The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 06, 1884, Image 3

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1he Coast Mail.
rhursday, tin tilt February 9, 1864
flu Areata arrived as we went to press.
linn. Vni. Morrni l on the baymayl to
Hi ,i 11U fcsccs ftton they need It.
i-i.. A flmv. In.. lectured on educational
I matter- to a crowded houio nt Sumner last I'd"
Eday nleht. .
t n uirhitnlt nmt family lira nrrpatlnc to
take their permanent departuie from MarihAcM
I by the next steamer.
11 hnui la his fur llm new house lllilt W. C.
; Detibner Is having Imllt on the lots he purchased
t of Mn. S. R. Koinor.
When vott are despondent or over-worked, a
cup of. the Umpire City Drue Store "Sunbeam
I Tea" will refresh and stimulate you like a gleam
t of sunshine. .
A en,irman from Coo river ayi the trout
fishing Is good. When the trout get P
adreen Farrin's place we will I apt to hear from
I him In a substantial manner.
wnil I. WetMter irrnduateil at the Portland
I Imshiess college on the 161I1 utt. at the head of
I Mi class. Out of even who entered for a final
I riamlnatlon, only three went through. Hllly'a
ler cent wai 97, while the oilier two nan bo.
Moses, a Chinaman at Dean A Co'i lath mill.
S was struck In the atoinacli Tuesday afternoon
hya rrtwundlnc boll that he Kid carelessl)
learned to pinch llw saw. He wan knocked
t down. expectorated blood freely and took n va-
( cation after the accident.
A imi from Chatler Slokei. at Knapna. ayi
r l. )., Ins onre Hied at ( oot liay It sure lu re-
I mm, and Charley think he w III not prove an ac-
gceptlon to the rule, but lilt return ww oe ue.
lorrni fur a time, though he It crowing aniloui
I to tee hli old friend, to whom he sends greeting,
lut week, la referring to the Chinese "rack-
rl" we Inadvertently slnlrd that Charles 1 111
txr wa apiioliitcd guardian, when we should
I have said Oliver llllborn. The statement that
Ulllmrn Minienird 10 the marnace was made on
I what we denned reliable authority. but It I now
f. saUl that the ceremony w.u peirormeu in opposi.
" lltwi (o lilt ulslies.
"If I were aslcd," said Mr. Jenkins, "to
what I considered the greatest treasure In the
Imuve, I should say 'Imby' first, and after that
my five-pound IVrfeclion tea can of 'Irt-uire
Tea, 'llm X I. N T cash store gets all my cus
tom now, since that they keep that beautiful,
pure anil fragrant Japan tea." J. LNIo &
hows, sola age nl.
Fills Timmrrnun 1 again n the market Imsi
nrvs. Vuctday morning he took possession of
Ms old stand, .Stone. Anderson At Kroinpirtt
stepping down and out The fresh meat tMtlness
of Ihe market will be surpctlcil tor a time, until
Timmerman perfects arrangements for slock for
the Mock, Mil the grocery nml provision iep.ui
ineut will run along Jiut n u.uil.
Sam Wfxulruir. nn rmnlove' at Dean A Co's
mill. alTorded consklcrnble amusement fiir llw
other men aMxil llw place llirstuy morning
Hli Illations of the nnrvlouv nleht still nITcclcd
lilm, and with llm first he started he went
ier the tramway. "lly Muter," nt the txiys
call it In "coasting." After Sinn reached lire
Uittom, he got up, llj;liird lii pljw and went
IjiiI S.lturday Judge Dyer went to Myrtle
ISiinl to Itoklun rumination In the caw of Mrs.
John Ileiry, allltcted with Insanity, The unfort
unaie woman Imi suffrinl from an uuwiunil
mind for sevetal years, during which lima she
lias lwn cntcd fur nt Mime,, Mil of lata tho ills
eise Iwsjtwiimed a lypethit lias doiilrtlets te
sullrtl In hrr rontlfinmenl to the stale Insane
D. D. I'ag.inandJ I , lltkclt, r-prcsenlatvr
of Walllns's hiitory of Southern Oregon, are on
the bay-'the former gathering stattslica nmt the
Mtler liking sketihes for the work. They np
jwar 10 lie gentlemen ipiallfinl for the duties as
signed them, and in order that this wxtlon uuy
be properly represented in the work, these agents
are entitled to such aid at our citiiens can con
sistently give ihem,
Klvmhereon this jngo wc glie place to a
card from J, M. Mglin. We fall to see wherein
he throws much nrw light "n the subject treat
nlor makesoul for himself mid Owenu much
l-eller showing titan we gave them list Week, A
llitUli from fottkind says Sua Quong will lie
tome tixlay flliursday.) Tills shows the weight
of Slgllu and Uwen at IVmLind. Further com
ment Is entirely unnecessary.
Work on tlic new steamer nt the ship yard
In this place Is progretslng splendidly, lly the
end of this week nil the square frames will be In
place, Cnpt Reed mill nt the )attl is Uolng
lielter wwk now than It lu ever done before,
and the rapid progress made on tho level K
greatly due to the facility with which the null ex
ecutes lu part In the business. D. II. Keating
runs the engine, Hilly Reynold does the filing
and Peter Johnson runs the saws.
!jst Satuntoy evening a host or the friends
of Capl. II. R. Reed and wife dropped In at
their reildence to assist in the celebration of thch
tin wedding. All manner of prevents appropri
ate to the occasion were carried to the house and
Iwitourd unon the host and hostess. After the
usual congratulations, etc., the company rewlrvd
to Norman's liall and danced to good music foi
a ff r hours, after which they returned to the res
idence of Mr, Reed and partook of a sumptuous
The hillside north and west of town ure
strewn, with dead robins that perished In the
cold and snow-stormy weather a few weeks ago.
C. Uindtlihof North Coos iier repoitsa simi
lar phenomenon In the vicinity of his place,
Alon- Coos river and its branches Hunts, enihs
mid mirladi of parasitical IriM-cts Inimical to the
Interests of the ranchers al were killed by the
l.l ,na.. nml In tin unu limlrllll thlllkt It
was a blessing. At Cape Illanco nearly all ihe
Afret ef Robert Alexinder, Sutpected
M setHf wtcero unms.
Tha sensation of this place and vicinity this
week grew out of the nrrcit at South ilough,
last Sunday, tiy Marshal Rhodes and Deputy
Hlierlffjim Hill, of n young man known as
Roliert Alexander, upon' iiMpklon that ho it Cic
ero Clrlmr.
Most of our render will remember the circum
stance of tho highway robliery between Tucson
and rilolm City. Arliona. Auniltt 80, lB8l, that
resulted in the capture of $jooo In treasure by
the robliers And the killing or Anuy nan, wens,
I'nriTO & (Va messencer. and Dr. D, W. 1'.
Vail, nnd the subsequent hanging of ldayttlo
V. Orime and Curtis II. Ilawley by rv mon. ins
eonfrsslons of these men at the time they were
hanged said Cicero (Jrlme planned She rob
ber. Tor this he Wat nltrrwarJ trleu, convicted
and sentenced to the penitentiary for or year.
Trout tho Ariionn prfson (lilmo was sent to the
Stockton (C'ollfornlo) Insane asylum, from which
Institution he iubjuenlly escaped.
Alexander came to this place about a month
ago, since which lima he has worked at wood
sawing and other odd join for M. Kerrigan, J.
O. Richard and Henry lluden. Jusl previous
to his arrest he went to South slough to obtain
employment from I-akln In grttlng out match
wood or something of that kind.
While Alexander was about town his great
resemblance to ihe bile I,afayette V Grime at
tracted the attention of soveral eople, who sKke
of It, and while he was at lluden' Mrs. Huden
nml Mlis Clcorglna Cammann bolh called atten
tion to It. but tho matter wa jocularly treated.
R. V. Hercc was one of Ihe first to suspect
Alexander, and Pierce telegraphed to the sutler-
Intrndcnt of the Ailsona prison, asking If Orime
had ecaied, The answer wai that he had been
sent from there to the asylum at stocuion, nan
escaped from the asylum, and that a reward of
I50 was offered (or his arrest.
The description given of Orime fits Alexan
der exactly except as lo age. Kelt atwut 5 feet
6; weighs about impound; wears a light-colored
mustache: ha blue eics, llght-toloredhalr,
and several moles on his back.
Since Alexander's arrest he Ktsliecn somewhat
Incontislriil In his stories, and the M-llrf of the
officer I that, if ho I not Orime, ho has liecn
guilty of sonic crime whkh prompts him to con
cent his Identity. He sayshehi Hied In Wah-Im-ion
territory for several years, but whcnankcd
to refer to soma wron or iersons there who
uuuld vouch ft lilm. he declined to do so. giv
ing as a reason that he did not wish 10 cause his
nJntttes and friends uneasiness.
Ad..r Alnilrr'x arrest and confinement In
Ibejsilof ibis place we talked with him a few
minute. I le seems to be rather a shrewd young
fellow, nnd altogether too young to be Cicero
Oiime, who Is reported lo l the father of sev
eral children. Alexander told us that he was
not ipille a years old, nad his appearance Indl-.-aii-t he sooke the truth. He expressed tu-
prtmo contempt for the sagacity of the detectives
who compassed his arrest ana, a wry nau noi
.irnloudy consulted him In ihe mailer, seemed
perfectly willing that they might incur all ihe
trouble and expense they wanted lo on ms ac
count He said he walked the oeacn irom xa
ijulna lo Coos bay, and Iwd not tlic slightest ob
jection to taking a free ride out 01 Ihe country.
Theupp.nll!oii l that an nflicer from the
Arima priwn I on his way to this place, ex
pecting to find Orime. Our Impression Is tliat
Alruuder would l delighted 10 see lh afore-
mUI ofheer come up on a wild-goose chase, so
tliat our local detectives ngy Ucliagrlned there
ai. ...
The arrest has given currency 10 many sioncs,
one of which l that a woman, supposed to lie
Cicero tlrinie's wife, appeared on the bay alwut
the same time that Alexander did, and another 11
that Alexander lias made several visits to Stephen
Ijipp'. on Isthmus slough, Mrs. l-pp being a
sMrr of the Orime brother.
Iiit Tuesday Alexander was taken lieforc
Justice Hyde for n hairing-. The prisoner stiletl
iluii the officer lad not leU-craphed to IVrlland,
as he had desired, and in order that ihey might
do so, the hearing w as postponed unlit 10 o cioti.
yeiteriiiy forenoon,
AW-iaiut-r referred to the IMrtkind Ice com-
p-inj, to wliicli a dispatch wus sent, Tlie an
swer returned was that man answering to his
name and descrioUoU worked for the cantiun)
during the summer of i83j. If that he so. nnd
ilils tie the mm, he cannot be Orime.
Yesterday the case was still further postponed
until 10 o'clock this (Thursd.iy) morning.
Public School Matter.
The annua! meeting of lliis school district was
held at ihe academy building List Monday night,
J O. Richards presiding. I-orly legal voters
v.cro present Ihe report of J. . lienneti,
Jeik, showed the following In regard to the
finances of the district for the past year:
On hand from last ve-ir..; $34 7
.. I I .. , 4W frW-!ft II
HHTITniUII PIW1I I'M .Mi....... J
Received of county treasurer. jao 70
Heceiveu irom unuiy un.x..,.,.... -
ToUl , $789 60
Paid leathers )&44 50
Reruhs on building $9 99
.tir fuel . 4 a
For cluris, clu '7 ai
Dlstrii.1 cleik's commission 5 45
Insurance and Clement deed., 36 50
Cash on hand t"0 w
bird perlsheJ
A few weeks ago J, M. Wilson of Daniel'
creek lost il valuable saddle mare by the reckles
ties of Antly Jones, a lad some ta, yean of age
and a brother of Wilson' brother-in-law. The
toy had been lo the river with tho mare and was
returning lo the ranch, under whip nnd pur, at
full iiiM-,1. when the animal slipped and fell on a
bridge, breaking one or her lorciegs. tnsieuu 01
Ihe boy' neck. She wanfterwardrkllled. Wil
ton feci Justly provoked nt the lot of h mare
in that wuy, m she wa with fold by a celebrated
horse and wn noted as the fleetest walker In
southern Oregoru
"I am the mole In tho sunbeam, and I am the
tornlng sun," were the word used by a l'erlan
poet lo express hi Idea of tho unity In creation.
Hut iliUtfsoct did not refer to "Sunbeam Tea,"
rU- lie would have found It necessary to modify
hi language. A "mote" linplie a foreign and
Impure substance, and a "Sunbeam Tea" Un
pure, uncolored, natural leaf leu. free from chem
ical adulteration, tho most scrutinising eye will
tall to detect the least "mole" or sediment In, Us
Infusion. On the contrary, they will find it a
..l.u..l..l. AM.l l..4il..Arll.i Ihrt tlinil llvlrV-
In sunlieam. Sold only in Perfection 1 eps Can
ut SengnaLken't Empire City D(U2 Wore.
T011L $178960
W. Cl. Webster' term having expired, W. A.
Wflkird was elected to serve as director for three
sear. A. M. Crawford, q was elected cleik
fur ihe ensulni! vear.
J, a,, Rlcliard notified the meeting that he
Intend moving away soon and that It win" be
come necessary to fill the vacancy liut win oe
created by his resignation at director.
' Marahfield Letter List,
Following I a list of the uncUimed letter re
maining In the iotoihce at Marsuneui, too
county, Oiegon, March 1, 1884: Jno. A, Albert,
W. R. Ruller, Mary llradly, Gust llrandt, SI
vert Uetterson, Clarke Uallanl (a), George Caul
.. A I, live. D. R. Dale. Matt. Genlala,
Harry Irone. C. S.Jane (j), Uulsjone. John
Joscphm (a), John Uddy, J, A. Ufbacka (due
toe), W, torton, Prank Krapp, D. MtCuliy,
Sarah A. Moore, II. P. Nordstrom (due 10c.),
John IVtcrton, V. Pleg. N. O. Ostrom, Mary
Stephen, Mnry Stacy, John M. Smith, Rarncy
Short (4), Alex. O. Rlchartlson. JitlluiTrlpton,
1). Uniuhnrt and Chat. Wilklns,
A. Nasiiuuc, Istnvastcr,
Unclaimed Letter at Empire City.
Ietier remain In the Umpire City pottofflce
for Andrew Catey, Samuel Oilman, Jnmet Mor
rison, Dentil O'Urlen and R. Roberson.
J. Ik OitUKkT, PostniMler,
Ai ilia Mi rile Point tiiasnuerude 1H the first
prlie was awarded to Mist Una Hani and the
second to Ms Mary hchrocder. mis jenme
'llielinof Norway personated "Liberty," nnd In
the opinion of tome, .i me urraiu, was en
titled to a priie, but did not receive It. 1 he
mrty wa not to well attended at it was expected
It would be. t
rv. Sinith consider tho reading room a cer
ulniv. nnd lie enwcli to toon begin the Xllcv
lion of th tuhierlpllon for tho tame,
To the alitor of the Coat MAIL I
8mt In your liue of 11 week, at well M In
Hint of the week before, you look occasion to
malign Imth mywtf nnd T. O. Owen, liv., In
tho matter of the Chlnee litigation concerning
tho aMIuctlon of 'He Tie. The grot misrepre
sentation of the facts and tho insinuations
against our conduct constitute my excuse for
publishing the following plain statement or tue
facts, as developed In the testimony before the
court and which came to my knowledge during
the IhlMilon:
Alioul eight week ago Tie Tie, ft Chinese
girl about 16 year of age, wa abducted or en
ilccd awny from her home, I ler mother caused
. .... ...1 ..1 t,,n in l nrrr-il hr her recovery
or for knowkxlge of her whereatout! telegram
xere tent to various n.irlsnnd nil posslbia mean
for her recovery were used. About Ix week
thereafter I was consulted In the matter. One
SueQttong being uected of tho aMIuctlon,
'the case irat quietly Investigated until I deemed
It advisable to arrest Sue Quong on a charge of
nUluctlng n female child under ifi years of nge
The examination developed the fact that Sue
Quong did entice the girl away and procured
her concealment In house In Marshficld. After
a full investigation and a defense by able attor
ney, Sue Quong wa held In 1500 liall tonnlwcr
nt Ihe circuit court on said charge. Tliat wa
the first ttcp. Next the attorneys of Sue Quong
cauMrd Tie Tie to make application lo Judge
Dyer to appoint her a guardian, alleging that
the wai lew than 18 year of age. ner nppn
eiilnn was set for hearinc February II, John
tin- Iwln- annotated temporary cunrdlan by
consent ol nil concerned. On the tilh day of
February. Ihe attorneys representing the parents
of Tie lie repaired to Umpire City, with wit-
nesses, to contest ,the appointment 01 n guar
dian. When the case was called up, Mr. Haz
ard, of counsel for the applicant, arose and
moved lo dismls the matter, a he dejfred to
prosecute it no further. Mr. II. lookfd peculiar
ly honest, hence I knew that there wa a play
till! H)A In the matter somewhere. U(xn In
vestigation I found that one Ah Sam. nn ex-con-
vlct, had been Induced lo iwearthat Tie Tie was
more lhan iB year of age, upon which a mar
riage license was Issued; that thus at one and
lhcametlmea proceeding w.n pending upon
the proposition tliat Tie Tie wa a minor, to
mislead u. while at the same time they had a
license issued on a false affidivil, made by one
of the worst Chinamen In Coos county, that sue
was not n minor. They had the Justice all
re uly lo perform Ihe marriage, but In the mean.
time Mr. Owen had taken steps to arrest tuong
for inducing Ah Sam to make a false oath In
the matter of the license. Uou investigation,
the court found fully thatix-rjury was committed,
but that there was not sufficient evidence of the
inducement by Quong kind of a Scotch vrrdicl
of not provrn. Then Tie Tie and ner attorneys
were again on Ihe ground, ready to liave her
marriage performed; but Sue Quong was induced
to mike a trip up Coo river. In charge of nn
officer, on a charge of attempting lo persuade n
female child away from her home. In tlic mean
time a suit was commenced in the circuit court
to enjoin Quong from marrying on the fraudu-
lently-obulned license. The application for a
temporary injunction was rt lor hearing, nil
iviriles aonearlnir U-fore lodge Dyer at my office.
In Ihe meantime an application had also been
made to have a temporary guardian appointed
for Tie Tie until a final hearing could tie had,
.nil at Judge Dyer appeared to belloubtful
uliout his rights lo grant an Injunction In the
matter, tho application was referred to Judge and us ihe attorney agreed In presence of
Judge Iher to take no tcp until the case could
be tried lu the circuit court on Us merits, anu as
Judge Dyer bad appointed a temporary guar
dian, hostilities ceased. Notwitswnding me tit
milon. on the very next day a miniate was
consummated on the bogus license, the attorneys
well knowing that an injunction and a hearing
on the merits would be fatal, as the evidence
produced In every instance piovcd the jjlrl to he
under 16 year of age.
The attorney for Sue Quong were Bennett.
Haxard and Wilson; for the pArenls of Tie Tie,
Watson, Oaen. Siglin Gray.
In the case where Quong wa held over for ab
duction, of course the county pays costs in the
first lustance. but In none of Ihe others, as the
MAlt well know, oral least had the means ol
There was still another case growing out of
the matter in Umpire City, charging Quong with
assault and battery. One Ah Jim came to me,
wanting Quong arrested for assault and battery.
I Inquired into the matter and found there was
nothing in il. Next I he-rd of it, Mr. Wilson
caused the arrest of Quong on Ihe same clmrge.
Submitting the complaint to Hazard before filing.
Strange in il may appear, Wilson' client wi in
for the costs.
Oiioni? hid six weeks lo get married, had thai
been the obicct of the abduction, but that was
r ihnni'lit of until Informed that tliat was
he onlv way lo eel off with the girl; nnd at the
Chincso entirely dliregnrd our marriage, that
if nine uiu nursued.
I When Quong wat arrested he publicly declared
j. .. t-!-. .1... .1 .. , ..rctl.
he wouiu 1101 nnnjr 11c, uui un --. ..-..-tute;
If he wanted a wife he would go tq China
nnd get a good one. Thl he said repeatedly in
the presence of W. O. Webster. T. G. Owen
and n number of other. I le had offered n white
nun $300 to assist In gelling her on board of a
schooner 10 ship her to San Francisco, where hu
said ho could sell her for oo. ns It the custom
nmoni? the Chinamen. 1 am thoroughly con
vinced that Quong will carry oul liU original in
tentions in the matter, if possible.
In the meantime, some of Ihe Chinese desired
lo have Quong arrested for selling whisky with
out a license, but as Owen was of counsel In the
other matter, and United State commissioner
as well, we deemed it not adyluulo to prosecute
whllo the other matter wa pending. When the
marriage tulisuutially ended the nutter, the ar
rest was nude and Quong sent to Portland, at
., niher Chinamen would have Iscen. under the
factt and evidence. It It true, the evidence was
all Chinese, but ihe defendant and the whisky
were alia Chinese, and if Chinamen will swear
falsely against Chinamen, Chinamen muslsulfer;
llul it all.
finally there ha for tome reason been a per
sistent effort to create public sentiment og-ilnst
mo in the matter. I can parity comprciirriu 1110
reason and so douhtlcst can other. It i strange
that Watson and Gray escape, white nothing is
too bad to wy alioul Slglln and Owenl In the
matter I did my duty, u an attorney, and no
more, I have no apology to oner 10 any uuc
1 -mild do the ame thine over again. Had
South Coot River Items.
To tho Jidltor of the COAST MAlt. 1
The fine weather of tht pat hw day it cau
Inrf il. firmer of Coot river to firing out their
plow and other farming Implement, and have
them repaired, thereby giving the roaemmnns
and enrnehtrrs nn opportunity of earning a few
dime. It em to have an animating effect
upon every one, not even excepting the principal
nl ihilnnenllfife. who take frequent noonday
rambles with tome of hi fair pupil, white en-
deavorlng to expound ome intricate problem in
well, call It algebra.
Uncle John Crlteser of Dour-la county ha
been visiting on the river the past week, butlia.
started for home PRnln.
fli. Ferrev came UP on Friday to visit his
ton Ilmerson, who ha len quite tick at S. Cy
t . . . . I.... 1,, .
Kogcn lor several pays, um mi'iv, ...
There .re some mysterious mmcuvert made
In various parlt of the neighborhood, and it will
not be ttrangc If Alex. SlaufT leap year offer Is
taken advantage of soon. All parlle who con
template getting spliced will do well to call on
"Detibner" Hodson, as he guarantee all weld
to stick, ornoch&rge.
IS. K. Jonei, with, hi family, moved from
Daniel' creek to Jap Vcikam' upper ranch on
the river last Monday.
The "rapid workman" Is still nt hi post, nnd
ready to accommodate "Mercury" or any one
else with frame or other lodgings at short notice
I-VI hnd AI. Smith are cutting sleamlwat wood
by contract on their f.dhcr't ranch, and liave al
ready attained anunparailcled record a chany
1 IIIUII llllllh
'-si tmuh Hat icn cniUntr hit flics with
great determination for a week or more, but at
last accounts he had not had a "raise."
South Coos river, February 39, 1864.
Wholesale and Retail Prices.
Hccf, nil around.,
nice Ratter. 3-th rolls.
Wheat f
Apples, if box,
;hickcns, dressed, 7dozl
i6tf cents
1 cent
1 cent
3 cents
a cents
7 cents
5 to i6ct
1 a Mot
710 1 3 cts
75 ct
to acts
iy, cts
4 50! 50 cts end
u hi iiijiai ii-.-g -.-.-'"J
Three rirpem tot H !
Tie been a white girl and Quonit a white man,
he would probably have tieen killed on ihe dis
covery of the arxtucuor
said, ''Served him right
More South Coos Rirer Items.
To llis Editor or tho Coast Mail:
Levi Smith has tiken a contract to cut 50
cords of fir wood for the steamer Lulu, at Jr aJ
,w-e rnrd.
nuslness Is lively on the river nnd the farmers
are busy plowing and fencing.
Rev. Wrfi. IJonebrnke preached his larcveil
sermon at Mosher cliael on ihe -4U1 ult The
house wa well filled by an attenlirc audience,
who seemed deeply interested in what the rever
end gentleman had to say. Wc are sorry to
lose Mr. Ilonebrake, who has made a host of
friends among m, whose prayer! for his welfare
will go with hhn lo the end of tho world.
Dr. Alters ItOnebrnke hat met with such flst-t-rin..
success nt Davlon. W. T., tltat he has
provided a home there for his father, and he
and his wife and hit son William and family will
start for that place about the 1st of next month.
lohn Fluweraid returned from Portland a few
.eli ami with his dattirhlei Amelia, who hid
bn.11 ttltendlne the school nt Ihit place conduct
ed by the Sister of Charity and Kid become a
convert to their faith to tlic extent that It was
her intention to return and become one of them,
but we are glad tltat she Mis abandoned that
idea and concluded to remain among us.
Prof. Munscl of Wyoming tenitory is jojoum
ing on the river, endeavoring lo engage a class
or young ladle In painting and needle-work.
He comes well recommended.
II. H, Rogers has lately taken out a license,
but il is rot a liquor iiccose.
Rev. Mather preached at M. M. Stock's place
on Catching slough to-day and scleral couple,
from this locality went over lo avail themselves
of his wholsome teachings.
Alvln Smith wa Ihe welcome guest of A. Cut
lip nt Daidtl's creek last week. MckCURV.
Sonth CoosTlrer, March a, 1884.
Nyrtlc Point Jottings.
To die I-ilitor of the Coast Mail 1
February 13 was the coldest day of the win
ter. Ihe mercury going to 33 below freezing
point From tliat date to the sad the weather
was rather cold and disagreeable, but at present
it is simply driigluful,
W. A, Welsh Is leaching In the school district
lntt tnuihof Mrrile Point and civing
isiftil fc.lfifcf.'U-lUn. r
Andrew Hoover and Nelson Smith, once n
resident of this river, hut nowof Lookingglass,
Douglas county, are here on uusincss ana ineuu
Iv visits.
ryLast Sunday large number of logs passed
down the river for Hermanns milt, ine logs
belonged to II. C. Williams and several other
parties that reside on Catching creek.
The steamer Little Annie is now tied up and
J. Yager, her captain, has taken the place of J.
Mack at engineer on the steamer teres. 1 mis.
ns time passe on. she bring many changes on
tills river.
In my last Jottings I thought or saying some
thing about die business, political and religious
outlooks, but Kie concluded to lease the pobt
ral and business for future items. With an in
tense religious feeling. Myrtle Point is not very
badly aiBlced. The Methodists, represented
by Rev. Swaftord, have service once n inonui
at Hermann's Kilt.- They have but lew member
in thlt vicinity. The Missionary Riptisis, rep
resented by Rev. C. P. Ralley, also have serv
ice occasionally at Hennann's hall They have
a membership of about seven in this vicinity.
Ihe German UsptisU. or Dunkards, as they are
imueilme called, have their terviccs each Sun
day at their church house, three-fourths of a
mile north of Myrtle Point They are repre
sented bv D. lluklow and P, Overholtrer as
ciders nnd W IMIIen. S. IUrklow and John
R.n a. tutnlsten. I. II. Roberts was once a
promlnenfuiinlAlcr among Ihcm. but about two
vear ago the quietly let lum down and out on
1 .. m-jiu( .iw-filve ttthf-iuus Ideas. The
above-mentioned religious sects have a moral In
fluence inane CKiy in wiiikii iiicjaim
Myrtle-'Puiilfrycbruiry a, 1884.
Parkerburg Items.
To tho editor of the Coast Mail ;
nriuht. warm days. Hie carol of tho cock-
robin and the bur of the humming bird warn
all that spring Is here.
The mill here is running on three-quarter time,
Mr. Cuok departed for San Francisco a couple
of weeks a0, G. F. Folwell Is Cook' suc-J
eeisor as clerk In the store at this place. Fol
well Is an energetic gentleman who Is ready to
serve all with the greatest courtesy, and no 1 doubt
will greatly Increase the custom, especially wilh
., ini nn -1 n it. is mi i-iiiciuu iiusii '
-.i 1 . rmiu. nit cenia iv. mai a iicucr
man could not tie easily placed behind the
dipt Edward came down In charge of the
steamer Annie -isi vseuuwu-'j. ' 'vi"
.1.. ... i... l. lnu, rl. c tu'mifler. if sou WLsh
licit lu un ! .- -..I-, --', - . - . , .-
a glince nt that kind, generous nnd good-natured
face of Capt. Yager, you will have to hunt
him In ihe engine room of the Ceres.
tu., 1.1. Tinli ami M s A n nln Vebl-r Ol
1 nil, lu. .. ..., .--." .
Marshficld visited this place last week, they
Transactions Recently Recorded at the
County Cleric's Office.
Abrnm Abmmson and wife to Malt Kron
quest, L Stom nnd Victor Anderson I-ot j,
block 35, Marshficld, Cathcart' iiUt-J3oo.
M. J McDonald and wife to Mr Maria
Rovrie mI Q, 10, 11 and t a. block 3O, and
Ion 7 and 8, block 37. Coquilte City J 160.
Uugene OConnell and wife to Matt. Slora.
Jr , nnd Victor Laekstrom Lot 4, block 0,
Marttifiefd, Clement' pUt-$3iC
I,. r U..lll.nn In Strati HnlLindIOtS 1.3.
3 and 4, section 19, township 35 south, range 13
west 141 teres J150.
M. J. McDjiI lid nnd wile to lonn -. oiocs.-man-Lot
t. block 49, Conuilie City $40.
T. A WnlkrT to b. A. WalkKrLots 7 and 8.
btock ij. Cciullle City Jioo.
'Htus 11 Wilhrd to Christie Carothers I-ol
In section 1, townsh'p 38 south, range 13 west
two acres yw. ,
Mons Nelson and r-ife to Henry ScngsWcken
-Southwest quarter of section 9, township 35
south, range n west $535.
T. I). Wil!ard to J. A. Collier and wife Tract
of land in section t, township 38 south, range 13
w est afi acres -pooo.
f Vf.rlh IL-I
Feb 38 Schr Annie Gee, herson, San Fran.
Schr IJeulih, Wilson, San Fran
We have received nd accepted i pfPOltleyJ
to club ihe Co 1ST Mail with the San Franclscd
Weekly Coll. The Call U an eiglit-pnge prfpt
Of 61 column, printed on rt sheet 40 Ijy i" 1
inchctln'slre. We consider It by far the best
weekb,publithttl on the Pacific coast, nnd the
price at which il has been offered to tu enable
us to offer It and the MAlt to odvance-rxtylna;
subscriber nt $4 75 cent per annum. Thl ill "
elude the Call' tplendid lithographed "Rlrd'U
Eye View of Cn!jjkrnl.i." Those of our ub
tcribers wlio want art excellent San Fnincice
paper should al Once Improve this opportunity to
secure the Call.
Th! nrraneement with the Call doe not Iff
any way affect Our dnbblng arrangement wltfl"
the Chicago Weekly News, except we give enrf
siibxcrilicr their choice between the two papers
and charge ihcm 5 tents extra when the W
led tl Call. '
We will furnidi the MAlt and the New for"
$3 50, or the MAM. and the Call for $3 75, or"
all three paper for $3 35 per year1 fn ndrance.
Few people need more good reading matter thafl
these three paper will furnish. Subscriber
who have paid for the MAlt and the Newsi and
desire the Call, can have It by paying us 75
cents extra.
March 1
March 4 Schr Alcalde. Crack. San Fpnctsco.
Schr Wing nnd Wing, Uendegarde, San Fran-
l-i- ui ori,r tnc fitn Frrniciseo.
March e Schr Gotanc Nelson, San Fran-
An erratic rancher who nukes periodical trip
lo town and goes on Jamborees that sometime
run into weeks, came to grief last Friday night
He was windms his way docn Front street.
cross-legged, as mual with him at that hour of
the 34, when he meandered from the sidewalk
and brought up in the mud flat in front of John
Kenyon's residence. His pitiful supplications
for help soon led lo lii restoration to firmer
footing, but that mud bath had a powerful effect
in quenching his appetite for whisky, for the next
morning he ht out for other fields ana no aoum
lurnrited his nciihbor by brincinE up at liome
Saturday, about a fortnight ahead of lime. Mon-
rf.iv afternoon a loccer. terribly overloaoeo wun
whisky, was pulled and can led to die calaboose
liv Minlnl Rhoile and Deputy Ducean. Tues
day morning, bright and early, he was in hi
httlrf lioa:. pulling out for home as if he had be
come converted and intended Joining the Good
There are about 18.000 young salmon in the
hatchery nt lillensburg that will be turned kse
some time wis monin.
From and after this date the undersigned will
run a regular express boat between Marshfidd
and Sumner. Alt business and orders intrusted
to me will receive prompt attcntioru RUTH
Marshfield, Or., January 6. 1884.
Persons indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call at the Star saloon and settle their
accounts lieforc the 1st of March, as about trial
time I will retire from business, nnd it is abso
lutely necessary llatpersons indebted to me
should square iheir accounts oy mat oaie.
FltOST STKEHT, MAit8tlFlF.I.n, Oox
or; keep con. tdnllyoii linntl itl
our lrirso nnd commodious store a
well selected stock of
General Merchandise,
consitsing of the best Btajile and fancy
of nil kind, tlic choicest
Clothing, Ilatu and Cap. Boots Rn("
Sliocn, Kubber and Oil Clothing,
Oil Cloths, SlippcrH, urocKcry,
GIbms and ilordwarc, Tools,
Paints, Oils and Varnishes; Choice
Wines and Liquors; Tinware, Am
munition, Cutlery, Wood and
Willowware, School Books f
and Stationery, Furriish
ing: Goods, Hosiery,
Etc, Etc., Etc.
Our extensive show cases aro filled
wish the finest
N. B. -All poods purchased at onr
Store will be delivered free C charge
at any point on the rcruto f the
.teamcr Mvrtlo. rl-ltf
fc7 un'
Are you disturbed at night and broVen of your
rest by a sick child suffering and crying; with
.t -i ..i tr.iliS II n e-id at once and
ILilll VI V"...'., .vs..--. -- . ---
L . i...i r Mut WiKsiiiv's Soothing
K" """",."."- V...... s.. .!..
isVKH' FOR CHII HKFN Ifcfcllliw ,i-,uvi
is lucalculible. It will reliese the poor little
r . 1. ...1.. TV.A...I ..nnn I, nrflier
SUnClcr ininiCUMlcljr. ijftui, mjv... .v. ...v...v..
there is no mistake about iu It cures dysentery
...i nh. rmi1.-ite ihe sianiAch and bowels.
cures wind colic, softens the Rums, reduces
inflammation, ana glsxs s-ne anu raouj iu u.c
whole sistem. Mrs. WjnsijOw's Soothing
SvRUf l-OR ClIlLURKK Tbething is pleasant to
the taste, and is the prescription of one of the old
est and best female physicians and nurses In the
Unitcu suites, ana is iorucuj ouu.s6.i.
tlirouj.liout ine woria. raaajtwuiwiiw.
: CIG--A.RB.
T--- '
lAnsjiFiELn Exinnn City.
A good supply of
BEEF. uuuiJO,
In Marshfield. February 39. to the wife of J.
J.pirle.aspn ,.ir--j-r-i,,-J
111 MHrMinciu, .ioici i, vv. . v- ...
Woodward, .1 son.
At Newport. February 28, lo trie wne 01 j. c
lVown, n son.
At lort Orford. February aa, to the wife of S.
J. tuner, a son
t r .-.1. r.-tt trs--ti liv Inflict Plocffer.
Chrhtlm P. tUsselbalch' to Aii-A Hulda C
In tnnlle-Ciiy. February (, J. Wesley Nos
ier to .Miss .Mary rtiiuciuii.
Near Norway. February 34. G. . Holcrart
lo Miss . 11.11 uiu.i wy-iiu
i --,,.iiu fin- K.hnuirv . Elmer, son of
Mr. and Sirs. John Shelton, aged a years.
aed 76 years.
and all kinds of '".
constantly on hand. Also a
good stock ol
CL 3Et.OO9X.X 3S.
Hats, Caps, Underwear, Overalls,
Oil Clothing and Southwestern,
Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes,
Pipes, Jewelry, Candies,
Prize Bores, and a
variety of notions,
P K IUiilding, Front street, Marshfield.
Men's Suits of Clothing,
from Nine to i nirty uc-uara 1
My motto is cinigk sales and small profits f
a share of public patronage is rewxtfuUy so-
JVllt. w.
HUH"-."""- V ",.- i.l !.... I ". T ..... - : l.. ..1 (., ..-ill,,..
coveryof the abUuctlon. aim a jury woum imse my mey nau raiuer r rou5n "'f '" A
i'SrvMl 1 m rtelil. 1. ai. oiuj.m, ii.-re nan incy anuciiuicu iren wiv,
I a . ....... nf i mkiiTil
A meetinjj of Ihe democratic central commit
tee of Curry county It called at EllcnsburB on
the lath Inst., loset the lime and place for hold.
Injj tho nest county convention and the precinct
primaries for selecting delegates thereto,
1 tninn. svhat sort of wood It that down your
way that makes everlasting fence posts? A you
put it, wo can't find It la our urctionary.
Tbeodoru While lw returned from California
I to hli dairy at New tlur, Curry county.
t .....;. nr m.nnnri2tlon of the CI 11
and an accident to the Ceres, the young ladies
were compelled lo go-as-) ou-please acioss the
. .. j ! - . ...11 lwv,t .! n iIih river.
IStnmusanu wst n mv... --.... -:-- .
1...1 .!.... la nn.Aili in need of a hotel.
Ti...'... i ..,inun n, nthcr dav the olace was
crowiled to its utmost capacity and it was with
.nmM.l... I u-currd lodiflnus.
Should It behoove any of my friend logger on
ihe river to follow a few fir butts down, I would
advise them to bring their blankets, In case
Capt, lfcrkcr should liave an escessof i-oung
lady visitor and his hospitality be not uvnlUble,
South Coos Eivor.
i C'UIVKD nnd opened up for sale, at his
new store at his place on South Coos river, an
extensive stock of
Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cutlery,
Crockery and Glassware, robac-
coes, and almost everything
ine niar-ci utmu
which win oe soio. at
And persons living on the river, as well as else
where, will find It to their Interest to
ca I anu traue wun me.
jAl8 S. C. HOGERS.
Comer or Front and A street,
JOHN J. KR0NI10LM, Proprietor
HOTEL has lust been entirely refitted and
r-ri.rnlhvil thruurliout and is runUn open to the
public for patronage.
rsew uecis tuui spnB iiiii ..,-..
placed in rdmost every sleeping room of tha
house and neither trouble nor expense has been
snared to put everything in first-class order.
At the bar is to be found the best brands of
wines, liquors and cigars.
A new entrance to the dining room has been
made that opens on Front street, and the Utiles
will alwavs be supplied with the choicest the
market affords. .. .. ., ..
my3 J. J. KRONHOLM, I'roprfetor.
niiuivrvy nt vinrsniiiTiii. ii ii l.-vi.ii1-
VT ...Ia...i) -aiiIa nnnll arcounLt with
ROSS & TIMMURMAN. and parties Indebted
to tholuo firm or to mo Individually are request
ed to come forward nnd make payment without
delay or further notice and thus save me trouble
Mttrshfield, Coos County, Oregon
-rinrl Jteasonnblt) Charge,
IlnvinK lately comriloted a largo addi
tion to Uio above hotel, and liavuiR had
an extensive experience in this lino of
huslnetw, wo can safely guarantee, to our
patrons comfort and accommodatlona ox
..1Ir1 l.u s.n nllmr linnsn mi till) VlV.
im " lNho reading room ol this hot
oontninH tho leading papers of tho At
lantle States rtnd tho Pactik coast.
BeplO l'ritrmw
V !--
'? J
. A
'. m
i A
- t ' ..
'i i ' r.'ffrff-'