The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 26, 1885, Image 3

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Miscellaneous Advcrtiitmenti.
X3sr rpt&iaias of
lliBDWAKE, Tinware,
Crocfeery, etc., etc.
H tin lw,M HitvnmnKo of IhII lime mid low iHrp, wo
. ...i.t u Inriro ntovlc of llio nliuvn iviiron, ivlilvh mo nro
HUlX'" A1 iiiti.ii i,i ,i,i;im
33. CJ'JN JX Jill i.l I,
1ST 03 "W:
Variety Store!
Holland Building, oikhHo Maiico llotol, Front street, Mnrnhfloltl.
IbCTTrSIO, Vocal nml IiiHtrtnncntnl,
-STEWS 3D35POT and A-gency,
A Fine Assortment of Confectionery,
oig-abs and a:o:B-A.cco,
Always oil hand, nt Retail and Jo1liln.
avlng Card, Flrdilng Tackle, Hta-
Notions on tlio liny.
torn, Marshfleld, Or.," will receive
I l'roiirtolor of tlio
t 4. ..! Ijib (iiulit liiuiHiil liiuliiiiiiii(u
it uttni;M. i"B" "f :'"" .:""" 'V "" """"
( i
The Coast Mail.
Thursday, : : : : i ; : : j i March a6, 1885
Parties knowing thcmsolvcs indebted
to tlio undersigned, nl either Coos liny
or Empire City Drug Store, nro respect
fully requested to ncltlo their accounts
nt tlio riNH)(!tlvu Btorns up to January 1,
IBM, (Jnfl) Hkniiy Hknostaokkn,
An Accident at the Mill.
tW Also, Hewing Machines, Jewelry, PI
iftKrv and tho most complete assortment of
,to?f.r?LKl- .. !....! lo ilm "Nuw Variety S
lliuiurin. -
Hornet attention. y. i, NORTON,
nml tint DouiOHtk Hewing Machines.
Purser A. J. Unroll of tlio Bleamor
Coos liny has our tlmnkN for files of Han
Francisco papers up to Bnlurilny last.
Havo money, tlmo, troutilu nml rlHk by
subscribing nt Now Variety store. Wo
rati furnish nny periodical In tlio world.
Tfwi ttliitnf uiru tit lltti Mn ruliftnlit Itrnau
baud nro making arrangements to give
n concert nt this plnco for tlio benefit of
tlio bnnd.
Mrfl. T. J. Lynch loft tlio I my ItiHt
Monday to visit her mother nt Dnfur,
Wasco county, .where bor father died n
few week 8 ago.
Mm. K. O'Connell wnntH n girl to xlo
general house-work. Liberal wages will
bo putd nud u competent girl In wanted.
None other need apply.
Anion Ilarlng ban resigned his pom!
Hon 11H Necond tnnte on the Hteamor Cooh
Bay nml ie turned to bin rnncli near
Florence, on tho Siuslaw.
Joe Fox Is ngnin engineer of tho Myr
tle ; Hheruiiin Gamble in engineer of the
Mink, and 1-evi Snyder 1h captain of tho
Coiulllo Hteamor Little Annie.
For the bent assortment of cblunwnre,
plain nml fancy, go to Garfield's hard
ware store. If ho cannot Huit you In
Hint lino you cannot bo suited in tblu
t Tl lt.il1.iv lu it. it Uutt ltVutifMU"!
y u -.. a. ilk. v.. in fvi.. iv um.i miiihow
liy tlio llrHt steamer, on n vihii 10 iiih
brother, Cnpt. 0. II. Iluller ol tho
Menmor Kmplre, In tho trndo between
Bcntllo and San FranclHco.
A.rr post1 1
No Humbug! No Humbug
But an actual fact!
Ladies' Cloaks, Dolman's and Circulars
0-MuHt bo naltl wllhlM Sixty 1u,m!JK7
AIku, our full lino f
Cnil nnd eu for youri'elf nl tlio
0-ra.rstl 3ivEexclxa,rLd.It3e- l
Maraliflelil, Or., Jnmmry 27, I85.
The umlcrftWyJ linvhig bought liom IK. C. II
0 IK STUM Ntrcot. Iurhcll, rcfoM,
.... 1...I t.. il. ,x.nt
Solicit a oonllnimnqo of tlio libyrnl min)i nBo cie u.iev. ... r"
Lnrgu improvements nro hclnc miulo nml tUu Mock heni
X'iuo I)ric01in)ieljt.riilJlt SThllolnw, l'crfuniorieH, I,
Combi. Hm.h. Yliln and Fancy Camlfci, Noiioni nml I "lr,G"',10.f,B' .
ti. .. ..'....... r iiinrM k'nniM in the eoimlv. all tucs and l an
I1C Mil HMI lll.II'. . .m ..... . .-. -- r
or nude lu orilrr l thort notice,
heavily Increased.
riissed, bpoiigce,
price, kepi In stock
Minoiice. . , .........,.,.. :,...)
Full nJ compklo line of IMlnU. Oili. Varnliliei, i.iati nnu ruuy u, , ,-.. .,-...,.
I'ilnlrr' andAllbU' nwleriaU of eoy ilcKripiuw c.)nnnur . -...
Am nrranr n lo mpoil UitotiRli P.r uiirani. u r- """ ""'," " J, hVlrint ulll enable
Clpn and ToWco. llong acualntancc illi IcmIIiik tulaccont. I. In "l,'
me l lecute the (Irttit tood? at the loet Pikci. Tl.e local rad :l g W J
All rood, at whol&k, a, hcII a, rculf. 'JJSSi:
m- VBk w"- - -v - m
N. H.-Preicrlptloni and Family Rcclpci carefully compounded,
Marshfleld, Oregon, ,
Henry Sengstacken, - - Proprietor,
Thoro will 1h) n opcclnl meeting of
Myrtle lodge, No. 3, K. of 1'., next Mon
day night, for the transaction of lin
Krtnut biiHlncHH, nnd nil brethcrn in
gool standing are requested to le in nt-tendnm-e,
F. A. tiolden thinkB the cneourngo-
meiit Hiiliiclent to justify him in Rtnrting
it private Hcbool in tho nrndemy build
ing in two weeks nfter tho close ol the
pieHcnt term of public ftchool. MIks
Lillian GlnHH will bo find nsHiHtnnt.
laboring men in purHult of employ-
ment bad better give Coo bay tho go
by for the prewmt, for thoro aro nioro
men hero now than there is profitable
employment for, nnd the prospect of nn
improvement thin year Ih not nt nil good.
'Charley l'etero baa been negotiating
for the Hteamor llertlm. A price (11600)
hnn locn ncreed iiikmi nnd Peters hns
mndo n Htnall payment to bind tho bar
uin until tho Intof next month, nt which
(lino ho is to take tho boat if be takes it
nt an.
8. A. Arrsngton'B health will not Jus
tify lilm in rcHiimlng his place ns book
keeper for K. II. Dean & Co. nnd be will
soon visit his relatives in Douglus coun
ty nnd test tho virtues of thnt climate in
his caiio. Fred Illscboir is now Dean &
Co'h Iwok-kcepor.
Col. John Lano Is tho favorito of the
Coos Hay News for tho Empire custom
hoiiso. It would bo more appropriate
for tho colonel to Bcek n custom house
within tho conflncH of tho confederacy
for which ho fought so valiantly but did
not dio worth 11 fig
' Herbert II. Kogore has bought C W.
Dickman's ranch on Daniels creek. Tho
placo contains 320 acres and tho price
jiaidwns $5000. Dlpkmnn and family
exxjct to loavo ub In May, for Wasco
county, which locnlity ho latoly visited
and waB well pleased with.
1 Miss Carrio StaulT of thla place was
tlirmvn (mm a liowo on tlio oeacii ni
Empire lat Tuesday ovenlng by the
breaklm: of tho Btlrtip of her saddle
u-lilhi Hho nnd Miss Acclo Lockhnrt
wore out riding. Dr. Tower vns sent
far nml vlHilml Miss Stntttr nt her tin-
clo'a at Empire booii aftor tho accideut.
Sho wn insonsiblo for n time, but tho
doctor reports her as all right now. v
Mnndtis Lnrncn. nn employe nt Demi
A. Co'h mill In this place, mot with nn
necld'jnt there Inst Bnturdny by which
the Htnall bono of his right log was brok
en between tho knee nnd nnklo. Ho
wn nttcndlng tho truck thnt supplies
tho pony snw, run by T F. Hall. A
largo load had been placed upon tho
truck by Hull and Larson, when tho lat
ter throw behind him a handspike thai
ho hod been using nnd tho former stnrt
od tho truck. Tho hnndspikc rolled to
tho enr track, and was caught ami enr
rlod by tho car until It struck Larson
on tho feet and tripped him up. Ho
fell ngnlnst tho enr in such n wny thnt
ho was dragged nlong tho trnck until
bis right leg, from tho kneo down, bo-
cntno wedged between tho car nnd one
of the Bklds nlongsido tho track. Hall,
who was innnnuimr the car. heard Lnr-
soii'h cries nt this stage of the accident,
when tho enr wns slopped nnd backed
nnd tho unfortunate- man released from
a jkh1Uoii In which In a cw more sec
ond's ho would havo had his leg torn
oir. Tho space Into which tho leg was
forced between tho skid and the car was
two and a half Inches nt tho bottom and
about four inches nt tho top, nnd there
wnB nn oil feeder with which tho limb
cunio lu contact nnd by which tho flesh
was severely cut nnd torn on 0110 Bide
from tho kneo down, while tho other
side wns badly mushed. Dr. Tower was
Immediately called and rendered Lar
son such relief ns medical skill could
give. Tho patient will bo laid off from
work for 11 month or so, but ho is for
tunate to escape with that after gotting
into such a tight place.
Passengers by Steamer.
Arrivals by steamer Areata last
Thursday: G HKnowles, J K Fleming,
H K Davis, A Taylor, L Lambo, W H
Ellery, C II Morchnnt, F Akmnn nnd
M Simpson.
Departures by steamer Areata Inst
Saturday: Geo Coon, J D Klopstock, E
Saunders, W E Stevens, Mrs F Mark,
Capt J l'arkor, F M Phipps, J C Gale
and 1'ctcr Sunderland.
Arrivals by steamer Coos Bay Tues
day: J L Nay, Miss Sarali Schmidt,
Anderson Jacobson, Win Hongell, S C
Kogors, John Clark, Jas Brown and
seven I'ortugeso in the steerage.
Sliver Metal Ware.
J. 1). Gnrfleld received by Btcamer
Coos Hay last Tuesday nn invoico of sil
ver metal wnro. for which ho has the
agency. This wnrc is something new
and only Bccond to solid silver, which it
approaches more nearly than any other
alloy, yet it is very much cheaper than
silver. Silver metal ware requires the
samo caro as solid silver, and when
thus treated it will wear down to a
shade or two of silver and will last a
lifetime. Garfield invites that portion of
tho public who ubo such-articles to call
at his hardware store and inspect this
now table ware.
Tho outlook for loggers in this locality
is anything but encouraging at tins
time. Tho only camp thnt Dean A Co.
expect to rue regularly this summer is
that one on tho Isthmus, in charge of
J. F. Dunham. Sinco C. II. Merchant
returned from San Francisco all the
men preparing to log for Dean & Co.,
excepting Dunhnm, havo been informed
that their services will not bo needed
until further notice. II. E. Scranton's
camnon Catching slough ia tho only
ono that will run for tho North Bond
mill this season. This suspension of
logging is tho roBiill of tho demoralized
lumlar market at San Francisco, where
a great deal of lumber is now being sold
at less than its actual cost. Tho old
combination to sustain prices baa been
dissolved and tho heaviest dealers de
cline to enter into another, for tho rea
son that they believe- too much treach
ery characterised tho old combination.
Tho largo supply of logB that Dean &
Co. havo at this place and that Simpson
Bros, havo at North Bend will bo used
un before any marked improvement will
take placo in tho logging business horo-abouts.
Sunday-Cloalnfj Agreement.
Wo, tho undersigned, morchiintH,
traders nnd shop-keepers, doing business
In the town of Mnrshflold, Coom county,
Oregon, hereby enter Into the following
ngrecment, to wit: Thnt wo will not
keep open our respective places of busi
ness for tho purK)B0 of labor or traffic
on the first ilny of the wcok, commonly
called Sunday or the Lord's day , and we
jointly nnd severally pledge ourselves
to prosecute any porBon or peraons
guilty of violating tho general law of tho
stale In regard thereto. TIiIh agreement
shall tako effect from and after this
Dated Mnrsbflcld, Or., Mnrch 23, 1885.
(Signed) It. Mainh, morehunt tailor;
K. 11. Dkan A Co.,
goncrnl merchandise; A Fkiikey.
dry goods;
J. D, Gaiifif-Mi,
hardware and tinware ;
O. Co..
butchers and grocers;
W. G. Wehstek,
Nabuuiiu & Hirst,
general merchandise;
Jno. Kknvo.v, variety Btorc ;
hardware and tinware;
M. Mui.akkf.v,
confectionery ;
CnAWFonn & Hosb,
butchers and grocers.
Tho process of metamorphosis through
which tho Marshfleld drug Btoro has
been going Binco its purchase by F. A.
Golden Is drawing to a close. The store
to-day would scarcely bo recognized by
its friends of hIx months ngo. Tho gild
ing, painting and scroll work, of them
selves, were a decided improvement,
but bv far tho crcateBt chance of all is
tho now ceiling just completed. This
is an artistic piece of work in paper,
after tho stvlc of fresco in tlio most
elaborate city buildings. The central
field rcprescntB tho bluo Bky, flaked
with clouds and dotted with stars.
Around this are five strips of Billing and
filling, in very pretty gilt designs, with
corner pieces to match. Under all is a
heavy arched cornice, representing birds
and butterflies in flight, and this lias its
upper and lower faces covered witli
velvet paper mixed with gold. Around
tho gas-lights are appropriate center
pieces, finishing as handsome a ceiling
as lias over been put on any house in
Coos county. The plan was designed
by Golden himself nnd the work execut
ed by Charley Mack in a manner
does credit to tlio design. Golden,
though but recently In our midst, has
shown a decided spirit of improvement
and has set an example that should not
only be followed by our other mer
chants, but should insure him the liber
nl patronage of our community.
Last Monday afternoon Henry Huden
met with a peculiar little accident. Dur
ing visit of 8. C. Durgin and W. B.
Curtis to the soda works Curtis and
Huden indulged in a little skylarking
for Sam's entertainment, when a pen
holder that Huden held between his
teeth was struck by his arm and thrust
into IiIb mouth with sufficient violcnco
to hurt considerably and explode at
onco tho Biipefluity of fun with which
ho was seized when he Uickled Curtis.
Tlmt stopped tlio foolishness and lln-
(Candies. Tobacco nnd
and Liquors
U'retcrinllc-uB skillfully compoUHdoU.
n. u. Tim
and ownership
11 t 'T 1
Medicines, m Chemicals
iSitofc' andSfoflot Articles, Pure Wues
I0r ;hciiiw" ""." ., t. n,lu1)lwM.
A, for. YVC1 IS. r ajw vwo-i"-
...- ,r.T - :;.. f . ,,- ,
urshlp ns "heretofore. Orders left at j'fer10rHKNGSTAOKlJN. '
tvt a n caTrnriTTTlTljTb. ODE?.,
Ciciiiiiieiiseii &s Evanoffj
K0A.0 ttOuffbud n.l olfcra fw . iiprteriJjHh '
7 octB -
3 rgfrjftffSAll '
0 HnSHHwIan r
lSSBsBk J w' cox' IHflBHK P
S m Touapm ir u
Sj ' 'Hl 'Front Srctt, ItanhfH"!. e"- IH v
Huden has at tho New Varioty store
a largej assortment of musical albums
that aro vory nlco and romarkably
cheap. Many of tho albums are band
somely Illustrated and thoy contain
from 100 to 20Q piocos of tho latest
mttslc and sell at from 50 to 75 conts
each. Thoro aro also several nlco pianos
nnd orimnB for salo at tho Now " arloty
store, and if those thoro are not what
J-oit wast-Huden can booh'IIH your ordor
for anything in mat nno.
ThorAreaia'broiighl up'ii now stool
Lnilor for tho Btoairfer Myrtle, It will
hio takon to Uttor City aud thoro placed
In tho boat by J.' F. Dunham, who ox-
poetH to begin the work noxt bntimiay
anil comploto It by Monday or Tuesday.
Vhllo tho Myrllo is laid up tho Lulu
will tako her placo between Marshfiold
and Uttor City. After her now bollor
Iuib boon put in tho Myrtlo Intends to
run around nnd run away irom overy
other boat on tho bay, and swoop cloan
or with tho broom thnt sho now carries.
K. V, Buekloyi im shiwar of. tbq
BtoniiorCoottlBay,. has" taken' Charge oi
tho Pulaco restaurant iu this placo, form-
irlv kotit by Mrs. Bpntguo. no is an
bxpononced caterer nnd promises' to
glvo our town (hq jjest restaurant it has
irr iiml. Fresh eastern oystors can
bo had at the Palace at all times, and
In a wook or two Buckley will have ico
cream, Tho old stairway loading to
Norman's hull has boon removed to tho
roar and there is now a good ontranco
lo tho Palace restaurant uirougu wo
spaco botweon tho two buildings former
ly occupied by tho stairway.
It is surprising how long some frauds
hold out and succeed in humbugging,
hoodwinking and living off tlio people
through check and chieanory. Tho
gauzo ol Bomo frauds Is so thin that it
bcoiuh to us an obtuse blind man ought
to soon bco through it with a stick. Af
tor it becomes too lato, many people won-
dor how thoy could Jiavo been eo Btupiu
nn 10 bo bo confidinc wliero thoro was
not a redeeming trait to warrant it. Sho
thought ho must bo n vory good man or
a vory bad ono. Ho lstho latter. T06
much Jmpudonco will always bear
watching, and ono who is always wag
ging his jaw In an effort to drug down
Xiebody elso cannot possibly bo n
d tnun. .
AftAr l 10 Hteamor Areata lanticu nor
nassontiarB and freight at tills placo last
Tlmrsrlflv sho rotumod to North Bond
andliad 60 or 00 feet of bor middle
deck takon out amidships, in order that
she may loud cpal with greater facility,
tho removal of that portion of tho dock
mnntlnnml obvlatillL' tllO trouble nnd
delay heretofore incident to trimming
tho vessel ns bIio was loading at tho
bunker. Tho Arc.ta enmo up from
North Bend Friday uftornoon, wont to
tho bunker, loaded in three or four
hours, returned to Empire that evening,
and sallod for Ban Francisco nt 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
Blinpson Bros, havo Bold their milling
Intoresta at Gardiner and the property
Is now in tho tioBsoaBlon of an incorpor
ated company Boraa of the stockholders
of which are residents of Los Angeloa
county, Qal. iThe property is still under
iim mniinirnmnnt of John Knowland at
Ban Francisco and W. F, Jowctt at
Gardiner. 4- -
Last Saturday the now uapiiBi cnurcu
I at Gardlnor tfaB dedlcatod,
den, holding his hand on his jaw, went
after a doctor for himself. The wound
proved trilling, but tho doctor said the
pen-holder came very near cutting an
artery in Hudon'a mouth that wouiu
have soon caused him to bleed to death.
Ho ato a light supper that evening nnd
talked less than usual that night, but
Tuesday morning bis elocution was im
proved and ho wont over to theCoquillo,
sinco which tnno wo havo not heard
from him, but it is perfectly safe to say
that tho Coquillers havo and that they
know ho can still talk to tho point.
Tho News says orders have been re
ceived to fill in between the piles at the
breakwater work nt Rocky Point. That
would Ik n stupendous undertaking.
Many of tho piles that wore would be
bard to find. Thoy havo gono whore
tho woodbino twineth, nnd tho vacuum
created bv thoir departure must be a
paralyzing Bight to tho master mind that
planted them. Our breakwater ia repre
sented as presenting a sick spectacle at
this time. Somo of tho old cribs at the
Bhoro end havo been battered down and
carried awny; tho car track looks as it
tho Bhip Great Eastorn had inado two
or three trips through It sldowlso, car
rying piles nnd everything olso bctoro
her, nnd tho general appearance of
Itocky Point is that of a placo lately
visited by an Arkansaw tornado and a
Kansas cyclone in quick succession.
Tho steamer Coos Bay arrlvod at this
place last Tuesday ovonlng. Ycstorday
sho went to tho Caledonia mino and
coaled and then returnod to Empire,
with tho Intention of at once crossing
tho bar and arriving nt Ynquina bay to
dny, where she will bo beached to havo
bor barnacles scraped off. This steamer
has quit the Portland trado and tho cap
tain expects lo bo back hero by noxt
Saturday or Sunday.
What the Medical Journals Have to Say
In Regard to His Case.
Nkw Yoiik, March 10. Grant passed
u good night, sleeping with but little in
terruption. Ho arose early this morn
ing and took n breakfast of coffee, lcef
and a little hominy, tho first solid food
'o has eaten in a day or two. He felt
better and more refreshed, nnd doctorB
rcrt his condition thin morning ns
more fnvornblo.
After his visit to Gen. Grant to-night,
Dr. Douglas Raid : "Tho general lept
fievon hours continuously Inst night. He
wns very well through tho dny. Ho nak
ed for roast mutton nnd nte it. During
tho nfternoon nnd evening the general
revised enough of his book to keep the
printers busy three days. When I left
Gen. Grnnt to-night bo wns inclined to
sleep. Tho paliont's throat looks better
this evening. It has not tho angry ap
jmaranco it has had. There wns n catar
rhal difficulty in the morning that caus
ed gagging, but no bad results. Cocoaine
is not now lwlng used and there is no
pain. It is mental occupation that ren
ders tho general wakeful."
The following will aptearin the Medi
cal Uccord of March 21 : During the
past week the local disease of Gen.
Grant has shown no marked tendency
toward progressive ulceration. At the
recent weekly consultation Dr. Fordyce
Barker was unavoidably nbsccnt. DrB.
J. II. Douglns, Henry B. Sands and
George F. Shrady, who were present,
made a thorough examination of the
general's throat, with a view of dis
cussing the expediency of a radical sur
gical oK3 ration for removal of tho erowth.
Such measure would involve a division
I of the lower jaw, on the median line, ex
tirpation of the entire tongue and the
greater part of the soft palate, together
with removal of tho ulcerated and in
filtrated fauces and the indulnted glan
dular structures under tho right angle
of the lower jaw. This was considered
mechanically possible, detfpitc the close
proximity and probablo involvment Of
the tissues adjoining the large arteries
and veins in tlio neighborhood of tho
ulcerations, but in the best interests of
tho distinguished patient, tlio surgeons
did not seem inclined to recommend
procedure, even by such means. There
could be no guaranty, in view of the ex
tensive surrounding infiltration, that
the limits of the disease could be reach
ed without immediate risk to life by a
sm-nrn nlincV- tn n constitution already
tliatl ..,i. .,f.t,lwl Vrt -ell-il nnwnr lft
such a strong element in tho decision
that, for tho present at least, no kind of
operation will bo undertaken. Tho
ulccrition on the side of tho tongue has
not progressed far enough to produce
Ihe usual intolerable pain associated
with that condition, but should tho lat
ter symptoms appear it may be deemed
advisable to divide the gestitatory nerve.
Tho general toneof tho patient's system
remains about the same as at the last
report, notwithstanding he has suffered
much from insomnia. Tho latter within
the last day or two has been kept under
control by a suitable anodyne. There
is no pain in swallowing and sufficient
food is taken with reasonable relish.
PitiuMiELi-itiA, March 10. The Phila
delphia Medical News this week will
say, editorially, concerning the disease
from which Gen. Grant Is suffering:
"Lingual epithelioma, ns a rule, rapidly
progresses towards a fatal termination
when left to itself. The life of the pa
tient, from the first appearance of the
disease, varies in accordance with the
estimates of different observers from
10 to 13 months, tho average being
11 months. Tho duration of life ol
thoso who survive an operation averages
19 months. Not only docs operative
interference prolong life and relieve Buf
fering, but it effects a final cure in 14
tier cent, of all cases. In attaining these
results it must, howover, bo remember
ed that incision of the tongue is attend
ed with mortality in 23 per cent, of the
eases, and when, in addition to discaso
of tlio tongue, tho palate nnd tonsils nro
involved, prognosis is far more great,
whether tho disease bo permitted to pur
suo its courso or whether it bo subject
ed to tho knife. In tho lattor event not
Lonly will tho tonguo havo to bo extirpa
ted, but tho diseaso ol tno paiaie aim
tonsil will havo to bo reached. So far
as wo can loam there Is no example of
tho performance of a double operation
on record, and it Ts, in our opinion, not
Important to Pre-Emptdr.
As recently published, this ofTlco was
instructed bv tlm commissioner of tho
general land office lo reject nil pre-emp
tion proof mndo before notaries public.
The sccretnry of tho interior lias, sinco
revoked said instructions and ordered
that tho testimony of witnesses in pre
emption rases may bo taken before a
notnry pniinc nnu that the unaiamuavit
of claimant must be mado before tho
register or receiver or before tho county
rlerk of tho county in which tho pre
emption is situated. Applicants for
final proof should, in enso they desire
the testimony to bo taken before a nota
ry public, slate the namo of tho notnry
public and tlio time and place of taking
testimony. W. F. Benjamin, Register.
Itoscburg, Oregon, March 18, 1885.
Hon. Thomas Smith dug up a cabbago
stump last week, and found attached to
tlio roots in tlio ground a jwrfectly
shaped cabbago bead about bix incbos
In diameter. This is tho first monstrosi
ty of tho kind wo have ever hoard of.
Tho mill at Parkcrsburg is ngain shut
Miss Ella Itagon has closed her school
at Laird's and returned to her home at
F. P. Norton has added a new soda
fountain to the New Variety store, with
all the latest fancv drinks of the season.
Ranch for Sale.
I will sell cither one of my ranches
one containing 300 acres and the other
1)00 acres. Tho best stock ratigo in tho
county. For particulars, call nt my
ranch, six miles above Myrtlo Point.
mr5 R. C.
Short-Horn Calves for Sale I
I expect to havo a large crop of spring
calves. All persons wishing bull calves
will have to send in their orders before
the 10th of May, 1885, as I Bteer all male
calves that are not ordered up to that
time. Postofllcc address : Myrtlo Point,
Coos county, Or. S. M. Dkmest.
Cliff Ranch, February 10, 1885.
Special Notice.
All notes nnd accounts in favor of II.
P. Whitney arc left in my hands, and
all persons interested are requested to
call and settle the same. In caso this
notice fails to accomplish ite object, I
am directed to place the notes, as they
become due, in the hands of an attor
ney for collection. EuoeneO'Connexl.
Marshfield, December 18, 18S4.
To the Ladies.
They will find at Mrs. F, Mark's tho
Ross Novelty Rug Machine. Very sim
plo and easy. Any child can use it;
but any one not fully understanding the
art can receive instructions, free of
charge, from Mrs. Capt. Chester, who
will bo found at Mrs. Mark's.
Clamps and frames, and Turkish rugs
of all patterns and styles. Also all
shades of yarn, for $1 10 per pound. ja22
Teachers' Examination.
There will be a public examination of
those desiring teachers' certificates at
Coquille City on Friday, March 2, and
nt Marshfield on Saturday, aiarcit 28,
1885. While the law revuires but ono
examination to be held during each.
quarter, it lias been decided, on account
of the great expense to which teacliers
aro necessarily subjected in making the
trip from the Comiilla to Coos bay and
vice versa, to hold one at each of tho
above places. J. T. McCormac,
County School Superintendent.
Marshfield, March 7, 1885.
Last week Dr. Towor removed from
tho right shoulder olMrs.I. Richardson
of Empire n largo latty tumor that had
boon growing there for peroral years,
Tho oporntlon was very successful and
Mrs, Rtohnrdson'8 many frlonds nt
homo and abroad will Iw glad to hoar
tlmt ubo is already almost roeovorcd
from tho effects of it.
Y Sengstacken and Smith's hall in thoir
now building has ueonBtippiiou wim iw
chairs, (The Marshfiold brass band havo
tho hall leased for practicing purposos
nnd Dr. Towor, on the other Bldo of the
hallway, is happy. He thinks seriously
of jolulug tho band to got away from tho
music. . v
Mrs. W. A. Bordor of Myrtle Point is
mi tb bav. vUltlng relatives and
Tho News Is opposed to Wm. Hall hav
ing tho custom house at Empire or any
thing elso under tho now administration,
bocauao he did not support Siglin at the
last election. In tho estimation of the
News, edited by Siglin, Siglin is the
democratic party hero nnd hereabouts.
If Siglin succeeds in running, this part
of Cleveland, Cleveland will havo our
sympathy. If Siglin bo a straigbtout
domocrat, what is a crooked ono? How
did ho got back irom "Washington? How
did ho vote nt tho following session of
the legislature? And why wa3 ho ten
dered by tho last republican adminis
tration an appointment of somo kind
to some of tho Pacific Islands? Will tho
Recorded at the County Clerk's Office
up to the End of Last Week.
Anna E and Albert Giroml to Amanda J
Snyder Lot 5. block A. Bandon $25.
Anna IS ana Aioen uironu 10 vj t ncunni
Lot i, bi 3. Rindon $50.
II W Dunham nnd wife to Jane E Fox Lots
I and a. bl . North Marshfield $100.
R IViinterand ife to C W Tower nnd L D
Smith Sw or of sec 14, t 36 s. r 13 w $750.
Clias CrecWer and ne to wm tt ucsse aw
qr of ne qr of sec 29, t 29 s, r 13 w $1. i
Charlotte BulUrd to Southern Oregon Agri
cultural society In sw qr of sw qr of sec 35, t 28
s, r 13 w 3K acres lease $15.
J Henry Schroeder to Southern Oregon Agrb
cultural societ;-In nw qr or sec 36, t sS s, r 13
w 70 acres lease free for fair grounds.
Iiatlie E and J T McCormac lo Mary A
Cook Lots 7 and 8, bl 16, Bay City 300.
Margaret and A Illgley to Mary A Cook
ljots 5 and 6, bl $, Marshfield $300,
Mary A and E K Cook to Mrs Margaret Illg
ley Lots 7 and 8. bl 16. Bay City J300.
hf of nw qr of sec s6. t 38 s, r 13 w $350,
John Kinon and itc to wm saunuers, wm
H Voble and I.vman Ncble W hf of ne qr and
c hf of nw qr of sec 1 1, 1 34 s, r 13 w, quit claim
V Albee and ife to J H I jmb-S hf of w hf
of sw qr of sec 36. t a3 s, r 03 w 15-
marine Intelligence. .
March 19 Str Areata, Holt, 46 hours from San
Francisco, with passcugers nnd merchandise, to
Frl Schetler. nirent.
March 34 Sir Coos Bay, Lawless. 73 hours
from San Francisco, with passengers nud mer
chandise, to Henry Sengstacken, ngent.
March at Str Areata, Holt, San Francisco.
Wholesale and Retail Prices.
riim ilnv Inst wook over 290
were mailed botweon Ashland and Port
land, lu tho United States postal car,
directed to tlio postmaBtor gonoral at
Washington, D, C and marked either
11 nr" tlio nartics
evidently being ashamed to put them
In tho postolnco ol tlieir respective
towns. Over one uoneu wore uiuuuu ,
tho depot in Rosoburg. We pity tho
postmaster i;eneral. FJalndoalor.
A battle between tho Britiah and Os
maii DIama'B Arabians has resulted In
heavy losses by tho Arabs and tho cap
ture of IMgraaspoaUlojttorJtho British.
Tho democratic party has been dan
gerously ill for noariy 25 years? now
is dangerously YVoU again,
Beef, all around,,,. ..
Cnolcc Butter, 3-lb rolls.
Cheese ,, . ,.,.,,..,...
Onions., ,.,,
Annies. I box
Chickens, dressed, I'doi
6 to 8 cts
7 cents
q cents
30 cents
50 'cents
16K cents
1 cents
1 cent
4 cents
l i cents
jo cents
4 5
4 to 16 CIS
20 cts
to cts
30 cts
7 Set
50 cu each
K, U. B's-Bebect No. a.
The first degree of Atriaius and VlriilarUnus
By order of
The Mists.
At Vancouver, W. T March if, C O. Hunt
ington to Miss Minnie, Cdter, bQ& oC.XNwtland,
I Mr. Huntington is the son of O. C, Hunting to
of CoquilW City-.l
'"' " ''
A, rti,rf4lnr Mitrrh or. Phns: Snilth.'iUMtfi iff
u years. , lv '
11 At Reno, HI. Maich 6, Archttld GrWuun,
late of Wilbur, 0r aged absut 8 year.