mmmmnm -., Miscellaneous IV GOODS! NEW GOODS! Just Received at the XXlf T CASH STORE i FULL LINE OP LADIKB' JKIWEYS AN!) LAWKS' CLOAKS 11 Also of OKNT'fl AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Rolling lowor Mian ever. Also ft full lino of LADIES' UNDKRWHAR, selling vory low. Also cnn bo foiinil n full stock of Ladles', MInnoh' nml Children's CLOAKS and DOLMANS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, 1'LUSIIES, LAMBS' DRESS GOODS, HOYS' anil .MEN'S CLOTIIINO, HOOTS und SHOES, GENT'S KUHNIHIIK! GOODS, HATS nml CAl'S, etc. Also ft full lino of GROCERIES ;.clmm gonoral morchntidlso store, ftt first ARRINGTON's STORE New Postofflce Building, Marshfield, Oregon, can be found LADIES' amd GENTS' FURBTISHING GOODS, J'BBcy Xiry , CIkmi-h nad Tolmeco, Ntntloucry, Jewelry NotlOHH, eft". m:w cioouH ihbuxt nv i:vi:ry ntiujikr. ocl5 AKKI.TfOTO.t, Proprietor. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGIST, Marshfield, Oregon. DEALER IN DRUGS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Empire City, Oregon. Prescriptions aklllfully compounded at all hours. Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. and the leading Fire, Life and Accident Companies. NEW DEPARTURE! Tlio undersigned having bought fiom DR. 0. 1). GOLDEN the IBID DRUG STORE K-'roHt Hired, Mm-MkBcld, Oregon, Solicit a continuance of tlio Iiboral nutronngo extended In tlio past. Largo improvements uro being mudn und tlio stock heavily increased. Ptuo Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mcdioinc?, Perfuniurici', Trusses, Sponges, Combs, Brushes. I'UIn nnd Fancy Candles, Nollont and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Tlie belt assortment of Picture Frames in the county, all ies and at all piices, kept In stock or made to order at short notice. ..,.. , , . ... Fulland complete line ol Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Olais and Putty of the purest quality. n-i.. .h.i a..i.. mniril, ni vmr tl(f rlftllon contant1v on hand. -Am arranging- to Import through New Orleans, direct from Cuba, the finestl brands of Havana BMattilaWsVBarasViaUttlntance with leading tobacconists In New Orleans will enable t prices. truMt'H A fnMlM!TK ' flMHlinF wsmbbbbbbbbbbmbf DRUGS AJSTD MEDICINES, WMI, I.XQUOHN, CINAItN nad TOII.4.CGO, With a full lino of Toilet Articles. tW Agency for standard lltorury works and periodicals, for tlio Domestic Hewing Macltlno, and for Electrical appliances. jcl8 J. E. IIAGENDUCH, Proprietor. n n n n i n n A GREAT SLAUGHTER ma PBIOES OIF1 HARDWARE, Tinware, Crockery, etc., etc. ! , UnvlMsr tnkcH adTBHliiRo of rtiill Hiiim and low iirlecH, we have boHRht inreo nloclc of tlio nbovo warcm wlilck wo nre NKI.I.IKU AT PRICIX WKVKR KQUAI.ISD MARSHFIELD HARDWARE STORE, 333. O'CtOlSHSFEXLtTj, Proprietor. osrE"W: Variety Store! Holland Ilulldlng, opposlto Hlnnco Hotel, Front street, Mnrshfleltl. PIAJTOS and ORGANS, IsITTSIO, Vocnl nml JiiHtrumenttil, NEWS' DEPOT and. Agency, A Fine Assortment of Confectionery, CIO-ABS and TOBACCO, Alwaya on bond, nt Itotall and Jobbing. -Also, Bowing Mnoblnes, Jewolry, Playing Cards, Hslilng Tackle, Sta tionery, and the , most complete-aMorlinent of be , om, .on. .tho Bay. , ... . aii orncru atiitroHsou to tnu -now yv "'V, ' T ' ,i. ' prompt utteutlon, mr5 BAY VIEW RREWERY tvT A TP.WTTI!. OIR., Clemmeiiscii Keeps constantly on bund mid oflbw for huIo a Btiporior article o LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE Ann RETAIL. OUR JiAll IS SUPPLIED WITH THE CHOICEST llRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Advertisements nml PROVISIONS genornlly kopt In a tlio LOWEST LIVING PRICES. J. LANDO fc SONS, I'ropriolore. AT- The local trade will I soppiieu at intern rates. an. correspondence irom ncixiinoung iuhuuj ui!iucu. I". A. CIOI.DI1.M, JroprIclor. ally Recipes carefully compounded. sen DRUG STORE ASSORTMENT OF "" ',"viti.f ni ' P. P. NORTON, " new VARIETY STORE. ti iTimrM (Agent for MurIc, Musical Instruments II. IIUDEN, j ll)(l lll0 pomestto Sewing MachlneB. & Evaiioff, The Coast Mail. MARSHFIELD, OKEOO.V: Thursday, ::;::: December 10, 1885 I'ino impoited cigars at Songstacken's driitf etoro. A nico selection of stationery and fine clKnrs ut Now Variety filoro. H. A, Arlington left by tlio Arago last Sunday, en routo for Arlnonn, for tbe bonollt of bis liualtb. A nico assortment of ladles' gold watclies and diamond rings at Seng slackon'fl drug store. Tburo will bo a regular meeting of tlio Marsblleld Rod and Gun club at Its rooms tbls evening at 7 o'clock. Tins C'bleftaln cigar, sold nt Seng stacken's drug stores, is pronounced tbe bost In tlio market for tlio tnonoy. Inspect John Kenyon's holiday goods before purchasing clsewhoro. Ho has a flno stock and soils at bottom prices. Judge 8. 8. Mann and wifo aro ex pected to return from the east to San Francisco nbout tlio middle of this month. II. Songstackcn, of tho Coos Hay drug storo, lmB tho best selection of Jewelry on the bay, nnd his prices aro vory rea Konablo. J. Lando, senior proprietor of tbe X L N T cash store, arrived by tho steam er Coos Hay, to remain until nftor the holidays. Save timo, money and risk by sub scribing nt P. P. Norton's Now Variety storo for all periodicals and newspapers In tho world. C. II. l'earce will succeed J. M. Ar rlngton as book-keeper at North Rend and Arrlngton will tako charge of his storo at tho postoffico. W. II. Noble has moved bis family from town to tho Sleeper place, a mllo or two above Uttor City, on Isthmus slough, whoro ho Is logging. A sheet and pillow caso and bon bon party will bo given nt Smith & Seng Htackon'H hall next Saturday night Good music will bo furnished. All aro cordially Invited. Vr. J. T. JlcCormac was called to Gardiner last weok to prescribo for the child of Dnn Dowers, which was very sick with a complication of complaints, but tho doctor left it convalescent. Will Thomas of Koutuck slough has completed his now house and it was warmed last Saturday night by a num bor of his friends who had been invited to be thcro to cut tho pigeon wing and Bhako their fantastic feet. An Interesting illustrated article on Whlto Bronze recently appeared in tho Scientific American. It is well' worth reading. Fred Schettor of Enipiro Is agent for theso beautiful and practically indcstructiblo monuments. Tho Chinamen have been fired from tho Marshflold hotel, and tho landlord and landlady say thoy shall not return. Now the head-cook at this houso is a whlto woman, who thoroughly under stands jicr occupation and attends to it. Dob Bowron lofton tho last Coos Bay, for the purpose of permanently remain ing In California. Ho will first prospect Napa and Mendocino counties, nnd if they do not suit him ho will go furtbor. Bob left an attachment behind, and he may return for that. The devil got out tho Coast Mail last week, which accounts for its improve ments, shortcomings and eccentricities on that occasion. Ho says ho docs not want to get it out again, and we do not intond that ho shall soon, because of his back talk and suss sinco. John M. Hodson is this season selling tho product of his father's orchard on South Coos river. It is cholco fruit nnd John is soiling it nt bottom prices. Ho loft nt tbls ofllco tho other day a speci men box of his Northern Spy apples. Thoy cannot bo surpassed for size and excellence of flavor. "Woodchuck" writes us from South Coos river that tho cattlo aro fat nnd sleek and tho literary society at Pleas ant Marsh Is booming. Charley Van derburg la president ittid Albert Co) Ivor treasurer. Thus far Albert has had nothing to treasure and his ofllco has been an empty honor. Tho steamer Bertha was put on tho ways at the ship-yard last Monday, to undergo repairs and receive a new and larger engine that will much improve her speed. V. O, Phillips is adjusting tho machinery. Ho put into the Bortba tho old engine that bo has just taken out, when she was a brand-now boat at Empire, sovoral years ago. Hovoral days ago one of tho steamers plying botweon San Francisco and Port land passed a capsized schooner oil' Capo Mendocino. In size it Boomed to correspond with tho Jonnlo Stella, and It is believed to bo her, but nothing has boon found to tirovo It positively. It baa beon 40 days or more since tho Jonnlo Stella left Puget sound for San Francis ro. since which nothlna has been hoard of her, and His almost certain that sha has beon lost anu umi nroos ami inu sailors will have no moro trouble, 8, 0. ChrlsteiiBen'a large building, on Front street, north of tho Exchanco saloon, la being ologantly fitted up for n restaurant, to bo openod about tho 24th Inst. Flrst-claea Fronch cooUb wjll bo employed to preside ovor tho cuisine of tho now establishment, whore fish and gamo nnd delicacies of nil kinds, us woll ub the host subBtauuais 01 1110 mar ket, will bo furnished to ordor at all times, day and night. In fact, the now restaurant is tnionueu to do iipu-ciubh l..niiniit ntwl In ayi'M niivtlilntr of till) Vk? Mail Matters. It Is expected that Postmaster Gon oral Vilas will bo brought up with a round turn by this congress, and ho ought to bo. Wo hope to see hlrn get It In tho neck, and got it good, too. One of Vilas' economical pranks has beon tho discontinuance of the daily mall service between this placo and Coiiillo City. This was a movement in the wrong direction. Instead of being dis continued, tho route should have been continued and oxtended to Myrtle Point, Tho cost of tho Bervico to tho govern ment was only a trifle, while tho benefit to tho pooplo was vory great. This Is a piece of tho reform of this administra tion that bits us at homo and can bo duly appreciated by our citizens, Irre spective of party adulations. If the democrats who carry tho mails can stand tho parsimony of their postmaster general, tho republicans ought to. But Vilas is maklmr himself altogether too fresh In his attempts to put his dopart mont on a paying basis immediately af ter tho great reductions In postago just made by a republican administration, whereby letters nro carried at two cdnts, Instead of three and four cents, prior to last July, and nowspapers at a half less than over beforo, to say nothing of the many other sweeping reductions mado. Vilas la oil"; he is cranky, nnd has no business in any man's cabinet. Cleve land should fire him out without delay, for Vilas deserves dismissal alone for his refusal to carry out tho law passed at tho last session of congress in regard to tlio carrying of our foreign malls. Be cause tho law was not mandatory, Vilas ignored it. Under his policy, wo would soon bo without any foreign mall ser vice at all, while the home service would speedily become a shabby ono. Like most political reformers, Vilas is a bum bug, and won't do. Vilas Reconsiders and the Coquille Route Continues. Just as wo were going to press wo re ceived tbe following: Washington, D. C, December 8, 1885. To Aftstri. Sigliit. Chunh, Dean and Jarvit, Afarihjltld, Or.: I have just secured n resump tion of the tlnily mall service between Mnrshficld nnd Cuqulllc City. Bingck Hermann. Passengers by Steamer. Arrivals by tho Arago, Dec. 4 : Mrs S M Dement, J Beschclnen, Capt Forres and S Hunter. Arrivals by the Coos Bay, Dec. C : Mrs J Ernst and daughter, Mrs J Church, Henry Songstackcn, J Lando, T S Jack son, A L Allen, Wm Hall, Win Notloy, T D Ridsmour, E Seabnell, J Blacklock, W Sicrp, D II Getcbell, W W Davis and O Pettcngalo. Arrivals by the Areata, Dec. 5 : AW Rupp, C n Poarcc, J S Sherman, Miss Ella Douglas, F Nicholas and L E Rob bins, wifo and two children. 1 Departures by the Arago and Ajcata, Dec 6 and 7: J M Dyor, Martin Nelson, A S Jones, Mrs Palmcnter, Miss Jennie Larson, Capt Forrest, Grant Scales, S A At rlngton, Capt II R Reed and Peter Scott. Among the departures by tho Coos Bay on tho 7th wero John Black, M J Bowron and Robt Bowron. E. A. Anderson has the boss racket for handling coal and ho authorizes us to say that no other dealer in town will bo permitted to undersell him. Recent ly Anderson had piles driven at tlio northern terminus of Front street and a shed erected thoro, under which he moors his largo scow, holding from GO to 70 tons of coal. Strong gates prevent ourselves and other neighbors from sampling Iho quality of the coal at will, and a substantial apron leads from the street to tho scow, and when tho owner of tho coal-yard desires to haul, ho drives his teams aboard tho scow and loads, thus avoiding all unnecessary handling of tho coal, wborcby bo saves not only in labor, but in tho large per centage that is lost by -too much hand ling, and then tho coal is cleaner. It is tho true business, und no mistake, and if you want coal cheap, Anderson says to seo him. Tho Ellensburg correspondent of tho Rccordor says "R. D. Hume has opened his heart enough to give tho public a right of way 30 feet wide across tbe frontago opposito tlio Pioneer saloon." Wo consider that vory magnanimous in Humo. If 30 feot bo not wide enough for tho customers of that saloon to reach it and get away without falling against tho barbed-wiro fence, tho proprietor of tho saloon certainly noils a vory bad article of tanglo-Ieg whisky, and his licenso to do so should bo rovoked. Tho Ilornld says Frank Hunt shot hlmsolf through tho big toe, tho other day, on one of tho Coquillo steamers. Ho rested tho muzzle of his rlilo on his foot whilo ho inspected nnothor gun. His brothor, In passing, caught tho hammer of tho riflo In his slcovo and caused its discharge, Frank Immediately lost all interost in tho other gun and began to inspect bis toeu Tho new board of town trustees met Inst Thursday night, R. Mains was elected president nnd A. Nasburg, Dr. 0, B. Golden and Alex Sudorlund wero appointed n cominittoo on finance, after which tho board adjourned until tho 23d Inst,, when tho othor committees will be named. It is rumored that a store will soon bo started at Henryvillo and that Murks Pcchnor will havo charge of it, Mr. Pechnor la tho son-in-law of J. Lando, of tho X L N T store, and is at present residing in Snn Francisco, Como ono, come all, right along this way, to tho Now Variety store, for your Christmas presents. Bell cheap, bo all can huo a lino present. Whcro is tho best place to buy boll day goods? Hengatackon drug store, Of course. TOWN FINANCES. Reports of the Recorder and Treasurer for the Year Ended Dec. 3, 1885. Warrants outstanding Dec. 4, 1884..,. 4850 00 Accrued interest ,. 105a Warrants drawn for year ending De cember 3, 1885.,... '.... 931467 Total ...$3080 65 Coittrii. 13y warrants redeemed for year ending December, 1885 $4454 07 Interest paid on warrants protected... 16 58 Wnrrants outstanding Dec, 3, 1885. ... 8to 00 Total . .....$3080 65 (ASH statkment, Tociih In treasury Dcecmlcr4, 1884. $606 53 Received from All sources for the year ending December 3, 1885 320640 Total ...... , ,.42872 93 Contra. Dy warrants redeemed for ) car ending December 3, 1885. $"54 7 Interest paid on warrants protested. ... 16 58 Cash In treasury December 3, 1885. ... 602 28 Total . . , 4872 93 The warrants outstanding December 3, 1885, are two in favor of I. Hacker for $450 nnd one in favor of E. Is. Dean & Co. for 360 total, 4810. Little Ned Tower bad another Invol untary bath in tho bay one day last week. Ho was circusing around and teetering on that pile of lumber on the wharf between the Bon Ton saloon and Dean & Go's storo, when by Homo mis calculation his end of tho board went down too quick and too far and he went headforemost into the deepest kind of water. Anson Rogers happened to be closo at hand in his small boat and he grabbed Ned and took him nshoro and then to his lather down the street, after which Ned nnd his pap had a, spirited argument as to tho propriety and im propriety of such conduct as Ned in dulged in along tho water front. The only thing bad nbout tho accidont that Ned could see was tho wetting of his clothes and the trouble that might en tail at home. As to drowning, that was a preposterous idea. Ho had been in tho bay three or four times beforo un der similar circumstances and had got out every time, by hook or crook, and bo could do it again. But the old man got the best of tho areutppnt; only, however, because he js bigger than Ned ; and now Ned's perambulating premises do not include Front street and the water front, and still ho isn't happy, for it looks to him as if ho is to bo kept away from tho water until he learns to swim. Geo. Davis is ono of the busy men of MarsbGcld. Times are never so hard nor dull that he has nothing to do. In fact, dull times appear to water on his wheel every time. He buildB scows and schooners, steamboats, big boats and little boats, or any kind of a boat that any man wants him to build, and when he needs business lie makes it. He builds houses, buys bouses, moves houses nnd swaps, or does any thing else with a hocfie that any man wanln him to do, provided the man puts up for it. Only n few days ago Davis launched the steamer Satellite from tho ways at the ship-yard, and now ho has a schooner on the ways and two two-story bouses nt tho yard on their way to Aaronville. Thoy will be put on scows, taken to Aaronville and located on the bench there as Boon ns tho weather will permit. Ono of tho houses is 20x30 and the othor 24x24. Thoy belong to E. B. Dean & Co. Ono is tbo house that caught tiro near the stavo mill tbe other day and tho other is tho houso that stood immediately north of it. Only a short timo ago it was diflicult to rent a houso In this town. To eco them now being moved away looks as if times have changed somewhat. Victor Ericson, of North Bend, waB bitten by a tarantula scorpion, or some othor very poisonous insect. Ho was Bleeping in ono of tho bouses nt North Bend and was awakened by a stinging sensation near the wrist of tho left arm. He thought at first he had stuck a splinter in tho part. Tho arm rapidly swelled until it was more than twico its usual size, nnd bo was in a very critical condition for many days; but bo is now in tliis placo, under Dr. Tower's care, and is improving. Tho skin has gono from tho entire forearm and some of tho muscles nre sloughing away. Eric son will probably como out of it, with an arm somewhat impaired, after a long sickness. Tlio steamers Arago and Areata carried away from Empire this trip nearly 100, 0O0 feet of whlto codor timbers, to bo shipped to Boston by a vessel now wait ing for them nt San Francisco. Tho timbers wero of various lengths, and sq tin rod from 20 to 40 inches. They are supposed to bo sent for tbo purposo of giving to tho peoplo of Boston an ocular demonstration of tho size nnd quality of somo of tho timber owned by tho O. S. I. company. W. P.. Metcalf is said to still bo in San Francisco, whoro bo is porhups awaiting the arrival of theso titnbors, to boo thut thoy get away straight and on time. Tho Recorder reports tho llght-honso nt Capo Blanco considerably damaged during tho Into bo vera storm. Among other things, 25 pane's of glass wero brokon nnd tho out-btilldlngs destroyed. Charley Winced, a pioneor minor of Curry county, was lately found dead at his cabin at grave crook, Douglas coun y. Tho Guzolto reports Tom Wilson's tunnel at his mine on Sixes river caved in and greatly damaged by water. Robert Wilglon, alius Russian Bob, n well-known sporting churactor, died nt Astoria ou tho 1st Inst. Geo, S. Kincaid, ono of tho propria tors of tho Stuto Journal, died at Eugono City a few days ago. Did you seo tho diamonds dlsplayod at Sengstackon'a drug store 7 Jas. Akon w8 at his mlno on Sixes river a fow days ago, Unclaimed Letters. Following Is a list of tho unclaimed letters remaining In tho postoffico at Marshflold, Coos county, Or., December 1, 1885 : Adams Miss Katie, Brown Kami E-.1, Bcsscy Everett, Boskla John, Brcl tenbuchor T It, Crawford Mrs Rebecca, Clark 8, C.trlson John M, Charleson S R-2, Campboll J W-2, Curhn Pctor-2, Cardiff Patrick, Davis Chas E, Edwards John, Ellery Wm II-2, Forrest Capt, Ganson Rale, llaynca Rev T F-3, Host J W, Haglund Andrew, Lubo Mrs Mag gio, Myers Clarence, Pen J C, Pcaso J C, Paul Reuben, Pavla Mr, Ricks Mrs Emma, Smith Mrs T 0, Solly Wm, Tur ner Mrs Elizabeth. Persons calling for theso letters will please say advertised. A, G. Brown, Postmaster. Following in a list of tho unclaimed letters remaining In the postollicc at Empiro City, Coos county, Or., Decem ber!, 1885: Anderson Matt, Austin G T, Berg Abraham A, Bcrterich Harry-2, Buttorflold Mrs Annio, Durgin S C, Gol lar Jonas, Powell Harry, Ronholm Johan, Rogers Frank, Walker W L. J. B. Gn.iiBBT, Postmaster. Religious Services. There will bo Episcopal services at Empire next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Rev. W. Lund flicinting. Services are held in tho Swedish Lu theran church in this place, In the Swe dish language, every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m., Rev. C. M. Ry- den, pastor. Special Notice. The public aro respectfully informed that F. A. Golden, of tho Marshfield Drug Store, has gono to the city to select his usual fine and varied stock of Christ mas goods. This year it will bo bis aim to select articles that will come within the means of all, and it is only neces sary to refer to last year's success and low prices to assuro all that they can be satisfied by delaying their purchases till these goods arrive. Examine goods and prices, nnd mako your selections whero yon can get best quality and prices. Hard times, sure sales and small profits our mottoe. Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Etc M. P. Watson, of tho Vancouver Nur sery, is still stopping at tho Blanco hotel in this placo. Any ono wishing fruit trees, shrubbery, vines, roses or orna mental trees will please call ujw him beforo tho 10th of November, at which time his orders will close for that month's shipment. 28F Any one wishing to buy or ex change lands on Coos bay for lands in Eastern Washington territory, call on M. P. Watson, oe29 Blanco Hotel, Marshfield, Or, ' Cheap Fruit. Capt. W. D. L. F. Smith has purchas ed tbo fruit crop on W. A. Luso's place tho Collver ranch on South Coos riv er, and is selling apples at 30 cents and pears at 50 cents per box parties pur chasing turnishtng their own boxes and payinc their own freicbt. For further particulars, address W. D. L. F. Smith or W. A. Luse, Coos river. Bringing' Gladness To millions, pleasing their palates and cleansing their systems, arousing their livers, kidneys, stomachs and bouols to a healthy activity. Such is the mission ot tho famous California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. Samplo bottles free, and 50c. and $1 bottles for sale by Henry Scngstncken, nt bis drug stores In Marshfield and Empire City. Hnden & Young's Notice. Owing to tho loss of our manufactory in the late fire, and our intention to purchase new machinery, wo aro com pelled to call on those in arrears to set tlo up at their earliest convenience. Wo hope this requost will bo promptly com plied with, as the money is needed im mediately. Hodun & Youno. The total amount of money appropri ated from tbo treasury of the stato by tho legislature at its late special session was $71,343 50. Of this total, fl5,000 goes for tho construction of a wagon road to tho Pine Creek mines, $10,000 for a bridge across Rogue river at Grant's Pass and $10,000 for tho caro of non resident poor in various counties of the state. The lion's sharo oi this goes in n lump to Baker county in payment ot an old claim. Tho general appropriation bill as it passed footed up $30,343 50, of which nearly half goes for deficiencies of one char.tctor or another and for im provements nt tho asylum and peniten tiary. Tho cost of tho extra session is estimated at $10,000, and that amount was appropriated to pay tho bills, not all of which aro in. Tho estimates wero vory closo, and every dollar provided and possibly moro will bo required to settlo all dues. Besides these matters, a contract was autborizod with nn elec trio company to light tho stato houso, asylum and penitentiary and tho grounds about them by eloctrlcity for $0000 por year for ten years. There was no provision for the payment of any part of this contract money. This, wo be lieve, is a complote summary of tho ten sion us to raonoy matters. Oregonlnn. The best family weekly newspaper In tho United States is tho Tousuo Uladu (Nasby'B paper.) They invito very reader of this paper to Bond for a free specimen copy. It is tho largest and boat dollar paper published. Seo ml vortisomont, and don't overlook nor f cr uet tho fact thut wo club with the Blade and give it and tho Coast Mail for $3 per year in uiivance. Tho day has gono by whon a man's flocks will bo estimated and valued by thoir numbers. Henceforth it will bo tho incomo that each sheep will yield that Mil .UvttjrmioAi the valne al the- 1 nocK, wnother it be in wool or mutton. Among tho results of tho destruction of tho forests and tho dralnago of the land, Dr. R. H. Reed finds tho follow ing: Moro wind, greater dampness, in creased rainfall, moro dust, moro fre quent showers, moro sudden changes of temperature and moisture, qulckor transmission ol water tothogtoat baslne, and diminution of tho common supply of springs and wells. A decrcaso of ma larial diseases follows these changes, with increase of typhoid fever, catarrh, doafness and chronic lung troubles. The spread of zymotic nnd contagious diseases is favored by tho increase of wind nnd dust. Reports show that tho number of sheep in Great Britain has suffered n great reduction in tho paBt 10 years, something over 5,000,000 head ; and now wo find by reference to tho Prussian cencus, that tho same thing has taken placo in that country, and to almost ex actly tho samo extent. In 1873 tho number of sheep in Prussia, including Saxony, Schlcswig IIolstein,and Han over, was 14,761,750; a reduction of 25 A per cent. MARSHFIELD MARKET. Wholesale and Retail Prices. articles. Wholesale. Retail. Beef, all around..... Pork Mutton Eees cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cent 4 to 16 cts 8 to 10 cts 6toi34cts 50 cts 60 cts IS cts zcts 1 cts acts Sorts 43-S Choice Butter, 2-lt rolls Cheese Potatoes Turnips Onions Wheat Apples, f box Chickens, per dozen. . . ii cents 40 cents 43.00 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. Dec 4 Str Arago, Holt, 37 hours from San Francisco, with passengers and merchandise, to Fred Schetter, agent. Dec s Str Coos Bay, Denny, hours from San Francisco, with passengers and merchan dise, to Henry Sengstacken, agent. ' Dec s Str Areata, Marshall, 45 hours from San Francisco, with passengers and merchan dise, to Fred Schetter, agent. Dec ci Schr San Buenaventura, Peltr, 6 days from San Francisco, to E B Dean & Co. Wing and Wing, from San Francisco, to Simpson Bros. The sclir Laura Madsen arrived at Gardiner on the 6th. Sailed. Dec 4 Schr C H Merchant, Olsen, San Francisco. Dec 6 Str Arago, Holt, San Francisco. rt Dec 7 Str Areata, Marshall, San Francisco. Str Coos Bay, Denny, San Francisco. Fruit Boxes for Sale. The undersigned hae for sale, at their stave mill in Marshfield, Fruit Boxes, in shook. We also manufacture to order boxes for canned fruit and salmon. OAKLAND BOX AND BARBEL. MAN'c'CO. ; E. O. HALL, Superintendent, Marshfield, Or. ses4 2m Notice to Debtors. t All parties indebted to the undersigned, on note or book account, are requested" to come forward promptly and settle up. If this' notice is not heeded, olher measures will have to be re sorted to, as I am compelled to hare a settle ment. W. G, Webster j Marshfield, Or., July 30, 1885. , Cheap School Books. The undersigned liave for sale second-hand school books, consisting of Watson's readers and Sill's grammar. It will pay yi examine these bdlgks before pi where. The books are as good sold at half the price of new book: jeas NAsnimq1 The Steamer Com VflrM"" The boss boat of the bay, leaves Marshfield for Empire promptly at 8:30 o'clock cery morning, returning at noon, and going down again at a p. m. and coming back between 5 and 6 o'clock, except Saturday evenings, when she leaves Em pire nt 6:3a Capu Dan Roberts is at the wheel nnd Manley Roberts at the engine, and jou can depend upon getting through on time every trip when you ride on the Comet, and don't you for get IL au6 Syrup of Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup company, San Francisco, Cat, is Nature's own true laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had at the Coos Bay drug store, Marsh field, or at Sengsuicken's store at Empire City., Sample bottles free nnd large bottles at 50 cents or 41. It is the most pleasant, prompt and ef-' feclive remedy known to cleanse the system, to ' net on the liter, kidneys and bowels gently, )et thoroughly; to dispel headaches, colds and fe vers; to cure constipation, indigestion and kin dred ills. " Treasurer's Notice. I will pay all scrip indorsed prior a July is, 1884, and Nos. 133 and 158, indorsed July.ia, 1884. No Interest will be allowed after that 1 date. A. P. Owxn, Counly Treasurer. ' Umpire City, Or., Sept. ai, 1885. ' To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given, to all to whom it may concern, that my son, I. A. Taylor, now 18 years of age, is hereby authorised to do business in his oun name, and that I will not claim any of his wages during his minority. Neither will I be responsible for any of his debts after this dale. D. J. Taylor. Gravel Ford. Coos county, Or., Sept 14. 1885. BORN. In Marshfield. Nov. . to the wife of A. D. Border, a daughter. In Maishfield, Dec a, to the wife of Jaccli Young, a daughter, At Coquille City, Nov. 33, to the wife of L. P. Maury, a son. MARRIED. At Scottsburg, Nov. 16, Wra. S. Sav)er to Hallle I). Anderson. At Roseburg, Nov. 13, Thos. Tliomason to Annie Cowan. At Roseburg, Nov. 18, Nicholas Furlough to Mary A. Thonuson. DIED. At Bay City. Dec a. Minnie Isnbelle. ouni?. est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanby, aged 1 )ear. 6 months and 6 days. At Umpire Cily. Dec 3. Mrs. S. C. Kilgore, aged7Sears. At WdLi Walla, W. T.. Nov. 11. Mary A., wife of Joshua Clark, and daughter of 1UIV andS. A. Tennisson of CoquUtc City, agcd-aS years. Near Norway. Nov. 33, Infant daughter of,, W and Sarah Rickman, aged so. days. ' On the Coquillo river, Dec 3, Charles, son" of Mr and Mrs. J F Barrows, aged ig years. At Lookingulass, Nov. jo, Arthur, ton of Walter and Julia MIcUiu. aged 4 yar. At KoJeburg, Dec, 4, Mrs. I, Matte, awmmm?&mmQ s . y w. W .TtW9f,WL.- - A? Cti'k- tBK?'VSB-KHBP3&7?'iwSneKf S - JSHMSSY HflMLCtenT t"M' J? PJBB ,