J3U -, T -.u1', iwKSWU " -""-3tf' vv MJUf -:;:l..r.rgg! MIisgIImiotub h. iiiiili'ioiKiuMi iitivln,: I1.111 -lit Vvnnt Htvvvt, tUm 1 1 Will liiiilJ JJlluu ul . . It P"" " . - . WW j't.liil" " '" I'litaiiniio 01 Uhj itbrml j imn irt cxtoixlrd in Hip Intnl. j ,u... imiH'V( iiH'iil" ore ln'fntf ihimIi' .nil 1 In Mode lionvily iucTwiM'd. I n. )ui ",('in lui." its I'.ili lit Mciti'llil', I'.'tfllinPrir", Tlitimrri, Hii)IIKrF, j. i, I'lilu .ii"l I'.n" 1 n It'" ' iiiiu iikI 1 .miy 'food of nil kuul-. l""V, 1 , , ,niiiii hi n( I'l mi' I 1 nil' 1 In iIip iMiniy, nil irt nnil nl nil i m 1, wii In klink ..11I. u iinl'T 111 lioil noli. . "lull 11ml MitiipW Ita" ol 1'itatt, Clllt, V.trnWm, dl.us and 1'iitiv r.f ili. puio.t tpinliiy. Punt, f' nii'l Atlll' livl ii.iUnf m '! m liptli -i n.tiittililly oil Itrtiul. Am an iiglia tttlmpwl lluiiili hlrmn, tllurt from ul i, the fincl hiitniU of Havana fi ,n mil !'""" I -""J .ii'jMiii'i in 1 null tailing tobacconist III New Orlrmn will cimMr ., in. I!" limit tOHMitnl'hf k-t lirki". 'Jii. Imnl Ir.ulr v-ul br Miiiil ,it hlmnl rntm, "" .Hi. nl (yjii'lunntp 11 wJ! n rtdnll, Coin iii, linv fmm r.piijliborlnir umntiy .olidlcd H 1). Prescription! and Pwnily Recipes carefully compounded, rti rntix MI HCNftY 3ENCHTACKEH, i-lIH IS MUt'OS. Ml'.lnVIW.S, till II M , I'AINIi. OILS, CANDH-S, I V I, ... . 1 im I i.Mi. H 'ikti'i tv unit Van y . II. t Am, In, .iml I'urc Wine i. ml Liquors fi ilijii.li" I'ri'MilplI'Mi-i ikillfnrh compounded v ) ' I mpln' Cltr I'rtitf filori' fil eotUiniK' umkr the MmO mntiagrm.-nt nml owner- ,(,,11 lit I' 'H !'' ViUit " "" "" - ""J - r.-...r. ""'. Arcnt ' Wolli, FdrRO ft Co' R?""- UKNKY KKXtSKr.tt KKN Kl.U'rl A lOMPI.LTl. JMUJGH AND MKDICJINES, With o fM lino of Toilot Artlcloti. tfhf V-" "''v ',,r "'"J""' l"i"'J works mid ixiriixlinilH, fur tlio UomPMlie S.H,. - Ma.liim1, i;l (ir Klcctricil jipllmirw ,H" .1. K. IIAOKNimil, 1'topriftor. XLNT CASH STHI2 Now Goocl.oa Ililvory feteSfi-ier i,! ' 1 -u Jl ST IIKOBJVII'I), A'WIJ. iA ll,. Youth mid Meii'OUiUihi. 1 . J (iruixhiiiK Oowtn, wl k ftu li of Dry ffo"o I.awne, J I'rinU, Oiit)inir Wfl?i Hnljim, I'limhw, Vplrole-ni, olc, otc. 1 v vor lino l!rti of aropcricn. Crockery, I'muiU, OiU, otc, sticli i , a l' l.i pi in flrstelnw general morolmrnliw toro. 1 w u,.1 ixioiilwe iir xocnU. J. XjA-aSTDO Ss SON. V Wi 11U0 Uwji fl) nworpnent of l.tulw' Olonltd nml DulnwiU!. M M 1 'i EAT SLAUGHTER MA1KDWAIUB, Ttaiwai-c. iIii liil.i'H itiluiiKiiiti' .lull llmr i" low prloos. !n iUi ln-f; Ndu-U of llit iiliev '"' Mlitf.i ilSHFIELD HARDWARE STOP. E5. O'OOTnSTEIliL, ProprK-ior. llllt IA -IsT JU II M H..1 Iliill.liiiK, npwrtl Wtitico Variety Store! 'IANOS and MtAIf! IMIUSIO, Voi'jil iiml IiiHlrtiimMUrtl, 'WWB DJOPOa1 and Agency, A V iao AHBOi-tmoiit of (Jowl'eciioiiory, n .-,- s -r- i-m - - Alwuyii on hmtd, at C l 1, .'Wiirn Mp1iIbp-, .Tplry, , Mi I r Mk w.l U. Utw "Sn Viuioty H, Mnwlinriil, Or-," "1 rwoio ,r """" .If. P. NOHTONi ,,"l"hi,,V,x!,HTi.v -rmilB. II Ill'PLN, OAJ&SIIIPIJSIDX), OI2. t--i 1 i--t Iv 11 .1,1 tiiuiiy mi liuii.l and LABER BEER, A8.E ANB PORTER, . ..,..... lll'TAIl .. ' . JIHE8, LIQUORS AND JJ1GAR&. IM'lB h1 M v r iH f ,' t rv.j'-N .'' -' 7T. t . I' ')" T 1" . -jiriJJij.n . .l' : .v!,' v TONSOK1AL ARTIST P I mm Suet, .0 1 .,- Jit-i xrmMvnrxt"!! t i wmi wl in i rwnWd'nwanj AtlvertlKcmanU, f .in m; r II (KH,1rI tho iTr, u - h.U - .l, Oregon, V. A. Am, UltiX. fionilior. Proprislor. Ah.suKiWlKNT OK 11 .1 IHnJ It..' I LIKI4 0l Tl!V IflMMKIt HOODS llatjud Cam, ItooUnml Shoe, M M M S lire A'Vrrr: II. -Ii I, I'.ont rpet, MarHliIk-Ul. '9 1 itia "era nnn . Uotrtil nml Jolihlni;. I'lajliiK CunlJ'. rWihig tncl.lo, hm- .1.1 .. l....u ..ut.a1 (naf , iil.lliliii. -j , tl0 PumoMli' HdMliilt MuvhliHvi. WaDBi TTrtrnnT?,5 3 buih rim- urtielt nib i foi- Ml 'i ""1" ri,,r arlMe ' ..,, l. minirKKV MiAiVnS OF H u M.u .lili'd. " ' mrTmrrxi IIIj V nfil AuhBLivI JlHAtib 'xL ilSl fti tri "isetS . iS(8H 1. , ir , jh v MtJi " "" r.lgRI MSB y j"?ilnfJ3t' Xhe Coast Mail. vw v v . . w MAKHHFII.LU, OKIIGON Thursday, ::::::: September 24, 1885 l'or tlio b(Hl cluar, (jo to HciiKlnck oii'n Driig Htoit). Tor puru llipiorB nml witicu for ineil Iciil iio, yo to KoiiKMlnpkuit'H Drrn; Htore, Sinoko TaiihIII'h I'iiiicIi, Amenca'H llnuHl D-cpnt olijrtr, at lllaiico DrilL' Hlirt!. Now Hlock of frtiiny kooiIh JiihI ro ppIvciI ut HuiiKhtiU'kdii'H Kmpliu Stora. Snlliiil,' ul hed-tock uikcH. Tlio Hluiimur Cooh lluy got down ulicml on tlio limt trip mill I'lirxur Du roll piuno hack hcunihig all over with HlllilOM. Tlio tlnt'Ht lot of ladies' ntatiouury and liiunk IiooUh uvur hrouylit to MiuHliflcld Iiiih JiihI huon lui'ulvud ut tlio Nuw Vur loty Hloru. I!. Itobliinii, tlio uurr.uryiiinii of Pom, nnlvpil on tlio liny lut weuk, to liiko imIpn) for fruit ticoit. IIo Ih now on (.'ooji rivur. School Kiipurintondunt McC'onnao m1I hold nu oxuinlnntioii of tt-ncliurH nt t'o()iiillo City to-morrow mid ut tlilH plnco noxl K.ilurdiiy. N, 1'. Huboii, of tho ICxclinnco Kuloon, iccoivL'd by tlio Cooh liny nn iuvoico of 110 1111 ulu Hint ho bIvch nwny. it Im good mid inoru than worth trying nt tho pricu. ConstiibioAI. Duval lmd bin left leg broken between tlio nnklo mid tbu knee ul Myrllu l'oiut Innt Krldny while hky lurking with Loom 1 lender nt the K.Uoon Ut tho Itorder Iioiiho. f'npt. J. It. l.iglituer of the Hteaujer Myrttc Hlarled to K.Uem last Tuesday to take in the Btato fair, rifler whieli lio will vlil Portland. In tho absence of Llghlnor, dipt. .Too Kox is master of tiio .My 1 tie. 'hen HymplouiH of malaria uppc.ir in any form, take Aycr' Aguo Cure nt oiieo, to provont tho development of tho ilinen.se, and continue until health in re- Hlored. A cure Is warranted in every instance. Tho tenacity with which coplo nbldo by their 'early faith In Ayer'H SarBupa rilla Ih explained by tho fact that it in tiie DwHt blood medicino ever userl, and i not equaled In excellence by any now ynmlidate for public favor. Mih. K. 1'. Smith luiB ojiencd n bak ery at tho Mnrshlicld lunch rooniH, w hero ulie ban for Bale bread, pies, cakes, and everything usually kept nt a lirst ehiBB bakery. Shu lias nlpo reduced the price of meals to t-'O cents and lunch to 1(1 uoutri. Among the freight for the (Jnipqiin by the last Areata was n lot of boxes for one of the Hnlmou canneries there. Tho.ie boxes hIiouIiI iiave been bought here, where they nro manufactured nt the Btiivo mill cheaper than thoy can bo brought from below. Don'lfoiget the Knights of l'ytliias dunce Saturday nij'.lit. It takes place in Crawford's hall, which will bo ap piopiiatoly decorated. Tlio grand match commences nl 0 o'clock sharp. Music by the baud. Tho supper will be ut (lie Murshtlcld hotel. A large crowd ih expected. 1'tuiterorH and canueryuien uro invit ed to read tho announcement of tho Oakland Hox and Barrel .Manufacturing company that they tire prepared to fur nish boxes, etc., to order cheaper than they can be imported, l'utronizo home industry and get your nice, new and clean boxes ut the stave mill. Aln mectiiig'held in tho club rooms last Thursday evening, the charter list of the Hod nud Ciun club was closed. It was ordered thai the names of all char ter members who fail to pay their Initia tion fee on or before tlio next remilar mooting tho second Thursday in noxl month be stiiekon from the lint. The managers of the stnto fair have placed us under obligations to them for n complimentary bciibou tickot to tho fslr. Wo couldn't go ourself, but wo sent a man, and tlio managers of tho fair will pleubo honor their tickot to us every tune our reporter presents it, and also lie Idnd to him in tho way of giving him points, etc., to bring to us. Last Thursday l'olk Jones nd n ltus hlan started across tho hay In a email bout. Near tho mouth of Coos river tliuy hud too much cnns'us sprend and tlio boat went under, l'olk lost his pro visions, but be proved himself an ex- poit Bwimniur by putting the painter be tween Ins teeth and swimming ashore with the boat, while tho Hussinn rode the keel and prayed The steamer Cotnot is running on quicker time this weekto accommodate tlio people who have lHiBtnos.a at clrpuit couit. tM e leaves hero at 8 o'clock in tho morning and teaches Empire be fore the convening of court, und on hor leluin tiip in tlio evening bIio loaves IJuipiro after tlio adjournment of court, so that those who live hero can bo ut homo of irtghlsand on time nt court ev ery morning, by patronlring tho Comet. How is It that Tnnsill'H Punch can ho bought for 5 cents, being 11 hotter cigar than tlio majority Bold nt 10 coots? Krst, it took u ensh capital of ovurfl. CO0.O0O, which, judiciously invested, secured the Tunslll's l'lincli 11 consump tion ol over 21,000,000 per year, this be ing tlio largest sale of any brand ,t ' gars In the wutt. Secondly, tills Im inenso sale is od'eetod without tlm em phiymonfcol quo shmlo drummor, whoso feoi oat up from 30 to 40 per cent, of all pioflts. 11)' theso mimiiB tlio consumer gets better value for bin money than can possibly bo givou by wy other cigar. A Binglo ttlalof thlu famous cigar will convince uveiybody. Agency nt Blanco I Drug Btoro, Our Public School. Tho Interest In tho matter of building r.p a good school in our town is just nt this time u'littlu more active limn usunl. i'roni the most reliable repot (h, it is ap parent that the academy lias opened with classes larger than Iho average of Hie immediate nasi nml 11 corps of leaehcrs who, considering tho diHcottr iigementB under which they labor, man ifest nn earnest deeiro to improve tlio school. Hut just hero it is worthy of re mark Hint there uro three elements that enter Into this work, and a full men cure of success depends on nil nlike. First, the teachers must be earnest in their work. Unceasing vigilance must be their constant watchword. They must bo constantly on tho nlert, to guard against error j to restrain from improper conduct; to encourage to higher effort; to tench subjects, not text books; to teach pupils to 1I1I11L for themselves, and to Impress them with the Import ance of thoroughness, in work, punctu alityand regulaiity in attendance, and tyttna in everything. To accomplish tliis the teacher must succeed in making the school room nn interesting place and nil studies and school work interesting. The scholars, then, must be shown that thoy themselves nro largely responsible for w hat tho school shall be. If a grand success, first, tho teachers must be zeal ous workers, nud second, the pupils must imbibe the same spirit and feel n just prido in being helimrs in the great work that, moro than anyone cleo, con cerns themselves. Tho first two ele ments that combine to mnkoup n good school, It may be hcon, nio good tcacli crs and, through them, good scholars. Hut u third and no less potent factor for good or ovil in tho accomplishment of tliis end is the parents themselves. Too often tho failures in school are blamablo to parents. Tho young are proverbially imitative. If tlio father or mothor takes no interest in school mat ters, how can it be expected that chil dren will ? If parents, not familiar with the inner workings of tho school room, criticise the actions of the teacher, take issuowith all new methods and rules adopted by tlio teacher, nnd express their disapprobation freely in the pres- onco of the children, how can it be ex pected tbnt tho latter will take much in terest in tho school or-show much re spect towards the teacher by yielding a hearty obedience or compliance with tlio rules and demands V How common it is for parents, on evory slight pretext that may uriso, to pernflt their children to bo late ut school or to stay nwny all day J A few extra dishes to wash, or n slow clock, or sorno littlo errand tbut could just ub well be postponed, is, with the parent's consent, made the causo of a pupil being nbseut from duty. All business men, al professional men, nil laboring men, till reliable men, rccog nizo that to bo successful they must al ways bo "present for duty," nnd always thoroughly prepared to perform that duty, it is equally essential that stu dents should bo present for duty nnd prepared for their duties, nnd that this should bo taught them by parents ub well ns by teachers. It Ib unfortunate for our children that, nt best, they are eompolled to labor under discouraging circumstances. Thoy nro forced to sit for six hourB a day on seats' that, were parents themselves compelled to endure them fur tlio samo ttnio every week, thoy would soon replace by something, if not moro inviting, at least more com fortable. Tho pupils work with very littlo help in the way of globes, charts and other necessary school apparatus. The school rooms nro bare, gloomy, nud in every way tho opposito of tho com fortable homes the children enjoy. It is a standing blemish on tho good name of .Marshfiohl that her school houbo is ono of tho most poorly furnished and equipped of all in tho county, nnd such us would not bo endured fur u month in other townB of equal siro and proton fiiona. Tliis is a statu of affairs for which parents aro hugely respousibo by their indifference nnd one which they should lose no tuno in correcting. A school, to become nn interesting place for youth, should bo made uttractivo, und if it would bo mndo successful, thero should bo harmonious action among teachers, pupils und parents, und parents should realize that not tho least of theso responsibilities devolves upon themselves. mtawni 111 a Notice to Tax-Payers. Tho tax-payers of Coos county, Ore gon.aro hereby notified that J will bo in attendatico at the usual places of voting in tlio various precincts,, for tho purposo of receiving tho Btato, county, school and unpaid poll tax assessed for the year 1885, from tho hour of 0 o'clock . 111. until -1 o'clock p. in., on the uaya und at tho precincts, ns follows: Hando Octobor L'0, 1885 Randolph October 27, 1885 Heaver Slough Octobor 28, 1885 Norway October 20, 1885 Knchiiiitpd l'rairio. ., Octobor 30, 1885 Myrtlo l'oint Octobor 31, 1835 Joiiiihou's ... . November 2, 1885 Missouri , November 3, 1885 Porn Noyenibor 4, 1885 Hurton l'rairio. . . November 5, 1885 Sunnier November 0,1885 CoquilloCity November 7,1885 North Coos Hlvor,. . November I), 1885 Coos Hivor November 10, 1885 Coos City Einpiro City. South Slough, Marshfield.. Luko.. November 11, 18S5 .November 12, 1885 Noyembor 13, 1885 ..November 14, 1885 November 10, 1885 Ten'Milo Nuvemhor 17, 1885 Taxpayers will tnko notice that if I hoy full to appear und pay their taxes on the ubove-muntloned days, they nre icqiiired by low to pay tho same at tho county Beat within 30 days. After tho expiration of 30 days, the luw makes it tho duty of tlio tux-colioctor to visit tho lux-payers individually, for tho purpbko of collecting their taxes, and authorizes him to charge 10 cents per mile, going nnd returning, nnd collect the same from such tax-payers, und I hereby no tify nil persons tbnt I will collect said mileage, in addition to tnxc3, from overy delinquent. Pay promptly nnd savo trouble to the tax-collector nnd costs to yourselves, nud icuiembcr that tbu county needs funds. And notice in hereby specially given that no lntorest will bo allowed on counly orders after the 17th day of December, 1885, when nil (axes will bo delinquent, nnd no county orders will be tnken after April 1,1880. Ihai ah II ackkii, Sheriff and Tax-Collccior of Coos county, Or. The Forthcoming Overland A loadingfenluro of tho "Overland Monthly" for October will bo the first installment of two very important his torical papers upon the stoimy period of "Governor Alvarado's Administra tion," tho Graham affair, the beginning of the American Invasion, and tho roots of tho famous Hear Flag movement, lion. Theodore Ililtell, tbu author, has had access to hitherto unpublished ma terials, nnd ho will fearlessly challenge many conclusions of former historians. His work will doubtless lead to wide discussion of the closing days of the Spanish era in California. Prof. Joseph Lo Conto has been per suaded to give to the public some "Hough Notes of a Yoscmito Camping Trip." The first paper will only serve to whet tho reader's appetite for more. Those "Notes," wiitlen in 1870, will furnish a remarkably fresh and clear idea of tlio impression made upon a new-comer by Californian scenery nnd camp-life "Tho Rnncheria Affair," written by n pioneer of Amador county, will form another of tho striking "Overlund Monthly" series of articles on Early California. A most attractive paper, nnd one worthy of general attention, will bo "A Bravo Life," the story of the life and last days of Mrs. John Brown. So com plete an account has not before ap peared in any magazine. Tlio plucky and widely-known travel er, Miss C. F. Gordon Cum ming, will write in her most entertaining style, of "The Great Lama Temple in Pekin." F.mclio Tracy Sweet, whoso stories have been bo highly praised by compe tent eastern critics, will contribute "A Transportation Aristocrat: a Story of Humboldt county." D. S. Hick-unison will furnish one of his characteristic sketches of tho South ern California Coast, entitled "Brindlc nnd others," a mo3t humorous narra tive. A strong aggressive paper upon "Free Libraries: Especially San Erancisco;" a thoughtful essay by Warren Olney ; other short stories; poems; criticisms; discussions of recent works on social ism; and tin unusual variety of other library attractions, aro also promised for this October issue. Address, "Tho Overland Monthly," 120 Sutter St., San Francisco. Passengers by Stealer. Arrivals by the Arago, September 20 : C Elvidgo, Mrs M AYalt, Mrs Capt Hill and Alex Fox. Arrivals by tho Coos Bay, September 22 : Wm Lyons and wife, C B De Pas, Miss Addio Musick and sister, J Clarke, wito and tlireO children; John Farrell, W J Lanferty,Tbos Capp, Peter Nelson, Wm Hynll, 'j It Bridges, J B Dully, P do Hijer, S Sehnfler, F Pooro and J L Fredericks. Religious Services. Rev. I. Hichardspn of Einpiro will preach at Sunnier next Sunday, morn ing nud evening, nt the usual hours. Ilov. W. Lund will hold Episcopal services at Empire nt 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. next Suiidny, nnd holy commu nion ufter the morning bervicc. Ho will also preach at North Bend next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Our contemporary has repeatedly tickled our vanity by attributing lo the Coast Mail a wonderful influence at Washington. But tbnt was under an other administration. We did not ex pect to havo tho influonco with tliis ono that we now seem to have. A short timo ago, in referring to the vexed sil ver question, and in poino lemaiks cal culated to lioln Cleveland and M inning out of their dilemma, wo said that the way in which to get tho silver out of the treasury and into the hands of the peo ple was to withdraw tho greenbacks un der the denomination of 5; and now, just after our paper lias had time to roach Washington and bo road by the president und his secretary of tho treas ury, comes the announcement that the aforesaid secretary has takon our ad vlco and is withdrawing tlio small greenback's. That is sensible, and it this administration will only contlnuo to follow tho advice of tho Coasr Mah. tlio administration will wind up all right, notwithstanding tlio many blun ders it has already made. Homer Dray, an old and experienced caterer to tho epicurean public, is now landlord of tbu old Marshlleld hotel, at tho north end of Front street, whore an elegant supper will bo prepared next Saturday night, for tho bonollt of thoso who attend tho grand hall to bo givou by tlio Knights of Pythias on that occa sion. Give tlio new landlord a clmnco und got a good Biipiwr. L.. Funck;, W, A. Fiinclc,'0. 0. Moyor uud A. 11. Cumpboll, of San Joaquin county, California, have boen having a good time thlu year in bunting on tlio Umpqua. Thoy returned to their li.cs In California by tho last Arnco.carrylnij with them as trophies ti ton or two of jerked venison nud two or three pairs of elk horns of extraordinary dimensions. Perhaps the best proof of tho superior ity of tho Tansllls Punch is tho fact that sovcrnl tnnnufnclurcrs have imitated It. Bulletins, und even the dear boxes (not tho cignrM), as closely as is consistent with their safety, trying to impose tlicir stutTon (ho public under the establish ed roputatios: of Tnnsills Punch. The only genuine Tansillfl Punch, which is Hold in every fitatc and territory in the union, is (o bo li.id in this place nt Blanco Drug Store. Last week John Flanagan of Empire was appointed t'ollcctor of customs for Coos bay, vice O. B. Watson, resigned. Flanagan is an old nnd well-known resi dent of Coos county. His democracy is of tho unquestioned and uncompro mising character. Ho owes his appoint ment to the "ring" influence, nnd bo fnr ns tho "ring" is concerned the appoint ment gives satisfaction, but tho friends of Hall nnd Arrington are not pleased ntnll. N. V. Aycr & Son's American News paper Annual for 1885 is received. It is n neat and complete work that con tains n carefully prepared list of all newspapers and periodicals in tlio Unit ed States nnd Canada, arranged by states in geographical sections, and by towns in alphabetical order, and Aver & Son arc advertising agents whom we can conscientiously recommend to the public. Fruit Boxes for Sale. The undersigned hive for sale, at their tac mill in Marshfield, Krult Ikwes, in shoo!c. Wc also manufacture to order Uxes for canned fruit nnd salmon. Oakland Box and Barrel Man'g Co. 12. O. II Al.L, Superintendent, Marslifield, Or. se24 am To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given, to all to nhom it may concern, that my son, I. A. Tavlok, now tB ye .rs of age. Is herchy authorized to do business in his own name, and that I uill not claim any of his ages during his minority. Neither will I be responsible for any of his debts after this date. ' D. J. Tavlok. Graxel Ford, Coos county. Or., ScpL 14. 1885. Treasurer's Notice. I will pay all scrip indorsed prior to July 12, 1884, and Nos. 135 and 158, indorsed July K, 1884. No Inteicst will be allowed after that date. A. P. Owns', County Treasurer. Empire City, Or., Sept. ar, 1885. Cheap School Books. The undersigned have for sale second-hand school books, consisting of Watson's readers and Sill's grammar. It will pay you to call and examine these books before purchasing else where. The books are as good as new and are sold at lall the price ol new books. je25 Nasbokq & Hirst. Syrup of Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup company, San Francisco, Cal., is 'Nature's own true laxative. Tliis pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had at the Coos Bay drug store, Marsh field, or at Scngstacken's store at Empire City. Sample bottles free and large bottles nt 50 cents or $1. It is the most pleasant, prompt and ef fects e remedy known 10 cleanse the system, 10 act on the liver, kidnevs nnd bouels gently, yel thoroughly; to dispel headaches, colds and fe vers; to cure constipation, indigestion and kin dred ills. Notice to Debtors. All parties Indebted to the undersigned, on note or book account, are requested to come forward promptly and settle up. If this notice is not heeded, other measures will have to Ire re sorted tojte, I am compelled to have a settle ment. " W. G. Webster. Marshfield, Or., Julyjo. 1885. Dwelling Rooms and Offices to Let. Dwelling apartments and office rooms are of fered for rent very cheap in O'Connell's build ing, Front street, MarshficlJ. For particulars inquire at the hardware store. ni7 im The Acme Electric Belt Leads the van in perfection nnd price. Remem ber, it is warranted to give full satisfaction. It equalizes the circulation, gives instant relief from rain and nenousness, and speedily cures wake fulness, spasms and all nervous diseases, disor ders of the liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels, neu ralgia, lumbago, Incipient paralysis, colic, cold ness of hands and feet, backache, spinal weak ness, male Infirmities, female complaints and genera! debility. Price, $5 single-circuit belt, $8 double-circuit belt. J. E. Hagenuocii. nt Blanco Drug Store, agent. au6 6t MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. ?ept 17 Schr Emma Utter, Allen, n days from San Francisco, to Dean & Co. Srpt 20 Sir Arago, Holt, 43 hours from San Francisco, with passengers and freight, lo Fred Schctter, agent. ScpPai Str Areata, Marshall, 48 hours from San Francisco, with passengers and merchan dise, to Fred Schctter, agent. Sept aa Sir Coos Bay, Denny, 63 hours from San Francisco (via Chetio), with passengers urn merchandise, to Henry MngM.icKen, agent MARSHFIELD MARKET. Wholesale and Retail Prices. ARTICLES. Wholesale. I Retail, Beef, nil around.. ,.,,., Pork , Mutton l-Sg Choice Butter, a-lh rolls, Cheese Potatoes Turnips ,.., Onions ,,.. Wheat S cents 4 to i6cts lotois), es 6toi3Kcts 35 CIS 7 cents 0 cents 30 cents 4a cents 16H cents 1 cents 50 cts socts U cts 1 cent 3 cts if cents sets Annies. l box Chickens, dressed, fcMoz 4SI 50 cts each BORN. In Marshfield. Sent, jo, to the wife of Henry Sengst.icken, a uaugnter. In Marshfield, Sept. 19, to the wife of Dr. J T. McL'ormae. a dauehter. In M irslifield, Sept. 19. to. the wife of the late Andrew Wikumii, a daughter. At Uoscburg, Sept. n, to the wife of J. F. Darker, a daughter. At C'qw Creek valley, Douglas county, Sept. i6, to the wife of G W, Kiddie, a son. MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's inreiits, Doug- las county, Sept. 13, z. w. iwiiy to Mrs. M.utha li liamiak.tr DIED. At Drain, fc pt la.Jt" Nettle lVaron,'nsed , U 'HI .3 JV.II. At Rovtburg, Sept. 16, Alice Mane, daughter of W, S. Humphrey and wife, gcd x )ear, The Steamer Comet, The lm lx).il of the bay. leaves Marshfield for Empire promptly at 8-30 o'clock ccry morning, returning at noan, and going dow n again Map. m, nnd coming buck between 5 nnd 6 o'clock, except Saturday evenings, when she leaves Em pire nt 6-30. Oipt. Dan Itobcrts l at the wheel nnd Manlcy Rolierts nt the engine, nnd you enn depend tion getting through on time trcry trip when )ou tide on the Comet, and don't )nu for get it. auO THE MATTRE39 TRADE. Feather Ilodi Valttablo Hair MnttreiuM " Wool and Slmrlnci "Slioddy." (Chicago Tribune.) During tho moving and house cleaning period the question of renovating und re vamping mattresses and ticks Is an Inter esting cue to housewives, who too fre quently discover that what was purchased a year ago as a valuable hair mat Ircx h only a combination of wool and shaving3. Tho feather bed is stilt to be found in slock, but the trade is confined entirely to tho country. Except for pillows and bolsters, feathers arc rarely called for In tho city Iradc. The Lot bed olTcrcd is a forty pound hair mattress. There arc, how ever, two kinds of hair which aro rarely worked up separately, becauso ono is too expensive for the averase purchaser, and the other has too little body. The belter hair is made of tho tail and mane of the South American horses which are raised on tho plains of the Orinoco and Hio do la Plata rivers. This 16ng hale is cut twlco a year and shipped ia knots to hair dealers in Baltimore, New York, and Philadelphia, where it is cleaned and curled by boiling. It Is then run through a machine which picks out tbe hairs and weaves them into n rope an inch in diameter. Thee ropes aro sent to tho manufacturer, who has them un twisted by children. Black hair h the best filling for berts known. The whito is made by bleaching black or sorrel hair, and, while it is worth moro per pound, is not as good as tho black, tho b'cachlng processes being so severe as to rob tho hair of its strength and elasticity. A genuine horsehair mattress costs between f.'IO and -10, ac cording to the quality of tho ticking used. Cheaper mattresses aro made from tho hair of cows and pigs. The hair Is treated in the same manner, but makes a heavy bed and one less durable than curled hair. "Shoddy" Is the trade-mark for a mat tress ruado of woolen ravclings. Any kind of wool can be used for this purpose, but tho principal material ia obtained from old Brussels carpet, which Is unraveled by steam heat, thoroughly cleansed, and af terwards picked like lint A "shoddy " mattress can be bought for .$7, and will lost forever, but it is not readily ventilated, is hard to move, and can not bo made over. Such beds are used in hotels in rooms that are not much occupied. A. better mattress, so far 03 health goes, is the husk mattress, with cotton on ono side. Tho cotton top makes the mattress soft, but it Is not reversible. A great deal of cow's hair is used by people who want a bed that will last Tlio hair U obtained in Chicago in great quantities, and after being washed Is sent to all parts of the country. These beds aro perfectly clean, but the hair is cling ing, ana 11 laKes uie strengm 01 nn am lete to. turn the mattress over for ventila tion. Goat, deer, nnd pig hair is used oc casionally for bedding, though more gen erally is appropriated by harncssmakcrs. Jftpeute or limine clc&tM3 AmericiD. A well informed merchant of Boston recently said to n representative of a Bos ton newspaper that lie bad been looking back over his accounts, and was surprised to lind that since the close of the war there had been a steady increase in tho ordinary expenses of carrying on business. That this increase of business expenses extends bcyoud the merchant to tho manufacturer and most other kinds of business Is a fact patent to most employers. Merc ollico work costs a great deal more now than it it did n lb'fiS; more clerks aro needed, and. on the whole, each of theso rcceivo higher pay. Assistance is required in tho receiving and delivering departments to an extent and of a character that would not have been dreamed of twodacades -ago. Then thero aro a variety of inciden tal expenses that now enter into ho com putation. There aro telephone charges, printing, the expense of solicitors, tho whole making up an amount sufficiently large to catsup all that would have been considered fair profits a quarter of a cen tury ago. IUs probable that the experience in different trades varies, nnd yet wo fancy that in most lines of business statements somewhat similar to tho abovo might bo made. The tcndcicy, all the timo going on, to lessen the hours of service, both hi oQIccs and workshops, of itself makes tho cost of business proportionately higher. Competition is sharper than it was ten or twenty years ago, nnd prices are so much reduced in most commodities which enter ' into the necessities of a household, that mechanics, clerks, aud others nro enabled to live much better now than it was possi ble for them to do ten or twenty years ago, when their wages were less and the. cost of living was greater. Ijut Hour of Yankee Suit Iran. Washington Hatchet,! I was very much pleased to meet last week with Judge McUowan, one of tho Argonauts who in 1849 discovered tho golden lleecc. which has to coin a term roynlized California. In the course of our conversation tho judgo told me tho con- -cieto history of tho famous prize tighter. Yankee Sullivan. Sullivan, whoso real name was Am broso Murray, was arrested uud im prisoned. IIo feared that the vigilantes would put him to death, though, as Judgo McGowan tells mo, his apprehensions were unfounded. The purpose of that body was to shln him back to Australia on tho first clipper ship that sailed to Melbourne, it having been dclinltoly understood that Sullivan, or Murray, was au escaped convict. Tho poor devil, however, was so atlrightcd that ho took no stock in tho hope of escape from thq , harsh business of Judgo Lynch. Ho. called eagerly from his prisou wlndowa for a priest, fee-line that death was set. tliug close around him, but was answered by leers from tho mob without. Finally, in sheer desperation, bo. opened the vein of his left arm with a cascknifo aud bled, himself to death, Yankee Sullivan wa3 one of tho finest prizo fighters in tho records. Hatter Thau Wheat. IWall Street Kerns,. "Dear me,nsho said, as sho fidgeted around In tho scat, "but I wish I had a little moro nerve. Yesterday I drew $200 from the bank to put into wheat, bur. when I thought of wheat going way up nud somebody elso losing, aud of wheal going way down and my money vanish ing away, I couldn't have tho courage to plnco an order." "Aud you took tho money back?" "Ob, no. no) I used it to buy mo a poodle. The poodle market Is very firm, with no danger of a break ahead, and. ma says I showed great financial sense, Aro, you long or short of poodlcsf " Modern Arithmetic "Banish the devil of xuoder arlUimatic from our public schools," said Hon. Heurv V. Itobiuaon In a sneech on nubllo. , education in Hartford the other day. "It assaults the brulu and lninerlls the Ufa develops precocity, and .precocity k utv a ( -fS '$