The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 14, 1885, Image 2

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    -Y VIT w
TheCoast Mail.
Thunday, i i i :::::::: : May 14, 1885
Knglund hns In ncttml commission
moro than 200 nnncd Rlilps of vnrioitB
eircs, carrying 14M biiiis, nil rendy for
action in en so of war. Tito Russian
nnvy Is less tlmn half as ptrong as this.
Postmaster General Vilas is tlio only
member of Cleveland's cabinet who
fought to savo the country, while nil the
rest cither fought against it or sympa
thised with the efforts made to destroy
tho union.
At a meeting of tho society of the
Army of the Totoniac, at Ilaltimoro,
3Id., on tho Cth inst., (Jen. Grant was
unanimously re-elected its commander.
In a dispatch to tho society Urant re
turned his thanks for tho compliment
conferred and said ho wished his health
promised a probability of his being able
to attend its next meeting. Ho would
regard it iv providential, however,
should he be able to attend ; but he ac
cepted the honor, though without tho
hope of performing the duties of the
oflicc, and wished all the members
many hapnv reunions. The meeting of
tho society next year will bo at San
Prof. Tyndall thus endeavors to ex
plain the immunity obtained against a
second attack of a contagious disease
One of the most extraordinary and mi
accountable experiences in medicine
was the immunity secured by a singl
attack of a communicable disease against
future attacks of the same malady.
Smallpox, typhoid, or scarlatina, for ex
ample, was found as a general rule to
occur only once in a lifetime of the indi
vidual, the successful passage through
tho disorder apparently rendering the
body invulnerable. Reasoning from an
alogy, I have ventured to express the
opinion that the rarity of second attacks
of communicable disease was due to the
removal from the svstem bv the first
The Virtue of Patience.
Tho average democrat of to-day is in
need of patience, great patience. No
man in tho world ever needed it morv,
and the illustrations or incidents where
it ought to bo manifested and exercised
nro multitudinous, lly this timo soveral
thousand, at least 100,000 of them, ex
lccted to Ikj in good olllces, promised
them as soon as tho change could bo
made. They have expected this since
tho result was announced last Novem-
bcr moro than six months of expecta
tion and hope. Hut the administration
not only refuses to fill the oflices on de
mand, but oven to give a promise about
filling them. This must Ins grievously
disappointing, and tho reckless manner
in which the president disregards nil
recommendations must bo another
source of grievous annoyance. It is
complained that the president meets
by law, and such security in tho naturo
of bonds as may bo required or desired."
Tho capital stock is stated to bo f 100.-
000, divided into 10,000 shares at $10
each, and 150,000 of tho capital stock
has already been subscrllted. Tho di
rectors nro George 0. Perkins, Henry
Wndsworth, Albert Miller. Wallace
Kverson, C. T. Hopkins, Wainm Cleft,
J. J. nlentino nnd J. i Knowles of
Oakland; and J. h. Jloody and Henry
Ii. Davis of Pan Francisco.
democratic oSFice-seeking delegations
with the nir of declaring that he didn't
want to see them, and a viIi implied
that they would leave him, which is
appalling to the mot sanguine tempera
ment and the most enthusiastic demo
crat. This mav continue lor a timo.
The president knows, as most of tho of
fices arc held by republicans that they
are in safe hands. He is not certain if
numerous changes would bo safe. 1U--sides,
he has a mugwump support now,
Curing- Hcrrlne;.
In Perley's ivport ol tho fisheries In
tho bay of Fundy, tho mannor of curing
herring is thus described : Tho fish are
scaled by boing washed in bushol has
kctswithn square bottom, ojen like a
coarso sieve, the men standing in tho
water up to their knees. Tho bet fish
have verv few scales, and onlv half a
bushel of them arc taken in the basket
at once; they arc then salted in large
tubs, the salt being stirred through
them by hand; the quantity used is half
a bushel of salt to two and a half barrels
of fish, which are n tub full. They lie
in salt LM hours, and are then washed
in fresh water to prevent their becoming
"salt burnt," after whlo they nro strung
ou rods, with their heads all 0110 way,
and then hung up in tho smoke house.
In Clements the smoke houses aro usual-
which ho could not bo sure of if ho ne- ly J0 feet square, with 14 foot jKsts and
ceded to democratic demands. These I nliiuli roof : no tlhli hum? nrvin.r Jim firn
1 c r -- - i,-'(j r;--i -'-r- -
aMTiivirl.ira havn iinilnrtiiL-nn In miL'rl
the president believe they elected him,
and, he has given them pledges which,
if lived up to, will make liini the presi
dent of a new party rather than of the
old dcmocaitiu party, w hich is too well
known to succeed again. It is possible
tho mugwumps may so impress and in
fluence Clevoland that, in the hope of
becoming tho leader of a new party, he
may defer becoming as good a democrat
a the democrats wish him to lc until
after tho election of 1SS0. Then, if it
goes against his now party, it pi ay well
be believed that the administration will
parasitic crop of some ingredient neces- j bo thoroughly democratic. The dem-
sary to the grow th and propagation of
the parasite.
The correspondence brought to light
by the action of Mrs. Coulton against
the Central Pacific railroad company is
bringing Stephen J. Field of the United
States supreme court before the public
in a light that ho does not relish, be
cause it shows him to have been the
tool of the company. Field is a man of
unquestioned ability, but his integrity
has always been questioned by a large
majority of those best acquainted with
him and his career on this coast, and
the inside history of tho influences
brought to bear upon Lincoln to put
Field upon the bench would be of inter
est. History furnishes no parallel for
Field's political conduct for several
years past and he has plainly shown
himself to be an unfit man for the posi
tion he pretends to fill. On the bench
and off the bench, Field has been con
stantly bidding for high political prefer
ment, and to-day he stands without a
respectable following at home or abroad.
In California, where Field has lived for
30 years or more, he could not be elect
ed jnsticc of the peace, for the jieople
do not believe him to bean honest man.
ocrats, hungry and thirsty, may have to
wait as long as this. Wc, however, can
dole them out the consolation of saying
we doubt it. Cleveland will relent bv
than 7 feet, but the most careful curers
do not hang them nearer than 8 feet.
Hook maplo is used in smoking; when
it cannot be procured ash Is used, boing
considered next best. The process of
smoking usually occupies eight weeks;
and it requires the whole time of one
person to watch the fire and to attend
to the smoking, in which much judg
ment and care are required. The smoke
is usually made up at nightfall, unless
the weather is warm ami wet, during
which time no fires aro made. In fine
weather the smoko houses aro thrown
open during tho day lui'Qfll; and the
greatest care is taken at all times to
keep down heat, and to render the
smoko house as cool as possible by nu
merous windows and ojenings. After
oeing smonet , 1110 nsn nro packed in
should bo allowed under tho law to dis
rupt it. Tho family is tho foundation
of tho church and state, and ovorylhlng
that Intorfoios with tho family menaces
the whole superstructure of society, tlio
state. Family responsibilities should
not be assumed lightly; but assumed,
it would appear that tho stale should
interpoo its iniwer to prevent these re
sponsibilities from being abandoned or
surrendered fornny but the best reasons,
anil those reasons few. As the custom
obtains to-day and under tho rulings
divorces nro granted on the merest pre
text. This has encouraged hasty and
ill-considered marriage, and, of course,
has demoralised soviet r to a very great
and grave extent. The divorced pair,
not infrequently, go wiong; in fact,
statistics prove that with tho increase of
divorces in a community comes a cor
responding decreaso in tho size of the
legitimate family, nud that illegitimate
births are constantly Increasing. If
figures prove anything, they prove, in
connection with our divorce laws, that
sin is encouraged by their laxity; that
tho family is destrovod, ami that the
general tendency of divorces, obtained
as easy as they aro in this country, is
to demoralize and shame our civilisa
tion and deprave society. If such char
ges as these bo true, and they rtre seem
ingly corroborated by the figures, tho
advocates of reform in our divorce laws
have undertaken a fight for mortds that
should bo fully encouraged,
The Latest from Gen. Grant.
degrees, we believo, before then. Little! bpxes 18 inches long, id inches wide,
The Standard of the 5th inst. adulates
Gen. McCIellan to excess and practical
ly pronounces as imbeciles all those
who do not agree with it in calling him
great. It also says Grant's greatness
was achieved while ho was a democrat.
That matters, not. At the time Grant
was serving the country on the battle
field the people were not interested in
his politics and he was not poising for
the presidency. Therein Grant and
McCIellan differed widely. The people
had watched McCIellan, and their ver
dict was that he was a failure. They
waited and watched Grant, mid tho dif
lerence between tho two men was so
marked that as Grant was elevated in
the estimation of his loyal countrymen
JlcClellan went down. Grant was al
ways ready to fight and never declined
by little Cleveland will find out that he
cannot get along without an organized,
and effectually organized, party at his
back, and lie will go to work harmoniz
ing it as far ns the distribution of the
spoils will enable him, a distribution
after the democratic demand and w hich
will warm the average democratic
While much discussion about the
spoils has taken place at former changes
in the administration of the govern
ment, at no time has this discussion
been so great and so widespread, with
such a diversity of opinion, as now. A
great majority of Cleveland's party con
tend that he is acting in a very undem
ocratic manner in withholding the spoils
from them. Another class interpret
Cleveland's slowness in disposing of the
spoils to mean adherence to the civil
servico law and deference to tho preva
lent sentiment of the country' in favor of
civil-service reform. And still another
class arc convinced that Cleveland's
policy will bo, so far as it has been in
dicated by the appointments he has
made, a personal one, or a policy which
will have for its main purposa a deter
mination to intrench Cleveland in the
presidency for another four years. The
appointments he has made are cited in
proof, and it is said while he has been
unmindful of the recommendations of
friend by democratic leaders, he has
taken good care of his own, ant that he
intends keeping it up. Beginning with
the cabinet, it is maintained that tho
northern democrats were selected, ex
cept Endicott, because of their services
to the president. But for Secretary
Manning's management, the president
would not have secured a majority of
the New York delegation. At Chicago
Manning's personal efforts did much to
insure Cleveland's nomination. Tuke
and S inches deep, measured on the
inside; and there should bp:M dozen
fish in a box of prime herring. If tho
fish are large and of the best quality, it
requires some pressure to get this num
ber into a box. The Digby herring are
in some instances cured in pickle, un
smoked, and packed in half barrels.
A New Industry.
Torpoise fishing for the oil alone has
and never lost a battle. McCIellan was ' the secretary of the navv : he was not
never reauy to ngnt and never won a
battle. One is every inch a soldier,
while notan inch of the other is. There's
the difference bjtween the two men.
Naturo made it. McCIellan is a
SShiiHi"' "' ?n,I,V,B 1m'li,a,r.y a"d'landintho convention
j'umiwt ICHItWiin nuuuiu I1UI IMS IllHlurU'
The new administration has now held
the reins of government for exactly ten
weeks, in which time tho heads of de
partments and their experts have been
overhauling the books that they so long
ed to get possession of, and tho most
astounding development that they have
made is a shortage of two cents in the
hundreds of millions of dollais that the
rascally republicans had accumulated j
In tho United"statcs treasury. By their
system of book-keeplnj.', by dividing,
subtracting and setting nside sumB for
specific purposes, tho democrats, in
their minds, have reduced the surplus
in tho treasury to a nominal amount,
but old Tom Hendricks' booster friends
have not yet received their eight-dollar
dividend, and it is not at all probable
that they will under this administration,
for the money is still in tho treasury,
where it is found to bo actually needed
to meet the obligations of tho govern-
weni anu muuaiu its credit, ilia re
forms wrought so far do not amount to
many millions, and the turning out of
ollenslve partisans on tho one side to
make places for the same clasi of men
on the other side is not that character
of reform Heeded and it will not satisfy
tho people who voted for and anticipat
ed genuine reform, nor those who need
reuoi and expected to get it by tho
only an active supporter of Cleveland's
candidacy, but he was the man who
raised the largest amount of the cam
paign funds. The postmaster general's
efforts made Wisconsin a unit for Cleye-
The commis
sioner of pensions, Gen. Black, as 11
member of the Illinois delegation, which
was believed to be in favor of McDon
ald, deserted to the Cleveland standard
at a time when its influence was of the
utmost importance. Hay, who haH
been made first assistant postmaster
general, was tho chairman of tho Penn-i
sylvania delegation, and was able, early
in tho contest, when tho Cleveland
cause needed it the most, to render tho
necessary aid. This libt could bo ex
tended until it would include many
prominent appointments. It is this fact
which makes a large number of promi
nent democrats, and particularly a large
number of democratic congressmen, dis
satisfied. They see that the president
remembers his own friends in filling the
ofiices; but declines to extend them tho
least favor in that direction. Many of
thorn complain that they are snubbed
when they ask for tho appointment of
their friends, and it is consequently tho
cause of a great deal of ill fooling. Dur
ing tho next few months such democrats
will mako n desperate effort to securo
recognition, but with what success re
mains to bo seen.
been earned on for many years off the
North Carolina coast, but last summer
a company was formed, with its head
quarters at Cape May, N. J., not only
for trying out the oil, but for utilizing
the hide. The process of rendering the
oil is very pimple, and the average
amount obtained is from 0 to 8 gallons.
The experiment made last summer by
this company proved quite succeshful,
(.'5740 being realized, it is said, from an
outlay of f 1000, in five weeks' fishing,
and its facilities for taking jwrpoises
will be greatly increased the coming
feason. The skin of tho porpoise makes
a very superior, soft and pliable leather,
and the estimated value of each indivi
dual for its oil and skin alono was placed
at $20. Last autumn it was discovered
tnat the flesh made quite a savory dish,
and It became so popular at tho fashion
able watering places along the coast that
a Philadelphia firm recently made n
proposition to take all that may be
paugbt along the coast this season, with
the view of working much of it into mince
meat. Tho Cape May company, it is
said, will reject the offer, ns it already
has offers from prominent Philadelphia
and New York hotels and restaurants,
and it is believed that thorc will bo a
demand for the meat which cannot be
met. The meat is red and juicy, and
resembles in appearance beef, but it is
more solid, finer grained, and very ten
der; much more like venison, which it
resembles ip flavor. They are taken in
seines about 1000 feet long and very
wideband when captured, if not already
drowned, aro killed by stabbing with
knives. It would seem tliat the out
look for the success of a new and valua
blo industry being established is most
A New Idea in Corporations.
Tho Pacific Surety company has filed
I articles of incorporation at Han Francis
co. Tho object of tho association is "to
change in tho management of tho gov. InBuro the fidelity of public or privato
ernment. The people aro not Bnvlinr employes und all norsons holding una!.
tt&JnJ?t? Uonsof public or private trust; to fur-
and unlpsa tho promised relict compJ
before the end of Clevelund'H trm i.u
wuuwumps will not be utile to save biro
parties to civil suits, and to furnish be
curity In all matters of trust, and eenor-
I ally al eucj bonda us may be required
Our Divorce Laws.
Among the reforms being urged in
this age of reform is tho reform of our
divorce laws. It is contended that the
means of legal disruption of tho mar
riage tio are too eatdly obtainable, and
that the causes for di voice under the
law aro too many, bo many 111 fact that
it is easier for a man to get a divorce
than it is for him to marry, notwith
standing tho surplus of women obtain
ing in overy community, and eH-Kjeially
in tho older states. Recent statistics
go to show that divorces aro fearfully on
the Increase in all tho states. Statistics
in Massachusetts show that within the
last 20 years the increase has been over
100 per cent. In Virginia during tho
same time the increase has been 70 per
cent; in rvew Hampshire 200 per cent.,
and in nil tho other states an increase
is shown, tanging from 00 to 80. These
figures can bo construed into an argu
ment that tho lawH must be lax which
permit the sundering of tho niarriage
tio at this rote. People, of courso, ought
not to enter into matrimonial relation
without thought, but onco having as
sumed the responsibilities of tho mar
nage stato, it would seem that itshguli)
be found a happier state, or that it
should bo made by concession more en
durable and lastimr than thu nlmvn
statistics shows.
Tho marrjago tio should bo regarded
us sacied ; as a tic or a iplatlonship for
Hfojaud coptroctcd under this buliof,
flj'ero aUoWd U few BrleVtmcen tb&t
Nkw York, May 10.Gen. Grant slept
fullv sevon hours Saturday night, and
when the four doctors of the staff met in
consultation this afternoon they found
the general's condition was, if anything,
improved, but the cancerous siKits were
unchanged, Dr. Barker sails for Ku-
ropo this week, and this was his last
consultation beforo going. When about
to leavo ho bade tho general good-bye,
and said: "When I come back in the
autumn I shall ox-Hjut to find your liton
ary work finished to your satisfaction."
"You don't expect to find me, though,
do you?" said tho general.
"I shall hoio so, anyhow," res-wml-ed
Dr. Barker, as he went away.
Dr, atirady sah thu two now cmncur
spots had not perceptibly Increased
since Wednesday. Tho general, at a
window, waved mi adieu to Dr. Douglas
as he drove away with bis family.
Koscoe Conkling and Cyrus W. Field
called during the afternoon. At 5
o'clock this afternoon, while thousands
were strolling on tho nvqnucs, Gen.
Grant, attonded only by Harrison, left
his houso and walked toward Madison
avenue His paco was moro hrl.k than
during any previous walk. "No, I feel
no moro fatigued, as I see, than after my
walks to Madison avenue," concluded
the general as ho reached the steps of
his house. He mounted the steps with
as little wearmesa as on previous occu'
sions of his exercise.
born of tho legislature formed In a vol
utin! of twos, nud marched 111 n body to
Logan's room at thu Ireland hotel, sing
ing "Marching through Georgia." The
crowd gave thiee cheers and congratu
lated him on his success.
One"Rebel Yell Too Many.
A Washington dispatch says nnothor
nowly-appolnted federal olllce-holdor
has come to grief. Thu victim this timo
Li a brother of Senator Joo Blackburn.
Tho president, after consulting with his
cabinet, has revoked Blackburn s Ap
pointment as internal revenue collector
for the Lexington (Ky.) district because
of the following hitter wiitten by Black
burii) whiih is just made public:
AiUMiroN, V.i., OcloU-r a. 1861. My lVnr
Wife: I lur Icfl jounnil our children In llic
I mil of thcilcspol, but (Jott Knint that t uuy
won l able to iiulc the union nun of Ken
(inky feci the eilfic of my knife. I runt thli tl.i)
I hold every union tmitor ni in) enemy, ami
from him I seorn to recviic quarter anil to him
I wilt neier grant my uul In death, for tly ate
cottiuiU and villain enough. Ilrother Henry
.nut t arrived here without hinilmnee. I have
had chilli all the uny, but I hope to live to kill
forty Yankee for every chill put I vver Ii ul. I
loivrii that llnnloc h still In Arkanvvv, Iu U
reported Inactive, and If tlili prose true, t will
teiuter my resignation, to go Immediately to
Kentucky. I lioe that 1 Mill do my duty n a
reliel ttnd freeman. Mncc 1 know the iinkm
men of Kentucky, I intend to begin the uotk of
murder in enrncil, and if evrr 1 virc one of
then), may hell ha my traction I uant to ee
union blood i un deep enough for my honr in
swim In. Your hudunJ,
J.vmi.s Pi VCKIIl'KN.
It is understood that all of the pre id
dent's advisers approved of the revoca
tiou of the npH)iutment.
MUcellAtietnii Advertisements.
The Illinois Senatorship.
Friu.vaKiKU), His., May 7. Tho sen
atorial aspect has materially changed
by events of tho past forty-eight hours
and Logan's chances appear very much
brighter, although it is not iosilively
known yet what Sittig will do. That
gentleman, as soon ns it became fully
npparont that Weaver had been elected,
to-day left for home. Tho general im
pression here is that he will fall into lino
when the time coincs, although ho feels
sore over abuso'received when ho pair
ed with .Shaw. Logan is now fully con
fident of his ultimate success, anil cor
respondingly happy, as, in fact, are all
the republicans. The hotel lobbies pre
sent quite n busy scene to-night, and
many republicans are inplinod to "paint
tho town red." As the spirits of the
party rise those of the others lower and
the democrats aro feeling blue enough.
They admit that thoy were outgeneraled
in this matter, and blamo themselves
for being so lax. None of tho icpresen
tatives from this district even took thu
trouble to visit it during tho election, so"
confident wero they that no opposition
would bo offered. They now sea their
Jvilly and repent of it. It is too late, as
all doubt of Weaver's election has van
ished, it boing claimed that his majority
now is SCO. The vote cast was not one
third of that cast In November last. It
is stated by Borne democrats that an in
timation of what was going to he sprung
on them was learned tho night beforo
the election, and tho leaders in the dis
trict notified, but thoy paid no attention
to it. Gen, Logan savs the wnnln i.
the state want him to be the next sena
tor, and democrat did not wish to vote
against him,
Chicago, May 8. Last night Morri-
son, democratic candidate for senator
telegraphed from Washington: "Ih
there any doubt of tho election of thu
successor to Shaw?" His democratic
friends answered : "Not u bit. Weaver
is elected." Tho democrats piuposu to
die hard, und a scheme is on foot to de
teat, if possible, the result of tho elec
tion, or ut least to stave off tho result us
long as possible, A long consultation
was held at Springfield last night, undl
mv itouiv nun mm iiiessongeri wero
sent to each of tho three counties. It Is
supposed tho first attempt will bo made
to keep returns back ns long as possible,
in the hands of democratic county clerks,
thus giving Haines and his crowd, und
all othor absent democrats, an opportu
nity to Ije present when Weaver comes
to be sworn in. What the scheme will
then doyejop Into remains to bo seen,
but it Is surmised an attempt will bo
made to tlo tho certificate of election up
in committee, and thus prevent him
from being sworn In. While the repub
lican loaders aro aware of the demo
crats' intention, they entertain no fear
that it will succeed, und have every
hotp of elpqtlng Logan United States
eenator on the nqxt ballot. Last nk-hr
.txtlwveg fitf and sU'ty reVublieau meta
Tommy Williams of Douglas futility
lost n horso list week In jx'eullar way.
In the pasture In which the animal was
confined wero two small oak trees stand
ing about 18 inches apart, nnd it In sup-
K!H'il that the horso had his head I'
tween them when another hotso bit htm
frqm behind, entiling him to luiigo for
ward, thereby getting last, thu trees
catching him just behind the shoulders,
and thus preventing the poor lieast from
getting out either forward or backward.
Williams found the horse Imfiiro lio had
heon caught moro than half nil hour,
but aflor tho horso was released he soon
died from tho overexertion that ho had
indulged In In trying to free hliuielf.
Ho was valued at tr0. Plaiudenler.
Now that the democrats have gotten
into tho white house, tlipy uru saying It
is not gofld uiiflugh fvr them. It lasted
tlmiugl) 2J years uf republican occupant
cy and was found good enough, and It is
good onongh to servo out thu timo thu
democrats will occupy it, that is, four
years. There should bo no talk of build
ing another whiro house, or nxecuiv-n
mansion economy is the watchword of
me nay c
Democratic opinions seem to be crys
talking into the belief that Cleveland
8 T C) K 3C
quality uf
TIN, COIM'KIt nntl
Of home manufacture, In connection
with a well-selected stock of
Slovos nnil lviingt'jt,
Wood mitl Willow Witrr,
Farm Tools mid IiiiiiIoiihmiIh,
Coal. Iron mid Slool,
Witter Pipe nntl Kitlinge,
faints, uilfl mitt liruslicH,
Doors mid Windows,
Unrncss nntl Tilinnitngs,
Linnps und Crockery,
I'lntcd and
Granite Ware,
RilloH, Pistols mid Ammunition,
Ftshini! Tackle,
Hirtl "ages,
Terra C'ottu Chlmiiuv Pipe,
lite,, Ktc.
gjtfJon Woitu and IU:iuihno
done at idiort notice.
K. OVONN'KM,. Prop'r.
Mlicollancou. Advcrtmt
Fronl Mrcrt, MnrnhBrU,
Adjoining the Mar.hfleld Dm,, Sl
Mnnunidiircr of nmt )ralfr ,R ,'
MAUMtnnu) Jk Kmi'iiii: City,
0. Schetter & Go.,
PKOl'ltlKTOKS, 7
Successors to H. P. WHITNEY.
A al nply of
iii;i;i-. mh coons.
.SIX'., KTC.
nntl all kinds ol
constantly on Iiaiu). Alson
L'iKmI stock of
V K sTk L 8
logging" gamps
Htovc nud Utilise,
lllatikiniltlia' Hupiillci,
Crockery nntl (lnwvre,
Put tits nud Oil,
Harried, i
lnnm Phhlnr Tacklf, e,,c!,kc,,
ttr Plumbing Job Work and Htptlt.
in of all kinds promptly executed.
- inysu
IA. HOllllKTM.
Mrumor t'ninct vrtll nmaif(ittat
ioo .Munnnchi lor Kmiilrc at
ond at q p. in. duly
U'e I'jimlir for MAflif.-M at i
would have ilono much better if he hni
left Secretary llavnrd in tin, fci.iniin. Id
inado a very oxolh.itt nunutor, but the
sunpicion Ih KtroiiB that ho 1m proving u
failure an a prune minister.
A. P. Swinoford of Mnnpielt, Mich.,
ban been appointed governor of Alanka.
Queen Kiumn of the Sandwich Ihlnnds
died ou tho -'Olh ult.
When Utby vcij icl, c give bcr
.... , , ,, , CAVrOMA,
Wlicn i!ic ,vi a clubl. jlic ctit for
., . , (ASIOKIA.
Nlien he tiecamc a miu, lio clung o
.... CASslOKIA,
Whon jlic I1.11I clulclicn. she gne llicm
L.sti Ooici: vr Novmicko, Orrson,
Mny 7, 1885.
XJ the folloHing-mnietl mrtilrr luv filed notkr
of 1 J intention to make final proof In Imuran
or till claim, ami thai snlil proof will U iiiailr
U-forc llic clerk of C001 county, at Umpire Clly,
On Thursday, June 18. iB8c.
Vfc. I'l.ThK J. Pkti.kson. pre-emption dctlnra
tory statement No. 4739, fur the north half of
iic wiuiiiwcsi quarter nmillieMiutlilhilr of the
nortmevt quarter of jucuon 13. township at
south, ranse 11 v.nt. Willamette meridian.
He ninifs the following iincscs to prove
r .Ti 1 1 ""'"" "I"' "no- cuuvai on
of said land vii
Joseph II Yoakum, Ocorge M. SiW, Prtd
lUmon arid Thos. O. Mortimer, nil of Marih
held, C.ooj county, Orrgon,
myijtd Vn. T. IU.NJAMIN, Reglitcr.
J. s t-n vwi'oitn.
I'ront Hrt'l, Mur-Kiilleld,
South of the Poitoflicc.
IUI.I.O-V A: ItOSN, lnirlMoi-.
anil neat incut ttuiikrt put kmiiIi pf i(,e
poilomce. ve are prrparrd to furnnli. nt the
lowest lulng rntM. the Uit ot
Hri; Vfui,
.HiiKmt, forli.
Nail ,llMil ul nil LtluriM,
V 'RtMttllM,
'ititm! limtl nud
Vencls nnd l-Ofiging Camps promptly sup.
Such a share of nuhlle natmn.ipn i l'.r.i-rl ...
goikij, low prices and square dc!in;j entitle us
v 1
ftl ft Mil
ill t . . ... -ilt .. . '- m-
when she will I-jc Hmidrrnl 6 joictoct '
JI Murders.
HALL & MfillTjNKIt, Proprietor,
10 is rcvpecuuliy solicited liy
Land Oi riCF. at Koifhukg, Oregon,
m. (.".? ,nK""a,.IM!,'"",r iafM notice
of h sli tuition to mako fiml proof In tuppci
pf his claim, and that , ,)r00f wlM lic ' ,c
Bss&fcr tIvrk of Co,i coum' nt y-m-
On Thursday, June 18, 1885,
Viz J ami: Catching, homestmd No. tin
for the noithweit nnartcr of ilu. .,.,,,1,,., 9..A.
Icr nnd the touthoiiit quarter of the sotilli-aiI
T!?"!lrur J"0" 37, ,ov'nlllI 30 south, nmge
3 w-csl, Willamette meridian, "'i.i
1.1.':" , 'hLJnL !"? '.. Pro
of iuta d",;: v- "J"J" ""' cm"m
n.nifAOniJV!Kl',nn,,-l0-,"w f'ovvnof Sum.
ncrandA. D. Iioopi; nrnt (it0, Morris of fair-
jnyrjtd Vi. K IIcnjamin, Keglittr
fus-v nvxiuvni),
Stock of PorejUrn and Domeitlc HaU
and Fancy Salts of
KiMitYoiAm: (;i,oiin,x(j,
Which will K sold nt HO'ITOM I'ltlC'I'S ,ouKht nt tills shop
Olvc me a call. , mains.
."vi:v 'rmtvrAiu.i:.
stramrr Myrtle will run as follow 1
l.cme Marshfirld for t'llrrf.lljf every nuaii(
at 7 and tsrry afternoon at a o'clock,
f .rave I'ttef City for MarthAcM nnd Cmplr
every forenoon nnd for MarshMd rvrry sfier
noon on the nrrlval of the Coqullle imtuvinn,
a l.miilro City for Marshfirltl and Ulttr
lly c.ry Uiy nt 1 o clock p in,
lea 1 UAt.l.i. I.ICill INliK, I'nHnbtori.-
O'ConneJI' new baildlugr, Front ttrctt,
IlCVI.l-Jl.l IH-
The Coast Mail
And the San Francisco
Weekly Chronicle
S3 so
Vwyvixv In ml tit !,,
H'mm nV,SU. ,,I,S, KMO'' ',0 MARSH.
IJ. I H.I.IJ nnd Ii located on McKninhls
Boof Bnrrola,
Butter Barrels,
a .. . V Barrels,
And nil that or any oihrr ih.irncler of tooperln
r.t shortest iiollwm.d on most ruasot ahleVermi
atu ne'd a wholesome, medicine
like PriNUEK'S 0KCgN BU)OI) I'UKimK AS
her.y ,?diTlDsW Pf leno
Ie Deal It checks lhpntniii.n, .i w , , '
Srilr?-HC"Bl,f",'on' OJ and Dlliousl
BVknvT,; :.'."; ?::zw '"?. '? v iv
giugguis, uu
..., u4 Hu. iicsn enerL'y nlo the
Paper - Hanger,
.MAHSIIITKM). onv.nnv
- t ij
ST.SION PAINTINO nmi nniM,v,..
A HrJIAirV. '"" ,M "
PT Orders left at h0 Marshfield Drugstore
will receive prompt latenlloii. ocio
Iielpiill.ofcltliersex, t
Kend 6 cents for poitnire
nnd receive free a costly
"i goous wiucli will
iiviij itii, 111 (liner uv 1
to -rarsw & At oat f I
I. idirs' fine nnd roarse tlioot. boys nnd
hof, nnd gent's iulitrr coals, Uxas ml shoes
in great variety. Chtr riuily-nuvile boats and
iho's were maii.if..clureil rsprrslly for tlie Uy
trade. Hats, cms and urulnwrar; sUtUoocrr.
cutlery, tobacco, ((gars pn. iiuUlici. t
A full Ass6rlincni of men's clothing, In suits or
olhrrwltc, iimtlrrsvcs, bcdclullilng nnd values.
Custom-made ttoots and shoes 11 spcchllv, for
which mc U-eo lhc,brst Trench kip, ciK and
soleleather: Xhif nllm slock is of tli ttlf s
st)le and (Irtish, nnd as chovp as the chMPnl.
Come and sir us at our new slore, Iq Quo y
nell's new tiuildlns, 1'rwu sircvt, io
I'listulDci), In the biilldiiitf formerly occu
plot ns rv rrsldcnce bv A Nj.ih.iri,', where the
undcrslLMied has cvrry hvcilliy for tloini;
Cabinet Work of all kind,
Ai short notice urul. on (.licmt terms, v , y
Kuril (ui re ni.inulcnitW!l4nd Vumldird (oot- 11
der nt IkiIIoiii prk;s. i-J. tl ' ' 'Hw
Iland.onie Cliniiiioi for snloiit lour iuirt
Also UKklii (ilmcvof HSvorlcd !' .i.ti
ricltirrs frntiual lo.order losittouslomort II 1
I'tirnliura tif nil kinds rep-died.
COI'I'INS made to or.iiT nt lowest rates. . ,
Jubtjlnsi Work a specUliy and piomplly cse-
cuted nt livlni; rates. i
npa oi. K KVANSKN, 1'ropiictor.
DAVIIl Vot'St). IIKNnY Hl'llKX
Z&vCaIlareield. '-
C'omof of 'X'blril unsl C utrtl
UUIIKN k VOUNfi, I'roprletoni.
Conitnnlly on.lianil nnd for sale. fl
or Orderr f rwn the ,cou
filled. Mi&KsuUUS
Mrs. -W. B1. Hill
ttrrct, first door uo ill of Mai k's furniture
store, Multifield.
Cutting and ntllnc In Hie litest styles a p
J-atroiuj; thankfully received, work promptly
.cut!, aud work ;uaniitrtd to gtv ssf