The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 11, 1884, Image 3

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ThojOphst Mail.
MAKHIinKI.?oklH10N i
Thuftdrt " " " September n, 1884
Circuit coiitl will moot noxt Monday.
Uolo Knmmloll for llio ImjbI ilioto
lirnpli". -
Cliff Cmnpboll U hkuIii cit'itnlu of tint
Hlonmor Comot.
Hlioriimn (Iitinlilo In Again engineer of
tlio Hlonmor Lulu,
A Iwaittlful lllnlno nnil Loiwi flnu;
(linn nt D01111 A Cu'h ntoro.
Honry Diiiilinin lina miccecdoil Cnt.
Joo Fox M ciiKlnpur on tlio I. T. It. H.
Tlio Hulioouor Lnttra May rtmcliml
' Hnu FrnuolHco on tlio 25th ult. minim
her iiinlii'toiniinHt,
Lrn Claiuiiioiinuii of tlio liuyvlmv
bruwury rotiirnwl from Hint Fniiiclnco
by wny of l'ortliuul.
Tlio haw mill t Oomilllo City I nltut
down, uwiiltliiK im improvomunt In tlio
lumber innrkvt at Hun WnnciHco.
Cioo. Mornw of tlio Coqulllo Ih Honry
Hmlon'H purlnor In ami will havo clmrgo
of tlio now wxIa workd nt YtKiulna bay.
Any poriion wIrIiIiik tlio Toledo lllndo
for tlirco months for 25 renin uliould at
oiico call on F. 1. Norton nt lib iiowh
iIojkiI, Houtli Front ntrcot.
Dr. J. T. McCormao la having tlio
lumber lmtilcd to tlio ttlto for a nleo run
idonoo that ho Ih riarltiK to hnvo built
on IiIh lo'vH wont of tlio aendomy.
Tho I-iillcs' Mltwlonnry nodi'ty will
mrot nt tlio ronldonco of MrK. K. O'Con
null on Tburmlay, Bojitombor 18, nt 2
i. 111. Mini. 0. K. Hmitii, Kecrotury.
Homomlior tho party to Im k'voii at
Nuniitiii'n hall noxt Hnturdny night by
tho MnnilifloM brniM band, lluy 11 ticket
and nsMlHt tho Ikij'm to that extent In
paying for thotr InHtriiniciitH.
Dr. Towor, who wont below by lant
-dimmer, expect to return by tho noxt.
Tho doctor wan n llttlo "under tho
weather" when ho left, and ho thought
n few dnyH nt Ben would improve lili
Nrtuburg A- Illrnt hnvo tho bent ntwiort-
incnt of clothing kept in thin town, nud
they ore nelllng it nt leu than cont, to
niako room for their full mid winter
Mock. Forchenp nnd durable clothing,
go to them.
Tho report wax current on (ho Htreotn
tho other day that U10 railroad to Mnridi
fluid would bo commenced at once. In
ulry brought out tho fnct that tho ntriio
turo would Im only a teinponiry ono, to
accommodate tho runh to tho Marshfleld
Drug titoro.
Itov. 0. W. lllnck went over to tho
Coiuillo laiit Tuowlay. Humor wiyn
that ho and Minn Kllu Hitter nro to bo
married there to-day and that Mr. Itlnck
will preach hi- farewell Hortuon in thin
place early next month.
Tho Mcthodlct conference ban placed
ltov. Irad Klcbardtion, lato of ltoneburg,
In charge of tho Mothodlut church nt
Kmpiro, nnd ho, accompanied by bin
wifo, went there taut week to enter
upon hi religious duties.
During tho pant two weeks wo havo
had an unimual amount of rain for thin
Bcanon of tho year nud it hua greatly
damaged grain In the fields nnd fruit in
the orchard nnd friutrated tho calcula
tions of tho moat fnr-Hceiug loggerx.
The caxa of Hamucl nnd ltnchel
Archer, holm nt law of Win, Archor, do
ceaned, vh. cUophan and I'leaily Lapp,
for tho recovery of certain land deeded
by W111. Archer to l'lenlly Lapp, wiw
decided In favor of the plaintiffs. Judge
Hean filed bin opinion hint Katurday.
Major A. O. Drown left by hint
Htuamor for California, to look after
nonio of IiIh bunincM In tho nouthorn
part of tho stato thut iiecda his personal
attention. On bin return, in n few
weeks, tlio major expect to become n
iwnuanent realdent of F.mplro City.
Nov. W
Lund, KpiHcopal nilulHter,
la expected to preach nt Kmpiro and thin
place next Sunday. Ah Hev. A. It,
Hickenhach will preach in tho church
at thin place In the forenoon, it Im prob
able that Hev. Lund will preach at Km
piro in tho morning and, at thU place in
the evening.
In Marahlleld wo havo three diflorent
atandarda of tlmo; there In mill time,
hotel time and ovorybody'H tlmo. A
uniform nyntcin should bo adopted, and
tho beat wny to accomplish thin Ih for
every ono to go 10 tho Marahfleld Diug
Store and buy ona of Uiono beautiful
now clocks, cheap.
It will be noticed Unit Dm. Golden A
McCormac havo sent out their Wlla and
that Pr, Golden Iiuh ohl hla drug trade
to his Hon. It la therefore iieceauary
that all accounts provloun to Heptember
I nhould bo cloned, ,an noon a poaslblo.
Tlio drug bualuoaa will bo Owned and
conducted h&P, A. Golden, and DrH.
Golden k McCormna will dovoto their
whole attention to tho practlco of mod
kino nnd Hiirgory.
At a mooting of cltlxana at tho record
or'a olllcu in this place luBt Thuriiduy
night W. V. Granger, oh behalf of tho
O. 8. I. Go,, proposed a settlement of
the tide-land ojiohMou, which wan that
each side pay its own coata and that the
pnrtlea In posaosHlon of tho laud pay to
tho company tlio Bum of $500, in coiinld
oration of which tho company nihil
miiahos nl claim to thu hind. Tho prop
oaltlon was uocoptod nnd Ianlah Ilnckur
and Kugeno O'Connoll were appointed u
coinmltteo to ubbohb tho property in dis
pute nud ralso tho ntcoaaary luuda to ef
fect the BoUlurriunt, It Ih said (hat tho
offer of tho company meets with tinker
sal approval and that tho aaaoBBinent
iiocosHary to meet It will amount to an
ly about 2) per cent on tho actual val
uo of tho land, jrroHpoctivo of Improve-iiienta.
Death of Mrs. PJauagnn.
About lOo'cl.ick IiimI Thurmlny morn
ing Mra, l'. Flanagan of Newport died
very unex)Kvtedly. HI10 had been wick
(or noma tliiio, hut had been Kluadlly
Improving for 11 week or more, nud her
phyalclana and every ono who miw her
fell Hiiro of her apoody .recovery. Tho
morning of her death Mra, Flanagan
had boon carried from her bed-room to
1111 adjoining room, nud was fooling well,
mil antinomy hiio cnilod (or fmah a r.
nnd In.nvery few inlniitoa oxjilred. The
Immcdlnto cnuao of her dcnlh wna what
Ih lormed heart-dot, which conatalH of
the blood becoming coagulated In tho
heart, thua preventing tho heart from
acting and causing quick and auro death.
Mm. Flanagan wiih n slater of tho lato
Clma. A, Winchester nnd the dauuhtor
01 i , 1;. nnil Jillon J. Wlncheator. KI10
wna born nt Plymouth. Wny no county,
Michigan, May 20, IHI.'I. In Wrf she
camo to Oregon with her father and
aottled nt Kmpiro City. At tmppm
City, July 7, IWiO, alio wna married to
P. l'lniinunil. lifter W llcb tlinv rp-trtml
nt Kmpiro for nliout n year, when thoy
moveil to Newport, which remained
their home until her death.
Mra. Flanagan was loved nnil reajwet
ed by all her ncqunliituiicoH nnd her
homo circle feel deeply tho loss of one
thoy ndored. Tho minora and their
families at NuwjKnt will long regrot tho
death of Mrs. Fluiiagnu and remember
her for the many nets of kindness they
received nt her hnnda. The Indiana
also deploro lior death, In early times
Mrs. Flanagan was kind to them nnd
her helping hand succored thu women
during many hard wintora and in sick
ueaa, nud thla kindueaa continued up to
her last illneaa. A notable feature of
the funeral wiih miveral Indian women
among the mournera,
Tho obsequies of Mra. Flanagan took
place nt Kmpiro last Saturday nud were
attended by jwraoua from nil parts of
mo country, tno concourse iielng ih.t
hnia tho lnrgcat that over iiBHembled in
the county on n similar occasion. An
Idea of the number who attended from
the upjmr bay may be formed from tho
fact that the tug boat Kacort nud Hoi
1 nomas ami uiu aieamor comet were
all crowded In their conveyance to Km
Tho liereavod huaband, family and
relattvea of Mrs. Flanagan have the
alucoro sympathy of this community In
their sad alllictinn.
Arrival of the Coos Day.
Tho steamer Cooa Day reached this
place last Tuesday afternoon, coaled
at tho Newport wharf thnt night, return
ed to Kmpiro yesterday morning, and
intended to sail for Han Francisco nt 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon, but did not,
owing to tlio roughness of the bur. No
doubt sho will get out this afternoon
Purser Frelermuth has our thanks for
a lint of her passengers, among whom
wore Cnpt Lausou and John Krickson,
who recently went up with tho new lug
Astoria and thu now steamer Novelty.
llonj. Woods and wifo of Portland, W.
Hodges, Murray nnd It. McKay of
Yaquiua bny, Mrs. J. K. Vnuderburg of
Florence, and M. Melvin, A. W. Heed
and wife nud Mr. and Misa Jowett of
Gardiner stopped on tho bay.
Tho passengers who will proceed to
Han Francisco aro II. Weldon, J. K. Mc
Donald nud D. L, Ilarhncji of Yaipilna
bay, Miss M, Hughes, Mrs. M. Melviu
and F. Wolkau of Gardiner, nud J. J.
Krouholm, II. Alexander, J. Murphy
nnd Mra Cnpt Krlnnder nnd daughter of
this place.
Tho Coos Hay uximc(h to return fiom
Han Francisco to this place on or about
tho 21st insU
Thero aro two photographer's in Coos
county, both claiming to do the beat
work over done in tho county. I would
advise nil jtersons wishing Pictures to
compare tho work of lioth before you
visit either of them.
Kausdkm., Photographer,
Wetsell's free entertainment with IiIh
tiro groiiailes hist Saturday evening was
a grand success In tho way of amuse
menl for thu crowd nascinbled, but in
the way of exhibiting tho merits of the
grenade, thu attempt was 11 deplorable
failure. Tho llro to In) operated upon
nud extinguished was built in the street
u few rods north of Dean & Co's store.
At tho appointed time WotHoll marched
boldly up nud tired ono of hlft grunndea;
but it failed, to break, and tbureforo had
no effect. Ho then tired nnothor, which
broke nud had a marked 0 fleet upon the
Haines; but did not subdue thom. Then
two more grenades wore flung nt tho
flro. Thoy did not break. TIiIh exhaust
ed tho stock of gromulos, and tho lire
raged nnd roared and tho crowd yelled
until somo norvouH but courageous man
wearing A Illalno hat rushed upon nnd
extinguished thoilro with a, bucketful of
water. Thero was no discount on tho
wator. It told when sent homo. Wet
soil ordered from Portland tv cubq con
tabling n iloxen of tho gronndea. When
tho ciuto reached horo, eight of tho
twolvo grenades woro broken. Tho
others, witli ono exception, appear to
havo been too ham to break oven uftor
bolug thrown at a flro, Had thoy not
been too hard, doubtless tho whole
batch would hnvo boon innshod in
transitu. Wo wish Wotsell better luck
noxt tlmo.
M. Hlmpson him purchased tho Hunt
place, near Dora, on tno Coos Hay wa
gon road, nnd H, J. Miller hnH bought
tho Kmorson plaoo, noar Coqulllo City.
Tho Hocordor Bays Hlmpaou aim junior
havo returned to Humboldt county,
Cal., to bring their families to their new
Tho First Haptlst Church usaoclatlon
of Hoseburg has filed Articles, of incorpo
ration in tho olllco of tho secretary of
stato, with Jaa. Chonowlth, Thos. Q,
Singleton nnd W, F. OtvoiiH na trustees.
Flttliermen's Fatal Fight.
A carousal at Hiindolph last Thursday
night, niiiongn number of fishermen,
ended In a flght In which Adnlphus C
Frlek wiih ho badly cut with 11 knife
that ho la not expected to recover.
Frlck ncciiHoa Frank Hhorldan of
stabbing him nnd Hhorldan anys Georgo
Ilolton la tho guilty party,
Hhorldan was subseiiuonlly nrrcsted
by Constable Cnrtwright and taken to
tho counly jail nt Kmpiro last Monday,
where ho Ih now hold, awaiting tho re
ault of Frick'H Injuries nnd thu action
of thu grand Jury.
Tho trouble occurred In tho night nnd
IsHOcloudodthatltnodoubt will bo n
Hourcoof considerable exponso to the
county and end in acquittal of thu ac
cused. As wo havo heard tho story, Frlck is
tho head man of one of tlio Coqulllelish
lug boats. Hhorldan desired to lravo
Randolph in tho boat and Frlck did not
and objected to Hhorldan taking the
boat, which led to tho light and tho cut
ting, 1110 oniy witness to wnicii was
Holteu, who is NatTliriiKh's Hon-ln-law
Ilolton separated tho mon, after
which Hhorldan loft and Frlck, not real
izing tho extent of his Injuries, went to a
abed and slept Hovernl hours. When ho
awoke ho went to n houso near nt hand,
aroused tho landlord, complained of
feeling unwell about tho stomach nnd
asked for n hot toddy. Ho was covered
with blood and presented such a allock
ing appearance that an examination
wiih niado of hla jierson, which revealed
tho fact that ho bad been severely
atnbbed In several places about the
breast and once in thu pit of the stom
ach, his bowels protruding through the
last-mentioned wound and ono of tho
intestines being cut.
As soon as ijssiblo Frlck was taken
to Coqulllo City for medical treatment,
but bo did not reach thero until Friday
afternoon, nearly 18 hours after his
wounds woro received, and by that time
that jMirlion of bis bowels that had pro
truded through tho cut In his abdomen
had become so swollen that to put them
back It Ix'caino necessary to enlarge the
holo until it wou somo three Inches long.
Tho doctor Is accredited with express
ing thu opinion that Inflammation is
certain to ensuo and that tho chances
against Frlck aro as 100 to I j but Frick
is reputed to Ik) n strong man nnd n
tough citizen, qualifications that often
pull such 11 man through trials and
tribulations that would kill a score or
more of !ottor men.
Frlck is 27 years old, a native of Jack
sou county, and resided at Sum's valley,
on Hougo river, before going to tho Co
qulllo. Desirable Property for Sale at a Bar
gain. I wish to sell my blacksmith shop and
tools and tho lot on which tho shop
stands. H is n corner lot on Front
street, fronting tho bay, and immediate'
ly north of tho iiostoflico nud opposite
Mark's furniture store.
Also, a stock ranch, capable of sus
taining 100 or mora head of stock.
Also, n W W. Kimball organ, as good
na now.
Tho property will bo sold nt a sacri
fice. For full particulars, address or
call upon It. L. Aukiis, MarshTluld.
Academy Notice.
Tho Full term of tho Marshfleld Acad
emy will begin on Monday, tlio ISM of
Heptember, instead of tho -9th, as cr
announcement. Students nro respect
fully requested to bo present promptly
ut U o'clock on thu morning of the 'J'-'d,
so that classes may bo formed and work
begun without any unnecessary delay.
J. D. Hawks.
McMillan Brothers.
Husinesa has been very lively with
the McMillan Hros. in Coquillu City.
Thoy will soon Icavo thero for Sumner,
to remain a short season, and they will
return to Marshfleld about tho 15th of
Cupt. Joo Fox Is now ongineor of tho
steamer Cooh nnd Cnpt. II. W. Dunham
is a gentleman of leisure, pending pre
parations to start to Iowa noxt week, to
adjust somo largo landed intercuts bo
has there. Tim captaln'H most tiresome
work ut present ia to support with digni
ty a Hen Duller hat tho only 0110 worn
on tho bay. It ia n horrid bat with a
horrid plate of tin on tho front, bearing
A horrid plcturo of Duller and inscrip
tions indicating tho various isms bo
represents. If Dunham intends wearing
that hat on IiIh way east, ho had better
hnvo his life insured beforo ho starts.
There wiih much speculation as to tlio
catiso of thu delay of tho steamer Ar
cata'ri Touching port. Inquiry on her
arrival, Thursday, elicited tho explana
tion that sho was ho heavily lndon with
now fancy goods for tho Marshflold
Drug Htoro as to rotard her progress.
Go nnd aeo tho now picture frnmos,
clocks, ladles' satchels, school bags,
etc, nud bo convinced.
1 '
Thoro uro many people who novor
Hubscrlbo for n paper bo long na thoy
havo a neighbor upon whom thoy can
sponge, nud tho best way to spougo is
to go to tho Mnrshllold Drug Storo and
get ono of the now lot of sponges just
rocolvod thoro.
Htophen Hogors' son Frank, a lad of
17, wont bunting in tho vicinity of his
fatbor'H placo on South Coos river ono
morning u shott tlmo ago and killed
Uireo bear and two deer before noon.
-. '". 1 , -
Tho refreshing bouquet of tho ''Sun
boam Tea" Ih gratoful ns tho smiles of
sunshine. Imported only by Henry
Heugstiickon nnd for sale ut his Empire
City nnd Hocky Point storoa,
A Victoria (1), 0.) dispatch says n
lively opposition U Utrontonod, In towing
ratoa at thnt place and that United
Htatea tug boats must koop away from
thoro or tow for nothing.
September Tot m Dyer, J,
rnmiATK mattuiih.
Kstale of Neil Kilekson I'liuil c
I'ouiil filed and approved ; gunrdian al
lowed (21) tin for liorvIeCH and dlseharired.
Kstnto of John Abearn Final account
filed ami accented.
Kstnto of Leonard Wngncr Huppli-
inental inventory men.
Kstnto of John Kbunta Hcinl-annual
account filed nnd accepted.
Kstnto of O. Nelson Final account
filed nud tho oth of January noxt ap
pointed for hearing objections.
Guardianship of Mary Allen Mallagh,
a minor Halo of real osfato confirmed,
nn.r.s Ai.i.owKD,
U II Dean & Co, lumber for raid dli-
trfct No 3 $1313 80
Mr t.olrer, jumticr for Mine dittrict.. 110 36
If V Whiincy, lupcrlntcmlinc building
four hrldecs on Ctxiullfe Cltr nnd
Mnnlificld rend Jb oo
1. uuonni II. tnikcs. etc, lor road dis
trict No 3 in 75
II Ifcrmnnn, IuiiiIkt for road dhtricU
Km j, is, 16, 33 and 30 , , $8 83
w v. itncKiiii, ireigrii on lumber lor
ro.ul Ulitrlcli Not 14, 15, 16 nnd 30. 33 CO
II Hcmi.inn, lkc, clc, lor road ills-
Irictt Not 15, 33 and 30 8 so
11 Southwell, keeping II C Jensen .... 33 00
I A, coffia for Win "Roland. ... 10 00
L IC O Uciti, innklng cofiin for Mrs
Kol.ind , 10 00
lid HolTinnn, keeping l'hclrt, Indixent, 16 50
12 A Andcrton, burying A M Anderson, 10 30
Niuburg & Hirst, clothing for paupcri, II 43
a i. bcnwecni, nttcnoince on nmi Kcc-
Ine liimcinnd Manna Hudd 83 ic
wrj l McCormac, keeping paupen...
F Maik, cwffin for A M Anderson
Dr J T McCormac, quarter salary ns
counly physician
Mrs Simklns, support of her mother. , .
Kiln Greenmin, nine necks board of
lpa Ilenrickson .,
T 'I McCormac. (Hurler's salary as
-. . .... .. . . ----- v
'95 55
10 CO
75 co
30 OO
31 5"
county school superintendent. ...... 100 00
V. W Sllllwcll, support of minor chil
dren of U i' I fill. Insane...... (n 00
L If miocker, services as assessor 610 s
A r unen, quarters salary as county
treasurer ,
Const Mailprinting
A I-nnz, witness nt May term of court.
It W (Jetty, wood and coal for county,
1 1 Limb, stationery for counly.
I I I.nmb. Indexini! deeds
75 00
17 SO
5 20
39 00
St 10
139 93
I I Limb, fees as county clerk 107 7s
A I' Graham, index book for counly. . . 31 60
Ilennctt Hros, printins; , 34 tp
V K Simpson, sheriff's fees , 30 00
W It Simpson, clolhinf-, lw.irdini; and
guarding Mrs John licny, insane ... 11 00
A StnufT, stationery and services 199 60
V Sinclair, attorney's fees In the ex
amination of Mrs. John IlerrY, insane, 5 00
Dr ICastcr, examining Mrs. John Berry, 5 00
Ctrl Volkmar $5, Dr Volkmar 5 and
Or Angcll Jio for attending and ex
amining Julia Ilarklow, insane so 00
Thos Norns, county commissioner..., 1500
C V. ICdwardi, county commissioner.., so 00
Geo II Dyer, county judge 150 00
Stale vs Martin Geluck. 13 10
Stat! vs Geo Younccrman ............ sa 73
State vs Win Gamble 17 63
State vs J Mhtbounc ., 5 30
Slate vs Vi Jenkins , 30 so
IS Hermann, for burial clothes and ma- -Icrlnts
for Vm Koland and wife, de
ceased 18 43
Dr G D Klin, services rendered Vm
Kokind and uifc, deCKtsed ..... 33 00
II llrrtnann, for malcrials nud making
coffins for W'm Kohnd and wife, dc-
caued , 38 45
County warrants for tho sum of $1000
were ordered drawn In payment for the
building of the bridges at Wall, Carper,
Davis nnd Poguo sloughs.
A II Fish was appointed supervisor of
road district No 21, to fill vacancy.
The matter of n road from Coos City
to. T H Sheridan'tf, house on Isthmus
slough was continued.
The sheriff was ordered to make and
deliver a deed to Agnes K Hlacklock for
jirojierty sold under sheriff's salo for
delinquent taxes by Juy Tultlc, said
property being lot 3, block 127, Empire
City, assessed to Jos Meara.
Iho tiollim! nlacu nt Handon was
chaiiL'cd to the Ocean house.
Warrants woro ordered to issuo for tlio
collecti"'! of delinquent taxes for 18&I
It was ordered that 21 mills on the
dollar bo lovlcd on taxable nroncrtv
5 0-10 mills for tho statu, 4 mills for tho
schools and II 4-10 mills for county
A six-months liquor license was grant
ed to A Kctcbam of Kmpiro City.
Of the Teachers' Institute to be Held
at the Marshfleld Academy on the
34th and 25th Inst.
At 0:15 n. m. School organization,
toiniionirv and permanent, by l'rof.
K. H.McElroy.
At 10 :45 Reading, methods of teach
ing, by Miss Lilian Glass.
At 11 :!0 History, methods of teach
ing, by J. D. 1 1 awes.
At 1 j). m. -Geograply, II. J. Tobias.
At 1 :45 Exhibitions and literary ex
ercises in school, by J. O. Canterbury.
At 2 :45 English grammar, by Win.
A. Welch.
At 4 Miscellaneous.
At 7 Quartotto.
Address of Welcomb by Dr. McCor
mac. Cornet solo by W. A. Welch.
Lecture How to encourage tho study
of good llternturo at schools, l'rof. Me
Elroy. Hong, Recitation, by Miss Ella
Hitter. Quartette.
,LJK -jmjiimuv- SKlTKMllliK 23,
At 0:15 a. m. -Class work, methods
of conducting recitations, etc., l'rof. Mc
Elroy. At 1 :45 -Arithmetic, by D. L. Rood.
At 1 p. m. Composition, inothods of
teaching, by Dr. McCormac.
At 1 :45 Spelling, by J. T. Jennings.
At 2 :45 reumauslilp, by J. 1).
At !1 :30 Political sclonco, A. Sher
wood. At 4 Miscellaneous.
At 7 p. in, Song j Recitation, bv Mrs.
Dr. Toblnaj Lecturo, 'Tho Animal in
Man," by John A. Gray, Esq,; Song;
ThonbovQ is tho programme- of tho
teachers' institute to bo held nt this
place, so far as complotod.
Arrangements havo boon mndo with
tho stoamors Cobs, Little Annie and
Cores, tho I. T. It, K nnd tho Coqulllo
nnd Cooh bay stage to carry teachers to
and from tho institute nt halt rates.
Arrangements will nlso bo made provid
ing board nml lodging for tho toachorti
while here.
Thoro will bo n publlo examination
of touclu-n roqulring certificates on Fri
day, Hoptember 20.
A largo number Qf toncbors havo
probiisod to attend, and it is to bo .hoped
that directors will heed tho urgent re
qUost of' ilia stato board of education,
uud nut deduct tho time spynt in at
tending tho Institute- from tho teachers'
wages, us thu beuoflt dorlvod from tho
institutes by each school will bo far in
excess of any loss In, tlmo front tho ab
sence of tho toauhor while so engaged.
Very rospoctfullv, J. T. MoCoumao,
County Hchool Superintendent.
A Race Between the Tugs Astoria and
Aftor tho nrrlvnl of the Aslorin nt As
toria considerable dispute arose nmong
M-nfariug men an to whether sho ia 11
fasfor boat than tho l'ioneor. A chance
soon occurred o test Iho apeed of the
two boats, and tho Astorlan thus de
scribes tho rnco :
Tho Pioneer was ofTFortfitcvena with
70 pounds of atoTun, when tho Aalorln
enmo along to givo her 11 brush. Neither
tug inndc any extraordlnnry efTort, but,
na ia natural, didn't caro to bo left, anil
so thoy t'fltno flying along, watched with
considerable Interest by a largo crowd
on ovcry dock, who knew that such a
good chance would not bo allowed (0
pass. Tho Bccno was n flno one. The
brcc7.o waa fresh from the southwest,
the water was rough and tho green
swells sparkled in tho sunlight or flash
ed from tho sides of tho little steamers
na they hissed through tho rushing
water. Tho seven miles wore made in
24 minutes, the Astoria leading, though
it is tho belief of somo that tho Pioneer
can hold her own with the now arrival,
while others say that when tho Astoria
has a chance to get nil her bearings
worked true nnd has been in servico 11
llttlo while, she can walk away from
tho iron tug. I5o that as it may, one
thing is certain, that tho two finest and
fastest tugs on tho coast arc tho Astoria
nnd tho Pioneer
From Ynquina Bay Shocking Accident
to a Brakcman.
Henry Huden writes from Yaquina
bay, under date of August 30, ns fol
lows :
The schooner Adelaide ia in from
California with a cargo of 105,000 feet of
redwood lumber for Cnpt. J. J. Winant's
yard. This is tho first cargo of this
class of lumber shipped to this port.
Tho lumber is in demand nnd it is prob
able that mora of it will bo shipped
As soon as tho Adelaide haB discharg
ed sho will procecd-'io Coos bay to take
a cargo of coal fOr Han Francisco.
Thu new steamer Coos Bay arrived
yesterday and wc bad a jollification.
Cnpt. Harkfns took us all on board and
set up the soda, ice-water, lemonade
and bo forth. Wc aro all delighted with
the new steamer, and I think she will
get a good trade from this place. She
found plenty of water on the bar.
The railroad company nro putting on
nil tho men they can work and every
thing looks well.
This morning a young man named
J. C. Young, employed ns n brakcman
on tho railroad, met with a terrible
accident; The train upon which ho be
longed waa backing, when he attempt
ed to tighten upon1 tho rod nnd it gave
way and ho fell to the track, several
of tho cars and the locomotive running
over him nnd cutting oil" both of Ids
legs abovo tho ankles. Ho was picked
up and convoyed to a physician as
speedily as Kssiblc, nnd the latest
advices from him aro that ho is expected
to survive tho accident.
My next letter I expect to bring my-
Circuit Court Calendar.
Following is tlio calendar of the cir
cuit court, to convene at Kmpiro next
Stato vs Dave Higgins Murder.
Stato vs William and John Evans
State vs W S Jenkins Recognizance.
Stato va Geo Youngerman Recogniz
ance. W S Fisher vs J Herbert et al Suit
to foreclose chattel mortgage.
Simpson Hro3 vs Rutlerand Simkins -Suit
to forccloso chattel mortgage
Mary Simkins vs L Simkins Suit for
Lizzie Lobreo vb Ed Hay ward et al
Action for money.
Geo W Weston va Hardy Coal Co
Action fonnonoy.
II Renburg vs John Smith Action
for monoy.
Thos J'lteale vs JohnMorgan Suit to
quiet title.
AHrownvs Jos Dradley Action for
Heirs of W Hirst vs A Nasburg and
wifo Suit for partition of real estate.
Henrietta l'endorgrass vs M P Pen
dorgrass Suit for divorce.
Albert Mau & Co vs Stono fc Co
Suit in equity.
Martha Tuppor vb M E Anderson
Action for jmpnoy.
Hev. C. Carlson of Idaho, n Luthoran
minister, has been on tho bay somo
three weeks, using his influonco with
our Swedish and Finn citizens in bo
half of establishing church hero.
Wo havo been informed that bis mis
sion ha-1 been successful and that n Lu
theran church will bo built on tho saw
dust, in the vicinity the Baptist
church, on lota donated by E, 11. Dean
& Co.. this winter or next snrine:.
tLyman Noblo is cutting piloa from
Merchant's land along tho Empire road,
near tho picnic grounds. Tho piles will
bo convoyed to tho bay ucroaa Judgo
Dyor'a land and they will lie used nt tho
Cooh rlvor booms nnd in tho improve
ments Dean & Co. aro making ut their
mill NO. 2.
Mr. Todd, who iufondod opening
u Bchool at Sumne,r pifxt'Monduy, is
now confined to bis bed by sickness,
which will delay tho oponing of tho
school for some- weeks, unless, Another
teacher bo engaged.
Tho Recorder says an eastern .Oregon
eattlo man ia in tho vicinity of Denmark
engaging calves, to bo delivorod noxt
August, nt which tlmo bo agrees to piiy
$7 for flvo-montbs calves and $12 for
The steamer Areata Bailed for San
Francisco last Saturday,,. with tho an
nexed lls,t of paqgongera : J 1) Konstock.
Annlo Illnch, AYT Granger, DrlOV
Tower and Major A G Rrdwn,
: i.
When thoro ia no sunshine to gladden
you a qup of tho "fiuubpam Toa" kept
nt SoiigBtaokon's stores at Kmpiro City
uud Rogky Point will do qulto as well,
Recorded at the County Clerk'o Office
up to the End of Last Week.
V S to Clans Hnnarhildt (hoinnatond
pateiil)-NW4 of HW'iof Sec 20. nnd
Uh of NEk nud tiK4 of HKH of Boo
20, T2.'J8, R12W.
E H Dean & Co to Ella Young Lot 7,
block 12. Mnrshflold $200.
Win V Tipton nnd wifo to H Mnrks
NW nnd parcel In NW) of HWX of
Sec 20, T 27 H, it 12 W JHJ acres
Ifi27 !!0.
II K to II II Harrott and S R Craw
(ordVM of
NWJ of He
of NKli of Sue 5 nud SWW of
c 4, T 25 S, R 1!J W 118.8!)
U H to II II Liisc SE of Sec 11, T
27 H, It 14 W,
Morirnn fl Miirnle to If II Laws Per
ry u ".lnrpie donation claim and solium iiuiuun hi iV 11 ruiuy uuuhuvii
claim, T 25.S, R 13 W 213.50 acres
(to confirm title.)
Ah See Lung to Tom King 7.ot 2.
block 15, Catbcart'a plat of Marshfiold
Tom Kinir to Nollio A OwenLot 2.
and undivided half of lot 1 , block 15,
Catbcart'a plat of Marshfleld $100,
U S to J-:rick John Nybenr Lotu 30
and 11 of Sec 17 and 8EJ of NEJtfof
Sec 18, T 20 8, R 12 W 00.87 acres.
U H to Donald McKay SJ of HlA of
Keel 2 T20H, It 13 W.
WmX' Cnppioua nnd wifo to David F
Young Undivided half of lots 10, 11
and 12 of Set 17 and HEi of tho NEf
pf Sec 18, T 20 8, R 12 W 129.50 acrea
David F Young and wife to W Van
derburgh Lota 10, 11 and 12 of Sec 17,
and HEJ41 of NE, Y. of SEJ, 8W
of SEI nnd SEJ of 8Wtf of Sec 18, T
20 8, R 12 W, less ono acre sold to Chas
P Ilaiioy 288.50 acres $3000.
Alex StaufT and wifo to John C Ful
lcrton Undivided half of lot 2 of Sec 3,
T 25 S, R 13 W 12.53 acres and tide
land frontlnir, and north half of lots 0,
7, 8 and 0 of Sec 15, T 25 S, R 13 W
1711.22 acres w 01.
Daniel Pulaski to William and Lcona
Tcutsch Lot 7, block 20, Coquillo City
T AY Johnson and wifo to Saml Jolin
son Si of SEK of Sec 10, T 28 8, H 12
W $400.
Saml Johnson anil wifo to E A An
derson Sj of SEK of Sec 10, T 23 S, It
12 AV $180.
Christina Hoover and others to AVillis
A Hoover S of the NEJ and AVK of
tno hkx 01 sec ao, t 2a , it vz w
P A Decker nnd wifo to Jos Hitter
Portion of AVJ4 of SEJ of Sec 915
acres $810.
Pobt Wingato and wife to Lizzie Lo
breo Undivided M of Sec 4, T 27 S, It
13 AV: SU of SEU. NE of SEJY, AVM
of XVi, XFAf of XWK and NWif of
XEif of Sec 28, T 20 8, R 13 W; Nj of
hwj, swyol A Wif, and lot O 01 Sec
34, T 20 8, It 13 AV $3000.
O E Smith and wife to Joahua Nelson
Lot 0, block 24, Cathcart'a plat of
Marehfield $100.
More of the Huntley Suicide.
Southwest Oregon Recorder, Sept. 2.J
About 5 o'clock last Tuesday morn
mg Jeff AAiIson, while on lira way to
Port Orford, stopped at Milton Hunt
loy's placo on Sixes river. Receiving
110 response to his knock upon tho door,
ho entered tho houso and. found Hunt
ley lying, upon the floor, near a bed,
dead. Young AVilson immediately re
turned to Divelbisa' place, not far dis
tant, and informed Uiat gentleman of
what ho had seen, whon together tho
two returned to tho scene of horror nnd
found tho unfortunate man as described
The top of his head was literally shot
off, and tho brains scattered over tho
floor for n space of two feet. Tho body
was rigid and it required considerable
effort to release his hold upon the rifle ;
it was therefore evident that tho fatal
shot was fired at or beforo midnight.
A most singular featuro in tho case
was tho fabttttat41e-two youngest sons
of tho suicido were in bed asleep, not
two feet nwny, And were not awakened
by tho report of tho riflo and bad to bo
called by tho party discovering the body
of their father. ' AVord was sent to Port
Orford, when a Jury, composed of tho
following gentlemen, proceeded to hold
an inquest: P. Divelbisa, AVm. Rctz,
A. P. Mann, J. AY. AA'ilson, Geo. Divel
biss aud Alva Lee. Tlio jury's verdict
was to tho efl'ect that deceased camo to
bis death from a gunshot wound in the
bead, and that ho had inflicted tho said
wound whilo temporarily insane. The
remains woro buried on tho premises
by neighbors. It had been observed of
lato that lluutloy was laboring under
mental depression, and several days
previous to his suicido, whilo at Nay's
mill, bo remarked that ho thought the
best tiling he could do, considering his
troubles, presumably domestic, would
bo to blow his" brains out.
Sept 7 Schr Adelaide, Goodmanson, 2- hours
from Yaquina bav, to Newport Coal Co.
Sept 8 ijcJir Laura XI.idsen. Maclien. from
San Franclco, to Ncnpprt C"l Co.
sepi 9 ttr coos luy, uenny, irom t'oruana,
wtib-passengers nd mcrclandlse. to David
Morse, jr., agent.
Sept 1,0 Schr Emma Utter, Allen, from San
Francisco, to Dean & Co.
Sept 6 Str Areata, Marshall. San l'rancisco,
Sc(ir, Gpum.i, N'clwn. Saa Francisco.
Sept 7 Schr Rosalind, LebaUster, San Frnn
At llnvncs sl6ugh, September 5, to the wife
of Charles Hansen, a daughter.
At Eastport, September 8, to the wife of Guy
C Uolcomb, a daughter.
At Port Orford, August 31, Wm. II. McEridc
to Miss Annie Line, ,
At Newport. September -I, Ellen lane, wifiioT
P, Flanagan, nged 4 years. 1
At the residence of Geo. Bennett, near Ban
don. Ids. Williams of Bear creek.
On Sixes river, August ao. Margaret, wilt of
Cliarles Crew, tor., ngwl oa years.
Mrs. W. 351. Hill
street, fir.l dopr nonh of Mark's furniture
storo, Mnrshiield.
Cutting nnd, fitting- It,tJie, latest styles a, sne
clally, ' ' '
latroiuia 'tliantfnlly reccl,cd,,fork'prpiiipll
executed, and fill wprk guaranteed ,10 giyo satis
faction. myio
Professional nnd Duiiuafis Cards.
r. c. hunterS-m. d
mvskiak a.n'i sirAattas.-
OKnw-In tlio IloIMml .liuIMlnff. opposite the
DIAneri hotel.
ResidbncF W. (5. AVcbj'cr's Lite rrsMcnci,
Pine street, near A.
e7 4 J '
Omen In the Holland Building, opposite did
bianco Hotel,
Front street, Mnrshficld, Orefeon.
j. t. m'cormac, m. v.
ti, D. GOLDEN, VI. U
sfte the Central Hotel,
I'ront street, - - - Manhficld, Oregon.
1ST Dr, McCORMAfc Is United States examin
ing surgeon for the clijlrictOf ioothern Oregon.
P. S. Will be at Coquille City the
last week of each month. fer
OmcE At the Coos, Day News office,
Marshfleld Oregon.
JOH.V A. cbav. ,t ' J. . SICLIN
-- LAW.
Offices In the Holland Building, opposite the
Blanco Hotel, Front Street, Marshfleld, Or,
Offices In Webster's new building. Front
street, Marsl)ficd, Oregon.
Wc are prepared to furnish abstracts of title
to any "parlies wishing to buy or sell real estate
or loan money on mortgage security and Mill
give special attention to examining tides and
Business intrusted to ear care will receive
prompt attention. " Jai
Empire City, Coos county,' Dregs,
""( i'j i- .t ' jj
'"' - " '
LAW. .Vj.,j.,i '
Office Empire Crrv.
jyia O. 353.
Rooms: Over Kenyoa's store, opposite
Whitney's market, Froat street,
J - -tr'- ZtT.-v--jjC-
In Ross & Timmerman's New Bai'Ming-,
PERFECT MAPS of all "surveyed and en
tered lands furnished oh tiiish notice. 0026
Opposite the Central Hotel.
the ladies of MarshSeld and vicinity that
she has jost received " "
Children3- Toys
rW Cleaning and trimming done to order and
perfect satisfaction guarranteed. ,
A share of palrojiage Js solicited. PleaM cal'
and examine my Oevr'gbods,' ''
L: .- .
E. B, DEAN, fc CO,
. : fc-1. ....
E. B, DEAK, u, '"X'MZtitoOX
. i.bii tftn. ! ,
'"tin..- -ii.'t
Wk ha.v ,Ai.w,VYg,orirAD.! puu
General HeroUii'dise