mcllral wotk
cut publlulu"! lu auy rouulry. The proptietot.
Mriim. Iloatelter .v Co., I'llt-bttnc. Pa., on
ncelptof a two cent utmnp, win lorwarun copy
by mail lo a ly nmn who eauuot procure one
in bl iieUhothixxl.
jok will go where it I tent.
At leaat tn a the tcholar,
Hut often lore, 1 fear, l Uwit
On going whero 'tllollr.
TIO.V, Comumptlon, and Waiting In Children, rVott'a
Emulilon of Pure Cod l.her Oil with Hyiv
phmphlte. I n unit vnlunhlo lool and mell
cine. It create an appvtlto for fnod.atn'tigthfti
the uenroua ayUim, and build up tho holy
Pleao read. "I tried Hcott'a Kmulalon on a
young mnn whom Phylciauat time favour
boon. SI not bo began llilnir tbo Kmulilou hi
Cough tin ceavMl, gnlnil Iteali and atrongth, and
from at) apiarnnco hi life will bo prolonged '
many year." JoilM hULLHAi, Iloipltal htcw
ard, Morganza, l'a. ,
KcnttK klan Can any man who chno Xx a
Colonel out your way. a luourrHateT I'tahan
N'ut union hit family amouut to more than
Pr. William' Indian Pile Ointment lathe only
urornro fnr Illlud. Illiellng or itching Pile
eerdlacxvcrel. ll never fall tocureoldchroulo
caac of long atandlng
JitdgoCortlnbury. Cleveland, 0ya-
"I bavo fonnd hyexiMrfencnthatDr. Wllllnm't
Indian Pllo Ointment glre linmollule relief."
Do not aulTer an Initant longer. Hold br
Willlam'a Manufacturing Co., Prop.,CIvetaud,
Ohio. toe. and 11.
II tupertor eioollenc pruren in minion U honw
for mor than a quarter A a oentunr. It la rued by
the United fltate Government. Indord Iiy th
bead of the Great CnlvenlUe a th Htrungeat
Parcat and Moat Healthful, Dr. Price' lb. otili
flaking Towder that doe not contain Ammonia,
Um or A lunut. BoM only In Can.
yew your, chic-aoo aax nuHczaco
FOU y.
It haa permanently on rod thouands
of casoii pronounce by doctorn liopo
less. If you Imvo romonltory nyinp
torn. Rtioh a Ce uh, Dlflloulty of
Dreathlnir. etc.. do 't delay, but uio
imuieUlatcly, Iiy Uruggluta, 2S centa.
Olr-Juit arrived, iilnetton bead Kentucky
and Ulaaourl Jacka. rauirlnir from HU l.. IM
ifeaudahlgb. Ciww(KuT0X,tockUu, Cat
iroill ilincnu'a livuuiinr M n"i ........ ...j
know that henllh could bo r-glui-l by tho ti
of lir. Plern.' ruirlt Preaerlplliiu, how erly
hereditary, for my fathur dlinl of l iiri-r. r e1
ivtlileil nil oilier irvntmvnt, In fact gti-w wnrao nil
llio tlmo I It-It off nil other reinedlc. rui.l 1 tiM.k
B. K. H. which torriHl out llio Wileuii iintll mjr y
tim wn. eU-nii.c.1, when tho V.W' ''S'.lJL.l
orcn leaving ft tlgn. My health nee . ha ton
cxcellviiu Mil". Uu K1"?
u.,,,.t r..f nvatifu, .tn ruiKtr ntu. !i.kmI X)I-
rnMn; nM!U4WrH
SllVlKTMPKI'irill CHI..
Drnwir a, Atlanta, Un.
PBMtfVwUalnl M Saf &9
v- dB9Kmjn ar ai
rluffren ore not geurrally awara llial
llitu illiraac ara enutaclou. or that tuey
aro line to lb liranc of IhlrB parw
ltus in in lining metnuraus ii tuo dhi
anil Atiatachlan Inbaa. aflcmaeotilo re
. .; ... " . . .,-...
- t :-:. .
orcb, liuwaver, dm iwotivI uu to !
lull ana uie rwuit oi uu ancoyriy i
that aalmtd rainedr baa tMa dlaooTcred
wuionporinanwmy enro inanmiawn.
rwtnt eaaca ef theaa dlatmamlna dlaeaje by
atirt ) by the patUnt at bom. A pamptx
let eipjaiuiiza; tuia dw arva.ioen t i
ira oy a. ii. uuo rran. i aau m
Vet tung utfi, Torooto, uaaaaa.
arc surely cure&hy
Perry OdviV
reddtlie diVectows
We offer nntll old, to attract attention and
pay our patruu. for aeudlug away R caiea of
drea plaid, bruwua. blue, and dirturvut ahadea,
full Inchon wide, beary and atroug, at 11 cent
ortyard for Hi nnd -10 piece plain brown,
garnet and other ahadv of C'ahmere,l Inche
wide, at aame price, 'JUUldcce gray goml and
plaid, 0 Ineho wld, heavy and lrong, for
good wear, U yard ll Tbvae gixxl aro not all
wool but are great bargain at thoio oflVra, Kor
mailing add Scent per ran) In Ijulle' llie
we oflrr oin u hlte at lie , formerly aold at Wk-,
unbleachod, full ilio, al Iw , iiM-d ti bring n a
rtnien regular; wo bare black, brown and mlxeil
at aame price, but not o good. Men' trltd W
how for Hunday wear, 11 r doieii up, Iblld
ren'a hnae, Vflc. per doun up. Homo eitra bar
gain In genuine French, all color and all aim,
is reiil, nwxl to bring In or dnren, lu drca
button, nearly erery abade, wo ran tllt you at
ftc per doien, or UK. a grrxm two bit a doivn
aked for Ihem elaewhere. We forgot to inch
lion a woolen llnaoy In ret and black plaid and
other color, about t Incht wide, at luc or 0
yard for 11. goo. I for ichool drnc. Muillm,
glngharni, print. Canton flannel, and many
other good, retailed at W rant a yard above
rloaoat lohhlng prlco nntll Jan. 1, IH'jo. Good
warm glove and in I Item for tbo North Country,
at in and 34 cotit. It would lake 10 column to
hold all w want tn tell you. Hut aend for full
Hit, free, and It will bo aent you eirrythlng a
family want tn uo. Addre.Hinl(lij Vnali
Ntnre. 4 IN rroiit Nt., Nnu fr'raticleco,
J100O moro Words nnd nearly
2000 moro ISiiKrnvliirjrn tluin
any other American Dirt lonitry.
It 1 an InraluuM companion In orery Ocliool
and at erery l'lrealde.
Uol4 hy All llAokifllfri. Illustrated ramphUt
wing Fj-wmivu 'KnTf o.o,, pcut ITVO. I
C. k C. MtnniAM U CO,, Pub-r,Bprlngaeld,Maa.
ftWtt JOII1V, DKNTIhT Inform'
1 IILafla) tlon of death or whereabout
I Irr. ri'Miirrivl by relallii. Houard
""I II dulrM, Addruo, W. It,
YOUNO, Antlncii, ( allfnrula.
y Plan' Curo fnr Don.
for aeeplng the yolce
clear, fflcunU.
rtrrimir af uiiAiwidii. iiiAauR
U I Cln WH T a A IIACIH.Oabltr. Itotnlali
1'iaiTO i iiuruoit U'gan, lltnd Indrunxnta, Urveat
nouk l Hhel Mutlo nd IVnk. IJaud (uppllad al
--- rvv-vw a avvav awiaaa aV araBj a,jinija VUIFI lamfj nm
KaUtaarn Vrirs LfAT-rillAu ntuv -i "atan .a..
BtrHt.Baoyranciai. " w u""j
hi:nt tiihi; wanii.
(Jriteuliuiiki I'olnali, Inarrllcldr,
ive! alao ollil ami iuiu.1urf.i i-aimtii. uui
Hulphur. Whale Oil. Itnatn. Kto.. Ete. Kor anta
l6l Uarkat ut., and
oa, Wai.
Jo.tianuiaeturlng Agent
I .aliiornU Nt., baa Vrn
-r DruQalt's ond Dealer. A
ou hs
a Jtintii: or ion Acto
Aljluivi i Heal id Ktirtti I'Hnilln. 'ri0i 0
He tnii'l li fiK.l.d by Inferior linliatirjufc1 U
Try Kvlly'n (lunranlrcd Corn Otirs
IliiiiuloHH. 'llioumiiiils of teiiliiiQnj.i,
irom thu cum'iI. '.'fto. boltle. Nqium
money lefuuded. t-ent by nmll 0r !
prosn lo nny ntltlretiH, elly or Hit. v
ct. KKI.I.Y, thotnUt, 10 ,t,MV
fan l-'rnnclsco. '
Dm, UIiiihii'k lltmnnaTlvik Pii.u, a arrets
lliauaudtlialllr, pli,lrul drlillltjr, Mlnt fixm,
nrrTuua ileiaiiitiiiruta, riiiiatltull.iiiwMiVtiMiliK.
aipruvriiby tint AiiuUiny of i,il,clu., I'aiU, u
Tl"r I K -X II M Uailri 11 , -laiV ,j i
lrwnciMT.1, i Rliriiula. henlby mullet iiirMa
an r iii'r',iiaMifiiM.itwibraj!i1irt!
nv iiii-iKiiiiiriMiiiiiaiiiine worn Aanit j a
Tfr I K . tl Ml Uailri 11 . l'l,i ,V
IrwiiciMTi, i alirmiln. Henlby midliif miiimi..
li r U of", II nf Iim, Itwij br Sjj, Uto U
lun ailniV ,rtM.rrlii vfitll a.i.l 1
.--, , . - -, ,--,-... .v j ,...-, TH. .
r, i rrrio y pin, fino.
-Hi;.NII 11)11 t'IIUUI,MH.-i
Tim itrent MeTlcan ItemcdyforPI-nrdcnaf Ow
Kldni-janlid lllnddrr, Damiana I limgnliMl!
all pnyalrlnn na the l-l Nerrnu Htiiaulaat
glvra brnllli nnd atrvnglh In the lienrraltv ail
I'rucrvallire Otgaua. lor tale evurwhtr.
B83 X Wirt lnrkct nt., U, V., AfBH.
With our fwlalitatnl
Toos. Coffoos and SpicM,
Uaiantlful Text Sota, oompioU,
for V paraoaa,
',.10 111 buy yml a t-& l-u cbuw Ta,IU)t
break but fi I JrTM,
t.' wilt buy )uu a &K l4t U titr la Tv
with a art nf rrvnth ITiIni Prull title, Jwnraiai,
aj.t.OO will nt joi aMb t nf U.M'mTw,wfl
a bandvo-o dcH(l la ! 4mH4iW M (lfl
(wrxtia, Krce ol ilhiartr,
ejr nn oittii'.HwANioVKHKiiirrr.DT0jun
ifiU.UU iol KuUeTtw, by ralluf Mr.
Till Cominr art ll liget Importtr fit Tn
Coffc l MJw on lb l'dd CuMV Twii
iaallniklllirHU hYtamlliig youronhnxlifTCitt
-irwholratiahO'iM, .Iw lo AH ilarki-l Mtrret,
IV will lie pur Tmi, t'w(I n4 NuIom al fao?
lur, mli'if lou iiitiiy prnflK Hand for nurwl
Hi putaWiu, wilH (I'M full larllculani ef A,
llainlmni l'rtiilutnirlrn awuy with our calalnM
rr, fiI. -il J,4c.
SK, at.atl ami AN JiHrUrt HI,
Nam ymlhflfWL
j 40 Stores in Saoceuful Operstln.
.-Vr. .' ..'.. - .. A. mm. B.
kualL iimm,, Jwr.
I ai."r I ari ivmwi iw.
jTN- fw l,ow umngnp imhiii,
JV-i fcnal ! i-Ikou. lJl.a, A
t, l( tS" an Inuiin J --J u A
I'iili'-l. a"1!" mm ' '"Ai
T!-l27irf,kk' Tale !. mrW
A cja. a 1 UMwMrt ui., t-ttil i, ,.. w
Fl lit rwatrtnill. In V
I I L. Ar uif. r tnml,i. w.liMh aH
I l BH -lli.Urrar IjiJIukWIalMMr.MrrMr
fm ""'
Catarrh! Catarrh I
a. rlilet 'oiut relvrviiiT prc . ?
Hi e and nur miitliiuil Mien h.w UroM
ilottbt that Wllanii'ii VnparUln. In '
linlrr I no rerngnlKd a the 11 el ill .i
remi-tlc for CATAIIIIII, ASTHMA IlllOX; i
(HIT It, lit. 1'linaant tn liae, piai Ural ap r
economlial I'teulmrly tmble In llronrtlal i
trouMra Iry It Price Willi lour moiitb WY
plyofintd cine Including blnodpurlMiiCtnole,
(etinugli to cure the iiiimi rluon e cn- Vitt
Kent hreiprra to auy nddn on reetipi"
'Mlatkt en
?TUtVlr'. I
triii hill, annr. i
-. --.-.- - a
!"!. !."" :
m . piavii TSBUar' ,
I lw ArM al at alllla-. A aaa.e tv a a
lu Kakaary ai MiuWmh. n.iff , '
an Ika till J'U will rT Ik Maf klaa, tl all! ","
Sta a Maul U fa4 w a lllouaw CnlM. !"
ffuw, Una aal IMUwaalala, i!4M ! Hiliw"
"'" (I
fal "
!5t". "II.V
uw 1. w, .. ".."
an i"
famona for uoeealn' whar
olhar har fallrit.
Drill 4rM Co u 90 tin
!eTo dp SY
.. a mint. WJtl lll .
nu. IMA Ail 'a'lliillll'HON
onplion, ana nai i oen in wi "-";..,, nu4
oonfury , llieroareftwrtUMM to wbWi rnn
are mllact tnoro UlJtrlng than aore ,-twa
lion, perbap. for which moro rmU""ltttoa
Irtnl wltboutanccea. TorallexUirnal nnSrSn
!.. - a- .... i.fallllila tMttrwwir. II III T.-i
I Jp'nitfTrtS.c.rtiJaWrt
aw.i.i""-'' .
W. bar. W mPi$
many and l"ff
. . .- a lft
" IM HriatlykyOa
-given wa .
raftlnii. hc0.
. m fc. .. lmi-,
U. V, V, V No. m New Mwlu.
11 1
To m K
loalllrlrCur4wHU VeUblnniMi
Ilafaenr.) many Ihnauml K
riimounc.lhoplurlhl UyU-1" 'Tg
iiratdoaaajrnipluma rapMlrUUapeear. J;",
da l ll two-llilnl of all yiuiloni are I r
Myon order trial return tbl adrtleraenMOJ
aari 7 aa aw t a, 1 1 aTa.nfiia"
: ...-. --,-- . -. , i rn nn
ariLiK linnafLfuily inenarol rJ "?.
iiiw -. &$& -. y,,.